Baby crying teeth at night. Does the child sleep poorly at night or during the day, wakes up crying? What to do - instructions for young mothers. How to understand that a child is teething

All parents know that teething is one of the most unpleasant events that can happen to their baby. Children become moody, sleep poorly and put everything in their mouths. But often parents confuse poor sleep and the vagaries associated with it with teething. How to understand that the baby is teething and how to keep a good sleep?

Some sleep experts write in their books that teething does not harm sleep if the baby has already formed the right habits. But I cannot agree with this. As in everything else, all children are different, and the threshold for pain sensitivity is different. So I think it's our responsibility as parents to be compassionate and try to help our little ones get through this difficult time, but at the same time make sure they get enough sleep.

What are the signs that a baby is teething?

- profuse salivation;

- runny nose;

- redness of the cheeks and / or rash on the chin, around the mouth;

- refusal of the breast / bottle, or vice versa, the desire to apply more often;

- increased sucking reflex;

- desire to bite / gnaw everything around;

- swollen, whitish gums;

- Difficulty falling asleep and staying asleep

- capriciousness, tearfulness.

Also, sometimes during teething, the temperature may rise, the stool and the frequency of urination may change. But if these symptoms occur, you need to be more careful, as they may indicate an infection. Therefore, if you have any doubts, it is better to consult a doctor.

How to distinguish teething from just bad sleep?

Actually, this is a very difficult question. My baby, for example, never had swollen gums, a fever or a runny nose, and the desire to put everything in his mouth did not depend on teething. I usually discover new teeth by accident. That is, last night the gum looked as usual, and today a tooth sticks out of it. How can you tell the difference between bad sleep due to teething and other causes of bad sleep? Here are the main points to keep in mind for parents:

1) The baby slept well, and now he sleeps very badly. If you have ruled out all possible causes of awakening and the baby is not sick, then it may be that his teeth have begun to bother him. In this case, look closely and you may be able to identify one or more of the symptoms listed above.

2) The baby does not feel well throughout the day. The discomfort of teething should not be confused with the evening whims that come from not getting enough sleep during the day or staying up late at night. Indeed, the baby may be more restless at night. But if during the day he behaves very well, and often wakes up at night, then the cause may be not only teeth.

3) If you have ruled out all other causes of anxiety for the baby, then you can give him a painkiller 15-20 minutes before bedtime (for example, Nurofen - 2.5 ml once), after discussing this with your pediatrician. If the baby is really worried about the teeth, then he will fall asleep better and will not wake up for at least 4 hours, or even all 5-6 (if at night), and during the day he will sleep a full sleep lasting 1.5-2 hours.

How long does teething last?

From the first to the last tooth can take 2 years. But this does not mean that all 2 years the baby will not sleep well “because of the teeth”. Very often, parents attribute bad sleep to teething. But in reality, the eruption itself lasts 2-5 days(the “root” teeth erupt longer). The rest of the time of bad sleep is the result of bad habits that we ourselves, parents, create without knowing it.

How to help the baby?

Although it is very difficult for a baby to alleviate his suffering, we still need to do our best to help him fall asleep and get enough sleep throughout the day and night.

During the day, various teethers (pre-chilled in the refrigerator), a nipple, special massage brushes, additional drinking of cool water, additional breastfeeding can help. Teethers helped my baby, but I know many mothers who said that it did not help them at all. Try to experiment and you may find something that suits your baby.

Of the medicines, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (ibuprofen or paracetamol) are considered the most effective. Children's ibuprofen (=nurofen) is considered the "gold standard", but some experts do not recommend it until 6 months of age. Therefore, before giving your baby one of these drugs, consult your pediatrician.

"Freezing" gels can also help. But they must be used very carefully, as they can have a strong enough "freezing" effect that can greatly frighten the child and he can become even more restless. Note! According to the latest data, it is not recommended to use pain-relieving gels that contain benzocaine (for example, Oragel), as they can be dangerous for your baby's health. (More on this.)

Separately, I want to say about homeopathic medicines. As you know, their effectiveness has not been proven. But harm has not been proven either. Although mothers claim that their baby "helped a lot."

Should I stop sleep training during teething?

There cannot be a clear answer. If the baby is very ill, his temperature has risen and he refuses to eat - you should pay even more attention to him, take him in your arms, hug him, stay with him longer, even if this will affect sleep. But if the baby just “bites his fists”, then you should not deviate from the plan. As I wrote above, teeth erupt over the course of 2 years, but this does not mean that you need to suffer all these 2 years and wait until they all erupt.

Dear my readers!

I often watch the children of my friends and relatives. The greatest happiness after the birth of a baby is the appearance of his first tooth. However, many parents do not even suspect what the child's behavior is when teething.

They are not prepared for the fact that the baby will cry, not sleep at night, be very capricious ... You need to know how to help the baby when teeth appear. Let's talk about it, dear parents!

The very first of all teeth in babies appear lower incisors at the age of about 6 months. Children will react differently to this event. For some, it goes unnoticed, and parents can only rejoice.

But sometimes the symptoms of teething teeth can really scare:

  • gums swell, become red, itch;
  • the baby cries, puts everything in his mouth, is naughty, and his mother's breast calms him only for a while;
  • at night the child sleeps poorly, often wakes up crying;
  • the temperature is increased;
  • runny nose, sometimes cough;
  • some children may develop a rash on the chin;
  • sometimes the stomach aches, diarrhea is observed;
  • saliva flows profusely.

Not always we, parents, can distinguish the symptoms of cutting teeth from a more severe disease. If the baby is very naughty, but you are not sure that the first tooth was the cause, be sure to call the doctor.

Perhaps it’s not about him at all, but our little one is really sick with a viral disease or has caught a bacterial infection. Only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis, and you cannot risk the life and health of the baby.

If the teeth don't appear...

Hearing such a phrase, some parents will exclaim: “It doesn’t happen like that! All children are teething, but timing may vary.”

This is not entirely true. There is a disease called adentia, when children generally lack the rudiments of teeth.

When should you sound the alarm?

How many months the first teeth are cut, you can find out from my other. But if after 15 months the child does not have the first tooth, go to the dentist.

It may be that the teeth have already begun to break through, but they need to be helped by massage or other procedures that the doctor will indicate.

Dear parents, you should not be afraid of the suffering of the baby when teeth are cut. It is much worse if they do not appear at all.

How to help?

But we also can’t watch how the baby cries. How can we as adults help ease the suffering of a child? How to relieve swollen gums?

For this, modern medicine offers a large number of means:

  • Teethers. These are special toys made in the form of rings made of rubber-based materials. By elasticity, they resemble rubber. There is liquid inside, so teethers are recommended to put in the freezer for 5-7 minutes before use. They retain cold well and due to this they have an analgesic effect. Toddlers are happy to scratch their teeth on teethers, stimulating their release from the gums.
  • Pain relief gels("Viburkol", "Kholisal"). Most of them are prepared on the basis of lidocaine and menthol. The gel is applied to the gums and has a soothing and analgesic effect. No need to think, dear parents, that gels stimulate the growth of teeth. Their main task is to reduce pain. The action of the gel lasts no more than 20 minutes, and they should be applied no more than 5 times a day for 3 days. Advice to moms: do not lubricate the newborn's gums before feeding, as the tongue loses sensitivity, and the baby will suck badly.

Since medical devices can be used infrequently, your task, dear parents, is to provide the most comfortable conditions for the baby. What can be done to speed up the process of the appearance of the first teeth?

  • Give the baby to gnaw drying, crackers. They will stimulate teething.
  • Put a clean spoon in the refrigerator for a while, then wrap it in cheesecloth and rub the spoon over your child's gums. You can give a cold teether or pieces of apple.
  • Keep the environment clean and hygienic. If the baby pulls something into the mouth, it must be a pre-disinfected object so that pathogenic bacteria do not get into the mouth. Keep all sharp and cutting objects out of sight so that the child does not get hurt.
  • Be more attentive to the baby: hold him more in your arms, kiss, hug. Your care will help the baby to more easily endure this difficult period for him.

I think it will be easy for loving parents to follow these simple rules. But the reward will be the first tooth and the calmness of the baby. If you want to learn more about the upbringing and health of the child, be sure to watch the video course "School of the little one". Here you will find a real encyclopedia for future parents.

For all children, teeth are cut in completely different ways: for some, the process of teeth is painless and does not affect the well-being of the baby, and someone before teething becomes restless, capricious, whiny, “hanging on his chest” or, if the mother does not breastfeed the baby - just in the arms of mom-dad, drooling flows like a river, gums swell, redden, itch, itch, or vice versa turn white. Often babies do not sleep well, at night they constantly wake up screaming.

It usually begins closer to six months, on average, by the year the baby has 8 incisors, and the eruption of all 20 milk teeth should be completed by 3 years. However, the timing of teething can vary greatly and there is nothing wrong with that, it is normal when a child has only one tooth cut by the year.

Often, milk teeth are located asymmetrically. Incorrect arrangement of milk teeth is not considered a disease! Such a "dental disorder" has every right to exist until the complete closure of the dentition, that is, until the first 16 teeth appear. Further, as a result of chewing food, milk teeth “grind” and fall into place.

How to understand that a child is teething:

When all or some of the following signs may appear, but it may happen that not a single sign appears in your baby during teething - everything is individual:

1. A child who is teething often bites everything that he can bring to his mouth, because the gums itch and it bothers him.

2. Inflammation is a protective reaction of the delicate gum tissue to teething. In some babies, this seems to be the cause of severe pain, but in others it is almost not. The most painful and incisors. But everyone is different.

3. A baby who is teething can be naughty when it comes to feeding. Wanting to take something into his mouth to relieve the aching and itching pain a little, the child behaves as if he constantly wants to eat, but as soon as he begins to suck, the feeling of discomfort intensifies, forcing him to refuse the breast or bottle that he is so demanding requested recently. A child who has begun to eat solid food may lose all interest in it for a while.

4. In some children, the stool during teething becomes more liquid than usual. This is due to the fact that during teething, salivation increases, excess saliva is swallowed and liquefies the stool.

5. A slight increase in temperature is acceptable - the result of gum inflammation. If your child develops a fever during teething, just in case, lower the temperature as you would during an illness, and consult a doctor.

6. Sometimes bluish bumps may appear on the gums.

7. Pain in the gums through the common pathways of the nervous system can spread to the ears and cheeks, especially when it comes to the incisors, so some children pull their ears, rub their cheeks and chin. But remember also that children pull themselves by the ears with inflammation of the middle ear (otitis media). If you suspect this disease, consult a doctor, regardless of whether (as you think) the child's teeth are being cut at this time or not.

8. The appearance of a runny nose. Moderate runny nose during teething with normal body temperature and undisturbed general condition may well be considered as a variant of the physiological norm. The blood supply to the gums and nasal mucosa is closely related anatomically. When teething occurs, blood circulation in the gums is activated, and this inevitably leads to activation of the blood supply to the nasal cavity. The consequence of the latter is a more active work of the glands of the mucous membrane. Hence the additional mucus - transparent and in small quantities.

When teething, immunity weakens, so it is very important to correctly assess the symptoms and not confuse them with an incipient viral infection, colds, flu, SARS, etc.

How can you make life easier for a child during this difficult period:

Remedy #1. Double caress and care of parents. Do not be afraid to spoil the baby; constant crying and whims spoil the character much more!

Tool number 2. Use of cutters. These are rubber or plastic toys that the baby can bite on. Especially soothing is the chewing of dental rings with liquid inside, which can be put in the refrigerator and cooled.

Tool number 3. Gently massage the gums with a gauze pad. Wrap your index finger in a gauze pad soaked in cold water and gently massage your child's gums.

Remedy #4: Medicines

1. Gels to relieve pain during teething - , Babydent, Baby doctor... - to choose from, one remedy is suitable for someone, someone else, but first see the instructions on the Internet, regarding age restrictions. These gels contain a local anesthetic that numbs the gums and thus "numbs" the pain. The disadvantage of these funds is that they last an extremely short time.

2. If gels do not help, then candles - doctors recommend them to relieve pain during teething. They are especially convenient to use at night, my older child slept much calmer after them.

3. Just like painkillers can be used syrup or candles at maintenance dosage.

4. You can also use tablets(This is a homeopathic remedy). The tablet dissolves in a small amount of water… The interval between eating and taking Dentokind should be at least 30 minutes. Children under 1 year old - 1 tablet every 60 minutes, but not more than 6 doses per day.

5. Dantinorm baby- a homeopathic preparation in the form of a solution. I used it with a younger child - it helps quickly and dulls the pain for quite a long time.

Approximate terms of eruption and loss of milk teeth,

timing of eruption of permanent teeth

If a long-awaited child is born in the house, then the newly-made parents have many reasons for happiness and joy, but at the same time there are many worries. If the baby is the first, then responsible parents are very worried, not knowing how to behave with the child, how to feed, swaddle, hold and rock the baby. What can we say about the first diseases and the first cases of malaise, especially when the first teeth are cut.

The first symptoms of teething in a child

The most serious test for any mother is the time when the child's first teeth begin to cut. The symptoms of this condition are hard to miss: fever, restlessness, frequent crying. Sometimes indigestion occurs. Most often, the first symptoms that the baby begins to cut teeth appear at the age of 4 months.

This time may vary, in some children signs of swelling of the gums and all the other "charms" that accompany teething can be seen at 5-7 months. That is, in order not to panic, confused in guessing why your child is crying a lot, and how to help him, each parent needs to know what symptoms children have if teeth start to cut.

In addition to gum swelling and redness, most children experience increased salivation, restless sleep, loss of appetite, and nasal congestion. Baby puts objects in mouth, as if wanting to taste everything that falls into his hands.

We must not forget that the process of teething is a normal condition. These are difficulties that you just have to go through. The pain that the baby feels at the same time is quite strong. In order to understand this, remember your feelings during the germination of wisdom teeth when you were adults. Teething involves their germination through the mucous membrane of the gums and bone tissue.

What should parents pay attention to?

So, if a child starts teething, then the symptoms seem to be simple, which all moms and dads know. But most pediatricians recommend that adults not ignore certain signs that accompany the growth process of the first incisors. Sometimes stomach problems, nasal congestion, or a cough in a child just coincide with the time of teething, but are caused by slightly more serious causes.

In the first year of life, the baby's body is just beginning to "ripen", this is a rather difficult time when the child needs a lot of attention from parents, respect and care.

Very big the risk of getting some kind of infection, therefore, adults need to clearly know and learn to identify the signs when a child's teeth begin to cut, as well as the symptoms of some kind of violation when you need to see a doctor.

Baby starts coughing

If a child's teeth begin to cut, then symptoms such as a slight cough due to excessive salivation are the norm. Especially often this phenomenon occurs if the baby is on his back. In this state, saliva enters the throat, and a normal cough reflex allows the baby to get rid of uncomfortable sensations. Is coughing less common when sitting? That is, everything is not so difficult and there is no danger. As a rule, this cough goes away on its own quite quickly.

When the cough is painful, wet, lasts several days, wheezing is heard, the baby is suffocating, there is sputum production and shortness of breath are dangerous signs. Need a doctor's consultation.


Very often for adults, while teething in children, it seems as if the common cold is passing. Just when teething in the nasal cavity increases the amount of mucus. Directly this condition does not have any threat to the health of the baby. This runny nose usually ends after a couple of days. Moreover, the mucus that is released from the nose is clear and liquid. It is enough to periodically rinse the nasal cavity of the baby. Special treatment in this case is not needed.

At the same time, severe nasal congestion and swelling, greenish or cloudy-white mucus needs special attention and urgent referral to a pediatrician. Especially when nasal congestion lasts more than one week.


When the first teeth begin to cut in a baby, the signs are not always limited to a runny nose or swelling of the gums. Sometimes it may be noted temperature rise. This is due to the active formation of bioactive substances in some areas of the gums. Most often, this is subfebrile temperature, which persists for several days. Then the child's condition returns to normal. In certain situations, it is advisable to give the child an antipyretic.

In those, if the temperature rises to 38 degrees or more, the baby is inactive, feels very unwell, and at the same time this condition lasts more than 2 days, then there is no need to postpone going to the pediatrician.


During teething, as we have already said, salivation increases. The baby often swallows saliva, which accelerates peristalsis of the gastrointestinal tract. Seeing watery stools, adults can rightfully be frightened, since diarrhea can quickly lead to dehydration, and this is a rather dangerous condition. But, when the child rarely empties the intestines, and this diarrhea disappears in a few days, then there is simply no big reason for panic.

A visit to the doctor is required only if the diarrhea is frequent, intense, when there are impurities of mucus or blood in the feces.

Estimated teething time

As a rule, on the lower jaw, the central incisors grow no earlier than after six months, and on the upper jaw at the age of 7-12 months. Then comes the turn of the germination of the lateral incisors. On the lower jaw, these teeth erupt at the age of 12-15 months, and on the upper jaw already at 15-16 months. Then canines and first molars may begin to appear. The appearance of the first is observed in many children aged 1.5-2 years. The second molars in the lower jaw grow after 25 months and from 27 months in the upper. Moreover, this time may vary, but approximately this happens at the age of 2-3 years.

Often the first tooth begins to erupt in a baby with age. approximately 8 months. This slightly shifts the growth time of other teeth. Most often, before the child is one year old, he already grows one tooth. By the age of three, babies, as a rule, already have all 20 milk teeth.

Sometimes it happens that newborn teeth appear in pairs. In some cases, 4 teeth can be observed simultaneously breaking through. Naturally, this is a very big burden for the child's body, but this double eruption is considered normal.

The most important thing to remember is that the time of growth of the first molars, canines or incisors does not affect the normal growth and development of children. Each child can go through certain stages of growing up, which are peculiar to his pace. This is not at all a cause for concern for adults.

Parents who have babies under the age of 1.5 years are advised to buy special silicone brushes for kids. This device makes it possible to gently and easily clean the very first teeth, which sometimes erupt at this age. When the baby is already over 2 years old, you can purchase a children's toothbrush. Then, when your child is over 3 years old, you can gradually teach him to rinse his mouth after eating.

The initial years of the life of babies are marked by increased emotional attachment to their mother. Therefore, if the child’s teeth begin to cut, the gums swell and hurt, then it is better to try to give the baby maximum care and attention: calm the child with a lullaby, often carry the baby in her arms, distract with some kind of toy.

When the process of growth of the first teeth occurs without complications, it is not necessary to treat the child very diligently, as this is an absolutely normal stage in the development of any baby.

Children who are breastfed advised to breastfeed if needed. This can calm the baby, will improve his sleep and well-being.

When teething, the baby's gums itch and swell. In order to alleviate this condition, reduce itching and pain, you need to give the child special teethers-toys. Today there is a huge selection of such devices. They are made from non-toxic and safe materials. Inside this "rattle", as a rule, there is a special cooling gel or liquid that has an analgesic effect.

Medicines for swollen gums in babies

Naturally, any intake of various medications should be under control. There is no need to immediately run to the pharmacy for painkillers during the first unpleasant signs of teething, as you can often do without medication. But if the baby reacts to this condition in different ways, that is, all the time because of the pain, the child is constantly crying and screaming. In this case they can help special ointments and gels for children:

  • Lident Baby;
  • Kalgel;
  • Kamistad;
  • Dentol baby;
  • Dentinox;
  • Holisal.

Some of these drugs are made in the form of a solution. The components that are in these formulations are safe for the health of the baby. They may include antiseptic and pain medications, herbal extracts, substances that relieve inflammation and swelling.

But it's always better consult a doctor before buying and starting to use a certain medicine. Just some drugs can cause an allergic reaction in the baby, they must be used with caution.

Ibuprofen or paracetamol are available as antipyretics for children. At the same time, paracetamol is also part of a special suspension - Panadol. This drug makes it possible to reduce pain and lower the temperature. But experts do not advise using this tool for more than 3 days in a row.

Folk ways

All the unpleasant symptoms of teething in children were known even at a time when medicine was not so developed. Because there are many ways to alleviate the condition of the baby using folk methods. Among them:

Also need wipe saliva well that has accumulated around the mouth. If teething begins to be accompanied by diarrhea and vomiting, then it is recommended to feed the baby with pureed liquid food and give plenty of liquid to drink.

There are several folk recipes that it is advisable to refuse:

If teeth begin to erupt in children, then parents need to have patience. Sleepless nights, constant crying - alas, maternal happiness cannot do without this. But you just need to go through such a difficult stage with your child, not forgetting that all difficulties are temporary.

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