Model of a graduate of a modern school. What is a high school graduate like? The role of the class teacher in the development of a socially adapted personality through the formation of universal values

Class hour for vocational guidance. Forms the readiness of students for a reasonable choice of profession, career, life path, taking into account their inclinations, abilities, health status and the needs of the labor market in specialists.



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Topic: "Modern graduate. Who is he?"

It is important not to become anyone, but what to become!

What does a modern graduate want? What is he like at work? What is he? How does he interact with others? Goals:

Reference. Needs - the need or lack of something necessary to maintain the life of the organism, the human person, society as a whole.

"Needs and Interests".

The need for self-education. The need for professional self-determination. The need for work. The need for entertainment. Need for communication. The need for freedom. The need for independent choice. natural needs. Needs: The need for empathy, complicity and compassion. The need to be human.

"Organizational and activity qualities"

Diligence. Enterprise. Efficiency. prudence. Discipline. A responsibility. Business risk appetite. Sociability. Organization.

"Emotional-physical and volitional qualities".

EMOTIONAL AND PHYSICAL. Energy. Sportiness. Optimism. Ability for physical improvement. Developed emotional sphere. volitional Purposefulness. composure. Perseverance. Self-demanding. Self-criticism.

"Social Qualities".

1. Love humanity as much as you like, but do not demand reciprocity. 2. In our time, when they say about a person that he knows how to live, they usually mean that he is not particularly honest. 3. The smallest help is better than the greatest sympathy. 4. To believe in good, one must start doing it. 5. Modest is not the one who is indifferent to praise, but the one who is attentive to censures. 6. Selling friends is not a sign of bankruptcy, but a sign of a career. 7. Sincerity does not consist in saying everything that you think 8. With what measure you measure, the same will be measured to you. 9. Self-love is the beginning of a lifelong romance. 10. Giving to a beggar will not get poorer. 11. Do not ask what your Motherland can do for you - ask what you can do for your Motherland. 12. Kindness should be with fists. 13. Patriotism: the belief that your country is better than others because you were born in it. 14. We love our children too much and our parents too little. 15. A national tradition cannot be inherited - it must be won. 16. A family is a society in miniature, on the integrity of which the security of the entire large nation depends. (humanity) (honesty) (responsiveness) (kindness) (modesty) (betrayal) (sincerity) (fairness) (narcissism) (mercy) (civic position) (anger) (patriotism) (respect for elders) (national traditions) ( family love)

Answer Question 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 A 10 5 5 3 5 10 10 10 3 3 5 5 5 10 5 10 5 10 3 3 B 5 10 10 10 10 3 3 3 5 10 3 10 10 5 10 3 10 3 5 10 V 3 3 3 5 3 5 5 5 10 5 10 3 3 3 3 5 3 5 10 5

140-200 points. You have the opportunity to be successful in life. There is a good balance in your character between instinct and reason, between private and social life, between action and reflection. 70-139 points. In principle, you have the qualities necessary to establish yourself in society. But still, you need to constantly control yourself and not allow the conflict situations smoldering in your subconscious to break out to the surface and influence your actions. 60-69 points. You need more faith in yourself and more openness to others. Only in this way can you achieve the full realization of your abilities. Results:

1. "Needs and Interests". 2. "Organizational and activity qualities". 3. "Emotional-physical and volitional qualities." 4. "Social qualities".

Thank you for participating.

Bon Voyage!


Target: To form the readiness of students for a reasonable choice of profession, career, life path, taking into account their inclinations, abilities, health status and the needs of the labor market in specialists.


1. To develop an idea of ​​the national economy and the need for labor activity, self-education, self-development and self-realization.

2. To cultivate respect for the working person.

Preparatory work.

1. Students write an essay "Profession of my parents."

2. Parents and students fill out questionnaires about choosing a profession.

3. Students prepare reports on professions: a seamstress, a gas-electric welder, a waiter, a locksmith.

It is important to become nobody

but what to become.

Event progress.

1.Org. moment.

Dear by chance, we met with you;

Stopped, called to each other,

Like wanderers in the night when the blizzard rages

When the whole world is embraced by both cold and darkness,

One way before us lay in the steppe

Boundless, and together we went ...

Images of graduates of different years appear on the screen.

(see slide 1).

1.A.S. Pushkin at the Lyceum.

2.Komsomol members.

3. Graduates of 2012.

What do you think, what will be discussed today?

Topic of today's conversation:

“Modern Graduate. Who is he?"

(on the topic screen, see slide 2).

In other words, today we have to create a model of the personality of a modern graduate. To do this, you need to answer the following questions:

What does a modern graduate want?

What is he like at work?

What is he?

How does he interact with others?

(see slide 4).

Let's find out what needs and interests a modern graduate has, and thereby answer the first question posed:

What does a modern graduate want?

(see slide 5.6) "needs and interests". one.

We are not assigned a role in this life -

We ourselves begin to play them,

And then we are surprised that soon

We are called players.

We divided conditionally into 2 groups. The members of each group will play their role. Group 1 - the role of the student, 2 - the role of the parent.

In accordance with the assigned role, you need to think and name the needs and interests of a modern graduate, justifying your choice. You can start your answer with the phrases that are on your tables.

For a student:

  • As a future graduate of the school, I think...
  • From the point of view of my not yet rich life experience, I believe that ...
  • I'm a high school student and I think...

For parent:

  • As a parent of a future graduate, I believe that…
  • Communicating every day with my child, I assume that ...
  • My child and I are friends, and therefore I am sure that ...


  1. the need for self-education;
  2. the need for professional self-determination;
  3. the need for work;
  4. the need for entertainment;
  5. the need for communication;
  6. the need for freedom;
  7. the need for independent choice;
  8. natural needs.

(children work in groups).

(see slide 7)

You expressed different opinions, but we are creating a universal model. What do you think, whose opinion - parents or students should be listened to first of all? (children's answers).

Very often, the opinions of parents and children do not coincide. And this is the cause of the eternal conflict of "fathers and sons."

In order to avoid this conflict, you need to be sensitive and attentive to the position of adults and not be afraid to express your opinion.

And now I invite you to listen to an excerpt from the address of the director of one foreign school and the teacher he hires:

“My eyes have seen what no man should see: gas chambers built by skilled engineers;

Children poisoned by highly qualified doctors; women burned by high school graduates. That's why I don't trust education. I ask you: help your students become more human. Your efforts should not result in trained monsters, trained psychopaths. Reading, writing and arithmetic are important only if they serve humanity.”

I am sure that every person should feel the need for empathy, complicity and compassion.

9. The need for empathy, complicity and compassion.

10. The need to be Human.

At one time, the Chinese sages thought for a long time about the question “How to make a person more humane?” and offered to think, contemplate, and most importantly play.

I present you with a puzzle.(With matches).

So we have a winning team. What personality traits do you think helped you win this challenge? You have a set of such qualities on the tables, choose from them three qualities that helped you win the most, and were not sufficiently manifested by your opponents.

(see slide 8.9)

"Organizational and activity qualities".

  • Diligence.
  • Enterprise.
  • Efficiency.
  • prudence.
  • Discipline.
  • A responsibility.
  • Business risk appetite.
  • Sociability.
  • Organization.

There are no uninteresting people in the world.

Their fates are like the history of the planets.

Each has everything special, its own,

And there are no planets like it.

Everyone has their own secret private world.

There is the best moment in this world.

There is the most terrible hour in this world,

But all this is unknown to us.

What do we know about brothers, about friends,

What do we know about our only one?

And about his own father

We, knowing everything, know nothing.

During the 3rd quarter, the guys filled out questionnaires about choosing a profession. Wrote essays about the professions of parents. How nice it was to read warm lines about my mother, her work. What do you know about your parents' workplace. (examples from essays.)

What an amazing world of work. What do you know about them? There are many working specialties without which our life would be impossible. Let's hear about some of them (student reports).

(accompanied by presentation see slide 10-18).

There are many professions, the choice is yours.

In my opinion, each person should not only study himself, but also try to develop what is given to him by nature. I offer you a series of simple exercises that will help you develop the physical, volitional and intellectual components.

Repeat after Farida to energetic and cheerful music.


(energetic music sounds, see slide 19).

"Emotional-physical and volitional qualities".(See slide 20).

Psychologists say that these exercises increase efficiency and improve mood.

I hope we made it.

Speaking about the uniqueness of the individual, we cannot but talk about the inseparable connection between a person and the society in which his life takes place. What should a person be like in order to remain free and not hinder the freedom of another?

(See slide 21).

"Social Qualities".(See slide 22-23).

From the proposed statements of famous people, select the one that, in your opinion, characterizes the existence of a person in society to the greatest extent. If none of the statements is close to you, then you can express your opinion.

(children work with quotes).

(music plays).

Sayings of famous people.

1. Love humanity as much as you like, but do not demand reciprocity.

Don Aminado.

2. In our time, when they say about a person that he knows how to live, they usually mean that he is not particularly honest.

George Halifax.

3. The smallest help is better than the greatest sympathy.

Vladislav Lorants

4. To believe in good, you must start doing it.

Lev Tolstoy.

5. Modest is not the one who is indifferent to praise, but the one who is attentive to censures.

Jean Paul.

6. The sale of friends is not a sign of bankruptcy, but a sign of a career.

Leopold Novak

7. Sincerity does not consist in saying everything you think, but in thinking exactly what you say.

Hippolyte de Lieri

8. With what measure you measure, the same will be measured to you.

Gospel of Luke.

9. Self-love is the beginning of a lifelong romance.

Oscar Wilde.

10. Giving to a beggar will not get poorer.

King Solomon.

11. Do not ask what your Motherland can do for you - ask what you can do for your Motherland.

John Kennedy.

12. Kindness should be with fists.

Stanislav Kunyaev

13. Patriotism: persuasion. That your country is better than others because it was you who was born in it.

George Bernard Shaw.

14. We love our children too much and our parents too little.

Alfred Konar.

15. A national tragedy cannot be inherited - it must be won.

Thomas Stearns Eliot.

16. The family is a society in miniature, on the integrity of which the security of the entire large human society depends.

F. Adler.

I want you to share your thoughts on the selected quotes.

Why didn't you choose quotes #6, 9, 12? Explain.

In order to achieve success in planning the necessary personal qualities, perseverance is needed, which, like the mind, “you can’t buy in the market”, you can’t replace it with anything. It should be made your motto. This is the only way to succeed in your professional career.

(filling out the test).

(music sounds, see slide 24).

Can You Succeed Quiz?

1. What would you prefer…

a) be the captain of the vessel;

b) become an astronaut;

c) be a musician?

2. If you see person in danger...

a) I rush to save him even at the risk of my life;

b) I feverishly consider all the possibilities of his salvation;

c) call someone to help.

3. What game do you prefer…

a) in cards;

b) billiards;

c) crossword puzzles.

4. When the phone rings, you immediately think ...

a) looking for from school;

b) a friend remembered;

c) something bad happened.

5. If you go to an evening at school or a disco ...

a) I go in my usual suit;

b) I dress especially carefully;

c) depending on what will be on him, I choose clothes.

6. If an older person talks about his life...

a) I demand details in the story;

b) miss;

c) interrupt it or leave.

7. If you are in the company ...

a) having fun from the heart;

b) miss;

c) I think about myself.

8. If you need to leave ...

a) I warn relatives - where and why;

b) don't say anything

c) I say that I just need to leave for a while.

9. If you find yourself in a difficult situation ...

a) consult with friends;

b) share problems with relatives;

c) I don't tell anyone.

10. If you need to buy a painting, you prefer ...

a) in the style of abstract art;

b) in the style of impressionism;

c) in the style of realism.

11. Noticing that something is missing on your table...

a) start looking for it;

b) I think that someone stole;

c) I immediately forget about it.

12. You ended up in a strange city and have some free time ...

a) go to the museum;

b) I study the map of the city and choose what to see;

c) rest.

13. In a dispute ...

a) I persist in asserting my point of view;

b) looking for a compromise solution;

c) yield to the stubbornness of others.

14. In front of an old family photo…

a) I feel anxious

b) she seems funny;

c) I feel bad.

15. Having discovered before an important meeting that important documents were forgotten ...

a) I return quickly to my place to take them;

b) rely on my memory and ability to improvise;

c) refuse to participate in the meeting.

16. Waking up in the morning, you usually feel ...

a) cheerfulness;

b) envy of those who are still sleeping;

c) is ready to work without much effort on himself.

17. In your spare time…

a) go in for sports;

b) meeting with friends;

c) I read.

18. In the event of an economic crisis…

a) I think about what benefits can be derived from this;

b) alarmed by the consequences;

c) I abandon my plans and wait for the development of events.

19. Do you prefer...

a) being alone

b) spend time with family

c) spend time with friends and acquaintances.

20. During a snow storm, only your car remained on the move, and you ...

a) I continue on my way, not paying attention to the losers;

b) I put as many people in the car as possible;

c) I put only people from my social circle into the car.

Score points on this table. (See slide 25).

The results of filling out the test on the screen. (Read out, see slide 26).

So, what kind of work did we do today?

(children's answers).

Today we have created a model of a modern graduate, and what qualities characterize him. This is ... (see slide 27).

What do you think, is this model complete or can it be supplemented and improved?

Indeed, we have created a model on our own, which, on the one hand, characterizes a modern graduate, and on the other hand, allows everyone to develop those qualities that they will need. Having done this work, you will define new horizons for development.

The choice is yours.

To determine the nationally oriented component in the content of general secondary education, the scientific understanding of the pedagogical design of the personality is essential, which is becoming a noticeable phenomenon in educational activities at the present stage. In the assessment of V. M. Korotov, the problem of forecasting is initially pedagogical. At one time, K. D. Ushinsky gave her an interpretation in the work “Labor in its mental and educational meaning”, V. A. Sukhomlinsky paid great attention to the characterization of the personality of a citizen, worker, family man. V. M. Korotov developed a draft program for the formation of the personality of a Russian schoolchild, endowed with the most important social roles. In his theory, education is revealed as a system-oriented process of human studies, the product of which is a person who is ready and able to fulfill an integral system of social roles: a family man - honors his mother and father, grandparents, takes care of them and other family members; participates in housekeeping, serves himself in an ever-increasing volume; considers the family as one of the highest human values; consciously prepares himself to create his own family and educate his children in the spirit of the professional traditions and ideals of his people; keeps the memory of the ancestors, strives to be like them; student - knows how and loves to learn; is fluent in the native language; reads well and a lot; understands that he will have to study all his life and therefore masters the methods of self-education; treat their teachers with respect; seeks to obtain secondary and higher education; masters dialectical logic, culture of thinking; worker - sees in work his duty, the source of the well-being of the family and the prosperity of Russia; masters various professions, improves qualifications, hones skills; participates in technical creativity and agricultural experimentation; disciplined, a skilled organizer, knows how to work in a team, helps comrades, participates in family work, self-service, other school affairs and the improvement of the microdistrict; seeks to rationalize labor and improve technological culture; initiative and enterprising, constantly replenishes economic knowledge; masters the skills of working with a computer; citizen - patriot, internationalist, humanist, fighter for a prosperous democratic Russia; knows and observes the laws and rules of the hostel; actively participates in school self-government, in the socio-political life of the country; preserves nature, personal and public property; tolerant of dissent; knows the history of Russia and his native land well; enhances its political and general culture; a connoisseur and creator of the beautiful - knows folklore and the achievements of artistic creativity well; creates and replenishes a personal library; develops a need for communication with the beautiful; masters the basics of world culture, is well versed in art; draws well; understands classical and modern music; visits theaters and museums, combines tourism with local history; an adherent of a healthy lifestyle - takes care of his own safety and the safety of those around him; habitually observes the rules of the road, safety precautions, as well as the use of household appliances; consciously treats their health and the health of loved ones as the main wealth; tidy, observes the rules of personal hygiene; temperate in food; is engaged in hardening and physical exercises; develops resistance to bad habits, knows how to provide first aid to the victim.

These parameters successfully connect the projected personality with the beginnings of ethnopedagogy, with Russian family traditions, with the patriarchal way of life, but, in our opinion, due to the high and voluminous level of requirements for a school graduate, the prospect of achieving this image is unlikely. The concept of the role purpose of a person is very promising, since it seeks to embody the ideal of shaping the personality of a citizen, a future worker, a representative of a dynastic family, a family man, a public figure, a successor to the best traditions of his people and Fatherland, a supporter of a healthy lifestyle, a connoisseur of beauty in the surrounding world. Many modern schools are following this path, successfully implementing the principles of ethnopedagogics and introducing nationally oriented courses into the content of general secondary education. A certain research experience, significant for the interpretation of this problem, has been accumulated by teachers of modern Russian schools in Gatchina, Ivanov, Kostroma, Moscow, Orel, Penza, Rostov, Tobolsk and other cities, teachers of the Vologda region. The educational space of the Vologda Oblast has distinctive features associated with the natural environment, ethnicity, the originality of ecological, historical and cultural development, folk traditions, dialogue with other regions of the country and the international community.

When designing the image of a graduate, determining the requirements for the level of development of the spiritual, moral, communicative, aesthetic, labor, physical aspects of the culture of the student's personality and the mechanism of pedagogical influence, we took as a basis the principle of natural conformity, taking into account the interdependence of the ongoing mental processes in the child's personality, according to his age and main types pedagogical impact. In this regard, the theoretical ideas of a personality-oriented approach to the education of schoolchildren are considered. An interesting schematic picture of the holistically dominant approach to the program of raising a child is presented by a group of authors in the work "Educating Children at School" edited by N. E. Shchurkova. According to the authors, the goal of education is a person capable of building a life worthy of a person. In our opinion, such an approach to solving the main problems in education is acceptable and effective. We believe that in order to become a person, a child must go from perception (at the initial stage of education) to the need for action (at the senior stage). Schematically, it might look like this:

The interdependence of the ongoing mental processes in the personality of the child, according to his age and the main mechanisms of pedagogical influence on him, is reflected in the following scheme:

The requirements for the level of development of the spiritual, moral, communicative, aesthetic, labor, physical aspects of the culture of the student's personality at each age level, according to his age characteristics, are reflected in the following tables:

Spiritual and moral

Cognitive, knowledgeable





Primary School

Possession of such qualities as love for mother, family, home, one's homeland; kindness, attention to people around, honesty, responsiveness, respect for representatives of other nations and nationalities

Knowledge, skills, corresponding to the psychological and physiological characteristics of a particular student and the requirements of educational standards; cognitive interest in the surrounding world, history and culture of their homeland

The ability to listen and hear others, the ability to establish contacts with adults, understanding the value of friendship with peers; the ability to manage one's behavior and feelings, possession of basic etiquette skills; correlation of one's actions with ethnic, social and value norms

The ability to see and understand the beauty of the surrounding world, the desire to protect. to protect nature. Introduction to the world of art of the region, knowledge of the work of native poets, writers, artists

The desire to participate in the labor affairs of the class, to help relatives and strangers. Self-service, The presence of collectivist principles, the desire for mutual assistance

The desire to improve one's health, the habit of exercising daily, observing the rules of personal hygiene. Knowledge of folk games and the ability to organize them

Main school

Conscious love for one's home, mother, family, loved ones, sensitivity, tact, respect for one's homeland Russia, Comprehension of concepts: honor. duty, purposefulness, responsibility, citizenship. Social activity. moral conviction

Knowledge, abilities, skills that correspond to the personal needs of a particular student and the educational standard, including knowledge about Russia and the region, knowledge of a wide range of professional human activities, knowledge of one's psychophysical characteristics. The desire to expand horizons. Culture of thinking, including language

The ability to critically comprehend one's actions, analyze relationships with peers and adults, the ability to compromise. Managing your behavior. Ability to maintain emotionally stable behavior in life situations

The need to visit theaters, exhibitions, concerts, read classical literature, the ability to penetrate the inner world of a work of art, to understand its spiritual essence. The desire to build your life according to the laws of harmony and beauty

Ability to work in a team, participation in school affairs, improvement of the microdistrict. Respect for school and other property, the ability to apply labor knowledge in practice, the manifestation of initiative, creativity in the performance of work. Formation of a sense of duty, responsibility. The ability to adequately self-assess one's abilities and capabilities

Conscious need to improve one's health, adherence to the rules of a healthy lifestyle, attention to the health of others, knowledge of the basics of traditional medicine, desire to engage in various sports sections

secondary school

Conscious citizenship. A sense of pride in belonging to one's nation, for one's homeland. Human dignity. The need to do good. Humanistic attitude towards other peoples and humanity. Ability to reflect Predominance of spiritual and moral priorities over material ones

Knowledge, skills, abilities. corresponding to the educational standard of the third stage school. personal requests and needs Developed intellect, culture of the mind. scientific understanding. creative thinking. Formation of motives and cognitive interests, the need to continue education, self-education

Ability to perform a role in a team, adequate to the current situation. Ability to establish contacts, respect other tastes, customs. habits. High social adaptation

The ability to build your life according to the laws of harmony and beauty. The need to bring beauty into educational, labor, leisure activities, in relations with people around. Mastering the basics of world culture, knowledge of the achievements of Russian artistic creativity

Meaningful and conscious professional self-determination, readiness for labor activity and self-realization in society, ability for a constructive, scientific organization of labor, criticality, optimism, mobility

Willingness to lead a healthy, physically active lifestyle, conscious attitude to one's health, concern for the health of others, the ability to use Russian health traditions in life. The desire to achieve personal sports results

The most generalized images of primary and secondary school graduates are formulated as follows: The image of a primary school graduate is “A primary school graduate has the best qualities of a Russian person, such as love for the Motherland, kindness, attention to people around him, honesty, responsiveness, diligence, respect for senior. Actively participates in the life of the class and school, knows how to organize his time, manages his behavior and feelings, takes care of strengthening his health. Shows a cognitive interest in the surrounding world of history, the culture of his homeland, has a coherent, free correct speech, knowledge, skills and abilities meet the requirements of educational standards. The image of a secondary school graduate is “A person devoted to Russia, an active patriot, protecting and protecting his Motherland, its history and culture, who has combined in his mind the idea of ​​​​personal good with the good of the state.

Spiritually rich, creative, free person with the best features of the Russian character, striving for physical and moral perfection. An educated person with a culture of mind, ready for self-education, self-determination and self-realization in adult life. The formation of personality is not a consequence of only school education and upbringing, it depends on the genetic prerequisites and the impact of preschool time, upbringing in the family, the "pressure" of others, the arbitrary and involuntary influence of the media, as well as self-education, stimulated by the appearance of a person in a certain plan for the future , a well-known ideal of life, to which the school should contribute in every possible way.

Thus, the graduate model is considered as a standard that combines the ideas of teachers, students and parents about the most significant qualities of a person, as the main criteria for tracking all experimental activities. Considering the model as a kind of educational standard, we turn to criteria that allow us to analyze and measure the quality of a graduate's personality, establish the characteristics necessary and sufficient for "a phenomenon to function and develop according to a certain type, that is, to be at the level of "qualitative certainty"" . Given the variety of conditions that determine the content of general secondary education, the structure of the graduate model also finds expression for the nationally oriented component of the content of education. In the methodological aspect, the model of a school graduate is a set of conceptual provisions that fix the goals of modeling, a system of basic concepts. In the actual pedagogical dimension, the model characterizes the main stages and products of the process of standardization of general secondary education at the level of the subject of the Federation school activities.

Research about students and graduates

Specialists of the recruitment agency "Contact" with the help of the study "Modern University Graduate" analyzed the image of today in various parameters. The survey involved 389 leading universities in Moscow.

In August, the recruiting agency "Contact" conducted a study "Modern University Graduate and a Career in Business" as part of the "First Auction of Young Professionals" project. 389 students and graduates of leading universities in Moscow spoke about their studies at the university and plans for the future.

As a result of the study, it became known that the majority perceive the university as the most important source of knowledge and a place to hang out - these options were chosen by 93% and 79% of the study participants, respectively.

73% of respondents consider the acquisition of knowledge and skills to be the main result of training. 67% of respondents said that the most important thing is the availability of graduation from an educational institution. For 54% of the study participants, studying at a university is primarily an intellectual challenge, and for 51%, it is the acquisition of connections and acquaintances that may be useful in the future.

Teaching advice on the topic:

"Model of a school graduate - socialization of personality"

Purpose: to develop a system of general views on the personal qualities of a school graduate in the conditions of the experiment "School - Socialization of the Personality".

According to the methodology: traditional.

By form: discussion reports.

According to the composition of the participants: constant.

By place and role in the educational process: strategic.


1. Report of Gubareva E.A. (ZDUMR) "Model of the graduate school".

2. Report by Mitrokhina O.G. (teacher of Russian language and literature, grade 9 class) "Socialization of teenagers and problems of pedagogical alienation"

3. Brainstorming "Image of a graduate"

4. Making a decision.

Report "Graduate Model"

Time has brought the question of questions to every school: what should its graduate be like? The search for the target setting of the school today is associated not only with understanding its purpose, but also with modeling the image of a graduate of this school.

The graduate model is the personality traits of the graduate. Psychology has already counted more than two thousand personality traits. What to do? How to be? At the school of V.A. Karakovsky at one time found such a way out: in the “working model” of the graduate, the teaching staff included only seven integrated qualities that they considered the most relevant for the socio-economic and political situation:

1. Harmony of the individual and the social, harmony of the personal and the public.

2. Focus on the main ideological and moral values ​​of society (Motherland, World, Man, Labor, Knowledge).

3. High level of self-awareness.

4. Social responsibility.

5. Humanity, altruistic orientation.

6. Creativity, the ability to be creative.

7. High level of general culture, intelligence.

(V.A. Karakovsky. My beloved students. Ed. "Knowledge", M. 1987,

At the same time, the goal was to turn the dream of forming a harmoniously developed personality into a real task.

E.A. Yamburg adheres to a different opinion on this matter. He proposes to go from the contrary: to draw up a "defective statement" for a person today.

Speaking at the "round table" in 1989, he noted that our troubles began when we set ourselves the task of forming a comprehensively developed harmonious personality. This is understandable as a distant goal set by Marxism, but we have shifted the plane of the practical momentary task of pedagogy. But in reality, instead of a harmoniously developed personality, we have a personality, what kind? Torn, dogmatic, intolerant, ready to destroy the ideological enemy.

Harmony failed. Then we quietly changed the concepts and instead of “harmonious personality” we began to say “comprehensively developed”, it seems to have become more modest. And under the flag of "comprehensive development" we began to stuff one thing, another, a third, etc. into the program, until we reached a dead end.

“We all learned a little something and somehow.”

But what to do? Yamburg's credo is that he offers education from the contrary. “We didn’t know,” continues Yamburg, what the person of the future should be like, and is this carrot needed, which hangs in front of the donkey and moves it forward? But we know well what is hindering us today, our thinking, our soul. So, perhaps, it is necessary to draw up a “defective list” for today's person, scrape him and clean him, you see, something harmonic will then be found there. (teachers-innovators think, argue, offer. Transcript of speeches at the "round table" M., 1989, pp. 65-66).

A group of young scientists from Tver State University have developed a model of the personality of a graduate of an educational institution, which:

    It is an integral part of the educational space model;

    Possesses self-integrity and significance;

    Based on the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education"

    Represents the ideal-benchmark to which education should be directed;

    Made in the activity-theoretic approach in the language of schematic images.

The main points of this model are as follows:

A graduate must be capable of self-determination and self-realization. Both of these qualities are interrelated and dictated by the new socio-economic and political situation, cultural environment, and the spiritual life of society.

Self-determination is understood as a process that includes the mandatory steps:

    A person's understanding of himself, his needs;

    Building an idea about the “external”, about the requirements that this “external” makes (for example, this or that activity);

    The ratio of the first ("internal"), oneself) with the second ("external frame");

    Checking for compliance of the first with the second;

    In case of coincidence, a person consciously takes on the requirements of the “external” (for example, activity).

A person who knows how to carry out the above procedures in his mind has the ability to self-determination. Such a person, as a rule, has a responsible attitude to activities, does not experience uncertainty and discomfort, at the same time knows how to "Have himself" and respectfully treats others, is adequate to the situation, makes a non-random choice.

It is also required that the graduate has a picture of the world that is adequate to the current level of the educational program (level of education). A holistic picture of the world includes:

    Moral, i.e. understanding of human relations between people;

    The system of knowledge about nature, society, man;

    Certain work experience;

    Creative experience.

Readiness for self-realization implies that a graduate in a changing situation is able to act, analyze his actions, find the cause of difficulties, build a new project of his actions. All this means the ability of a person to reflect. At the same time, the appeal to the experience accumulated by mankind, to the national, world, professional, general, spiritual culture is extremely significant. It is this - through the reflection of one's activity - appeal to culture that ensures the integration of a person into the systems of national and world cultures, which is an important requirement for a graduate of an educational institution.

The presented model can be considered as the benchmark towards which education should be directed. Logic requires that the process ensure the achievement of the result, the final product. Thus, it becomes clear that the process of education should not only be based on the type of transfer of subject knowledge, subject skills and abilities, but also create conditions for the formation and development of the student's abilities for activity, self-determination, reflection, thinking.

The need to construct a graduate's personality is caused, on the one hand, by the fact that society's order for a "product of pedagogical activity" is, in fact, absent today, and on the other hand, by the fact that each school operates in a specific environment and the personality qualities of a graduate of different schools can be predicted , taking into account the specifics of this environment. When formulating the goal and modeling the personality of a school graduate, the pedagogical team proceeds from universal values, national guidelines, national and regional characteristics.


Recognition at the international and Russian levels of the rights, freedoms, dignity of the child (Declaration of the Rights of the Child, 1959, Convention on the Rights of the Child, 1989) requires a change in the goals, content and technologies of education and training, including control and evaluation activities. The new attitude towards a person, including a child, not as a means, but as an end, raised questions about the need to change the educational paradigm.

Traditional pedagogy practically exercises violence against a growing personality. It rejects a child, a teenager, a young man from the potentially creative possibilities of the educational process, leads to alienation. Growing up involves the socialization of the individual, means general, social, related to the joint life of people, their diverse communication and activities. The process of growing up is aimed at developing the ability to build productive relationships with other people and social institutions, to master activities that are feasible for each age, including cognitive ones. Therefore, education, as one of the leading spheres of the life of society and a person, is directly responsible for the results of education and training. However, it is in an educational institution, at school, that many students get a negative experience of perceiving and experiencing the educational process as alien, devoid of personal meaning.

The studies of many authors (B.N. Almazov, L.S. Alekseeva and others) confirm the growth of feelings and, over the years, the awareness of the educational process as personally significant. The instability of motivation for learning among younger students, its decrease by the end of the third year of study in adolescence develop into a problem of difficulties associated with adaptation during the transition from elementary school to basic school, and transform into the problem of a "difficult teenager".

The given data testify to the trend of alienation, which increases as one moves to the upper grades. As the results of the analysis of students' answers show, the attractiveness of the school falls due to the dissatisfaction with the need to solve one's personal and social problems, to accumulate one's life experience. “Pure knowledge”, knowledge for the sake of knowledge, for the sake of a school diary, a journal, is not regarded by adolescents as personally significant, as vital.

Presented data of a sociological study of a schoolchild

testify to the presence and stable contradiction between the process of social maturation of schoolchildren and the explicit upholding of the educational process from their pressing personal and socially significant problems.

The school is the social institution that is actually called upon to protect the rights, freedom and dignity of every child, to provide him with psychological and pedagogical support in the difficult and contradictory process of personal and social development and formation. However, in real life, the problem of pedagogical alienation is not actualized by pedagogical teams.

Pedagogical alienation is defined as an increase in the developing personality of a maturing person of feeling and awareness of the alienation of the pedagogical process, its rejection, which occurs in an unfavorable life situation that has developed as a result of psychological and pedagogical incompetence.

Human-centered education is responsible for the results of personality development in ontogenesis and implies the responsible participation of professionals in the life of a child. This is achievable by using a student-centered approach to trainees. It requires the ability to determine the “zone of actual” development, but the most important and difficult thing is to move in cooperation with the student to his “zone of proximal development”. As Vygodsky L.S. emphasized, the zone of proximal development is of great importance for the dynamics of intellectual development and learning success than the current level of development. This methodological position is especially important for the theory and practice of building the educational process, for the new competence of the teacher, his knowledge and skills to "grow" the success of each student.

Pedagogical alienation that occurs in an unfavorable life situation for the learner, which has developed as a result of the psychology of pedagogical incompetence, can be prevented and actually overcome by changing the educational paradigm - the transition from a cognitively oriented (Zunov) model to a personality oriented one. This path creates favorable pedagogical conditions that prevent the emergence and strengthening of the child's pedagogical alienation, and, if necessary, correct the personal development of each student if:

To carry out a full-fledged educational activity, which includes three links: motivational, corrective, central (working) and control and evaluation;

Create a situation of success for each student by organizing training in the zone of proximal development.

3. Brainstorming "Image of a graduate".

Tasks: 1. to identify and agree on the opinions and ideas of teachers about the image of a school graduate - the socialization of the individual.

2. bring the idea of ​​the current situation in the school into line with the real social order.

Method: questioning.

Work form: group (4-5 people in a group).


Each group is given one questionnaire containing a list of individual characteristics. Based on this list, each group performs five tasks. The results of each task are submitted to the head in writing. Having received the written reports of the groups, the leader, having processed the results, will receive the average indicators for each questionnaire. The results can be discussed immediately. In this case, a possible technique would be as follows.

After a short break, during which the group of leaders processes the results (based on group reports, selects and ranks the most attractive characteristics separately for each of the five characters proposed for description), they are put on public display.

Further, keeping the same microgroups, the leader asks after some time (30-40 minutes) a representative from each group to give an analysis of the results. The representative is obliged to express not his personal, but the agreed opinion of the entire microgroup.


1. From the preliminary list, select those individual characteristics that you consider the most important for describing a “good student”.

today” (answer from the position of what could be).

    Competitive spirit



    Creativity, creativity

    Ability to think critically

    Curious, inquisitive mind

    Preoccupation with material success



    Humanism (kindness)


    Intellectual development





    Having your own beliefs


    Sense of humor



    Social adaptability


Choose five traits that best reflect the modern good student and arrange them in order of importance to you (rank).

Develop consensus in the group.

2. In the list provided, select the individual characteristics that you consider the most significant for the description of the "graduate of the school of personality socialization."

(list repeats)

3. From the list below, select those individual characteristics that you consider most important to describe a "good teacher."

(list repeats)

Choose the five features that seem most significant to you and rank them in order of importance.

Choose a single opinion in the group.

4. In the list below, select the individual characteristics that seem to you the most significant for the description of the "teacher of the school of personality socialization" (hereinafter similarly)

5. From the list below, select the individual characteristics that seem most relevant to you in describing a Successful Adult.

Conclusion: the model of a graduate of a school-personality socialization includes the following most important personality traits:

1. intellectual development

2. social adaptability

3. inquisitive, inquisitive mind

4. having your own beliefs

5. ability to think critically.

PS solution:

1. Approve the "model of the graduate" of the school of socialization of the individual, possessing the following qualities: intellectual development, social adaptability, an inquisitive inquisitive mind, the presence of one's own convictions, the ability to think critically.

2. Discuss intermediate results in 2006 (in a year), in 2010 (in 5 years).

7. Applications

7.1. Research project in geography on the topic:

“State demographic policy, what should it be?”

Completed by students of grade 10 Ulikhin. A., Zakharov. R., Ionova D., Ryazanova N.

Project work plan.

1. Introduction.

2. Research.

3. Research results.

4. Conclusions.

5. Conclusion.

1. Introduction

Relevance of the issue

Gradually growing crisis processes covered all spheres of society's life - production and household, environmental and demographic, political and ideological. There was an imbalance in the domestic market, a decrease in the level and quality of life of the population, accompanied by the destruction of its natural habitat, and the deterioration of demographic indicators.

The population of the former USSR at the time of its collapse was 290 million people, of which 149 million lived in the RSFSR.

In 1986 in the RSFSR, 2 million 486 thousand people were born, 1 million 498 thousand people died. The natural increase in the population amounted to 988 thousand people. From the middle of 1991 for the first time in recent centuries, mortality in Russia exceeded the birth rate. Yes, in 1994. 1 million 420 thousand Russians were born, and 2 million 300 thousand died (880 thousand more than those born). As a percentage, these figures were: birth rate - 0.93%, death rate - 1.50%, the difference between them - minus 0.57%. This is no longer a natural increase, but a decline in the population.

Positive natural growth has been preserved only in Dagestan, Chechnya, Kabardino-Balkaria, Karachay-Cherkessia, North Ossetia, Ingushetia, Kalmykia, Tuva, Yakutia-Sakha, the Altai Republic, in the Tyumen region and in some northern autonomous regions.

Now Russia has begun to lose 1 million people annually. A year - and there is no Kursk region, a year - and there is no Khabarovsk Territory. The situation is especially catastrophic in the so-called Russian territories and regions. In the Pskov region for 6434 born in 1995. there were 17347 deaths, the natural decline in the population amounted to 10913 people.

The life expectancy of men in Russia, corresponding in 1964-1985. The average European standard of 65 years with the beginning of reforms dropped to 57 years, and in some areas of Central Russia even to 45 years. In women, the average life expectancy has decreased less - from 76 to 70 years. Now Russia lags behind the average European standard of life expectancy by 15-20 years.

In post-reform Russia, there was no turn to increase the birth rate.

During the years of reforms, the number of Russian citizens has decreased by 6 million, but the total population has not decreased by the same amount. Over 3 million people joined Russia. from neighboring countries. The migration process obscured the picture of the natural decline in the population of Russia. In 1997 the population of Russia was 147 million people, in 2000. - 145 million. According to this indicator, it ranks sixth in the world after China (1 billion 209 million people), India (919), USA (216), Indonesia (195), Brazil (159), but by 2050 . Russia will be surpassed in population by Pakistan, Nigeria, Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Zaire, Iran, Mexico, Vietnam, Philippines..

We believe that the modern demographic situation is by its very nature deeply immoral, no matter how much they say about its alleged "regularities". And even more immoral is the attitude of the Russian authorities towards it, ignoring national disaster No. 1. One can only hope that real specialists who care for their people and country will not only realize this, but will also find the strength to oppose the immoral socio-economic course of the authorities.


Determine the main directions of the state demographic policy of the future.

Work tasks.

1. Analyze the quantitative and qualitative composition of the population of the village 2nd branch of the state farm "Arzhenka";

2. To assess the current state and prospects of the size and composition of the population;

3. Develop a model that simulates the demographic processes of the future;

4. Formulate proposals aimed at improving the demographic situation.


Object of study:


sex and age structure of the population

national composition of the population


population quality.

Sources of information:

1. Household books of the Pichersky village council of the Rasskazovsky district of the Tambov region.

2. Information provided by the registry office of the administration of the Rasskazovsky district.

Physical and economic - geographical characteristics:

The settlement of the 2nd branch of the Arzhenka state farm is located on the territory of the Pichersky village council of the Rasskazovsky district of the Tambov region. It is 12 km from the regional center to the east, and 47 km from the regional center. It is connected with the district and regional center, as well as the Central Department by a highway.

3. Research results.

A) the natural movement of the population

B) Population dynamics

C) Age composition of the population

Men Women General

D) Age-sex pyramid

E) The quality of the population

Average life expectancy is 44 years for men and 50 years for women.

Literacy rate is: 100%

3% - higher education

36% - secondary education, secondary specialized and primary vocational education.

21% - primary education

13% - schoolchildren

4% - students.


The economically active population is 33%. The main share is employed in agriculture - 20%. 25 people work at the Central Department of the state farm "Arzhenka", 56 people work at the place of residence in poultry farming, a workshop and at the MTF. Unemployment is 16%. In the last decade, there has been an outflow of the economically active population to Moscow and the Moscow region, as well as to St. Petersburg (about 13%).

The “graduate model” of the primary school is the expected result of the implementation of the educational program of the Federal State Educational Standard, the general answer to the question of what “product” should be obtained as a result of the activities of the teaching staff at each of the levels of education. The “Graduate Model” is a guideline for building the educational process, coordinating the activities of its various links and structures, and designing individual educational routes.



General requirements for a primary school graduate.

student model.



The “graduate model” of the primary school is the expected result of the implementation of the educational program of the Federal State Educational Standard, the general answer to the question of what “product” should be obtained as a result of the activities of the teaching staff at each of the levels of education. The “Graduate Model” is a guideline for building the educational process, coordinating the activities of its various links and structures, and designing individual educational routes.

The legal framework for creating a school graduate model is: Constitution of the Russian Federation;

Law "On Education in the Russian Federation";

Federal State Standard of Primary General Education, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of October 06, 2009 No. 373,

OU educational program.

Thus, the model acts as a standard. Building the image of a school graduate, we proceed from the fact that he is a dynamic system that is constantly changing, self-improving, filled with new content. This means that the image of a graduate is not the final result, not the result in the development of a personality, but that basic level, the development and formation of which the school should contribute to the maximum.

The formation of personality is not the result of only school education, it depends on the genetic prerequisites and the impact of preschool time, the influence of the media, and, most importantly, upbringing in the family. Therefore, upbringing, education and development is possible only joint the efforts of the school and family.

Modern society needs a person capable of self-education, independent acquisition of new information, capable of making the right decisions, so the development of a child with the help of a school is built through self-realization, self-education, self-determination and self-development.

The role of teachers of our Centerin the formation of the child's personality can be defined by the following words: pedagogical assistance, support and promotion.

At all times, the activities of the school were aimed at solving educational problems, but the Standard defines the results of education: a sense of civic identity, patriotism, learning motivation, the desire for knowledge, the ability to communicate, a sense of responsibility for one's decisions and actions, tolerance and much more.

The portrait of a graduate has been defined in the Federal State Educational Standard of the IEO.

As we line our work to creategraduate models, we first compareda portrait of a primary school graduate and a portrait of a primary school graduate. And in the course of the comparison, it was determined that ...

Defined "portrait" of a primary school graduate:

Loving his people, his land and his homeland;
-respecting and accepting the values ​​of the family and society;
- inquisitive, actively and interestedly knowing the world;
- possessing the basics of the ability to learn, capable of organizing their own activities;
- ready to act independently and be responsible for their actions to the family and society;
- benevolent, able to listen and hear the interlocutor, justify his position, express his opinion;
- fulfilling the rules of a healthy and safe lifestyle for yourself and others.

Portrait of a graduate of primary and secondary schools according to GEF

Portrait of an elementary school graduate

Portrait of a basic school graduate

loving his people, his land and his homeland;

respecting and accepting the values ​​of the family and society;

inquisitive, actively and interestedly knowing the world;

possessing the basics of the ability to learn, capable of organizing their own activities;

ready to act independently and be responsible for their actions to the family and society;

benevolent, able to listen and hear the interlocutor, justify his position, express his opinion;

following the rules of a healthy and safe lifestyle for yourself and others.

loving his land and his Fatherland,who knows Russian and his native language, respects his people, their culture and spiritual traditions;

aware of and accepting the values ​​of human life, family,civil society, the multinational Russian people, humanity;

actively and interestedly knowing the world,aware of the value of labor, science and creativity;

Able to learnaware of the importance of education and self-education for life and work, able to apply the acquired knowledge in practice;

socially active,respectful of law and order,commensurate his actions with moral values, aware of his duties to the family, society, Fatherland;

Respectful of other peopleable to conduct a constructive dialogue, reach mutual understanding, cooperate to achieve common results;

Consciously fulfilling the rules of a healthy and environmentally sound lifestyle that is safe for humans and their environment;

- oriented in the world of professions, understanding the importance of professional activity for a person in the interests of sustainable development of society and nature

The main goal of primary education in our Center- Preservation and support of the individuality of the child, his physical and mental development, the formation of the ability to learn.

What should a primary school graduate be like, what qualities should he form in order to maintain his desire to learn, to develop the need to study independently and creatively solve various cognitive tasks, to provide conditions for successful education in primary school? What is the "model"primary school graduate?

An elementary school graduate must:

1. To master general educational programs in the subjects of the curriculum at a level sufficient to continue education at the level of basic general education (that is, to master general educational skills and abilities).

2. To master the simplest skills of self-control of educational actions, the culture of behavior and speech.

3. Master the methods of activity (cognitive, speech, algorithm for working with information, the procedure for organizing activities: establishing a sequence of actions, following instructions, determining control methods, determining the causes of difficulties that arise, finding and self-correcting errors, etc.).

4. Master the basic skills of educational activities, elements of theoretical thinking.

5. To form the need to study independently, the desire to learn, understanding the relationship of the phenomenon of the outside world.

6. Master the basics of personal hygiene and a healthy lifestyle.

Parents, sending their child to primary school, are guided not only by the status of the school, the system of education, but also by the personal qualities of the teacher. Every parent wants their child to study in modern, comfortable conditions, and the teacher is not only a professional, but also an interesting creative person. In their understanding, the result of learning is a knowledge base that will allow the child to successfully learn at subsequent stages of education, as well as saved health.

A primary school graduate, in addition to mastering the main program, should be positively motivated for further education.

Our Primary School Teacherform in students the ability to learn and the ability to organize their activities, independent search and assimilation of information, the ability to be creative in solving problems.

There must be cooperation between primary and secondary teachers.

An elementary school graduate should be ready for middle school education. And he will be ready for this if he is healthy. With modern educational technologies it is possible. He must be able to independently acquire knowledge, be educated, communicative, creative and with a desire to go to school.

Primary school teachersthey teach children not only to write, read and count, but also instill in them the need for independent acquisition of knowledge. Our teachers contribute to the formation in students of the need to develop their intellectual, communicative, artistic, physical abilities.

We are aware that each child has his own individual and unique image, and we help him in his development.

- What are the key competencies that graduates should have?

elementary school?

To have competence means to have certain knowledge, to be aware of something, in any area.

In elementary school, we highlight competencies:

1. Educational and cognitive. (The student obtains knowledge directly from the surrounding reality, owns methods for solving educational and cognitive problems, actions in different (non-standard) situations. For example, grade 4. The world around. The topic is “Natural zone-tundra”. General lesson.

The whole class turns into a science station. There is an independent research work of the student. Children are divided into groups: geographers, botanists, ecologists, zoologists. Each group has a specific task, which is set out in the help cards. They defend their mini-studies at the end of the lesson using drawings, photographs, abstracts. In the process of such tasks, we develop cognitive interest, we learn to choose the main thing from the general material and bring it into the system.

2. Value-semantic competences. (Associated with the student's value orientations, his ability to see and understand the world around him, navigate in it, realize his role and purpose.)

For example, according to the plan of educational work in the 4th grade, an open school event “I and my rights” was held. A child should know his rights and his duties, be self-confident, have his own dignity.

3. Communicative competencies. (Skills for working in a group, a team with various social roles. The student should be able to introduce himself, write a letter, fill out a statement, ask a question, lead a discussion)

For example, consultants work at a mathematics lesson in the 4th grade. They check the work done on their row, correct mistakes. This type of activity develops mutual assistance, mutual verification, and group work skills in children.

4. I will dwell on one more key competency related to work. During the period of study from grades 1-4, students acquire initial - technical knowledge; skills in the manufacture of products from various materials; self-care skills.

Labor training lesson. Topic: "Making a rocket model." Students work in pairs to receive an instruction sheet for the rocket making sequence. Children work step by step.

The design of the rocket comes up with themselves. In the process of such tasks, the work experience of children is enriched; building skills and knowledge are developed.

5. Information competencies

Possession of modern media (TV, telephone, computer, printer) and information technology ... (audio and video recording, Internet ..)

The method of projects, in its didactic essence, is aimed at the formation of abilities, with which a school graduate turns out to be more adapted to life, able to adapt to changes, navigate in various situations, work in various teams, because project activity is a cultural form of activity in which it is possible to form an ability to making responsible choices. Project activity at school is an effective tool for the formation of various types of competencies, as well as a complete set of competencies - functional literacy.

Working on projects gives students a lot. This is active mental activity, and the development of cognitive and social activity, and interest in learning, and broadening one's horizons, and the ability to consciously acquire knowledge and use it. In addition, schoolchildren learn to work on a problem, acquire the skills of collecting and processing information, the skills and abilities of research activities, and learn to apply knowledge. Project activity gives students the opportunity to collaborate with the teacher, discuss and offer their point of view.

Projects are planned throughout the year in almost all subjects of the school curriculum. Children enjoy doing this. They like to discover something new for themselves and their classmates, to be researchers of material unknown to them.

6. Health saving competencies.

Knowledge and adherence to the norms of a healthy lifestyle; knowledge and observance of personal hygiene, everyday life; physical culture of a person, freedom and responsibility in choosing a lifestyle.

The fourth year of elementary school completes the first stage of a child's school life. The prospect of moving to secondary school forces adults to pay primary attention to the formation of educational skills and abilities in fourth-graders.

By the fourth grade, most children already develop

an individual style of educational work, a differentiation of educational interests is outlined, a different attitude to academic subjects develops: some disciplines are liked more, others less. It depends on the characteristics of children, their performance, the specifics of cognitive development, information processing, unequal interest in various academic subjects, etc.

Despite some individual characteristics of a primary school graduate, by the end of his education at the primary level, the following main components of his leading activity - educational should be formed:

A sufficiently high level of mastery of educational skills and actions;

The ability to act according to the algorithm, apply the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities in real life situations, think logically, use the operations of analysis and synthesis, draw conclusions and draw conclusions, perceive and retain the necessary information in memory (especially these skills were developed during the course "Informatics » in grades 2-3);

The development of the cognitive sphere should correspond to the level relevant to age norms;

Possess sufficiently developed thinking and a normal level of intellectual development;

Normal or high level of educational motivation, formed educational and cognitive motives;

The presence of formed control and self-control;

Having a positive self-esteem;

A well-developed and age-appropriate stable emotional sphere.

A special place in the psychological portrait of our graduate is occupied by the formation of his communicative competence, since during the transition to the middle level, communication becomes the leading activity. The Young Philologist course, which is taught in elementary school starting from the second grade, helps to form this competence.

The most important line in the portrait of a graduate is also socially significant qualities, primarily inherent in a citizen: respect for his native country, his people, his history, awareness of his duties to society, other people, himself. Those. Already at the stage of primary school age, we strive to lay the first “bricks” of higher feelings - patriotism, humanism, diligence. The ORKSE training course “Fundamentals of World Religious Cultures”, which is taught in the fourth grade, circles for extracurricular activities “Love and know your land”, “Tourists-local historians” helps in this.

It is in elementary school that the first abilities, inclinations, interests, and reserve capabilities of the child are manifested, therefore it is very important at this stage to create for each child a situation of success in activities that are personally significant for him, a positive emotional assessment of any achievement of the student is necessary. The Methodological Association of Primary School Teachers during all four years of study attracts students to participate in various competitions, exhibitions, olympiads of various levels. The geography of these competitions is very wide and varied. Among the graduates of our Center there is not a single student who would not take part in at least one of the proposed competitions. As evidence of this - a portfolio of students, a piggy bank of their achievements and successes.

It should also not be forgotten that the life of children is not limited to the walls of the school. Outside of it, the child can be immersed in such activities that will allow him to show his skill, achieve success, gain self-confidence. Primary school graduates attend clubs, music and art schools, sports clubs. In this direction, primary school teachers are doing a lot of work to promote extracurricular activities among students and their parents through visits to creative children's centers, inviting specialists to the school, etc. Many children achieve good results in this activity.

In our case, it reflects the Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education, the specifics of the OC as an educational institution and consists of the following areas:

  • moral potential;
  • cognitive potential;
  • communication potential;
  • aesthetic potential;
  • physiological potential.

Moral potential

cognitive potential

Communication potential

Able to express his opinion.

Aesthetic potential

Physiological potential

How do the personality traits inherent in the portrait of a graduate correlate with universal learning activities?

The portrait of a primary school graduate presents the results:

  • Personal (self-determination, meaning formation, moral and ethical orientation).
  • Metasubject (regulatory, cognitive, communicative).

The ratio of personality traits in the portrait of a primary school graduate with personal UUD.

Personal UUD


(internal position, "I am a concept", civic identity, self-respect and self-esteem)

Loving his land and his country

Meaning formation

(motivation (educational, social), attitude: towards oneself, school, society, the boundaries of one’s own knowledge and “ignorance”)

Inquisitive, interested, actively learning about the world.

Fulfilling the rules of a healthy and safe lifestyle for themselves and others

Moral and ethical orientation

(orientation towards the fulfillment of moral standards, assessment of one's actions)

Respectful and accepting the values ​​of family and society

When we distribute and correlate the quality of personality, prescribed in the portrait of a primary school graduate with personal actions, it becomes clearwhere, how and under what conditionswe can help the child develop these qualities.

The ratio of personality traits in the portrait of a primary school graduate with meta-subject UUD.

Metasubject UUD

Personal qualities in the portrait of a primary school graduate

Regulatory component

Ready to act independently and be responsible for their actions to the family and school.

Possessing the basics of the ability to learn.

cognitive component

(management of their activities, control and correction, initiative and independence).

Possessing the basics of the ability to learn.

Able to express his opinion.

Communicative component

(cooperation skills, speech activity).

Friendly, able to listen and hear a partner.

Able to express his opinion.

The results of students who have mastered the basic educational program of the CEO also require the assimilation of substantive actions:

  • subject (experience in obtaining new knowledge, its transformation, application; a system of fundamental elements of scientific knowledge that underlies the scientific picture of the world).

Model of a primary school graduate MBOU TsO No. 35in our case, it reflects the Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education, the specifics of the OC as an educational institution, and consists of the following areas:

  • moral potential;
  • cognitive potential;
  • communication potential;
  • aesthetic potential;
  • physiological potential.

Moral potential

Loving his native land and his country.

Respecting and accepting the values ​​of family and society.

cognitive potential

Inquisitive, interested, actively learning about the world.

Possessing the basics of the ability to learn.

Able to express his opinion.

Communication potential

Friendly, able to listen and hear a partner.

Able to express his opinion.

Aesthetic potential

Capable of aesthetic perception of objects and phenomena in the natural and social environment, having a personal (own, individual) emotionally colored attitude towards works of art.

Physiological potential

Fulfilling the rules of a healthy and safe lifestyle for yourself and others.

The formation of a model of a primary school graduate requires the teacher to improve professionalism in the following areas:

  • Designing the educational process
  • Organization of work of students
  • Appraisal activity
  • ICT - competence.

The basic technologies of the educational process should be:

  • Information Technology
  • Technology based on the creation of a learning situation (solving problems that are practically significant for studying the world around)
  • Technology based on the implementation of project activities
  • Technology based on the level differentiation of training.

Extracurricular activities of the school are aimed at developing personal qualities. It involves working with students. From 3 to 5 hours a week we hold the following classes: "School of Wizards", "Blue Planet", "Modular Origami", beadwork, etc.

We will be very happy if the graduates of our school learn to understand and apply in life such concepts:

  • “I live in Russia, and I like it”;
  • “Growing up as a normal good person”;
  • "I want to study";
  • "learning to succeed";
  • "I control the situation";
  • "learning to evaluate";
  • “I think, I say, I do it myself”;
  • "always in touch";
  • "there is healthy mind in a healthy body".

In accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standards, the system for assessing student achievements is being changed. BUT value orientations reflecting individual and personal positions (religious, aesthetic views, political preferences, etc.), characteristics of social feelings (patriotism, tolerance, humanism, etc.), individual psychological characteristics of primary school graduates will not be subject to assessment.

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