What is better gonal or clostilbegit. Stimulation of ovulation. When does ovulation occur after an hCG injection?

According to statistics, 35% of women become pregnant in the first or third cycle of ovulation stimulation. An important nuance: it is imperative to exclude other possible causes of the absence of pregnancy: tubal factor, poor sperm quality, dysfunction of the pituitary gland and thyroid gland. In this case, the absence of ovulation for 3 or more cycles in a row (ultrasound or hormone tests) must be accurately established. Preparations based on Clomiphene and gonadotropins stimulate the maturation of the follicle up to 18-24 mm, and hCG injections cause ovulation (rupture of the follicle).

When are hormonal stimulation drugs prescribed?

Ovulation (exit from a mature egg follicle ready for fertilization) - usually occurs 14 days before the onset of menstruation (from 12 to 16). If within 24 hours the sperm fertilizes the released egg, the desired pregnancy occurs.

Attention(!) For various reasons, the menstrual cycle may not be accompanied by ovulation - usually no more than 2-3 times a year. This is normal - the ovaries are resting. With age, the tendency to anovulation increases. In women closer to 40 years, the periods between possible days of natural conception can be several months.

According to gynecologists and reproductologists, in many cases, an effective solution to the problem is the induction of ovulation - drug stimulation of egg maturation. Drugs with follicle-stimulating or luteinizing (supporting egg development) hormones help to achieve the goal:

  • Horagon;
  • Clostilbegit;
  • Gonal;
  • Pregnil and others.

A special place is occupied by drugs based on hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin). This is a hormone produced by the female body during the fertilization of the egg and the formation of the fetus. The level of hCG plays a major role in pregnancy testing.

Stimulation of ovulation with Clostilbegit

Under influence Clostilbegit (Clomiphene, Clostil, Clomid) the pituitary and hypothalamus increase hormone production. As a result, the activity of the ovaries is activated. The medicine is made in the form of tablets.

Usually, ovulation stimulation with Clostilbegit is carried out according to the schemes:

  1. Reception once a day 50 mg of the drug for 5 days, starting from the 2nd-5th day of the menstrual cycle. On the 11-15th day, ovulation should occur.
  2. In the absence of the expected result, the regimen is repeated, but the single dose of the drug is increased to 100 mg. If the ultrasound confirms the success of the procedure, the pills are immediately stopped. In case of failure, the second scheme can be repeated after 3 months. The maximum total dose of the drug for one course is 750 mg.

To make artificial ovulation more effective, Clostilbegit is often combined with an hCG injection as soon as one of the follicles reaches 23-24 mm.

A very detailed article about the nuances of taking Clostilbegit and the onset of ovulation.

How to stimulate ovulation with Gonal

Gonal- a powerful hormonal stimulant, its main active ingredient is follitropin alfa, which stimulates folliculogenesis. The drug is intended for subcutaneous administration, is produced in the form of a powder for an injection solution and a ready-to-use syringe pen with a dispenser.

Stimulation of ovulation with Gonal is effective when you start taking the drug in the first 7 days of the menstrual cycle.

Usually, treatment is carried out for 28-30 days according to the scheme:

  • the first and second week of the menstrual cycle - from 75 to 150 IU of Gonal daily;
  • from the third week, the daily dose is increased by 37.5 - 75 IU, but it should not exceed 225 IU.

When prescribed during treatment with Gonal injections of the drug Pregnil, ovulation occurs in 75% of cases. Instead of Pregnyl, the doctor may prescribe other drugs based on hCG.

You can read more about Gonalom-f stimulation at.

When does ovulation occur after an hCG injection?

When solving the individual problem of the lack of ovulation, a woman is usually prescribed intramuscular injections (in the buttock or abdomen) of one of the gonadotropin preparations:

  • Choriogonin;
  • Horagon;
  • Menogon;
  • Ovitrelle;
  • Pregnil and others.

This procedure is necessarily preceded by folliculometry (ultrasound monitoring of the condition of the ovaries). Follicle growth is monitored at different periods, from the second to the ninth DC (depending on its length), and stimulation is carried out at the moment when they increase to 18-24 mm.

The standard dose of the drug is 5000–10000 IU. If the first injection of hCG with ovulation stimulation at the minimum dosage (5000 IU) did not give the expected result, the procedure may be repeated in the next cycle, but with the introduction of 10,000 IU of the drug.

As a rule, ovulation after an hCG injection occurs within 24-36 hours. But under the influence of individual factors, it may be delayed or absent. Ultrasound allows you to accurately fix the time when ovulation occurs after an hCG injection. It is carried out on the third or fourth day after the injection.

If the dose does not work, the next time it is increased.

Stimulation of ovulation in polycystic ovaries - features of therapy

Ovulation stimulation for polycystic ovaries (PCOS) is one of the effective ways to get pregnant. The disease is a consequence of a violation of metabolic processes in the ovarian membrane, due to which it thickens. For this reason, mature eggs cannot come out. In place of their accumulation, a cyst forms over time.

The issue of ovulation stimulation is solved by therapeutic and surgical methods. But here you need to be very careful and regularly monitor the volume of the ovaries on ultrasound.

In the first case, the treatment is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. Reception of Clomiphene from the third day of the menstrual cycle (daily rate of 50-100 mg) for 5 days. The drug stimulates the synthesis of hormones necessary for ovulation.
  2. On the 10-12th day of the cycle, an ultrasound is performed to analyze the dynamics of follicle growth. In case of lag in the growth of the endometrium, Proginova or Divigel is connected.
  3. If readiness for ovulation is obvious, an hCG injection is prescribed. Ovulation should occur within a day after the procedure. The day of the hCG injection and two days after it is the optimal period for conception.
  4. From the 15th day of the cycle, hormonal support is carried out with drugs based on Progesterone.

If necessary, hormone stimulation is allowed for three menstrual cycles.

Surgically, the problem with the ovaries is eliminated with the help of laparoscopy. This is a minimally invasive method, without large and coarse sutures. In the future, hormonal therapy is carried out to maintain their own ovulation.

From experience(!) Ovulation after laparoscopy can occur already during the next menstrual cycle (for example, during laparoscopy, my ovaries were burned - diathermopuncture, after that I started my own ovulation and on the fifth cycle I became pregnant).

Stimulation of ovulation with folk remedies

The traditional stimulation of ovulation with folk remedies, as a rule, consists in the use of decoctions sage, upland uterus("herbs for 40 diseases"), red brush, roses. In each case, one cooking recipe is used - 1 tbsp. l. vegetable raw materials pour 200 ml of boiling water and insist 15 minutes in a water bath.

An example of an ovulation stimulation scheme with medicinal plants:

First use sage for ovulation, which positively affects the body of the uterus and the process of egg maturation. A vegetable decoction is prepared every day and drunk 3-4 times;
in the second half of the cycle, the brewed boron uterus is used in the same way. It is believed that parallel treatment with a decoction of red brush leaves enhances the effect.

Attention(!) It is not recommended to prescribe hormonal herbs, such as a hog uterus and a red brush, on your own - this can cause a serious hormonal failure.

The healing properties of rose petals (white and pink inflorescences are used) are based on their high content of vitamin E - a stimulant of reproductive function.

Fragrant broth take 1 tsp. every night before bed. To stimulate ovulation with the help of mumiyo, it is diluted with quince, sea buckthorn or carrot juice (proportion 1:20). You need to drink a cocktail on an empty stomach, in the morning and in the evening.

It is impossible to predict exactly when ovulation will occur after stimulation with folk remedies.

What else is used to restore ovulation

Vitamin and aromatherapy can also positively affect the process of conception. A diet saturated with substances useful for the body of the expectant mother increases the effectiveness of any method of stimulating ovulation.

Aromatherapists recommend inhaling cypress, anise, sage, or basil oil. These odors increase the production of the female hormone estrogen. It is also worth taking baths with 3-5 drops of lavender or rose geranium oil. Aromas help normalize hormonal levels.

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Obstetrician-gynecologist Olga Pryadukhina

Obstetrician-gynecologist, doctor of ultrasound diagnostics.
Certified operating doctor obstetrician-gynecologist.
Book author :"How to Get Pregnant Fast"
Participant in research studies related to pregnancy complications. Has a number of publications in scientific journals.

youtube-channel of Olga Pryadukhina

There are quite a lot of drugs that stimulate ovulation, but only a specialist can choose the right one and describe the regimen for its administration. Getting drug therapy is only half the battle. It is important to monitor the growth of follicles and try to conceive a child in time. In this article, we will look at how to properly stimulate ovulation with Clostilbegit, Duphaston, Gonal-F, Letrozole, Menopur, Puregon, Femara, and others. However, such treatment requires prior medical consultation.

What if ovulation is irregular or does not occur at all? You can create it artificially by taking Klostilbegit. It is also prescribed for, as well as in cases where pregnancy does not occur for a long time for unknown reasons. This drug, among other things, increases the concentration of prolactin.

The action of Clostilbegit is aimed at increasing the level of hormones that stimulate the ovaries and contribute to the onset of ovulation. Its active substance triggers the production of hormones by the pituitary gland. The duration of therapy is five days. To restore fertility, as a rule, 1-2 stimulated cycles are enough.

Unfortunately, Clostilbegit stimulation is allowed to be done 5-6 times throughout life. This is due to the fact that its active substance, if used irrationally, can provoke the strongest. It should be borne in mind that against the background of taking the medication, there is late ovulation.

Klostilbegit is a drug, the stimulation of ovulation which often leads to such an undesirable phenomenon as a deterioration in the growth of the endometrium. That is, it may happen that conception occurs, but the implantation of the embryo will be impossible. For this reason, while taking the medication, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the endometrium.

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Scheme of application of Clostilbegit

How to stimulate ovulation with Klimofen (Klostilbegit)? The drug is taken from the fifth to the ninth days of the cycle. The dosage is calculated individually, and is determined by the patient's body weight and the characteristics of her menstrual cycle. On the first or second day of using the drug, a woman needs to undergo an ultrasound examination. This will track the development of follicles and the thickness of the endometrium. If positive dynamics is not found, then you will need to take medications containing estrogen.

The results of Clostilbegit stimulation are monitored throughout the entire period of therapy. If there is no effect, the issue of re-using the drug is decided, while the dosage is increased. In medical practice, the dosage options listed below are commonly used:

  • the maximum dose per day at the first stage of therapy is 150 mg;
  • with polycystic ovary syndrome - 50 mg per day;
  • in the case of depleted ovaries - 100 mg per day in combination with estrogens.

To prevent the formation of an epididymal cyst when using the ovulation stimulation scheme with Clomiphene or Clostilbegit, an injection of hCG can be used. After the injection, it is usually possible to get natural ovulation within 1-2 days. If pregnancy has occurred, then injecting progesterone is most often recommended to the patient to maintain function.

The combination of Klostilbegit and Proginov for stimulation

Therapy with Klostilbegit, according to the decision of the doctor, is supplemented by taking Proginova. The composition of the last medication includes the hormone estrogen. Proginova must be taken from days 5 to 21 of the cycle. This will establish a hormonal balance and prevent the rapid depletion of the appendages due to the use of Clostilbegit.

Stimulation of ovulation with Puregon

This drug is used to activate the maturation of the egg if you plan to conceive naturally or through IVF. The mechanism of action of Puregon is to enhance the production of sex hormones by the pituitary gland and ensure the release of the egg from the ovary.

Menogon (analogue - Menopur) to stimulate ovulation

In the process of taking the drug, the hormones FSH and LH are produced, and the level of estrogen in the blood also increases. In addition, Menogon stimulates the growth of follicles in the appendages, and also builds up the endometrium. As a rule, this medication is taken from the second day of the cycle for 1.5 weeks. Stimulation by Menopur is based on the same principles as Menogon, since these drugs have the same active ingredient in their composition.

Stimulation of ovulation by Gonalom-F

Gonal-F is one of the most powerful drugs for stimulation and is used in its absence, PCOS and other indications. It is prescribed during IVF, which allows you to get several mature follicles at once. Gonal-F is produced in the form of syringe pens and powder ampoules, which must be diluted with saline before use. The dosage is determined by a specialist. The standard scheme for stimulating ovulation with a drug is as follows:

  • the first week of the cycle - the daily norm is 75-150 IU;
  • the second week - the dosage is the same as in the first week;
  • third week: in the absence of own ovulation to stimulate it, the daily dosage is increased by about 37.5-75 IU.

The maximum dose of Gonal-F should not exceed 255 IU. Otherwise, the ovaries may develop with the subsequent appearance of cysts and even rupture of the appendage. The total duration of therapy is 28-30 days. During this period, the effectiveness of the drug administration is monitored by ultrasound and, at the discretion of the doctor, an hCG injection is prescribed. After the release of the egg from the ovary, the woman is usually recommended the introduction of progesterone.

Other drugs to stimulate ovulation: Duphaston, Letrozole, Actovegin, Dexamethasone


Duphaston is not used to stimulate ovulation, however, its use in courses by some patients can improve hormonal levels and become pregnant. This drug is an artificial progesterone. According to the instructions, Duphaston is taken 1 tablet 2 times a day (preferably at the same time) for infertility - from 14 to 25 days of the cycle, and for irregular periods - from 11 to 25 days of the cycle. Gynecologists often recommend drinking 1 tablet of Duphaston 2 times a day from 16 to 25 days of the cycle.


Stimulation with Letrozole (Femara), in contrast to similar therapy with Clostilbegit, gives a less pronounced antiestrogenic effect. Femara is taken from the third day of the menstrual cycle for five days. The dosages of the drug are different. Most experts recommend drinking 2.5 mg per day, others - 5 mg per day. Stimulation with Letrozole is especially appropriate if Clostilbegit is ineffective or if there are contraindications for therapy with this drug.


Actovegin is a drug that improves tissue metabolism. Sometimes it is prescribed in complex stimulation therapy and contributes to a successful pregnancy even in the natural cycle. The use of this medication normalizes blood circulation in the tissues of the uterus, which leads to intensive growth of the endometrium and increases the likelihood of conception.


Dexamethasone is actually a glucocorticosteroid and is recommended for the treatment of allergic diseases. In gynecology, when stimulating ovulation, it is used if the patient has adrenal hyperandrogenism. In this case, the dosage of the drug is from 0.125 mg to 0.5 mg. Along the way, 17KS of urine or 17OP and DEA in the blood are necessarily controlled. In combination with Dexamethasone, it is necessary to take medications that improve tissue metabolism, or vitamin and mineral complexes for pregnant women with the obligatory content of folic acid.

If pregnancy does not occur for two or three cycles, then Klimofen or Klostilbegit is stimulated at a dosage of 50 mg from the fifth to the ninth days of the cycle simultaneously with Dexamethasone. After the successful conception of a child, if the patient suffers from increased production of androgens by the adrenal cortex, the use of the drug continues at a dose selected individually (usually not more than 0.5 mg).

Before proceeding with the stimulation of ovulation, it is necessary to examine the woman's sexual partner for infertility. A comprehensive study of the problem of a woman's insufficient fertility should be organized and her state of health should also be assessed. This will reduce the likelihood of side effects when using drugs.

Stimulation of ovulation with Klostilbegit is the most common technique used to treat female infertility. In women, the components of Klostilbegit stimulate the production of hormones responsible for the maturation of follicles. The effectiveness of the drug is estimated at 30-40%, subject to the correct dosage and treatment regimen.

Who is prescribed ovulation stimulation

Stimulation of ovulation with Clostilbegit is prescribed for women with diagnoses of unknown origin.. Before starting stimulation, the couple is sent for an examination to make sure that the true cause of infertility is ovarian dysfunction.

It simply does not make sense to prescribe stimulant drugs for male factor infertility, tubal obstruction, infectious and inflammatory diseases. Clostilbegit (clomiphene citrate) anti-estrogen, an effective drug, but has many side effects, the most severe of which are hyperstimulation, ovarian exhaustion and, as a result, early menopause.

How to take Clostilbegit

Stage 1:

Taking pills to stimulate ovulation begins on the 2nd-5th day of the cycle with a dosage of 50 mg / 1 tablet per day for 5 days.

From the 7-10th day of the cycle, the growth of the endometrium and follicles is monitored using ultrasound sensors. After one of the follicles reaches a size of 22-25 mm, an injection of hCG preparations is prescribed. (Horagon, Ovitrel, Pregnil). As a rule, ovulation occurs 24-27 hours after the injection.

When stimulated with Clostilbegit, the day of ovulation is the most favorable time for conception. In IVF protocols, egg puncture is carried out before the onset of ovulation.

Stage 2:

The doctor prescribes medicines containing progesterone: Utrozhestan, Duphaston or progesterone injections. The duration of such support is 14 days, starting from the day of ovulation. Two weeks later, they take a blood test for hCG.

Stage 3:

Taking Clostilbegit inhibits the growth of the endometrium, which makes it difficult for a fertilized egg to implant. That is why, throughout the entire treatment, the thickness of the endometrium is controlled and estrogens are prescribed to drink. (Proginova).

What to do if there is no result

You passed the test on the 14th day, and it turned out to be negative? The pregnancy did not occur. Do not despair. If you ovulated but didn’t get pregnant, you will be offered to repeat the stimulation and, possibly, new drugs will be selected.

If the ovarian response was insufficient, then with repeated stimulation with Clostilbegit, the doctor will suggest adjusting the dosage of the drug. Most importantly, remember that taking stimulant drugs only affects the maturation of the follicles, and in no case does it treat hormonal disorders.

Side effects after taking ovulation inducing drugs

If the doctor confirmed that the follicles do not mature, this means that you have health problems and, most likely, not only in the reproductive area. You should not expect that taking medication will solve all your problems.

Even the most modern means to stimulate ovulation have a side effect. Most often, patients after stimulation face such complications as:

  • the formation of cysts and polyps;
  • depletion of the ovaries and, as a result, early menopause;
  • hyperstimulation;
  • ovarian rupture;
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • problems with the digestive and nervous systems.

Clostilbegit stimulates ovulation quite effectively, but has many side effects. Talk to your doctor about ovulation stimulation and try alternative wellness treatments before starting Clostilbegyt. It is not recommended to use it for more than 6 cycles.

Stimulation of ovulation with Klostilbegit - reviews

According to the reviews of people who have encountered this modern medical technique, ovulation stimulation is a fairly progressive method. Ovulation is a hormone-dependent process, so it is stimulated with drugs containing hormones.

Despite the fact that the action of all drugs is aimed at restoring the hormonal background of the body, there are different reviews about the treatment: from those who became pregnant after ovulation stimulation with Clostilbegit and from those who did not help.


After 2 years of unsuccessful attempts to get pregnant, she went to the doctor. An ultrasound was diagnosed as anovulation. I went through 2 courses of 4 months of ovulation stimulation with clostilbegit. Of the side effects - 4 large cysts grew. I managed to get pregnant a month after the end of the medication.


I took ovulation medication for one cycle. Before that, my periods were irregular. I started taking Klostilbegit and a miracle - I got pregnant in the first cycle. They did an ultrasound, which showed three excellent eggs, only one was fertilized. Now my princess is 4.5 months old! Don't read bad reviews, everyone is different!

Questions and answers about Clostilbegit stimulation

There are many questions and reviews on thematic sites regarding the safety, expediency and effectiveness of the use of medicines.


Question: How is ovulation stimulation done with Clostilbegit? I heard negative reviews, they write a lot about early menopause. Need an answer from those who took the drug?


Answer: Hello! I must say right away that Clostilbegit did not help me, 3 cycles stimulated. We started with the minimum dosage from the 2nd day of the cycle, then increased it. What's next, I don't know yet. The gynecologist directs to IVF.

Of the side effects - recovered greatly, especially in the thighs. I heard about early menopause, I don’t think that the ovaries will be depleted in 3 cycles.


Question: How was the pregnancy after ovulation stimulation? Interested in reviews on the timing of hormonal support.


Answer: And what is so special about pregnancy after Klostilbegit? I left like everyone else, without any complications. Toxicosis and tone in the early stages are common. Support was up to 15 weeks, but now many pregnant women are prescribed Utrozhestan or Dufaston with tone. Read the positive reviews and don't beat yourself up.


Question: Is it possible to do stimulation with a bad spermogram from a husband? Passed before the start of treatment, diagnosed Asthenozoospermia. The clinic said that it's okay, the mobility is 53%, but I'm worried. I'm looking forward to the responses and feedback from those who have experienced this.


Answer: The doctor is right, everything is treated! It's good that they passed the tests before the start of stimulation. We have done the opposite.

I was stimulated for 4 months, the eggs matured in each cycle, and pregnancy did not occur ... I was very worried ... Then I was advised by a good doctor, and I went to him for a consultation, and so, he was very surprised that they did not check her husband. The husband nevertheless passed the tests, and he was also diagnosed with low mobility due to inflammation. Treated for a month, then rested before stimulation.

In general, the 5th stimulation turned out to be victorious. 4 eggs matured, only one was fertilized. Now I'm at 12 weeks! I am writing this review to let you know there is hope! So don't be discouraged!


Question: The gynecologist has appointed or nominated stimulation of an ovulation, I doubt. The fact is that according to ultrasound, I have my own ovulation, albeit not in every cycle. I'm afraid I'm hurting myself by taking ovulation medication. Tell me, who had a similar situation and Klostilbegit helped to get pregnant? Need feedback and advice on how to speed up ovulation with other, less harmful means?


Answer: Slightly off topic, but still. Yes, Klostilbegit is not the easiest and safest drug, but I would not refuse. If you doubt the doctor's prescriptions, try to go for a consultation with another specialist. In any case, taking Klostilbegit in minimal doses and under the supervision of a doctor is unable to harm the body.

I have polycystic ovaries, I was ovulating, but, apparently, the quality of the eggs was not important. It was treated for a long time, stimulated by Klostilbegit - it did not help. Now I am preparing for AI and stimulation with other drugs. Of the alternative methods of treatment - only herbs, but after reading the reviews, I would not take them on my own.


Question: Girls, SOS! The reproductive specialist prescribed ovulation stimulation with Klostilbegit 2 tablets a day, and today I found out that I missed 1 day of admission !!! What to do? Now nothing will work?


Answer: Do not worry, continue taking the tablets according to the scheme and extend it by 1 day. I also forgot to drink - the doctor said to do just that.

Stimulation of ovulation with other drugs

Gonal, Menopur, Puregon, Horagon, Dufaston, Utrozhestan and Proginova are drugs that stimulate ovulation in women and prepare the endometrium for implantation of a fertilized egg. The schemes of such stimulation are more complex and similar to those used by reproductologists in IVF protocols. There are both positive and negative reviews.



Question: I was diagnosed with primary infertility 3 years ago. She was treated for polycystic ovaries, endometritis. Ovulation was irregular. The clinic prescribed stimulation. I read the stories of everyone who got pregnant after ovulation stimulation, reviews, tips and tuned in to win ...

Now there are four stimulations with Clostilbegit behind me. No effect. How to stimulate ovulation yet? And, most importantly, what?


Answer: helped me stimulation scheme with Gonal. Got pregnant right away. I started stimulation from the 2-6th day of the cycle and a dosage of 50 mg, from the 9th day I increased the dose to 75 units, from the 14th to 112. The injections continued until the 15th day of the cycle, and the long-awaited ovulation was on the 18th day.


Answer: Gonal and ovulation stimulation with an hCG injection also helped me. Pregnancy came from the second time. Clostilbegit was stimulated 6 times - it did not help.


Question: Finally got my hands on the results of histology - no endometriosis!!! They wrote that polycystic ovaries are bad?

After laparoscopy, she took antibiotics, did physiotherapy. In the next cycle, I begin stimulation with Clostibegit, an injection of hCG, Utrozhestan and Metipred. I read a lot of negative reviews about ovulation stimulation with Clostilbegit, so I’m wondering if it’s better to start right away with Gonal?


Answer: I am one of those who got pregnant after ovulation induction. I am against taking Klostilbegit, the remedy is heavy, and it does not always help. He didn’t help me, and even spoiled the endometrium. Insist on Gonal stimulation - a modern drug from it, follicles grow by leaps and bounds.


Answer: My friend is just one of those who were helped to get pregnant by ovulation stimulation with Gonal. She was also diagnosed with polycystic ovaries, but then the reproductive specialist explained that she had multifollicular ovaries, and this is often confused.

Everything worked out the first time! Before that, there were unsuccessful stimulation schemes with Klostilbegit and 2-year visits to clinics.


Question: Very upset - follicles do not grow! I am stimulated on the 6th day, starting from the 7th day of the cycle. Of these, 5 days - Puregon 100 units, today - 150 units. On ultrasound, the doctor added Menopur 75 units. Only 6 follicles have grown in size 5-6-10mm!!! It is not enough? What ovulation medications have you been prescribed? How many follicles have grown?


Answer: Stimulated by Gonal. At 10 DC, 10 follicles of 10 mm approximately matured. I ovulated on DC 12 (30 day cycle). So everything is fine, don't worry!


Answer: Everything is fine! It's just too early. It was stimulated by Puregon, the dosage, however, was higher. 7 excellent follicles have grown! The main thing here is not quantity, but quality.


Question: She was taking ovulation induction drugs. Scheme - Clostilbegit, Menopur with Proginova and Dufaston. The result was zero, only health problems remained ... I came to the appointment after stimulation on the 3rd day of the cycle, they sent me for an ultrasound scan and a new diagnosis: due to taking the drugs, a 7 cm cyst had grown!!! Girls who faced? How long to treat? I tuned in to IVF, but now, probably, they won’t let me in?


Answer: I sympathize, I myself grew a dermoid cyst after ovulation was stimulated. I had to remove it along with the ovary. The doctor said that the reason was not in the drugs, they just accelerated the process.


Answer: Don't worry, there are different types of cysts. Go to the gynecologist - he will figure it out and prescribe treatment. I have resolved myself. I took only vitamins, a month somewhere. By the way, the cause was never found, they said hormonal failure.


Question: Started stimulation. From the 3rd dts I stab Gonal-F. The doctor prescribed a dosage of 75 IU for 6 days. Has ovulation stimulation helped anyone get pregnant? Need feedback from those who have taken Gonal?


Answer: Hi! I took Gonal. After the second IVF attempt, I got pregnant. Twins were born - two boys! After stimulating ovulation with this drug, according to reviews, twins are often born.

My advice is not so much what stimulates, how much the clinic and the doctor. So look for a good doctor.


Answer: But it didn’t help me ... As a result, a cyst. Now I am healing. In general, the drug is very good, according to reviews, everyone praises.

Stimulation of ovulation with folk remedies

Traditional medicine is replete with recipes and tips on how to speed up ovulation and pregnancy. The reviews of people who were helped to get pregnant by ovulation stimulation with folk remedies, and the reviews of those who were disappointed in herbal treatment correlate in a 50/50 ratio.

You should not underestimate traditional medicine, just as you should not rely entirely on it. In any case, it is necessary to consult with experienced herbalist so as not to harm your body.

According to reviews, the most popular folk remedies for ovulation stimulation are decoction of sage containing a large amount of phytoestrogen. No less famous drugs from aloe petals mixed with milk and, a decoction of plantain seed and rose petals .

Increasing the reproductive functions of the female body is given great attention in the development of modern gynecology, and an important role in this direction is occupied by the stimulation of ovulation. For stimulation, various methods are used, including surgical, therapeutic (hCG injections and tablets) treatment, which can accelerate the development of the egg in women with infertility. Unfortunately, the use of ovulation stimulation can help achieve a positive result only for those patients who have retained the ability to form a healthy egg, but for a number of reasons it does not mature.

A decrease in estrogen has a negative effect on female reproductive functions and often causes infertility. To restore and stimulate the functioning of the ovaries, doctors recommend using effective hormonal drugs, for example, the French drug Proginova. Before the IVF procedure or with polycystic ovaries, the use of ovulation stimulation is also indicated. To stimulate the ovaries, the spouses need to be examined in detail, and only in the absence of contraindications, under the strict supervision of a doctor, with regular ultrasound monitoring, they are given a course of stimulation.

In order to avoid hyperstimulation, it is especially important to adhere to the indicated dose of drugs and avoid overdose. Conducting ovulation stimulation with the help of medications is not carried out more than six times throughout life.

Action from applications

One of the safest drugs to use, and also the most effective for stimulating ovulation, is Gonal-F, which is available as an injectable formulation. Since it contains hormones, should Gonal be taken only on the strict prescription of a doctor and in accordance with the dosage? specified in the recipe. The hormonal compounds that determine the action of the drug are created using artificial synthesis and have properties identical to those produced in the pituitary gland to stimulate the formation of follicles. The effect of the use of gonal is close to the effect obtained from the influence of these hormones, and also regulates menstrual cycles and the occurrence of ovulation. The composition of the preparation Gonal includes an active active substance and several auxiliary components that increase its effectiveness and reduce the possibility of adverse reactions. Gonal treatment is carried out with the help of intramuscular injections on the established days of the cycle and, subject to all recommendations, conception can occur as a result of the first course of use.

The use of gonal injections causes such changes in the female body as:

  • stimulation of education and full maturation of the follicle;
  • normalization of the menstrual cycle;
  • regulation of the fertilization process;
  • restoration of the endometrium;
  • an increase in the hormone estrogen;
  • normalization of hormonal levels.

The changes that have taken place under the action of the gonal allow full ovulation to take place, and the fertilized egg gets the opportunity to gain a foothold in the uterus on the endometrium sufficiently prepared for this.

Injections applied

Intramuscular injections are often used for treatment with gonadotropins. For this, menopausal or recombinant gonadotropins, such as gonal, are used. They are laboratory-produced, do not contain impurities, and their effect on the ovaries is close to natural follicle-stimulating hormone. Preparations for injections of hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) are produced in an outpatient clinic and are used in cases where the follicle is able to develop normally, reaching the desired size, but is not able to burst on its own.

Clostilbegit and hCG injections for stimulation

As a means used to stimulate the ovaries, in addition to gonal, clostilbegit is also used, which also contributes to the production of the necessary hormones. In order to prevent the occurrence of a follicular cyst, HCG (gonadotropin) injections are prescribed together with Clostilbegit. During the entire course of taking the pills on ultrasound, the growth of follicles is monitored until they reach a size of 20 mm.

The course of treatment with clostilbegit is carried out according to the scheme: 1 tablet for five days, with monitoring of the condition of the ovaries with ultrasound. Pregnancy after treatment with clostilbegit occurs between the 110th and 15th day of the cycle. If pregnancy does not occur after taking Clostilbegit, another regimen is used with an increase in dose to 2 tablets for five days. In cases where the second scheme does not bring the expected result, the course is completely repeated.

There are situations when clostilbegit does not affect the reproductive organs of the patient, then the use of this drug should be stopped and other methods should be tried to stimulate ovulation. One treatment regimen with clostilbegit should not exceed 750 mg of the drug.

In order to prevent the formation of cysts from empty follicles that have not undergone ovulation, hCG injections are carried out, which can activate the maturation of follicles already after a day after application. According to experts, hCG injections can lead to conception immediately after the first injection.

Stimulation of ovulation with Gonal

Conducting stimulation of ovulation with Gonal has significant differences from stimulation with clostilbegit. It is in many ways superior to clostilbegit in terms of efficiency and safety, as it does not cause the formation of cysts. Gonal injections are used in the initial seven-day cycle, and the duration of administration is determined by the doctor and depends on the estrogen index.

Stimulation with an increase in the dose of the drug continues until a significant effect appears. Two to three days after the injection, the patient receives hCG (gonadotropin). Sexual intercourse for successful conception is recommended to be carried out on these and the next day. If the course according to the above scheme did not bring a positive result, when used in the next cycle, the dose of the drug is increased.

Reasons for use

The need to use a gonal arises in the following situations:

How to use drugs

The drug gonal is produced in capsules as powders intended for injections by dilution immediately before use, or in special syringe pens intended for injections with a composition of a certain concentration completely ready for use. The second option is more convenient to use and is increasingly being used. Syringe - pen can be released in various dosages required in each case, which makes it easy to control the dose required for injection, does not require dilution and is completely painless to use, as it is injected under the skin. When using a powder, the dosage of follitropin directly depends on the volume of the solvent composition, so it is best for a specialist to accurately calculate this portion.

Gonal is used according to the usual technology for subcutaneous injections, and is no different from conventional procedures that require certain antiseptic rules:

  1. Hand hygiene with soap or alcohol-based formulations prior to injection.
  2. Preparing to use the pen and setting the prescribed dosage. The powder is diluted in a vial to the required concentration, the amount of the drug prescribed by the doctor for one injection is drawn into the syringe.
  3. The skin is treated with an antiseptic composition, a puncture is made with a needle directed perpendicular to the injection site. The injection is almost painless, as it is carried out with a thin short needle.
  4. The introduction of the solution, the removal of the needle and the treatment of the puncture site with a napkin with alcohol.

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The effectiveness of the drug

When using gonal, you can achieve the desired pregnancy and bring back to normal many physiological processes that occur in a woman's body. For example, it is possible to achieve an increase in the level of hormones related to the estrogen series and normalize the menstrual cycle. Increase the formation of follicles in the ovaries, stimulate their growth and cause full-fledged ovulation, as well as prepare the endometrium for the acceptance of a fertilized egg and its fixation on it.

As a result of taking Gonal, it allows you to fully regulate hormonal dysfunction and restore the ability of the ovaries to produce ovulation of eggs exactly in the middle of the cycle. By reuniting all the links in the chain necessary for the regulation of reproductive functions, there is a real opportunity for the development of full-fledged embryos. With proper diagnosis and timely use in accordance with the recommendations, pregnancy as a result of the use of gonal can occur after one treatment course.

Stimulation for IVF

The use of IVF can often be the only way for an infertile couple to have offspring. The technique uses the fertilization of eggs in the laboratory with the transfer of fertilized embryos into the uterus. IVF is used for obstruction of the fallopian tubes, low-quality sperm and other abnormalities. Before IVF, an examination is carried out, which serves to prevent the risk of undesirable consequences. Since for IVF it is necessary to have several mature eggs at the same time, ovulation stimulation is used with the help of Gonal. When conducting IVF with artificial ovarian stimulation, it must be taken into account that the use of gonal often provokes the occurrence of multiple pregnancies.

Contraindications for stimulation

The substances that make up the gonal can, like any other medicines, have undesirable effects and limit its use. All possible side effects must be taken into account when prescribing ovulation stimulation with a gonal. In doing so, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  • the formation of large follicular ovarian cysts;
  • individual intolerance and the manifestation of allergic reactions to the administered drug;
  • unknown cause of uterine bleeding;
  • tumors in the ovary and uterine cavity of a malignant nature;
  • mastopathy in a precancerous state;
  • the presence of tumor processes of the pituitary gland;
  • violations of the primary processes of formation of follicles in the ovaries;
  • the usual manifestation of infertility, which is a consequence of obstruction of the fallopian tubes.

Possible side effects

With individual intolerance to gonal, the following symptoms may appear:

  • skin rashes;
  • the formation of follicular cysts;
  • reaction to the introduction of gonal at the injection site, manifested by redness and inflammation;
  • the occurrence of multiple pregnancy;
  • miscarriage;
  • development of tumors in the breast.

In the absence of contraindications and good tolerability of the drug, it is indispensable as an ovulation stimulation in solving problems associated with infertility, especially if the use of another stimulation agent does not bring a positive effect. An important condition for obtaining a good result is the correct dosage according to the scheme and the intake of gonal under the constant supervision of a doctor with ultrasound. Observation of the patient allows you to control the condition of the ovaries and timely apply methods that contribute to a full conception.

After the course of treatment, it must be borne in mind that the onset of pregnancy from the first time may not occur. This serves as a reason for undergoing an additional examination, which allows to determine the cause of the failure that has befallen and is an obstacle to conception. According to the observations of doctors, after the stimulation of ovulation, which seems unsuccessful, after a few months, the desired pregnancy occurs in the patients. This happens as a result of the fact that the internal functions of the body return to the appropriate norm and start the correct functioning of the reproductive organs.

One of the main methods of infertility treatment is drug stimulation of ovulation, the task of which is to ensure the growth and maturation of follicles to a preovulatory state. Subsequently, drugs are introduced that are the starting factor for the processes of final maturation of the oocyte and ovulation.

Artificial stimulation of ovulation in general terms

To date, many causes of infertility have been identified and continue to be clarified, options for achieving pregnancy are being developed and improved, both through controlled induction of ovulation processes and with the help of modern reproduction technologies in programs of various in vitro fertilization methods.

Stimulation of ovulation is necessary in cases where the cause of infertility is the absence of a mature egg from the ovary (), mainly if present. The latter is a polyetiological endocrine disorder caused by both hereditary causative factors and environmental factors.

Polycystic ovary syndrome is manifested by polycystic ovarian morphology, ovulatory and/or menstrual dysfunction, and symptoms of hyperandrogenism. Stimulation is carried out only after examination and exclusion of other factors of infertility, such as male and.

Controlled induction of the ovulatory process, the main drug in the scheme of which is Clomiphene citrate, or Clostilbegit (tablets to stimulate ovulation), can result in conception naturally, intrauterine administration of sperm () or collection of follicles through transvaginal puncture for further artificial in vitro fertilization (IVF) of oocytes . At the same time, drugs for stimulating ovulation during IVF are used basically the same as for those for the purpose of natural (or by artificial insemination) conception.

The feasibility of using traditional medicine

The literature on traditional medicine, many Internet sites and even some gynecologists give advice on dealing with infertility, which suggests the stimulation of ovulation with folk remedies.

In folk medicine, even before the development of scientifically proven methods of combating infertility, there were recommendations for the use of certain medicinal herbs and fees for this purpose, special gynecological massage, etc. The preparation of such recipes was purely empirical and did not take into account the causes of infertility.

And at present, for these purposes, for example, an extract of Tribulus terrestris, decoctions and infusions of sage, pine forest, rose petals, decoctions of Adam's root, plantain seeds, four-membered radiola leaves, knotweed grass, a mixture of aloe pulp with melted butter and honey, etc. .

Folk methods also recommend vitamins, mainly “E” and “C”, ready-made vitamin complexes with macro- and microelements, infusions of medicinal plants containing vitamins, aromatic baths or abdominal massages with essential oils of lavender, sage, cypress, basil, anise, sandalwood wood, roses, etc.

Some ovulation inducing herbs contain substances that may have some effect on infertility. However, most often the mechanism of action and the points of application in the body of the active ingredients contained in them have not been studied enough, and their dosage has not been determined.

The apparent effectiveness of their application in some cases is usually associated with chance. So, for example, if ovulation stimulation was performed with multifocal ovaries, which were erroneously diagnosed as polycystic.

Multifocal or multifollicular ovaries can be detected by ultrasound and represent one of the normal sonographic variants in the natural cycle on the 5th to 7th day of the menstrual period. They have a significant echographic similarity with polycystic ovaries, but differ in the normal size of the latter and a much smaller number (usually no more than 7-8) follicles.

This condition occurs with hypogonadotropic amenorrhea, and also as a physiological condition in women, especially those who take it for a long time, in girls during puberty. Often, such an echographic picture is taken for an emerging or already existing polycystic ovary syndrome and treatment is prescribed.

At the same time, multifollicular ovaries in themselves are a variant of the norm and cannot be the direct cause of infertility or menstrual irregularities. For the purposes of differential diagnosis, it is necessary to take into account the presence of general external changes (hirsutism, obesity, etc.), as well as the results of additional studies on hormones - blood levels of testosterone, luteinizing and follicle-stimulating hormones and insulin.

Drug stimulation of ovulation in polycystic ovaries

The meaning of treatment is to restore ovulatory cycles. Preparation for treatment includes an examination to exclude tubal-peritoneal and male factors as the causes of infertility. Elevated body mass and free testosterone indices, amenorrhea, enlarged ovaries are unfavorable prognostic factors for the use of the controlled induction technique.

When preparing a woman, a blood test for the content of Müller's inhibitory substance, or anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH), has a certain prognostic value. The synthesis of this hormone occurs in the granular cells of the growing follicles. It reduces their sensitivity to the influence of follicle-stimulating hormone and inhibits the growth of premordial follicles, which are a functional reserve. The latter decreases with increasing age.

AMG allows you to evaluate the functional reserve of the ovaries and decide on the advisability of ovulation stimulation, as well as differentially select and prepare women for conducting. The response of the female body to stimulation with low AMH is much worse compared to women with a normal level of this hormone.

Changing the concentration of anti-Müllerian hormone during controlled induction makes it possible to determine the degree of risk of developing hyperstimulation syndrome.

As preparation for conception, therapeutic lifestyle modifications are needed, including recommendations for a specific diet, exercise, and obesity treatment, which must be carried out before ovulation induction begins. This is due to the fact that in women with a high body mass index, androgenic hormones are produced in excess. In addition, preparation measures also include drugs such as folic acid and its derivatives, smoking cessation.

What drugs are used to stimulate ovulation?

Under the influence of one of the prescribed hormonal drugs, the growth and maturation of the dominant follicle is stimulated. Sometimes the maturation of several follicles is possible. After that, drugs are introduced that promote the release of a mature egg from the follicle and prepare the endometrium for implantation of a fertilized egg.

For these purposes, according to the developed program, the following drugs are mainly used to stimulate ovulation and prepare the endometrium:

  • Clostilbegit;
  • Letrozole;
  • Gonal-F or Puregon;
  • Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG);
  • Dydrogesterone.

How is ovulation stimulated?

The selection of the program takes into account the age of the woman, her body mass index and the presence of other factors of infertility. During induction cycles, observations are made to detect the appearance of menstrual blood in women with previous amenorrhea, laboratory studies of the average increase in luteinizing hormone in the cycle, an increase in the concentration of progesterone during the expected middle phase of luteinization, ultrasound examinations, as a rule, daily, especially from the 10th day of the cycle.

All this is necessary in order to control the response of the ovaries in terms of maturation and release of the egg or pregnancy. Ovulation is stimulated at home, but with systematic outpatient monitoring and examination.

Clostilbegit (clomiphene citrate)

Clostilbegit serves as a first line remedy. The drug, the active ingredient of which is clomiphene citrate, is available in tablets of 50 mg.

The scheme of stimulation of ovulation with Klostilbegit is as follows. The drug is taken from the 2nd to the 5th day of the natural or stimulated menstrual cycle. In the case of amenorrhea, clomiphene citrate can be started on any day. Its starting daily dose is usually 50 mg, course intake - 5 days. If there is no effect, the second scheme is used, according to which the daily dosage of Clostilbegit is already 100 mg at the same course duration.

How many times can I stimulate ovulation with clomiphene citrate?

The maximum daily dose should not exceed 150 mg of the drug. Such treatment can be carried out for no more than six cycles of expected ovulation. However, as a rule, in most cases (85%), pregnancy occurs already in the first 3-4 months after clomiphene therapy.

The mechanism of action of Clostilbegit, which is the drug of choice for polycystic ovary syndrome, is due to its combination with estrogen receptors and their blocking, resulting in (as a result of positive feedback) an increased secretion of pituitary gonadotropic hormones (follicle-stimulating and luteinizing). This, in turn, causes follicular hormonal activity with subsequent formation of the luteal body and stimulation of its activity.

Unfortunately, resistance to the drug is about 30% of women, and the effectiveness of treatment with clomiphene reaches only 70-80%, and the fertilization rate per cycle is only 22%. The effectiveness is especially low among women with very low body weight.

  • decreased blood flow in the uterus during implantation of a fertilized egg and early luteal phase;
  • violation of the maturation and growth of the endometrium, which is one of the most important targets of the antiestrogenic effect;
  • underdevelopment of the stroma and glands of the endometrium and a decrease in the thickness of the latter;
  • an increase in the viscosity of cervical mucus and a decrease in its amount.

Especially these negative effects are manifested when using high dosages of the drug or its long-term use. Insufficient maturity and thickness of the uterine mucosa by the time ovulation develops during its induction with Clostilbegyt may be the cause of a low percentage of pregnancies and a high number of pregnancies.

In this regard, if pregnancy did not occur in the first four months after ovulation stimulation, further use of Clostilbegit is pointless. This procedure is stopped and the treatment tactics are changed.

Letrozole (Femara)

Letrozole was previously recommended for the treatment of postmenopausal women with breast cancer. In recent years, Letrozole for ovulation stimulation has become, along with Clostilbegit, a first-line drug and is an alternative to the latter. It is prescribed if Clostilbegit is ineffective or if there are contraindications to its use.

The drug is available in tablets of 2.5 mg. In order to induce the ovulatory process, a Letrozole therapy cycle is prescribed from the 3rd day of the menstrual cycle. The duration of admission is 5 days. Dosage regimens are different - most authors recommend dosages of 2.5 mg per day, others - 5 mg.

Letrozole is characterized by a moderate antiestrogenic effect, due to which, after taking it, an increase in the production of follicle-stimulating hormone by the pituitary gland and stimulation of the ovulatory process occur. However, compared to Clostilbegyt, its antiestrogenic effect is less profound and shorter in duration.

The drug also improves the thickness and other indicators of the condition of the uterine mucosa, increases the sensitivity of the ovaries to follicle-stimulating hormone. This makes it possible to reduce the required dose of follicle-stimulating hormone administration by 3 times in induction schemes using the latter. In addition, during its administration, side effects are observed very rarely and are not pronounced.

Stimulation of ovulation by gonadotropins

In cases of resistance to clomiphene citrate or in the absence of conditions for its use, preparations of the pituitary follicle-stimulating hormone Gonal-F or Puregon are prescribed, which are available for subcutaneous or intramuscular administration. They belong to the means of controlled induction of the second line.

There are various schemes for the use of these drugs. Stimulation of ovulation with Gonal or Purigon is carried out from the first day of menstruation or the expected day of menstruation, or on the 5th - 6th day after the abolition of the oral contraceptive. Induction is carried out by seven-day cycles in the amount of not more than 6 cycles. The results of the drug administration in terms of the adequacy of the maturation of the follicles are monitored by ultrasound.

  1. Step up, or the mode of gradual daily increase (by 40-100%). For the starting dose, 37.5-50 ME are taken. With adequate growth of follicles after a week, the initial dose of the drug in subsequent cycles remains the same. In the absence of their adequate response after seven days, the dosage of the drug in the next cycle is increased by 50%. Such a regimen for the administration of Gonal or Purigon in polycystic ovary syndrome is the most preferable, since it provides a gradual individual selection of the minimum required dose of the drug with a minimal risk of complications.
  2. Step down, or step down mode. The program provides for high starting doses (100-150 IU) with subsequent dose reduction. This protocol is recommended for low AMH indicative of low ovarian reserve (usually in women over 35 years of age) and ovarian volume less than 8 cm3, secondary or amenorrhea, and a history of ovarian surgery. However, the use of such a stimulation regimen is limited, since it requires a long clinical experience of a specialist.

HCG to stimulate ovulation

The drug hCG has the effects of luteinizing hormone secreted by the cells of the anterior pituitary gland. It is used after ovulation induction as a trigger for the destruction of the follicle and the release of a mature egg. HCG also contributes to the transformation of the follicle into the corpus luteum, increasing the functional activity of the latter in the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle, and is involved in creating conditions for the implantation of a fertilized egg and in the development of the placenta.

Pregnil, the active ingredient of which is hCG, is available as a lyophilized powder in various doses, complete with a solvent. It is administered once intramuscularly at a dose of 5,000-10,000 IU. The conditions for its introduction, regardless of the induction scheme used, are the achievement of:

  1. The leading follicle of the required diameter (not less than 18 mm).
  2. The thickness of the endometrium is 8 mm or more.

Ovulation of the egg can occur from follicles with a diameter of 14 mm or more. In order to support the luteal phase, Pregnyl can be administered as a single dose of 1,500 IU every 3 days for 10 days.

The period of onset of ovulation is 36-48 hours after the administration of the drug. At this time, sexual intercourse or artificial insemination is recommended.

Dydrogesterone (Duphaston)

Synthetic dydrogesterone is available in 10 mg tablets under the trade name Duphaston. It is characterized by a selective progestogen effect on the endometrium, which contributes to the onset of the secretory phase in the latter. In high doses, dufaston can cause suppression of the ovulatory process, but this does not happen when using normal dosages.

Duphaston, when stimulating ovulation, is used at 10-20 mg twice a day in the second phase of the menstrual cycle for at least 18 days, followed by ultrasound diagnosis of pregnancy after 3 weeks. The drug can be used in conjunction with Pregnil or alone to support the luteal phase of the ovulatory process.

Negative effects of ovulation stimulation

The main frequent negative consequences of controlled induction are ovarian enlargement, bloating, mood instability, unpleasant subjective sensations in the form of headaches, paroxysmal hot flashes.

In addition, intrauterine fetal death is possible (no more than 10%), especially with multiple pregnancy, spontaneous miscarriage, ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome.

The latter is a diverse set of symptoms that occurs in response to the sequential administration of follicle-stimulating hormone and hCG preparations. It usually develops by the second - fourth day of induction (early hyperstimulation syndrome), however, there have been cases of late syndrome (at 5 - 12 weeks of pregnancy), which is much more severe.

Depending on the severity of the course, 4 degrees of this complication are distinguished, which can be manifested by discomfort, heaviness and pain in the abdomen, repeated vomiting, diarrhea, swelling of the extremities, face and anterior abdominal wall, ascites, hydrothorax, lowering blood pressure, etc. severe cases require treatment in an intensive care unit.

Hyperstimulation syndrome is the most dangerous complication, which, fortunately, develops very rarely during natural conception and artificial insemination (less than 3-5%), in contrast to IVF.

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