Which milk teeth are replaced by permanent ones. Changing milk teeth in children to permanent ones: timing and scheme. Causes of untimely loss

Loss of teeth - not less than important process than cutting them. The formation of an "adult" dentition begins with the fact that milk teeth are replaced by permanent ones. Usually for children this is a joyful moment and they keep track of how many teeth fell out not only from them, but also from friends. However, this is purely individual indicator, so you should not focus on the "neighborly" children. After the change of teeth, a period in life begins when children grow up and can eat more hard food.

Procedure for changing teeth

Milk teeth completely change to permanent ones by the age of 12-15, and this process begins at the age of four or five. The most active change occurs from seven to nine years. It is worth noting that due to the fact that girls develop faster, this process begins earlier in them.

During the period when milk teeth fall out, the gaps between the teeth increase. Why is this happening? It's perfect normal process because the permanent teeth are larger and require more space. If such gaps do not occur, then the permanent teeth may grow crooked.

Often the first milk tooth that falls out is a significant event.

Milk teeth change in the same order as they began to erupt in infancy. When the tops of their roots dissolve, the teeth begin to stagger. The remnants of the roots are forced out by permanent teeth, and when the root is completely resolved, new tooth pushes out the milk "predecessor" and takes its place. However, each tooth has its own time.

Milk teeth in children begin to fall out in the following sequence:

  • central incisors;
  • lateral incisors;
  • small (first) molars;
  • fangs;
  • large molars.

Usually, the upper front teeth are loosened first, and they prepare for falling out within two years, starting at the age of five. The roots of the next - lateral incisors dissolve from the age of six and are replaced a year later than the central ones.

Upper canines, like molars, take three years to complete this process and should grow at nine-eleven and eleven-thirteen years, respectively. The sixth teeth do not replace their "predecessors", but grow in the intended place, which is formed as a result of the growth of the jaw.

Table of change of teeth.

A strict time criterion for when teeth fall out and erupt has not been established, since this happens differently for all children. It is necessary to contact the dentist if this period is delayed by long span time - a year or more. It should be understood that the problem may not always be of a dental nature.

This process can be influenced by both the place of residence and past illnesses. It also does not matter which teeth begin to fall out first: upper or lower, this happens differently in different children.

How many teeth are lost? When changing milk to molars, 20 teeth fall out, the remaining molars grow in place, which is formed as a result of the growth of the jaw. Wisdom teeth are the last to grow, but not everyone has them.

What should be paid special attention to?

Milk teeth determine how permanent teeth will be located, so any curvature should be corrected as quickly as possible. After all, anomalies also affect the formation of the dentition as a whole.

When the tooth is well loosened, it can be easily pulled out or simply pulled out painlessly. However, if it is still firmly held by at least half, then it is not worth the risk - you can break the root of the tooth. At the site of the loss, a new tooth is immediately cut through, which will be seen from the whitened gums.

When the milk roots weaken, the teeth begin to loosen themselves, children often try to “help” them in this. However dirty hands they can carry the infection, and infection will occur along with the first permanent tooth. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that they do not touch the wound, the cutting tooth or the milk one, which should fall out.

Don't be in a hurry to snatch milk tooth let it loosen up properly.

Despite the fact that the first teeth fall out in early age, the process continues actively for several years - up to approximately nine years. Therefore, it is worth first of all to pay attention to the nutrition of children in order to enrich the body with calcium, fluorine, and vitamins. With their lack, permanent teeth will grow fragile, crumble and become infected with caries.

Enamel permanent teeth quite fragile, not mineralized enough, so they need to be monitored immediately when they begin to erupt. It is necessary to check how children brush their teeth, to teach them proper hygiene.

What time should you start? The opinions of experts differ - in a year and a half. To do this, you need to buy a baby brush that would fit in size, and the bristles should be soft. The paste must contain fluorine. After each meal, rinse your mouth with water.

During the period of active change of teeth, you should refrain from sweets in order to reduce the risk of developing caries.

It is also important to understand why newly grown permanent teeth are so susceptible: the roots of teeth that have already appeared are fully formed and develop for another three years.

Dropout problems

If you follow the growth of teeth, there will be no questions why they grow crookedly, since when observing deviations, you can always correct them in time. To date, pediatric dentistry offers a lot of ways to do this.

Sometimes during the period when children's teeth change, they begin to grow in two rows. This happens with the rapid growth of permanent teeth, which will also accelerate the loss of milk teeth. However, if two rows are observed for more than three months, it is worth contacting a dentist.

An example of the growth of teeth in two rows.

How long does it take for the first tooth to fall out? He usually leaves his seat when the child is four or five years old. A certain delay is acceptable, but if after seven years it is all gone, then you need to see a doctor.

By taking an x-ray, he can see if their germs are under the milk ones. They are formed immediately after the birth of a child, even before the appearance of dairy. By the way, "late" teeth are usually stronger and more resistant to caries.

After the tooth falls out, the wound may bleed for about five to ten minutes. In order to stop the bleeding, you need to give the child a bite of gauze or cotton swab. The blood should stop within a maximum of twenty minutes.

If the blood coagulates for too long, the child should be urgently shown to the doctor. After the extraction of a tooth, you can not drink and eat for two hours, so that the wound heals and an infection does not get into it.

When is a doctor required for tooth extraction?

The growth of permanent teeth may be accompanied by the same symptoms as during the eruption of the first teeth: itching, swelling of the gums. However, if they are too pronounced and bring discomfort, pain, then you should consult a dentist for advice.

The doctor can also help if the first teeth interfere with the eruption of the second, that is, permanent. If the age of the patient is suitable, the dentist can remove the tooth without waiting for it to fall out. Why else would a dentist make such a decision? Teeth are removed from children with the help of a doctor and if there are any inflammatory processes.

In some cases, next to the loose first teeth, new ones begin to grow and, due to lack of space, they grow crookedly and protrude beyond the dentition. In this case, it is also necessary to contact the orthodontist.

Each of the parents is faced with a difficult period of eruption and change of children's teeth. We will find out why , which ones will change, when. We will also clarify what complications may follow, whether they can be avoided, what should be the oral hygiene at this time.

The change of milk teeth in children occurs at 5-6 years.

Each age period characterized by the approximate number of teeth that appeared in the child's mouth. This number is very easy to determine. You need to take the age of the child in months and subtract 4 from it. The resulting number is a year .

It makes eight. But for kids, this number is relative. Some already have twenty milkmen at the age of two and a half, while others hardly acquire them after three years.

Why are they changing?

Changing teeth in children is a natural and important process. Milkers are temporary. The change of milk teeth in children occurs at 5-6 years. They will begin to fall out, and permanent ones will grow to replace them. Now let's find out which teeth fall out. There is such subsequence:

  1. Central incisors (4-5 years).
  2. Lateral (6-8 years).
  3. Fangs (10-12).
  4. Premolars (10-12).
  5. Molar 1st (6-7).
  6. Molar 2nd (12-13).

Permanent analogues grow in the same sequence. If this process proceeds correctly, without complications, the child should not experience any special difficulties. The shallow root of the milkman is resorbed, it staggers and then falls out.


Deadlines are relative. At five and a half years, the first falls. This is the beginning of the process. How they change is influenced by many aspects. : heredity, correct formation their rudiments, way of feeding, etc. When do milkmen change, which ones? If you are interested in knowing which teeth change in children, the diagram will help:

Now you know how many years to wait for changes. As you can see, teeth change according to a certain schedule. - This is the norm and an approximate guideline.

Important: Teeth in children may be delayed. If your child has teething problems, be sure to contact a pediatric dentist.


When do milk teeth change? , hygiene is especially important. It is necessary to preserve the health of the enamel, not only permanent, but also milkmen. You need to teach your child proper oral hygiene. With the baby's first milkman. Parents should buy a comfortable baby brush with fairly soft bristles for their child.

After the milk jug falls out, you can not eat for about two hours. Be sure to let your little one know ahead of time. He must correctly orient himself, even if you are not around. Hot, cold, sour and spicy foods should also be excluded at this time. Changing milk teeth to permanent teeth requires attentive attitude to nutrition.

With the first milk jug, the crumbs should have their own brush.

note: Replacing milk teeth may be delayed due to lack of vitamins. If necessary, the doctor may prescribe vitamins and minerals. He will tell you how much to take, when, what can happen with beriberi.

Violation of the deadlines

Sometimes the prolapse of milk jugs can be delayed. Only a dentist can accurately determine the cause of the violations. He will help correct the situation.

The most common problem is that parents are worried that the deadlines for the appearance of teeth have already passed, but they are still missing. Milk jugs may fall out at this time or still remain in place. In this case, an x-ray will be required. Only a radiograph can show at what stage of their formation permanent analogues are.

The child experiences great discomfort when the milk jugs fell out, and new ones did not grow to replace them. Food gets into the formed holes, they cause discomfort when chewing. In this case, the task of parents is to exclude solid foods from the children's diet. During this period, you need to cook cereals, mashed potatoes, soups (mashed). Such dishes will help the child avoid injury to the gum tissue.

What is "shark teeth"?

If the process goes well, milk jugs loosen and fall out first. Then permanent ones grow in their place. But there is a violation of this algorithm. Sometimes a permanent counterpart appears before the milk jug drops out.

The child experiences great discomfort when the milk jugs fell out, and new ones did not grow to replace them.

AT severe cases next to the milk teeth that have not yet fallen out, a number of permanent teeth immediately erupt. This pathology is called "shark teeth". In this case, the dentist simply removes the delayed milk jugs. The main thing is to contact him immediately, as soon as the first symptom of the pathology appears.

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If the permanent analogues have grown crooked, you will need to contact the orthodontist. He will pick up the leveling apparatus. It is important to do this as soon as possible, then even a regular dental plate can correct the situation. It helps the jaw to expand, there is an additional place.

Sometimes you need to remove the milk jug forcibly. The indication becomes severe inflammation gums where the milkman began to stagger. If a loose tooth provokes pain when chewing, you will also need the help of a doctor.

Do all milkmen fall out?

In fact, the molars are changing - those that are responsible for chewing food. Their teething gives the baby a special discomfort. But when they change, the discomfort will no longer be so obvious.

What affects sustainability?

Every parent wants their child's teeth to be strong and healthy. The stability of permanent analogues will depend on such factors:

What can cause misalignment of teeth?

Permanent counterparts sometimes take wrong position. This is due to the lack of space for them. It is important that the milk predecessors part in time. Then the permanent ones will take their place. If there are no gaps between the milkers, their permanent counterparts will simply have nowhere to grow.

This may also contribute bad habits. Do not allow the child to suck the tongue, finger, objects. If there is a suspicion of, show the child to a specialist. In his arsenal - the most modern techniques. They help fix almost any problem. The main thing is not to miss the most suitable time for them.

Additional Information: Scientists note an important relationship. The children who were on breastfeeding, there is much less problems with a change of teeth. They most often have a correctly formed bite. This is due to the fact that the baby receives everything from the mother's milk. the right vitamins and micronutrients.

Many parents mistakenly believe that dental caries does not need to be treated. They say they will fall out. It's a delusion. Milkmen must be cured. Otherwise, inflammation can go to their permanent counterparts.

Dentists can now perform fissure sealants. This helps to protect the enamel from caries. The procedure is to apply special paste. it good protection enamel, especially if the child does not clean it well.

Child's diet

You need to make changes to your child's diet:

    • give him more dairy products, very useful fresh vegetables, fruits, greens, cheeses;
    • it is important to give vitamin D;
    • refuse the baby sweets;
    • let's solid food(if there are no fresh holes from fallen milk jugs).


The health of the baby's teeth largely depends on how responsibly the parents take to the process of changing them. Be careful, visit the dentist, properly organize the diet and hygiene of the child. These simple activities will help your child get a beautiful smile.

In most children, by the age of two or two and a half, all milk teeth, which should be 20, are already erupting. For some time, the difficult period associated with teeth has ended. Nothing has been happening in this area for some time. But after a few years, the teeth begin to stagger and fall out one by one, preparing a place for the permanent ones, i.e. indigenous. So how does this process take place? What do parents need to know? How to prepare for this process? How to find out when children's teeth change to permanent ones?

Dairy to indigenous: how many teeth will change?

So, normally, all twenty milk cloves fall out so that permanent ones grow in their place - molars. They are called so because they have long strong roots. There are more permanent than before it was dairy. In a child, when molars appear, two more pairs of chewing teeth are added. In general, instead of 20 milk teeth, a child becomes 28 molars. Normally, of course, it should be 32, but the last four will appear later, and in some people they do not appear at all, there are only rudiments on the gums.

At what age and which teeth change in children to permanent ones: scheme

It also happens that the root premolars have already erupted, but the milk teeth have not yet fallen out. On the Internet and books, a fallout diagram is shown.

Change of teeth occurs until what age?

The process of their change in children proceeds for a long time, starting at 5-6 years. For some children, it ends before the onset adolescence, but in most cases, by the age of 16-17, only 28 permanent teeth appear. Wisdom teeth appear much later.

Are there teeth that do not change permanently?

All milk teeth are replaced by permanent ones. Some parents think that chewing teeth, which appeared in the child the most recent, constant, do not change. In fact, the fourth, and the fifth milk teeth in all children, of course, fall out, and permanent ones appear in their place, which are called premolars. All up to one tooth in a child will be replaced by permanent ones.

Do molars in children change or not?

Normally, the molars, which replaced the milk ones, should not fall out, as they are called permanent. These teeth remain with every child until the end of life..

How should oral hygiene be performed during a shift?

In such important time for a child, like a change of teeth, it is necessary to regularly and carefully observe oral care, since the enamel of new teeth has not yet strengthened, has not gained minerals, and is very vulnerable to external negative impacts. This should be done as follows: twice a day, the child with the right toothpaste and toothbrush, appropriate for his age. Also, dentists strongly advise use special rinses designed for children and dental floss.

Oral hygiene must be strictly observed and must be performed in the morning and before bedtime.

Loss of a milk tooth is a real event for a child and his parents. They were just waiting for the first teeth to appear, when it was time to change them to permanent ones. This process is completely painless for 5-6 summer child. Define the exact date when the change of dairy to indigenous is impossible - this is a purely individual event and depends only on the development of the baby and hereditary predisposition.

Pediatric dentists are cautious about the removal of milk teeth. This is done only according to strict indications, when the tooth is completely destroyed and it cannot be saved. Caries of milk teeth is not an indication for getting rid of the affected tooth, good doctor tries to administer a treatment that can stop or slow down this process, educates parents on the rules of oral hygiene for such a case.

If the tooth fell out ahead of time and there is no permanent pecking in this place, seek the advice of an orthodontist. Perhaps he will be able to offer a modern dental remedy that will solve such an important problem. Often, a device such as a tooth holder is used.

You should not worry if a new one already appears in the place of the dropped out unit, which means that early loss is due to some hereditary factors and is not considered a pathology.

Drop delay

It happens that the molars are already beginning to erupt, and the milk teeth are still sitting in their places. If it is not possible to pull out a temporary unit on your own, you will need the help of a dentist who will remove the teeth surgically.

Temporary teeth may not fall out also because the molars are not completely formed.

This phenomenon can occur for a number of reasons:

  • abnormal growth of a permanent tooth, although the germ is fully formed;
  • congenital anomaly of development - adentia - the destruction of the rudiments of teeth in the womb;
  • physiological delay of the child.

Such defects can only be detected on x-rays. Some cases require temporary, and later permanent, prosthetics.

If the position of the teeth is crooked

Often, the molars do not erupt as smoothly as the parents would like. They pay attention to it and begin to worry. Before you panic, you should understand the reason, Why do teeth grow in different directions?

  • Dairy inhibits permanent growth. The only solution is to remove the interfering one.
  • Sucking foreign objects or fingers. This bad habit that leads to wrong development bite and displacement of the dentition. From it should wean the child as early as possible.
  • Premature tooth loss and rapid overgrowth of the hole. In this case, the molar loses its orientation and begins to erupt in the wrong place.
  • The jaw develops slowly wider and stronger permanent teeth lack space in the right place and they can grow sideways.

Deformation of the dentition - serious occasion visit a pediatric orthodontist. If treatment is not needed, then consulting a specialist will also not be superfluous.

What should parents do?

After a tooth falls out, the wound usually begins to bleed, due to damage small vessels oral cavity. The child usually does not feel pain, but the sight of blood can scare him. Stopping bleeding is quite simple - make a swab from sterile cotton or bandage and attach it to the gum. Let the baby bite it a little. The blood stops in 5-10 minutes.

If during this time the bleeding has not stopped or has increased, contact your doctor, you may need to take a blood test.

After a tooth falls out, you can drink no earlier than an hour later, eat food - after 2. Try not to give hot and spicy food and the drink should be warm.

For children, the process of tooth loss is very significant event. This is a step towards his growing up, so it is important for parents to teach the child to relate to such changes without fear. Start some kind of tradition, and for each tooth that falls out, give your child a nice little thing. Such a ritual will undoubtedly please the baby and he will not be afraid to part with the next milk tooth.

Video about the change of milk teeth

Milk teeth are the first set of teeth in children. Usually they begin to come out at the age of 5-6 months, although there are such exceptions when a child is born with one of the incisors.

The first eruption is a rather painful process. Before the appearance of teeth, the gums of the child become very inflamed. Sometimes they form large hematoma, which is commonly called an eruption hematoma. Such a gum looks intimidating, but there is no reason for parents to panic. After the tooth cuts through the gum, hematoma and general inflammation removed without outside intervention.

general information

When do baby teeth start to change? Any mother can answer this question. After all, many parents are waiting for this process, as the first set of teeth of the child quickly deteriorates. What caused it? Children fall, eat sweets, forget about hygiene - all this leads either to breakage of teeth or to the development of caries. The second is especially dangerous. Therefore, if black spots are found on the teeth, experts recommend immediately contacting a dentist.

How long do baby teeth last for? At the age of 3 years, a child has 20 milk teeth. During this period, many parents calm down, as babies cease to be capricious, their immunity becomes stronger, sore gums they are no longer worried. However, by the age of 5-5.5 years, the child begins new period. By this time, milk teeth are gradually loosened and fall out, giving way to permanent or so-called molars. Fortunately for many parents, re-eruption is a completely painless process, with the only exception being that no dental intervention is required.

More about changing teeth in children

When do baby teeth change? This process can take place in every child different ages. But, as a rule, milk teeth begin to loosen and fall out closer to the age of 5.

AT dental practice the period when the milk teeth are still preserved, and the permanent teeth have not yet erupted, is commonly called the period of interchangeable dentition. This time is characterized active growth child's jaws, resulting in natural gaps between the teeth. Moreover, the latter are significantly erased or completely crumble.

In what sequence and how should baby teeth change in a child? After drop temporary teeth and before the eruption of the permanent usually takes about 3-4 months. The first molars are usually removed first. Most often, this process occurs at the age of 5. Further, the sequence of changing teeth corresponds to the eruption of milk teeth.

Change of molars (molars)

Do baby teeth change in children? Many parents mistakenly call children's molars molars, and think that they do not fall out during a change of bite. This is not true. The entire first set of baby's teeth become loose and fall out. Moreover, there are more permanent ones than dairy ones. If by the age of 3 a person has 20 teeth, then by the age of 13 - already 28.

When do molars change in children? At the age of 5 years, the first molars fall out, and by the age of 11, the second ones.

What is the cutting sequence?

What milk teeth change in children (see diagram below)? At normal flow process, absolutely all temporary teeth of a person must be removed naturally or with the help of a dentist. However, there are rare exceptions when milk molar or fang remain in place even in adulthood. Such teeth do not lose their functionality, although they can be very different from their permanent "brothers".

When do baby teeth change? By the age of 6-7, the child's teeth should be removed first. mandible and then top. By the age of 7-8 years, the central incisors fall out simultaneously and the lateral molars appear.

By the age of 9-11, permanent first premolars erupt in the place of the first molars, and by 10-11 - the second ones. As for the molars, they appear at the age of 11-13, first on the lower jaw, and then on the upper.

It is important for everyone to know!

When do baby teeth change in children (see table 1 below)? It is rather difficult to answer this question unambiguously. After all, the change of teeth lasts a very long time, or rather several years. In addition, not everyone has this process according to a strict scheme. Although statistics say that in most children all milk teeth have been replaced by permanent ones before the age of 13.

Causes of loss and growth

Quite a lot of parents ask the same question: “What time do children change milk teeth?”. However, few of them wonder why this is happening at all.

There is none age change which would not lend itself to a logical explanation. Evolution and nature provide for everything physiological factors that require changes in the human body.

A child is born without teeth, since he does not need them, because in the first months of life he consumes only mother's milk (special mixtures). Although already before the birth of the baby, teeth are actively forming in the jaw of the fetus, preparing for rapid growth.

The first milk teeth usually erupt at the age of 6 months. It is at this time that the child learns to chew solid food. Molars or the so-called chewing teeth appear by the age of 2-2.5 years, and by the age of 3 the baby already has a complete replacement set.

As a person grows older, the size of his jaw also changes. If in early childhood only 20 teeth fit in the child's mouth, then by the age of 13 there is enough space for 28. By the way, it should be understood that in the process of growing a baby, milk teeth do not increase in size. Only the distance between them grows.

Description of the process of pushing out children's teeth

Do all milk teeth change in children, and how does this happen? The entire first set of teeth in the child should fall out. Otherwise, you need to contact your dentist.

During the period of bite change, many interesting processes take place. For example, few people know that milk teeth can partially dissolve. This process begins at the top of the root, after which it moves to other areas. Next, the crown is forced out by a permanent tooth that grows right under it.

Change of bite:

  1. At the age of 3, small gaps appear between the front milk teeth, which are called diastemas, and trems form between the first molars and canines.
  2. Distances often differ in size. With age, they grow, and reach their maximum limit just before the loss.
  3. The reason for the formation of gaps is the growth of the jaw. If they are absent, then this indicates impaired development, which requires immediate contact with a specialist.

Molar (permanent) teeth are in special capsules made of connective tissue. During eruption, they move under the roots of the first set. This whole process can be seen on the orthopantomogram of children 7-11 years old.

Should it be removed?

We found out when milk teeth change in children. However, many parents are also interested in another, quite logical, question: “Is it necessary to remove the first molars, incisors and canines with the help of a specialist?”. As practice shows, such a need arises in a very rare cases. Moreover, many dentists are of the opinion that even severe caries is not an indication for tooth extraction. After all, the first set performs many functions, so it must do its job in full until the change of bite.

If the milk tooth was severely damaged, which caused serious inflammation, then it will have to be removed. Also, extraction is performed if the first canine, incisor or molar causes a slow growth of an irreplaceable row.

If a baby tooth delete ahead of time, then the vacated space can be occupied by neighboring ones. Thus, it turns out that each temporary unit saves a specific area of ​​​​the gum for a permanent one. It is responsible for the growth rates and formation of future molars. Therefore, when removing one unit from the first set, there may be problems with the eruption of the permanent.

It should also be said that the premature loss of a milk tooth is fraught with malocclusion and pathological development jaws. Therefore, doctors recommend keeping the first set until the very moment of its change.

Children's dental prosthetics

Dental prosthetics is a whole section of dentistry that deals with the restoration of lost tooth tissues, as well as its replacement, restoration of its structure and the functioning of the masticatory apparatus. This method is resorted to extremely rarely (for example, after injuries). it necessary measure, which warns the displacement of the entire dentition.

Crooked teeth - what is the main reason?

Many parents do not care at all what time their children's milk teeth change. For them, the main thing is that the permanent row is even and beautiful. And, indeed, more and more often the molars in children grow crooked, and sometimes even with caries. So what is the reason for the incorrect location of the permanent kit? Experts explain this phenomenon very simply - during growth, the teeth simply did not have enough space. In other words, there were no necessary gaps between the predecessors, which caused such a defect.

It should be noted that the reasons for the growth of crooked teeth can be bad habits of the child. For example, constantly biting nails, biting the tips of pencils or inner surface cheeks, etc.

It is not possible to change such a defect on your own. The situation can be corrected only by the intervention of a specialist. Therefore, after detecting a problem, you should immediately send the child to the dentist.

Peculiarities of oral care in children. Dentist advice

You need to know how and what milk teeth change in children. However, it is even more important to know about how a child.

With the hygiene of the baby's teeth should be introduced from early childhood. At the same time, the list of mandatory oral care includes the formation of normal eating behavior.

In the event that parents themselves doubt the choice of a particular paste or brush for their child, you can consult a dentist. The latter give following tips:

  1. During the change of teeth, the children's menu must necessarily include as much as possible more products rich in vitamin D, as well as minerals such as calcium (cottage cheese, cheese, milk, etc.).
  2. When a child's temporary set of teeth began to change, he needs to use enough solid food. These include vegetables and fruits such as carrots, apples and radishes. This is required for a kind of training so that the teeth are cleaned and strengthened. naturally.
  3. Many parents panic when their 5-6 year old children noticeably thin their teeth. Experts say that such a phenomenon should not be afraid. This is a completely normal process. The jaw of the child is growing, and these peculiar gaps are essential for normal and healthy growth permanent row. Moreover, you should panic when these gaps do not appear. In this case, you need to contact a specialist.
  4. In order for a child’s permanent set of teeth to be even, healthy and beautiful, parents need to make every effort. They should protect the baby’s teeth not only from accidental loss (for example, in case of injury or a fall), but also from carious lesion. In the latter case, it is recommended to reconsider the attitude to sweets, as well as carefully monitor the process of brushing the child's teeth. In addition, you should check more often oral cavity baby, and at the slightest hint of caries go to the dentist. After all, diseases of this kind are easier to deal with early stages than on running ones.
  5. Parents of young children should be aware that if temporary tooth strongly staggers, and this brings the child discomfort, then it can be pulled out at home. To do this, you need to grab the tooth with a small piece of sterile gauze, and then shake it in different directions and pull it up / down. If this procedure is not successful, then it is better to consult a dentist.
  6. We should not forget about the averageness of all existing norms. Insignificant or even average deviations from the timing of tooth replacement do not indicate the presence of pathology. Everything has its time.
  7. Timely detection of curvature of permanent teeth in the process of their growth, as well as immediate appeal to children's orthodontist guarantee your child a beautiful and healthy smile in future.

Very often the first two permanent teeth appear crooked. But, as practice shows, this is an erroneous view. Until the baby changes all the rest, it is premature to draw conclusions about the first.

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