Types of asthenic conditions. Causes of asthenic syndrome. Scale of asthenic condition

Asthenia is a special psychopathological disorder, which gradually progresses and affects the well-being of a person. Against the background of excessive exhaustion of attention and a tendency to fatigue, a person's ability to work is significantly reduced.

Undoubtedly, the asthenic condition is the most common syndrome complex in medicine, since it accompanies most of the known infections - from the common cold to food poisoning and tuberculosis. It manifests itself in pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, and in postpartum period among women.

Experts from various fields face asthenia labor activity- and traumatologists, and psychotherapists, and neurologists. Differential Diagnosis is quite difficult. After all, first you need to establish what reason led to the fact that asthenia arose, and only after that you can start treatment. In some cases, competent pharmacotherapy is indispensable.

Main reasons

Since experts regard asthenia as the initial stage of mental or neurological diseases, it must be differentiated with accumulated fatigue, pathological weakness after a serious illness.

Careful history taking reveals various reasons asthenia:

  • the overvoltage of the structures of the higher nervous system;
  • minimum input from outside nutritional components and trace elements - a depleted diet;
  • severe disorder of metabolic processes in the body.

Such factors occur periodically in the life of any person, but far from always they will lead to asthenic disorders. In addition, exacerbations can provoke negative symptoms. somatic pathologies - peptic ulcer and pancreatitis, SARS and tuberculosis, myocardial infarction and pneumonia.

The reason can be the excessive enthusiasm of a person for his work. Not a rash, an uncorrected diet, a lack of proper rest - all this, accumulating, leads to the appearance of asthenia, and in some cases even to.

Both a change of residence and severe stressful situations, conflicts with colleagues.

It must be understood that asthenia can occur due to a variety of reasons, not necessarily associated with the presence of a mental disorder. The causes of this condition can be chronic somatic diseases, and infectious pathologies, and even overload at home or at work. The most common causes of asthenia are shown in the figure.

Development mechanism

Since asthenia is characterized by depletion of reserves energy resources in the human body, in this negative state, first of all, there is a failure in the activity of the reticular formation. Localized in the region of the brain stem, it is responsible for the parameters of wakefulness and sleep, for autonomic regulation, and also for the activity of muscle groups.

The asthenic variant of exhaustion will lead to disorders in the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal system, which is assigned the main role in the formation of stress. Immunological structures are also involved in the mechanism - with their insufficiency, the tendency to asthenia increases significantly.

Asthenia can develop due to the depletion of a person's adaptive capabilities. If the human body stays under the conditions of some stress factor for a long time, then after a while its ability to maintain balance, to maintain balance, deteriorates. In this case, they talk about reactive asthenia. It is most characteristic of late dates pregnancy (especially flowing with problems), breastfeeding, can develop during the recovery period from serious illnesses.


It is customary for specialists to subdivide asthenia, depending on the root cause that provoked it, into organic and functional. Both variants are diagnosed at the moment with approximately equal frequency.

Temporary, completely reversible negative state will be referred to as functional asthenia. It is a direct result of excessive psycho-emotional or post-traumatic stress, severe infectious diseases suffered by a person, as well as physical overload. Functional asthenia is backlash human body to aggressive factors from the outside. This form is also called reactive.

Whereas organic asthenia is interconnected with the various chronic diseases. For example, multiple sclerosis or encephalomyelitis or an abscess, a neoplasm of the brain. With an organic variant of pathology, structural changes in the brain can always be detected.

It must be understood that asthenia is not an independent condition, but a consequence of another disease. Therefore, it can be both functional (reversible) and organic, depending on what kind of disease, functional or organic, led to its appearance.

According to another classification based on etiological factor, asthenic conditions are divided into:

  • post-infectious;
  • somatogenic;
  • postpartum;
  • post-traumatic.

By main clinical manifestations asthenic syndrome complex is usually subdivided:

  1. The initial stage of pathology is hypersthenic asthenia. A person has obvious intolerance, excessive irritability, significant mood swings, hyperreaction to external stimuli - auditory, visual, and also tactile.
  2. A form of irritability in combination with weakness - a person is overly excited, but feels completely weakened and exhausted. His mood can range from good to negative, and the impulse to physical activity goes into complete apathy.
  3. Hyposthenic asthenia is the most severe form of pathology. It is characterized by a maximum decrease in working capacity, up to the refusal to get out of bed, a feeling that does not pass, drowsiness that does not pass, the absence of any emotions, interest in events.

Separately, experts highlight neurasthenia, which is interconnected with excessive exhaustion of the higher nervous system, you will learn more about this mental disorder in.

Asthenia can be acute if causal factor acted suddenly (for example, heavy bleeding), and chronic (for chronic diseases).


Symptoms of asthenia will indicate the appearance in the body of a person of deviations directly related to the lack of energy resources of nervous structures.

The manifestations of the directly asthenic syndrome complex are minimally expressed after waking up, but gradually increase throughout the working day, reaching their maximum in the evening.

A common complaint in asthenia is a feeling of fatigue. A person tells a specialist during a consultation that he gets tired much faster and stronger than it was with him before. Even a long quality rest does not improve well-being. There is no desire to fulfill their duties at work or at home. Intellectual activity is also significantly hampered - it is difficult to concentrate, memory and attention suffer.

Patients are characterized by such signs of asthenia, such as:

  • the inability to focus on thinking about the existing problem;
  • difficulty with the selection of words, the expression of one's own thoughts;
  • increased distraction;
  • a certain lethargy;
  • the need to take frequent breaks when performing even the simplest work.

Mental asthenia will be manifested by a decrease in productivity in professional activity- there are various negative psycho-emotional states. For example, tension, pickiness, irritability, loss of self-control.

Patients have mood swings - from euphoria to depression and anxiety, categorical assessment of ongoing events. Lack of adequate treatment can lead to the appearance.

Neurocirculatory asthenia is accompanied various violations from vegetative structures. Symptoms nervous exhaustion this form - a tendency to tachycardia, fluctuations in pressure parameters, a feeling of chilliness or heat in the limbs, excessive sweating, changes in appetite, pain impulses in the abdomen, head.

Cerebral asthenia will be accompanied severe violations sleep. It becomes difficult for a person to fall asleep, sleep is saturated with dreams (often unpleasant in content), restless, intermittent. In the morning, there is a feeling of general weakness.

fatigue after have a hard daynormal phenomenon that the body can handle. But if even a long rest does not help you feel better, it makes sense to suspect "malfunctions" in the nervous system. Asthenic conditions are gradually becoming a painful norm for modern society. How to deal with pathology? Why does it occur and what are its symptoms?

Asthenia - what is it?

Asthenia is also known as neuropsychic weakness, asthenic syndrome, asthenic condition, asthenic reaction. it pathological condition, in which the patient suffers from fatigue and increased exhaustion, due to which working capacity decreases, mood swings are observed and, in general, general well-being worsens.

Any asthenic disorder is considered a relatively mild syndrome, and the importance of its therapy can be underestimated. However, in this state, a person loses the ability to function normally. Often, nervous asthenia serves as a favorable background for the formation and development of other, more severe disorders of a mental or somatic nature. And although today there are effective methods treatment, many patients continue to ignore unhealthy fatigue.

Asthenia: causes of the syndrome

The manifestation of the asthenic state is associated with excessive consumption of the “reserves” of the central nervous system. There is also a malfunction in the functioning of the reticular activating system, which is responsible for active wakefulness. The reasons due to which physical or mental asthenia develops are mainly:

  1. Violation mental activity. Depression, schizophrenia, cognitive disorders are associated with pathological changes structures of the brain and the suppression of impulses entering it. Often such patients in childhood had to deal with ridicule, aggression, violence, excessive demands from adults.
  2. Diseases of the nervous system, accompanied by vascular and organic lesions. This group includes: cardiopsychoneurosis, encephalitis and other inflammatory diseases, Alzheimer's disease. Due to stable increased tone muscles patients suffer from pain and chronic fatigue.
  3. Infectious and inflammatory pathologies. Asthenia can occur against the background of acute respiratory viral infections, influenza, tuberculosis, food toxic infection, etc. The waste products of pathogens also have a negative effect on the patient's condition.
  4. Endocrine pathologies. This is about diabetes and hyper/hypothyroidism. As a result of these diseases, energy processes in the body.
  5. Problems with the digestive, cardiovascular, respiratory system. Any pathology, be it colitis, hypertonic disease or bronchial asthma, make the body vulnerable and provoke its exhaustion. Chronically low immunity also contributes to this.
  6. Injuries. Mostly head and spine injuries are dangerous. Moreover, chronic trauma in the form of osteochondrosis can also have a negative impact.
  7. Physical, mental, emotional stress. If a person does not know how to properly organize his daily routine, sooner or later he will encounter asthenia. The degree of stress also has a significant impact: those who are constantly worried and worried quickly “exhaust” their nervous system.

Pathological exhaustion can both accompany the disease and serve as its consequence - until the body recovers. Asthenic condition, provoked by nervous experiences, unrest, conflicts, is called neurasthenia.

Functional and organic asthenia - what is it?

Asthenia, depending on the causes of development, is of two main types. Exists:

  1. Functional asthenia. It is observed in 45% of cases. This type of asthenia is called reactive and belongs to temporary conditions. This category includes:
  • prenosological asthenia - the usual fatigue found in managers, leaders, "white collars";
  • postpartum asthenia - typical for women who have just given birth;
  • iatrogenic asthenia - due to medical error or as side effect medications taken;
  • chronic asthenia - such that periodically worsens;
  • asthenia overexertion - associated with mental or physical fatigue;
  • post-infectious asthenia - manifested after diseases of an infectious nature;
  • psychiatric asthenia - accompanies functional borderline disorders(depression, insomnia, anxiety, etc.)
  • Organic asthenia. Diagnosed in 55% of patients. Pathology is formed against the background of irreversible damage to the central nervous system. If the exhaustion of the nervous system is associated with illness or substance abuse (drugs, strong medicines), then there is an organic asthenic disorder.
  • The syndrome of an organic nature, as a rule, is more severe, since it is associated with damage to the central nervous system. Functional asthenic conditions are generally reversible and can respond well to therapy: in some cases, the syndrome even disappears on its own, if only the provoking factor ceases to act.

    Asthenia: symptoms of a pathological condition

    The signs that manifest themselves asthenia of the nervous system are varied. In many cases, the symptoms depend on the cause of the pathology, for example:

    • with the atherosclerotic nature of asthenia, the patient complains of memory lapses and increased tearfulness;
    • with hypertension, patients talk about pain in the heart;
    • with gastritis, there is discomfort in the stomach.

    But there are also standard symptoms of asthenia. Among them:

    1. Increased fatigue.
    2. Problems concentrating, forgetfulness.
    3. Difficulties with the selection of words during a conversation, vague formulation of thoughts.
    4. No improvement after rest, heaviness in the head after a night's sleep.
    5. Tension, anxiety, excitement, conviction of one's own failure.
    6. Rapid loss of self-control, grouchiness, pickiness, mood swings.

    Signs of asthenia are least pronounced in the first half of the day, usually starting to appear in the afternoon and in the evening.

    Asthenic personality disorder - what is it?

    Today, asthenic is understood as a dependent personality disorder. The person at the same time:

    • feels helpless, incapable, incompetent;
    • constantly seeks support from others;
    • seeks to shift responsibility for his life to others;
    • cannot make independent decisions;
    • feels fear of an independent life;
    • afraid to be alone;
    • subservient to the needs of others.

    Dependence disorder belongs to the group of panic and anxiety disorders. It is not directly related to asthenia.

    Asthenia: how to treat yourself?

    Self-treatment of asthenia mainly involves lifestyle changes. Necessary:

    1. Avoid night shifts at work. Be sure to sleep 7-8 hours at night.
    2. Rest during the day, do not overwork.
    3. Minimize stress levels. Change jobs if necessary.
    4. Do gymnastics daily.
    5. Eat properly.
    6. Stop using alcohol and drugs, get rid of nicotine addiction.

    In fact, this is all that a person can do on his own. If the change in the routine of life did not help, the treatment of asthenia will have to be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. Especially if the problem is not caused by stress and overwork, but by some kind of disease.

    Asthenic condition: treatment by a psychotherapist

    Psychotherapy is an important component of the treatment of asthenic conditions. Today, there are three main areas:

    1. Etiotropic. The impact is on the immediate cause of asthenia in order to make a person take a critical look at his condition. Children's conflicts and traumas are analyzed, family and gestalt therapy is carried out.
    2. Pathogenic. The goal of therapy is to interrupt the chain of pathology formation. NLP techniques are used, correction of conditioned reflexes, influence on cognitive-behavioral acts.
    3. Symptomatic. The task of treatment is to eliminate interfering symptoms. To do this, practice auto-training, suggestion, hypnosis.

    Often, psychotherapy and lifestyle changes are enough to achieve recovery. Additionally, may be recommended: exercise therapy, massage, water procedures, acupuncture.

    Asthenia: treatment - drugs

    Drug therapy for asthenia is carried out only on the recommendation of a doctor. Apply:

    1. Nootropics (Piracetam, Pyritinol). Increase the resistance of the psyche to overload, stimulate memory.
    2. Tranquilizers (Phenibut, Atarax, Clonazepam). Suppress anxiety.
    3. Antidepressants (fluoxetine, imipramine). They help to normalize sleep and appetite, improve mood, increase mental activity.
    4. Atypical antipsychotics (clozapine, aripiprazole). Accelerate metabolic processes and make the cells of the cerebral cortex more resistant to negative influences.
    5. Sedatives (Valerian, Novopassit). Enhance the effect of other medicines. Regulate the processes of inhibition and excitation.

    If necessary, other drugs may be prescribed for asthenia. In each case, therapy is selected individually.

    Asthenia is a condition that cannot be ignored. If the feeling of impotence does not disappear in a few days, but only intensifies, measures must be taken. And the main one is a visit to a specialist.

    Asthenic syndrome- a feeling of temporary or chronic fatigue, loss of mental and physical energy. From Latin " asthenia " translates as weakness. Astenik - a person characterized by a lack of strength, depression, suspiciousness. In psychology, asthenics include dependent people, anxious - fearful and avoidant type.

    Asthenia, what looks like fatigue, actually it's like that a disease that can put an end to a person’s efficiency, render Negative influence on his self-esteem and standard of living. Without treatment, asthenia does not go away, which is the main difference from episodes of fatigue caused by objective reasons- the need to rest after intense exercise.

    Characteristic manifestations and possible causes

    Asthenic conditioncan be a consequence of both serious diseases of the body and lifestyle ( frequent change time zones, emotional and physical overload, lack of sleep, etc.). BUT moaning - a reason to think about going to the hospital, the main the reasons its appearance is either a disease of the body or a mental problem.

    Objective (organic, caused by health problems):

    1. Asthenia often occurs as a result of diseases internal organs, infections, intoxications.
    2. Fatigue and asthenia are sometimes associated with diabetes and in general metabolic disorders.
    3. Lack of food or its meager composition (minimum content of vitamins and minerals) logically leads to asthenia, since the body simply does not have energy, it does not receive it in sufficient quantities. Therefore, asthenia is often a companion of anorexia and other eating disorders.
    4. Age, senile astheniaallocated to a separate branch of research in gerontology. The percentage of patients with asthenia increases in proportion to age. However, some factors such as high level education, marriage and others, reduce the likelihood of being in a group of patients, which also speaks of the psychological side of the development of asthenia in old age.

    Subjective-objective (depending on the conditions and perception of a person):

    1. Emotional, mental or physical overstrain leads to sharp forms asthenia.
    2. Nervous and mental illness(especially schizophrenia).

    What is behind astheniafor sure, only a doctor can determine, therefore, at the first symptoms that do not go away within two to three weeks, it is worth seeking the advice of a specialist.

    Signs of asthenia:

    • Shortness of breath, palpitations.
    • Muscle spasms, convulsions, fever.
    • Fast fatiguability , loss or decrease in energy, fainting.
    • Disorientation.
    • Irritability, irascibility, suspiciousness.
    • Depression, anxiety.
    • Sexual asthenia.

    Symptoms of astheniadepend on the underlying cause. So, heart problems are usually associated with headaches and a feeling of pressure in the chest. And weakness and weakness are most often observed with any source of asthenia.

    Mind and weakness

    Real asthenia is distinguished when the body really mobilizes forces to fight the disease and the source of the problem is clearly defined. And functional, in which the body works like a clock, but for some reason a person still cannot finish a single thing, everything literally falls out of hand, while he experiences characteristicasthenic emotions(sadness, depression). Suchasthenic conditionit can be very sharp, although a person has every chance of quickly getting on his feet.

    In psychology are engaged in the analysis of mental factors leading to asthenia. Which includes working with people who have psychotype asthenic, and treatment of neurasthenia, which can be complicated by other pathologies. ATasthenic disorderincludes asthenic psychopathy or dependent personality disorder, which most often suffers from asthenic psychotype . Let's first consider, what asthenic psychopathy, and then neurasthenia, which is described by three phases.

    Social and mental weakness

    dependentpersonality disorder, included in the ICD-10, is one of the serious diseases that significantly worsen the quality of human life. Asthenia literally does not give him the opportunity to take life into his own hands. The disorder correspondsasthenic typepersonality, which appears in the works of Konstorum, Leonhard, Kaplan and Sadok, however, under different names.

    A person with an asthenic personality type has the following symptoms dependent disorder (according to ICD-10):

    • The tendency to transfer responsibility, to throw it off oneself.
    • Submission to other people, passive fulfillment of their desires.
    • Extreme undemanding in relation to those from whom asthenic depending.
    • Anxiety and a sense of helplessness in solitude (fear of independence), a feeling of helplessness and incompetence.
    • Desire for outside approval and advice, inability to make decisions without them.

    Asthenics of this type have a special constitution of the psyche, when they encounter problems, they prefer from them hide . There is even a specialasthenic form of fear, which consists in numbness and inappropriate actions when realizing the danger. This psychotype associated with such qualities and features as:

    • Conscientiousness, self-esteem, vulnerability, irritable weakness (in a close circle, there is no aggression in it, this irritability is a response to the asthenic's suspicions that they are treated badly), a sense of inferiority, hence uncertainty and shyness.
    • Frequent headaches, hand tremors, problems with stools, increased heart rate, pressure surges.
    • Quick fatigue intellectual and emotional.

    In general, the asthenic type is not characteristic struggle , they easily yield and fade into the background, just to avoid someone else's aggressiveness.Asthenic personalityobsessed with what people think of her, she makes excessive demands on herself and suffers from inadequacy.

    Here for the sickness you can accept both the constitution of the personality of the asthenic, and its pathological manifestations.Psychologicalthe portrait almost matches chronic asthenia. Asthenics can and should therapeutic treatment- help in setting boundaries, moving the locus of control inward and getting rid of fear.

    Fatigue and irritability

    Neurasthenia (a sthenic neurosis) first entered the lexicon of doctors in the 19th century, and was considered a disease of intellectuals. itasthenic disordercharacterized by:

    • Weakness.
    • Rapid fatigue.
    • Difficulty concentrating.
    • Anxiety.
    • Decrease in efficiency.

    When neurasthenia is often observed:

    • Inability to relax.
    • Pain in the chest.
    • Accelerated heartbeat.
    • Sweating of hands and feet.
    • Hyperventilation.
    • Sleep disorders.

    The exact causes of neurasthenia have not been established, but, as a rule, there is mental trauma along with severe stress. itasthenic disordermay be associated with burnout and chronic fatigue syndrome. It goes through three stages:

    1. The beginning of the development of neurasthenia - irritability, mild excitability, poor sleep, problems with concentration. R reaction does not correspond to the stimulus - minor noises can drive the neurasthenic out of himself. As a result of lack of sleep and overwork - girdle headaches, which are called - neurasthenic helmet.

    2. The second stage of neurasthenia - the neurasthenic is easily irritated, but quickly cools down, exhausted to the limit, often impatient and fussy, sleeps poorly at night.

    3. The third stage of neurasthenia is apathy, depression and drowsiness. A person closes on himself, his feelings.

    For people with this disease, it would be optimal to refuse intensive activities and work for the duration of treatment. If this is not possible, any sources of stress should be minimized.

    How to improve your condition?

    Although asthenia is not life threatening unless caused serious illness, it significantly reduces its quality. A person often becomes unable to perform the simplest tasks. May prevent the development of asthenia or alleviate its symptoms:

    1. Time control. Alternation of rest and activity, switching between forms of activity.
    2. Eating foods rich in vitamins and minerals.
    3. Refusal of diets and intensive sports, although light physical activity is necessary.
    4. Normalization of sleep / wakefulness.

    If deviate from healthy lifestyle life after treatment, there is a risk again get sick. BUT sthenic manifestationswill stretch over time and can develop into a chronic disease.

    Asthenic syndromewhich is not caused by infections, diseases by others organic causes can be alleviated with relaxation and concentration exercises.

    Asthenic conditionscharacterized by increased excitability, inability to endure stress and make significant emotional or intellectual efforts. Meditation and attention training, as well as reducing the number of irritants at home and at work (turning off devices that make sounds, distracting devices) will help you stay focused longer and reduce anxiety.

    The most unexpected answer to the question "how to deal with asthenia"came from the University of Michigan, however, asthenics were not studied there, but the data of their experiment allow it to be extended to people with asthenia. Astenik will increase concentration, reduce anxiety and reduce impulsivity with just an hour of sleep. Trying by willpower to continue working or doing some useful work, a person runs the risk of further aggravating his mental state.

    Asthenic depressionrequires more difficult treatment including taking antidepressants and psychostimulants. Which drugs and in what case are suitable, the specialist will determine. If hints of disorder are found, then it is required to undergo complex analysis organism. Oftenasthenia in schizophreniahides the latter, and it, being the cause of fatigue and irritability, will grow, remaining unnoticed.

    At the first sign asthenia can be usedtreatment with folk remedies- honey, relaxing herbs - chamomile, valerian, linden, yarrow, eleutherococcus tincture, aromatherapy with essential oils lavender and eucalyptus. True, using them, you need to remember about the individual intolerance of some people to the components of herbs or extracts, and also, if the condition does not change or worsens, consult a doctor.

    Asthenia - the starting point many psychopathological processes. Timely treatment not only improve the quality of human life, but also protect against more serious problems.

    Probably, each of us has to experience a state when there is absolutely no desire to do something, everything falls out of hand, exhaustion of the body sets in. This happens with a long physical and psychological stress, violation of the schedule of the day, change of time zone.

    When such symptoms appear, constant fatigue, irritation, indifference, seek help from a specialist. It could be asthenic condition that requires treatment. You cannot overcome it on your own.

    Asthenic condition in adults

    It is known that many diseases are accompanied by weakness, general malaise, lethargy, indifference. But with recovery, these manifestations go away on their own.

    Many patients complain only of irritability, weakness and fatigue. This makes it difficult to detect the disease and put accurate diagnosis. Yes, it may appear asthenic syndrome.

    It is typical for him:

    • increased fatigue;
    • fatigue with little physical exertion;
    • nervousness;
    • irritation;
    • frequent mood swings.

    Often these symptoms increase in the evening. Good sleep and rest do not improve the condition.

    Asthenia is a form of neurosis. At present, with the modern way of life, almost everyone can experience this. Such a reaction of the body is more common in schoolchildren, students, those who work hard mentally.

    Ask your doctor about your situation

    Asthenia classification

    In order for the treatment to be correct, the disease is classified according to several criteria.

    Cause of the disease

    It is divided into organic and functional:

    1. organic- develops after infectious diseases, somatic diseases, injuries. It occurs in almost 48% of all cases.
    2. functional- arises as a protective reaction of the body to stress, depression, strong physical and mental stress.

    The duration of the course of the disease

    Subdivided into:

    1. sharp- passes after the treatment course, but the development of a chronic course is possible
    2. chronic- for a long period a person cannot get out of this state

    Clinical manifestations


    1. Hypersthenic form- characterized by increased excitability and irritation, a person does not tolerate loud sounds, bright light, disturbed sleep.
    2. hyposthenic- reduced or absent reactions to external pathogens, sleep disorders, lethargy, tearfulness, poor memory.

    Reasons for development

    For reasons of development, asthenia is divided:

    1. the period after the birth of a child;
    2. post-infectious;
    3. somatogenic;
    4. after an injury

    In any case, asthenia is characteristic decline social activity.

    Experts classify the state of asthenia:

    • Exhaustion of the nervous system- occurs with severe overwork, constant lack of sleep, emotional stress, stress.
    • Astheno-depressive syndrome. Occurs with constant mental stress, is expressed by a violation of sleep and wakefulness. AT daytime always want to sleep night sleep shallow, with disturbing visions.
    • Somatogenic asthenia. Develop due to some ailments.
    • organic asthenia. They are found with brain damage (injuries, impaired blood flow, infections).
    • Prostration in adolescence.
    • Asthenia, which occurs when taking other psychoactive drugs.

    Condition Diagnostics

    Based on clinical signs and a survey, a asthenic state scale which includes 30 questions.

    1. score - "no, wrong"
    2. points - "so"
    3. points - "correct"
    4. points - "absolutely correct."

    Asthenic state scale:

    Statement No, it's not true So Right Quite right
    I work with a lot of pressure 1 2 3 4
    I find it hard to concentrate 1 2 3 4
    My sex life does not satisfy me 1 2 3 4
    Waiting makes me nervous 1 2 3 4
    I experience muscle weakness 1 2 3 4
    I have no desire to go to the cinema or theater 1 2 3 4
    I often forget 1 2 3 4
    I feel severe fatigue 1 2 3 4
    If I read for a long time, my eyes get tired quickly. 1 2 3 4
    I feel trembling in my hands 1 2 3 4
    I don't feel like eating at all 1 2 3 4
    I try to avoid noisy parties and companies 1 2 3 4
    I don't read text well 1 2 3 4
    My limbs are cold 1 2 3 4
    I'm easily offended 1 2 3 4
    I often suffer from headaches 1 2 3 4
    I wake up tired and not rested 1 2 3 4
    Often suffering from dizziness 1 2 3 4
    I have muscle twitching 1 2 3 4
    I'm worried about tinnitus 1 2 3 4
    I'm concerned about sexual issues 1 2 3 4
    I feel heaviness in my head 1 2 3 4
    I feel pain in the crown 1 2 3 4
    I have general weakness 1 2 3 4
    Life for me is about stress. 1 2 3 4
    I feel like my head is wrapped in a hoop 1 2 3 4
    The dream is sensitive, I wake up easily from the slightest noise 1 2 3 4
    I get tired of people quickly 1 2 3 4
    When I'm excited, I sweat a lot 1 2 3 4
    Anxious thoughts keep me awake 1 2 3 4

    Reasons for development

    Many circumstances can cause neurosis and the development of the syndrome, especially if there is such a tendency of the human psyche.

    Asthenia is promoted by:

    • unsatisfactory working conditions;
    • prolonged overvoltage(mental, physical, psychological);
    • sleep and rest disorders, regular sleep deprivation;
    • life change ways;
    • overweight body;
    • abuse alcohol, drinking large amounts of chocolate, coffee;
    • compliance with strict diets, insufficient fluid intake;
    • influence of toxic substances, taking medications;
    • the presence of a person infectious, somatic, endocrine disease;
    • immunodeficiency human viruses (herpes, Epstein, enteroviruses).


    Such a state has various symptoms. The main clinical signs of the disease include:

    • constant weakness;
    • fatigue even when the person was not physically working;
    • worsening memory, attention;
    • arises difficulty in making a decision;
    • difficult wake up in the morning, poor sleep;
    • drowsiness during the daytime;
    • head, muscle pain, joint pain.

    A person understands that something is wrong with him. Therefore, there are attacks of aggression, frequent mood swings, there is a fear of new things. Depression and neurasthenia develop.

    A hallmark of asthenia is the good condition of a person in the morning, and in the afternoon the signs of the disease increase. By evening, the disorder reaches its peak.

    Treatment and therapy

    If the disease is temporary, associated with any situation in life, the following treatment is prescribed:

    1. Physical exercise. In any case, you need to force yourself to start moving. Training should not be very hard, but, on the contrary, you should feel a surge of strength after it.
    2. call asthenic syndrome can be a problem with the spine. Therefore, you need to do exercises that will relieve the tension of the vertebrae.
    3. Properly organize your day, time of work and rest
    4. Dream. You don't need to sleep less 8 hours a day, in complete silence and a dark place. Nothing should stop you!
    5. Eat right. Include foods that contain treptophan protein in your diet - cheese, eggs, turkey, more berries and fruits.
    6. Exclude contact With harmful substances refrain from drinking alcohol

    Assign tinctures of ginseng, eleutherococcus, magnolia vine, vitamin complex with trace elements. Folk remedies help in the form soothing tea. Some patients get rid of the condition after relaxing at sea or just in nature.


    Antidepressants are used to treat:

    • If the syndrome is not pronounced, the doctor prescribes light drugs: Azafen, Gelarium
    • When there are fears, anxiety, bad sleep apply Lerivon, Valirana, Novo-Passit
    • If the ground state accompanied by tantrums, neuroleptics are connected to the treatment

    Asthenic condition after pneumonia

    Pneumonia is stressful for the body:

    • When sick n everyone harnesses defensive forces and exhausted the nervous system.
    • sick becomes irritable, inactive, gets tired quickly.
    • mood often changes, the person is capricious, cries, there are complaints of headache, insomnia.

    To get rid of this condition:

    • After taking antibacterial agents the patient takes vitamins.
    • Not recommended immediately go to work.
    • Stay some more some time at home, observing a sparing regimen.
    • Take more fruits and vegetables, protein foods.
    • visit more often on the fresh air.

    Asthenic emotional state in children

    Asthenia is dangerous for children:

    • She can provide impact on the child's health and development.
    • Condition may appear even in infancy.
    • Such children usually they cry for a long time and for no reason, if they are full and nothing hurts, the little one falls asleep better on his own, gets scared of any sounds.
    • When communicating with strangers people quickly gets tired, becomes capricious.
    • The kids are getting older nervous, uncommunicative, get tired quickly, can cry for any insignificant reason.
    • Students do poorly at school, become distracted, inattentive.

    Do not ignore this state of the child. This can further lead to enuresis and stuttering.

    Almost all of us are familiar with the state of " no power to act»: fatigue, fatigue that does not disappear after leisure, muscle weakness. However, many interpret their disease state, like a slight malaise, hoping that the breakdown will pass by itself. However, the overwhelming impotence significant reduction performance, rapid fatigue from the usual loads - symptoms of an abnormal state of the body, called asthenia.

    signs asthenic syndrome observed for more than one month and not associated with viral or bacterial diseases, requires the adoption of complex therapeutic measures. It is worth noting that asthenia not only does not allow the individual to live a full and rich life, it can be a symptom of more serious problems in the body or transform into affective disorder- depression.

    The term "asthenia" borrowed from Latin (Asthenia) and means "weakness". Asthenic status implies that the central nervous system of a person is in an exhausted state, all systems work at the limit of their capabilities. Manifestations of asthenia - pronounced neuropsychic weakness, instant exhaustion of the resources of the nervous system, reduced tolerance to standard mental and physical stress, a noticeable decline in a person's ability to work.

    In addition to the overpowering feeling of weakness, weakness, exhaustion, a person undergoes changes emotional condition, there are defects in cognitive functions. In a person suffering from asthenia, the mood often changes with a predominance of despondency and which outwardly manifest tearfulness. The person becomes nervous and irritable, which causes conflicts in his environment.

    Symptoms of asthenia: restlessness, fussiness, thirst to do everything at the same time and quickly. However, due to the rapid exhaustion of nervous processes, the inability to concentrate, the person cannot complete the work begun. The constant companions of asthenia are various pain psychogenic character: headache, "ache" in the joints and muscles, discomfort and cramps in the abdomen.

    The reasons

    Asthenic syndrome is due to the presence of certain congenital and acquired factors that, under adverse circumstances, provoke the onset of the disorder. The soil for the development of asthenia are the following reasons:

    • inherited predisposition to asthenic and depressive states;
    • innate properties of the nervous system, causing its weakness and rapid exhaustion;
    • asthenic personality type.

    Possible causes of asthenia:

    • acquired defects of the central nervous system due to craniocerebral injuries or vascular diseases;
    • sharp infectious diseases that affected the brain;
    • endocrine pathologies;
    • oncological diseases.

    AT separate group the causes of asthenia are attributed and their consequences:

    • uncontrolled use of psychotropic drugs, drug addiction, abrupt withdrawal of psychostimulants;
    • drug use, withdrawal syndrome;
    • alcoholism, withdrawal state.

    Among the "social" causes of asthenia, psychologists single out the excessive demands of modernity, forcing a person to exist in an "emergency mode". In this group, the most harmful factors are:

    • political, economic instability in the country;
    • high unemployment;
    • the poor financial situation of many citizens;
    • excessive information overload;
    • high demands on the performance and activity of an individual seeking to build a successful career;
    • severe competition in the labor market.

    The reasons for the development of asthenia are:

    • low level of medical care;
    • availability narcotic substances to an ordinary layman;
    • global alcoholization of the population of the post-Soviet space;
    • lack of physical activity among office workers;
    • lack of relaxation and relaxation skills;
    • improper or poor diet due to lack of financial resources in people.

    Clinical signs of asthenia

    It is possible to assume the development of asthenia according to the patient's complaints: his feelings are focused on the very process of painful experiences of his condition. A person really suffers a lot, because he cannot understand the reasons and somehow eliminate the all-consuming weakness, insurmountable fatigue, complete impotence. The individual describes that he has lost " vital energy", can not perform either professional duties or domestic activities. A patient with asthenia indicates that he lacks the “tone and strength” to perform a template intellectual task in a quality manner.

    An important sign of asthenia is the lack of vivacity after a full night's sleep. The person indicates that his condition: "as if he did not go to bed at all, but worked all night long."

    Often the patient makes complaints that he has become indifferent to ongoing events. However, questions of the patient establish that he has retained an interest in life, and he is able to enjoy, but he simply does not have the strength to start and finish any pleasant activities.

    objective clinical signs asthenia, the phenomena of hyperesthesia appear: an inadequately high response to the action of insignificant stimuli. Symptoms of asthenic status: excessive sensitivity of the patient not only to external stimuli, but also to internal stimuli.

    A person loses his calmness and becomes agitated by normally inconspicuous external signals: people talking, TV announcer speech, birdsong, dripping water sounds, doors creaking. In addition to sound stimuli, the individual is disturbed by the visual signals received: flashes of bright light, flashing pictures on the monitor, natural movements, gestures and facial expressions of people. High tactile reactions are noted: some persons cannot endure the process of combing, others suffer from touching the body of underwear. Asthenic gets on the nerves of a tightly tied tie, tight-fitting clothes, tight shoes.

    Subject with asthenia reacts violently to normal processes of his body: he is unsettled by the feeling of a heartbeat, sounds when inhaling and exhaling, rumbling in the digestive tract.

    He is intensely experiencing the arising pain syndromes, often describing that a headache simply "drives you crazy": "the head cracks, splits, seethes like a cauldron." At the same time, the appearance of cephalalgia is cyclical: the headache is minimal in the morning and feels like heaviness in the head, and intensifies in the afternoon as fatigue sets in. Many patients with asthenia are characterized by increased meteosensitivity: the malaise increases with changing weather conditions, flights to areas with other climatic conditions.

    Symptoms of asthenia are also manifested at the vegetative level, up to sympathoadrenal crises. During the period of vegetative failures in the subject are determined:

    • increased heart rate;
    • jumps in blood pressure;
    • instability of body position, unsteadiness of gait;
    • tremor of the limbs.

    The person describes that a “dark veil” or “flies are flying” appeared before the eyes. It is difficult for him to breathe and he feels how "the earth is leaving from under his feet." He is overcome by flushes of heat, which are replaced by internal chills.

    Asthenia and depression almost always make changes in sleep and wakefulness. During the day, the asthenic is lethargic and drowsy, and at night he loses sleep. He fails to fall asleep on time. Falling asleep, he is overcome by nightmares. With asthenia, frequent awakenings at night are noted. Wake up times are pushed back to later in the morning. At the same time, having risen from the bed, he feels himself half asleep.

    With asthenia, the psychological characteristics of the individual, the model of behavior, and cognitive abilities undergo changes. A peculiar portrait of the patient will help to demonstrate a typical asthenic.

    Portrait of an asthenic

    Such a personality can be characterized by its inseparable feature - defensiveness ( defensive position). A defensive person is not ready to show the required degree of aggressiveness and assertiveness when faced with the difficulties of life. His credo is to silently protest, withdrawing into himself, to run away and hide from problems.

    As a discharge of accumulated indignation, short outbursts of rage are observed in the close environment, however, such a surge of irritation quickly ends due to the rapid onset of depletion of psychic resources. Such an attack is caused by accumulated grievances and suspicions that all people hate him. A flash of hysteria is replaced by apologies, regrets, tears of repentance.

    Astenik is a conscientious and compassionate nature, completely devoid of indifference and insensitivity. A conflict that greatly disturbs him burns in his soul, in which two principles are combined: the experience of a fairly exaggerated inferiority complex and morbid pride. In asthenia, the subject often ascribes imaginary shortcomings to himself and is very ashamed of them. He always folds when faced with human arrogance and rudeness.

    The external manifestation of low self-esteem is indecision, lack of confidence in one's abilities, constant doubts, shyness. In an unusual situation, when the gaze of others is turned to the asthenic, he tries to move a decent distance, blushes, lowers his shoulders, tries not to look into the eyes of his opponent, shifts from foot to foot.

    A distinctive feature of the asthenic is increased susceptibility, sensitivity, "mimosa-likeness". He cannot recover for a long time after an unpleasant event, and the type of violence can cause fainting. The subject painfully perceives offensive and rude words, for this reason he becomes uncommunicative, meticulously making up a circle of his acquaintances.

    A feature of the face with asthenia is an alarming suspiciousness, implying a significant exaggeration existing risk. Asthenik "manages" to predict danger even in situations where there is no minimal threat. Instead of painstakingly analyzing the situation and inventing ways to secure, he simply refuses to take action.

    Asthenia significantly complicates the implementation of the usual labor process. Absent-mindedness and fatigue leads to the fact that a person performs duties poorly or does not have time to complete the work in full. At the same time, the subject is deprived of strength not only by physically or intellectually complex tasks, but also by a normal conversation with an interlocutor, the performance of patterned actions. Due to the dispersion of attention, a person cannot combine long chain tasks, which not infrequently creates misconception about the intellectual insufficiency of the asthenic.

    Methods of treatment

    Since asthenia is not only an independent anomaly, but is also associated with various neurological diseases, somatic ailments, mental disorders, the choice of treatment method requires comprehensive examination patient. In the case of diagnosing the underlying disease, treatment is aimed at eliminating the factors that provoked it and minimizing the manifestation of signs of asthenia.

    What to do if asthenia is not associated with other diseases? The basis for the treatment of asthenic syndrome are restorative measures that contribute to the normalization of the functioning of the central nervous system. A patient who has been diagnosed with asthenic status is prescribed physiotherapeutic procedures, a course of massage, acupuncture, a complex physiotherapy exercises. Great importance to stabilize the well-coordinated work of the body is properly selected water procedures: a contrast shower in the morning, swimming in the pool or open water during the day and a relaxing warm bath with essential oils in the evening.

    For asthenia, the statement “movement is life” is true. That's why special place in the treatment of an abnormal condition, daily walks in the fresh air, outdoor sports are allotted. The patient is recommended to draw up his weekly schedule in such a way that he can devote his entire weekend to active entertainment: hiking, cycling, hiking through the forest. For lovers of gardening, working on a personal plot is a natural healer that restores an exhausted nervous system in a natural way.

    However, when starting the “rehabilitation” of your body, you should remember: in the initial stages, excessive physical activity is unacceptable. Increase the intensity and duration of classes should be gradual, not expecting instant results.

    Treatment of asthenia is impossible without a revision of the diet and competent planning daily menu. Persons with asthenic status should eat at least four times a day with the same time interval. The main “fuel throw” should be at breakfast and lunch, after dinner, light, low-calorie foods should be preferred. AT daily diet porridge must be present cereal crops, vegetables and fruits of local origin, lean meats, sea ​​fish and seafood, nuts, dairy products.

    Many people suffering fatigue, mistakenly believe that coffee and energy drinks are capable of “getting them back into operation”. This is a rather dangerous misconception: all products containing caffeine really activate the nervous system for a short time, but such stimulation occurs due to intensive consumption. psychic energy, so soon cheerfulness is replaced by debilitating fatigue. How to overcome asthenia? The rule for asthenics is to drink a sufficient amount of pure non-carbonated water (at least two liters per day).

    Among the irreplaceable measures, without which it is impossible to overcome asthenia, is a change in the daily work schedule. Asthenics should forget about a ten-hour or more working day, perform professional duties for no more than eight hours with a mandatory break for rest at lunchtime. At the same time, the daytime break should be reserved not only for eating and discussing problems for dining table. This hour should be devoted to the implementation of breathing exercises, relaxation techniques, methods of relieving emotional stress.

    How to get rid of asthenia once and for all? Eliminate stressful situations, minimize the cost of nervous energy for conflicts, quarrels, showdown. Without normalizing the atmosphere at home and at work, it will not be possible to restore the resources of the nervous system. Therefore, in difficult situations, it is recommended that all patients with asthenia seek the help of a psychologist or psychotherapist to select the most adequate methods to eliminate stressors. Since asthenia is often a manifestation of the personal constitution, the doctor will suggest ways to “neutralize” unfavorable individual traits and help with choosing measures to transform the characterological portrait.

    How to deal with asthenia without resorting to the "chemical" arsenal of the pharmaceutical industry? In simple situations, it is advisable to conduct a long course of treatment with natural stimulants, tonics. As a rule, prescribe the intake of vitamin C, E, group B and mineral complexes. It will not be superfluous to use tinctures:

    • lure;
    • ginseng root;
    • eleutherococcus;
    • leuzei;
    • Schisandra chinensis;
    • rhodiola.

    With asthenia of various origins, amino acids are often present in the treatment, which contribute to the formation of energy at the molecular level. good action shows drugs: stimol (Stimol) and L-arginine (L-arginine). A fairly common companion of asthenic syndrome is minor defects in the cognitive and mnestic sphere, the functions of which will help to restore nootropics, for example: phezam (Phezam) or cortexin (Cortexinum).

    If asthenia has developed against the background of a violation of cerebral blood supply or is associated with alcoholism, an effective remedy, Mildronate, should be included in the treatment. In the treatment of severe asthenic forms, it is appropriate to use psychostimulants in the treatment, for example: Meridil (Meridiltim) or Sydnocarbum (Sydnocarbum).

    In the case of a protracted and persistent course of asthenia, additional diagnostic measures. In case of confirmation asthenic depression being treated with antidepressants.

    Instead of an afterword

    Although asthenia is a common phenomenon of our time, and has existed in asthenic status for many years, such a condition is not the norm. timely medical assistance, establishing true reason anomalies, changes in the usual way of life, psychotherapeutic work will allow you to feel like a completely different person: energetic and vigorous, will give you a chance to feel the fullness of life.

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    05/06/2018 at 23:49 Coffee is definitely not worth drinking, at first there seems to be some action, but then it only gets worse - it has been verified from my own experience. If you need good pharmaceutical support, then it is better to ask the doctor to prescribe cardionate, it really works and gives a long-term effect.

    04/27/2018 at 13:43 Meldonium, by the way, is not only for ischemia and alcoholism, as it is written here. In general, an excellent drug for any asthenia, I drank it in the form of Cardionate capsules after the operation, I really did not feel any weakness characteristic of this condition.

    Psychological stress

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