Ginkgo biloba experience in the treatment of children with ADHD

The use of the medical preparation Ginkgo biloba has a beneficial effect on the vessels of the brain, patient reviews of such treatment have a positive content. The action of the drug is systemic, so the benefits of dietary supplements are obvious for the whole organism. Ginkgo biloba tablets can be bought at a pharmacy without a prescription, the effectiveness of herbal preparations is beyond doubt. Even the reception of homeopathy is required to be additionally coordinated with the attending physician, to avoid self-treatment.

What is ginkgo biloba

Useful properties of the ginkgo tree, which belongs to the gymnosperms of the dioecious type, the Ginkgo class, is growing in Europe. Ginkgo can live up to 2,000 years, has a physiological feature - male and female cells of the reproductive system. The former produce pollen, the latter produce seed germs, which are pollinated by air currents. By their nature, they are beneficial to health, differ in preventive and therapeutic properties. Such medicinal plants can cure a number of diseases, prevent acute attacks of chronic ailments.


Leaf extract is used for treatment and prevention. It has anti-inflammatory, regenerating, vasodilating, tonic properties. The presence of antioxidant effects in the plant composition makes dietary supplements in demand in all areas of medicine. This natural medicine has a unique herbal composition, among the active ingredients are linalool esters, phenylpropane derivatives, sesquiterpenes, tricyclic diterpenes, ginkgolide. Ginkgo biloba has become the basis of many homeopathic medicines.

Benefit and harm

Possessing antioxidant activity, this unique remedy has found its application not only in modern medicine, but also in cosmetology. Among the useful properties of Ginkgo Biloba, doctors highlight the following points:

  • cerebral circulation is normalized;
  • blood vessels dilate;
  • increases the elasticity of the vascular walls;
  • stabilizes blood sugar;
  • increased swelling disappears;
  • metabolic processes are normalized;
  • blood pressure stabilizes.

The use of dietary supplements during pregnancy is not recommended, such a medicine can also harm during lactation. Alternative treatment for epilepsy is prescribed with caution, in addition, before starting the course, it is important not to forget about the increased sensitivity of the body to the active components of this unique medicinal plant. Otherwise, Ginkgo biloba preparations provide tremendous health benefits for patients at any age.


The presence of active additives is appropriate in all areas of medicine. For example, in cardiology, Ginkgo biloba increases the elasticity of blood vessels and is an effective prevention of atherosclerosis, and in neurology it helps to combat migraine attacks, increased excitability, and reduced intellectual functions. In modern cosmetology, it is a productive remedy against wrinkles and other signs of skin aging, and in endocrinology, it is a reliable cure for diabetes.

Ginkgo biloba tea

From this unique tree, or rather, its leaves, you can make a healthy drink. Ginkgo biloba tea is necessary for impaired blood circulation of the brain, it has an antioxidant and tonic effect, protects cells from free radicals, and helps restore weakened immunity. Such drinks are used to prevent strokes, prevent relapses of the cardiovascular system. The presence of natural vitamins in the plant composition makes this remedy especially popular among the masses.

Preparations based on Ginkgo biloba

Given the unique substances in the plant composition, Ginkgo biloba leaves are added to the chemical formula of many drugs, replenish the range of dietary supplements. You can order such medicines from the catalog and buy in the online store, but first you need to enlist the support of your doctor. Tablets are prescribed to patients with circulatory disorders and not only. The following items have worked well:

  1. Biloba Evalar. Restores blood circulation, increases visual acuity and hearing, removes dizziness and migraine attacks.
  2. Vertex. Tablets help to improve memory, blood microcirculation, have a positive result on cerebral circulation, improve the elasticity of blood vessels.
  3. Tanakan. The herb in the composition is an effective prevention of thrombosis and sclerosis, it has a sedative, diuretic and anti-inflammatory effect in the body.
  4. Ginos. It is recommended to use the capsule for dizziness and sleep phase disturbance, in old age with a decrease in memory functions.
  5. Memoplant. According to the instructions for use, it is appropriate to use a characteristic medication after a stroke, traumatic brain injury, brain surgery.

Ginkgo Biloba by Evalar

In this unique plant, all the power of nature. According to the instructions for use, such products are produced from Evalar in the form of tablets and capsules, packaged in one package of 40 pieces. The active components of the drug improve blood circulation and memory, increase visual acuity and hearing, and with a full course of treatment, they remove toxins from the body, stimulate vascular tone, and activate the body's immune response. For this kind of treatment of diseases, a three-week course is required, a correctly selected dosage.

pharmachologic effect

Before taking Ginkgo biloba, you need to study the full description of the medicinal product, carefully read the attached instructions for use, read the real reviews of doctors and patients. In addition to powerful antioxidant properties, the following pharmacological properties of this unique plant should be noted:

  • removal of free radicals;
  • strengthening the walls of blood vessels;
  • preventing the formation of blood clots;
  • increase in potency;
  • stimulation of systemic circulation;
  • strengthening weakened immunity;
  • excretion of products of intoxication;
  • increased acuity of hearing or vision with prolonged use;
  • cleansing the blood of bad cholesterol;
  • normalization of blood pressure.

Release form

Medicines with the presence of relict plants of this family have several convenient forms of release. Among these are capsules and tablets, drops, tinctures and powder for the preparation of a medicinal composition. Medicines are intended for oral administration, productively penetrate into the systemic circulation, but in terms of their pharmacological properties they are not toxic or harmful. They have the same activity in relation to the focus of pathology, provide a stable therapeutic effect with comfortable treatment.

Indications for use

  • encephalopathy;
  • dementia, including Alzheimer's disease;
  • neuropsychic weakness;
  • neurosensory disorders;
  • violation of peripheral blood flow and microcirculation.

Instructions for use Ginkgo Biloba

The drug contains herbal ingredients, so the list of contraindications is minimal, an overdose is excluded. The treatment has a stable positive effect, and health is not able to harm, if you follow the daily doses, the basic rules of admission. So, the characteristic medication is intended for oral consumption, and the capsules should be swallowed whole and not washed down. The recommended dose is 1-2 capsules 2 times a day. The duration of intensive therapy is 3 months. In chronic diseases, it is allowed to drink up to 6 capsules per day.

Side effects and overdose

Tablets or other form of release of Ginkgo Biloba have the property of an antioxidant, however, such a pharmacological appointment can provoke side effects. More often these are pronounced signs of dyspepsia and allergic reactions, which are temporary. Do not cancel the medicine, but be sure to consult with your doctor. Cases of overdose in extensive therapeutic and folk practice have not been reported.


This representative of Chinese medicine has a positive effect on all parts of the body. The drug is used strictly according to the instructions, which also reported on the existing medical contraindications. Do not violate such restrictions, otherwise the severity of side effects only intensifies. The following clinical pictures interfere with taking the drug:

  • children's age up to 16 years;
  • increased sensitivity of the body to plant components;
  • periods of pregnancy, lactation;
  • with caution: with epilepsy, preparation for surgery.

special instructions

Before using the drug, it is required to study the herbal composition and exclude the risk of developing an acute allergic reaction. Patient feedback should not become a guide to future therapy; consultation with a knowledgeable specialist is necessary. Store the natural preparation in a dark and dry place, always away from children. There are other special instructions.

Traditional medicine has been using recipes based on ginkgo biloba for 4,000 years. The official one became interested in an unusual tree relatively recently - in the 18th century. Since then, pharmaceutical companies have released hundreds of preparations containing medicinal leaf and fruit extracts that help treat many diseases, improve immunity and prolong the youth of the body.

Ginkgo biloba - a relict medicinal plant

Ginkgo biloba - what is it?

Ginkgo biloba is a relic plant. It has been growing since the time of the dinosaurs and therefore managed to adapt to a changing environment. It is not affected by pests, bacteria, polluted air . The tree managed to survive the battle with nuclear bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki: it is the only plant that sprouts after being irradiated.

Interesting Ginkgo Biloba Facts:

  1. Life expectancy reaches 2500 years.
  2. Ginkgo biloba is a symbol of the Perm region.
  3. The tree tolerates strong winds, temperature changes and snow drifts.
  4. They were most common during the Mesozoic.
  5. Ginkgo is a descendant of the fern.
  6. Often grown in gardens as an ornamental plant.
  7. In the East, it is a symbol of life, the personification of Yin and Yang.

The leaves of ginkgo biloba are carved and look like duck feet, and the pits of the fruit resemble apricots. The plant is dioecious, which means that there are female and male trees. It can be seen in the photo or in the botanical garden.

Ginkgo biloba tree in the garden

The leaves and fruits are full of useful substances and are able to produce antioxidants that preserve the youth and beauty of a person. The seeds of the tree are still widely used in Chinese medicine.

Release form, price and analogues of drugs

Based on biloba, many drugs and their analogues are produced.

The seven most popular drugs are:

  1. Ginkgo Biloba S. Pack of 40 tablets. One piece contains 20 mg of active ingredient. Price - from 120 rubles.
  2. Capsules Ginkgo Biloba Evalar. The pack contains 40 tablets, which contain 40 mg of medicinal extract and glycine. Price in Russian pharmacies - from 150 rubles.
  3. Ginkgo Biloba Astrafarm. The capsule of the drug contains 40 mg or 80 mg of active ingredient. Price - from 100 rubles.
  4. Polyextract Ginkgo Biloba. Produced in the form of bottles with drops of 100 ml. 5 ml of the product contains 360 mg of a useful substance. Price - from 500 rubles.
  5. Ginkgo Biloba tea. Contains dry grass. Sold at a price of 150 rubles.
  6. Ginkgo Biloba - leaf. Chinese drug, produced in tablets. One pill contains 25 mg of the active ingredient. Price - from 900 rubles.
  7. Giloba with phytosomes. The composition of the tablets includes 40 mg of biloba leaf extract and 75 mg of physpholipids. Price - from 200 rubles.

Tablets with ginkgo biloba extract

Analogues are also sold in large quantities in domestic pharmacies.

The following are worth highlighting:

  1. Memoplant. German drug, the tablet of which contains 40 mg of the extract. The price for a package is 280-1200 rubles. The cost depends on the number of pills.
  2. Ginos. Tablets that are sold on a blister or in orange jars. Contains 40 mg of extract. Price - from 140 rubles.
  3. Doppelhertz. Food supplement, one tablet of which contains 30 mg of the active ingredient. Price - from 250 rubles.
  4. Tanakan. One package contains 30 tablets. One pill contains 40 mg of extract. Price - from 300 rubles.
  5. Bilobil Forte and Bilobil. The package contains 2-6 blisters, each of which contains 10 capsules containing 40 or 80 mg of dry extract. Price - from 200 rubles.

Some of the presented items are easy to buy at the nearest pharmacy, others can only be ordered via the Internet. Solutions for injections are not for sale.

Composition of Ginkgo Biloba

In 1965, the botanist V. Shvabe created a medicinal extract from the leaves of the plant. Later, scientists conducted many studies and made an extract containing more than 40 active substances. It is she who is now part of the popular drugs.

In the main composition, 1 tablet contains - potassium, zinc, calcium, copper, manganese, calcium, phosphorus, selenium, iron.

The active substances included in the drug include:

  • flavonoid glycosides;
  • bioflavonoids;
  • proanthocyanidins;
  • organic acids;
  • alkaloids;
  • terpene trilactones.

The pills of the main active ingredient may contain from 20 mg to 120 mg. Excipients include lactose, corn starch, povidone.

Useful properties of the plant

A unique plant is able to delay the approach of old age and rejuvenate the body. Medicines are prepared from it that can increase potency in men and smooth out wrinkles in women.

Among the useful properties of the plant included:

  • antibacterial and antifungal action;
  • the ability to fight cancer;
  • improving memory and vitality;
  • suppression of the effects of alcohol.

The medicinal properties of biloba for the modern pharmaceutical world were discovered by the doctor Engelbert Kaempfer. Scientists have confirmed that preparations based on the leaves and fruits of the tree have a positive effect on humans.

Extracts from the plant began to be used in diabetes and oncology in order to improve the patient's condition and activate his hidden powers.

The effect of biloba on the body

Biloba-based medicine is of great benefit. Many people wonder if it raises or lowers blood pressure. The drug expands the blood vessels and makes their walls more elastic, improves blood circulation in the human body.

This results in the following:

  • cholesterol levels fall;
  • reduces the risk of blood clots;
  • high blood pressure returns to normal.

Ginkgo biloba prevents blood clots

Studies have shown that the drug delays the development of Alzheimer's disease and improves short-term memory. In Germany, ginkgo biloba is used to treat mental disorders.

Antioxidants, which are part of the preparations, have the following effect:

  • slow down aging;
  • reduce the risk of developing a malignant tumor;
  • fight depression and fatigue.

Ginkgo biloba has amazing effects on the body. It preserves the health of the skin, hair and eyes, protects the cardiovascular system, increases libido, improves concentration.

How to cook at home

In folk medicine, various recipes with ginkgo biloba are extremely popular. Decoctions, infusions and tinctures are prepared from the plant, which are used for memory, general strengthening of the body, for potency. Usually take dried leaves or seeds. Roasted or boiled seeds are added to salads or eaten pure.

Before starting the preparation of the medicine at home and subsequent treatment, you should consult a doctor, take tests and check if there are any allergies to the components of the drug.


For 1 tsp. dry and crushed leaves, a glass of boiling water is taken. The agent is infused in a thermos or a jar wrapped in a warm blanket for 1-2 hours. Then the infusion is filtered and taken 100 ml 3 times a day for half an hour before the main meal. Treatment lasts a month, and then a break is made. There are 3 courses per year.

Ginkgo biloba infusion strengthens the immune system


For 100 g of dried leaves, take vodka or good moonshine. The grass is filled with liquid and placed in a dark place. Preparation of tincture takes 2 weeks. Then the drug is filtered and poured into a glass container with a tight lid.

From the leaves of ginkgo biloba, you can prepare alcohol tinctures

Tincture is taken half an hour before meals, 20 caps three times a day. After 1-2 months of treatment, a break is made. During the year, 3 courses of medication are taken.


For 2 st. l. take 250 ml of water. The composition is put on fire and brought to a boil, and then boiled for 3 minutes and removed from heat. After 10 minutes, the broth is filtered.

Before using the broth, it must be filtered.

It is correct to drink the drug before meals on an empty stomach, 1/3 cup three times a day. After a month, they take a break for 3 months. It turns out to do 3 courses in a year.

Instructions for use of ginkgo biloba

The doctor selects the daily rate of ginkgo biloba based on the lifestyle, weight and age of the patient. The recommended dose is 40 mg to 240 mg. Reception is divided into 2-3 times. The drug is drunk on an empty stomach.

Assign a remedy in the following cases:

  • bad memory;
  • constant fatigue or depression;
  • to maintain the cardiovascular system;
  • for eye health.

Ginkgo biloba helps improve memory

The use of a medicine without a doctor's recommendation is dangerous because it has contraindications. The method of application is selected individually, and, despite this, the person must independently familiarize himself with the instructions that come with the tablets.


The drug thins the blood, so it is forbidden to take it with other drugs that have a similar effect.

Contraindications for admission:

  1. Pregnancy and lactation.
  2. Tendency to bleeding and period of infarction.
  3. Reduced blood pressure.
  4. postoperative period.
  5. Individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

Tablets are not prescribed for children under 12 years of age.

Do not take ginkgo biloba for epilepsy

Plant damage

There is no official data on the dangers of the plant. At one time, studies were conducted during which 7 out of 118 subjects had a stroke, but there are no supporting facts that biloba was to blame.


Almost everyone has heard of ginkgo biloba. Aggressive advertising in the media has created an aura around this plant almost like a “Kremlin pill”. What cunning marketers didn’t invent: and that this plant is a panacea for the brain (lied), that it improves memory in itself (half lied), that it has no side effects (here they lied recklessly). At some point, advertising became so intrusive that it began to have the opposite effect. In a fit of righteous skepticism, people seized on some "studies" that "debunked the myths about ginkgo" and claimed that it was a useless plant (but, as usual, they also lied).

So what exactly is ginkgo biloba? Let's dispel the fairy tales created around the innocent tree and face the truth.

And we will see that these are very beautiful eyes.


Ginkgo biloba(Ginkgo biloba) - a relic tree up to 40 m high and a trunk diameter up to 4 m, a real "living fossil" that has come down to us straight from the Mesozoic era, which ended 66 million years ago. This is the prehistoric brother of modern conifers and, according to some botanists, the direct descendant of the long-extinct fossil ferns. Ginkgo biloba grows wild in eastern China.

This plant has been used in Chinese medicine for more than three thousand years, and since the 1960s, preparations from it have also been used in Western medicine - in the treatment of various diseases associated with circulatory disorders.

Ginkgo biloba leaves are used to prepare preparations, from which an extract is made containing active substances - bioflavonoids ( myricetin and quercetin) and terpenoids ( ginkgolides, biobalides).

The effect of ginkgo on the body

1. Improved blood flow. The main therapeutic property of ginkgo is to increase blood flow to areas that lack it, including the brain, lower limbs, all arteries, veins, and even the smallest capillaries.

It is the ability to significantly improve blood circulation, especially capillary circulation, that makes ginkgo almost indispensable for:

  • any nootropic programs,
  • courses on
  • programs for
  • anti-varicose programs.

Ginkgo significantly increases the effectiveness of such courses, which is not surprising, since it significantly improves the blood supply to the brain, eyes, limbs and other organs.

Ginkgo biloba bioflavonoids accumulate in the nervous system, especially in synapses, and even after taking the drug for a long time, they have an antioxidant effect.

3. Impact on the vascular system. Ginkgo biloba extract is supposed to strengthen vessel walls and prevent capillary fragility. It increases the tone and resistance of small blood vessels, has a vasodilating effect, and reduces capillary permeability. It has a beneficial effect not only on the venous, but also on the lymphatic system, eliminating congestion in them.

4. Inhibition of platelet aggregation. Glycosides contained in Ginkgo biloba extract reduce the tendency of platelets to stick together, which reduces blood clots in the vessels. This protects the arteries and veins from the formation of blood clots. However, it is important to adhere to the "golden mean" between the processes of excessive "blood thinning" and its coagulation. It is important to understand that the abuse of high doses of this plant is fraught with hemorrhages.

Remark. The direct improvement in cognitive functions (memory, attention, etc.) widely attributed to ginkgo biloba due to its effects on neurotransmitters may not be true. Such an improvement, if any, is indirect and is associated with a general improvement in the blood supply to the brain, and, consequently, with the optimization of the delivery of oxygen and essential nutrients to it.

The main indications for the use of ginkgo

There are many of them. Here are just a few of them:

  • mild and moderate chronic cerebrovascular insufficiency and associated dizziness, headaches, tinnitus and other symptoms;
  • headaches of vascular origin;
  • age-related memory impairment;
  • consequences of traumatic brain injury;
  • some neurosensory disorders;
  • violations of natural biorhythms, especially the sleep-wake cycles;
  • visual impairment and a number of eye diseases;
  • venous insufficiency and varicose veins.


Ginkgo biloba leaf extract has a number of contraindications. The main ones are:

  • hypersensitivity to ginkgo biloba leaf extract;
  • blood clotting disorders;
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum in the acute stage;
  • erosive gastritis;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • acute violation of cerebral circulation;
  • children's age (up to 12 years).

It is important to be aware that ginkgo biloba greatly reduces blood clotting. Therefore, it categorically cannot be taken in conjunction with any drugs that promote "blood thinning", including aspirin and any drugs containing aspirin. Otherwise, the risk of hemorrhages increases, including in the internal organs. Also, ginkgo should not be taken by people who have a tendency to increased bleeding.

course admission

Ginkgo is effective only when taken in a course and shows its effects no earlier than after 2-4 weeks of daily use.

Course duration. From 1 to 3 months. After a break equal to the duration of the intake, the course can be repeated.

Dosage. For most prophylactic courses, a dosage of 60-120 mg per day (more often 120 than 60) once or twice a day is sufficient. If you have never used ginkgo preparations, the general recommendation is to start with 60 mg per day. However, this recommendation is not strict. In special cases, you can use up to 240 mg per day, but this should be done very carefully, remembering the property of ginkgo to “thin the blood” and the risk of bleeding, including internal bleeding.

Compatibility with other drugs

Ginkgo biloba can be taken alone or in combination with a number of other medications. Especially effective when combined with:

  • , especially, or fish oil,

Again: do not take ginkgo together with any drugs that promote "blood thinning", including aspirin and drugs that contain it!

Examples of drugs

An incredible variety of ginkgo preparations are currently on the world market. But only those that contain a standardized ginkgo biloba leaf extract are effective. Moreover, such an extract must contain at least 24% flavone glycosides and at least 6% terpene lactones. This must be clearly stated on the label. In addition, the raw materials for the production of ginkgo extract are expensive, so there are many fakes on the market that can only be distinguished in a laboratory. Below are two drugs that have been successfully tested by the independent ConsumerLab, and two others that have not been tested but are credible.

  • ConsumerLab Tested - the drug has successfully passed the tests of the independent laboratory ConsumerLab. If there is no such icon, this means that the drug was not included in the test group.

Ginkgo biloba 60 mg

Ginkgo biloba 120 mg

Example Programs Using Ginkgo Biloba

Nervous System Maintenance Course

Described in detail

Important Information

  • The information provided here is for informational purposes only. They are not a recommendation for taking dietary supplements and are not an advertisement for these supplements.
  • Remember: bioadditives cannot be used to treat diseases, they are not an alternative to medicines, and even more so - doctor's prescriptions.
  • Taking dietary supplements without the approval of a doctor can be harmful to health, especially if you have any diseases.

There are contraindications, consult your doctor.

Ginkgo biloba is a plant that different doctors treat differently. Someone prescribes it to their patients, someone considers it a dummy. Some studies confirm the clinical efficacy of ginkgo biloba, while others refute it. There are both positive and negative reviews about this plant on the Internet. For some, supplements based on ginkgo biloba help improve memory, while others scold them for the complete absence of any effect.

We cannot make sure that a supplement is guaranteed to have a positive effect on your body. But we will tell you how to take ginkgo biloba correctly in order to most likely get the expected effect and protect yourself from side effects as much as possible.

Instructions for use

Most manufacturers produce preparations and supplements based on ginkgo biloba in capsules or tablets of 40 mg. There is also a solution with an extract of this plant, and its single dose is also 40 mg. The daily dose recommended by pharmaceutical companies is 120 mg. In most cases, you need to take 3 tablets or capsules per day. Preparations containing 60 mg of ginkgo biloba extract (for example, Vitrum memory) are taken twice a day.

In our opinion, these doses are too low for any tangible benefit to be obtained from the drug. In clinical studies, doses of 240 mg per day were mainly used. This is twice as much as most drug manufacturers offer. Accordingly, the cost of treatment will also double. But then you will know that you are not wasting your money.

One of the few drugs on the Russian market that offers an adequate dose is Bilobil Intense by Krka. One capsule contains 120 mg of ginkgo biloba. It is recommended to take the drug 1 capsule twice a day. When taking other medicines with an extract of this plant, it is advisable, contrary to the recommendations from the instructions, to double the dose on your own - up to 240 mg per day. Another drug containing 120 mg of ginkgo biloba extract per tablet is called Memoplant, but it costs twice as much.

The main indications for the use of supplements and preparations with ginkgo biloba:

  • obliterating endarteritis;
  • ischemic stroke or transient ischemic attacks;
  • lack of coordination;
  • senile dementia;
  • atherosclerosis of the vessels of the brain or lower extremities;
  • impaired hearing or vision of vascular origin;
  • dizziness.

These are the indications found in the instructions for any preparation containing ginkgo biloba. Some manufacturers include additional readings:

  • Raynaud's syndrome;
  • Parkinson's disease;
  • complications of diabetes;
  • increased emotional or intellectual stress.

If you read the instructions for using supplements distributed via the Internet or through network marketing, the number of indications increases dramatically. Almost all diseases can be found there, from hepatitis to hypertension and cancer.

People taking ginkgo biloba need to consider that this plant:

  • reduces blood clotting;
  • may cause allergies;
  • increases the risk of hemorrhagic stroke;
  • may cause dizziness and incoordination;
  • incompatible with alcohol;
  • can not be used under 12 years of age, during lactation and pregnancy;
  • it is undesirable to take with drugs for "thinning" the blood (Aspirin cardio, Cardiomagnyl, Curantil).

Ginkgo biloba has contraindications, most of which are associated with the antiplatelet effect of the drug. The plant reduces blood clotting, and therefore, with its regular intake, the risk of bleeding increases. In connection with this property, ginkgo biloba is forbidden to be used for gastritis, peptic ulcer, inflammatory bowel disease, after trauma, surgery, stroke. The drug is contraindicated in all cases where there is an increased risk of bleeding.


Judging by the reviews, people do not trust the domestic manufacturer too much. They consider Tanakan to be the most effective. In fact, the effect of taking any drug is almost impossible to feel. Their action develops gradually, over several months. If in the reviews you read that someone felt an improvement in memory after the first pill or after one week of treatment, most likely this effect was achieved through self-hypnosis.

In general, people believe in the action of ginkgo biloba. There are reviews that talk about the calming effect of the plant. Other Internet users contradict them, arguing that drugs based on it cause irritability and insomnia. For some, ginkgo biloba relieves headaches, for others it exacerbates this symptom. Some people talk about the plant being well tolerated, others report dizziness and nausea after taking it.

When evaluating the effectiveness of ginkgo biloba, you should not be guided by reviews. There are at least three reasons for this. Firstly, the drug acts gradually, so people do not feel its effect. Second, most ginkgo biloba buyers take the supplement at half the effective dose. Thirdly, different people expect different effects from the drug, and in many respects they are due not to the pharmacological properties of the plant, but to the power of a person's self-hypnosis.

Prices and analogues

The prices of preparations and supplements containing ginkgo biloba extract in their composition have significant differences. The cheapest drugs can be purchased for less than 200 rubles. The most expensive ones cost the buyer more than one and a half thousand rubles. The price of ginkgo biloba depends on:
  • doses (40, 60, 80 or 120 mg);
  • dosage form (tablets, capsules, solution for internal use);
  • the number of doses (the package contains from 10 to 120 tablets or capsules);
  • producer countries (France, USA, Germany, Slovenia, Russia);
  • method of selling the medicinal product (pharmacies, Internet, network marketing).

There are also topical remedies containing ginkgo biloba. But we will not even consider them, since they do not have any effect either on health or on the condition of the skin.

Here are the prices of the most popular preparations and oral supplements containing ginkgo biloba:

  • Tanakan - 1500 rubles for 90 tablets of 40 mg;
  • Vitrum memory - 500 rubles for 60 tablets of 60 mg;
  • Ginkgo biloba Coral Club ¬– 720 rubles at retail and 575 rubles each for Coral Club representatives for 60 tablets of 60 mg;
  • Ginkoum Evalar - 360 rubles for 60 capsules of 40 mg;
  • Ginkgo biloba tea - 225 rubles per 50 g (how many active ingredients it contains is unknown);
  • Ginkgo biloba plus (can be ordered via the Internet) - 2500 rubles for 240 capsules of 30 mg;
  • Memoplant - 1100 rubles for 30 tablets of 120 mg;
  • Ginos - 175 rubles for 30 tablets of 40 mg;
  • Bilobil intensive - 1000 rubles for 60 capsules of 120 mg.

The list shows the best prices - for the largest packages at the maximum dose. The most expensive drug produced in France is Tanakan. The cheapest drugs based on ginkgo biloba are domestically produced drugs. It is unlikely that they differ significantly in quality, so it is better to save money and buy a drug at a more affordable price. We also note that Bilobil will be comparable to Russian drugs in terms of cost per unit mass of the active substance, but only if the most expensive package is purchased - 60 capsules of 120 mg.


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1 tablet Ginkgo Biloba Doppelhertz contains:

  • dry extract of leaves - 30 mg;
  • vitamin B1 - 1.4 mg;
  • vitamin B2 - 1.6 mg;
  • vitamin B6 - 2.0 mg.

Compound Ginkgo Biloba Forte:

  • Ginkgo Biloba extract;
  • green tea;
  • pollen;
  • dried onion;
  • lactose monohydrate;
  • stearic acid;
  • calcium stearate;

Composition of the powder in 1 capsule Ginkgo Mind:

  • standardized extract of dry biloba Ginkgo - 0.04 g;
  • microcrystalline cellulose (MCC) - 0.109 g;
  • calcium stearate - 0.001 g.

Release form

Preparations based on Ginkgo Biloba are presented, as a rule, in the form of tablets from leading pharmaceutical companies with various auxiliary components and biological additives:

  • Doppelhertz tablets, for example, in addition to the main active component, they contain vitamins of group B.
  • Evalar supplies capsules or tablets of 40 pieces in dark plastic bottles. The pack contains 1 vial with the oral form of the drug.
  • Ginkgo Biloba Forte- capsules weighing 0.42 g in cell blisters for 10 pieces. The cardboard pack contains 4 contour plates.
  • Ginkgo Mind- brown hard gelatin capsules (various shades from light brown to dark are allowed), which contain powder from yellow to light brown with white and dark blotches. 2 blisters of 15 pieces each are put into the carton box (30 capsules in total in a box).
  • Tincture It is prepared independently from the dry leaves of the Ginkgo Biloba tree or Ginkgo biloba.

pharmachologic effect

Wikipedia defines the Ginkgo tree as a gymnosperm relic plant, like spruce and pine, which is often referred to as a living fossil. Roasted seeds and boiled leaves have been used as a tea for a long time in the areas of its growth and in Chinese folk medicine. At the end of the twentieth century, the Ginkgo Biloba tree began to be actively used in traditional pharmacy due to biologically active substances ( bioflavonoids , terpene trilactones , alkaloids, organic acids, proanthocyanides, flavonoids) isolated from its leaves. In addition, the plant contains a large number of micro and macro elements.

The medicinal properties of drugs based on Ginkgo are diverse, however, most often drugs are used due to vasoactive pharmacological effects . The constituent components are able to inhibit the activity of the phosphodiesterase enzyme, as a result of which a cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) , and the concentration of calcium ions in the cytoplasm decreases. This is manifested in the relaxation of the muscular wall of blood vessels and a decrease in its tone. In addition, the action of the extract from the leaves extends to the endothelium, enhancing the synthesis of the relaxing factor, which provides a significant improved blood flow , including renal and cerebral.

The biological components of a pharmaceutical product also affect the blood system, changing its rheological properties, preventing the development of thrombosis , reducing the adhesive properties of erythrocytes and platelets, reducing the release of mediators that increase the tone of the vessels of the arterial bed. The mechanism of antiplatelet action is to inhibit the activity of PAF (platelet activating factor).

Ginkgo Biloba has a strong antioxidant effect , which is realized due to various biochemical interactions. First of all, in this vein, it is worth noting flavonoid glycosides . Possessing P-vitamin activity, they are able to bind to ions copper, iron, manganese and other metals, forming complex compounds and reducing the concentration of free radicals. In addition, they prevent biological destruction and. The extract also contains terpenoids, copper, selenium, potassium and phosphorus that implement other mechanisms of the antioxidant effect.

Anti-ischemic properties bilobalide , one of the active components of the Ginkgo leaf extract, determines the use of a pharmaceutical preparation in cardiology and treatment vascular insufficiency . This ability of the active substance is especially well realized under conditions of hypoxia, since due to an increase in mitochondrial expression and an increase in the level of mRNA, the activity of cytochrome C oxidase is maintained, which is manifested in an increase in the respiratory activity of mitochondria.

The plant can be used in neurology, because the drug has neuroprotective properties , reducing the risk of spontaneous and oxidative apoptosis by reducing the activation of NMDA receptors and their effect on calcium-dependent mechanisms of programmed cell death. In addition to the directed action on the nerves, the drug contributes to the normalization of carbohydrate metabolism, affects the metabolic properties of noradrenaline, and due to which it is realized antidepressant and nootropic effects therapeutic agent.

The use of Ginkgo Biloba extract is also advisable in nephrology, since the constituent components have protective properties in relation to kidney tissues. Nephroprotective action It is realized through a decrease in lipid peroxidation, which protects cellular structures from damage. The drug also reduces the severity of some other tubular disorders. Do not forget that the plant is inherent and diuretic properties , as renal blood flow improves significantly, and the glomerular filtration rate increases.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The pharmacokinetic abilities of drugs based on the active components of the Ginkgo Biloba extract have not been studied enough at the moment.

Indications for use of Ginkgo Biloba

  • unjustified feeling of fear;
  • discirculatory ;
  • vessels of the brain and myocardium;
  • violation of the physiological rhythm of sleep and wakefulness;
  • arteriopathy of the lower extremities ;
  • general malaise;
  • dementia on the background ;
  • cerebrovascular disorders;
  • as an additional source polyphenols and flavonoids in their insufficiency.

Indications for use can be greatly expanded through the use of pharmaceutical preparations based on Ginkgo Biloba in geriatrics . It is prescribed for senile macular degeneration and hypoacusia , mental disorders, neurosensory disorders , including tinnitus, to improve memory and learning ability.

Contraindications for Ginkgo Biloba

Absolute contraindications to the use of a homeostatic remedy:

  • increased individual sensitivity to the constituent components of a pharmaceutical product;
  • acute disorders of cerebral circulation;
  • in the acute phase;
  • reduced blood clotting;
  • arterial hypotension ;
  • spicy ;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding period;
  • age group under 16 years old.

Pathological conditions when preparations based on Ginkgo can be used carefully subject to constant medical supervision:

  • - increased risk of seizures;
  • - the possibility of complications of the pathological process;
  • planned surgical interventions or postoperative regimen - the risk of developing profuse bleeding increases;
  • in the presence of risk factors for development intracranial hemorrhage .

Side effects

Usually drugs based on Ginkgo Biloba are well tolerated by patients, since the herbal nature of the pharmaceutical preparation is much closer to the natural, physiological diet than artificially synthesized components. In some cases, the following side effects may occur:

  • digestive disorders;

Ginkgo Biloba, instructions for use (Method and dosage)

Instructions for Ginkgo Biloba Evalar

The tablets are taken by mouth. The capsule is recommended to be swallowed whole, not crushed or chewed, but washed down with a sufficient amount of water. A pharmaceutical preparation is used during a meal, since the gastrointestinal tract is maximally tuned to absorption and the effectiveness of the therapeutic agent in this case increases. The starting dosage is 1-2 capsules 1-2 times a day. The duration of the course of conservative treatment is selected individually, as a rule, the duration is at least 3 months. Repeated therapy can be prescribed only after 2-3 months.

How to take Ginkgo Mind

Ginkgo um comes in drugstores in the form of capsules for oral use. Capsules are taken regardless of food intake in unground form. It is also not recommended to chew them, you should only drink plenty of water. For symptomatic treatment violations of cerebral circulation, the frequency of administration is 3 times a day, and the dosage is 1-2 capsules (40 or 80 mg, respectively, when converted to a dry standardized extract). The course of such therapy lasts at least 8 weeks.

If the pharmaceutical product is used for correction of peripheral circulation , then the scheme and dosages change somewhat. It is prescribed to take 1 capsule three times a day or 2 tablets twice a day, depending on individual indications and the body's response to the drug. The therapeutic course lasts at least 6 weeks. Conservative sanitation vascular and involutional diseases of the inner ear follows the same pattern.

Leaves Use: Preparation of Ginkgo Tincture

Pour the leaves of the plant with 40% alcohol or vodka in a ratio of 1:10. Let it brew in a dark place (limiting the ingress of natural and artificial light is a necessary condition for the correct preparation of the treatment solution) for 2 weeks, shaking and filtering periodically, after which the tincture will be ready and it remains only to find out how to take the medicine.

The standard dosage is 10 to 15 drops diluted in half a glass of water 2 times a day, immediately before meals. The amount of therapeutic concentrate is determined based on the weight of the patient. The conservative course lasts 1 month. It is recommended to carry out 3 courses during each year, since with prolonged use of Ginkgo, its therapeutic properties only become stronger.

Herb application

Before preparing a medicinal solution and using the Ginkgo herb, it should be crushed. Next, pour 1 tablespoon of the plant mixture with 1 cup of boiling water and cook in a water bath for 15 minutes, then leave to infuse for half an hour. For a beneficial pharmaceutical effect, take 1/3 cup 3 times a day before meals. The duration of the course is 1 month. Repeated treatment can be carried out with a break of 2 weeks.


The medical literature does not describe cases of overdose of any of the forms of the drug.


Pharmaceutical preparations based on Ginkgo Biloba should not be used in combination therapy with drugs that have anticoagulant or antiplatelet activity , and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs due to an increased risk of bleeding.

Terms of sale

The drug is freely available at drugstore kiosks and other unlicensed points of sale.

Storage conditions

Preparations with Ginkgo Biloba should be stored in a dry, dark place and out of the reach of children. The temperature should not exceed 25 degrees Celsius.

Best before date

special instructions

Growing at home

Various sources describe successful attempts to independently grow the Ginkgo plant, which is the main component of the pharmaceutical preparation. However, before embarking on this difficult task, you should definitely familiarize yourself with the sequence of actions in order to realize at home the entire spectrum of the beneficial therapeutic effect of the plant and all its parts. It should also be noted that self grown tree has some virtues , for example, a special pattern of leaves, which makes Ginkgo look like ancient ferns.

Planting and caring for a tree is not burdensome, because the plant is not demanding. A prerequisite for the content of Ginkgo is cool wintering in temperature conditions from 0 to 6 degrees. Growing in the Moscow region or in other similar climates requires placing the plant in the refrigerator on a separate shelf. Also in winter, limit the water regime However, it is also impossible to overdry the soil. Otherwise, if the required temperature and water balance are not maintained, the life cycles of Ginkgo will be mixed up, which will inevitably lead to the death of the plant.

The benefits and harms of Ginkgo Biloba

First of all, of course, it should be noted all those positive aspects the use of a pharmaceutical product for which it is prescribed. The following are considered especially important:

  • improvement of systemic blood flow at the main and microcirculatory levels;
  • antioxidant effect;
  • change in the rheological properties of blood towards antiplatelet properties;
  • anti-ischemic action;
  • nephro- and neuroprotective effects.

Usually, the pharmaceutical preparation is well tolerated by patients who use it in conservative therapy, however with increased individual sensitivity certain side effects can be observed, interpreted as an adverse effect of the constituent components. Indigestion, drug allergies, headaches - all this is described in reviews of Ginkgo by individual users, which indicates a very poor prevalence of side effects of the active components of the herbal preparation.

Of course, both benefit and harm can be observed from the use of a medicinal product, but the positive aspects of using a pharmaceutical product are much more extensive than the negative ones and have proven scientific validity, which is why Ginkgo Biloba has gained such a good reputation among qualified professionals in the field of homeopathic remedies.


Coincidence in the ATX code of the 4th level:

Ginkgo Biloba analogues represent a group of pharmaceutical preparations based on this plant, but with different trade names, dosage of the active ingredient and other minor features. The most popular analogue is ginkgoum - 40 mg capsules, the active ingredient of which is leaf extract Ginkgo biloba . The drug, like drugs based on Ginkgo Biloba, has a wide range of pharmaceutical properties, but the main focus of its use is an angioprotective effect to maintain the normal functioning of cardiovascular and brain activity.

That is, Ginkgo biloba shows its therapeutic capabilities to a greater extent in relation to rheological parameters of blood and vasomotor reaction of large vessels allowing more selective treatment. Therefore, Ginkgo mind, as a rule, is prescribed for the correction of peripheral and cerebral circulation, in contrast to Ginkgo Biloba, the spectrum of indications of which covers a large number of different nosological units.

Ginkgo Gotu Cola - another popular analogue of preparations based on Ginkgo Biloba. Its feature is the presence of a second active component. Gotu Kola is a medicinal plant that belongs to the parsley family and has long been used in medicine. Thanks to this combination of natural ingredients, the indications for the use of a pharmaceutical preparation in the form of tablets are supplemented by various traumatic lesions of the skin , since Gotu kola contains biological components necessary for the formation of collagen structures.

The pharmaceutical properties of the drug based on two plant extracts allow not only to fight rough scars and after burns, cuts or other types of injuries, but also contribute to the rapid healing of trophic ulcers that otherwise epithelialize over time. However, such additional abilities of the drug increase the price to some extent, which is not unconditionally accepted by the entire category of patients.

During pregnancy and lactation

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, the drug should be taken strictly according to the doctor's prescription.

Reviews of Ginkgo Biloba

Pharmaceutical preparations based on the Ginkgo tree are very popular, because they are a kind of panacea in the treatment of a large number of nosological units. The therapeutic properties of a medicinal plant have been known since ancient times, which forms a special credibility for such a conservative sanitation, combining folk remedies and the achievements of modern pharmacy.

Reviews of Ginkgo Biloba Evalar should be noted separately, because this is the most common drug based on this plant. A huge number of forums and thematic sites are full of recommendations for its use, especially since it does not require the knowledge and skills of a medical professional or gardener, because many grow Ginkgo on their own, which consumes a lot of effort and time.

Also, a positive aspect of the tablets is the gradual onset of pharmaceutical effects - such a temporary duration of therapy allows you to fully adapt and adjust all the necessary systems and metabolic chains, which affects the final favorable result.

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