Neurologist: The life of Yulia Samoilova is a constant rehabilitation. Yulia Samoilova: who is she and why is she going to Eurovision. Samoilov's story may cause mass rejection of vaccinations Why Samoilov is in a wheelchair

Yulia Olegovna Samoilova was born on April 7, 1989 in the city of Ukhta, in the Komi Republic. At the age of 13, the girl received a disability of the 1st group with a diagnosis of spinal muscular atrophy. This ailment is hereditary. Until the fifth grade, Yulia went to school in the usual way, but after that she was transferred to homeschooling.

Julia grew up not only as a talented, but also a courageous person. Despite her illness, she took part in creative competitions and festivals from a young age.

Julia is a psychologist by training. In her youth, the girl was fond of alternative rock, which resulted in the founding of the TerraNova band. The group is currently disbanded.

Carier start

The girl participated in the project A. Pugacheva "Factor A" in the 3rd season. The prima donna marked Yulia with Alla's Golden Star award. This annual award is given to up-and-coming emerging artists as well as established musicians. The prize includes a precious pendant, a diploma and money from Mrs. Pugacheva's personal fund. By the way, having met Yulia, Alla Borisovna immediately warned the girl not to expect concessions.

Yulia Samoilova during participation in the musical project "Factor A"

Singing and artistic data will be evaluated in the competition, there is no place for pity. But Yulia did not ask for concessions, she confidently reached the final and took 2nd place. Julia is a singer and composer. Her compositions “Light” (by Y. Samoilova), “New Day”, the duet “Comet” recorded with G. Kutsenko are known and loved by the people.

Our heroine also performed at the celebration in honor of the opening of the Winter Paralympic Games in Sochi. Yulia, along with other popular performers, participated in the recording of the song "LIVE" and the filming of her video clip. This composition is dedicated to the victims who died in a plane crash over the Sinai Peninsula.

Julia Samoilova on stage

In 2017, Yulia Samoilova was chosen to represent the fatherland at the Eurovision-2017 competition. The event will take place in Kyiv. The singer will perform the song "Flame is Burning".

Yulia Samoilova - Flame Is Burning - Eurovision 2017 Russia

This choice was immediately sharply challenged in Ukraine. Official Kyiv reacted negatively to the fact that in the summer of 2015 Yulia performed in the Crimean Kerch without receiving special permission. Freelance adviser to the Minister of Culture of Ukraine, Anton Mukharsky, said that the Russian participant should be met at the airport with a hundred crippled ATO soldiers.

Yulia Samoilova speaking at the opening of the Olympic Games in Sochi

Russian artists, as well as the people, support Yulia and wish her victory at the Eurovision-2017 contest. Yulia's compatriots from Komi staged a flash mob in support of her in order to strengthen her fighting spirit and positive attitude. In her native places, her name is North Star, however, people from different parts of the country agree with this name.

But Iosif Kobzon believes that Yulia should not go to Kyiv. The People's Artist is convinced that a participant from Russia has no place at the competition in a country with which relations are deteriorating day by day.

Yulia Samoilova and Gosha Kutsenko

Yulia Samoilova is known for her fighting character. She never loses heart, tries to live a full life, does not require self-pity. Until the moment Julia decided to conquer the capital, she was already a real star in her hometown. People signed up for her performances, which took place in cafes and clubs, three months in advance.

Julia says about herself that she is no different from other people, except that she just doesn’t walk. However, after all, many have various disadvantages and limitations. The singer does not know if she can be called a strong woman, but you definitely cannot call her a whiner.

Lolita Milyavskaya and Yulia Samoilova during a performance

She had to hear the word “no” many times in her life, however, she always went ahead, never lost her motivation. Julia is not the only famous person in the family. Her cousin Oksana Samoilova is married to rapper Dzhigan, and the girl is very popular on Instagram.

Personal life

Yulia's husband's name is Alexei Taran. The husband helps her in her career, solves administrative issues. Before the wedding, the couple dated for eight years.

Yulia Samoilova with her husband Alexei Taran

Recently, Yuliya experienced the most difficult operation in Finland, funds for which were raised by admirers of her talent. It will take about a year to recover after surgery. The operation was a forced phenomenon, otherwise the back muscles may atrophy.

Read biographies of other musicians

A young but very talented singer Yulia Samoilova was born on April 7, 1989 in the city of Ukhta, located in the Komi Republic. Now her name is on everyone's lips due to the fact that the girl should represent Russia at the Eurovision 2017 international music contest. However, on this occasion, many scandals have already arisen at the political level and even reached the point that the participation of this performer was called into question. Yulia Samoilova, whose diagnosis of the disease did not affect her talent in any way, still hopes that politics will move away from creativity and she will be able to adequately represent her country at the international level.

Since childhood, Yulia has been confined to a wheelchair. This is due to the fact that in childhood she was vaccinated incorrectly, which caused her legs to fail. Now she has the first group of disability, the diagnosis was made at the age of thirteen, where it was indicated that she had Werding-Hoffmann spinal amyotrophy. At the same time, she was born absolutely healthy, developed along with other children and did not differ from them in any way. However, after another vaccination, she stopped walking. A course of treatment was prescribed, but the child simply melted before our eyes. As a result, my mother wrote a receipt that she refused injections and treatment. The deterioration of her health stopped, but she could not get back on her feet.

From an early age, Julia was very fond of singing. At first it was school matinees, then discos. After this, a talented child began to be sent to competitions not only at the local, but also at the international level. Often she returned with a victory.

A very important role in the fate of Yulia was played by her parents. After all, they raised her not as a disabled person, but as an ordinary child. She studied at a regular school, was punished to the fullest extent and did not experience excessive guardianship. Even when the daughter complained that she had problems or that someone offended her, the parents answered that she herself should learn to deal with this. Academic success was average, but the teachers did not make any concessions, the requirements were on a level with everyone. The girl did not differ in special beauty in her early years, but in adolescence she began to noticeably prettier. She began to have fans.

Since 2002, Samoilova began to make her way into the music scene. She already understood and realized that she wants to connect her profession with music. In the popular Silver Hoof competition, the future star took the honorable first place in the category under thirteen. This was followed by several more prestigious competitions and victories. However, wide popularity was achieved only after the young performer took part in the television project "Factor A" in 2013 and reached the final.

The girl got to Factor A almost by accident. She planned to take part in another, no less famous, Voice contest, but there was very powerful advertising and a huge number of contestants. Most likely, her recording was simply not listened to. Then the parents found out about the upcoming project "Factor A" and offered their daughter to buy tickets there. After some thought, she agreed and went to Moscow. As it turned out, not in vain.

The personal life of Yulia Samoilova is already quite arranged. The girl is married to Alexei Taran. The couple began dating in 2012, and after a while they legalized the relationship. According to the singer herself, she personally did not expect anything special from this relationship. I thought that if everything worked out for them, it would be very beautiful. Parents also did not interfere with this union. And, it should be noted, everything turned out pretty well: the guys are very happy together. In the kitchen, the husband works no worse than the most experienced housewife, though under Yulin's strict guidance. She tells what to put where and in what quantity, as well as what cooking time. Well, the husband dutifully fulfills all the wishes of his beloved chef. While the guys have a great relationship, they love and appreciate each other very much.

Fast news today

Our expert believes that the girl who will go to Eurovision from Russia is a real fighter

Julia is a great fellow that does not give up

Yulia Samoilova, who will go to Eurovision from our country, said in an interview that her condition - almost complete paralysis of all limbs, because of which the girl can only move in a wheelchair - began to progress in childhood after being vaccinated against polio. We do not know the exact diagnosis, but we described Yulia's story to our expert, PhD, neurologist Viktor Koss.

“As far as I understand, we can talk about vaccine-associated poliomyelitis,” our expert suggests. “This is an extremely rare complication from polio vaccines, which leads to muscle atrophy, muscle paralysis. The most dangerous moment is the blockade of the intercostal muscles, which can cause suffocation. This is a very rare, but possible reaction to the polio vaccine, according to some doctors, may be associated with a genetic predisposition, a special structure of the nervous tissue. Polio paralysis is much more likely to develop in unvaccinated people, leading to disability. But, unfortunately, there is also a similar reaction to the vaccine, like Yulia. Polimyelitis, its paralytic form, is essentially an inflammation of the gray matter of the spinal cord when the virus enters the motor neurons.

The consequences of this disease can be very different, ranging from partial atrophy of the muscles, as a result of which the patient may experience a shortening of one of the legs. The most serious is considered complete paralysis, which in the Middle Ages often led to death.

Such patients are shown various passive movements to improve blood circulation in the muscles, physiotherapy, physiotherapy exercises, massages, and permanent rehabilitation. All such procedures should be aimed at preventing atelectasis - a fall in the lobe of the lung, otherwise respiratory failure, asphyxia may develop. And, of course, Yulia is a great fellow for not giving up.

Yulia Samoilova will represent Russia at the Eurovision Song Contest 2017. Channel One has completed the internal competitive selection of performers and compositions for participation in the Eurovision Song Contest 2017 and has decided on the choice of Russia in Kyiv to be represented by Yulia Samoilova, whose performance of the love song Flame Is Burning made the strongest impression.


Yulia Samoilova: who is she and why is she going to Eurovision

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In all television stories about Yulia Samoilova, who will represent Russia at Eurovision in May, it is emphasized that her illness is the result of a medical error: “Until the year she was an ordinary child, and after the mistake of the doctors - an incorrectly made vaccination - she could no longer walk » . Such categorical statements can provoke a new “anti-vaccine” wave.

The diagnosis of spinal muscular atrophy (SMA), as Yulia herself said earlier, was made at the age of 13 - this is a complex hereditary genetic disease that occurs with damage to the motor neurons of the spinal cord. Vaccinations cannot provoke a genetic disease, experts say.

“Vaccinations are often blamed for causing various diseases of the nervous system, because they most often appear at the age when children are vaccinated,” explains Natalya Belova, MD, genetic endocrinologist and pediatrician. - I do not know Yulia Samoilova's medical history, but I can say that vaccinations in no way can affect the occurrence of a genetic disease. For people who are not sufficiently competent in medicine, this seems to be the “obvious” reason that the child fell ill. As a rule, at this age, no other events simply happen to the child, except for vaccinations.

Psychological factor

“Yulia really has SMA. But she does not focus on the diagnosis. There are many psychological moments in this. Our adult girls from the fund, who communicated with her, say that, apparently, her mother once inspired her that it was a medical error, and her illness was the result of vaccination, - comments Olga Germanenko, director of the SMA Families Charitable Foundation. “Indeed, many parents believe that it was the vaccines that started the disease, despite the fact that there are no clinical studies and evidence of the relationship between vaccinations and SMA.”

Vaccination of a child against rubella.Photo: Vladimir Smirnov/TASS

In Europe and the US, spinal muscular atrophy is not a contraindication for vaccinations, says Germanenko. Children with this diagnosis are vaccinated in full and even more. But Germanenko personally knows many parents who actually noted the first clinical manifestations of the disease after vaccination. However, there can be many provoking factors for the "start" of the disease. “It is worth recognizing that most often this is just a coincidence in time. There are no clinical studies, but doctors believe that the vaccine cannot provoke the onset of a genetically determined disease. In any case, it is impossible for a child to be healthy, vaccinated and get sick with SMA. The disease at that time could not be detected. The maximum that a vaccination can provoke is an earlier start. For a month or two. The disease would have manifested itself in any case, ”Olga is sure.

One of the main arguments against vaccines is that vaccines are not just poisonous, they destroy a child's delicate brain, body, and even genes. Vaccines are often associated with cerebral palsy, autistic disorders, and chromosomal abnormalities. “Even an illiterate doctor is clear that there can be no connection here. These violations are most often laid before the birth of the child, but vaccinations are combined in time with their manifestation, and parents, looking for the cause of what happened, find the cause in vaccination. However, the most common reaction to a vaccine is the absence of any negative reaction, and no studies have found a connection between vaccinations and autism or other serious disorders, ”Fedor Katasonov, a pediatrician at the Center for Congenital Pathology of the GMS clinic, told Takim delo earlier.

“It’s just that it’s much harder for parents to believe in a hereditary genetic disease than in the harm from vaccinations. In addition, vaccinations are a hot topic, actively inflated by the media, unlike genetic diseases, from which no one is immune, ”admits Natalia Belova.

Dangerous Accents

“If the media focuses on the fact that Yulia's condition is the result of a medical error and vaccination, this will greatly damage the situation with vaccinations in general and for children with SMA in particular. These children are very susceptible to infections. Moreover, any infections for children with SMA are an additional risk of worsening their condition. And the anti-vaccination movement is only getting more active,” Olga Germanenko is concerned.

Vaccination of a child against poliomyelitis.Photo: Vladimir Smirnov/TASS

At the SMA Families Foundation, the vast majority of families are anti-vaccination. 80% of parents of 350 children of the fund do not vaccinate them. “But if everyone starts to refuse vaccinations en masse, God forbid, epidemics of measles, polio and other dangerous diseases will begin,” Germanenko said.

The mass refusal of vaccinations is very dangerous: because of it, children get sick and die, and collective immunity is lost, Fedor Katasonov warns. If this continues, many infections that only specialists now encounter may return. Almost all infections from the vaccination calendar in Russia are not uncommon. In Moscow, a pediatrician may never encounter diphtheria, but across the country dozens of children get sick with it and die from it.

“Vaccinations are among the drugs that are subject to the most strict control and are significantly inferior to other drugs in terms of the number of side effects,” says Natalia Belova. Yes, vaccines can have side effects. But serious side effects from vaccinations are extremely rare, many times less than side effects from drugs that are widely used and sold without prescriptions in any pharmacy.

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The singer said that her disability was the result of an unsuccessful polio vaccination. The surge in popularity of Yulia caused another surge of fierce debate about the dangers of vaccinations.

The more popular a person is, the more people try to copy his style, his habits, follow his example in many things. Now a wave of popularity has hit Yulia Samoilova, a girl who will travel from our country to Eurovision. Most argue about how ethical it is to send a disabled person to a cruel politicized competition. But there are a lot of those who look at the singer's disability from the other side, trying it on themselves and their own children.

As Yulia herself said in an interview three years ago on the Factor A program, her disability was the result of a polio vaccination.

“Until the year I developed normally, like all children,” Yulia said. But then I got vaccinated. Looks like polio. And I stopped getting up. Doctors began to treat, they injected something, but nothing helped.

When Yulia was 13 years old, she was diagnosed with spinal muscular atrophy of Werdnig-Hoffmann.

In the network, these words caused a serious resonance. “Look at Alla Borisovna’s reaction to the girl’s words about the causes of disability. Impressive mothers of infants who are scheduled to be vaccinated according to the national calendar will react in approximately the same way. It is a pity for our district pediatricians, because in 2 months a real anti-vaccination boom will begin throughout the country, when the “consequences” of vaccination will be shown on TV screens as part of a popular entertainment show. Thus, the media formed the image of a disabled singer whose health was ruined by domestic medicine, ”wrote a doctor under the nickname Graal2005 on a popular Internet forum.

In the "LiveJournal" discussion of Yulia's diagnosis is also in full swing.

“Why is the life and health of children the price of mythical protection against infections? I don't understand why it is necessary to voluntarily participate in mass experiments, a kind of Russian roulette, lucky or unlucky? And why, most importantly, people who silently experiment on millions of children consider this very experimentation to be such a common tribute to progress,” writes a blogger living in Egypt.

“I just wrote vaccine refusals, that’s all,” they echo her in the comments.

However, there are people who have reasonable objections to the general hysteria.

“Spinal muscular atrophy is a hereditary disease that has nothing to do with vaccinations. For it to develop, it is necessary to match two mutant genes from the mother and from the father, - doctors write on the forums, defending science. - Competent persons from the Spinal Muscular Atrophy Foundation reported that there is no relationship. The overlaps are due only to the age at which SMA typically begins and the vaccination schedule. There are a lot of SMA kids who haven't had any vaccinations at all."

"Coincidence? I don't believe in such coincidences! – retort opponents of vaccination. However, the remark is similar to a standard attack from the repertoire of conspiracy theorists. Almost none of the anti-vaccinators had such acquaintances whose children or they themselves would get sick after vaccinations. All the arguments boiled down to "one of the friends wrote on the forum."

“My brother refused to vaccinate his daughter. As a result, a four-year-old girl has measles! And the doctors did not even immediately understand what it was. After all, the disease is considered to be obsolete for a long time, ”such voices of reason are drowned in a friendly choir of opponents of herd immunity.

Doctors remind: there is not a single study that would confirm the connection between vaccinations and the diseases that they allegedly provoke. But anti-vaxxers claim that it is vaccination that provokes autism, SMA, even cancer.

Can vaccinations be harmful to health? Never deny the obvious! For example, vaccine-associated poliomyelitis (VAP) is a complication of polio vaccinations. In the event that the first vaccination is given with an oral (live) polio vaccine, a child with primary immunodeficiency (and not everyone vaccinated!) may develop VAP. That is why in our country the first two vaccinations against polio for children are given with an inactivated (non-live) vaccine, reducing the risk of developing VAP to zero, says Natalia Tkachenko, vaccinologist-immunologist, candidate of medical sciences.

However, you should always pay attention to how the child feels when you take him for vaccination.

Modern vaccines do not cause complications that many parents are so afraid of. In order to avoid negative consequences, it is enough to observe one rule: before vaccination, the child must be absolutely healthy. And not two or three days before the procedure, but within two weeks preceding the trip to the hospital. Of particular importance is the vaccination of children suffering from chronic diseases. Such babies must be vaccinated, but according to an individual schedule that allows you to avoid complications, recalls Larisa Makarova, pediatrician, head of the rehabilitation treatment department of the Children's Infectious Diseases Hospital.

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