Restoration of the body with the help of a pleasant smell: a bath with a coniferous aroma of fir oil. Essential oils for baths, saunas and baths

The healing properties of the bath have been known for a long time. During this time, many ways and means have appeared, thanks to which it is possible to significantly increase the positive impact of the steam room on the human body. One of these tools are essential oils for the bath.

What are essential substances used for?

Fragrant liquids used at the time can have the most beneficial effect on a person. Physiologists draw an analogy between the effects of essential oils and hormones on the body.

In combination with water and the high temperature of the steam room, bath oil improves mood. It creates a feeling of bliss, lightness, joy. A person experiences a surge of strength and energy.

In addition, fragrant oil for baths and saunas can have a healing effect on the human body. Depending on the agent used, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, analgesic effects can be achieved. Some types of oils have a relaxing effect, while others have an invigorating effect. Starting the use of essential oils, a person must know everything about the properties that they have.

Where did the tradition come from?

The experience of using natural concentrated liquids has a long history. More than ten thousand years ago, people already knew how, using essential substances, you can protect yourself from diseases, increase efficiency, and improve clarity of thought.

No one will be able to name the exact place where the tradition came from, as a result of which they began to use essential oils for the bath. The reason for this is simple - the miraculous properties of plant odors were used wherever people lived.

The ancestors of the Europeans used the Scythians to steam, throwing seeds and flowers of various plants on hot stones. Women, rubbing cedar sawdust, received a substance also used in aromatherapy.

The real connoisseurs who perfectly mastered the art of using aromatic oils can be called the ancient Greeks and Romans. The healers of China, India, Tibet also became famous in this.

Rules for the use of essential oils

Having become acquainted with the properties that oils have, it is necessary to follow the rules for their use in a sauna or bath.

  • Bath essential oil should be used in a strict dosage. For one liter of hot water, it is enough to take no more than 10 drops of oil. Using the product in large quantities can lead to a negative result.
  • The prepared solution is poured over red-hot stones, brooms, shelves.
  • A fragrant liquid can be used to wipe the body while bathing.
  • A container containing oil-flavoured water should be placed next to the heated oven.
  • It is strictly forbidden to drip bath oil directly onto a hot stove.

Flavored Liquid Recipes

There are a huge number of recipes for the preparation of funds, which include essential oils. The choice of one or more of them depends on the result to which the person aspires.

  1. To prepare the product, you will need 5-10 drops of essential oil, 1 tablespoon of honey, 1 liter of water. All parts are combined and thoroughly mixed.
  2. Instead of honey, you can use whey, fresh milk or sea salt.
  3. You need to take 1 liter of water, add 4 drops of lavender and lemon oils and 3 drops each. The resulting fragrant liquid can give the body a pleasant fragrance and freshness.
  4. A composition prepared from 4-5 drops of an essential substance and one liter of water will fill the bath with the aroma of pine needles. Both pine and fir oil are suitable for this. For bath shelves, walls, benches, this tool can also be used. It is enough to spray their surfaces with the prepared liquid, and the coniferous aroma will remain indoors for a long time.

What are oils made from?

The production of essential oils is a complex technological process. For this, natural raw materials are used, which are taken as some types of plants.

Their processing during the preparation of the product can be different - distillation, pressing, extraction. No matter how the plant material is processed, the concentration of essential substances in the resulting product is always higher than in the plant itself.

The most popular bath oil, prepared on the basis of fir, mint, sage, geranium, rosemary. Aromas of chamomile, lemon balm, lavender also have their fans. Oils with the smell of orange, lemon, bergamot are well in demand.

The list of plants used for the production of aromatic essential oils can be continued for a long time. You need to know that in the manufacture of different varieties of oils, several types of plants can be used. This will change not only the aroma, but also the medicinal properties of the product.

Types of oils, their application

The fact of the therapeutic effect of bath oil is indisputable. What is better to use for this tool and how to combine them - read below.

The freshness of the body is given by the following clary sage, rosemary. You can use one of the oils or a combination of them.

Lavender, lemon balm, chamomile oils effectively cleanse pores, allowing the skin to breathe freely.

Oils made from lemon, bergamot or orange will help relieve stress, relax, and enjoy.

Jasmine, carnations, sandalwood will fill the steam room with aromas that can improve mood and evoke pleasant memories.

Pine, anise, eucalyptus, chamomile, juniper, sage oils will help to cure a sore throat or a cold, eliminate a cough. As you know, these same plants are used when a water bath is being prepared to get rid of the disease. The oil prepared from them is characterized by great efficiency.

Oil classification

For the convenience of using essential oils, a classification system has been compiled. The groups included liquids, for the manufacture of which plants with similar properties were used:

  • camphor;
  • herbal;
  • citrus;
  • floral;
  • spicy;
  • resinous.

Modern folk and official medicine recognizes the positive effects of essential oils on the human body. Their use when visiting baths and saunas, of course, is welcome. But one should not forget about the observance of the rules and a sense of proportion.

In addition, you should pay attention to the fact that essential oils may have an unnatural, synthetic composition. Their smell is not inferior to those made from natural raw materials, but the therapeutic effect after their application will be completely absent.

Everyone has the right to choose what suits him.

The aroma of the steam room itself is already pleasant and healthy, but it is the essential oils that turn the bath into a healing procedure that brings real pleasure. Certain combinations of aromas can have an amazing effect on the body. What essential oils for baths and saunas are most useful in this or that case and how to combine the therapeutic effect of aromas correctly, read in this article.

Varieties of essential oils

Esters are classified according to the method of their production and therapeutic effect. In order to properly compose an aromatic cocktail, it is important to know with what this or that oil can be mixed, and with what it is absolutely not recommended. Our ancestors have known friendship and enmity of aromas for a long time.

  • Beneficial esters derived from herbs have a beneficial effect mainly on the skin and are considered more "feminine" fragrances; with rare exceptions, which we discuss below, they can be complex.
  • Wood esters, as a rule, have pronounced antiseptic properties, are used to cleanse the body and are conditionally classified as “male”.
  • Citrus scents are versatile; they refresh, tone and disinfect the skin, restoring strength and improving mood.

It is important to combine each medicinal essential oil with other products, taking into account all its properties and capabilities, since using antagonist esters can get the opposite effect and even harm the body.

Types of oils

Let us consider in more detail the most effective aromas that are fully revealed in the conditions of the steam room and have an excellent healing, tonic and cleansing effect.

Ylang-ylang - overseas fragrance against depression and fatigue

Ylang-ylang essential oil is obtained from the flowers of trees native to Asia. In all countries of this region, ylang-ylang is considered the patron saint of lovers, as it promotes the conception of healthy children, love and peace of mind.

The warm, candy-scented notes inherent in these flowers are more suitable for women, as in the conditions of the steam room they have a beneficial effect on tired and mature skin, softening and toning it.

Ordinary essential oils are quite suitable for a bath (10 ml is the standard capacity of a bottle that can be purchased at a specialized store), but if you want to get the maximum healing effect, you should choose ylang-ylang. Extra-class oils contain a maximum of substances useful for the skin, but they also cost a little more.

So, what are the beneficial qualities of ylang-ylang manifested in a steam room:

  • is a pronounced antidepressant, which is recommended even for children to get rid of night fears;
  • has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, especially with heart palpitations; ylang-ylang is recommended to be added to any oil cocktail for a sauna or bath;
  • perfectly moisturizes the skin and normalizes the sebaceous glands, eliminates age-related changes in the skin (wrinkles will disappear without a trace);
  • strengthens hair and nails, recommended for hair prone to rapid greasing.

Ylang-ylang goes well with all citrus esters, ideally combined with bergamot and lemon, with lemon and cedar. You can’t mix ylang-ylang with anise oil, which has similar properties. Cloves and black pepper oil are also undesirable neighbors. In some cases, if the required dosage is exceeded, nausea and dizziness may occur, as blood pressure drops sharply in hot steam conditions.

Rosemary - stimulates memory, treats colds and skin inflammations

Rosemary essential oil has a whole range of beneficial properties. In particular:

  • stimulates the immune system and increases appetite; in the conditions of a sauna and a bath, it helps to actively cleanse the skin, removing all unnecessary and harmful substances from it;
  • regulates the work of the heart and normalizes blood pressure, the use of this ether is possible equally both at high and low pressure;
  • is an effective remedy for colds and inflammation of the respiratory tract, treats runny nose and chronic cough;
  • has a slight choleretic effect, therefore, in case of liver diseases, use it carefully, after consulting with your doctor;
  • stimulates mental activity, improves blood circulation of cerebral vessels, is an ideal remedy for stress and overwork as a result of intense mental activity (exam, driving tests);
  • normalizes blood circulation and has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract; doctors advise even pregnant women to inhale the aroma of rosemary to get rid of nausea.

As an addition to rosemary ester, chamomile, mint or patchouli extract works well. It is undesirable to add esters with the same properties (eucalyptus, pine, cedar) to the cocktail, except to enhance the effect of colds.

Mint - frosty coolness

The well-known mint includes a whole health-improving complex of useful esters that have a beneficial effect on the body as a whole. However, peppermint oil should be used with caution by men, as it is more of a female herb. Representatives of the stronger sex can use mint in cocktails with cedar or pine oils in small quantities as a strong antidepressant.

Peppermint essential oil has invaluable qualities that heal the soul and body:

  • superbly soothes and tones the skin at the same time, providing blood flow to its surface - as a result, we get a stunning rejuvenating effect;
  • has a therapeutic effect on the central nervous system, calms, harmonizes the worldview, sets in a peaceful mood; mint aroma has long been considered the best remedy for fatigue and depression;
  • due to the relaxation of the muscles, it provides an additional influx of nutrients to the skin cells, which restores its elasticity and smoothness;
  • can be used to treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Mint is combined with citrus and pronounced floral esters (rose, lemon, ylang-ylang, peach, apricot). It is undesirable to mix mint ether with cedar and juniper.

Bay - restores youth and beauty of skin and hair

Bay essential oil is obtained from wood and myrtle leaves. It has a bitter, pronounced mustard aroma. It is an ideal stimulator of blood circulation and enhances metabolic processes in the body.

  • Bay is the ether of female beauty and youth. Thanks to the increased blood flow, beneficial substances are delivered to the hair follicles and to the superficial skin cells, nourishing and restoring them.
  • The antiseptic properties of bay oil can even cure herpes. In the conditions of the steam room, the smallest particles of the antiseptic penetrate deep into the skin and completely neutralize the infection.
  • Bay oil ether is recommended for the treatment of fungal and other infectious skin diseases. But before using it in the sauna, nevertheless, consult with your doctor and make sure that steam exposure to the skin is not contraindicated on an individual basis.
  • Luxurious hair and glowing youthful skin are the result of regular use of bay leaf oil.

Bay oil goes well with chamomile, mint and flax oils. Do not mix with eucalyptus and juniper esters.

Rose - love and velvety skin

Rose essential oil sets you in a romantic mood, gives you a feeling of confidence that the world is beautiful and full of pleasant surprises. This is a feminine fragrance of beauty and harmony. Regular therapy with the use of rose ether helps to restore the disturbed menstrual cycle and reproductive functions, gives a rejuvenating effect.

Essential oils for a rose-scented bath are indispensable for facial skin, they make it velvety and tender, increase blood circulation and effectively moisturize. The softening and smoothing effect is already noticeable from the first application. Normalization of metabolism will help to quickly cure acne, skin irritations and even sluggish current dermatitis. Cosmetologists recommend combining pink ether with the tonic effect of lemon and mint not only in the sauna, but also in herbal teas.

You should not combine a rose with bright "male" esters, against which it simply loses its properties (cedar, pine, juniper, eucalyptus).

Neroli - the beauty of the orange blossom

Neroli, an essential oil whose properties have long been known to residents of the southern regions, is not cheap in Russia. But its restorative and healing properties fully pay off the high cost.

  • Being a unique aphrodisiac, neroli ether stimulates sexual desire, treats frigidity and impotence.
  • Doctors recommend orange flowers as the main component in the treatment of many diseases of the endocrine, hormonal and genitourinary systems, especially the ovaries and fallopian tubes. In the sauna, the effect of the beneficial substances of the ether is enhanced, and the healing process is much faster.
  • Neroli oil successfully treats wet eczema and persistent acne, copes with peeling and other skin problems.

Orange blossom essential oil should not be mixed with other fragrances. Perhaps a combination with mint, apricot and peach. As you know, essential oils in water fully reveal all their beneficial properties, since, in combination with the smallest droplets of steam, they have a high penetrating effect.

Lemon - invaluable properties in both heat and cold

Lemon essential oil is widely known for its antiseptic properties, but few people know that it is a unique mental stimulant. If you need to solve a complex problem, just rub lemon oil into whiskey and the optimal solution to any problem will be found surprisingly easily and quickly.

Lemon is combined with almost all esters, complementing and enhancing the effect of any oil. Its only antagonists are cedar and eucalyptus, which are recommended to be used without mixing with other oils.

Orange - sunny joy of life

Orange essential oil improves mood - especially in winter, when there is so little sun heat and light. This cheerful and life-affirming fragrance will instantly return a good mood and give joy from every moment.

Orange is an excellent antidepressant and antispasmodic, its aroma relaxes all muscles and helps to feel the beauty of visiting a bath or sauna. In some, orange oil causes allergic reactions, so it should be used taking into account the individual characteristics of the body.

We treat colds with natural pleasant aromas

Essential oils for colds and for the prevention of diseases are very effective in a steam room. Consider the main esters, which have a mild antiseptic effect on the mucous membranes and relieve spasms caused by colds.

  • Tea tree - its smell, of course, is not pleasant, but today there is no better antiseptic for colds. Tea tree ether completely neutralizes staphylococcal and streptococcal infections and perfectly stimulates the immune system.
  • Eucalyptus - has an expectorant effect, kills almost all pathogenic bacteria of the respiratory tract, stimulates the immune system and the body's ability to resist any infection.
  • Essential oils after the bath - pine and lavender. Of course, you can add them to aromatic cocktails and in the steam room, but it is after the bath that these esters give a long-lasting therapeutic effect, penetrating deep into the surface of the skin and preventing re-infection with viral infections.

Any ether that has an antiseptic effect - mint, rosemary, eucalyptus, pine, cedar, juniper - successfully helps the body cope with colds. A good antiviral effect is given by combinations of fir and rosemary with the addition of eucalyptus ether. However, essential oils should be chosen according to individual tolerance. In addition, it is not recommended to mix esters with the same properties. For example, using eucalyptus and rosemary together is simply useless - the effect is the same, but the smell is unpleasant. It is best to mix sauna and bath oils based on your own feelings. The body itself will determine what flavor it likes and needs right now.

It was used not so much for hygienic purposes, but to improve health, relax, calm the nervous system and relax the body. And the Egyptians used the properties of essential oils to achieve all this. Now there is an opportunity to purchase essential oils for the bath to get a double effect and fully enjoy the combination of warmth and aromatherapy.

Bath is the strongest procedure for cleansing and strengthening the body.

Residents of megacities have each in their apartment. But they have the opportunity to visit the sauna, both public and rented for small companies of 6-8 people. Such saunas consist of several rooms: for massage, a steam room, a shower room and a pool. There you can completely relax, unwind and spend time in your favorite company.

Entering the steam room, you should not immediately climb onto the top shelf, you need to start warming up gradually. Otherwise, you bring the body no benefit, but plunge it into stress. Each time after visiting the steam room, it is necessary to wash off sweat and exfoliated epithelium in the shower, as they contain toxins and harmful substances that have left the body, which can return through wide-open pores.

Under the influence of steam, the remnants of the drugs you take are released, which gradually increase the intoxication of the body, accumulating in it. As a result of profuse sweating, everything comes out through enlarged pores, what women usually scrape and clean in salons during skin peeling procedures.

Steam room in the bath

The hot air of the bath not only removes harmful substances and toxins from the body, but also thoroughly warms it up. At the same time, heat affects the entire musculoskeletal system, radiculitis and arthritis, diseases of the muscles, spine and joints recede. Under the influence of temperature, the body gets rid of not only toxins, but also salts. It improves blood circulation, increases joint mobility and body flexibility. With regular visits to the bath, at least once every 2 weeks, you will get rid of.

The effect of bath procedures is greatly enhanced if practiced in the sauna. Creating the effect of inhalation for the respiratory tract and enriching the body with useful components of natural extracts.

Essential oils are highly concentrated extracts from plants.

They have a very complex chemical composition, about five hundred components, which cannot be compared with drugs. This composition and the ability to penetrate cell walls allows essential oils to influence both health and beauty. They awaken and stimulate the immune system. By stimulating the body to self-heal diseases and develop resistance to them. Scientists from many countries have proven the real effect of essential oils on the human body. These include: antiseptic, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, analgesic, immunostimulating, antifungal and psychological.

A wonderful procedure for a bath can be a massage using essential oils. Steamed skin and muscles are ideally prepared to receive the healing properties of the oil components.

Essential oils for the bath

The properties of essential oils are amazing. These natural extracts have a beneficial effect on the external and internal state of the human body, as well as relaxing and toning it. When buying an essential oil, you need to clarify what properties it has.

We give examples of oils that are more suitable for a bath and consider their properties.

  • You can disinfect the air of the steam room by using oils: eucalyptus, juniper, mint, chamomile, cedar, oregano.
  • Invigorating and strengthening immunity are oils: rosewood, lemon, bergamot, jasmine, fir, ginger and geranium.
  • Eliminate swelling and a tooth from insect bites will help oils: tea tree, lemon balm, santal, eucalyptus.
  • Bergamot and vanilla oils will help to cope with flatulence, colic and disorders of the digestive system. They normalize the enzymatic acidic environment of the stomach.
  • With migraines will help: ylang-ylang, rosemary, lemon, basil, bergamot.
  • Antiseptic oils include: eucalyptus, spruce, pine, chamomile, juniper, fir, ginger, lemon, geranium and jasmine.
  • With sleep disorders, stress and anxiety, soothing oils will help: lavender, mandarin, lemon balm and ylang-ylang.
  • With arthritis and rheumatism, oils will help: lemon balm, jasmine, eucalyptus, lemon, fir, tea tree, spruce, juniper, basil, rosemary.
  • When coughing, oils can be used: dill, ginger, juniper, anise and marjoram. They have an expectorant and antitussive effect. Warm air will serve as inhalation, increase sputum production and speed up recovery.
  • Restore the activity of the immune system oils: lemon balm, juniper, spruce, lemon, basil, rosemary, santal, fir, bergamot.
  • Oils that reduce pain, strengthen muscles and improve blood flow are used after physical exertion and for tendon sprains. These include: lemon balm, tea tree, eucalyptus, juniper, rosemary, fir, basil.
  • For bronchitis and pneumonia, spruce, tea tree, lemon, fir, juniper, rosemary, lemon balm, jasmine, santal, basil are used.
  • The properties of aphrodisiacs are oils: vanilla, neroli, ylang, patchouli spruce, sandalwood, rosemary, jasmine, bergamot. They enhance sexual desire, being erotic stimulants.

You can't drip oil. This will lead to too intense smell, which threatens with headaches and other unpleasant consequences. It is necessary to dissolve about 10 drops in 1.5 liters of water. With the resulting aromatic water, the shelves of the steam room are wiped, the steam brooms are soaked in it and poured a little on the heater. When using the oil for the first time, when you still do not know how your body will react to the perception of its vapors, it is better to limit yourself to 3-4 drops per 1.5 liters of water.

Rest room in the bath

After bath procedures, it is not recommended to immediately go outside. As a result of steamed and wide open pores, harmful bacteria can easily get into them. Therefore, it is better to cool down in the rest room. In which, by the way, you should not smoke, since tobacco smoke and tar are poisonous and triple harmful for a steamed body.

When going to the bath with the use of essential oils, as with any procedures related to health, precautions must be taken. To do no harm.


When using essential oils, it is necessary to take into account the possibility of allergic reactions to any of the components. When using the oil for the first time, when you still do not know how your body will react to the perception of its vapors, it is better to limit yourself to 3-4 drops per 1.5 liters of water. And before visiting the bath, it is better to consult a doctor. Since the heat and temperature changes may not suit everyone. Especially you need to be careful with bath procedures for cores and hypertensive patients. In order for the sauna in combination with aromatherapy to bring you only a positive effect, master the intricacies of the bath gradually and carefully. Be healthy!

Our ancestors also made aromatic bath sets, because in the conditions of a steam room and sauna, all aromas are enhanced, and the healing properties of plants increase tens and hundreds of times.

I am glad that now the long-forgotten skill of composing aromatic compositions for a bath is being revived again.

Essential oils in the bath

In Russia, there was a custom to treat all ailments with a healing bath steam. Coniferous aroma was used to relax and calm the nervous system, mint and spruce were used for hardening, and for the treatment of colds, our ancestors inhaled healing steam from fir and juniper into the steam room. Molecules of aromatic oils, getting into the respiratory organs of a person, are instantly absorbed through the capillaries in the lungs and enter the bloodstream. In the bath, the absorption process is enhanced, as the capillaries expand, as do the pores on the skin, through which the effect of essential oils on the body also occurs. In other words, you can just take a steam bath, breathe in fragrant steam, and at the same time get healthier, become more beautiful and younger.

The benefit of the bath also lies in the fact that as a result of cleansing the pores, toxins and accumulated fluid are removed from the tissues, so the skin better perceives and more actively absorbs all the nutrients and useful elements. It turns out that by inhaling aromatic oils in a bath or sauna, we get a brighter effect than if we did it at home.

How to use essential oils

When visiting a steam room, observe moderation in the dosage of aromatic oils. Drip no more than 2-3 drops of oil on one bucket of water, if it seems a little to you, increase the dose, but gradually. Place a ladle near the stove so that the release of ethereal vapors is constant and long-lasting. At the same time, watch your reaction and the condition of the skin, in order to avoid allergies. If you decide to try a new oil, the first entry into the steam room should not exceed 3-5 minutes, but gradually the time spent in the steam room can be increased to 30 minutes.

Water with essential oils should not be poured onto hot stones - in this case, the water will evaporate very quickly or even ignite. In extreme cases, you can pour water on hot walls or spray it into the air through a spray bottle. You can buy a special steam generator for baths and saunas with a container for essential oils, balms and dry herbs. Auxiliaries are also used to enhance the aroma, for example, a little sea salt or honey is dissolved in hot water, which help the aroma of natural oils to better open up. If you want to take a steam bath with maximum benefit, lightly soak a birch broom in water with dissolved essential oils - the benefits for the body from such a procedure are enormous!

The best essential oils for a bath

Eucalyptus oil seems to be created for a steam room, because it contains the substance cineole, which destroys viruses, bacteria, pathogens of dysentery, typhoid fever and other infections. If you are upset and cannot calm down, and sound sleep is a big problem for you, take a steam bath with thyme oil - on this day you will fall asleep instantly and sleep very soundly. Enough once a week to inhale the aroma of thyme in the bath and sauna to get rid of insomnia forever. Melissa, chamomile, mint, tangerine and geranium oils help very well to solve these problems. If, on the contrary, you want to cheer up and increase your efficiency, use lavender and jasmine oil in the bath - they perfectly tone up the body and cheer you up.

People suffering from respiratory diseases will appreciate the healing properties of cypress oil. If you put a few drops into a cup of hot water and inhale the healing steam in the sauna, the mucous membrane of the lungs and bronchi will soften, phlegm will be better to leave, and the sinuses will be cleared. In addition, a cypress steam bath normalizes the hormonal balance in the body, restores the nervous system and improves metabolic processes.

Pine oil is very useful, cleansing the skin, alleviating the condition of patients with diseases of the respiratory system and effectively treating a runny nose and sinusitis. Pine has a beneficial effect on the state of the heart and blood vessels, and doctors especially recommend inhaling pine aroma to people who have had a heart attack. In men, pairs of pine essential oil increase potency and increase sexual activity, which is a pleasant “side effect” of the therapeutic effect.

I would like to say a few words about lemon balm oil, which Paracelsus called the elixir of life, because it is an excellent tool for restoring strength, strengthening immunity and treating many diseases. Inhalation of balm essential oil vapors strengthens the heart, normalizes blood pressure, puts female reproductive function in order, rejuvenates the skin and has a beneficial effect on appearance.

Aromatic bath compositions

Aroma Royal Systems offers for aromatherapy lovers a series of "Bath Spirit" of three sets of essential oils. A wellness series with bergamot, eucalyptus and fir oils strengthens the immune system, treats depression and is suitable as a remedy for the prevention of colds, in addition, eucalyptus relieves fatigue, strengthens strength and perfectly tones the body.

A soothing bath set of lemon balm, lavender and lemon relieves stress, while lemon heals and eliminates the effects of stress, disperses sadness and blues.

Women will love the Natural Slimness aromatic sauna set, because the unique composition of juniper, geranium and grapefruit essential oils activates the fat burning process, produces an anti-cellulite effect and normalizes metabolism. Geranium has the property of an antidepressant, juniper is a natural aphrodisiac, and the fresh and tart aroma of grapefruit reduces appetite, so after such a fat-burning bath you don’t feel like eating at all!

Pay attention to the interesting collection "Zodiac Elements", which can also be used in the sauna. Lavender, fir and lemon represent the elements of water, tea tree, mint, eucalyptus are combined into the elements of earth, lemon, lavender and juniper symbolize the elements of fire, and mint, orange and eucalyptus are the elements of air.

You can choose aromatic collections before going to the sauna, depending on your mood and physical condition. "Air" oils give lightness, joy and take you out of severe depression, "fiery" aromas warm and increase blood circulation, "water" smells cool and soothe, and "earthly" essential oils give strength, vigor and energize.

We compose compositions for the sauna

If you want to create your own aromatic composition, use Aroma Royal Systems essential oils. Study the descriptions of all the oils, think about what effect you expect from visiting the bath, and make a collection.

For the treatment of colds, the complex effect of four oils - pine, fir, eucalyptus and mint - will help. They help with coughs, clear the airways well and relieve the symptoms of a cold. A couple of drops of citrus aromas can be added to the composition to purify the air and alleviate the patient's condition.

If you are in a state of prolonged depression and apathy, experienced stress and need to calm down, try making a set of myrtle, lavender, bigaradiya, ylang-ylang, frankincense, rose, tangerine, mint, valerian, marjoram, petitgrain, cumin and ho tree. They perfectly soothe, reduce anxiety, depression and anxiety, eliminate fears, improve mood, energize and positive.

A trip to the bath can be turned into a pleasant cosmetic procedure, because natural oils smooth out wrinkles, increase skin firmness and elasticity, fight acne and rashes, and improve complexion. Use tea tree, orange, rose, lavender, jasmine, arborvitae, dill, fennel and laurel oil for these purposes. Fragrant healing couples also improve the condition of hair and nails, enhance sexuality and attractiveness.

You should not mix a lot of oils at once, three or four is enough, otherwise you will get an aromatic cacophony. Mixing oils is an art in which it is important to observe harmony and measure, which is where good taste is manifested. A well-chosen aromatic collection is characterized by a strong effect on health and psyche, as well as a subtle, refined aroma in which each oil retains its individuality.

Use for bath procedures only natural oils purchased from reliable manufacturers. Artificial oils can be distinguished by a sharp unpleasant odor with chemical undertones. Such oils are not suitable for inhalation and use in the sauna. Go to the sauna, gain strength and harmonize your inner world, because essential oils are created for this!

Depending on the type and method of application, essential oils for a bath have a tonic, healing and calming effect. Nowadays, there are so many different essential oils for use in the bath that it sometimes becomes quite difficult to choose exactly the oil that is best suited for preventive or wellness purposes. We will try to figure this out so that in the future there will be no problems with the choice and use of essential oils when visiting a steam room.

Any essential oil is an aromatic mixture of volatile substances isolated from plants, which is further used as a preventive and therapeutic purpose. As well as those obtained in the form of infusions or decoctions, they are also widely used in aromatherapy in bath procedures. Together with hot steam, aromatic oils increase the already healing effect of a bath or sauna. Consider what properties the most famous types of essential oils have.

Therapeutic effect on the human body

It is known that the hot steam of a Russian or Finnish bath primarily has an effective effect on the respiratory system. After all, it is not without reason that from ancient times the bath was used as a means for the prevention and treatment of various diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

  1. To enhance the healing effect of hot steam, various essential oils are used in the bath with a pronounced effect on the respiratory system. For example, the essential oils of juniper, anise, or dill have an expectorant effect with a strong cough, clearing the upper respiratory tract. And eucalyptus or mint oils, in addition, also have a strong antiseptic effect, which is especially important when hiking.
  2. For headaches that occur due to changes in blood pressure or vasospasm, the aromatic oil of geranium or lemon verbena is well suited.
  3. And to calm and restore the nervous system, you can try the same geranium oil, as well as the essential aroma of wormwood or Chinese magnolia vine. And vice versa, if you feel a breakdown, then the oily aroma of rosemary will come to the rescue.
  4. Skin diseases such as psoriasis and eczema respond well to the combined use of hot steam and aromatic oils of pine, sea buckthorn, yarrow, sage, chamomile, celandine and valerian. Even without these diseases, the listed oil esters will help tone and renew the skin, making it velvety and elastic.
  5. Essential oils of coniferous trees have high antibacterial properties. This is spruce, and pine, and fir, and cedar. If you use these oils when visiting a steam room, they will help speed up the healing process of wounds, scratches and other damage to the skin.
  6. The fact that the Russian bath is the best way to remove toxins from the human body has long been known and is no secret to anyone. Where else can you use a bath broom so well, stimulating the process of sweating, and with it the removal of unnecessary and harmful substances from the body!? Aromatic oils of lemon, sandalwood or juniper will no doubt make sweating more effective and beneficial.

Depending on the types of essential oils, they can increase the effectiveness of treatment for many diseases. For example, rheumatism and arthritis, osteochondrosis and sciatica, bronchitis and tracheitis, indigestion and intestinal colic, cystitis and urethritis, increased activity of the endocrine (metabolism) and immune systems, and many others. True, in order not to harm your health, before using aromatic oil for treatment, you should definitely consult your doctor about this.

The use of aromatic oils for cosmetic and preventive purposes

  1. In addition to medicinal properties, many essential oils also have a high disinfectant effect. Over time, wooden walls, shelves and other steam room structures absorb unpleasant odors that inevitably arise during the soaring process. Therefore, before you go to steam, you can use the oils of eucalyptus, chamomile, cedar needles, mint, oregano while heating the steam room.
  2. For those who desire or struggle with cellulite, lemon, orange, rosemary or juniper oil scents can be recommended, which are used both during soaring and in massage treatments after leaving the steam room.
  3. To eliminate dandruff, natural oils extracted from tea tree, eucalyptus and lemon balm are used. You can strengthen the hair roots and prevent them from premature loss, as well as accelerate their growth with the help of essential oils of rosemary, sandalwood, patchouli and all the same eucalyptus.
  4. Esters of eucalyptus, lemon balm and eucalyptus will help to cope with swelling and itching from insect bites.
  5. Bruises, muscle pain, sprained tendons, fatigue relief - all this is eliminated by eucalyptus, lemon balm, fir, juniper, rosemary and basil.
  6. Aromatic oils of jasmine, rosemary, vanilla, sandalwood, bergamot and spruce are both erotic remedies that help fight impotence and frigidity.
  7. For breastfeeding mothers, either jasmine or basil essential oil will benefit.

How to choose essential oils for baths and saunas

Many essential oils share the same benefits and recommended uses. For example, eucalyptus can be used both to treat the respiratory system and to disinfect the air in a steam room. At the same time, mint is also suitable for these purposes. This is understandable, because any essential oil can contain up to 500 important components that are present in many plants. Therefore, when choosing oil for a bath, one should take into account these features and not buy oil with the same useful properties, but give an advantage to those types that best suit the goals.

Another important factor in choosing an oil is the way it is made. Only natural essential oil for bath, and not its artificial substitute, will benefit your health. It is not permissible to save on your health, because it is not for nothing that they say that "the miser pays twice."

Tolerance to volatile substances should not be neglected, which, if inhaled or in contact with the skin, can cause an allergic reaction in the body. To quickly check whether the oil is right for you or not, you can apply a small amount of it on your wrist or elbow. In the absence of redness or discomfort, it is highly likely that it is suitable for use. However, for some diseases there are direct contraindications to the use of essential oils. These include:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • epilepsy;
  • ischemic heart disease;
  • inflammation of internal organs;
  • diseases caused by infection or viruses.

How to choose a quality essential oil. Aromatherapist's advice:

Rules for the use of essential oils in the bath

No matter how healthy aromatic oil may be, but improper use can ruin the whole thing. It is important to adhere to the following simple rules for its use in the bath:

  • Since the oil is a liquid concentrated extract from medicinal plants, it should only be used diluted in water.
  • You should not be zealous and pour more oil than the prescribed amount. For the first time, one or two drops on a ladle of hot water are enough. Only after there is complete confidence in the safety of the selected oil (the absence of an allergic reaction, discomfort, etc.), you can use it, gradually increasing the dosage to the recommended amount.
  • If the oil is used for the first time and its effect on the body is not known, then the time spent in the steam room is also subject to dosing: you need to start from 2-4 minutes, and with positive results, gradually increase to 15-20 minutes.
  • In a Russian bath, it is not recommended to pour diluted oil on the stones, since the high temperature can, at best, burn it, and at worst, catch fire.
  • If, nevertheless, there is a desire to splash diluted oil on hot stones, then you first need to pour plain water on them to lower the heating temperature, and only after that pour a ladle of water with diluted aromatic ether on them.
  • Both in the Russian bath and in the sauna, the best place for wide dishes with essential oil is near, where the steam temperature is the highest. This arrangement will contribute to the best saturation of steam with aromatic substances.
  • To speed up the process of saturating the air with aromatic vapors, you can wipe the shelves and walls with diluted oil.
  • To obtain the greatest healing and preventive effect from aromatherapy in the bath, the steam room should be visited regularly, but not more than once a week.
  • Given that the oil is insoluble in water, it is possible to use special solvents (emulsifiers) that can be purchased at the retail network. And at home, honey or sea salt can play the role of emulsifiers. For example, to prepare 1 liter of flavored water, you need to dissolve 3-4 tablespoons of natural honey or sea salt in it and add 5-10 drops of essential oil, depending on its type and purpose.
  • If a broom is used when vaping, then for a greater effect it is good to moisten it with diluted oil. On the one hand, the beneficial effect of the broom itself will increase, and on the other hand, the steam itself will be enriched with useful substances both from the broom and essential oil faster.
  • Strictly follow the instructions for the preparation and use of essential oil in the bath, diluting it exactly as indicated there.

Examples of Essential Oils and Oil Blend Recipes

In the bath, mixtures of various essential oils are often used, which enhance the effect on the body of certain aromatic components for the treatment or prevention of certain diseases. Here are some examples of essential oil drop blends:

  1. For colds and coughs:
    • eucalyptus - 4-5;
    • peppermint - 4-5;
    • ate - 3.
  • To calm the nervous system (with anxiety, insomnia, mental fatigue):
    • orange - 3;
    • bergamot - 4-5;
    • ylang-ylang - 3.
  • For the respiratory system with a cold (facilitates breathing, improves immunity):
    • eucalyptus - 5;
    • bergamot - 10;
    • peppermint - 5;
    • myrtle - 5.
  • For the prevention and cleansing of the skin:
    • lavender - 4;
    • lemon - 3;
    • roses - 3.
  • To increase perspiration and remove toxins from the body:
    • lemon - 4;
    • juniper - 4;
    • sandal - 2.
  • For cellulite:
    • lemon - 7;
    • tangerine - 5:
    • juniper - 5.
  • All mixtures are thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous structure. Dilute in the amount of 3-5 drops in one ladle of hot water.

    This table shows the main and popular essential oils for baths and saunas:

    Oil name

    Application and healing actions

    orange Calms the nervous system, strengthens the immune system, eliminates anxiety and fear, is used as an antiseptic. 10 drops per bucket of water.
    Bergamot Stabilizes blood pressure, is used as a tonic, antiviral and antibacterial agent, is used to eliminate cellulite. 5-10 drops per bucket of water.
    Oregano A strong antiviral agent, used for healing wounds and bruises, effective for arthrosis and arthritis, used for delayed menstruation. 4-6 drops per bucket of hot water.
    ate To prevent colds and increase immunity, it quickly restores tissues in case of bruises, scratches, bruises and abrasions, helps to restore muscles after heavy physical exertion. 5-7 drops per bucket of water.
    Ylang Ylang It normalizes blood pressure, eliminates headaches, improves blood circulation and lowers the pulse rate, with impotence and frigidity it is used as an erotic stimulant, facilitates menopause. 2-3 drops per bucket of hot water.
    Cedar Accelerates tissue repair, is used as an anti-inflammatory remedy for osteochondrosis and arthritis, has high antiviral protection. 5-10 drops per bucket of water.
    lavender Reduces headaches, joints and muscles. Heals wounds. Increases immunity to infectious diseases. 10 drops of a scoop of water.
    Lemon Reduces headaches during overwork and changes in the atmosphere, has a protective function in varicose veins. Antiviral and antibacterial agent. 4-6 drops in a ladle of hot water.
    Mandarin Strengthens the immune system, promotes the absorption of vitamins by the body, increases the body's resistance and protective functions. 2-4 drops per scoop.
    Melissa It has antiviral protection during influenza epidemics, restores strength after heavy physical exertion, is used for dizziness. 2-4 drops per scoop of hot water.
    Mirta Used for flu and colds, has a high degree of antibacterial and antiviral protection. Strengthens and makes the walls of blood vessels elastic in case of varicose veins. 3-5 drops per bucket of water.
    juniper Anti-infective agent, normalizes blood pressure, eliminates weakness, dizziness and darkening in the eyes. 3-5 drops per scoop.
    Mint It is used for diseases of the upper respiratory tract, strengthens blood vessels and reduces muscle tension. 2-4 drops per scoop of water.
    firs Increases immunity, kills microbes, is an anti-cold remedy. Increases visual acuity after mental fatigue. It has an excellent effect on the body during hypothermia. 10 drops per ladle of hot water.
    Rosemary Eliminates severe headaches, Used for dizziness and restoring visual acuity in case of overwork, stimulates the body to quickly recover from a cold. 3-5 drops per bucket of water.
    Pines An effective remedy for colds. Relieves fatigue in the muscles, providing relaxation and soothing. Heals wounds, cuts and abrasions. 3-5 drops per scoop of water.
    thyme Increases immunity. It is an antiseptic and disinfectant. Used for wound healing and strengthening the nervous system. 3-5 drops of oil per scoop of water.
    tea tree A powerful antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agent in the healing of wounds, abrasions and other tissue damage. Stimulates the work of the endocrine system. 3-5 drops per scoop of water.
    Clary sage It is an excellent general tonic. Repels insects, eliminates itching from their bites. It is used to relieve and restore monthly menstrual cycles. 3-5 drops per bucket of water.
    Eucalyptus An excellent preventive and therapeutic agent for the upper respiratory tract. It has a general strengthening effect on the body, and also relieves fatigue after playing sports or after heavy physical exertion. 5 drops per bucket of hot water.
    A set of essential oils "Fragrances of the forest" Composition: spruce, cedar, juniper, fir, rosemary, pine, eucalyptus.
    Healing Aromas Set Ingredients: orange, cedar, juniper, fir, rosemary, thyme, eucalyptus.
    Tropical Flavors Set Ingredients: orange, bergamot, grapefruit, lemongrass (shuttlebeard), lemon, tangerine, citronella.

    Of course, all the above essential oils for baths and mixtures are excellent flavors that will add to the air in the steam room, and throughout the bath, a pleasant and healthy spirit. Along with bath aromatic decoctions, they will turn an ordinary visit to the bath into an unforgettable event.

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