Hypnopedia and its features add your price to the comment base. Changes in the competitive situation in Russian markets (on the example of retail chains)

Probably every student or schoolboy dreamed of not learning anything at night, going to bed peacefully before the exam, and in the morning impressing teachers with the depth of their knowledge. It is unlikely that anyone succeeded, but such attempts were for sure. Some scientists have even developed their own theories of learning in sleep. The generalized name for all these theories is hypnopedia.

Let us first turn to the etymology of the term hypnopedia. This word has two parts and both of them Greek origin. Hypnos (sleep) ancient Greek mythology called the god of sleep), and Pedia - training. In total, learning in a dream is obtained. By the way, hypnopedia is considered exclusively training during natural sleep, training during hypnotic, drug or electric sleep does not apply to hypnopedia.

I first encountered this concept in school years while studying German language. One of the heroes of the translated text taught lessons in this way. And to all residents former USSR I remember very well Yevgeny Leonov's attempt to study history while sleeping in the magnificent film "Big Break".

Photo: vokrug.tv.

In real history, there is evidence that Buddhist monks, as well as Indian fakirs and yogis, were engaged in sleep training. Moreover, to the sleeping monks, their teachers read texts from complex manuscripts in order to memorize the latter. Yogis did the same. Fakirs developed attention, memory and observation in their students in a similar way.

This practice did not bypass the noble cause of the investigation. Ethiopian detectives (lebash) during sleep described in detail the signs of the criminal, believing that this way they are better fixed in memory.

Attempts to apply hypnopedia in the modern era on scientific level using sound carriers, a certain D.A. Finney undertook. This man, in 1923, began teaching Morse code to cadets at the Pensacola Naval Academy while the cadets slept. He seemed to be able to achieve good results, but then activities in this area were curtailed.

However, there is alternative version that in principle there were no experiments at the Pensacola Naval School, and all further publications about this event were simply written off from the short story of the patriarch of modern fiction Hugo Gernsbeck.

In the Soviet Union, in 1936, Abram Svyadoshch (a well-known scientist in the field of sexology, psychotherapy and psychiatry) began to study hypnopedia, who devoted one of the chapters of his book to hypnopedia.

The priest managed to prove it. that teaching in a dream promotes the study of foreign languages, formulas of exact sciences and technical texts.

Photo: koob.ru.

Later, the ideas of Svyadoshch were developed by the philologist L. A. Bliznichenko, who taught foreign languages ​​to students in Kyiv in the 1960s. Special rooms were equipped for teaching students in their sleep. True, students learned only words, but grammar and oral speech had to be studied in the usual way.

Summarizing his experience, Bliznichenko published a monograph on hypnopedia, which considered its problems and development prospects.

To be continued…

Probably, any of us would like to save time on learning and shift this, often tedious process, to sleep. Advertising promises caress the ear, talking about the 25th frame.

Is it possible to learn in a dream without wasting time and effort, or is it just beautiful fairy tales?

The phenomenon of learning during natural sleep is called "hypnopedia", from the Greek words hypnos () and paideia (learning).

Historians claim that this method was practiced in ancient India: the texts of ancient manuscripts were whispered to students by Buddhist monks during sleep.

Renaissance and further development hypnopedia received in the XX century. An original experiment was conducted in a clinic in Leningrad: the sleep of three little girls was accompanied by reading interesting history. The dreams of each of them, told in the morning, turned out to be similar. This result interested science, and research was continued.

The works of the scientist A.M. Svyadosha showed that human brain in a dream perceives and remembers information coming from outside. At the same time, it is not distorted and is available for playback after waking up.

In parallel with A.M. Svyadosh conducted scientific research by Professor L.A. Bliznichenko, who considered sleep an unacceptable waste of time and suggested using it more rationally: to study in a dream what is especially difficult to remember, for example, vocabulary, foreign words, terms.

According to his theory, human memory is most receptive:

in last quarter hours before bedtime- this is the time for making plans for the next day, making decisions, evaluating the events of the past day.

in the first 60 minutes after falling asleep,

in the last 30 minutes of sleep before waking up in the morning.

Professor Bliznichenko offers the following methodology:

The necessary material is read, then listened to on the radio, loudly repeated after the announcer, all these actions are accompanied by soothing music. After a quarter of an hour, you should turn off the light and go to bed. At this time, the announcer continues to read the text, repeating three times, the voice becomes quieter, turning into a barely audible one.

In the morning, the announcer reads the text again, with increasing sound, the music wakes the sleepers, this is followed by control test to check the learned material.

An experiment carried out by this method in Dubna showed nice results: 90% of participants learned the information.

An important point: this method does not exclude work on the material in wakefulness, but recognizes it. essential element memorization process.

An interesting fact: women perceive a male voice better, and men nsky.

Some sleep professionals see hypnopedia as a publicity stunt and also opine possible harm for health from such activities: A. Borbeli, a well-known somnologist, believes that at night the brain should rest, not study.

If we discard fears and consider hypnopedia as an additional resource in the assimilation of new knowledge, then it is certainly effective. It's confirmed experimental studies: the speed of memorizing new information increases by 30%. This does not mean simply listening to the material during sleep, but working on it in wakefulness: repeated reading and memorization. Mudra folk proverb about a fish that can not be caught from the pond without difficulty.

The effectiveness of hypnopedia:

  • The organization of daily practice cannot but give positive results:

According to Edgar Allan Poe, absolutely new information is painful for perception and assimilation. Memorizing previously unknown material requires energy and mental costs. When repeated over and over new material, it is easier to pass into memory, because his brain begins to "guess".

  • Daily practice means correct mode sleep and wakefulness: go to bed and wake up at the same time.
  • Positive emotions: a person wakes up with the knowledge that the night was useful, with a sense of satisfaction from the work done.

What role does it play in this educational process dream?

To understand this, one should remember that,

any information perceived by a person during the day first enters short-term or conscious memory (in the hippocampus), the volume of which is limited. Then it is transferred to storage in long-term or unconscious memory (it is recorded on the “hard disk” of the brain), its volume is unlimited. Transmission occurs during sleep, when the human brain is disconnected from external stimuli.

Modern studies by California scientists Bryce Mander and Matthew Walker have once again confirmed the validity of information theory.

They found that information is transmitted from the hippocampus to the prefrontal cortex (the so-called "hard drive") during sleep spindles that precede delta sleep, in which new information is written into memory forever. This frees up space in the hippocampus for new experiences and knowledge.

Sleep spindles are electrical impulses (frequency: 11 Hz to 15, duration: 0.5 to 1.5 seconds) that repeat up to 1,000 times per night. The largest number these impulses occur in the second half of the night.

According to scientists Bryce Mander and Matthew Walker, this explains the need for at least 6 hours of sleep to allow sleep spindles to do their job.

Neurophysiologists agree with them: when transferred to unconscious memory, information is transferred from the language of electrical impulses to the molecular level, written using a code based on a combination of nucleotides. This process requires certain time: impulses will circulate in neural circles until the information passes into protein molecules.

If a person reduces his and gets up earlier than the body requires, this critical process interrupted, hence the feeling of fatigue after waking up: the body did not get proper rest, the brain was not completely freed from the information overload of the previous day.

According to Walker, sleep occupies a key position in human development; it helps young children learn an avalanche of knowledge, skills, and impressions. That is why so much time is spent sleeping. The scientist suggests a relationship between memory impairment and sleep disorders.

Matthew Walker is a vocal opponent of "sleeping off" on the weekends, and the name This phenomenon is called "sleep bulimia". You cannot successfully study, play sports, create artistic masterpieces, stealing your brain, depriving it of sleep , says Matthew.

So do we learn in our sleep? Undoubtedly. Our brain during sleep produces a run-in of the knowledge that we want to put into memory for storage.

Sources: "Entering and fixing information in human memory during natural sleep" L.A. Bliznichenko, Current Biology journal.

If you, my dear reader, are a student or a friend (relative) of a student, then the following video will be very informative for you:

Elena Valve for the Sleepy Cantata project.

university Russian Academy education

Faculty of Foreign Languages


Reg. No. 0600063/39

Filatova Olga Ivanovna

4th year, 8th semester

Abstract topic:

Advantages and disadvantages

hypnopedic teaching method

UD: Modern methods learning

foreign languages

Moscow 2010

1. Introduction………………………………….………………………………………….3

2. The first attempts to use hypnopedia as a teaching method .... .4

3. Advantages of the hypnopedic teaching method………………………8

4. Disadvantages of the hypnopedic teaching method………………………10

5. Conclusion……………………………….…….…………………………………11

6. References………………….………………….…………………………12


Hypnopedia (Greek hypnos - sleep, Greek payeia - learning), sleep training - a method of learning during natural sleep, consists in listening to the voice of the hypnotist or recording it during sleep.

Sleep is a universal phenomenon. How much sleep do you need in order for the brain to fully restore its strength? Most medical guidelines recommend 6 to 8 hours of sleep for adults. third of life. The time it takes to sleep is partly due to habit. It is known that prominent figures in politics, science and art (Bekhterev, Goethe, Schiller, Napoleon, Caesar, Churchill) set aside no more than five hours a day for sleep. Scientists have long wondered whether sleep time can be used to improve memory and memorization.
The use of sleep to acquire knowledge has been practiced since antiquity. in temples ancient india Buddhist monks whispered ancient texts sacred books to their students. Subsequently, this method was called hypnopedia. This is a method of learning during natural sleep, not hypnosis.

The first attempts to use hypnopedia as a teaching method

Hypnopedia was invented in the 1930s. And although its mechanisms cannot be attributed to telepathic, nevertheless, hypnopedia is most directly related to telepathy, because for the suggestible, suggestion in a dream is no different from extrasensory perception of information by him during wakefulness. In a dream, a person does not see, does not hear, does not touch, does not smell, although in reality all his senses work, but only in reduced subsensory (unconscious) modes. A person is very sensitive in sleep, but reacts to very weak signals, while during the day - to strong ones.

In the unpublished notes of A.A. Ukhtomsky there is an unusual expression - "cortical growth during sleep." The famous physiologist believed that one of the forms normal sleep specially designed by nature for self-communication, for a creative dialogue with oneself, for self-development. If in this phase a person perceives some new information, he will easily learn it and remember it firmly, automatically including it in his life programs.

First Scientific research hypnopedia was carried out by the Petrograd psychologist A. M. Svyadoshch, who in 1936 defended his thesis on the topic: "Speech perception during natural sleep." In the 1930s, sleep training abroad became a fashionable area of ​​research. In a dream, military signalmen were taught the telegraph alphabet, students - a foreign language, prisoners in prison - law-abiding.

In the USSR, hypnopedic experiments began to be carried out in the 60s by psychologists-physiologists V.P. Zukhar, L.A. Bliznichenko, I.P. Pushkin and others. But the greatest success fell to the Bulgarian psychiatrist Georgy Lozanov, who invented the method of suggestopedia - accelerated learning of foreign languages ​​in a state of dream relaxation - a drowsy state that occurs under the influence of the suggestions of the language teacher leading the session.

There was a hope that it was hypnopedia that would be able to ensure rapid progress in the development of society. After all, the time that a person spends on sleep will become fruitful. Then many, having heard about the wonderful possibilities of this method, began to experiment on themselves.
In most cases, training was following scheme: the information necessary for memorization was previously recorded on a tape recorder (such information could be a course foreign language). Then, with the help of special devices, they ensured that the tape recorder automatically turned on during sleep.
The device was programmed in such a way that, after working for a while, the tape recorder would automatically turn off. The duration of one listening is from 40 to 60 minutes. Each lesson was listened to 5-10 times. This method turned out to be especially effective for fixing homogeneous information (memorizing foreign words, formulas, Morse code).
It was noted that the duration of learning a foreign language with the help of hypnopedia is reduced by 3-4 times.

In the 70s and 80s, a lot of research work was carried out in the field of hypnopedia. For example, experiments on learning a foreign language during natural sleep, which were conducted under the guidance of Professor L.A. Bezlichenko.

It should be noted that the use of hypnopedia is only recommended when the teaching methods are well known. The hypnopedia technique includes the following points in preparation and training:
- organization of the workplace and equipping it with special equipment;
- programming of the material;
-correct recording of educational material on a tape recorder and monitoring sleep during training;
- control over the assimilation of the material after classes;
- medical supervision general condition student before and after class.

Nowadays, hypnopedia is considered as one of the possible ways of teaching, which can be used along with others if there are special aids and appropriate suggestibility of students (which is established as a result of special testing). The use of hypnopedia on a large scale is hardly advisable at present, however, the reasonable inclusion of hypnopedia elements in the system of intensive training is quite justified.

There is some controversy among scientists involved in hypnopedia. Some consider hypnopedia to be the science of introducing information into a person's memory during natural sleep, others - during artificial sleep, i.e. consider hypnopedia as the result of a peculiar use of hypnosis, pharmacology or electrosleep.

V.L. Raikov, a psychotherapist, confidently managed to prove that key point is not sleep, but actually a hypnotic state that can occur at the time of falling asleep. But the hypnotic state in the case of hypnopedia does not arise qualitatively. V.L. Raikov conducted experiments with students when a full-fledged hypnosis session was used instead of sleep. It turned out that after a session of hypnosis with appropriate suggestions, the productivity of memorization increased significantly compared to a hypnopedia session. Students after hypnotization for an hour and a half were able to memorize long time more than 100 - 200 new foreign words! Thus, it was proved that it is most expedient to use not a hypnopedia session with voicing information during sleep, but a hypnotic state with post-hypnotic suggestions and subsequent active memorization information in the waking state.

Advantages of the hypnopedic teaching method

The possibility of obtaining knowledge in a dream and the ability to reveal this knowledge in the waking state is called hypnopedia, which depends on suggestion to the mind, passively absorbing this knowledge with maximum relaxation. The question arises: "How can one remember what was not grasped by consciousness?" Yes, this is really impossible, and therefore during suggestion, when the body is completely relaxed, only one waking witness remains - hearing, and thanks to this witness, information slips through the analytical abilities of consciousness and plunges into the subconscious, where it is stored until it is claimed . The subconscious mind is a natural and spontaneous store of all information, impressions and phenomena that we are not even aware of.

So, for example, hearing, regardless of our will, records everything we hear and every sound in vast memory banks in the cerebral cortex. Here, as if in the virtual space of a computer, the entire sound library of sounds is stored and at any moment it can be realized by our will. Any minor stimulus can cause a significant experience, lurking in the subconscious. For example, when we hear a very familiar melody, we can immediately recall a whole series of impressions associated with this melody, even if these impressions are connected with our childhood.
American psychologists at the University of Florida conducted an experiment in teaching a foreign language. For 5 days, 20 sleeping students were played audio recordings of Russian words with translation into English (none of them knew Russian before). The monitors recorded the EEG readings and found that, compared with the usual memorability of 13%, the level increased to 30%, and at night the level increased from 10% on the first three nights to 17% on the last two nights, which proves the increase in the effectiveness of sleep learning .
Modern children live in the era of audio-video and, deafened by radio, television, comics, cinema, lose the ability to express themselves through their own self-producing functions. Due to the depressing influence of countless images that attack the minds of children from the outside world, the development of inner spiritual abilities is inhibited, the intuitive feeling is dulled. There is a process of stereotyping of children's eidetic abilities and inner awareness.
More often school teachers use the hypnopedic method of teaching to expand students' abilities and deepen receptivity and memory, which awakens joy and confidence in students.
All these experiments and innovations in the practice of teaching indicate that the rotation of consciousness and visualization are very conducive to relaxation, as a guarantor of the inexhaustible possibilities of a person. New method learning eliminates fatigue and boredom, as constant companions of the old forms of learning. The relaxed atmosphere unshackles students and reveals in each of them a natural desire for self-discipline, awakening an interest in novelty and new experiences.

Greek hypnos - sleep and paideia - learning, education) - a method of teaching (learning) in a state of natural sleep by subconscious perception by sleeping people of reproducible lecture notes, teaching materials, texts; practiced in our country in the 60s and 70s.

Great Definition

Incomplete definition ↓


gr. - sleep and learning) - a system of scientific and practical knowledge about human learning during sleep, as well as under hypnosis. Today it is considered proven that this is possible, especially when learning a foreign language, mathematical formulas, chemical symbolism. Hypnopedia methods: suggestion, quiet voice, tape recordings, background music. The essence of hypnopedia is to enhance the perception of suggestible material and remove the competing effects of extraneous stimuli. The origins of hypnopedia lie in the ancient Eastern monastic experience (Buddhism, fakirs, yogis). As a scientific discipline began to take shape in the 30s of our century. In Russia, it was first used in 1936, after which it was banned for a long time. Hypnopedic training requires a special technology that takes into account the age of the student, the degree of his mental and physical fatigue, the type and type of memory, intonation of the teacher's speech, and much more. At the present level of development of hypnopedia, training under hypnosis is prohibited as a little studied act; training in natural sleep is also very rarely used. In everyday life, elements of hypnopedia have always been used: for example, they put a book under their heads at night, having previously read it, turned on tape recordings with foreign speech at night, etc. Hypnopedic memorization techniques are used in autodidactics.

HYPNOPAEDIA- the phenomenon of entering and fixing information in memory during natural sleep, as well as a method of training and education during sleep, based on this phenomenon. It is especially effective for fixing homogeneous information: foreign words, formulas, Morse code, etc. There is a pronounced fatigue of the subjects after a hypnopedia session. Today, the first attempt practical application hypnopedia was carried out in the USA in 1923. In subsequent years, hypnopedia was used and studied in different countries. Its most common theoretical concepts tend to be psychoanalytically oriented. Studies conducted using encephalography have shown the proximity of hypnopedic sleep to hypnotic sleep. But there are reasons to recognize hypnopedic sleep as a special psycho-physiological state, which differs from both hypnotic and normal physiological sleep.

(Golovin S.Yu. Dictionary practical psychologist- Minsk, 1998)

HYPNOPAEDIA(from Greek hypnos- sleep + payeia- learning) - a way of learning, introduction and consolidation in memory human information during natural sleep.

G.'s practice in China and India is known for a long time. The study of the nature and methods of G. in our country was first undertaken in the 1930s. (A. M. Svyadoshch, later L. A. Bliznechenko); in the 1960s interest in G. resumed. However, the nature of G. has not yet been disclosed. Most scientists believe that hypnopedic sleep is no different from normal physiological sleep. Although the data electroencephalography testify to the contrary. In addition, there was a significant fatigue subjects after a G. session, which is not observed after normal sleep. Most foreign hypnopedists (for example, C. Simon) generally leave the question of the nature of G. open. Dr. scientists (V. Raikov, D. Curtis) identify G. with learning in a state hypnosis, referring to the similarity of encephalograms.

A. M. Svyadoshch put forward a compromise theory. He considered G. natural sleep with guard post. However, the intellectual work that takes place during a hypnopedic session cannot be. is provided with a guard post, but occurs only in the zone rapport(specific speech dynamic contact). V. N. Birman (1925) drew attention to the fact that the guard post only superficially resembles a rapport. The prominent Russian hypnologist K. I. Platonov also pointed out significant differences between rapport and the sentry point: the latter is functionally and locally constant; the duty point is isolated from other cortical areas, and rapport m. associated with any of them, its specificity is influenced by the characteristics of the personality of the experimenter. These and other considerations prompt G.'s recognition as a specific psychophysiological state, different from both hypnotic and normal sleep. It's self- hypnopedic type of sleep (A. T. Gubko).

Addendum ed.: G.'s use is limited: not replacing the usual pedagogical process, she m. b. effective for fixing certain types of information (foreign words, formulas, Morse code, etc.), however, this also needs to be carefully checked.

(Zinchenko V.P., Meshcheryakov B.G. Big psychological dictionary - 3rd ed., 2002)

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