Powerful central cough blocker. For newborns and children up to a year. How are cough medicines classified?

The cough reflex occurs in the mucous membrane of the larynx, trachea, bronchi. Receptors associated with are found in many internal organs. For example, in the esophagus, heart, stomach, auricles in some parts of the brain. Therefore, coughing accompanies diseases that are not associated with the defeat of the respiratory tract.

Occurrence of cough

Cough is a defensive reaction of the body, given by nature to a person in order to clear the respiratory tract from a mucus-like liquid, particles that enter with the air, and infectious agents. It is different:

  • by the amount of sputum - dry and wet;
  • in timbre - barking, sonorous;
  • by duration - periodically arising and constant;
  • complicated - leading to vomiting and headache.

When a cough reflex appears, it is necessary to identify true reason its origin.

Cough is caused not only infectious diseases affecting the respiratory tract. Often proceeds independently, without fever and runny nose. Symptom occurs with organ pathologies of cardio-vascular system. This is one of non-specific signs arising from blockage coronary vessels, their narrowing. This causes a cough.

The occurrence of a cough reflex is due to throwing gastric juice into the esophagus. This causes esophagitis - inflammation of the esophageal mucosa, which is often accompanied by erosive changes in the walls of the organ and cough. The disease is diagnosed using gastroscopy methods.

Cough while smoking

Computed tomography of the lungs will reveal chronic obstructive bronchitis. The main cause of this disease is smoking, its consequence is a dry cough. The disease is characterized by:

  • narrowing of the bronchi;
  • accumulation of bronchial secretions.

Bronchial mucus is viscous and poorly separated, therefore it has a long-term incessant character. For a long time smoking man is constantly in a state of suffocation. Pathologically altered bronchi do not allow effective ventilation of the lungs, an insufficient amount of oxygen enters the body. indicates that it does not depart. This condition provokes allergic reactions, signals oncopathologies and the development of myocardial infarction.

The developed chronic obstructive disease is not treated, but is subject to control. The goal is to prolong life. Suppressing cough irritation and taking cough medicines is by no means recommended. Otherwise, everything that is in the airways in the form of mucus, sputum, foreign particles will cause complications. Adequate drug therapy appointed in this case only by a doctor.

Medicines that suppress the cough reflex

Don't be confused, provoking wet cough, and antitussives, which close on the central nervous system, suppressing the reflex. Blocker medications are used:

  • if dry cough brings severe discomfort, pain, insomnia;
  • with a cough that continues after recovery for 1-4 weeks.

Many parents believe that the main treatment for a symptom in a child is antitussive drugs. This is not true, as coughing is a natural mechanism for clearing the airways. the main task parents - to achieve a wet cough, and in the absence of the results of therapy, conduct a thorough examination that will identify the cause.

There are conditions accompanied by severe symptoms, such as whooping cough, oncopathology, when it is necessary to reduce the excitation of the cough reflex. It is important to learn and remember that these funds are dangerous, and do not work with ARVI and acute respiratory infections. They are prescribed only by the attending physician when absolutely necessary.

Varieties of antitussives

Cough suppressants are powerful medicines that are divided into drugs central action and non-narcotic drugs peripheral action.

Drugs containing centrally acting narcotic substances are addictive, severe reactions, especially in children under two years of age, in which the body is in the maturation stage.

Non-narcotic without prescription drugs widespread in pharmacy chains and this is dangerous. They act on the central peripheral departments nervous system. Namely, they inhibit the cough center in the brain, in parallel with this, affecting the respiratory tract. Unauthorized use of drugs can cause problems with the respiratory and nervous systems, up to respiratory arrest.

The above drugs include Codeine, Bronchoton, Glaucine.

A drugA photoPrice
from 261 rub.

Tempting medications 2 in 1, where expectorants and antitussives are combined. On the one hand, they are comfortable, effective, have a relaxing effect on the exhausted cough. bronchopulmonary system, contribute to the transition from dry to wet cough, but on the other hand, their use outside severe conditions causes a functional failure respiratory system.

The body is not able to excrete sputum, which is produced in huge number through coughing. At the same time, the bronchi become clogged, and the natural protection of the respiratory tract does not work when the cough reflex is blocked. This is the way to complications, to congestion in the lungs and bronchi, purulent processes.

Air purification and humidification measures

Dry cough is unproductive and painful. You can make it effective in the following way:

The reaction of the body in the form of a cough extends to the entire respiratory tract, and not to individual areas or organs. Therefore, a key role in recovery is played by the creation of conditions for cleansing the body of pathogenic mucus. This is facilitated by wet, cool, Fresh air. The condition is provided:

  • frequent ventilation;
  • walks;
  • wet cleaning;
  • household appliances for air humidification.

Drinking plenty of water is another important condition help the respiratory system with a dry cough. With a lack of fluid intake, local protection ceases to operate. Macrophage cells, active immunoglobulins work with normal blood and sputum rheology.

Cough blocking drugs are medicines that suppress coughing by acting directly on the centers and receptors of the brain responsible for this reflex. Medicines of this orientation do not eliminate the main cause of the disease: their task is to suppress the painful unproductive cough without expectoration.

Cough is one of the reflexes of the body that acts defensive reaction the body to the ingress of foreign objects in the way of the respiratory system or to the accumulation of mucus in them.

The cough center of the brain controls the process of this reflex. It receives information from the conductors, which are located in different areas: near the ears and nose, vocal cords, near the pericardium, in the areas of the larynx and pleura, as well as in the zone of separation of the large bronchi and trachea.

For reference. The described spheres are united by the vagus nerve: it receives impulses from these receptors and then transmits them to special department brain, which is called the cough center.

The place of localization of such a department is the medulla oblongata.

This department, receiving the necessary data, transmits impulses to nerve fibers that control muscles abdominals, diaphragms and chest. When they contract, a reflex reaction appears - a cough.

To suppress the reaction, antitussive drugs that depress the cough center are often prescribed.

Characteristics and names of antitussive drugs

Antitussive drugs act either directly on the cough center or on receptors, helping to reduce their sensitivity. Such tablets or syrups do not affect the cause of the disease: their task is to alleviate the symptoms. This is especially true for non-productive coughs.

Cough-suppressing drugs are prescribed for dry cough caused by the following diseases:

  • tracheitis;

There are the following medicines of this type:

Antitussive pills to suppress the reflex have the following actions:

  • liquefaction of sputum when coughing without its discharge;
  • activation of ciliated epithelium;
  • antiviral effect;
  • stimulation of muscle contraction of the bronchi.

List of drugs

The category of antitussive medicines includes the following:

Note! Antitussive drugs can cause side effects such as addiction to the drug, drowsiness, decreased blood pressure, nausea.

Prohibitions for use and precautions

Taking drugs that block the cough center or nerve endings that transmit impulses to it, contraindicated in:

  • severe violations of the functions of the respiratory system;
  • intolerance by the body of the active elements of the drug;
  • periods of gestation and breastfeeding;
  • asthma.

For kids

Children are prescribed only those medicines that are as safe as possible for their health. These include the following.

With a dry cough, it is often necessary to take antitussive drugs. These drugs suppress cough shocks, as a result, chest pain, headache, sleep improves, and other symptoms caused by a debilitating cough are eliminated.

You will find an overview of mucolytic and expectorant drugs for adults, and for children - at.

In this article, we will look at antitussives that help with dry cough. Any of these must be prescribed by a doctor. The material provided by us can be used for a more detailed acquaintance with the preparations. Independent application such drugs can cause stagnation of sputum in the respiratory system and worsen the patient's condition.

An antitussive that is allowed for dry cough in children from 6 years of age and in adults. Contains two active substances - dextromethorphan and guaifenesin.

Antitussive syrup Tussin Plus

The antitussive effect of the drug is based on the property of dextromethorphan to suppress nerve impulses emanating from the inflamed respiratory mucosa to the cough center located in the brain. It reduces the sensitivity of the cells of this center to excitation, as a result, nerve signals from it to the respiratory muscles begin to flow with a greater intensity of inflammation. He does not oppress respiratory center and does not affect the function of microscopic cilia located on inner surface bronchi and excreting mucus.

Guaifenesin enhances the work of these cilia, activates the production of the liquid part of sputum and breaks down its molecules into smaller compounds. As a result, the expectorant effect of Tussin Plus, mitigation of dry cough and pain is also provided.

The drug is good for barking, debilitating dry cough. The duration of action of this antitussive agent with a single dose reaches 6 hours.

Tussin Plus is prescribed for any respiratory diseases, including acute respiratory infections and influenza, with a dry cough. It cannot be used in the following situations:

  • age under 6 years;
  • diseases of the nervous system (stroke, tumor, consequences of brain injury, epilepsy, and others);
  • stomach or duodenal ulcer;
  • previous gastric bleeding;
  • moist cough;
  • simultaneous reception expectorants or antitussives containing guaifenesin or dextromethorphan to avoid overdose;

With restrictions, Tussin Plus is used as an antitussive drug in patients with asthma, liver or kidney failure in their serious illnesses, during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Among unwanted effects an allergic reaction can be noted, nervous excitement and insomnia, headaches and dizziness, nausea, vomiting, liquid stool and exacerbation of peptic ulcer disease.

Take Tussin Plus antitussive syrup after meals: for children from 6 to 12 years old - 1 teaspoon every 4 hours, for children 12 years and older, adults - 2 teaspoons every 4 hours. The kit includes a measuring cup on which divisions are applied: 1 division is equal to 5 ml or 1 teaspoon.

When treating with this remedy, you need to drink more water. Its use may be accompanied by pink discoloration of urine, this is not dangerous and does not require discontinuation of the drug. Do not combine Tussin Plus with alcohol, other antitussive or mucolytic drugs. Do not prescribe it and with the simultaneous appointment of MAO inhibitors (for example, some antiepileptic drugs), in case of doubt, you need to read the instructions for these drugs, which indicate their pharmacological group.

Contribute to an overdose of Tussin plus amiodarone (Cordarone), quinidine and fluoxetine. Smoking reduces the effectiveness of this cough medicine.

The drug should be stored at room temperature. It is sold by prescription.

Butamirat (Codelac neo, Omnitus, Panatus, Sinekod)

This antitussive drug is available under the following names:

  • Codelac Neo;
  • Omnitus;
  • Panatus;
  • Panatus Forte.

These remedies are available in syrup and tablet forms. Vanilla-flavored dry cough syrup and antitussive drops for children Sinekod are also produced.

Sinekod - antitussive drug for children

Butamirate acts on the cough center in the brain and depresses its excitability. It also has an anti-inflammatory and bronchodilatory effect, it facilitates expectoration, turning a dry cough into a wetter one. With its use, there is an improvement in respiratory rates and an increase in the content of oxygen in the blood.

Antitussives based on butamirate can be used for any dry cough. They can also be used after various operations when coughing impairs wound healing, and before bronchoscopy.

The dosage is determined depending on the age and is detailed in the instructions for use. various drugs. For example, Sinekod antitussive syrup is prescribed before meals in the following dosages:

Sinekod drops are prescribed for children from 2 months to a year, 10 drops each; from 1 to 3 years - 15 drops, and for older children - 25 drops 4 times a day. Butamirate-based preparations should not be given to a child under 2 years of age without consulting a doctor. If a dry cough lasts more than a week, it is also worth seeking medical attention.

Contraindications depend on the form of the drug used:

  • Sinekod drops can be used from 2 months of age;
  • butamirate-based antitussive syrups are contraindicated up to 3 years of age;
  • tablets should not be taken by children under 6 years of age, and modified-release tablets (Codelac Neo, Omnitus) are only allowed for adults.

This antitussive drug is contraindicated in the 1st trimester of pregnancy and with individual intolerance. It is not recommended to combine it with expectorants, alcohol, sleeping pills, tranquilizers. In the 2nd and 3rd trimesters, butamirate is allowed only in cases where a strong dry cough of the mother adversely affects the fetus or can lead to premature birth. Please note that syrups and drops contain a small amount of ethyl alcohol.

Store butamirate-based antitussives at room temperature. You can buy them without a prescription.

Libexin (prenoxdiazine)

The difference between this drug and other antitussives is practically complete absence influence on the brain. It acts only on the nerve endings located in the wall of the respiratory tract, reducing their sensitivity. At the same time, Libexin expands the bronchi and relieves inflammation. This is very effective drug with a dry cough, similar in strength to codeine, but not a narcotic and not addictive.

Libexin effectively suppresses dry cough

Libeksin Muko is a medication that is not related to antitussives. It is indicated for coughing up sputum, unlike Libexin tablets.

The antitussive drug Libexin is prescribed for dry cough, for acute and chronic diseases respiratory organs. It is indicated before bronchoscopy. It can also be used in heart failure, if there is a nocturnal dry cough.

The dosage is determined depending on the age:

  • children are prescribed ¼ - ½ tablets 3 - 4 times a day;
  • adults can take 1 - 2 tablets up to 4 times a day.

If the dose is exceeded, temporary drowsiness may occur, which does not require discontinuation of the drug and passes spontaneously after a few hours.

Tablets should not be cracked or chewed, as they cause numbness of the mucous membrane in the oral cavity. They must be swallowed whole with enough water. They taste bitter, so children need to explain that part of the tablet needs to be swallowed quickly.

Undesirable effects are rare. It can be allergies, sore throat, indigestion, constipation. The antitussive drug Libexin is contraindicated for wet cough, lactose intolerance, galactose or impaired absorption, and for individual hypersensitivity. Before using the remedy in children, it is better to consult a doctor. The simultaneous use of expectorant or mucolytic drugs is not recommended.

Libexin is stored at room temperature, sold without a prescription.

Broncholithin (Ephedrine + Glaucine)

This group also includes prescription drugs - Bronchitusen Vramed and Bronchocin syrups (the latter also contains basil oil). They have an antitussive effect and dilate the bronchi.

Broncholithin can only be bought with a prescription.

Glaucine acts on the cough center in the brain, but does not affect the respiratory center. As a result, the intensity of dry cough is reduced. Ephedrine dilates the bronchi, relieves swelling of the mucosa, and facilitates breathing. Basil oil inhibits the cough reflex, has a mild sedative and antiseptic effect.

These antitussive drugs are used for such diseases:

They can be used as antitussives in children from 3 years of age. For patients 3 - 10 years of age, the dosage is 5 ml (1 teaspoon) 3 times a day, from 10 to 18 - 10 ml (2 teaspoons) 3 times a day, for adults - 1 tablespoon 3 - 4 times a day.

Side effects:

  • increased heart rate, increased blood pressure;
  • constipation;
  • anxiety, agitation;
  • pupil dilation;
  • loss of appetite;
  • drowsiness in children.

There are quite a few contraindications for taking antitussive drugs with ephedrine:

  • atherosclerosis of cerebral and peripheral arteries;
  • ischemic heart disease, angina pectoris;
  • rhythm disturbances;
  • hypertonic disease;
  • heart failure;
  • glaucoma;
  • diabetes;
  • diseases thyroid gland with hyperthyroidism;
  • BPH;
  • sleep disorders (insomnia);
  • pregnancy and lactation.

These products are stored at room temperature. Released only by prescription.

Elixir Codelac Phyto

This antitussive drug belongs to codeine-containing drugs, it is sold only by prescription. In addition to codeine, it includes extracts of thermopsis, thyme and licorice root. It has not only antitussive, but also expectorant effect.

Codeine, when used in small doses, suppresses the excitability of the cough center and stops dry cough. It is an opium derivative when overdosed or long-term use can form an addiction. All codeine cough suppressants are available by prescription only.

Thermopsis grass stimulates the production of sputum and its secretion by the cilia of the ciliated epithelium. Therefore, the cough goes from dry to more humid, and sputum is independently excreted from the bronchi. Licorice helps to relax the bronchial wall and relieve inflammation.

Antitussive elixir Codelac Phyto is indicated for dry cough caused by any reason. It can be used starting from the patient's age of 2 years:

  • from 2 to 5 years - 5 ml per day;
  • from 5 to 8 - 10 ml per day;
  • from 8 to 12 - 10 - 15 ml per day;
  • from 12 - 15 - 20 ml per day.

This dose is divided into 2 - 3 doses during the day; use the drug in between meals. It cannot be used for a long time.

Possible side effects:

  • constipation, vomiting or nausea;
  • drowsiness and headache;
  • itching, skin rash.


  • age up to 2 years, pregnant and lactating women;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • respiratory failure;
  • alcohol intake;
  • individual intolerance;
  • concomitant use of expectorant or mucolytic drugs.

You should not take Codelac Phyto antitussive syrup at the same time as depressants. nervous system(for example, sleeping pills), as well as with chloramphenicol, digoxin, activated carbon, antacids.

Glycodin and Stoptussin

These are combined antitussive drugs with a simultaneous expectorant effect. Glycodin is available as a syrup and contains dextromethorphan, terpinhydrate and menthol. It begins to act half an hour after ingestion, the effect lasts for 6 hours in adults and 9 hours in children.

Glycodin is prescribed for any respiratory diseases accompanied by a dry cough. It can be given to children over 3 years old: 4 - 6-year-olds - a quarter teaspoon 3 - 4 times a day; at the age of 7 to 12 - half a teaspoon 3 - 4 times a day. Adults are prescribed 5 ml (1 teaspoon) 3-4 times a day.

Antitussive syrup Glycodin can cause dizziness, drowsiness, nausea, itching and skin rash. It is contraindicated in such conditions:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • intolerance to sucrose, maltose, fructose, glucose and galactose;
  • age up to 4 years, pregnancy, lactation;
  • individual intolerance.

The drug enhances the effect of drugs that depress the nervous system, including antitussive drugs based on codeine, as well as alcohol and MAO inhibitors. It does not contain narcotic substances and is allowed for sale without a prescription. The syrup is stored at room temperature.

Drops Stoptussin can be given to children with a dry cough

Stoptussin tablets contain the substances already known to us guaifenesin and butamirate. Thus, they are a combined antitussive and expectorant drug. Stoptussin tablets are recommended for any dry cough. You can take them from the age of 12. In this case, the dosage depends on the weight of the patient:

  • up to 50 kg: ½ tablet 4 times a day;
  • 50 - 70 kg: 1 tablet 3 times a day;
  • 79 - 90 kg: 1 ½ tablets 3 times a day;
  • over 90 kg: 1 ½ tablets 4 times a day.

Side effects occur infrequently. These include indigestion and stool, drowsiness, headache, allergic manifestations. Usually these symptoms do not require discontinuation of the drug and go away on their own.


  • age up to 12 years; 1 trimester of pregnancy, lactation period;
  • myasthenia gravis;
  • individual intolerance.

Do not take alcohol, magnesium, lithium, sleeping pills or sedatives while taking this drug.

Antitussive tablets Stoptussin are sold in pharmacies without a prescription.

Stoptussin antitussive drops for oral administration contain the same active ingredients, but they can be given to children from 6 months. The dosage is calculated taking into account the weight of the patient:

  • up to 7 kg: 8 drops 3-4 times a day;
  • from 7 to 12 kg: 9 drops in the same multiplicity;
  • from 12 to 20 kg: 14 drops 3 times a day;
  • from 20 to 30 kg: 14 drops 3-4 times a day;
  • from 30 to 40 kg: 16 drops up to 4 times a day;
  • from 40 to 50 kg: 25 drops 3 times a day.

Drops must be dissolved in a liquid (water, fruit juice) with a volume of 100 ml. If the child has not drunk all this volume, it is not necessary to supplement it with drops in order to avoid an overdose. If a dry cough persists for several days of taking Stoptussin, you should consult a doctor.

Stoptussin antitussive drops are stored at room temperature, allowed for sale without a prescription.

Antitussive drugs: cost

To choose inexpensive, but effective antitussives for dry cough, you can use the table below. It contains the names of the drugs, the age at which they started taking them, and the price per pack. Here you will find only over-the-counter products, since the prescription will have to buy an antitussive medicine prescribed by a doctor.

A drug Minimum age, years price, rub.
Codelac Neo pills 10 pieces 18 190
Codelac Neo syrup 200 ml 3 280
Omnitus tablets 20 mg 10 pieces 18 180
Omnitus syrup 200 ml 3 180
Panatus tablets 20 mg 10 pieces 6 150
Panatus Forte tablets 50 mg 10 pieces 6 180
Panatus Forte syrup 200 ml 3 180
Sinekod syrup 200 ml 3 330
Sinekod drops 20 ml 2 months 340
Libeksin tablets 100 mg 20 pieces Can be used in children of all ages as directed by a doctor 428
Glycodin syrup 100 ml 4 70
Stoptussin tablets 20 pcs. 12 209
Stoptussin drops 25 ml From 6 months 204

Video “Dr. Komarovsky about antitussives”

Cough is a complex reflex reaction of the airways, the main function of which is to restore their normal patency.
The occurrence of a cough may be due to irritation of the cough receptors of the nose, ears, rear wall pharynx, trachea, bronchi, pleura, diaphragm, pericardium, esophagus. External and internal factors (foreign bodies, cold and dry air, air pollutants, tobacco smoke, nasal mucus, sputum, inflammation of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, etc.) excite cough receptors, which are divided into irritant, quickly responding to mechanical, thermal, chemical irritants, and C-receptors, mainly stimulated by inflammatory mediators (prostaglandins, kinins, substance P, etc.). The resulting impulse is transmitted through afferent fibers vagus nerve in the cough center located in the medulla oblongata. The reflex arc is closed by efferent fibers of the vagus, diaphragmatic and spinal nerves, going to the muscles of the chest, diaphragm and abdominals, the contraction of which leads to the closure of the glottis, followed by its opening and expulsion at high air speed, which is manifested by a cough.
In addition, coughing can be caused or suppressed voluntarily, since the formation of the cough reflex is under the control of the cerebral cortex.
Cough is classified by nature (unproductive or dry and productive or wet cough), by intensity (cough, mild and severe cough), by duration (episodic, paroxysmal and persistent cough), downstream (acute - up to 3 weeks, protracted - more than 3 weeks and chronic - 3 months or more).
In some cases, cough loses its physiological expediency and not only does not contribute to resolution pathological process in the respiratory system, but also leads to the development of complications.
The reflex arc of the cough reflex includes receptors, the cough center, afferent and efferent nerve fibers, and the executive link - the respiratory muscles. Cough is most effectively suppressed at two levels - the receptor level and the level of the cough center. In this regard, antitussive drugs are divided into 2 groups: central and peripheral action. In turn, drugs of central action can be divided into narcotic and non-narcotic drugs.

mechanism of action and pharmacological effects Centrally acting narcotic antitussives
These include morphine-like compounds such as codeine, ethylmorphine, and dextromethorphan, which suppress cough center function. medulla oblongata. The most famous antitussive drug narcotic action is codeine, which is natural narcotic analgesic from the group of opioid receptor agonists. Medicines from the codeine group are very effective, but they have significant drawbacks. Their antitussive action is not selective, they simultaneously depress the respiratory center. Dextromethorphan is a synthetic antitussive chemical structure and activity close to opiates ( codeine); renders central effect by raising the cough threshold.

Non-narcotic antitussive drugs of central action
These include oxeladin, butamirate, glaucine, pentoxyverine, ledin and pholcodine, which have selective central action. They partially suppress the cough center, without having a pronounced inhibitory effect on the respiratory center. Not inferior in strength to codeine, they are not addictive and addictive, do not depress breathing and do not affect intestinal motility (do not cause constipation). Some antitussive drugs have additional effects that improve their performance. So, for oxeladin, butamirate and ledin, some bronchodilator action is characteristic. Butamirate also has expectorant and anti-inflammatory effects.

Non-narcotic antitussive drugs of peripheral action
This group of drugs includes prenoxdiazine, levodropropizine, benpropyrine and bithiodine, which affect the afferent component of the cough reflex, acting on the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract as an anesthetic and reducing the reflex stimulation of the cough reflex. In addition, they have a local anti-inflammatory effect, promote relaxation smooth muscle bronchi.

Enveloping drugs also refer to peripheral afferent antitussive drugs. Their action is based on the creation of a protective layer on the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx and oropharynx. They are oral lozenges or syrups and teas containing plant extracts eucalyptus, acacia, licorice, wild cherry, linden, etc., glycerin, honey, etc.
One of the ways to influence the afferent part reflex arc is also the use of aerosols and steam inhalation to moisturize the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. Water vapor inhalations, alone or with the addition of sodium chloride or herbal decoctions or extracts, are the most available method moisture. Can be used along with inhalations plentiful drink.
Antitussive drugs with local anesthetic activity reduce the feeling of perspiration and irritation in the throat, reduce sensitivity to various annoying factors weakening the cough reflex. The drugs are used as medicines for absorption in the oral cavity.
Local anesthetics (benzocaine, cyclaine, tetracaine) are also afferent drugs, but are used only in a hospital for special indications.

Most drugs are well absorbed after oral administration. The maximum concentration in the blood plasma of codeine is reached after 1 hour, butamirate citrate - after 1.5 hours. In the latter case, it is 6.4 μg / ml, the connection with proteins is 95%. Both drugs undergo biotransformation in the liver and are almost completely excreted in the urine as metabolites and unchanged. T1 / 2 of codeine - 3-4 hours, citrate butamirate - 6 hours. The pharmacokinetics of most other drugs and their components have not been studied.

Tactics for choosing medicines for coughing
If the reason for prescribing drugs is the cough itself, it is better to use drugs that act on the specific cause of the cough in this case. Antitussive drugs are symptomatic therapy. To relieve cough associated with acute respiratory infection, showing moisturizing inhalations and medicines with enveloping peripheral action or their combination with non-narcotic drugs of central action such as prenoxdiazine. In the presence of sputum, it is advisable to prescribe expectorant drugs or mucolytics. When coughing in a patient with symptoms of bronchospasm, along with moisturizing, it is advisable to prescribe bronchodilators and anti-inflammatory drugs, but narcotic antitussive drugs and mucolytics are contraindicated, with the exception of bromhexine and ambroxol. For the purposeful suppression of an unproductive cough caused by irritation of the respiratory mucosa (for example, with whooping cough), it is possible to use antitussive non-narcotic drugs of central action in children.

Place in therapy
Antitussive drugs are used to suppress frequent dry cough that disturbs the patient's condition. When coughing associated with irritation of the upper respiratory tract, the use of antitussive drugs with local anesthetic activity is indicated. They are symptomatic therapy drugs in the treatment inflammatory processes in the pharynx (tonsillitis, pharyngitis) and larynx (laryngitis). Actually local anesthetics used for afferent inhibition of the cough reflex during bronchoscopy or bronchography.

Contraindications and warnings
The appointment of antitussive drugs to a patient with a wet cough leads to stagnation of sputum in the respiratory tract, which worsens bronchial patency and may contribute to the development of pneumonia. Narcotic cough medicines can cause respiratory depression.


  1. Belousov Yu.B., Moiseev B.C., Lepakhin V.K. Clinical pharmacology and pharmacotherapy. M., 1997; 530.
  2. Danilyak I.G. Cough: Etiology, pathophysiology, diagnosis, treatment. Pulmonology. 2001; 3:33-7.
  3. Clinical pharmacology. Ed. V.G. Kukes. M., 1991.
  4. Lekmanov A. Cough: if treated, then with what? Materials of the VII Russian National Congress "Man and Medicine". Educational news. 2001; 19.
  5. Rational pharmacotherapy of respiratory diseases: Handbook. for practicing doctors / A.G. Chuchalin, S.N. Avdeev, V.V. Arkhipov, S.L. Babak and others; Under the general editorship. A.G. Chuchalina. - M.: Litterra, 2004. - 874 p. - (Rational pharmacotherapy: Ser. Handbook for practitioners; V.5).
  6. Samsygina G.A. Antitussive drugs in pediatrics. Consilium medi- sieve. 2001; 2:18-22.
  7. Chuchalin A.G., Abrosimov V.N. Cough. Ryazan, 2000.

- a reflex act aimed at cleansing the respiratory mucosa from various stimuli- physical, organic, chemical. Cough - clinical sign and most respiratory pathologies. Its main goal is to expel all foreign bodies, microbes and sputum from the respiratory tract, thereby improving the patency of the airways.

Cough signals the existing trouble in the human body and gives the command to eliminate the causes that caused it.

Before you buy cough pills and start treatment, you need to determine its type, strength, duration, timbre, as well as the nature of sputum.


Cough happens:

  1. Acute, subacute, chronic,
  2. Strong, hysterical and weak in the form of a slight cough,
  3. Constant, morning, night,
  4. , sonorous, deep or hysterical.

A viscous secret from the lungs, bronchi and trachea, secreted during expectoration and containing saliva, nasal, sinus, and oral secretions. Sputum is serous, mucous, purulent, mixed with blood.

The most common causes of coughing are: inflammation of the bronchi and lungs, bronchial asthma, lung cancer, pathology of the heart and blood vessels, allergies.

Treatment of any type of cough is etiotropic. Only by eliminating the cause of the cough, you can get rid of it for a long time.

Dry cough treatment

Medicines intended for the treatment of dry cough suppress the cough center in the brain and block the coughing act at the level nerve endings tracheobronchial tree.

These medications should not be used to treat wet cough, since stagnation of discharge in the bronchi is possible. They should be used as prescribed by a specialist after passing a comprehensive examination.

Centrally acting narcotic cough medicines

Preparations of this group have a narcotic effect on the body, are dispensed by prescription, have many side effects,used to treat very severe cough are contraindicated in children under 2 years of age, inhibit the activity of the epithelium of the bronchial tree.

Codeine is an opioid that suppresses the cough center. This is dope natural origin, widely used in medicine as a cough medicine and pain reliever. Codeine is the main active ingredient in Codelac cough tablets and Cofex and Tussin plus syrups. The cough reflex is inhibited at the level of the central links, due to which the cough stops.

"Hydrocodone"- oral effective cough medicine with a pronounced analgesic effect.

Long-term use of these drugs can lead to the development of euphoria and addiction in the patient. Take them right before bed to agonizing cough did not interfere with sleep.

Non-narcotic antitussives of central action

Non-narcotic tablets and syrups suppress the cough center in the brain and weaken the signals coming from the inflamed bronchi to the cerebral cortex.

Peripheral cough medicines

They suppress the act of coughing at the level of receptors of the tracheobronchial tree, have analgesic and antispasmodic effects on the respiratory system, change the viscosity of the secret. Cough medicines are divided into enveloping and local anesthetics.

  1. "Libeksin"- a cough remedy that suppresses the sensitivity of the nerve endings of the respiratory system and reduces the susceptibility of cough receptors to signs of inflammation. The drug reduces the activity of the respiratory center, while maintaining its functions in full.
  2. "Bitiodin"- tablets for dry cough, not addictive and side effects. The antitussive effect is due to a greater extent to the influence on the receptors of the respiratory mucosa and to a lesser extent to the centers of the nervous system.
  3. "Levopront"- a syrup that helps to reduce the intensity and frequency of coughing and has a bronchodilator effect. The drug has a peripheral effect on the tracheobronchial tree.

Wet cough medicine

For the treatment of wet cough, patients are prescribed secretory and secretolytic tablets, potions and syrups.


Enhance the production of bronchial secretions, dilute sputum and contribute to its rapid withdrawal from the body.

  • "Mukaltin"- secretolytic and expectorant herbal remedy. Marshmallow, which is part of the drug, reflexively enhances the stimulation of the ciliated epithelium, the peristalsis of the respiratory bronchioles, the secretion of the bronchial glands, the thinning of mucus, and the release of sputum during coughing. "Mukaltin" moderately fights inflammation, envelops the mucous membrane and protects it from irritating substances, restores damaged tissue. The drug does not have toxic effect. Similar effects are dyspepsia and allergies.
  • "Doctor Mom"natural remedy, which has a mild effect on the body and has a minimum side effects. The medicine helps to quickly get rid of sputum. The syrup has a locally irritating, distracting, anti-inflammatory and expectorant effect. "Doctor Mom" ​​is often prescribed to patients with a dry cough, which quickly turns into a wet one.
  • "Gedelix"- an effective expectorant, produced in the form of syrup. It contains substances that have mucolytic, bronchodilatory and antioxidant effects, destroy pathogenic microbes and fungi. Biologically active substances, which are part of it, improve microcirculation, remove salts from the body, protect the liver and kidneys from the influence of external factors.


Mucolytic drugs are designed to thin viscous and thick sputum, which makes it easier to discharge. Mucolytics restore the bronchial mucosa and elasticity of the lungs. They are usually prescribed together with expectorants to enhance the therapeutic effect of both groups of drugs.

  1. Bromhexine- cough tablets that reduce the viscosity of sputum and contribute to its rapid removal. This is an effective mucolytic agent with a pronounced expectorant effect. Due to the depolarization of protein fibers, the consistency changes and the viscosity of sputum decreases. "Bromhexine" has a weak antitussive and pronounced secretolytic effect. The drug is able to stimulate the formation of surfactant and ensure the stability of alveolar cells during respiration.
  2. Cough syrup "Ambrobene"- a mucolytic agent, under the influence of which the glands of the bronchi produce mucus, increases physical activity ciliated epithelium cilia, viscous sputum liquefies and comes out. Active substance syrup "Ambrobene" - ambroxol. It has an anti-inflammatory and expectorant effect, stimulates local immunity, enhances the penetration of certain antibiotics into the sputum and stimulates the production of surfactant, a substance that prevents the alveoli of the lungs from collapsing.
  3. "ACC"- cough tablets, soluble in water. This dosage form absorbed and acts much faster than others. The drug reduces the viscosity of mucus and facilitates the discharge of sputum by the influence of acetylcysteine ​​on its rheological properties. "ACC" is a non-toxic drug that can be used long time. It can be used with preventive purpose to reduce the frequency and severity of exacerbations in patients with chronic inflammatory diseases respiratory organs.

Mucolytic drugs act gently. Therapeutic effect after their application is achieved quickly. Negative consequences from taking mucolytics - intolerance to the components of the drugs and exacerbation of stomach diseases.

A cough that lasts for several weeks and is accompanied by the formation of a purulent discharge and fever requires a visit to a specialist. Self-treatment in this case unacceptable.

Combined antitussive drugs

Preparations of this group contain two or more therapeutic components that enhance the effect of each other.

Cough medicines for children

For the treatment of cough in children, specialists usually prescribe mixtures and syrups. Taking them for babies is much easier than taking pills.

Children under two years old are prescribed syrups "Lazolvan", "Linkas", "Prospan", "Bromhexin".

Children over two years old are prescribed Gerbion, ACC, Gedelix, Libeksin Muko. Cough syrups based on marshmallow or licorice are very effective, safe, natural. They can be purchased at any pharmacy, and they are inexpensive.

Modern pharmacy offers a huge selection of cough medicines, among which there is no universal one. Some drugs are effective against dry, obsessive cough, others eliminate productive cough with phlegm. The treatment regimen for respiratory diseases is different in different categories persons. For kids the best remedy cough will be one thing, for the elderly - another. What is ideal for one person is absolutely unacceptable for others. It's connected with side effect many cough medicines and depends on the state of the respiratory system and the degree immune protection organism.

In any case, only a doctor should prescribe treatment with antitussives, after a thorough diagnosis of the disease.

Video: cough medicine, “Doctor Komarovsky”

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