Remedy for excessive sweating Dry Dry Classic - “It copes with the tasks, but at what cost! Cancer in exchange for getting rid of the smell of sweat. The use of drugs with aluminum salts. Application for the area of ​​palms and feet

About myself:

I didn't have any problems with excessive sweating. Except, as during the CD. It's just horror, I'm afraid to even imagine what kind of hot flashes I can have during menopause.

Everyone is well aware that at work, transport or mall do not take a shower. And the feeling of staleness and untidiness not only deprives oneself of self-confidence, but is also unpleasant in itself.

It took me a long time to decide on a purchase. First, the drug is still aggressive. Almost medicinal. And secondly, its price for me is not so small. But I decided on this purchase a year ago. And now I can safely sum it up.


Small tube, compact, securely closes, quite comfortable.


Denatured alcohol (butyl alcohol, denatonium), aluminum chloride hydrate - 6

What the encyclopedia says about this:

Denatured alcohol:

Alcohol Denat. - antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory substance, also used as an antifoaming ingredient, solvent.

Denatured Alcohol can be extremely drying and irritating to the skin and can lead to the creation of free radicals.

In case the ingredient Alcohol Denat. (Denatured Alcohol) is at the top of the list of cosmetic product ingredients, this can be problematic for all skin types.

The first time I used it, I almost went crazy with how hot everything was. It was a hell of a burning sensation, which also itched. And the more I scratched my skin, the more I injured the skin and the burning sensation worsened. I combed my armpits even in my sleep.

I got used to it over time, but remember never apply to wet or injured skin. Even a day after shaving.

Aluminum chloride hydrate - 6.

There is so much information on the Internet about its harm to health that I was horrified! Cancer, Alzheimer's inflammation, just what sounds at the top of the list. Reading on various forums about the dangers of aluminum in order to find specific studies or conclusions, I found many almost identical statements, but the essence is almost the same everywhere:

The study of this problem is ongoing. However irrefutable evidence for or against not received

We are being tested! In 10-30 years it will be possible to talk about whether it leads to cancer or not, now at your own risk!

Even without knowing the composition, you can guess what kind of drug it is if it causes almost burns.

Sweating is a natural process in the human body. It evokes various backfire such as bad smell, stains on clothes, diaper rash and so on. Especially strongly leaves its traces under the armpits and on the legs.

Every self-respecting person should have an effective remedy for sweat control. Today, cosmetology offers very wide range and deodorants. But even the most expensive ones cannot provide complete certainty. I would like to find one that is suitable for the whole body and effectively protects against sweat. The most popular remedy today is Dry Dry deodorant. He fights sweat all over his body. The new revolutionary remedy has a long-term effect and becomes an indispensable attribute, especially in the hot season.

The composition of the product

Dry Dry Deodorant contains the following components:

  • Aluminum chloride hydrate (this is the active component of the product, actively narrows the sweat channels and pores, forms a film on the skin, as a result of which the amount of sweat produced decreases and the smell disappears);
  • Denatured alcohol (used as a solvent, makes up more than half of the product);
  • Perfume (various flavors).

The active ingredient is very heavy, does not disappear and is excreted from the body for a long time, so do not abuse it. Denatured alcohol can be considered quite dangerous for the body, on sensitive skin May cause irritation and other allergic reactions.

Varieties of deodorant

The creators of the revolutionary Dry Dry sweat product did not stop at one type, but developed a whole line. Thus, everyone can choose a tool that suits him. They argue that Dry Dry is not just a cosmetic and hygienic product, but also a medicinal one, so you need to be careful when choosing.

The Dry Dry series of sweat products includes the following products:

  • Dry Dry Classic. The most popular deodorant in the line. It contains 30% aluminum hydrate. Use this roll-on deodorant once a week.
  • Dry Dry Light. This antiperspirant is considered the safest: it contains the most small amount heavy metals and no alcohol included. Such a composition leaves a mark on the effectiveness, it is valid for no more than two days.
  • Dry Dry Sensitive. It does not include alcohol, and the proportion of aluminum is 24%. This product is designed for people with sensitive skin. The packaging indicates that the validity period is up to seven days, but in fact - no more than five.
  • Dry Dry Food Spray. This is a foot deodorant. The proportion of aluminum salts in it is very high, alcohol is present, so you should not use it for armpit areas. You need to use it once every seven days. In case of profuse sweating - once every five days.

How to use the tool correctly?

This drug, thanks to aluminum salts, blocks the pores. Thus, the sweat that should have stood out in these places is redirected to others - where it is more easily excreted. At the same time, the main zones remain dry, and in others there is no profuse sweating.

It is worth using the tool carefully, while observing some rules:

  • This tool is designed to get rid of profuse sweating, so you do not need to use it constantly. People who sweat moderately can choose less strong antiperspirants to care for.
  • Before use, wash the skin in the desired areas and dry. If these are armpits, then you need to make sure that they are not on them after epilation. In case of any wounds application is not recommended.
  • After application to the skin, a burning sensation and discomfort may occur. It should pass in a few seconds, a maximum of half a minute. Otherwise, the agent must be washed off with plenty of water.
  • Deodorant should be applied at bedtime and no more often than indicated on the package.
  • After applying to the skin, it is necessary to keep the problem area open for three minutes so that the deodorant is completely dry. When wet, it can leave marks on clothes.
  • There is no need to additionally use other means, but this is not prohibited. Another product can be used as a fragrance deodorant.

Advantages and disadvantages of dry dry

Before you run to the pharmacy for a new revolutionary remedy, you should evaluate all its pros and cons. Let's start with the advantages:

  • Combats excessive sweating from the inside, eliminates the cause;
  • Removes not only moisture, but also an unpleasant smell;
  • It is considered a universal remedy, as it is suitable for armpits, palms and feet;
  • Has a long period of exposure, does not require daily use;
  • The tool is very economical. One bottle can be used from five to eight months;
  • A wide range of varieties allows you to choose;
  • After applying the deodorant, a person feels more comfortable and more confident.

Despite such versatility and effectiveness as any tool, Dry Dry has its drawbacks:

  • Aluminum salts, which are part of the drug, adversely affect the body, and are very difficult to remove from it;
  • May cause allergies, therefore not recommended for people with sensitive skin;
  • May cause inflammation lymph nodes;
  • Dry Dry today is one of the most expensive representatives on the antiperspirant market.

The deodorant has no contraindications, as indicated on the package. But after testing, the doctors came to the conclusion that it definitely cannot be used by the following categories of people:

  • Pregnant women and women during lactation;
  • Children under 16 years of age, even if abundant during adolescence;
  • Sick diabetes, various diseases nervous and endocrine systems;
  • People who have been diagnosed with cancer.

In addition, one bottle of Dry Dry can be used for about six months. After that, it is not recommended to buy a new one, such a long-term use can adversely affect the body. Therefore, the same period must be given to the body to remove traces of heavy metals from it.

Dry Dry antiperspirant is a new word in the field of cosmetology and hygiene products. It has high level efficiency, and therefore gaining popularity every day.

What is the connection between such a familiar remedy as deodorant and such a formidable disease as breast cancer? And does it exist? Surely many of you have come across fragmentary data or entire articles on this topic, both online and in print.

Unfortunately, these questions are of more interest to countries that are in the first places on the list in terms of life expectancy. The countries that graze the back of this list are not particularly worried about such problems.

Breast cancer (or rather, breast cancer) is the most severe, sometimes disabling, oncological disease that can lead to the death of a patient. According to the World Health Organization, it is the most common cancer among women around the world. More than 70% of cases of diseases are registered not in developed, but in developing countries. Survival is in the latter due to low level medicine is significantly lower. The high incidence of course is due to poor ecology, low quality drinking water, food, bad habits ...

Therefore, it is probably worth eliminating at least one risk factor, having figured out what's what in the matter of deodorants. Moreover, there are more than enough speculations and conjectures on this subject.

The classic deodorant contains: aluminum salts as an active ingredient, acid esters - parabens as a preservative, as well as fragrances (to drown out the unpleasant odors of the ingredients, if any) and fragrances.

aluminum salts

aluminum chloride ( aluminum chloride) and aluminum hydrochloride ( aluminum chlorohydrate) are colorless and odorless salts that have been used for many years as an effective active ingredient in most deodorants and antiperspirants. They visibly reduce perspiration and have an antibacterial effect, eliminating the smell of sweat. Considering the ratio of low price and impressive effect of aluminum salts are the best option for both manufacturers and buyers.

But are these salts safe? What impact do they have on human health? Let's start with theory. The fact is that aluminum, penetrating through cell membrane, enters the body in the form of a free radical (AL+++). In addition, a significant amount of the substance enters through micro-cuts after shaving. With the blood flow, aluminum penetrates into the liver, brain, kidneys, and when they normal operation excreted from the body. During this journey free radical aluminum may contribute to the development of certain diseases.

But we will not be like witch hunters. Let's see what such authoritative institutions as the WHO website say about this?

Mammary cancer

Incontrovertible evidence that aluminum salts directly affect the development of breast cancer, not yet. The difficulty lies in the fact that it is not so easy to conduct such a study. This requires long-term observations, large study and control groups.

However, there are research data that say that aluminum salts have an effect similar to human hormone estrogen. And the relationship between hormone levels, in particular estrogen, and the development of breast cancer is well established. Estrogen promotes the growth of tumor cells. For example, it has been proven that the same substitution hormone therapy or oral contraceptives are sources of estrogen and as a result additional factors risk.

Alzheimer's disease (senile dementia)

In the 60s of the last century, data appeared on the relationship between aluminum salts and the development of Alzheimer's disease. Later, this was refuted by numerous studies.

kidney disease

Deodorants and antiperspirants containing aluminum salts should not be used by people suffering from kidney disease, especially those undergoing hemodialysis. The fact is that their kidneys are not able to quickly remove aluminum salts from the body, which leads to their accumulation.


Complex chemical substances- paraben esters, which are widely used as preservatives in the manufacture of cosmetics and perfumes. They are still found in some deodorants, shampoos, liquid soaps, creams. It is easy to determine their content, look for words ending in "paraben" among the ingredients of the product. For example, "butylparaben", "propylparaben", "methylparaben". Usually these substances are constant companions of cosmetics and perfumes with a long shelf life.

The discussion about the dangers of parabens is still widespread. In 2006, a special European scientific commission could not give an unequivocal answer to the question: "Are parabens safe?".

The fact is that some parabens have weak estrogenic activity, like aluminum salts. And in 2004, during the study of tumor material taken from persons with breast cancer, some samples were found high concentration parabens. But no reliable data on the route of their penetration into the body or the impact on the disease could be obtained.

Without waiting for the results of research, many manufacturers have long ceased to use paraben preservatives in their products, replacing them with natural ones. plant extracts. True, this usually leads to an increase in the price of goods. More detailed information about parabens and their impact on human health is on Wikipedia.

Deodorants without aluminum

So, if you are not yet ready to test the harm of aluminum salts or parabens, then you should pay attention to natural deodorants and antiperspirants that do not contain these substances. Of course, speaking frankly, they are not as effective as traditional ones, but it's up to you to decide. In the end, only you are responsible for your health and the health of your loved ones.

Deodorant - crystal (alunite)

Alumina-potassium alum, alunite or scientifically potassium aluminum / ammonium alum. Their molecule has a negative ionic charge and cannot penetrate the cell membrane. Therefore, there is no contact with the body. Alum are solid crystals that our grandfathers used alum stones as a simple and always available means for treating cuts after shaving. The fact is that this absolutely harmless salt, which has no smell, really has antibacterial action, creating a special film. Sweating is not blocked.

There are no contraindications to the use of the crystal - alunite. It is devoid of any toxic or allergic properties. None age restrictions also not provided.

The application is extremely simple: slightly wet clean skin and move a block of alunite along it. Use as needed, after hygiene procedures. The first time is enough on average for 3-4 hours, then this time is lengthened. There are no white or any other stains on clothes.

You can use any flavor along with the crystal, because. alunite does not eliminate the unpleasant odor, but only blocks its appearance.

Photo from the purchase report

Alunite is a polished stone, which usually comes from Thailand or other countries of Southeast Asia, because. there are plenty of raw materials for production. Stones are usually inserted into the holder and it turns out like a deodorant stick. Also, alum can be dissolved in water and sold in liquid form.

Where could I buy

In the most popular American online store, Crystal deodorants are in great demand (the most popular, judging by the number of reviews). Represented like stones standard size and reduced "travel size", as well as a more familiar liquid version: alum already dissolved in water. This does not affect efficiency.

The Chinese hypermarket Aliexpress offers a large selection of alum deodorants with free shipping. Moreover, both "cultivated" stones, sold as a deodorant, and an ordinary polished natural mineral are offered. Focus on the reputation of the seller. The fact is that a stone can be obtained in two ways: alloyed from smaller ones, or split off from larger ones. large piece and polished. There is essentially no difference and it will be almost impossible to distinguish one stone from another. The only point is that, in theory, anything can be fused, and in this case there is a risk of acquiring "not quite alum". Therefore, product reviews and seller reputation will help you.

Alcohol deodorants

Another deodorant option without aluminum chloride. It is a solution of ordinary ethyl alcohol with natural or artificial flavor. alcohol solution It is absolutely harmless and has a detrimental effect on bacteria due to which an unpleasant odor appears. The fragrance masks the smell when it appears.

Photo from the purchase report

The only negative of this deodorant is the short duration of action. It lasts an average of 2-3 hours, after which you need to use it again. It is good to use this deodorant at the same time in combination with alum stone, since their effect will complement each other.

Where could I buy

Zinc ricinoleate / soda

Deodorants based on zinc ricinoleate are popular. Completely harmless zinc salt and castor oil which has bactericidal activity. Its action is similar to aluminum-potassium alum. A bactericidal film is also created.

Photo from the purchase report

Deodorants are sold as a stick or solution. Manufacturers often add soda to enhance the effect, as well as various flavors.

Since overexposure to aluminum can cause neurological damage, deodorants and antiperspirants containing aluminum chlorohydrate are best used sparingly. This article discusses the possible long-term effects of chronic aluminum exposure. Aluminum was discovered in 1825 and was considered more valuable than gold for many decades. Louis Napoleon Bonaparte, the first president of the Second French Republic, proudly set the table for the most honored guests with aluminum plates and cutlery!

Aluminum hydrochloride (Al 2Cl(OH) 5)- This is a special aluminum salt, which is widely used in the production of deodorants and antiperspirants, as it can temporarily block the ducts of the sweat glands. Her presence leads to swelling of the cells of the outer layer of the skin. Squeezing of the ducts makes it difficult for sweat to be released to the surface of the skin. In addition, aluminum salt has a slight narrowing effect on the skin pores, causing them to shrink. It also prevents sweat from escaping to the surface of the skin. Moreover, the interaction of aluminum-based compounds with keratin fibrils in the ducts of the sweat glands leads to the formation of "physical plugs" that block the path of sweat. These plugs are removed over time during natural process exfoliation of the outer layer of the skin. The effect of using antiperspirants can vary from person to person.

Aluminum chlorohydrate is also used in water and waste treatment processes as a coagulant. It facilitates the elimination of contaminants present in the water by binding them together. An antiperspirant is usually meant for use in the underarm area. Deodorants are used both for the underarm area and for other parts of the body, as they are usually available in the form of sprays. There are also antiperspirants in the form of aerosols. Solid antiperspirants are usually applied along the hairline or bra. Aluminum chlorohydrate is found in most deodorants and antiperspirants.

Side Effects of Aluminum Chlorohydrate

Aluminum can be ingested through the mouth or absorbed through the skin. Absorption through the skin may actually be more dangerous than ingestion. Research results show that aluminum can stay in the blood for up to 15 days after just one application to the underarm skin. Thus, the external use of aluminum contributes to its entry into the body, including the brain.

learning difficulties, irritability, short-term memory loss, anxiety, loss of coordination, disorientation, depression, confusion, gastrointestinal disorders(heartburn, abdominal pain, flatulence, etc.) and headaches are just some of the short term symptoms caused by aluminum exposure. Excessive exposure to aluminum is thought to affect the lungs and cause asthma. Researchers believe that it can cause toxic effects in the lungs.

Toxic exposure to aluminum can lead to nerve damage, kidney damage, and osteomalacia (softening of the bones due to vitamin D, calcium, and phosphorus deficiencies).

Some studies indicate that exposure to aluminum compounds may lead to the development of Alzheimer's disease and other neurological problems. Even post-mortem analysis of the brains of people who have had Alzheimer's disease shows that the levels of aluminum in them are higher compared to the levels of aluminum in the brains of people who did not die from this disease. There are also studies on monitoring the effects of deodorants and antiperspirants. However, scientists have not noted that the aluminum contained in deodorants has any effect. adverse effect on the nervous system. It is believed that excessive exposure to aluminum can cause nerve damage. Alzheimer's disease is considered one of the possible long-term effects of chronic aluminum exposure. However, it is equally true that to date these data are inconclusive.

A few years ago, it was believed that the risks associated with aluminum chlorohydrate included breast cancer, as evidenced by the results of studies. However, more recent studies by several reputable organizations show that aluminum-based antiperspirants do not increase the incidence of breast cancer. Allergy to aluminum is not as common as other types of allergies. It occurs quite rarely. Those who are allergic to aluminum may experience exposure to aluminum in deodorants and antiperspirants with contact dermatitis (skin itching, rashes, etc.).

People with kidney dysfunction cannot effectively get rid of excess aluminum in the body.

Regular use of deodorants and antiperspirants may be associated with increased likelihood occurrence of toxic phenomena caused by aluminum. Therefore, the FDA recommends that people with kidney dysfunction consult a physician before using antiperspirants containing aluminum.

Most antiperspirants and deodorants do not contain parabens, a type of preservative found in many cosmetic and pharmaceutical products. Typically, antiperspirants and deodorants are self-preserving. It is believed that parabens can cause breast cancer. Therefore, the only option for consumers is to buy high-quality deodorants and study the labels on them.

People who experience excessive sweating usually prefer concentrated (special) products, the regular use of which can cause excessive exposure to aluminum ions and aluminum compounds. Since aluminum can be poisonous in large doses, heavy use of such products should be avoided.

Is aluminum chlorohydrate safe?

Various studies show that aluminum toxicity can lead to life-threatening illnesses. Aluminum is a carcinogenic and neurotoxic substance at high levels of exposure. However, people are constantly exposed to aluminum through food and drinking water, and this exposure is more significant than any exposure from antiperspirant use. Therefore, the risk associated with antiperspirants appears to be relatively small.

At the same time, it should be noted that if the FDA designates antiperspirants as “generally recognized as safe”, this means that the ingredients in the products do not cause serious short-term side effects. The "generally recognized as safe" status does not confirm that a product is safe for long-term use. Therefore, it is better to use deodorants and antiperspirants in moderation. Products that do not contain aluminum chlorohydrate and other aluminum compounds can be used, although they may be slightly more expensive and not as effective as those containing aluminum compounds.

Combining Coconut oil, sweet almond oil or jojoba oil with fragrant essential oils such as essential oil Roman chamomile, sage, lavender, cypress, sandalwood, lemon, citronella, oregano, myrtle, jasmine, tea tree, etc., which have antibacterial properties, you can make your own natural homemade deodorant. Such a deodorant is able to easily mask the smell that occurs during sweating.

Whether aluminum chlorohydrate adversely affects human health is debatable, but reducing aluminum use may help prevent its accumulation in the blood. Thus, knowing which foods contain aluminum helps prevent the occurrence of toxic effects caused by this substance.

The high-quality, highly effective Dry Dry product, the instructions for which are attached to the package, has earned the recognition of people suffering. It prevents the release of moisture in the armpits, palms, feet, face and neck. Active ingredients do not violate the work and structure sweat glands, directing the evaporation of sweat into other problem areas. As a result, the treated parts remain dry, and excess moisture is removed from the body in a natural way.

  • prolonged action compared to by conventional means from sweat and smell;
  • versatility. Acts in all parts of the body;
  • eliminates not only the pungent smell of sweat, but also the cause of its appearance;
  • economy - one bottle can be used for six months;
  • does not include perfumed fragrances, does not irritate the nasal mucosa when sprayed;
  • dries quickly without staining clothes and bedding.

Release form

Available as:


Application for the armpit area

Application for the area of ​​palms and feet

Application during pregnancy

Before using products containing high percent aluminum salts, it is recommended to consult a specialist. Doctors do not advise using conventional antiperspirants during this period. Especially those that are considered medical, although there are no special contraindications. If a woman suffers from hyperhidrosis, and during pregnancy there is a hormonal imbalance and sweating is greatly enhanced, she needs to use cosmetics based on natural substances.

Important! Doctors are sure that it can adversely affect the development of the fetus and even provoke a miscarriage.

According to customer reviews, some of them used antiperspirant during pregnancy once a week and no negative consequences did not feel it.

Application for lactation

It is known that aluminum salts penetrate into the mammary glands and, accumulating, cause oncological diseases. In the process breastfeeding their work is enhanced many times and absorption into milk hazardous substances inevitably. Doctors do not recommend using Dry Dry when breastfeeding.

Application features


Dry dry can cause allergic reaction, burning, itching on sensitive skin. Allergy healthy people active ingredients that are included in the dry dry do not cause. Do not apply it:

  1. after shaving and epilation;
  2. children under 16;
  3. pregnant and lactating women.

In the market for products that reduce heavy sweating You can find many different deodorants and antiperspirants. One of the most effective products is dry dry deodorant, which has been produced by the Swiss company SCANDI LINE for more than a quarter of a century and has recently appeared in our country.

This revolutionary sweat remedy has lasting effect. Having treated the surface of the skin once with the preparation problem areas, you can forget about the increased sweating and the accompanying smell for a long time. The versatility of Dry Dry deodorants lies in the fact that they can be used both for the zone armpits as well as for the feet and hands. By purchasing one dry dry brand product, you can get rid of a number of problems.

The peculiarity of Dry Dry brand sweat preparations is that they do not mask the smell, as conventional deodorants do, but fight against the occurrence of increased sweating. In what cases should dry dry deodorants be used, their composition, mechanism of action and application rules will be discussed in this article.


Human life is impossible without natural perspiration. At high temperature environment or during illness, with excitement and stress, as well as during physical education, our body releases droplets of fluid, which ensures normal thermoregulation. Together with moisture, toxins are removed from the body and fatty acid, which decompose under the influence of bacteria that inhabit the surface of the skin and cause an unpleasant odor.

Usually, the smell of sweat can drown out any deodorant. But some people in the most ordinary situations may experience profuse sweating. Moreover, it cannot be stopped by conventional means. In this case, we speak of hyperhidrosis. it pathological condition causes a lot of trouble both to the person suffering from the disease and to those around him. Remedies will help to cope with it increased sweating dry dry brand.

Swiss cosmetologists have developed a number of deodorizing agents to combat hyperhidrosis.

Classic deodorant

This drug is used to treat the armpits, legs and hands. The composition of the deodorant includes 32.5% aluminum chloride and butyl alcohol. It looks like this clear liquid odorless. Produced in convenient 35 ml bottles with a fabric applicator that provides economical use of the deodorant.

This tool is designed specifically for people with hypersensitivity skin and unlike classic version does not contain alcohol. Dry-Dry Sensitive deodorant contains water and aluminum chloride. The drug is produced in a bottle equipped with a ball applicator.

Disposable wipes

Dry Dry single use deodorant wipes are available in packs of 10 pcs. They do not have their own smell, are light in weight, so they are convenient for travel and business trips.

The duration of action when using wipes reaches 7 days. With this tool it is convenient to treat both the armpits and the palms, and wipe the feet and interdigital space.

A versatile preparation that successfully combines the effectiveness of a classic deodorant with the softness of Dry-Dry Sensitive. It is a roll-on applicator, perfect for both men and women.

Dry-Dry Gel

dry dry gel - truly universal remedy, as it can be used after mosquito bites, hair removal, shaving, sunburn.

Advantages of Dry-Dry preparations

All deodorizing products manufactured under the Dry-Dry trademark have a number of undeniable advantages:

  • Not only eliminate the smell of sweat, but also affect the occurrence of increased sweating.
  • They have a long lasting effect.
  • Universal in application, can be used for all problem parts of the body.
  • Economical.

The mechanism of action of the drug

Active active substance in Dry-Dry deodorants is aluminum chloride. In contact with the skin, it can react with protein, resulting in the formation, which reduces the amount of fluid released. Moreover, the process of sweat formation does not stop, but simply normalizes. Sweat flows change direction to other areas of the body, where perspiration occurs naturally and imperceptibly. Bad smell also disappears. Over time, the drug can be applied less and less, and the duration of action will only increase.

Dry-Dry Sweat Control is best used before bed. They should be applied alone or, with copious excretion sweat, twice a week.

After taking a shower and thoroughly washing the skin in the places where the deodorant was applied, it must be dried well. This is very important condition, as when treated with wet skin, there may be discomfort: tingling, burning.

If, nevertheless, there severe discomfort in the deodorant treatment area, then better remedy wash off and smear this place with a fat cream. You should not return to deodorant during the day.

After using the deodorant, the skin must be dried, and the usual water activities are carried out in the morning. If hyperhidrosis is very pronounced, then you can use the remedy for two days in a row.

Usually the effect of deodorant treatment is, but for each person this figure is different and depends on the intensity of sweating.

Similarly, deodorant is used to reduce sweating of the feet and hands. The skin of the hands and feet is washed and thoroughly dried before and after deodorant treatment. Deviation from the rules will not only lead to painful sensations in the treatment area, but also to damaged clothing, as the dry agent leaves traces.

It is not advisable to use any other scented deodorants with Dry Dry preparations, although their use is not prohibited.

The opinion of doctors about Dry-Dry preparations

Dermatologists have long drawn the attention of manufacturers to the high content of aluminum in sweat products and recommend reducing the amount of this substance by 10 times. This requirement is justified by the fact that aluminum is able to accumulate in body tissues and clog excretory ducts. At the same time, perspiration that does not stop being produced can lead to the appearance of seals in the armpits and even to the formation of malignant tumors in the chest.

British scientists conducted research on the effects of aluminum on fabrics human body and came to the conclusion that this substance is deposited to a greater extent in mammary glands causing them cancer.

The composition of Dry Dry preparations includes much large quantity aluminum than others. Therefore, it is not recommended to use it more than once a week and do not neglect the instructions for using this remedy.

Doctors say that the problem excessive sweating should be treated as a disease and it can be eliminated only with the help of treatment medicines. No cosmetic product, including Dry Dry deodorants, can save a person from hyperhidrosis. After all, this pathology usually accompanies a serious illness and requires a medical examination.

Deodorants block, thereby slowing down the release of sweat. FROM medical point vision, it dangerous violation normal physiological processes.

Very often, the cause of increased sweating is eating harmful products, namely alcoholic and carbonated drinks, sweet, spicy and fried. If you refuse unhealthy food, then the problem of sweating will disappear on its own, and with it the fetid smell will disappear.

Instead of everyday use of deodorants and antiperspirants, it is better to pay attention to products traditional medicine. There are many recipes for decoctions and lotions, ointments and powders that help reduce sweat. They will not require large economic costs, since almost all preparations are prepared at home with their own hands.

Against sweating feet, you can do various baths with herbs, oak bark and others. natural remedies. Do not forget about personal hygiene, which has special meaning in getting rid of excessive sweating.

Precautionary measures

When using Dry-Dry preparations, contact with eyes and other mucous membranes should be avoided. If, nevertheless, the substance gets into the eye, it is necessary to rinse it with water.

Do not use deodorant for two days after shaving or waxing.

The funds are only applicable to external use. If the drug has entered gastric tract, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Directly after application, the products may leave marks on clothing.

Keep deodorants away from children.

Thus, Dry Dry deodorants, being effective tool from excessive sweating, are not without their contraindications.

Reader reviews

I switched to new job which demanded a great deal from me nervous tension. Everyday disputes with superiors brought me what is called "to the handle." Soon, I began to notice that it is very, especially after I get nervous. During the day, even had to change clothes. I tried all sorts of antiperspirants, but nothing helped. Once on the Internet I read reviews about the Dry Dry deodorant and decided to try this tool again. After the first use, I felt much better. I already use deodorant. whole year and was very satisfied. Although it is expensive, but it is an economical tool. For the year of use is just beginning to end.


I have been suffering from increased sweating for a long time, especially in summer, when it is hot, at least squeeze out a T-shirt. Well, the smell, respectively, is far from perfumery. I have tried many men's deodorants. It takes them two hours or more. The pharmacy advised me to buy Dry Dry. Applied, as it should be according to the instructions, on a dry, clean body before going to bed. After the first application, I was pleased to note that the T-shirt under my arms was completely dry. Deodorant really helps. However, I have to apply it not once a week, but twice.

I'm very a big problem with sweaty feet. No matter what time of year it is, my feet are always wet. And sweat, as you know, is an excellent breeding ground for bacteria. Accordingly, the smell is unpleasant. Especially sweaty feet torment in the summer. If I wear open sandals, then wet feet simply slide on the insoles and it is very uncomfortable to walk. I used different powders, all in vain. I saw Dry Dry deodorant in the pharmacy. I thought for a long time whether to buy or not, it costs five times more than all drugs. Used in the summer. I really liked the tool. I treat my feet once a week and there is no sweating.

To get rid of the unpleasant smell of sweat, as well as to reduce sweating, deodorants and antiperspirants are used. reputation as one of the most effective means the fight against sweat and its unpleasant odor was acquired by a product line from the Swedish company Excelsior - this is a line of deodorants dry dry. With the help of this remedy, excessive sweating can be cured. It is produced not only to eliminate excessive sweating in the armpits, but also to combat sweating of the legs.

The entire line of dry-dry deodorants

Dry Dry is not just a deodorant, a real medicine designed to combat excessive sweating and like any medicine, it comes in several forms and types. The line of products includes such deodorants as:


The composition of the deodorant consists of two main components:

  • denatured alcohol (solvent);
  • aluminum chloride hydrate (active substance);
  • fragrance (perfume).

The active component of the drug - aluminum hydrochloride - acts as a pore-tightening agent and forms a film when applied to the skin, due to which sweating is reduced. The skin becomes dry and without the characteristic smell of sweat.

Although manufacturers promise that the product is absolutely safe, it should not be abused, since salts of heavy metals such as aluminum are difficult to excrete from the body, accumulating in tissues and causing serious illness internal organs. Denatured alcohol is dangerous upper layers epidermis, can cause irritation and allergies.

Instructions for use

The application of Dry Dry deodorant has its own characteristics.

It should only be applied to dry and clean skin. If this condition is not met, then severe irritation, itching, redness. In addition, after such application, the effectiveness of dry dry deodorant is reduced. If you need to apply quickly, then before use, the skin of the armpits can be dried with a towel or hair dryer.

It is recommended to apply the drug on the skin one hour before going to bed. The product does not wash off water, so you can safely use the bath or shower. The deodorant will reliably protect during the week. If after depilation or shaving you feel tingling, then apply Dry dry on the skin and the irritation will disappear almost immediately. The aluminum chloride hydrate included in the product will have a healing effect on the scratches left after shaving.

And the soles of the feet are no different from the treatment of the armpits. There are no restrictions on their use. In some cases, the applied deodorant can cause reddening of the skin of the legs, due to a violation of heat exchange, but to get rid of it, it is enough to wash your feet with soap. Naturally, if the skin is reddened or irritated, its further use is undesirable.

When using the drug, you must be careful not to get the product on the mucous membranes and eyes. Do not apply the product in the presence of large and open wounds or irritation. Keep out of the reach of children and keep away from fire.

Pros and cons

Dry Dry Deodorant can be applied to any area of ​​the body where there is excessive sweating. It not only provides freshness for several days, but also does not allow an unpleasant smell to appear. Of particular note is the cost-effectiveness of such a remedy for excessive sweating. One 35 ml bottle is enough for 3-5 months, even with frequent application. Its action does not stop even after repeated bathing or showering.

The disadvantage of the deodorant is that it contains a very high concentration of aluminum salts, which adversely affects the human body when long-term use. In terms of the content of aluminum salts, it is the leader among all deodorants on the market. cosmetics to combat odor. Therefore, it is not recommended for use during pregnancy. That is why it is necessary to apply it carefully and in small quantities. Another disadvantage of Dry dry deodorant is the high price.

Why dry-dry deodorant is dangerous

Dry-dry deodorant does not have any side effects or contraindications. It perfectly protects against the unpleasant smell of sweat, even in intense heat or with large physical and mental stress. But not everything is as wonderful as it might seem at first glance.

This very strong and popular Dry Dry deodorant contains such unhealthy human substances like: denatured alcohol and aluminum chloride hydrate. And if in simple antiperspirants mass fraction aluminum chloride in the total mass of the drug is not more than 10%, then dry-dry deodorant contains about 30.5% of this substance.

Too high content of aluminum chloride can cause inflammation of the lymph nodes, severe itching in the armpits. And although the connection between the appearance oncological diseases and use of deodorants high content aluminum has not been proven, but not refuted.

When conducting laboratory research it was found that with prolonged use of antiperspirants based on aluminum chloride, aluminum salts are present in blood and urine tests. The presence of heavy metals such as aluminum in the body can lead to serious violations in the functioning of the kidneys and liver. Be the cause urolithiasis. From accumulated in the body toxic substance may arise dangerous disease blood - leukemia.

Aluminum salts can cause pathological disorders in the development of the embryo. Therefore, doctors do not recommend pregnant women to use or breastfeed.

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