How many milk teeth does a toy have per month. Removal of milk teeth. During the period of changing teeth, it is necessary to provide preventive measures that create the most favorable conditions for the formation of the dental system.

First basic vital statistics healthy adult toy terrier

Body temperature - 38.5 ° C to 38.9 ° C (from 39 ° C the temperature is considered elevated)

Pulse rate (in calm state) - 100 - 130 beats per minute

Blood clotting - within 3-5 minutes (with normal temperature body)

Daily urine output is 0.2 - 0.4 liters.

Toy Terriers - healthy dogs. At proper care and nutrition, they practically do not get sick.

Particular attention must be paid to dental system toya. When changing teeth (approximately from five to seven months), it is necessary to ensure that all milk teeth fall out. Often, milk teeth, especially fangs, do not fall out on their own, while permanent teeth are already starting to grow. If the extra tooth is not removed in time, it will interfere with the correct position of the permanent one, and over time it will begin to collapse, rot, which will lead to health problems in the dog.

Tooth extraction is a little pleasant, time-consuming procedure (small teeth have disproportionately big roots, which prevents their independent loss) and painful, but necessary. Tighten with removal is not possible If the alignment of the dental system or bite is violated, the dog will be considered defective. The teeth are removed local anesthesia. It is not advisable to take this problem to the nearest vet. clinic. There will hardly be an experienced dentist. Contact the nursery, the breeders will tell you who can competently and with the least loss remove a tooth for your pet.

The second problem of all small breeds is plaque (calculus), which very quickly destroys the dog's teeth, leading to the formation of caries and periodontal disease.

Toy teeth must be monitored very carefully, removed in time tartar, but it is better not to allow its formation, otherwise by the age of two your pet will turn into a toothless old man. From folk remedies Tomatoes prevent the formation of plaque. Treat your kids once a week with a slice of tomato and trouble will bypass you.

Specialized pet stores sell special toothpastes for dogs, plaque remover, but, believe me, the systematic use of food fresh tomatoes much more convenient and useful.

Another feature of the health and maintenance of toys is long, powerful for such a baby. claws. The weight of the toy is not enough for the claws to wear down during the walk, as is usually the case with dogs of larger breeds. The claws quickly grow, bend, interfere with walking, and contribute to the development of the spread of the forelimbs.

Very often, a toy with uncut claws clings to the carpet and if the owner is not nearby, the dog can be seriously injured. Often such situations end in a dislocation or fracture of the limb, not to mention the stress that the dog has experienced. Therefore, the nails must be cut once a week, starting from a very early age. The sooner you start doing this, the faster the baby will quickly get used to this not very pleasant procedure.

The advice received about Toy health should include the following - the dog is very small, all processes in the body go very quickly. If you notice the slightest deviation in the health of your friend, immediately seek the advice of a specialist.

The main thing is not to waste time.

The onset of the disease in a toy terrier can be determined by the following signs

- general depressed state (the baby does not play, does not run out to meet you, lies (sits) in one place for a suspiciously long time);

Refusal of food (even if he takes goodies, but refused ordinary everyday food - you should pay attention);

Indigestion (diarrhea, constipation, droplets of blood in the urine or feces, formed feces - and mucus around). It must be remembered that a healthy toy does not have soft stools (except when introduced into the diet new components, or if he ate too much);

Snot, coughing - the impression that the baby choked (1-2 times choked, and more often - already coughing);



Sour eyes, crusts around the nose;

A decrease in temperature (below 37.5 ° C) is just as dangerous as an increase;


Desire to hide in a dark corner.

Naturally, the toy should not have fleas. Like any other dog, a toy terrier must be treated for fleas, and in warm time year also from ticks.

How is the new stage of growing up going?

The change of teeth in a toy terrier usually begins at the age of six months or a little earlier. By the time a dog is eight to twelve months old, all of its milk teeth should have fallen out. The owner of the toy terrier can help them fall out more easily by gently loosening them a little every day.

If you plan to raise a show class dog who, in due time, will take an active part in exhibitions, then make sure that by the time she is eight months old (plus minutes two weeks), she has no dairy left. teeth. If they do not fall out, then you will have to seek help from good doctor which will remove the remaining teeth. If this is not done, then there is a possibility that the teeth of the toy will grow incorrectly. This defect, in turn, will lead to the fact that the dog will receive a disqualifying defect and will not be suitable for breeding.

At the same time, if you do not plan to practice, then a quick change of teeth in a toy terrier does not matter so much, and you may well postpone the removal until eleven or thirteen months. It is not worth delaying with this longer, because if the milk teeth fall out much later than they should have fallen out, there is a high probability of getting a row.

A sure indicator that the milk teeth have already become obsolete are the molars, which have grown to half the milk teeth.

Removal of milk teeth

The veterinary clinic will offer you two options for removal:

Each method has its drawbacks. The disadvantages of the first option include the fact that the toy may experience pain during the operation, even when using painkillers. local action. Much here depends on the length of the roots, so it is best to consult a dentist and listen to his opinion.

Cons of the second option:

  • toys can take a long time to recover from anesthesia (but also often toys fully come to their senses in an hour or two),
  • general anesthesia can harm
  • the doctor will warn you of the possibility of death.

It is worth noting that in most veterinary clinics General anesthesia is used during tooth extraction surgery as it is much more comfortable and humane.

What bite should a toy terrier have according to the breed standard?

After changing teeth, the toy terrier should have a scissor bite, in which upper teeth(incisors) slightly cover the lower ones. If a dog has an incorrect bite, it is disqualified from the show and is not allowed to breed. Bad bites include:

  • snack, at which lower jaw much longer than the top and protrudes forward,
  • undershot bite when the upper jaw protrudes strongly,
  • pincer bite, in which the lower and upper rows of the front teeth are in contact with each other surfaces,
  • alveolar tilt of the incisors when the front incisors grow at an angle, and not vertically, as they should be.

The bite of a toy terrier can change during the change of teeth, since at this age the growth of the jaws is still ongoing, and the teeth themselves can change their position, since they have not yet taken their places so firmly.

LECTURE No. 4 (continued). Loose and loose teeth in dogs. Splinting teeth in dogs.

Many dog ​​owners, especially dog ​​owners small breeds, face such a problem as pathological mobility and tooth loss. This is most relevant for small breeds of dogs, such as: Yorkshire Terrier, chihuahua, toy terrier, etc. In this case, often the loss of teeth, and in particular incisors, begins already in early age(two years or older). The reasons may be different, but most often the pathological mobility of the incisors in young dogs develops due to the presence of tartar, which was not removed in time.

Soft plaque- This is usually a filmy, yellowish growth at the base of the teeth. It can be brown, yellow or even greenish.

Tartar is hardened plaque that forms on the surface of the teeth. Tartar is quite dark, which is explained by the fact that it contains food debris, dead cells, bacteria, phosphorus, iron and calcium salts.

The presence of plaque and calculus leads to the development of a serious inflammatory process of the gums.

Inflammation of the gums It begins when bacteria, contained and multiplied in the composition of plaque or calculus, affect the gum tissues that support the tooth. This process leads to the development of the so-called gingivitis, and if you do not take Urgent measures and not eliminate the cause, i.e. not remove dental deposits, gingivitis turns intoperiodontitis and periodontitis.

Gingivitis- this is serious illness oral cavity, characterized by progressive inflammation of periodontal tissues (gingiva, periodontal ligament, alveolar bone, cementum). Gingivitis can lead to recession (gingival atrophy), resorption of the jawbone, the formation of deep periodontal pockets, and pathological tooth mobility.

If this fact is neglected and the mobility of the teeth is not stopped in time, then the periodontium is further destroyed, accelerating the process of the disease, and in the near future this will cause loss, loss of teeth.

Periodontitis- it's very slow insidious disease, which affects all supporting structures of the teeth. The progression of periodontitis can cause swelling and severe inflammation gums, with periodontal disease, deep foci of infection can occur, which causes the formation of pus, bleeding gums, pain when eating food and severe putrid smell from your pet's mouth.

Animals begin to refuse solid food, often they develop abscesses in the oral cavity. As a rule, in this case, there is a loss in weight, the animal begins to worry even when stroking the head and muzzle, asymmetry may appear. facial skull may cause puffiness under the eye. This stage of the disease requires very serious treatment by a dentist.

At the appointment with a veterinary dentist Your pet will need:

Chronic diseases and infections of the oral cavity, as a rule, are not limited to the oral cavity. swallowing saliva with great content pathological flora and toxic waste products of bacteria can cause the spread of infection throughout the body of a dog or cat and, first of all, lead to diseases gastrointestinal tract, excessive load on the immune system, liver, etc.

When dwarf breeds, i.e. breeds, most disease-prone oral cavity, often periodontitis / periodontitis can lead to pathological fractures lower jaw. Loss of incisors in dogs often results in deep dentogingival pockets around the canines, which can lead to tooth loss and permanent oronasal fistula. An oronasal fistula is a non-healing opening between the mouth and nasal cavity that must be repaired surgically.

Methods for the prevention and treatment of diseases of the oral cavity in dogs and cats

How to be in a situation when the process of formation of tartar is already developing, how to save teeth in young dogs and prevent tooth loss in older animals? Is it possible to somehow prevent diseases of the oral cavity, and how to protect a pet from early tooth loss?

As one of the options for prevention can be considered regular cleaning dog teeth at home. To date, special toothpastes for dogs are produced, as well as fairly comfortable toothbrushes. Accustoming to this procedure and its regular implementation will greatly reduce the risk of developing diseases of the oral cavity. It is even more important to have regular oral examinations of your dog or cat by a veterinary dentist, at least once a year.

Unfortunately, most owners are used to their pet's bad breath and think that bad breath is normal. Bad smell out of the mouth is not normal!

What to do if the teeth, and especially the incisors, have already begun to stagger, can they be saved? - CAN!

Especially for such patients in the clinic of the Institute of Veterinary Biology, the method of splinting of teeth has been established.

Splinting of teeth- this is dental procedure, which will strengthen the swinging teeth and prevent their further loosening and loss.

Indications for splinting:

  • the presence of deep dentogingival pockets,
  • exposure tooth roots,
  • the presence of pathological mobility of the teeth, and in particular the incisors.

Splinting of teeth is carried out using fiberglass or a special dental wire and allows you to connect a group of teeth into a single whole, thus practically eliminating the mobility of individual teeth.

In the event of a load on any tooth, it is distributed to the roots of the remaining teeth united by the splint. As a result, the teeth remain stable, and periodontitis in this area stops its harmful effects.

This type of splinting is permanent and will support the teeth. long years. Splinting allows not only to fix the swinging teeth, but also to prevent the development of gum disease.

The efficiency of the splint depends on the number of teeth. How more teeth, the greater the effect of splinting. ultimate goal successful treatment mobile teeth is to restore them normal function and maintaining gum health.

Veterinary experts believe that good dental health can prolong a dog's life by 20%. Therefore, careful home monitoring and organization regular examination at the veterinary dentist can preserve not only the functions of the oral cavity and overall health, but also prolong the life of your pet.

The change of teeth in a toy terrier begins at about six months of age. By a year or a little earlier, this process should be completely completed. The loss of milk teeth is not the most pleasant period in the life of any mammal, be it a dog or a person. If the owner needs information related to the change of the pet's teeth, we are ready to provide it in full.

When should a toy terrier's milk teeth be removed?

If you plan to exhibit your dog at shows in the future, then get ready for the fact that you will have to learn the basics of dentistry. By eight months, the dog should not have milk teeth left. In the process of changing them, you must help the animal, gradually rocking them. If the milk teeth of the toy terrier do not fall out by the required time, then you will have to take the baby to the doctor, who will pull out the rest under anesthesia. Otherwise, the probability that they will grow incorrectly is very high, and the dog will receive a defect that will lead to her being disqualified for life from participating in exhibitions and crossing with thoroughbred females.

If you do not plan to breed puppies, then whether the teeth of the toy terrier fall out on time or not, does not special significance. You can postpone the forced removal and wait until the dog is 12 months old. By this time, a complete change of teeth occurs in 90% of toy terriers. If, even after reaching a year, some of the dog's milk teeth remain in place, then they will have to be removed so that the defect does not lead to difficulties in chewing food.

The process of removing milk teeth from a toy terrier

Veterinarians usually offer two options for removal: under general anesthesia and under local anesthesia. Each of them has a number of disadvantages. The first: long process exit from anesthesia; possibility lethal outcome or development serious illnesses. Cons of local anesthesia: even with anesthesia, the toy terrier may feel pain during the operation. It depends on the structural features of the teeth, the length of their roots.

The doctor should decide in what way it is better to remove milk teeth from a toy terrier, having previously analyzed the dog's health status. Most veterinarians prefer general anesthesia as it is considered convenient and humane.

Bite and teeth of a toy terrier after a shift

The owner must control the growth process permanent teeth. Overbite adult dog should be scissors. The upper incisors should slightly overlap the lower ones. Malocclusion leads to the inevitable disqualification of the animal from exhibitions and competitions. Here are its main features:

    overshot - the lower jaw protrudes forward, being longer than the upper;

    undershot - coming forward upper jaw;

    pincer bite - when the surfaces of the upper and lower front teeth touch;

    tilt of the incisors - when the front teeth do not grow vertically, but at an angle.

In the process of changing teeth in a toy terrier, the bite can change, because at this time the puppy’s jaw is still developing and the teeth that have not had time to firmly fall into place can easily change position.

Teeth of a toy terrier - compliance with the standard

According to the breed standard, a dog must have all teeth. There are 42 of them (incisors, canines, molars and pseudo-roots). If your dog is missing teeth, don't panic. Of course, judges and experts assess this as a disadvantage. But, fortunately, it is not a disqualification defect.

Since the dog does not have the opportunity to independently take care of oral hygiene and teeth, this task falls on the shoulders of the owner. A responsible approach to the health of the toy terrier will not only significantly improve the quality of his life, but also extend its life.

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