Throwing away in a fit of rage crossword puzzle 12 letters. Uncontrollable outbursts of anger. Features and methods of dealing with them. Treatment for rage attacks

Attacks of rage are a manifestation of an extreme form of human anger, literally bursting from the inside. Attacks of rage are marked by a destructive flow of energy, and negative emotions are characterized by disabling the ability to analyze one's actions. Unreasonable and sudden attacks cause bewilderment in others, as well as anxiety in the individual himself. To cope with your emotions, you should find out their cause, as well as master effective techniques for removing aggressiveness.

Causes of rage attacks

There are no such people who never get angry and always maintain a balanced state. Anything can get you out of a rut: an unfair boss, traffic jams, bad weather, childish pranks, etc. However, rage and rage are one thing, and uncontrollable sudden bouts of rage and anger are quite another.

Anger with rage usually passes without serious devastating consequences for a person, but if during sudden fits of rage a person is able to inflict pain and suffering on loved ones or the environment, then this already indicates a lack of control of their emotions. In principle, a violent manifestation of anger is attributed to the normal reaction of the human psyche to an external stimulus. It is much more difficult to deal with uncontrolled manifestations.

An attack of rage refers to a state of both emotional and physiological. It manifests itself in increased heart rate, redness or pallor of the skin. This is because the body receives a huge amount of energy that needs to be put somewhere.

There is an opinion that it is harmful to restrain negative emotions in oneself. This is not true and scientists have proven it. The breakdown of negative emotions in the form of anger and anger at the immediate environment is akin to a drug that gives great pleasure to the aggressor. Frequent breakdowns of a person on loved ones cause a desire to do this all the time. Over time, the person himself does not even notice that he unconsciously provokes situations in which he falls into an attack. Ordinary people, noticing such a feature, begin to shun such a person, and he, in turn, finds a society of the same unbalanced and adoring outbursts of anger.

A fit of rage and anger

Negative emotions manifest themselves in the form of a destructive reaction to an obstacle (external or internal). At the same time, the barrier often infuriates a person, and the rage itself is accompanied by an incredible desire to destroy this barrier. The barrier can be both inanimate and animate. The emergence of rage is associated with the appearance of anger, which angers the individual. Attempts to cope with him remain unsuccessful and anger develops into rage.

Rage arises when a situation develops that does not suit and gives the feeling that it is possible to cope with it. It grows to a certain point - a turning point, after which there is either a decrease in the intensity of feelings until calm, or a sharp jump upwards, which manifests itself in the form of seizures. A common common expression is suffocated with anger. This is the starting point for the onset of rage.

This condition is marked by compression of the nerves, shortness of breath. Negative emotions are always accompanied by a desire for physical activity: fight, jump, run, crush, break, clench your hands into fists.

Seizures are marked by specific expressions of facial expressions:

- lowered, flattened eyebrows;

- dilated eyes, focusing attention on the object of aggression;

- the formation of horizontal folds on the bridge of the nose;

- expansion of the wings of the nose due to air inflows and tension;

- open mouth in height on inspiration, bare teeth.

Rage attacks have a lot in common with hysteria. They are united, for example, by the fact that these extreme forms of expression of emotions, introducing the human psyche into a dangerous state, do not have organic changes.

Prolonged hysteria and fits of rage cause serious harm to health. It can be loss of consciousness, stroke, shock, heart attack, paralysis of the hands, temporary deafness, blindness.

Attacks of rage in men and women

A hormonal storm in a man's body can provoke the manifestation of negative emotions. Excess testosterone makes a man more aggressive. This behavior is attributed to a hereditary factor that modern men inherited from the Middle Ages, when they had to defend their territory. An unreasonable outbreak of aggression in men is attributed to problems in the mental sphere.

Treatment, prevention of attacks of rage include social and medical components. The first is connected with the competent behavior of others who witnessed the beginning of this state. The second is related to the appeal to specialists in medical institutions.

The cause of uncontrolled violent behavior in the female half of humanity, as well as in the male, is various physiological deviations, somatic diseases. For example, injuries and tumors of the brain, metabolic disorders can well become the starting point in seizures. Post-traumatic stress disorder, if left untreated, will easily provoke the same outcome. However, knowing about the physiological predisposition of the female body to, it is possible to prevent the manifestations of this condition in women and, if possible, even take preventive measures.

Child's fits of rage

The physiological basis of emotions that tonic the activity of an individual is mainly the process of excitation, and the basis of such negative emotions as are the processes of inhibition. In a child's childhood, excitation takes precedence over inhibition, thereby determining the child's emotional excitability.

At preschool age, the mood of others is completely transmitted to the baby, the child is able to cry, but after a few minutes to laugh. For children, a quick change of emotions is a normal reaction. It is important for parents to remember this and not to panic in vain. Gradually, over the years, the balance of nervous processes develops, and feelings become stable and moderate. Parents should take into account that the child always tries to copy adults. And if he notices that with the help of hysteria and seizures, it is really possible to achieve his goals, then he will constantly use this.

How to deal with rage attacks in children? Do not create traumatic situations for the child's psyche, do not conduct offensive, offensive conversations with the baby. If there is a threat of negative emotions, smooth out sharp points and distract the child with other topics.

With frequently repeated hysteria in a child, which arose due to the influence of the school team, it is necessary to go to school without hesitation and find out what is the reason.

If fits of hysteria pose a threat to the health of the child, then the issue of terminating the stay in an educational institution or a given class should be resolved.

Treatment for rage attacks

First, it is necessary to assess the true cause of this human condition.

Secondly, you should learn to track a certain period of time between the onset of anger and a calm state. To calm down as quickly as possible, you should close your eyes for a while and try to abstract yourself from the outside world. All attacks are marked by rapid and shallow breathing. Therefore, in order to fight this condition, it is necessary to master the control of your breathing. You can calm down by taking a deep and slow breath. In the future, when a person feels the approach of negative emotions, you need to go to the mirror and observe exactly which muscles of the face are tensing. In a state of calm, you should master the skills of controlling facial muscles - relax and also strain. When the next outburst of anger and anger comes, you should relax your facial muscles.

Thirdly, it is necessary to avoid the company of people who provoke negative emotions.

Fourthly, if seizures are caused by upbringing, then annoying situations should be avoided, be sure to exclude alcohol from drinking, think about pleasant things, visit nature more often, always say good things, do justice, take infusions of soothing herbs (infusions of hawthorn, valerian, chamomile, peppermint).

Attacks of rage for no reason are recommended to be eliminated by switching attention to something distracting and pleasant, for example, mentally a person is transferred to those places where you can be replenished with positive energy, and the conversation with the interlocutor is transferred to neutral topics.

Effective in dropping negative emotions physical activity (jogging, swinging the press). In case of an urgent need to throw out rage, it is required to do this while being alone. You should break something, smash it, work with a hammer, beat a pillow. Great importance should be given to proper nutrition, excluding spicy foods and alcohol, as they provoke aggression. If the seizures continue to remain and become uncontrolled, it is necessary to consult a specialist.

Often, relatives of the patient are interested in which doctor to turn to if they are overcome by fits of rage, causing suffering to everyone? Often, a suffering person considers himself to be a normal person and denies the offered help from relatives. In this case, you should try not to bring your loved one to a state of rage and anger. Knowing behind him such a feature as sudden temper, rage, anger, give in to him, restraining yourself.

I have tinnitus. This causes aggression in which I want to break everything and hurt myself when I hit myself on the head. I have a breakdown in my whole body and it ends when the aggression comes out, but it does not go away at all and everything starts over again. Then immediately comes hysteria and tears.

Hello. I have mental problems. And for a long time. Quarrel, screams, breakdown, anger, hatred things fly around the apartment, cry, howl, and so on a month once or a couple. It's been like this for 12 years, both with the first husband and with the second .. Unfortunately, it continues. Tried to commit suicide several times. And so on, and nothing pleases me, hopelessness and no faith in anything. Even as I am writing this letter at the moment, I can’t believe that something will work out, that something will help me. There is no happiness in anything. I am now pregnant. At 5 months. I feel bad. I cry every day. I can't even put myself in order for the sake of the child. I read trainings, articles, etc. on the Internet. but somehow it doesn't work for me.

Hi people! Often there are bouts of almost uncontrollable aggression, it becomes cloudy in my eyes, I don’t realize what I’m doing, if I break loose, I severely beat the person who provoked me, what is it?

Hello. Recently, my aggression has become more frequent! Before, when something fell, broke, or something went wrong, I crushed everything that was nearby! For a while I was calm. For 2 years, I behaved calmly, but lately I have unrealistic breakdowns! I live with a boyfriend and a cat. For a month now I have depression, constant tantrums. I can cry all night. As soon as the cat climbs somewhere, where I don’t allow it, I immediately get angry ... I can’t stop, I just feel like I’ll kill. Tell me, can I already have a headache? Or should I go to a psychologist?

  • Hello Anya. Due to regular tears, mental health suffers significantly, since crying is accompanied by aggression, bad mood, irritability and even drowsiness. In this case, examination and treatment, both medical and psychological, is required. We recommend solving the problem of tearfulness and breakdowns with a psychotherapist and an endocrinologist. Tearfulness can be caused by an overactive thyroid gland. The cause of frequent tears may be in the hyperfunction of the organ, so it is worth being examined by an endocrinologist.

Hello, I was very angry with my mother when we quarreled, anger and hatred appeared, I pretended to be calm, controlled myself, then I went to meditate, but I couldn’t get rid of these emotions, although I meditated for 20 minutes, I still wanted to to express everything, anger only grew in me, then she made another claim to me and I broke down, just pure rage, I couldn’t stop, I said EVERYTHING I think, I wanted to yell, crush and beat, then I cried and calmed down a little, and she nachpla again and I just could not stand it and hit her. And after that, she began to cry, and I calmed down and listened to what kind of monster I was from her, and I felt calm, despite everything she said about me. In short, it’s terrible, I don’t know why I couldn’t relax during meditation, and in general it’s better that it doesn’t come to this, although it instantly calms, but there are other effective and harmless ways. Next time I will try.

Good afternoon. My name is Alena and I am an aggressive person. Aggression occurs when something doesn't go the way I want it to. For example: when the phone does not do what I need (oh, and it gets to it), there is a desire to break it, sometimes I break something less valuable, most often pencils, to throw out energy. Lets go immediately, especially if you do not return to the source of aggression. With a child, she used to lose her temper until she sat down and thought through the most common situations that cause aggression. She said several times that the child didn’t anger me on purpose, and tried to put herself in his shoes, there are no problems with worked out situations, but oh, these inanimate objects. What else can be done with such fits of rage, I can not restrain myself. And most importantly, what model of aggression management to teach the child?

Hello! I have a problem, I feel constant inner anger, and as soon as there is a reason (for example, the child does not obey, etc.), I immediately splash it out. I can't control it anymore. I am very worried about my son, because he feels me, and most importantly, I scold him, I scream a lot. I don't want it myself. It all started after a break with her husband, wild hatred for him. I used to be a kind, forgiving and understanding person, but now I myself am hurt by this anger. Tell me who to contact, I don’t want the child to see me like this (I turn on half a turn).

  • You know, I have the same feeling, but only for my 7-year-old daughter. I try to restrain myself, but then I suddenly find some reason and I no longer look like myself. My daughter is afraid of me and doesn't know what to expect from me. Inside, as if the soul of stone. This came after an abortion, which I had when my daughter was 3 years old. I understand that it is not her fault. And he doesn't even know I did it. But I can't help myself. Abortion is my sore subject.

    • Of course, Tatyana, you killed your daughter's sister or brother. Do you understand how wild this sounds and what you did? Repent, ask for forgiveness from your daughter and the little one that you did not allow to be born, do good deeds for those in need. It is very difficult, but possible, to atone for your guilt. 4 years have passed and you have not let go. Ask God to forgive you and guide you on the path of repentance. I know what I'm writing.

      • There is no god. And in such cases, faith will not help. Abortion is not murder. The fetus is not a person and a person. These are deeply psychological problems. This should be addressed to a psychologist.

Hello! In a very short period, there were breakdowns in which I raised my hand to a loved one. I don’t understand what happened and I don’t even remember how it hit, but there were no reasons for these outbreaks. I don't know what to do, please advise.

    • ultrasound of the thyroid gland did. I have similar symptoms. although, it doesn’t come to assault (yet), but dumb pictures are drawn in my head ...... how else to check it? some hormones to hand over? I am still afraid to go to the doctor with this problem, although I understand that this is the solution. self-flagellation takes place. I do a lot of things that I understand what harms me (smoking, eating everything, drinking ... although I used to run 10-15 km ...). like storming myself for my aggressiveness…. although, in fact, I smell myself normally ... fuck, eat, drink ... is it bad? I don’t need, besides, it’s enough ... but there are no goals in life either ... yes yes there is ..

I have been living with a man for almost 20 years. Once they were close, but now they are just like relatives. It so happened that there was no money for traveling, we had to live together, it’s good at least in different rooms. Of these years, the first 2 years were normal, then he began to detect flashes of unmotivated rage in him. Then they discovered lung cancer, and many years later, a brain tumor. All subsequent years, all income goes to treatment. And medical loans. No money for everything else. If it had turned out differently, probably my character would have been more cheerful. If it weren’t for the illness, I probably would have just left, and now I’m pulling the strap or carrying the cross, depending on the degree of positive outlook on the situation. Sometimes it is not possible to extinguish depression associated with constant stress, and it, in turn, can cause another outburst of a friend’s anger, after which, with a high probability, money for chemistry and radiation will again be required. All I need is a lot of money to pay off loans and treat. And good rest.

Good afternoon. I have absolutely no control over my anger. I can quarrel with a person over trifles. I can react very angrily to the remarks of people close to me, I start screaming, crying, I want to beat and break everything around, sometimes I do. I wish death to the one who offended me and I myself want to die in those moments. Angry why I was even born. But after five minutes everything passes, only weakness and sadness in the soul remain. It always seems that I am right and other people have wrong, limited thinking and that everyone envy me. I don’t listen to people’s opinion, I don’t care about public opinion. I watch movies, I always cry at any sad scene. Of the films, only fantasy, horror and thrillers are of interest. Sometimes I imagine that my loved ones suddenly died, and I also start to cry, although my loved ones, thank God, are alive and well. I am very interested in maniacs, I constantly read about them on the Internet.
What happened with me?

  • Good afternoon Polina. In order to understand yourself, you should contact a professional psychologist who will conduct psychodiagnostics.

    If you believe in God, go to church for confession and communion. All will pass! You will become completely different. Calm, balanced and loving people. May God bless your soul and body

    • Well, you take communion, so what? What will this sacrament give you? Will an alcoholic go to communion and cleanse his sins? The murderer will take communion and cleanse his sins? Alien! If you read the Bible, you should know that the disciples of Christ and other people prayed to God, and did not take communion. Read the Bible, and do not speak heresy to other people who do not know God, the Lord sees you very well from heaven. It is necessary to pray to God, not to the one on the cross, and not to the Virgin Mary, and not to St. Peter. GOD. He died for you and your sins, he carried the cross for others. Glory to Him, Forever and ever, to my heavenly Father.

Good day,
I fully understand my problem and can not figure out how to solve it. I have very aggressive attacks, in most cases I am annoyed by the people around me. The last time my colleague pissed me off, she took my book and began to write some notes in it, knowing that I would not approve of it, it made me very angry because she encroached on my thing with which I take care of and in addition she herself yells . For this, I was ready to tear her like an ace rag. There are many such cases at work, someone will leave something on my table or dirt, then my tower will blow. I understand that this is not normal and I need to work on myself, but at such moments I am just a beast. I tried to do yoga, read a bunch of literature about the fact that at the energy level this is an imbalance of energy, etc. ... and much more and nothing helps. In general, I’m already sad because of this. I don’t know how to deal with this, I have had this since childhood.

Hello, I have the most real, really scary outbursts of anger ..
I'm not just saying hurtful words or screaming, which some people here are worried about. It’s just that at one absolutely any moment my head starts to spin so much, as if I’m losing consciousness, my whole body is covered with heat, I start shaking, everything is white before my eyes, I don’t see anything, there is only ringing in my ears, and at such moments if there is a person nearby, I I’ll definitely beat, and not just get angry, and he won’t be able to resist, I’m far from athletic myself, but in those seconds, an incredible power seems to appear (according to others, I don’t remember anything after the attacks), and if there is no one around, then I harm myself .
What to do?.. help

  • Good day, Valeria! Talk to the priest and try to do everything he advises. You don’t need to take any pills - and the result will be for sure. I read a lot about it.

    • the person is sick and needs treatment. this is exactly the same disease as a fracture. with a fracture, you also send to the priest?
      Faith is always needed. but this person himself must come and not on the forum. what is needed here is treatment, not teaching how to live.

    • Yana, you got it with your messages to the church and God. There must be faith, but it won’t cure, now, thank God (that’s it!) There are no problems in medicine and go to the doctor, you need to know your diagnosis, and not tremble behind a prayer book and hide from the truth, delaying it.

Unreasonable outbursts of rage occur. For example: I was reading a book, a familiar person just walked past me, didn’t even say anything, just walked and drank water (silently), and I was already ready to tear and throw, and only thanks to my secrecy and desire to hide absolutely any information about me, even the most insignificant, I could restrain myself; although if I am alone in the whole room during such cases, I can hit myself on the head, but still I try to restrain myself. Also, after especially strong attacks, my heart begins to ache (once, due to very strong pain, I could not take a deep breath, I was frightened to death).
What happened with me? I hope nothing serious, I didn't even finish school.

Hello. My friend has outbursts of rage. At one point, he lashed out at me. I knew for a long time that he has, and there are outbreaks, but not on me, since I am his best friend, well, I thought so until that moment. Dealt with him and calmed him down. It constantly turns off, it happens that it starts to twitch, the whole body twitches, after which it turns off. But that's not all, after that he comes to his senses again and again he is all in a rage. At that moment, he pounced on me too, I couldn’t beat him (my friend after all), after he turned off, I left, because I myself would not have restrained myself. Please advise what should I do in the future, suddenly it will carry it again? Of course, I am a restrained person, but I will not allow myself to be beaten. Advise how to convey to a person that he himself would take measures in the cure. Friendships from childhood are crumbling.

  • Hello Mr. Di.
    “Advise how to convey to a person that he himself would take measures to cure” - Take a friend in moments of blackout and rage on the phone. When a friend is adequate, show the video and delete the video after that.

    Such a place in Dur's house. Such a person must be isolated from society, because he is dangerous. Make a video, and the next time you get angry, call an ambulance. Otherwise, psychosis will take over his body. Turning to the Mufti often helps Muslims, they treat them in an ancient, absolutely painless way, singing lines from the holy book in their ears, if a person begins to grimace, tremble, scream, speak in a strange voice or in another language, then the Mufti will be able to heal him. There are 2 ways out, either in the Madhouse to treat the body, or to the Mufti to treat the soul.

    • How you bullied your religion, it is of no use, a psychologist and self-control are your companions at the time of treatment ... and leave fairy tales about demons to children for the night ... 21st century and still believe in Hollywood stupidity!

      • Dear Alexander! I am a Protestant pastor and have dealt with demoniac people several times. No one could help them, neither doctors nor psychologists, but Christ helped. This is true! Anger and aggression can have different causes, both psychological and physiological, as well as spiritual. When psychologists are powerless, you need to go to the priest.

        • it's hard to find a good psychologist in foreign countries, that's the real problem. you, my friend, are not a priest of the Moscow Patriarchate, are you? a Protestant is a Westerner, so you understand people well. he would use a Western psychologist and everything would be ok.

Hello. For a long time, I notice bouts of rage behind me. When the situation gets out of control, it starts to cover me. I get lost and start arguing with someone who either provoked a situation or makes everything collapse and when I reach a certain boiling point, it seems to turn me off and I start to beat. How I can and where I can, I absolutely cannot control it. This provokes the provocateur and we start a full-scale fight. And I don't want that. At first I try to get around everything peacefully, but they don’t want to listen to me and I can’t leave either. I have no opportunity to see a doctor for some reason. Can you recommend literature or anything that might help? I no longer have the strength for these outbreaks. I am constantly tired and feel like a squeezed lemon. Thank you in advance.

    • and if everything is the same, but I don’t start to beat. but I think I really want it. and it often happens like this - I'm at home, there is no one. I start to play what was or could be (as if I provoke myself. I know the views of people and imagine how they provoke me and I beat them) ...

      • Hello Sanya. There are non-drug ways to relieve aggression - throwing paper snowballs into a basket installed on the floor; hit a punching bag or at least a pillow, carry a notebook with you and, at the slightest irritation, begin to tear its sheet into small pieces. This will help to quickly calm down, and others will not notice irritation or anger.
        Be careful with drinking alcoholic beverages - under the influence of alcohol aggressiveness in behavior, uncharacteristic for a person in a sober state, may appear.

Good afternoon. Help me understand what's wrong with me. Lately there have been outbursts of rage. I control my emotions at work, but I can’t at home. I start yelling at the child because of every nonsense, I can hit. After such outbursts, I can neither talk nor look at anyone. I am really tired.

Thanks a lot! I will definitely take your advice, he sometimes yells so that it is impossible to conduct a dialogue ... He does not have a sexual life, due to the fact that he believes that he has a small male organ. Can a lack of sex life cause such behavior in a man?

Hello. I am annoyed by various little things, from everything I start screaming, swearing. Somewhere in the depths, I understand that I need to stop, I can’t until I scream enough ... then I walk without any emotions at all. I am very afraid for my little child, she also gets it. I feel very bad about this, but I can’t do anything myself, I promise myself that I will restrain myself, but everything is the same again. Tell me which doctor to contact ...

Hello! My friend complains all the time that he is in constant tension, any smallest negative situation makes him anxious and causes aggression, he swears at everyone, considers them guilty, and then turns to me and finds fault with words and remembers old grievances, wants me more painfully prick with a word so that I take offense at him. And she left. And then he begins to repent and apologize for his words .. And this is repeated with some frequency .. What should I do?

      • Irina, when a young man “wants to prick me more painfully with a word so that I take offense at him. And she left. And then he begins to repent and apologize for his words” - No need to be offended, take his words as an opportunity to speak out, do not take the words personally. After all, if you are offended, it means that the guy’s goal is achieved, and your self-esteem begins to fall, because your pride is hurt for the sick. Know how to stop the guy during unpleasant conversations, say: "stop, stop, you're wrong, I don't think so."
        The main thing for yourself is to understand that your boyfriend has the right to count as you like. This is his subjective opinion. Your task is to be able to withstand with dignity in this confrontation and learn to be a mature and self-sufficient person. After all, the fact that you are offended and react painfully is already your personal problem.

Good afternoon, I really need advice on how to overcome the outbursts of rage and anger that occur with jealousy. Jealousy is unreasonable, I cheat a lot, there is a fear that they will betray me. I don't know what to do, my jealousy is ruining my relationships and my nervous system.

  • Hello Christina.
    First you need to deal with the causes of jealousy. There is no unreasonable jealousy. “there is a fear that they will betray.” - This is the reason. Fear is often present with low self-esteem, suspiciousness, self-doubt.
    Also, the cause of jealousy is a feeling of lack of love, attention, sympathy, respect from a valued, as well as a loved one.
    This feeling has the same nature as envy. Jealousy can develop in any person, because there will always be someone smarter, stronger, more beautiful. Therefore, there is no point in being jealous, because you can forever lose your loved one and your peace of mind.
    It is important to discover this true reason, understanding what is happening will help determine how to get rid of jealousy and master yourself in moments of rage.
    For our part, we recommend that you realize that love must be supported with warm, tender words, and not with furious and zealous speech, which only extinguishes the fire of love. Your man does not owe you anything and he will be with you exactly as long as he feels good with you. If the outbursts of rage and anger continue, he will disappear from your life and your fears will be justified.

Hello, my stepmother is 44 and has rage attacks.
Everything is fine, but here, because of nothing, it can break loose, start being rude, swear. After all this, she first apologized, saying she didn’t know what had come over her. But lately he hasn't even apologized. I told her to go to a psychiatrist, to which she categorically refuses. Please advise who to contact.

  • Hello Olga. You can seek help from a neurologist who will prescribe an examination. It is also advisable to consult an endocrinologist.

Hello! After returning me with the child from the hospital (absent for 10 days), I noticed a behavioral problem with my husband. He can start yelling from scratch, swear, be rude. After 15 minutes, he cools down and apologizes. He says he doesn't understand what came over him. Today he beat me for trying to wake him up for work...
Which specialist can be contacted?

Hello, at my work, my immediate supervisor is behaving very strangely. He has flashes of aggression, the last time it was like that, he started yelling, his face turned red, his eyes bulged, he began to kick on my table with his foot. For some time he embroidered out of the office, and then went in, as if nothing had happened, his face was calm, he began to apologize, began to say that he was ashamed of his behavior, that he himself did not understand what happened now and what is now happened. Please write what is happening to him and what should I do, because I am always in the same office with him and I am very scared when this happens to him, there are moments that I think he can use his hands. I look forward to your reply. Thanks in advance.

  • Hello Dina. To understand what is happening with the boss, it is necessary to conduct psychodiagnostics to identify the psychotype of a person.
    The psychotype of a person, as a rule, is hidden behind a social mask and is usually clearly manifested in stressful, critical and extraordinary situations.
    We recommend that if the boss is aggressive, try not to contact him.

Good afternoon! My colleague, according to my feelings, chose me as a victim. Frequent unreasonable attacks of aggression, carries complete nonsense at such moments, enjoys it. What should be my behavior in such a situation? 8 years ago, she was on sick leave with a psychiatrist for 4 months.

  • Hello Galina. Notify your superiors about the situation, ask for advice, and if possible, given the incompatibility of characters, protect you from having to communicate with such a colleague.
    You need to have support on your side, so an adequate leader, imbued with the situation, will help resolve it safely for you.

Attacks of aggression, mostly not only because of relatives. I am a person who loves loneliness, but at this stage of my life this is impossible ... aggression has been manifested for as long as I can remember, namely, it is accompanied, for example, by rash acts, fast and deep breathing, then numbness, first of all, of the face, arms and legs, and in at the end a strong heartbeat and a feeling that I could pass out ...
Before that, there were hallucinations twice in my life, one sound, the second the loss of the instrument of the body, let's say so ... I don’t know if it’s worth going to the doctor because, as always, they won’t find anything .. my personal thoughts

  • Hello Ruslan. Attacks of aggression, tachycardia can be the cause of hormonal disruptions in the body.
    “I don’t know if it’s worth going to the doctor because, as always, they won’t find anything” - you have already listed enough symptoms in your message to see a doctor. We recommend contacting a cardiologist.

Twice in my life I noticed bouts of anger, anger and aggression ... First, a year before the stroke, it started with dad. The seizures were absolutely uncontrollable, he went crazy. Moreover, he behaved in these moments, well, in a way that was unusual for him. Then, a year before the diagnosis of oncology, these attacks began to appear in my husband. It got to the point that when, 2 months before his death, while lying in the hospital and already weakened, he managed to hit me so that I flew off and crashed against the wall ... Where did the strength come from ... Of course, I could not be offended and leave, but remembering my dad, I realized that soon... So it is not necessary to psycho-neurologists, but simply to the doctors for a complete examination. Your body is screaming...

Hello, I have recently noticed for the most inappropriate behavior. At the slightest quarrel, I lash out at my relatives and the guy, and besides, it’s not just screams, but on my part real aggression and hysteria at the same time, I yell in such a way that it even lays my ears. Please, help me, advise which doctor I should contact, what to drink. It just becomes scary to me that I don’t break firewood in such a state, so to speak.

Hello. I have a condition and I can’t cope with it, I constantly yell at the child, get angry, scream. I have a lot of rage and aggression. Help me where to go. I really want to be calm.

  • A special soothing tea helps me a lot. Look for one. I drink it every day. Without drinking for 2 days, I just go wild. Sometimes even so the children bring, but it is much easier to control themselves. The article lists some herbs.

Hello, I got together with a man 7 years ago. At that time, I had 3 daughters, whom, it seemed to me, he fell in love with. We signed. Then 2 more babies were born. His relatives never accepted me or my daughters. His mother died 3 years ago. He has been very irritable lately. He raises his voice to his daughters because of every little thing. Sometimes it seems to me that he is ready to kill them so much anger appears on his face. There were outbursts of anger before, but they were very rare and there was always a logical explanation. Divorce won't help. We live in a village. I have nowhere to go, I'm an orphan. Help, I'm afraid for the children.

I have two children and often bouts of anger due to the cry of the younger child and due to the inattention of the older child occur, honestly I'm afraid not to cope with these bouts. Tell me how to be?

Hello. I lived with a woman for over a year. At the end of this time, we finally parted ways. Throughout my life together, and even now I still have feelings of love for her. From the very beginning, her relationship with me was sharp with irritation about all sorts of little things (not dressed like that, scattered crumbs on the floor, said something wrong, etc.), and with my loved ones began with irritability about their existence (mother sat down to into the car, greeted us, said something about things in the back seat, which I then listened to - “I don’t like it, let it stomp on foot !!! etc.). Then a month later, an attempt to jointly rearrange the furniture in the apartment ended in obscene abuse addressed to me that I was stupid and almost a stupid animal. I wanted to leave, but I persuaded her not to leave her with the motivation that she couldn’t live without me. Then an unexpected pregnancy. What started here - God forbid. Any of my actions caused a lot of anger in her, that I didn’t say something or said it as a joke. I forced her to go to her parents, whom she hated because they live in their own world (my parents are 75 years old, they are already very sick). After a week, she asked to come back. I complied with this request because I loved it. It didn't end there. At 13 weeks, a fetal pathology was discovered and an abortion had to be done for medical reasons "cito". She accused my parents that it was their fault and that they did not want this child to be born. And then our whole life was accompanied by such unexpected statements that I don’t feel sorry for her, I offend her, I do everything wrong, etc. In the end, she kicked me out to the Father's house. Even after that, I continued my relationship with her and life to the fullest, just that we no longer went to bed together and did not get up together. Throughout the relationship, I listened to her negativity about the fact that it’s not acceptable to live like this anymore, because. her 15-year-old son arrived and it became crowded for us to live in a 1-room apartment, although I did not feel it. The last straw was a call from my sister and parents, in front of whom all this happened. A sea of ​​anger and rage was thrown out, accompanied by foul language against them. Please tell me what it could be? The disease of my beloved, whom I still love. After all, I did everything to live like a human being.
Sincerely, Vladimir.

  • Hello Vladimir. There is no need to blame yourself for what happened, there were no real and sincere feelings on the part of your woman. She was completely dissatisfied with the relationship that she had with you, so she could not control herself, and did not try, the lack of a culture of education from what you described is obvious.

    • You may not need to blame yourself, but each person must take responsibility for what is happening in his life. If there is such a woman in his life, then he is the kind of man who wants to be seen as more sensitive and caring, given her complaints about his callousness. Judging by the large number of complaints about the woman, the man is infantile, avoids responsibility, “I have nothing to do with it all” ... He becomes a follower. Until he takes responsibility, does not change, does not become a giver ... love for the family, order, care, responsibility ... Do not see a good family as your ears.

  • Your entire comment is permeated with the thought that I am all so good, but the woman is hysterical. Life does not bind random people, and the fact that after such a series of completely bright and unambiguous events in your personal life you still don’t see the beam in your own eye speaks of your some callousness, simplicity and unwillingness to take responsibility for what is happening. If a person behaves correctly and solves the tasks coming from life in a timely manner, then he lives in a world close to an ideal one. It's possible. The longer you go away from solving your problems, the stronger, more often, more persistently and more painfully for you life will stubbornly offer them to you. Until you decide. Therefore, if you are dissatisfied with personal relationships, relationships with parents, the presence of other problems in your life, the first thing you can do for yourself is to think about it .. What does this person teach me? And this one? What should I understand??.. Second: think about how I can help this person?.. Do not try to convince anyone with words. Talk mentally with his soul. Talk to your soul. Talk to yourself alone. Ask serious questions. Yourself. Be self-critical. And you will hear the answers. Take responsibility for your life, for your loved ones. Be an example of a man. And your life will begin to change for the better. Good luck)

We live in Kyiv. Father is 65 years old. Very irritable and quick-tempered with relatives. Rude to his own mother, who is already 85, which was not the case before. Constant skirmishes with his wife after 23 years of marriage have recently led to a divorce. Perhaps this is due to unfulfilled professional expectations and some internal fears. How can this behavior be diagnosed? Can it be cured with the help of a psychotherapist?

  • Hello Andrey. Your father's irritability and irascibility may be both a character trait and a symptom of the disease, and your personal assumptions may also be the cause of this behavior.
    The causes of irritability can also be both internal and external problems.
    Internal - depression, neurasthenia, anxiety disorder, sleep disorders, alcoholism, chronic fatigue, lack of self-realization, imbalance of brain functions, and so on.
    External - these are factors from the external environment, for example, it suddenly began to rain or a negative act of a person.
    Psychological, physiological and genetic factors that provoke this negative behavior are also noted, so it is impossible to remotely diagnose. Seek help from a psychotherapist.

I have a sister, she is 11 years younger than me, she is kind, cheerful, and not greedy. Sometimes I start yelling at her for no reason. She is only 10 years old and I don't want her to grow up like me. Tell me something else, because during the very fit of rage you can’t think about breathing or facial expressions, you can’t think about anything except that you are angry. And could these rage attacks be related to the fact that I have epilepsy? In general, I am very nervous and I have panic attacks. What does this have to do with it? Because I have epilepsy? Or because hormones at 21 have not yet calmed down? Or is it psychology and all because I have no friends and I don’t go anywhere except at home and work, and at home I just close myself in my room and go into the world of books or films? Looks like I'm in serious trouble.

  • Sasha, lack of self-control, self-control and a sense of impunity allows you to yell at your sister. You won't allow yourself to yell at people in the store or on the street for no reason, will you?
    Attacks of rage can be connected with the fact that you are nervous, tense, you have many problems, complexes, unfulfilled desires.
    We recommend improving your relations with the outside world: meet girls and guys, do not leave social contacts, use social networks to start.
    It is also necessary to internally mentally set yourself up to remain calm in any situation and not bring your state to fits of rage. Everything depends on you.

    Sasha, ask questions to your soul when you are alone, read books that will help you find answers to your questions. Good specialists often charge too much for their services and are not always sincerely interested in helping you. Unfortunately. You shouldn't rely on anyone. But you can really help yourself. Awareness of the problem is already 80% of its solution. Read, develop, now there is a sea of ​​​​available information on self-development, do yoga, it harmonizes the soul and body very much, just find a YouTube video that you like and do it as you like, then you will get involved and figure it out. Pour cold water in the morning after a warm shower, it will temper your body and will. And everything will work out) the road will be mastered by the walking :)

Suppose I am able during an attack not to harm others - but I am worried that these attacks harm myself. Is holding back a solution to a problem, or is it a way to hide it? And is there a way to know if rage has a hormonal cause or not?

  • Olsha, you understand everything correctly, restraint during fits of rage is not a solution to the problem, but it would still be better to do so and extinguish the independently developing feeling of rage, developing self-control.
    Rage is produced in the adrenal glands, the hormone responsible for it is norepinephrine. The production of norepinephrine occurs when a person finds himself in a stressful situation, visually this is manifested in the ruddy cheeks. If the seizures cause inconvenience, then you should direct your rage to useful things: laundry, cleaning, fitness and other sports, or neutralize them with meditation, yoga.

Such a person himself will not go to a psychotherapist. No one leads to an attack. He brings himself up. Looking for any suggestion. These seizures lead to the question: “Will I remain a cripple or our children?” Question: How to get him to be treated? He doesn't listen to anyone!

  • Galina, it is necessary to solve the problem, taking into account his consent. If a man does not want to change and accept help, then you should assess the situation in terms of the safety of your family, since your fears are justified.
    It often happens that the only way out of this situation is divorce. Tell him about it when he is calm. Perhaps this will affect him and, out of fear of losing his family, he will think and accept the help of a specialist. You can invite him to visit a family psychologist together.

    • He didn't think about anything. The feeling that the irritant is me. Gone, very far away. I'm fine. The children have grown up. My husband and I divorced. But a lot of things do not add up in his life and, as before, he blames everyone around him for his problems. And the fits of rage spread to the children. Which worries me. And I can’t bring him to any psychologists. He doesn't listen to anyone.

I would like all people to always be good and friendly, but, unfortunately, this is not possible. In some cases, it can be difficult to manage your emotions, especially when there are so many annoying factors around.

The main types of stimuli that trigger our anger response are:

  • Unsatisfied need, desire (for example, I want heat, but I don’t get it or I want to get there quickly, but there are traffic jams along the way, etc.)
  • Violation of our "borders" (stepped on the foot in transport or raised their voice at us, etc.).

Anger is a natural response to these stimuli. But sometimes outbursts of anger cross all boundaries and manifest themselves in the form of aggressive uncontrollable behavior.

Uncontrolled outbursts of anger and aggression can be very dangerous both for the person himself and for the people around him.

Stages of increasing feelings of anger:

  1. slight dissatisfaction
  2. Irritation
  3. Anger
  4. Rage
  5. The heat of passion.

Our anger begins with a slight discontent, which we can quite control. And if it does not discharge at earlier stages, then it can result in rage or affect, when we are practically unable to control ourselves.

An uncontrolled outburst of anger may indicate that the person did not pay attention to the manifestation of milder forms of this feeling in himself to such an extent that it turned into an affect.

Slight dissatisfaction can manifest itself only inside us, and already anger, rage and affect become very noticeable to others and very often expressed in aggressive actions.

Anger and aggression, what's the difference?

Anger is a feeling that a person experiences. And aggression is already an action that is aimed at causing harm in order to get something for oneself or to defend oneself.

When we feel anger, we have a choice - to express it through an aggressive action towards another person, not to express it at all, or to express it in a way that does not harm anyone.

But if a person's anger has reached the state of passion, then he seems to be deprived of this choice, and in this case, most likely, he will begin to commit aggressive actions.

If you have the problem of uncontrolled outbursts of anger, then it is important to understand - you have uncontrolled outbursts of only anger or aggression too. That is, you can not control your feelings or your behavior, under the influence of anger?

After all, feelings arise in us on their own, we cannot control their appearance, only warn them. But the ways of expressing them and our behavior, under the influence of these feelings, we can control according to our strength. Or at least you can learn it.

What is important to know about aggression and anger?

Aggression is of several types:

  • Active (open) aggression (insults, voice raising, accusation, unsolicited criticism, physical violence, etc.)
  • Passive (hidden) aggression (lateness, sabotage of some joint business with another person, demonstration of resentment, refusal to talk with a person, sarcasm, etc.)
  • Aggression directed at oneself (can be expressed in the form of causing some harm to oneself, in the absence of care for oneself, one's comfort and health, in the form of guilt and shame, self-criticism, etc.).

Aggression can be expressed both through words and through actions and behavior. Sometimes aggression can be "displaced", i.e. when our aggression is actually directed at one person, and we express it to another person (or animal, object, etc.), whom we consider safer for ourselves (for example, I’m angry at my mother, but I express aggression that is actually actually to my mother, to everyone else, except my mother).

We can be motivated to aggressive actions not only by anger, but also by other feelings - for example, resentment, fear, impotence, envy, etc.

Some psychological causes of excessive and uncontrollable anger in a person are:

  1. You are not aware of some of your needs, and you are constantly not satisfied with it (for example, you do not understand that you are constantly processing, and you really need rest, etc.).
  2. You do not notice and do not track the regular violation of your personal boundaries in relationships with other people. As a result, your irritation accumulates and periodically results in a flash of uncontrollable anger.
  3. Anger is your family habit that you "took over" from your dad, mom or other significant person. If you've watched your parent periodically "explode" since childhood, then you may have learned this behavior, and now unconsciously use it in your adult life.
  4. Anger is your favorite way to get what you want. If you believe, for example, that if you don't yell at the other person, you won't get anywhere. Or you don’t know how to ask for what you need, instead you get annoyed with another person, trying in this way to get what you need from him.
  5. Anger is your reaction to someone else's behavior that you do not allow yourself, or deny that you also do it (for example, it infuriates you when other people are late because you yourself will never allow yourself to be late, or because you yourself periodically somewhere late, but do not notice such behavior behind you).
  6. Feelings of inferiority, worthlessness, “badness” can hide behind your outbursts of aggression. Which acts as a defense against a strong sense of shame.
  7. Your lack of a sense of basic security, "basic trust in the world." When you consider the world a very dangerous place for yourself, and all people hostile, then you can have a lot of aggression and anger, which serve as a protection for you.
  8. Periodic outbursts of intense anger may appear due to the fact that there is a person next to you who unconsciously forbids himself to feel anger. If you have a strong sensitivity by nature, then you can feel the unconscious anger of the person who is next to you. But then you have flashes of anger only when communicating with a specific person. And if you have fits of anger in different circumstances and when communicating with different people, then most likely the reason is something else.

What good can give you outbursts of anger and aggression?

  • Aggression allows you to "manage" other people and get what you want from them (for example, the husband does not throw out the garbage, the wife yelled at him - the husband went to throw out the garbage).
  • Anger is for you, as it were, an excuse for some kind of behavior that you consider “bad” for yourself. That is, in a fit of anger, you do something that you deep down want, but do not allow yourself to do this (for example, end a relationship that you did not allow yourself to end, raise the price of your services, say “no” to someone, to whom cannot refuse in the normal state, etc.).
  • Anger and aggression can help you “run away” from some of your desires that you consider unacceptable, dangerous or shameful for yourself (for example, a woman is very angry with her male colleague, but in fact her sexual attraction to him is hidden behind anger and etc.).
  • Anger and aggressive behavior can make you appear powerful, powerful, or even dangerous to other people. In this way, you can gain authority through aggressiveness, or provide yourself with a sense of security.
  • Anger and aggression can help you regulate distance in a relationship (for example, when a partner gets too close to you for you, such a degree of closeness is unbearable for you, then you can unconsciously push him away with aggressive behavior).

What is the unpleasant result of uncontrolled outbursts of aggression?

Despite the fact that people can get some benefit, some advantages from their own and anger, aggressive behavior can contribute to the destruction of significant relationships, interfere with the competent adoption of important decisions and negatively affect a person’s life.

Sudden outbursts of anger can interfere at work, in building a career. If a person can suddenly “break loose” at any moment, enter into an aggressive conflict where the problem can be solved in a calm dialogue, then this does not add anything to his authority.

Other people may have a negative attitude towards someone who does not control himself well in anger, perceive such a person as “dangerous”, shun him. Which can cause a person with uncontrollable outbursts of anger some discomfort or even upset him.

Also, such a problem can bring a person to the point that he will use physical or psychological violence in relations with his loved ones. Thus, he will destroy them, his relationship with them and himself, thereby accumulating his sense of guilt.

A person who has a lot of aggression inside, and who controls it poorly, has to spend a lot of his energy either on external manifestations of his aggression, or on trying to keep it in himself, “suppress”.

Should we strive to suppress our anger?

The constant suppression of anger does not do anything good, because. on the contrary, it contributes to the appearance of outbreaks of uncontrolled rage later. Up to a certain level, a person can suppress his anger, but at some point an “explosion” will inevitably occur when a person reaches a state of passion and cannot control himself.

Suppression of anger makes sense if it is only a temporary measure, if a person realizes why he is doing it and chooses to deal with his anger later in a particular situation.

But as the constant handling of your anger and aggression, this way is quite dangerous, it is better to learn to express your aggression in such a way as not to destroy anyone. And deal with the reasons for the emergence of feelings of anger.

What to do with uncontrollable outbursts of anger?

  1. Check your health, because. outbursts of anger can be a symptom of various physical illnesses.
  2. If everything is in order with your health, then you need to analyze the reasons for your anger or aggression, because. There can be many possible reasons. You can try to do this either on your own by reading, for example, in this article the possible causes of outbursts of anger and observing for yourself which of them are about you. Or together with, by contacting him for advice.
  3. Think about what good you get from uncontrollable outbursts of anger or aggression, what you get from your angry outbursts. And then think about how you can get it in another way, i.e. without aggression.
  4. It is necessary to master and constantly use various methods of bodily relaxation, relaxation (breathing techniques, massage, meditation, taking a warm bath, bodily exercises, etc.).
  5. To learn how to control your aggression, you need to train skills:
    Stop your impulse to aggressive action at the moment when you are angry (stop not the anger itself, but the behavior).
    The skill of "feeling angry and thinking at the same time."
    Keep track of mild forms of anger (dissatisfaction and irritation) until they turn into a rage or a state of "affect".
  6. To avoid sudden outbursts of anger, you need to learn not to accumulate your anger in large quantities. To do this, you need, firstly, to learn to express your anger without showing aggression towards other people and towards yourself. Secondly, periodically you need to safely “dump” your aggression. That is, to express it in a way that will not harm anyone.

Ways to safely "drop" aggression:

  • Beat with a beater, bat or racket on the pillow, beat the "pear".
  • Tearing or wrinkling paper, cardboard, Whatman paper, newspaper, etc.
  • Throw soft toys, pillows at the wall, imagining that you are throwing at someone you are angry with.
  • Draw your anger or the offender in an unfavorable light, write an angry letter, which you then throw away.
  • Stomp your feet, wave your arms, express your aggression through dance, etc.
  • Roll a dry towel, bite this rolled towel.
  • Screaming in the forest or at home into a pillow.
  • Express your feelings out loud in a rude way when no one is listening, etc.

An exercise to develop the skill of "getting angry and thinking at the same time"

A person can be prevented from controlling his aggression by the fact that he cannot think in a fit of anger. Therefore, training the skill of "think and get angry at the same time" can be very useful for someone who has problems with uncontrollable outbursts of anger.

You can train this skill with the help of exercises. But remember that just reading the exercise or even doing it once will not develop the skill. To form a skill, regular, or better, daily repetitions of the exercise for at least one or two months are needed.

The essence of the exercise is that at the moment when you are angry, you try to make in your mind as many options as possible for how you can now express your anger. You need to come up with at least 20 options. While you are coming up with options, it is important to do nothing, namely to think and at the same time feel your anger in your body (i.e. direct your attention to the part of the body where you feel your anger).

For starters, you can train while you are safely "dropping" your aggression, such as when you "squeeze the towel" at home. And then you can already try to practice the exercise in various situations in your life. Don't quit if you don't succeed the first time. Rarely does it work the first time. If you keep going, you will almost certainly develop the habit of “thinking and being angry at the same time,” which will help you control how you express your aggression in the future.

fit of rage

Alternative descriptions

He is sometimes changed to mercy

Executor of the Devil's Decrees

One of the seven deadly sins, depicted in art as a woman tearing her clothes

The first feeling of the Iliad

Remembrance of innermost hatred and the desire to do evil to the grieving

Synonym for rage

Human condition

Feelings of intense indignation, resentment

The feeling most strongly expressed by Lermontov in the poem "In the wild north ..."

barter for mercy

One of the seven deadly sins

A bargaining chip for mercy

blinding eyes

The novel by the American writer S. Sheldon "... angels"

From what feeling turn purple?

. "bad adviser" (last)

What can be exchanged for mercy?


A state of intense indignation, indignation

Rage, anger

In vain, righteous

bad adviser

Deadly sin

. "fire of the soul"

Bring down the righteous...

outburst of indignation

Momentary insanity

Rage and anger

strong indignation

Sheldon's novel "... angels"

Blind fury


The next stage of anger

Strong royal indignation


Feeling that bad adviser

Feeling less than rage

Feeling of intense resentment

An outburst of rage

flashing emotion

Chief's rage

A little less rage

Rage of Weakened Power

Feeling outraged

He can be changed to mercy

Reduced Rage

One of the 7 deadly sins

Manifestation of rage

Feeling of 12 men (movie)

Strong resentment

He blinds his eyes

Excessive indignation

. "A soft answer turns away..."

. “who ... overcomes his own, he is strong” (Russian proverb)

Explosion of indignation

Desire to tear and throw


Feeling the boss giving a thrashing

Resentment, rage

Feelings of intense indignation, resentment

Strong resentment, outrage

. "who ... overcomes his own, he is strong" (Russian proverb)

. "A soft answer turns away..."

. "bad adviser" (last)

. "fire of the soul"

M. a strong feeling of indignation: passionate, impulsive annoyance, simply: heart; ardent impulse, flash; malice, malice. Do not punish in anger. Transfer your anger to mercy. Do not say in anger. The wrath of God, the calamity that befalls man; but a fire from a thunderstorm: God's mercy. Where there is anger, there is mercy. A submissive word tames anger. Do not be afraid of anger, but do not rush to affection. Master of your anger, master of everything. Don't impose anger, impose mercy. Angry, angry about a person, enraged, angry, whom evil takes; in the same meaning. about animals; about words, methods: apparent anger, said in anger, done: angry fate, fate, river, etc. The God of Moses is angry, Christ is merciful. Angry, angry, quick-tempered, quick-tempered, hot-tempered. Thresholds do not hold an angry word, it is always announced. Anger, irascibility (temper), a tendency to anger. To anger or anger someone, to infuriate, to anger, to infuriate, to piss off. Lives, chews bread, smokes the sky, but angers God. There is nothing to anger God, we must speak the truth. To cry about it, it is only in vain to anger God. whom to live, do not anger. Pray to God, but do not anger the devil. Call God, but do not anger the devil. to be angry at what, at whom, to be angry, to rage, to be angry; to be dissatisfied, to be indignant, to be dissatisfied. Be angry, do not sin. To be angry is a human thing, but to remember evil is a devilish thing. He gets angry at me. Got angry to the point of sickness. Was angry. He got angry all the way. Didn't piss him off much. Everyone got angry. Painfully angry, angry. Anger cf. action or state of anger. Gnevash m. angry, irascible, irascible person. There is a noble family of the Gnevashevs, or of old: the Gnevashevs. Anger-holding, memory-evil, vindictive, long-angry, formidable; opposite sex short-tempered. Angered, forgetful of himself in anger. Angry, angry. Anger restraint or anger retention cf. taming or curbing one's anger

From what feeling turn purple

First Sense of the Iliad

Sheldon's novel "...angels"

The novel by the American writer S. Sheldon "... angels"

What can be exchanged for mercy

The feeling most strongly expressed by Lermontov in the poem "In the wild north ..."

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