Global fight against smoking. smoking cessation programs

History shows that the crackdown on smokers has not stopped the widespread use of smoking. The termination or reduction of production did not help either. tobacco products. People found a substitute for tobacco. For example, in the years civil war appeared a large number of home garden. In the 50s of our century in the state of Kansas (USA) the sale of tobacco products was banned. But this measure came to nothing. Smoking continued and the ban was lifted.

Neither bans nor cessation of tobacco production is a way out. Today, in the fight against this great social evil, we must count on the realization by people, especially teenagers, that smoking causes irreparable harm to health and the sooner it is stopped, the better.

At a conference in Madrid in 1970, the International Cancer Union asked the governments of different countries of the world to take legislative and administrative measures to combat smoking.

The fight for human health is one of the most important tasks of public health. To prevent chronic noncommunicable diseases it is necessary to eliminate the influence of many harmful factors, which primarily include smoking, named by the famous Russian hygienist professor G.V. Khlopin antisocial habit.

Medical professionals should strengthen preventive work among the population, educating in people the need for healthy way life, giving up bad habits.

The fight against smoking is based on three main principles:

  • 1) to develop in people, especially adolescents and young people, a firm belief that smoking is harmful, it causes irreparable damage to health and it is not necessary to start smoking;
  • 2) administrative measures to limit and prohibit smoking in in public places;
  • 3) reducing the number of smokers due to their awareness of the harmful consequences.

In our country, smoking is prohibited in public places - theaters, cinemas, circuses, concerts and gyms etc. You can not smoke in the subway, suburban trains, trams, trolleybuses, taxis, enclosed spaces water transport (on boats, river and sea vessels). On trains long distance Smoking is only possible in vestibules. Smoking is not allowed on airplanes for flights up to 4 hours.

In 1976, the First All-Union scientific and practical conference to combat smoking. The decisions of the conference received wide approval.

Particular attention is drawn to the prohibition of smoking in schools, vocational schools, technical schools, institutes and medical institutions. Ministry of Education, Higher and Secondary special education, State Committee for Vocational Education are taking measures to combat smoking among teachers and students. The sale of tobacco products to minors is prohibited.

A large role in the fight against smoking should belong to the school, pioneer, Komsomol organizations, and public opinion. It is necessary to interest children, adolescents, youth in various circles, to captivate them with physical education, sports, excursions, etc.

The fight against smoking will be successful only if the general public of the country takes an active part in it. The main emphasis should be on proper upbringing youth. Experts believe that the fight against smoking should begin with preschool age instilling in the child an aversion to cigarettes. The first People's Commissar health care N.A. Semashko wrote that it is necessary to create such an opinion among young people that they would look at an underage smoker not as a hero, but as an ignoramus who does not know the most elementary rules hygiene, like a mentally deranged person.

In the formation of a healthy lifestyle important role designed to play public opinion, especially in youth groups. The fight against smoking should be part of the educational work, and it should not be limited to slogans, even if they are catchy. Nothing replaces hard work every day.

All adults are obliged to show such concern for the younger generation. One of the methods of education is a personal example. Therefore, everyone who, by the nature of their work, deals with children or adolescents, primarily teachers and educators, must stop smoking. It is known that if classroom teacher non-smokers, there are significantly fewer schoolchildren who start smoking.

The purpose of the prohibition and restriction of smoking is to take care, first of all, of the health of non-smokers, to protect them from harmful effect tobacco smoke. At the same time, this is, to some extent, concern for smokers, whose habit creates inconvenience for them.

However, no matter how many tobacco prevention organizations talk about the health risks of smoking, in practice only a small proportion of smokers decide to quit smoking because they were influenced by the arguments of the smoking prevention program. Most smokers stop smoking after they have been introduced to preventive programs. Their decision is influenced, as a rule, by the state of their own health, care for loved ones, pressure from the authorities at work.

For many, smoking cessation is complicated by the fear of not understanding what methods will be used in the course of smoking treatment. Currently, many methods have been developed for the treatment of smoking, which allow you to quickly and painlessly get rid of this habit.

Modern methods Smoking treatments are able to remove all the discomfort caused by the withdrawal syndrome, which makes it possible to overcome addiction in a matter of days and without discomfort. For many smokers it becomes pleasant surprise the effectiveness of modern methods, and they tend to overestimate their capabilities, so the treatment of smoking should always be accompanied by measures to prevent relapse.

The peculiarity of smoking is that, in addition to nicotine addiction, it creates persistent conditioned reflexes, without the destruction of which it is almost impossible to quit smoking forever. Therefore, relapse prevention involves understanding the cause of smoking and replacing the need that underlies the need to smoke.

Prevention re-addiction to smoking

The stereotype that exists in the mind of a smoker, linking smoking and pleasant sensations, is much more difficult to overcome than physical addiction. Therefore, in the treatment process it is necessary to pay attention to the prevention of re-addiction to smoking.

Prevention must take into account that psychological dependence is insidious and unpredictable, it can manifest itself in stressful situation or simply while spending time in a smoking company. The best prevention smoking relapse becomes a positive experience of life without smoking, however, many of those who got rid of psychological dependence, understand that the mechanisms of social interaction, which were previously closely associated with smoking, are much more difficult for them.

Quitting smoking makes it harder to communicate, harder to relax or concentrate. As a result, people become less sociable, become isolated and feel some discomfort. Modern methods of prevention of smoking recurrence make it possible to foresee in what situations a desire to smoke may arise.

Prevention predicts reactions former smoker and prepare him for the danger of becoming addicted to smoking again.

What will help say "NO":

  • - buy the brand of cigarettes that you like the least
  • - try to make smoking bother you
  • - do not smoke automatically, smoke only when you really feel like it
  • - delay the time of the first puff every day by one hour
  • - and reduce the number of cigarettes you smoke
  • - Try to say "no" to a cigarette!

The first step from a cigarette.

Try not to think about the difficulties that await you, and take your decision positively. Set a "rejection day". Make it a special day - birthday loved one or your own. And you are giving everyone a present. Your loved ones should know about this and support you. It will be easier for you if you do this with some of your friends. You should try to simultaneously destroy other habits that correspond to your type: morning coffee with a cigarette, a chair in front of the TV with a cigarette, etc.

First day without a cigarette.

12 hours after the last puff, the body begins to clear itself of nicotine. Sometimes it is accompanied unpleasant sensations. But everything is temporary. Compare which is better - fresh air or tobacco smoke? And remember that nicotine leaves the body after 3 days.

Non-smoking is my habit.

You've gotten used to the cigarette long enough to give it up easily. Therefore, at some points (1 week of the fight against smoking, the third month) you will want to return your addiction again. The main thing is to remember what prompted you to give up cigarettes. What pleasant things have you encountered by ridding yourself of this habit. Many fail to quit smoking the first time, but there is no need to give in to despair - there is always another chance.


Tobacco is a poison that contains more than 4,000 substances, 40 of which are carcinogenic, that is, they lead to cancer.

Payback for smoking - heart attack, angina pectoris, atherosclerosis, stomach ulcers, impotence.

70% of people want to quit smoking, but only 1 out of 100 people manage to get rid of tobacco addiction.

In 5-7% of cases, dependence on tobacco is formed already at the tip of the first cigarette.

Irreversible changes occur in the respiratory system of a smoker, leading at first to bronchitis, and then to lung cancer!

Outcomes of quitting smoking

  • Two hours without smoking: the onset of the first withdrawal symptoms in nicotine addiction, nicotine begins to be removed from the body;
  • 12 hours without smoking: the body is cleared of carbon monoxide, the lungs begin to function better, the feeling of lack of air disappears;
  • · Two days without smoking: the sense of smell and taste sensitivity become aggravated;
  • · 12 weeks without smoking: the work of the circulatory system improves, it becomes easier to walk and run;
  • · Three to nine months without smoking: lung function increases by 10%, cough, shortness of breath and breathing problems decrease;
  • · Five years without smoking: the risk of myocardial infarction is reduced to the level of never smokers.

Smoking cessation

Approaches and ways to combat smoking in the world

Mankind has already had hundreds of years to make sure that “smoking control”, or more precisely, the management and impact on excessive smoking (from the point of view of a given country, institution, person and in given time) is a much more complicated matter than it might seem at first glance.

This statement is confirmed by the evolution of approaches to the management of excess smoking in their temporal development, namely:

1st approach. explanatory

It proceeds from the fact that it is quite irrefutable with scientific point vision to establish the most significant facts of the harmfulness of smoking, paying special attention to the consequences of smoking for young people, pregnant women, etc., to convey this in bright colors to the population so that it, being “literate and conscious”, would stop smoking itself.

This approach has been around for many decades, even in Russia, and the phrase “a drop of nicotine kills a horse” is from pre-war methods of intelligibly explaining the harm of nicotine to a recent peasant, for whom a horse is “our everything”.

The explanatory approach is still able to prevent and discourage a certain number of people from smoking, but in general it definitely does not work. Therefore, the public, increasingly concerned about the truly epidemic nature and almost military losses in terms of the consequences of the spread of tobacco smoking (and this against the background of depleting natural reserves), is moving to more drastic measures, namely:

2nd. an approach. Restrictive-prohibitive

It is based on the recognition that the mere knowledge of the dangers of smoking (and no longer refuted by the majority of smokers) for some reason does not stop the resumption and further spread of tobacco smoking. Therefore, various restrictions on tobacco smoking in certain places and at certain times have been introduced and continue to be introduced. A very intelligible variation of this approach is the increased amount of health insurance for smokers, introduced in the late 60s of the twentieth century in the United States, and, coupled with other measures, which made it possible to stop the fall medium duration life in this country.

We have to admit that in those countries where restrictive and restrictive measures are not well thought out and verified, are carried out without connection with other measures to ensure a healthier lifestyle of the population, this leads to the fact that "the severity of the laws is combined with a low obligation to enforce them." well-known Russian examples- massive non-compliance with the ban on smoking in trains and smoking breaks that have become common for students (including primary school) general education schools at change.

Therefore, in those countries of the world that actually and even now cherish the health of their population, first awareness, and then more and more consistent application of the third approach, which should be called

3rd approach. Comprehensive elimination (including substitution) of the need for smoking

Comprehensive elimination and replacement of personal, social and national needs for excessive smoking on the basis of comprehensive scientific, cultural, economic, social, administrative and legal impact.

AT modern Russia(and before that in the USSR), unfortunately, we have to note only rather disparate and loosely connected measures of administrative-legal and scientific-explanatory influence, which explains their extreme inefficiency.

Examples of harmonized international anti-smoking efforts

Until recently, harmonization of international anti-smoking efforts was limited only to the exchange of scientific data on the harms of tobacco smoke for human health. Only on February 27, 2005, the World Health Organization Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC) enters into force. Its provisions limit and regulate international standards in areas such as

  • increase in prices and taxes on tobacco,
  • tobacco advertising,
  • sponsorship,
  • marking,
  • illegal trade,
  • second hand smoke and others.

As of December 24, 2009, 168 countries of the world participate in the convention. The Bahamas was the latest to join the convention (November 3, 2009).

Examples of restrictive (anti-tobacco) measures for selected countries of the world

There have always been people and institutions in the world with a heightened sense of responsibility for their own health and the health of their offspring. Taking into account the various events (or at least statements) on a healthy lifestyle carried out in a number of countries by state and public institutions, the greater accessibility of the media, more and more attempts are becoming known to take the path of getting rid of the smoking epidemic.

  • AT Spain the sale of tobacco products in medical institutions and educational institutions is prohibited. Smoking is prohibited in public transport, in premises where pregnant women work, in office buildings, in workshops for the production food products, in reading and exhibition halls, in elevators, in theaters, cinemas, indoor sports facilities.

Tobacco manufacturers' opinion on smoking cessation

The main warning label should be worded as "smoking kills" instead of the former "Russian Ministry of Health and Social Development warns ...". The content of additional inscriptions may be as follows: “Smoking causes heart attacks and strokes”, “Smoking causes lung cancer”. “Smoking can cause a slow and painful death”, “Smoking can cause impotence”, etc. In total, 12 of them are provided instead of the previous four.

In general, Russian manufacturers fully agree with public opinion and fully support the WHO Framework Convention within the regulatory framework, and also believe that now, among all the major countries of the world, Russia has the most stringent regulation of the “tobacco issue”. In addition, Tabakprom published the full text of the World Health Organization Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) on its official website.

Cigarette smoking is addictive and addictive. Quitting smoking can be very difficult, but if you smoke, this should not stop you. Cigarette smoking causes lung cancer, heart disease, emphysema, and other serious illnesses in smokers. The likelihood of getting sick serious illness, like lung cancer, is much higher for smokers than for non-smokers. There are no safe cigarettes. (Philip Morris International official statement)

WHO and World No Tobacco Day

To reduce the level of smoking, WHO proposes the implementation of a set of six approaches called "MPOWER":

  • Monitor - tracking tobacco consumption and smoking prevention strategies.
  • Protect - protection of people from tobacco smoke, in other words, the prohibition of smoking in public and workplaces.
  • Offer - an offer of assistance in order to stop using tobacco
  • Warn - a warning about the dangers associated with tobacco.
  • Enforce - the introduction of BANS on advertising, promotion and sponsorship of tobacco products.
  • Raise - raising taxes on tobacco products.

The WHO report argues that the most effective single strategy is to increase taxes on tobacco products, which can be substantially increased in essentially all countries, which, in addition, will provide a source of sustainable funding that will allow the implementation and enforcement of the recommended set of six strategies.

world no tobacco day

World No Tobacco Day is celebrated annually around the world on May 31st. On this day, events are held to educate the public about the dangers associated with tobacco consumption, work tobacco companies, the work of WHO in the fight against the tobacco epidemic, and what people around the world can do to claim their rights to health and healthy environment and also to protect future generations.

But there is in this day and back side! After each day without a cigarette held in the UK in the spring, the frequency of serious accidents in industry and forestry increases dramatically. British experts explain this by the fact that a smoker, having abruptly given up cigarettes, is in bad mood, irritated, with difficulty concentrating. Hence all the incidents. At the same time, scientists emphasize that quitting smoking is certainly good for health, but it is best to do it gradually.


  1. Encyclopedia "Around the World"
  2. Russian history. World, world history - History of tobacco
  3. Encyclopedia of Pipe Tobacco " History of Tobacco
  4. Cigar | Cigarettes, cigarillos, zippo, hookah, lighters, matches, humidor
  5. Bogdanov I. Smoke of the Fatherland, or a Brief History of Tobacco Smoking. Moscow: New Literary Review, 2007, p. 6-21
  6. Encyclopedia of Pipe Tobacco. History of tobacco.
  7. Digest
  8. A sober society - a smoking world. Fact Collection
  9. Parties to the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control.
  10. Boris Vinokur. America is turning away from cigarettes. Nezavisimaya Gazeta (August 10, 2007). Archived
  11. The State Duma ratified the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control. NEWSru (April 11, 2008). Archived from the original on 13 April 2012. Retrieved 13 August 2010.
  12. Smoking in Italy | Useful information and tips for tourists in Italy | All about Italy | from "Rose of the Winds"
  13. New draconian fines for smoking in Italy
  14. Bhutan is the world's first smoke-free country! - Bhutan. Ru - News
  15. World News
  16. The Danish queen has contributed to the fight against smoking
  17. Germany Quits Smoking - New Smoking Bans (ETODAY Online Magazine)
  18. Smoking ban
  19. Around 1.4 million Dutch will quit smoking this year. RIA Novosti (December 14, 2008). Archived from the original on 13 April 2012. Retrieved 13 August 2010.
  20. The world's strictest smoking ban comes into force in Finland. 1.10.2010
  21. South Koreans given a year to quit smoking | It's tobacco!
  22. Smoking in Singapore will become very expensive / Laws / Travel.Ru
  23. The fight against smoking in modern society
  24. Turkey bans smoking in all public places :: Society ::

More than one century has passed since the appearance of tobacco in our country, but if then smoking was a kind of secular ritual, now it is both a way to relieve stress, and a break from work, and an integral part of fun and relaxation. It is the current attitude to cigarettes that leads to the formation of persistent nicotine addiction. It should also be pointed out that manufacturers of modern tobacco products widely use various additives that increase the craving for smoking.

Harm of smoking

About the dangers of smoking you can talk endlessly. Now all momentary and long-term effects this habit:

  • bad smell;
  • decreased taste sensitivity;
  • some substances that make up the cigarette impair the absorption of a number of vitamins and minerals;
  • nicotine, tar and other constituents of modern tobacco; are carcinogens (cause oncological diseases and not only the lungs, but also other organs and systems of the body);
  • nicotine addiction potentiates the development gastrointestinal diseases such as gastritis, peptic ulcer, esophagitis;
  • increased risk of atherosclerosis, stroke and heart attack;
  • decreased potency and libido in general;
  • During pregnancy, smoking can cause miscarriages, malformations of unborn children.

The severity and speed of development of each of these effects depends on the number of cigarettes smoked per day. The less experience this bad habit, the greater the chance to restore the body and reduce the risk of long-term consequences.

Currently, an active fight against smoking is being carried out at the federal level. Laws are regularly issued, thanks to which the price of tobacco products increases, now there are motivational pictures and inscriptions on each pack of cigarettes. The last, but not final, step was the ban on smoking in public and workplaces.

All this, of course, is good, but is there any benefit? Are there other ways to fight smoking?

To a greater extent, the level of nicotine addiction depends on the people themselves. The most vulnerable category These are children and teenagers. It is from this age that you need to instill a desire - to lead a healthy lifestyle without nicotine and alcohol. Naturally, this duty, firstly, of parents, and secondly, kindergarten teachers and school teachers. You can tell the younger generation as much as you like about the dangers of smoking, but the effect will be minimal if the teachers themselves smoke. After all main reason Early nicotine addiction is the desire to appear older than you really are.

Smoking cessation should be a daily affair. You should not rush with aggression at a smoker, you can politely and tactfully enough remind that his habit causes inconvenience to others. It is especially important that employers limit the consumption of nicotine by their employees during working hours, taking into account changes in legislation.

We fight against smoking on a daily basis, using prohibitions, but we must not forget about such means as agitation for a healthy lifestyle. In addition to scare stories about nicotine and cigarettes, it is important to spread the word through the media about the benefits of eating fruits and vegetables and exercising regularly.

In custody

In order to change the world and influence society, you must start with yourself. the best way cope with a bad habit is a change of attitude to their lifestyle, not endless questions in the search for a network: how to quit smoking? Remember that you are responsible for the state of your body, not doctors and pharmacists. Your behavior and habits are an example for the younger generation.

Smoking cessation is very important nowadays. This is the fight against the use of tobacco products. In Europe, anti-smoking measures were taken even before the advent of tobacco on the continent. They were put in jail for smoking. It was also forbidden to smoke where prayers are held.

Smoking cessation requires compliance preventive measures. At the same time, one should apply Special attention on tobacco use among young people. It is necessary to conduct lectures more often in educational institutions about the dangers of tobacco.

Ways to deal with bad habits

The problem of how to deal with smoking excites almost the whole world, and this is no accident. The number of deaths due to the abuse of tobacco products is steadily increasing. Today effective ways smoking cessation includes:

  1. Prevent the onset of smoking in non-smokers.
  2. Eliminate passive smoking, i.e. prevent the inhalation of tobacco smoke by non-smokers.
  3. Reduce the content of toxic substances in cigarettes.
  4. Stop using tobacco for people who already smoke.

There are many ways to deal with addiction, but medicine will help to overcome the craving for smoking best of all. Medical propaganda talks about the dangers of nicotine and is doing a lot of work to eliminate smoking. This propaganda should be carried out in kindergartens, schools, colleges and higher educational institutions. At this time, doctors and employees of polyclinics are prohibited from smoking during the working day. To increase the effectiveness of the fight against, the state attracts various organizations and special committees.

The fight against smoking at the administrative level is also very effective. The state allows smoking only in certain places, advertising of cigarettes and smoking in airplanes, trains and other public places are prohibited. It is forbidden to sell tobacco products to teenagers and children. So the state fights against the use of tobacco.

Many countries around the world are already fighting smoking, and for this there are the following activities:

  1. There are separate smoking rooms in public and cultural places.
  2. They show less scenes with cigarettes, for example, in the movies.
  3. Events are held that talk about the dangers of smoking (there are thematic films, books, exhibitions and much more).

All this contributes to the gradual cessation of smoking in society. It is difficult for a smoking person to give up an addiction, this is hindered by nicotine addiction.

How to deal with smoking in the early days of quitting:

  1. Physical exercise - should do sports, do physical exercises and breathing exercises.
  2. Walks - long walks should be done with friends or family.
  3. Special diet - you should temporarily give up spices and fatty foods, creams, coffee, sweets. In the early days, preference should be given to vegetables and fruits, you should drink more water and juices or teas.
  4. Smoking friends and acquaintances should be avoided.

Medical treatment assigned to each smoker individually. There are medicines that you need to rinse your mouth with before smoking cigarettes, and there are those that require you to completely stop using tobacco products. This means that the methods of combating smoking should be selected by a doctor.

By giving up smoking, a person gives himself a chance for a new and healthy life. By quitting smoking, you are building your foundation for a healthy future. Of course, the trace in the body will still remain, the abuse of tobacco products does not pass without a trace. After a person has given up smoking, his body begins to recover and recover, and it will already be possible to begin the treatment of emerging diseases.

No treatment will help a person who smokes if he himself does not have the desire to fight his addiction.

It's hard to quit smoking on your own. Nearly 70% of people who quit smoking go back to cigarettes after a few months.

Warning labels on cigarettes

The inscription on a pack of cigarettes that tobacco is harmful to health helps in the fight against smoking. Many quit smoking thanks to this anti-propaganda. Studies have found that pictures are more conducive to smoking cessation than simple inscriptions. Therefore, at present, in addition to the inscriptions on cigarette packs, one can everywhere see pictures of patients internal organs smoking person.

Ways to stop smoking play a big role, but it is important to understand that without the smoker's awareness of the problem, no measures will be effective. Everyone should think about how to overcome this addiction, and try to convey to others how harmful smoking is.

World No Tobacco Day is celebrated on May 31 all over the world. On this day, lectures and events are held that talk about the dangers of tobacco, disorders of the internal organs, and the mechanism of the effect of smoke on the lungs.

Many people start smoking with early age and offer to their friends and acquaintances. This is how tobacco spreads around the world. Talk to your children about how bad tobacco is for health. It is especially necessary to carry out such conversations with girls, since it depends future life their children. If a pregnant woman smokes, then the child may be born sick, disabled or underdeveloped. because of congenital pathologies mothers abandon their children and they end up in Orphanage. This is another proof of the dangers of smoking. Thinking about the future generation, you need to fight addiction, find some ways to help relatives and friends who smoke.

- a set of measures aimed at reducing and preventing cigarette consumption. The process of smoking is the process of inhaling drugs, mainly natural origin, in order to saturate the body contained in them active substances. Of course, nothing that could benefit the body of the smoker or those around him is contained in cigarettes.

On the contrary, the substances contained there belong to the category of psychoactive substances.

Fighting smoking and nicotine addiction

According to WHO statistics, on Earth smokes great amount people - about 1.1 billion people. This is about one third of the adult population of the planet. And if once smoking was considered fashionable, now, in the civilized world, everyone is well aware of what a problem it really is.

Scientists cite deplorable statistics - every year smoking takes away 3.5 million people. That's 10 people a day.

Initially, the fight against smoking began in Europe before the advent of tobacco there. One of the members of the Columbus expedition was imprisoned because "only the devil could give a person the ability to release smoke from the nostrils."

Already later, in 1575, a ban on tobacco smoking was introduced in Spain in those places where they are conducted. After that in different countries smoking was treated differently.

In Russia, the ban on smoking was introduced before 1685. This year, he lifted this ban in exchange for a very substantial reward for an American company selling tobacco in Russia.

AT modern world most developed countries are actively campaigning against smoking. In Russia, laws for smokers are tightened every year, cigarettes are regularly becoming more expensive.

It is forbidden to smoke in educational institutions, catering establishments, public transport, bus stops, stadiums, hospitals and other medical institutions. It is forbidden to advertise tobacco products on television, as well as photographs people who smoke for advertising. The sale of cigarettes to persons under the age of majority is prohibited.

The fight against smoking at the administrative level is often very effective. Since, when a ban is introduced, punishable by certain material deprivations, not everyone will risk smoking a cigarette in one place or another, and then the lack of cigarettes can become a habit, this time already a good one.

Test for smokers

Choose your age!

Basic methods and ways to get rid of

Many people ask the question - is it possible to quit smoking forever? They are asked, but no steps are taken to this end. Although it would seem that this requires quite a bit - desire.

Those who have it, both men and women, become permanent non-smokers. There are several ways to do this. You can use a choice, or you can use several at once.

Ways to deal with nicotine addiction:

  1. Health care. The doctor considers each specific case, helps to choose an individual treatment, prescribes those drugs that will be most effective in this case.
  2. Nicotine patch and . This is a way for those whose smoking experience is already long enough and who simply cannot imagine themselves without a dose of nicotine. In this case, these two medicines will perfectly replace cigarettes - they will give a small dose of nicotine to the body daily. True, you will gradually have to wean yourself from them.
  3. . The therapist inspires the patient that he no longer wants to smoke and the patient does not smoke. Naturally, the patient should not be taken to the session by force, otherwise there will be no effect. Therefore, in part, hypnosis is also self-hypnosis. And so that a breakdown does not occur, it would be better to go to the session again and get out of the state of hypnosis.
  4. Acupuncture. Or . By influencing certain points, doctors have treated more than one thousand years and more than one thousand diseases. Including bad habits. The doctor sticks needles in the right places, and the patient is cured of addiction. One or more sessions may be required. Not for those who are afraid of injections, of course.
  5. Intensive mode of work. It is believed that if a person is immersed in work, then he has no time to smoke. How more work– the less cigarettes. And if the company where you work, smoking is prohibited, then the fight against harmful become a habit even faster.
  6. Sports. Sport is a tool that helps to cope with many problems. Including quitting smoking. These two things are categorically incompatible. moderate and regular exercise stress promotes the production of hormones of pleasure.
  7. Allen Carr's book easy way quit smoking." Very fashionable, which drove the whole world crazy. Quitting smoking alone is no longer so fashionable. And after reading this, not too big book, it will be possible to discuss this problem on forums with the same throwers like you.

These are the main methods of fighting smoking. There are others, but we will look at them later. This is just something you can rely on. The main thing is desire.

At strong desire it will be possible to be content only with willpower and neglect everything else, and without it it will not help and whole complex measures. Everything depends only on ourselves.

Take the smoking test

Necessarily, before passing the test, refresh the page (F5 key).

Do you smoke at home?

Carrying out recreational activities as one of the measures

Smoking cessation cannot be done without organ support state power. Nobody can be strong alone.

In our state, an extensive complex of various measures is being carried out aimed at directly combating it. These events are designed to warn and neutralize our enemy - substances that actively affect our brain and psyche, which are contained in cigarettes.

Possible forms of events

Here are some options for smoking cessation activities:

  1. , beginning with childhood, can be carried out in kindergartens, schools and other children's educational institutions.
  2. Promotion of a healthy lifestyle, carried out in the form of advertising.
  3. Systematic conversations with children about the dangers of smoking.
  4. Development special instructions, which will indicate the dangers of smoking and how to get rid of nicotine addiction.
  5. Mandatory inscriptions about the dangers of smoking on cigarette packs.
  6. Strict observance of the laws governing the rules.

Useful video on the topic

Consequences and possible complications

There are a lot of versions about what consequences can cause abrupt rejection from smoking. Each organism reacts to giving up a bad habit in different ways, there is no general approach. But in any case, this condition is temporary, after a certain period of time the symptoms disappear.

And most often, the manifestations of this withdrawal syndrome are the following sensations:

  1. Pain in different parts body and strength.
  2. Job disruption gastrointestinal tract, nausea, vomiting, constipation.
  3. Increased or decreased appetite.
  4. Decreased immunity, tendency to colds, increased body temperature.
  5. Reduced performance.
  6. Unreasonable mood swings.
  7. Jumps in blood pressure.

These symptoms may last for one week or several months. They may not come at all. It all depends on mental state person and his attitude.

There is another complication that people like to talk about and that everyone cares about. This is a set of body weight.

There are several reasons for this factor:

  • slow metabolism stimulated by nicotine;
  • increased appetite due to stress;
  • more free time that can be spent on snacks, before this time was spent on lunch.

Stopping smoking abruptly or gradually is the choice of each person individually. For someone, a sharp rejection of cigarettes is impossible, and it will be more convenient to switch to a healthy lifestyle gradually, giving up one cigarette a day, for example.

The body gradually weaned from nicotine, and Negative consequences will be less active. But, to each his own.

It all depends on individual characteristics organism and from the general mood of a person. The craving for a cigarette can last for several more days, even weeks, especially if a person has been used to smoking for several years at the same strictly allotted time for this.

Folk recipes to help

Since the fight against smoking has been going on since time immemorial, folk remedies on this topic have been invented in abundance. There are some among them that are suitable for both men and women, will have an impact not only on smoking, but also add vitamins to the body and give male power and feminine beauty.

Folk remedies - they are! The most effective folk remedy counts decoction of oats.

But the healing process will not be easy. It should be noted that this broth quickly turns sour, so you need to cook immediately before use.

For cooking you will need:

  • oatmeal - 1 tbsp;
  • water - 2 glasses;
  • calendula (buds) - 1 tbsp.

Preparation: oats are poured cold water and put in a cold place overnight, then boil for 10-15 minutes. Then calendula is added to the resulting broth, infused for 45 minutes.

This decoction is filtered and drunk when you want to drink water or smoke. Oats is effective means to combat smoking, not only in the form of such a decoction, but also in the form alcohol tincture.

You need to pour two tablespoons of green oats with a glass of vodka or alcohol, let it brew for two weeks. Use two dozen drops in 1/2 liter of water three times a day 30 minutes before meals.

100 g of fresh raspberry flowers pour 0.5 liters of vodka. This tincture should stand in the dark for 10 days, after which it should be taken 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day.

There may be other folk methods, but the main thing is to remember how beautiful and young we will become when we stop smoking cigarettes. How the condition of our skin will change, how our smile and hair will shine. You should always strive for excellence.

Effective drugs and medicines

Below are the most popular and effective drugs to combat nicotine addiction:

  1. The most important drug that helps in the fight against smoking is the Nicorette patch. Under this brand, they also produce chewing gum and a solution for inhalation, but in Russia they buy mainly a patch. It contains some nicotine. The smoker replaces the nicotine he gets from cigarettes with the nicotine he gets from the patch. Gradually there is a process of weaning.
  2. Tabex. Produced in the form of tablets. They are released on prescription, but in some pharmacies they can be sold without it, which is highly undesirable, since only a doctor can choose the right dosage regimen. Available medical contraindications, in connection with which self-treatment is highly undesirable.
  3. "Corrida plus". Tablets that can be purchased at a pharmacy without a doctor's prescription. good remedy, which belongs to the category of dietary supplements and can be used simultaneously with taking other drugs. Its purpose is. In some cases, this goal is successfully coped with.
  4. "Nicomel". Suckable caramels. homeopathic remedy, which should be used when there is an immediate craving for a cigarette.
  5. "Zyban". One of the new drugs, but already well established in the consumer market. This is a drug that belongs to the category of antidepressants. It calms the nerves and is considered more effective than many others. It does not contain nicotine.
  6. "Lobeline". Drops or tablets. The drug can only be prescribed by a doctor who will help calculate the dose of the drug. There are some contraindications, so you can not take the drug without consulting a doctor.
  7. "Cytisine". It takes the form of tablets, patches or even films that are attached to the palate. The dose is also selected individually with the doctor and is higher at the beginning of the course, gradually decreasing towards the end. Tablets give a visible effect on the fifth day of admission. The desire to smoke disappears.
  8. "Nicotinelle". Chewing gums of various dosages. Of course, first of all, they are suitable for those who smoke less than a pack a day. They make quitting smoking a little easier.
  9. "Gamibazin". Also chewing gums. Before using them, you should consult a doctor.
  10. "Champix". Contains a substance that blocks the effects of nicotine. Having lit a cigarette, a person no longer experiences pleasure, smoking for this person becomes disgusting. Also this drug relieves the withdrawal syndrome.

Cleansing the body after failure

In order to cleanse your body and recover from smoking, first of all, focus on a healthy lifestyle:

  1. Supporting respiratory system, you need to walk a lot on fresh air, in the forest. It is often necessary to ventilate the rooms in which you work, live, and relax. You need to exercise outdoors.
  2. First, you should take expectorants. Of course you don't need to drink pharmaceuticals, it will be enough folk methods: decoctions of oregano, chamomile, coltsfoot, wormwood. Works very well herbal tea with honey and lemon.
  3. The digestive system also needs restoration. For breakfast, cereals from the mucous seed are suitable - rice, oatmeal, flax-seed. A decoction of potatoes is good for the heart and lungs.
  4. It is useful to take a multi-vitamin complex. It is especially worth focusing on vitamin C, retinol, vitamin B, magnesium, zinc, vitamin E, rutin.

You need to move more, exercise, sleep well and monitor your lifestyle. Then quitting smoking will not only benefit you in itself, but will also be the beginning of a new, healthy life in which there is no place bad habits, and there is a place only for health and beauty!

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