The symptoms took over the heart. Artificial respiration "from mouth to mouth". How can it start

At heart attack Proper first aid can save a person's life. Mortality statistics around the world are known for their disappointing results.

A significant percentage of total falls just on diseases that are associated with the cardiovascular system.

Every day, several thousand people die, who did not have time to provide timely, correct, high-quality and, in addition, qualified assistance.

A significant percentage of the population suffers from cardiovascular diseases. Those who know this for certain always have at hand the right drugs and know what to do with them.

There is also a category of people who are not at all aware of their heart problems. Pains take them by surprise, they do not know what and how to do and what measures to take. As a result, in many cases everything ends badly.

Statistics say that a significant percentage of deaths is caused by the fact that people do not immediately turn to specialists, do not pay attention to symptoms, endure, do not rush to call ambulance.

In case of a heart attack, you need to act immediately. This will save a life.

It is not always easy to determine the nature of the disease and establish an accurate diagnosis. Indeed, often the symptoms are similar in several diseases or do not manifest themselves immediately. This can be done effectively by qualified professionals.

But heart disease still has its characteristic distinguishing features.

You should pay attention if you experience the following symptoms:

1) The presence of shortness of breath. It can be not only after heavy or light physical exertion, but also in a calm state.

2) Increased sweating. This sign is more typical for people of the stronger sex than for women. But the second one can also be present.

3)High heart rate. For heart disease main body human life support system begins to work intensively. Because it has more work to do.

4) Pain near chest . Initially, these pains may be slightly felt, but soon their strength increases.

In addition, they are accompanied by a burning effect, tingling and a feeling of heaviness, as if something is squeezing the chest. Pain can manifest itself not only in the region of the sternum, but also in the back, arm, leg, abdomen.

The peculiarity is that the place of localization is always located on the left side of the body.

5) With a heart attack a person can lose orientation in space. This is accompanied by spinning in the head, a significant deterioration in balance.

6) A heart attack may be accompanied by sharp pains in the stomach, nausea, single vomiting, heartburn.

7) Rather harbingers rather than symptoms are weakness, fatigue. The person becomes lethargic, unable to work.

8) Insomnia, Bad mood, anxiety, snoring during sleep - these are all also harbingers of the disease cordial character. Monitor how your nervous system. It is directly related to the cardiovascular system.

9) Imminent heart problems also promise heaviness in the legs. They become wadded, it is difficult for a person to move around.

Of course, that at once all the signs cannot suddenly arise in a person. You should always take care of your body and body. They warn of problems, give signals.

In one way or another, at least some, but the harbingers of the disease are always there. An attack cannot come from nowhere.

In case of a heart attack, if such a disaster has already happened, you must act quickly and correctly. It is worth adhering to a certain algorithm, which will provide quality care. Here is a list of first steps:

1. The victim must be seated or placed reclining. Remember: you can not place it horizontally. Vertical position reduce the load on the heart muscle and relieve pain in the sternum.

2. It is necessary to free the person from excess clothing: remove the tie, unbutton the buttons and the belt.

3. Maximize flow fresh air- open windows, doors.

4. Ask the patient to breathe deeply but gently.

5. Call an ambulance. If the situation is critical, then medical workers should be called in the first seconds.

6. Make every effort to calm the patient. Nervous state will only make the situation worse.

7. Give the patient an aspirin to drink. This will reduce the risk of blood clots forming. The tablet must be chewed. If the patient is unable to do this, then give him an already crushed pill.

8. Also, the victim should be given a nitroglycerin tablet.. This drug will help eliminate pain and stabbing sensations. If the first dose did not help, then you can take it again.

IMPORTANT: medications- aspirin and nitroglycerin - can be given only when you are undeniably sure that the victim is not allergic to them. Also, nitroglycerin should not be given at low pressure, because it lowers it even more.

9. After taking the pills, weakness may appear, then you should raise lower limbs patient, so that they are located above the level of the head. This will increase and speed up blood flow. You can also give some water to drink.

10.Monitor the victim's pulse. In the case when it is poorly felt or the person loses consciousness altogether, then do light massage hearts. In critical cases - artificial respiration.

In addition to providing first aid, you need to know those measures that absolutely cannot be done in case of a heart attack.

The patient cannot move - walk, run, go to the hospital himself.

Be sure to calm before arrival medical workers. The medical team will provide qualified assistance and take you to the hospital.

Remember that a heart attack can overtake a completely healthy person.

Excessive smoking, alcohol consumption, poor quality lifestyle, regular consumption of fatty foods, nervous breakdowns, overweight All of these ingredients can cause a heart attack.

People who know about the problems of their body always have aspirin and nitroglycerin on hand.. In cases of an attack, they help immediately.

If you do not belong to the category of cores, then do not neglect these rules. They will not be redundant for you either. After all, anyone can fall into the category of risk.

Heart attack is one of the most common causes of death among men and women. A heart attack is a sharp violation of blood circulation, with the development of subsequent necrosis in the myocardial layer of the heart. This pathology can have a fulminant course - when, from the time the first symptoms appear, death occurs in a few minutes.

Usually the consequences this violation are irreversible, so it is extremely important to recognize a heart attack on early stages and provide effective first aid. Treatment of pathology is aimed at preventing the development of relapses.

Causes of pathology

Often a heart attack develops against the background of cardiac pathologies that a person has. In particular, the predisposing factor leading to the occurrence of this disorder in the work of the heart is.

In addition, disorders in the work of the heart occur in the elderly, which is associated with functional disorders in work of cardio-vascular system. Moreover, pathology is determined more often in men than in women.

Cardiac asthma is a syndrome of acute left ventricular failure, which manifests itself in the form of shortness of breath and impaired heart rate. Often this pathology can lead to pulmonary edema and, as a result, to death. The disease affects both men and women equally. The main risk group is people over 60 years of age.

A heart attack is not medical term. So the people call the condition, which is associated with an interruption in the work of the heart, accompanied by specific symptoms and dangerous to human life. In this case, the victim usually looks like this: he presses his hands to his chest, catches air with his mouth, and his face expresses mortal fear. An attack develops suddenly and quickly, it can overtake a man or woman (both an elderly person and a teenager) in the most unexpected place and at the most inopportune time. The further development of events depends on the actions of people who, by chance, found themselves nearby. It is important not to get confused and to be at least a little “savvy” in the field of providing the first first aid in situations like this.

Heart attack means serious violation myocardial blood supply. This condition is typical for acute manifestation coronary disease. At this point, the movement of blood through the coronary arteries, because on the way it meets an obstacle in the form of blood clots or cholesterol deposits that close the passage inside the vessel. The heart does not receive oxygen, its cells begin to experience hypoxia and are destroyed. develops angina pectoris light hearted attack) or myocardial infarction.

A heart attack often ends in death, so help must be provided immediately. It is urgent to call an ambulance at the first suspicious signs.

A life-threatening condition can occur when delivery of oxygen to the myocardium is difficult. Vasoconstriction is promoted by thrombosis or atherosclerosis, while the lumen between the walls is blocked by 70% or more. Acute ischemia hearts are provoked by the following factors:

  • excessive fullness;
  • passion for alcohol and tobacco products;
  • having a history severe forms diabetes;
  • reduced physical activity;
  • intense training for athletes;
  • commitment to fatty foods and plentiful portions;
  • VVD (vegetovascular dystonia);
  • abuse of nonsteroidal drugs;
  • long stay in stuffy room or in the open sun in the heat;
  • hypertonic disease;
  • age (less common in young people);
  • belonging to the male sex;
  • tendency to develop blood clots;
  • high content cholesterol in the blood.

The situation is aggravated by the spasm of those affected by cholesterol coronary vessels(in other words, a heart cramp), when the passage for the blood flow can be completely blocked. This happens when it starts to rise. arterial pressure, as well as at severe stress(fear, joy, anger, or other nerve disorder), high physical stress. The risk of developing an attack increases in the presence of cardiac pathologies ( atrial fibrillation, tachycardia, congenital and acquired defects circulatory system, chronic).

With partial coverage bloodstream angina pectoris develops, complete blockage of the vessel leads to necrotic phenomena (myocardial infarction).

Symptoms and early warning signs of a heart attack

Excessive suspiciousness spoils a person's life, but sometimes increased vigilance to one's health still does not hurt. Without disregarding all the "strangeness" of his state of health, a person can warn the impending danger. There are indications that possible approximation heart attack. The so-called harbingers make themselves felt long before the onset of the critical moment:

Here are the immediate signs of a heart attack:

  • burning in the chest, constricting pain, heaviness;
  • discomfort in the left half of the body;
  • fear of death;
  • muscle weakness, "cotton" legs;
  • white skin, nose, lips, fingers with a blue tint;
  • fainting;
  • shortness of breath, difficulty taking a deep breath;
  • pulse is frequent or intermittent;
  • cold profuse sweat.

A threatening condition can manifest itself in different ways in people of different sexes. So, the symptoms of a heart attack in women have their own characteristics.

  1. Signs of a similar nature appear in more late age, after the menopause. More often have a tragic outcome than in men.
  2. In women, usually small arteries overlap, in the opposite sex - large ones. This is reflected in the symptoms in the development of a heart attack in men.
  3. The manifestations of heart problems in the fair half are mostly atypical: heartburn, pain in the upper abdomen, bouts of nausea, the woman becomes very weak, cannot breathe normally, gets tired quickly.
  4. Often there is an asymptomatic course of the attack.
  5. Signs of an acute heart attack in women usually rule out chest pain.

A heart attack can go completely unnoticed. A quick and sudden death occurs if a large area of ​​the heart is affected, or the person safely endures a silent attack without even suspecting it. In this case, it is realistic to recognize irreversible changes only with a planned medical examination.

Another scenario is that a person is worried about symptoms that he does not associate with heart disease. He does not go to the doctor at the right time, choosing expectant tactics, thus aggravating the situation. Meanwhile, life-threatening complications develop. Atypical signs of a heart attack:

  • hurts right part chest;
  • possible pain in the abdomen with nausea and vomiting, bloating;
  • cold symptoms, sore throat.

Similar symptoms are also characteristic of some other conditions (osteochondrosis, intercostal, tonsillitis, neuralgia, diaphragmatic hernia, stomach disease, acute development pancreatitis and cholecystitis). But there are also specific features that help distinguish non-cardiac pathologies from myocardial infarction:

  • Heartburn, diarrhea, constipation, belching speak of digestive dysfunction.
  • Strong and sharp pains occur regardless of physical activity or nervous tension, aggravated by palpation of the lower part of the ribs, this is a sign of neuralgia.
  • Pain is aggravated if a person moves his torso, arms, breathes deeply. Or unpleasant sensations are of a short duration, similar to tingling, stop on their own. Perhaps this is related to osteochondrosis.
  • Reception "Nitroglycerin" does not bring relief. So, the appearance of pain is not connected with the heart.

Age-related changes in a child in adolescence can also cause chest pain, but they are a variant of the norm.

First aid at home

When a heart attack occurs, you need to act quickly and competently. First of all, you need to call an ambulance. Next, you need to do the following:

  1. Provide the victim with complete rest and comfortable position. It is advisable to lay down with your head up.
  2. Loosen all fasteners and locks that restrict the chest so that the person can breathe freely.
  3. Open windows and vents, let in fresh air.
  4. Render emotional support, try to save a person from fear and panic.
  5. Offer "Nitroglycerin" (under the tongue), if there is no effect, repeat allowable dose after a few minutes. If the pressure began to drop significantly, this method cannot be used.
  6. If you suspect a myocardial infarction to prevent blood clots, be sure to chew an Aspirin tablet. It is needed to thin the blood, helping it to flow more freely through constricted vessels.
  7. At high blood pressure help the patient take antihypertensive. Usually in hypertensive patients it is always at hand.
  8. Place a mustard plaster on the chest, make a warm bath for the legs.
  9. If the heart has stopped, you will need an indirect massage of this organ and artificial respiration.


A patient with a heart attack can be treated both at home and in a hospital. If there is no suspicion of a heart attack, a person is observed on an outpatient basis, continuing to take drugs to prevent recurrent paroxysms and prevent the formation of blood clots. Usually these drugs are:

  • nitro-containing medicines ("Nitroglycerin");
  • painkillers ("Morphine");
  • antihypertensive drugs ("Metoprolol");
  • diuretics ("Furosemide");
  • drugs directed against further development atherosclerosis ("Atorvastatin");
  • anticoagulants ("Heparin");
  • thrombolytics ("Streptokinase");
  • antiplatelet agents ("Aspirin").

This scheme is followed in the postinfarction period.

In case of development acute infarction emergency is considered appropriate surgical intervention, it is possible to use electrocardiostimulation (with cardiac arrest).

Surgery for a heart attack:

  • balloon angioplasty (artificial expansion of a narrowed vessel using a catheter with a mini-balloon);
  • installation of a stent (special expanding frame) in the cavity of the damaged artery;
  • coronary artery bypass grafting (creation of additional circulatory pathways bypassing the affected area).

Surgical manipulations can stop the development of complications, but they are relevant only in the next hour and a half after the onset of the attack.


A heart attack is dangerous due to the complications it can cause. Moreover, the consequences occur both in the first hours of the development of the pathology, and within a few weeks after the end of the attack. Necrosis is the result of an acute coronary circulation. Dead cells cannot fully contract, which significantly impairs the functioning of the heart, resulting in myocardial insufficiency or re-infarction. An attack can also cause severe arrhythmia, rupture of cardiac tissues, the occurrence cardiogenic shock(reduced blood delivery to other organs with a violation of their functions). All these conditions lead to the death of the victim.

Outcome forecast similar pathology always depends on the amount of damage received, the speed of rendering qualified assistance, as well as from age and other individual characteristics organism. The sooner treatment is started, the smaller area of ​​the heart will be affected. Elderly patients, people with weakened immune systems and chronic diseases in the anamnesis it is more difficult to rely on favorable development events.

How to prevent a heart attack

For the prevention of primary and repeated attacks of acute coronary syndrome a number of recommendations must be followed:

  1. Strictly comply with medical prescriptions.
  2. Categorically give up bad habits.
  3. Monitor your weight, if necessary, get rid of extra pounds.
  4. Strengthen the heart with moderate physical activity.
  5. Observe rational mode labor and rest.
  6. stick to the right balanced nutrition by excluding foods rich in cholesterol.
  7. Regularly monitor the level of pressure, sugar and cholesterol in the blood.
  8. Getting a flu shot can help prevent heart problems.
  9. Protect yourself from excessive emotional outbursts.

Don't joke around with a heart attack. Even if there is no certainty that the symptoms that have arisen indicate a fatal dangerous state, it is advisable to seek help from medical personnel. It must be remembered that the signs of a heart attack may be atypical. In order not to risk your life, you must be vigilant to any negative manifestations in the body. First aid does not require extensive medical knowledge and skills, but everyone should master these basics. Daily habits and established routines are very important for the prevention of heart disorders, change them in better side within the power of any person.

Signs of a heart attack are pain in the chest area, which can radiate to left hand, shoulder blade, hands, left half of the neck and lower jaw, in both hands, in the shoulders, upper part belly. The pain can be pressing, squeezing, burning or bursting intense. If the pain is characterized as stabbing, cutting, aching, aggravated by a change in body position or breathing, then we cannot talk about staging accurate diagnosis heart attack. Often the pain can be accompanied by weakness, shortness of breath, severe sweating. The pain is felt for more than 5 minutes.

3. Give the patient aspirin and nitroglycerin. If there is a sharp weakness, sweating, shortness of breath or a sharp headache after taking nitroglycerin, the patient should be laid down, legs raised (on a pillow, roller, etc.), give 1 glass of water, and no longer take the medicine. When the pain disappears and the condition improves after taking the medicine, it is necessary to call a doctor and follow his instructions;

4. If the pain persists, then you still need to take nitroglycerin and call an ambulance. If 10 minutes after taking nitroglycerin for the second time, the pain does not subside, then you need to take it a third time.

What not to do with a heart attack

1. A person with a heart attack should not get up, walk, smoke, eat food until the permission of the doctor;

2. If there is intolerance to aspirin or it was taken already on that day, then it should not be taken. Also, aspirin should be avoided if there is a clear exacerbation peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum;

3.If blood pressure is low, if any severe weakness, sweating, as well as pronounced headache, dizziness, acute disorder speech, vision, or motor coordination, then you should not take nitroglycerin.

Waiting for the ambulance

While you are waiting for the ambulance to arrive, provide first aid: make sure that the patient is sitting or lying down. Release the patient from tight clothing, do not leave him unattended until the doctors arrive.

It is more difficult to provide first aid for a heart attack if a person has lost consciousness. First of all, you need to check the pulse and breathing. To do this, you need to approach the cheek to the mouth and nose of the patient, feel his breath and at the same time you need to follow the movements of the chest. Try to feel the pulse on carotid artery, which is located immediately below the jaw on the side of the neck.

If a person's heart has stopped and you do not feel his breathing, then you need to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation(CPR). Performing an indirect body massage, even without skills, you can save a person's life. If CPR is not performed, then the chances of a person surviving a cardiac arrest decrease by 7-10% every minute. Thanks to timely indirect massage heart, you can double or even triple the chances of resuming the work of the heart.

According to statistics, a heart attack (heart attack) is perhaps the most common cause sudden death these days. Most of us know real examples from the lives of friends who have had a heart attack. Many cases end lethal outcome. This can happen to anyone, especially after a person has crossed a certain age limit.

Alas, in modern world This age bar is dropping right before our eyes. Therefore, it is extremely important to know the signs of a heart attack - after all, most often a heart attack does not happen suddenly, on its own, without previous characteristic symptoms.

What happens during a heart attack

Signs of a heart attack appear when one of the arteries that feed the myocardium ceases to function normally and deliver the required amount of blood. Thus, during a heart attack, a part of the heart is damaged, that is, a local area suffers muscle tissue. If you do not take urgent measures, a fatal outcome is quite possible.

Statistics say that about half of the deaths due to a heart attack come from too late treatment for medical care or the impossibility of its timely provision.

The pathological condition develops when the blood flow of the vessels leading to the heart is disturbed due to a sudden spasm or unexpected blockage by a blood clot or cholesterol. The reason for the death of a muscle area is a lack of oxygen.

As a result, death occurs due to the developed extensive damage to the heart muscle and complications that have arisen. If it is possible to accept Urgent measures the patient is often saved.

Who is at risk of a heart attack?

Heart attacks, the causes of which are quite diverse, can overtake anyone. However, certain factors increase the risk of a sudden heart attack. What exactly?

First, hereditary predisposition. Death from a heart attack in one of the relatives - serious reason think about your own health.

Secondly, diabetes. Its presence is a provoking factor for a whole bunch of diseases, including cardiovascular diseases.

Thirdly, high pressure leading to overload blood vessels and the heart muscle.

And finally, age. The older the person, the higher the risk. From the age of 40, pay close attention to the heart.

To a heart attack - voluntarily!

Like it or not, heart attacks are very often observed, the causes of which we create with my own hands without thinking about health. What are we talking about? What are these reasons?

Of course, in the first place - all known bad habits: drug addiction, alcoholism, smoking. Heavy smokers almost always have heart disease. Alcohol intoxication can make the situation worse. An acute heart attack can often occur against the backdrop of a deep hangover. There is nothing to even talk about drugs, cocaine is especially harmful to the heart.

The second is high cholesterol. downtrodden cholesterol plaques vessels experience colossal overloads, some of which goes to the heart muscle. Plus banal obesity. The organs of an obese person swollen with fat do not allow the heart to do its job. This cause of cardiac disorders is the most common.

And, in addition, chronic stress. He is the reason huge amount diseases, especially heart disease.

How can it start

Here are the signs of a heart attack that should promptly call a doctor:

1. Pain (feeling of tightness, heaviness) in the chest area. This is the most typical feature impending heart attack. It may also cause burning or tingling sensations. If the above symptoms do not go away after a short time need to go to the hospital urgently.

2. Sweating, heavy sweating. In the summer you can miss this symptom, but when it is observed in a cool room, this is an alarming sign.

3. Attacks of shortness of breath even with little exertion (walking, climbing several floors), especially in combination with chest pain. Symptoms may be aggravated by turning and sudden movements.

4. Numbness of the fingers, passing to the elbows and forearms.

5. Nausea, especially with dizziness. Although this symptom is characteristic of a number of ailments.

6. Violation of speech, which becomes slurred. Especially if the person is completely sober.

7. Loss of motor coordination. The body ceases to obey, mainly - arms, shoulders, neck. Combined with slurred speech, this is like alcohol intoxication. And others may not rush to help such a person, which is very dangerous.

If you pay attention to the listed symptoms in time, you can save a person's life.

It's harder for women

Separate conversation about heart attacks in women. We are all accustomed to presenting the onset of such an ailment as sudden and pronounced. But in practice it is often different.

Recent studies have shown that women are less likely to be diagnosed with heart attacks, the symptoms of which are often mild. Many women experience them without giving special significance malaise.

All this is due to the fact that the signs of a heart attack in women are slightly different than in men. The inability to recognize them leads to the fact that the weak half of humanity more often suddenly dies "from the heart."

Heart attacks. Symptoms in women

To the main" alarm bells"should be attributed the following violations life:

Strong, unsettling fatigue;

Insomnia or sleep disturbances (even when tired). May be observed for a month or more before a heart attack;

Stressful state, agitation and extreme anxiety;

Nausea, indigestion, especially with a normal diet;

Difficulty breathing with normal exertion or climbing stairs;

Sweaty and clammy skin, flu-like weakness;

Pain in the face and neck, ears and jaws (unlike men, whose arms and shoulders are mostly numb. The pain can "drain" to the shoulders and arms, especially on the left, or feel like a stretch in the muscles of the back and neck).

How to help yourself?

If you notice unusual symptoms, do not wait, go to the doctor and get seriously examined. Be sure to state everything at the reception. possible factors risk - high blood pressure or cholesterol levels, smoking, having relatives with heart disease.

Remember that during a heart attack, pain is usually localized behind the sternum, can be given to the left hand, arm to the forearm, shoulder blade, lower jaw and even in the upper abdomen. Its character is strong compressive, breaking, burning or pressing, often with shortness of breath. Rarely in such cases, the pain is stabbing or cutting. Its duration is more than 5 minutes.

If there are signs

What to do in case of a heart attack? Of course, it is better if trouble catches you at home, and not on the street or in a deserted place.

Try to sit in a comfortable chair or lie on a bed with a high headboard. Open a window or vent for fresh air. Take (chew and swallow) an aspirin tablet (250 mg) followed by a nitroglycerin capsule or tablet (put under the tongue).

If after that there is a sharp weakness or headache, drink a glass of water and lie down with your feet on a cushion or pillow. Additional nitroglycerin is not required. At positive effect(reduction or disappearance of pain) can be limited to calling a doctor at home.

If there is no effect, take nitroglycerin again and call an ambulance as soon as possible. The third time nitroglycerin is taken if the pain does not go away within 10 minutes after the second dose.

What Not to Do

You can not take aspirin if you are intolerant to it or again on the same day if you have an exacerbation of a stomach ulcer or gastritis.

Nitroglycerin is contraindicated for low blood pressure, severe weakness and headache, dizziness, speech disorders, motor coordination or vision.

At increased risk heart attack or coronary heart disease, you must know and be able to apply the rules of first aid, as well as always have nitroglycerin and aspirin with you.

When trouble overtook a loved one

If you see something wrong with one of your relatives or colleagues, try to help immediately. Knowing the classic symptoms of a heart attack, you can prevent the irreparable.

First of all, take things seriously. Perhaps the patient himself does not believe that something like this can happen to him, and refuses hospitalization. Women are especially inclined to underestimate the danger that threatens them, which catastrophically increases the sad statistics.

Remember that the timely call of the doctor is yours. the main task in this case. No matter how the patient resists, your job is to assess the situation as quickly and competently as possible and take action.

Before the ambulance arrives, do the same with the patient - lay down, unfasten the belt and collar, provide oxygen, give a nitroglycerin tablet.

Make sure the patient does not get up or move. Try to calm and cheer up the person, as additional experiences only worsen the picture.

How to help yourself in case of an attack?

Helping with a heart attack in the absence of medicines and a phone at hand is not an easy task.

Try to win valuable time and give yourself an attack severe cough making each time deep chest inhalation. Inhale and cough about every two seconds. This should bring some relief before the medication is taken and the doctor arrives.

The effect of cough is based on improving blood circulation and supplying the heart muscle with oxygen.

Note to the heart

Medicines for the heart should always be at hand, even for those who do not yet record themselves in the "cores". A person with a supply of nitroglycerin or Valocordin is safer than a careless "big man" without any medicines. Keep your medicines at home and at work. If you don't need it yourself, help someone else.

Stationary or mobile phone at hand - not a whim, but a necessity. Although it is not yet certain that in the case acute attack you can make a call.

When you're stressed, breathe deeply, don't drive, and take a sedative prescribed by your doctor.

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