The benefits and harms of flaxseed porridge and cooking recipes. Flaxseed porridge - useful properties and contraindications

The most nutritious and healthy dish for our body is flaxseed porridge. It was not deservedly forgotten in our country, because for many years it has been considered a popular dish in Europe and England, having displaced oatmeal, which has already become traditional, from the first place.

Flaxseed porridge

This type of porridge is made from flax seeds, which have a lot of useful trace elements and properties. This product contains omega-3, omega-6 and fatty acids found in marine fish. Only these substances in the flax seed are twice as much.

Surely there are no such people who would not know the beneficial properties. Even diabetics, in addition to diabenot for diabetes, use this product for health and well-being. What is the use of a dish of flaxseed flour and how to cook and use it correctly?

flaxseed porridge recipe

Classic recipe: pour three tablespoons of flaxseed into a coffee grinder and grind them to a state of fine flour (you can already buy it ready-made in the store). Next, pour this powder into a plate and fill it with warm boiled water. When the porridge absorbs all the liquid, it will have a delicate and uniform texture. You don't need to cook. At will and taste, honey, raisins, butter or milk can be added to the dish to make it tastier. And if you want to lose weight soon, then eat for breakfast or dinner without any additions.

The benefits of flaxseed

Flaxseed porridge contains vitamins A, B and C, as well as many useful substances, such as copper, iron, zinc, potassium, phosphorus, sodium, chromium, boron, sodium, manganese and magnesium.

Flax seeds contain a large amount of plant hormones, have an anti-allergic effect, normalize the balance of hormones, and prevent the occurrence of oncological formations. Also, porridge is an excellent prevention against prostate cancer, increases testosterone levels and improves sexual sensations.

The benefits and harms of flax porridge are due to its chemical properties. It improves the functioning of the intestines, gently enveloping its walls, has a laxative effect, so it is recommended to use it for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, hepatitis and hemorrhoids. Indeed, in the process of its preparation, mucus is formed, which eliminates inflammation and pain in the stomach, carefully enveloping it.

If you add such food to your diet, you will soon lower your blood sugar levels and noticeably lose weight without harming your health.
In flax seeds, an important component is dietary vegetable proteins, which are indispensable for people involved in sports or following a strict diet.

Such porridge is also useful for pregnant or lactating women, because although it has a minimum of calories, it can eliminate the feeling of hunger for a long time, and thanks to its useful composition it will have a positive effect on the development of the fetus. This is confirmed by positive reviews.

Harm of flaxseed porridge

Flax products have practically no contraindications. Even porridge is not capable of harming our body if you do not have an individual intolerance.
Also, allergies to flaxseed porridge are very rare, and if you add any factory additives with dyes, flavors or preservatives to it, or to fruits or vegetables that you eat together.

Flaxseed porridge is an excellent dietary dish that is essential for a healthy diet for any person. It should be noted that this product has been eaten since ancient times. This is due, first of all, to the fact that even after a long heat treatment, it retains most of the nutrients, as well as useful properties.

general information

We will talk about how to cook flaxseed porridge a little lower. Now I want to tell you about what this product is in general.

As you know, porridge is a dish that is made from cereals boiled in water or milk. But, if you ask this product in the store, you will certainly be answered that it does not exist in nature. After all, flaxseed porridge is made exclusively from flaxseeds. However, one cannot fail to say that such a product becomes suitable for creating a delicious dish only after oil is extracted from it. In other words, this porridge is made from the cake of flax seeds. Agree, it doesn't sound very appetizing. But in such a processed product there is little fat, but a lot of protein is preserved. Therefore, it is ideal for those who wish to lose weight. That is why this product is especially popular among the fairer sex, as well as among men who are inclined to be overweight.

Flaxseed porridge: benefits and harms

Before introducing this product into your diet, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with its indications and contraindications. After all, this is the only way you can protect your family from food poisoning and other allergic reactions. Moreover, familiarity with the properties of the presented product will allow you to use it for the prevention of certain diseases.

The benefits of flaxseeds

Flaxseed porridge contains almost as many calories as millet or buckwheat. But due to the large amount of protein, as well as the presence of omega-3 fatty acids, mineral compounds, vitamins B, A, and E, it is considered much more useful than other types of dishes prepared with milk or water.

Experts say that flaxseed porridge contributes to the rapid recovery of the body after various diseases. It also has a beneficial effect on the condition of hair, skin, nails and significantly strengthens the immune system.

It should also be noted that flaxseed porridge (the benefits and harms of the product are presented in this article) rather quickly cleanses the intestines from various toxins. This is due to the fact that this product contains a large amount of fiber. In addition, such a dish often helps fight viral and bacterial infections. This property is explained by the presence of phytohormones in it.

It should also be noted that the use of flaxseed porridge is especially useful for those who have endocrine disorders, as well as diseases of the cardiovascular system, high blood sugar and cholesterol levels.

Flaxseed porridge: dish harm

We talked about the benefits that this product can bring. However, some people believe that such porridge can cause harm. Although experts say that you should not expect any irreparable damage from the presented dish. After all, this is perhaps the most harmless of all existing cereals. But it should be noted that occasionally there are still people who are allergic to this product. In this case, experts recommend abandoning the use of store-bought porridge and including a home-made dish in your diet. After all, very often allergic reactions develop due to the fact that negligent entrepreneurs add various dyes, spoiled pieces of fruit and flavors to dry porridge.

Properties of flaxseed

Very often, this dish is used by the fair sex to reduce weight. It should be noted that often flaxseed porridge for weight loss, reviews of which are very diverse, is sold in pharmacies. Indeed, such a product is ideal for those who want to lose weight. With what it is connected, we will consider right now.

  • Low calorie. Despite the fact that 100 g of this product contains about 312 kcal, it is very often recommended to use it for weight loss. After all, such energy units should not be afraid. This is due to the fact that in flaxseed porridge there are 2 times more proteins than carbohydrates. And, as you know, such an element cannot be converted into fat and deposited on the sides.
  • Product nutrition. Flaxseed porridge with wheat germ, as well as with other additional ingredients and in its pure form, has a very rich chemical composition. It is this fact that allows you to make up for the deficiency in the body of many useful substances.
  • Normalization of the work of the digestive tract. As you know, many cereals prepared on the basis of various cereals often cause constipation and heaviness in the stomach. As for the flaxseed meal, on the contrary, it contributes to the rapid emptying of the intestines and lightness after dinner.

Cooking a delicious dish with raisins and honey

Few people know how to cook flaxseed porridge. And to remedy this situation, we decided to bring to your attention a few detailed recipes.

It should be noted that such a dish with the addition of honey and raisins can serve as an ideal breakfast not only for you, but also for your children. Indeed, with the use of these ingredients, porridge will turn out to be both healthy and incredibly tasty. For her, we need:

Preparing the Components

Before preparing flaxseed porridge, all of the above ingredients should be processed. First you need to sort out the buckwheat, and then discard it in a colander and wash thoroughly in cool water until the liquid is transparent. After that, it should be placed in a pan and dried over low heat. Next, you need to grind the buckwheat with a coffee grinder.

In order for the flaxseed porridge, the preparation of which we are considering, to turn out not only satisfying and nutritious, but also tasty, it is recommended to add a handful of pitted dark raisins to it. It must be washed, poured with boiling water, left for half an hour, and then rinsed thoroughly again.

The cooking process

After all the ingredients are prepared, in one bowl you need to mix flaxseed and buckwheat flour, and then season them with a small amount of medium-sized salt. Next, you need to add steamed raisins to the products and immediately pour boiling water or hot milk. Cooking porridge on the stove is highly discouraged. Indeed, during heat treatment, it can lose a lot of useful substances. But in order for the dish to be fully cooked, it must be tightly closed and wrapped in a terry towel or wadded blanket.

Final stage and serving

After the flaxseed and buckwheat flour swell, the porridge must be stirred and tasted. If there is not enough salt, then it can be added additionally.

Before serving, put a piece of unsalted butter (optional) into the dish and wait for it to soften. Together with porridge, family members should be sure to present fresh honey of any kind. After all, during the preparation, granulated sugar was not added to the ingredients.

Dietary flaxseed meal

We talked about how to cook hearty flaxseed porridge. But by regularly eating such a dish, you will not only not lose weight, but you may also gain excess weight. After all, the presented porridge is prepared using rather high-calorie ingredients (honey, butter, raisins). In this regard, we suggest you cook such a dish without the use of any additional components. For this, store-bought flaxseed porridge "Khudeyka" is well suited. Reviews about her are mostly positive. It saturates well, cleanses the intestines and contributes to a fairly rapid loss of excess weight. But how do you cook it yourself? This process is described in detail on the packaging of the dry product. However, we decided to bring it to your attention in our article.

Cooking method

Flaxseed porridge "Khudeyka" is almost a ready-to-eat product. It contains flaxseed flour, ground roasted barley, paprika, oregano (or oregano), ground cinnamon and other herbs. This set of ingredients makes porridge not only healthy and nutritious, but also very tasty. Although for the first time some of the fair sex use it with great reluctance. After all, it is quite difficult to give up the usual fatty foods flavored with spices and other additives.

So, to prepare Khudeyka porridge, you need to put the dry mixture into a metal or ceramic bowl, and then pour boiling water over it, salt if necessary, and close the lid tightly. In order for the dish to cook well, it needs to be wrapped in a cotton blanket or terry towel.

Serving to the table

To prepare porridge for weight loss, you only need 15 minutes. After all, this is how long it takes for the dry product to swell well. Before serving, it is recommended to flavor it with finely chopped herbs. Such an additive will make your lunch even more tasty and nutritious.

Cooking a diet lunch with chocolate and vanilla

Linen porridge "Faberlik", reviews of which are extremely positive, is especially popular with those who want to reduce their weight, but do not want to give up tasty and satisfying dishes. It should be noted that such a product is relatively inexpensive. So, for one serving of a delicious dish, you will need to pay about 40 Russian rubles.

Product description

After brewing, flax seed mucus completely covers the mucous membrane of the stomach and esophagus, protecting them from irritation, and also providing analgesic, protective, soothing and anti-inflammatory effects. Such porridge is indicated for inflammation of the digestive tract, pancreatitis, peptic ulcer, gastritis, enteritis, chronic cholecystitis, colitis, food poisoning and hemorrhoids.

It should also be noted that crushed flax seeds contain a huge amount of lignans, that is, natural phytohormones that can cope with stress, stabilize the psycho-emotional state of a person, especially during any hormonal disruptions in the body.

As for the additions of vanilla and cocoa, these ingredients make the dish invigorating, increase efficiency, and also give a good mood for the whole day. Consider the properties of these products in more detail:

The process of making porridge

Flaxseed porridge "Faberlik" is prepared as easily and simply as any similar dish. To do this, the contents of a small bag must be diluted in 200-250 ml of hot, but not boiling water. In this state, it is advisable to leave the dish under a closed lid for 3-5 minutes. After this time, the porridge should swell well. In appearance, such a dish turns out to be quite similar to pudding or jelly. It doesn't taste very sweet, but it's not salty either, rather fresh.

Possible errors in the cooking process

To get a very tasty porridge from Faberlik, which will have a pleasant texture, you must strictly follow all the requirements of the recipe. For example, if you pour a dry product with a large amount of water, then the dish will be liquid, like soup. If you add boiling water to it, then it will curl up and take on the appearance of ordinary water with unpleasant grains.

Flaxseed porridge is a dietary dish prepared with water or milk from ground flax seeds.

This dietary product is inexpensive, meanwhile, it is not difficult to prepare it.

Most often, powder from defatted flaxseed goes on sale.

Flaxseed porridge: proper preparation

The healing properties of flaxseed have been known since ancient times. It is used for medical purposes for the preparation of medicines, medical cosmetics and diet food.

Ready-made semi-finished products, which are a processed dry mix, go on sale. When preparing porridge, flax seed powder is poured with hot boiling water. A dish prepared in this way loses some of its nutrients even during the processing of raw materials. In order for flaxseed porridge, the benefits of which are undeniable, to contribute to the improvement of the body, the raw materials must be prepared independently.

Ground flax seeds quickly oxidize in the fresh air, losing their healing properties. Therefore, they should be crushed only before cooking.

The cooking process consists of the following steps:

Seeds are soaked overnight in room temperature water.

Swollen grains are ground in a coffee grinder

The finished mass is poured with boiling water

Boil the mixture over low heat for 4-5 minutes.

Remove the cooked porridge from the fire

Let it brew for 10 minutes

If there is no allergy to whey, boiled milk is often used instead of boiling water.

Porridge should be served hot to the table. Washed and steamed raisins, dried apricots and dried fruits can be added to freshly prepared porridge for taste. Honey and nuts will help improve the nutritional properties and taste of porridge.

Flaxseed porridge: benefits

Flaxseed contains many substances necessary for a living organism. Consistently eating flaxseed porridge, the benefits of which have been proven, can significantly improve health. The diet becomes more balanced. Freshly made flaxseed porridge includes the following useful substances and components:

Fiber (soluble and insoluble)

Fatty acids Omega-3 and Omega-6

Vitamins A, E and group B

Minerals potassium, zinc, calcium, phosphorus, etc.

Flaxseed porridge contains plant hormones, which have anti-allergic and antioxidant properties on the body. Freshly cooked food contains lignans. These are valuable substances that are converted as a result of metabolism into phytoestrogens, which prevent the development of a malignant tumor.

Thermally processed flax seeds contain fibrous mucus, which protects the lining of the esophagus from irritation, providing analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects.

For what diseases is it useful to eat flaxseed porridge?

Any thermally processed cereal is able to cleanse the blood of toxic compounds. This is facilitated by the high content of fiber, minerals and vitamins in the composition of any porridge.

Flaxseed porridge is useful to include in the diet for the prevention and treatment of the following ailments:

Diseases of the genitourinary system

Gastrointestinal tract

Respiratory organs



Alcoholism and drug addiction

Psychical deviations

In the daily diet of porridge from flax seeds include with obesity. The dish helps restore hormonal balance in the body. Metabolism normalizes and blood pressure decreases.

Flaxseed porridge: harm

Dietary dish made from flax seeds, practically no contraindications. It is prescribed as a healthy nutritional product for the elderly, children, lactating and pregnant women.

This product is contraindicated for people with individual intolerance to its components.

In addition, excessive consumption of this product can cause side effect. The fact is that the composition of flax seeds includes cyanogenic glycosides, substances related to cyanides. Small amounts of cyanide are beneficial. In the human body, they contribute to the normalization of metabolism. The toxic effect occurs with an overdose, when too much cyanide enters the bloodstream. This occurs with the uncontrolled consumption of flax seeds for food. With excessive use of flaxseed porridge, the harm is obvious.

Data: The daily intake of flaxseed for food is approximately 2 tablespoons, or 50 g.

It is not recommended to take porridge from flax seeds with exacerbation of diseases gastrointestinal tract and genitourinary system. In addition, it should be noted that flaxseed porridge contains a large amount of fiber. In this connection, you need to increase the amount of fluid you drink in your diet.

It is not uncommon for flax seeds, eaten, to cause severe allergic reaction. Therefore, they should be taken with caution. Excessive amount of flaxseed porridge in the diet will harm the body. It is advisable to consult with your doctor first.

The benefits of flaxseed porridge for pregnant and lactating mothers

Flaxseed porridge, the benefits of which have been known since ancient times, is essential in the diet of pregnant and lactating women.

It contains a lot of vegetable protein, vitamins and microelements valuable for the developing fetus.

Subject to the prescribed dosage, flaxseed dishes are beneficial to the body of a pregnant woman.

After including flaxseed porridge in the daily diet, the following positive symptoms are observed:

The hormonal background is normalized

Decreased chance of miscarriage

The body's metabolism is activated

Reduced risk of fetal developmental problems

Normalizes blood sugar levels

Immunity is stimulated

The components of flaxseed, when released into the blood, actively contribute to the desquamation of cholesterol plaques from the walls of blood vessels. Thus, the risk of venous thrombosis is significantly reduced. Flaxseed porridge is useful for lactating women. The active substances that make up the dish activate the production of milk and reduce the risk of postpartum depression.

Important: pregnant women can start eating flax seeds only after consulting their doctor. It will help you make the right diet.

Harm of flaxseed porridge for pregnant and lactating mothers

Flaxseed porridge is an indispensable source of nutrients for the body of a pregnant woman, however, uncontrolled intake of flax seeds can harm the body pregnant woman. It is necessary to strictly adhere to the dosage prescribed by the attending physician. The attending physician, based on the state of health of the pregnant woman, must correctly determine the dosage and duration of the course of treatment with flaxseed.

In some cases, individual intolerance to the components of the product is possible, which can lead to serious consequences. The harm of flaxseed porridge can lead to an allergic reaction. In addition, the components of flaxseed can cause an exacerbation of some chronic processes that are hidden in the body.

Important: Flax seeds contain components that, in large quantities, can enhance the tone of the uterus. The consequence of this is the threat of miscarriage. In late pregnancy, this can cause early labor.

Before including flaxseed porridge in the diet of a nursing woman, you must first consult with your doctor. Undoubtedly, flaxseed porridge, the benefits of which are invaluable, will help a nursing woman recover after childbirth. Useful components will help increase immunity, normalize bowel function, and restore hormonal levels. In some cases, flaxseed porridge can harm the body of a nursing woman. Contraindications are possible, which the attending physician will help to identify.

Flaxseed porridge: benefits for weight loss

With all the virtues of flaxseed porridge does not have a fat burning effect. This is a high-calorie product, with which you can get better rather than lose weight. Nevertheless, in the fight against obesity, in the absence of contraindications, flaxseed porridge must be present in the daily diet.

The value of this dish is that it contains a large amount of dietary fiber. In this connection, flaxseed porridge, despite the lack of fat-burning properties, is suitable for a diet for weight loss. When compiling the right menu, flaxseed porridge should not bring harm. Possessing high glycemic index, porridge contains complex carbohydrates, slowly absorbed by the body. Eating a dish for breakfast, a person does not experience the pangs of hunger, which allows him to feel great throughout the day. A diet with flaxseed porridge is designed for 14 days.

The indicative menu for the day is as follows:

Breakfast: flaxseed porridge without salt, after half an hour a glass of tea without sugar

Lunch: fish or lean chicken, a cup of chicken broth

Dinner: vegetable salad and a glass of low-fat kefir

By following this diet, you can lose 6 kg in two weeks. Diet should be combined with exercise therapy. Only in this case it brings maximum benefit.

To summarize: the benefits and harms of flaxseed porridge

Flaxseed porridge is a healthy natural product that brings exceptional benefits to the human body.

In the absence of contraindications, it can be eaten by children, the elderly, pregnant and lactating women. Abuse of this product can lead to sad consequences. Therefore, like any medicine, flax seeds can bring both benefit and harm. A diet based on flaxseed porridge should be prescribed by the attending physician.

The duration of treatment can stretch up to several months, it all depends on the severity of the disease.

The benefits of flaxseed porridge have been known since ancient times. A valuable diet dish, ideal for breakfast and gaining popularity again among people who watch their diet. A miraculous product will help restore health, prolong youth, saturate the body with the necessary trace elements and cleanse it of toxins and toxins.

Flax porridge: what is it?

Valuable raw material for flaxseed porridge is obtained after processing flax seeds. Oil is first squeezed out of them, and the remaining cake is ground and eaten. In such a processed product, a minimum amount of fat remains and enough protein.

A dietary dish can be prepared with water or milk. You can get the maximum benefit from porridge if you make the raw materials yourself. For cooking, you need to purchase a whole flax seed. It should be crushed at maximum speed, because the fatty acids that make up the composition quickly oxidize and lose their value.

The unique composition of the dish, calorie content

The calorie content of flaxseed porridge depends on whether it is cooked with water or milk, and varies from 297 to 305 kcal per 100 g of product.

Useful properties of a natural dish are due to the rich chemical composition:

  • omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids;
  • plant hormones;
  • alimentary fiber;
  • nicotinic, ascorbic acid;
  • protein;
  • (soluble and insoluble)
  • micro and macro elements - zinc, boron, phosphorus, copper, potassium, sodium, magnesium, calcium, manganese, selenium;
  • vitamins - group B, A, E, PP, K.

Porridge for 40% consists of coarse fibers, which has a beneficial effect on the process of digestion of food, and a high protein content (40-50%) allows the body to be satiated for a long time. Amino acids help to actively burn body fat, cleanse blood vessels.

Beneficial features

The composition rich in useful substances makes flaxseed porridge almost indispensable in the human diet. A dietary product brings considerable benefits to the body.

In addition, flaxseed porridge does not irritate the mucous membrane of the esophagus and stomach, stimulates defecation processes in case of constipation.

Effect on the female body

A dish of flax seeds has a beneficial effect on the female body:

  • normalizes the hormonal background;
  • regulates the menstrual cycle;
  • reduces pain during menstruation;
  • improves well-being;
  • reduces the risk of developing cancer of the uterus, mammary glands, ovaries;
  • gives hair, nails and skin natural shine, strength and health.

Pregnant women will benefit from regular consumption of flaxseed porridge. Vitamins and minerals, vegetable protein have a positive effect on the development of the fetus. The inclusion of a dish in the diet of a woman while waiting for a baby reduces the risk of miscarriage, reduces the likelihood of developing pathologies, and normalizes the production of hormones.

However, before starting to use porridge from flax seeds, a pregnant woman should consult a specialist. It is important not to exceed the recommended serving and frequency of use.

Some components in the composition of flaxseed porridge, when eaten in large quantities, can lead to the threat of miscarriage. They increase the tone of the uterus, and in the later stages can lead to untimely birth.

For women during lactation, porridge from flax seeds is especially useful. It stimulates the production of breast milk, protects against postpartum depression, saturates the body of the newborn with substances necessary for normal growth and development.

Benefits for men

Since ancient times, it has been known that flax seed dishes were used as folk remedies to improve potency and increase libido. Eating porridge activates the production of testosterone - a hormone that is responsible for male potency.

Representatives of the stronger sex who are actively involved in sports are recommended to include a natural product in the menu as a valuable biological supplement.

Porridge for weight loss

Many women are interested in the question: how to take flaxseed porridge for weight loss? After all, it has long been known that a dietary dish can cleanse the intestines, speed up metabolism and, therefore, help in losing weight.

To achieve the goal, you can arrange one fasting day a week only on flax seed porridge. Raw materials (2 tablespoons) must be crushed, pour 70-80 ml (5 tablespoons) of water. Prepare 5 equal portions for the whole day.

Features of the choice of porridge

In order for the body to be saturated with valuable compounds and get the maximum benefit, it is important to choose the right product. The magazine "Polzateevo" recommends adhering to the following recommendations.

  • Sealed packaging. Flax seeds retain their properties better when the container is tightly closed from dust, light, moisture and reliably protected from other external influences and odors. It is advisable to choose porridge that is packed in a glass container: in cardboard and other soft bags, the quality of the product may be lost. It is important to carefully inspect the container: damage and defects are unacceptable.
  • Shelf life. Do not take a product whose expiration date is nearing its end.
  • Compound. Only flaxseed porridge without sugar and preservatives will benefit the human body. The dish in its traditional form contains only flaxseed, it is possible to add sprouted wheat grains and pieces of fruit.

Storage rules

Flax seeds do not like long-term and improper storage, in such conditions they lose their taste. Therefore, you should not buy porridge for future use.

If the purchased product is in a plastic bag or carton, then after opening the contents should be poured into a hermetically sealed container. For this, ceramic or glass products are suitable.

It is necessary to store dietary porridge after opening the can for no more than 30 days. The room should be well ventilated, dry, air temperature - not higher than 20°С.

Possible harm

Flaxseed porridge is one of the most "harmless". When eaten in moderation, the product will not bring harm.

The only contraindication to the inclusion of flax dishes in the diet is individual intolerance. It is necessary to carefully take porridge with prolonged diarrhea, excess estrogen, intestinal volvulus and problems with the intestines in an acute form.

Flaxseed porridge is a healthy dietary dish for men, women, children and the elderly. It is rich in valuable compounds, protein and dietary fiber. Thanks to its unique composition, the product increases protective functions, improves intestinal motility, speeds up metabolic processes and tidies up the skin, hair and nails, restores health and cleanses the body of toxins.

Porridge is the mainstay of healthy eating all over the world: in its history, mankind has not yet come up with a healthier breakfast, and a lunch more nutritious than a plate of hot porridge. Low cost and a rich vitamin and mineral set made cereals a popular dish both in working families and on royal tables. But in addition to the classic oatmeal and buckwheat, there is an amazing flaxseed porridge - its benefits are no less, and recipes can be found for any, even the most captiously aristocratic taste.

About the benefits for the British and not only

Flax has always been considered a native Russian plant: it was revered, admired, called a symbol of light, purity and prosperity. In Russia, they not only wore linen clothes - they prepared porridge-smear from seeds and baked bread, cooked jelly and treated diseases.

But today the situation has changed - few people know about the healing properties of flaxseed porridge, but in Europe this dish has been at the peak of popularity for more than 10 years. They are strict and appreciate flaxseed porridge just like oatmeal - they eat it for breakfast with, green buckwheat, and even slices.

How useful is flaxseed porridge and what is the secret of this universal popularity?

  • Grain flour contains more than a third of protein, so porridge is vital for children, athletes and expectant mothers;
  • Useful substances strengthen bone and cartilage tissue, stimulate the production of collagen. The result is healthy bones and firm skin;
  • Flaxseeds activate all metabolic processes and;
  • in porridge (about 40%) cleanses the intestines, eliminates constipation and provides regular stools;
  • In terms of medicinal properties, flax porridge can compete with: polyunsaturated fatty acids of the Omega group cope with initial atherosclerosis, heart and vascular diseases, diabetes;
  • Selenium in the composition helps to remove harmful metals (mercury, arsenic, etc.), toxins and other dangerous substances from the body;
  • Flaxseed porridge is a salvation for a sick stomach and intestines: it gently acts on the mucous membrane, alleviates the condition of gastritis, heals small ulcers and inflammations.

For beauty and slimness

Each person needs flaxseed porridge in the diet - its benefits and harms are balanced for everyone, but this dish is especially valuable for women of all ages.

Let's open a secret: in the times of pagan Russia, there was one immodest custom - when planting flax, girls and women were naked so that the seeds would appreciate the beauty and bring a rich harvest. Paganism is nonsense, but some kind of symbolism was laid there.

We grind the grains in a coffee grinder, wash the dried fruits and soak in warm water for half an hour. Then we grind the raisins with prunes in a blender, and finely chopped banana and flaxseed crumbs.

  • With ginger.

You will need: 2 table. spoons of flax seeds, apple, 2 table. spoons of dark raisins, half tea. spoons and

We steam the seeds in water for half an hour (the liquid should slightly cover the grains). We thoroughly wash the raisins, finely chop the apple, and dried spices there. Drain the water from the flaxseeds, mix with fruit.

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