Why overeating is bad. evening overeating in a child. Overeating bad habit

The consequences of overeating can be malfunctions of the liver, pancreas, intestines and other organs responsible for digestion.

Even the ancients knew about the dangers of overeating. Excessive food intake has always been associated with diseases that will certainly overtake a person if he does not take action. The feast of the stomach may eventually turn into big trouble. Frequent overeating is huge pressure on the digestive and excretory organs. How more people eats, the faster his body “wears out”, the faster he ages. In this article, you will learn about the most common consequences of overeating.

Impact on the liver and gallbladder

The liver is the laboratory of our body, in which more than 500 biochemical reactions take place. It is the largest digestive gland that regulates the metabolism of fats, sugars and proteins in the body. Every day, the liver produces about 1 liter of bile, which ensures normal digestion.

When overeating, the load on the liver increases, which can lead to malfunctions in its work. This can be expressed by fatigue, loss of appetite, pain in the abdomen or right hypochondrium, as well as yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes. Often, after a plentiful feast, such symptoms can overtake at night.

Another problem that may arise after the feast of the stomach is biliary colic. This condition is characterized by a violation of the outflow of bile from the gallbladder. Typically, the patient has sharp pain in the right hypochondrium, which is often accompanied by nausea and change in stool. Cause biliary colic there may be stones in , the presence of mucous masses in cholecystitis or a violation of contractile function bile ducts. Abundant reception food (especially in combination with physical activity) can provoke the development of an attack of biliary colic.

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Inflammation of the pancreas

The breakdown of fats, proteins and carbohydrates occurs with the participation of enzymes produced by the pancreas. Normally, these enzymes are in the gland itself in an inactive state. However, when they enter the duodenum, these enzymes are activated and acquire the ability to digest food particles.

If a person uses a large number of food, rich in fat, carbohydrates and proteins, then the production of pancreatic enzymes is significantly increased, while their outflow from the gland slows down. In this case, these enzymes are activated in the gland itself, which leads to the development of inflammatory process. This is usually accompanied by nausea, vomiting and painful sensations in the area of ​​the left hypochondrium.

Symptoms of acute pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas) can occur with excessive consumption of fried, meat, fatty foods, as well as spices, especially if such food is combined with the intake alcoholic beverages. In such cases, it may be appropriate for some people to use enzyme preparations, which will relieve the burden on the pancreas. Be sure to consult your doctor before taking these drugs.

Non-ulcer dyspepsia

Non-ulcer dyspepsia (or functional dyspepsia) is an indigestion that often occurs with overeating. With non-ulcer dyspepsia, a person has an excessive stretching of the walls of the stomach, which occurs when eating hard-to-digest food. This condition is accompanied by nervous regulation, as a result of which food lingers in the stomach and does not enter the intestines in time. Thus, there is a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen, nausea, vomiting and heartburn. If a similar symptoms occur frequently, it increases the likelihood of developing , peptic ulcer, esophagitis and other diseases digestive system. If the symptoms of non-ulcer dyspepsia arose for the first time, then it will be sufficient to draw the right conclusions and not overeat in the future. In some cases, with indigestion, it is appropriate to take activated charcoal and other adsorbents.

Due to insufficiency motor activity) people began to spend less energy, and if the amount of energy received from food exceeds energy costs, a person is threatened with obesity, and with it many other diseases and a reduction in life expectancy.

True, in the human body, the state of energy balance is constantly monitored through neurohormonal mechanisms. Moreover, the most important role belongs to the mechanisms of regulation of appetite.

In the central nervous system, the hypothalamus is responsible for the formation of sensations of hunger and satiety. It has a "hunger center" and a "satiety center". The excitation and inhibition of these centers is regulated by the content of glucose in the blood; when its level decreases, the activity of the “satiety center” is suppressed, as a result, inhibitory impulses from it to the “hunger center” are reduced, which causes an increase in appetite.

It is known, however, that appetite does not always correspond physiological needs organism. Most often increased appetite develops due to the habit of eating a lot. In some families, it is traditional. As a rule, obesity is the result of overeating. Moreover, it is especially dangerous to overfeed children in early age. Scientists have proven that in such children the number of adipocytes (fat cells) in the body increases and the most severe, difficult-to-treat form of obesity develops.

Obesity is certainly serious, but, unfortunately, not the only consequence of overeating.

AT last years managed to identify the possibility of developing as a result of systematic overeating a number of deviations in metabolism, even if body weight remains normal. Doctors define this condition as "the metabolic status of an obese patient without obesity." First of all, such a person is disturbed carbohydrate metabolism in particular, hyperinsulinemia develops ( increased excretion into the blood of insulin), the tone of the sympathetic nervous system activity of thyroid hormones thyroid gland, arterial pressure.

Frequent combination arterial hypertension and overeating attracted the close attention of scientists and forced them to clarify the mechanisms for increasing blood pressure in this category of patients. Research has shown that in their diet a lot of sodium, even if they do not abuse salty foods. The fact is that, absorbing a large amount of food daily, along with it, they also receive an excessive amount of sodium, which is contained in almost all foods, including non-salty ones. And excess sodium in the body is known to increase blood pressure.

Thus, overeating, even without leading to obesity, can cause arterial hypertension.

It also causes a significant overstrain of the enzyme systems of the digestive organs. And this is a direct path to gastritis, gastric ulcer and duodenum, to dysfunction of the liver and biliary tract, to the development of cholelithiasis.

At overconsumption With the food of animal fats, cholesterol metabolism is disturbed, which, as you know, contributes to the development and progression of atherosclerosis.

Particles of the first type contribute to B recent times an important role in the occurrence of this extremely common pathology is given to a violation of the ratio between the two types of lipoproteins contained in the blood - particles that carry lipids (fats). There are low and very low density lipoproteins containing many lipids, including cholesterol, and little protein, as well as lipoproteins. high density containing significant amounts of protein. development of atherosclerosis. And the increase in their content in the blood is associated primarily with overeating.

Mass surveys conducted in our country and abroad indicate that the population of developed countries eats too much sugar. Passion for confectionery, sweets, ice cream can disrupt endocrine function pancreas and lead to the development of diabetes.

There is another extreme. Some believe, for example, that it is harmful to include foods rich in fats and carbohydrates in the diet, and an excess of proteins is not dangerous. But they are deeply mistaken. Overeating protein foods is also highly undesirable. Children and the elderly are especially sensitive to an excessive amount of protein in the diet: first of all, they suffer from the liver and kidneys, since in this case the liver has to digest an excessively large amount of amino acids entering it, and the kidneys excrete it with urine. increased amount protein metabolism products. In addition, constantly consuming proteins in excess, a person receives a lot of purine nucleotides, which are part of nucleic acids. This contributes to the accumulation in the body of metabolic products of purines - salts. uric acid, and they can be deposited in joint bags, cartilage and other tissues. As a result, the elderly are more likely to develop gout, which affects the joints and kidneys. Too much protein speeds up puberty child, excitatory effect on the central nervous system.

So, systematically overeating is harmful. But episodic “gluttony” is no less harmful, on holidays. After all, abundant food violates the mode of operation of the digestive glands, they do not have time to adapt to the increased load, which leads to disruption of the functions of the entire digestive system. In addition, extra calories that enter the body inevitably turn into fat. It has been calculated, for example, that to spend 1,500 kilocalories, you need to walk 10 kilometers, or swim in the pool for 3 hours, or ride a bicycle for 6 hours. But no one, unfortunately, resorts after a plentiful feast to such ways of spending energy! Therefore, in order not to pay with your own health for momentary pleasure, make it a rule for yourself both on weekdays and on holidays to refuse food excesses.

Metabolism- is a collection chemical compounds, which ensure the vital activity and growth of cells, and also provides contact and exchange between chemical composition human and living organism. Chemical and natural elements are an integral part of metabolism, for example, proteins create building material, and fats and proteins in close interaction are responsible for regulating the balance of energy costs. And, of course, you can not do without minerals and vitamins, as they help to improve the cellular environment.

The role of metabolism. This process is very important for every organism, since it depends on how our cells will be supplied with beneficial substances. As you know, almost all vitamins and minerals we get from food, and the task of the metabolism is to properly perform chemical reactions with which we can maintain the vital activity of our entire body.

How does overeating affect? First of all, overeating threatens with serious problems with overweight, as you know, with age, the metabolism itself slows down, so it will be much harder to maintain weight without that, moreover, serious illnesses will be added to all this.

Obese people very often suffer from a lack of the thyroid hormone thyroxine in the body, and this primarily affects metabolic disorders. In women, there is a violation of the menstrual cycle, and in men, problems with erection.

As mentioned above, overeating can turn into large quantity diseases. Doctors themselves warn that it is better to leave the table hungry than to eat to satiety. Understand that our body reacts very sharply and painfully to this, since almost all organs are subjected to a double load. When overeating, the organs increase, so the work of the heart is forced to increase, which soon threatens with problems with pressure and hypertension.

binge eating disease bulimia

bulimia- This is a disorder of the digestive system, characterized by dependence on food, this word is also translated as "brutal appetite." This dependence is as strong as the dependence on alcohol and drugs.

Ingestion of large amounts of food can be caused stressful situations, for example, when a person experiences failure in something, loneliness, rejection by society, anger, but positive emotions can also cause this situation. For example, if a person is happy about a promotion or good luck on a personal front, in cases of this, the patient tries to drown out his anxiety with the help of food. But that's not all, after overeating, patients with bulimia feel guilty and resort to emptying the stomach with the help of artificially induced vomiting, severe physical activity or by using laxatives or diuretics.

People with this disease are much harder to identify than those with anorexia. The thing is, they might have enough normal weight but they may consume large amounts of food, alcohol, and drugs. Suicide is also more common among these people.

Why is bulimia dangerous?

One of the obvious consequences of bulimia are sores in the mouth, most often they appear in large numbers on the palate. This is due to induced vomiting when stomach acid comes into contact with the mucosa. But the worst is yet to come, when the body gets used to vomiting after a while and then itself begins to reject food. And here the patient is no longer the master of his body. In women, because of this disease, it goes astray hormonal background and other hormonal disorders.

Certainly with this disease, the gastrointestinal tract suffers - this is inflammation, gastritis and ulcers. At mechanical damage Gastrointestinal bleeding may occur. If a person uses various pills and especially laxatives, then constipation may occur.

This does not mean that if a person eats a lot, and then tries to get rid of food, that he must be thin. Usually, in the first stages of the disease, weight increases, it can even provoke the appearance of obesity. Of course, the appearance also begins to deteriorate significantly, hair begins to fall out, nails exfoliate and the condition of the teeth deteriorates.

The main problem is psychological condition sick. Since such a person quickly goes into depression and engages in self-accusation, but outwardly he may look like a simple person and relatives may be completely unaware of his problems.

nervous overeating

Nervous overeating, also called compulsive overeating This is one of the eating disorders. This means that a person in a short period of time is able to absorb a large amount of food and after a while again feel the feeling of hunger. Often, they can't even remember what they ate at the next meal. People with this type of diet always eat alone, as they feel guilty after such bouts of binge eating.

Causes of nervous overeating: emotional overexcitation, mental or physical discomfort, diets, irregular meals. This eating disorder is somewhat similar to bulimia, only without cleansing the body.

A common reason for this behavior is low self-esteem, it is people with low self-esteem that can succumb to severe depression. On this basis, a change of mood often occurs, a person is overcome by various feelings, such as irritation, excitement, anger, rage, sadness. It is these emotions that provoke an attack of hunger and gluttony in a person, they are also prone to alcohol abuse.

Consequences of nervous overeating

  1. All bouts of overeating negatively affect the psyche, in the form of stress and depression. Being in such a state for a long time, a person’s sleep is disturbed, irritability appears, and physical activity decreases.
  2. With constant overeating, the work of the stomach and intestines increases, which gives increased load almost all organs of the body. In this case, a person is at risk of obesity, cardiovascular disease, metabolism is disturbed, resulting in diabetes and arthritis.

What are the dangers of overeating sweets?

Almost every girl has a sweet tooth, and how in front of such a huge selection of cakes, sweets, chocolate, you can find the strength in yourself not to succumb to temptation. And we all know that excessive consumption of sweets threatens extra pounds and caries. But that's not all, doctors warn that sweets can really cause irreparable harm to health.

It is undeniable that in moderation, sweets are beneficial. For example, carbohydrates that come with sweets are necessary for correct operation organism, they also provide it necessary energy. Do not forget about the hormone of happiness, which is produced when chocolate enters the body. But everything should be in moderation, since its excessive use can provoke such diseases:

The occurrence of thrush

Fungus is known to be the cause of thrush. genus Candida and they exist in almost every organism, only in sleep mode. Excessive consumption of antibiotics, sweets, carbohydrate-containing foods can provoke the reproduction of these fungi. Their increase in the body, in turn, provokes the appearance of thrush. Therefore, you should be careful with these products and control their use.


After the intake of chocolates, sweets and cakes, the level of sugar in the blood rises. Then the body begins to release insulin to break down sugar and other carbohydrates. But at frequent use products containing sugar, the body begins to get used to high level insulin in the blood. This situation can lead to the development of diabetes.

Overweight and obesity

It is these beloved foods that are very high in calories and often we do not even notice how many sweets we can eat at a time. But our body, for proper operation, needs only a very tiny part of the sweet. And the rest of the calories are simply deposited under the skin in the form of fat, but it is much worse to eat sugar with a combination of fat, for example (cakes, chocolates, pastries), all this can cause obesity even more.


The oral cavity is inhabited by peculiar microbes, which, in interaction with sweets, form acids. In turn, these acids destroy tooth enamel and cause periodontal disease.

Danger for pregnant women

Pregnant women need to be sure to monitor their diet, and you should not go on occasions, if you want, then once you can. After all, every time you consume a large amount of sweets, the body contains an excess of carbohydrates. And carbohydrates can cause allergic reaction in the unborn child, and this threatens the development of diseases of the central nervous system.

Video from a man who began to struggle with his excess weight

Experiencing, we often reach for a chocolate bar, trying to "seize" trouble. How often do you say, "I can't do without sweets"? How many times have you reassured yourself by eating an extra piece of cake that “sugar is good for the brain”? Many people believe in sugar addiction. But does it really exist?

Yana Litvinova / Health-info

On women's forums, more and more often you can find desperate cries of the soul: save me, help me, I can’t help myself, I eat a kilogram of buns or chocolate a day (which looks more aristocratic), or maybe both together.

Excessive eating of sweets is one of the causes of caries, acne, unhealthy complexion, constipation, obesity and, of course, the scourge of all women - cellulite. Therefore, it would be wiser to refuse them. But alas, it turns out to be completely impossible. Refusal of the usual amount of candy rolls leads to irritability, bad mood, loss of strength, and in case of early removal of all provocative products from the house - to a night trip to the store. In general, inappropriate behavior. So the ladies suffer, realizing the gravity of their fall, but continue to eat. They eat and suffer vicious circle.

Do we need sweets?

Of course, the body needs nutrients called carbohydrates, to the group of which all sweets belong. Despite the fact that they are present in the human body in smaller quantities than proteins and lipids, carbohydrates perform three important features: energy ( main view cellular fuel), structural (they are part of intracellular structures) and protective (play important role in maintaining immunity). The enzymatic process of breaking down sugars in the body () is well understood - this is the only anaerobic process (taking place with oxygen deficiency), the end product of which is lactic acid; his biological significance consists in the formation of energy-rich phosphorus compounds. But before that, the carbohydrates received with food are broken down in the gastrointestinal tract to monosaccharides, and the latter are already absorbed from the intestines into the blood.

Most of monosaccharides enter the liver, where glucose is converted into - a reserve supply of carbohydrates, which is consumed when the central nervous system is excited, and, consequently, with an increase in energy costs. When this occurs, the breakdown of glycogen and the formation of glucose.

By the way, it is known that adrenaline - a stress hormone - helps to speed up the process, so the desire to eat something sweet during nervous shocks is justified from the point of view of biochemistry: the body is simply trying to replenish its reserves. Another question is that carbohydrates are also useful and unhealthy (as is the case with cakes). Of course, it’s much healthier for the body to eat a slice of whole grain bread or a serving of brown rice than ice cream, which (who would argue) is much tastier.

Food Addictions

In fact, such a type of addiction as addiction to sweets is not reflected in any classification. Eating disorders are classified as borderline conditions, and they are corrected with the help of a psychologist and nutritionist.

So, for example, they include anorexia - a complete or partial refusal of food, leading to sharp decline weight, which is often caused by dysmorphophobic moods, that is, banal dissatisfaction with one's own appearance.

Or overeating - a disorder that often leads to bulimia nervosa. According to one hypothesis, food can cause addiction if it is high in carbohydrate, which increases the production of serotonin in the brain, and this, as a rule, high-calorie foods. Thus, absorbing great amount food, the person allegedly self-medicates. Of course, a diet that lacks tryptophan, from which it is produced, leads to a decrease in mood, but it takes enough time. Therefore, the effect of carbon hydrate on mood is quite controversial, in addition, frequent bouts of overeating can cause bulimia nervosa, when an ever-growing appetite leads to obesity and, tormented by shame for their gluttony and appearance, patients begin to vomit and take laxatives, struggling with their weight. This disorder is difficult to diagnose, because guilt prevents patients from seeking help, they hide their exorbitant appetite from relatives and friends, and in the crowd, unlike anorexics, it is almost impossible to identify them: their weight is close to normal. The only thing that can be assumed is a protracted bad skin, earthy complexion, bad teeth and nails.

True, at one time the idea was expressed of an addiction to chocolate, allegedly due to the presence in it of products from cocoa beans, which are close to endogenous cannabinoids. However, along with the expected release of joy hormones and an increase in positive emotions, eating chocolate can lead to feelings of guilt and depression when overeating. In addition, the concentration of the necessary chemical compounds in it is negligible, again, compared to tea or coffee. That is, chocolate addiction as an independent form of addiction also most likely does not exist: craving for it arises as a result of social taboos. Although this product is tasty, it is very high-calorie and in most cases harmful (this is especially true for white and milk chocolate with numerous additives), so it should be eaten in small quantities and without announcement. And the ban, as you know, always only strengthens the desire. Moreover, chocolate, chocolate candies are a product surrounded by a romantic halo. First, we know from the course of history that for a long time it was food for the elite. Secondly, it is customary to give chocolate on love dates.

As for the psychological dependence on buns and cakes, it is also very doubtful. In a number of cases, eating sweets is a game of association. Nevertheless, the cake is not everyday food and is served at the table when you need to celebrate some significant event. So the subconscious can play a bad joke, trying to restore the positive emotions of the past evening with the help of another dessert.

Hollywood played a big part in this. Abandoned unfortunate heroines from romantic films suffering from unrequited love, upon arrival at home, they change into a sizeless dressing gown, take out a bucket of chocolate ice cream from a medium-sized refrigerator and go to the TV to treat depression. Of course, the actresses who play them, in ordinary life they eat only grass, but who remembers that. Everyone, of course, understands everything, but the stereotype works.

Consequences of overeating

Of course, from a small dessert once a day, nothing catastrophic will happen to the body, and even vice versa, but if immoderate appetite makes you absorb sweets in incredible quantities, you should contact a nutritionist or psychologist, but first try to analyze your own and think a little about the consequences. If you think that the consequences are somewhere out there, and they definitely won’t affect you, keep in mind that by eating sweets (especially heavy carbohydrates) more than normal, you are at risk and can get:

  • obesity due to high consumption easily digestible carbohydrates and sweet drinks
  • metabolic disease,
  • heart attack,
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract, as flour products and chocolate cannot promote intestinal motility,
  • diabetes mellitus, the cause of which is an overload of the pancreas.

And insufficient production of the hormone insulin, which is responsible for the absorption of glucose by cells, leads to its increased content. (), but at the same time, the cells of the body (with the exception of insulin-independent organs, which include the brain) are deprived of the main source of energy. This disease has chronic course and leads to disruption of all types of metabolism: carbohydrate, fat, protein, mineral and water-salt.

Against this background, structural changes in the subcutaneous fat layer, leading to disruption of microcirculation and lymphatic drainage or, more commonly, cellulite looks completely harmless. However, the horrors of this phenomenon are greatly exaggerated by cosmetics manufacturers, and almost every woman has it. Moreover, in the medical community there is no consensus on this topic, some experts adhere to the point of view that cellulite (in the conventional sense of the word) is not a disease and should not be treated. Yes, and caries can be defeated if you properly care for the oral cavity.

IMPORTANT! Completely carb-free human body can't manage. But still try to prefer healthy carbohydrates: durum wheat pasta, whole wheat bread, brown rice, fruits. According to WHO standards, no more than 10% of calories from daily allowance. That is, your serving of sweets in terms of calories should be no more than 200-250 kcal.

Curiously, in the late 1990s. there was a theory that sweets affect the character of a person. As an example, they cited statistics according to which children who ate a lot of sweets grew up enough aggressive people prone to outbursts of rage. None physiological mechanism, which would confirm this point of view, was not found. Most likely, the reason for the aggression is that the children did not know refusal in anything (since they ate a lot of harmful delicacies) and simply grew up as complete egoists, accustomed to screaming to get what they want. The theory has not been confirmed.

How to curb your appetite?

Because the magic pills have not yet been invented, and the only proven way to prolong youth and longevity is the right and active image life, your appetite still needs to be controlled (here, of course, we are talking about relatively healthy people, not those whose appetite controls the disease).

To stop eating sweets in industrial quantities, you just need to stop eating them, reducing their amount and switching to more healthy foods. Of course, perfect option- this is honey (if not), dried fruits, a little dark chocolate, but among the confectionery you can find the least harmful products. For example, marmalade, which contains pectin, which helps to remove salts from the body heavy metals(290 kcal / 100 g) or marshmallow (not ideal, but better than cakes), which contains protein, iron, phosphorus (300 kcal / 100 g). Try to cook homemade marshmallows yourself (you don’t need sugar at all for this) or turn dried apricots or prunes into a meat grinder and make candy out of the mass by rolling them in cocoa or coconut flakes. However, such sweets should not be abused either - the content of carbohydrates (and, consequently, calories) in them is still very high.

What else?

Still craving sweets? Good. Let's not limit ourselves. Moreover, it will lead to depression. Place a basket of cookies and sweets on the table. Bet-bet!

And now… important condition. If you want to eat something from this basket, put on your sneakers and briskly walk (or jog) five kilometers. During physical (especially when a "second wind" opens) occurs powerful release endorphins. This sensation is strikingly similar to that which occurs after "reception" of chocolate. You will get the same pleasant emotions, but from a more useful activity. Try replacing sugar addiction with movement addiction. Let the next time you feel miserable, your hands will reach not for the refrigerator, but for your sports uniform. Well, you yourself know the advantages of this choice.

Overeating is familiar to everyone - great use food is characteristic of festive feasts when there are dozens of dishes, but you want to try everything. But some are not just familiar with this phenomenon, but do it systematically. Binge eating is an eating disorder in which there is a large amount of food eaten and the inability to stop. The reasons for this phenomenon and how to deal with it will be discussed further.

The causes and consequences of overeating are different in children and adults. The cause of overeating can be affected various factors- it can be a little stress and even changes in the brain. These reasons determine how firmly overeating enters your life. In order not to fight the consequences of overeating, do not allow this situation. Try everything in feasts, but do not eat a whole portion of each dish. Stop in time so that it does not develop food addiction. Otherwise, gluttony will provoke irreversible consequences which significantly impair the comfort of life.

An adult has to decide something every day, choose, undertake, refuse something, therefore he is vulnerable to many attachments. Including the habit of tasty and plentiful food.

What kind physiological causes excessive food intake are:

  • Saturation alarm delay. Due to this feature of the stomach, the signal to the brain about saturation arrives after 15-20 minutes. Therefore, it is required to finish the meal with a slight feeling of hunger.
  • False feeling of hunger. A hunger signal is sent when you just want to drink or there is a deficiency of vitamins and nutrients in the body.
  • If you are suffering, then in this case you should definitely see a doctor.
  • Malfunctions in the functioning of the glands internal secretion. The hypothalamus, which is responsible for appetite, can fail and a person does not feel the brakes while eating.
  • Food addiction. The use of sweet, salty or fatty foods is addictive, akin to drugs. But this theory has not been proven.

Socio-cultural reasons:

  • Changes in food choices. Now many people choose products not for their usefulness and nutritional value, but for appearance, aroma, availability, both in terms of price and speed of preparation, as well as being guided by advertising calls.
  • Bad habit. Sometimes gluttony happens family tradition- food at the same time rises to the rank of life values.
  • Internal settings. A person sets himself up to eat more so as not to offend the hostess at a party, or this makes him do ordinary greed.
  • Food restrictions. You can overeat if you have been on a diet for a long time or have not eaten fully due to lack of funds.
  • Fast paced life. Lack of time makes you eat on the run during the day, but in the evening you have to overeat.

Psychological overeating and its causes:

  • Lack of self-esteem. A person with low self-esteem is used to “seizing” his problems.
  • I don't like my body. If you don’t like your own figure, then your hands may drop and you won’t want to change anything.
  • Loneliness. An unsettled personal life pushes for the search for pleasure in food.
  • Depression. She fixes a person on her condition so much that you may not even notice how you overeat.
  • Negative emotions. Stress, anxiety or fear is always smoothed out with something delicious.
  • promotion. Sometimes a person rewards himself with goodies for a good deed or deed.

Problems of psychological overeating are treated by a psychologist. If it disappears psychological problem, the habit of “jamming” everything will disappear.

Causes in children

The main reason in children is their parents, who strive to feed the baby, even when he is not hungry. Constant overeating leads to stretching of the stomach in a child, and then it holds more food than the baby needs.

Important! To feed the child, parents come up with distracting maneuvers in the form of games or watching cartoons, but this is absolutely impossible to do. Feeding at the same time becomes uncontrolled and automatic, the child develops the habit of snacking while watching TV or reading a book, and this is a direct path to obesity.

Overeating Symptoms

Overeating can be one-time or permanent. If uncontrolled eating occurs occasionally on holidays, then its signs appear immediately. When gluttony occurs daily, there are no symptoms, but this is noticeable by the blurry figure.

Overeating symptoms in adults are as follows:

  • Heaviness in the stomach, discomfort, difficult breathing.
  • Pain in the stomach area. They can be, both with a one-time overeating, and when it passes into a chronic state.
  • Weight gain or its periodic fluctuation.
  • Insomnia. Sleeping on a full stomach is difficult as the digestion process continues.
  • Malfunctions in the digestive tract, discomfort as increased gas formation and bloating.
  • Eating a large amount of food while maintaining the same lifestyle and daily routine.
  • Uncontrolled eating while watching TV or reading. This distracts from the definition of the moment of saturation.
  • Depression from all signs of overeating.

Pain and heaviness in the stomach do not go away on their own, even after taking painkillers. In this case, you should seek help from a doctor.

Compulsive overeating

Constant overeating is called compulsive eating.. This condition manifests itself after prolonged diets, depression, various complexes and psychological trauma.

The symptoms of compulsive overeating are:

  • Eating when sadness, depression, boredom, loneliness, and the like overtakes.
  • Eating food even without feeling hungry.
  • Breaks between meals are less than two hours with the preservation of a large amount of food.
  • Uncontrolled intake and a large amount of food, the absence of a brake at the same time.
  • Violation of the diet during the day.
  • Loss of sense of moderation, eating until the stomach is open.
  • Greed for food, desire to take it alone.

Compulsive overeating occurs due to psychological nature. Therefore, the treatment of this problem should be carried out by a psychotherapist. By eliminating the root cause, you can get rid of food addiction.

What to do when overeating

How to deal with overeating on your own without resorting to medicines? It is necessary to carry out some, proven over the years, activities:

  • If the condition allows you to move, you need to walk. The activity of the body provokes the acceleration of metabolic processes. If you don’t have the strength to walk, then you need to lie down for a bit, and then take a walk.
  • You can help the stomach work with heat. To do this, put a heating pad or a bottle of water on the stomach area. warm water. Warm the stomach for at least 15-20 minutes.
  • Limit yourself in the further use of food and drink, especially. You can drink plain water or tea with lemon or mint.
  • Can be chewed chewing gum, it provokes the acceleration of digestive processes.

After the recovery of the body, it is necessary to switch to light and low-calorie food, it is forbidden to use fatty foods. In no case should you starve, because the body will get stress. This help It helps a lot if overeating happens infrequently. If gluttony is on last stage and the reasons lie in emotional sphere, then here you can not do without the help of a psychotherapist.

The following methods are used in therapy:

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. There are problems in thinking aimed at uncontrolled intake food. The patient himself must be aware of his problems.
  • Interpersonal Therapy. Treatment is aimed at improving relationships with loved ones. A good relationship with others relieve unhealthy dependence on food.
  • Group therapy. There is communication with people who have suffered this addiction. Their support and understanding help to cope with addiction.

Along with psychological therapy, medical treatment is carried out. Drugs may be prescribed from different pharmacological groups: antidepressants, drugs to reduce appetite. The appointment of drugs and the treatment regimen is chosen by the doctor.

Medical treatment

A lot of drugs are produced based on enzymes, plant and synthetic active substances that can alleviate the pain of overeating.

The most common include:

  • . Produced from animal or vegetable raw materials, it has a strong adsorbing effect, barely getting into a humid environment. Available in the form of powder, capsules and tablets. On its basis, such products as Sorbex, Karbolen are also produced.
  • Sorbents - White coal, Polysorb, Enterosgel, are made on the basis of silicon. They absorb everything unnecessary to the body - alcohol, toxins, heavy food, everything that interferes with normal digestion.
  • Enzyme preparations - Festal, Panzinorm, Mezim. These products include pancreatic enzymes that help absorb and break down nutrients, increasing the speed of digestive processes.

If you have a tendency to overeat, then the data medications should always be at hand to save you from unpleasant consequences gluttony. It is recommended to take a certain drug immediately after a meal.

Folk recipes

Helps to get rid of heaviness in the stomach and bloating folk remedies. In recipes traditional medicine many methods have been accumulated to relieve the consequences of gluttony in the form of herbal decoctions and infusions, teas and herbal preparations.

The most effective of them:

  • Infusions from plants: dill and fennel seeds, chamomile, calamus, calendula and many others. Take a glass of boiling water on a tablespoon, brew for a minute and drink warm.
  • Decoctions. Made from rose hips and blueberries, blueberry leaves and chamomile. Pour a glass of boiling water over a spoonful of any raw material and cook for 10-15 minutes. Drink warm in small sips.
  • Tea. Take a teaspoon of chamomile and yarrow and pour them with a glass of boiling water. Let it brew and drink when it is warm.
  • Herbal tablet, choleretic. Grind dry tansy and chamomile in a blender, combine the powder with honey and finely chopped wormwood herb. Take everything in a tablespoon. Roll the mass into balls and again roll in honey. You can eat the remedy before and after the meal.

To combat overeating, you can choose not one remedy, but several at once - it will be much more effective.

Consequences of overeating

Uncontrolled eating leads not only to obesity, but also to damage internal organs organism.

What overeating leads to is as follows:

  • Heart. Big weight makes the heart work hard to saturate the whole huge body with blood. Violations still occur heart rate and blood circulation is disturbed. Hypertension, cardiac asthma develops, and the risk of a heart attack increases.
  • The liver is saturated with fats. Oversaturation of the body leads to the fact that fats are transferred to other organs: intestines, heart, blood vessels. From this, diseases such as pancreatitis, cholecystitis, colitis, gastritis develop.
  • Hormonal disbalance. People of both sexes who are obese become infertile. Women are disturbed menstrual cycle, and in men potency.
  • (until 07.04.2019)
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