List of prescription drugs from January 1. The release of all prescription drugs will significantly hit the wallet of Russians

On September 22, 2017, a new order of the Ministry of Health, signed in July, came into effect. Document No. 403n is entitled "On approval of the rules for the dispensing of medicinal products for medical use, including immunobiological medicinal products, by pharmacy organizations, individual entrepreneurs licensed for pharmaceutical activities." Pharmacy workers, doctors and residents of Moscow, other cities and towns of the country should know what innovations await them: the first - when dispensing medicines, the second and third - when dispensing and buying medicines.

This order, although it cancels the norms of the long-familiar order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development dated December 14, 2005 No. 785 “On the procedure for dispensing medicines” and a number of changes made to it No. 109, No. 302, No. 521), but in some paragraphs it almost literally repeats it. What are the "novelties" in the document?

Annexes of the normative legal act

The document contains three appendices:

Rules for the dispensing of drugs, including IBLP (immunobiological drugs).

Requirements for the release of psychotropic narcotic and medicinal drugs, other drugs with anabolic activity, as well as other drugs subject to PKU (subject-quantitative accounting).

Rules governing the dispensing of medicinal products according to the requirements of medical invoices and individual entrepreneurs who have a license for medical activities.

According to the “freshly baked” order, medicines without a prescription, as before, are allowed to be sold by pharmacies, pharmacy kiosks and points, as well as individual entrepreneurs. It should be noted that the rest of prescription drugs are by default dispensed exclusively by pharmacies and pharmacy points, as well as to individual entrepreneurs who have a license for pharmaceutical activities.

Narcotic and psychotropic drugs are dispensed by prescription ONLY by pharmacies and pharmacies with the appropriate license.

The same is the case with immunobiological drugs. The pharmacist leaves a note on the IPPL prescription spine, which remains with the buyer: the exact time the drug was sold, hours and minutes. In addition, the release of UPSL, as thermolabile drugs (requiring a constant temperature), is carried out under the following conditions:

in order to comply with the storage and transportation regime, the buyer must have a special thermal container with him;

a pharmacy worker must conduct a briefing, the mark of which is recorded on the prescription, other accompanying document, or directly on the package. The date and time of sale, the signature of the pharmacy representative are also put here.

The briefing consists in bringing to the buyer information about the observance of the "cold chain", that the drug can be stored in this container for no more than two days and that it must be delivered to a medical organization, and not try to use it yourself.

About secondary packaging

Separately, the order (paragraph 8) refers to the violation of consumer, that is, secondary packaging of medicines. If the old regulatory document allowed for exceptions allowing this to be done in cases where the pharmacy is unable to fulfill a doctor's prescription, the authors of the new regulatory act listened to the opinion of physicians and consumer requests. So, thanks to modern requirements, there was a specificity in this matter.

Violation of the secondary packaging and dispensing of the drug in the primary packaging is allowed if its quantity in the secondary is less than what is indicated in the prescription or the buyer needs (over-the-counter drug). At the same time, the consumer is given instructions (or a copy) for the use of the drug. No pharmacy packaging indicating the name, expiration date, factory series, date according to the laboratory packing journal is now, as before, needed

The situation can be clearly explained with an example. The patient presented a prescription for medicine at the pharmacy. He needs two medications: 28 tablets in a blister pack and 42 pills in a vial. The pharmacist has the right to release the required number of first medicines, since the primary packaging will not be broken (blister). But with dragees it is more difficult - the role of the primary packaging in this case is played by the vial, the integrity of which is prohibited to be violated. So the buyer will have to purchase the entire bottle, in which there are 60 pills, because in Russia, as in some foreign countries, it is impossible to count the right amount of the drug from it.

prescription forms

Their form and the release of drugs on them are regulated by clause 4 of the order in question.

For the release of narcotic and psychotropic drugs by prescription from Schedule II (except for transdermal therapeutic systems), form No. 107 / y-NP will be required.

You will have to present a prescription form of form No. 148-1 / y-88 for the purchase of such drugs:

narcotic and psychotropic (Schedule II) in the form of transdermal therapeutic systems;

psychotropic (Schedule III);

possessing anabolic activity and related to the anatomical-therapeutic-chemical classification, anabolic steroids (code A14A);

included in the list of drugs subject to subject-quantitative accounting (except for those dispensed in the form No. 107 / y-NP);

specified in paragraph 5 of the "Procedure for the release of drugs to individuals containing, in addition to small amounts of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors, other pharmacologically active substances" (pr. Ministry of Health and Social Development No. 562n dated May 17, 2012; manufactured by prescription and containing a narcotic or psychotropic substance from Schedule II, as well as not exceeding the highest single dose of other pharmacologically active substances (if such a combined preparation is not a narcotic or psychotropic drug and is not included in Schedule II.

As for the rest of the medicines, such medicines are dispensed according to the forms f. No. 107-1 / y, approved by order of the Ministry of Health No. 1175n dated December 20, 2012. Such prescriptions are valid for two months from the date of preparation, but when they are issued, “The drug is dispensed” is put on them and they are left in the pharmacy.

It also says that for people with chronic diseases, the validity period can be extended by 12 months and the amount of the drug recommended by the annex to this regulatory document can be exceeded. Paragraph 10 of the new order states that the aforementioned prescription, which contains the amount of the drug dispensed for each period, must be returned to the buyer with the following notes: the date and amount of the dispensed drug. That is, the recipe can be called reusable.

At the next visit to the pharmacy, the pharmacist must take into account the information available on it, dispensing the drug. The one-time implementation of the specified amount of the drug is possible only in agreement with the person who wrote the prescription. If it was released in doses, when the entire amount of the drug was selected, a stamp of the established sample “Drug is dispensed” is put on the prescription and the document remains in the pharmacy facility.

The new order also reflected the fight against the abuse of drugs containing alcohol. The rules for their implementation are as follows: the already mentioned stamp is put on the prescription and it is not returned to the buyer, as before, but remains in the pharmacy organization.

Recipe storage

Clause 14 of Order No. 403n establishes the time frame for storing prescriptions marked “The drug is dispensed” in a pharmacy:

3 months - for liquid dosage forms containing more than 15% С2Н5ОН (ethyl alcohol). This also includes drugs related to anxiolytics (code N05B), antipsychotics (code N05A), antidepressants (code N06A), hypnotics and sedatives (code N05C), not subject to PKU;

3 years - for free or discount medicines dispensed according to forms according to forms No. 148-1 / y-04 (l) or No. 148-1 / y-06 (l). For drugs subject to quantitative accounting, combined psychotropic and narcotic drugs from Lists II and III, drugs with anabolic activity and manufactured in a pharmacy;

5 years - for narcotic and psychotropic drugs of Schedule II and III.

Dealing with a Wrong Prescription

It is regulated by paragraph 15. When registering an “incorrect” prescription in a special journal, the pharmacist must indicate exactly what violations he identified in the document, the name of the doctor who prescribed him, where he works and what measures have been taken. That is, the doctor will be responsible for such a prescription.

Responsibilities of a Pharmacy Officer

The pharmacist, says paragraph 16, is obliged to give each buyer the following information:

dose and mode of administration of the drug;

storage rules;

interaction with other drugs.

That is, the pharmacist must now be well trained and have full knowledge of the drugs being sold. If he neglects the above rules, then he is threatened with an act of administrative violation.

A pharmacy employee (see paragraph 17) does not have the right to give incomplete or knowingly false information about the availability of medicines. This also applies to those funds that have the same INN. It is also forbidden to hide the presence of drugs similar to expensive drugs with a lower cost.

The Ministry of Health has published clarifications on the order approving the new list of medicines subject to subject-quantitative accounting. Despite the fact that it has been in effect for almost a month - since August 16, it is on the part of pharmacy workers who do not know how to work with the new list.

The new list consists of three sections:

1. First includes pharmaceutical substances and drugs that are considered in Russia as narcotic, psychotropic substances and their precursors. They, as before, are subject to subject-quantitative accounting.

Accounting for drugs such as diethyl ether (at a concentration of 45% or more) and potassium permanganate (at a concentration of 45% or more) when handling up to 10 kg per month is carried out according to "simplified" requirements (an entry in the registration log on the total number of dispensed, of sold, purchased or used substances is made on a monthly basis, and documentary confirmation of each transaction is not required), ”the Ministry of Health writes.

That is, potassium permanganate in powder, as explained by the department, 3, 5 or 15 grams, as before, is sold without a doctor's prescription, but is subject to accounting as a precursor of narcotic and psychotropic substances.

2. Second This section includes preparations and substances considered to be highly toxic substances. Ointments, creams and gels containing bee and snake venom and 1-testosterone are excluded from accounting. But testosterone preparations for internal use were banned: "Testosterone propionate" (solution for intramuscular injection), "Andriol TK" (capsules), "Nebido" (solution for intramuscular injection), "Sustanon-250" (solution for intramuscular injection), "Omnadren-250" (solution for intramuscular introductions).

The Ministry of Health reports that drugs are subject to registration as the only active substance and calls them - Slimia (capsules), Meridia (capsules), Goldline (capsules) and Lindaxa (capsules). At the same time (capsules) are not subject to quantitative accounting, since they contain a combination of active substances: sibutramine + microcrystalline cellulose, and therefore do not apply to potent substances.

Only medicines containing the amount of belladonna alkaloids as the only active ingredient are subject to strict accounting. That is rectal suppositories "Beauty extract" and tablets "Bellataminal" not subject to accounting, according to the Ministry of Health.

He was included in the list of strict accounting and ethanol, which means that the drug in its pure form is subject to subject-quantitative accounting.

3. In the third section includes combined preparations. Subject-quantitative accounting, as the Ministry of Health explains, is subject to:

  • Medicines containing codeine "Caffetin", "Codelac", "Solpadein" (effervescent tablets), "Terpinkod", "Unispaz" and others), in which the amount of codeine exceeds 20 mg in 1 tablet;
  • Medicines containing pseudoephedrine from 30 to 60 mg per tablet - "Rinasek";
  • Medicines containing up to and including 200 mg dextromethorphan hydrobromide per 100 ml/100 g liquid dosage form (syrups Glycodin, Coldrex Night, Tussin Plus, Terasil-D);
  • Preparations containing up to 75 mg inclusive of phenylpropanolamine in one tablet ( "Dietrin", "Koldakt", "Contact") or up to 300 mg of substance per 100 ml/100 g of syrup ( "Triaminic");
  • Medicines containing up to and including 20 mg of phenobarbital with codeine, regardless of the amount per dose of medicine ( "Pentalgin Plus", "Pentalgin-N", "Piralgin", "Sedalgin-Neo", "Sedal-M", "tetralgin" and others);
  • Medicines containing up to 20 mg of phenobarbital with ephedrine hydrochloride, regardless of the amount per dose of medicine ( "Neo-Teofedrin", "Teofedrin-N").

Wherein NOT The following medicines are subject to quantitative accounting: "Nurofen Stopkold", "Kaffetin Cold", "Toff Plus", "Bellataminal", "Amiksid", "Kofetamine"- they are dispensed according to "regular" prescriptions of form No. 107-1 / y. WITHOUT prescription drugs are sold "Grippeks", "Gripend", "Alex Plus" (lozenges), "Andipal".

Dr. Peter

Since the end of September, the new rules for dispensing and pharmacy products have come into force - established by Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated July 11, 2017 No. 403n “On Approving the Rules for Dispensing Medicines”, which determines the process of issuing these drugs by Russian pharmacy institutions. He did not leave indifferent either consumers or pharmacists, giving rise to a kind of confusion on one or another point of the order. In order to clarify compliance with the new rules for dispensing drugs from a pharmacy (order 2017) and eliminate gossip and discrepancies, we will formulate a number of popular questions about the new law on dispensing drugs (September 2017) and answer them.

New dispensing rules classify all types of drugs as prescription drugs?

Of course not. The rules for dispensing prescription drugs have been partly updated and cover the dispensing of only a well-defined range of drugs. For popular non-prescription drugs, there are no vacation restrictions, as there were before.

And after this order, you can just buy a drug, although it requires a prescription?

As you know, over-the-counter dispensing of medicines requiring a doctor's prescription was prohibited. For violations, pharmacy personnel were subject to a hefty fine, and the pharmacy lost its license. However, to be honest, absolute law-abidingness is not observed by all citizens and institutions, not excluding pharmacies. Nevertheless, the adoption of a new law on dispensing medicines also has a psychological impact on the unconscious part of our citizens, pharmacy customers. Moreover, pharmacy workers had to become more attentive and strict to the prohibited over-the-counter dispensing of medicines.

How do I know if I need a prescription for a particular drug?

Firstly, whether a prescription is really required to receive it is reflected in the attached instructions for use of any drug.

Secondly, it is no longer necessary to rack your brains in despair if the instruction is accidentally lost - visit or call the doctor who prescribed this remedy for you. By the way, approximately 70% of all registered Russian drugs have the status of prescription drugs. Prescriptions are written out on special forms, most often issued in accordance with Form No. 107-1 / y.

Thirdly, you can solve this problem on your own, through the online store of our pharmacy at the address (if you have a computer in the house and you know the name of the medicine). If the required drug is marked on our website with the label "prescription drugs", it means that the problem of the need for a prescription for it has been solved, but a doctor's appointment cannot be avoided. If there is no such mark, then over-the-counter dispensing of medicines is allowed.

How to understand: "The prescription remains in the pharmacy"?

With regard to changes in the rules for dispensing drugs by prescription, the following is noted here. If drugs are included in the list of narcotic or psychotropic drugs that require strict accounting, then prescriptions for them are not returned to the patient and remain in pharmacies to control their sale. Control is carried out by both Roszdravnadzor and the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

According to the new law on dispensing medicines (September 2017), this list has been expanded with a number of medicines:

  • antidepressants,
  • sleeping pills
  • neuroleptics,
  • tranquilizers,
  • alcohol-containing drugs with an alcohol content of more than 15%.

“Alcohol-containing medicines”?.. It turns out that now you need a prescription for valerian or Corvalol?

No. According to the new order, as mentioned above, not all alcohol-containing drugs require a prescription. or no less popular, like a large number of other well-known elixirs and tinctures, has been assigned the status of over-the-counter medications. In them, the proportion of alcohol is small, and, accordingly, in the instructions for use there is no note about the need for a prescription.

So, let's say that there is a prescription, but several drugs are prescribed at once, and the name of one of them is marked "remains in the pharmacy." However, at the moment, as a patient, I need only one medicine. Will they take my prescription?

Yes. The only exceptions are annual prescriptions, provided that you do not need all of the drugs listed at once, but only need one package of one of them. The pharmacy in this case is deprived of the right to withdraw this long-term prescription. The seller will only fix the amount of the purchased medicinal product, and return the prescription.

Is it possible to receive medicines if the prescription is written for another recipient, and not for the patient?

Yes. Dispensing of medicines by prescription is allowed to any bearer of the prescription. In fact, all drugs are dispensed without problems - whether it be the patient himself, his relatives, friends or acquaintances. All you need to do is present a prescription.

Only narcotic or psychotropic drugs fall under the exception. The prescription for them is written out on a specially designed sheet No. 107 / u-NP of pink color. To obtain such drugs in a pharmacy, a power of attorney from the patient is required (including permission in handwritten form, without notarization) with the obligatory indication of the date of its compilation and a passport confirming the identity of the recipient.

What else is new in the distribution of medicines and pharmacy products?

When selling pharmacies, they are now required to stamp “Drug Dispensed” on prescriptions, so their reuse is excluded. Keep in mind that you will need to write a new prescription to get the same medicine again.

Regardless of the fact that the received drug has instructions for use, the pharmacy employee is obliged to inform the buyer:

  • about how to properly store the medicine;
  • about compatibility with other medicines;
  • about methods and doses of reception;
  • about the presence in the pharmacy of analogues of this medicine, which are cheaper.
True, all this was already spelled out earlier in the law “On the Fundamentals of Protecting the Health of Citizens” and the “Rules of Good Pharmacy Practice”, but at the moment, the provision on the mandatory informing of consumers by pharmacy workers has come to apply to the procedure for dispensing medicines.

This is important!

  1. The new Order No. 403n canceled the effect of Order No. 785 regarding the dispensing of drugs and psychotropic drugs only by an attached pharmacy. The pharmacy is now obliged to serve prescriptions for such drugs prescribed in a polyclinic in any region of the Russian Federation.
  2. According to the new order No. 403n, the dispensing norm (no more than two packages) of over-the-counter drugs has now been canceled.

Since September 22, antibiotics have not been sold without a prescription in Russia. So says the order of the Ministry of Health. But in reality, the sale of such drugs looks different.

Russians are increasingly faced with the fact that they are not sold some drugs if there is no prescription or it is issued incorrectly. Pharmacies refer to the new order of the Ministry of Health, which specifies the procedure for the sale of such medicines.

True, the Business FM experiment showed that it is still possible to buy drugs without a prescription, even if one should be available. Autumn, rain, cold. Nothing new: it repeats year after year. Only today it has become difficult to buy drugs for the treatment of this very cold. Since the beginning of October, there have been reports on social networks that pharmacies require prescriptions for antibiotics.
Business FM columnist Ivan Medvedev also faced this.

Ivan Medvedev Business FM columnist“My wife got sick. She called the doctor to the house. The doctor prescribed antibiotics, in particular, the drug "Amoxiclav". But the doctor wrote it out simply on the letterhead of the hospital, that is, this is not a full-fledged prescription, which, as I accidentally found out, is now of fundamental importance. I went to the pharmacy, where I was told that since September 22, pharmacies have no right to dispense antibiotics without a doctor's prescription, that is, they can dispense antibiotics only by changing them to a prescription.

Another Business FM reviewer was more fortunate. In another pharmacy, they were ready to sell him the same drug just like that, without any prescription.

Mikhail Safonov Business FM columnist"Are you for yourself?" I say yes". She assessed my complexion, said: “500 milligrams for you.” I say: “OK, but do you need a prescription?” She looked at me sternly and said: “Actually, you need a prescription!” I say, "I don't." She says: “How do you buy it? What did your doctor tell you?" And I say: “But the doctor didn’t tell me anything, because the doctor is my friend.” She says, "Well, if your friend takes responsibility, then please buy."

At the pharmacy in the supermarket, next to the Business FM office, there were no problems buying antibiotics either. Why pharmacies do not require a prescription when they should do so, no one could explain. Perhaps they are not afraid of fines, although such violations can even lead to a license suspension for three months. However, the fact remains.

In fact, pharmacies were previously not allowed to sell prescription drugs without an official prescription. And the order of the Ministry of Health, which entered into force on September 22, simply clarifies the rules for their vacation. In particular, the pharmacy now retains the so-called one-time prescription after it has sold the medicine on it. Why this is done, explains the executive director of the Russian Association of Pharmacy Chains Nelli Ignatieva.

Nelly Ignatieva Executive Director of the Russian Association of Pharmacy Chains“If a pharmacy received ten medicines according to all documents, and it has five in the balance, we record this, these are separate accounting documents, therefore, there should be five prescriptions, moreover, correctly written prescriptions. If something is written incorrectly in the prescriptions, again this is a violation. In this system, a doctor, a patient, a pharmacy are involved, and for some reason, responsibility for all violations is currently only assigned to the pharmacy. In fact, the problem is completely different. Our doctors have stopped writing prescriptions and, accordingly, confused all patients, and for some reason patients do not demand their rights to issue a prescription.”

The official prescription must be issued on a standard form, with a seal, indicating the international non-proprietary name of the drug in Latin. The use of specific trade names is permissible if the drug has no analogues. Why doctors violate these rules, David Melik-Guseinov, head of the Moscow Healthcare Research Institute, told Business FM.

Director of the State Budgetary Institution Research Institute of Health Organization and Medical Management“Only 10% come with some kind of recommendation, and about half of these 10%, that is, only 5% of the population, come with correctly executed prescriptions. Doctors, of course, strove not to write prescriptions, because any prescription with a seal and signature is an official document. A document that can be presented in a court of law, a document that can be presented to the executive branch so that they conduct appropriate checks. Therefore, medical workers, doctors very often shied away from the obligation to issue an official prescription.”

Pharmacies, by the way, are also self-willed. They are required to return to customers the so-called multi-dose prescriptions valid for up to a year, which prescribe drugs for the treatment of chronic diseases. In this case, the pharmacy must make a note in such a prescription about the sale of the medicine. But sometimes such recipes are also trying to withdraw. The Ministry of Health wanted to put things in order with the sale of prescription drugs. We wanted the best, but it turned out as always.

Lyudmila Lapa therapist “It can’t lead to anything good, because antibiotics are now - here, for example, I prescribed them today, and the girl says she doesn’t need a prescription. She didn't even ask because she was told she would buy it, no problem. That is, she has some kind of pharmacy nearby, which gives out everything. And now, who is right, who is wrong, it is very difficult to determine. Confusion, in fact, exists. This is an undeniable fact."

To the question of what to do if you have not been sold the medicine, there are two answers so far. Either go to the doctor and demand that he write you an official prescription, or look for a pharmacy where prescriptions are not required. As our experiment showed, they can still be found.

On September 22, new rules for the sale of medicines in pharmacies came into force. Now it can be difficult or impossible to buy the right drug. Pharmacies require prescriptions and even store them. And the medicine may not be sold to relatives at all: they will ask for a power of attorney.

We have reviewed the new rules and will explain how they work. The order of the Ministry of Health is complex and incomprehensible even for pharmacists, so clarifications have already been issued to it. We also studied them.

As it was before?

Prescription drugs have always had to be sold by prescription. Each category has its own sales and accounting rules. Such drugs are marketed subject to strict federal requirements, but pharmacies have not always complied with them.

It used to be possible to take one prescription and buy as many medicines as you like with it. Doctors did not indicate the terms, and pharmacists did not pay attention to it. And they could take away prescriptions only in rare cases and for dangerous drugs.

No one followed the dosages of conventional sedatives and did not note on the prescription how much and when it was already bought. And often the recipe was not asked at all.

Even if you used to buy an antibiotic, sedative or medicine for your grandmother without a prescription, this does not mean that the drug is really on sale. Even common drugs are on the prescription list, and buying them can now be a problem.

As it is now? Where can I buy medicines?

It depends on whether a prescription is needed and what category the drug belongs to. There are several such categories, it is pointless to study them all in advance, but you need to keep in mind.

Narcotic and psychotropic drugs can only be sold by pharmacies with a special permit. Its limitations for immunobiological preparations: for example, a vaccine for vaccination of a child can only be bought at a pharmacy and pharmacy, and only if there is a thermal container. There are also differences in prescription forms.

If the doctor has prescribed a prescription medicine, it is better to find out in advance where you can buy it. And do not be surprised if some pharmacies do not sell the drug. This is not their whim, but the requirement of the law.

If a prescription is needed for a medicine, what should I do?

You need to get this prescription: otherwise the pharmacy will not sell the drug. Even if the medicine is needed urgently or it is taken constantly, and there is no time to go to the doctor, it still will not sell. Maybe in some cities there are pharmacies that manage to get around the rules, but it’s better not to count on this: the law is the law.

If you need a prescription for a medicine, you will have to present it at the pharmacy. And the pharmacy has the right to take this prescription if it is required by the new rules. That is, the second time to buy this medicine according to the same prescription will not work.

Recipes are also divided into several types. There are recipes for one time, urgent, for a free vacation and various others. The prescription may be valid for several days, months or a year. You can buy a prescription drug only while it is valid. The pharmacy can take it away permanently or return it with a note: how much and when sold, in what dosage and for how long this is enough.

Can I buy a spare? More antibiotics, painkillers and blood pressure pills.

No, you won't be able to buy in reserve now. According to the rules, the prescription will sell as much of the drug as prescribed by the doctor.

This should be monitored by pharmacists. Even if you ask the doctor for a prescription with a margin, the pharmacy will not sell that much, and even report a violation.

How do you know how long a prescription is valid?

Not all prescriptions have an expiration date. Some doctors do not pay attention to this, but pharmacists generally did not care: the main thing is that the prescription is.

Pharmacists must keep track of deadlines and report irregularities if they are found.

It turns out, now the recipe will be taken away? And you have to go for a new one every time?

Pharmacies must collect and store prescriptions for certain drugs. They are listed in paragraph 14 of the new rules. Read and check the medication instructions. Suddenly this is your case.

If you or someone in your family regularly takes these medicines, you will have to go for a new prescription for each batch. Even if these pills are needed all the time - for example, painkillers for a seriously ill person. Or sleeping pills and sedatives for regular use. The same situation with alcohol-containing drugs - the prescription will remain in the pharmacy.

Whether it is possible to write out a prescription not for one time, but for a long period, the doctor decides and pharmacies are checked.

If the prescription is issued for a year, will it also be taken away? Will I have to go to the same pharmacy all the time or get a new prescription every time?

No, this recipe will not be taken away. Although there are rumors that they are being taken away. Do not believe the rumors - read the law. They can pick it up only if the prescription was issued before September 22, and then the sales rules for this drug changed.

How to deal with prescriptions for a long time is written in paragraph 10 of the new rules.

When a pharmacy sells a prescription drug that is valid for a year, the pharmacist must note when and how much the drug was sold. And the prescription is returned. The next time, this prescription will be sold again in the right amount of the medicine: past sales will be taken into account and again put a mark.

When the prescription expires, you will no longer be able to buy the medicine with it. If the prescription is to be kept, the pharmacy will collect it. If you don’t need to store it, they will give it away, but you still won’t be able to use it.

What are the rules for the sale of vaccines?

The vaccine for vaccination will be sold only if the buyer has a thermal container. It is impossible to deliver it to the clinic in an ordinary bag: the vaccine will deteriorate and the vaccine will be useless.

You can buy a container directly at the pharmacy. These are additional costs that you need to consider: you will have to pay extra or go with your own. You cannot buy a vaccine in advance. You can store such drugs for a maximum of two days. If you are going to vaccinate your child with a paid vaccine, consider these restrictions.

By the way, you can’t buy a vaccine without a prescription either. You will first have to take a prescription from a doctor, then buy a drug on it and within 48 hours get back to the clinic - already for vaccination.

Sometimes it’s easier to sign up for a paid clinic: they will conduct an examination there, give a referral and do all the procedures at once. Or agree to a free vaccination with a cheap vaccine from the state.

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