Treatment of irreversible pulpitis of milk teeth. Treatment of pulpitis in children, pulpitis of milk and permanent teeth. Partial or complete removal of the pulp

Pulpitis is a disease of the tissues of the tooth, characterized by inflammatory character. It usually develops against the background improper treatment. This pathology is faced not only by adults, but also by children. From the materials of this article you will learn the causes of the disease, as well as its forms and main methods of treatment.

Tooth pulpitis - what is it?

The pulp is the neurovascular bundle of the tooth. As a result of the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into this area, the development of inflammatory process. The disease often occurs as a complication of caries or is the result of improper treatment (poor quality fillings, periodontal surgery, tooth grinding).

Pulpitis is one of the most frequent complaints of patients. dental clinics and at the same time it is considered a fairly common disease of milk teeth. In this article, we will dwell in more detail on the manifestations of this disease in young patients, and talk about the most effective methods of treatment.

What is the difference between pulpitis in children?

Pulpitis of milk teeth in children is a fairly common pathology. Timely treatment can prevent the development of dangerous complications.

Children are several times more likely than adults. Experts explain this phenomenon by the peculiarities of babies. They have connective tissues are loose, root canals wider, and the dentin itself is less mineralized.

Leaves its mark and the imperfection of the immune system. Probability of catching a cold childhood several times higher than in adults. Nature has managed to balance this trouble with the fact that the disease in 65% of cases is almost asymptomatic. This is where it hides main danger ailment.

If the child often complains about toothache, the enamel has become excessively sensitive to hot / cold food, you should visit the dentist. Do not postpone the visit, because the consequences of this disease are unpredictable. Some note that after pulpitis, the tooth hurts even more, while others appear severe swelling and a cyst is formed.

The main causes of pathology

The disease usually develops under the influence negative factors how single character, and together:

  1. Exposure to toxins released pathogenic microorganisms in the carious cavity.
  2. Mechanical damage to the tooth, careless treatment of the oral cavity, nerve damage during surgical procedures.
  3. Previously transferred acute illness accompanied by a decrease in immunity.
  4. Treatment of teeth with antiseptics with an aggressive formula.

Choice effective therapy directly depends on the reasons that caused the pulpitis of the tooth in the child. Treatment in most cases allows you to save the molars.

The complexity of therapy for this disease comes down to the fact that the doctor can eliminate only that fragment of the pulp that is located directly in the crown. Its root part is subject to mandatory removal only in fully formed dental roots. This is very difficult in young patients due to high risk traumatization of soft tissues and rudiments of permanent incisors.

What are the symptoms of pulpitis?

The clinical picture of pathology is striking in its diversity. There are patients with no complaints and such cases where the symptoms of the disease are clearly manifested (pain discomfort, intoxication of the body, periostitis).

It is very difficult to diagnose pulpitis in time, because small patients cannot always accurately state their complaints. Therefore, parents often miss the onset of the disease and bring the child to the doctor already acute form.

Among the main symptoms that occur with pulpitis, the following can be noted:

  • pains that are paroxysmal in nature;
  • lymphadenitis;
  • swelling of tissues around the tooth;
  • general deterioration in the child's condition.

The manifestation of specific signs of the disease depends on its form. Next, we will talk about each variant of pulpitis in more detail.

Hypertrophic pulpitis of the tooth

What it is? This form of the disease in children is extremely rare. It is characterized by the complete destruction of the crown of the tooth and the growth of pulp tissue. When probing the affected area, bleeding occurs. The child usually does not feel pain. Minor discomfort occurs only during chewing food.

Gangrenous pulpitis

This form of the disease develops against the background of diffuse pulpitis. A small patient practically does not feel discomfort in the oral cavity, but upon examination, darkening of the tooth enamel is observed. a clear sign pathological process is a peculiar smell from the mouth associated with the destruction of the pulp and its interaction with pathogenic microflora. Lymph nodes may be enlarged, but remain painless.

in the acute stage

A problematic outflow of exudate and a weakened immune system lead to an exacerbation of the disease. The child complains of constant toothache. As the disease develops, lymph nodes increase, the tissues of the affected area swell. It is possible to detect an ailment only with the help of a radiograph, which usually shows destructive changes in the root apex.

Chronic pulpitis

When defensive forces body weaken, usually exacerbated chronic pulpitis of the tooth. What is it, what kind of pathology? Symptoms of the disease are the child's complaints about pulling pain which increases with food. In addition, the tissues surrounding the tooth become inflamed and swollen, the lymph nodes increase in size. Sometimes chronic form accompanied by an increase in temperature and worsening general condition child.

Acute partial pulpitis

In children with milk teeth given form disease is very rare. Timely detection of the disease is not possible.

Diagnosis of the disease

Modern medicine offers several options for diagnosing dental disease. Pulpitis can be detected during a dental examination. During the examination it is necessary Special attention to give mobility and sensitivity of teeth. For determining accurate diagnosis x-rays are taken and the reaction of the teeth to sensitivity to cold / hot temperatures is checked. Based on the results of the examination, the doctor confirms pulpitis in children of milk teeth. Treatment of the disease is selected on an individual basis.

What should be the therapy?

Treatment should be aimed at eliminating inflammation, preventing the development of periodontitis, creating the maximum favorable conditions for growth permanent teeth. In pediatric dentistry, it is extremely important that all manipulations are simple and painless at the same time.

How is dental pulpitis treated? Therapy can be either conservative (biological method) or surgical. The choice of a specific treatment option depends on the neglect of the pathology and its form.

biological method

This treatment is used for chronic fibrous pulpitis milk teeth. Initially, the doctor opens the inflamed cavity. On its bottom and the pulp itself, he puts a paste from a mixture of artificial dentin and Shostakovsky's balm. Then the affected area is dried and a phosphate cement filling is placed.

Opinions on the use of a biological method of treatment differ. On the one hand, saving the pulp allows the tops of the roots to fully form in the future. On the other hand, the tooth often aches and hurts after pulpitis treatment.

Surgical method

The surgical treatment option involves the complete or fragmentary removal of the inflamed pulp. Manipulation can be done in two ways:

  1. vital method. During the procedure, the doctor removes the coronal part of the pulp, while the root is preserved. When, as a result of improper treatment, the infected fragment remains, the likelihood of complications increases (the tooth after pulpitis can hurt, and the tissues surrounding it can swell). The root pulp does not allow pathogenic flora penetrate the periapical tissues. To avoid opening the cavity, it is necessary to change the burs as often as possible. At the final part, the affected area is washed antiseptic solution. At the mouth of the canal, the pulp is cut off, and the bleeding is stopped with the usual solution of adrenaline.
  2. Devital method implies the use arsenic paste, which is superimposed immediately after removal of the pulp. During manipulations, the doctor, as a rule, uses Arsenic left for 1-2 days. Long-term use pastes can destroy the periodontium. At the next consultation, the pulp is removed, and a swab soaked in a special liquid is placed in the cavity. During the third visit, the doctor places a filling.

The devital method of treatment today is used most often for acute or chronic course diseases. In this case, it is categorically contraindicated.

Summing up

In this article, we talked about why tooth pulpitis develops, what it is and what are its primary symptoms. Treatment of this disease is not an easy task, especially for pediatrician. The specialist needs not only to eliminate pathological process, but also to preserve the possibility for the full development of permanent teeth in the future. Pediatric dentistry has a number of features and differs significantly from adult dentistry.

For those children and their parents who regularly visit the dentist's office together, it is not difficult to detect pulpitis in a timely manner and take necessary measures for his treatment. If a damaged or discolored tooth is detected, a visit to the dentist should be made without delay. Otherwise, the likelihood of developing a complicated infectious process increases.

As a preventive measure, it is recommended to visit the dentist twice a year. Caries detected in time helps to prevent pulpitis in children of milk teeth. Treatment of this disease is best started at the initial stages of development. Be healthy!

If a child has a toothache, then it will definitely be noticeable. The baby himself cannot always say this, but attentive parents will immediately understand that something is wrong: the child will refuse to eat, his general condition will worsen, it will hurt him to bite, he will hold his cheek, etc.

Children can develop all the same dental problems as adults. Therefore, to the question “is there pulpitis in milk teeth?” definitely one answer: yes, it happens! And just like in adults, this disease, which is a complicated form of caries, requires immediate treatment.

What is the difference between the child form of pulpitis and the adult form?

Milk teeth are more susceptible to infections than permanent molars due to their special structure. Temporary teeth are thinner hard tissues(dentin) and enamel, therefore, they are easily and often affected first by caries, and then, without proper treatment, and various complications. For example, pulpitis.

Pulpitis of milk teeth in children: what is it?

This is a complication of caries, which indicates inflammation of the pulp. In childhood, milk teeth are very susceptible to any bacteria and infections, and without mandatory care and prevention of dental diseases, the risk of caries is very high.

But the most important thing is that carious process in children it is almost asymptomatic and rarely bothers the baby. And if the presence of the initial stage of caries is not established in time, this will lead to the next stage - pulpitis. The first sign of inflammation of the pulp is pain when chewing and the appearance of pain syndrome without eating or drinking.

How does a tooth hurt with pulpitis?

Pulpitis is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • swelling of the gums or cheeks;
  • redness;
  • pain when biting, chewing and even without eating.
  • deterioration in the general condition of the child: fever, weakness, etc. are possible.

Causes of pulpitis

The main reason is, of course, advanced caries due to improper care behind the oral cavity, lack of regular visits pediatric dentist. But running caries is not the only thing that can lead to pulpitis in a child.

The following factors play a role here:

  • bad or dishonest treatment: poor quality filling tooth, not completely removed carious areas, use low-quality funds and materials for treatment, etc.;
  • injury, bruising or chipping of part of the tooth;
  • acute infection, as a result of which bacteria penetrate into the tissues of the tooth from the inside (extremely rare cause occurrence and development of pulpitis);

The hereditary factor also plays a role in the development of teeth and their "resistance" to bacteria and infections.

There are two main forms of pulpitis: acute with attacks sharp pains and chronic, which develops due to lack of treatment and is accompanied by various symptoms.

Pulpitis of milk teeth

It has already been noted above that pulpitis temporary teeth- the thing is quite real, so the question "can there be pulpitis in milk teeth?" disappears by itself. But what will the absence of timely treatment and constant monitoring of the child's teeth, this actual question requiring an explanation.

Milk teeth, due to their special structure and “weak” protection, are susceptible to rapid infection with carious infection and its no less rapid spread. If the pulpitis of one tooth is not treated, then this can lead to the fact that the infection will spread to adjacent teeth and fabrics. And this means that a longer and more traumatic treatment for the child's psyche will be required.

Is it necessary to treat pulpitis of milk teeth? Of course you do. Lack of treatment is not only the spread of infection, but also the danger of losing permanent teeth, the rudiments of which are protected by milk ones. If a child loses a milk tooth earlier than expected, then this can adversely affect the development of the root. If infection with baby tooth will spread to the rudiment of the root, then this can lead to total loss the last one.

Pulpitis of permanent teeth in children

Pulpitis of permanent teeth in children occurs and develops in the same way as in adults. However, additional factor infection can be the "transfer" of the disease from the milk to the growing permanent tooth. Therefore, it is necessary to treat pulpitis of milk teeth. Having cured milk teeth, you can save and protect molars. But with pulpitis of permanent teeth, there is a possibility of their complete loss.

Methods and features of the treatment of pulpitis in children

Pediatric dentistry involves different methods of treating pulpitis of milk and permanent teeth in children, each of which is aimed at preserving teeth in the most painless ways. Dentists of our clinic seek and find individual approach for the treatment of patients of all ages. Specialists working with children the highest category to form the correct perception of visits to the dental office.

Treatment of pulpitis of milk teeth in children in one visit

If the child and his condition allow, the doctor may decide to treat pulpitis in one visit. conservative method. This preserves the viability of the pulp. But the assessment of the possibility of such treatment is accepted by the doctor, only assessing the situation.

Treatment of pulpitis of milk teeth in three visits

This technique assumes:

  • First visit: anesthesia, partial treatment of the carious cavity, application of a special devitalizing paste.
  • Second visit: complete cavity preparation, coronal pulp amputation and root canal preparation.
  • Third visit: overlay special means and restoration of the crown of the tooth.

How the treatment will be carried out depends on the individual clinical picture every patient. It should be noted that during treatment in our clinic it is possible to use different ways anesthesia, including general anesthesia, which allows you to carry out the entire treatment procedure without injuring the child's psyche.

The clinic uses modern, safe for small patients means and methods of treatment and anesthesia. All details of the procedure are discussed in detail with the parents.

The order and stages of treatment of pulpitis of milk teeth in children

The order and stages of treatment of pulpitis in milk teeth in children depend on the symptoms, the volume and nature of the development of the disease, as well as on the age of the child (biological, not actual), the presence concomitant diseases and psycho-emotional state.

One of the fundamental factors in choosing a treatment method is the stage of development and formation of root canals in a child. Based on the clinical picture, the doctor selects an individual plan.

Initial inspection

How is pulpitis of milk teeth treated in children? After examining the patient and determining his condition, the doctor determines the method of treatment, the number of visits and the list of procedures required in each case. In some situations complete treatment carried out on the same day of application.

Sometimes the doctor prescribes a number diagnostic procedures. Our clinic has state-of-the-art equipment that minimum dose radiation, which is safe even when diagnosing diseases of young children.

Doctors by referral

11106, 11101, 11112, 11116, 11111, 11125

Dubinskaya Anna Yakovlevna

Children's dentist

TikhanovaAlla Mikhailovna

Children's dentist

Shamatava Khatia Otarievna

Children's dentist

Batyukova Oksana Ivanovna

Children's dentist

Belolyubskaya Svetlana Viktorovna

Children's dentist

Komarova Elena Valerievna

Children's dentist


How the doctor will treat pulpitis in a child depends on what the diagnostic results will be. Directly for the diagnosis may require magnetic resonance or CT scan for pictures of the jaw from different angles. If the situation and the patient's condition require it, specialists from other fields are involved.

Used equipment

Further treatment

Further treatment involves the complete deliverance of the child from the disease by the method chosen by the attending physician. To treat or remove a milk tooth with pulpitis, the doctor decides, but pediatric dentists rarely resort to removal, since an untimely removed milk tooth can lead to wrong growth and the development of permanent, as well as anomalies in the development of the jaw as a whole.

The dentists of our clinic find the most gentle and comfortable treatment methods for the child in order to avoid nervous stress and development of fear dental office at the baby. Treatment and communication with the doctor takes place in a friendly and playful way so that the child feels comfortable and safe.

In the "Clinic of a Good Dentist" in St. Petersburg, the cost of treating pulpitis in milk teeth is fixed, and this amount includes everything from anesthesia to a permanent filling.

You can find out the prices for the treatment of pulpitis of milk teeth in children in our clinic from the employees by phone or from the doctor at the reception. The doctor will talk in detail about the methods and treatment regimens, the drugs used and how much it can cost.

The cost of dental services

    In the treatment of pulpitis temporary tooth 1st visit included– anesthesia, cavity treatment, devitalizing paste, temporary filling.

    In the treatment of pulpitis of a temporary tooth, the 2nd visit includes– anesthesia, canal treatment, canal filling, filling.

    The result of the treatment of pulpitis in a child

    All those unpleasant and painful symptoms pulpitis in a child that prevented the baby from living full life: normal to eat, sleep, play, etc. Eliminates risk of development various complications, and subsequently - problems with the growth and development of permanent teeth.

    Prevention of pulpitis

    Of course, if the disease is diagnosed on time, then this allows for the most comfortable, painless and sparing for little patient cure pulpitis. Because initial stage caries is very difficult to notice accidentally, then parents need to be very careful.

    For example:

    • monitor the condition of the teeth (the first sign children's caries- these are white and brownish spots on the teeth);
    • regularly brush your teeth with your child (twice a day, morning and evening);
    • use the correct toothbrush and toothpaste, as well as others necessary funds for oral hygiene;
    • regularly undergo preventive examinations by the attending physician (in our clinic, the whole family can be supervised by one specialist);
    • consult with a pediatric dentist hygiene procedures, which can and should be carried out at home for the prevention of caries;
    • monitor the diet, regimen and daily routine of the child.

    You can learn about all the features of oral hygiene in a child at a consultation with one of the dentists of our clinic. Seek professional qualified help and bring your children to checkups more often to avoid problems in the future.

The health of milk teeth is a guarantee proper growth permanent. Every parent who wants his child not to suffer from a crooked or toothless smile in the future should know about this. Unfortunately, caries and its complications (pulpitis, periodontitis) remain the main villains of children's teeth.

Most dangerous pathology is pulpitis (inflammation of the dental nerve), since in most cases it is impossible to diagnose it without the use of sighting x-ray. It will not work to determine “by eye” whether your child has pulpitis or not.

At chronic stage, which occurs most often, the disease is asymptomatic. If the inflammation quickly passes to the entire pulp and even periodontal tissues (acute form), there may be fever, severe toothache, swelling of the gums, and inflammation of the lymph nodes.

Causes of inflammation of the dental nerve in children

Pulpitis in children is a fairly common occurrence. This is due to the special anatomy of milk teeth: their pulp chamber is much larger, the enamel is thinner, the dentin is less mineralized, and the root canals are wider. The prerequisites are both reduced immunity and unstable hormonal background. Thus, it is much easier for harmful microorganisms to penetrate the pulp and damage it.

Also among the causes of the disease - mechanical injury crowns, infection of the oral tissue during a long cold.

Methods of treatment of pulpitis in children

The main tasks in the treatment of this pathology in children:

The method of therapy will depend on several key factors: the form of pathology, the degree of formation of the roots, the magnitude carious lesion, group affiliation of the tooth. Age is also taken into account psycho-emotional state child, the presence of concomitant diseases.

Conservative methods (with preservation of the pulp or part of it):

  • biological method - under local anesthesia the doctor cleans the carious cavity, rinses it with an antiseptic and applies a calcium-containing mixture. Then the filling is done. The method may also include physical therapy procedures.
  • vital amputation - it is advisable during the formation of the root of the milk or permanent tooth. Only a small coronal part of the pulp is removed, after which the treated pastes are applied. After the procedure, the patient must be observed for 3 months.

Surgical methods (with the removal of the pulp and the loss of its vital activity):

  • devital amputation - is used, as a rule, for the treatment of milk teeth. First, an arsenic-free paste is applied, which is left in the cavity for 3-5 days. On the second visit, the doctor painlessly removes the affected part of the pulp, after which a swab moistened with resorcinol-formalin liquid is applied. The method is considered sparing for the child's psyche and does not require the use of anesthesia.
  • devital extirpation - complete removal(killing) the pulp. It is used only when the above methods did not give a positive result or caused serious complications.

Treatment of pulpitis of a milk tooth in a dental clinic

Pulpitis in a child is not such a terrible test as it might seem. The main thing is to visit the dentist regularly to prevent the disease. Choose only children's specialists who know the features of the anatomy of a young organism and will be able to find "contact" with your baby.

A fairly common pathology of the jaw in babies is pulpitis of milk teeth. The disease can proceed in a pronounced form with pain or not bring the child any discomfort. Many adults are not sure whether pulpitis occurs in children, so they do not immediately go to the doctor, attributing the symptoms to other diseases.

Children's pulpitis is diagnosed more often than an adult. It affects the tissues of the oral cavity of babies from 2 to 7 years old. In a two-year-old child, the incisors and canines are affected; at the age of 7, inflammation develops in the molars. The connective tissue is loose, the dentin is poorly mineralized, and the root canals are wide - this contributes to the development of the disease.

Causes of pulpitis of milk teeth

Pulpitis on milk teeth - what is it and why is it dangerous? In babies, caries quickly moves into the deeper layers of the tooth, contributing to the development serious illnesses. If the child began to complain of sensitivity during meals, he had a fever, you should consult a doctor for a diagnosis. Pulpitis is an inflammation of the nerve and vessels of the mammary unit. The causes of active tissue destruction are different:

  1. consequences of caries. If the disease is not cured in time, then the tooth is destroyed, opening access to bacteria directly into the pulp. The resulting inflammation is accompanied by severe pain.
  2. Injury. If part of the tooth breaks off during a fall or impact, wide dentinal canals are exposed. Infection begins a few minutes after the enamel is chipped.
  3. Pulpitis after caries treatment. Inflammation may start installed seal. The reason is that carious formations not completely removed, or when drilling, a burn of the internal tissues of the tooth occurred.

In addition to the main factors provoking the disease, improper hygiene can contribute to its development. Also, experts note other causes of pulpitis:

  • impact chemical substances(acid drinks with gas);
  • tooth movement during orthodontics;
  • low immunity;
  • thin, weak enamel.

Symptoms of the disease

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The well-being of the baby can deteriorate greatly, because folk methods provoke reproduction pathogenic microflora, and some products cause burns. It is impossible to remove the infection from the pulp with herbs; only a pediatric dentist can handle this.

Possible complications after treatment

Complications after therapy may appear due to wrong actions doctor, and due to non-compliance by the child with his recommendations for caring for the oral cavity. The consequences may be different:

  • only part of the infected pulp is removed, inflammation continues;
  • Poorly applied arsenic flows onto the mucous membrane, forming a burn;
  • arsenic intoxication occurred when it was used at the stage of root resorption;
  • a fragment of the instrument remained in the tooth (rare complication);
  • the occurrence of periodontitis in the absence of regular hygiene.

Prevention of children's pulpitis

The main factor in the development of the disease is neglected caries, so the main preventive measure is a timely visit to the dentist for filling milk teeth. It is not necessary to visit the doctor twice a year, but it is important to observe the rules of hygiene and periodically visually inspect oral cavity child.

To prevent the disease, you can follow the following recommendations:

  • teeth brushing is carried out twice a day with a properly selected toothpaste and not a hard brush;
  • after eating (especially when eating sweets), the mouth is rinsed with warm water;
  • dental floss and rinse are used from 3-4 years of age;
  • the intake of too hard food is limited, threatening to chip children's thin enamel;
  • at the slightest complaint and pain, you need to contact a specialist.

Silvering is effective method prevention, but has a number of contraindications, so it is not prescribed for all babies. It should be taken into account that the child should not be frightened by “horror stories” about dentists. If you explain to him in time about the need for treatment and inspire confidence, he will easily make contact. Important role plays the choice of a specialist for regular examinations, which will find an approach to the child.

Children's pulpitis is much more common than adults. Dentists explain this pattern by the peculiarities of the structure of milk teeth, in which the connective tissues are looser, the root canals are wider, and the dentin is less mineralized than in the molars. Another explanation for the fact that pulpitis in children is much more common is imperfect the immune system. This means that the likelihood of catching a cold or inflammation in childhood is ten times higher than in adults. However, nature has balanced this trouble by the fact that pulpitis of a milk tooth in 65% of cases is almost painless. Here lies the danger.

Classification of pulpitis in children


In children this species pulpitis is very rare, mainly due to prolonged chronic irritation. An almost completely destroyed tooth crown and pulp tissue that has grown as a result of constant injury are signs by which hypertrophic pulpitis can be recognized. Sometimes the pulp tissue rises only slightly above the level of the “roof” of the tooth cavity, but it also happens that it fills the entire carious cavity. The pulp bleeds on probing. Basically, the child does not feel pain, except perhaps while eating, and then weak and insignificant. When making a diagnosis, it is extremely important for a doctor to distinguish between manifestations hypertrophic pulpitis from the gingival papilla and granulation tissue periodontal.


Children's gangrenous pulpitis of milk teeth often develops from acute diffuse pulpitis. The child practically does not feel pain, but the diseased tooth itself may become darker. On examination, the carious cavity is most often shallow. It happens putrid smell from the mouth, associated with the decay of the pulp and its interaction with microbes. On the gum, in the place of the top of the root, a fistula may swell. The lymph nodes in a child may be enlarged, but remain painless. Dental opening of the carious cavity almost does not cause pain.

Chronic pulpitis in children

It usually proceeds with shallow caries, without communication with the tooth cavity, and in most cases prevails over the acute form of the disease. Chronic children's pulpitis can be exacerbated if the body's defenses are weakened. Symptoms of exacerbation are complaints of constant pulling pain, which increases with mechanical stress (chewing, pressure on the tooth). Aggravated pulpitis is also characterized by swelling of the surrounding soft tissues and inflammation of the lymph nodes. Sometimes the child's temperature rises and the general condition worsens. This form of pulpitis is similar to the course of chronic pulpitis in adults.

Chronic pulpitis in the acute stage

An exacerbation of chronic pulpitis in children leads to a deterioration in the conditions for the outflow of exudate (a fluid that forms at the site of inflammation) and a weakening of the immune system. The child begins to complain of constant aching toothache, which increases when the tooth is pressed; soft dental tissues swell, and the lymph nodes become inflamed and begin to hurt. carious cavity in the case of exacerbated chronic pulpitis, it can be of different depths, and the dental nerve is less painful than with acute pulpitis. You can detect this disease with the help of an x-ray, which will show a destructive change in the apex of the root.

Acute partial pulpitis

In milk teeth, acute partial pulpitis is quite rare, because due to the nature of child's body very quickly turns into acute general pulpitis - in just a few hours. It is almost impossible for parents to “stop” the disease at the developmental stage. Partial pulpitis characterized mild pain, since in milk teeth with unformed roots and wide root canals, there are all conditions for a good outflow of exudate.

Treatment of pulpitis in children

Children's pulpitis is insidious in that it is not always possible to determine it at the beginning of development. In addition, it is psychologically more difficult for a child to endure an examination and he cannot always correctly assess pain sensation. Therefore, in order not to start caries of milk teeth, the next stage of which is periodontitis, parents should take the baby to the dentist every 4 to 6 months. If, on examination, pulpitis is detected, the doctor must decide on the method of treatment, depending on the stage of development of the disease and the group of teeth. As a rule, in cases of acute toothache, young children have to treat their teeth with anesthesia.

Methods of treatment of pulpitis in children

In pediatric dentistry, there are several methods for treating pulpitis of milk teeth:

  • The biological method of treating pulpitis in children involves the preservation of the pulp: the coronal and root parts of the pulp are treated while maintaining their viability.
  • Partial pulp amputation: the coronal pulp is removed, creating conditions for the functioning of the root part. The method is recommended in the treatment of caries of molars in childhood, when it is very important to preserve the root part of the pulp, which is involved in the formation of tooth roots.
  • Complete removal of the pulp: the coronal and root parts of the pulp are completely removed, followed by filling the canals.

The price of treating pulpitis of a milk tooth depends on many factors: the complexity of the situation, the treatment methods and the materials used by pediatric dentistry.

If pulpitis is not eliminated in time, then in the future it will take more difficult treatment periodontitis, all this may be accompanied by a tooth cyst, a fistula on the gums and other unpleasant complications. Be that as it may, parents should remember that the health of the child and its maintenance depend largely on themselves! It is likely that visiting a pediatric dentist every six months for the purpose of preventive examination, your child will never know what a drill and removal of milk teeth are!

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