Licorice root cough syrup instructions. Licorice root syrup - instructions: purpose, dosage and contraindications. Contraindications for use, side effects, special instructions

Very often, at the first sign of a cold, some parents give licorice root syrup to their child. It helps to quickly cope with a cough, improve the discharge of accumulated sputum.

The plant base is one of the reasons for the popularity in the treatment of young patients. Is it just an expectorant?

Is it equally suitable for all children? To answer the questions, you should read the composition in more detail.

Composition of licorice root syrup

As active ingredient extract of licorice. One of the stabilizers is sugar. The composition includes a small amount of 90% ethyl alcohol (up to 10g per 100g of medication).

Has a brownish color. The smell is specific, fragrant.

Release form

Packed in glass bottles with volumes of 60, 100, 125 g. To protect from direct light, increase the shelf life, the containers are made brownish.

Medicinal properties of syrup from licorice root. What cough?

At what cough do they give a herbal remedy? Its main task is to improve the discharge bronchial mucus.

Can be used to convert a dry cough into a productive one. The indications include moist cough with difficult to separate sputum.

Treatment should be comprehensive, consistent with the underlying cause of the disease. The plant will help to cope with an unpleasant symptom, but despite mild antimicrobial and antiviral activity,

How does it affect the child's body?

The main action is due to the presence of glycyrrhizin. One of the normal sputum excretion mechanisms is the flickering of the ciliated epithelium in the bronchi towards the exit from respiratory tract. The substance increases the activity of these cells.

Glycyrrhizin stimulates the secretory activity of the bronchial mucosa. This allows you to translate unproductive cough into wet. It has an anti-inflammatory effect, which is especially important at temperature.

Liquiritozide relaxes smooth muscle. This helps to cope with the spasm of the inflamed bronchi.

Plays some positive role for immunity. Enhances the body's nonspecific resistance to infectious pathogens. Has antiviral and antimicrobial action(especially in relation to staphylococci).


Promotes healing of stomach ulcers and 12- duodenal ulcer. It has antithrombotic activity by reducing the aggregation ("gluing") of platelets. It has a mild laxative effect due to the stimulation of the smooth muscles of the intestine.

The plant indirectly reduces the conversion of cortisol to cortisone (hormones of the adrenal cortex), providing mineralocorticoid effects. Due to this, the concentration of potassium in the blood decreases, the amount of sodium increases.
Source: site These changes lead to a delay in intravascular and tissue fluid, some increase in blood pressure.

Do not be afraid to give licorice syrup to a child. Concentration active substances not high enough to have a pronounced systemic impact.

Licorice root syrup for children: indications for use

Despite the predominant use in respiratory diseases, the list of indications includes not only them. The main types of pathology:

Diseases respiratory system. For acute and chronic bronchitis, tracheitis, with laryngitis. To improve sputum discharge, it can be used in the complex treatment of pneumonia. Drinking licorice for coughing is recommended as an expectorant and antispasmodic for bronchial asthma(outside of pathology recurrence).

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Licorice heals the mucous membrane with chronic gastritis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and 12 duodenal ulcer without exacerbation. Helps to cope with constipation against the background of reduced intestinal motility.

Endocrine diseases. Complementary Therapy with insufficiency of the adrenal cortex. One of similar pathologies is Addison's disease.

For baby solution we are talking only about the first group of indications. The remaining two points are relevant for other forms. In particular, for infusions, decoctions (without alcohol).

Indications for use are determined by the attending physician individually. Before treatment, it is necessary to consult a doctor so as not to miss the disease, against the background of which children are forbidden to use licorice root.

Contraindications: when should you refrain from taking?

Do not use during exacerbation of bronchial asthma, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer. Children should not take licorice root when coughing if there is hypersensitivity to any of the components.

Parents who are trying the drug also need to exercise caution. It should not be used during pregnancy and while breastfeeding.

Possible side effects

As with the use of any other medication, an allergy is possible. Some patients develop diarrhea.

Hypokalemia can lead to heart rate. On the initial stage it can be a rooted pulse, a rare extrasystole (extraordinary contractions of the heart).

If any adverse event occurs, you should consult your doctor about possible correction medical tactics.


Because of ethyl alcohol, it is necessary to give licorice to a child strictly according to the instructions. Sick diabetes important to consider high content sugar in solution.

Licorice syrup instructions for use for children. Dosages

How to take licorice syrup for children? Despite the same composition, there are differences in the rules of use in the annotations of different years. The dosage for a particular medication is determined by the official instructions attached to it.

It is not recommended to self-administer to children under one year old. This is due to the presence of alcohol and the development of the respiratory system. small child. If necessary, use only under medical supervision.

How to breed according to age? All calculations are given in drops and teaspoons. Basic principles of admission:

  1. At 1 year appoint 1 drop in 1 spoon of water. Multiplicity of reception - 3 times a day.
  2. At 2 years old, use from 2 drops 3 times a day. Pre-diluted in 1 tablespoon of water.
  3. At 3 years old, 2-10 drops are shown three times every day. The dilution is the same (1 spoon).
  4. At 4 years old, the reception is identical. Use with water.
  5. At 5 years, one dose is also 2 to 10 drops. Take three times every day.
  6. From 6 to 12 years, the dosage increases significantly. Recommended daily intake of 50 drops up to 3 times a day. One dose is diluted in half a glass of water.

How to drink licorice root when coughing for children from 12 years old? To avoid inconvenience with the calculation of drops, daily appoint half a spoon three times. Pre-dose is diluted in 1 tablespoon of water.

General rules of treatment

How many days can you drink? Reception is usually prescribed for 7-10 days. The duration depends on the underlying diagnosis.

How to give your child licorice root syrup? Preferably after a meal to avoid irritation of the walls of the stomach with alcohol.

To improve sputum discharge during the course, drink as much liquid as possible. It is advisable to take it no later than 18.00, so as not to aggravate or cause a nocturnal cough.

Licorice root for babies. Is it possible?

The doctor prescribes the remedy to the baby only if there are good reasons. Just like that, "for prevention" you should not drink it. The bronchi in young children are poorly self-cleaning, so excessive stimulation of mucus secretion can lead to congestion in them.

Can it be considered an immunomodulator?

It is believed that the plant really strengthens the immune system. For this reason, it is sometimes used even in the absence of a cough.

Can children be given a solution to maintain immunity? Officially, it is not intended for this.

In pharmacies you can find a considerable number of dietary supplements (for example, Licorice). They should be treated with caution. Before taking it, you need to make sure that any of them has passed the necessary multi-stage check.

If a child often has a cold despite all preventive measures, you should not try to “improve” him folk recipes and dubious additives.

It's better to show little patient immunologist. It will help eliminate any dangerous diseases, will tell you which immunomodulators and at what age you can drink.

Analogues. Alternative plant-based cough syrups

For some reason, for example, due to individual intolerance or low effectiveness, a replacement may be required. As an alternative, it is allowed to select other herbal remedies. Replacement options:

Herbion with plantain. Helps with dry cough, reduces the severity of the inflammatory process. Does not contain alcohol, but only allowed from 2 years of age.

Thermopsis with licorice. The composition is supplemented with potassium bromide, sodium benzoate, ammonium chloride. Assign to patients from 3 years.

When buying any of the analogues, you need to carefully read the description. Despite the general expectorant effect, each of them can have additional effects on the body.


With the ineffectiveness of phytochemicals, they can be replaced. One alternative is Ambroxol. You can find it under several trade names: Ambrohexal, Lazolvan, Ambrobene.

To a greater extent, he is a mucolytic, but not without an expectorant effect. Normalizes sputum secretion without a significant increase in volume. One of the most used for coughs in pediatric practice.

The second replacement option may be acetylcysteine ​​​​acid (). It has a direct effect on the already formed sputum. Liquefies even pus.

Compatibility with other cough medicines

Syrup licorice root- stimulant of secretion of bronchial mucus. For this reason, it should not be taken simultaneously with drugs that suppress cough reflex. An example is butamirate (Sinekod, Omnitus).

Combination with mucolytics (ambroxol, acetylcysteine) enhances sputum excretion. Sometimes a joint appointment is even justified. But if the action of one drug is enough, it is better to do with only them.

Compatibility with other means

When taken with certain diuretics (furosemide), hypokalemia may occur. The electrolyte balance can be affected by cardiac glycosides (digoxin), antiarrhythmics (quinidine).

If the child is receiving any treatment at the time of illness, it is imperative to inform the doctor. This will help to adjust the dosage or avoid misuse.

How to store?

Licorice for a child's cough is safe, but accidental use a large number better to exclude. For this reason, it must be kept as far away from children as possible.

Direct light destroys active ingredients, so the bottle must be kept in a dark place (at least in a carton). The optimum temperature is from 5 to 20 °C.

If properly stored, it can be used within 2 years. After the expiration date, it is not suitable for treatment, as it loses its therapeutic properties.

It's not just a "herb" for a cough. Despite the over-the-counter sale, the medicine can be used only strictly following the instructions and recommendations of the specialist.

It should be understood that cough is a symptom of several diseases, which may have significantly different approaches to treatment. You can use an expectorant only after a reliable diagnosis and examination by a doctor.

Pharmacy price

Release form Package Manufacturer Price
Bottle 100 g Tatkhimfarmpreparaty, Russia 35 rub.
Bottle 100 g Flora of the Caucasus, Russia 30 rub.
Bottle 100 g Tatkhimfarmpreparaty, Russia 30 rub.

Funds traditional medicine have always been in demand and popular. True, all people, feeling the symptoms of an approaching disease, are divided into those who trust the scientific approach and those who believe more in power. folk remedies. But scientists, physicians and researchers of pharmacology often use in their discoveries not only knowledge of chemistry, but also rely on the properties various herbs, plants and their fees. One of these folk remedies is licorice syrup, long recognized by science and literally saving with coughing fits.

Plant and its properties

Licorice - long-term herbaceous plant which belongs to the legume family. It has purple flowers and a fruit with up to eight seeds. Chemical composition licorice is very diverse. She has enough large quantity essential substances which have a beneficial effect on the human body.

For example, the root of the plant, which has a thickened column, contains glycyrrhizin (a compound of potassium and calcium salts) and is part of a medicine such as cough syrup. Due to its properties, the root in the cough mixture has an expectorant effect and has softening effect. It regenerates the tissues of the respiratory tract, which are subjected to constant stress during illness.

In addition to glycyrrhizin, the content of such substances was revealed in the plant:

  • flavonoids (substances that contribute to the restoration of cells and tissues of organs);
  • vitamin C;
  • essential oil;
  • steroids;
  • estriols (anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic substances).

The use of licorice for medicinal purposes

In modern pharmacology, the plant is used to create many cough medicines. The most famous can be called sweet and effective syrup. AT classic composition the mixture contains licorice extract, extracted from its root (about 4.5 grams), ethanol 96% (10 grams), sugar syrup (86 grams). It has a pleasant sweet taste and light brown color. Store the drug in a closed container in the refrigerator.

The use of licorice syrup is recommended not only for dry or wet cough, as well as for colds, peptic ulcers and diseases such as tracheitis and gastritis. When applied, the medicine removes mucus from the bronchi, stimulates the activity of the trachea, softens the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. Thanks to their amazing medicinal properties, it helps to destroy viruses and germs colds, strengthening the patient's immunity, relieving inflammatory processes in the body.

Both adults and children are advised to drink licorice-based syrup for a strong, choking cough. The dosage for children under 12 years of age should be prescribed by a pediatrician who can prescribe the drug for some children's diseases of the stomach and intestines.

Dosage and side effects

For safe treatment licorice extract in the first place it is recommended to always read the instructions for use. Adults are usually prescribed one tablespoon of the solution per glass of boiled, warm water. Such a drink should be drunk after every meal for one week or ten days to get rid of even a strong cough.

Side effects most often do not occur, may appear mild nausea, a feeling of heartburn or an allergic reaction due to hypersensitivity to the elements of the drug. During pregnancy, you can also drink syrup, but under the strict supervision of a doctor.

There is a group of people who are forbidden to drink licorice-based medicines:

  1. People with diabetes.
  2. Asthmatics.
  3. Patients with gastritis and ulcers.
  4. Hypersensitive patients.
  5. Breastfeeding mothers.
  6. sick people acute bronchitis or pleurisy.

How to drink licorice root? Can it be used during pregnancy? What are age restrictions, pediatric and adult dosages? All these questions can be answered by carefully studying the instructions for the pharmaceutical preparation. But it is better to ask them to the attending physician. The syrup can be freely purchased at a pharmacy without a doctor's prescription. However, it should not be used without medical advice. The tool can give side effects, has a number of serious contraindications. It is also necessary to take into account drug interaction syrup.

Description of the drug

As part of licorice root syrup - a thick extract of licorice root, sugar and ethyl alcohol. Most often, the drug is produced in vials of 100 ml. Shelf life - 2 years. The package contains a measuring cup or spoon. Today, the pharmacological market has a huge selection of licorice syrup (licorice root, licorice). Preparations may differ in volume, name and packaging, but pharmachologic effect They have the same indications and contraindications.

pharmachologic effect

The most useful substances in the syrup are glycyrrhizic acid, flavonoids, sugars, coumarins, essential oil. Thanks to them, licorice is ranked among the valuable pharmacological raw materials. What is the pharmacological action of licorice?

  • Anti-inflammatory.
  • Corticosteroid.
  • Expectorant.
  • Laxative.
  • Emollient.
  • Antitumor.
  • Enveloping.
  • Antispasmodic.
  • Immunostimulating.
  • Regenerating.

After a number of studies and experimental treatment the antiviral properties of this drug were confirmed. It is effective in the maintenance therapy of AIDS patients, with herpes. Licorice also has antibacterial properties. Featured positive reviews about treatment staph infection licorice syrup. Read more about our other article.

List of indications

What are the indications for licorice root syrup?

  • When coughing. The syrup is effective for various forms bronchitis, tracheitis, pneumonia, bronchopneumonia. Liquefies a thick secret, relieves attacks of dry cough, makes it productive - wet. Removes mucous plugs in bronchial and lung blockages.
  • Bronchial asthma. Softens, soothes cough, relieves spasms of smooth muscles of the bronchi. However, self-medication with this diagnosis is categorically contraindicated. There are cases of allergy to the drug and exacerbation of the disease.
  • Bronchiectasis. Purulent process in the bronchi, often chronic nature. Occurs with tuberculosis, lung abscess. AT complex treatment included antibiotics, bronchodilators, massage, breathing exercises. To liquefy sputum, licorice root extract is prescribed.
  • Bronchial sanitation. It is carried out before surgical treatment bronchi, after operations.

The main pharmacological action is expectorant. Glycyrrhizin acts on the ciliated epithelium of the bronchi, stimulates its work, removes excess sputum.

Mode of application

How to take licorice root syrup for adults? The instructions indicate the average dosage. The course and dose are calculated by the doctor when specific diagnosis, stage of the disease, age of the patient, taking into account the tolerability of the drug.

  • Dosage Adults and children over 12 years of age take the medicine 15 mg 3-4 times a day.
  • Acceptance conditions. Syrup is drunk after meals, not diluted in water, but washed down enough liquids.
  • A course of treatment . The duration of treatment should not exceed 10 days. Depends on the productivity of the cough.

drug interaction

It is not advisable to take the syrup simultaneously with diuretics, as this will increase the excretion of potassium from the body. Also, a sharp potassium deficiency can be provoked simultaneous reception licorice and heart medications. Laxatives and hormonal agents can reinforce laxative effect lead to electrolyte imbalance.

Licorice syrup contraindications: diabetes mellitus, exacerbation stages chronic diseases Gastrointestinal tract (ulcer, gastritis); cardiac, renal, liver failure; arrhythmia; cardiac and renal edema; obesity; hypertension; potassium deficiency; allergy to licorice in the form of hives, swelling, itching. With prolonged use and overdose, side effects occur - increased blood pressure, swelling, lack of potassium, allergies, as well as digestive disorders - nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.

Features of the use of licorice root syrup

Licorice root syrup - the most convenient dosage form especially for children. But also licorice can be drunk in the form of powder, tablets, granules, thick liquid extract. At home, decoctions, infusions, tinctures are prepared from dry plant materials.

Alternative dosage forms

  • licorice root tablets. They can be taken not only for inflammation of the respiratory system, but as an antispasmodic, laxative and anti-inflammatory agent for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. This drug is also prescribed for asthenic syndrome, fatigue, neuroses, endocrine disorders to strengthen the immune system. The tool helps with dermatitis, allergies, it is often prescribed for bronchial asthma. The tablets have age restrictions: they cannot be taken by children under 12 years of age.
  • Licorice Root Extract. It has the appearance of a thick, viscous mass, sold in plastic bags and cans. Often sold in large volumes to the pharmaceutical industry. Infusions, decoctions, as well as homemade syrups with the addition of sugar and alcohol are prepared from it.

Cleansing the lymphatic system

Licorice syrup and tincture are used to cleanse the lymphatic system. The detoxifying properties of the herb have been known since ancient times. Tibetan and Chinese healers often used licorice as an antidote. Licorice can cleanse the body of toxins and toxins. Lymph cleansing is carried out with mandatory application sorbents. After a course of cleansing therapy, the functioning of the kidneys and liver improves, metabolism normalizes, the immune system, the skin is cleansed, the condition of the hair improves, swelling disappears. How is the procedure carried out?

  • Licorice intake. In glass hot water bred 1 tbsp. l. syrup and drink the remedy. A reaction in the form of a runny nose, lacrimation is possible.
  • Sorbent intake. An hour later, they take a sorbent (more often they recommend drinking Enterosgel). Its task is to remove toxins from the intestines.
  • A course of treatment . Calculated for 2 weeks. The procedure is carried out 3 times a day.

Consultation with a doctor before cleansing the lymph is strictly required! The reaction of the body can be unpredictable, side effects from digestion are possible, nervous system may exacerbate chronic diseases.

For kids

What is the use of licorice root syrup for children? The instructions indicate age dosages:

Of course, this gradation is conditional. The doctor prescribes a dose depending on the weight of the child. Syrup is contraindicated for children under one year old.

It is important to know that licorice should not be used simultaneously with other cough remedies. First of all, this applies to antitussive drugs that suppress severe attacks cough. With liquefaction of sputum and the inability to cough it up, a complication quickly develops - pneumonia. In children, this process is much faster. Therefore, you can not independently treat a cough in a child without a preliminary examination by a doctor. It is necessary to establish the type of cough - and then prescribe the syrup.

For women

In gynecology, licorice root is valued for its natural estrogens (steroidal female sex hormones). With their decrease in the body of a woman, ovarian dysfunction may begin, which leads to a violation menstrual cycle. Often these violations occur in initial period menopause. The syrup is prescribed to reduce testosterone and normalize the cycle. Licorice helps lower cholesterol, because it is the main carrier of testosterone. Also, the medicine is taken for painful periods, as the herb relieves spasms. Despite the usefulness of licorice, it should not be drunk during pregnancy. Licorice is dangerous for pregnant women with side effects. It can lead to such consequences:

  • water retention in the body;
  • increased toxicosis;
  • puffiness;
  • increase in blood pressure;
  • violation of water-salt balance;
  • leaching of potassium;
  • negative impact on the hormonal system.

Also, with caution, the medicine is taken during lactation, only after medical consultation.

Licorice root syrup - the most effective herbal preparation with dry cough. It is prescribed for inflammation of the bronchi and lungs, bronchial asthma. Also, the tool is used to cleanse the lymphatic system, in gynecology it is prescribed to reduce testosterone, normalize the menstrual cycle.

Licorice - ancient source health. The properties of this plant have been known since ancient egypt, India, Tibet. It was described in their writings by Hippocrates and Avicenna.

For its sweetness, the plant was called "Scythian glycea" ("sweet root"). The range of diseases for the treatment of which licorice root is used is wide and varied.

AT medical reference books licorice is also called licorice or yellow root. It contains vitamin C, sucrose, flavonoids, essential oils, pectin and mineral salts. Such diversity useful substances determines its therapeutic effect.

The presence of glycyrrhizin in this plant makes licorice root excellent remedy From cough. When taking medicines based on licorice secretory function the upper respiratory tract is enhanced, which provides the expectorant effect of the drugs. Flavonoid compounds help relieve spasms.

Licorice is also used as an anti-inflammatory agent.

Saponins irritate the mucous organs, which makes it possible to use this plant in medicines ah with a diuretic and laxative effect.

Licorice is also useful for of cardio-vascular system. It lowers the level of cholesterol in the blood, thereby lowering the risk of plaque formation on the walls of blood vessels.

Application of this medicinal plant for the treatment of stomach ulcers and duodenum associated with action glycyrrhizic acid, which, among other things, gives licorice a sweet taste. Ancient doctors used licorice to neutralize poisons that entered the human body, in modern medicine licorice is used to neutralize the effects of chemicals.

After doing a lot of research official medicine recognized licorice as a cure for various diseases. On its basis, many drugs are created. As a cough remedy, this plant is part of medicinal lozenges and lozenges, as well as sweet syrup.

Since licorice is natural medicine against cough, then from the age of three it can be given to children. Toddlers will enjoy drinking a spoonful of sweet syrup. Well, mothers can be calm - coughing will no longer torment their children.

Since, among other things, licorice has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects, it is prescribed for certain diseases of the stomach. The dosage of syrup for children is half a teaspoon 4 times a day, adults are prescribed 1 spoon. Take syrup after meals with water.

Licorice root is used in the treatment of lymphotoxicosis. In order to prevent skin rashes, colitis, dysbacteriosis and other manifestations of the disease use syrup diluted in water.

Also, this drug has found application in overweight. A decoction of licorice root restores functions gastrointestinal tract, cleanses the body of toxins, normalizes the metabolism in the body.

For medicinal purposes, licorice root is used primarily. In addition to other properties, it has general strengthening properties, restores strength to the body, and improves immunity. Decoctions, syrups are prepared from it, and even used raw. Decoctions are used in the treatment chronic fatigue, insomnia. With pharyngitis, it is recommended to chew licorice root.

Don't forget about the right combination medicines. You can not mix medicines based on licorice with or diuretics.

In medicine, root extract is also used - a brown sweetish mass. It is mainly used in the treatment of dermatitis, caries, and also helps to heal wounds.

Official medicine does not use leaves as a medicine, but they are considered a good remedy from sweating feet according to folk recipes.

Properly collected and prepared root is stored for up to 10 years.

Like any medicine, licorice has contraindications. You can not use licorice for people suffering from diabetes and arrhythmia. Long-term use medicines based on licorice root can cause swelling due to fluid retention in the body. Side effects may also include dizziness, nausea, digestive tract. Due to its ability to increase blood pressure, licorice is not recommended during pregnancy and lactation.

The advantage of licorice is, first of all, the relatively inexpensive cost of medicines. At the same time, this plant rarely causes allergic manifestations which explains its popularity. In addition, according to people's reviews, the remedy effectively copes with cough, has a strengthening effect.

Licorice syrup (Sirupus radicis Glycyrrhizae) - mucolytic plant origin, which contains Licorice root ( vernacular name- licorice root) in the form of an extract. Licorice syrup, according to the instructions for use, is recommended for use when inflammatory processes respiratory organs, which are accompanied by the formation of viscous sputum.

Active ingredients

Medicinal properties are due to the main biologically active compounds of licorice root:

  • calcium and potassium salts of glycerrisic acid;
  • flavonoids - liquiricin, rutin, liquiritigenin, astralgin (27 different flavonoids), ascorbic acid;
  • sterols;
  • asparagine.

It has an antimicrobial effect - inhibits the growth of Candida albicans, Trichophyton gypseum and Microsporum lanosum.

Shows expectorant and enveloping action, softens cough. Has antispasmodic, diuretic and choleretic properties. Knowing the characteristics of the medicinal raw materials used in the production, one can understand what the syrup helps with and how to use it.

Dosage forms

  • Licorice root in pure form and as part of collections of medicinal plants;
  • Licorice root syrup 250 mg / 5 ml, 100 g in vials.

Composition and organoleptic properties

100 g syrup:

  • Dry extract of licorice root - ((4.0-5.0): 1) in terms of 18β-glycyrrhizic acid is 8% - 4.4 g;
  • Sugar syrup - 86.0;
  • Distilled water and ethyl alcohol 96% up to 100.0

5 ml syrup:

Dry extract of licorice root - ((4.0-5.0): 1) in terms of 18β-glycyrrhizic acid is 8% - 250 mg.

It is a thick viscous liquid brown, sweet in taste, with a specific smell.

Therapeutic action

The expectorant effect is due to the content of glycyrrhizin, which increases the activity of the ciliated epithelium of the bronchi and trachea and increases the amount of secretion of the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract. This effect is enhanced by the foaming properties of saponins. There is a liquefaction of sputum, expectoration is facilitated;

The antispasmodic effect is due to the action of flavone glycosides on the smooth muscles of the respiratory system;

Corticosteroid action (anti-inflammatory) action-like cortisone, which is due to the stimulating effect of glycyrrhizic acid on the adrenal cortex.


Instructions for use of licorice root syrup prescribes the reception in the following cases:

  • Bronchitis in acute and chronic form;
  • Atelectasis when the bronchi are clogged with a plug of mucous secretions;
  • Tracheitis;
  • Pneumonia;
  • Asthma bronchial;
  • Sanitation of the bronchi before surgical intervention and in the postoperative period.

Used for coughs combination therapy respiratory tract infections and inflammatory nature accompanied by education thick secret and difficulty in getting out.

Traditional medicine uses licorice syrup to cleanse the lymph for long infectious diseases and metabolic disorders. This method is described in the ancient treatises of Ayurveda, it was used in a set of measures to cleanse the body of slagging.

  • When cleaning, it is necessary to take into account the existing contraindications:
  • Pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • Heart failure, hypertension;
  • Hypersecretion of the adrenal glands;
  • Chronic diseases in severe form and in the period of exacerbation

Who is contraindicated in the use of syrup

The use of licorice syrup is contraindicated in hypersensitivity to any of the components of the syrup.

Main contraindications:

  • Impaired kidney and liver function;
  • Arterial hypertension (high blood pressure);
  • hypokalemia;
  • Obesity in severe form;
  • Exacerbation of gastritis, duodenal ulcers and stomach.

Licorice syrup: instructions for use for children and adults

Licorice cough syrup is prescribed orally 3-4 times a day in its pure form (without dilution) after meals, drinking a sufficient amount warm drink(water or tea).

Dose for 1 reception:

  • Children aged 1 to 3 years - 1/2 dosing spoon (2.5 ml);
  • Children from 3 years old - 1 dosing spoon (5 ml);
  • Children from 7 to 9 years old - 5-7.5 ml (1/2 spoon);
  • Children from 9 to 12 years old - 7.5-10 ml;
  • Children over 12 years old and adults - 15 ml (3 dosing spoons).

Instructions for use of licorice syrup recommends taking the syrup for 10 days. In some cases, the duration of use can be increased on the recommendation of the attending physician individually for each patient in accordance with the nature, severity and characteristics of the course of the disease.

The drug is stopped when stable therapeutic effect. The dosage regimen can be changed by the doctor, taking into account the individual tolerance of the components of the drug.

For the correct dosing of the drug, a measuring spoon is included in each package, which can be used to measure 5 ml or 2.5 ml. If there is no measuring spoon, you can use ordinary spoons: teaspoon - 5 ml, dessert - 10 ml, tablespoon - 15 ml.

Possible side effects

Side effects of the drug can be expressed in the following form:

  • With individual sensitivity to the components of the drug, allergic reactions are possible - edema, skin hyperemia, itching, mild rash;
  • Prolonged use can lead to a violation of the water and electrolyte balance - edema, hypokalemia;
  • Sometimes rises arterial pressure myoglobinuria and myopathy may occur. Overdose may increase the manifestation of side effects.

Features of use during pregnancy and HB

Taking the drug for pregnant women is contraindicated, which is associated with the ability of licorice to increase the level of estrogen in the blood and change the hormonal balance.

At breastfeeding taking the drug is not recommended. If the reception is necessary, then feeding is stopped for the entire period of treatment.

Unacceptable combinations with other drugs

  • Cardiac glycosides, antiarrhythmic drugs in combination with licorice syrup can lead to the development of hypokalemia.
  • Drugs that themselves provoke hypokalemia (adrenocorticosteroids, some diuretics, laxatives) in combination with licorice preparations can cause electrolyte imbalance.


  1. What cough syrup?

With dry hacking cough. Helps to increase the secretory activity of the mucosa, activates the activity of the epithelium of the trachea and bronchi, reduces spasm, promotes liquefaction and excretion of sputum, disinfects damage to the mucosa, which may be the result of a dry, hysterical cough.

  1. How many days to drink a child?

Duration of admission for children and adults is 10 days. If you need further use, you should consult with your doctor.

  1. How to take licorice syrup when coughing for an adult?

Cough syrup for adults and children from 12 years of age is taken 2-3 times a day, 15 ml each (3 measuring spoons)

  1. How to clean the lymph with licorice syrup?

Cleaning the lymphatic system with licorice syrup in combination with sorbents is carried out in two stages:

  1. 1 tablespoon of licorice syrup is diluted in 1 glass of hot (not boiling water!) Water and taken on an empty stomach. As a result of the action of the components of licorice, the lymph is liquefied and toxins are removed, which accumulate in the intestine, where there are multiple lymph nodes;
  2. 1-2 tablespoons of enterosgel (or other sorbent) to remove accumulated toxins.

Eating should be no earlier than 1.5-2 hours after the cleaning procedure.

Cleaning course - 2 weeks

  1. At what age can children be given?

Instructions for use of licorice cough syrup recommends using the drug from 1 year. Children under the age of 1 year are not prescribed the drug. Licorice syrup, which has long been used in pediatric and adult practice, has earned the trust of pediatricians and mothers, and has also proven its effectiveness when used in the treatment of diseases of the respiratory system in adult patients. Multiple positive reviews and a reasonable price allow it to be widely used for the treatment of respiratory diseases.

Instructions for use of licorice syrup, which is in each package, describes the dosage, frequency of use and a few side effects. Strict adherence to the prescribed dosages and compliance with the recommendations of the doctor will help to avoid negative reactions and speed up the recovery of the patient.

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