Respiratory diseases. Diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Archive for the Top Respiratory Diseases Category

Breathing is one of the most important acts of life performed by our body. The respiratory system, which consists of a number of interconnected organs, is responsible for its high-quality and full implementation. Periodically, each person is faced with violations of the activity of such parts of our body, which can be provoked by the attack of a variety of aggressive substances. Therapy of such diseases is carried out by otolaryngologists and therapists. Let's talk about what a respiratory tract infection can be, consider its symptoms and treatment in a little more detail.

What are respiratory tract infections, diseases?

Respiratory tract infections usually have a short incubation period, from two to three days to one week. Sometimes this period is several hours.

The most common disease of this type is rhinitis - an inflammatory lesion of the mucous membranes of the nasal passages. With such an ailment, the mucous membranes become swollen, inflamed, and exudate may be released. Infectious can occur against the background, measles, and other pathological conditions. Patients may experience nasal congestion, discharge, are often bothered, feel unwell, and have some watery eyes. The discharge may be yellow or green, cloudy, watery, or clear.

Another infection of the respiratory tract is an inflammatory lesion of the nasal sinuses (, or), which most often develops after damage to the nasopharynx. Patients with such disorders are usually worried about fever, difficulty in nasal breathing (up to congestion), runny nose, loss of smell, headaches in the region of the nose. There may also be a cough.

A common infectious disease of the respiratory tract is also a sore throat (). With such a disease, the patient has a fever, he has a severe sore throat (especially when swallowing), weakness appears. With tonsillitis, the tonsils increase, which makes it difficult to drink and eat, plaque may occur on them (depending on the type of disease, it can be purulent, grayish, dense, curdled).

Another infectious disease of the respiratory tract is an inflammatory lesion of the mucous membranes of the larynx. With such a disease, patients complain of a feeling of soreness in the throat, they may have a fever, a dry cough occurs, breathing becomes difficult, and general malaise appears.

Infectious lesions of the respiratory tract can also occur in the form. With such a disease, the mucous membranes of the larynx (sometimes the epiglottis and vocal cords) become inflamed in a person. Patients complain of hoarseness and roughness of the voice (it may disappear altogether), malaise, fever, and a barking cough. Stenosis or croup of the larynx may develop - a serious respiratory disorder due to swelling of the mucous membranes and spasm of the laryngeal muscles.

Possible infectious diseases of the respiratory tract include inflammatory lesions of the mucous membranes of the larynx. The disease is manifested by the classic symptoms of intoxication - fever, weakness, malaise, and patients also note the appearance of sore pain in the upper chest behind the sternum. In the mornings and at nights they are disturbed by a dry cough, during the day such a symptom is provoked by conversations, laughter, cold air. There may be sputum discharge.

Also, an infectious lesion of the respiratory tract can occur in the form of an inflammatory lesion of the mucous membranes of the bronchi. This disease often accompanies other respiratory tract infections. With bronchitis, the patient has general symptoms of intoxication, cough (dry or wet) with sputum discharge, which can be mucous or mucopurulent.

Another representative of respiratory tract infections is considered to be an inflammatory lesion of the lung tissues. Such an ailment is most often of a bacterial nature, manifested by fever, increasing weakness, decreased appetite, malaise, chills and excessive sweating. The cough is productive.

A rather rare type of respiratory tract infection is alveolitis - an inflammatory lesion of the terminal sections in the respiratory tract. Such an ailment can develop in patients with candidiasis, legionellosis, aspergillosis and cryptococcosis, etc. Patients complain of fever, severe cough and weakness. In addition, they often have cyanosis.

How is the respiratory tract infection corrected, what treatment is effective?

Many respiratory tract infections can be treated at home, but serious illnesses often require medical advice or even hospitalization.

To eliminate the causative agent of the disease, antiviral drugs can be used, it makes sense to use them on the first day after the onset of unpleasant symptoms. Such medicines are represented by Kagocel, Remantadine, etc. If the disease is of a bacterial origin, antibiotics are used, they are selected by a doctor. Angina is often treated with macrolides (Azithromycin, Erythromycin) and beta-lactams (Amoxicillin, Augmentin). For the correction of bronchitis and pneumonia, both of these groups of drugs are used, as well as drugs related to fluoroquinolones (Ofloxacin, etc.).

Quite often, the treatment of respiratory tract infections includes pathogenetic treatment aimed at interrupting the infectious process. To achieve this effect, immunomodulators are used (Cycloferon, Anaferon, Lavomax, Amiksin). With bacterial lesions, preference is given to Bronchomunal, Immudon, IRS-19, etc. In addition, anti-inflammatory combined formulations, for example, Erespal, or NSAIDs, can be used for pathogenetic therapy.

The main role in the successful treatment of most infectious lesions of the respiratory tract is played by the use of symptomatic agents. These are rhinitis medicines - Nazol, Pinosol, Tizin, etc., cough medicines - expectorants based on licorice, marshmallow, thyme, Pertussin and Mukaltin; mucolytics - ACC, Mukobene, Bromhexine, Ambroxol; as well as combined formulations - Bronholitin, Gedelix, Ascoril, Stoptussin. In some cases, antitussive drugs can be used - Sinekod, Libeksin, Glaucin, Bitiodin, Glauvent, etc. Angina therapy is usually carried out using Faringosept, Geksoral, Yoks, Falimint, Tantum Verde, etc.

Also, the treatment of respiratory infections often involves inhalation (using an inhaler or nebulizer) and the use of traditional medicine.

Folk recipes for respiratory tract infections

Traditional medicine specialists offer a lot of medicines based on medicinal herbs and improvised means that will help to cope with various respiratory infections.

Cold infusion. So with a runny nose, an excellent effect is obtained by taking an infusion based on thyme. Brew a tablespoon of the flowers of this plant with one glass of boiling water and leave for half an hour under the lid. Strained drink take half a glass three times a day.

Aloe juice application for a cold. Aloe juice is also great for treating a runny nose. It just needs to be instilled into the nose - three to five drops three to four times a day. Treatment of a cold with aloe juice is very effective.

Washing the nose with iodine and salt water for a runny nose. A wonderful effect with a runny nose is given by washing the nose. To do this, you should use ordinary salted water, you can also add a few drops of iodine to it.

Infusion of elderberry flowers. You can also cope with a runny nose with the help of an infusion based on black elderberry flowers. A tablespoon of crushed raw materials should be brewed with a glass of boiling water. Infuse the medicine for one hour, then strain and take half a glass three times a day. This medicine is excellent for the treatment of most respiratory diseases.

Celandine, honey, aloe juice use for runny nose and inflammation of the sinuses. Finely chop four grams of fresh grass, combine with honey, as well as with aloe juice. All ingredients must be used in equal amounts. The resulting mixture should be used for instillation into the nose - three drops in each nasal passage. Repeat this procedure five times a day.

Rosehip oil inside the nose. Even with diseases of the nasal sinuses, you can bury your nose with rosehip oil - five drops in each nasal passage.

Sage with milk for bronchitis. Folk remedies can also help in the treatment of bronchitis. So with such a disease, you can brew a tablespoon of dry sage herb with one glass of boiling milk. Cover the container with a lid and heat over low heat until boiling. After cooling the medicine and strain it. Then bring the mixture back to a boil. Drink it hot before bed, sweetened with honey.

powder for bronchitis. A remarkable expectorant effect is given by taking a medicine based on the roots of the medicinal marshmallow. Six grams of such raw materials, crushed to a powder state, must be poured with two hundred milliliters of ordinary cold water. Leave for eight to ten minutes. Take for acute and chronic bronchitis several times a day.

Folk remedy for pneumonia with aloe. Healers claim that folk remedies will help in the treatment of pneumonia. So with such a disease, it is worth preparing a glass of juice obtained from aloe, forty grams of crushed dry birch buds and sixty grams of crushed eryngium leaves. Add a kilogram of propolis oil to the prepared ingredients, as well as a kilogram of liquid honey. Heat the medicine in a water bath for a quarter of an hour, then take it in a tablespoon three times a day. Such a volume of the healing mixture should be diluted in a glass of hot milk.

In case of a serious violation of well-being against the background of infectious diseases of the respiratory system, it is necessary to consult a doctor. The feasibility of using traditional medicine is also worth discussing with a qualified specialist.

The respiratory system performs one of the most important functions in the human body. In addition to filling all tissues with oxygen, it is involved in voice formation, humidification of the inhaled air, thermoregulation, hormone synthesis and protection from environmental factors. Respiratory organs are more often affected by various diseases. Almost every person at least once a year is faced with SARS or influenza, and sometimes more serious pathologies, including bronchitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis. Each disease has its own symptoms and treatment principles.

List of respiratory diseases

The most common pathologies of the respiratory system are common colds. So everyday language is called acute respiratory viral infections. If you do not treat diseases of the upper respiratory tract and carry them "on your feet", then viruses and bacteria can enter the nose and throat. As a result of the defeat of the palatine tonsils, angina develops, catarrhal (superficial) or lacunar. When bacteria enter the larynx, bronchi and trachea, a person can get a whole "bouquet" of diseases from bronchitis and tracheitis to many others.

If they are not treated, the bacteria will continue to move down, causing damage to the lung tissue. This leads to the development of pneumonia. A large percentage of the incidence of diseases of the respiratory system occurs during the period of spring and autumn. Children are especially susceptible to them, although adults are also at risk. In general, there are such diseases of the human respiratory system:

  • sinusitis and its varieties in the form of sinusitis, ethmoiditis, frontal sinusitis, sphenoiditis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • tracheitis;
  • bronchitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • rhinitis;
  • pharyngitis;
  • tonsillitis;
  • atopic asthma;
  • bronchiectasis;
  • laryngitis.

Causes of diseases

  • pneumococci;
  • mycoplasmas;
  • chlamydia;
  • hemophilic bacillus;
  • legionella;
  • mycobacterium tuberculosis;
  • respiratory viral infections;
  • influenza viruses type A, B;
  • parainfluenza viruses;
  • adenoviruses;
  • streptococci;
  • staphylococci.

A characteristic difference between fungal infections is a white coating on the oral mucosa. More often, monoinfections are diagnosed, i.e. a disease caused by one type of pathogen. If the disease is provoked by several pathogenic microorganisms, then it is called a mixed infection. They can be transmitted through droplets or contact. In addition to the specific causes of respiratory diseases, there are risk factors for their development:

  • external allergens in the form of dust, house mites, animal hair, plant pollen, polluted air;
  • professional factors, for example, work in dusty conditions, with electric welding;
  • taking certain medications;
  • active or passive smoking;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • domestic pollution of residential premises;
  • unsuitable climatic conditions;
  • foci of chronic infections in the body;
  • influence of genes.

The main symptoms of respiratory diseases

The clinical picture of respiratory diseases depends on the localization of the focus of inflammation. Depending on whether the upper or lower respiratory tract is affected, a person will show different symptoms. It is possible to suspect diseases of the respiratory system by two characteristic signs:

  • Dyspnea. It can be subjective (occurs during attacks of neurosis), objective (causes a change in the rhythm of breathing), mixed (combines the symptoms of the previous two types). The latter is characteristic of pulmonary embolism. In diseases of the larynx or trachea, inspiratory dyspnea with difficult inhalation is noted, with pulmonary edema - suffocation.
  • Cough. The second characteristic symptom of respiratory diseases. Cough is a reflex reaction to mucus in the trachea, bronchi and larynx. It can also be caused by a foreign body in the respiratory system. With laryngitis and pleurisy, the cough is dry, with tuberculosis, oncology, pneumonia - wet, with acute respiratory infections and influenza - periodic, with inflammation in the bronchi or larynx - permanent.


The difference between this disease of the respiratory tract is the involvement in the inflammatory process of the bronchi, the entire thickness of their wall or only the mucous membrane. The acute form of bronchitis is associated with damage to the body by bacteria, chronic - with environmental degradation, allergies, smoking. Under the influence of these factors, the mucous epithelium of the bronchi is damaged, which disrupts the process of their purification. This leads to the accumulation of phlegm, bronchospasm and bronchitis, which is indicated by the following symptoms:

  • chest cough (first dry, and after 2-3 days - wet with copious sputum);
  • fever (indicates the addition of a bacterial infection);
  • shortness of breath (with obstructive bronchitis);
  • weakness;
  • wheezing when breathing;
  • sweating at night;
  • nasal congestion.


Inflammation of the lungs, or pneumonia, is a pathological process in the lung tissue with a primary lesion of the alveoli. The disease can cause staphylococcal and viral infections. Basically, doctors diagnose the defeat of mycoplasmas and pneumococcus. Especially often pneumonia is diagnosed in children of the first year of life - 15-20 cases per 1000 people. In adults, this figure is 10-13 per 1000. Regardless of age, the following symptoms indicate pneumonia:

  • Signs of general intoxication. These include fever (37.5-39.5 degrees), headache, lethargy, anxiety, decreased interest in the environment, night sweats, sleep disturbances.
  • Pulmonary manifestations. Pneumonia causes at first a dry cough, which after 3-4 days becomes wet and causes profuse purulent sputum, often rusty in color. Additionally, the patient has chest pain, shortness of breath, cyanosis, and rapid breathing.


This is one of the varieties of sinusitis - inflammation in the paranasal sinuses (sinuses). A characteristic symptom of the disease is difficulty in nasal breathing. With sinusitis, the maxillary paranasal sinuses are affected. Due to the fact that they stop being ventilated and cleaned, problems with nasal breathing and a number of other symptoms develop:

  • mucopurulent discharge from the nasal passages;
  • intense headaches in the bridge of the nose and in the wings of the nose, which are aggravated by bending forward;
  • a feeling of fullness in the area between the eyebrows;
  • fever, chills;
  • swelling of the cheeks and eyelids from the side of the affected sinus;
  • tearing;
  • photosensitivity;
  • sneezing.


This chronic infection is caused by the bacteria Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex. They often affect just the respiratory organs, but can cause pathologies of the joints and bones, eyes, genitourinary system, and peripheral lymph nodes. Tuberculosis is characterized by a chronic course, so it begins gradually and is often asymptomatic. As the pathology progresses, a person begins to worry about tachycardia, sweating, hyperthermia, general weakness, decreased performance, weight loss and loss of appetite.

The facial features of the patient are sharpened, a painful blush appears on the cheeks. The temperature remains subfebrile for a long time. With a massive lesion of the lungs, fever develops. Other characteristic signs of tuberculosis:

  • swollen lymph nodes;
  • cough with impurities of blood and sputum (lasting more than 3 weeks);
  • wheezing in the lungs;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • pain in the chest;
  • shortness of breath on exertion.


This disease affects the lower respiratory tract, as it causes inflammation of the tracheal mucosa. This organ connects the larynx and bronchi. Tracheitis often develops against the background of laryngitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis. It often accompanies the common cold. The following signs indicate the inflammatory process in the trachea:

  • cough - first dry, then wet with sputum;
  • pain behind the sternum and in the interscapular region;
  • temperature rise to 38 degrees;
  • hoarse voice;
  • enlargement of the cervical lymph nodes;
  • weakness, drowsiness, increased fatigue;
  • nasal congestion;
  • sore throat;
  • sneezing.


The common name for this disease is the common cold. It is rather not an independent pathology, but a symptom of other pathologies of the respiratory tract. The cause of rhinitis can be a viral or bacterial infection, an allergy. In general, this disease is an inflammation of the nasal mucosa. Distinctive features of this pathological process:

  • dryness and itching in the nasal cavity;
  • general malaise;
  • constant sneezing;
  • smell disorders;
  • subfebrile temperature;
  • liquid transparent discharge from the nose, which then becomes mucopurulent;
  • lacrimation.

atopic asthma

People who are genetically prone to atopy (a chronic skin disease associated with allergies) may develop an allergic lesion of the respiratory tract - atopic bronchial asthma. A striking sign of this pathology is paroxysmal suffocation. Against its background, other symptoms are noted:

  • dry cough with scanty viscous sputum;
  • congestion and itching in the nose, sneezing, liquid nasal discharge, sore throat, which precede an attack of shortness of breath and suffocation;
  • feeling of tightness in the chest;
  • breath with wheezing and wheezing;
  • chest pain.


This type of respiratory disease is an irreversible expansion of a separate section of the bronchi. The reason is damage to the bronchial wall, which violates its structure and function. Bronchiectasis is a chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, like asthma, bronchitis, emphysema, and cystic fibrosis. The disease often accompanies other infectious pathologies: tuberculosis, pneumonia, cystic fibrosis. The symptoms of bronchiectasis are as follows:

  • persistent cough;
  • hemoptysis;
  • coughing up to 240 ml per day of green and yellow, and sometimes bloody sputum;
  • wheezing during inhalation and exhalation;
  • frequent bronchial infections;
  • recurrent pneumonia;
  • bad breath;
  • dyspnea;
  • heart failure - in severe cases.


This is an infection of the upper respiratory tract, in which inflammation of the mucous membranes of the larynx and vocal cords occurs. Laryngitis is mainly manifested against the background of colds. A striking sign of this pathology is a change in the timbre of the voice up to its complete loss. This deviation is due to the fact that the vocal cords swell and lose their ability to create sound. Another characteristic symptom of laryngitis is a "barking" dry cough.

In the throat, a person feels the presence of a foreign body, burning, itching and pain when swallowing. Against the background of these symptoms, other signs appear:

  • redness of the throat;
  • hoarseness;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • chills;
  • hoarseness of voice;
  • headache;
  • difficulty breathing.


To correctly diagnose, the doctor prescribes several mandatory laboratory and instrumental studies. During the initial examination, the specialist performs the procedures from the list:

  • Palpation. It helps to assess the degree of voice tremor - vibration when a person pronounces the letter "P". With pleurisy, it is weakened, and with inflammation of the lungs - intensely. Additionally, the doctor assesses the degree of asymmetry of the chest during breathing.
  • Auscultation. This is listening to the lungs, which gives an assessment of breathing. The procedure allows you to listen to wheezing, the nature of which the doctor may suspect certain diseases of the respiratory organs.
  • Percussion. This procedure consists in tapping individual sections of the chest and analyzing sound phenomena. This helps to identify a decrease in the amount of air in the lungs, which is characteristic of pulmonary edema and fibrosis, and the absence of it is an abscess. The air content increases with emphysema.

The most informative diagnostic method that also detects chronic respiratory diseases is x-ray. To clarify the localization of the inflammatory process, a snapshot of the lungs is taken in several projections. In addition to radiography, the following research methods are used:

  • Bronchoscopy. This is a procedure for examining the mucous membrane of the bronchi and trachea using a bronchoscope, which is inserted through the oral cavity. Additionally, with such a study, foreign bodies, pus and thick mucus, small tumors can be removed from the respiratory tract and material can be taken for biopsy.
  • Thoracoscopy. This procedure consists in endoscopic examination of the pleural cavity using a thoracoscope. To do this, a puncture is made in the chest wall. Due to such a study, a specialist can assess the condition of tissues and detect pathological changes.
  • Spirography. This is a procedure for measuring the volume of the lungs and studying the intensity of pulmonary ventilation.
  • Microscopic examination of sputum. The nature of the mucus depends on the type of respiratory disease. With edema, sputum is colorless, frothy, serous in nature, with chronic bronchitis and tuberculosis - viscous, greenish, mucopurulent, with a lung abscess - semi-liquid, purulent, green in color.


Regardless of the type of respiratory disease, treatment is carried out in 3 directions: etiotropic (elimination of the cause of the pathology), symptomatic (relief of the patient's condition), supportive (restoration of respiratory functions). Since the causative agent of such ailments is often bacteria, antibacterial drugs become the basis of therapy. With the viral nature of the disease, antiviral drugs are used, with the fungal nature - antimycotic. In addition to taking medications, prescribe:

  • chest massage in case of absence of temperature;
  • physiotherapy;
  • inhalation;
  • breathing exercises;
  • reflexology;
  • diet.

In the first couple of days, especially if you feel unwell and have a high temperature, the patient must observe bed rest. The patient needs to limit walks and physical activity, drink more warm water. Against this background, the main treatment of the disease is carried out. Treatment regimens for various pathologies:

Name of the disease

The main directions of treatment

Used drugs

  • symptomatic treatment with expectorants;
  • vibration chest massage;
  • to give up smoking.
  • antibacterial (Sumamed, Zinnat);
  • expectorants (Ambroxol, Acetylcysteine);
  • for inhalation (Lazolvan, Berodual;
  • bronchodilators (Salbutamol, Bromide).
  • steam inhalations over decoctions of coltsfoot, linden and raspberry;
  • inhalation over hot water with propolis.


  • taking bronchodilator drugs;
  • taking antibiotics or antivirals;
  • undergoing a course of physiotherapy;
  • dieting;
  • plentiful drink.
  • antibiotics (Ceftriaxone, Sumamed);
  • antipyretic (Paracetamol, Ibuklin);
  • thinning sputum (Ambrogexal, ACC, Lazolvan);
  • bronchodilators (Salbutamol);
  • antihistamines (Claritin, Zyrtec).

The use of warm drinks in the form of fruit drinks from cranberries, gooseberries, currants, vitamin teas. Additionally, it is worth eating more honey, rose hips, garlic and onions.


  • elimination of infection;
  • normalization of nasal breathing;
  • cleansing the nasal mucosa from pus.
  • antibiotics (Ampioks, Augmentin, Pancef, Suprax);
  • breathing drops (Vibrocil, Nazivin);
  • painkillers (Ibuprofen, Aspirin);
  • homeopathic (Gamorin, Cinnabsin);
  • mucolytic (Mukodin, Fluimucil);
  • antiviral (Arbidol, Oscilococcinum).

Washing the nose 3-4 times a day with disinfectant solutions (Furacilin, Miramistin) or saline.


  • bed rest;
  • rejection of bad habits;
  • taking anti-tuberculosis drugs;
  • resection of a part of the lung in case of failure of conservative treatment.
  • anti-tuberculosis (Isoniazid, Pyrazinamide, Ethambutol);
  • antibacterial (Ciprofloxacin, Streptomycin);
  • immunomodulators (Timalin, Levamisole);
  • antihypoxants (Riboxin);
  • hepatoprotectors (Phosphogliv, Essentiale).
  • magnetotherapy;
  • laser therapy;
  • ultraphonophoresis;
  • radio wave therapy;
  • electrophoresis.
  • elimination of the causative agent of the disease;
  • stimulation of the immune response;
  • endowment of the patient's condition;
  • diet with the exception of cold, sour and spicy foods.
  • antibiotics (Amoxiclav, Flemoxin Solutab, Cefixime);
  • expectorants (Chlorophylipt, Althea infusion, Thermopsis);
  • antitussives (Codeine, Libeksin);
  • antiviral (Rimantadine);
  • antipyretics (Paracetamol);
  • antiseptic lozenges (Strepsils).

Warming drink of fruit drinks, teas. Thermal inhalations with decoctions of herbs, for example, sage. It is necessary to carry out the procedure 3-4 times a day. It is allowed to do inhalations using a nebulizer using Lazolvan. Additionally, it is worth rinsing with a solution of sea salt.

atopic asthma

  • elimination of contact with the allergen;
  • frequent wet cleaning;
  • adherence to a hypoallergenic diet;
  • taking anti-inflammatory and antihistamine drugs.
  • Anti-inflammatory (cromolyn sodium);
  • bronchodilators (Salbutamol, Atrovent, Berodual);
  • expectorants (ACC, Ambrobene);
  • inhaled corticosteroids (Budesonide, Beclomethasone, Flucatison).
  • plasmapheresis;
  • hemosorption;
  • acupuncture.


  • cleansing the bronchi from sputum;
  • improvement of respiratory function;
  • elimination of acute inflammation;
  • destruction of pathogenic microbes.
  • antibiotics (ciprofloxacin, azithromycin);
  • anti-inflammatory (Aspirin, Paracetamol);
  • mucolytics (Bromhexine, Ambroxol);
  • adrenomimetics (Salbutamol, Fenoterol).

Inhalations over decoctions of ginseng, eucalyptus, eleutherococcus or echinacea.


  • limiting conversations (you need to speak quieter and less);
  • keeping the air in the room moist and cool;
    • regularly ventilate the living room;
    • do not stay in places with a polluted atmosphere;
    • temper;
    • exercise regularly;
    • stop smoking;
    • spend more time outdoors.


Upper respiratory tract infections (URTIs) are the most common diseases, especially during the cold season. They are most commonly diagnosed in people with weakened immune systems, children, and the elderly. The form of URTI can be acute or chronic.

What indicates how the infection of the upper respiratory tract manifests itself, how is it treated? It is on this topic that our conversation today will go. Let us briefly dwell on the main diseases, find out the methods of drug treatment and consider one effective folk recipe for each ailment.

Infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract

We list some of the most common:

- Rhinitis (runny nose)- inflammation of the nasal mucosa. May be acute or chronic.

Main symptoms: swelling of the mucosa, dryness, itching, difficulty breathing. At the initial stage, liquid, transparent discharge from the nasal cavity occurs. In the future, the discharge becomes thick, mucopurulent, and then gradually disappear. Everything is accompanied by general malaise.


They use vasoconstrictor, anti-inflammatory and decongestant drugs: Naphthyzine, Ephedrine hydrochloride, Galazolin (instructions for the use of each drug before using it must be studied personally from the official annotation included in the package!). For children - Nazivin. Treatment with antibiotics is possible, but only in the case of a bacterial nature of rhinitis and in the presence of complications.

Folk recipe:

Mix freshly squeezed carrot juice 1 tsp and unrefined olive oil of the same volume. Add 3 cap. fresh garlic juice. Drip 2-3 drops on each nostril. Mixture use only freshly prepared.

- Sinusitis, rhinosinusitis- infectious and inflammatory process of the paranasal sinuses, with acute or chronic course. It can be viral, bacterial, fungal or allergic in nature. It can develop in isolation, but more often it is a complication of other pathologies: measles, rhinitis, influenza or scarlet fever.

Main symptoms: general malaise, weakness and headaches, the temperature of the human body rises, abundant mucous discharge from the nose appears.


Sinusitis that is bacterial in nature is treated with antibiotics. They are prescribed by a doctor, depending on the type of bacteria and their sensitivity to a particular drug. With a viral nature, antiviral drugs are prescribed - Neovir, Isoprinosine. Additionally, decongestant drops and sprays are used: Naphthyzin, Sanorin, Galazolin.

If sinusitis is a complication of another disease, measures are taken to treat the pathology that caused it.

Folk recipe:

Prepare freshly squeezed black radish juice. Drip into the nasal passages 2 drops for each nostril. If it burns a lot, you can dilute it with water.

- Angina (acute tonsillitis)- can be catarrhal, follicular, phlegmous and lacunae. Moreover, one variety rarely develops in its pure form. Most often, the patient has signs of at least two varieties.

characteristic common symptoms are: pain, redness of the throat, tonsils increase, catarrhal phenomena are present. There is a general malaise, weakness, fever, chills appear, lymph nodes are enlarged.


Depending on the variety, antimicrobial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory drugs, local antiseptics, symptomatic drugs are prescribed. Use disinfectant solutions for gargling. If the disease is caused by a bacterial infection, antibiotics of a certain group are prescribed.

Folk remedy:

Mix equal amounts of elderberry, clover, and lime blossoms. Add the same amount of crushed rowan berries, viburnum, peppermint leaves and blackcurrant leaves. Mix well. Insist 2 hours in a thermos 4 tablespoons of the mixture, pouring it with a liter of boiling water. It is recommended to take half a glass several times a day.

- Pharyngitis- an inflammatory disease of the mucous membrane of the upper pharynx, tonsils and uvula. Most often it is viral in nature. It can be an independent disease, or it manifests itself as a complication of other infections, in particular, SARS, rhinitis, sinusitis, etc. It can occur as a result of alcohol abuse and smoking.
It is characterized by acute or chronic course.

Main symptoms: dryness, redness in the throat, pain when swallowing. The pharynx may become covered with purulent plaque, follicle grains may appear. Accompanied by weakness, malaise, possibly a slight increase in temperature.


In the presence of a viral infection, drugs are prescribed: Faringosept, Falimint and Laripront. Anaferon, Tamiflu, etc. are used to reduce painful symptoms in the throat. Antibiotics are prescribed for the bacterial nature of the process.

Folk remedy:

Several times a day, inhale with a soda solution: 1 tsp per glass of boiling water. Breathe in hot steam, covering your head with a towel.

- Bronchitis- an inflammatory disease of the bronchial mucosa. It usually develops against the background of other respiratory tract infections.

Main symptoms: cough (dry or wet), weakness, malaise, other symptoms of general intoxication of the body are observed.


An acute bacterial infection is eliminated with the help of antibiotics of a certain group. If necessary, drugs of the sulfanilamide group are prescribed: Etazol, Sulfadimetoksin. In the presence of temperature, antipyretic drugs are used: Aspirin, Paracetamol, etc. For the treatment of cough, steam inhalations are used. For better sputum discharge, they are prescribed: ACC, Libeksin, Mukaltin, etc.

Folk remedy:

Grind to a powder 0.5 cups of beeswax. Put in a saucepan. Add 0.5 cups of sunflower oil, bee honey and resin (pine resin). Melt the mixture in a water bath until very hot, but do not boil. Cool, pour into a jar. Treat with beeswax, resin and honey by taking 1 tsp of the composition in the morning, with warm milk or weak tea. Strong black tea will weaken the effect of the medicine, and therefore it is undesirable, however, like coffee. Keep the jar in the cold.

- Tracheitis- inflammation of the tracheal mucosa. May present in acute or chronic form.

Main symptoms: severe dry cough, worse at night and in the morning, after sleep. Also, coughing fits occur when talking loudly, laughing, crying or taking a deep breath. Very often, coughing begins with changes in air temperature.

After an attack, there is a pain of a raw character that occurs behind the sternum and throat. In the presence of sputum, it can be scanty, viscous. Or abundant, with mucopurulent discharge.


If there are signs of intoxication, sulfa drugs are prescribed. For bacterial infections, antibiotics are used. For the treatment of cough, drugs are prescribed: Codeine, Libexin, etc. Mustard plasters are put in to warm the chest (instructions, the application is on the website in the "Drugs" section).

Folk remedy:

Put 60 g of crushed propolis in a small saucepan, add 40 g of wax. Melt in a water bath. Use the hot mixture for inhalations, which you spend 10 minutes in the morning and before bedtime.

In conclusion of our conversation, we note that any infection of the upper respiratory tract is rather difficult to tolerate by most patients.

These diseases deliver a maximum of unpleasant, painful sensations, knock out of the usual rhythm of life.

Therefore, it is important to consult a doctor in a timely manner for help, to begin the treatment prescribed by a specialist. The sooner this is done, the less likely the development of complications and the higher the chance for a quick, effective disposal of the infection. Be healthy!

Quite often, a person suffers from inflammation of the respiratory tract. The provoking factors are hypothermia or, SARS, influenza, various infectious diseases. If timely treatment is not started, everything can end in serious complications. Is it possible to prevent the inflammatory process? What treatments are available? Is respiratory inflammation dangerous?

The main symptoms of inflammation of the respiratory tract

Symptoms of the disease will depend on the individual characteristics of the patient's body and the degree of damage to the respiratory tract. We can distinguish such general signs that appear during the introduction of the virus. It often leads to severe intoxication of the body:

  • The temperature rises.
  • There is a severe headache.
  • Sleep is disturbed.
  • Appetite decreases.
  • There is nausea, which ends with vomiting.

In severe cases, the patient has an excited and inhibited state, consciousness is upset, a convulsive state is observed. Separately, it is worth noting the signs that depend on which particular organ is affected:

  • Inflammation of the nasal mucosa (rhinitis). First there is a severe runny nose, the patient constantly sneezes, his nasal breathing is difficult.
  • Inflammation of the pharyngeal mucosa (). The patient has a strong perspiration in the throat, the patient cannot swallow.
  • Inflammation of the larynx (laryngitis). The patient is disturbed by a strong cough, the voice is hoarse.
  • Tonsillitis (tonsillitis). There is severe pain when swallowing, the tonsils also increase significantly, the mucous membrane reddens.
  • Inflammation of the trachea (tracheitis). In this case, he suffers from a dry cough that does not go away within a month.

Symptoms also depend on the pathogen that provoked the disease. If the inflammation of the respiratory tract is caused by influenza, the patient's temperature rises to 40 degrees, he does not fall for three days. In this case, symptoms of rhinitis, tracheitis are most often observed.

If the respiratory disease is caused by parainfluenza, the temperature rises no higher than 38 degrees for about 2 days. Symptoms are moderate. With parainfluenza, laryngitis most often develops.

Separately, it is worth noting adenovirus infection, which affects the respiratory tract. It most often occurs in the form of tonsillitis, pharyngitis, the digestive system and eyes are also affected.

Medical treatment of airway inflammation

The attending physician in the inflammatory process prescribes:

  • Antiseptic drugs - Chlorhexidine, Hexetidine, Timol, etc.
  • Antibiotics - Framycetin, Fusafunzhin, Polymyxin.
  • Sulfonamides can be combined with anesthetics - Lidocoin, Menthol, Tetracaine.
  • Hemostatic drugs, this group of drugs contains plant extracts, sometimes beekeeping products.
  • Antiviral drugs - Interferon, Lysozyme.
  • Vitamins A, B, C.

Bioparox - antibacterial agent

An antibiotic has proven itself well, it is released in the form of an aerosol, it can be used to effectively cure acute respiratory tract infections. Due to the fact that Bioparox contains aerosol particles, it acts immediately on all organs of the respiratory tract, therefore it has a complex effect. Bioparox can be used to treat acute rhinosinusitis, pharyngitis, tracheobronchitis, laryngitis.

Gestetidine is an antifungal drug.

This is the best medicine for the treatment of inflammation in the pharynx. The drug is released in the form of an aerosol solution for rinsing. Hexetidine is a low-toxic agent, so it can be used to treat infants. In addition to the antimicrobial action, Hexetidine has an analgesic effect.

Alternative methods of treatment of inflammation of the respiratory tract

Recipes for the treatment of rhinitis

  • Fresh beet juice. Drip 6 drops of fresh beet juice, you need to do this in the morning, afternoon and evening. It is also recommended to use beetroot decoction for instillation of the nose.
  • Boiled potatoes. Cut boiled potatoes into several parts: one is applied to the forehead, the other two parts to the sinuses.
  • Soda inhalation. Take 500 ml of water, add 2 tablespoons, if there is no allergy, you can add eucalyptus oil - 10 drops. The procedure is carried out at night.

Recipes for the treatment of tonsillitis, pharyngitis and laryngitis

  • Lemon. Eat one lemon at once with the peel, before that cut it. You can add sugar or honey.
  • Herbal collection is used for gargling. It is necessary to take pharmacy chamomile - 2 tablespoons, eucalyptus leaves - 2 tablespoons, lime blossom - 2 tablespoons, flaxseeds - a tablespoon. Means to insist for half an hour. Gargle up to 5 times a day.
  • Propolis infusion. Crushed propolis - pour 10 grams in half a glass of alcohol. Leave everything for a week. Rinse three times a day. When treating, drink tea with honey and herbs.
  • Egg yolk remedy. It is necessary to take the yolk - 2 eggs, beat it with sugar until foam forms. With the help of the tool, you can quickly get rid of a hoarse voice.
  • Dill seeds. It is necessary to take 200 ml of boiling water and brew dill seeds in it - a tablespoon. Leave for about 30 minutes. Drink after eating no more than two tablespoons.
  • Curd compress on the throat will help relieve inflammation, irritation from the throat. After a few procedures, you will feel better.

So, in order to avoid the inflammatory process of the respiratory organs, it is necessary to treat a cold in a timely manner. Do not think that the disease will go away on its own. If you start a runny nose, the bacteria from your nose will start to descend. First they will be in the nose, then in the pharynx, then in the larynx, trachea and bronchi. Everything can end with pneumonia (pneumonia). To prevent complications, it is necessary to take measures at the first symptoms, and do not forget to consult a doctor.

A throat infection in children is a very dangerous condition that can be complicated by laryngotracheitis and tracheal spasm. It is necessary to carry out timely diagnosis and treatment. On this page, you can see what a throat infection looks like in children in the photo, illustrating the manifestation of external symptoms, such as hyperemia of the pharynx, rashes, swelling, etc. Acute infection of the upper respiratory tract in children can be caused by a viral or bacterial pathogenic microflora, depending on the type of pathogen, etiotropic treatment is prescribed.

Acute respiratory diseases are the most statistically frequent pathology in childhood. The causative agents of acute infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract are most often viruses (up to 95%). Any respiratory virus selectively infects a specific section of the respiratory tract, and not all respiratory tracts.

Among children attending preschool institutions, as well as hospital infections, a significant proportion are mixed viral-bacterial infections.

The increase in the severity of the disease, its complications, as a rule, indicate the addition or activation of a bacterial infection, since there is a violation of the barrier function of the respiratory tract and a decrease in resistance.

At the same time, bacterial lesions of the upper respiratory tract can be primary. So, in more than 15% of cases, due to the isolated effect of group A beta-hemolytic streptococcus; Acute purulent otitis media and sinusitis are often caused by pneumococcus, Haemophilus influenzae, Moraxella catarrhalis, and pyogenic streptococcus.

In the occurrence of diseases of the respiratory tract, the role of atypical infections is growing. Thus, 35% of children and adolescents are carriers of mycoplasma, which can lead to a recurrent course of diseases of the nose, paranasal sinuses and larynx.

Fungal lesions of the pharyngeal ring are possible, when the fungus Candida albicans under certain conditions acquires pronounced pathogenic (pathogenic) properties.

Viral infection of the throat and upper respiratory tract in children (symptoms)

Acute respiratory viral infections of the upper respiratory tract in a child are a large group of viral infections that account for up to 90% of all cases of infectious diseases. In childhood, each child has up to 8 ARVI diseases per year. Everyone gets sick of them - someone more often, someone less often. In winter, they get sick more often, since viruses are more active during this period, less often in summer.

The cause of a viral throat infection in children is a large group of respiratory viruses (more than 200 viruses), they were first discovered in 1892 by the Russian scientist D.I. Ivanovsky. If we compare the size of bacteria - the causative agents of a large number of infectious diseases with viruses, then 1750 particles of the influenza virus are placed in one bacterium (streptococcus). The first symptoms of an upper respiratory tract infection in children give after 2-3 days or after the prodromal period.

Any cell of the body performs a number of functions inherent only to it. In the event of a virus infection, a number of problems arise. So, when the mucous membrane of the bronchi is affected, coughing, wheezing in the lungs, and rapid breathing appear.

Respiratory viruses have several dozen types and subtypes. At the same time, immunity, i.e. the body's immunity after an illness develops only to one strictly defined type or subtype of the virus. Therefore, a person has a real opportunity to get ARVI very often.

A large spread of respiratory diseases contributes to the airborne route of transmission of infection. From the moment of infection to the appearance of the first signs of the disease, very little time passes - from several hours to four days.

The source of infection can be a sick child or an adult who, during a conversation, coughing, sneezing, releases a large amount of viral particles. However, in the external environment, viruses die quite quickly. The most contagious sick person in the first 3 - 8 days of illness (with adenovirus infection - up to 25 days).

In most cases, it is not possible to determine a specific pathogen, and this is not necessary, since the disease is treated in the same way for any etiology. Based only on the clinical picture, the doctor can assume the presence of a specific infection in several cases: with influenza, parainfluenza, adenovirus and respiratory syncytial infections, which are most common in childhood.

Different forms have their own clinical symptoms of a viral throat infection in children, but they have much in common:

  • catarrhal symptoms (runny nose, cough, redness in the throat, hoarseness, suffocation);
  • symptoms of intoxication (fever, malaise, headache, vomiting, poor appetite, weakness, sweating, unstable mood).

The specific symptoms of SARS will depend on which part of the respiratory tract the virus caused the most severe inflammatory process: rhinitis - damage to the nasal mucosa, pharyngitis - damage to the pharynx, nasopharyngitis - damage to the nose and pharynx at the same time, laryngitis - larynx, tracheitis - trachea, bronchitis - bronchi, bronchiolitis - defeat of the smallest bronchi - bronchioles.

However, the severity of intoxication and the depth of damage to the respiratory tract in different respiratory infections are different.

. Scientists distinguish three main varieties of the influenza virus - A, B and C. The most fundamental differences are in the ability to change. Thus, the influenza C virus is practically stable. And, having been ill once, a person acquires immunity for almost a lifetime. This explains the extremely rare incidence of influenza C among adults, this is the lot of children.

Influenza B virus changes moderately, and if only children are ill with influenza C, then children are predominantly ill with influenza B.

Influenza A- the most insidious, it is he who, constantly changing, causes epidemics.

A distinctive feature of the flu is an acute, sudden onset of the disease with severe symptoms of intoxication: high fever, headache, sometimes vomiting, body aches, redness of the face. The catarrhal symptoms of influenza appear later. The most common symptoms of tracheitis in the form of a dry painful cough, runny nose.

Influenza symptoms are mostly similar to those of other SARS. However, the tendency of the virus to predominantly affect the mucous membranes of the trachea and bronchi leads to a more severe course of the disease with influenza than with other acute respiratory viral infections.

Parainfluenza. With parainfluenza (unlike influenza), catarrhal symptoms appear from the first hours of illness in the form of a runny nose, a rough "barking" cough, and hoarseness of voice, especially noticeable when a child cries. Choking may develop - false croup. Symptoms of intoxication with parainfluenza are mild, the temperature does not rise above 37.5 ° C.

With adenovirus infection, from the very first days of the disease, there are abundant mucous or mucopurulent rhinitis, a wet cough, as well as conjunctivitis, acute tonsillitis (inflammation of the tonsils). The submandibular and cervical lymph nodes are enlarged. Manifestations of intoxication, insignificant at the beginning of the disease, gradually increase with the development of the disease. It is characterized by a long (up to 20-30 days), often undulating course of the disease, when, after the disappearance of the main symptoms, they reappear after 2-5 days.

Respiratory syncytial viruses mainly affect the lower respiratory tract - the bronchi and the smallest bronchioles. The child develops a strong wet cough, expiratory dyspnea and signs of respiratory failure, i.e. obstructive syndrome develops.

Bacterial and viral-bacterial throat infection in children and its symptoms

A bacterial throat infection in children rarely develops on its own in the primary form. As a rule, it is a complication of an incorrectly treated viral form of the disease. Important to remember: any respiratory viral infection significantly weakens the defenses of the child's body. This contributes to the attachment of a bacterial infection (staphylococci, streptococci, pneumococci, etc.) and the development of complications, often of a purulent nature. A viral and bacterial infection develops in children, which is why acute respiratory viral infections in children of early and preschool age are often accompanied by pneumonia (pneumonia), inflammation of the middle ear (otitis media), inflammation of the paranasal sinuses (sinusitis or frontal sinusitis). In addition, under the influence of respiratory infections, dormant chronic foci of infection in the child’s body are revived. Chronic tonsillitis, chronic bronchitis, chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, etc. are exacerbated.
age can cause a delay in physical and mental development.

How does the human body react to the penetration of the virus? Of course, he begins to fight the "invader" first by means of nonspecific immunity - phagocytosis, lysozyme, interferon, the complement system, etc., and then by the production of specific antibodies.

The virus that enters the cell actively multiplies and quickly leads to the death and destruction of the cell it has captured. From the disintegrated cell, viruses enter the blood, and there antiviral antibodies are already waiting for them. Therefore, ARVI will last exactly as long as the body needs to synthesize antibodies. The terms for the production of antibodies are short and amount to 5-10 days. The antibodies neutralize the virus and the disease ends.

SARS is a contagious disease. However, as a rule, when a child develops malaise, runny nose, cough, fever, the mother will not say that her baby has ARVI, she will say unequivocally and with conviction that she has caught a cold. Pay attention to the characteristic symptoms of a viral and bacterial infection in children, as a rule they are more severe and have a long clinical manifestation.

The word "cold" has several meanings - the cooling to which the body has undergone, and the disease caused by such cooling (colloquial).

Therefore, a cold most often has nothing to do with SARS. On the mucous membrane of the nose, pharynx, bronchi there is a large number of microbes (not viruses, but bacteria), which, when the body's resistance decreases, cause diseases. Hypothermia, excessive sweating, walking barefoot, excessive physical activity, drafts, cold water can contribute to a decrease in the child's defenses. When it comes to ARVI, it means getting infected from an already sick person.

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