Is it possible to glue a filling to a tooth with superglue. Can a broken tooth be glued on? Where to buy special glue

Dental crowns are one of the types of dental removable dentures, in their form they completely imitate a natural tooth, it is not always possible to visually distinguish them even upon close examination. The difference between this type of prosthesis is that they are attached directly to the tooth itself or its remains, for which special glue for dental crowns is used. There is no need to take them out at night. If, for some reason, the crown loosened and peeled off, you can glue the crown yourself, following certain rules.

Glue for fixing crowns - what is it

Often, after the treatment of a tooth or after its injury, it becomes necessary to install a prosthesis on it - a dental crown. After the treatment, the tooth is ground in a special way, then the doctor makes an impression of the jaws, and in the dental workshop, on the basis of the impression, a prosthesis is made. Outwardly, the crown resembles a cap that is put on a turned tooth and completely copies its previous appearance from the outside.

The crown is attached to the tooth with special glue, which, in essence, is a dental composite cement. He tightly fastens the prosthesis and the tooth.

After complete hardening, this solution acquires high strength and the crown is firmly held in the mouth when talking, chewing food, brushing your teeth and rinsing your mouth, etc. If you do not violate the doctor's recommendations, it will last at least five years, often with proper care and careful handling, the dental crown is preserved until the end of life. But even the most reliable crown cement does not always withstand too aggressive, intense impact. external factors and loads.

Features and Benefits of Dental Crown Adhesive

The biggest plus is that this composition, although it is called cement, is completely non-toxic. It can be safely used for patients of any age, only in very rare cases glue causes an allergic reaction. In addition, this substance:

  • has no taste and does not affect taste sensations;
  • does not cause bad breath;
  • withstands intense chewing loads.

But even the most reliable and strong material will not withstand if the patient constantly cracks nuts with new teeth or opens bottles of beer. The crown will begin to loosen, and may fly out immediately. Sometimes the reason is the initially low quality of the materials used or the poor-quality installation of the crown itself.

What can be done in such a case? The doctor who performed the prosthetics incorrectly is not always available, however appearance you need to somehow urgently fix it, especially if a gap has formed between the front teeth. It is possible to reinforce dental crown at home with the help of the same glue, if you did not have time to swallow it.

How to use glue yourself at home

The most annoying thing is if the crown was installed a few weeks ago, it was made of expensive material, and significant event like a wedding or important meeting. But do not be upset prematurely, the situation is fixable if the crown is preserved. By the way, quite often a person does not notice that she has fallen out, and simply swallows it. In this case, nothing can be done - you have to spend money on new prosthesis. But if the loss was discovered in time and the crown is available, you will only have to spend money on special glue for crowns.

You need to understand that you still have to make a second visit to the dentist, and you should not postpone it. Pharmaceutical glue has a slightly different composition, it is softer and not as durable. But for a few days, he is able to solve the problem - in most cases, more is not required. To get the expected effect, you should follow next instruction on the use of this drug:

  1. First, prepare the crown - wash it and clean it of the remnants of the old cement, which turned out to be unreliable. Trying to do this mechanically, using a variety of nail files, toothpicks, forks, etc., is strongly discouraged. There are special liquids in the pharmacy that dissolve cement glue for dental crowns. This is exactly what will be needed.
  2. After removing the cement, the crown is carefully cleaned with a brush, washed well and dried. The last point is especially important: when in contact with moisture, the glue does not adhere so well to the tooth, and as a result, the crown is not fixed firmly and securely enough.
  3. Now you need to apply glue - not on the tooth, but only on the dried crown. It is very convenient to use a toothpick in this process - the glue is applied in dots to the inner surface of the prosthesis. The main thing is not to overdo it, there should not be too much glue, because. For the most part, the main ingredient is zinc. Read below for what's wrong with it.
  4. After that, the crown is placed in place in oral cavity is also no less important point, it is necessary to act very accurately and accurately, and at the same time quickly, since the substance begins to solidify very instantly. After making sure that the prosthesis sits exactly in place, does not move forward and does not warp, you need to firmly clench your teeth for at least one minute.
  5. If excess glue comes out when clenching the teeth, they are immediately removed. About a quarter of an hour after the procedure, you should not eat or drink, otherwise all efforts may be in vain. The tube of glue should be tightly closed and stored in home first aid kit- it is possible that it will still be useful to you.

Everything is very simple and convenient. But it should be reminded once again: even with the most careful operation, the crown will be held on such glue for no more than two weeks. You can, of course, use pharmacy glue again and glue the crown in place again. But it is safer and more correct to contact a dentist and carry out the procedure at a professional level. Otherwise, the crown will wear out very quickly or you will lose or swallow it. And in the end, the imaginary savings in money and time will cost a lot.

Varieties and side effects

And now about the most important thing - which glue to choose. The range of such products in pharmacies is not as extensive as regular toothpaste, but it should also be sorted out. All means for fixing dentures can be divided into two broad categories:

  • elastic pastes and gels;
  • hard adhesives.

Preparations from the first group do not solidify completely; they are usually used to fix removable dentures. Of the benefits: they have a pleasant taste and smell, bactericidal action and protect the gums and mucous membranes from rubbing with a metal or ceramic prosthesis. Although, the main function is to glue the prosthesis so that it lasts until going to the doctor, which means, if possible, it is necessary to choose the second group.

As for the cost of glue for dentures, it is determined mainly by the brand and manufacturer - prices vary from 50 to 150 rubles for a small tube. It is much more important to pay attention to the composition of cement. If the predominant component in it is zinc - and it almost always is - you need to be prepared for such possible side effects:

  • nausea and pain in the abdomen;
  • headache;
  • the appearance of a characteristic odor from the mouth.

If there is a lot of zinc in the body, the copper content decreases accordingly. And this can cause serious neuralgic disorders. That is why it is impossible to use such means in large quantities too often, because even the most expensive remedy if abused, it will cause undesirable complications.

What else do you need to know

If glue is selected for fixing removable dentures, it is better to consult with the specialist who made the dentures. He will help make optimal choice. Pay attention to the duration of the effect - for one glue it is only 12 hours, for another - 24 or more. At this point, it is worth paying attention to those who are going to or are forced not to take out their prostheses. long time.

Thick glue is consumed more economically than liquid glue, although it can be more expensive at a price. Therefore, it is better to choose viscous products if you plan to use them regularly. If glue is needed to fix the crown for only 1-2 days, then a liquid, inexpensive remedy is quite suitable. But do not delay your visit to the doctor and think again: why did the crown fall out? Perhaps you should no longer trust this specialist and look for another prosthodontist, or you should take better care of your dentures in your mouth and not abuse nuts and toffees.

Let us first clarify that in medical conditions an artificial model of the chewing element is seated on the tissues remaining after grinding with the help of dental durable cement. The method is different from how you can glue the crown of the tooth at home.

The securely fixed position achieved by the dentist must remain unchanged. for a long time(about ten years, at least). This is not about temporary structures, but about permanent ones. But at the same time there is a risk of their loss. To do this, you can apply a measure that will solve the problem in the short term. Suitable glue for crowns of teeth.

Where could I buy?

To get out of an unpleasant situation, only dental glue for crowns is suitable. You can find it in a pharmacy. Has not high cost compared to the professional version. Suitable for medical purposes.

2. Why you need to get to the doctor's appointment early, even if you used pharmacy glue for dental crowns

If you solve a problem by using adhesive to fix your dental crowns, this does not mean that they will stay there for a long time. The composition may contain a slight elasticity, which will not make it possible to fully load this zone.


  • It will not be possible to achieve tightness if you take glue for dental crowns from a pharmacy. This means that bacteria will get inside, and the destruction of the remaining tissue volume will start. Which in the future will lead to prompt extraction of the root.
  • Your model of an artificial analogue of the chewing element may be damaged, and in the future you will have to make a new one. And these are extra costs.

Crown adhesive eliminates the aesthetic problem. But for the correct restoration of the lost function, after the crown has fallen out, it must be cleaned with solutions. Determine her condition. And only after that the doctor will install the structure back.

3. Quick elimination of the defect, but with a temporary result

Even if you still decide to use cement for dental crowns at home, you should pay attention to its consistency before purchasing it. When choosing how to glue a dental crown at home, be aware that you need to pay attention to the composition of the product that is suitable for short-term recovery.

Before gluing a crown at home, choose a tool:

  • by density (preferably thicker);
  • by state (liquid or semi-liquid), the second option is better.

A more viscous composition is not consumed so quickly and it will be more convenient for you to use it without a habit.

How to glue a crown:

  • more expensive options: Provicol, Meron;
  • cheap means (cream): Protefix, Corega.

What will be the effect if you glue the crown at home?

  • For a short time, if you use glue for dental crowns at home, you can achieve restoration of the appearance of the integrity of the chewing row, but not functional.
  • In addition to receiving a partial effect, it will not be possible to load this zone. If possible, you will need to visit a doctor.

If the temporary crown falls off, there is a risk of destruction of your tissues.

Since it won't secure fixation, and qualitatively glue the dental crown on your own, and even without any experience you will not succeed.

As a result, there will be only a temporary effect!

What to do if a crown falls off a tooth?

The development of secondary caries, the use of viscous and hard foods, the incompatibility of artificial products with dental tissues, accidental damage are the reasons why installed crowns fall out. What to do in such a situation? Rinse thoroughly, dry and place the prosthesis in a safe and cool place. Then contact the prosthetist for re-fixation, or for the manufacture of a new design. If this possibility is not foreseen in the near future, there are several ways to solve the problem on your own. Temporary fixation of dental crowns will help preserve the integrity of the tissues of the abutment teeth, preserve their functionality and appearance.

Ways to fix the crown at home

First of all, you should try to install the prosthesis in its original place without using additional funds. To do this, the crowns should be placed on previously cleaned and wiped dry abutment teeth. Then you need to tightly close your jaws and listen to own feelings. If there is no feeling in the mouth foreign body and other discomfort, the crown holds well and does not fall off during any movements, leave it in this form until visiting the dentist. When the prosthesis still does not fit into place, it is better to use special glue or cement.

Adhesive for dentures

For temporary fixation of crowns at home, it is better to purchase ready-made glue for removable dentures. Its elastic mass makes it easy to use and does not damage the inner surface of the product. The table below shows how much they cost, how long they last, strong and weak sides the most popular of temporary adhesives.

Name Peculiarities Advantages Flaws
  • valid 24 hours;
  • two release forms:
  1. strong fixation;
  2. refreshing.
  • price from 200 r.
  • affordable price;
  • ease of use;
  • the tube is equipped with a tip that is convenient for application;
  • dissolves quickly;
  • may cause mucosal edema;
  • does not protect against getting pieces of food under the prosthesis.
  • fixation for 10-12 hours;
  • release forms:
  1. hypoallergenic;
  2. mint;
  3. with aloe extract.
  • price from 150 r.
  • profitability;
  • reliability;
  • lack of sharp taste and smell;
  • can be applied to wet crowns.
  • inconvenient dispenser;
  • the tube must not be stored in horizontal position, since the content flows out of it.
  • fixation for 24 hours;
  • protects the mucous membrane from rubbing and inflammation;
  • price from 250 r.
  • pleasant aroma and taste;
  • securely fastens the prosthesis.
  • high price;
  • fixation for 10-12 hours;
  • not suitable for patients with hypersensitivity gums and allergies;
  • price from 180 r.
  • affordable price;
  • strong fixation;
  • lack of pronounced taste and smell.
  • viscous consistency makes it difficult to apply glue;
  • applied only to a dry prosthesis.
  • fixation for 12 hours;
  • price from 250 r.
  • economical consumption;
  • the absence of dyes in the composition;
  • fresh taste and aroma;
  • dries quickly.
  • liquid consistency;
  • weakens on contact with hot food and drinks.

Permanent dental cement is able to maintain its properties for more than 10 years. As tempting as this term may seem, permanent cement is not intended to home use. You can put a crown that has suddenly fallen out on its own with the help of temporary cement purchased at a pharmacy. Its validity period is longer than that of glue - 2-3 weeks. It is important not to overdo it and not ruin the prosthesis - an excess amount of cement can make it unsuitable for subsequent use.

Before you go to the pharmacy, consult with your doctor which product is better to buy. Dental cement is not sold in every pharmacy and is represented by both expensive and cheap options. Such drugs as Provicol and Meron cost more than 1500 rubles. They consist of two components that must be mixed together before each use. Cheaper are zinc phosphate cements: Adgezor, Unifas and Unicem. The price for them does not exceed 300 rubles. for packing. When buying any of the cements, you should make sure that it is compatible with a denture or crown.

other methods

Absolutely not suitable for attaching chewing gum. It is not possible to firmly glue the crown, and it can fly off again at any time. In addition, due to the non-sterility of chewing gum, infection of the abutment tooth can occur.

An alternative for fastening can be sold in a pharmacy filling material. It can be used when glue or cement is not available. If it was not possible to purchase it, the fixative can be prepared with your own hands from petroleum jelly and corn starch. Mixed together 1 to 1, the ingredients are a viscous mass, which for a short time will keep the fallen crown in its original place.

How to glue a crown at home?

Regardless of which adhesive or cement is used, the requirements specified in the instructions for use must be strictly followed. The following rules remain unchanged:

Consequences of home fixation of the crown

If attempts to fix the fallen crown on your own were successful, you should not hope that you will be able to avoid visiting the dentist. This is just a temporary solution to the problem.

When should you see a doctor?

Each cement and adhesive contains zinc, which, when frequent use, even in small doses, but will enter the bloodstream. Over time, copper deficiency may develop, as indicated by signs such as:

  • nausea;
  • graying of hair or complete baldness;
  • pain in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • metallic taste in the mouth.

If any of the above symptoms appear, you should immediately consult a doctor. If, against the background of a detached crown, there are: injuries and development inflammatory process organs of the oral cavity, a condition resembling manifestations of acute respiratory viral infections or tonsillitis, an increase in the submandibular and cervical lymph nodes This is an emergency call signal.

How to glue - an overview of the types of glue for fixing crowns

There are professional formulations for fixing single crowns and bridges. They securely fix the crowns, but they are sold only in specialized stores and are very expensive (from 5 thousand rubles and more). There are more simple options, which can be found in a regular pharmacy.

Here are some of the most affordable ones:

  • Polyacrylin from the company "TechnoDent" (Belgorod region) - two-component dental dental adhesive for crowns based on fine special glass, polyacrylic and tartaric acid. Suitable for permanent fixation of metal and metal-free dental crowns, bridges, as well as for fast attachment of inlays and pins. Polyacrylin has high adhesion, anti-caries effect, good biocompatibility, provides absolute reliability of fixation. The composition of the two-component adhesive includes powder 10 g + liquid 8 g. The powder is fluorine-containing glass, the liquid hardener is polyacrylic acid. When mixing the components, a plastic composition is formed, which hardens into a strong cement. Packing costs about 700-800 rubles.
  • Cemion-F ("VladMiva", Belgorod) - a set of three components for fixing crowns and others orthodontic structures. The kit includes: powder 20 g, liquid hardener 15 ml, conditioner 10 ml. The adhesive composition, obtained by mixing powder and hardener, has high adhesion to enamel, increased mechanical strength and low solubility. Provides reliable sealing of the adhesive line, releases fluorine for a long time, which strengthens hard tissues stump and prevents the development of secondary caries. This inexpensive compound can be used as a temporary cement for crowns. The cost of a set is 450-500 rubles.
  • GLASSIN Fix (Omega Dent, Moscow) is a two-component dental adhesive (powder + solution system). The powder is the smallest particles of fluorosilicic glass, the liquid is a hardener based on aqueous solution polyacrylic acid. GLASSIN Fix has high adhesion to dental tissue, good biological compatibility. Due to the prolonged release of fluorine ions, an anti-caries effect is provided. The set is sold in pharmacies, it costs about 600 rubles.

How to fix a fallen tooth crown - step by step instructions

We bring to your attention a step-by-step instruction for the restoration (reverse fixation) of a dental crown or bridge using two-component dental adhesive Polyacrylin.

For work you will need:

  • Glass ionomer cement for fixation Polyacrylin;
  • Polyacrylin-conditioner aqueous 12% solution of polyacrylic acid (sold separately, costs about 160 rubles);
  • Cotton applicator (tampon);
  • Glass;
  • Metal spatula or clean knife;
  • Toothpick

Glue preparation. The adhesive components are mixed for 30-45 seconds in the proportion: 2 parts of powder to 1 part of hardener. This should be done on a glass surface with room temperature. The "life" of the adhesive for fixing the tooth plastic crown or metal and ceramic products - 2-2.5 minutes.

Surface preparation. Before gluing the crown, the surface of the stump (natural tooth) must be treated with a conditioner. This event significantly improves the adhesion of the cement and activates the ion exchange between the adhesive material and tooth structures. The conditioner is applied to a cotton swab and the tooth is gently rubbed with it. After 10-15 seconds, the solution is washed off with water and the surface of the stump is dried until a shine is obtained.

Crown fixation. The adhesive material is introduced into the crown with a toothpick, immediately after which it is fixed on the stump without excessive pressure. Next, you need to close your jaws and hold for 5-7 minutes with constant pressure. When the crown is installed, you need to exclude food intake for two hours and avoid a high chewing load during the day.

Can regular glue be used for fixing?

Causes of falling crowns

The main reason for the loss of crowns, most often, is viscous or solid food. But also in some patients develops secondary caries teeth. This may happen when improper treatment and placement of a denture when the hard remaining tissues under the denture are poorly cleaned and encourage the development of bacteria and microbes.

Bad habits such as cracking nuts, chewing on a pencil or pen can cause the crown to fall out.

Very rare, some patients may experience allergic reaction and incompatibility of materials to dental tissues.

Adhesive for crowns makes it possible to tightly attach the crown to the root socket and prevent it from falling out of the gum. You can buy such material in specialized stores or in a pharmacy. Each dentist prefers to use the usual mass for him, a certain manufacturer. It must be said that having bought inexpensive material, you can not hope for a positive result.

Adhesive for crowns allows:

Expert advice on choosing and using denture adhesive

With severe tooth decay, when it is simply impossible to perform treatment, crowns are used. This fixed prosthesis accurately mimics a lost tooth and performs all its functions.

Before installing the crown, the damaged tooth is ground, and then a special dental cement is applied. This material allows you to firmly attach the crown and not move during chewing. This material after hardening becomes very durable.

A prosthesis fixed with such a mass can serve a person for more than 10 years without bringing a person any inconvenience - bad smell or taste.

If you buy even the strongest adhesive, this does not guarantee that the cement will withstand even the most intense and heavy workloads. Very often, the crown can fall off at the most inopportune moment and then you should immediately contact your dentist. When this is not possible, you can fix the problem at home.

Using cement for crowns at home

Do not fall into despair if the prosthesis flew out, because you can glue it yourself for a while. Adhesive cement for teeth can be bought at the pharmacy. It is worth saying that its composition is much different from the professional cement used in dentistry. With such actions, you can temporarily fix the crown until the next trip to the dentist.

Many people think that by gluing a prosthesis at home, you can walk with it for a long time, but this is not so. The thing is that the dentist must first treat the tooth socket with special tools and securely fix the crown. Only in this case, you can count on the correctness and effectiveness of prosthetics.

Rules for using cement glue yourself include the following items:

With proper dental care, home treatment» enough for a maximum of 2-3 weeks. To prevent the crown from flying off, it is necessary not to chew food on the problem side and brush your teeth very carefully.

Types of dental adhesive

In dentistry, the most different types adhesives, for example, for removable dental bridges. The action of such cement is short, about a day. Throughout this period, the mass does not harden, but remains elastic. You can buy such a substance at a pharmacy, and it is inexpensive - depending on the manufacturer. Such drugs are very often used to fasten a broken bridge. The advantage of adhesive masses of this type is that they freshen breath and have an antibacterial effect.

Only a doctor should prescribe a means for installing and fixing dentures. The composition and type of cement affects the duration of fixation of the prosthesis and bite. For example, the effect of glue intended for fixing false dentures is no more than a day, but the cement composition for crowns performs its functions for several weeks.

Good and quality material completely fills all the voids, which will prevent food from getting under the crown, which means it will prevent the development of the inflammatory process.

You can buy glue for teeth of a very different consistency - liquid, thick or semi-liquid.

It is necessary to take into account the fact that thick and viscous cement must be used more than liquid or semi-liquid.

Negative effects of using dental cement

Many people are very happy when they find out that a fallen crown can be easily fixed with glue bought at a pharmacy, but not everything is so simple. All the same, it is necessary to contact the dentist and the sooner the better, because you can accidentally swallow a tooth prosthesis or cause a severe infection.

Dentists do not recommend using denture glue very often, as this can lead to strong negative consequences. It may happen first body poisoning. Despite the environmental pure composition dental cement, it contains a small amount of zinc, and its frequent use is accompanied by poisoning. If cement masses are used correctly and rarely, you can not worry about their harm to the human body.

If, after prolonged use of the adhesive, a person feels pain in the abdomen, nausea, an unpleasant aftertaste in the mouth, it is necessary to stop using the adhesive. The thing is that zinc, getting into the blood, can cause copper deficiency. In this case, various unpleasant neurological disorders begin to develop.

In conclusion, it must be said that dental prosthetics can be trusted only professional dentists . Only in this case can you be sure that quality treatment and restoration of dental structures.

What could be the reasons?

When the crown is too small for the royal head, it slides off and flies off. It's the same with dentures.

There are several reasons for this. They can become:

  • properties of the teeth themselves;
  • quality of crown material;
  • the level of processing of the tooth to be sealed and the degree of this sealing;
  • the general condition of the patient's body.

First of all, you should remember: the tooth under the crown is a dead tooth, therefore, it will slowly decay. Therefore, as atrophy with a decrease in the volume of hard tissues, the degree of adhesion of the “roof” to the skeleton will steadily decrease. And no matter what initial measures are taken to consolidate the base and crown, the threat of falling off of the tooth-protecting structure is always real.

The exposure of the tooth is also facilitated by the connection in the process of prosthetics of dissimilar materials - metal (cermet) and natural tissues, between which sooner or later various stresses of nature arise. electric current or currents of other properties.

The issue of unfair treatment of teeth before prosthetics is hardly relevant in the face of intense competition between dental clinics.

Finally, the influence of the concomitant dental diseases diabetes and other somatic pathology also contributes to the depressurization of the tooth. For the patient's body does not consist of teeth alone - the degree of ill health of other organs contributes to general level state of the body.

As for the low quality of the material of the products, then, as a rule, this is a question of price, which is decided by each patient separately.

What can be done if the fallout has already occurred?

In the event of a crown falling off, it is not always possible to contact the dentist immediately. This may be an episode of emergency work in the service, and a business trip. Or the option that “your”, “beloved”, and so on, the dentist is on vacation right now.

Given that complete installation crowns in place at home is technically impossible, measures should be taken to temporarily strengthen it. To return the temporary opportunity to at least chew (oh Hollywood smile not discussed here at all).

Making repairs in the field-home conditions is possible with the help of:

  • dental cement;
  • dental adhesive.

The option with glue implies a faster repair, with cement the greater strength of the structure, but both of them are a temporary measure, nothing more.

The removed prosthesis should be carefully examined, determining its front and back surfaces. Only after that, having thoroughly washed and dried the crown and cleaned the exposed tooth-base, you should carefully and correctly put it on, carefully and slowly clench your teeth. In the case of sufficient adhesion to the base tooth (the crown does not rotate and is not removed), you can leave the situation unchanged for one or two days.

If the crown does not sit “like a glove”, you should carefully remember its correct, most comfortable position, guided by your own feelings.

The method of fixing the crown should be chosen based on the goals - glue is a faster, but less durable method of fixation, cement is more reliable, but at the same time hard way achieve what you want.

Dental cement and adhesive: how to choose and use

There is no need to hurry with the choice.

If fixation is needed for no more than a day, you should use glue to fix false dentures. It is already ready for use besides, thin layer adhesive mass is in no way able to spoil the inner surface of the crown, and it is easier to work with it.

The cement composition, when used at home, has both pros and cons. It takes time for its preparation (closing), and although it holds the crown planted on it for up to several weeks, the probability of its incorrect installation is higher here.

The self-applied cement “stucco” inside it, instead of the carefully scraped out medical one, can make the prosthesis generally unsuitable for reuse.

Dental cements are divided into:

  • permanent, retaining their properties up to 10 years or more;
  • temporary, serving for short-term manipulations.

With all the great temptation to place a crown on permanent cement on your own, this should not be done - only a doctor can do it competently and professionally. The patient's task is only to hold the structure in place for a short time, so he should apply only temporary cement, giving a short-term, maximum 2-3 week effect.

It is possible to correctly use the cement purchased at a pharmacy or a specialized store for temporary fixation of the crown according to the following scheme:

If crowns are attached to teeth by professionals with heavy-duty adhesives that guarantee a service life of up to ten years or more, then you can reach the dentist by using glue to fix removable dental bridges and dentures with an effect of about a day. All this time, its non-hardening mass remains elastic. You can buy such glue for fixing dental crowns in a regular pharmacy.

Glue the product in a way that does not differ from fixing with cement:

  • the cavity is washed and dried;
  • glue is applied to the inside with small dots;
  • the crown is put on, the jaws are closed for at least a minute.

After the performed actions, you can’t eat or drink for half an hour.

The use of chewing gum for the same purpose, although it will not lead to poisoning, can lead either to infection of the tooth under the crown, or to deformation of the prosthesis, or the crown, having flown off the tooth, can be swallowed or cause asphyxia if it enters the respiratory tract.

Means for temporary fixation of prostheses can also help in a critical situation, so glue for artificial teeth can be used for repair-gluing:

  • Korega;
  • R.O.C.S.

In the most egregious and hopeless situation, you can prepare a homemade adhesive by kneading cornstarch on petroleum jelly.

Fixing is carried out according to the same rules.

There are plenty to choose from

The TOP 5 of the best adhesives and cements that can be used for self-fixation of crowns at home include:

The composition of Corega includes only components that are absolutely safe for health. It is possible to buy it in an ordinary pharmacy for $ 2.5. Gives hold up to 24 hours. But there is a high risk of rapid rinsing with water and easy dissolution from exposure to food and drinks.

Protefix at a cost of $ 4 to 6 securely fixes the prosthesis for a period of 10 to 12 hours.


  • not too convenient to dose;
  • small amount of content;
  • requires storage in an upright position to avoid leakage of the composition.

Clay Fittident is not for people with high sensitivity teeth (causes discomfort). Allowing the glue to dry slightly on the prosthesis, you can soften discomfort. It has a viscous consistency, requires application to an exceptionally dry surface. At a price of $ 2.5-3.5 and the reliability of fixation, it has a drawback - it is not sold everywhere.

The fixation agent President, which costs from $2.7 to $3.5, has an undeniable advantage, forming a dense film that prevents food from getting under the prosthesis. But fixation can be weakened by hot food.

Glue ROCS joint Russian-Swiss production, costing about $ 3.7, gives fixation up to 12 hours and at the same time provides the necessary freshness of breath.

But you should still visit the dentist.

The patient should not be deceived by the result achieved at home, because what is done unprofessionally can at any moment become unusable again.

With outwardly correct fixing, deformation of the prosthesis can occur, and hitherto fit, it now becomes a monument to the carelessness and self-confidence of an ingenuous and short-sighted patient.

In addition, a visit to the dentist should be urgent in case of trauma to the organs of the oral cavity with a broken crown, or if fever and other symptoms of gum infection occur - conditions resembling a sore throat or acute respiratory infections. And even more so - with signs of lymphadenitis or poisoning.

How to glue a crown at home

When the crown crowning the tooth suddenly became unreasonably large.

In all matters relating to the beauty and functionality of the oral cavity, there are a lot of nuances, especially in what to do if it has disappeared - what glue to choose and how to glue it at home?

But before answering it, it is worthwhile to figure out why crowns fly off even from well-treated teeth?

What could be the reasons?

When the crown is too small for the royal head, it slides off and flies off. With the same.

There are several reasons for this. They can become:

  • properties of the teeth themselves;
  • quality of crown material;
  • the level of processing of the tooth to be sealed and the degree of this sealing;
  • the general condition of the patient's body.

First of all, you should remember: the tooth under the crown is a dead tooth, therefore, it will slowly decay. Therefore, as atrophy with a decrease in the volume of hard tissues, the degree of adhesion of the “roof” to the skeleton will steadily decrease. And no matter what initial measures are taken to consolidate the base and crown, the threat of falling off of the tooth-protecting structure is always real.

The exposure of the tooth is also facilitated by the connection in the process of prosthetics of dissimilar materials - metal () and natural tissues, between which sooner or later various voltages of the nature of the electric current or currents of other properties arise.

The issue of unfair treatment of teeth before prosthetics is hardly relevant in the face of intense competition between dental clinics.

Finally, the influence of diabetes associated with dental diseases and other somatic pathologies also contributes to the depressurization of the tooth. For the patient's body does not consist of teeth alone - the degree of ill health of other organs contributes to the general level of the state of the body.

As for the low quality of the material of the products, then, as a rule, this is a question of price, which is decided by each patient separately.

What can be done if the fallout has already occurred?

In the event of a crown falling off, it is not always possible to contact the dentist immediately. This may be an episode of emergency work in the service, and a business trip. Or the option that “your”, “beloved”, and so on, the dentist is on vacation right now.

Given that a full-fledged installation of the crown in place at home is technically impossible, measures should be taken to temporarily strengthen it. To return a temporary opportunity to at least chew (we are not talking about a Hollywood smile here at all).

Making repairs in the field-home conditions is possible with the help of:

  • dental cement;
  • dental adhesive.

The option with glue implies a faster repair, with cement the greater strength of the structure, but both of them are a temporary measure, nothing more.

The removed prosthesis should be carefully examined, determining its front and back surfaces. Only after that, having thoroughly washed and dried the crown and cleaned the exposed tooth-base, you should carefully and correctly put it on, carefully and slowly clench your teeth. In the case of sufficient adhesion to the base tooth (the crown does not rotate and is not removed), you can leave the situation unchanged for one or two days.

If the crown does not sit “like a glove”, you should carefully remember its correct, most comfortable position, guided by your own feelings.

The method of fixing the crown should be chosen based on the goals - glue is a faster, but less durable method of fixation, cement is a more reliable, but at the same time difficult way to achieve the desired.

Dental cement and adhesive: how to choose and use

There is no need to hurry with the choice.

If fixation is needed for no more than a day, you should use it. It is already ready for use In addition, a thin layer of adhesive mass is in no way able to spoil the inner surface of the crown, and it is easier to work with it.

The cement composition, when used at home, has both pros and cons. It takes time for its preparation (closing), and although it holds the crown planted on it for up to several weeks, the probability of its incorrect installation is higher here.

The self-applied cement “stucco” inside it, instead of the carefully scraped out medical one, can make the prosthesis generally unsuitable for reuse.

Dental cements are divided into:

  • permanent, retaining their properties up to 10 years or more;
  • temporary, serving for short-term manipulations.

With all the great temptation to place a crown on permanent cement on your own, this should not be done - only a doctor can do it competently and professionally. The patient's task is only to keep the structure in place for a short time, so he should use only temporary cement, which gives a short-term, maximum 2-3 week effect.

It is possible to correctly use the cement purchased at a pharmacy or a specialized store for temporary fixation of the crown according to the following scheme:

When using dental cement, negative consequences are possible - poisoning due to ingestion of a composition containing a small proportion of zinc. Zinc, when absorbed into the blood, displaces copper ions, while copper deficiency leads to various neurological disorders. The appearance of nausea, a metallic taste in the mouth, abdominal pain serves as a signal to call an ambulance.

If crowns are attached to the teeth by professionals with heavy-duty adhesives that guarantee a service life of up to ten years or more, then you can reach the dentist by using them for about a day. All this time, its non-hardening mass remains elastic. You can buy such glue for fixing dental crowns in a regular pharmacy.

Glue the product in a way that does not differ from fixing with cement:

  • the cavity is washed and dried;
  • glue is applied to the inside with small dots;
  • the crown is put on, the jaws are closed for at least a minute.

After the performed actions, you can’t eat or drink for half an hour.

It is strictly forbidden to use household adhesives to fix the crown, especially instantaneous ones - it is no longer possible to correct the position of an incorrectly fitted prosthesis. In addition, there is a danger of poisoning by not intended for ingestion. toxic substances in the adhesive.

The use of chewing gum for the same purpose, although it will not lead to poisoning, can lead either to infection of the tooth under the crown, or to deformation of the prosthesis, or the crown, having flown off the tooth, can be swallowed or cause asphyxia if it enters the respiratory tract.

Means for temporary fixation of prostheses can also help in a critical situation, so glue for artificial teeth can be used for repair-gluing:

  • R.O.C.S.

In the most egregious and hopeless situation, you can prepare a homemade adhesive by kneading cornstarch on petroleum jelly.

Fixing is carried out according to the same rules.

There are plenty to choose from

The TOP 5 of the best adhesives and cements that can be used for self-fixation of crowns at home include:

The composition of Corega includes only components that are absolutely safe for health. It is possible to buy it in an ordinary pharmacy for $ 2.5. Gives hold up to 24 hours. But there is a high risk of rapid rinsing with water and easy dissolution from exposure to food and drinks.

Protefix at a cost of $ 4 to 6 securely fixes the prosthesis for a period of 10 to 12 hours.


  • not too convenient to dose;
  • small amount of content;
  • requires storage in an upright position to avoid leakage of the composition.

Glue Fittident - not for people with high (causes discomfort). Allowing the glue to dry slightly on the prosthesis, you can alleviate discomfort. It has a viscous consistency, requires application to an exceptionally dry surface. At a price of $ 2.5-3.5 and the reliability of fixation, it has a drawback - it is not sold everywhere.

The fixation agent President, which costs from $2.7 to $3.5, has an undeniable advantage, forming a dense film that prevents food from getting under the prosthesis. But fixation can be weakened by hot food.

Glue ROCS joint Russian-Swiss production, costing about $ 3.7, gives fixation up to 12 hours and at the same time provides the necessary freshness of breath.

But you should still visit the dentist.

The patient should not be deceived by the result achieved at home, because what is done unprofessionally can at any moment become unusable again.

With outwardly correct fixing, deformation of the prosthesis can occur, and hitherto fit, it now becomes a monument to the carelessness and self-confidence of an ingenuous and short-sighted patient.

In addition, a visit to the dentist should be urgent in case of trauma to the organs of the oral cavity with a broken crown, or if fever and other symptoms of gum infection occur - conditions resembling a sore throat or acute respiratory infections. And even more so - with signs or poisoning.

Very often occur various situations that lead to breakage. Immediately arises logical question: how to glue a denture? At home, you can carry out a minor restoration using special glue and cement. But the quality of repair work depends on the quality of the preparation of the structure. It includes a thorough cleaning, after which the gluing process is already underway. If the repair was performed qualitatively, then the strength of the prosthesis does not decrease.

Can dentures be bonded? If the denture is broken, what should I do: go buy a new one or repair the old one? Of course, the restoration of a dental product will cost much less than buying it. If you turn to a specialist for help, he will offer clinical and laboratory method restoration.

How to glue a denture? It all depends on the degree of destruction. If one tooth has fallen off the structure, then you can return it to its place using the usual Moment glue and cast the model from plaster. If the prosthesis has broken into two equal parts, then for this you need to make a cut along the fracture line, clean it with compressed air, and then pour liquid plastic. It hardens and restores the tooth. In general, the method of restoration for each individual case is different.

Pharmacy cream for denture repair

When the crown is not lost, then you should not worry too much. It can be repaired with your own hands using a special pharmacy. Of course, compared to professional cement, it is not of such high quality, but it will be possible to fix the crown for a while. This restoration option is suitable for those who cannot temporarily visit dental clinic. You won’t be able to walk with such a crown for a long time, because over time it will fall off anyway.

A number of rules must be observed:

  1. Before attaching a fallen crown, it should be thoroughly cleaned to completely remove the remnants of the previous fixing agent. Otherwise, you will not have to hope for a strong hitch. To remove cement, it is necessary to use special cleaning and dissolving agents. If a we are talking about cleaning removable structures, it is imperative to use a brush and tablets that break down in water.
  2. After that, rinse the crown under running water and dry thoroughly. When on inner surface moisture is present, this will adversely affect the adhesion to the remains of the tooth and the strength of the fixation.
  3. Apply glue to a thoroughly dried crown, and then install the structure in its place. Glue should be applied in a very small amount, more precisely, pointwise.
  4. The most difficult thing in this process is the accuracy and evenness of the location of the crown to where it was originally located. As soon as the structure is installed in its place, you need to firmly squeeze your jaw and stay in this state for about a minute. Thus, the glue will seize as firmly as possible.
  5. Do not eat or drink water for 45 minutes. If during pressure on dental structure excess glue is noticeable, then it must be removed, and the next time a small amount is applied to avoid overdose.

After using the glue, it should be tightly closed and stored in a place closed to children until next application. Naturally, pharmacy glue cannot replace dental cement, which has high strength. It can only be used for gluing a crown in place if you are sure to visit the dental clinic in a few days. For a long time, this method will not learn how to solve the problem.

If the operation of pharmacy glue will take place in a gentle and accurate mode, then it will last for 2 weeks. At the same time, during a meal, it is necessary to chew on the side from which the structure fell off. You can forget about solid food, but hygiene procedures be carried out with the utmost care.

How to glue a denture at home

In addition to the above denture fixation device, there are still quite a few quality formulations. They can be used to fix removable or dentures. It is also used for temporary fixation, and the duration of its effect is 1 day. You can buy products at any pharmacy, and average price will be 90-120 rubles.

As for drugs such as glue and gels for gluing dental crowns, they can be used to fix a bridge that has broken. In addition, the effect of such a cream is that it freshens breath, protects soft tissues mouth from rubbing with ceramic, metal and plastic structures.

Use superglue

Is it possible to glue a denture with superglue? This question is of high relevance today. Many patients believe that better means to fix the prosthesis is not found. But doctors categorically disagree with such a statement, and there is a logical explanation for this. Industrial compositions that make it possible to obtain a reliable connection of prosthesis elements have a powerful toxic effect. As a result, an allergic reaction may develop and food poisoning. Superglue is not able to fill small chips on the surface of the cracks. This contributes to the occurrence of defects and the development of new shelves. The physical characteristics of the compositions differ significantly from those of the material of the dental structure. Thus, sooner or later the integrity of the product is violated. Since the surface at the place of gluing is untreated, this excellent conditions for the appearance pathogenic microorganisms, which will lead to the development of the inflammatory process. It will also be difficult for a specialist, and sometimes even impossible, to restore the integrity of the dental structure after such an independent reconstruction.

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kind person 01-11-2012 16:59

So I decided to tell you a story.

It was the case, I went to Britain, my good friend met me there,
who at that time worked as a professor at Oxford,
and we went to his house.
It was already late, we sat, drank tea and went to bed,
since the next morning we had an appointment at the University.
I decided to brush my teeth before going to bed just in case,
and my teeth are not all available, one of the most front is missing,
since it was knocked out and instead of it is now on the fix pin.
And this fix fell on me at the most inopportune moment,
not earlier and not later, namely on the eve of a responsible meeting.
Without a front tooth, my appearance is, of course, much more cheerful and charming,
but a little does not correspond to the format of tomorrow's meeting.
What to do?

I remembered about the super glue that Roy had on the table and which he praised the day before.
I smeared this plastic tooth, put everything in place and clenching his teeth tightly, in case he decided to read the composition of the glue.
I read and see the terrible word cyanide!
I think, what kind of crap, put a pig on a man,
now he has to suffer with sending my body to Russia,
to bother and send me deceased to my homeland at my own expense.
It somehow turns out ugly, almost like hara-kiri made himself in the house
a potential adversary, but I'm not Japanese, so the prestige of the Motherland may suffer.

I decided to try to save myself, not to give up,
I remembered Pikul's stories about how the elder Grigory Rasputin defeated the cyanides that poisoned his body with the help of sugar.
I went to the kitchen, found sugar, stood in my shorts, eat someone else's sugar from someone else's sugar bowl with a spoon and think, but if the owner of the house catches me doing this, what will he think?
That I'm completely crazy or that there are such problems with sugar in Russia?
Tiptoed back, lay down, but I can't sleep
I can still feel my pulse, is it still alive?
And outside the window, ambulances are constantly chasing through the streets with sirens, due to the fact that they have a lot of clinics and hospitals there, so they catch all the diseases for experiments and scientific research.
Dead place.

He lived until the morning and even the denture stood in place.
I told Roy in the morning why there was less sugar and glue in his house during the night than it was on the eve of my arrival.
Well, he is a literate man, after all, the colonel, although retired,
he read the instructions on the glue and began to reassure me,
that they say it's another cyanide.
Also poison, but not fatal, of course I will die,
but at home, not in a foreign land.
Moreover, for a Russian person, this is almost not a poison at all.

We went to a meeting, I tried to open my mouth as little as possible so that the tooth would not fall out and get lost, so I didn’t even interrupt anyone out of my boorish habit and didn’t say stupid things, but kept quiet more and more with a smart look.
It turned out to be a good glue, lasted three weeks,
and the house has already peeled off.

when the plane landed on the broken-down runway at Pulkovo.

rom26530 01-11-2012 17:13

good story!
I had a similar issue. I studied at that time primary school(approximately 1981 went). And I had a fight with a classmate, but somehow I didn’t move him successfully, in general, he knocked on the window sill and broke half of his front tooth. It is clear that for such a "jamb" both of us would have to receive a reprimand with an entry. And we decided to glue this tooth. There was a “moment” at hand (well, there were no supers then, it’s not clerical to glue) We read the instructions, degreased the surfaces with acetone, smeared them with a moment, dried them for 10 minutes, smeared them again, glued them and began to dry. The instructions say to dry for 24 hours. Day of course my friend with open mouth I didn’t sit, but I kept him in this position for 3-4 hours. The tooth, of course, fell off immediately anyway, but a cheerful mood still visits me, when I remember this story.

Mozgun 01-11-2012 17:22

quote: Octyl-2-cyanoacrylate - the least poisonous of cyanoacrylates - is used in medical purposes for gluing wounds and to stop bleeding.
from wiki.

Oblomov 01-11-2012 17:56

I glued one miracle in the north with second glue, medical technology crown on the first upper right - more than a year he pulled away. Until I got it in the teeth. Factory ones are sometimes less wearable ...

Mons Pubis 01-11-2012 18:09

and the house has already peeled off.
Probably couldn't handle the vibration
when the plane landed on the broken-down runway at Pulkovo

Well, they hid the microfilm, the point is - why denigrate the runway at Pulkovo?

I would also like to stick something on the same glue now, but I haven’t figured out what to cut the prosthesis with a needle file from so that it fits in color and texture.

kind person 01-11-2012 18:12

Well, they hid the microfilm, the point is - why denigrate the runway at Pulkovo?

What kind of microfilm is there.
most important information on the body he pricked with ink and bandaged.
There is no memory at all, you hide the microfilm, and then I can’t find it myself, I’m very nervous.

All codes of plastic cards, addresses and phone numbers are always with me.

Omul 01-11-2012 18:30

quote: Originally posted by Mons Pubis:

I wanted to hang a billiard ball in a bar, but there is a lot to grind down, I can’t bear it.

Of course, you will go deaf from Russian. Maybe "nature" vkryatit? From a beaver, for example? Eco-friendly and more...

Mons Pubis 01-11-2012 18:31

quote: Originally posted by Good man:

And the information in the tattoo is always with me, unless, of course, the enemies amputate the limb.

For me, let it be better tooth they will land with a bookmark, than they will chop off some working member!
Ah, here's another method I remembered!
At school, we went to St. Petersburg on an excursion and all that.
One grandfather was in the camps under Stalin and then lived in St. Petersburg for some time. So he told him all the way that worse and meaner St. Petersburg swindlers could not be found. And that he was helped to survive in the camps by the Rostov swindlers, who stood up for him before the St. Petersburg ones.
So this guy, my classmate, fearing tricks from St. Petersburg swindlers, sewed a special pocket for money inside his shorts.
And it worked!

Mons Pubis 01-11-2012 18:33

quote: Originally posted by Omul:

From a beaver, for example?

nice, but where can I get it?
To put out a whole beaver for the sake of one tooth is somehow inhumane, and hardly any beaver will agree to box with me

kind person 01-11-2012 19:02

quote: So he told him all the way that worse and meaner St. Petersburg swindlers could not be found.

It's true.
I remember one mean manner had when traveling in public transport-
he treacherously pretended to be a drunken vile psychopath, drooled and mumbled some nonsense, passengers turned away from him in disgust and did not follow his pockets / bags at all, but he used this and took banknotes from their pockets.
But still, he didn’t take the last one, he left the coins.
Now in the Hermitage and other museums they like to steal from the pockets of citizens,
especially foreign
and they themselves raise the cultural level and improve their financial situation, when tourists stare around.

By the way, in England, local crooks during their imprisonment
the authorities are trying to reforge by teaching all sorts of creative professions,
that creativity is also a scam,
only legalized and even supported by the Ministry of Culture.

Mons Pubis 01-11-2012 19:27

quote: Originally posted by Good man:

and he used this and took banknotes from their pockets.

Eh, but only now it came to mind - after all, our grandfathers knew the business tightly!
If the topic is about teeth, then there is nothing better than a golden fix - a pickpocket cannot steal it, but on a rainy day there is always a penny in the company, at least pay off the girl, at least you can always change it for a glass of shag!
With such a thing, you won’t get lost in England
quote: Originally posted by Good man:

Now in the Hermitage and other museums they like to steal

It's good that I don't have a foot in those museums.

Others can't be found for nothing.
In the Hermitage once I was, as I remember, cold then breaks through.
I saw enough of everything there, my head was spinning, I stopped understanding the scheme and got lost. Legs are buzzing, panic attacks began when he proceeded to the exit seven times through the same hall - horror!
If there was a golden tooth, I would give it to the first person I met, who would take it out of there.
But there was no tooth, he barely got out, then he drank beer until night, smoked fashionable Polish cigarettes with menthol and swore obscenities to clear his head.

Mons Pubis 01-11-2012 19:40

he has scary ones

to drive gopniks by itself, to build salash on fishing without a knife
quote: Originally posted by DIZZI:

and creepy yellow

just so creepy?
mine, too, are not that straight, after all, smoking and drinking wine, no experience
The funniest thing is, if you put it on pins in the clinic, then, in theory, on the contrary, they should turn yellow for an extra charge to match the rest, but here it’s such a thing for free, only to persuade the beaver
Or a beaver
I don't care, to be honest

villager 01-11-2012 20:15

It must be from a beaver, if you insert it from a beaver, the boys will not understand in kind. *sniffs, adjusts keparik**

Mons Pubis 01-11-2012 21:21

yes, all of you!
I will walk with a hole and poke fashionably
in a thug way
like dh

Tsepyatych 01-11-2012 22:54

quote: To extinguish a whole beaver for the sake of one tooth is inhumane

No need to get wet. The other day, at a neighbor's dog, I saw a beaver's jaw lying around ... to withdraw it on occasion?

Mons Pubis 01-11-2012 23:28

withdraw on occasion?

well, if it’s male, then I’ll be very grateful and obliged within reasonable limits
and if bobrikhin, then fuck her, then the villager will not let pass

Tsepyatych 01-11-2012 23:46

quote: if male

There was only a jaw, without primary sexual ...

Mons Pubis 01-11-2012 23:59

quote: Originally posted by Tsepyatych:

only the jaw was, without primary sexual ...

Hmm ... And the Villager over there writes that he and any other gopota somehow distinguish ...
It is necessary to set the Pragmatist on him so that he finds out

Volga-Volga 02-11-2012 01:13

DCH, thanks, neighing
But if you had sugar ... ummm ... the fifth point would stick together ??

kind person 02-11-2012 01:28

quote: Originally posted by Volga-Volga:
DCH, thanks, neighing
But if you had sugar ... ummm ... the fifth point would stick together ??

And this is nothing, with a glued fifth point it’s quite possible to go to official meetings, it doesn’t violate the generally accepted rules of decency, and even more than that, it reliably guarantees against unexpected emission intestinal gases during a conversation or at the dinner table.

Strelezz 02-11-2012 06:02

A dentist friend told me:
His client comes to him with a problem - the front axle is crooked. Need to shoot. The bridge collapsed drunk. The man, without hesitation, cleaned it inside, filled it with epoxy and pressed it with his finger. And he fumed. The bridge has slipped, the epoxy has risen, the client cannot close his mouth.
So I had to turn to specialists
By the way, it was not possible to remove the whole bridge. They cut into pieces. Got a good epoxy

Oblomov 02-11-2012 08:17

quote: Originally posted by Strelezz:

Got a good epoxy

Yes, theoretically, anything can be glued, sanded well for adhesion and degreased, if only the glue sets relatively quickly and the crown does not corrode. Nikofar will come and explain about thermal conductivity, heat capacity and heat expansion with Poisson and Lavoisier ratio, so that at the crucial moment of biting nails, the crown does not fall off. Then, after all, people should be interested in drills with soldering / broach, train on cats. And then they dug in, you know, in the so-called "medetsyn".

Diego03 02-11-2012 11:45

quote: Originally posted by Mons Pubis:

Only Petropavlovka and the Art Museum opposite strictly!

A good man took me there. But I kept my wallet all the time right hand. Therefore, the money remained intact.

Mons Pubis 02-11-2012 12:15

A good man took me there.

Who better than him to know safe places to walk!
quote: Originally posted by Diego03:

But I always held my wallet with my right hand. Therefore, the money remained intact.

Don't flatter yourself.
They could easily grab a hat, for example
You grab her hands! instinctively, but the wallet is already bye-bye
Or as a variant of homonok your flimsy, or DC swindlers are afraid and respected, they shoot
Or maybe he conducted political information among them the day before - they say, as I will give a sign, do not disgrace, mazuriki, Northern Palmyra in front of the Muscovites!
and clicked his teeth pointedly...

kind person 02-11-2012 12:35

quote: Originally posted by Diego03:

It was business.
Crowds of upset St. Petersburg crooks seeing your deceit
gritted their teeth in anger, but left with nothing.

Diego03 02-11-2012 12:37

Zhen, apologize to them for me.

kind person 02-11-2012 13:10

quote: Originally posted by Diego03:
Zhen, apologize to them for me.

Will manage.

Diego03 02-11-2012 14:03

quote: Originally posted by Good man:

Will manage.

I behaved inappropriately. I'll make up my mind for one more visit. And resentment builds up.

kind person 02-11-2012 14:22

quote: Originally posted by Diego03:

I behaved inappropriately. I'll make up my mind for one more visit. And resentment builds up.

Come on.

Diego03 02-11-2012 14:40

quote: Originally posted by Good man:

We'll confuse them, let's go to another museum.

"Another Museum" ... That's great ...

villager 02-11-2012 15:22

Diego03 02-11-2012 15:51

quote: Originally posted by Villager:

Do you have two museums in Palmyra? You live richly.

Of course. Artillery Museum and Other Museum. It's a cultural capital...

Omul 02-11-2012 16:33

quote: Originally posted by Mons Pubis:

and clicked his teeth pointedly...

like this, they hiccup, and then fly off the pins. It must be planted on a bayonet lock. Armor! You can chirp with mercury and break up the villains from the top of the head to the mid-legs.

Volga-Volga 02-11-2012 17:08

quote: Originally posted by Diego03:

A good man took me there. But I always held my wallet with my right hand. Therefore, the money remained intact.

Truly a good man! I left some money for a friend...

Fifty is fine, with a roar. And then, I did not have time to blink, and foul sixty.

Omul 03-11-2012 05:18

It seems you live like a person, and you are 63 ...

Evening sunset, in my opinion, is more beautiful than sunrise.

Oblomov 03-11-2012 07:08

quote: Originally posted by 4V4:

It seems you live like a person, and you are 63 ...

Well, nichrome, it is necessary to fasten, there are molidine apples, not in a loop from this?

spar 03-11-2012 12:03

quote: Originally posted by 4V4:

It seems you live like a person, and you are 63 ...

It is well known that some people are already old at 40. I knew those.
And now I know people - 67 - and like a cucumber, and one Omsk colleague - 75 years old, smart, still at work and very fruitful and clear-minded.
Yes, they somehow gathered to sit with them, not really bothering with the choice, I brought them to my house near the house in Berloga. I ask the young one - why the bush? He - vodka, of course I - beer. And you, Boris Andreevich? And I, he says, and then and oo, I want everything. And he accepted it very normally, and at the same time - like a cucumber.
Why am I....? 03-11-2012 13:45
quote: And suddenly a spy to knit?

So back to the topic of superglue.

spar 03-11-2012 14:57

quote: Originally posted by Diego03:

Unclear. Either he knew, or he conceived.

quote: Originally posted by Spar:

I knew those.

They're not born that way, they're made...

Diego03 04-11-2012 12:04

quote: Originally posted by 4V4:
Thanks people!

Thank God only numbers are depressing.
For now...

Age is not determined by the number of years lived.

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