December 21st born on this day. Advantages and disadvantages

An astrological forecast reveals the inner world of a person and his hidden qualities. This is an opportunity to see not only the past and future, but also the present, correct the negative aspects and turn them to your advantage. People who came into the world on December 21 (zodiac sign - Sagittarius) have contradictory and contrasting qualities that are hard to imagine in one person.

Advantages and disadvantages

Charisma and bright appearance, feigned modesty and sparks in the eyes drive others crazy. Sagittarians have not only natural beauty and sexuality, but also real magnetism, attracting successful and wealthy friends. This is an imperious nature, knowing its own worth. Therefore, in life they reach unprecedented heights and a good financial situation.

The mind and the ability to clearly analyze themselves and draw up a schedule of needs allow Sagittarius to be the masters of life. They are good leaders, skillful leaders, excellent workers and simply beautiful people.

If you watch the representative of the sign, then he goes through life with his head held high, singing his favorite tune. It seems that everything is given to him easily and simply, although in reality it is not. In one person, titanic work and an unrealistic desire to achieve success are concentrated. For him, power, money and position in society will come first, and family and loved ones will come second.

This is a huge minus sign. He does not know how to properly prioritize and concentrates so much on one thing that he forgets about people, without whom his existence would be simply unbearable.

There are ups and downs in life, but this happens on the verge of a foul, there is too much at stake. If Sagittarius loses, then everything at once when he gains, then at least a house or a round bank account. He does not exchange for trifles, but he does not pay attention to the key elements of life.

For him, the concepts of fidelity, care or dedication are alien. This is a robot man programmed to achieve material goals and profit from it. Representatives of the sign even try to choose friends based on personal motives and self-interest. They will not have a bosom friend who is poorer than themselves or a childhood friend who does not have a high position in society.

The horoscope shows that the ideal person is actually flat and focused on one result.

Sagittarius man

The representative of the sign has wisdom and sexuality, and these qualities only become stronger over the years. It is not a problem for him at the age of 40 to look after a young and promising lady. This brings him pleasure. Sometimes he makes a bet, it fills him with excitement and causes a rush of adrenaline, because the stakes in the game are constantly rising.

He is attractive and charismatic, but too cold, and women feel it. His skill in terms of seduction is just enough to get what he wants, and then the man simply goes into the sunset, leaving the chosen one in bewilderment.

Sagittarius is a good person, but he does not know how to respect the emotions of others, he simply does not understand them. For him, a sense of freedom, personal space and his own world should not be limited by anything, the element of Fire requires will and a fair wind, so a person becomes restless in any field of activity. It is always and everything is not enough for him, he is looking for new ways and opportunities, opens doors and burns bridges behind him in order to catch the meaning of life and enjoy it to his heart's content.

A gambler, a sophisticated lover and a business leader with a hint of sarcasm all rolled into one. This is an explosive mixture, which only a wise and cold-blooded woman can hold in her hands, which will be stronger than the chosen one morally and more dexterously in his games. From birth to death, he is a conqueror and conqueror. Therefore, it is not worth classifying Sagittarius as an average person, the sign is higher than this.

The benefits of the mark include:

  • inner strength;
  • charisma;
  • self-confidence;
  • communication skills and the ability to lead people.


  • selfishness;
  • impulsiveness;
  • composure.

business and money

In terms of a career, Sagittarius will have success and the rapid development of their own business. His prudence and sharp mind give a colossal result. From a simple office worker, he quickly moves up and in a few years can occupy leadership positions. Sagittarius has clarity of thought and creativity.

He knows how to bring ideas to life and generously sponsor development. He focuses all his energy, diligence and will on achieving one goal. Until he reaches the desired, the world around him simply ceases to exist for him.

In terms of money, those born on December 21 have only positive characteristics and are set to succeed in life. For them, professions related to research, teaching, modern technologies, information transfer, computer networks and the Internet will be good. These are businessmen of the new generation, the future is in their hands.

Under the auspices of the sign, many celebrities and famous people, presenters, politicians and businessmen were born.

If Sagittarius is ripe for a family, then the home budget should definitely be concentrated in his hands, he is smart and creative enough to develop a whole garden from one seed.

Love relationship

A representative of the element of Fire is looking for a smart, beautiful and cunning woman. He likes to play by the rules, but will gladly give way to a strong character as a winner. He likes sophistication and attractiveness. Rarely, Sagittarians associate themselves with women who have not taken place or are homebodies.

They like bright personalities who know how to use their beauty and play with men with dignity. Ideal in terms of compatibility for Sagittarius will be a woman from the element of Fire, as bright, impulsive and beautiful as he is. But a man risks being burned alive by the flames of love. After all, it is the chosen one who will leave him first, seeing a better prospect, or choose a career instead of a family.

Neutral will be an alliance with Capricorn, which will make every effort and time to create comfort for the satellite. Most likely, a man will not appreciate this, simply failing to accept such a gift. In addition, Sagittarius loves to talk and listen to interesting things for himself, and representatives of the elements of the Earth differ from other signs in silence and calmness.

By the way, it is the latter that attracts the restless and active Sagittarius.

It is undesirable for a man to look for a companion among the elements of Water: such a union will not be built on a harmonious connection, but on a serious conflict of relations and the division of territory.

Representative of the element of Fire

Beauty, sexuality, attractiveness and the ability to flirt distinguish her from other women. The lady is soft and calm, natural and artistic, while powerful enough to manipulate strong and influential men with the movement of a finger.

If Aphrodite were to be reborn in the modern world, it would be a Sagittarius woman. She loves to read, enjoys art and appreciates beauty. But, unfortunately, material things for her will always come first. Even in her personal life, a lady first looks for a rich and successful boyfriend and only then begins to fall in love with him. It seems that only Sagittarians are given the opportunity to control feelings and command the heart.

Born on December 21 under the sign of the zodiac, the Sagittarius woman is rarely truly happy in her personal life. In pursuit of a career and prosperity, she misses the opportunity to become a loving mother and faithful wife. She does not feel sympathy as much as craving for money and power.

But, on the other hand, her prudence and firmness of character, masculine hardiness and perseverance give her something that other women will never have.

The benefits include:

  • X Badges of the sign: arismatic;
  • attractiveness;
  • the ability to attract others;
  • sociability.
  • bitchiness;
  • selfishness;
  • impulsiveness.

business and money

It cannot be said that the Sagittarius lady does not know how to earn money. She does it better than cooking borscht and baking pies. But a woman of the element of Fire will never earn money by physical labor: for her, this is low and uninteresting. A woman is aware of sophistication and individuality, therefore she wants only the best for herself.

Sagittarius sees the ideal expression of opportunities in business, administrative services, coaching and consulting in the enterprise development industry. He can prove himself in journalism, blogging or as an author of books.

The lady knows how to express herself and has a rich vocabulary, because through expressions, behavior and appearance she manipulates other people. She can make a diplomat or a politician, a lawyer, an accountant, in these professions her confidence and masculine perseverance will find expression.

In order for the business of a woman from the element of Fire to go well, she needs to have a business partner of Taurus or Virgo. Representatives of these signs will complement the desire to earn and push for big money with perseverance and hard work.


It is clear, December 21, which zodiac sign in terms of choosing life goals and priorities. Therefore, for compatibility, women are suitable for representatives of the elements of Earth and Fire. The assertive and practical Capricorn will try his best to provide the chosen one with the best and limit her from problems and troubles.

He will be silent and obey when a lady wants to throw out steam or make a fuss. The character of the Virgo is expressed by similar behavior. A man from the elements of the Earth will tolerate and be afraid of the chosen one, but her dominance and constant control will keep even the strongest man. Especially since he likes to fight in role-playing games and get bonuses for it.

Sagittarius does not need to mess with Scorpio or Cancer. If the first can break a woman or harm her, then the second will become so attached to his beloved that he may lose his individuality and risk being abandoned.

Ambiguity in terms of love speaks of the ambitiousness and selfishness of the lady. Therefore, astrologers advise the fair sex to learn to accept the love of a partner and try to reciprocate it so that the union is strong and reliable.

Numerological aspect

Born December 21 have determination and confidence, the desire to constantly move forward and improve skills and capabilities. The combination of numbers indicates a craving for knowledge and information, discoveries and research.

This is a date of opportunity and development, but also of loneliness. Finding a life partner is difficult for them, even unrealistic because of the excessive demands on themselves and others. And if this seems normal to them, then it is not a fact that others will also be able to perceive it adequately and will want to correspond to the demanding representatives of the element of Fire.

The number 1 in the date speaks of selfishness and self-confidence. To mitigate this and overcome karmicity, it is necessary to go to church on great holidays and often give alms. Activities on a voluntary basis, helping others will also be credited to impulsive Sagittarius.

The number 2 in the date is the strengthening of opportunities and the power of the beginning. That is why they are so drawn to comprehend new horizons and open all doors in front of them.

Numerologists advise Sagittarius to devote more time to family and try to get close to relatives. It is the homely atmosphere and positive energy that can re-educate an ambitious and imperious sign and make representatives softer and kinder.

It was interesting to read who is December 21 according to the horoscope. My father was born at this time. Much of the article is written about him. Careerist and rock man. A heavy sign, sometimes it seems that my father did not even try to understand me, but simply built his life in parallel with our family. I would not like to be born on this day.

I don’t like horoscopes, but it’s written juicy and interesting about Sagittarius, I read it and immediately imagined some friends. Many character traits are displayed perfectly, but not enough to create a complete three-dimensional picture.

Attention, only TODAY!

December 21 - the mystical date on which personalities were always born, during whose life and after whose death, they were necessarily ranked either as geniuses or villains. What is the difference between them? Skeptics say: winners are classified as geniuses, losers as villains.

In any case, no one is indifferent to them even decades and centuries after their death: they are either still admired or despised, so colorful, unusual for contemporaries were and remain these personalities in our history.

Who was born on the mystical day of December 21 and is there something in common between these people: Joseph Stalin and marshals Konstantin Rokossovsky and Pyotr Koshevoy, Giovanni Boccaccio, - the analysts of the sections "" and "" of the investor magazine "Market Leader" understood.

Who was born on the mystical day of December 21, and is there something in common between these people?

Joseph Stalin(December 9 (21), 1879 - 1953). Mysteries begin from the moment he is born. Primarily,
- the true date of birth - Joseph Dzhugashvili - is not known to anyone. She hides purely for magical purposes.
Question: Who is his father? Either a Russian employee from the Arkhangelsk artel, where Ekaterina Georgievna, Joseph's mother, worked at that time in Gori. Whether - N.M. Przhevalsky - who was in love with the beautiful Catherine, who worked as a maid in the house of a famous traveler.
- according to third sources, the gypsy recommends that he hide his real date of birth. After all, this is an ancient secret of how to confuse enemies when they set out to unravel the fate and secrets of the individual through astrology. Since that time, Joseph began to indicate a new date in all documents - December 21 - the mystical day of the winter solstice.

It is possible that Stalin possessed unusual magical skills and strength. So, in the work “Rose of the World”, Daniil Andreev tells that the leader went to bed only in the morning, pursuing the goal of achieving hokha - a trance state that allows you to see the astral world in all its multi-level incarnations. Indeed, Stalin worked hard / to say at least that he read about five hundred book pages a day.

As it was in fact, no one knows and, alas, no one will know. As a result, any comparison of Stalin with Vladimir Putin, or the Russian opposition (Alexei Navalny, Garry Kasparov, Boris Nemtsov, etc.) always ends in one thing - the complete victory of Stalin's supporters.

Mikhail Nikolozovich Saakashvili(born December 21, 1967). For
- one national hero - the leader of the peaceful revolution of roses in 2004.
- for other Georgians - a loser who allowed the actual collapse with separation and (republics not recognized by either Georgia or most countries of the world, including, etc.)
- a political adventurer, ready for the sake of the United States, to incite his people into a war against Russia - the opinion of most politicians in modern Russia (Saakashvili is persona non grata in the Russian Federation).

The head of state of Georgia from January 2004 to November 2007, and since January 20, 2008, the chairman of the United National Movement faction, one of the leaders of the Rose Revolution, as a result of which Eduard Shevardnadze was removed from power.

Georgian diplomat and politician, leader of the Georgian opposition political organization "Alliance for Georgia" /since February 2009/ and the faction "Ours - Free Democrats" /since July 2009/, before that he was the Ambassador of Georgia to the United Nations since September 11 2006 to December 4, 2008. From February 2009 - to the President of Georgia - Mikheil Saakashvili.

Konstantin Rokossovsky(born December 21, 1896 - 1968). Marshal of the Soviet Union /1944/, Marshal of Poland /1949/. He commanded the Victory Parade in 1945.
He is twice Hero of the Soviet Union /1944, 1945/. According to a number of historians, he is the most prominent commander of the Great Patriotic War, who was unfairly relegated to the background in the shadow of Konev, Zhukov, Vasilevsky, Malinovsky and other marshals of the Soviet Union.

Only he and Marshal Boris Shaposhnikov were called by the leader by name and patronymic.

Pyotr Koshevoy (December 8 (21), 1904 - 1976), Marshal of the Soviet Union, twice Hero of the Soviet Union (May 16, 1944, April 19, 1945), whose name is almost forgotten today. Reason: Pyotr Koshevoy was the only commander of the district (Kyiv) who was ready to support the then leader of the USSR N. Khrushchev in October 1964 during the Kremlin conspiracy led by L. Brezhnev (the only one of the Marshals whom the conspirators did not dare to approach). According to a number of historians, this very reason was the reason for the burial of Koshevoy in 1976 at the Novodevichy cemetery, and not at the Kremlin wall, like all the Marshals of the Soviet Union before him. (the first of the marshals of the USSR).

According to Marshal Baghramyan, Koshevoy is his most talented subordinate, "military number one", who never pursued a career and was proud of the fact that he was the only Marshal who had never served in Moscow. Commander of the Siberian Military District (1957-1960), then the Kyiv Military District (1960-1965).

Giovanni Boccaccio- the famous Italian writer, poet. Giovanni Boccaccio is the author of a number of mythological and historical works in Latin. The main work that immortalized his name was his famous Decameron, which is too bold a creation even seven centuries after it was written. Who else among the writers in 7 centuries can write something like that?

Giovanni Boccaccio died on December 21, 1375 in Certaldo at the age of approximately sixty-two years.

Vsevolod Vishnevsky- a Bolshevik, a hero of the civil war, who became a famous writer and playwright of the Stalin era of the USSR, his plays "The First Horse", "We are from Kronstadt", "Optimistic Tragedy" (1933) were included in the school curriculum:
- the persecutor of Mikhail Bulgakov and Mikhail Zoshchenko. It was Vsevolod Vishnevsky who became the character "Mstislav Lavrovich" in the novel "The Master and Margarita" by M. Bulgakov;
- defender of Mandelstam (he supported him with money in exile in conditions when everyone refused him), being the editor of the Znamya magazine, he began publishing poems by the disgraced Anna Akhmatova and the writer Moscow does not believe in tears ”/1979 / and others. For communication in 1945 was repressed /1946-1955/ with the American diplomat Jackson Tate, from whom in 1946 she gave birth to a daughter, Victoria, who later moved in 1976 to her father in America.

On December 11, 1981, after 2 p.m., Zoya Fedorova was killed by a shot in the back of her head in her own 3-room apartment. The murder has not been solved to date.
Among his likely motives is the alleged involvement of the artist in secret KGB operations /there were rumors of involvement in the murder of the KGB/, as well as her connection with the so-called "diamond mafia", which consisted mainly of close relatives, Soviet high-ranking officials.

Jane Fonda was born on December 21, 1937 - the most titled American actress, who is the founder of aerobics, the owner of 2 Oscars / Klute, Julia / and 5 more Oscar nominations, 11 (!) Golden Globes ", 6 nominations for the BAFTA award, 2 EMMIs, etc..

Dozens of famous people were born on this day: writer Yuri Belyaev and Russian show business star Anfisa Chekhova, Nobel Prize-winning geneticist Meller and Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Olegovich Rogozin languages: English, French, Italian, Spanish, Ukrainian and Czech), opera singer Ivan Kozlovsky and physicist Rout Brown (the founder of the theory of Brownian motion) and many other famous people.

Is it by chance?

The editorial board of the "Russian News" department of the "Market Leader" magazine, together with the experts of the Masterforex-V Academy, are conducting a survey in the Investor Discussion Club: do these people have the same date?
- yes, these are great people, for some they are geniuses, for some they are villains;
are random coincidences.

December 17, 2012 8:29 pm

The zodiac sign of those born on December 21st is Sagittarius. These people are distinguished by patience and consistency in their actions. They are purposeful and ambitious. They are relentlessly striving to bring their vision to life.

Outwardly, they are calm, but inside they often boil a volcano of passions. If they hold back their anger for a long time, they suddenly frighten those around them with outright rage and cruelty.

These people suffer from self-doubt. They tend to engage in self-digging, obsessing over their shortcomings. Because of this, the moment when decisive action is needed is sometimes missed. These are secretive individuals. They often remain misunderstood and spend their lives alone.

Those born on this day have an amazing ability to be eloquently silent. A pause in a conversation made at the right time convinces the interlocutor better than any words. This ability helps them achieve their goals. They tend to bend those around them to their will, and they often succeed. It is impossible to argue with them.

Characteristics of women born on December 21

Such women are honest, unprejudiced and independent individuals. They have a wild imagination. These ladies are funny and decent. They are tactless in their straightforwardness.

These ladies prefer equal relations with men. They are able to take the initiative in relationships. Next to such bold and bright ladies are only men worthy of them.

Characteristics of men born on December 21

Such men are active, honest and optimistic individuals. They love to get new knowledge. Easily attracted to new ideas. In pursuit of a goal, they are capable of showing aggression.

These men are freedom-loving. They do not allow anyone to encroach on their personal space. In a relationship, it is difficult to bind them with obligations.

love horoscope

Those born on this day are romantic natures. They need new experiences and fresh emotions, so they often change partners. But having fallen in love for real, they are capable of long-term relationships and a strong, deep connection with their soulmate. They are touching, gentle and warm with those who are dear to them. However, they often remain closed with loved ones, do not reveal their true feelings to them.

These people do not have a soul in their children. Love for kids sometimes makes them forget about their affairs and interests.


Sagittarius born on December 21 build harmonious relationships with Aries, Gemini, Leo, Aquarius. It is difficult for them to achieve mutual understanding with Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn.

The most suitable partner for those born on December 21st

For love and marriage, people born on such days are best suited:

January: 8, 10, 11, 24
February: 6, 9, 16
March: 6, 9, 13, 18, 23
April: 2, 12, 20, 21, 24, 27
May: 2, 5, 21
June: 18, 20, 28
July: 7, 11, 19
August: 7, 26, 29, 31
September: 8, 11, 16, 18, 25, 27
October: 3, 16, 23
November: 10, 13, 24
December: 4, 10, 17, 21, 24, 27

business horoscope

Those born on this day love to get new knowledge. They are smart and grasp everything on the fly. They prefer to work independently rather than in a team. Set to lead. In a leadership position, they not only organize the activities of subordinates, but also share experience and knowledge with them.

These people are able to achieve success in many areas of activity. They often excel in education and the humanities. Often they choose for themselves a political career, a job in public relations or in the entertainment industry. Love for creativity is expressed in music, theater or painting. The desire for independence often pushes them to create their own business.

Health Horoscope

Those born on December 21 are prone to stress. They are often visited by melancholy or depression. They tend to get angry. Sexual relations will help to give vent to emotions. Active sports activities are also useful: from aerobics, running and swimming to equestrian sports. They will not only improve health, but also allow you to get rid of stressful conditions.

These people prefer the wrong food: sweets, fatty foods. A diet poor in trace elements and vitamins and rich in calories leads to problems with teeth, skin and hair, as well as to obesity. To solve the problem of excess body weight, the horoscope recommends making your diet healthier. It is necessary to exclude sweets from it (especially pastries), reduce the amount of fat, alcohol and dairy products.

Know how to forgive

Be less categorical and intolerant. Allow yourself and others to make mistakes sometimes. Don't blame anyone. Condescension to others will improve your relationship with them and allow you to achieve the heights that you dream of.

Learn to trust your soulmate

Open your soul, dreams and fantasies to your loved one. So your union will be happier.

Be more confident

Don't doubt your abilities. Be decisive more often: you can do more than you think.

Compatibility horoscope: December 21 zodiac sign Sagittarius or Capricorn - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

  • Aries March 21 - April 20
  • Taurus 21.04 - 21.05
  • Gemini May 22 – June 21
  • Cancer 06/22 - 07/22
  • Leo 23.07 - 23.08
  • Virgo 24.08 - 22.09
  • Libra 09/23 – 10/22
  • Scorpio 23.10 - 22.11
  • Sagittarius 23.11 - 21.12
  • Capricorn 22.12 - 20.01
  • Aquarius 21.01 - 20.02
  • Pisces 21.02 – 20.03

On this day, romantic natures, very restrained in the manifestation of their feelings, are born, unsure of themselves, obsessed with their own shortcomings and endowed with excessive suspiciousness. According to the horoscope, many of those born on December 21 under the sign of the Zodiac Sagittarius suffer from low self-esteem and constant fear of making a mistake, which leads to indecision and inability to make decisions quickly. At the same time, they are constantly in search of new ideas, knowledge or the meaning of life. These people are quite active, strive for leadership and show considerable perseverance in achieving goals.

Sagittarians of this date are active, ambitious, striving to be the first and almost always get their way, showing consistency in actions and not allowing impulsive actions. They think everything through to the smallest detail, plan even minor nuances, but they know how to think globally and see the future. It takes quite a long time to achieve the goal, but this suits them quite well, since the path itself is no less important for these people than its result. Success and financial well-being are usually achieved only towards maturity.

Representatives of the zodiac sign and this date are materialistic in nature, they pay a lot of attention to various household trifles. This quality makes them very critical of other people's shortcomings and imperfections of the world around them. As a rule, they prefer to start the struggle for order on a universal scale with cleanliness in their own home. Most of the representatives of this day are very smart: their intellect combines logic, creative thinking, and subtle intuition. But their popularity, and often their reputation, is significantly harmed by the tendency to give negative assessments to others.

Sagittarians, whose birthday is on December 21, according to the horoscope, are endowed with a unique ability to remain silent when necessary. They are able to use their power of silence for the right purposes, mastering this art perfectly. Such exceptional self-control is a rather rare character trait that helps them achieve better results in negotiations and disputes than more talkative and pathetic speakers are capable of. It is useless to argue and argue with them. Their silence makes a very strong impression on the interlocutor, making it clear that an invisible and unpredictable force is hiding behind it, capable of breaking out at any moment and sweeping away everything in its path. This greatly helps individuals born on December 21 to achieve their goals and control the process of their implementation.

Usually, the birthday people of the date are quite attractive, but the reluctance to draw attention to themselves makes this advantage almost useless. From the point of view of temperament, these people almost always behave with restraint and calmness. Only manifestations of excessive rudeness and arrogance on the part of other people can bring them out of balance. In addition, they do not know how to forgive insults, they are not inclined to tolerance. Often they strive to become the best in all respects, which forms in them such negative traits as envy and hostility, which can destroy their personality.

Relationships with others.

Sagittarius, who were born on the twenty-first day of December, are the owners of a “closed” soul. They are uncommunicative, unsure of themselves, which creates problems in communicating with others and even with those closest to them. Often, relationships deteriorate due to omissions and misunderstandings, which leads to distrust, suspicion and, as a result, to hostility. This situation often ends with the fact that the birthday people of this day are left alone. On the other hand, these people, who do not let anyone into their inner world and carefully guard their innermost thoughts and fantasies, try to lead a rather active external life, strive to make new acquaintances and do not stay away from social events.

In love, men and women of this zodiac sign and date of birth are extremely romantic natures who know how, but are afraid to love selflessly. They are capable of the strongest feelings, touching and tender relationships. However, because of the fear of being rejected, they often hide behind ostentatious indifference, become insecure and indecisive, and can weigh the pros and cons for too long. At the same time, they are afraid to take not only the first, but also all subsequent steps that can bring the couple to a new level of relationship. But, if there is a threat of parting, these people can convince their partner to stay with their logical arguments.

Representatives of the sign, born on December 21, are distinguished by unshakable loyalty and devotion, but absolutely do not tolerate restrictions on freedom. Even if the chosen one carefully controls them, they will still find some kind of outlet for themselves. In marriage, they become reliable, caring spouses and parents, they love to raise children, they pay a lot of attention to improving their life.

In their business and professional fields, these strong personalities with a difficult character, who find it difficult to find a common language with others, show themselves best when working alone. Due to the low level of sociability, they make poor team players, although these people always support a common cause and never fail when fulfilling their obligations. Any industry is suitable for them. The main thing is to have as little control as possible and a lot of opportunities for self-realization and independent decision-making.

Health problems in birthday people of this day are quite rare and, as a rule, on a nervous basis. Most often, their psyche is destroyed by unfulfilled dreams and unfulfilled desires, which first lead to severe emotional stress and eventually end in depression and psychosomatic illnesses. This not only negatively affects the general well-being, but also prevents these Sagittarians from developing and progressing, which further depresses them, forming a vicious circle of problems.

Life Improvement Tips

Be less critical of other people's shortcomings. Get rid of the tendency to give negative assessments to others. Know how to forgive insults, cultivate tolerance in yourself. In your quest to become the best, do not fall into envy and hostility.

Become more sociable, open and self-confident. Avoid omissions and misunderstandings with people close to you. Don't be afraid to love and be rejected. Do not hide your feelings behind ostentatious indifference. Learn to take the first and all subsequent steps to reach a new level of relationships.

Protect your psyche from the destructive action of unfulfilled dreams and unfulfilled desires. Avoid emotional stress, do not bring the problem to depression and psychosomatic illnesses. Relax in time, get rid of negativity through sports and communication with friends. See a specialist if necessary.

Birthday December 21: what is the sign of the zodiac, the nature of children and adults, names

Born December 21: the meaning of the birthday

A contradictory person with a complex character shows the world the last day of the third decade of Sagittarius.

They are quite stubborn in achieving what they want, but at the same time they are extremely unsure of their viability.

In your dreams, you will always be bold, decisive, active and successful, because you were born on December 21, your zodiac sign is Sagittarius, which gives you great ambition and ambition, also delegates all rights and powers regarding choosing your own path. But you lack the determination to take on that responsibility.

Only by clearing your karma, overcoming your own fears, can you achieve the position you dream of.

Working on your own shortcomings should be your main life task.

It is most correct to say that those who came to our world on December 21 are harnessing for a long time, but the zodiac sign, as soon as they set a clear goal, helps them achieve it at all costs.

They can focus on what they want and go straight and decisively towards it.

They always look presentable and inspire confidence, they hide their own fears behind unshakable silence and feigned coldness, they can mislead anyone with skillfully rehearsed non-verbal signals.

It takes a long time to decide on something, but then the zodiac sign of people born on December 21 helps not to change their decisions, they sincerely believe in everything they do, and no one can convince them that their undertakings are unsuccessful. At such moments, determination awakens in them.

Do you think the influence of the zodiac sign is noticeable in the behavior of people born on this day?

December 21: Sagittarius influence

Of great importance in the life of Sagittarians, who were born on December 21, will always be given to their personal space. They prefer not to let anyone into their plans, not to reveal true feelings and, in general, pay as little attention as possible to everything related to their personal life.

They do not hide their innermost thoughts in vain, because they have an extraordinary ability to materialize, they know the secret, thanks to which fantasies come true.

Despite their secrecy and detachment, those born on December 21 are fully capable of sincere feelings; for those whom they decide to let into their world, they will not spare any warmth, strength, or material wealth. They are capable of all-consuming and selfless love, especially when it comes to their children.

In general, they do not recognize halftones, for them there cannot be just acquaintances, there are either close friends or fierce ill-wishers.

But it is important to understand that such a position will not lead to good, so you should definitely review it, be less categorical and biased, be able to forgive other people's mistakes and not hide grievances.

  • Horoscope of the zodiac sign Sagittarius »
  • Sign Compatibility Horoscope »

Actor Samuel Leroy Jackson was born December 21

On December 21, 1948, the famous and very sought-after film actor, the star of many television series, as well as a successful producer and public figure, Samuel Leroy Jackson, was born. His first notable work was the role in the film Tropical Fever, which was released in 1991, thanks to which, three years later, he received an invitation to the cult film Pulp Fiction. After this film, Samuel got a taste of fame and received critical acclaim.

December what zodiac sign, who was born on December 21 - 22, what zodiac sign - calculate online for free. Find out everything about those born on December 21, 22.

The zodiac sign is December 21 or 22, depending on the year of birth - it can be Sagittarius or Capricorn. Here you can calculate online and find out exactly on December 21 or 22 what sign of the zodiac was and what degree the Sun was in. To do this, go to the free online service The Sun in the signs of the zodiac below.

December what sign of the zodiac? To find out which zodiac sign in the month of December, you can go through a free online service and calculate under which zodiac sign a person was born in December of a certain year, as well as calculate the degree of the Sun zodiac sign at the exact moment of a person’s birth. The beginning of the month of December corresponds to the zodiac sign Sagittarius, the middle also, and the end of December corresponds to the zodiac sign Capricorn.

Who was born on December 21 - 22, i.e. What is the sign of the zodiac on December 21st and 22nd? The transition of the Sun from the zodiac sign Sagittarius to the zodiac sign Capricorn happens on December 21 or 22 - these dates may change in different years. Transition from Sagittarius to Capricorn depends on the place of birth of a person and on his exact time of birth. To find out what zodiac sign a person born on December 21 or 22 has, you need to know the year of birth, as well as the place of birth and time of birth of a person. On this site you can make an accurate calculation of the Sun in the degree of the zodiac, to find out who was born on December 21 or 22 - Sagittarius or Capricorn, i.e. find out the zodiac sign of a born person. Below, go to the calculation - Calculate the Sun in degrees at the time of birth.

You can also get a free horoscope for those born on December 21-22 and on other dates in December, and find out if a person knows how to defend his rights, what kind of willpower and activity he has. An online horoscope will tell about the energy reserve of a person born on December 21 and 22 - Mars in the sign. About the ability to love, his fidelity, what he is in feelings, who was born on December 21 or 22 - the online horoscope will tell you about this - Venus in signs. Subconscious desires and inner needs, i.e. what the soul of a person born on December 21 or 22 asks for, you will understand from the online horoscope - the Moon in the signs of the zodiac.

In order for information about a person born in December, incl. December 21 or 22 was more accurate, so that the zodiac sign of various planets was determined reliably, you need to know the place of birth and it is desirable to know the exact time of birth of this person.

To find out everything about a person born in December and those born on December 21 and 22, you can calculate for free who he is according to the horoscope, i.e. his Solar zodiac sign (which zodiac sign is the Sun in his birth chart):

After going through all these online services, you will learn a lot of new and interesting things about a person who was born in December on any date of this month, including December 21 and December 22. To do this, follow the links for calculating the planets and enter your birth data: date, time and place of birth. The time of birth is very important in the service for calculating the moon, because. The moon moves faster than other planets and changes the sign of the zodiac every 2.5 days. Also, the time of birth of a person will be important if he was born on the border of the transition from the zodiac sign Sagittarius to the zodiac sign Capricorn, i.e. December 21st or 22nd.

Leo Antonovich Bokeria was born on December 22, 1939, Ochamchirov, Abkhazia, Georgia- Soviet and Russian cardiac surgeon, inventor, organizer of medical science, teacher, professor. Academician of RAS and RAMS, Member of the Presidium of RAMS. Chief Cardiac Surgeon of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. If he was born on December 22 before 22:05 (local time) - according to the horoscope, he is Sagittarius, i.e. The sun is at 30 degrees Sagittarius. And if he was born on December 22 after 22:05, then he is Capricorn according to the horoscope, i.e. The sun will be already at 1 degree Capricorn. In any case, he has the qualities of character inherent in both signs of the zodiac, because in his natal chart Venus is located in the zodiac sign Capricorn, and Mercury in the zodiac sign Sagittarius.

Anna Alexandrovna Legchilova was born on December 22, 1969 in Minsk- Russian theater and film actress, director. She starred with Leonid Yarmolnik in the famous film "Crossroads". If she was born on December 22 before 03:44 (local time) - according to the horoscope, she is Sagittarius, i.e. The sun is at 30 degrees Sagittarius. And if she was born on December 22 after 03:44, then she is Capricorn according to the horoscope, i.e. The sun will be already in 1 degree of Capricorn. As in the previous example, at any time of birth, she has the qualities of character inherent in both signs of the zodiac, because. Venus is in her zodiac sign Sagittarius, and Mercury is in her zodiac sign Capricorn.

Olga Aleksandrovna Aroseva was born on December 21, 1925 in Moscow- Soviet and Russian theater and film actress. People's Artist of the RSFSR. Regardless of the time of birth according to the horoscope, she was Sagittarius.

For example, for people born on December 21, 2000. in the city of Blagoveshchensk, Amur Region, whose birth time will be before 22:37 - the Sun will be in Sagittarius, and for those who were born after 22:37 - the Sun will be in 1 degree of Capricorn.

Born December 21: zodiac sign and horoscope

The zodiac sign of those born on December 21st is Sagittarius. These people are distinguished by patience and consistency in their actions. They are purposeful and ambitious. They are relentlessly striving to bring their vision to life.

Outwardly, they are calm, but inside they often boil a volcano of passions. If they hold back their anger for a long time, they suddenly frighten those around them with outright rage and cruelty.

These people suffer from self-doubt. They tend to engage in self-digging, obsessing over their shortcomings. Because of this, the moment when decisive action is needed is sometimes missed. These are secretive individuals. They often remain misunderstood and spend their lives alone.

Those born on this day have an amazing ability to be eloquently silent. A pause in a conversation made at the right time convinces the interlocutor better than any words. This ability helps them achieve their goals. They tend to bend those around them to their will, and they often succeed. It is impossible to argue with them.

Strengths: activity, perseverance in achieving the goal, the ability to influence other people, the desire for knowledge

Weak sides: intolerance to other people's opinions, poor communication skills, self-doubt, closeness

Characteristics of women born on December 21

Such women are honest, unprejudiced and independent individuals. They have a wild imagination. These ladies are funny and decent. They are tactless in their straightforwardness.

These ladies prefer equal relations with men. They are able to take the initiative in relationships. Next to such bold and bright ladies are only men worthy of them.

Characteristics of men born on December 21

Such men are active, honest and optimistic individuals. They love to get new knowledge. Easily attracted to new ideas. In pursuit of a goal, they are capable of showing aggression.

These men are freedom-loving. They do not allow anyone to encroach on their personal space. In a relationship, it is difficult to bind them with obligations.

love horoscope

Those born on this day are romantic natures. They need new experiences and fresh emotions, so they often change partners. But having fallen in love for real, they are capable of long-term relationships and a strong, deep connection with their soulmate. They are touching, gentle and warm with those who are dear to them. However, they often remain closed with loved ones, do not reveal their true feelings to them.

These people do not have a soul in their children. Love for kids sometimes makes them forget about their affairs and interests.


Sagittarius born on December 21 build harmonious relationships with Aries, Gemini, Leo, Aquarius. It is difficult for them to achieve mutual understanding with Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn.

business horoscope

Those born on this day love to get new knowledge. They are smart and grasp everything on the fly. They prefer to work independently rather than in a team. Set to lead. In a leadership position, they not only organize the activities of subordinates, but also share experience and knowledge with them.

These people are able to achieve success in many areas of activity. They often excel in education and the humanities. Often they choose for themselves a political career, a job in public relations or in the entertainment industry. Love for creativity is expressed in music, theater or painting. The desire for independence often pushes them to create their own business.

Health Horoscope

Those born on December 21 are prone to stress. They are often visited by melancholy or depression. They tend to get angry. Sexual relations will help to give vent to emotions. Active sports activities are also useful: from aerobics, running and swimming to equestrian sports. They will not only improve health, but also allow you to get rid of stressful conditions.

These people prefer the wrong food: sweets, fatty foods. A diet poor in trace elements and vitamins and rich in calories leads to problems with teeth, skin and hair, as well as to obesity. To solve the problem of excess body weight, the horoscope recommends making your diet healthier. It is necessary to exclude sweets from it (especially pastries), reduce the amount of fat, alcohol and dairy products.

Be less categorical and intolerant. Allow yourself and others to make mistakes sometimes. Don't blame anyone. Condescension to others will improve your relationship with them and allow you to achieve the heights that you dream of.

Learn to trust your soulmate

Open your soul, dreams and fantasies to your loved one. So your union will be happier.

Don't doubt your abilities. Be decisive more often: you can do more than you think.

December 21 - Zodiac sign

In search of truth and meaning in life, you study the world around you and accumulate knowledge hidden in books, not forgetting the rich world of fantasy and imagination. You do not attach yourself to any particular idea or concept, accepting any kind of experience as it is. Attuned to activity and leadership, you have considerable patience and perseverance, unlike the usual Sagittarius. Your goal is to expand your understanding of the world, and therefore you view your existence as an endless, joyful adventure in which there is no need to rush anywhere.

Those born on December 21 should be wary of depression, which occurs when wishes do not come true. Long-held anger and resentment can erupt into sudden outbursts of rage and cruelty. A very important factor for those born on December 21st is sexual expression. In this sense, it is very important for them to find a partner who would give not only warmth and tenderness, but also physical satisfaction. As a result of malnutrition, problems with the skin, teeth and overweight are possible. Those born on December 21 should moderate their passion for sweets, as well as for animal fats and dairy products. The consumption of alcohol and antidepressants should be tightly controlled. Moving physical exercises are recommended - from aerobics to equestrian sports.

December 21, strong personalities are born who know the secret of using silence for their own purposes. Whether they say anything or not, their main weapon is the language of the body and soul, with the help of which they manage to state their demands in such a way that it is impossible to refuse them. It is almost impossible to argue with these people, they are so adamant in achieving their own ideals. Those born on December 21 have a remarkable ability to direct all their energy to the last in order to clear their way to the once intended goal and start one-way traffic along it in the direction they need. And if they managed to get others to do something the way they need, they can completely control the result of this activity.

Zodiac sign December 21 - Sagittarius

Sign Element: Fire. Your zodiac sign is directly related to the signs of the Fire element, which are distinguished by the following qualities: recklessness, logic, inconstancy. Sagittarius is an energetic person, loves animals, has a great thirst for personal freedom.

Planet Ruler: Jupiter. Gives Sagittarius a passion for everything prestigious, success in learning foreign customs, interest in what is happening far away. The influence of Jupiter is ideal for politicians. The planet in exile is Mercury. Responsible for the lack of objectivity, as well as selective attitude to information.

Those born on December 21st have the secret to using silence to amazing effect. By suddenly falling silent at certain turning points in a conversation or, for example, business negotiations, they achieve a much greater impact on their interlocutors than if they were constantly talking, trying to prove something, or even shouting, expressing their emotions. At the same time, it may seem to others that behind their silence there is some kind of sinister force that is capable of breaking out at any moment, therefore, those who were born on the Day of the Great Mystery are usually treated with caution, as if afraid to provoke a volcanic eruption. Unfortunately, this sense of insecurity that arises when dealing with these people may well spread to their loved ones, friends, acquaintances and colleagues, which contributes to tension in relationships, and sometimes even leads to a complete break. This is why those born on December 21st can often find it difficult to maintain lasting friendships and go through life leaving a trail of broken hearts in their wake.

Those born on this day, as a rule, prefer not to talk about themselves and do not like to answer questions regarding their personal lives. They are extremely secretive about everything that concerns their fantasies and inner life, but nevertheless they are able to persistently and powerfully project their fantasies onto the world around them, thus shaping their environment. Their desire and ability to control people is very great. Most of those around them prefer to communicate with them exactly as they wish, mainly in order not to piss them off and not give them a reason to show their nature from the worst side. Despite all this, those born on December 21 are capable of touchingly warm relationships with those they love. Both men and women born on this day usually have great physical strength and have good control over their bodies both in motion and at rest. In addition, they have a fondness for small children and/or animals; this love is sometimes even capable of temporarily overshadowing their adult affairs and interests.

By the way, it is in such relationships that those born on December 21 could find wide scope for expressing their highly developed intuition and ability to non-verbal communication. “Whoever is not with me is against me” - this phrase is too often the principle of action for all those born on December 21st. They should learn to forgive and be more tolerant of others, as well as begin to use their ability to love tenderly in life. For effective spiritual growth, they should get rid of the fear of being rejected, avoid suspiciousness and indecision in actions, and cool their immoderate desire to be the subject of admiration.

Sagittarius man - born on December 21st

Men who celebrate their birthday on December 21 can boast the following distinctive features: such a gentleman is philosophical, advanced, honest, adaptable, spiritual. Sagittarius men are assertive, and sometimes even aggressive, nothing can stop them on the way to the goal. Relations with such a man are bright and emotional, but it is almost impossible to keep him in place or bind him with any obligations. Therefore, a woman who decides to make Sagittarius happy will have to use all her wisdom and ingenuity so as not to bore her lover. In addition, Sagittarians value freedom very much and do not allow restrictions on their personal space.

Sagittarius woman - born on December 21st

Women who were born on December 21 are characterized by such facets of temperament: such a lady is honest, caring, natural, courageous. In relationships with men, Sagittarius women do not tolerate patriarchy. They are used to being on equal terms with a partner, they are not afraid to take the initiative and take matters into their own hands. Only bright and charismatic men are capable of conquering such a woman, who are in no way inferior to their beloved and are able to make her a worthy couple.

Birthday 21 December

Sagittarians born on December 21 have an ability that makes them unique among other representatives of this sign - these are people who know how to keep silent correctly, thereby using silence to achieve their goals. A similar skill lies in the fact that such interlocutors can suddenly become silent at the climax of the conversation and thereby achieve a much more significant effect than if the conversation continued.

However, such a quality, born on December 21, the Sagittarius zodiac sign, can also be used against them, since others are not always able to understand what is hidden behind such a behavior, and they may get the impression that such people are not entirely clear, or maybe , and are completely unreliable; hence - caution in communication, tension in relationships and often - a complete break. That is why Sagittarians, whose birthday falls on December 21, almost never have long friendships with anyone.

The relationship of these personalities with others is also influenced by the fact that the Sagittarius zodiac sign born on December 21 is quite secretive: everything related to their fantasies, inner world and personal life is hidden deep in the soul. Nevertheless, such people have a need for communication, and it is also very specific: they need everyone around to obey their will. And they very often succeed, because others, trying not to wake the volcano, prefer to behave as they want.

One should not, however, consider these Sagittarius, complex in nature, to be such monsters. They are very touching and warm to those they really love. This is especially true for their children, for whose sake they will do anything, sparing no effort, no means, no warmth. Among the striking features inherent in people who celebrate their birthday on December 21, the zodiac sign Sagittarius, their significant physical strength should be noted (this applies to both men and women). Moreover, they skillfully use it, perfectly owning their own body in any position and in any situation.

The sign of Sagittarius, patronizing those born on December 21, makes them extremely purposeful, but only if the goal set is as specific as possible, then no one and nothing can make them turn off the intended path. But even here there are pitfalls: very often the result of such aspirations is the unwillingness of such people to think that their idea is not entirely successful. They are too ambitious and ambitious to admit defeat in something.

But, as you know, there is a way out of any situation. Those born on December 21, the zodiac sign Sagittarius, will somewhat moderate their desire to be the first in everything and become more tolerant of those who are nearby, they will really be able to achieve the heights they aspire to. Being able to forgive, learning to overcome your own fears, becoming less suspicious and more trusting of others, getting rid of internal barriers - perhaps too many conditions, but they really need to be fulfilled in order to fulfill dreams and grow spiritually.

Love and Compatibility

They are overwhelmed by great desires, but at the same time they hide great possibilities of control over others. Many treat those born on this day as they would like to be treated themselves, appeasing them in this way, otherwise who knows how the matter would end. And, despite all this, those born on December 21 know how to be charming, gentle, sensual, affectionate with those they love.

Leo and Aries are the most suitable pair for representatives of the Sagittarius sign. They will be able to coexist on equal terms without suppressing each other's freedom. In such unions there is no place for jealousy, together they make up a strong tandem, inspiring each other to new achievements. With Pisces and Virgo, Sagittarians can show their leadership qualities by playing first fiddle in relationships. Scorpios find it difficult to get along with Sagittarians because of their desire to always be the best in everything. And Libra will not be able to understand Sagittarius' constant desire for change and adventure, so such a relationship is most likely not to be harmonious.

Work and Career

Those born on December 21 spend all their time in search of the meaning of life and truth. They actively study the world around them, accumulate knowledge and experience. Such people are often avid book readers. From books they draw knowledge about the world. Those born on December 21 are not in a hurry to share their knowledge with others. They give out information in a dosed manner, which spur interest in their personality. Those born on December 21 are active, ambitious, and leadership oriented. They love to be first. Such people are characterized by perseverance, patience. Those born on December 21 almost always achieve their goal.

Sagittarius is a strong personality with a peculiar character. It is not always easy to find a common language with him. Sagittarius is more comfortable working independently than in a team. The representative of the mark can choose any field of activity. Sagittarians born on December 21 achieve great success in education, science, and research. They make great analysts. But the exact sciences are interesting to a few representatives of the sign. The same goes for engineering and design.

Health and Disease

The root of Sagittarius' health problems is in their unfulfilled dreams and unfulfilled desires. Both are cause for depression. It is her representatives of the sign who should be afraid. Depressive conditions poison the life of Sagittarius. It is almost impossible to cope with such problems on your own. Depression can take a long time. And in this state, Sagittarius is not able to develop, progress. This depresses him even more. It turns out a vicious circle.

Fate and Luck

On this day, sensual, romantic, indecisive, insecure people are born. They tend to self-digging, sometimes they bring themselves to depression, condemning and blaming themselves. They have low self-esteem. These people work out karmic tasks. They need to learn confidence, perseverance, determination. Having embarked on the path of evolutionary development, developing spirituality, they will be able to find their place in life, become happy and prosperous.

You know how to use silence to achieve your goals. Use this technique more often. This is a trump card that few people own in the modern world.

Horoscope by Date of Birth

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Sagittarians born on December 21 have an ability that makes them unique among other representatives of this sign - these are people who know how to keep silent correctly, thereby using silence to achieve their goals. A similar skill lies in the fact that such interlocutors can suddenly become silent at the climax of the conversation and thereby achieve a much more significant effect than if the conversation continued.

However, such a quality, born on December 21, the Sagittarius zodiac sign, can also be used against them, since others are not always able to understand what is hidden behind such a behavior, and they may get the impression that such people are not entirely clear, or maybe , and are completely unreliable; hence - caution in communication, tension in relationships and often - a complete break. That is why Sagittarians, whose birthday falls on December 21, almost never have long friendships with anyone.

The relationship of these personalities with others is also influenced by the fact that the Sagittarius zodiac sign born on December 21 is quite secretive: everything related to their fantasies, inner world and personal life is hidden deep in the soul. Nevertheless, such people have a need for communication, and it is also very specific: they need everyone around to obey their will. And they very often succeed, because others, trying not to wake the volcano, prefer to behave as they want.

One should not, however, consider these Sagittarius, complex in nature, to be such monsters. They are very touching and warm to those they really love. This is especially true for their children, for whose sake they will do anything, sparing no effort, no means, no warmth.

Among the striking features inherent in people who celebrate their birthday on December 21, the zodiac sign Sagittarius, their significant physical strength should be noted (this applies to both men and women). Moreover, they skillfully use it, perfectly owning their own body in any position and in any situation.

The sign of Sagittarius, patronizing those born on December 21, makes them extremely purposeful, but only if the goal set is as specific as possible, then no one and nothing can make them turn off the intended path. But even here there are pitfalls: very often the result of such aspirations is the unwillingness of such people to think that their idea is not entirely successful. They are too ambitious and ambitious to admit defeat in something.

But, as you know, there is a way out of any situation. Those born on December 21, the zodiac sign Sagittarius, will somewhat moderate their desire to be the first in everything and become more tolerant of those who are nearby, they will really be able to achieve the heights they aspire to. Being able to forgive, learning to overcome your own fears, becoming less suspicious and more trusting of others, getting rid of internal barriers - perhaps too many conditions, but they really need to be fulfilled in order to fulfill dreams and grow spiritually.

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