Possible consequences of laser vision correction. Laser vision correction. Effects. Reviews. Risk

The negative consequences of laser vision correction (we are primarily interested in complications) are extremely rare. However, problems sometimes happen, and they are different for each ophthalmic disease. Therefore, it is important to understand their specifics.

Nowadays, millions of people are dissatisfied with the imperfection of their vision, some have myopia, others have farsightedness, and sometimes even astigmatism. To correct all these imperfections, just wearing glasses or lenses is not enough, so many people turn to laser correction for help, often without thinking about the consequences.

First, let's take a closer look at those common eye diseases that may require laser vision correction.


This pathology (scientifically myopia) occurs when the eyeball is deformed - it is stretched. In this case, the focus shifts from the retina towards the lens, and the person sees objects as blurry.

The difference in the location of the focus and the structure of the eye in normal vision, nearsightedness and farsightedness


Farsightedness or hypermetropia appears due to a decrease in the eyeball, while the focus of objects close to the person is formed behind the retina, as a result of which the person sees these objects indistinctly.


This disease is more complex than myopia or hypermetropia, and can be observed in both the first and second cases. It occurs when the cornea of ​​​​the eye, sometimes the lens, is irregularly shaped. In normal people, the cornea and lens of the correct spherical shape, and with astigmatism, their shape is broken. At the same time, when a person looks at objects, the focus is either behind the retina or in front of it, as a result of which he sees some lines clearly, while others are not, and the image is blurry.

eyes with normal vision and with astigmatism

What is laser vision correction

Most often, doctors advise correcting these pathologies with the help of glasses and lenses, but there are alternative ways to deal with them, among which laser correction is not the last. At the moment, this is the most effective and popular way to treat these ailments.
In 1949, Colombian doctor José Barraquer discovered a way to correct vision with a laser. And in 1985, the first operation with an excimer laser was already performed. In simple words, laser correction is an operative intervention, the purpose of which is to change the cornea of ​​​​the eye. Today there are two main methods of laser correction - PRK and Lasik, and several advanced methods based on the Lasik system. Now let's take a closer look at each of these methods.

Photorefractive keratectomy (PRK)

PRK is the very first operation using a laser. With this method, there is a direct effect on the upper layer of the cornea. Using a laser, a specialist removes the surface layer of the cornea, then with a cold ultraviolet beam, he corrects it to the desired size, calculated using a computer, so that the focus of the image is on the retina. So with myopia, the cornea is made flatter, with farsightedness, more convex, with astigmatism, the cornea is corrected to the shape of a regular sphere. Restoration of the upper epithelial layer after the operation occurs in three to four days, this occurs with little discomfort for the eye. After three to four weeks, vision is restored.

Advantages of the technique:

  • non-contact impact;
  • painlessness;
  • short duration of the operation;
  • stability in predicting results;
  • high quality of vision is achieved;
  • low likelihood of complications;
  • the possibility of carrying out with a thin cornea.

Disadvantages of the technique:

  • duration of recovery;
  • discomfort in the eye during recovery;
  • temporary deterioration in the transparency of the surface of the cornea (haze);
  • the impossibility of simultaneous correction in both eyes.


The LASIK operation is carried out as follows: the surface layer of the cornea (corneal flap) is separated with an instrument or a special solution, and after correction it is put back on the method. Within a couple of hours after the operation, the epithelial layer is completely restored. And vision returns after seven, and sometimes even after four days.

The Lasik method is subdivided into several more methods: the Lasik method itself, Super Lasik, Femto Lasik and Femto Super Lasik.

These techniques differ from each other in the way in which the corneal epithelium is separated at the first stage of the operation, as well as in the use of more advanced computerized equipment, which makes it possible to minimize complications after the operation.

Classic Lasik

During this operation, a "cold" ultraviolet beam of an excimer laser is used, with the help of which the optical power of the cornea is changed. Thanks to this change, it is possible to achieve a complete focus of the light rays on the retina, which is necessary for the return of sharp vision. So, for patients with myopia, the Lasik technique allows you to correct the steep shape of the cornea, making it fairly flat. And for patients with farsightedness, on the contrary, it corrects the shape of the cornea to a steeper one.

Advantages of the technique:

  • fast recovery;
  • preservation of the epithelial layer of the cornea;
  • painlessness;
  • no complications during the recovery period;
  • the ability to operate on both eyes at the same time.

Disadvantages of the technique:

  • high risk of intraoperative complications (bleeding);
  • discomfort in the eye after surgery (pass quickly);
  • inability to use with a thin cornea;
  • in the absence of a strong connection of the corneal layer with the cornea, optical distortions may occur;
  • the risk of dry eye syndrome (recovered after a year);
  • the need to instill the medicine in the eyes for 10-14 days.

Super Lasik

The Super Lasik technique allows a more individual approach to each case with the help of high-tech diagnostic equipment - the Wave Scan wave analyzer system. Using this equipment, a specialist can find out the dimensions of all components of the visual apparatus and accurately record all deviations of the visual system of the operated person.

Advantages of the technique:

  • achieving high results up to 100%;
  • fast recovery;
  • the possibility of correcting the shortcomings obtained during earlier operations.

Disadvantages of the technique:

  • complications due to mechanical impact on the cornea;
  • the possibility of dry eye syndrome;
  • sometimes the depth of impact on the cornea is greater than with conventional Lasik.

Femto Lasik

The Femto Lasik technique eliminates the use of mechanical instruments to obtain a corneal flap, as in the Lasik technique. The specialist sets the necessary parameters, and the computer system, which includes a high-precision femtosecond laser, separates the horn-shaped flap of a given thickness. Then everything happens the same as with the Lasik operation.

Advantages of the technique:

  • the possibility of surgery with a thin cornea;
  • high stability of results;
  • fast recovery.

Disadvantages of the technique:

  • more time to work with the corneal flap and, as a result, the lengthening of the whole process;
  • the need for strict fixation of the eye, which can affect the eyeball;
  • the cost is twice as high as the conventional Lasik surgery.

Femto Super Lasik

The Femto Super Lasik technique includes the use of a Wave Scan analyzer and a femtosecond laser. This makes it possible to obtain a corneal flap in a non-contact way and take into account all the individual characteristics of the eye of a particular person being operated on at the moment.

Advantages of the technique:

  • fast operation;
  • individual approach for each specific patient;
  • achievement of high results;
  • fast recovery;
  • lack of mechanical impact;
  • the possibility of surgery with a thin cornea.

Disadvantages of the technique:

  • high price.

Complications after laser vision correction

Although laser correction is a completely painless and outpatient operation and the risk of possible adverse effects is minimized, it is still an operation and a patient who wants to use it for vision correction needs to be aware of the possible complications. Here are some of the effects of laser vision correction:

  1. complications due to poor-quality equipment or an unqualified specialist;
  2. violations that may appear in the postoperative period;
  3. inflammation after surgery;
  4. swelling, redness, discomfort in the eye;
  5. unsatisfactory result of the operation (eye disease was not completely cured, etc.);
  6. long-term consequences (the possibility of the return of the disease a few years after the operation);
  7. the possibility of visual impairment;
  8. chance of corneal clouding.

Consider some of the consequences of complications in more detail.

Complications due to poor-quality equipment or an unqualified specialist

Sometimes, due to some technical reasons or due to the insufficient level of qualification of the doctor, some complications are possible during the operation itself. For example, indicators for the operation may be incorrectly selected, vacuum loss may occur, a corneal flap may be cut incorrectly. All these reasons can lead to clouding of the cornea, the appearance of irregular astigmatism, double vision. Such complications account for approximately 27% of all operations.

Disorders that appear in the postoperative period

Complications during this period include inflammation and swelling of the eye, retinal rejection, hemorrhage, discomfort in the eyes. The reason for such complications is the individuality of each organism, its ability to quickly recover after surgery. These complications account for approximately 2%. To get rid of them, you will have to be treated for a long time or undergo a second operation, and sometimes this does not help to fully recover.

Unsatisfactory result of the operation

Sometimes the operation does not fully justify itself and we do not get the desired result. For example, after laser correction, residual myopia may occur. In this case, a second operation is needed in one to two months. If it turned out to be a plus from a minus, or vice versa, a second operation is also needed, but after two to three months.

Long-term consequences

Sometimes there are so-called long-term consequences that occur after three or more years after the operation. Unfortunately, in a large number of cases, the correction does not completely get rid of the disease, and in the future it may return. Experts have not determined why these complications occur, because of the operation itself or because of the characteristics of the human body, or perhaps because of its lifestyle. But even after a second operation, luck is not guaranteed.

Contraindications for laser correction

Laser vision correction can not be performed:

  1. pregnant women;
  2. during breastfeeding;
  3. patients under the age of 18;
  4. people with diabetes (and in general with diseases that can lead to poor healing);
  5. with impaired immunity;
  6. in eye diseases such as: thinning of the cornea (keratoconus disease), retinal detachment, cataracts, glaucoma.

Limitations and necessary actions of the patient after laser correction

To avoid complications after surgery, you must strictly follow the doctor's advice:

  1. during the rehabilitation period, try to sleep on your back;
  2. do not use cosmetics on the face, especially for the eyes;
  3. limit washing of the face and head for 3-4 days after the operation;
  4. spend less time watching TV, computer, reading;
  5. do not visit public water bodies;
  6. wear dark glasses in bright sunlight;
  7. do not drink alcohol for one week after the operation;
  8. do not drive vehicles at night;
  9. do not rub your eyes;
  10. try to exclude physical activity;
  11. strictly on time and the required number of times to apply eye drops prescribed by a specialist;
  12. at the appointed time to undergo examinations with a doctor.

Any surgical intervention is associated with risks of complications, and laser vision correction is no exception. The frequency of side effects is less than one percent, yet it is worth familiarizing yourself with them.

In general, there are a large number of myths and prejudices around laser vision correction that have nothing to do with reality. Patients often have unreasonable fears and fear of losing their sight.

The procedure is performed under local anesthesia and is virtually painless. High-quality drugs are used for anesthesia. Immediately after the correction of vision, it is allowed to read, write, work at a computer.

And what can be said about the fear of some people to go blind after manipulation? It's just impossible! The very idea and manufacturability of laser surgery eliminates the possibility of visual impairment and even more so blindness. The laser beam affects only the superficial tissues of the cornea. Punctures and deep incisions are not made. In the entire history of laser surgery, there has not been a single case of a patient losing sight.

Over the years, the visual improvements achieved through the correction do not change. An exception is some ophthalmic diseases, in which additional correction may be required. The manipulation lasts about twenty minutes. There is no need for the patient to be in the hospital.

Surgery eliminates blood loss and the need for suturing. Due to this, the duration of the rehabilitation period is significantly reduced. The procedure can be performed on both eyes at the same time. The laser beam has a high-precision effect on tissues without affecting healthy areas of the cornea.

The automated system minimizes the human factor. The possibility of an error in the operation of the laser is excluded. The procedure is prescribed to correct myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism. As a result, we get consistently good vision. Modern equipment has simplified the manipulation. Millions of people around the world have given up glasses and contact lenses, regaining their sight. Along with unconditional advantages, there are also some negative sides. What are the consequences of laser vision correction?

Possible Complications

Experts openly talk about the disadvantages of laser surgery. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to get rid of astigmatism and farsightedness. The same can be said about high myopia. Most of the time, the process is useless.

Sometimes there are inaccuracies in calculations and diagnostics, which is fraught with insufficient correction. It should be understood that laser correction is the correction of an already existing visual defect, but it cannot protect against possible dysfunctions. That is why in patients who underwent surgery at a young age, the risk of presbyopia (senile farsightedness) is not excluded. Moreover, due to the early operation, the pathology can proceed unpredictably.

Laser vision correction can lead to the development of such complications:

  • fluctuations in visual acuity;
  • dry eye syndrome;
  • photophobia;
  • redness, swelling, tearing;
  • increased intraocular pressure;
  • retinal damage;
  • the spread of the infection;
  • deterioration of twilight vision;
  • astigmatism;
  • the appearance of light halos.

Dry eye is caused by damage to the nerve endings involved in the work of the lacrimal glands during surgery. It may be necessary to moisturize the organs of vision for six months after the procedure.

Twilight vision may weaken for several months. Longer-lasting visual disturbances occur in less than one percent of patients.

Another complication of laser surgery can be excessive or, conversely, insufficient correction. In the first case, this means a transition from minus to plus. Usually vision improves over time. To correct age-related farsightedness, insufficient correction is deliberately introduced. Since one organ of vision is operated for high-quality vision in the distance, and the second - near. Only in two percent of all cases there is a need for a second procedure.

Why does vision deteriorate after laser surgery? Normally, the effect occurs after a couple of days and has no regression. Recovery of visual function may be suspended for some time, and then resume again. But vision loss is extremely rare.

Nevertheless, in some patients, a decrease in visual acuity is observed after a few weeks after correction. Most often, patients themselves provoke the development of such events. For example, not all patients consciously follow the recommendations of a doctor and begin to engage in intense physical activity or overload their eyes. Such an irresponsible attitude to one's health can lead not only to a slowdown in regeneration, but also to regression. But the deterioration will stop as soon as the patient stops violating the regimen prescribed by the doctor.

Dry Eye Syndrome (DES)

Despite the fact that laser surgery minimally destroys the tissues of the eye apparatus, approximately every second patient has keratoconjunctivitis sicca after correction. The patient feels the presence of a foreign body. It seems to him that the eyelid sticks to the eyeball. Usually discomfort is accompanied by pain, burning, pain, itching, redness. Lachrymation brings no relief. Visual acuity changes throughout the day. There is a blurry vision of objects.

Dry eye syndrome is a common complication of laser eye surgery.

During surgery, the tear film is damaged. But it is she who protects the eyeball from drying out, infection and irritation. In addition, during the procedure, the outer part of the cornea is cut off, which destroys the nerve endings responsible for the production of tear fluid.

The risk of dry keratoconjunctivitis increases in the following cases:

  • dry eyes before surgery;
  • myopia;
  • thyroid disease;
  • hypovitaminosis;
  • menopause;
  • taking certain medications;
  • wearing contact lenses;
  • prolonged stay in an air-conditioned room.

If risk factors are detected, tear replacement therapy is performed a few weeks before the operation. Artificial tears are an effective treatment for DES.

You can also cope with excessive dryness with the help of active blinking. This contributes to the uniform distribution of tear fluid over the entire surface of the eyeball. In addition, experts recommend increasing the intake of vegetable and animal fats. Fish oil and linseed oil are of great benefit to the visual apparatus.

The main focus in the treatment of DES is to stimulate tear production and improve film stability. In parallel with this, the primary causes of the pathological process and disturbing symptoms are eliminated.

The pharmaceutical market offers a wide variety of moisturizing drops. Such drugs differ in consistency, duration of therapeutic action and the presence of an active ingredient. For patients leading an active lifestyle, disposable dropper tubes have been developed. They are not only easy to use, but also provide hygiene and prevent the development of an infectious process.

Preference is given to medicines that gently moisturize the organs of vision, and also effectively combat insufficient tearing. It is best to choose natural-based drugs that have a long therapeutic effect.


Keratoconus is a disease in which the cornea is damaged. This is a progressive bilateral disease that can lead to visual impairment and even disability.

A complication may arise due to such reasons:

  • undiagnosed keratoconus before laser correction;
  • the presence of latent keratoconus;
  • violation in the technique of the operation.

Clinical symptoms of this complication usually appear some time after the procedure. The patient's vision may deteriorate so much that he cannot even count the fingers on his hand. When looking at a light source, halos appear. Another manifestation of the disease is pronounced astigmatism, which cannot be corrected.

What to do when such a dangerous complication is detected? Unfortunately, conservative therapy in most cases is ineffective. Specialists manage to stabilize the condition with the help of crosslinking. The essence of this procedure is the exposure of the cornea to ultraviolet radiation. In severe cases, a second refractive surgery or corneal transplant is performed.

How to avoid side effects

Any medical procedure has a number of contraindications for use. There are also certain limitations to laser correction. If they are ignored, the risk of undesirable consequences increases dramatically. So, laser correction is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • patients under eighteen and over forty-five;
  • cataract;
  • glaucoma;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • keratoconus;
  • spasm of the lens;
  • diabetes;
  • AIDS;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • inflammatory processes of the eye;
  • arthritis;
  • vascular pathologies;
  • presbyopia;
  • retinal detachment.

Relative contraindications include colds, which are accompanied by a runny nose and cough. In addition, after a preliminary examination, the ophthalmologist can detect individual limitations to the manipulation.

Deterioration of vision after laser correction with intense visual or physical exertion in the first days of the postoperative period

Separately, I would like to highlight some of the absolute contraindications. Why is surgery prohibited for minors? The fact is that in childhood, the tissues of the eyeball are still developing and forming. Because of this, visual acuity may fluctuate. Even when one hundred percent vision is achieved, the physiological processes in the body can affect the result.

As for the state of the immune system, the weakening of the body's defenses in itself is not a limitation to the operation. Nevertheless, violations in the work of the immune system can increase the risk of complications and lengthen the recovery period.

If we talk about such serious diseases as cataracts, glaucoma and retinal detachment, they require prior treatment. In the presence of such pathologies, it is difficult for a specialist to establish the features of a violation of visual function and correctly carry out a correction.

With ophthalmic diseases of an inflammatory nature, a laser procedure can further enhance the course of the pathological process. The rehabilitation period in this case will last much longer.

In the presence of skin diseases, such as eczema, psoriasis or neurodermatitis, there is a high probability of the formation of keloid scars. As a reaction to the procedure, cicatricial processes can also occur on the tissues of the eye, and this is fraught with complete blindness.

And of course, the procedure is not performed on patients with serious neurological or psychological conditions. Unforeseen inappropriate behavior during surgery or the rehabilitation period can lead to self-injury.

Pregnant women and nursing mothers experience hormonal imbalance. This can negatively affect the healing process of the visual organ. It is also worth considering the fact that after surgery, patients are prescribed antibacterial agents to avoid complications. Antibacterial agents can affect the development of the fetus. And during lactation, because of this, you will have to transfer the baby to artificial feeding.

A sharp drop in visual acuity during the year is also a contraindication to manipulation. The fact is that a drop in vision can be a manifestation of some hidden pathologies. Therefore, first of all, the patient must undergo a comprehensive examination and conduct drug treatment.

The consequences of laser correction will be minimized through proper preparation and planning. The main element of the preparatory measures is to conduct a comprehensive examination for the presence of contraindications. During the diagnosis, the doctor determines the characteristics that are subsequently used to adjust the laser device.

ATTENTION! Most often, complications arise due to non-compliance with the recommendations of the doctor and the rules of personal hygiene.

In the presence of any chronic pathologies, the patient should notify the ophthalmologist about this. Immediately before the manipulation, it is forbidden to use any cosmetics, including creams and lotions.

In the first few days after the procedure, the patient may experience severe itching. He shouldn't be afraid. The appearance of this symptom indicates tissue healing. In no case should you rub your eye, this can lead to injury to the operated area.

There will be increased sensitivity to sunlight for several days after the operation, so it is best to bring sunglasses with you. Also, in the early days, doctors do not recommend driving a car.

Doctors do not recommend washing at all in the first days. Try not to get water into the eye, and even more so cosmetics. Baths and saunas are prohibited. The ingress of moisture can disrupt the healing process of tissues.

If the patient's professional activity is not associated with intense visual or physical stress, he can start work the very next day. Laser vision correction refers to cosmetic procedures, so sick leave is not issued in most cases.

Laser vision correction is one of the most effective ways to get rid of eye problems. Myopia, hypermetropia, astigmatism and other ailments passing after surgery. However, despite the use of modern devices, innovative technologies and the high professionalism of doctors, there is still a risk of complications after laser vision correction. In some cases, problems may be of a short-term nature, in other situations, long-term complications may occur that adversely affect eye health.

The human eye is a complex mechanism. It transmits optical impulses along the nerve endings to the brain, where the resulting image is processed. In the presence of some ophthalmic diseases (for example, myopia or astigmatism), the light fluxes are not focused on the retina, so the person receives a blurry image without clear contours.

The main purpose of corrective measures is to change the refractive power of the eyeball in order to normalize the functioning of the organ of vision. As a result of the interventions, the patient again gets the opportunity to see a clear picture.

Modern devices with jewelry precision model the shape of the cornea in such a way that visual signals fall directly on the retina.

In many countries, laser correction is classified as a cosmetic procedure. It allows you to quickly and easily get rid of the most common problems with the organ of vision:

  • Myopia of a high degree (up to minus fifteen diopters). The focus is in front of the retina. It is carried out on condition that the thickness of the cornea is at least four hundred and fifty microns;
  • Hypermetropia. Focusing occurs behind the retina. Correction is carried out in the presence of a deviation in refraction up to plus six diopters;
  • Astigmatism. The light flux is concentrated simultaneously in several places. Eye condition -/+ 3D, including minus six diopters of myopia and plus eight diopters of hyperopia.


The technique has a lot of positive feedback from patients, due to its undeniable advantages:

  • During the operation, the person does not experience pain;
  • The result is guaranteed in almost any form of deviations in refraction;
  • Safety for human health and life;
  • High speed, the intervention takes about ten minutes along with the preparatory stage;
  • Almost instant result, the effect is noticeable immediately after the completion of the correction;
  • Local anesthesia is used during the procedure;
  • Short recovery period;
  • Stable result that lasts for many years;
  • The intervention is carried out on an outpatient basis. A couple of hours after the correction, the patient can go home.


Laser vision correction is not a therapeutic procedure. It helps to eliminate eye problems, but the disease does not cure. Unfortunately, an effective technique has a number of contraindications for implementation:

  • Unstable visual process. As a person grows, the eyes also change for better or worse. Therefore, the operation is not performed on patients under eighteen years of age. In order to carry out a correction with a laser, visual acuity indicators must be stable for two years;
  • Diseases of internal organs and systems. For example, diabetes or arthritis;
  • Pathological processes in the visual apparatus (development of glaucoma or the presence of senile cataracts);
  • The period of pregnancy and lactation. The reason lies in the fact that at this time in women there is an instability of the hormonal background. Also, during the recovery process, antibiotics are often prescribed, which can have a negative impact on the health of the future crumbs or newborn baby;
  • A sharp drop in visual acuity;
  • Inflammatory processes affecting the eyes. Before carrying out the operation, it is necessary to undergo a course of therapy and get rid of them;
  • The initial stage of dystrophic changes affecting the retina. In this case, it is first necessary to carry out laser coagulation, which will strengthen the weakened element;
  • Destructive processes in the cornea (keratoconus, dry eye syndrome);
  • Any ailments accompanied by a decrease in the protective barrier of the body. To strengthen the immune system, you need to drink a vitamin and mineral course.

From what age and up to what age can laser vision correction be done?

The minimum threshold for the operation is eighteen years. If the intervention is carried out earlier, the effect will not be final. As children grow, the tissues of the organ of vision change with them. Accordingly, the refractive characteristics of the eye are corrected. A stable state is reached only by adulthood.

Patients between the ages of forty-five and fifty often suffer from presbyopia (age-related hypermetropia). This is due to the compaction of the lens, which is difficult to adapt to optical conditions. Also, the muscles that hold it weaken, the eye loses its ability to accommodate. With the help of laser correction, you can get rid of the disease, but the eye will still not be able to focus correctly, due to muscle atrophy.

If before the intervention the patient saw well in the distance, then after the correction and conditional 100% vision is achieved, the range of visual review will be limited to a certain distance. Therefore, doctors do not recommend surgery for people over fifty-five years of age.

How is laser vision correction done and how long does it take?

The patient is placed on a horizontal couch. The procedure is performed under general anesthesia, which is anesthetic drops. The entire intervention takes a maximum of twenty minutes, and the laser eye treatment itself lasts about sixty seconds. The operation takes place in several stages:

  • Using a vacuum ring, the doctor fixes the eyelid to eliminate the risk of blinking during the correction process. Then the organ of vision is treated with a special disinfecting solution. After the connection of the epithelial layer of the cornea and the Bowman's membrane is weakened, the operation itself begins;
  • Using a femtosecond laser or a keratome, the doctor cuts the cornea, forming a flap that is attached at one end to the shell. It is pushed aside, as if turning over the page of a book;
  • The laser beam has an effect on the cornea, evaporating the deep layers and correcting the shape in accordance with the patient's pre-measured parameters;
  • The flap is returned to its place, fixation is carried out without the use of surgical sutures. Fixation is carried out due to the collagen fibers of the visual apparatus. The flap is held tightly and heals without leaving scars.

Types of laser correction

Ways to correct deviations in refraction are divided into several varieties:

  • Photorefractive keratectomy. One of the earliest forms of laser correction. Despite the "antiquity" of the method, it is also used in modern medicine. Most often, PRK is used to correct mild myopia. Initially, the doctor removes the epithelium layer on the cornea, the deep layers are subject to evaporation. The rehabilitation period takes from five to seven days;
  • Subepithelial keratomileusis (LASEK). Most often, the procedure is prescribed to patients with individual structural features of the thinned stratum corneum. The valve is formed from Bowman's membrane, stroma and epithelium. It is fixed with a special lens. The recovery period takes several days;
  • Laser keratomileusis (LASIK). It is considered the safest and most gentle method. At the first stage, the doctor cuts off the surface layer of the cornea with a beam. Then it eliminates destructive processes in the visual apparatus and restores the excised area. The procedure helps to cope with eye ailments of any form.

Today, there are several types of LASIK correction:

  • Super Lasik. For the intervention, modern equipment is used, taking into account the peculiarities of the structure of the eyes. Differs in high efficiency;
  • Femto Super LASIK. Identical to the previous method. The only difference is that a femto laser is used to cut the cornea;
  • Presby LASIK. Surgical intervention to help restore eye health in patients over forty years of age.

After watching the video, you will learn interesting information about modern methods of vision correction using laser systems.

rehabilitation period

To eliminate the risk of negative consequences and a negative reaction from the body, it is extremely important to adhere to all the recommendations voiced by the doctor. The first night after the correction should be spent lying on your back. A day after the intervention, you need to visit the ophthalmologist's office for an examination.

The doctor analyzes the state of the organ of vision, prescribes medications if necessary and announces the date of the next visit. To minimize the risk of infection of the operated eyes, observe maximum sterility when instilling medications. Wash your hands with soap, do not allow the tip of the pipette to come into contact with the mucous membrane.

What can not be done after laser vision correction?

The recovery period after the intervention includes a number of restrictions that are important to adhere to in order not to face the development of complications:

  • For two days, try not to touch your eyes and in any case do not rub them;
  • For three days you can not wash your hair. Rinse your face with boiled water at room temperature. Try not to get liquid on the area around the organ of vision;
  • Young ladies should refrain from using cosmetics;
  • If your professional activity is connected with a computer, take regular breaks for the first three months after the correction to avoid eye strain;
  • Limit physical and visual activities. For four weeks after the operation, you should not read books and magazines;
  • Postpone pregnancy planning for six months;
  • In the first thirty days after the intervention, visits to the fitness club, bathhouse, swimming pool and solarium are prohibited;
  • Avoid direct sunlight on the mucous membrane;
  • During the month it is not recommended to smoke and drink alcoholic beverages;
  • Stop driving for thirty days.

In some cases, the patient is prescribed to wear occluders to protect the operated organ of vision. These are special screens that prevent injury.

The likelihood of complications after surgery

Each treatment method has its own advantages and disadvantages. An experienced doctor will take into account all possible factors that may have a negative impact during the rehabilitation period. Complications of laser therapy in ophthalmic practice are divided into three types:

  • Occurred in the process of correction;
  • early;
  • Long-term consequences.

Some complications are temporary and disappear after a certain period. Other side effects require a second operation.

Intraoperative problems

Any microsurgical intervention is an incredibly complex process that requires modern equipment and well-coordinated work of a team of doctors. Sometimes it is impossible to calculate with maximum accuracy the power of the laser beam on the cornea, which has an individual structure for each patient.

Without fail, before the intervention, a map of the cornea is drawn up using a wave analyzer. This minimizes the risk of side effects. During the correction process, you may encounter some problems:

  • Loss of vacuum;
  • Expansion of the cornea with subsequent protrusion;
  • Exacerbation of chronic inflammatory processes.

Early Side Effects

In the first days after the intervention, you may encounter the following unpleasant consequences:

  • Slight pain in the periorbital region;
  • Puffiness of the cornea;
  • Minor hemorrhages in the structures of the visual apparatus;
  • Increased and uncontrolled lacrimation;
  • Photophobia (intolerance to bright light);
  • Blurred contours of objects;
  • split picture;
  • vision problems in low light conditions;
  • Dry eye syndrome;
  • Sensation of the presence of a foreign body in the organ of vision.

All these phenomena are temporary, so do not worry. As a rule, within two to three days, unpleasant symptoms disappear. Most importantly, listen to the recommendations of your doctor and carefully use prescribed medications.

In addition to minor side effects in the early postoperative period, serious problems can be encountered:

  • Growth of the epithelium with subsequent penetration under the incision of the cornea;
  • Negative effect on visual acuity (hyper- or hypocorrection);
  • Inflammatory processes (for example, keratitis);
  • Loss of the cut flap (most often a similar problem occurs in the first month after the intervention against the background of an eye injury);
  • Correction of the curvature of the cornea with protrusion and a drop in visual acuity (usually occurs in the presence of keratoconus not detected before surgery).

Long-term consequences

For a long time after the correction, the patient is under the supervision of a doctor, this helps to identify long-term side effects from the intervention. After a few months or even years, the patient may experience the following negative consequences:

  • Progressive clouding of the cornea;
  • Reappearance of myopia or hypermetropia with deterioration of refractive indices;
  • Increased intraocular pressure;
  • Deformation of the cornea with impaired light transmission and the development of keratectasis;
  • Thinning of the cornea against the background of the formation of keratoconus;
  • Astigmatism provoked by correction;
  • Problems with nutrition of the outer shell of the organ of vision, accompanied by frequent relapses of dry eye syndrome and inflammation.

It is extremely important to take care of your health during the rehabilitation process and consult a doctor in a timely manner if abnormalities in the work of the visual apparatus are detected.

LASIK is the most widely advertised and mass-produced vision correction. with astigmatism and other diseases. Millions of surgeries are performed annually all over the world.

Much has been said about its benefits, but the possible complications are not often covered. After LASIK, complications of one kind or another of varying severity are observed in about 5% of cases. Serious consequences that significantly reduce visual acuity occur in less than 1% of cases. Most of them can only be eliminated with additional treatment or surgery.

The operation is performed using an excimer laser. It allows you to correct astigmatism up to 3 diopters (myopic, hyperopic or mixed). Also, it can be used to correct myopia up to 15 diopters and hyperopia up to 4 diopters.

The surgeon uses a microkeratome instrument to incise the top of the cornea. This is the so-called flap. At one end it remains attached to the cornea. The flap is turned to the side and access to the middle layer of the cornea is opened.

Then the laser evaporates a microscopic part of the tissue of this layer. This is how a new, more regular shape of the cornea is formed so that the light rays are focused exactly on the retina. This improves the patient's vision.

The procedure is fully computer controlled, quick and painless. At the end, the flap is returned to its place. In a few minutes, it adheres firmly and no sutures are required.

Consequences of LASIK

The most common (about 5% of cases) are the consequences of LASIK, which complicate or lengthen the recovery period, but do not significantly affect vision. You can call them side effects. They are usually part of the normal postoperative recovery process.

As a rule, they are temporary and are observed within 6-12 months after the operation, while the corneal flap is healing. However, in some cases, they can become a permanent occurrence and create some discomfort.

Side effects that do not cause a decrease in visual acuity include:

  • Decreased night vision. One of the consequences of LASIK may be visual impairment in low light conditions such as dim light, rain, snow, fog. This deterioration can become permanent, and patients with large pupils are at greater risk of this effect.
  • Moderate pain, discomfort, and a feeling of a foreign object in the eye may be felt for several days after operation.
  • Lachrymation - as a rule, is observed during the first 72 hours after surgery.
  • The occurrence of dry eye syndrome is eye irritation associated with the drying of the surface of the cornea after LASIK. This symptom is temporary, often more pronounced in patients who suffered from it before the operation, but in some cases it can become permanent. Requires regular moistening of the cornea with drops of artificial tears.
  • Blurry or double image is more common within 72 hours after surgery, but may also occur in the late postoperative period.
  • Glare and increased sensitivity to bright light are most pronounced in the first 48 hours after correction, although increased sensitivity to light may persist for a long time. The eyes may become more sensitive to bright light than they were before surgery. It may be difficult to drive at night.
  • Epithelial ingrowth under the corneal flap is usually noted in the first few weeks after correction and occurs as a result of a loose fit of the flap. In most cases, epithelial cell ingrowth does not progress and does not cause discomfort or blurred vision in the patient.
  • In rare cases (1-2% of the total number of LASIK procedures), epithelial ingrowth can progress and lead to flap elevation, which adversely affects vision. The complication is eliminated by performing an additional operation, during which overgrown epithelial cells are removed.
  • Ptosis, or drooping of the upper eyelid, is a rare complication after LASIK and usually goes away on its own within a few months after surgery.

    It must be remembered that LASIK is an irreversible procedure that has its own contraindications. It consists in changing the shape of the cornea of ​​​​the eye and after it is carried out, it is impossible to return vision to its original state.

    If the correction results in complications or dissatisfaction with the result, the patient's ability to improve vision is limited. In some cases, it will be necessary to repeated laser correction or other transactions.

    Complications of laser vision correction using LASIK technology. Analysis of 12,500 transactions

    Refractive lamellar corneal surgery began in the late 1940s with the work of Dr. José I. Barraquer, who was the first to recognize that the refractive power of the eye could be altered by removing or adding corneal tissue1. The term "keratomileusis" originated from two Greek words "keras" - cornea and "smileusis" - to cut. The surgical technique itself, instruments and devices for these operations have undergone a significant evolution since those years. From the manual technique of excision of a part of the cornea to the use of freezing the corneal disc with its subsequent treatment in myopic keratomileusis (MKM)2.

    Then the transition to techniques that do not require tissue freezing, and therefore reduce the risk of opacities and the formation of irregular astigmatism, providing a faster and more comfortable recovery period for the patient3,4,5. A huge contribution to the development of lamellar keratoplasty, understanding of its histological, physiological, optical and other mechanisms was made by the work of Professor Belyaev V.V. and his schools. Dr. Luis Ruiz proposed in situ keratomileusis, first using a manual keratome, and in the 1980s an automated microkeratome - Automated Lamellar Keratomileusis (ALK).

    The first clinical results of ALK showed the advantages of this operation: simplicity, fast restoration of vision, stability of results and efficiency in the correction of high myopes. However, the disadvantages include a relatively high percentage of irregular astigmatism (2%) and the predictability of results within 2 diopters7. Trokel et al8 proposed photorefractive keratectomy in 1983(25). However, it quickly became clear that with high degrees of myopia, the risk of central opacities, regression of the refractive effect of the operation increases significantly, and the predictability of the results decreases. Pallikaris I. and co-authors 10, combining these two techniques into one and using (according to the authors themselves) the idea of ​​Pureskin N. (1966) 9, cutting out a corneal pocket on the leg, proposed an operation that they called LASIK - Laser in situ keratomileusis. In 1992 Buratto L. 11 and in 1994 Medvedev I.B. 12 published their variants of the operation technique. Since 1997, LASIK has been gaining more and more attention, both from refractive surgeons and from patients themselves.

    The number of operations performed per year is already in the millions. However, with an increase in the number of operations and surgeons performing these operations, with the expansion of indications, the number of works devoted to complications increases. In this article, we wanted to analyze the structure and frequency of complications of LASIK surgery on the basis of 12,500 operations performed at the Excimer clinics in the cities of Moscow, St. 9600 operations (76.8%) were performed, for hyperopia, hyperopic astigmatism and mixed astigmatism - 800 (6.4%), ammetropia corrections on previously operated eyes (after Radial keratotomy, PRK, Through corneal transplantation, Thermokeratocoagulation, Keratomileusis, pseudophakia and some others) - 2100 (16.8%).

    All the operations under consideration were performed using a NIDEK EC 5000 excimer laser, the optical zone was 5.5-6.5 mm, the transitional zone was 7.0-7.5 mm, with high degrees of multi-zone ablation. Three types of microkeratomas were used: 1) Moria LSK-Evolution 2 - keratome head 130/150 microns, vacuum rings from - 1 to + 2, manual horizontal cut (72% of all operations), mechanical rotational cut (23.6%) 2 ) Hansatom Baush&Lomb - 500 operations (4%) 3) Nidek MK 2000 - 50 operations (0.4%). As a rule, all operations (more than 90%) LASIK were performed simultaneously bilaterally. Topical anesthesia, postoperative treatment - topical antibiotic, steroid for 4-7 days, artificial tear according to indications.

    The refractive results correspond to the world literature data and depend on the initial degree of myopia and astigmatism. George O. Warning III proposes to evaluate the results of refractive surgery on four parameters: efficiency, predictability, stability and safety 13. Efficiency refers to the ratio of postoperative uncorrected visual acuity to preoperative maximally corrected visual acuity. For example, if postoperative visual acuity without correction is 0.9, and before surgery with maximum correction the patient saw 1.2, then the efficiency is 0.9/1.2 = 0.75. And vice versa, if before the operation the maximum vision was 0.6, and after the operation the patient sees 0.7, then the efficiency is 0.7/0.6 ​​= 1.17. Predictability is the ratio of the planned refraction to the received one.

    Safety is the ratio of maximum poignancy vision after operations to this indicator before the operation, i.e. a safe operation is when the maximum visual acuity is 1.0 (1/1=1) before and after surgery. If this coefficient decreases, then the risk of the operation increases. Stability determines the change in the refractive result over time.

    In our study, the largest group is patients with myopia and myopic astigmatism. Myopia from - 0.75 to - 18.0 D, average: - 7.71 D. Follow-up period from 3 months. up to 24 months The maximum visual acuity before surgery was more than 0.5 in 97.3%. Astigmatism from - 0.5 to - 6.0 D, average - 2.2 D. Average postoperative refraction - 0.87 D (from -3.5 to + 2.0), patients after 40 years planned residual myopia. Predictability (* 1 D, from the planned refraction) - 92.7%. Average Astigmatism 0.5 D (from 0 to 3.5 D). Uncorrected visual acuity of 0.5 and above in 89.6% of patients, 1.0 and above in 78.9% of patients. Loss of 1 or more lines of maximum visual acuity - 9.79%. The results are presented in Table 1.

    Table 1. The results of LASIK surgery in patients with myopia and myopic astigmatism at a follow-up period of 3 months. and more (out of 9600 cases, it was possible to trace the results in 9400, i.e. in 97.9%)

    Complications after LASIK laser vision correction

    Floor: not specified

    Age: not specified

    Chronic diseases: not specified

    Hello! Please tell me what are the complications after laser correction vision method LASIK?

    They say that the consequences can be not only immediately after the operation, but also remote, in a few years. Which?

    Tags: laser vision correction, ssg, laser correction, lasik vision correction, lasik method, lasik, corneal erosion, diffuse lamellar kerati, eye loss after correction, eye erosion after surgery, eye loss after lasik

    Possible complications after laser vision correction

    Keratoconus is a protrusion of the cornea in the form of a cone, which is formed as a result of thinning of the cornea and intraocular pressure.

    Iatrogenic keratectasia develops gradually. Corneal tissues soften and weaken over time, vision deteriorates, the cornea is deformed. In severe cases, a donor cornea is transplanted.

    Insufficient correction of vision (hypocorrection). In the case of residual myopia, when a person reaches the age of 40-45 years, this deficiency is corrected by developing presbyopia. If, as a result of the operation, the quality of vision obtained does not satisfy the patient, repeated correction is possible in the same way or using additional techniques. More often, hypocorrection occurs in people with a high degree of myopia or hyperopia.

    Hypercorrection - excessively improved vision. The phenomenon is quite rare and often goes away on its own in about a month. Sometimes it is required to wear weak glasses. But with significant values ​​of hypercorrection, additional laser exposure is required.

    Induced astigmatism sometimes appears in patients after LASIK surgery, is eliminated by laser treatment.

    Dry eye syndrome - dryness in the eyes, a feeling of the presence of a foreign body in the eye, sticking of the eyelid to the eyeball. A tear does not properly wet the sclera, flows out of the eye. "South Eye Syndrome" is the most common complication after LASIK. It usually disappears in 1-2 weeks after the operation, thanks to special drops. If the symptoms do not go away for a long time, it is possible to eliminate this defect by closing the lacrimal ducts with plugs so that the tear lingers in the eye and washes it well.

    Hayes occurs mainly after a PRK procedure. Clouding of the cornea is the result of the reaction of healing cells. They develop a secret. which affects the porosity of the cornea. Drops are used to eliminate the defect. sometimes laser intervention.

    Corneal erosions can be caused by accidental scratches during surgery. With proper postoperative procedures, they heal quickly.

    Night vision impairment occurs more often in patients with too wide pupils. Bright sudden flashes of light, the appearance of halos around objects, the illumination of objects of vision occur when the pupil expands to an area larger than the area of ​​laser exposure. Interfere with driving at night. These phenomena can be smoothed out by wearing glasses with small diopters and instillation of drops that constrict the pupils.

    Complications during the formation and restoration of the valve may occur due to the fault of the surgeon. The valve can turn out to be thin, uneven, short or cut off to the end (it happens extremely rarely). If folds form on the flap, it is possible to reorient the flap immediately after the operation or subsequent laser resurfacing. Unfortunately, operated people remain forever in the danger zone of trauma. With extreme mechanical stress, detachment of the flap is possible. If the flap falls off completely, it cannot be reattached. Therefore, it is necessary to strictly observe the rules of postoperative behavior.

    Ingrown epithelium. Sometimes there is a fusion of epithelial cells from the surface layer of the cornea with cells under the flap. With a pronounced phenomenon, the removal of such cells is carried out surgically.

    "Sahara Syndrome" or diffuse lamellar keratitis. When foreign foreign microparticles get under the valve, inflammation occurs there. The image before the eyes becomes blurry. Treatment is with corticosteroid drops. With the rapid detection of such a complication, the doctor flushes the operated surface after lifting the valve.

    Regression. When correcting large degrees of myopia and hypermetropia, it is possible to quickly return the patient's vision to the level that he had before the operation. If the thickness of the cornea maintains the proper thickness, a second correction procedure is done.

    It is too early to draw final conclusions about the positive and negative aspects of laser vision correction. It will be possible to talk about the stability of the results when all the statistics on the condition of people operated on 30-40 years ago are processed. Laser technologies are constantly being improved, making it possible to eliminate some of the defects of operations of the previous level. And the patient, not the doctor, should decide on laser vision correction. The doctor only has to correctly convey information about the types and methods of correction, its consequences.

    It often happens that the patient is not satisfied with the results of the correction. Expecting to get 100% vision and not getting it, a person falls into a depressive state and needs the help of a psychologist. A person's eye changes with age, and by the age of 40-45 he develops presbyopia and has to wear glasses for reading and working close.

    It is interesting

    In the US, laser vision correction can be done not only in ophthalmological clinics. Small points equipped for operations are located near beauty salons or in large shopping and entertainment complexes. Anyone can undergo a diagnostic examination, based on the results of which the doctor will make a vision correction.

    For the treatment of hypermetropia (farsightedness) up to +0.75 to +2.5 D and astigmatism up to 1.0 D, the LTK method (laser thermal keratoplasty) has been developed. The advantages of this method vision correction that during the operation there is no surgical intervention in the tissues of the eye. The patient undergoes a preoperative examination, and before the operation, anesthetic drops are instilled into him.

    A special pulsed infrared holmium laser is used to anneal the tissue on the periphery of the cornea at 8 points along a diameter of 6 mm, the burned tissue shrinks. Then this procedure is repeated at the next 8 points along a diameter of 7 mm. The collagen fibers of the corneal tissue are compressed in places of thermal exposure, and the central

    part due to tension becomes more convex, and the focus shifts forward to the retina. The greater the power of the supplied laser beam, the more intense the compression of the peripheral part of the cornea and the stronger the degree of refraction. The computer built into the laser, based on the data of a preliminary examination of the patient's eye, calculates the parameters of the operation itself. The operation of the laser lasts only about 3 seconds. At the same time, a person does not experience unpleasant sensations, except for a slight tingling sensation. The eyelid expander is not immediately removed from the eye so that the collagen has time to shrink well. After the operation is repeated on the second eye. Then a soft lens is applied to the eye for 1-2 days, antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drops are instilled for 7 days.

    Immediately after the operation, the patient develops photophobia and a feeling of sand in the eye. These phenomena quickly disappear.

    Recovery processes begin in the eye and the effect of refraction gradually smoothes out. Therefore, the operation is done with a "margin", leaving the patient with a mild degree of myopia up to -2.5 D. After about 3 months, the process of returning vision ends, and normal vision returns to the person. For 2 years, vision does not change, but the effect of the operation is enough for 3-5 years.

    Currently, LTK correction of vision is also recommended for presbyopia (age-related visual impairment). In people aged 40-45 years, the appearance of farsightedness is often observed, when small objects, printed type become difficult to distinguish. This is due to the fact that the crystal loses its elasticity over the years. Also weaken the muscles that hold it.

    To reduce visual regression based on the LTK method, a technique with a longer effect of thermal keratoplasty has been developed: diode thermokeratoplasty (DTK). DTC uses a permanent diode laser, in which the energy of the beam supplied by the laser remains constant, the annealing points can be applied arbitrarily. Thus, it is possible to regulate the depth and location of coagulants, which affects the duration of corneal tissue healing and, accordingly, the duration of DTC action. Also, with a high degree of hypermetropia, a combination is carried out LASIK methods And DTK. The disadvantage of DTK is the possibility of astigmatism and slight pain on the first day of surgery.

    Complications after LASIK

    and her safety

    As we know, LASIK surgery may seem intimidating at first glance, but in fact, Opti LASIK ® laser vision correction is fast, safe, and almost immediately after it, you finally get the vision you have always dreamed of!

    Safety of ophthalmic LASIK surgery

    Laser corrective surgery is considered one of the most common procedures of choice today. Those who passed it are very happy about it. Results of a survey of patients undergoing LASIK surgery. showed that as many as 97 percent of them (this is impressive!) said they would recommend this procedure to their friends.

    Based on the results of controlled clinical trials conducted in the United States to evaluate the safety and efficacy of surgery, FDA FDA: An abbreviation for the Food and Drug Administration, a federal agency within the United States Department of Health and Human Services that responsible for determining the safety and efficacy of medicines and medical devices. approved LASIK in 1999 and since then LASIK has become the most widely used form of laser vision correction today, with approximately 400,000 Americans undergoing each year. 1 In 93 percent of cases, LASIK patients' vision is at least 20/20 or better. The impressive thing is that this operation takes only a few minutes and is almost painless.

    Of course, as with any other surgical procedure, there are some safety concerns and complications that you may encounter. Briefly review the potential complications after LASIK before making any decisions.

    Complications after LASIK

    Laser technology and surgeon skills have advanced significantly in the last 20 years since the LASIK procedure was first approved by the FDA in 1999, but no one can accurately predict how the eye will heal after surgery. As with any surgical procedure, there are risks associated with LASIK. In addition to the short-term side effects that some patients experience after surgery (see section After LASIK Ophthalmic Surgery), in some cases, conditions may occur that last longer due to differences in the healing process in different people.

    Listed below are some of the complications of LASIK that should be discussed with the surgeon if they occur after surgery.

  • The need for reading glasses. Some people may need to wear reading glasses after LASIK surgery, especially if they read without glasses before the surgery due to myopia. They are most likely to suffer from presbyopia - Presbyopia: A condition in which the eye loses its natural ability to focus properly. Presbyopia is a natural result of aging and results in blurry near vision. distances. physiological state that comes with age.
  • Reduced vision. Occasionally, indeed, some patients after LASIK notice a deterioration in vision relative to previously optimally corrected vision. In other words, after laser correction, you may not see as well as you saw with glasses or contact lenses before surgery.
  • Decreased vision in low light conditions. After LASIK surgery, some patients may not see very well in low light conditions, such as at night or on foggy, overcast days. These patients often experience halos. Halos: The visual effect is a circular glow or ring of haze that may appear around the headlight or illuminated objects. or annoying glare around bright light sources, such as around streetlights.
  • Severe dry eye syndrome. In some cases, LASIK surgery may result in insufficient tear production to keep the eyes moist. Moderate dry eye side effect, which usually disappears within about a week, but in some patients this symptom persists permanently. When determining whether laser vision correction is right for you, let your doctor know if you have had dry eye syndrome, contact lenses are bothering you, you are going through menopause, or you are taking birth control pills.
  • The need for additional interventions. Some patients may need enhancement procedures for additional vision correction after LASIK surgery. Occasionally, patients' vision changes, and sometimes this can be attributed to the individual healing process, which requires an additional procedure (retreatment). In some cases, people's vision has dropped slightly and corrected by a slight increase in the optical power of the prescribed glasses, but this happens infrequently.
  • Eye infections. As with any surgery, there is always a small risk of infection. However, the laser beam itself does not carry infection. After your surgery, your doctor will likely give you prescription eye drops that will protect you from post-surgery infection. If you use the drops as recommended, the risk of infection is very low.

    The FDA does not control the conditions of each operation and does not inspect doctor's offices. However, the government requires surgeons to be licensed through state and local agencies and regulates the circulation of medical devices and equipment by requiring clinical studies that prove the safety and effectiveness of each laser.

    To read the supporting material on the right choice of a doctor. move on to the next section.

    Review comments

    Andrey June 6, 2012 Everything is possible! I know for sure that a lawsuit against AILAZ is being prepared now, due to the negligence of doctors.

    Averyanova Oksana Sergeevna, AILAZ Center September 14, 2012 I called by phone and didn't find out specifically either the name of the patient - the "injured" or the circumstances of the case. The supposedly "representative" of the "injured person" answered. There were no appeals from the court to our clinic.

    Laser vision correction

    Messages: 2072 Registered: Sat Mar 26, 2005 04:40 Location: Barnaul

    My husband recently did. Seems satisfied

    the postoperative period is three days, the second is the most difficult, because the eyes are watery and hurt, increased irritability to the light and everything is bright, but even that is not scary. There are fewer unpleasant sensations during lasik surgery, when the epithelial layer is incised and then put in place (rather than burned out, and then a new one grows), but we were explained that with lasik there is more risk that something will go wrong.

    As I understand it, there are no special guarantees that vision will not start to deteriorate again, this is not a minus. On the other hand, for those who do not tolerate lenses well, this is still a way out, even if only for a few years.

    I think that I will also perform an operation on myself, but only after I give birth a second time, although they say that the operation is not a contraindication for natural childbirth, it’s still scary after giving birth, my eyes were red, you know.

    I collect reviews about laser vision correction.

    If it’s not difficult, I ask those who did laser vision correction to unsubscribe here!

    If possible, indicate the degree of myopia (astigmatism, hyperopia), the method of laser correction and when it was, the sensations during the operation, etc. You can indicate the clinic - what if this will help someone?

    The most important thing is the result.

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