What is varicose veins in the legs: photos, symptoms of the disease and treatment tactics. Varicose veins, initial stage: description, causes, prevention and treatment features

For subtle first signs of varicose veins, i.e. varicose veins veins, many people simply do not pay attention, considering them the result of ordinary overwork. Such an unreasonable attitude towards one's own health subsequently becomes the cause of many dangerous diseases and intractable problems. To avoid this, varicose veins need to be treated in the early stages.

What is varicose veins?

Varicose veins most often affect large vessels(veins) lower extremities. It is this pathology that is most often called varicose veins. Although this kind of disease develops in the veins of various internal organs. With varicose veins, the outer walls of these vessels become thinner, the diameter of the intravenous lumen increases, and various aneurysm-like neoplasms appear.

The disease begins mainly in people who have reached the age of 40. However, due to various reasons, for example, when doing weightlifting, it can begin in youth.

The study of the anatomical structure of veins, their physiology and functional features engaged in phlebology. This branch of medicine also deals with the study different kind pathological processes affecting these vessels.

Phlebologists treat varicose veins and others venous diseases. Unfortunately, phlebologists are rare in ordinary clinics. Therefore, if necessary, they should be sought in special medical centers or in private clinics.

The main causes of varicose veins

Varicose veins are much more common in women than in men. The main reasons for this:

  • constant wearing of model high-heeled shoes;
  • frequent pregnancy;
  • difficult childbirth;
  • wearing a tightening (compression) belt, bandage or corset.

In addition, varicose veins begin due to such reasons:

  • daily long stay on the legs (during work);
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • intense sports activities;
  • overweight (obesity);
  • malnutrition;
  • hypodynamia;
  • frequent weight lifting;
  • violation venous circulation caused by various pathologies internal organs.

Symptoms of pathology

At the initial stage, the symptoms of varicose veins are often ignored, hoping that after a little rest or a decrease in physical activity, the problem will be solved by itself. This is a totally wrong opinion. After all, it is in the early stages of varicose veins, like many other diseases, that can be cured completely and prevent the development of complications.

Therefore, the first signs of varicose veins are a good reason to visit a specialized specialist. It could be:

  • neuropathologist;
  • rheumatologist;
  • surgeon;
  • phlebologist.

On the initial stage development of varicose veins, the symptoms of this disease can be:

  • constant heaviness in the lower extremities;
  • puffiness;
  • It's a dull pain;
  • an increase in the girth of the leg by the evening by more than 10 mm.

All these symptoms are aggravated after any exertion on the legs - walking, lifting weights, physical work, etc. - and invariably disappear after a night's sleep or lying down. If, after the appearance of the first symptoms, varicose veins are not treated, the disease gradually moves from the initial stage to the next stage of development. The patient's condition worsens, varicose symptoms are noticeably more complicated. The following symptoms appear:

  • increased swelling;
  • pain syndrome in the region of the lower extremities;
  • blue venous nodules and asterisks;
  • the appearance of age spots;
  • leg cramps;
  • violation of tactile sensitivity of the lower extremities;
  • itching and burning in the affected areas.

Treatment of varicose veins

In order to find out how to treat varicose veins at the initial stage, you need to consult a phlebologist and go through necessary examination. Based on the obtained anamnestic indicators, the phlebologist will draw up a course of treatment, give the necessary recommendations regarding lifestyle correction, adherence to the regimen and proper nutrition during the treatment period.

At the initial stage of varicose veins, patients are prescribed:

  • massotherapy;
  • creams to increase the elasticity of the skin of the legs;
  • ointments for pain relief;
  • compresses;
  • physical therapy and hiking.

Conservative treatment of varicose veins is carried out through the following drugs:

  • venotonics;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • fortifying drugs;
  • drugs that normalize blood pressure;
  • analgesics;
  • cardiac drugs;
  • anticonvulsants.

If the treatment of varicose veins begins for more late stages development of the disease process, the patient will need to carry out such medical procedures:

  1. Sclerotherapy to repair the damaged walls of the affected vein by intravenous administration sclerosing agent.
  2. Ozone therapy to eliminate stars and nodules inside the vessel by introducing ozone into the lumen of the vessel.
  3. Compression therapy, which involves wearing special knitwear to maintain intravascular pressure at the required level, bandages, elastic bandages.

In particular dangerous cases in the treatment of varicose veins surgical intervention. As part of anti-varicose surgery, the following operations can be performed:

  • phlebectomy, i.e., removal of a damaged vein;
  • laser coagulation;
  • sclerotherapy;
  • radiofrequency coagulation.

Lifestyle change

In order for the treatment of varicose veins to be successful, in addition to performing all medical procedures and taking medications, it is necessary to make some changes in lifestyle, daily routine, and habits.

A patient with varicose veins needs:

  1. Stop power sport exercises, bodybuilding.
  2. Go swimming.
  3. Wear compression stockings or stockings, correctly sized, and put them on in a supine position.
  4. Compose correct mode food to get rid of excess weight.
  5. To refuse from bad habits.

Women should refrain from wearing dress shoes with high heels. To ensure normal circulation of blood and reduce fatigue during walking and standing, shoes should be wide enough to freely accommodate the foot and lower leg (in boots) with a stable heel. The maximum heel height allowed for varicose veins is 4 cm.

Dangerous complications of varicose veins

Running or undertreated varicose veins, as a rule, becomes the cause of trophic ulcers, the formation of blood clots and the development of thrombophlebitis. Trophic ulcers that occur with varicose veins cause severe pain, destruction of the skin and cause common infection body and blood poisoning.

Thrombus formed on inner walls veins (thrombosis), create a risk of blockage of blood vessels. In this case, blood circulation is disturbed, there may be oxygen starvation due to impaired breathing. A detached blood clot can cause death.

Other dangerous complication varicose veins - thrombophlebitis. This disease begins due to inflammation of the venous wall caused by a thrombus. These and other inflammations over time invariably make the sick person disabled.

Diet food

Patients suffering from varicose veins need to eat right. It is best to eat up to 5-6 times a day in small portions. Fractional nutrition aids in rapid digestion nutrients and reduces the risk of overeating and weight gain. Nutrition should help thin the blood, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, and relieve swelling.

AT daily diet include the following products:

  • fresh fruits and vegetables, especially sour apples and garlic;
  • cereal porridge boiled in water;
  • whole grain bread;
  • fresh juices and herbal teas;
  • beef liver;
  • dried fruits;
  • marine flora and fauna products;
  • from spices it is best to use curry, thyme, ginger;
  • fresh fish.

To reduce swelling, it is necessary to control the amount of fluid consumed.

With varicose veins, you should abandon the following products:

  • sugar and confectionery;
  • sweet pastry;
  • fatty food;
  • smoked meats, pickles, marinades;
  • strong meat broths;
  • black tea and coffee;
  • pasta;
  • alcoholic drinks.

Traditional medicine for varicose veins

Alternative medicine advises patients with varicose veins to take baths with decoctions of chamomile, hops, St. John's wort, clover, cedar cones, spruce, pine.

To make a leaf compress white cabbage, you need to lather them abundantly with soap (toilet or household). Plots damaged skin sprinkle generously on the feet drinking soda and attach the prepared leaves. Wrap your feet warm soft cloth, fix it and leave until the morning. In the morning, remove the compress, wipe your feet with a damp cloth and put on fresh warm stockings or stockings.

To make a Kalanchoe compress to reduce vascular nodules and asterisks, you will need fresh leaves this plant. They need to be thoroughly rubbed to get gruel. Pour in alcohol and insist in the dark and warm for a week. From the resulting tincture, you need to make compresses in the manner described above.

To ensure normal blood circulation, traditional medicine recommends next remedy. Before a night's sleep, you need to properly steam your legs in water with the addition of herbal decoctions. Pre-prepared warm socks should be moistened with vodka or alcohol and put on your feet immediately after steaming. Pull and fasten plastic bags over socks and leave until morning.

Preventive actions

It is quite possible to avoid the appearance of varicose veins. You need to take care of this in advance, especially for people at risk. This group includes people who stand a lot on their feet: hairdressers, teachers, salespeople, etc.

Another cause of varicose veins is hypodynamia. This problem often occurs with office workers, cashiers, doctors. Therefore, in order to ensure normal blood circulation in the leg veins, you need to move more. morning exercises, walking, jogging, any feasible sports exercises will protect against the occurrence of not only varicose veins, but also other dangerous diseases.

Regular consultations with a phlebologist are necessary during the reception hormonal drugs, at high blood pressure, liver diseases, of cardio-vascular system, kidney. Proper nutrition, exclusion of strong physical exertion and overheating, massage will also help strengthen the veins.

Varicose veins are independent disease, which manifests itself in an increase in size, soreness, tortuosity, thinning of the walls of the superficial venous vessels. This pathology appears due to an increase in venous pressure in the lower extremities, insufficiency or complete destruction of the valvular apparatus of the venous vessels. Accompanying this disease, the symptomatology leads to significant discomfort in the daily life of patients, which stimulates them to carry out certain medical measures. But there are times when medical tactics does not correspond to the stage and neglect of the disease, and the measures taken become ineffective. To prevent this, a qualitative diagnosis of varicose veins is carried out, the conclusion of which will determine the most effective treatment.

Doctors to contact

Patients often do not know who to turn to for help, and try to independently carry out "treatment" activities at home. This situation can exacerbate the situation and lead to undesirable consequences. First of all, you need to know which specialist to contact. A phlebologist deals with the treatment of diseases of the venous vessels. Such specialists have in their arsenal enough experience and knowledge necessary for high-quality diagnostics and further treatment sick. First of all, the phlebologist needs to decide which diagnostic method is needed in a particular case. He knows the latest methods that allow you to determine the stage and developed concomitant diseases.

After these procedures, it will be possible to determine the tactics of treatment. This doctor can prescribe conservative methods of treatment, advise on the use of funds traditional medicine. If necessary, perform a minimally invasive surgical intervention that will allow you to return home the same day.

In addition to a phlebologist, you can contact a vascular surgeon (angiosurgeon). Doctors of the presented profile specialize in a more extended field, unlike phlebologists. They can not only carry out the latest diagnostic measures, but also have a larger scope medical activity, surgically. Angiosurgeons are able to perform extensive surgical interventions required in advanced cases. To avoid such a situation, it is necessary to contact specialists immediately after identifying the symptoms of the disease.

When contacting a specialist, you must be prepared for the following diagnostic measures:

  • Interrogation, determination of complaints and prescription of the developed disease;
  • Medical examination in this case the doctor needs to visually and palpate to assess the affected vessels;
  • Carrying out functional tests - they allow you to assess the condition of the wall of the venous vessel and the performance of the valves;
  • Instrumental diagnostics - carried out using special devices, allows you to accurately determine the condition of the vessels, as well as visualize them;
  • Laboratory research methods are necessary for assessing the performance of internal organs, as well as monitoring the state of the blood.

Varicose veins in the early stages are practically not manifested in any way. Patients may not even notice pathognomonic symptoms. Because of what, it is often impossible to determine when the disease began. The doctor, at the first contact, asks about the living conditions, the nature of the work, the patient's lifestyle. He must also learn about comorbidities and possible allergic reactions on the nutritious foods and medical preparations. Often, vascular diseases are hereditary, so you need to tell your doctor about the presence similar diseases next of kin (parents, siblings).

After the doctor has learned the above information, he asks about the patient's complaints. It is necessary to tell everything that worries or bothered during the period when varicose veins were suspected. Most often, patients complain of strong feeling fatigue in the lower extremities, burning sensation and soreness in the muscles of the foot and lower leg. Rarely, convulsions can occur that disturb patients at night after a busy day. Swelling of the lower extremities and discoloration of the skin in the area of ​​the legs are also often observed.

As the disease progresses
there is a local swelling, over which you can observe the vascular network. This swelling may be a swollen and deformed vein, and the vascular network or asterisks appear due to a violation of the outflow of venous blood. In such places, the skin becomes thinner, its color may change, and painful ulcers develop.

In the early stages of the disease, a feeling of heaviness and fatigue in the legs appear only after heavy physical exertion. And they pass right after the rest. Patients with manifestation similar symptoms, are unaware of the development of varicose veins and attribute everything to fatigue and a hard day. With the progression of the disease, the symptoms intensify and soreness joins, and they appear after less stress. In the future, one can observe an increase in the manifestations of the disease with ever smaller loads on the legs, they cannot overcome long distances, do physical exercises, climb a large number of steps, it becomes impossible to run due to strong pain. In order to get rid of such symptoms, patients are forced to rest more, stop while walking, sit down, after a short rest, there is a decrease in the severity of symptoms or complete disappearance.

Only the appearance of swollen veins, subcutaneous spider veins or ulcers makes the patient turn to specialists, and treatment at such stages is expensive and somewhat painful.

On the this stage diagnosis of varicose veins, the doctor needs to find the location of the affected vessels, as well as determine possible development varicose veins in other localizations.

For this, the patient is in vertical position, and for the doctor the entire surface of the lower extremities should be visible. Conducting an examination, in the diagnosis of varicose veins in the legs, you can detect the presence of telangiectasias. This phenomenon is represented by swollen small venous capillaries. They may appear as stars or as a small network. This phenomenon is indicative of a long venous congestion in the lower extremities and is the first sign of a developing varicose disease.

The skin over telangiectasias becomes thinner, may change color, become shiny. Upon inspection, you can immediately notice the difference. In the later stages of the disease, there is an expansion of superficial veins, as well as the formation of nodes. Doctor in without fail should palpate the affected vessels, assessing their elasticity, firmness. The temperature over the affected vein may be increased, and the skin is hyperemic, which may indicate the presence of inflammatory process. Determine the strength of pain when pressing on the diseased vein. A conglomerate of tortuous veins can hide other affected vessels underneath, experienced professionals with the help of palpation, such a variant of the disease can also be determined.

the doctor needs to examine the entire limb. To do this, he palpates the thighs, legs, feet. This procedure necessary to search for other possible lesions, determine the swelling of the lower limb, temperature, in some cases, sensitivity. For complete diagnosis varicose veins without fail is investigated and the other leg, even in the absence of relevant complaints.

Functional trials

With the help of palpation, it is impossible to examine the condition and degree of damage to the deep veins of the lower extremities. For this purpose, functional tests are carried out. They will give an approximate idea of ​​the condition of the veins.

On the lower limb, blood outflow occurs through two main main veins:

  1. Popliteal vein - veins located in deeper layers flow into it. Below the knee joint, the small saphenous vein passes into the popliteal vein, and upper areas the popliteal thigh flows into the femoral vein;
  2. The femoral vein is a powerful vascular trunk into which almost all venous system lower limb;
  3. Big saphenous vein- its branches take blood from inside shins. Its branches, being more under the skin, are prone to the development of varicose veins;
  4. Small saphenous vein - blood flow into it occurs with outer surface shins. After the Achilles tendon, this vein enters under the heads of the gastrocnemius muscle, passing in the deeper layers of the lower leg.

Most often, varicose veins can be seen on inner surface lower leg, which indicates the defeat of the branches of the great saphenous vein.

At the same time, a violation of the blood outflow in the system of this vessel can contribute to a violation of the blood outflow in the small saphenous vein, as well as in the vessels that connect these two veins - the communicant ones. In order to assess the condition of all veins of the lower limb, it is necessary to conduct functional tests, because the future treatment tactics depend on the defeat of specific veins.

Assessment of the state of the great saphenous vein:

In order to diagnose the situation with deep veins, a Delbe-Pertess test is performed. This sample will allow you to determine the condition of the lower leg veins located deeper. To carry it out, it is necessary to apply a tourniquet in the region of the upper third of the lower leg, while it is not necessary to squeeze it strongly, the tourniquet should block the blood flow only in the superficial veins. After applying the tourniquet, the patient needs to march for ten minutes. The doctor needs to determine the subsidence of superficial veins, the disappearance of varicose veins, which will indicate physiological state investigated vessels. If subsidence does not occur, this is a sign of a pathological condition of the deep vessels of the lower limb.

Sheis proposed the following test, with the help of which the condition of the connecting veins is assessed. The patient needs to lie down and raise the leg. Then everything superficial veins empty, after which you need to apply three tourniquets:

  1. In the region of the inguinal fold;
  2. On the middle third of the thigh;
  3. In the upper third of the leg;

After the tourniquets are applied, the patient rises, and the doctor evaluates the filling of the superficial veins in the areas under each tourniquet. The failure of the connecting veins is evidenced by the rapid filling of the vessels. In the case of rapid filling of the vessels of the lower leg, one can judge the failure of the communicating veins of this segment. By lowering the tourniquet on the lower leg, you can more accurately determine the localization of the affected vessels.

Instrumental research methods

For a more accurate assessment of the condition of the venous vessels of the lower extremities, patients are diagnosed using ultrasound and x-rays.

When using ultrasound technologies, they resort to the use of dopplerography. This research method allows you to use ultrasound to visualize the vessels of the limb, evaluate the operation of the valves and the blood flow through them. This research method is completely safe for the patient, does not require the introduction of any drugs. This technique is based on the fact that the device captures the nature of the flow, the speed and direction of blood through the vessels.

On the this moment apply:

  • Color Doppler - allows you to visualize the direction of the flow and its changes. On the screen of the device, the blood will be colored in specific color depending on the direction of blood flow.
  • Power Dopplerography is necessary to assess the patency of venous vessels, and can also show the direction of the current. Slight changes in the direction of blood flow during use this method are not rendered.
  • Shockwave Dopplerography - allows you to assess the speed of blood flow in a particular vessel. If the vessel is colored red on the screen, this indicates a slow blood flow, orange and yellow colors indicate a fast flow.

Methods based on X-rays:

  1. Spiral computed tomography - advanced method in diagnostics, which allows you to visualize the structures of the area under study in the most detailed way. And also with the help of radiopaque substances, to recreate a 3D model of the vessels, throughout their entire length.
  2. Phlebography - is used extremely rarely, due to the variety and greater effectiveness of other methods. But using this method, you can visualize the vessel itself, the state of its wall, as well as patency.

Varicose veins of the lower extremities (VRVNK) refers to a type of disease that not only causes mass discomfort for a person, but they can also greatly spoil the appearance.

Meanwhile, this disease is a dangerous pathological condition, which leads to serious injuries circulatory organs. Most often, varicose veins of the legs affect middle-aged people, 30-40 years old.

In a healthy person, venous blood rises from the legs to the heart under the influence of pressure, which in normal condition sufficient to overcome gravity. When this mechanism is violated, the body is forced to increase pressure to push the blood up.

As a result of this process valvular insufficiency occurs, which is characterized by the flow of blood into the superficial veins from the deep. As the pressure inside the vessels is increased, their walls lose elasticity, stretch and deplete, which leads to the formation of visible bluish subcutaneous nodules.

VRVNK not only worsens external state legs, but also entails a lot of complications, some of which can chain a person to wheelchair and others even lead to death.

Reasons for the development of varicose veins of the lower extremities:

  • Elevated levels of progesterone in a woman's body. This hormone provides Negative influence on the condition of the venous walls and valves, making them weak and unprotected.
  • Congenital pathologies of the valves or walls of the veins, lack of connective tissue, poor patency of deep veins, genetic predisposition.
  • Neoplasms located on the legs, in the abdominal cavity.
  • Injuries of the lower extremities.
  • Diseases of the endocrine system.
  • Joint diseases - osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis etc.
  • Long-term use of hormonal contraceptives.
  • A sedentary lifestyle that often leads to stagnant processes in the legs.
  • Increased intra-abdominal pressure. It usually occurs with lung disease, or with frequent constipation.
  • Overweight.
  • Wearing tight clothes and shoes.
  • presence in the diet a large number high-calorie and fatty foods, lack of vegetable fiber.
  • Smoking, frequent use alcohol.

  • Venotonics - Venoruton, Endotelon, Tribenol, Aescusan, Detralex, Glivenol, Askorutin, Vasobral, Anavenol, Phlebodia-600. These drugs improve the elasticity of the venous walls, restore the structure of tissues, increase blood circulation in the legs.
  • Anticoagulants- Hirudin, Aspirin, Heparin, Fenindione, Lyoton 1000. These drugs reduce blood clotting, thereby preventing thrombosis.
  • Creams and ointments with venotonic effect- Essaven, Troxevasin, Venitan.
  • Antiplatelet agents- Trombonyl, Curantyl or Persanthin. These funds contribute to the "resorption" of blood clots.

If trophic ulcers have already formed, to combat them, drugs such as Preductal, Anginin, Trental are used.

Except drug therapy may be assigned to wear compression underwear (), special diet, excluding smoked, fried and fatty foods, as well as moderate exercise - cycling, jogging or ordinary walking. In addition to everything, you can use the methods .

At any stage of the disease it is required to limit visits to baths and saunas, and also not to take sunbathing, since ultraviolet rays can have a detrimental effect on the patient's condition.


This method of treatment of varicose asterisks on the legs is that a drug that has a sclerotic effect is injected into the affected vein with a needle. At the same time, the venous walls stick together and the blood in the vessel stops moving.

This procedure is performed under anesthesia, after which a bandage is applied to the leg. In the future, the patient is recommended to wear compression underwear to consolidate the therapeutic effect.

Surgical intervention

It is prescribed for pronounced signs of the disease, when it threatens the health and life of the patient. Surgical operations for varicose veins are of several types:

  • 3 incisions are made in the leg, through which the affected vein is excised.
  • Pulling the diseased vein through the incision, followed by ligation of nearby veins.
  • Ligation of the affected vein in the area of ​​the valve.
  • Complete removal of varicose veins, veins and trophic ulcers. This is the most complex type of operation, which is prescribed only in the most severe cases.

Varicose veins of the lower extremities - extremely a serious illness that affects up to 40% of adults. If you do not start treatment on time varicose mesh on the legs, the disease can lead to total loss working capacity. Only with the observance of medical instructions and a competent approach to treatment can a number of diseases be prevented. severe complications from this disease.


A brief excursion and description of this disease are presented in the video:

Varicose veins are a common disease, characterized by a violation of the outflow of venous blood, which leads to their deformation, the appearance of nodes. Such processes occur when the vessels lose their elasticity, they stretch, become wide and cease to function correctly. As a result - impaired blood circulation, stagnation of blood in the veins. If the disease is started, the only way out of the situation will be a surgical operation. In order not to lead to such consequences, it is important to pay attention to anxiety symptoms and take action on early stage the disease is treatable.


The initial stage of varicose veins on the legs is manifested by a feeling of heaviness after a long walk, swelling, pain, which disappear after rest. Puffiness most often occurs when wearing high heels or prolonged standing.

At further development disease, such a symptom appears without special reasons even after a slight load. Varicose veins (initial stage) can manifest themselves as spider veins (red or blue spots) and purple cobwebs that show through the skin. Often people with the initial stage of varicose veins feel that it recedes if you take a horizontal position and give your legs a rest. If such signs occur, you should consult a doctor immediately (a surgeon or a phlebologist), because if you start treatment on time, you can avoid complications, the formation of blood clots and stop the development of the disease.

The reasons

Violation of blood flow in the veins of the legs causes "varicose veins". The initial stage of this disease is manifested by uncomfortable or painful sensations. main reason veins are heredity. If one of the parents suffers from this disease, then children need to be attentive to their health, as they are at risk of developing varicose veins. There are other causes of the disease:

  • overweight, obesity,
  • pregnancy, childbirth,
  • malnutrition,
  • unhealthy lifestyle, alcohol consumption, smoking,
  • constant standing (work that involves a standing position),
  • excessive physical activity, heavy lifting (in connection with professional or sports activities),
  • tight clothing,
  • constant wearing of uncomfortable shoes, including those with too high heels,
  • diabetes,
  • flat feet,
  • diseases of the internal organs that create pressure in the veins of the legs.

Varicose veins affect both men and women, mostly over the age of 45, but it often occurs in younger people.


People with a predisposition to varicose veins are advised to pay attention to their health and start taking preventive measures before the first manifestations of the disease. To prevent the development of the disease, you need to follow some rules:

  • get rid of excess weight, do not overeat,
  • stop smoking and drinking alcohol,
  • lead active image life, but do not expose the legs to unnecessary stress,
  • wear comfortable clothes and shoes,
  • it is useful at least sometimes to wear compression stockings,
  • undergo a medical examination at least once a year.

At careful attention to yourself and your health, you can prevent varicose veins. The initial stage, if it makes itself felt, then at a more mature age.

Diagnosis and treatment

If it was not possible to avoid the disease and varicose veins appeared, the initial stage is treated quite effectively. The main thing is to take action in time. Treatment can be carried out independently, at home, for this there are methods such as self-massage, exercise, baths. A doctor's consultation is obligatory in this case, he will additionally advise ointments for fatigue and swelling in the legs, and also prescribe if necessary medications in the form of tablets. To diagnose the disease, a specialist needs a visual examination of the limbs, on which the first signs of violations have already appeared.

The doctor will clarify all the manifestations that disturb the patient, find out the presence of pain, heaviness, swelling, when and how these symptoms appear and how long they last. Also, the doctor should review the history of other diseases that may be (for example, flat feet), examine the result of blood tests. If these measures are not enough to make a diagnosis, use ultrasound procedure or phlebography, which allow you to identify violations of the valves of the veins, their patency.

Water procedures

What to do if varicose veins are found, the initial stage? Treatment can start with contrast shower which will strengthen the walls of blood vessels. This procedure must be carried out every day for the onset of the effect. Best time for the shower - evening, before going to bed. Contrast baths also belong to such methods of treatment. We change the temperature of the water from cold to hot at least five times, finishing with cold water.

It is good to do douche on the feet before going to bed. Cold water should have a temperature of 16-20 degrees, hot - from 40. For the treatment of the initial stage, a foot wrap is used. We wet the bandage in cool water and wrap your legs to the knees for 30 minutes. Baths are good to take with an infusion of herbs. So, sage has a calming and analgesic effect. Apply this procedure twice a week. Decoctions of oak bark and willow help with pain.

Self massage

When the initial stage of varicose veins develops, how to effectively treat it with self-massage? Before starting the procedure, you need to lie down for 15 minutes with outstretched legs above the level of the heart to improve the outflow of blood through the veins. You should start from the hips: from the knee to the groin, we knead the muscles, make stroking movements. Next, knead knee-joint, the popliteal fossa is well massaged in a circular motion.

Lying on your back, bend your knees and stretch your lower leg from the inside and outer side. Next, massage the foot, toes. In conclusion, we stroke the entire surface from the bottom up. This procedure will help restore blood circulation. If you feel pain during the massage, you should consult your doctor.

Elastic bandage

If varicose veins appear on the legs, the initial stage, how to treat with elastic underwear? On the early stage it is best to use special bandages. They are superimposed in the knee area or on the entire surface of the leg. The wearing time should be determined by the doctor, as excessively long therapy can be harmful. At night, free your legs from the bandage, put them on an elevation (for example, in the form of a blanket rolled into a roll).

The effectiveness of this method lies in the pressure that maintains weak walls vessels and improves blood flow. Elastic bandages can be replaced with more expensive means- compression stockings.

Physical exercises

Physical activity improves the blood supply to the legs, so if you have varicose veins (the initial stage), you do not need to give up sports. The main thing is not to give excessive loads on the legs. The development of the disease is much more favorable sedentary image life. There are special sets of exercises that should be performed if the initial stage of varicose veins develops. How to treat the disease in this way, the attending physician will tell you.


Creams and ointments for veins will help stop the development of the disease at the initial stage, they help well in combination with other methods of treatment. The most popular means: "Troxerutin", "Troxevasin", "Antistax", "Trental", "Venitan", heparin ointment, "Kurantil", "Trombofob", "Lyoton-gel", "Aescusan", "Detralex".

Ointments with heparin and vetonics have an anti-inflammatory effect. Phlebotonic preparations relieve swelling and pain, improve tone. To eliminate the symptoms, a patch for varicose veins is used.

A feeling of heaviness, pain in the legs, especially in the evening, is a familiar situation to many, especially women over 30 years old. However, not all patients hear the diagnosis of "initial stage varicose veins" from doctors. Edema, soreness, a feeling of fullness in the calf muscles, cramps in the legs occur due to different reasons. It is important to recognize the malaise by the first symptoms in order to start treatment correctly and in a timely manner.

People who lead a predominantly "sedentary" or "standing" lifestyle, already in their youth, notice swelling and pain in their legs. What is it, the consequences of ordinary fatigue or bad veins? Most lean towards the first explanation. A visit to the doctor is considered as an extreme measure, when it becomes unbearable to endure discomfort. The first signs of the initial stage of varicose veins of the lower extremities:

  • Regularly occurring feeling of fatigue and heaviness in the legs, especially at the end of the day;
  • Feeling of tension, fullness in the calves of the legs after a long standing and sitting;
  • Puffiness in the area of ​​the foot and lower leg, which manifests itself in the evening;
  • Venous asterisks, spiders on the skin (optional);
  • Feeling of heat and pain in the calves;
  • Leg cramps at night;

wall breaches blood vessels occur already by the age of 20-25, and the first visit to the doctors about venous insufficiency falls on the age after 35 years. With late treatment, varicose veins are more difficult to cure than at the initial stage. The work of the venous valves is disrupted, they themselves change, as a result, the reverse flow of blood in the veins begins, the walls of the vessels stretch and weaken.

How to treat varicose veins in the early stages?

You can reduce the risk of dilated veins if you take action in time. In the absence of treatment, the initial stage of varicose veins progresses. Dark blue superficial vessels become more noticeable, red-violet spiders and stars appear, bulging, tortuous varicose veins.

As complex therapy For varicose veins, medications are used that tonic and strengthen the walls of venous vessels, reducing pain and other symptoms. Choice of drugs and combination various means each other must be agreed with the doctor. Drug therapy does not eliminate already swollen veins, but helps to stop the changes that lead to severe stages varicose veins. Phlebotonics, angioprotectors, microcirculation correctors for oral and external use:

  1. Capsules and gel Troxerutin, Troxevasin with active substance troxerutin.
  2. Aescusan solution with extract horse chestnut and vitamin B 1 (thiamine).
  3. Capsules, gel and cream Angistax with red grape leaf extract.
  4. Gel and cream Venitan with horse chestnut fruit extract.
  5. Tablets Detralex, Phlebodia with flavonoid diosmin.
  6. Venarus tablets with diosmin and hesperidin.
  7. Ascorutin tablets with vitamin C and rutin.
  8. Venoruton capsules with rutosides.

The active ingredients of the drugs on the list can help stop stretchiness. vascular walls, normalize the tone of the veins. The drugs reduce the permeability and fragility of venules, improve blood microcirculation, relieve swelling. Thanks to the treatment with phlebotonics, arching pains in the legs disappear, cramps practically do not bother.

What is "varicose veins without varicose veins"?

Symptoms of the onset of varicose veins or stage 0 can be exactly the same as those of heavy legs syndrome, phlebopathy, restless legs syndrome. Not yet in this period visible changes veins, and heaviness, pain at the end of the day are already felt. Only a specialist will distinguish between pathologies that have a similar onset. Each disease requires adequate treatment corresponding to the causes and mechanism of its development.

Attention! Phlebopathy or "varicose veins without varicose veins" is a condition in which symptoms of venous insufficiency appear, but objective research does not reveal pathology in the structure of the veins.

Unpleasant sensations in the legs appear with restless legs syndrome. The cause of its development can be approximately 15-20 diseases and conditions. First of all, it is a chronic venous insufficiency, diabetes mellitus, deficiency of vitamins and microelements.

Stitching and arching pains, spasms of the calf muscles with restless legs syndrome appear in the evening or at night. To relieve discomfort, the patient bends and stretches his legs, performs many more actions, due to which normal sleep is violated. Thanks to movements and rubbing, the discomfort goes away, but not for long.

How to deal with leg pain?

If the first symptoms of the initial stage of varicose veins are disturbing, then in addition to phlebotonics, blood thinners are prescribed. They facilitate blood flow, reduce the risk of blood clots. Venolife gels, Lioton 1000, Heparin ointment, Cardiomagnyl tablets have such properties. To increase the effectiveness of drug therapy, it is recommended to use compression stockings at the same time.

Complex therapy of leg diseases includes the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - NSAIDs. For example, medicines Indomethacin and Diclofenac relieve pain, swelling and inflammation, characteristic of the initial stage of varicose veins, thrombophlebitis and a number of other diseases. The preparations are available in the form of injection solutions, tablets, rectal suppositories and gels.

It is important! NSAIDs have a negative effect on the stomach, so the use of external forms and suppositories is preferable.

You should give your feet more rest during the day, at least a short one. In free minutes, you can lie down, raising your legs 10–20 cm above chest level. It is advisable to do the same during sleep. Due to the elevated position, venous outflow improves, pain and swelling disappear. It is useful to do contrast foot baths before going to bed, take relaxing baths with herbs and essential oils.

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