Stevia natural sweetener: benefits and harms, reviews of doctors. Stevia - what is it, useful properties. The use of stevia


What is stevia?

What is stevia herb, the benefits and harms of stevia for the human body, all this is of great interest to those who lead a healthy lifestyle, monitor their health, and are interested in folk methods of treatment. So we will try to answer these questions in the following article.

Stevia (Stévia) is a genus of perennial plants of the family Asteraceae, or Compositae, which includes about 260 species of herbs and shrubs that grow in South and Central America, as far north as Mexico.

It grows wild in semi-arid areas from plains to mountainous areas. Stevia produces seeds, but only a small percentage of them germinate.

When cultivating, the vegetative propagation method is much more effective.

In 1931, French chemists M. Bridel and R. Lavieu isolated glycosides from stevia, which give this herb a sweet taste. The extracts, called steviosides (English steviosides) and rebaudiosides (English rebaudiosides), turned out to be 250-300 times sweeter than sucrose. The sensation of sweetness for stevia comes on more slowly than regular sugar, but lasts longer. However, especially at high concentrations, it may have a bitter aftertaste or liquorice residue. Stevia does not significantly affect the amount of glucose in the blood and for this reason is indicated for diabetics and other carbohydrate diets.


Now, when people are concerned about proper nutrition, many are wondering how to reduce the amount of sugar consumed daily. What can replace sugar in tea or coffee, in lemonade or fruit drink? And in baking? What about other dishes? It’s good if this interest is purely theoretical, but it happens that a person catches on even when he was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, that is, diabetes that developed from excessive consumption of carbohydrates. Such diabetes can be corrected not only with drugs, but also with diet. Usually in such cases, sugar is replaced with sweeteners, but as it turns out, they have side effects and are not very healthy. So what to do?

People began to look for natural sugar substitutes. After all, it was not always the same sugar in the diet, as we are now accustomed to. And he wasn't everywhere. And not very long ago, by historical standards, scientists and not only they became interested in honey stevia, a plant from the aster family, which is ten times sweeter than sugar.

Honey stevia, also known as honey grass, and in Latin Stevia rebaudiana, belongs to the Aster family, or Compositae.

This family is extremely diverse. Asters are distributed on all continents of the Earth and in all natural zones. For example, we can name asters, sunflower, dandelion, gerbera, calendula, chamomile, chrysanthemums, dahlias and many others.

Stevia is included in the tribe Evpatorievye, or Poskonnikovye, where there are more than 2000 species. It should be noted that most of them live in tropical, subtropical and warm temperate regions of North and South America. In Central America, they grow north as far as Mexico.

Stevia is no exception, it mainly grows in warm regions. It is now cultivated in East Asia including China, Korea, Taiwan, Thailand and Malaysia, South America (Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay) and Israel.

Initially, this grass grew in South America (northeast of Paraguay, border with Brazil). It has a moderately humid subtropical climate. And since ancient times, the Guarani Indians in the territory of modern Brazil and Paraguay used stevia, calling it "sweet grass", as a sweetener for mate and various drinks, to treat heartburn and other diseases.

Europeans named the plant in honor of the Spanish botanist Pedro Jacobs Stevus (1500–1556), who first studied representatives of this plant genus. And it was this stevia that was described in detail in 1899 by the Swiss botanist M. S. Bertoni, who conducted research in Paraguay.

What is stevia, the benefits and harms of stevia are of great interest to people who lead a healthy lifestyle, monitor their health, and are interested in folk methods of treatment. Here we will try to answer the questions of interest to this category of people.

What are the benefits of stevia herb?

Why are scientists and ordinary people now interested in stevia? It combines high sweetness and low calorie content, which is very important in our time. That is why dishes with it can be used for patients with diabetes, to control body weight. Stevia also improves metabolism and is used to restore metabolism. Its leaves are 300 times sweeter than sugar and contain more than 50 substances useful for the human body: mineral salts (calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, zinc, iron, cobalt, manganese, copper), vitamins P, A, E, C, beta- carotene, amino acids, essential oils, pectins, flavonoids, hydroxycinnamic acids.

In 1931, the glycosides stevioside and rebaudioside, which give it a sweet taste, were isolated in pure form from stevia by French scientists. By the way, in addition to sweetness, it has a grassy aftertaste that not everyone likes. The leaves contain 5-10% stevioside, which is 250-300 times sweeter than sucrose, and 2-4% rebaudioside, which is 400-500 times sweeter than sucrose. Stevioside does not increase blood glucose levels and promotes insulin production.

In the middle of the last century, the Japanese became interested in stevia, studied it in detail and began to cultivate it, adding instead of sugar to marinades, ice cream, fruit juices, desserts, and even chewing gum. And this continues to this day, sometimes it is written that in half of the food produced in Japan, sugar has been replaced with stevia.

By the way, stevia-based sweeteners and sugar substitutes are allowed on the territory of the Russian Federation. In our country, the Research Institute of Food Hygiene of Ukraine was engaged in the study of this herb in the 1980s. Own varieties were bred: "Bereginya" and "Slavutich". Stevia loves a warm climate, in Russia it can be grown as an annual plant, and in the southern part of the Krasnodar Territory even as a perennial.

In the US, EU countries and Indonesia, this herb is allowed as a dietary supplement (BAA).

Nowadays, stevia is grown on an industrial scale in the countries of Southeast Asia, South America, and Israel.

Research is still ongoing, but it is already believed that:

- Stevia leaves can be an excellent source of vitamins and minerals,

- normalizes blood pressure

- medicines based on it cleanse the body of toxins,

– this herb can boost immunity,

– it can lower sugar levels by not eating regular sugars,

– for the same reason, it helps to control and reduce weight.

Due to this, the use of stevia will be useful for hypertension, atherosclerosis, high cholesterol. It will help (not alone, but in complex treatment!) In the treatment of viral infections, allergic dermatitis, acute and chronic gastritis, gastric ulcers and other ulcers. Accordingly, it helps to increase immunity, it is used to relieve exacerbations of chronic diseases of the liver, kidneys and pancreas.

Stevia helps fight excess weight due to the fact that it is very sweet and dulls the feeling of hunger. There are practically no calories in it and its sweet components are not absorbed by the body. If you use this herb in tablets, then you can calculate the "dose": 1 tablet is equal to a teaspoon of sugar.

Stevia lowers blood sugar levels in diabetics, while normal blood sugar levels do not. It also has the ability to stimulate the secretion of insulin in the body. That is why, in some countries, medicines that include stevia and tea with stevia are included in the mandatory treatment program for diabetes.

Steviosides have the ability to lower blood pressure, so the herb will be useful for hypertensive patients. But hypotensive patients should be careful with it.

Since stevia has an antimicrobial effect, it can be used during epidemics of acute viral respiratory diseases, for example, drinking tea with stevia daily. And immunity at the same time will be in order.

With regular use of this herb, there is an improvement in the functions of the pancreas and liver function. Also, tea with stevia is useful for flatulence, heartburn and increased acidity of gastric juice.

Stevia extract acts as an anti-inflammatory in gastritis, colitis, enteritis. The pectins included in its composition serve as a nutrient medium for the intestinal microflora, therefore, they effectively cope with dysbacteriosis.

As a vitamin-mineral complex, stevia is effective in chronic fatigue syndrome, exhaustion of the body, loss of strength. You can chew fresh leaves or drink stevia tea.

Stevia is also used in cosmetology, as it helps to cleanse the skin of rashes, and stevia masks have a tightening effect, moisturize the skin, improve complexion and prevent skin inflammation and wrinkles.

An aqueous solution of the leaves or powder of this herb inhibits the growth of bacteria, so it can be used instead of balms for rinsing the mouth. Accordingly, it will help with various diseases of the teeth and gums, and as a prevention of caries.

It should be borne in mind that the sensation of sweetness when using stevia does not occur immediately. And if you exceed the amount of sweetener, the dish will acquire a characteristic bitter taste.

Some people believe that the taste of this plant is similar to the taste of licorice (licorice).


Why this herb is useful - we have already figured it out. But can it do any harm?

Studies have shown that with the rational use of stevia, it will not harm the body. However, there are a number of side effects that have been repeatedly observed in people with individual intolerance to plant components. It is necessary to carefully monitor the reaction of your body when using honey grass and follow some rules, namely:

Some people experience allergic reactions while consuming stevia, in which case it should be excluded from the diet;

Since honey grass can lower blood sugar, it is advisable to use it in diabetes, but uncontrolled use of stevia can be harmful;

With caution, honey grass is prescribed for hypotensive patients: this plant has the ability to lower blood pressure;

Stevia can be harmful to the body if a person has digestive problems, hormonal disorders, mental disorders, or blood diseases.

In order not to harm your body, using products containing stevia, be sure to consult your doctor. Especially if you have some chronic diseases or a tendency to allergic reactions.

In addition, it should be remembered that herbal treatment requires compliance with:

Stevia calories:

The calorie content of stevia is 18 kcal per 100 grams of the product. This is for the grass itself. In addition, the grass contains 0 grams of protein, 0 grams of fat and 0.1 grams of carbohydrates per 100 grams of product.

The calorie content of stevia tablets is 272 kcal per 100 grams of product. 1 tablet = 1 tsp Sahara.

The weight of 1 tablet is 0.25 grams, the calorie content is 0.7 kcal.

Growing stevia at home:

It is a heat-loving semi-shrub, so in our climate it can be grown either as a domestic perennial or outdoors as an annual.

Stevia varieties are known: Detskoselskaya, Mechta, Ramonskaya Slastena, Slavyanka, Sofia, Stavropolskaya Slastena, Delight, Martha.

The soil needs light, sandy. You can take 2 parts of sand and 1 part of humus, and for better germination add 1% biohumus. Or you can buy land for seedlings so that there is sod, humus and sand. Or you can take 50% peat compost with the addition of a quarter of ordinary garden soil and coarse sand.

The earth is covered in containers for seedlings with a layer of no more than 10-12 cm and thoroughly watered with warm water.

Seeds before planting should be put in warm water for 30 minutes, and then dried. It is impossible to close them deep into the ground, there will be no shoots. You just need to scatter on the ground and lightly press down. The maximum ground should cover them by 5 mm. After that, you need to spray the seeds with warm water, cover the ground with glass or a transparent film and put it in a warm place. In such conditions (humid and warm), the seeds will sprout in a week. If they are placed in a fairly cool place (with a temperature of +4 to +7 degrees), then they will sprout in 2-3 weeks.

When most of the seeds germinate, you can remove the glass. Then the container with seedlings is transferred to a warm and bright room without drafts. Periodically, seedlings should be sprayed with warm water.

Seedlings should be transplanted when the first pair of leaves appears. They take the same earth, lay it out in pots for seedlings, and transplant each shoot, together with a small lump of earth. Seedlings require regular watering, and once a week it is advisable to feed it with mineral fertilizers. If you plan to grow stevia at home, you can immediately plant it in a permanent pot. It should be shallow, but wide, as the stevia root system grows in breadth. The pot must be at least 2 liters in volume, and drainage must be arranged by 2 cm, best of all from broken shards. First, the pot must be filled halfway, planted cuttings or seedlings, and then add soil as the bush grows.

At home, stevia will grow well on south and southwest windows.

If stevia grows in a pot, then you need to make sure that the earth does not dry out and at the same time that there is no waterlogging, otherwise the roots will rot and the plant will die. Stevia is very fond of spraying.

When the plant reaches 20 cm in height, it is necessary to prune the central stem at a height of about 5 cm from the top, and be sure to cut it in the middle of the internode. Then the bush will become lush and there will be many leaves. And the cut top can be used as a cutting and rooted.

If stevia grows at home, then it will be a perennial plant, and then every 5-6 months each shoot is shortened by half or a third (medium-sized branches). There should be at least 3 pairs of leaves. From sleeping buds, new shoots will immediately begin to grow. Wounds after pruning are recommended to be treated with pork fat or garden pitch - so the plant will survive the injury painlessly.

At home in winter, it is better to highlight stevia - then the leaves will be as sweet as in summer.

Leaves are harvested first of all those whose edges are wrapped. The leaves ripen as early as 3 months - they become brittle. They must be cut off, not holding more than 4-5 months on the bush. Leaves to dry or use fresh, stored in the refrigerator.

Drying quickly results in better quality leaves. If plants are heavily crushed or dried for a long time, the quality of raw materials deteriorates due to oxidation: up to a third of steviol glycosides is lost in three days.


Dried leaves can be ground in a coffee grinder or mortar to produce a green powder that is about 10 times sweeter than sugar. 1.5–2 tbsp. l. replace 1 cup of regular sugar. You can add this powder to all dishes and drinks where sugar is traditionally used.


Pour a third of a teaspoon of stevia leaves into 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 1 minute. Add a slice of lemon or mint leaf and drink like tea.

Alcohol extract:

Pour whole leaves or green powder with alcohol or vodka so that the leaves are completely covered. Leave to infuse for a day. Then strain the liquid.

Water extract:

Grind 40 g of fresh or dried leaves, pour 1 cup of boiling water. Insist for a day. Strain the prepared solution, then evaporate over medium heat until it thickens. Keep refrigerated. Take diluted (a quarter teaspoon to half a glass of water at room temperature) one hour before meals.


Pour dried green leaves and shoots with water completely and boil for 40 minutes. Strain and continue to evaporate the liquid over low heat (you can in a boiling water bath). The syrup is ready when a drop of syrup on a glass or porcelain saucer does not spread. This syrup is added to various drinks and desserts.

An interesting video about stevia from the program “Live healthy!” with Elena Malysheva:

Before making any elaborate dish or pastry, try a stevia leaf or steep it in a tea. Stevia is an herb and has a grassy flavor that not everyone likes. Some people think that the taste of stevia is similar to the taste of licorice (licorice). To kill it, some add cinnamon or some other spices to taste (lemon zest, mint, and the like) in baking. It's all individual.

In marinade and vegetable dishes, its aftertaste is not noticeable.

In rich pastries, it is better to take stevia powder, rather than crushed leaves. The fact is that some powders do not have the grassy flavor of stevia, which is important for the taste of baked goods. And in cookies, pancakes and other desserts - as you like (powder or crushed leaves). Everything is known in practice.

If the recipe says about crushed stevia, then it means collected, dried and crushed stevia. For a recipe, it needs more than a store-bought stevia powder from a bag. This should be borne in mind if a replacement is made as part of the recipe.

If you take stevia powder bought in a store, then in a small bag, usually 2 g. Such a bag is brewed with 1 liter of boiling water and infused for 15–20 minutes. The infusion becomes light brown. If the infusion is left open for several hours, it turns dark green.

Tea with stevia, in addition to having a great taste and general tonic properties, also helps to normalize the functions of the immune system, blood circulation, blood glucose levels and maintain blood pressure within normal limits. Teas also contribute to the scarring of stomach and intestinal ulcers, eliminate the effects of gastritis and caries, and have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the liver, kidneys, and spleen.

The ratio of sugar and stevia:

1 g of store-bought stevia powder is equal in sweetness to 10 g of sugar. In a tablespoon 25 g of sugar, in a glass 200 g.

1 teaspoon of sugar is replaced with ¼ teaspoon of ground dried stevia, or commercial knife-point powder (about 0.7 g), or 2-6 drops of liquid stevia water extract.

1 tablespoon of sugar is replaced with ¾ teaspoon of ground dried stevia, or store-bought powder (2.5 g), or 10 drops of liquid stevia extract in water.

1 cup of sugar is replaced with 1-2 tablespoons of ground dried stevia, or commercial powder at the rate of 20 g, or 1-2 teaspoons of liquid stevia water extract.

The amount of stevia in recipes can be reduced or increased, because everyone loves different sweetness.

Based on the book by Yu. Konstantinov “Stevia. Natural sugar replacement. Against diabetes, obesity and a hundred ailments.

Stevioside is a plant-derived glycoside used as a sweetener. It contains zero calories and carbohydrates. In this regard, this substance is recommended for use by people with diabetes or those on a diet.

In addition to stevioside, there are many sugar substitutes on the market. However, due to the fact that it is completely plant-based, this sweetener has gained great popularity among consumers.

Stevia and stevioside. Main differences

Very often people do not see the difference between stevia and stevioside. Stevia is a plant native to America. Its leaves are sweet in taste. A few centuries ago, the indigenous people of the country prepared tea from the leaves of this plant. The locals called it "sweet grass", although in fact there is no sugar at all. The sweet taste is given to the plant by the glycoside contained in the leaves.

Stevioside is a derivative substance obtained from the leaves of stevia. It is widely used as a sweetener. Its main advantage is the absence of calories and carbohydrates. In addition, this substance does not affect blood sugar levels.

People who lead a healthy lifestyle and watch their figure prefer to completely replace sugar with this substance and include it in their daily diet.

Now in specialized stores and departments you can buy both natural stevia leaves and a natural sweetener obtained from them. The leaves of the plant are used to make tea. It is enough just to pour boiling water over the leaves and after a few minutes the leaves will give off their sweet taste.

The cost of stevia leaves is much lower than that of stevioside. This is due to the fact that the plants do not require any additional processing. It is enough to dry them and pack them in bags. This operation does not require the purchase of special equipment.

The cost of stevia leaves ranges from 200-400 rubles per 100 grams of raw materials. However, it may vary depending on several factors: the manufacturer, the individual margin. By purchasing leaves in a package of more than 1 kilogram at once, the buyer can save about 50%.

For connoisseurs of tea, there is an opportunity to purchase this drink with stevia leaves. There is no need to add sugar to this drink. In addition, teas are produced, which include various flavoring and aromatic additives.

Useful properties of stevioside

This sweetener has become more widely used than natural stevia leaves. The main reason for this was the ease of use. When cooking or baking, it is easier to use powder or tablets than to use a decoction of the leaves.

Basically, its leaves are used to make tea or other drinks. The resulting decoction of the leaves has a specific taste that not everyone likes, and the smell of grass is heard. Therefore, to avoid this smell in the dish, stevioside is used.

However, this sweetener has several negative properties compared to sugar. At the initial stage of the use of stevioside, it takes some time to determine its optimal dose for certain dishes.

It also has a special taste. It should be used in small doses, otherwise an increase in the amount leads to an increase in the sweetness of the dish and a specific taste.

The main purpose of the use of stevioside is the general improvement of the body. It is used as a sweetener for the following reasons:

  • diabetes disease;
  • healthy lifestyle;
  • dieting or maintaining a constant weight.

People with diabetes cannot incorporate sugar into their food, so they use stevioside or another sweetener to sweeten their meals. The benefit of this is to maintain stable blood glucose levels. So, a diabetic patient using a sweetener:

  1. can normalize the level of sugar in the body;
  2. reduce the risk of complications of the disease, for example, the risk of diabetic coma;
  3. reduce the risk of late complications of diabetes.

Those who monitor their weight note the benefits of using stevioside. As its main advantage, the complete absence of calories is noted. And if a person who monitors his weight switches to this sweetener, then he:

  • reduces the amount of calories consumed during the day;
  • reduces the production of insulin, which converts glucose into fat stored under the skin;
  • confectionery and pastries with a sweetener take on a different taste and this contributes to their consumption in smaller quantities.

When consuming stevioside for a long time, a person can easily maintain a slim figure. If you are overweight, then replacing sugar with stevioside will help to cope with this problem. Not only excess weight will go away, but also the health problems that accompany it.

Experts call a number of useful properties of stevioside. However, at present they are either little studied or not proven. It is noted that this supplement strengthens the immune system, supplies a person with some essential trace elements, and even removes pinworms from the body.

In practice, the property of stevioside to reduce blood pressure has been tested. The study included people with type 2 diabetes.

Negative effects on the body of stevioside

When consumed in moderation, stevioside has been proven to have a number of positive properties. However, with its uncontrolled consumption, a number of diseases and complications can occur, such as:

  1. stevioside contributes to the development of cancer, as it contains substances with a carcinogenic effect;
  2. can lead to a violation in the development of the fetus, so it is not recommended during pregnancy at any time;
  3. has a mutagenic effect;
  4. affects the liver and reduces its functions.

Also, some people noted that when using stevioside, they had bloating, they felt sick. In some cases, there were headaches and dizziness, all the muscles ached. You may also be allergic to this supplement.

However, there are a number of denials of the negative effects of stevioside on the body. It is noted that it does not affect the functioning of the liver and does not cause cancer.

Its use causes minimal harm to health and is therefore approved in many countries for long-term use. This is precisely the proof of its safety.

Where to buy stevioside

This sweetener is the most consumed among buyers. It is sold in pharmacies without a prescription. It can also be ordered online on specialized sites. The most popular sweeteners containing stevioside are:

  1. Stevia Plus. This supplement is available in tablet form. The package contains 150 tablets. The cost of packing stevia plus is within 200 rubles. You can buy the supplement both in pharmacies and online stores. In addition, the supplement contains several vitamins.
  2. Stevia extract. Sold in cans weighing 50 grams. There are two types of stevia extract produced in Paraguay. One of them has a degree of sweetness of 250 units, the second - 125 units. Hence the price difference. The first type costs about 1000 rubles per jar, with a lower degree of sweetness - 600 rubles. Mostly sold online.
  3. Stevia extract in a dispenser. Sold in a pack containing 150 tablets. One tablet corresponds to a teaspoon of sugar. This dosage is convenient for use. However, the price of this supplement is slightly overpriced.

Stevioside Suite

This name of the sweetener is considered the leader among its purchases on the Internet. It is produced in the form of a powder and packaged in jars equipped with a dispenser, 40 grams each. The unit cost is 400 rubles. It has a high degree of sweetness and in terms of corresponds to 8 kilograms of sugar.

Suite is also available in other forms. It is possible to purchase a package weighing 1 kilogram with varying degrees of sweetness. The acquisition of such packaging will be beneficial for people with diabetes or dieting.

This pack will last a long time. The cost of 1 kg of Sweet stevioside will cost around 4.0-8.0 thousand rubles per pack, depending on the degree of sweetness.

Also, this sweetener is available in the form of sticks. The mass of each stick is 0.2 grams and in terms of equivalent to approximately 10 grams of sugar. The cost of a package of 100 sticks is within 500 rubles.

However, buying sticks is not profitable enough for the price. The only advantage of such packaging is its convenience. It fits easily in your purse or pocket, and you can take it with you to any event or to work.

Hello dear readers! Stevia has become more and more of a popular food item in recent years. Those people who know about it actively use it in their diet. But, as I was able to make sure, when communicating with my friends, many people have a question: what is stevia and what is its use for the body? So I decided to talk about it in my article.

What is stevia?

Stevia or, as it is also called, honey grass, is a perennial herbaceous plant with white (or white-cream) small flowers collected in complex inflorescences (baskets) and paired leaves framed with jagged edges. Outwardly, it looks like a branched bush, which can reach a height of up to eighty centimeters. This herb is native to South America.

But it is the leaves that attract attention, which are several tens of times higher than the sweetness of sugar. Centuries-old history testifies that since ancient times people have added this part of the plant to tea and served the drink as a sweet treat.

In 1931, after research, French chemists and pharmacists M. Bridel and R. Lavey obtained crystalline substances (glycosides) from stevia leaves, which gave them an amazing sweet taste. Subsequently, these glycosides were called steviosides. They were much sweeter than sugar.

In 1934, after returning from an expedition to Latin America, Academician Vavilov N.I. brought stevia to the USSR. When studying this plant, he revealed numerous properties that are beneficial to humans.

As you know, the Japanese pay special attention to their health and are very practical people. In 1954, they showed a serious interest in honey grass, and this was due to the fact that in Japan they considered sugar to be the culprit in caries, obesity and diabetes. Currently, this country is leading in the use of food products with stevia.

According to the results of scientific research, it has been established that stevia is a natural sweetener, has “zero” calories, despite the fact that it tastes three hundred times more than sugar.

The composition of useful substances

The leaves of this unique plant are the owner of a fairly significant amount of useful components.

  • vitamins A, C, E and group B, which are actively involved in the metabolic processes of the body;
  • rutin (vitamin P), which strengthens the walls of blood vessels;
  • glycosides (steviazid and rebaudioside), which turned out to be absolutely harmless to humans compared to synthetic sugar substitutes;
  • quercetin (plant flavonoid), which has antioxidant, antiviral, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antiallergic effects;
  • chlorophyll, which, in addition to having anti-inflammatory properties, improves immunity, strengthens body cells and helps protect them;
  • kaempferol (flavonoid), which has antioxidant and antitumor activity.
  • minerals: potassium, calcium, phosphorus, zinc, silicon, copper, selenium, chromium, etc.;

Useful properties for the human body

Stevia is a natural sweetener with excellent healing and healing properties.

Given the fact that honey grass contains practically no calories, it is recommended for people who are overweight and have diabetes. Stevia reduces blood glucose and promotes the production of insulin by the pancreas, and in addition, reduces hunger and makes it easier to follow an appropriate diet for these ailments.

This unique property also reduces the concentration of harmful substances in the blood, which prevents the development of atherosclerosis and the formation of blood clots in the blood vessels, and thus helps to avoid strokes and heart attacks.

The rich composition of vitamins, flavonoids, glycosides makes the walls of blood vessels elastic, elastic and less fragile, and these are:

  • reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases;
  • prevents varicose veins;
  • normalizes blood pressure.

Stevia has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, wound healing, antiviral, antimicrobial effects and therefore it is useful:

  • with joint pathology, arthritis, osteochondrosis, osteoarthritis;
  • to strengthen immunity;
  • with colds and viral diseases.

In addition, honey grass normalizes the digestive tract, promotes healing of ulcers in the stomach and intestines.

As well as fresh leaves and herbal infusions used for topical application, they are effective for skin diseases, cuts, burns.

The antimicrobial properties of the plant protect teeth from caries and relieve inflammation of the gums.

The presence of chlorophyll and antioxidants in stevia, incl. kaempferol, protect body cells from free radicals, preventing the formation of cancerous tumors.

The unique properties of the plant improve the functioning of the liver, kidneys, thyroid gland and spleen.

The presence of chlorophyll can protect a person from the occurrence of urolithiasis by reducing the level of formation of calcium oxalate crystals, which is found in the urine. In addition, it actively cleanses the body of toxins and toxins.

Currently, stevia is available in the form of tablets, dry powder, tea bags, syrup, extract, and packaged dry herbs.

Steviosides are resistant to high temperatures, so stevia can be used as a sugar substitute for cooking dishes that require heat treatment.

Contraindications for use

In a number of studies of the properties of the plant, there are practically no contraindications to eating products based on it, with the exception of cases in which honey grass should be discarded. It:

  • with allergic reactions to plants from the Asteraceae family such as chamomile, dandelion, etc .;
  • with individual intolerance;
  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • with caution in low blood pressure.

Now you have learned what stevia is and what benefits it has for the body.

Good health to you!

The article will tell you about how to properly use stevia and what properties it has.

Stevia is the plant from which a natural sugar substitute called "stevioside" is derived. The sweet substance derived from stevia not only helps to lose weight for those who try not to eat sugar, but also improve the quality of food and drink for those who are struggling with diabetes. In addition, stevia has a large supply of useful trace elements. Stevia is a herb that can reach a meter in height, a perennial plant.

INTERESTING: A scientifically proven fact confirms that the ancient Indians added stevia to their drink recipes, but the modern world learned about this plant only in the last century.

Rich and healthy composition of stevia:

  • Vitamin E - helps to maintain the youthfulness of the body and the beauty of the skin, nails, hair.
  • A group of vitamins B - regulate the hormonal background of a person and are responsible for the normal functioning of the body.
  • Vitamin D - responsible for bone health
  • Vitamin C - improves the body's immune function
  • Vitamin P - "assistant" in strengthening blood vessels
  • Stock of essential oils - have an internal and external positive effect on the body and body.
  • Stock of tannins - strengthens not only blood vessels, but also improves the functioning of the digestive tract.
  • Iron – prevents anemia
  • Amino acids - prolong the youth of the body, improve the health of the body.
  • Copper - helps to synthesize hemoglobin in the blood
  • Selenium - helps in the production of enzymes and hormones
  • Magnesium - normalizes blood pressure and cleans blood vessels
  • Phosphorus - helps to form the skeletal system
  • Potassium - "takes care" of the soft tissues of the body (muscles)
  • Calcium - essential for human bone and muscle tissue
  • Zinc - improves skin cell regeneration
  • Silicon - strengthens bones
  • Chromium – regulates blood sugar levels
  • Cobalt - helps in the production of hormones in the thyroid gland

IMPORTANT: With such a rich composition of useful trace elements, stevia has a low calorie content of 18 kcal per 100 g.

What does stevia look like and grow?

Stevia benefits:

  • When ingested, stevia does not fill a person with “empty” carbohydrates (compared to sugar).
  • The taste of stevia is pleasant, sweet, it can be added to hot drinks and desserts.
  • Stevia is a plant that is useful for its trace elements for people suffering from diabetes and high blood pressure.
  • Stevia gently removes cholesterol from the body, which could accumulate over the years.
  • Stevia "cleanses" the body of accumulated toxins and harmful substances.
  • The plant improves blood flow and removes toxins
  • Eliminates high blood pressure
  • Stevia can reduce inflammation
  • Improves the functioning of the digestive tract and liver
  • Can lower blood sugar levels
  • Stevia is a powerful antimicrobial agent that has its effect not only on the oral cavity, but also on the digestive tract.
  • Strengthens the immune system, replenishes the body with strength and energy
  • In winter, it serves as an excellent prevention of colds.
  • Improves the metabolism of the body, while slowing down its aging.
  • “Removes” “excess” water from the body, having a powerful diuretic effect.

IMPORTANT: Numerous studies say: stevia is harmless to the body and only in some cases (if there is an intolerance to the ingredient), it is possible to get some "negative" consequences.

Possible harm of stevia:

  • It is important to know that stevia should not be consumed immediately in large portions. It should be introduced into the diet gradually so as not to harm yourself.
  • If you drink stevia and milk at the same time, you can get diarrhea.
  • With an individual predisposition, stevia can cause allergies.
  • If you do not control the use of stevia (in the presence of diabetes), you can do yourself a lot of harm.
  • You can not use stevia for those who have low blood pressure.
  • To avoid making things worse, do not consume excessive amounts of stevia if you have digestive disorders, hormonal imbalances, or blood disorders.

IMPORTANT: Before using stevia, you should consult your doctor about the possibility of its frequent use in food.

Stevia is a natural sweetener

Stevia Herb and Leaves: Uses for Type 2 Diabetes

It is not uncommon to call stevia "honey grass" for its pleasant aroma and sweetness. The leaves of the plant are sweet. Interestingly, stevia extract is much sweeter than regular sugar. It does not interfere with weight loss, as it does not slow down the metabolism.

If a person has type 2 diabetes, it is allowed to use stevia in several forms:

  • Tablets - plant leaf extract
  • Syrup - extract from stevia, syrup can have different tastes.
  • Tea - dry leaves of a plant, large or crushed
  • Extract - plant extract

Grass and leaves of stevia: use for weight loss, calories

Stevia is a plant that can help a person in the fight against weight loss. Its pleasant sweetish taste and beneficial properties will only have favorable properties on the body.

What is good stevia for weight loss:

  • The herb is able to eliminate increased appetite
  • Gives sweetness without adding calories
  • Saturates the body with vitamins and amino acids important for healthy weight loss.
  • Eliminates any inflammatory processes, without forcing a person to resort to "harmful" chemical medicines.
  • Improves bowel function and "cleanses" it from accumulated toxins.

IMPORTANT: If you cannot drink tea or coffee without sugar, you can replace it with stevia tablets, which can be bought at a pharmacy. It is much more beneficial to drink tea brewed from fresh or dried leaves.

What is the right way to use stevia?

The syrup is less recommended for consumption, because it is intended for medicinal purposes and contains a share of sugar. Tea with stevia has sweetness and this allows a person to “please himself” with sweets. At the same time, normal sugar does not enter the body, and it begins to look for other ways to get carbohydrates hidden in the fat “reserves” of the body.

In order to achieve great weight loss effects when using stevia, you should completely adjust your diet by eliminating fats and carbohydrates. In addition, it is necessary to drink plenty of water a day and it is desirable to play sports. You should not use stevia in large quantities from the first day, start with one cup of tea or one or two tablets.

IMPORTANT: If you experience itching, intestinal irritation, fever, and rashes after eating stevia, you most likely have a stevia intolerance. Eliminate stevia from your diet, or reduce the amount of consumption.

Stevia tablets "Leovit" - instructions for use

The Leovit company has been producing stevia tablets for several years in a row. This product is the most popular and in demand in pharmacies as a sweetener. Stevia tablets are considered a natural dietary supplement that can have a beneficial effect on a person.

One small Leovit brown stevia tablet contains 140 mg leaf extract. This dose is quite enough for the initial and systematic use.

Indications for the use of stevia:

  • Diabetes
  • Disturbed metabolism
  • Disturbed metabolism of carbohydrates in the body
  • Obesity
  • Weak immunity
  • Skin diseases
  • Prevention of aging
  • Violation of the digestive tract
  • Lack of secret
  • Diseases of the pancreas
  • low acidity
  • bowel disorder
  • Diseases of the heart and vascular system
  • high cholesterol

Stevia contraindications:

  • Allergy
  • Individual intolerance
  • Receptive gut

The tablets are intended for internal use. They are needed in order to sweeten liquids (hot and cold). One or two tablets are enough for a single use. It is important not to exceed the daily rate of tablets - 8 pieces.

Stevia - sweetener tablets

How and who can use phyto tea with stevia?

Tea with stevia is drunk in case of struggle with excess weight, for preventive and therapeutic purposes. You can buy grass in a pharmacy, you can grow it yourself in the garden or even on the windowsill. You can add stevia leaves to any other tea in order to sweeten it.

How to brew tea, several ways:

  • First way: pour fresh leaves with boiling water and let them brew for 5-7 minutes.
  • Second way: pour dry grass with boiling water and let it brew for 3-4 minutes.
  • Third way: add fresh or dry leaves to regular tea.

Stevia tea recipe:

  • Stevia - 20-25 gr.
  • Boiling water 60-70 degrees - 500 ml.


  • Pour boiling water over grass
  • Infuse the herb for 5 minutes with the lid closed
  • Strain the resulting tea
  • Pour the squeezed grass again with boiling water in a thermos and hold for 5-6 hours.
  • Drink tea three times a day
  • Drink tea half an hour before meals

Healthy stevia tea

How and to whom can you use stevia syrup?

Stevia syrup is often used to make dietary and healthy jams from fruits and berries. The syrup is also added to tea, water or coffee in small amounts to sweeten the drink. Compotes and other drinks are boiled with syrup: lemonade, infusion, herbal decoctions, even cocoa.

IMPORTANT: Concentrated and sweet syrup is used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, but not for weight loss. Stevia syrup is made by boiling the herb for a long time. This is a very concentrated substance and should be added to drinks in a limited amount: just a few drops per glass.

Stevia syrup

How to use stevia powder?

Stevia powder is a highly concentrated substance and therefore should be used with caution and dosage. Simply put, the powder is a refined substance "stevioside". Exaggerating the dosage of stevia in recipes can spoil the dish and make it cloyingly sweet.

Stevia powder

Can stevia sweetener be taken during pregnancy, nursing mothers?

Every woman should be attentive to her condition, monitor her health and nutrition, and the development of the fetus. Often, pregnant women decide to use stevia. Instead of sugar, so as not to gain extra pounds.

Fortunately, stevia is completely harmless and safe for pregnant women and does not pose any threat to the fetus. Moreover, in the first trimester (when severe nausea is often present), stevia is indicated for use against toxicosis. On the other hand, if a pregnant woman is sick and has diabetes, then the use of stevia should be discussed with the doctor.

Another precaution is to take into account the peculiarities of your pressure, stevia lowers it and therefore can play a “cruel joke” on a woman's health and cause harm. In no case should you violate the prescribed dosage, so as not to worsen your condition.

Can children take stevia sweetener?

As you know, children are big lovers of sweets from birth, when they try their mother's breast milk. Older children are often addicted to excessive consumption of chocolate and sugar. You can replace these "harmful" foods by including stevia (syrup, powder, infusion or tablets) in recipes.

By drinking drinks and homemade sweets on stevia, the child will not only not be able to harm himself with an excessive amount of carbohydrates, but also provide himself with great benefits: get vitamins, strengthen immunity and prevent colds. You can give stevia from birth (but this is not required), but from six months you can already sweeten drinks and cereals a little.

IMPORTANT: Watch your baby's feelings for rashes and intestinal irritation after stevia. If everything is fine, then the baby is not allergic to the substance.

Stevia sweetener: reviews

Valeria:“I switched to stevia pills a long time ago instead of sugar. I know that this is the bare minimum for my health, but I try to lead a healthy lifestyle and want to not harm myself with “empty” carbohydrates.”

Darius: “I am on the Dukan Diet and use stevia pills, powder and tea all the time to keep moving towards my goal of getting a leaner figure.”

Alexander: “I learned about stevia quite recently, but since then I can’t live without it. I drink tea - it is pleasant, sweet and tasty. In addition, it expels excess fluid and helps me lead a healthy lifestyle and also lose weight!

Video: Life is great! Stevia. Sugar substitute"


Here you will learn all the details about the sweetener called stevia: what it is, what are the health benefits and possible harm from its use, how it is used in cooking, and much more. It has been used as a sweetener and as a medicinal herb in cultures around the world for centuries, but in recent decades it has gained particular popularity as a sugar substitute for diabetics and for weight loss. Stevia has been further studied, studies have been conducted in order to identify its medicinal properties and contraindications for use.

What is stevia?

Stevia is an herb of South American origin whose leaves are used to produce a natural sweetener in powdered or liquid form due to their strong sweetness.

Stevia leaves are about 10-15 times and leaf extract 200-350 times sweeter than regular sugar. Stevia has almost zero calories and contains no carbohydrates. This has made it a popular option for sweetening a variety of foods and drinks for those looking to lose weight or are on a low-carb diet.

What does stevia look like - photo

general description

Stevia is a small perennial herb that belongs to the Asteraceae family and the genus Stevia. Its scientific name is Stevia rebaudiana.

Some other names for stevia are honey grass, sweet biennial.

There are 150 species of this plant, all of which are native to North and South America.

Stevia grows 60-120 cm in height, it has thin, branched stems. It grows well in temperate climates and in parts of tropical regions. Stevia is grown commercially in Japan, China, Thailand, Paraguay, and Brazil. Today, China is the leading exporter of these products.

Almost all parts of the plant are sweet, but most of the sweetness is concentrated in the dark green serrated leaves.

How is stevia obtained?

Stevia plants usually start their lives in a greenhouse. When they reach 8-10 cm, they are planted in the field.

When little white flowers appear, the stevia is ready to be harvested.

After harvesting, the leaves are dried. The sweetness is released from the leaves through a process that involves soaking them in water, filtering and purifying, and drying them, resulting in a crystallized stevia leaf extract.

Sweet compounds - stevioside and rebaudioside - are isolated and extracted from stevia leaves and further processed into powder, capsule or liquid form.

What is the smell and taste of stevia

Raw, unprocessed stevia often has a bitter taste and an unpleasant odor. After processing, bleaching or discoloration, it acquires a soft, licorice flavor.

Many who have tried stevia sweetener can't help but agree that it has a bitter aftertaste. Some even believe that bitterness is enhanced when stevia is added to hot drinks. It's a little hard to get used to, but it's possible.

Depending on the manufacturer and form of stevia, this aftertaste may be less pronounced or absent altogether.

How to choose and where to buy good stevia

Stevia-based sugar substitutes are sold in several forms:

  • powder;
  • granules;
  • tablets;
  • liquid.

The price of stevia varies greatly depending on the type and brand.

When buying stevia, read the ingredients on the package to make sure it's 100% pure. Many manufacturers supplement it with artificial sweeteners based on chemicals, which can significantly reduce the benefits of stevia. Brands that contain dextrose (glucose) or maltodextrin (starch) should be treated with caution.

Some of the products labeled "Stevia" are not actually pure extract and may contain only a small percentage. Always read labels if you care about health benefits and want to buy quality products.

Stevia extract in powder and liquid form is 200 times sweeter than sugar than its whole or dried ground leaves, which are anywhere from 10 to 40 times sweeter.

Liquid stevia may contain alcohol, and are often available in vanilla or hazelnut flavors.

Some powdered stevia products contain inulin, a natural plant fiber.

A good version of stevia can be purchased at a pharmacy, health supply store, or this online store.

How and how much stevia is stored

The shelf life of stevia-based sweeteners usually depends on the form of the product: powder, tablets, or liquid.

Each brand of stevia sweetener has its own recommended shelf life for their products, which can be up to three years from the date of manufacture. Check the label for more details.

The chemical composition of stevia

The herb stevia is very low in calories, contains less than five grams of carbohydrates, and is thought to have almost 0 kcal. At the same time, its dry leaves are about 40 times sweeter than sugar. This sweetness is due to the content of several glycosidic compounds:

  • stevioside;
  • steviolbioside;
  • rebaudiosides A and E;
  • dulcoside.

Two compounds are mainly responsible for the sweet taste:

  1. Rebaudioside A is the most commonly extracted and used in stevia powders and sweeteners, but it's usually not the only ingredient. Most stevia sweeteners on the market contain additives such as erythritol from corn, dextrose, or other artificial sweeteners.
  2. Stevioside makes up about 10% of the sweetness in stevia, but gives it an unusual bitter aftertaste that many people don't like. It also has most of the health benefits of stevia that have been attributed to it and are the most well-researched.

Stevioside is a non-carbohydrate glycosidic compound. Therefore, it does not have the properties of sucrose and other carbohydrates. Stevia extract, like rebaudioside A, was found to be 300 times sweeter than sugar. In addition, it has several unique properties such as long shelf life, high temperature resistance.

The stevia plant contains many sterols and antioxidant compounds such as triterpenes, flavonoids, and tannins.

Here are some of the flavonoid polyphenolic antioxidant phytochemicals present in stevia:

  • kaempferol;
  • quercetin;
  • chlorogenic acid;
  • caffeic acid;
  • isoquercetin;
  • isosteviol.

Stevia contains many vital minerals, vitamins that are usually missing from artificial sweeteners.

Studies have shown that the kaempferol found in stevia can reduce the risk of pancreatic cancer by 23% (American Journal of Epidemiology).

Chlorogenic acid reduces the enzymatic conversion of glycogen to glucose in addition to reducing intestinal absorption of glucose. Thus, it helps to lower blood sugar levels. Laboratory studies also confirm a decrease in blood glucose levels and an increase in the concentration of glucose-6-phosphate in the liver and glycogen.

Certain glycosides in stevia extract have been found to dilate blood vessels, increase sodium excretion, and increase urine output. In fact, stevia, at slightly higher doses than as a sweetener, can lower blood pressure.

As a non-carbohydrate sweetener, stevia did not promote the growth of Streptococcus mutans bacteria in the mouth, which is attributed to causing cavities.

Stevia as a sweetener - the benefits and harms

What makes stevia so popular with people with type 2 diabetes is that it sweetens food without raising blood glucose levels. This sugar substitute has practically no calories and carbohydrates, so not only diabetics, but also healthy people are not averse to introducing it into their daily diet.

Can stevia be used for diabetes and healthy people

Stevia can be used by diabetics as an alternative to sugar. It is better than any other substitute as it is derived from a natural plant extract and does not contain any carcinogenic or any other harmful substances. However, endocrinologists recommend that their patients try to cut back on sweeteners or avoid them altogether.

For healthy people, stevia is not required, as the body itself is able to limit sugar and produce insulin. In such a case, the best option would be to limit your sugar intake rather than use other sweeteners.

Stevia diet pills - negative review

In the 1980s, animal studies were conducted that concluded that stevia may be carcinogenic and cause fertility problems, but the evidence remained inconclusive. In 2008, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) determined a purified stevia extract (specifically rebaudioside A) to be safe.

However, whole leaves or crude stevia extract have not been approved for use in foods and beverages due to a lack of research. However, numerous testimonials from people claim that whole leaf stevia is a safe alternative to sugar or its artificial counterparts. The experience of using this herb for centuries in Japan and South America as a natural sweetener and health product confirms this.

And although leaf stevia is not approved for commercial distribution, it is still grown for home use and is actively used in cooking.

Comparison of which is better: stevia, xylitol or fructose

Stevia is the only natural, calorie-free, zero-glycemic alternative to sugar.Xylitol is found in mushrooms, fruits and vegetables. For commercial production, it is extracted from birch and corn.Fructose is a natural sweetener found in honey, fruits, berries and vegetables.
Does not increase blood sugar levels and does not cause an increase in triglycerides or cholesterol levels.The glycemic index is low, slightly raising blood sugar levels when consumed.She has a low glycemic index, but at the same time there is a rapid transformation into lipids, the level of cholesterol and triglycerides increases.
Unlike artificial sweeteners, it does not contain harmful chemicals. May increase blood pressure.
Stevia can help with weight loss because it contains no calories. When consumed in excess of foods containing fructose, obesity, heart and liver problems occur.

Health Benefits of Stevia

As a result of the study of stevia, its medicinal properties were revealed:

For diabetes

Studies have shown that the stevia sweetener does not add calories or carbohydrates to the diet. Its glycemic index is zero (meaning that stevia does not affect blood sugar levels). This allows diabetics to eat more varied foods and still eat a healthy diet.

For weight loss

There are many causes of overweight and obesity: physical inactivity and increased consumption of energy-dense foods high in fat and sugars. Stevia contains no sugar and is very low in calories. It can be part of a balanced weight loss diet to reduce energy intake without sacrificing taste.

With oncological diseases

Stevia contains many sterols and antioxidant compounds, including kaempferol, which has been shown to reduce the risk of pancreatic cancer by 23%.

With hypertension

The glycosides contained in stevia are able to dilate blood vessels. They also increase sodium excretion and act as a diuretic. A 2003 study showed that stevia could potentially help lower blood pressure. But further research is needed to confirm this beneficial property.

So, the health benefits of stevia require further study before they can be confirmed. However, rest assured that stevia is safe for diabetics when consumed as an alternative to sugar.

Contraindications (harm) and side effects of stevia

The benefits and possible harms of stevia depend on what form you prefer to consume and on its quantity. There is a huge difference between pure extract and chemically processed foods with a small percentage of stevia added.

But even if you choose high-quality stevia, it is not recommended to consume more than 3-4 milligrams per kilogram of body weight per day.

Here are the main side effects that can cause harm to health due to excess dosage:

  • If you have low blood pressure, stevia can cause it to drop even more.
  • Some liquid forms of stevia contain alcohol, and people with alcohol sensitivities may experience bloating, nausea, and diarrhea.
  • Anyone allergic to ragweed, marigolds, chrysanthemums, and daisies may have a similar allergic reaction to stevia, since this herb is from the same family.

In one animal study, excessive consumption of stevia was found to reduce the fertility of male rats. But since this only happens when it is consumed in high doses, this effect may not be seen in humans.

Stevia during pregnancy

Adding a drop of stevia to a cup of tea from time to time is unlikely to cause harm, but it is best not to use it during pregnancy or while breastfeeding due to the lack of research in this area. In cases where pregnant women need sugar substitutes, it is recommended to use them without exceeding the dosage.

The use of stevia in cooking

Worldwide, over 5,000 food and drink products currently contain stevia as an ingredient:

  • ice cream;
  • desserts;
  • sauces;
  • yogurts;
  • pickled foods;
  • bread;
  • soft drinks;
  • chewing gum;
  • candies;
  • seafood.

Stevia is well suited for cooking and baking, unlike some artificial and chemical sweeteners that break down at high temperatures. It not only sweetens, but also enhances the taste of products.

Stevia is heat tolerant up to 200 C, making it an ideal sugar substitute for many recipes:

  • In powder form, it is ideal for baking, as it is similar in texture to sugar.
  • Liquid Stevia Concentrate is ideal for liquid dishes such as soups, stews and sauces.

How to Use Stevia as a Sugar Substitute

Stevia can be used in place of regular sugar in foods and drinks.

  • 1 teaspoon sugar = 1/8 teaspoon powdered stevia = 5 drops liquid
  • 1 tablespoon sugar = 1/3 teaspoon powdered stevia = 15 drops liquid stevia
  • 1 cup sugar = 2 tablespoons stevia powder = 2 teaspoons liquid stevia.

The sugar-to-stevia ratio can vary from manufacturer to manufacturer, so read the packaging before adding any sweetener. Using too much of this sweetener can result in a noticeable bitter taste.

General instructions for the use of stevia

In almost any recipe, you can use stevia, for example, cook jam or jam, bake cookies. To do this, use the universal tips on how to replace sugar with stevia:

  • Step 1 . Combine the ingredients as directed in the recipe until you get to the sugar. Replace sugar with stevia according to the form you have. Since stevia is much sweeter than sugar, an equivalent replacement is not possible. See previous section for measurement.
  • Step 2. Since the amount of stevia to replace is much less than sugar, more other ingredients will need to be added to make up for the weight loss and balance the dish. For each cup of sugar you've replaced, add 1/3 cup of a liquid such as applesauce, yogurt, fruit juice, egg whites, or water (whatever is in the recipe).
  • Step 3 Mix all other ingredients and follow the rest of the recipe.

An important nuance: if you intend to make jam or puree with stevia, then they will have a rather short shelf life (maximum one week in the refrigerator). For long term storage, freeze them.

To get a thick consistency of the product, you will also need a gelling agent - pectin.

Sugar is one of the most dangerous ingredients in food. This is why alternative natural sweeteners such as stevia are becoming more and more popular as they are not harmful to health.

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