Rehabilitation facilities for the disabled. TSR for the disabled. List of technical means of rehabilitation, terms of use

here I found it. only couples in the FSS have a different opinion. you need to go to them with this paper or something. WHO HAS WHAT EXPERIENCE??

An approximate list of technical means of rehabilitation proposed for the provision of disabled people in the city of Moscow at the expense of the city budget in addition to the Federal list of rehabilitation measures, technical means of rehabilitation and services provided to a disabled person, approved by order of the Government of the Russian Federation

dated December 30, 2005 No. 2347-r
1. Class 04 Means of rehabilitation
Code 04 33 09
It is a mattress with a compressor. Designed to prevent the formation of bedsores in bedridden patients.

1.2 Trainers-
04 48 27
04 48 08 Designed to train the function
vertical posture. Used to carry out
rehabilitation classes and motor activation of patients with injuries
spine, incl. with severe paraparesis and
hetraparesis, cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis,
muscular dystrophy, with spinal hernia, after strokes. Regular exercises on verticalizers contribute to the improvement
work of the cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive systems. Simultaneous load on the muscles of the upper and lower extremities in the process of verticalization develops and strengthens their functions, contributes to the prevention of contractures. Mobile versions of verticalizer simulators make it possible to move. With a four-level system of verticalization (positions
sitting, standing, intermediate, with the ability to change the angle of inclination back by 10 degrees in a vertical position, with the option of stopping at any point between the sitting position and full verticalization; with seat, with options for learning to walk).
2. Class 09 Self-service and personal protective equipment
2.1. Chair for bath and shower. Bath board. Bath seat
Code 09 33 03 Products made of high quality, durable plastic, designed to create comfort for the patient when using the bath. The length of the bathtub board is adjustable according to the width of the bathtub.
2.2. Toilet nozzle
09 12 15
09 12 18 Comfortable use of a standard toilet by adjusting the height of the seat.
3. Class 12 (subclass-lifting devices)
3.1. Bath lift
Code 12 36 06 Designed for bathing. Adjustment of the lift (smooth lowering and lifting) is carried out using a manual control panel. Easily transported. There are models with electric drive and gas spring action.
3.2. Lift to move Codes
12 36 03
12 36 12
12 36 15 Two types of models, one is mobile (on small wheels) is designed to move the patient around the room (for example, from bed to bath), as well as to transfer from bed to wheelchair and back; the other is stationary (for example, one part is by the bed, the other is in the bathroom), used for transplanting. The patient is placed on a lift in the suspension system. Moving on the lift of the mobile model is provided by spreading legs, the length of which is almost 1 m. In this regard, the use of the lift to move to the bathroom is possible only with a wide doorway.
4. Class 18 Household supplies and appliances
4.1. Multifunctional medical bed (2-4 section)
Code 18 12 10 Designed for a long stay of the patient with the ability to adjust the head, back, leg sections. All models are equipped with easily reclining side rails, removable backrests and wheels with brakes. It is completed with a mattress and special adaptations for carrying out rehabilitation occupations.
4.2. Bedside table on wheels
Code 18 03 15 Designed to provide comfort for bedridden patients when eating, writing, reading, etc. The height and angle of the tabletop is adjustable.
4.3. bath step
Code 18 09 27 Provides additional support when using the bath.
4.4. Transfer board Code 18 09 31 Used to transfer from bed to wheelchair, from wheelchair to bath and back.

Developed by the Department of Social Protection for ITU staff
November 2008

Details Published: 09/09/2015 19:30 Views: 2781


An example that clearly characterizes the quality of the TMR provided to people with disabilities is the appeal of the mother of a child with a disability, P., received by the Invatur organization at the end of 2014. Here is a quote from her letter:“In October we ordered one pair of winter boots. A month and a half later, they called me and said that the shoes were ready. We took the shoes, but my daughter can't walk in them.

I want to complain about the quality of the shoes made for my daughter. The main disadvantage is a flat sole, without protectors. In my opinion, this is an unacceptable characteristic for winter shoes. My daughter, who walks only with my support, could not move at all in boots manufactured by the Prosthetic and Orthopedic Enterprise, the sole simply glided through the snow, the child’s legs were moving in different directions - and this is in the snow, but in our area there is actually ice often happens. The fur in the boots is artificial. Probably, the boots were made from what was left at the enterprise, we were not given a choice of color, they sewed gray boots with pink inserts. The pink color of the skin has already been wiped off, although the girl has worn shoes only once.

After receiving this appeal, Invatur's lawyers prepared an appeal to the Nizhny Novgorod regional branch of the FSS of the Russian Federation with a request to assess the compliance of the provided orthopedic shoes with the requirements. In the response of the regional branch of the FSS, it was indicated that when concluding the State contract for the provision of complex orthopedic shoes for the disabled, the manufacturer provided copies of registration certificates and certificates of conformity confirming the quality of its products. At the same time, in case of violation of rights as a result of the provision of TMR of inadequate quality, their protection is carried out in the manner established by the legislation on the protection of consumer rights. This is indicated in particular in paragraph 8 of the Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of June 28, 2012 N 17 "On the consideration by the courts of civil cases on disputes on the protection of consumer rights" ,

The rights and legitimate interests of citizens who are entitled to state social assistance and use goods or services in the course of its implementation are subject to protection in the manner prescribed by consumer protection legislation. Claims may be made against the manufacturer (seller) of these goods, the service provider. A claim with the above response was sent to the manufacturer, after which the shortcomings were eliminated as soon as possible by manufacturing a new pair of complex orthopedic shoes.

The procedure for obtaining quality TSRs often requires the person with a disability to know the characteristics of the TSRs as well as legal awareness.

During 2014 Invatur's lawyers have repeatedly provided legal advice on obtaining expensive wheelchairs for children with cerebral palsy, hearing aids and other TSRs based on monitoring and analysis of information on purchases made by the regional branch of the FSS of the Russian Federation. In many cases, this has made it relatively painless for citizens to obtain these TMRs.

Yes, in July 2014. The mother of a child with a disability E applied to the Invatur organization due to severe disability. Caused by cerebral palsy, her 11-year-old son could not use wheelchairs, massively provided by organizations selected by the social insurance fund on a competitive basis. After analyzing the question and information received. Contained on the website of the Nizhny Novgorod RO FSS of the Russian Federation, the BMSE authorities raised the question of adjusting the child's IPR. As a result, characteristics were introduced into the rehabilitation program that allowed the FSS specialists to form a technical task and purchase a wheelchair. Needed by her son. In total, the process of adjusting the IPR and obtaining the TSR took about 4 months. In order to obtain technical means of rehabilitation that would satisfy the individual needs of a person with a disability and to the maximum extent compensate for his disability, it is first of all necessary to achieve the introduction of appropriate recommendations into the individual program for the rehabilitation of a disabled person (child with a disability). To do this, before compiling the IPR, it is necessary to obtain recommendations from specialists that a person with a disability needs, for example, a hearing aid or a wheelchair with specific characteristics. You need to ask the attending physician who draws up the referral for a medical and social examination to include the specified information in this document. Usually. The TSR brand is not indicated in the IPR, however, there are no legal obstacles to including its specific characteristics in the IPR. Moreover, as practice shows, in many cases it is simply necessary, but often problematic!

If the ITU bureau specialists refuse to do this, we recommend that you do not sign an individual rehabilitation program. Within a month from the date of the decision, you can contact the ITU Main Bureau for your region, and in case of disagreement with the decision of the Main Bureau, the ITU Federal Bureau.

According to paragraph 5 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 04/07/2008N240, The territorial body of the FSS, within 15 days, from the moment of receipt of the application, considers it and notifies the disabled person in writing about registration for security TCP. At the same time with notice of registration expelled direction for receipt (manufacture) of the specified means in the organization selected by the authorized body.

The specified period is often violated, i.e. a citizen is sent or issued a notice of registration, and he has to wait a long time after that for receiving a TSR. According to the answers of specialists from the FSS bodies, the delays are related to the insufficiency and untimeliness of funding from the federal budget. In case of delay in the provision of TSR, a citizen has the right to apply to the prosecutor's office or to the court.

In some cases, in order to expedite the issue of obtaining high-quality TRMs that meet the individual needs of a person with a disability, and if sufficient funds are available, a significant number of PWDs acquire TRMs for themselves. By choosing this method of providing TMR, the PWD has more options for individual selection of TMR, however, it is important to consider that the compensation that will be paid to him may be less than the full cost of independently acquired TMR. It may also be a problem to receive compensation on time.

The procedure for determining the amount and procedure for paying compensation is regulated by the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated January 31, 2011 No. 57n “On Approval of the Procedure for Paying Compensation for a Technical Rehabilitation Tool Acquired by a Disabled Person and (or) Services Provided, Including the Procedure for Determining its Size and Procedure informing citizens about the amount of said compensation”. Based on paragraph 4 of the approved procedure, the amount of compensation is determined as follows.

The amount of compensation cannot exceed the cost of similar technical means purchased by the authorized body based on the results of the last purchase of the TMR (the last completed procurement procedure). If the authorized body of the region did not purchase technical equipment that the disabled person purchased on their own, the limitation on the amount of compensation is the results of the latest purchase of TMR in the federal district. If the authorized bodies in the federal district did not purchase the specified TSR, the limitation on the amount of compensation is the results for the Russian Federation. This information is posted on the official website of the Russian Federation on placing orders on the Internet at the following e-mail address:, and the amount of compensation for specific TMRs can be clarified on the websites of the regional offices of the FSS of the Russian Federation, as well as by directly contacting these organs.

Compensation is paid on the basis of an application of a person with a disability or a person representing his interests, and documents confirming the costs of independently acquiring TMR. In addition, it is necessary to have an identity document of the applicant, an IPR and an insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance containing the insurance number of an individual personal account (SNILS). Payment of compensation is carried out within a month from the date of the decision to pay compensation. Payment is made by postal transfer or transfer of funds to the citizen's account in a credit institution.

The decision to pay compensation is made within 30 days from the date of receipt of the application, i.e. no more than 60 calendar days must pass from the moment of application to the payment of compensation.

In practice, problems with the payment of compensation within the time limits established by law are very common. So, citizen K., who is the mother of a child with a disability, applied to the Regional Public Educational Institution Perspektiva. In September and October 2014, she applied for compensation for self-purchased TMR. Based on the rules, she should have been fully compensated by the end of December. The decision to pay compensation was received from the social authorities. almost without delay. However, the payment process itself was delayed. Meanwhile, new purchases took place in December and, in accordance with them, the price of TSR. Consequently, the amount of compensation has changed to a smaller side. And very significantly. In addition, since the new year, the functions of providing citizens with disabilities to the TSW in the Moscow region were again returned to the FSS, which paid compensation to it after lengthy disputes, but at new prices, which differed from the old ones by 37 thousand rubles. to the smaller side.

Among the technical means of rehabilitation there are various devices that facilitate the daily life of a sick person. These are crutches, prostheses, wheelchairs, hearing aids and much more.

Means of rehabilitation include mechanisms, products, electronic devices and other devices that facilitate the daily life of the patient, as well as close people who care for him. The main purpose of these products is rehabilitation after an operation or providing the most comfortable living conditions for people with poor health.

What are technical means of rehabilitation

For the disabled, as well as people with poor health, a number of technical means of rehabilitation (TSR) have been developed to ensure a normal lifestyle and fulfill basic needs - the ability to fulfill physiological needs, self-service skills, move normally, etc.

The list of technical means of rehabilitation is formed in accordance with federal law No. 181. At the same time, each patient can count on receiving these funds free of charge in the prescribed amount from the social security authorities, in accordance with the procedure established by the individual rehabilitation program - IPR.

Based on this program, a specific amount is allocated, within which it is possible to obtain a complete set of technical means at the expense of the budget. This list includes apparatus and devices for the recovery of the patient, for example, from complications of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, funds for bedridden patients. In this case, the patient can also purchase additional funds at his own expense, for example, in accordance with the doctor's recommendations.

The specified federal law provides for the provision of disabled people with technical means of rehabilitation of the following types:

  • assistive devices for self-care, basic needs (e.g. toilet seat)
  • care products;
  • auxiliary mechanisms for learning, the ability to fully perform labor activities;
  • tools to help navigate in space, including specially trained guide dogs;
  • prosthetic products, including prosthetic eyes, hearing aids, etc.;
  • sports equipment;
  • movement mechanisms.

All these devices can only be issued by the social security authorities on the basis of relevant medical reports, orders and other regulations.

The right to use arises for a temporary period, for example, for a year before the next medical examination or indefinitely, for example, for disabled children who have received a group since childhood.

Classification of product types

A complete list of technical means for the rehabilitation of disabled people can be found in regulatory documents, for example, in the “Classification”, which is approved by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development No. 214n. The document contains a list of names (nomenclature) of various medical products and devices. Their classification is based on different indicators, but mainly different types are grouped depending on the disability group and specific diseases - impaired hearing, vision, etc.

Self-service facilities

First of all, they allocate technical means of rehabilitation (tcp) for self-service of a person. They allow you to normally satisfy the natural physiological needs, and this can be done independently or with minimal help from outsiders.

Briefly, the list of these funds can be classified as follows:

  1. Pampers, which rely as a rehabilitation tool for bedridden patients, for example, after a stroke or diseases associated with cardiology.

Note! Along with diapers for a child, there are special products for adults.

  1. Toilet chairs. Wheelchair users who are not paralyzed, but at the same time experience significant mobility problems, use toilet chairs. They can be placed next to the bed.

  1. Devices for gripping objects are means of rehabilitation that are suitable not only for the disabled, but also for people suffering from diseases of the musculoskeletal system. With the help of such simple devices, you can reach a fallen object, as well as a thing that is located unattainably high.

  1. Similarly, such patients need to use devices for putting on clothes or self-shoeing slippers, boots, and other types of shoes. Especially for them, frames are provided for tightening, putting on socks / stockings, fastening buttons, holding hats, etc.

Devices and mechanisms for movement

These devices allow a person to move comfortably and safely. The patient can move independently, and he can also be seated and less often put in a chair to move with the help of an outsider. The most common devices are:

  1. , as well as . Shown at the first stage of rehabilitation after fractures, dislocations and other leg injuries.
  2. - for the movement of a patient with poor health: the elderly, people with impaired body coordination, neurological patients, completely or partially paralyzed. There are mechanical and electrical devices, the latter allow you to move completely autonomously, without the help of another person.
  3. serve as a reliable support for movement around the room or on the street. They can be equipped with wheels (so-called rollators) for more comfortable movement.

Note! Each technical means of rehabilitation of the disabled has its own indications for use, as well as instructions and guidelines, presentations describing the features of use. The brochure should be read first, even if the terms of use are intuitive.

Hearing aids

The main mechanism in this case is the hearing aid. This is an electronic, fully automated device that greatly amplifies the sound wave, so that a patient with severe hearing loss can recognize human speech and other sounds.

Apparatus and means for visual impairment

For blind people, there are several means of technical rehabilitation - the current list for the disabled is as follows:

  1. , which allow you to feel the nature of the surface, nearby objects, as well as attract the attention of other passers-by (due to red transverse stripes).

  1. Guide dogs undergo special training, after which they accompany a blind owner for several years.


In general, the prosthesis is a means of rehabilitation of disabled people or people with health problems, which partially or completely replaces the function of a certain part of the body, limb: arm, leg (for example, the hip joint in case of a fracture of the femoral neck). To date, a very large number of various prostheses have been developed, for example:

  • shoulder
  • finger;
  • forearm;
  • hips;
  • feet
  • sky;
  • ear prosthesis;
  • nasal prosthesis and many others.

The main task of these products is an adequate replacement of the corresponding part of the body, unloading the body, the ability to maintain the ability to move (for example, a knee joint prosthesis).

The cost of various means of rehabilitation

Technical means of rehabilitation for the disabled and other patients with poor health can be bought at pharmacies, specialized orthopedic stores, as well as on websites on the Internet. The price depends on several factors - the manufacturer, warranty, material of manufacture, etc. As a rule, delivery is paid separately.

It is carried out throughout the country - both in large cities (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Krasnodar) and in small ones (Irkutsk, Novokuznetsk). Delivery is also possible to small settlements, for example, in the Krasnodar Territory, the Omsk Region and in all other regions. Goods are also delivered to other countries - for example, to Ukraine, China. Under certain conditions (for example, a purchase from 5000 rubles), delivery is free of charge.

Table 1. Overview of means of rehabilitation

Model name Description price, rub.

Designed for the movement of a disabled child, as well as children with cerebral palsy; movement is possible both at home and on the street (but only on a hard surface) 13 900

Convenient and inexpensive model on wheels, made of durable metal alloy. It is possible to adjust the height, as well as sit on a soft seat 4 400

Made of durable aluminum alloy, adjustable in height 2 300

Thanks to its two-tier design, this inexpensive model allows you not only to move easily, but also to get out of bed. 2 300

Equipped with underarm supports and 2 brakes; support patient weight up to 100 kg 7 500

Functional chair with a sanitary container made of durable plastic; warranty period 1 year 3 300

Convenient folding model of the chair with a sanitary container takes up little space, so it can be placed even in a small room next to the patient's bed 2 300

Produced in Germany, the model is new, because it was practically not used 12 500

Durable body, the stroller is suitable for walking around the house and on the street, made in Germany 9 000

Reliable crutch, equipped with an anti-skid system 690 per piece

Small crutches, designed for patients with average height (150-160 cm), made in the USA, service life 7 years 1 300

Note! When choosing a specific mechanism or device, you need to make sure that it is in good technical condition (especially when it comes to used goods). It is best to choose goods not earlier than 2013 of production (preferably not earlier than 2015-2016).

You can get acquainted with the latest technical means of rehabilitation in the video material:

Each tool in one way or another makes the patient's life more comfortable. For proper use, you must carefully select the most suitable model, if necessary, consult a doctor before buying.

In any country, disabled people are a special group of citizens who need benefits and benefits. They also need rehabilitation, or TSR. They are required to ensure a comfortable life for people with disabilities. They are provided by the state. You just need to know how and where to get them.

For a normal recovery, people with disabilities require a lot of funds. They are selected based on the type of deviation. If there is a hearing impairment, then special devices are required. In other cases, other means are needed. They must be provided by the state.

Types of collateral

TSR for the disabled is available in as well as the necessary activities, services. The disbursement of funds means:

  • provision of technical means;
  • performance of repair and replacement services;
  • providing transportation for the child to the territory of the organization;
  • payment for the child's stay;
  • travel.

Period of use

There are time limits for using TSR for the disabled. This is approved by law:

  • canes - at least 2 years;
  • handrails - from 7 years;
  • wheelchairs - over 4 years;
  • prostheses, depending on the type, - more than 1 year;
  • orthopedic shoes - from 3 months.

For all other devices, certain deadlines are also provided. During this period, the products will be safe for rehabilitation. If the period of use has passed, it is necessary to change the tool.

List of funds

According to the law, technical means include devices that allow compensating or eliminating human life limitations. The TSR list for the disabled consists of funds for:

  • self-service;
  • care;
  • orientation;
  • learning;
  • movement.

People with disabilities need prosthetic devices. They also need special clothing, shoes, hearing aids. Disabled people need exercise equipment, sports equipment, inventory.

The law contains a list of TSRs for the disabled. The federal list also contains specific technical means:

  • supports and handrails;
  • wheelchairs;
  • prostheses;
  • orthopedic shoes;
  • anti-decubitus mattresses;
  • dressing supplies;
  • special clothing;
  • reading devices;
  • guide dogs;
  • thermometers;
  • sound alarms;
  • Hearing Aids.

Depending on the type of deviation, other means are prescribed to a person. The federal list of TSRs for the disabled is approved by the state. Funds are provided free of charge, therefore they cannot be sold, donated or transferred to other persons.

There are regions of the country where supports are understood only as structures for movement. Because of this, difficulties arise in the rehabilitation of the disabled. If the rights to provide TMR for people with disabilities are violated, then the interested parties must defend their interests. Indeed, depending on the restriction, special means are needed.

Where to apply?

The issuance of TSR to disabled people is carried out after passing the procedure. You must submit an application to the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation at the place of residence. Sometimes it is necessary to provide a document to the executive body that deals with these issues.

It is important to consider that foreigners and stateless persons who have a residence permit can also apply to the FSS of the Russian Federation. They are required to receive funds for rehabilitation if a disability has been recognized.

Required documents

Obtaining TSR by disabled people is possible after submitting an application, as well as several additional documents:

  • birth certificate or passport;
  • representative's passport;
  • rehabilitation program;
  • pension certificate.

Only when there is a complete list of documents, the application will be accepted. They are provided in originals.

Application processing

The period of consideration of the application cannot be more than 15 days from the date of its submission. If a positive decision is made, then by mail comes:

  • notification confirming registration;
  • direction to the creation of a technical product;
  • voucher for a free pass.

The forms of all documents are accepted by the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the country. They serve as confirmation of the issuance of the necessary means of rehabilitation.

Payment of compensation

Not only TSR for the disabled can be provided, but also compensation for the purchase of the necessary product. Parents have the right to independently choose the necessary technical means for the child. For this, a wheelchair, prosthetic and orthopedic products, printed publications with the desired font can be purchased. Parents have the right to pay for the repair of the funds themselves.

If the product was purchased or repaired at your own expense, compensation will be provided. It is paid only when the technical device is really required under the rehabilitation program. When persons with disabilities object to being provided with the right product, they must be paid funds in the amount of the cost of the product.

How is the payout amount determined?

The amount of compensation is not taken arbitrarily, but is calculated according to certain rules:

  • the size is equal to the price of the goods;
  • should not be higher than the value of the funds.

Payment of funds is documented. Those who need it are entitled to compensation.

To approve the amount of compensation for TSR for the disabled, a special classification is used. As an example, you can take the purchase of a hearing aid that has additional features. The amount of payouts is set based on the price of the device. It includes additional features. The amount of payments is determined by:

  • the price of the technical means;
  • documents evidencing the cost of purchasing the funds.

Documents for payments

In order to receive compensation for the purchase of the desired product, it is necessary to collect important documents. These include:

  • statement;
  • confirmation of expenses;
  • birth certificate of the child;
  • representative's passport;
  • individual rehabilitation program;

The compensation period is 1 month from the date of the decision. It is accepted by the FSS of the Russian Federation within 30 days.

What if no compensation has been paid?

The right to receive technical means and monetary compensation is regulated by the state. If these rights are violated, then liability is provided for this. If the money for the purchase of funds has not been paid, then it is necessary to file a complaint. It is submitted to the Department of Social Protection. Moreover, this can be done in paper and electronic form. If option 1 is selected, then receipt of a receipt is required.

The state guarantees not only the provision of TSR for the disabled, but also repairs. Moreover, this service is provided free of charge. Only for repairs it is required that the opinion of the disabled person about the need for work converges with the opinion of experts.


To check the need for repair, an examination is required. During this procedure, it will be revealed whether replacements of parts, elements of products are needed. In order for the examination to be carried out, it is necessary:

  • submit an application to the FSS of the Russian Federation;
  • provide a technical device that needs repair or replacement.

If the remedy cannot be provided, then a decision is made to perform an examination at home. The impossibility of delivering the product is due to the complexity of transportation, the state of health of the disabled person.

The examination is carried out within 15 days from the date of receipt of the application. TSR users are informed about the time and place of the event. They can take part. As a result, an application is drawn up, one copy of which is provided to the disabled person. The reasons for the breakdown of the product are spelled out there. If recovery cannot be performed, then the need to replace the product is indicated.

Performing repairs and replacements

If the need for repairs is determined, then the FSS must provide:

  • statement;
  • examination document.

The replacement of funds is carried out by decision of the FSS on the basis of an application. This procedure is only possible when the period of use has expired or repairs cannot be made.


Disabled people are given the right to free travel, since it is compensated by the FSS body. To do this, a person with disabilities or his representative is given a ticket and a direction for all types of transport. This document is provided for no more than 4 trips to the location of the organization to which the referral was provided. There are also 4 free return trips.

Benefits are provided for such modes of transport as:

  • railway;
  • water;
  • automobile;
  • air.

Travel allowance

When traveling for personal funds, compensation is paid. It is granted only if these modes of transport were used. To receive compensation, the following documents are required:

  • travel cards;
  • confirmation of the need to travel.

Compensation is paid for no more than 4 round trips.

Payment for accommodation

If the technical device is only manufactured, then compensation for the residence of the child and the responsible person is provided. Expenses are paid for the entire trip. The amount of compensation is equal to the amount of funds that are provided in case of business trips.

Reimbursement is based on the actual number of days of stay. In this case, some conditions must be met:

  • living in an area remote from the organization;
  • the tool was made in 1 trip.

Provision for the rehabilitation of the disabled is guaranteed by the state. Ensuring their normal recovery occurs through compensation for various expenses.

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