Stevia sweetener - useful properties and uses. Stevia (herb): medicinal properties, use Stevia side effects

Surely many of our readers are familiar with stevia. What's this? Someone will say that this is a high-quality vegetable sweetener, and they will be partly right. It is actually a medicinal herb. Today we will try to tell you more about this plant. With what diseases and how to take it, does it have contraindications?

Stevia: what is it?

Perennial plant, more precisely, small shrub with erect stems, sixty to eighty centimeters high from the Aster family, which includes about two hundred and sixty species . Stevia, benefits and harms which was known one and a half thousand years ago to the doctors of South America, has become known in the modern world only recently.

Thanks to the efforts of Professor Vavilov, stevia was brought to the territory of the former Soviet Union. What kind of plant this is, no one in our country knew yet. For a long time, products based on it were part of rations for astronauts and senior officials in the USSR. Stevia has also been studied in other countries. The benefits of this plant every year found more and more evidence. Scientists from all over the world talked about it.

Stevia is a herb whose stems die off every year, and new shoots take their place, on which small leaves are located. On one bush there can be from six hundred to twelve thousand sweet leaves. Based on numerous studies, modern scientists have identified the unique properties that this plant possesses.


In the northeast of Paraguay and its neighboring part of Brazil, on a tributary of the Parana River, stevia is widely distributed. Even children here know that this sweet plant has medicinal properties. Over time, the whole world learned about this herb. Under natural conditions, it grows in the highlands, so stevia has adapted to rather sharp temperature changes. Now she is grown in almost all countries of Southeast Asia.

For industrial purposes, today it is grown in the Krasnodar Territory and in the Crimea stevia. The benefits and harms of this plant well studied, which allows it to be used in the food industry, cosmetology, but this herb is most in demand in medicine.


The leaves of the plant have the highest amount of nutrients. They include:

  • cellulose;
  • polysaccharides;
  • glycosides;
  • vegetable lipids;
  • vitamins C, A, P, E and trace elements;
  • pectin substances;
  • essential oils.

Glycosides - stevisiodes give the plant sweetness. They are hundreds of times sweeter than sugar. But besides this, they are phytosteroids that are involved in the synthesis of hormones in our body.

natural sweetener

The taste of stevia is most pronounced when eating young leaves. The sweetest are the leaves grown in natural climatic conditions and with sufficient sunlight. The plant has a pleasant and slightly sweet aroma. The taste has hints of sweetness, accompanied by a bitter aftertaste.

Despite the increased sweetness that stevia has, it cannot harm the body, but the benefits of its use are obvious. More than twenty amino acids and vitamins contained in its leaves make it possible to combine excellent taste with healing properties. The plant has an antimicrobial, antiviral and anti-inflammatory effect on the human body, thanks to which it is successfully used by traditional healers for colds and viral infections.

The taste qualities of the plant made it possible to call it the best natural sweetener in the world. Not every plant is distinguished by such rapid solubility, the complete absence of side effects, a huge number of medicinal properties and at the same time a pleasant taste. What else is attractive about stevia?

  1. This plant does not cause insulin release and helps to normalize blood sugar levels.
  2. Stevia, which has not been found to be harmful even with prolonged use, is resistant to high temperatures, which allows it to be used in baking and hot drinks.

Healing properties

Honey grass (stevia) has the following beneficial properties:

  • liquefies and removes mucus;
  • enhances gastric secretion;
  • has a slight diuretic effect;
  • prevents rheumatism;
  • relieves swelling;
  • reduces the level of "bad" cholesterol and blood sugar
  • strengthens blood vessels and normalizes blood pressure;
  • normalizes metabolism;
  • prevents diabetes, obesity, atherosclerosis, pancreatitis;
  • helps in the treatment of bronchitis.

Stevia has become a salvation for people suffering from diabetes and tired of the constant restrictions on sweets. Today, many manufacturers add it to special products for such patients - cookies, yogurt, chocolate. The natural sweetness does not harm diabetics, their body accepts this sweetener.

As you can see, a truly unique plant is stevia. Its benefits for the human body have been confirmed by numerous studies by Russian and foreign scientists.

Release forms

Many people are interested in stevia sweetener. The price for it depends on the form of release and volume. Today, stevia-based preparations are produced in various forms, but first it should be said about the indicators that are inherent in all types of these products: carbohydrates, fats and calories are absent. Zero glycemic index.


The composition includes: stevia extract, which has a sweet pleasant taste, without foreign aftertastes; erythrol is a natural filler derived from starch and used for ease of dosing: 1 sachet corresponds to the level of sweetness two teaspoons of sugar. Packages come in 25, 50 and 100 sachets.

Price - from 100 rubles.


The price for 20 grams is 525 rubles.


1 tablet corresponds to 1 teaspoon of sugar. Available in packs of 100, 150 and 200 pieces.

Price - from 140 rubles.

liquid extract

It tastes like strawberry, raspberry, chocolate, vanilla, mint, etc. Four to five drops are enough to sweeten a glass of drink. Stevia extract is packaged in thirty-gram plastic or glass bottles.

Price - from 295 rubles.

Are there any contraindications to the use of stevia?

Scientists have not yet identified the harmful properties of this plant. However, individual limitations still exist. First of all, this is stevia intolerance, which can be expressed in the form of allergic reactions. In this case, its use must be stopped.

At the very beginning of the intake, there may be other negative reactions of the body: digestive disorders, gastrointestinal disorders, dizziness. They usually pass very quickly.

It should not be forgotten that stevia significantly reduces blood sugar, therefore, while taking such a sweetener, it is necessary to control this indicator.

People with hypotension (low blood pressure) should take stevia with caution to avoid lowering blood pressure. When purchasing stevia in the form of a powder or tablets, pay attention to the composition. It should not contain methanol and ethanol, which are sometimes used to reduce the sweetness of the drug. Their toxicity can harm your body.

Stevia Reviews

This amazing natural sweetener has no strict contraindications. For many of our compatriots, stevia has become a discovery. What kind of plant, many did not know before. Acquaintance with him, judging by the reviews, occurs most often after the doctor fixes an increase in blood sugar levels. People who began to use this sweetener note that after a month of regular use, the rise in blood sugar levels slows down, and with longer use it decreases.

Leave reviews and patients with high blood pressure. They note that with regular use of stevia, pressure normalizes, there are no sharp jumps.

This weed was not disregarded by women who watch their figure. By cutting out sugar and switching to stevia, many brag about their weight loss achievements. Reviews about this plant are mostly positive, although someone did not like its taste with pronounced bitterness.

High doses of stevioside may interfere with the mechanism by which the body absorbs carbohydrates.

Stevia is a plant native to South America with sweet leaves. This natural sweetener is very popular because it does not raise blood sugar levels and contains no calories like most traditional sweets. Despite these benefits, there are a few side effects that you should be aware of if you decide to use stevia regularly. What precautions should be taken to avoid these side effects?

What is Stevia?

FDA considers stevia safe for use as a sweetener in beverages and food. Stevia is an ideal sweetener for those who want to lose weight. However, with regular use, stevia has mild side effects: for example, a person begins to feel nauseous.
FDA does not approve raw or whole leaf stevia for use as a dietary supplement, as there are some concerns about the possibility of side effects. The FDA notes that stevia can have negative effects on the kidneys, reproductive, cardiovascular systems, and even affect blood sugar control.
Stevia is often used to treat heartburn, diabetes or high blood pressure, prevent pregnancy, increase muscle tone, improve heart pumping, and lower uric acid levels.

Stevia Side Effects Everyone Should Know About

Side effect #1: Allergic reaction

Stevia is known to cause anaphylactic shock in very rare cases. This side effect is most common in people who are allergic to chamomile, marigold, ragweed, or chrysanthemum. Symptoms of an allergic reaction to stevia include difficulty swallowing, shortness of breath, hives, dizziness, pale skin, wheezing, or weakness. If these symptoms develop after using stevia, you should seek emergency medical attention immediately to prevent potentially fatal complications.

Side effect #2: upset stomach

Stevia-based sweeteners contain stevioside, which can cause stomach upset, nausea, or bloating after consumption. They can also reduce appetite. These side effects are usually very mild, but you should contact your doctor if these symptoms persist or if they become severe.

Side effect #3: Changes in metabolism

Animal experiments have shown that high doses of stevioside can interfere with the mechanism by which the body absorbs carbohydrates. This can limit the body's ability to convert food into energy.

Additional Side Effects

Other symptoms that rarely occur with stevia products include numbness, dizziness, and body aches. This dizziness can affect your ability to walk or stand normally without assistance. If these symptoms persist, then you should stop using Stevia and seek the advice of a doctor.

Stevia Precautions

The recommended dose of stevia depends on several factors such as age and health. Unfortunately, there is no scientific evidence to determine an appropriate dosage range for stevia. Keep in mind that natural products are not always necessarily safe, and dosage can be important. Therefore, carefully read the descriptions on the labels, and consult a pharmacist or doctor before using stevia.

Stevia during pregnancy and lactation

There are no large studies investigating how stevia can affect individuals during pregnancy or breastfeeding. Therefore, in order to avoid possible complications, persons during pregnancy and lactation should not use stevia.

Allergy to ragweed and related plants

It is known that stevia can cause an allergic reaction in people who are allergic to plants of the Asteraceae family (chamomile, marigolds, ragweed or chrysanthemums). Persons who are aware of such an allergy should not use stevia as a sweetener.

The use of stevia in diabetes

Some studies have shown that chemicals in the stevia plant can lower blood sugar levels. Thus, stevia may limit the body's ability to control blood sugar levels. However, other studies have shown that this is not the case. Therefore, individuals with diabetes should carefully monitor their blood sugar levels when using stevia and report any changes or side effects to their doctor. Only a specialist can determine how safe it is to continue using this product as a sweetener.

Stevia for low blood pressure

Some studies have shown that regular use of stevia-based sweeteners can help lower blood pressure. Therefore, there is some risk that if people with low blood pressure consume large amounts of foods containing stevia, this may cause their blood pressure to drop to a critical point. If you have low blood pressure and want to start using stevia as a sweetener on a regular basis, be sure to check with your doctor. Only a specialist will be able to weigh the risk / benefit and adequately assess the side effects of stevia and the condition of your body.

Stevia interacts with drugs

Lithium preparations are known to interact negatively with stevia. Since stevia acts as a diuretic, it affects the excretion of lithium.

Diabetes medications can also interact negatively with stevia, as both are used to lower blood sugar levels. If your blood sugar drops too low, it can be dangerous. Therefore, people with diabetes should carefully monitor their condition during the use of stevia.

Hypertension medications do not interact well with stevia for the same reasons. Both of these products lower blood pressure, which can cause it to drop to unsafe levels. Stevia should not be used by people taking medications to treat high blood pressure.

Is stevia good as a sweetener? Despite the presence of a number of side effects, stevia can still be called one of the safest natural sweeteners. However, people with certain diseases (hypertension, hypotension, diabetes mellitus), as well as allergies to Compositae and during pregnancy and lactation, it is better to give preference to other sweets.

The question of the benefits and harms of stevia has become of great importance today, since recently this sugar substitute has become very popular in our country.

Stevia is a herbaceous perennial plant of the Asteraceae family native to South and Central America.

People have long noticed that the leaves of this plant have a sweet taste, and began to use it as a sweetener.

Medicinal properties of leaves

Normalization of blood pressure

It has been proven that regular intake of dietary supplements based on stevia reduces systolic pressure by 10 units (from 150 to 140 units of mercury) and diastolic pressure by 6 units (from 95 to 89).

Also, against the background of taking the extract, the likelihood of developing hypertrophy of the left ventricle of the heart decreases.

Optimizing sugar levels

Stevia herb lowers blood sugar levels. In one of the studies conducted, this medicinal plant was compared with a well-known sugar substitute - with, as well as with ordinary table sugar.

It turned out that patients with type 2 diabetes who took stevia had lower blood sugar after eating than those who ate sugar or used aspartame.

But is stevia really that great?

All scientific studies that show that stevia is useful were not carried out on the natural leaves of the plant, but on extracts.

Usually, two of its components are extracted from stevia - stevioside and rebaudioside A. Their sweetness is several hundred times greater than the sweetness of sugar.

Scientific studies are carried out using the stevioside extract, not the leaves.

Stevioside, on the other hand, makes up only 10% of the mass of the leaves. Therefore, it is obvious that by eating the leaves, it is impossible to achieve the positive effects that the extract gives.

To get bright therapeutic results, you need to take 500 mg of stevia extract three times a day. Just using it as a sugar substitute will not help lower blood pressure or glucose levels. Self-prescribing stevioside extract in such large quantities can be hazardous to health.

The exact biological mechanism of action of stevioside has not yet been established. But it is already clear that this substance can block calcium channels, that is, it acts as a real antihypertensive drug.

In addition, stevioside increases insulin levels while increasing the sensitivity of cells to this hormone.

In other words, stevia extract (stevioside) has too strong biological activity to be taken in large quantities uncontrollably. If you just use stevia as a sugar substitute, its medicinal properties will most likely not be manifested.

Other useful properties

In animal experiments, it was shown that the extract can:

  • reduce the level of low-density lipoprotein - "bad" cholesterol;
  • reduce chronic inflammation;
  • fight cancer;
  • act as a diuretic;
  • exhibit immunomodulatory activity.

But! All this was shown only in experiments on rats. Therefore, it is too early to say that stevia has all these positive qualities for humans. What works on animals doesn't always work on people.


  1. As mentioned above, negative health effects may be associated with taking the extract in large quantities when there is no medical prescription for this. In addition, there is a hypothesis that this medicinal herb may adversely affect fertility, since the structure of its extract is hormone-like. At the moment, there is no evidence that the sweetener adversely affects human fertility. But there are results of experiments conducted on laboratory animals in which a similar negative effect has been demonstrated.
  2. Another negative impact on human health is associated with sweet taste.

Like all other sweet substances in the world (whether natural or artificial), stevia used as a sugar substitute can cause "metabolic confusion", whet the appetite and increase sugar cravings.

You can read more about this aspect of the effect of sugar substitutes on human health.

How to use?

Stevia is the most common sugar substitute in cooking. It is added to smoothies, dairy products, tea and coffee. It is convenient to bake with it.

Usually, a liquid extract is purchased for adding to drinks, and a powder for baking. In the second case, it is often mixed with another natural sweetener - erythritol.

When using stevia as a sweetener, you need to remember that it is wildly sweet: 1 teaspoon of the extract is equal in sweetness to a glass of granulated sugar.

Today, many people do not trust manufacturers of various dietary supplements. And they strive to grow this grass on their own. If you want to know how to get 100% natural and pure weed in your home, read on


Stevia is a natural sugar substitute. However, this does not mean that it is 100% useful, including for weight loss. Like all other sweeteners, this herb can adversely affect the weight loss process by increasing appetite and cravings for sweets.

The medicinal properties of the herb are not associated with fresh leaves, but with an extract from them, which should be taken in large enough quantities, but only as directed by a doctor.

Stevia- a plant that was bred in Paraguay. Today, almost all those who try to lead a healthy lifestyle know about its existence. The fact is that stevia is used as a sweetener.

Features of the use of stevia, properties and contraindications

Stevia is a very sweet plant, which, unlike sugar, is less caloric. Therefore, stevia is often used as the basis for biological supplements that help reduce excess weight. This plant also improves metabolism and is actively used to restore metabolism.

Today, stevia is prescribed as a drug not only by those doctors who practice traditional medicine methods, professional doctors often resort to the help of this “natural product”. And certainly neither one nor the other side undertakes to refute the medicinal properties of stevia.

The numerous benefits that stevia has (contraindications for this plant also exist, and they will be discussed below) make this herb increasingly popular:

  1. Stevia leaves are a source of vitamins and minerals.
  2. The plant normalizes blood pressure.
  3. Stevia can be considered a classy antioxidant.
  4. Stevia-based medicines perfectly cleanse the blood and the body of toxins.
  5. The plant is capable of man.

However, due to the fact that the stevia herb has serious contraindications, it is recommended to undergo an examination and get professional advice from a specialist before taking it.

Stevia leaves - contraindications for use

Like any drug, stevia, despite its natural origin, has some contraindications for use. For this reason, self-treatment (even with this 100% natural remedy) is strictly prohibited: before a wellness course, you should definitely get a specialist appointment. Any doctor will tell you that stevia is a healing herb, contraindications for the use of which are quite few, but they should not be neglected in any case:

Although stevia has a lot of benefits, you should not take medicines based on it uncontrollably. Moreover, one cannot prescribe treatment for oneself, relying only on the advice of network users on forums and thematic portals. On the Internet you can find quite conflicting information about the properties and characteristics of the use of stevia. Only a specialist can dot the i's.

As you can see, there are serious contraindications to the use of stevia honey grass, ignoring which can greatly harm your health.

In pursuit of proper nutrition and to maintain their health, people try to use what nature itself has given. In recent years, the plant has gained popularity - a sweetener - stevia. But what is stevia?

Honey grass, namely this name stevia acquired among the people - a real gift of nature from the plant kingdom. The substance stevioside, isolated in 1931 by French chemists from stevia, turned out to be 300 times sweeter than cane and beet sugar. Due to its unique properties, stevioside is widely used in the food industry for the manufacture of all kinds of candies, drinks and even chewing gums.

Stevia is a genus of perennial plants of the Astrov family. The number of species and shrubs is about 260. This unique plant species grows in South and Central America. Even the ancient tribes of the Indians used it as a natural sweetener, as well as a healing plant in the treatment of various diseases. In the 1930s, residents of the British Isles drew attention to stevia. Due to the sharp shortage of food and various sweeteners due to the blockade of England by the German invaders, scientists conducted research and found that the plant is perfectly capable of replacing the usual sugar.

In the modern world, stevia is cultivated in many countries of the world. The plant has a large number of useful properties, unlike artificial sweeteners.

Composition and calories

The main feature of honey grass is its sweetness. Natural stevia in nature is two dozen times sweeter than cane sugar. But the extract from sweet grass is 300 times sweeter. But the calorie content of stevia is unusually small. It is noteworthy that 100 g of sugar contains about 400 kcal, and 100 g of stevia contains only 18.3 kcal. Therefore, people who stubbornly get rid of extra pounds are advised to replace sweet dishes with regular sugar with stevia.

The composition of honey grass is truly unique. The composition contains:

  • fat-soluble and water-soluble vitamins - A, C, D, E, K and P;
  • mineral components - chromium, phosphorus, sodium, iodine, calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron and zinc;
  • amino acids, pectins;
  • stevioside.

Note! Importantly, the glycemic index of honey grass is equal to 0. This makes the plant an ideal sugar substitute for people with diabetes.

One of the important advantages of honey grass is that when exposed to elevated temperatures, the properties and composition do not change. Stevia is widely used in the food industry and cooking, in the preparation of hot dishes.

Benefits for the human body

A sweet plant is not only a very tasty product, but also has a lot of useful properties. So, due to the high content of specific substances - antioxidants, stevia has a beneficial effect on the restoration of cellular structures, helps in the neutralization of the radionuclide. An important aspect is the cleansing of the human body from salts of heavy metals and toxic compounds. Due to this effect, the process of development of oncological diseases is significantly reduced.

Antioxidants in the composition of the plant have the ability to restore the skin and skin derivatives (hair, nails and itching). That is why the plant is used not only in cooking, but also in the field of cosmetology.

Use in medicine:

  • stimulation of hormone production;
  • improvement of the functional features of the pancreas and thyroid gland;
  • alignment of hormonal levels;
  • increase in potency;
  • increase in libido;
  • removal of cholesterol from the body;
  • strengthening the myocardium and vascular walls;
  • normalization of blood pressure;
  • prevention of the development of atherosclerosis;
  • increased metabolism;
  • improving the process of digestion of food;
  • purification of the human body from harmful and toxic substances.

Reception of sweet grass helps to strengthen the immune forces of the body, and also helps to normalize the nervous system. Consumption of tea with stevia has tonic properties, invigorates and improves the overall well-being of a person. In addition, stevioside obtained from the plant has a beneficial effect on the processes of blood circulation in the brain, helping to effectively overcome dizziness, drowsiness and apathy.

Stevia sweetener in cooking

The extract obtained from the plant is used in cooking in the manufacture of various dishes and drinks. The use of honey grass for cooking gives the dish the necessary sweetness and aroma. Stevia has proven itself in the preparation of fruit salads, jams, pastries, compotes and desserts.

Note! It is necessary to use sweet grass in dosage and strictly according to the instructions. In case of violation of the norms, the product can be very bitter. After the drink or dish with stevia is infused, the taste will begin to be felt brighter.

You can sweeten the dish with a special syrup, in the preparation of which you need to mix 20 grams of dried stevia with 200 ml of boiling water. Next, the infusion must be boiled for 7 minutes. After that, remove the splits and cool for 10 minutes. The resulting syrup is allowed to infuse and poured into a container convenient for storage. The shelf life of honey grass syrup is no more than 7 days. An infusion of honey grass can be added to homemade cakes or to tea.

How to use for weight loss?

People who dream of losing extra pounds can use stevia to achieve their goals. Stevioside has the property to dull the appetite. 20-30 minutes before a meal, it is recommended to drink a few teaspoons of syrup prepared for use in cooking.

On the modern market there are special teas for weight loss, which include honey grass. A special filter bag is poured with 200 ml of boiling water and allowed to infuse for a couple of minutes. You can take this decoction twice a day before the main meals. To improve the taste of the drink, you can add dried chamomile, tea and rose hips to the broth.

Release forms

You can buy stevia herb at any pharmacy kiosk. The release is made in several forms and the consumer can choose the most suitable for himself.

Release forms:

  • loose dried leaves;
  • crushed leaves in filter bags;
  • crushed leaves in powder form;
  • honey grass extract;
  • stevia tablets and syrup.

When choosing a product, it must be remembered that stevia leaves in crushed or natural form have a less pronounced sweet aftertaste than an extract. In addition, crushed honey grass leaves have a grassy flavor that may not be to everyone's taste. It is important to remember that properly dried and harvested stevia should not have impurities and various additives. It is not recommended to purchase honey grass if the package contains additives in the form of fructose or sugar.

Possible harm from use

According to experts from the World Health Organization, honey grass is harmless and its consumption in unlimited quantities will not cause harm. But stevia has a number of properties and side effects. Before using the plant, you should consult with your doctor. It is necessary to introduce honey grass into your diet gradually, in parallel, observing the reaction of your body. Perhaps the appearance of intolerance and, as a result, the development of reactions of an allergic type.

It is also important to remember that the use of stevia along with cow's milk in drinks can cause dyspepsia. The components of sweet grass help to reduce blood glucose levels, but uncontrolled consumption can lead to pathological changes in the body. Not recommended for people who suffer from disorders in the digestive tract, as well as hormonal imbalances and mental disorders.

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