STRAMONIUM - Lectures on homeopathic MATERIA MEDICA. Homeopathic remedies for acute conditions. Compatibility and contraindications

Increasing violence in modern world did . We often find very advanced mental and manic states in cases of Stramonium, but there is also big number patients who are helped by this drug and who are mentally perfectly healthy. In the early stages, we will see only hints of rage and fear, which become common manifestations in more late stages. However, through the entire pathology of the remedy there is a tremendous tension and energy. Stramonium also important tool at acute illnesses flowing with delirium and febrile convulsions.
Rage and in actions, and in thoughts, and in physical symptoms- this is central theme Stramonium - Violence or fear of violence. Stramonium is used mainly for the treatment of pathology of the nervous system. It seems that the rage here is neurological in nature and comes almost like a seizure. epilepsy, strabismus, restless sleep; disorders caused by the inability to concentrate, and even schizophrenia - that's common manifestations Stramonium indicating fragility and imbalance of the nervous system, which helps to explain the rage of this remedy. These conditions arise as a result of excitement and shifts in the nervous system, which is within the scope of the drug.
Any neurological disease can cause the Stramonium condition: for example, fever, alcohol intake, trauma.
Adult patients Stramonium types often live without showing aggression in behavior, most often they are simply filled with fears. Fears are almost always associated with violence or death, or with things that symbolize death (darkness, graveyard) or violence (animals). Often in true cases of mania in Stramonium patients we find a frightening frenzy. The manic state of Stramonium can even be life threatening. This remedy is able to cure patients with extremely neglected mental states.

Children. The Stramonium child will often be calm at your appointment, he does not show the rage that his parents talk about. Sometimes the child becomes withdrawn or drowsy, as described by the parents. Often the disease begins after a strong fright, such as a car
accident, sexual assault, evidence of an act of violence, or after neurological disease like meningitis or encephalitis. After an attack, nightmares or night terrors often occur, and eventually the patient goes into a frenzy.
A violent Stramonium will be unrestrained and impulsive, but there is no malice in his actions. The attack happens like a flash, almost like a seizure or neurological disorder. It would be unusual in a Stramonium disease for rage to develop without equally strong fears. Remember that parents can various reasons not to finish something, explaining the full depth of the pathology in such a child.

Fury and violence. Capable of killing.
Fury in any manifestation - biting, fighting, strangling, etc.
Manic state with reddening of the face, dilated pupils, with the manifestation of superhuman strength.
Fear of death - especially violent death or murder.
Fear of the dark - sleeps with light, goes to parents' bedroom.
Fear of water - especially when water gets on the head, even in the shower, and flowing water.
Fear of being alone - especially at night or in the dark.
Fear: animals. Dogs. Mirrors, reflective surfaces. Diseases. Ghosts. Injuries. Madness.
Choking. Claustrophobia. Fear of open space.
Illnesses that start after fright, especially violence or threat of death, which was averted at the last moment.
Night terrors: the child screams in horror and jumps up without fully waking up, does not want any contact with the parents or may even think that the parents want to hurt him, cannot calm down, does not recognize anyone and does not remember what happened.
Laughter - loud and terrible, or wild.
Extremely active kids.
behavioral disorders.
Stuttering; the patient may painfully try to say the word until he finally "pushes" it out of himself.
Convulsions, often very strong. Convulsions in children.
Febrile convulsions. Rough bullshit.
Neurological disorders after head trauma, vaccinations, fright, meningitis.
Chorea, athetosis, twitching of muscles or limbs, tics, grimaces. Unrefreshing sleep.
Violent twitching of the head. Head injury.
Violent headaches, worse in the sun. Jerking of head during headache.
Grimaces. Teak. Jerking. Grinding of teeth in sleep.
Meningitis, encephalitis or their consequences.
Frightened expression of the eyes or face.
Strabismus. Diplopia. Dilated pupils.
Tongue dry and cracked.
Passionate desire for sweets.
Fetid diarrhoea.
Violent hiccups.
Expressed thirst.
Wild sexual desires, aggression, vulgar language, promiscuity.
Patients with a history of incest or fear of sexual abuse.
Constantly touching the genitals.
Enuresis, especially after fright.
Uterine bleeding.
Angina. Arrhythmia.
Chronic cough, bronchitis. Spasmodic asthma attacks.
Pain in left thigh or abscess.
Abscess. Angina. Arrhythmia. Asthma. behavioral disorders. Acute violations cerebral circulation. Chorea. Rave. Diarrhea. Enuresis. Febrile convulsions. Head injury. Headache. Hirsutism. hyperactive children. Mania. Affective insanity. Meningitis. Uterine bleeding. Nightmares. Phobias. Strabismus. Schizophrenia. Convulsive disorders. Sexual disorders. Stuttering.
Any pair of these fears: the dark. Of death. Loneliness. Animals. Water.
* A complex character combined with fears or nightmares.
* Convulsions combined with fears.

Stramonium / Stramonium - Datura

Main dosage forms. Homeopathic granules D3, C3, C6 and up. Drops D3, C3, C6 and above.

Indications for use. With increased emotional excitability of the nervous system with symptoms of manic-depressive psychosis.

Characteristic features: The patient has a sharply excited expression. The face is red from the rush of blood. Afraid to be alone. Characteristic fear of the dark, the desire for light, but dim. Spasmodic dry cough hoarse voice. Nasal congestion and dryness. Corresponds mainly to swarthy and thin people.

Characteristic symptoms: The gaze is directed to a dark corner of the room, the patient avoids light entering the eyes; the speech is energetic, and the face is frowning.

When it comes to Stramonium, thoughts of rampage immediately come to mind. One cannot look at a patient in need of Stramonium, or at a person poisoned by it, without being amazed at the terrible confusion, the strongest shifts in his psyche and body. The patient is extremely excited, in a rage, all manifestations are filled with violence, fury, on the face there is a wild expression of anxiety, fear; eyes without looking away look at one thing; face flushed, violent, fiery fever with heat of head and coldness of extremities, violent delirium. In this state of anxiety, the patient avoids light, strives for darkness, and is especially worse in bright light. Heat with delirium; the heat is so intense that it may be confused with that of Belladonna, but Stramonium has a constant fever, only occasionally relapsing, while the violent fever of Belladonna is always relapsing.

The symptoms of Stramonium are like an earthquake. An explosion in the psyche; the patient swears, tears his clothes, speaks loudly; madness, erotomania, exposes his body. These symptoms are seen with constant fever, insanity, brain congestion. It is a valuable remedy in severe typhoid conditions.

Valuable Medicine in violent insanity, the attacks of which have been going on for some time; each attack develops in the form of paroxysms, more or less suddenly, so an individual attack may be similar to Belladonna, but the difference is that the process arose a long time ago. Belladonna's best case will give temporary relief at the first attack, and at the second it will most likely not be able to do anything.

When there is no delirium, the patient has an extremely distressed appearance, wrinkles on the forehead, the face is pale, sickly, exhausted. In the presence of headaches, this tormented appearance indicates great suffering as a result of the involvement of the meninges in the process.

“Quiet, murmuring delirium; stormy, foolish, joyful speech, babble and incoherent flow of words with open eyes; the patient may be cheerful, joyful, with spasmodic laughter; furious, frenzied, wild state; tries to scratch and bite; wildest fantasies; with sexual arousal; afraid that a dog will attack him.

Abnormal perception of one's body, it seems to the patient that it is ugly, elongated, deformed; strange somatic sensations. All kinds of illusions and hallucinations. These states must be distinguished. An illusion is what the patient sees or feels, while being aware of the unreality of these visions. With a hallucination, the patient does not doubt the reality of what he imagines. Delusion or delirium - even more serious defeat psyche, when the patient is sure of the reality of his fantasies and no reasonable arguments can dissuade him. Fear and great anxiety at the sound of running water.

The patient sees animals, ghosts, angels, spirits of the dead, devils; at first he understands that it seems to him, later he ceases to be aware of it. Hallucinations are especially strong in the dark. Sometimes there may be an intolerance to bright light, which causes pain; the patient can sit and look at the fire, but sometimes this can cause coughing and other symptoms.

“Sings songs with sexual themes and says obscenities. Anxiously mad, jumps out of bed, acts as if the bed is being pulled out from under him. Screams until he becomes hoarse or loses his voice. Screeching and yelling day and night with fever - a kind of insanity. In a hurry, in a hurry with all his might, if he wants to get to another place. Crazy laughter and sardonic expression.

“The child wakes up in horror, does not recognize anyone, screams in fear, clings to others.”

Hyoscyamus niger has a frenzied, manic delirium, but no fever. In Stramonium the fever reaches a considerable degree. In Belladonna, the fever approaches its peak in the afternoon and evening, from 9 pm to 3 am, and then decreases.

Violent convulsions involving the muscles of the whole body, opisthotonos, the whole body twisting, the limbs cramping, biting the tongue and bleeding from the orifices of the body. During convulsions the patient is covered with cold sweat; sometimes it becomes cold as ice; cold sweat with a paroxysm of insanity; this character is present only in Camphora.

Hysterical convulsions, for a long time, associated with problems of the spine, worse from fright. Convulsions from fright in nervous, excitable people.

Postpartum convulsions and insanity. These conditions are septic in nature. For some time they exist in the form of a melancholy mood, a decline in spirit; a woman has thoughts that by her sins she has deprived herself of the right to salvation, although in fact she lived quite worthily; she falls into sadness; imagines and does strange things until eventually violent delirium develops; she screams loudly; calls people to repent; red face, shiny eyes; she calls and prays, while her speech is almost illegible. In such cases Stramonium must be compared with Veratrum album.

In congestion of the brain, delirium is replaced by loss of consciousness; the patient seems to be in the greatest intoxication; pupils dilated or constricted (in Belladonna dilated). Characterized by stupor, wheezing, sagging mandible. We observe such a state in the typhoid state, in severe, prolonged forms of fever; with a terrible stench, bleeding from the mouth and other orifices of the body. Mouth and throat dry; tongue dry, swollen, filling the whole mouth, dotted, red like a piece of meat; bleeding from the mouth, thick black coating on the teeth, lips dry and cracked; sometimes very thirsty, although the patient is afraid of water. Profuse diarrhea, involuntary defecation; bloating, involuntary urination.

Basilar meningitis from suppressed ear discharge. The old school had no cure for such cases. Wrinkled forehead, bright, bulging eyes with dilated pupils, with almost no fever; terrible pain at the base of the skull, before that the patient had purulent decay of tissues in the ear area.

Furious headache from walking in the sun, from the heat of the sun. The patient is ill all day long, and at night the patient has to sit up, as the pain is aggravated by lying down; worse from any movement or jar; looks at one point, eyes shine, face is bloodshot, although later it turns pale; fixed gaze directed to the corner of the room; delirium, insane speech. Pain in the back of the head.

A high degree of severity of inflammation, which can lead the patient to death. Pus forms abscesses with excruciating pains (Hepar sulphuris calcareum, Mercurius, Silicea, Sulphur). Violent catarrhal inflammation, malignant, septic conditions. Chronic abscesses, carbuncles, boils, joint abscesses, the remedy has a special affinity for the left hip joint. You can often stop the development of inflammation hip joint, even if pus has already formed or a fistula has opened. Sensation of fullness, suppuration and pain in the cartilage.

By turbulence mental manifestations Stramonium stands apart from other deep acting remedies.

Stramonium heals eye diseases and irritation of the brain from over-study in students who worked too hard at night to keep up with the day's lectures. The patient seems to be completely blind; in dim light there is great pain in the eyes, better in bright light. Mental symptoms, cough, headache, etc., are aggravated by light.

"Dryness in throat and pharynx, not relieved by drinking. Swallowing is difficult, accompanied by stinging pain in the throat, pain in the submaxillary glands, and convulsions; it is especially difficult to swallow liquid due to the constriction of the pharynx.” The patient chokes when trying to swallow water. The medicine brings great benefit with rabies (Hyoscyamus niger, Belladonna, Cantharis, Hydrophobinum).

In old cases of suppuration in the lungs, when the cough is aggravated by light in the eyes, Stramonium often improves the condition remarkably without causing aggravations.

Urinary retention; if he stops pushing, urine stops flowing; older men with decreased bladder control, slow urine flow, cannot speed it up.

Heart disease with severe chest cramps, mental irritability, with delusions of self, with the inability to sleep in the dark. severe anxiety when the train enters the tunnel; irregular pulse, weakness of the heart.

Sleep is full of dreams and restlessness.

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despite painstakingly precise use, the treatment was not successful, and
my colleague did not live up to expectations.

In addition, I found out that the girl is a blue-eyed blonde, meek

With significant reservations against treatment at a distance, but in
rarity. that I will not cause harm in any way, I prescribed PULSA TILLA
C 6, because this remedy was appropriate for the "type" of the child, and also because
that, according to our pharmacology, it is given for chalazion. Except
Togo. I prescribed STAPHISAGRIA C b, as in homeopathic ophthalmic
mological manuals and homeopathic journals about this remedy
published observations as successful current treatment chalazion.
Fourteen days later, Jaqueline was freed from her marbles.
A few months later, her father, a senior officer, accidentally
heard that the daughter of his subordinate also suffers from ha-chzion and after
complete rejection of conventional drug treatments should soon
be operated on. He immediately transfers to the rest of the Jacqueline assigned by me
funds, and this child was also quickly and completely healed of chalazion
on the.


You will naturally object that this case history is absolutely
does not prove anything, because they saw how the chalazions could, without any
cookies disappear suddenly, on their own. I have also observed this, even in
to his own family. But at a time when I was not yet familiar with homeo-
pathy, I also saw numerous chalazions that disappeared only
after surgery. Since I have been practicing
Hahnemann's method, I have never resorted to surgical treatment and with success
hom has healed at least a dozen cases of chalazion. If STAPHISAG-
RIA and is shown the most, it is still not the only means. I
resorted to CALCAREA CARBONICA. and to ZINCUM. and to PULSA TILLA.

Relatively last resort I remember the teacher
minaria, in which, despite the appointment of PULSA TILLA, there is no cure
there was a very badly inflamed chazion, although due to strong peeling
patient, PVLSATILLA would be clearly shown as a means of her
type. I did not send the patient to the pharmacy again, but gave her balls from my pocket-
first aid kit. She was healed after eleven days. Subsequently, help
the druggist's nickname admitted that since PULSA TILLA was out of stock, he
released the patient another medicine, since he believed that the other medium
stvo will not be harmful, and not useful!

J. Charette

Sem. Nightshade

Datura vulgaris

The tincture is prepared from the whole fresh plant, co-
scolded before flowering in July. Rubbing from the same parts

The pathogenesis of STRAMONIUM is found in Pure Medicine
Denia" Hahnemann.

STRAMONIUM acts mainly on the brain in exactly the same way as
BELLADONNA and HYOSCYAMLJS. Delusion accompanied by hallucination
mi: pupils are dilated; amaurosis; overall sensitivity is reduced; strong-
new excitation of the muscles, which is no longer controlled by the brain
centers; sexual arousal; shortness of breath and spasmodic difficulty
swallowing: pronounced dryness in the larynx and often the appearance of bright
red rash all over the body, also STRAMONIUM causes convulsions and
paralysis. STRAMONIUM convulsions are rather tonic, appearing with
the slightest touch.

So, STRAMONIUM - almost pure nervous remedy. The only
organs other than the brain, in which some irritation of the tissues is noticed,
it is the larynx and the skin.


Excessive talkativeness in delirium.
Hydrophobia and aversion to all fluids.
Any shiny object causes excitement.
Staggering in the dark or with closed eyes.
Dryness in the mouth and larynx.

Paralysis in one half of the body, convulsions in the other (BELLA-

Almost complete absence of pain (OPIUM).
Vomiting on waking, as soon as he lifts his head from the pillow.

Chair. The diarrhea is more pronounced than with BELLADONNA.
Menses. Too copious with clots. During men-
struation excitation, as in HYOSCYAMUS.


Acute mania. Specific Symptoms, which indicate
on STRAMONIUM in acute mania, as follows:

As well as for two other important representatives of the nightshade family. Belladona and Huosciamus. Datura Stramonium Datura is characterized by:

1. Two-phase action on the central nervous system against the background of a rush of blood to the brain with a more pronounced phase of excitation, but at the same time not covering the same systems that are affected by the phase of inhibition, in fact.
a) This phase of excitation is especially manifested in the mental (delusions, arousal) and motor areas (twitches, convulsions).
b) Meanwhile, in the phase of inhibition, the following are affected: the sensory sphere (vision, hearing, speech, sensitivity to pain). Sympathetic nerves of the viscera and eyes.

2. Among other less pronounced effects, it should be mentioned:
a) Prolonged feverish conditions.
b) Action on certain tissues: skin (scarlatine-like rash), hip joint.
Nervous sympathicotonics: more often women (prone to hysteria), or capricious children, nervous, excitable, with a rush of blood to the face, dilated pupils.
Disorders that develop due to:
1. Fright.
2. Suppression of normal or pathological secretions.
Numerous and important for prescribing medication:

1. Excited with talkativeness and incoherent, rapid speech, laughter.
2. Rabies with screaming and lamenting: attempts to fight, tear clothes, bite, run. An expression of horror.
3. Delirium with terrifying hallucinations: vision of animals, terrible beasts
4. Night terrors in children: they jump up and howl with fear, with wide eyes, do not recognize others.
1. Absence or significant relief of pain, contrasted by the exceptional severity of other symptoms.
2. Feeling of great enlargement of certain parts of the body.
3. High and prolonged fever with a maximum at noon.
4. Tendency to general or local convulsions
> during daylight hours: in society; in warmth.

1. General or local convulsive movements at the sight of shiny objects, pouring water. One side paralyzed, the other convulsive.
2. Choreic movements: grimaces, gestures.
3. Headache from the sun: congestive, throbbing. with dilated pupils, depending on the position of the sun.
4. Dryness in the throat with spasms on every attempt to swallow.
5. Vomiting when the patient lifts his head from the pillow.
6. Putrid diarrhea, black stools with a rotten groin.
7. Anuria and suppression of stools.
8. Profuse or suppressed menstruation, with sexual arousal and mental disorders.
9. Scarlet fever-like rash
1. General indications: fever with or without severe rash; cerebral complications of these fevers.
2. Neuro-psychiatric indications: delirium tremens: delirium and manic state; phobias. Convulsions, epilepsy, chorea: tremors: hiccups, laryngospasm. Congestive headache.
3. Visual disorders: strabismus.
4. Syndromes of dysfunction: "hysterical paralysis"
5. Coxalgia.

4. Incompatible: COFFEA.

b) a feeling of an increase in volume of individual parts of the body. ARSEN NITR., BOVISTA, KALI BROM
c) spasm of the throat during swallowing liquids: CANTHARIS, CICUTA VIR., CUPRUM, HYOSCIAMUS. IGNATIA.
d) cerebral complications of rash fevers APIS, ARSENICUM ALB., GELSEMIUM. HELLEBORUS. HYOSCLAMUS. ZINCUM.
1. Diseases or disorders due to: Fright, suppression of normal or pathological secretions.
2. GABABILITY with incoherent, rapid speech, possibly combined with delusions: RABIDITY with SCREAMS AND LALATING: attempts to fight, tear clothes, bite, run Delusions with terrifying hallucinations (vision of animals: scary cats, dogs and other animals). LUSTY delirium with irregular menstruation.
5. Fear of the dark and worse in the dark, better in the light.
6. DIFFERENT and insensible PUPILS, with eyes wide open, bulging and shining.
7. Spasm of the muscles of the throat, aggravated by swallowing liquid.
8. Scarlet fever rash
9. High and prolonged fever with a maximum in the afternoon.

Sulfur, metalloid. It works in three directions:
1. Irritation and inflammation:
a) skin: various rashes with acute, subacute or chronic course, accompanied by a burning sensation and itching:
b) mucous membranes: dry or catarrhal changes:
c) serous membranes: irritation and exudation;
d) lymphoid tissue: hypertrophy.

2. Vascular action: congestion (plethora), active, sthenic type, either general or local (mainly portal, but can be in any other place) + uneven distribution of venous blood with local slowing of blood flow, as well as loss of elasticity vascular wall(specific action of sulfur).

3. Metabolic action: violation of assimilation, increased dissimilation of nitrogenous compounds, loss of tissue resistance with the development of inflammation and subsequent suppuration (Sulfur Hepar, Sulfur), a disorder of the elimination function of organs.

Their combination is manifested in a characteristic triad of signs:
autointoxication) sthenic
centrifugal tendency) drug
alternating symptoms) vis a vis with psora
Three types:
1. Sulfur neutral - balanced, active, optimistic, with rare periods of depression: good excretory function, centrifugal tendencies, general sthenicity. Plethora.
2. Sclerotic Sulfur - unbalanced, slow, pessimistic, touchy and depressed: elimination disturbed or inhibited, centripetal tendency, general asthenia, sclerosis.
3. Sulfur thin - unbalanced, excited, but passive, dreamy, "poor philosopher": elimination disturbed or inhibited, centripetal tendency, general asthenia. Demineralization.
1. Purchased:
1. Sedentary lifestyle.
2. Overheating or hypothermia (Aconite).
3. Oversweetened food that the patient loves and that causes a violation of sulfur metabolism.
4. Diseases with a protracted recovery, difficult to treat or delayed treatment.
5. Suppression of elimination.
2. Congenital: primarily psora (Sulfur neutral): with stratification of sycosis (Sulfur sclerotic), and tuberculinism (Sulfur lean).
Against the background of balanced optimism of neutral Sulfur, manifestation of pessimism of sclerotic Sulfur and cyclothymic symptoms of Sulfur lean.
1. Subjects are energetic, "highly excitable and easily calmed down" (Lathoud).
2. Changeable mood: lively or lethargic, excited or dejected, as a result: irritability for any reason, selfish and self-centered: willing to take on: something, but lazy; expansive, talkative, at ease in their own affairs, but indifferent towards others.
3. Depression, aggravated by the suppression of elimination and reaching apathy.
1. Autointoxication with secretions, the frequency of symptoms and the alternating nature of the pathology.
2. Unsteady body temperature: flashes of heat. sweating and chills ( acute stages not similar to Mercurius). Striving for a cool place when lying down feet get cold. Uneven distribution of body temperature: the head is hot, but the hands are cold, or the hands are hot, but the feet are cold, etc. (chronic). Need in fresh air.
3. Painful condition occurs periodically and acquires a tendency to a chronic course.
4. Alternation of rash with other disorders (asthma, hemorrhoids, etc.).
5. Burning and itching at the site of any discharge on the skin and mucous membranes: redness of the physiological openings.
6. severe weakness. if you eat a little.
7. Increased appetite or lack of it (quick satiety) with emphasized likes or dislikes: a clear preference for savory dishes and sweets, aversion to milk and meat. metallic taste in the mouth. Thirst.
8. Hate water (dirty looking). All pathological signs aggravated after washing or bathing.
9. Superficial sleep, insomnia from 2 to 5 am. Out of bed legs "burn".
> in dry and mild weather (intolerance to sudden changes in the weather and need for open air): lying on the right side: which reduces congestion in the left side of the body: from the discharge, which is facilitated by movement and perspiration.
Mainly left-hand side defeat ( relative sign, considering the versatility of this tool).
1. Characteristic selection: mucous membranes: difficult to contain diarrhea by 5 o'clock in the morning: itching hemorrhoids with a burning sensation in the anus: acrid leucorrhea and itching of the genital organs: skin: polymorphic rash with a burning sensation and itching, dry or weeping. Suppuration of small wounds.
2. Vertigo, worse in the morning and on lowering the body.
3. Throbbing headache in the region of the vertex, with sensation of heat, worse in the morning.
4. Acid lachrymation, with redness and itching of the eyelids.
5. Ears reddened, burning, lips dry and bright red, tongue dry, with a red tip and edges.
6. Diarrhea or constipation, with painful and unsuccessful urging.
7. Shortness of breath with a need for fresh air, feeling of a heavy load in the chest and restlessness.
8. Palpitation, aggravated at night with a feeling of enlargement of the heart, pain under the left mammary gland, radiating to the back.
9. Late menstruation, profuse, ceasing on the third day; blood dark, thick and acrid.
10. Sharp twitching of the limbs during sleep, cramps in the muscles of the legs.
11 Unpleasant smell from the skin, acrid and fetid odor self-loathing sweat.
Very extensive. It is extremely important in practice to keep the following in mind:
1. In acute cases, to appoint at the beginning and at the end (after Pulsatilla.), which promotes elimination and prevents complications.

a.) preliminary drainage is required to prevent unwanted drug deterioration:
b) pre-administration of a complementary medication to avoid harmful effects allocation to a weakened system (due to its centrifugal action):
c) at the beginning seasonal illness- attention to the ears (it is better to refrain from it if there was a history of ear disease or otitis media is currently threatening).

2. In chronic cases: at the beginning of treatment, it clears clinical picture and helps to dissipate secondary or interfering symptoms (like Nux vomica).

a) dangerous if the body is not able to provide an excretory function, hence the need for drainage.
b) dangerous in hypotensive patients, in tuberculosis patients, with suppuration (everything would be in order if Sulfur served the interests of the whole organism to the detriment of local ones):
c) it causes emaciation in dolichomorphic patients (therefore it is better to give Sulfur iod.).
1. Complementary:
a) diathesis: NUX VOMICA. PSORINUM (psora); SULFUR IOD., TUBERCULINUM (tuberculinism); continued in the following order: SULFUR - CALC. CARB.-LYCOPODIUM-SULFUR; THUYA (if given SULFUR for too long);
b) symptomatic: concomitant draining agents: AESCULUS. ALOE (veins); ACONIT. GLONOINE (arteries); ARSENICUM. ALB., GRAPHITES. HEPAR SULFUR. MERCURIUS. MEZEREUM. PETROLEUM.
RHUS TOX. (leather); DULCAMARA (leather and lymphatic formations); BRYONIA. MERCURIUS, PULSATILLA (mucous membranes); BRYONIA ( serous membranes); CHAMOMILLA. COFFEA. IGNATIA. NUX VOMICA (vegetative); BERBERIS. SOLIDAGO (liver and kidneys).

2. Preparatory: see complementary diathesis.
3. Follow-up:
b) Thin sulphurics = psorotuberculinics: SULFUR IOD, NATRUM MUR., SILICEA, ARSEN. ALB., TUBERCULINUM.

4. Incompatible: no.
6. Symptomatic for comparison:
Given the versatility of its indications, any pathology can be used for comparison. These sections present enough means with which to compare its action.
1. As a result of a specific morbidity characterized by CHRONIC course, PERIODICITY AND alternating manifestations, which are facilitated by a sedentary lifestyle, overheating or hypothermia, abuse of sweets, which the patient loves, as well as due to protracted, poorly treatable or untimely treated diseases, or. finally, as a result of the SUPPRESSION OF ELIMINATIONS.
2. Subjects are energetic, quickly excitable and quickly calming down, with mood swings, irritable, self-centered, depressed under the influence of suppression of eliminations.
3. UNSTABLE BODY TEMPERATURE with predominance of either burning heat (neutral sulphurics) or cold (fat or thin sulphurics), DESIRE TO REFRESH, especially to refresh FEET, and a need for FRESH AIR.
5. Discharges on the skin and mucous membranes are accompanied by redness, BURNING, itching. They are characterized by an extra-epochal onset, periodicity, chronic and alternating course.
6. GREAT FATIGUE, especially towards 11 A.M., with a feeling of hunger that calms down after light meal. STANDING BRINGS TORTURE.
7. Increased appetite or anorexia, rapid satiety, distinct likes and dislikes: loves savory fornication and sweets, intolerant of milk and meat: thirst.
9. Light sleep, insomnia from 2 to 5 am. LAYS FEET ABOVE THE BED because they "burn".
10. BURNING PAIN: everything "burns": skin, secretions, secretions (acrid).
11. 12. > in dry weather (intolerant of extreme temperatures: needs fresh air); lying on opposite side stagnation, which are predominantly localized to the left: from ELIMINATION.
13. Menstruation is late, profuse, ends on the third day, the blood is thick, dark, acrid. Itching of the genitals, acrid leucorrhoea
14. Irresistible diarrhoea, IN THE EARLY MORNING, FORCING TO JUMP FROM BED, or constipation, with frequent, painful, but ineffectual urging.

This remedy acts mainly on the brain, although the skin and throat are also affected to some extent. Suppression of secretion and excretion. Sensation as if the limbs were separated from the body. Delirium tremens. Absence of pain, lack of muscle mobility, especially for mimic and locomotor muscles. Circular or spiral movements; graceful movements. Parkinsonism.

Psyche. Piety, seriousness, pleading mood; continuous chatter. Chatty, laughs, sings, swears; prays; rhymes speech. Ghosts appear; voices are heard; talks to spirits and ghosts. Quick transitions from happy to sad. Tendency to violence and debauchery. Illusions about self: considers himself tall, bifurcated, with the absence of any part of the body, etc. Religious mania. Does not tolerate loneliness or darkness: requires light and company. From the sight of flowing water or in general anything flickering, spasms arise. Delirium with desire to run away (Bell; Bry; Rhus).

Head. Raises head frequently from pillow. Pain in the frontal region and above the eyebrows, beginning at 9 o'clock in the morning; worse before noon. Boring pains preceded by blurred vision. Congestion of blood to the head; staggers with a tendency to fall forward and to the left. auditory hallucinations.

Eyes. They appear bulging, glazed eyes, pupils dilated. loss of vision; complains about the darkness and asks for more light. Small things seem big. Individual parts of the body appear abnormally swollen. Strabismus. All objects appear black.

Face. Hot, red; limited redness of the cheeks. Flushing of the face; it is distorted. An expression of horror. The face is pale.

Mouth. Dryness; viscous saliva dripping down. Aversion to water. Stuttering. Sardonic smile. Unable to swallow due to spasm of the throat. Chewing movements.

Stomach. The food tastes like straw. Strong thirst. Vomiting of mucus and green bile.

Urine. Urination is suppressed bladder empty

Male reproductive organs. Sexual erethism with obscene speech and deeds. Hands all the time touching the genitals.

Female reproductive organs. Metrorrhagia with loquacity, singing, prayers. postpartum psychosis with characteristic psychiatric symptoms and profuse sweating. Convulsions after childbirth.

Dream. Awakens from fright; cries out in fear. Deep dream with snoring. Drowsiness, but cannot sleep (Bell).

Limbs. Graceful rhythmic movements. convulsions upper limbs and isolated muscle groups. Chorea; partial spasms - constantly changing. severe pain in the left hip area. Trembling, twitching of tendons; wobbly gait.

Leather. Brilliant, flushed red. Effects of suppression of scarlet fever with delirium, etc.

Fever. Profuse sweat without relief. Severe fever.

MODALITIES. Worse in dark room; lonely; when looking at brightly lit or shiny objects; After sleep; when swallowing. Better from bright light; from society; from heat.

RELATIONSHIPS. Antidotes: Bellad.; Tabas,; ffux.

Compare: especially similar in action to Hyoscy. and Bellad. The feverish state is less than in Bellad., but more so than in Hyoscy. Causes more functional excitation of the brain, but the picture never approaches the characteristic of Bellad, a true inflammatory picture,

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