Homeopathic drops of lymphomyosot. Lymphomyosot for children: instructions for use. Use during pregnancy and lactation

Lymphomyosot is a homeopathic medicinal product, which is designed to eliminate diseases associated with the human lymphatic system. Lymphomyosot performs such functions as anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, lymphatic drainage, decongestant, immunostimulating. After the drug enters the human body, it promotes metabolism. In addition, the action of the drug is aimed at stimulating the process of elimination of toxic substances.

The manufacturer of Lymphomyosot is Germany. The price of the drug in Russia is 300-400 rubles, in Ukraine - 200-300 hryvnia.

Release form

Lymphomyosot is produced in the form of drops for oral administration, in the form of a solution intended for intramuscular administration and in the form of tablets.

Composition of Lymphomyosot

The composition of the drug very diverse and rather incomprehensible. Many people do not want to purchase this tool due to the presence of many unfamiliar foreign names in its composition. But it is important to remember that this drug is a homeopathic remedy, and as a rule, this category of medicines contains many, at first glance, incomprehensible substances and components.

Lymphomyosot drops contain such active homeopathic components as:

  • Myosotis arvensis;
  • Equisetum hyemale;
  • Nasturtium officinale;
  • Ferrum jodatum.

As a supplement ethanol favors.

As for the components of the Lymphomyosot solution, they have the following form:

  • Sarsaparilla;
  • Fumaria officinalis;
  • Nasturtium aquaticum;
  • Geranium robertianum;
  • Ferrum jodatum.

Additional components in the composition of Lymphomyosot are also represented by water.

Indications for use

Such a homeopathic remedy as Lymphomyosot, it is advisable to apply when:

  • drug intoxication;
  • hypertrophy of the tonsils;
  • mezadenite;
  • lymphadenopathy;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • perineural edema;
  • lymphatic edema;
  • immunodeficiency;
  • cardiac, renal edema;
  • skin diseases.

In addition to the above diseases, the drug can be taken with adenoids and swollen lymph nodes.

Lymphomyosot drops: instructions for use

According to the instructions for use of the drug to eliminate diseases of the immune system, Lymphomyosot drops should be taken three times a day at a dosage of 15-20 drops. Drops are taken orally. Before you start taking drops, they must be dissolved in 100 ml of boiled water. But you can also apply drops without diluting them with water, while the patient must place the drops under the tongue. It is recommended to continue treatment for 10-12 days. It is advisable to take drops 15-20 minutes before eating or an hour after eating. Before you start taking the drug, you should consult with your doctor.

The drug Lymphomyosot can also be taken by children, but only under the supervision of a doctor and according to the indications. A child of 3-6 years old should take 5 drops of the drug at a time, and a child of 1-3 years old should take 3 drops of the drug at a time. In addition, drops can be taken by children under the age of 1 year. Then the dosage should be 1-2 drops at a time.

Lymphomyosot solution: instructions for use

Lymphomyosot solution must be administered intramuscularly. In a week, the patient can enter the solution no more than 3 times - this is one ampoule. The duration of treatment should be a month. If necessary, the doctor may prescribe repeated course of treatment drug. If necessary, the solution is recommended to be administered intravenously.

The homeopathic remedy Lymphomyosot copes well with excess weight, since the composition of the drug contains components of plant origin. Therefore, for weight loss, the remedy is quite effective.


The use of the drug is contraindicated in such cases:

  • during pregnancy;
  • during breastfeeding;
  • with hypersensitivity to individual components of the drug;
  • patients who are under 18 years of age.

With extreme caution, drops should be taken by patients who have diseases of the kidneys, liver and thyroid gland. Also not recommended take medication to patients suffering from alcohol addiction.

Side effects

As a rule, side effects from the use of the homeopathic preparation Lymphomyosot are extremely rare and, in general, patients tolerate the drug well. However, side effects from the use of the drug can manifest itself in the form of allergic reactions, rashes, nausea, vomiting.

Lymphomyosot's analogues

Lymphomyosot has a large number of analogues for therapeutic effects. Analogues of the drug are drugs such as:

  • Ampicillin;
  • Angin Hel SD;
  • Bioparox;
  • Vocara;
  • Yoks;

Lymphomyosot is a homotoxic drug that has lymphatic drainage, immunomodulatory, detoxification and anti-inflammatory effects. The drug is used for enlarged lymph nodes, edema, hypertrophy of the tonsils, nasal congestion and adenoids.

The lymphatic system performs protective (lymph nodes) and cleansing (lymphatic vessels) functions, neutralizing and removing toxins and decay products from the body.

The combined homeopathic remedy Lymphomyosot, which has no analogues on the pharmaceutical market today, acts directly on the lymphatic system, showing an immunostimulating and pronounced drainage effect.

Clinical and pharmacological group

Homeopathic medicine used in diseases of the lymphatic system.

Terms of dispensing from pharmacies

Released without a doctor's prescription.


How much does Lymphomyosot cost? The average price in pharmacies is at the level of 520 rubles.

Release form and composition

Lymphomyosot is available in the following forms:

  • Drops for oral administration: a transparent liquid from slightly light yellow to light yellow in color, with the smell of ethanol (30 ml each in dark glass bottles with a built-in dropper, 1 bottle in a carton box);
  • Solution for intramuscular injection: a clear, colorless liquid, odorless (1.1 ml in ampoules, 5 ampoules in plastic blister packs, in a carton pack of 1 or 20 blister packs).
  • Veronica officinalis D3 - 5/0.55;
  • Pinus sylvestrisD4 - 5/0.55;
  • Equisetum hyemaleD4 - 5/0.55;
  • Scrophularia nodosa D3 - 5/0.55;
  • Gentiana lutea D5 - 5/0.55;
  • Myosotis arvensis D3 - 5/0.55;
  • Sarsaparilla (Smilax) D6 - 5 / 0.55;
  • Teucrium scorodonia D3 - 5/0.55;
  • Juglans regia D3 - 5/0.55;
  • Geranium robertianum D4 - 10/1.1;
  • Araneus diadematus D6 - 5/0.55;
  • Fumaria officinalis D4 - 5/0.55;
  • Nasturtium officinale D4 - 10/1.1;
  • Natrium sulfuricum D4 - 5 / 0.55;
  • Levothyroxinum D12 - 5/0.55;
  • Ferrum jodatum D12 - 10/1.1;
  • Calcium phosphoricum D12 - 5 / 0.55.

Auxiliary components:

  • Drops for oral administration: ethanol - about 35 vol.%;
  • Solution for intramuscular injection: water for injection - up to 1.1 ml, sodium chloride - about 9 mg / ml.

Pharmacological effect

Due to its composition, the drug is able to provide the following actions:

  1. Lymphatic drainage, that is, it helps to improve the outflow of lymph.
  2. Immunomodulatory. It is very important during an illness to increase the child's immunity by all natural means so that his body fights infections and bacteria on its own.
  3. Decongestant, which is very important for inflammation of the lymph nodes and tonsils, because often they increase so much that it becomes difficult for the child to breathe. And it is necessary to change this state by any means.
  4. Detoxification. During an illness, it is important to remove toxins from the body as quickly as possible, which cause malaise, fever, aches, and muscle pain.
  5. Anti-inflammatory. With inflammation of the lymph nodes and tonsils, it is necessary to reduce the focus of inflammation.
  6. Improves metabolism, so that the cells receive more vitamins and nutrients.

All of the above effects of the drug can normalize the interaction of tissue cells with the endocrine system, as well as increase overall immunity. In addition, scientists say that due to the improvement in the permeability of tissues and cells, while taking the drug, the effect of other medicines is enhanced, that is, dosages can be reduced.

Indications for use

The main purpose of a homeopathic remedy is the treatment of diseases of the lymphatic system. Lymphomyotosis helps to cope with intoxication that occurs with any inflammatory processes, taking drugs. The drug is prescribed in the presence of:

  • lymphadenopathy;
  • mesadenitis;
  • conditions accompanied by fever;
  • edema of various etiologies - renal, cardiac, lymphatic, in diabetes mellitus;
  • acquired immunodeficiency;
  • prolonged lymphaticism;
  • allergic, exudative diathesis;
  • inhibition of intellectual development.

Lymphomyosot is used after surgery to remove a breast tumor to restore lymph flow. Excellent reviews have a drug from otolaryngologists who prescribe it for the treatment of diseases of the nasopharynx, especially in a chronic form. The drug is used in the diagnosis:

  • hypertrophy of the tonsils;
  • any etiology;
  • adenoitis.

The drug has proven effective in the treatment of:

  • enteritis complicated by diarrhea;
  • neuralgia;
  • calcium deficiency;
  • bronchitis;
  • intestinal diseases;
  • lack of appetite;
  • states of exhaustion;
  • inflammation of the gallbladder;
  • nephrosis;
  • colitis with bleeding;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • neoplasms;
  • skin diseases - dermatoses;
  • accompanied by polyneuropathy;
  • digestive disorders - vomiting, flatulence, belching;
  • pathologies of the genitourinary system;
  • diseases of the spine;
  • asthenia.


  • the period of pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • age up to 18 years;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

Caution should be given to patients with thyroid diseases (due to the iodine content in the preparation).

In addition, drops should be taken with caution in diseases of the liver and brain, traumatic brain injury, alcoholism.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

During pregnancy and lactation, it is recommended to use the drug with extreme caution, use the minimum therapeutic dose, and immediately stop taking it if negative symptoms or signs of any complications are detected.

Dosage and method of application

The instructions for use indicate: take 15-20 drops orally, dissolved in 100 ml of water, 3 times a day.

  • The course of therapy is 8-12 days. An increase in the duration and a repeated course of treatment is possible as prescribed by the attending physician.

If the drug is not effective enough, you should consult a doctor.

Side effects

Clinical studies have not shown any side effects other than rare cases of allergic reactions.


Until that time, no cases of the negative effect of an excess dose of Lymphomyosot were mentioned.

The danger of such a drug in drops in a large dose is associated only with a high concentration of ethanol in its composition, therefore, in case of an overdose, you should immediately consult a doctor.

special instructions

With pathologies of the thyroid gland, the drug can be used only as prescribed by the attending physician.

The use of Lymphomyosot may cause a primary worsening or exacerbation of the symptoms of the disease. You should temporarily stop using the drug and seek the advice of a doctor.

The maximum daily dose of drops contains approximately 0.21 g of ethanol (absolute ethyl alcohol).

The drug does not affect the patient's ability to drive vehicles and work with mechanisms.

drug interaction

There is no chemical interaction with other medicines, but the use of Lymphomyosot helps to increase their effectiveness, and in some cases prolongs the action.

Homeopathic remedy, which is available in several dosage forms. It has a wide range of effects on the body, including immunostimulating and detoxifying. It is prescribed for various diseases to cleanse the body and increase its protective properties. Helps to establish lymphatic drainage, increase the functional abilities of the lymph nodes. Approved for use in adults and children.

Dosage form

The drug Lymphomyosot is available in two dosage forms:

  • Lymphomyosot - drops under the tongue (sublingually), or orally inside;
  • Lymphomyosot N- for parenteral administration (subcutaneous, intraarticular, intravenous, intramuscular, intradermal, periarticular).

The therapeutic effects of the drug are lymphatic drainage, decongestant, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, detoxification, it allows you to stimulate metabolism, improve lymphatic drainage from tissues, increase the barrier function of the lymph nodes, and enhance the elimination of toxic substances from the intercellular environment. This made Lymphomyosot a widely used and sought-after drug.

Description and composition

Drops for sublingual or oral use inside are made from field forget-me-not, Veronica officinalis sage dubrovnik, yellow gentian, common pine, wintering horsetail, knotted boletus, walnut and a dozen more plants collected by Biologische Heilmittel Heel GmbH, Germany, in one medicine to create a unique drug.

Homeopathic drops for oral administration are a clear light yellow liquid with the smell of ethanol in a dark glass bottle with a dropper closed with a protective cap. Packed in a cardboard box with instructions for use in the kit. Each package contains 1 vial.

The solution for administration is homeopathic, colorless and odorless, packed in transparent ampoules with a notch. Ampoules are packaged in 5 pieces in a cellular package, in a cardboard bundle 1 or 20 packs.

Pharmacological group

The main action of Lymphomyosot is the optimization of lymphatic drainage from soft tissues, and the acceleration of the removal of toxic compounds from the intercellular space. Thus, the barrier functions of the lymph nodes increase, the mechanisms of interaction of the nervous, endocrine, and immune systems improve. The composition of Lymphomyosot includes 17 elements, selected in such a way that their cumulative action leads to:

  • activation of lymph outflow from tissue cells;
  • strengthening the protective function of the lymph nodes;
  • increase the speed and intensity of metabolic processes;
  • intensification of the excretion of decay products, toxins and waste products of the vital process from the body.

Increasing the susceptibility of tissues to the effects of other medicinal substances, makes it possible to take them in smaller quantities, and therefore use fewer chemicals that can have a toxic effect on the metabolism of the vital system of the human body. Pharmacological group Lymphomyosot is a catalyst for chemical reactions of intracellular metabolism, an immunostimulant and immunomodulator, a natural means of optimizing human life processes. The scientific name is a homotoxic drug.

Indications for use

Lymphomyosot, as follows from its instructions, can be used in a numerous list of pathological conditions of the body, in which its anti-edematous, lymphatic drainage, immunomodulatory, detoxifying, anti-inflammatory action will be especially necessary. Among these states:

  • benign and malignant neoplasms;
  • pathological swelling in diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • drug intoxication;
  • edema resulting from kidney inflammation;
  • lymphatic and perineural edema;
  • complicated by polyneuropathy;
  • chronic tonsillitis;
  • chronic diseases of the nasopharynx;
  • infectious intoxications (tuberculous, tonsillogenic, etc.);
  • hypertrophy of the tonsils;
  • lymphadenopathy, mesoadenitis;
  • endogenous dermatosis, eczema, neurodermatitis;
  • immunodeficiency resulting from the course of chronic diseases;
  • lymphaticism;
  • mental decline, and asthenia;
  • astheno-neurotic syndrome;
  • somatic personality disorders, etc.

Improvement in the interaction between the cells of the nervous, endocrine and immune systems that occurs after the ingestion of Lymphomyosot and leads to progress in the treatment of urgent and chronic conditions, for which the drug is administered orally, via drops, or by various injections.

for adults

For adults, the drug is recommended in all of the above cases, as an opportunity to promote improved penetration of other drugs into the tissues of the body, which gives a chance to reduce drug dosages and minimize the toxic effect of various drugs on the tissues and organs of the patient.

for kids

In childhood, the drug is recommended in the following cases:

  • with intoxication with any drugs;
  • for removal of puffiness at 1 and 2 types;
  • with chronic inflammation of the mucosa; tonsillitis, ;
  • with allergic diseases that provoke a violation of the integrity of the skin;
  • with pathologies of the intestine, which are accompanied by rashes on the skin;
  • with sinusitis, sinusitis and other purulent diseases of the respiratory system.

The appointment of any drugs, including Lymphomyosot in childhood, can only be carried out by a doctor, and parents should in no case use drugs without medical approval.

During pregnancy and lactation, it is recommended to use the drug with extreme caution, use the minimum therapeutic dose, and immediately stop taking it if negative symptoms or signs of any complications are detected.


The main contraindication is the presence of individual immunity to individual components of the drug, or allergic reactions resulting from its use. Conditional contraindications include diseases (due to the iodine content in the preparation). In addition, drops should be taken with caution in diseases of the liver and brain, traumatic brain injury, alcoholism.

Applications and doses

Drops are taken sublingually or orally. The required dose of the drug is dissolved in 1 tsp. water, the solution lingers for several minutes in the oral cavity, then swallowed. Oral administration consists of diluting the drops in a glass of water, and drinking during the day in small sips, holding the solution in the mouth for a few seconds. According to the instructions, the medicine should be drunk half an hour before or one hour after a meal.

for adults

The necessary therapeutic or prophylactic dosage is prescribed by the attending physician, but usually the intake rate for an adult is 10 drops 2-3 times a day. If necessary, the dosage can be increased to 15 drops.

for kids

Lymphomyosot is in demand and popular in the treatment of childhood pathological conditions, is actively used in pediatrics, the children's dosage is taken from 1 to several times a day, depending on age, body condition and the nature of the pathology. The standard therapeutic dose for children is:

  • up to 1 year, give no more than 2 drops at a time;
  • from 3 to 6 years, you can give 5 drops at a time;
  • older than 6 years, you can give 10 drops once;
  • from 12 years of age, an adult dosage is used.

Reception of Lymphomyosot in childhood is 2-3 times a day, depending on the prescription of the attending physician.

for pregnant women and during lactation

The use of the drug is not recommended, but in case of emergency, the minimum adult dosage is used.

Side effects

Clinical studies have not shown any side effects other than rare cases of allergic reactions.

Interaction with other drugs

There is no chemical interaction with other medicines, but the use of Lymphomyosot helps to increase their effectiveness, and in some cases prolongs the action.

special instructions

It should be used with caution in acute and chronic diseases.


There were no cases of overdose. If necessary, consult a doctor.

Storage conditions

Store in a dark, dry place no more than the prescribed shelf life, at room temperature.


You can replace Lymphomyosot drops with the following drugs:

  1. Tonsillin Edas-125 refers to homeopathic remedies and is a substitute for Lymphomyosot according to the clinical and pharmacological group. The drug is produced in drops for oral administration, which are recommended to be taken for infectious diseases of the oral cavity. Due to the alcohol content, they are contraindicated in pregnant and lactating patients.
  2. Tonsillin Edas-925 is an analogue of Lymphomyosot in the therapeutic group. A medication is produced in granules, which are allowed to be taken for infectious and inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity. On prescription, the drug can be used in children under 2 years of age.
  3. H is an antiseptic of plant origin, which is used for infectious and inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity. Produced in drops and dragees. Drops are allowed to be taken for the treatment of patients older than 1 year, but it must be borne in mind that they contain alcohol. It is permissible to give dragee to children over 6 years old. According to the indications, the drug is allowed for pregnant and lactating patients.
  4. is a herbal antiseptic, produced in drops, which are used in otolaryngology for infections of the oral cavity. The drug is not allowed to be used to treat children under one year old, women in position and breastfeeding.

The price of the drug

The cost of Lymphomyosot averages 398 rubles. Prices range from 5 to 5102 rubles.

has powerful lymphatic drainage properties. The drug activates lymph drainage from tissues, enhances the barrier (protective) functions of the lymph nodes and accelerates the removal of homotoxins from the intercellular space (matrix).

Release form

Drops for sublingual administration - 30 ml in a dropper bottle.


100 ml of solution contains: Myosotis arvensis D3 - 5 g, Veronica officinalis D3 - 5 g, Teucrium scorodonia D3 - 5 g, Pinus silvestris D4 - 5 g, Gentiana lutea D5 - 5 g, Equisetum hiemale D4 - 5 g, Sarsaparilla D6 - 5 g, Scrophularia nodosa D3 - 5 g, Juglans regia D3 - 5 g, Calcium phosphoricum D12 - 5 g, Natrium sulphuricum D4 - 5 g, Fumaria officinalis D4 - 5 g, Levothyroxinum D12 - 5 g, Araneus diadematus D6 - 5 g, Geranium robertianum D4 - 10 g, Nasturtium aquaticum D4 - 10 g, Ferrum jodatum D12 - 10 g. Excipients: ethanol 35% by volume.

Release form

Solution for injection - 5 ampoules of 1.1 ml.


1.1 ml solution for injection contains: Myosotis arvensis D3 - 0.55 mg, Veronica officinalis D3 - 0.55 mg, Teucrium scorodonia D3 - 0.55 mg, Pinus silvestris D4 - 0.55 mg, Gentiana lutea D5 - 0.55 mg, Equisetum hiemale D4 - 0 ,55 mg, Smilax D6 - 0.55 mg, Scrophularia nodosa D3 - 0.55 mg, Calcium phosphoricum D12 - 0.55 mg, Natrium sulphuricum D4 - 0.55 mg, Fumaria officinalis D4 - 0.55 mg, Levothyroxinum D12 - 0.55 mg, Araneus diadematus D6 - 0.55 mg, Geranium robertianum D4 - 1.1 mg, Nasturtium officinale D4 - 1.1 mg, Ferrum jodatum D12 - 1.1 mg. Excipients: sodium chloride, water for injection.


- lymphadenopathy, mesoadenitis, chronic tonsillitis, hypertrophy of the tonsils, incl. adenoids;
- tonsillogenic and tuberculosis intoxication;
- immunodeficiency states;
- allergic, exudative and lymphatic diathesis, allergies;
- diabetic polyneuropathy (perineural edema);
- lymphaticism, elephantiasis;
- lymphatic edema (post-mastectomy, post-operative, post-traumatic);
- cardiac and renal edema;
- benign and malignant neoplasms (in complex therapy).



special instructions

In case of hyperthyroidism, thyrotoxicosis, due to the content of Levothyroxinum and Ferrum jodatum components in the preparation, an increase in the functional activity of the thyroid gland is possible. Therefore, in these diseases, use the drug only under the supervision of the attending physician.

Side effects

Not identified.

Dosage and method of application

Drops : single dose for adults and children from 12 years of age- 10 drops per dose; for kids: newborns and up to the 1st year - 1-2 drops; from 1 to 3 years - 3 drops, from 3 to 6 years - 5 drops each; from 6 to 12 years old - 7 drops per dose. Taken 3 times a day sublingually or pre-dissolved in 5-10 ml (teaspoon) of water 15-30 minutes before meals or one hour after.

Injection: single dose for adults and children from 6 years old - 1 ampoule. Administer intramuscularly, s / c, i / c, i / v, intra-articular and periarticularly, segmentally (using the biopuncture method) and at acupuncture points (homeosiniatry) 1-2 times a week, in acute cases daily and every other day.

If parenteral administration is not possible, the drug can be taken in the form of "drinking ampoules".

Interaction with other drugs

Without features.

Pharmacological properties

The drug Lymphomyosot refers to antihomotoxic drugs and has a complex effect:

- lymphatic drainage,
- decongestant,
- detoxification,
- immunomodulating .

Additionally provides: anti-inflammatory effect and activates metabolism (with hypothyroidism, obesity, cellulite).

Such a wide range of action of the drug is realized due to 17 components: 12 vegetable, 1 animal, 3 mineral and potentiated thyroid hormone - levothyroxine.

All of them, to varying degrees, are tropic to the lymphatic system of the body:

Herbal Ingredients:

Myosotis arvensis D3
(Field forget-me-not)

Pronounced effect on the respiratory system. Chronical bronchitis. Cough with profuse mucopurulent sputum. Juvenile pulmonary tuberculosis.
Profuse day and night sweats. Enhances the action of other components of complex preparations and directs it directly to the lungs.

Veronica D3
(Veronica pharmacy, oak forest)

Expectorant action in acute and chronic bronchitis with cough. Rhinitis.
Enlargement of lymph nodes, including the gate of the lung.
Chronic eczema and dermatosis in children with lymphatic diathesis.

Teucrium scorodonia D3

Chronic inflammation of the respiratory tract (rhinitis, bronchitis). Pulmonary tuberculosis. Hypertrophy of the tonsils and chronic tonsillitis.

Pinus silvestris D4
(Scotch pine)

Inflammation of the respiratory tract, eczema, urticaria. Scrofulous and rickety children who walk late.

Gentiana lutea D5
(Gentian yellow)

It acts mainly on the digestive organs. Various digestive disorders: dry mouth, belching, nausea, vomiting, flatulence, diarrhea, obesity. Sensation of pressure and heaviness in the stomach. Intestinal colic with urge to stool.

Equisetum hiemale D4
(Horsetail wintering)

Diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract - cystitis cystopyelitis. Mucus in urine. Dull pain in bladder. Sand in the urine, nephrolithiasis. Bed-wetting. Violent burning and cutting pains when urinating. Pain localized in the region of the right kidney.

Sarsaparilla (Smilax) D6
(Sarsaparilla medicinal)

Inflammation and irritation of the urinary organs. Sand in the urine, tenesmus when urinating. Pain worsens with urination (stranguria) and disappears after urination. Skin rashes, rheumatism.

Scrophularia nodosa D3
(Norichnik knotty)

Mastopathy. Eczema. Conditions of weakness, milky scab. Complementary remedy for neoplasms.

Juglans D3

Lymphatic constitution, scrofula. Purulent skin rashes, inflammation of the lymph nodes, impaired liver function. Chronic blenorrhea.

Fumaria officinalis D4
(Dymyanka officinalis)

A blood purifier for overloading the body with homotoxins. Scrofula. Chronic pruritic eczema in violation of the functions of the liver.

Geranium robertianum D4

Scrofulosis, hypertrophy of the tonsils, enlargement of the occipital lymph nodes, chronic tonsillitis. Umbilical colic in children. Gastroenteritis, chronic enteritis with blood in the stool and diarrhoea. Eczema, gout, rheumatism, stone diseases, urinary disorders.

Nasturtium aquaticum D4
( Watercress officinalis, nasturtium)

Diseases of the liver and bladder. Urinary tract irritation. Diuretic action. Improves digestion. Aphthae.

Animal Components:

Araneus diadematus D6

Frequent chills. Hydrogenoid constitution. Feelings of icy coldness in the bones, pain in the heels. Colitis with bleeding. Periodically recurring neuralgia, intermittent attacks of fever. Complaints in diseases in the impregnation phase, especially from the nervous system. Feelings of great fatigue, exhaustion and loss of strength. Sensory disorders, diseases of the joints.

Mineral components:

Calcium phosphoricum D12
(calcium hydrogen phosphate)

Promotes the growth of the child and the formation of the skeleton. Rickets. Slow teething, early caries. Promotes the formation of calluses in fractures. Constitutional remedy for lymphaticism. Headaches, especially in children after school. Umbilical colic. States of exhaustion; loss of appetite, lack of calcium, diseases of the spine.

Natrium sulphuricum D4
(Glauber's salt)

Diseases of the liver and gallbladder. Bronchial asthma, rheumatism, deterioration in wet weather. Diabetes.

Ferrum jodatum D12
(iron iodide)

Swollen lymph nodes in scrofula. Prostate hypertrophy. Purulent conjunctivitis. Coryza with copious discharge. Diseases of the thyroid gland with its hyperfunction. Kidney inflammation.

Potentiated allopathic remedy:

Levothyroxinum D12

With myxedema, it increases metabolism and energy metabolism. It activates the drainage functions of the connective tissue of the intercellular space to remove homotoxins from it.

The Levothyroxin component, made from levothyroxine, is contained in the Lymphomyosot preparation in a potency (dilution) of D12, that is, in a concentration of 10-12 (0.000000000001) times less than the original one. Therefore, its action is not a direct substitute for the thyroid gland (there is no risk of overdose), but normalizes (regulates) its function. Ultimately, this activates the metabolism and drainage functions of the intercellular space - the homotoxins deposited in the matrix are removed.

The above composition provides Lymphomyosot with powerful lymphatic drainage properties. The drug activates lymph drainage from tissues, enhances the barrier (protective) functions of the lymph nodes and accelerates the removal of homotoxins from the intercellular space (matrix). Thus, it contributes restoration of the transport function of the matrix intercellular space. Eliminating swelling of the intercellular space and removing toxins from the matrix. Lymphomyosot returns matrix homogeneity(homogeneity), which in turn contributes to the restoration of normal metabolism (trophic) in the extracellular space and cells, as well as interaction between cells of the immune, nervous and endocrine systems.

Restoring the homogeneity of the matrix has another important aspect - increases the bioavailability of tissues, incl. cell receptors to the action of any drugs (antihomotoxic, chemotherapeutic, phytotherapeutic, etc.). Therefore, it is simply impossible to overestimate the importance and significance of the drainage effect of Lymphomyosot on the matrix in inflammatory processes (both acute and chronic).

Lymphomyosot has no analogues in composition, mechanism of action and therapeutic effect!

In antihomotoxic therapy Lymphomyosot is one of the main drainage drugs. It is always used at the first (preparatory, 1st drainage) stage of the treatment of chronic diseases. When there is no opportunity (time) for this stage, it is used simultaneously with organ-targeted preparations. First of all, Lymphomyosot is indicated for diseases of the lymphatic system itself, as well as for diseases of hollow (tubular) organs, which are abundantly supplied with lymphatic vessels and nodes (nasopharynx, trachea, bronchi, gastrointestinal tract, genitourinary tract, uterus, fallopian tubes, vagina).

For all chronic, degenerative and oncological diseases, it is mandatory to carry out 10-14 day preparatory drainage therapy

It allows you to activate one of the main systems for removing and neutralizing homotoxins from the body - lymphatic, as well as increase the bioavailability of tissues for the effects of other drugs.

In diseases that are in phases to the right of the biological barrier, the second key drainage drug, Galium-Heel (intracellular drainage and restoration of intracellular enzyme systems), is added to Lymphomyosot.

Lymphomyosot has a pronounced effect in patients with lymphatic(lymphatic-hypoplastic) constitution prone to enlarged lymph nodes (hypertrophy of the tonsils and adenoids), diathesis, allergies, frequent acute respiratory viral infections, chronic tonsillitis, immunodeficiency states.

By activating the intestinal lymphatic system (Peyer's patches), it enhances the local immunity of the intestinal mucosa and is therefore effective as part of complex therapy. intestinal dysbiosis, which is confirmed by the absence of growth of pathogenic flora during stool culture for the presence of dysbiosis. Lymphomyosot plays the same role in dysbiotic disorders of other mucous membranes.

Lymphomyosot is needed for asthenic conditions, astheno-neurotic syndrome, somatic disorders, mental development disorders that have developed as a result of various intoxications of the body, including medicinal ones. In order to improve the lymphatic and venous outflow, Lymphomyosot is prescribed for cardiac (ventricular failure) and renal edema (nephrosis, nephritis, and other nephropathies).

It is very important to use the drug for violations of the outflow of lymph after operations or injuries, in particular, after mamectomy (removal of a breast tumor) - there is no alternative in terms of efficiency and safety. Lymphomyosot has an activating effect on the drainage functions of the liver in eczema, neurodermatitis, and endogenous dermatosis.

The ability of Lymphomyosot to increase bioavailability for other pharmaceutical preparations allows to reduce the terms of their use, and, consequently, to minimize their side effects on the body, as well as to increase the effectiveness of treatment in general.

Combination with other antigens and some regimens

In otorhinolaryngology:

1. Hypertrophy of the tonsils, adenoid vegetations- monotherapy (in the usual dosage of 1.5 monthly courses with a monthly interval of 2-4 times a year), with concomitant pathology in combination with other antigens.

2.Chronic tonsillitis- in the form of monotherapy, during exacerbation - in combination with the drug Angin-Heel C, Traumeel C, Echinacea compositum C.

In pediatrics and therapy:

  1. Exudative and allergic diathesis, allergies- together with preparations Hepel, Psorinoheel N, Traumeel S; with insufficient efficiency additionally - Gepar comp. Heel, Coenzyme compositum.
  2. Lymphadenopathy with and as a result of infectious diseases - monotherapy with Lymphomyosot or in combination with other drugs, depending on the etiology.
  3. Mesoadenitis- monotherapy with Lymphomyosot in a hospital (allows children to remove the question of the need for surgical intervention).
  4. Lymphostasis, elephantiasis- monotherapy or in combination with other antigens.
  5. Subfebrile condition of unknown etiology(often after the flu, SARS) - Lymphomyosot in combination with the drug Echinacea compositum C or Influenza-Nosode-Inyel.

In pulmonology:

  1. Bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchial asthma- in combination with Traumeel C, with purulent is added - Echinacea compositum C; with a long chronic course - Coenzyme compositum.
  2. Respiratory allergy: monotherapy with Lymphomyosot is possible for 2-3 months; or as a base drainage drug in combination with other anti-anxiety agents.
  3. Silicosis and other pneumoconiosis- in combination with Traumeel C and/or Mucosa compositum.
  4. At tuberculosis chemoprophylaxis Lymphomyosot (together with Hepel) is prescribed in parallel with chemotherapy. This allows you to: largely neutralize the side effects of anti-tuberculosis drugs, improve overall health, remove the effects of intoxication and asthenia, reduce the size of previously enlarged lymph nodes, including palatine tonsils, reduce the size of infiltrates after the Mantoux reaction, promotes weight gain body.
  5. Drug intoxication with massive or prolonged use of antibiotics, anti-tuberculosis and other toxic drugs.

In surgery and oncology:

  1. With postoperative lymphatic edema, incl. after mastectomy - Lymphomyosot - the basic drug, can be used as monotherapy or in combination with Traumeel S.
  2. Thrombophlebitis and trophic ulcers- in combination with Aesculus compositum, Traumeel S (injections or tablets + local ointment).
  3. Long term antibiotic therapy accompanied by allergic reactions: therapy with Lymphomyosot for 14-21 days. With dysbiosis - with Mucosa compositum.
  4. Chronic hematogenous osteomyelitis- a combination of AGTP without allopathic drugs is used: Lymphomyosot 1.1 ml, Traumeel C 2.2 ml and Echinacea compositum C 2.2 ml IM 2 r/week each No. 10. The total duration of the course of treatment is 30-45 days. The same combination of drugs is used in the treatment post-traumatic osteomyelitis.

In gynecology:

  1. At inflammatory processes internal genital organs caused by opportunistic microflora (nonspecific inflammatory processes), it is recommended to carry out monotherapy of AGTP without the use of antibiotics using the following basic complex: 10 cap. 2-3 r / day) + Traumeel S (2 days in a row s / c in the abdomen at the projection points of the appendages and additionally 1 tab. 3 r / day from the 1st day of treatment) + Lymphomyosot (15 cap. 2 r / day or injections at the age dosage at biopuncture points). The duration of the course of treatment is usually 3-4 weeks.
  2. At chronic salpingoophoritis: Lymphomyosot (10 drops 3 r / day or in injections, during the entire course of treatment), Gynecocheel (10 drops 3 r / day for 3 weeks), Traumeel S (tablets or injections for 3-4- x weeks), Echinacea compositum C (1 amp. 1 time in 3 days No. 10).
  3. At preoperative preparation, especially in chronic inflammatory processes, are used: Traumeel C, Gynecoheel, Lymphomyosot for 2 weeks before surgery.
  4. At premenstrual syndrome in cases of fluid retention and weight gain, Lymphomyosot may be administered in addition to Mulimen.
  5. At mastopathy Lymphomyosot is prescribed as a basic drainage agent, in combination with Galium-Heel, Mulimen, if necessary - Ubiquinone compositum, Ovarium compositum. This complex of drugs can be prescribed as monotherapy for glandular, cystic and mixed forms of diffuse mastopathy or to accompany surgical interventions (for other forms).

In urology and nephrology:

Nonspecific bacterial urethritis- Traumeel C + Mucosa compositum + Lymphomyosot.

In endocrinology:

Diabetic polyneuropathy in patients with type II diabetes. Therapy regimen: Lymphomyosot 15 cap. 2 r / day alone or in combination with alpha-lipoic acid. The duration of treatment is up to 8 months. Lymphomyosot eliminates perineural edema, due to which it reduces the risk of occurrence and improves the prognosis of the course of vascular, lymphatic neural disorders.

Possibilities of using the injection form of the drug Lymphomyosot N

Having an injectable form of Lymphomyosot has several advantages:

1) traditionally, like any solution for injection, the introduction of Lymphomyosot N parenterally begins to act faster than other forms. This is important in acute and acute conditions, in resuscitation, intensive care, trauma, bleeding, etc., i.e. when there is a question of saving a person's life or quick recovery and support of vital functions;

2) the second fundamental advantage is the possibility of using Lymphomyosot H in all injection methods of treatment: biopuncture, pharmacopuncture, homeosiniatry, mesotherapy, etc.

The most relevant conditions in which it is necessary to use a solution for injection

At any surgical intervention- to eliminate postoperative lymphatic edema, postoperative inflammatory infiltrates of any localization;

For a quick relief of cerebral edema under various conditions (acute meningitis, meningoencephalitis, brain injury, spinal injury, edema after CNS surgery, frequent migraine attacks, liquor-hypertensive cider, etc.). Due to the ability to improve the outflow of lymph and venous outflow, Lymphomyosot has a pronounced decongestant action;

In complex treatment acute pancreatitis, with rapidly progressing ascites any etiology;

For relief of false croup in children, in the complex treatment of progressive hydrocephalus;

In complex therapy pulmonary edema in myocardial infarction, relief of hypertensive crises, arrhythmias, pulmonary embolism, chronic circulatory failure (IIB - III stage), myocarditis;

At kidney pathology with parenchymal edema(acute glomerulonephritis, nephrotic syndrome, acute bacterial nephritis);

In newborns with perinatal brain injury, intracerebral hemorrhage, meningoencephalitis, accompanied by cerebral edema;

For severe viral and bacterial infections.

The use of Lymphomyosot N in special injection techniques

AT biopuncture the drug is injected into trigger and pain points, reflexogenic zones, acupuncture points, etc. It is used both for the treatment of pain syndromes associated with trauma and edema, and for chronic, degenerative and oncological diseases - as a basic drainage preparation.

AT mesotherapy, homeomesotherapy the drug is used in the complex treatment of cellulite and general obesity. Promotes the removal of excess fluid from the tissues, as well as the activation of metabolism, including fat due to the activation of the thyroid gland in hypothyroidism.

AT stepwise autohemotherapy Lymphomyosot is used in stepwise autohemotherapy schemes in the treatment of: side effects of drug therapy, recurrent viral infections, chronic recurrent tonsillitis, allergic and autoimmune diseases (bronchial asthma, eczema, etc.).

Inflammation of the lymph nodes or tonsils brings the child severe discomfort, as it is manifested by pain, fever and other unpleasant symptoms. One of the commonly used remedies for such problems can be called Lymphomyosot. This is a homeopathic remedy from the well-known company Heel. Is it prescribed to children and how does the child's body react to such a remedy?

Release form

Lymphomyosot is produced in two forms:

  • drops that are taken orally. They are represented by a transparent yellow liquid, placed in a volume of 30 milliliters in a glass dropper bottle. 1 ml of such a product contains 21 drops;
  • ampoules with a liquid without any odor and color, intended for intramuscular injection. In one box they sell 5 or 100 ampoules of 1.1 ml.


The active components of Lymphomyosot (both forms) are the following natural substances:

  • in breeding D3 Ingredients obtained from walnut (Juglans regia), knobby boletus (Scrophularia nodosa) and field forget-me-not (Myosotis arvensis), as well as sage oak (Teucrium scorodonia) and Veronica officinalis are presented.
  • in breeding D4 the preparation contains substances from winter horsetail (Equisetum hyemale), fumes (Fumaria officinalis), Robert's geranium (Geranium robertianum), watercress (Nasturtium officinale) and ordinary pine (Pinus sylvestris), as well as Natrium sulfuricum.
  • breeding D5 the agent contains compounds from yellow gentian (Gentiana lutea).
  • in breeding D6 the drops and solution contain components from the common cross spider (Araneus diadematus) and smilax (Sarsaparilla).
  • dilution D12 in Lymphomyosot, calcium phosphoricum (Calcium phosphoricum) and iron iodide (Ferrum jodatum), as well as the substance Levothyroxinum, are presented.

Additionally, there are ethyl alcohol and water in the drops, and sterile water and sodium chloride in the injection form.

Operating principle

Lymphomyosot has an effect on the lymphatic system. In particular, the agent is able to activate the outflow of lymph from various tissues and organs, as a result of which their impaired functions are normalized, and the body's defenses are strengthened. This action provides anti-inflammatory, anti-exudative, detoxification and immunocorrective effect from the use of drops or injections.

Thanks to Lymphomyosot, the size of enlarged lymph nodes or tonsils is reduced, the child’s immune system fights infectious agents more actively, the focus of inflammation decreases, and toxins leave the body more quickly, which leads to a quick relief from body aches, fever and other symptoms of malaise.


The tool is applied:

  • With lymphatic edema.
  • With inflammation of the lymphatic vessels.
  • With chronic tonsillitis, laryngitis or pharyngitis.
  • With edema that appeared due to injury or surgery.
  • With edema provoked by diabetes.
  • With edema caused by pathologies of the kidneys or heart.
  • With allergic diseases.
  • With various intoxications, for example, caused by chemicals, drugs, tuberculosis, physical and other factors.
  • With rashes on the skin, the cause of which are intestinal diseases.
  • With acquired immunodeficiencies.
  • With benign tumors, as well as with malignant neoplasms.
  • With sinusitis, runny nose and other chronic diseases in the nasopharynx.

At what age is it allowed to take?

The instructions for Lymphomyosot include information that such a remedy is not recommended for children under 18 years of age. This limitation is due to insufficient study of the effect of the drug on children and the lack of clinical studies. However, in practice, doctors prescribe Lymphomyosot from birth if there are good reasons for taking drops or a course of injections.


Both drops and injections are not prescribed for hypersensitivity to any of their ingredients. The presence of thyroid diseases in a child requires increased attention of the doctor in the treatment of Lymphomyosot. In addition, due to the presence of alcohol in the composition of drops, this form is prescribed with caution for brain diseases, traumatic brain injuries and liver pathologies.

Side effects

Taking drops can provoke allergies (urticaria, itchy skin). In such a situation, the remedy must be immediately canceled. In addition, quite often with the beginning of the use of Lymphomyosot, as with the use of other homeopathic remedies, the patient's condition may deteriorate for a short time. With such a reaction, it is also advised to stop taking it and seek the advice of a doctor.

Instructions for use

Drops in the dosage prescribed by the doctor are dissolved in 10 ml of water and given to the child to drink. If possible, the drug should be held for a few seconds in the oral cavity. But with small children this will not work, so they can drip the remedy directly under the tongue without diluting it.

The number of drops is determined by the age of the small patient:

  • Babies of the first year of life usually have 1-2 drops per reception.
  • For a child 1-3 years old, the drug is prescribed 3 drops.
  • Children from 3 to 6 years old (for example, at 4 years old) are given 5 drops per reception.
  • For a child aged 6-12 years, a single dose of the drug is 7 drops.
  • A teenager 12 years old or older is given 10 drops.

Lymphomyosot is often taken at these doses three times a day. The remedy is given to children either 20 minutes before meals, or an hour after meals. The duration of treatment is determined individually, as it depends on the nature of the disease and its course. In this case, most often drops are prescribed in a course of 2 to 5 weeks.

As for injections, in this form Lymphomyosot is prescribed to children less often than in drops. A single dose, frequency of administration and duration of use for a particular child should be determined by the doctor, since these parameters depend on the disease itself and on the age of the patient.


Until that time, no cases of the negative effect of an excess dose of Lymphomyosot were mentioned. The danger of such a drug in drops in a large dose is associated only with a high concentration of ethanol in its composition, therefore, in case of an overdose, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Interaction with other drugs

In the annotation accompanying Lymphomyosot, it is noted that such a remedy is compatible with various drugs. It can be used together with other homeopathy, as well as with antibiotics, immunomodulators and other medicines.

Terms of sale

Lymphomyosot drops are sold in pharmacies without a prescription and cost an average of 470-530 rubles per bottle. To purchase an injectable form, you must obtain a prescription from your doctor. The average price of 5 ampoules is 400 rubles.

Storage conditions

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