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Men are considered strong by nature and not at all prone to mood swings. Research scientists have shown that the "strong" half of humanity is also inherent in abrupt change moods, as well as the “weak” half.

The reasons for sudden changes in the emotional state can be:

  • Health problems when the disease leads to a malfunction of the hormonal system.
  • Problems related to physical condition of a person: constant overwork, insufficient sleep, abuse bad habits, overeating, leading to a malfunction of the digestive tract.
  • Stressful situations, especially constant and often recurring stress.

Note! From frequent mood changes, the emotional background changes, which leads to fatigue, conflict and aggression.

More serious causes of mental instability, which are identified by a psychotherapist or psychologist, may be:

  1. A constant return to past grievances and anxieties, which makes it difficult to enjoy the positive current situation. A person is offended by the whole world, and does not notice the gentle rays of the sun that this world gives him.
  2. Feeling like a “victim” neglecting your needs. The head of the family works hard to create the financial stability of the family. He sacrifices his dreams and forgets his desires. He develops irritability, aggression and fits of anger.
  3. Lack of love from others, leading to loneliness and depression. Perhaps this person is loved, but from childhood he was not used to the manifestations of this positive, vital feeling.

    They did not hug him, did not kiss him, and did not even praise him, considering this to be superfluous in the upbringing of a man. Deprived of warmth in childhood, he grew up without feeling his importance and need.

  4. Dissatisfaction with friends, work, the whole world.
  5. Problems in family relationships, problems associated with a midlife crisis, psychological problems- many other things can affect frequent shift moods.

Note! A woman who takes care of her man makes him stronger, bolder, smarter, more reliable and more determined.

Frequent emotional swings are a signal of help and attention from relatives and specialists. A real man will not call his condition weakness, he will try to change it. He won’t go into a binge, he won’t turn off his phone and he won’t leave the house.

Sudden mood swings in women

Sometimes drastic changes in the emotional state of women are determined by a trait of character. Crying for a minor reason is not a medical diagnosis.

Mood swings as a disease have symptoms:

  • The presence of unreasonable lightning-fast mood swings.
  • Changes in attitude to nutrition: refusal of previously favorite dishes, an unreasonable increase in appetite.
  • Constant drowsiness or trouble falling asleep.
  • A state of irritability, nervousness, causeless sadness.

Mood swings in women are explained by:

The lack of substances - mediators produced by the brain and responsible for emotions: states of anger, fear, happiness and other things. It is necessary to consult a doctor, as this is a sign of illness.
Hormone imbalances caused by menopause, pregnancy, etc. The need for medical assistance, possibly the use of antidepressants.
The period of puberty. Girls are not restrained, they react negatively. Calming herbal infusions are useful.
Increased levels of tension and anxiety associated with stressful situations. Problems need to be resolved.
Lack of sex, lactation period. Replace with alternative therapies: homeopathy, aromatherapy and acupuncture. Change life for the better, add positivity.
Abuse of bad habits that affect physical health. Quitting smoking and drinking alcohol.
Insufficiency motor activity affecting general state health. Remember that movement is life, use the principles healthy lifestyle life.
Stress and depression. The reason may be the need to combine work and care for family and children. Proper distribution of responsibilities and labor activity without causing problems.
Menstrual cycles. Before the start of the cycle is dominated by negative emotions: irritability, tearfulness, lack of restraint. Possible medical intervention.
Special days - Ekadash, depending on lunar cycle. Fall on the 11th day of the full moon. You can avoid quarrels and misunderstandings by observing fasting, abstaining from fatty foods.

Note! For predicting and regularizing mood swings, it is useful to keep a diary with notes about the emotional state and its binding to the menstrual cycle. The diary will help accurate forecasting days with negative emotions.

You can not extinguish negative emotions in yourself, it is dangerous for mental health. It is better to let the negative inside yourself, showing the positive outside. Learn to change emotions from negative to positive.


The onset of mood swings in adolescents is explained by physiological reasons, it is called the crisis of adolescence, you need to prepare for it.

Relatives and parents need:

  • Do not aggravate the situation by strict control over the child.
  • Talk to your teen about their physical condition.
  • Do not focus on the lack of development of the child's intellect.
  • Control all aspects of a healthy lifestyle for your child.

Note! Despite the appearance of alienation in a teenager, try to get closer to him spiritually, learn trusting relationships.

If necessary, contact psychologists and psychotherapists, they will always provide assistance.

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Do you have mood swings? The good news is that you are not alone - it is only natural when it changes depending on what happens in our lives. When we are happy, we ignore the negative events, and when we are sad, we may not notice the positive. There is nothing wrong with mood swings, there is nothing wrong with the transition from one state of consciousness to another during the day. The problem arises when there is an extraordinary response to events around or within us. Mood swings can be so rapid that they affect the quality of life. It is in this case that people suffer from emotional distress.

It is not known exactly why sharp drops moods. Some scientists believe that the reason is chemical reactions more specifically, a chemical imbalance in the brain. Mood swings are usually accompanied by symptoms such as anxiety, changes in behavior or personality, confusion, short-sightedness, increased speech, difficulty concentrating and understanding, forgetfulness, and even excessive alcohol consumption.

Listed below are some of the main causes of extreme mood swings.

Hormonal changes

Do you remember your mood swings? adolescence- aggression, and then depression, irritability or anger at parents. mood swings during puberty can be attributed to rapid rise sex hormone levels. PMS also known cause mood swings in adolescent girls and adult women, which can be attributed to fluctuations in estrogen and progesterone levels during periods.

Very often, mood swings happen during pregnancy, especially in the first and third trimesters. Pregnancy is a condition that is associated with emotional and physical changes, causing physical stress, fatigue, anxiety along with hormonal changes, which affect neurotransmitters that regulate mood. All of these can cause severe mood swings. Don't worry, it's completely normal.

Menopause is another reason why women experience mood swings. The main factor is a decrease in estrogen levels. One theory is that low estrogen levels cause hot flashes and night sweats, which lead to sleep disturbances, consequently, mood changes in daytime. Another theory supports the notion that mood swings are a response to age-related altered roles and relationships. Another theory holds that women may experience extreme mood swings when due to low level estrogen disrupts the balance of hormones that regulate mood and emotions (dopamine, serotonin).

Mood swings due to hormonal changes are easily treatable. Your doctor will prescribe medications based on your symptoms. Psychotherapy also helps to cope with the situation.

Mood swings are a side effect of drugs and substances

Sudden mood swings or outbursts of anger are often a symptom of addiction. If you are using drugs to get away from problems in your life, know that you are not only making things worse. existing problems but also create new difficulties for yourself. All psychotropic drugs change the way the brain functions.

These drugs cause a surge in the action of dopamine in the brain, causing a feeling of pleasure. Gradually, the brain adapts to dopamine surges and already produces less of the hormone, thus reducing its effect. Therefore, it is necessary large quantity drug to get a high dose of dopamine. Prolonged abuse also changes other chemical substances brain. Glutamate, a neurotransmitter responsible for cognition, changes with drug abuse, negatively affecting learning and memory, behavioral control, and decision-making capacity.

Recognizing that you are addicted to drugs is the first step on the road to recovery. Don't downplay the problem. Seek support from your family and friends. Feel free to seek professional help.

But it's not just substance abuse that can cause mood swings. Some medications can also cause severe mood swings.

Antidepressants drugs you take for depression or bipolar disorder can cause violent mood swings. Tell your doctor about this and he will probably prescribe other medicines. Mood swings are also common in those who have just completed a long course of SSRI antidepressants (eg, Paxil). Withdrawal usually lasts less than two weeks and goes away on its own.

Some drugs for hypertension, such as Lisinopril, reduce blood sodium levels and increase potassium levels. This can lead to depression and anxiety in some people.

Some studies have shown that cholesterol-lowering statins(eg, simvastatin) causes mood disturbances, however, these data are not conclusive and officially mood swings are not a side effect of simvastatin and many other statins. But it's better to be aware!

Some antibiotics, such as Gentamicin and Ciprofloxacin, cause mood changes in some people.

Ritalin, which is used in ADHD treatment, is another drug that can cause mood swings among others side effects its application.

If you notice severe mood swings or depressive symptoms, consult your doctor immediately. Do not stop taking the medicine on your own. Only the doctor can decide whether to continue or stop taking the medicine.

Depression and Bipolar Disorder

Mood swings are most evident in affective disorders such as depression and bipolar disorder. depression when you have constant feeling sadness, hopelessness and despondency. Depression can be caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain, or by life events such as death. loved one, suffering from incurable disease, job loss, divorce.

The most common symptoms of depression are:

  • Mood swings, hopelessness, guilt
  • Loss of interest in activities or loss of interest in friends and family
  • Delusions or hallucinations
  • Problems with concentration, memory and decision making
  • Suicidal thoughts, isolation from people
  • Poor sleep, fatigue
  • Unexplained pain
  • Loss of appetite or overeating

Bipolar disorder - when you have depression alternating with more than a week of unusually high energy. Symptoms:

  • Overconfidence and optimism
  • Excessive physical energy
  • Aggression and anger
  • Impulsivity, shortsightedness and reckless behavior
  • Delusional thoughts and hallucinations

Depression or bipolar disorder is not something you can prevent or cause. Your chances of having these conditions increase if you have family history these problems. You may simply not be aware of it, but when the symptoms become apparent, and sudden mood swings begin to poison the life of not only you, but those around you, see a doctor as soon as possible. He will draw up a treatment plan for you. In general, mood disorders are treated with drugs that have a psychotherapeutic and stabilizing effect. You will probably be advised on individual or group psychotherapy.

4. Stress Causes Mood Swings

Whenever you are nervous a large number of stress hormones are released into the bloodstream, through which they enter the heart, lungs, stomach and other parts of the body. This leads to changes such as sensory acuity, rapid breathing, increased heart rate, increased energy, and changes in brain function.

Moderate stress is actually good for the body as it boosts performance and cognition, but constantly high level reduces stress hormonal balance which leads to an imbalance in the brain's neurotransmitters. And an imbalance in neurotransmitters causes severe mood swings. Meditation, tai chi, yoga, relaxation techniques, it's all good way get rid of stress. Even a simple long walk alone can reduce your stress levels.

Diet and food

Pay attention to the fact that you reach for a chocolate bar or a piece of cake when you have Bad mood? Carbohydrates are known to increase tryptophan levels so that more serotonin is synthesized in the brain. Namely, serotonin is responsible for good mood!

Important: Choose healthy carbs over regular sugary foods so you can get other healthy nutrients as well. In addition, omega-3 fatty acid contained in such food products, how oily fish, flax-seed, Walnut and soy, have a positive effect on neurotransmitters, uplifting mood. Omega-3 deficiency is known to cause anger, irritability and depression.

A study published in the journal PLoS shows that there is a link between food and mood. Scientists put experimental animals on a diet with high content fats and sugars and found that this diet changed the gut microbiota and caused the development of such depressive symptoms as non- inability to feel pleasure. Conversely, the diet low content sugar, saved the test subjects from mood swings. So don't break intestinal microflora and it will prevent mood swings.

This indicates that balanced diet nutrition is very important. Keep this in mind the next time you eat food that is restricted nutrients or lose weight with an extreme diet. Some diets are based on eating less and exercising more. exercise. it the right way become moody and earn extreme mood swings.

6. Other medical problems

And last but not least, various diseases and medical conditions, such as:

  • a brain tumor
  • stroke
  • dementia
  • meningitis
  • lung disease
  • cardiovascular diseases
  • thyroid disease

can also cause severe mood swings. Talk to your doctor about your emotional fluctuations. Do not be shy, for a doctor this is valuable information, no one will look askance at you. Do not ignore mood swings, otherwise they can lead to serious problems mental and physical health.


  1. Clayton AH, Ninan PT. Depression or menopause? Representation and management of the main depressive disorders in peri- and postmenopause. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry. 2010; 12(1): PCC.08r00747. DOI: 10.4088/PCC.08r00747blu.
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  4. Swiger KJ, Manalac RJ, Blaha MJ, Blumenthal RS, Martin SS. Statins, mood, sleep, and physical functions: a systematic review. European magazine clinical pharmacology. 2014; 70(12): 1413-1422. DOI: 10.1007 / s00228-014-1758-u.
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Denial of responsibility : The information provided in this article is for informational purposes only. It cannot be a substitute for advice from a health professional.

Mood swings: what is the cause of frequent and abrupt mood swings and what to do about it?

There was just a crazy explosion of joy, I wanted to jump and clap my hands, and then ... a wave of unreasonable sadness suddenly covers me. Why?

It's no secret that each of us is prone to mood swings. To one degree or another, of course.

And no one is safe from such periods when you don’t want to do anything (do, see, hear). This is how our psyche works.

We all grieve, grieve, experiencing a loss or a serious setback. This is quite understandable. But sometimes people can experience a similar change in mood for no apparent reason, and stay in this state for quite a long time. At the same time, during periods of sadness, a person loses interest in life, acquires fatigue and irritability. Such groundless “emotional swings” can negatively affect work, relationships with loved ones, and simply ruin life.

It is about such a change of mood - abrupt and without external visible reasons - that we will talk about in this article.

Mood, in fact, is our psychological attitude to the surrounding reality. It can be different: positive, negative or neutral.

Mood change is a common feature nervous system. Thanks to it, we adapt to changing environmental conditions. But sometimes these "swings" are so frequent and sharp that they interfere with a normal productive life. In this case, it is worth understanding: what, in fact, is happening?

Let's try to classify change factors psychological mood. So,

Possible causes of sudden mood swings:

1. temperament type. Frequent mood swings stressful situations most prone to choleric.

2. Diet. Scientists have long noticed that some types of products have an exciting effect on the body, while others, on the contrary, have a calming effect. Therefore, you should carefully review your diet.

3. Various addictions: alcoholism, gambling, drug addiction. In a state of passion, it is very difficult for a person to control changes in his state.

4. Physiological reasons. For example, previous traumatic brain injury, or some types of mental illness. In such cases, the help of a doctor is necessary. Most likely, he will appoint complex therapy, including and drug treatment, and psychocorrection.

5. Chronic fatigue, constant stress. In stressful conditions, the body simply does not have enough strength for a quiet productive life. Annoyance accumulates, and now any little thing becomes capable of unsettling us.

6. In women, hormonal changes in the body. Especially bright mood changes can be observed during pregnancy.

7. Off-season. This includes the characteristic autumn and spring blues, feelings of discomfort during these periods, and, as a result, emotional swings. Physiological cause seasonal change in mood is a change in the work of the hypothalamus, which is responsible for the production of the so-called "happiness hormones".

8. Personal problems. Of course, everyone has them. But some tend to make decisions quickly, while others are hesitant. This provokes a change in mood.

9. Hidden depression. In cases where a person long time experiencing fatigue, anxiety, sleep disturbances, plus mood swings, we can talk about depression. And since it belongs to the category of diseases, the help of doctors and psychotherapists is needed.

10. Sleep deprivation. The body needs proper rest. Healthy sleep can boost both immunity and mood.

11. Flaw sunlight. The reason is the same as in the off-season - insufficient production of the "hormone of happiness" melatonin. Only such a blues can happen not only during the transitional periods between seasons, but even in cloudy weather in summer.

12. Lack of oxygen. In winter, in rarely ventilated rooms, there is often not enough fresh air, which provokes drowsiness and a bad mood.

Psychologists also distinguish a certain type of character - cyclothymic. The very name of this type speaks of cyclicity. Such people are naturally characterized by sudden mood swings. How else do cyclothymics differ and how to interact with them?

So, we have said before that a cyclothymic is a person whose mood changes too often.

Such people show instability in behavior and in emotions. A sharp rise in mood is replaced by the same sharp decline. At the same time, the cyclical changes can be different - throughout the day, sometimes weeks.

Cyclothymics find it very difficult to control themselves. If during the period of rise they are capable of literally“Move mountains”, then in moments of recession they hardly force themselves to do something, and can explode when faced with the slightest obstacle.

Such susceptibility indicates that a person is unable to endure frustration - emotional condition that occurs when things get out of control.

Psychologists note that cyclothymia often contributes to the situation of children's frustrations - when the mother is either very close to the child, or repels him. So small man Since childhood, everything has been perceived polarly - either great joy, or terrible grief.

Also, parental prohibitions on the manifestation of sadness and grief can “help” cyclothymia. Growing up, a person continues to feel guilty, experiencing a depressed mood.

But cyclothymics, like representatives of all other types of character, have not only “minuses”, but also a large number of “pluses”. These people are very versatile, have a rich inner world, nature endowed them very generously.

There are a lot of creative personalities among cyclothymics. For example, Pushkin had such a type of character. Cyclothymics tend to fully experience all the ups and downs, and this makes them inimitable, and their work unforgettable.

Cyclothymics are sociable, easily adapt to the world around them, prone to compliance and compromise. Mood is everything for them, reflection is not a priority. In the phase of good mood, they are unusually efficient, resourceful, and courageous. Cyclothymics are able to communicate with people, always have a lot of ideas, but at the same time they are prone to superficiality, inconstancy, overestimation of their capabilities.

What can cyclothymics do to smooth out mood swings?

So, if you find yourself in a cyclothymic character, listen to the recommendations of psychologists:

1. Step back. When you feel an inexplicable longing or irritation, try to look at the situation from the outside. What is it caused by? How important is she to you?

2. Find a safe outlet for your emotions. use yoga, breathing practices, martial arts, qigong. They can help you harmonize your soul and body, find inner balance and keep calm.

3. Try to accept yourself. The way you are now. Even in not in a better mood and form. And it is not at all necessary to strictly comply with some strict standards of success. By accepting yourself “without embellishment”, you will gain peace of mind and new strength.

To minimize constant emotional swings, try these simple rules:

1. Walk often in nature, in the fresh air. Such walks will give strength and energize, besides, provide your body enough oxygen and sunlight.

2. Rising from bed in the morning, open the curtains and window in the bedroom. Again, bright light Fresh air will allow your body to wake up faster and gain strength for a new day.

3. Take it in the morning cold and hot shower: alternate warm and cool water. This procedure will help to cheer up. But do not bring the situation to fanaticism: the water temperature should be comfortable for you. Scald yourself with boiling water or freeze ice water not worth it. Such exercises require lengthy training and solve completely different problems.

4. If possible, visit a bath or sauna. It is better to do this periodically, for example, once a week. So you get not only good health, but also a persistent emotional background.

5. Don't forget about physical activity. Choose the right complex for you morning exercises, go to gym, to the pool, or discover some other sport. The main thing is that it is pleasant and useful for your body.

6. Watch your diet. Provide your body with enough vitamins, especially during the off-season, when you are especially vulnerable. Remember about good breakfast- it will take care of your performance for the whole day.

7. If the food lacks vitamins, take them additionally in special complexes, along with the necessary minerals.

8. Try not to overload yourself. Constant stress and fatigue will do their "dirty business" - they will make you periodically (and often unexpectedly) slide into negativity. Try to calm down in time and tune in to the good.

9. Learn relaxation techniques. Such philosophical teachings as yoga, karate-do, etc. are especially rich in them. Choose something for yourself.

10. Don't gloss over your feelings. Talk about them with people you trust, who are close to you. This will help to avoid sharp explosions of accumulated emotions.

11. Pick up a new hobby or pick up an old one. This will distract from sad thoughts and give new joyful emotions.

12. Learn to see in crisis situations not only a hopeless problem, but also new opportunities, unexpected turns that can lead to something good.

13. Agree that not all situations in life we ​​can change. Unfortunately or fortunately, it is not for us to judge. We must learn to accept such situations.

14. Strengthen your close relationships. Keeping in touch with family and friends will positively affect your ability to cope with stress and problems.

15. Help other people without waiting for their request. In other words, do good deeds. By supporting those who are having a harder time than you, you yourself will be much easier to cope with difficulties and will feel more confident.

16. Cultivate optimism and hope. Remember that there is light at the end of even the longest tunnel.

17. Think back to your previous positive problem-solving experiences to help build confidence in your abilities.

18. You can use body-oriented practices that release emotions. For example, allow yourself to scream freely, dance, shake your whole body to exhaustion. After a half-hour "relaxation", allow yourself to fall, lie down and listen to the emptiness inside you. Achieve peace and relaxation. Psychotherapists say that in this way you can get rid of the accumulated blocked energy.

And remember, developing emotional resilience is not a quick process, and requires some effort on your part. But it's worth it, because a stable emotional background will help you find a way out of any situation.

"Enjoy life and be happy!"
Anna Kutyavina for site site

Mood swings, especially if they occur frequently, are sure to disrupt anyone's normal life.

Such fluctuations can be physiological process, an adaptive reaction to a change of scenery, a change hormonal background or life circumstances, and pathological reaction, a symptom of a mental disorder.

The reasons

As I wrote above, the causes of mood swings can be divided into pathological (caused by mental disorder), physiological (may occur due to some seasonal, hormonal fluctuations in the body), as well as psychological.

Pathological conditions

Bipolar affective disorder (BAD) ranks first among mental disorders manifested by sudden mood swings. It manifests itself as an alternation of manic and depressive phases. You can read about this disease.

Separately isolated bipolar affective disorder type II (formerly given state named as ). His distinguishing feature in that the state of elation never reaches mania, being limited only to hypomania.

Unmotivated fluctuations in the emotional background can also be observed in persons suffering from psychopathy (personality disorder). This is most typical for, and can also act. With these pathologies, affective disorders will be combined with other behavioral disorders.

Severe mood swings can be observed not only with mental disorders, but also with somatic pathologies. Most often, such symptoms are observed in violations in the endocrine sphere. That is why, if unreasonable mood swings arose spontaneously, they are accompanied by some violations on the part of internal organs, for advice, you need to contact not only a psychiatrist, but also an endocrinologist.

Substance abuse can be another reason for persistent mood swings. As a rule, immediately after the use of the substance or in anticipation of imminent use, the mood of a person rises sharply, and in moments of abstinence, anger and a decrease in mood come to the fore.

Physiological states

I think that no one will dispute the fact that mood swings in women are much more common than in the representatives of the stronger sex. And the thing is that women are more susceptible to hormonal changes. Among them:

  • monthly fluctuations associated with the menstrual cycle;
  • real hormonal "storms" caused by pregnancy, childbirth, and lactation;
  • climacteric changes.

Like it or not, the reproductive function is directly related not only to hormonal changes, but also to the emotional background. So women have much more reasons for mood changes than men.

Psychological reasons

On this, the reasons leading to the occurrence of emotional fluctuations are not exhausted, because we discussed only the hormonal aspects. But a person is also a person, and a member of the family, and society.

Difficulties at work, misunderstandings in the family, domestic problems, financial difficulties - all this can lead to mood swings in both men and women. If women, to the best of their physiological features forced to deal with and cope with affective fluctuations every day, it is much more difficult for men to cope with negative thoughts.

New lipstick, a cup of aromatic coffee, a smile nice guy- and the emotional balance of the girl is restored.

But it is much more difficult for men to cope with a bad mood. After all, they are emotionally much less mobile. And if negative emotions have taken possession of a man, then it is necessary to make a lot of efforts to cheer him up.

Many representatives strong half mankind consider alcohol as the simplest and most affordable antidepressant. However, its effect is short-lived, and addiction occurs very quickly. So you need to be on the lookout.

Why are affective fluctuations dangerous?

Frequent mood swings lead to the fact that the normal functioning of a person is greatly disturbed. When we are in a good mood, everything works out for us, we want to work, we make plans for the future. And in a bad mood, there is neither strength nor desire for anything.

As soon as a person began to do something, his mood changed. Will the business you start be successful? Hardly. There is a high probability that all this will lead to. And even if you manage to do everything that was planned, then it will take many times more time than usual.

All that I have described above concerns subtle mood swings, when the extreme manifestations do not reach the state of manic or depressive disorder.

Dangerous are not only sudden mood swings, but also extreme “poles” - depression and mania. A person who is depressed cannot live a normal life, work fully, and he himself and those close to him suffer.

Such patients are overcome by various negative thoughts. It seems to them that only they are to blame for all the problems, difficulties, that there will be nothing good in life. All this can lead to suicidal thoughts and even attempts. How to suspect the presence of suicidal thoughts in a loved one, read.

No less dangerous affective state is mania (manic episode). If during depression a person was overcome by a bad mood and negative thoughts, then with mania, an overly high mood, an irresistible desire to do something, comes to the fore.

What's wrong with that, you ask. And the fact that a person who is in a state of mania will definitely "find an adventure on his own head." Being in similar condition people do not so much come to the attention of psychiatrists as they can “get acquainted” with law enforcement agencies, breaking the law, taking an unbearable loan or doing something else out of the ordinary.

Mood swings: norm or pathology?

The fact that mood swings in girls, women and even men can be normal - we have already dealt with this. But how then to determine where is the norm, and where is the pathology? Do I need to see a specialist or should I wait?

So, what criteria should you pay attention to:

  1. The very first criterion is the cause. If mood swings occur frequently, without any good reason, or there is a reason, but compared to the reaction to which it led, it is negligible, in this case it is worth considering whether it is time to contact a specialist.
  2. Not less than important criterion How often do emotional swings occur? Each person, to the extent of his temperament, personal characteristics, has a certain, generally stable, emotional background. For example, sanguine people are more cheerful, they are distinguished by a good mood. most time. Melancholics, on the contrary, are more prone to depressive mood. So if affective swings occur many times a day, sadness is replaced by undisguised joy - you need to look for a catch.
  3. Another important criterion is the severity of affective symptoms. In general, the mood can be good or bad. But too good or, conversely, a bad mood should alert. Especially if there is no obvious reason for it.
  4. Definitely worth seeking medical or psychological help, if constant mood swings significantly disrupt a person’s life, they are accompanied, if because of them he cannot work, cannot create full-fledged relationships.

What to do?

How to deal with mood swings, what to do so that they do not interfere normal life This issue needs to be approached differently.

If a person’s emotional fluctuations are caused by a mental disorder (most often this happens when all of the criteria listed above are present), then the chances of coping with them on their own are negligible. It is necessary to contact a specialist - a psychiatrist or psychotherapist.

For example, if a person has bipolar affective disorder, he needs to constantly take medication, otherwise there may be the most horrible consequences. In BD, for the treatment and prevention of mood swings, thymostabilizers - valproates or lithium preparations - are necessarily used.

If mood swings are caused by a hormonal imbalance, in this case, in without fail you need to contact an endocrinologist and follow his recommendations. After all, as long as there is a hormonal imbalance, affective symptoms may persist.

Coping on our own

If you want to cope with mood swings on your own, you can resort to the following recommendations:

  1. Use aromatherapy. All kinds of smells affect our brain in different ways. Some of them help to improve mood, while others, on the contrary, help to relax. Get rid of irritation, calm down will help you essential oils patchouli or ylang ylang. If you need to cheer up, then you should opt for bergamot, lemon, lavender or cedar oil.
  2. Yoga classes contribute to the achievement of emotional balance. It's no secret that many stars who are prone to emotional instability regularly practice yoga. Yoga people are better able to control themselves and their mood. Maybe you should try it too?
  3. Complete regular nutrition, adherence to the daily regimen, sufficient physical activity, giving up bad habits and all kinds of psychostimulants (including a certain number of cups of coffee or tea) often contribute to improvement mental state, equalization of the emotional background.
  4. If lately you have begun to constantly feel tired, you are worried about mood swings, this may indicate that your body needs to good rest otherwise there is a risk of development. Don't ignore your body's clues!
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