At what age do the first teeth appear? Help children with teething. When the last tooth erupts

New parents want to know as much as possible about how their baby will develop. They are interested in when he starts smiling, when he sits down, crawls and takes his first steps. But one of the main questions concerns the appearance of the first teeth in children. Surely most of them have heard from experienced girlfriends and friends about how difficult this process is and how many sleepless nights they had to endure. But do not panic in advance. Firstly, all children develop individually and it is not at all necessary that your baby will give you a lot of inconvenience. And secondly, not all children have their first teeth at the same time. We will tell you how this happens in our article.

The first months of life, the baby smiles with a toothless smile. But by half a year, everything can change. Usually the first teeth in babies begin to erupt by 6-7 months. However, sometimes this process is accelerated or, conversely, delayed, which is also the norm. Therefore, it is difficult to say exactly how many first teeth children will have by 12 months. It all depends on a number of factors:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • calcium content in the body;
  • climatic living conditions, etc.

As a rule, the teeth erupt in pairs. This means that 2-3 weeks after the appearance of the first one, the second one will definitely follow. Well, parents who are worried that their child’s teeth are not erupting according to the norms should be reassured that the speed of their appearance does not affect longevity and health in any way.

Baby teething symptoms

For most children, “growing” teeth causes discomfort, and sometimes even pain. This negative moment for the baby just needs to be experienced. And, despite the fact that the eruption process is purely individual, it will definitely not work to miss the first tooth in a child (pictured below). It breaks through the bone tissue and the mucous membrane of the gums. At first, a barely noticeable white line appears on it, and after a few days a whole tooth “grows”.

But the symptoms of teething in the baby appear at least a week before the onset of this event. They are indicated by the following signs:

  • inflammation and redness of the gums;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • uncharacteristic for the baby anxiety and irritability;
  • profuse salivation;
  • runny nose, nasal congestion;
  • lack of appetite;
  • diarrhea;
  • temperature rise to 38°.

It is not necessary that the child will be disturbed by absolutely all of these symptoms. Yes, and feeling unwell is normal for only a few days. If the signs drag on, but there are still no teeth, it is necessary to contact the pediatrician.

When should you see a doctor?

With the eruption of the first teeth in children, simultaneously with the appearance of the above symptoms, a decrease in immunity occurs. Therefore, it is possible that a viral or intestinal infection will be hidden behind these signs. Only a pediatrician can dispel the mother's doubts about the baby's health. They must be contacted in the following cases:

  • temperature increase up to 38-39°;
  • diarrhea;
  • runny nose;
  • cough;
  • the appearance of ulcers on the mucous membrane of the mouth.

The symptoms listed above during teething cannot last more than three days. Otherwise, it may indicate the addition of a viral infection.

Which teeth come in first in a child?

Both pediatricians and dentists are of the same opinion about the sequence in which eruption should occur. But only not all kids want to follow the instructions of adults. If we talk specifically about which tooth the child will have first, and it will be on the upper or lower jaw, then there are rules. According to the norms, the lower incisors erupt first. They usually grow in pairs. First, a tooth can erupt on the right, and then on the left with a difference of 3-7 days.

However, there are often exceptions to the rule. There is nothing to worry about either, since each organism is individual.

Eruption sequence

The generally accepted order of appearance of the first teeth in a child is as follows:

  • 6-7 months - lower central incisors;
  • 8-9 months - upper central incisors;
  • 9-11 months - upper lateral incisors;
  • 11-13 months - lower lateral incisors;
  • 12-15 months - upper and lower first molars;
  • 18-20 months - fangs;
  • 20-30 months - second molars.

Above are the teething standards that pediatricians and dentists around the world adhere to. But it is impossible to specify the exact date of the appearance of the first teeth in children. And which of them will grow earlier than others can be clearly seen from the diagram. As a rule, the lower incisors erupt first, and after them, after 1-2 months, the upper ones will follow. Small deviations in one direction or another are the norm. The main thing is to adhere to the rule that at 12 months a child should have at least 1 tooth. If this is not the case, then you should immediately contact your dentist.

Causes for concern

The first teeth that have not erupted by a certain age in children cause real panic in many parents. In fact, not everything is as scary as it might seem at once. This earlier late eruption was considered a sign of rickets or a lack of calcium in the body. But still, significant deviations from the timing may indicate certain disorders in the body:

  • late eruption - for metabolic or intestinal disorders;
  • early appearance of teeth - to problems in the endocrine system;
  • violation of the sequence of eruption, non-standard in shape and position of the formation of teeth - for anomalies in the development or diseases transferred during pregnancy;
  • an increase in temperature above 39 ° - for a viral or infectious disease, or other disorders in the functioning of the child's body.

All of the above problems do not always indicate developmental abnormalities and diseases, but are only a reason to go to the dentist.

How to relieve pain during teething?

When the first milk teeth appear in children, crying is heard in every house. To help your child survive this unpleasant moment for him, the following tools will help:

  1. Teether toys. With soft rubber rings filled with water or gel inside, the baby massages his gums with pleasure. To relieve pain and eliminate swelling, gel teethers are recommended to be pre-cooled in the refrigerator.
  2. Homeopathic preparations ("Dentokind", "Dantinorm baby"). They allow you to eliminate painful phenomena during teething, accompanied by fever and diarrhea. Preparations in the form of a tablet dissolve in a teaspoon of water and are offered to the baby half an hour before feeding twice a day. The desired effect can be achieved only with prolonged use.
  3. You can carry it out with your finger, having thoroughly washed your hands before that, or with a special fingertip with a brush. Massage should be careful not to injure the gums.

During teething, excessive salivation can irritate the baby's delicate skin on the chin and neck. At this time, the child is advised to put on a bib and wipe off saliva, which can cause rashes and irritation.

Eruption gels

You can stop the pain that accompanies the process of the appearance of the first teeth in children with the help of topical preparations. Teething gels are absolutely safe for babies, but provide a short-term analgesic effect for no more than 2 hours. But, at the same time, the desired effect can be achieved within 2-3 minutes after application.

All teething gels can be divided into groups:

  1. Topical preparations based on lidocaine, providing a quick but short-term result.
  2. Homeopathic gels containing plant extracts that have an anti-inflammatory effect.
  3. Preparations based on antiseptics, which have a stronger composition and act as efficiently as possible.

Before using this or that gel, it is recommended to study the instructions for its use in order to exclude the development of an allergic reaction in a child.

The use of traditional medicine

Some parents are wary of using medications for teething. They prefer folk remedies:

  1. Massage the gums with a finger wrapped in a bandage and soaked in hydrogen peroxide.
  2. Using a chilled pacifier or silver spoon as an alternative to teething toys.
  3. Lubricating the gums with honey, which has a calming effect.
  4. Rubbing inflamed gums with a decoction of chamomile, which has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect.
  5. Lubrication of the area near the mouth with baby cream to avoid irritation from excessive salivation.

However, pediatricians and dentists do not share the views of parents on the use of traditional medicine, since some of them can lead to an allergic reaction in a child.

oral care

With the appearance of milk teeth, parents have new responsibilities. From now on, they should pay due attention to the cleanliness of the oral cavity. No matter what time the first tooth in a child appears above the surface of the gums, he needs care. To do this, it is recommended to use a special silicone nozzle on a finger or a bandage dipped in boiled water.

After a year, when the baby will no longer have one, but 6-8 teeth, you can purchase a toothbrush with soft bristles and toothpaste with a minimum fluorine content. Parents should do the cleaning. All actions must be careful not to damage the thin and fragile enamel.

Early care not only ensures the prevention of dental diseases, but also from childhood contributes to the formation of a good habit of brushing your teeth in the morning and evening.

Doctor Komarovsky about the first teeth

The famous pediatrician has his own opinion about teething:

  1. He believes that a violation of the sequence of appearance of teeth is not a sign of any disease.
  2. According to Dr. Komarovsky, a deviation from the timing of eruption by 6 months in one direction or another is not considered a pathology.
  3. There is no way to influence the speed and order of teething.

Dr. Komarovsky is positive about gum-cooling teething toys, but does not recommend using bagels and cookies instead, as some parents do, as this can lead to sad consequences.

Some natural processes cause a lot of trouble for the baby, as well as a share of anxiety for his young and unexperienced mother. It would seem that the period of problems with the tummy is behind, but the baby does not stop whimpering and acting restlessly. Many parents rummaged through a lot of literature in search of an answer to the question: “How many months old is the baby?”, While others stocked up with all kinds of means to eliminate pain during teething.

How many months are teething?

The answer to this question is ambiguous. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the child's body. Most often occurs between the ages of five and eight months. However, there are babies who have their first tooth at three months, but there are also those who cannot boast of it even at ten months.

How many months and what is their release order

First, the first two lower incisors come out of the baby (this happens at 6-9 months). After this, it is the turn of the appearance of the two upper incisors (approximately at 7-10 months). A pair of second lateral lower and upper incisors erupt closer to 9-12 months. The first molars from below and from above appear in the period from a year to a year and a half. The fangs come out in a period of 15 to 22 months, while the second from above and below will appear in two to two and a half years. Therefore, by the first anniversary, the baby will have about 8 teeth, and by the age of two - about 20. If your baby had the teething process for three or ten months, do not panic! Anxiety should be caused by a baby who, at the age of one year, does not have a single tooth.

What time do teeth cut, and what does it feel like

The timing of eruption depends on nutrition, heredity and characteristics of the body. The symptoms associated with teething can also be different for each child. In some babies, the teeth come out without causing any inconvenience, while other children experience discomfort and pain.

How many months and what are the symptoms associated with this process

The symptoms can be very different. However, we list the most common and common ailments during teething:

stool disorder;

Sleep disturbance;

Temperature rise;

Skin rashes;

Refusal to eat;

Irritability, tearfulness;

Runny nose;

In case of fever, vomiting and diarrhea, you should call your local doctor! The most obvious and surest signs of the imminent appearance of teeth are profuse salivation, swelling and redness of the gums.

How can I help my baby during teething?

First of all, the baby should be surrounded by affection, attention and love. To relieve pain, the following may help:

Massage the gums with the index finger of the hand, on which a piece of sterile bandage is wound;

Specially designed teether toys. Before use, leave them for a few minutes in the refrigerator, then give the baby;

Cooling gels that will eliminate soreness and itching.

Now you know how many months the teeth are cut, as well as how you can help your baby alleviate suffering.

Any baby, a few months after birth, the first teeth appear. Moms and dads always look forward to this joyful event, but few of them know that teething in babies can be accompanied by unpleasant symptoms that make them worry about their health.

However, this is not always the case. After all, even the order of teething adopted for the norm may not correspond to the individual characteristics of the body. Nevertheless, parents should know how teeth erupt in infants and the main signs of this process in order to be able to protect not only the child, but also themselves from unnecessary anxiety.

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    When do the first teeth appear?

    The formation of the rudiments of teeth, the timing and order of their appearance in an infant are laid down in the womb at 6-7 weeks of pregnancy. All this happens strictly individually, largely determined by the inherent genetics and lifestyle of a pregnant woman.

    It is for these reasons that there is no specific timing for the appearance of teeth.

    But still, what time do the first milk teeth start to cut? Most often, the first tooth makes itself felt at the age of 4-7 months. For some babies, closer to a year, as a result of heredity or unbalanced nutrition of mother and child. Babies can get their first teeth as early as 3 months. This is usually associated with the intake by the mother during pregnancy of vitamin and mineral complexes containing calcium and vitamin D3, or a large number of fermented milk products. But usually parents see the first tooth at 4 months - this is a standard indicator.

    Very rarely (about 1 case out of 2000) it happens that newborns already have one or more teeth - in this case, you should definitely consult with specialists in order to exclude malformations in the development of the body. It may be the other way around (also extremely rare), when the first teeth in a child appear only after a year. Then mommy can hear from the doctor a preliminary diagnosis - rickets, which can be confirmed or refuted only with the help of tests.

    Many experts talk about the existence of a hereditary relationship between when the first teeth appear in babies, and when their parents, as well as grandparents. Therefore, do not sound the alarm ahead of time. If a child's teeth appear too early or, conversely, late, then perhaps one of the relatives in infancy had a similar experience. However, this should not be taken as a rule either, since it does not always correspond to reality.

    Other important factors in tooth growth are:

    • Maternal nutrition during breastfeeding, affecting the quality of milk.
    • Climatic conditions. It has been observed that in hot regions, children's teeth appear earlier than in colder regions.
    • The lifestyle of a pregnant woman, which plays an important role in the formation of not only the teeth of the embryo, but also its entire body.
    • The presence of diseases in the baby: pathologies of the endocrine system, gastrointestinal tract and others.

    In a small percentage of the number of children who do not have teeth in the second year of life, a disease such as adentia is detected - the complete or partial absence of tooth germs. In such a situation, it is important to contact a dentist in time, who, using an x-ray, will determine the degree of the disease and take appropriate treatment measures.

    In any case, when a child's teeth are climbing, there is no need to panic ahead of time - this is a natural process laid down by nature. Mom should remain calm and not look for deviations from the norm once again.

    Order of appearance

    According to the standards established by dentists, by the year a child should erupt 8 teeth: 4 upper and 4 lower incisors. By the age of three, there should be 20 of them. The following approximate sequence of appearance of teeth has been determined:

    • lower central incisors - 4-7 months;
    • upper central incisors - 7-10 months;
    • upper lateral incisors - 9-12 months;
    • lower lateral incisors - 10-16 months;
    • lower first molars - 12-18 months;
    • upper first molars - 13-19 months;
    • upper canines - 16-22 months;
    • lower fangs - 17-23 months;
    • lower second molars - 20-31 months;
    • upper second molars - 25-33 months;

    The indicated sequence is only a blurry pattern of teething in infants, because, as mentioned earlier, each child is individual, and his teeth do not ask when they need to appear. Today, in a large number of children, only 1-3 teeth erupt by the year, but by the age of 2-3 they already have a complete "milk" set.

    You should not worry when children cut their teeth out of turn, for example, the canine did not wait for the chewing teeth to appear, or first all the lower incisors came out, and only then the upper ones. This is not a significant deviation from the norm. The main thing is that by the age of three, the baby has all the milk teeth.

    There is a misconception that the later teeth start to cut, the longer they last. This is not true. As practice shows, they fall out at about the same age as the "early" teeth. Also, their quality does not depend on how many months they appeared.

    In other words, the timing of the appearance of milk teeth does not affect the timing of the appearance of permanent teeth.

    teething symptoms

    Teething in babies occurs in different ways. Many mothers say that their children did not react in any way to such an important event, and the first "comrade" that erupted was discovered by a ringing knock on a spoon while eating. Others complain of sleepless nights, incessant whims, temperature and other unpleasant moments.

    And yet, how to determine that teeth are being cut? Every attentive mother will see these signs of teething in a baby. There are the following classic symptoms:

    • Increased salivation in the crumbs is the very first sign that said that the first teeth are being cut. Sometimes, due to the abundance of saliva in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe nasolabial triangle, irritation may appear, especially if the baby sucks on the nipple. Therefore, it is recommended that the mother periodically blot (do not wipe) this area with a clean napkin and smear with a greasy baby cream several times a day to protect the skin from irritation.
    • Redness and swelling of the gums occur as a result of the movement of the tooth inside the soft tissues. In some children, a few days before teething, the gums in this place may not only turn red, but turn black and begin to bleed a little. You don’t have to worry about this, because with the appearance of a tooth, the hematoma will resolve itself. It is only necessary to ensure that the baby does not take non-sterile objects into his mouth and does not bring an infection into the wound.
    • The child rubs his chin and ears, as severe pain in the crumbs can go to these areas. But such a sign can also talk about inflammation of the middle ear.
    • Restlessness and restless sleep are caused by itching of the gums and the appearance of painful sensations. The gum itches, giving the baby discomfort and making him moody. He pulls everything into his mouth, he can suck and bite his fists.
    • Loss of appetite. When teeth are cut, the baby often loses its appetite, refusing complementary foods. If he is on breastfeeding, in no case should he be denied breastfeeding for the sake of a heartier dinner. Mother's milk at this stage is not only a source of vitamins, but also comfort.
    • The elevated temperature is explained by the response of the baby's body to the inflammatory process that occurs in the gums. It is believed that the temperature is accompanied by the eruption of the upper teeth. It can rise up to 38 ° C, and lasts no more than 2 days. If longer, it is recommended to consult a doctor for advice, as this may be a symptom of SARS.
    • Loose stools in a baby are caused by swallowing a large amount of saliva and accelerating intestinal motility. The quality of the stool changes, it becomes more watery. The frequency of bowel movements per day should be 2-3 times and not longer than 2-3 days. When teeth begin to cut, the mother should carefully examine the contents of the diaper and monitor the child's health: if the color and smell of the stool changes, mucus and blood blotches appear, and the temperature rises, you should immediately call a doctor.
    • Nasal congestion and coughing are associated with increased salivation. A runny nose can last 4-5 days, it will be transparent, watery. Cough is formed as a result of saliva running down the back of the throat and is aggravated by lying down. Usually, reflex cough does not require treatment. But, since immunity decreases during teething in children, these manifestations can serve as a signal for the onset of a respiratory disease. A doctor's consultation is required.

    The acute symptoms listed above may occur on any particular tooth. But it is especially painful for a child when two, three and even four teeth climb at the same time. In this case, the symptoms of teething in infants can be several times increased. It is believed that the most painful are the upper teeth and fangs. But all this is determined by the individual character of the organism.

    When is medical help needed?

    According to a large number of opinions of pediatricians, normal signs of tooth growth are salivation, swelling of the gums, anxiety, and loss of appetite. In other cases, parents should be concerned about the health of the baby.

    Experts say that high fever, cough, diarrhea and vomiting are the result of a weakened immune system against the background of teething in a child. This is explained by the fact that the baby takes everything in his mouth to soothe discomfort in the gums. Thus, it brings into the body a large number of harmful microbes - the main pathogens.

    How do you know if a child needs help? If the temperature rises above 38 ° C, a severe chest cough begins, vomiting and diarrhea appear - these are signals for an immediate call to a doctor.

    How to help a child?

    A difficult time comes for the whole family, when the first teeth in babies begin to grow. It is important to understand that during this period it is the parents who should help their child, providing him not only physical, but also psychological support. After all, the whims of the child that have begun at this stage are not "manifestations of character", but a reaction to the state of health.

    How can you help a child when the first milk teeth are cut?

    • Breastfeeding for babies is the main way to calm down. If a child often asks for a breast, you should not refuse him, because this way he feels a strong connection with his loving mother. And even more so, in such a difficult time, one should not be weaned, so as not to inflict psychological trauma on the baby.
    • There are special teethers to relieve itching in babies. They are flat rubber toys with a rough surface that helps to scratch the gums and teeth to erupt. Often, teethers are filled with water inside, so they can be put in the refrigerator to cool, and then given to the child. The cold surface will soothe sore gums. If the baby does not want to hold the teether in his hand, but reaches for other objects, do not refuse him. The main thing is that the thing is clean, without sharp corners and removable small parts. Some parents, when their children are teething, prefer to give them a bagel, a cracker, a crust of bread instead of toys. This is acceptable, but subject to careful supervision of the crumbs, so that he does not choke on a piece or crumb.
    • A light massage of the gums will help to briefly relieve the pain and itching of the gums when teeth erupt, as well as speed up the process of their appearance a little. Massage should be performed with cleanly washed hands without long nails. Movements should be smooth, circular, without strong pressure.
    • During the period of profuse salivation, when the first teeth erupt in children, it is important to provide the crumbs with plenty of fluids so that there is no dehydration. It must be remembered that even if the baby is breastfeeding, he still needs water, since mother's milk is, first of all, food.
    • As the first milk teeth are cut, the baby can be naughty a lot or, conversely, be calm. His mood is unstable: just crying, he can burst into laughter in a few minutes. Therefore, to distract him from pain, you can try to play with him with toys or look at children's books. This will not only switch the attention of the child, but also give him a feeling of comfort from being next to his mother.

    Relief of symptoms with medication

    So that the symptoms of teething in children under one year old do not overshadow the knowledge of the world, various pharmaceutical preparations can be used after consulting with a pediatrician in advance.

    Dental gels for pain relief

    The most common are dental gels such as Kalgel, Kamistad, Dentinox, Holisal. They are gently applied, slightly rubbing, on the inflamed gums, without fear that the baby may swallow the medicine. These are fairly safe drugs with anti-inflammatory, anesthetic and antiseptic effects. They help relieve painful symptoms when a child is teething.

    At the first application, it is recommended to use a small amount of gel to check the child for an allergic reaction. If there was none, then it is allowed to rub the drug up to 6 times a day, but only when the child really needs it.


    Everyone knows that when teething, the baby may begin to rise in temperature. Up to 38 ° C, it is usually not knocked down, but what if the mark gets higher? Antipyretics come to the aid of mother and baby: Nurofen, Paracetomol, Ibuprofen, Panadol, Efferalgan.

    For children, these drugs are available in a special children's form - in the form of syrups. Their use will relieve pain and aches and will not allow the temperature to rise above. For babies in the first months of life, instead of syrups, antipyretic suppositories can be purchased: Cefekon, Efferalgan, Nurofen. Their action is similar to the above syrups.

    Seeing that the child is teething, the mother must definitely monitor not only the temperature, but also what symptoms complement the overall picture. If there is a cough, diarrhea, vomiting, or the baby cries for a long time and does not calm down, an urgent need to call a doctor at home.

    Proper care of milk teeth

    When the child has the first tooth, and then the rest grow, you need to start taking care of them properly. To do this, you can wrap a gauze around your finger or use a special silicone toothbrush. Teeth should be brushed very carefully so as not to injure the gums and thin enamel.

    By the age of two, it will be possible to purchase a special children's toothpaste (preferably fluoride-free) that is safe to swallow, as well as a toothbrush for a certain age category. Of course, the child himself will not yet be able to brush his teeth properly, so adults should control this process, helping the baby to eliminate plaque.

    Information about how the baby's teeth climb, what time they are cut, the order of eruption, signs of growth is studied on the Internet and in other accessible ways by every second mother. Information from the famous doctor Komarovsky and the Russian Dental Society will be interesting for her. A lot of useful tips are shared by pregnant women and young mothers on websites dedicated to women's and children's health. You can not ignore the local pediatricians, from whom you can also learn everything you need about proper child care.

    Taking care of your teeth from early childhood not only ensures oral health, but also instills a healthy habit that, unfortunately, a good quarter of the adult population does not have.

    Medicine is advancing more and more every year. Therefore, by contacting a specialist for help in time, you can provide your child with a healthy and snow-white smile for many years.

Teething is an important event in the life of babies and parents. As a rule, this process is accompanied by a lot of negative moments for the baby. This is pain and fever, impaired stool and worsening sleep, refusal to eat, crying and whims. However, the mother can help the child and alleviate the painful condition. Let's look at when the first teeth appear in babies and what to do to help the baby.

When they appear

As a rule, the first teeth appear in a child at six months. We offer an approximate table that shows when and in what order teeth erupt in babies:

This order of appearance is typical for most babies. However, in some children, the first teeth appear already at 3-4 months, while in others - only after 7 months. This is not considered a deviation and does not indicate a violation of the health of the baby.

There is a norm for the number of teeth that a child has by a particular age. To calculate age in months, subtract six. Thus, by the year, babies should have 6 teeth, and by two years - already 18.


Be prepared that at the age of 6 months, the first teeth will begin to appear in the child. Carefully monitor the well-being of the baby. The following symptoms will tell you about the onset of an important event:

  • Strong crying and moodiness;
  • Increased salivation;
  • Excitability;
  • Bad sleep;
  • Refusal of food;
  • Slight increase in temperature;
  • Diarrhea.

However, be careful, as the listed symptoms individually may indicate other problems. For example, diarrhea in a baby can indicate rejection of a product or poisoning, fever - a cold, etc. As a rule, when teeth erupt, there are several signs.

Causes for concern

In the process of teething, the child may experience health problems. These may be symptoms of a pathology in development or a serious illness. When to see a doctor:

  • Through chur before the appearance of teeth. Sometimes babies have teeth already at birth. This may indicate problems in the endocrine system;
  • A long delay in eruption indicates a violation of material metabolism, the development of rickets or infection;
  • The wrong order of appearance indicates an anomaly in development. In addition, this may be a consequence of the diseases that the woman suffered during pregnancy;
  • Non-standard in shape, size and position, the formation of teeth also indicates possible anomalies in the development of the child;
  • The temperature is 39-40 degrees. Please note that the temperature during the appearance of teeth rises slightly. High rates indicate the presence of a disease and disorders in the functioning of the child's body.

The above symptoms do not always indicate developmental disorders and diseases. After all, every baby is different. But to find out the reasons for such deviations in eruption, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

How to help a baby

Every parent wants to help their child. Let's take a look at how to relieve teething pain. First of all, special teethers will come to the rescue. These are toys and rings with gel or liquid. Such devices relieve pain and swelling. Gel teethers are temporarily placed in the refrigerator before use, but not in the freezer! Cold effectively relieves pain, eliminates swelling and prevents inflammation of the gums and mucous membranes.

Some parents give their child a piece of bread to chew on. But be careful and make sure that the baby does not begin to swallow the crust and choke. In addition, sharp crumbs can hurt delicate gums.

Excessive salivation irritates the skin of the face and neck, causing rashes and other problems. To avoid this, wipe the saliva from the skin in a timely manner and put a bib on the baby, and during sleep put a napkin under the cheek. You can lightly massage the gums with a clean finger.

When a child is in severe pain, medication can be used. Suitable special anesthetic gels that relieve inflammation. You can not lubricate the gums with alcohol solutions and apply tablets to the inflamed places!

Teething gels

Teething gels are characterized by local action. Such drugs are safe for children, but they cannot provide long-term pain relief and last 30-60 minutes. However, some gels can help for more than two hours. Distinguishes such means of operational action. They relieve pain and soothe in 2-3 minutes after application. Such drugs are divided into three groups:

  1. Gels with analgesic effect contain lidocaine and provide a quick, but not long-lasting effect;
  2. Homeopathic gels provide anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. However, the medicines contain plant extracts that can cause allergies and irritation in a nursing baby;
  3. Gels based on anti-inflammatory and antiseptic agents include a strong composition and act more effectively.

If you decide to use the gel, carefully study the composition of the medicine, contraindications and side effects, as well as the rules for use. Please note that gels can not be used more than six times a day!

Which gel to choose

(10 g) CholisalDue to the special composition, it stays on the mucous membrane of the gums for a long time Reduces swelling and relieves pain, has an antibacterial effect, the effect lasts 3-8 hours! 280-300 rubles

(10 g)DentinoxContains chamomile extract, which quickly calms the baby, but increases the risk of an allergic reactionRelieves pain and prevents inflammation of the gums and oral mucosa360-400 rubles

(10 g) Camistad Contains lidocaine and chamomile. However, such a drug is not recommended for infants Heals wounds, quickly penetrates tissues, relieves pain and inflammation 220-250 rubles

(10 g) Baby Doctor Contains natural ingredients: chamomile, calendula, plantain, marshmallow root, etc. Suitable for babies from 3 months old Instantly soothes gums, eliminates inflammation, relieves pain and itching300 rubles (15 ml) Traumeel C Contains only natural ingredients, used for gums up to 2-3 times a day. Can also be used for the skin of a child's face with abundant salivation Relieves pain, has a restorative and wound-healing effect, prevents and eliminates swelling500 rubles (50 g)

With the advent of the baby, there are more and more reasons for young parents to be happy, because every day brings something new: the first smile, the first “aha”, and, of course, the first, and so long-awaited tooth! It is he who is awaited with great impatience, since for many parents he is a symbol of the next stage in the development of their baby.

Most often, the first tooth appears at the age of six months.

The first tooth in a newborn boy appears at six months.

However, it is worth noting that the development of boys and girls is somewhat different, and the timing of teething is no exception. Due to the characteristics of your body boys may be slightly behind their peers .

Teeth norms

Eight milk teeth are considered normal.

The indicator of the norm is eight milk teeth who managed to "hatch" during the first year of life of the baby. All the rest will certainly appear in the next one and a half to two years.

Nature has laid down a certain sequence of teething. In this case, milk teeth can appear along with the molars. In order for the child to have the correct bite, it is necessary to ensure that there is no violation of the natural arrangement of the teeth.

Sequence of teething

The lower central incisors appear first.

The correct sequence of teeth growth looks like this:

  • The lower central incisors appear first, usually on 6–10 months child's life.
  • Central upper incisors 8–12 months .
  • Lateral upper incisors - 9–13 months .
  • Lateral lower incisors - come out a little longer, 10–16 months .
  • The first upper molars 13–19 months , and then the lower ones - 14–18 months .
  • upper fangs - 16–22 months , lower - 17–23 months .
  • Second lower molars 23–31 months, and complete the process of forming the dentition of the second upper molars - 25–33 month.

Symptoms of teething in boys

Starting from 4-8 months of life, the behavior and well-being of the baby begins to change markedly.

This suggests that a difficult period is coming for the baby and his parents, when the first teeth begin to cut.

It is easy to notice this by the following signs:

  • swelling and inflammation of the gums;
  • increased salivation;
  • the desire to constantly gnaw, bite, pull foreign objects into the mouth;
  • loss of appetite;
  • increased tearfulness, frequent mood swings, whims;
  • restless sleep;
  • diarrhea or, conversely, vomiting;
  • cough, nasal congestion, fever.

When teeth begin to cut, there is increased salivation.

Each child experiences teething differently.: someone practically does not cause trouble to parents, and someone is going through the most painful period in infancy.

Why are teeth so painful for babies? The fact is that the tooth, before appearing outside, must “cut through” its way through the bone tissue, and then through the gum mucosa.

What are the dangers of teething?

Elevated body temperature often accompanies the appearance of teeth.

Indeed, such unpleasant symptoms as cough, fever, diarrhea often accompany the appearance of teeth in a baby. However, their presence should not be taken lightly. During teething, the child's body is most vulnerable, since the immune forces are noticeably reduced, and the risk of infection with various viral diseases increases.


Salivation, coupled with a slight wet cough, is considered normal in a child who will soon have the first or next tooth.

Saliva, which he simply does not have time to swallow, collects in his throat, and the baby has no choice but to cough up in order to be able to breathe normally. As it is right, such a cough lasts no more than 2-3 days and does not need medical treatment.

Cough during teething lasts no more than 2-3 days.

It is a completely different matter if the child coughs strongly, often, with anguish and sputum production.. In this case, shortness of breath, shortness of breath and wheezing are observed. In this case, you should not attribute the malaise to teething - you should immediately contact a pediatrician.

Runny nose

During teething, not only salivation increases, but also the amount of mucus secreted from the nose.

During teething, the amount of mucus from the nose increases.

Within the normal range, it is transparent in color, liquid, and the runny nose itself lasts no more than a few days. In this case, it will be enough to rinse the nose from the accumulated mucus.

But if the mucus becomes thick, greenish or whitish in color, then you should consult a specialist.

Elevated temperature

The appearance of a tooth is accompanied by an increased production of active substances in the gum area. This leads to the fact that the baby's body temperature can rise to 38 C, which lasts no more than a day.

If a high temperature has risen, do not delay the visit to the pediatrician.

To alleviate the condition of the child, you should give him an antipyretic intended for newborns.

The situation is much more serious if the temperature rises to 39 C and above., lasts more than two days and is accompanied by other alarming symptoms. You should not delay the visit to the pediatrician, as this may be a sign of a serious illness that requires immediate treatment.

Video about the first teeth of a child

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