Harmonic vibrations. Cosmoenergetic frequencies

DENS-therapy on the mechanism of action is closest to acupuncture. The current does not penetrate (only 0.1-1 mm into the skin), therefore absolute contraindications only two: electrical intolerance (which is extremely rare) and a sewn-in pacemaker. Other contraindications are relative and are not an obstacle to the use of the DENS-therapy apparatus.

Work goes only with the skin, and the pulse of the apparatus adjusts to the change in resistance in the subelectrode zone. Therefore, addiction does not occur and sessions can be carried out as often as required by well-being.

Huge advantage of DENS-therapy that you can’t harm your health, but you can help. Therefore, any person can use as self-help for any diseases and conditions.

When is DENS applied?

1. ambulance. When there is practically no time to wait for the arrival of an ambulance or any other help.

2. Together with medicine. When the blood vessels are bad, and the blood does not carry the medicine to the diseased organ. Under the influence of the apparatus, the vessels expand reflexively, the doses of drugs are reduced, their absorption improves, and the treatment time is reduced. In the fight against the disease, your own immunity is actively included.

3. impossibility drug treatment . When the medicine is available, but the patient cannot take it different reasons. Allergies or, for example, all drugs for the joints cause a deterioration in the gastrointestinal tract, but they need to be treated.

4. Hopeless patient. Disabled people with diabetes (insulin does not heal - it's a crutch), benign formations, blind, deaf, poorly trained children, cerebral palsy, etc. With DENS-therapy sessions, the quality of life improves, general well-being, and sometimes there are amazing results of DENS treatment.

Most people who use DENAS devices completely refuse tablets or reduce their dosage.

There are two groups of devices: universal and specialized. Consider the frequencies used in DENS-therapy.


200 Hz- the task is to relieve pain quickly, save a person from traumatic shock. Situations: car accident, fall and severe bruising, sprain, burn, pulpitis and tooth extraction, etc.). Salvation for people who do not tolerate anesthesia. It does not last long: from 3 to 20 minutes. The second effect of this frequency is that neuropeptides are produced that kill viruses. Therefore, the treatment of any inflammation can be started from 200 Hz. Frequency has an antiherpetic effect:
-genital herpes

Herpes on the lips often disappears after 1.5-2.0 hours or per day, if treated around it with a 200 Hz point electrode (after each setting, dip in alcohol). The frequency is used in cosmetology for cellulite.

140 Hz- Good analgesic effect, less anti-inflammatory.
- good for ENT diseases in acute period
– regulates muscle tone (weak ones tense up, strong ones relax)
– pain syndrome of the musculoskeletal system, the effect lasts for several hours
– can be used on ear points
- pronounced antipruritic effect
- relieves swelling from sensitive nerve endings, radicular syndromes

77 Hz is the universal frequency. Corresponds to the electrical activity of impulse conduction along the muscle fiber. All tissues hear it. Powerful anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous action. The analgesic effect occurs in 10-15 minutes (sometimes longer) and lasts for several hours. If you don’t understand or don’t know the diagnosis, take 77 Hz. It normalizes vascular tone, improves blood circulation, reduces temperature, etc. With any complaint, if you forgot what frequencies are for what, take 77 Hz - you won’t be mistaken.

60 Hz– close to 77 Hz. Good for working with dense tissues, more often used in the subacute period.

20 Hz- used to restore the functions of any cells (brain, pancreas, prostate, etc.). When the body does not hurt, but does not work well. Used on segmental zone. Normalizes the conduction of nerve impulses in muscles (myotonia). Good for work:
- on the skull
- along the spine
- with eye disease
- with endocrine disorders (thyroid gland, diabetes, hormonal disorders etc.)
– with strokes (improves conductivity nervous tissue)
- on smooth muscle(walls of the intestines, bladder, blood vessels).

Anesthesia at this frequency occurs in 20-40 minutes and lasts up to 6-8 hours.

10 Hz- corresponds to the activity of brain cells. Frequency improves the metabolic processes of neurons and they more actively begin to produce serotonin and opioid peptides (substances that improve mood and increase stress resistance).

The analgesic effect at this frequency occurs after 30-40 minutes or more, lasts up to a day, so it is used in oncology and people do without drugs. The quality of life improves. The frequency works well for the prevention of diseases, the long-term result of DENS treatment and is used in scalp therapy, ear points, and facial therapy.

7710 Hz is a combination of two frequencies. She has a wonderful sedative (calming) effect. It is good to use in hypertensive patients, with stress, insomnia, i.e. where to take the pressure off nervous system. At this frequency, everything can be treated, both the knee and the back and high pressure. It was put into the apparatus "ZooDENS" for the treatment of animals.

77AM- this frequency contains an automatic change in power, i.e., the sympathetic department of the nervous system is activated and the person feels more cheerful. The tone of muscles and blood vessels increases. The frequency is good with a tendency to low blood pressure (hypotension), when you have to drink strong tea, coffee several times a day, with a decrease in attention at lectures, etc. The frequency has a good wound healing effect (poorly healing wounds), dry skin nutrition improves.

9.9 - 1.0 Hz- these are infra-low frequencies, or as they are also called - bioresonance. They enhance the effect of treatment and act more individually on organs or diseases. In the passport to the device there is a table with recommendations for these frequencies. They can be divided into three groups:
1.0 - 4.0 Hz - blood supply to the cell improves. Improves lymphatic drainage.
4.0 -7.0 - make the nerve cell conduct electricity better, the nutrition of the autonomic nervous system improves. Good for reducing sensitivity at the site of injury, with headaches (especially 5.5 Hz).
7.0 - 10.0 Hz - improves the delivery of ions in the fabric.

Summing up: if necessary, you can use different frequencies during the session (alternate). For example, good scheme for pain:
1) 5-10 minutes at 200Hz
2) 10-15 minutes at 77Hz
3) 10-15 minutes at 20 (10) Hz.
That is, at first they relieved severe pain, and then extended the analgesic effect with low frequencies to a day. Opening hours may vary. Runny nose was treated for 5 minutes at 200 Hz, and then 10 minutes at 77 Hz.

When you have to work with pain, the time of work is determined by the body itself, which means until it becomes easier, in special cases, an hour or two. The recommended session time is up to 40 minutes. In the acute period, sessions can be carried out several times a day.

Having apparatus DENAS At home, you will greatly protect yourself and your loved ones in case of health problems.

According to psychologists, sound information forms about one-fifth of our perception of the world around us. But is it really so? Even if we do not take into account that people are divided into visuals and auditory people by type of perception (and for the latter, sound is literally half the kingdom), then even then this statement can be considered conditionally true.

So what is sound? Sound is elastic waves propagating in the medium with frequencies from 16 to 20,000 Hertz, affecting the human hearing aid. Everything seems to be correct and complete enough. However, sounds also exist outside the boundaries of this range: below 16 Hertz are infrasounds, and above 20,000 are ultrasounds. Moreover, someone already “does not hear” both 20 Hertz and 15,000 Hertz, but this does not mean that these vibrations do not exist, and that they do not affect his hearing aid. These fluctuations exist, moreover, they affect not only our hearing aid, but the whole organism as a whole. And, here's the most interesting thing, these sounds beyond our "conscious" perception are very often able to affect our consciousness more than a bolt from the blue in the literal and figurative sense of this expression.

Before delving into the jungle of "otherworldly" sounds, it is worth trampling a little on the threshold of this world and clarify for yourself one moment that unites them all and characterizes them equally. Namely: the strength of sound, or otherwise sound pressure. What is it, and what is it eaten with? Sound pressure is a variable excess pressure that occurs in a medium during the passage of a sound wave (usually sound pressure is small compared to a constant pressure in the medium). The special unit of sound intensity and energy is the decibel (dB). Zero decibel corresponds to a sound pressure of 2 x 10-5 Pa, and is the threshold of hearing. The value of 2 x 102 Pa is the pain threshold. The range perceptible to the human ear includes the sound intensity from 0 to 140 dB. As you understand, 0 dB is complete silence, but 140 dB roughly corresponds to the roar of a jet engine in afterburner from a distance of 5 meters, although to evaluate this on your own eardrums only a masochist would voluntarily agree. Sound levels up to 60 dB are considered comfortable and safe. Sound with a strength of 60 to 90 dB can be considered potentially dangerous, since it Negative influence you will begin to feel only after prolonged and continuous exposure, but its effects are reversible. If you find yourself in the zone of sound with a strength of 100 to 130 dB, then you are guaranteed a trip to the otolaryngologist, but 140-150 dB can send you straight to the morgue.

Well, let's cross the threshold of audibility and begin our journey through the frequency scale of sounds.

“... On the seventh day they walked around the city seven times. Jesus Novin said to the people, "Shout out, for the Lord has given you the city." And the people cried out, and the trumpets blew, and the city wall collapsed to the ground ... "

Something like this in the Old Testament describes the capture of the city of Jericho by the Israelites - a fortress surrounded by impregnable walls. According to recent studies, infrasound, or rather, the resonance of the building itself under its influence, played an important role in the destruction of the fortress wall of the legendary city. Unfortunately, our organisms and psyche are even more vulnerable to these fluctuations. Infrasonic vibrations of even low intensity cause symptoms similar to concussion (nausea, tinnitus, visual disturbances). Fluctuations in average intensity can cause "non-food" diarrhea and brain dysfunction with the most unexpected consequences. Infrasound of high intensity, entailing resonance, leads to disruption of the work of almost all internal organs, death is possible due to cardiac arrest, or rupture of blood vessels.

Resonance frequencies of the human internal organs:

  • 20-30 Hz (head resonance);
  • 19 Hz and 40-100 Hz (eye resonance);
  • 0.5-13 Hz (resonance of the vestibular apparatus);
  • 4-6 Hz (heart resonance);
  • 2-3 Hz (stomach resonance);
  • 2-4 Hz (intestinal resonance);
  • 6-8 Hz (kidney resonance);
  • 2-5 Hz (hand resonance).

However, the Forbidden fruit, as you know, is sweet, and therefore the temptation to use it to achieve a certain effect is very great, and there are a great many examples of this. True, the result is always the same - expulsion from "paradise".

At the beginning of the 20th century, the director of one of the London theaters was concerned important point. A new play was about to be staged. One of the scenes took the audience to a distant, disturbing past. What technical means the best way to express this moment? The famous American physicist Robert Wood came to the aid of the director. He suggested that the director use very low, rumbling sounds: they will create in auditorium an atmosphere of expectation of something unusual, frightening. To get the "disturbing" sound, Wood designed a special pipe that was attached to the organ. And the very first rehearsal frightened everyone. The trumpet did not make audible sounds, but when the organist pressed the key, the inexplicable happened in the theater: window panes rattled, crystal pendants of candelabra rang. Moreover, everyone who was present at that moment on the stage and in the auditorium felt an unreasonable fear! People living near the theater later confirmed that they had experienced the same thing.

Despite such a "success", already in our century, Wood found successors, and in the same England. An employee of the National Physics Laboratory in England, Dr. Richard Lord, and professor of psychology Richard Wiseman from the University of Hertfordshire conducted a rather strange experiment on an audience of 750 people. With the help of a seven-meter pipe, they managed to add ultra-low frequencies to the sound of ordinary acoustic instruments at a classical music concert. After the concert, the audience was asked to describe their impressions. Subjects reported experiencing sudden mood swings, sadness, some goosebumps, some intense fear, and Wiseman stated: "Some scientists believe that subsonic frequencies may be present in places that , according to legend, haunted, and it is infrasound that causes strange impressions usually associated with ghosts - our study confirms these ideas.

More eloquent, so to speak, confirmation of ideas with "ghosts" was the experiment of engineer Vic Tandy from Coventry. He mystified colleagues with a ghost in his laboratory. Visions of gray flashes were accompanied by a feeling of awkwardness among Vic's guests. It turned out that this is the effect of an infrasonic emitter tuned to 18.9 hertz.

Scary, dangerous, deadly - this is how infrasound can be characterized, but a reasonable question immediately arises: “Does infrasound have a positive effect?” There is, but only in the "virtual".

If you listen to a recording of sacred music Tibetan monks or Gregorian chant, you can hear how the voices merge, forming one pulsating tone. This is one of the most interesting effects inherent in some musical instruments and a choir of people singing in approximately the same key - the formation of beats. When voices or instruments converge in unison, the beats slow down, and when they diverge, they speed up. Perhaps this effect would have remained in the sphere of interest only of musicians, if not for the researcher Robert Monroe. He realized that, despite being widely known in scientific world the effect of beats, no one has investigated their impact on the human condition when listening through stereo headphones. Monroe discovered an interesting point: when listening to sounds of a similar frequency on different channels (right and left), a person feels the so-called binaural beats, or binaural rhythms. For example, when one ear hears a pure tone with a frequency of 330 vibrations per second, and the other ear a pure tone with a frequency of 335 vibrations per second, the hemispheres of the brain begin to work together, and as a result, he "hears" beats with a frequency of 335 - 330 = 5 vibrations per second. second, but this is not a real external sound, but a "phantom". It is born in the human brain only with a combination of electromagnetic waves coming from two synchronously working hemispheres of the brain. The brain most easily follows stimuli in the frequency range of 8-25 Hz, but with training this interval can be extended to the entire range of the brain's natural frequencies.

Currently, it is customary to distinguish four main types of electrical oscillations in the human brain, each of which has its own frequency range and the state of consciousness in which it dominates.

Beta waves are the fastest. Their frequency varies according to classic version from 14 to 42Hz (and according to some modern sources - more than 100 Hertz). In the usual waking state, when we open eyes we observe the world around us or are focused on solving some current problems, these waves dominate in our brain mainly in the range from 14 to 40 Hertz. Beta waves are usually associated with wakefulness, awakening, focus, cognition, and, when they are in excess, with anxiety, fear, and panic. A lack of beta waves is associated with depression, poor selective attention, and memory problems.

Alpha waves occur when we close our eyes and begin to passively relax without thinking about anything. At the same time, bioelectrical oscillations in the brain slow down, and “bursts” of alpha waves appear, i.e. fluctuations in the range from 8 to 13 Hertz. If we continue to relax without focusing our thoughts, alpha waves will begin to dominate the entire brain, and we will fall into a state of pleasant tranquility, which is also called the “alpha state”. Studies have shown that brain stimulation in the alpha range is ideal for absorption new information, any material that should always be ready in your memory. On the electroencephalogram (EEG) of a healthy, not under the influence of stress person, there are always a lot of alpha waves. Lack of them can be a sign of stress, inability to adequate rest and effective learning, as well as evidence of brain disorders or illness. It's in alpha state. human brain produces more beta-endorphins and enkephalins - their own "drugs" responsible for joy, relaxation and pain reduction. Also, alpha waves are a kind of bridge between consciousness and the subconscious - they provide their connection.

Theta waves occur when a calm, peaceful wakefulness turns into sleepiness. The oscillations in the brain become slower and more rhythmic, ranging from 4 to 8 Hertz. This state is also called "twilight", because in it a person is between sleep and wakefulness. Often it is accompanied by a vision of unexpected, images, similar topics that are born in dreams. They are accompanied by vivid memories, especially childhood ones. The theta state allows access to the contents of the unconscious part of the mind, free associations, unexpected insights, creative ideas. On the other hand, the theta range (4-7 oscillations per second) is ideal for non-critical acceptance of external attitudes, since its rhythms reduce the action of the corresponding protective mental mechanisms and allow transforming information to penetrate deep into the subconscious. That is, in order for messages designed to change your behavior or attitude to others to penetrate the subconscious mind without being subjected to the critical evaluation inherent in the waking state, it is best to impose them on the rhythms of the theta range. This psychophysiological state (similar to hypnotic states in the pattern of distribution and combination of electrical potentials of the brain) in 1848 Frenchman Maury gave the name "hypnagogic" (from the Greek hipnos - sleep and agnogeus - conductor, leader). Using theta brain stimulation, in just three weeks, you can learn to achieve creative states anytime, anywhere you want.

Delta waves begin to dominate when we fall asleep. They are even slower than theta waves because they have a frequency of less than 4 oscillations per second. Most of us, when delta waves dominate the brain, are either in a sleepy state or in another unconscious state. However, there is growing evidence that some people can be in a delta state, while being perfectly aware of what is happening around them. It is generally associated with deep trance or "non-physical" states. It is noteworthy that it is in this state that our brain secretes largest quantities growth hormone, and in the body the processes of self-healing and self-healing are most intensive.

Recent studies have established that as soon as a person shows a real interest in something, the power of the bioelectrical activity of the brain in the delta range increases significantly (along with beta activity).

Modern methods of computer analysis of the electrical activity of the brain have made it possible to establish that in the waking state the brain contains frequencies of absolutely all ranges, and the more efficient the brain is, the greater the coherence (synchronism) of oscillations is observed in all ranges in the symmetrical zones of both hemispheres of the brain. The use of binaural beats is a very simple and at the same time powerful means of influencing the bioelectrical activity of the brain. There have been a lot of studies that have proven their effectiveness for a number of applications, in particular for accelerated learning. For example, in a study by Richard Kennerly, it was shown that a soundtrack with superimposed binaural beats in the beta range (faster than 14 vibrations per second) caused a significant improvement in memory in students.

Everything is more or less clear with infrasound, but what about ultrasound? Paradoxically, it was thanks to ultrasound that people with hearing impairments were able to cross the threshold of silence and fill their lives with sounds in the same way as most of us. The theory states that the brain uses a holographic coding system so that it is able to multifacetedly encode sensory signals through all the senses. Therefore, any stimulus, like sound, for example, can be transmitted through any other sense organ, so that the brain can recognize the incoming signal as sound, using a type of signal code specific to sound.

It seems that, unwittingly, Patrick Flanagan made a significant contribution to confirming this theory. While still a teenager, he invented a device that allows any person (even completely deaf, even remotely surgically middle ear and, moreover, even with a completely atrophied auditory nerve) to hear through the skin. Patrick called his device "Neurophone".

The first Neurophone saw the light when Patrick was only 14 years old, in 1958. The device was tested on a man who became deaf as a result of meningitis spinal cord. The experiment turned out to be successful, and the next day an article was published about the neurophone as a potential hearing aid for the deaf. Patrick's fame grew every year. In 1962, he starred in Gary Moore's television program Ive got a Secret Show. Before the eyes of the whole of America, young Patrick attached the Neurophone electrodes to ... the charming ass of fashion model Bess Meyerson. As a result, the model was able to hear a poem recorded on tape by another guest of the TV show, Andy Griffith. During playback, his voice sounded as if inside Meyerson's head, but she did not understand what had been done to her.

Patrick Flanagan discovered the second ear canal in 1958. He spends ultra sound waves through the bones biological fluids or through the skin to a newly discovered new organ of hearing. The instrument for the perception of ultrasonic vibrations is small organ in the brain, known as the labyrinth (organ of balance) - the most important part of the vestibular apparatus. This organ is about the size of a snowflake. The labyrinth is used by the body to perceive gravity. It is filled with fluid and has fine hairs that expand towards the base. When the position of the head changes, the movement of the fluid stimulates the hairs, telling us where we are leaning.

Skin has piezoelectric properties. If you apply vibration to it or rub it, it generates electrical signals and plane waves. When you use Neurophone, the skin vibrates at an amplitude modulated ultrasonic carrier frequency of 40 kHz and translates into sound electrical signals that go to the brain through numerous channels. Crystals, which have piezoelectric properties, contract and expand at a frequency equal to the frequency of the electric current flowing through their surface. Vibration from the crystals is mechanically transmitted to the skin at a carrier frequency of 40 kHz Neurophone. When Neurophone emitters are pressed against the skin, or when they are connected together, they vibrate in two modes. One is a normal sound, the second is an ultrasound that can only be heard by the skin or through bone conduction. When the "headphones" from Neurophone are brought into contact with the skin, the ultrasonic voice or music begins to be perceived by the labyrinth instead of the snail.

The choice in favor of ultrasound, apparently, is not accidental. Recent studies have established that, it turns out, we live in a world of ultrasonic vibrations. Even when a person is just walking on the grass, ultrasound is generated. Each tree is an ultrasound generator that it uses to pump water through capillaries from the roots to the top. And, finally, ultrasonic vibrations with a frequency of 28,000 Hertz were recorded from human palms. The key to understanding the work of Neurophone lies in the stimulation of the nerve endings of the skin with discrete coded signals, which, according to the holographic model of the brain, have such phase relationships that they are recognized by any nerve in the body as sounds.

The described effect is also observed at other frequencies of the electromagnetic spectrum. The reality is that in the entire range of electromagnetic radiation there are so-called "windows" - the resonant frequencies of certain physiological circuits human body. At frequencies from the "windows" or their harmonics, similar effects are observed. At the same time, the higher the carrier frequency, the more information can be “uploaded” into it. For example, few people know an anecdotal incident that occurred in the United States during top-secret tests of stealth aircraft ("Stealth"). When the housewives of a small town located not far from a secret air base were washing clothes in enameled basins (which, by the way, looked like a parabolic antenna in shape and in some qualities), they began to hear in their heads the conversations of the pilots with the air base. The thing is that the carrier frequency of radio stations, for reasons of secrecy, was chosen non-standard and turned out to be equal to one of the resonant frequencies of the body.

At the risk of sowing gloomy suspicions in the reader, I note that all psychotronic weapons are based on the use of the “windows” effect. But not everything is so smooth with ultrasound. It is known that DNA is a complex structure with holographic properties, interacting with electromagnetic and acoustic waves, as well as emitting them. When specially irradiated with a laser, DNA molecules emit a specific ordered discrete radiation that carries information about the structure of the DNA itself. But this effect completely stopped if the preparations were exposed to ultrasound (25 kHz, power 6.6 W/cm) for 10-15 s at a distance of 1-2 cm from the source of the acoustic field. After that, the radio sound became monotonous and practically did not differ from the background.

During operations on cancerous tumors Ultrasonic scalpels in 30-40% of cases "erasure" the perverted genetic information given by oncogenes, which leads to the interruption of metastases. This serves as the basis for the development of fundamentally new methodologies for "wave surgery" of oncological patients, and, more broadly, for "wave medicine".

But if harmful information is erased in this way, will the necessary information also be erased? Definitely difficult to say, and therefore it is worth adhering to the saying: "God protects the safe."

Material prepared by Mikhail Kitaev

High frequency currents are currently found wide application in industry, communications, broadcasting, transport, as well as in medicine (high-frequency therapy). There are currents of ultra-high frequency (UHF), ultra-high frequency (UHF) and high frequency (HF).

When working with high frequency currents, the body is exposed to radio frequency radiation.

At generators of high and ultrahigh frequencies, a person is exposed to electric and magnetic fields, which periodically replace each other. When working at microwave frequency generators, a person is exposed to the flow of wave energy.

Pathological changes in the body caused by high-frequency currents

When working with high frequency currents in adverse conditions may develop pathological changes in the body.

In these cases, employees complain about headache, dizziness, fatigue, memory loss, irritability, insomnia at night, daytime sleepiness, paresthesia, pain in the limbs, loss of appetite, thirst, pain in the epigastric region, discomfort in the region of the heart in some cases with irradiation in left hand, decreased performance. In women, there is a violation of the menstrual cycle, men sometimes suffer from impotence. Most often, however, there are complaints of weakness, headache, sleep disturbance (drowsiness during the day and insomnia at night), increased fatigue, pain in the heart.

More pronounced subjective disorders occur in persons with significant work experience. Among them, complaints of a cardiac nature are relatively more common.

The most characteristic clinical manifestation of long-term exposure to radiofrequency radiation on the body in adverse production conditions is a functional disorder of the central nervous system in the form of autonomic dystonia, often against an asthenic background. There is a violation of thermoregulation, sweating, persistent red dermographism, increased excitability of the vestibular apparatus, a slight tremor of outstretched arms. Some people have cyanosis distal departments extremities with a decrease in skin sensitivity according to the polyneuritic type. Sometimes there are trophic disorders: hair loss, brittle nails, weight loss.

Physiological studies carried out at work in persons dealing with high-frequency currents have established that they experience changes in higher nervous activity, expressed in an imbalance between the processes of excitation and inhibition.

Those working with high-frequency currents also experience changes in the internal organs. First of all, attention is drawn to the lability of cardio-vascular system, a tendency to bradycardia, arterial hypotension, especially in relation to systolic pressure.

At long-term exposure radio waves, especially high-frequency bands of considerable intensity, there are obvious changes in the heart. The electrocardiogram often shows sinus arrhythmia, prolongation of intraatrial and intraventricular conduction, a decrease in the voltage of the R and T waves in standard and chest leads). Thus, along with obvious extracardiac influences of the vagotonic type, certain changes in the cardiac muscle of the myocardial dystrophy type are usually noted.

Coronary disorders may also be observed.

In some cases, people exposed to radio waves are endocrine disorders, in particular hyperfunction of the thyroid gland in women.

The nature of blood changes in those working with high-frequency currents seems to be not entirely clear. In any case, we can assume that changes in the blood in the cases under consideration are nonspecific, mild and unstable. There is a tendency to erythrocytosis and reticulocytosis.

When working with microwave currents under conditions of significant radiation intensity, shifts are observed in the white blood (leukopenia, or leukocytosis, lymphopenia, eosinophilia, an increased content of neutrophils with pathological protoplasm granularity).

For those working with high-frequency currents, the instability of individual indicators of white blood is characteristic. The leukopenia is more often noted, also thrombopenia is observed.

Changes in the blood, observed in persons working with high-frequency currents, are more likely an expression of neuroregulatory disorders than disorders of the hematopoietic organs. There are indications that the corresponding persons have some changes of a biochemical nature: an increase in the ESR, the content of sugar and histamine in the blood, a decrease in the albumin-globulin coefficient due to an increase in globulin fractions.

Available clinical observations, when working with centimeter waves, changes in the lens may develop. There are isolated indications in the literature that women are more sensitive to the effects of radio waves.

Workers exposed to microwaves show changes in their state of health, which are characterized by an asthenic symptom complex, a number of vagotonic reactions, and disturbances in endocrine-humoral processes. There are changes in the excitability of the olfactory analyzer, minor and unstable deviations in the composition of peripheral blood, changes in the lens.

In case of accidental contact with high frequency current conductors (100 kilocycles or more), skin burns may occur. These burns are usually deep and painful, but at first they are less painful than fire burns. Sometimes such burns develop under the skin or under clothing that remains unchanged. In the region of the epiphyses of bones, for example, on the terminal phalanges of the fingers, burns are more pronounced than in areas with developed soft tissues.

The mechanism of action of radiofrequency radiation on the body

The mechanism of action of radiofrequency radiation on the body can not yet be considered definitively elucidated. Undoubtedly, they have a thermal effect due to the absorption of high-frequency energy by tissues and its transformation into heat.

Along with the thermal effect, radio waves obviously have a specific effect on the body, the essence of which has not yet been elucidated.

The nature of the changes that are noted in the body when exposed to electromagnetic fields of different frequency ranges is the same, but the severity of their action increases with an increase in the power of the electromagnetic field, the duration of exposure and the shortening of the wavelength.

Along with common features exposure to radio waves, some features characteristic of different wave bands are also noted. So, for example, in those working with millimeter waves, changes in the cardiovascular system are the most pronounced.

Experimental data show that under the influence of microwaves on the organism of animals, moderate degenerative and proliferative processes develop in the nervous system and internal organs, which increase with increasing irradiation intensity.

Experimental data also indicate changes in metabolism under the influence of microwave irradiation (carbohydrate metabolism).

In modern production conditions, there are technological processes in which those working with high-frequency current generators are exposed not only to electromagnetic fields of radio frequencies, but also to X-rays. In these cases, workers have more pronounced functional disorders of the central nervous system and more demonstrative changes in the blood (leukopenia, thrombopenia, anemia, qualitative changes in white and red blood).

The complex nature of the action of electromagnetic fields on the body makes it possible, under certain conditions, to successfully use them for therapeutic purposes. UHF currents have anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. The analgesic effect is especially pronounced with inflammatory processes. Also established vasodilating action UHF therapy. Greatest effect noted when using UHF in acute purulent processes (furuncles, etc.), osteomyelitis, infected wounds and frostbite. UHF therapy is indicated for angiospastic phenomena, bronchial asthma, obliterating endarteritis and Raynaud's disease.

Contraindications are malignant tumors, hypotension, active tuberculosis.

Therapeutic and preventive measures

Taking into account the nature of the clinical phenomena that develop with prolonged exposure to radio waves, a course of infusions of a glucose solution with vitamin B1 and ascorbic acid is carried out in combination with the intake of small doses of bromine and caffeine, glutamic acid is prescribed (1 g 3 times a day), hydrotherapy, in the future - general spa treatment.

An important therapeutic and preventive measure is a break in work, the duration of which depends on the patient's condition.

Changes that develop when exposed to radio waves are usually of an unstable functional nature and are most often eliminated after a temporary transfer to another job and appropriate treatment. However, the persistence of changes in the cardiovascular system, sometimes noted, is noteworthy, in some cases even prone to progression after the cessation of exposure. In such cases, as well as in the presence of other aggravating circumstances, especially if the necessary health measures have not been taken at work, returning to the previous job should be considered contraindicated. If the transfer to another job is associated with a significant decrease in qualifications, the patient should be referred to VTEK. to determine the disability group (professional). Persons with changes caused by exposure to radio waves need long-term observation. All applicants for work with high frequency currents are subject to preliminary medical examination, and working - periodic inspection once a year.

From laboratory research blood tests for hemoglobin, leukocytes and ROE are mandatory. According to indications, electrocardiography is performed.

Contraindications for employment with high currents are:

1) all blood diseases and severe secondary anemia (hemoglobin below 60%);

2) organic diseases of the nervous system;

3) pronounced endocrine-vegetative diseases;

4) epilepsy;

5) pronounced asthenic conditions;

6) pronounced neuroses;

7) cataract;

8) general chronic diseases.

Pronounced changes from the side of the cardiovascular system should also serve as a contraindication. The same changes are a contraindication to continue working with HDTV.

effective method protection of workers is the shielding of installations - generators of high-frequency currents, as well as some methods of individual prevention - goggles made of fine brass mesh or metal lattice. At high HDTV intensities, the use of a protective helmet made of brass mesh is recommended.

Each sound has a vibration, and depending on what frequency this vibration will be, it will carry different effects on the world. Everything is subject to vibrations: man, natural phenomena, the Cosmos and the Galaxy. The material of the article considers the influence of various sound frequencies on a person, his health, consciousness and psyche. And also very informative processes occurring in nature.

Infrasound (from lat. infra - below, under) - elastic waves similar to sound waves, but with frequencies below the region of human audible frequencies.

Infrasound is contained in the noise of the atmosphere, forests and the sea. The source of infrasonic vibrations are lightning discharges (thunder), as well as explosions and gun shots. In the earth's crust, tremors and vibrations of infrasonic frequencies are observed from a wide variety of sources, including explosions from landslides and transport pathogens. Infrasound is characterized by low absorption in various environments as a result, infrasonic waves in air, water and in the earth's crust can propagate over very long distances. This phenomenon finds practical application in determining the location of strong explosions or the position of a firing gun. Propagation of infrasound on long distances at sea makes it possible to predict natural disaster- tsunami. The sounds of explosions, containing a large number of infrasonic frequencies, are used to study upper layers atmosphere, properties of the aquatic environment.

Infrasound - vibrations with a frequency below 20 Hz.

The vast majority of modern people do not hear acoustic vibrations with a frequency below 40 Hz. Infrasound can instill in a person such feelings as melancholy, panic fear, a feeling of cold, anxiety, trembling in the spine. People exposed to infrasound experience approximately the same sensations as when visiting places where ghosts have been encountered. Getting into resonance with human biorhythms, infrasound of particularly high intensity can cause instant death.

The maximum levels of low-frequency acoustic oscillations from industrial and transport sources reach 100–110 dB. At a level of 110 to 150 dB or more, it can cause unpleasant subjective sensations in people and numerous reactive changes, which include changes in the central nervous, cardiovascular and respiratory systems, the vestibular analyzer. Permissible levels sound pressure are 105 dB in the octave bands 2, 4, 8, 16 Hz and 102 dB in the octave band 31.5 Hz.

Low-frequency sound vibrations can cause a rapidly emerging and also rapidly disappearing thick ("like milk") fog over the ocean. Some explain the phenomenon of the Bermuda Triangle precisely by infrasound, which is generated by large waves - people start to panic, become unbalanced (they can kill each other).

The influence of sound frequencies on the human body and consciousness

Infrasound can "shift" the tuning frequencies of internal organs. Many cathedrals and churches have organ pipes so long that they produce a sound with a frequency of less than 20 Hz.

Resonance frequencies of the human internal organs:

Infrasound acts due to resonance: the oscillation frequencies for many processes in the body lie in the infrasonic range:

  • contractions of the heart 1-2 Hz;
  • brain delta rhythm (sleep state) 0.5-3.5 Hz;
  • alpha rhythm of the brain (resting state) 8-13 Hz;
  • brain beta rhythm (mental work) 14-35 Hz.

When the frequencies of the internal organs and infrasound coincide, the corresponding organs begin to vibrate, which can be accompanied by severe pain.

Bioefficiency for humans of frequencies 0.05 - 0.06, 0.1 - 0.3, 80 and 300 Hz is explained by the resonance of the circulatory system. Here are some statistics. In the experiments of French acousticians and physiologists, 42 young people were exposed to infrasound with a frequency of 7.5 Hz and a level of 130 dB for 50 minutes. All subjects had a noticeable increase in the lower limit of blood pressure. Under the influence of infrasound, changes in the rhythm of heart contractions and respiration, weakening of the functions of vision and hearing, increased fatigue and other disorders were recorded.

And frequencies 0.02 - 0.2, 1 - 1.6, 20 Hz - heart resonance. The lungs and heart, like any three-dimensional resonating systems, are also prone to intense vibrations when the frequencies of their resonances coincide with the frequency of infrasound. The smallest resistance to infrasound is provided by the walls of the lungs, which in the end can cause damage to them.

The sets of biologically active frequencies do not match in different animals. For example, the resonant frequencies of the heart for a human give 20 Hz, for a horse - 10 Hz, and for a rabbit and rats - 45 Hz.

Significant psychotropic effects are most pronounced at a frequency of 7 Hz, consonant with the alpha rhythm of the natural oscillations of the brain, and any mental work in this case becomes impossible, since it seems that the head is about to break into small pieces. Infra frequencies of about 12 Hz at a strength of 85–110 dB induce seasickness and dizziness, and oscillations with a frequency of 15–18 Hz at the same intensity inspire feelings of anxiety, uncertainty and, finally, panic fear.

In the early 1950s, the French researcher Gavreau, who studied the effect of infrasound on the human body, found that with fluctuations of the order of 6 Hz, volunteers participating in the experiments experience a feeling of fatigue, then anxiety, turning into unaccountable horror. According to Gavro, paralysis of the heart and nervous system is possible at 7 Hz.

Professor Gavro's close acquaintance with infrasounds began, one might say, by accident. For some time now it has become impossible to work in one of the rooms of his laboratory. Without having been here for even two hours, people felt completely ill: dizzy, leaning severe fatigue mental abilities were impaired. More than one day passed before Professor Gavreau and his colleagues figured out where to look for an unknown enemy. Infrasounds and the human condition ... What are the relationships, patterns and consequences? As it turned out, high-power infrasonic vibrations were created by the ventilation system of the plant, which was built near the laboratory. The frequency of these waves was about 7 hertz (that is, 7 oscillations per second), and this was a danger to humans.

Infrasound acts not only on the ears, but also on the whole body. The internal organs begin to fluctuate - the stomach, heart, lungs, and so on. In this case, their damage is inevitable. Infrasound is not even very great strength can disrupt the functioning of our brain, cause fainting and lead to temporary blindness. And powerful sounds of more than 7 hertz stop the heart or break blood vessels.

Biologists who have studied for themselves how infrasound of great intensity acts on the psyche have found that sometimes a feeling of unreasonable fear is born in this case. Other frequencies of infrasonic vibrations cause a state of fatigue, a feeling of melancholy or seasickness with dizziness and vomiting.

According to Professor Gavro, the biological effect of infrasound is manifested when the frequency of the wave coincides with the so-called alpha rhythm of the brain. The work of this researcher and his collaborators has already revealed many features of infrasounds. I must say that all studies with such sounds are far from safe. Professor Gavro recalls how they had to stop experiments with one of the generators. The participants of the experiment became so ill that even after a few hours the usual low sound was perceived by them painfully. There was also such a case when everyone who was in the laboratory trembled with objects in their pockets: pens, notebooks, keys. Thus, infrasound with a frequency of 16 hertz showed its strength.

With sufficient intensity, sound perception also occurs at frequencies of a few hertz. At present, its emission region extends down to about 0.001 Hz. Thus, the range of infrasonic frequencies covers about 15 octaves. If the rhythm is a multiple of one and a half beats per second and is accompanied by a powerful pressure of infrasonic frequencies, then it can cause ecstasy in a person. With a rhythm equal to two beats per second, and at the same frequencies, the listener falls into a dance trance, which is similar to a drug one.

Studies have shown that the frequency of 19 hertz is resonant for the eyeballs, and it is this frequency that can not only cause visual impairment, but also visions, phantoms.

Many are familiar with the discomfort after a long ride on a bus, train, sailing on a ship or swinging on a swing. They say: "I got sick." All these sensations are associated with the action of infrasound on vestibular apparatus, whose natural frequency is close to 6 Hz. When a person is exposed to infrasound with frequencies close to 6 Hz, the pictures created by the left and right eyes may differ from each other, the horizon will begin to “break”, there will be problems with orientation in space, inexplicable anxiety and fear will come. Similar sensations are also caused by light pulsations at frequencies of 4–8 Hz.

"Some scientists believe that infrasonic frequencies may be present in places that are said to be haunted, and it is infrasound that causes the strange impressions commonly associated with ghosts - our study confirms these ideas," Wiseman said.

Vic Tandy, a computer scientist at Coventry University, dismissed all ghost legends as nonsense, not noteworthy. That evening he was working in his laboratory, as always, when suddenly he broke out in a cold sweat. He clearly felt that someone was looking at him, and this look carries with it something sinister. Then this ominous materialized into something shapeless, ash-gray, darted across the room and came close to the scientist. In the blurry outlines, arms and legs were guessed, and in the place of the head a fog swirled, in the center of which there was a dark spot. Like a mouth. A moment later, the vision vanished into thin air without a trace. To Vic Tandy's credit, it must be said that having survived the first fear and shock, he began to act like a scientist - to look for the cause of an incomprehensible phenomenon. The easiest way was to attribute it to hallucinations. But where did they come from - Tandy did not take drugs, did not abuse alcohol. Yes, I drink coffee in moderation. As for otherworldly forces, the scientist categorically did not believe in them. No, we must look for the usual physical factors. And Tandy found them, albeit purely by accident. Hobby - fencing helped. Some time after the meeting with the "ghost" the scientist took a sword to the laboratory to put it in order for the upcoming competition. And suddenly the blade, clamped in a vise, began to vibrate more and more strongly, as if an invisible hand had touched it. The inhabitant would have thought of the invisible hand. And this prompted the scientist to think about resonant vibrations, similar to those that cause sound waves. So, the dishes in the closet begin to ring when the music rumbles in the room at full power. However, the strange thing was that there was silence in the laboratory. However, is it quiet? Having asked himself this question, Tandy immediately answered it: he measured the sound background with special equipment. And it turned out that there is unimaginable noise here, but sound waves have a very low frequency, which human ear unable to catch. It was infrasound. And after a short search, the source of it was found: a new fan recently installed in the air conditioner. As soon as it was turned off, the "spirit" disappeared and the blade stopped vibrating. Is infrasound related to my night ghost? - such an idea came to the head of a scientist. Measurements of the frequency of infrasound in the laboratory showed 18.98 hertz, and this almost exactly corresponds to the one at which the human eyeball begins to resonate. So it looks like the sound waves caused the eyeballs Vic Tandy and caused an optical illusion - he saw a figure that was not really there.

Infrasound can affect not only vision, but also the psyche, and also move the hairs on the skin, creating a feeling of cold.

British scientists in again demonstrated that infrasound can have a very strange, and usually negative, effect on the psyche of people. People exposed to infrasound experience approximately the same sensations as when visiting places where ghosts have been encountered. An employee of the National Physical Laboratory in England, Dr. Richard Lord, and professor of psychology Richard Wiseman from the University of Hertfordshire (University of Hertfordshire) conducted a rather strange experiment on an audience of 750 people. With the help of a seven-meter pipe, they managed to add ultra-low frequencies to the sound of ordinary acoustic instruments at a classical music concert. After the concert, the audience was asked to describe their impressions. "Experimental" reported that they felt a sudden decline in mood, sadness, some goosebumps ran down the skin, someone had a heavy feeling of fear. Self-hypnosis could only partly explain this. Of the four works played at the concert, infrasound was present only in two, while the listeners were not told which ones.

Infrasound in the atmosphere

Infrasound in the atmosphere can either be the result of seismic vibrations or actively influence them. The nature of the exchange of vibrational energy between the lithosphere and the atmosphere can manifest itself in the preparation of large earthquakes.

Infrasonic vibrations are "sensitive" to changes seismic activity within a radius of up to 2000 km.

An important direction in the study of the relationship between IRCA and processes in the geospheres is the artificial acoustic perturbation of the lower atmosphere, and the subsequent observation of changes in various geophysical fields. Large ground explosions were used to model the acoustic disturbance. In this way, studies of the effect of ground-based acoustic disturbances on the ionosphere were carried out. Convincing facts have been obtained confirming the effect of ground explosions on the ionospheric plasma.

A short acoustic impact of high intensity changes the nature of infrasonic oscillations in the atmosphere for a long time. Reaching ionospheric heights, infrasonic oscillations affect ionospheric electric currents and lead to changes in the geomagnetic field.

Analysis of infrasound spectra for the period 1997-2000. showed the presence of frequencies with periods characteristic of solar activity 27 days, 24 hours, 12 hours. The energy of infrasound increases with the fall of solar activity.

5–10 days before major earthquakes, the spectrum of infrasonic oscillations in the atmosphere changes significantly. It is also possible that infrasound influences solar activity on the Earth's biosphere.

Our brain is a very powerful weapon, too powerful to be left unattended.

The brain is a complex resonant-dynamic system that can change frequency responses under the influence of various external factors. Brain structures have a natural electrical polarization.

“All processes and phenomena occurring on our planet have their own hidden rhythm.
The frequency of the alpha rhythm (about 8 hertz) of the brain coincides with the frequency of the Schumann waves - natural rhythm fluctuations in the earth's atmosphere. When your brain tunes in to the frequency of the pulsation of the Earth's atmosphere, creative ideas come to you, inspired thoughts, intuition sharpens, which allows you to find new unexpected solutions to problems.

It means: TO LIVE IN CONNECTION with nature (essence: with the planet).

The time of sleep, rest - the time of restoration of the functions of our body. By the way, few, I think, understand: you need to go to bed with your head oriented to the north. We, in our likeness, are 70% water, just like the planet. A drop of water is a dipole, the whole ocean is a dipole. This is due to the magnetosphere of the planet, orientation along the poles. Our water during the rest should be in harmony, in tune with the water on the planet, there is an attunement. I think that excessive weather sensitivity, negative dependence on magnetic storms- the cause of the wrong position of the body during sleep.

The frequency of the alpha rhythm dominates mainly in children under 13 years of age.
I would like to add something that has long been known: the Bible says: "BE LIKE CHILDREN!". Children are sincere, approach everything creatively, honestly, their brains are not blinded by dead dogmas, as in adults. Their brains are more often in a state of alpha waves.
"Children inherit the universe!". A person must realize himself as an integral part of the universe, responsible for life on his planet, a friendly and sane being, honest and restrained. Then we will become co-heirs of the universe, extraordinary opportunities will open for us, the "doors of the universe" will open. As we are now - there is no place. We violate the harmony not only in our own, specific life, but also the harmony of life on the planet, in society.

Note that the frequency of alpha waves is approximately 8 hertz. Perhaps prayers were invented to resonate with these waves - self-tuning of the brain to this frequency, because the prayers of all religious denominations sound approximately at this frequency, like, in fact, the conspiracies of grandmothers-witnesses. From here follows the real benefit to the human body, its psychophysical state. But it is possible to act without hoaxes, creating devices that operate at a given frequency to harmonize the brain and body systems as a whole.

There is also a figurative comparison: the heart of our planet, like ours, pulsates at a frequency of 8 hertz. This is a figurative similarity to "god", as well as the fact that we are almost 70% water, like the planet.

ALPHA, BETA, THETA, DELTA - figurative four elders before the throne of God (the brain as a minicomputer in our body, but interconnected with the megacomputer of the universe (energy information network), the means of communication is our thoughts and energy of aspiration).
Self-knowledge is a topic worthy of our attention.


An encephalogram of the brain can tell a lot of interesting things.

ALPHA state (from 8 to 14 Hz). When the brain works in this range, a connection is established between the conscious and the subconscious, this state occurs when you dream or calmly think about something at the junction of sleep and reality. Alpha - the rhythm heals the soul and body, in the alpha state we get hints from the subconscious, you remember what you dreamed about, as well as images and thoughts that arise; during meditation. If you wake up and don't remember what you dreamed about, then your alpha level is low and you are under stress.

BETA (from 14 to 30 Hz). Classic wake rhythm. The beta state accompanies strenuous intellectual work or physical activity.

GAMMA (over 30 Hz). The appearance of gamma waves indicates stress.

THETA (from 5 to 7 Hz). Theta is a state sent from the depths of the subconscious, theta is read on the EEG of a meditating and sleeping person. The predominance of theta waves awaken memory and emotions. Theta state directly promotes development creativity in a person.

DELTA (0.5 to 4 Hz). Delta state occurs in sleep, trance or under hypnosis. Such waves are associated with the voice of intuition. The higher the amplitude of the delta waves, the more developed the intuition of a person.

Do you know that by nature you are talented, have remarkable creative abilities and great intellect, with which you can achieve goals that now seem unattainable to you, always make the right decisions, act with maximum efficiency in any situation?

The human brain has tremendous power that most people do not use. The fact is that these abilities are not obvious. They are, one might say, dormant. And they won't wake up by themselves - in order to wake them up, we need our active and conscious intervention.

Yes, not only the brain controls our life activity - but we ourselves can control our brain! Who comprehended this science - he received the key to success in creativity, professional activity, relationships with people, to improve health, the ability to control oneself and solve almost all of one's problems. When a person does not use the capabilities of his brain, he lives by stereotypes, satisfying only his natural needs of the body. But, basically it is an animal way of life. When I think, I live! I not only think, but also comprehend everything around, I learn!

In fact, controlling the activity of your brain is the key to a completely new quality of life, this is a giant leap in our development, opening up incredible prospects. New opportunities, new abilities, new achievements - all this is waiting for you ahead, and believe me, nothing is impossible, you just have to really want to.

Managing your own brain is a completely natural process, planned for a person by nature itself. But the development of civilization followed a path that did not provide for any conscious control of oneself and the processes of one's own nervous activity. Therefore, for most people, the brain works as it should. Namely, the use of the brain is limited to the activity of only the left hemisphere, which is responsible for logic, analysis and is alien to creativity, imagination, creative mental activity.

There are people whose brains can spontaneously switch to a different mode of operation when it comes into play. right hemisphere, responsible for creativity, imagination, creation and intuition. Such people usually make artists, actors, musicians and representatives of other creative professions.

But in science, and in technology, and in other activities, serious achievements are simply impossible without the involvement of the right hemisphere! The left hemisphere makes us in best case good performers. And only the right hemisphere makes it possible to be an active creator of your life. But for this it is not at all necessary to have artistic talents. Everyone is capable of awakening the right hemisphere. And as a result - to develop in yourself any talents you want.

The human brain is naturally electromagnetically active. The electromagnetic waves it radiates, or waves brain activity, like any waves, have such important characteristic like rhythm. It is this rhythm that determines what state we are in.

All processes and phenomena occurring on our planet have their own hidden rhythm.

The rhythm of light is manifested in its wave structure.

The same can be said about the sound.

Each color of the spectrum also has its own rhythm.

Even your heart beats in a certain rhythm. By the way, in the range of 8 hertz. "God in your heart" is that the sound of his voice?

In the last few decades, scientists have found that brain activity generates measurable waves. These waves are closely related to whether you are asleep or awake, whether you are in a relaxed or, conversely, tense state. These waves also depend on whether you are healthy or sick. All desires, anxieties, stresses and worries that you experience are reflected in the rhythms of the brain. In short, brain rhythms are a product of the state you are in. Wouldn't it be great if these rhythms could be controlled?

Any wave by its nature has a certain frequency of oscillation. Fluctuations are an essential attribute of a wave. Depending on the frequency of oscillations of the waves of brain activity, four main categories of these rhythms, characteristic of the human brain, have been identified.

Modern science identifies four main brain rhythms:
- alpha rhythm that occurs in the state of wakefulness during rest;
- beta rhythm recorded in the state of wakefulness;
- delta rhythm characteristic of the stage of deep dreamless sleep
. - theta rhythm, born during shallow sleep or deep meditation;
and a fifth, not quite recognized:
- gamma-rhythm reflects the peak activity of consciousness.

These open modern science four main rhythms corresponding to the four main states of human consciousness were described in the Upanishads, where they were called: daytime wakefulness or, in today's language, the beta state, dream sleep (alpha state), dreamless sleep (delta state) and deep meditation leading to a state of liberation (theta state).

There are five different frequencies our brains can operate at: beta waves, alpha waves, theta waves, delta waves, and gamma waves.
The frequency characteristics of our brain are constantly changing, as it constantly emits waves in all frequency ranges.
Everything you do and say is controlled by the wave frequency of your brain activity, which in any given situation will prevail over the rest of its frequencies.

Brain waves and healing

Scientists have discovered that certain brain wave frequencies (especially in the alpha, theta and gamma ranges) are responsible for the following processes in our minds:
reducing stress and reducing anxiety levels;
deep physical relaxation and mental clarity;
strengthening verbal abilities and increasing the intellectual coefficient of a person associated with speech skills;
synchronization of the activity of the two hemispheres of our brain;
the awakening of a bright spontaneous imagery, the creative abilities of our thinking and imagination;
pain relief, a sense of euphoria and the release of endorphins.

Noticed one oddity. When a person is carried away by some idea, deed, the world seems to cease to exist for him. The solution of some problem (mystery) captivates so much that at such moments a person forgets about everything, even about the pain that haunts him, for example. Forgets about food, as if saturated with some kind of energy other than that which comes through food. And all this is connected with our consciousness! With the frequency rhythms on which our brain works. Connection to the universal informative system, apparently, gives a burst of space energy. While I think - I live!

A similar state of detachment from the world also occurs when a person is in love. The scientist Krombach deduced the formula for the most amazing human condition - С8Н11N. This enzyme, made up of carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen, is produced in the brain and, according to the researcher, is directly related to the feeling of love we experience.

Now the orientation in religion to the feeling of love for "God" is understandable. But a person is arranged in such a way that he needs a specific image that he finds in the interaction of a man-woman. So love is realized through the strongest emotions that saturate a person with amazing energy. Which is much more expedient than love for a hypothetical "god".

It is also necessary to study the influence of planes on the psychophysical state of a person. Are we building our houses right? In all churches, for example, top part structures - hemisphere or cone. In addition to the impact of frequency vibrations (through prayers sounding in the 8 hertz range, which corresponds to the Schumann frequency, the rhythm of the planet itself), it is quite possible that the reflection from the cone sphere enhances the effect on the frequency characteristics of the human brain and his body.

I am surprised that people are still arguing about God, looking for him. And they do not understand that for us God is our planet. "Be like children" - the brain of children "works" at a frequency of 8 hertz. (Children who truly love their loved ones, without conditions, unconditional love, as a real mother loves her newborn child), children are pure, honest and sincere for the most part). The human heart vibrates at a frequency of 8 hertz. ("God is in your heart"). "God is love" - ​​The frequency rhythm of the Earth's atmosphere - 8 hertz. What other evidence of the existence of this true God - our planet, do you need?

And now let's look at the problem a little more broadly. I came across interesting research on the Internet, I am making additions.

Time, movement, frequency

SCF is the planet's own cosmic frequency.
The question of the planet's SCF is closely related to human consciousness about time and space.
A person judges time unambiguously. He believes that time is universal, irreversible and non-repeatable. This definition limits human thought and makes it impossible to get a more expanded idea of ​​time. In general, this definition turns out to be the only special case that is true only for the surface and sphere of influence of the Earth.

We estimate the rotation of the planet through a period, through time, and the main parameter for us is the frequency of rotation of the planet (365.25 ... rev / year). But, since for space this frequency of the planet is estimated primarily through electromagnetic radiation, then the natural cosmic frequency (CCF) of the Earth will be determined through other parameters - the speed of light in terrestrial space and the length of the planet's ellipse in the orbital plane. Then the RMS of the Earth will be equal to ~ 7.5 Hz (in other sources - 7.84), (Schumann frequency) - an indicator of the number of revolutions passed sunlight around the planet in 1 second of time.

Since there can be no mutual influence of planets in space, the Earth's SCF must be unique. In a different way: in space there is no universal time, on each planet time moves in its own way, for each planet there is its own SCF.
From the cosmic standpoint, the fixed energy of the SCF rotation of the planet, as a whole, generates the entire range of its harmonic derivatives: wave frequencies in an increasing sequence of numerical series, up to the frequency of rotation of electrons around the atomic nucleus.

The innumerable qualities of time that exist in nature are not yet subject to man. At present, the Earth has mastered only a particular case of moving within the limit of its fixed NFR in the range: from the high speed of rotation of propellers and wheels to reactive overcoming of the planet's gravity.
Therefore, in order to move from movements in the space of one’s sphere of influence of the SCF to movement in the spaces of different SCFs and their spheres of influence, a carrier force is needed that creates a potential difference of the SCF…

It is with the help of this difference in the SCF, in which the gravity of their SCF is reduced to zero, that extraterrestrial vehicles cover the grandeur of the cosmos - by changing the SCF, but not overcoming the distance. They tune in to the SCF of the desired planet in much the same way as a person tunes in to the desired frequency in the radio range and, having tuned into resonance, fall out in its sphere of action. By the principle of similarity.

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