Irrefutable proof of life after death. in ancient religions. What does the soul look like

Man is such a strange creature that it is very difficult for him to come to terms with the fact that it is impossible to live forever. Moreover, it should be noted that for many immortality is an indisputable fact. More recently, scientists have presented scientific evidence that will satisfy those who wonder if there is life after death.

About life after death

Studies have been carried out that have brought together religion and science: death is not the end of existence. Because only beyond the border a person has the opportunity to discover a new form of life. It turns out that death is not the final line and somewhere out there, abroad, there is another life.

Is there life after death?

Tsiolkovsky was the first to explain the existence of life after death. The scientist argued that the existence of man on earth does not stop as long as the universe is alive. And the souls that left the "dead" bodies are indivisible atoms that wander around the Universe. This was the first scientific theory concerning the immortality of the soul.

But in the modern world, faith in the existence of the immortality of the soul is not enough. Humanity to this day does not believe that death cannot be overcome, and continues to look for weapons against it.

American anesthetist, Stuart Hameroff claims that life after death is real. When he spoke in the program “Through the Tunnel in Space”, he was told about the immortality of the human soul, that it was made from the fabric of the Universe.

The professor is convinced that consciousness has existed since the time of the Big Bang. It turns out that when a person dies, his soul continues to exist in space, acquiring the form of some kind of quantum information that continues to "spread and flow in the Universe."

It is with this hypothesis that the doctor explains the phenomenon when a patient experiences clinical death and sees "white light at the end of the tunnel." Professor and mathematician Roger Penrose developed a theory of consciousness: inside neurons there are protein microtubules that accumulate and process information, thereby continuing to exist.

There are no scientifically substantiated, one hundred percent facts that there is life after death, but science is moving in this direction, conducting various experiments.

If the soul were material, then it would be possible to influence it and make it want what it does not want, in exactly the same way as it is possible to make a person's hand make a movement familiar to it.

If everything were material in people, then all people would feel almost the same thing, since their bodily resemblance would prevail. Seeing a picture, listening to music, or learning about the death of a loved one, the feelings of pleasure or delight, or sadness in people would be the same, just like they experience similar sensations when inflicting pain. But people know that at the sight of the same spectacle, one remains cold, while the other is worried and crying.

If matter had the ability to think, then every particle of it should be able to think, and people would realize that there are so many creatures in them that can think, how many particles of matter are in the human body.

In 1907, an experiment was carried out by Dr. Duncan McDougall and several of his assistants. They decided to weigh people dying of tuberculosis in the moments before and after death. Beds with the dying were placed on special ultra-precise industrial scales. It was noted that after death each of them lost weight. It was not possible to scientifically explain this phenomenon, but a version was put forward that this small difference is the weight of the human soul.

Is there life after death, and what kind of it can be discussed endlessly. But still, if you think about the facts provided, you can find a certain logic in this.

Is death the final fat point in a person's life, or does his "I" continue to exist, despite the death of the body? This is a question that people have been asking themselves for millennia, and although almost all religions answer it positively, many now would like to have scientific confirmation of the so-called life after life.

It is difficult for many to accept without proof the statement about the immortality of the soul. Recent decades of immoderate propaganda of materialism are having an effect, and every now and then you remember that our consciousness is only a product of biochemical processes occurring in the brain, and with the death of the latter, the human “I” disappears without a trace. That is why we so want to receive evidence from scientists about the eternal life of our soul.

However, have you ever wondered what this evidence might be? Some intricate formula or demonstration of a session with the soul of some deceased celebrity? The formula will be incomprehensible and unconvincing, and the session will raise certain doubts, because we have already somehow observed the sensational "revival of the dead" ...

Probably, only when each of us can buy a certain device, use it to connect with the other world and talk with a long-dead grandmother, will we finally believe in the reality of the immortality of the soul.

In the meantime, we will be content with what we have today on this issue. Let's start with the authoritative opinions of various celebrities. Let's remember the student of Socrates the great philosopher Plato, which is about 387 BC. e. founded his own school in Athens.

He said: “The soul of man is immortal. All her hopes and aspirations are transferred to another world. A true sage desires death as the beginning of a new life.” In his opinion, death was the separation of the incorporeal part (soul) of a person from his physical part (body).

famous german poet Johann Wolfgang Goethe spoke quite definitely on this topic: “At the thought of death, I am completely calm, because I am firmly convinced that our spirit is a being whose nature remains indestructible and which will act continuously and forever.”

Portrait of J. W. Goethe

BUT Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy He stated: “Only one who has never seriously thought about death does not believe in the immortality of the soul.”


It would be possible to list various celebrities who believe in the immortality of the soul for a long time, and cite their statements on this topic, but it's time to turn to scientists and find out their opinion.

One of the first scientists who took up the issue of the immortality of the soul was a Swedish researcher, philosopher and mystic. Emmanuel Swedenborg. He was born in 1688, graduated from the university, wrote about 150 essays in various scientific fields (mining, mathematics, astronomy, crystallography, etc.), made several important technical inventions.

According to the scientist, who has the gift of clairvoyance, he has been studying other dimensions for more than twenty years and has talked with people more than once after their death.

Emmanuel Swedenborg

He wrote: “After the spirit separates from the body (which happens when a person dies), it continues to live, remaining the same person. In order that I might be convinced of this, I was allowed to speak to practically everyone I knew in physical life—some for a few hours, others for months, some for years; and all this was subordinated to one single purpose: so that I could be convinced that life after death continues, and be a witness to this.

It is curious that already at that time many people laughed at such statements of the scientist. The following fact is documented.

Once, the Queen of Sweden, with an ironic smile, told Swedenborg that, after talking with her dead brother, he would win her favor without delay.

It's only been one week; meeting the queen, Swedenborg whispered something in her ear. The royal person changed her face, and then said to the courtiers: “Only the Lord God and my brother could know what he just told me.”

I admit that few have heard of this Swedish scientist, but the founder of astronautics K. E. Tsiolkovsky probably everyone knows. So, Konstantin Eduardovich also believed that with the physical death of a person, his life does not end. In his opinion, the souls that left the dead bodies were indivisible atoms wandering through the expanses of the Universe.

And academician A. D. Sakharov wrote: “I cannot imagine the Universe and Human life without some kind of meaningful beginning, without a source of spiritual “warmth” lying outside matter and its laws.”


American theoretical physicist Robert Lanza also spoke in favor of the existence
life after death and even with the help of quantum physics tried to prove it. I will not go into the details of his experiment with light, in my opinion, it is difficult to call this convincing evidence.

Let us dwell on the original views of the scientist. According to the physicist, death cannot be considered the final end of life; in fact, it is rather the transition of our "I" to another, parallel, world. Lanza also believes that it is our "consciousness that gives the world meaning." He says: "Actually, everything you see does not exist without your consciousness."

Let's leave the physicists alone and turn to the doctors, what do they say? Relatively recently, headlines flashed in the media: “There is life after death!”, “Scientists have proven the existence of life after death,” etc. What caused such optimism among journalists?

They considered the hypothesis put forward by the American Anesthesiologist Stuart Hameroff from the University of Arizona. The scientist is convinced that the human soul consists of “the fabric of the Universe itself” and has a more fundamental structure than that of neurons.

“I think consciousness has always existed in the universe. Perhaps since the time of the Big Bang,” says Hameroff and notes that there is a high probability of the eternal existence of the soul. “When the heart stops beating and the blood stops flowing through the vessels,” the scientist explains, “the microtubes lose their quantum state. However, the quantum information that is in them is not destroyed. It cannot be destroyed, therefore it spreads and dissipates throughout the Universe. If the patient, once in intensive care, survives, he talks about the "white light", he can even see how he "leaves" his body. If it dies, then quantum information exists outside the body for an indefinite time. She is the soul."

As we can see, so far this is only a hypothesis and, perhaps, it is far from proving life after death. True, its author claims that no one can yet refute this hypothesis. It should be noted that there are much more facts and studies that testify in favor of life after death than are given in this material, let us recall at least the studies of Dr. Raymond Moody.

In conclusion, I would like to recall the remarkable scientist, Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Professor N. P. Bekhtereva(1924-2008), who for a long time headed the Research Institute of the Human Brain. In her book “The Magic of the Brain and the Labyrinths of Life,” Natalya Petrovna spoke about her personal experience of observing post-mortem phenomena.

In one of the interviews, she was not afraid to admit: “The example of Vanga absolutely convinced me that there is a phenomenon of contact with the dead.”

Scientists who turn a blind eye to obvious facts, avoiding “slippery” topics, should recall the following words of this outstanding woman: “A scientist does not have the right to reject facts (if he is a scientist!) Just because they do not fit into a dogma, worldview.”

The other world is a very interesting topic that everyone thinks about at least once in their life. What happens to a person and his soul after death? Can he observe living people? These and many questions cannot but excite. The most interesting thing is that there are many different theories about what happens to a person after death. Let's try to understand them and answer the questions that concern many people.

"Your body will die, but your soul will live forever"

Bishop Theophan the Recluse addressed these words in his letter to his dying sister. He, like other Orthodox priests, believed that only the body dies, but the soul lives forever. What is the reason for this and how does religion explain it?

The Orthodox teaching about life after death is too large and voluminous, so we will consider only some of its aspects. First of all, in order to understand what happens to a person and his soul after death, it is necessary to find out what is the purpose of all life on earth. In the Epistle to the Hebrews of the Holy Apostle Paul, there is a mention that every person must die sometime, and after that there will be a judgment. This is exactly what Jesus Christ did when he voluntarily surrendered himself to his enemies to death. Thus, he washed away the sins of many sinners and showed that the righteous, just like him, would one day be resurrected. Orthodoxy believes that if life were not eternal, then it would have no meaning. Then people would really live, not knowing why they would die sooner or later, there would be no point in doing good deeds. That is why the human soul is immortal. Jesus Christ opened the gates of the Kingdom of Heaven for the Orthodox and believers, and death is only the completion of the preparation for a new life.

What is the soul

The human soul continues to live after death. It is the spiritual beginning of man. The mention of this can be found in Genesis (chapter 2), and it sounds something like this: “God created man from the dust of the earth and blew the breath of life into his face. Now man has become a living soul.” Holy Scripture "tells" us that man is two-part. If the body can die, then the soul lives forever. She is a living entity, endowed with the ability to think, remember, feel. In other words, the human soul continues to live after death. She understands, feels and - most importantly - remembers everything.

spiritual vision

In order to make sure that the soul is really capable of feeling and understanding, it is only necessary to recall the cases when the human body died for a while, but the soul saw and understood everything. Similar stories can be read in a variety of sources, for example, K. Ikskul in his book “Incredible for many, but a true incident” describes what happens after death to a person and his soul. Everything that is written in the book is the personal experience of the author, who fell ill with a serious illness and experienced clinical death. Almost everything that can be read on this topic in various sources is very similar to each other.

People who have experienced clinical death characterize it with a white enveloping fog. Below you can see the body of the man himself, next to him are his relatives and doctors. Interestingly, the soul, separated from the body, can move in space and understand everything. Some argue that after the body ceases to give any signs of life, the soul passes through a long tunnel, at the end of which a bright white light burns. Then, as a rule, for some time the soul returns to the body again, and the heart begins to beat. What if the person dies? What then happens to him? What does the human soul do after death?

Encounter with peers

After the soul separates from the body, it can see spirits, both good and bad. It is interesting that, as a rule, she is attracted to her own kind, and if during her life any of the forces had an influence on her, then after death she will be attached to her. This period of time when the soul chooses its "company" is called the Private Court. It is then that it becomes completely clear whether the life of this person was in vain. If he fulfilled all the commandments, was kind and generous, then, undoubtedly, the same souls will be next to him - kind and pure. The opposite situation is characterized by the society of fallen spirits. They are waiting for eternal torment and suffering in hell.

First few days

It is interesting what happens after death with the soul of a person in the first few days, because this period is for her a time of freedom and enjoyment. It is during the first three days that the soul can freely move around the earth. As a rule, she is at this time near her native people. She even tries to talk to them, but it turns out with difficulty, because a person is not able to see and hear spirits. In rare cases, when the connection between people and the dead is very strong, they feel the presence of a soul mate nearby, but cannot explain it. For this reason, the burial of a Christian takes place exactly 3 days after death. In addition, it is this period that the soul needs in order to realize where it is now. It is not easy for her, she may not have had time to say goodbye to anyone or say anything to anyone. Most often, a person is not ready for death, and he needs these three days to understand the essence of what is happening and say goodbye.

However, there are exceptions to every rule. For example, K. Ikskul began his journey to another world on the first day, because the Lord told him so. Most of the saints and martyrs were ready for death, and in order to go to another world, it took them only a few hours, because this was their main goal. Each case is completely different, and information comes only from those people who have experienced "post-mortem experience" on themselves. If we are not talking about clinical death, then everything can be completely different here. The proof that in the first three days the soul of a person is on earth is also the fact that it is during this period of time that the relatives and friends of the deceased feel their presence nearby.

Next stage

The next stage of the transition to the afterlife is very difficult and dangerous. On the third or fourth day, trials await the soul - ordeals. There are about twenty of them, and all of them must be overcome so that the soul can continue its journey. Ordeals are whole crowds of evil spirits. They block the way and accuse her of sins. The Bible also talks about these trials. The mother of Jesus, the Most Pure and Reverend Mary, having learned about the imminent death from the Archangel Gabriel, asked her son to deliver her from demons and ordeals. In response to her requests, Jesus said that after death, he would lead her by the hand to Heaven. And so it happened. This action can be seen on the icon "Assumption of the Virgin". On the third day, it is customary to pray fervently for the soul of the deceased, so you can help her pass all the tests.

What happens a month after death

After the soul has gone through the ordeal, it worships God and goes on a journey again. This time, hellish abysses and heavenly abodes await her. She watches how sinners suffer and how the righteous rejoice, but she does not yet have her own place. On the fortieth day, the soul is assigned a place where, like everyone else, it will await the Supreme Court. There is also evidence that only until the ninth day does the soul see the heavenly abodes and observe the righteous souls who live in happiness and joy. The rest of the time (about a month) she has to look at the torments of sinners in hell. At this time, the soul cries, mourns and meekly awaits its fate. On the fortieth day, the soul is assigned a place where it will wait for the resurrection of all the dead.

Who goes where and where

Of course, only the Lord God is omnipresent and knows exactly where the soul goes after the death of a person. Sinners go to hell and spend time there in anticipation of even greater torment that will come after the Supreme Court. Sometimes such souls can come in dreams to friends and relatives, asking for help. You can help in such a situation by praying for a sinful soul and asking the Almighty for forgiveness of her sins. There are cases when sincere prayer for a deceased person really helped him move to a better world. So, for example, in the 3rd century, the martyr Perpetua saw that the fate of her brother was like a filled reservoir, which was too high for him to reach. Days and nights she prayed for his soul, and in time she saw how he touches the pond and is transported to a bright, clean place. From the foregoing, it becomes clear that the brother was pardoned and sent from hell to heaven. The righteous, thanks to the fact that they lived their lives not in vain, go to heaven and look forward to the Day of Judgment.

The teachings of Pythagoras

As mentioned earlier, there are a huge number of theories and myths regarding the afterlife. For many centuries, scientists and clergy have been studying the question: how to find out where a person went after death, looking for answers, arguing, looking for facts and evidence. One of these theories was the teaching of Pythagoras on the transmigration of souls, the so-called reincarnation. The same opinion was held by such scholars as Plato and Socrates. A huge amount of information about reincarnation can be found in such a mystical current as Kabbalah. Its essence lies in the fact that the soul has a certain goal, or a lesson that it must go through and learn. If in the course of life the person in whom this soul lives does not cope with this task, it is reborn.

What happens to the body after death? It dies and it is impossible to resurrect it, but the soul is looking for a new life. In this theory, it is also interesting that, as a rule, all people who are in a family relationship are not connected at all by chance. More specifically, the same souls are constantly looking for each other and find. For example, in a past life, your mother could have been your daughter or even your spouse. Since the soul has no gender, it can be either feminine or masculine, depending on which body it enters.

There is an opinion that our friends and soul mates are also kindred spirits who are connected with us karmically. There is one more nuance: for example, a son and a father constantly have conflicts, no one wants to give in, until the last days two relatives literally fight among themselves. Most likely, in the next life, fate will bring these souls together again, as brother and sister or as husband and wife. This will continue until both of them find a compromise.

Square of Pythagoras

Supporters of the Pythagorean theory are most often interested not in what happens to the body after death, but in what kind of incarnation their soul lives and who they were in a past life. In order to find out these facts, the square of Pythagoras was drawn up. Let's try to understand it with an example. Let's say you were born on December 03, 1991. It is necessary to write down the received numbers in a line and carry out some manipulations with them.

  1. It is necessary to add all the numbers and get the main one: 3 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 1 = 26 - this will be the first number.
  2. Next, you need to add the previous result: 2 + 6 = 8. This will be the second number.
  3. In order to get the third, from the first it is necessary to subtract the doubled first digit of the date of birth (in our case, 03, we do not take zero, we subtract the three times 2): 26 - 3 x 2 = 20.
  4. The last number is obtained by adding the digits of the third working number: 2 + 0 = 2.

Now write down the date of birth and the results obtained:

In order to find out which incarnation the soul lives in, it is necessary to count all numbers except zeros. In our case, the human soul, born on December 3, 1991, lives on the 12th incarnation. By composing the square of Pythagoras from these numbers, you can find out what characteristics it has.

Some facts

Many, of course, are interested in the question: is there life after death? All world religions are trying to give an answer to it, but there is still no unequivocal answer. Instead, in some sources you can find some interesting facts regarding this topic. Of course, it cannot be said that the statements that will be given below are dogma. These are just some of the interesting thoughts on the subject.

What is death

It is difficult to answer the question of whether there is life after death without finding out the main signs of this process. In medicine, this concept is understood as a stoppage of breathing and heartbeat. But we should not forget that these are signs of the death of the human body. On the other hand, there is evidence that the mummified body of a monk-priest continues to show all signs of life: soft tissues are pressed through, joints are bent, and a fragrance emanates from it. In some mummified bodies, nails and hair even grow, which, perhaps, confirms the fact that certain biological processes do occur in the deceased body.

And what happens a year after the death of an ordinary person? Of course, the body decomposes.


Given all of the above, we can say that the body is just one of the shells of a person. In addition to it, there is also a soul - an eternal substance. Almost all world religions agree that after the death of the body, the human soul still lives, someone believes that it is reborn in another person, and someone that it lives in Heaven, but, one way or another, it continues to exist . All thoughts, feelings, emotions are the spiritual sphere of a person that lives, despite physical death. Thus, it can be considered that life after death exists, but it is no longer interconnected with the physical body.

Is there life after death? Probably every person asked this question at least once in their life. And this is quite obvious, because the unknown scares the most.

In the scriptures of all religions without exception, it is said that the human soul is immortal. Life after death is presented either as something wonderful, or vice versa - terrible in the form of Hell. According to Eastern religion, the human soul undergoes reincarnation - it moves from one material shell to another.

However, modern people are not ready to accept this truth. Everything requires proof. There is a judgment about various forms of life after death. A large amount of scientific and fiction literature has been written, many films have been shot, where a lot of evidence of the existence of life after death is given.

Here are 12 real proofs of the existence of life after death.

1: Mystery of the Mummy

In medicine, a statement of the fact of death occurs when the heart stops and the body does not breathe. Clinical death occurs. From this state, the patient can sometimes be brought back to life. True, a few minutes after the circulatory arrest, irreversible changes occur in the human brain, and this means the end of earthly existence. But sometimes, after death, some fragments of the physical body, as it were, continue to live.

For example, in Southeast Asia, there are mummies of monks who grow nails and hair, and the energy field around the body is many times higher than the norm for an ordinary living person. And perhaps they have something else alive that cannot be measured by medical devices.

2: Forgotten tennis shoe

Many near-death patients describe their feelings as a bright flash, light at the end of the tunnel, or vice versa - a gloomy and dark room with no way out.

An amazing story happened to a young woman, Maria, an immigrant from Latin America, who, in a state of clinical death, seemed to leave her ward. She drew attention to the tennis shoe, forgotten by someone on the stairs, and regaining consciousness told the nurse about this. One can only try to imagine the state of the nurse who found the shoe in the indicated place.

3: Polka dot dress and broken cup

This story was told by a professor, doctor of medical sciences. His patient's heart stopped during surgery. The doctors managed to get him started. When the professor visited the woman in intensive care, she told an interesting, almost fantastical story. At some point, she saw herself on the operating table and, horrified at the thought that, having died, she would not have time to say goodbye to her daughter and mother, she was miraculously transported to her home. She saw her mother, daughter and a neighbor who came to them, who brought the baby a dress with polka dots.

And then the cup broke and the neighbor said that it was for luck and the girl's mother would recover. When the professor went to visit the relatives of a young woman, it turned out that during the operation, a neighbor really dropped in on them, who brought a dress with polka dots, and the cup broke ... Fortunately!

4: Return from Hell

A well-known cardiologist, professor at the University of Tennessee Moritz Rooling told an interesting story. The scientist, who many times brought patients out of a state of clinical death, was, first of all, a person very indifferent to religion. Until 1977.

This year an incident occurred that made him change his attitude towards human life, soul, death and eternity. Moritz Rawlings carried out resuscitation of a young man, which was not uncommon in his practice, by chest compressions. His patient, as soon as consciousness returned to him for a few moments, begged the doctor not to stop.

When they managed to bring him back to life, and the doctor asked what scared him so, the excited patient replied that he was in hell! And when the doctor stopped, he returned there again and again. At the same time, his face expressed panic horror. As it turned out, there are many such cases in international practice. And this, of course, makes one think that death means only the death of the body, but not the personality.

Many people who have survived the state of clinical death describe it as a meeting with something bright and beautiful, but the number of people who have seen fiery lakes, terrible monsters, is becoming no less. Skeptics argue that these are nothing more than hallucinations caused by chemical reactions in the human body as a result of oxygen starvation of the brain. Everyone has their own opinion. Everyone believes what they want to believe.

But what about ghosts? There are a huge number of photographs, videos, which allegedly contain ghosts. Some call it a shadow or film defect, while others firmly believe in the presence of spirits. It is believed that the ghost of the deceased returns to earth to complete unfinished business, to help solve the mystery in order to find peace and tranquility. Some historical facts are possible proofs of this theory.

5: Napoleon's signature

In 1821. King Louis XVIII was placed on the French throne after the death of Napoleon. Once, lying in bed, he could not sleep for a long time, thinking about the fate that befell the emperor. Candles burned dimly. On the table lay the crown of the French state and the marriage contract of Marshal Marmont, which Napoleon was supposed to sign.

But military events prevented this. And this paper lies before the monarch. The clock at the Church of Our Lady struck midnight. The bedroom door opened, although it was locked from the inside with a latch, and into the room came ... Napoleon! He went to the table, put on the crown and took a pen in his hand. At that moment, Louis lost consciousness, and when he came to his senses, it was already morning. The door remained closed, and on the table lay a contract signed by the emperor. The handwriting was recognized as true, and the document was in the royal archives as early as 1847.

6: Boundless love for mother

The literature describes another fact of the appearance of the ghost of Napoleon to his mother, on that day, May 5, 1821, when he died far away from her in captivity. In the evening of that day, the son appeared before his mother in a robe that covered his face, he blew icy cold. He said only: "May fifth, eight hundred and twenty-one, today." And left the room. Only two months later, the poor woman found out that it was on this day that her son had died. He could not help but say goodbye to the only woman who was his support in difficult times.

7: The Ghost of Michael Jackson

In 2009, a film crew traveled to the ranch of the late king of pop, Michael Jackson, to film footage for the Larry King program. During filming, a certain shadow fell into the frame, very reminiscent of the artist himself. This video went live and immediately caused a strong reaction among the singer's fans, who could not survive the death of their beloved star. They are sure that Jackson's ghost still appears in his house. What it really was remains a mystery to this day.

8: Birthmark Transfer

In several Asian countries, there is a tradition of marking a person's body after death. His relatives hope that in this way the soul of the deceased will be reborn again in his own family, and those very marks will appear in the form of birthmarks on the bodies of children. This happened to a boy from Myanmar whose birthmark on his body exactly matched the mark on the body of his deceased grandfather.

9: Handwriting revived

This is the story of a little Indian boy, Taranjit Singh, who at the age of two began to claim that his name was different, and earlier he lived in another village, the name of which he could not know, but called it correctly, like his former name. When he was six years old, the boy was able to remember the circumstances of "his" death. On the way to school, he was hit by a man riding a scooter.

Taranjit claimed that he was a ninth grade student and that day he had 30 rupees with him, and his notebooks and books were soaked with blood. The story of the tragic death of a child was fully confirmed, and the handwriting samples of the deceased boy and Tarangit were almost identical.

10: Innate knowledge of a foreign language

The story of a 37-year-old American woman who was born and raised in Philadelphia is interesting because, under the influence of regressive hypnosis, she began to speak pure Swedish, considering herself a Swedish peasant.

The question arises: Why can't everyone remember their "former" life? And is it necessary? There is no single answer to the eternal question about the existence of life after death, and there cannot be.

11: Testimonies from near-death survivors

This evidence is, of course, subjective and controversial. It is often difficult to appreciate the meaning of the statements "I separated from the body," "I saw a bright light," "I flew into a long tunnel," or "I was accompanied by an angel." It is difficult to know how to respond to those who say that in a state of clinical death they temporarily saw heaven or hell. But we know for sure that the statistics of such cases is very large. The general conclusion from them is the following: approaching death, many people felt that they were not coming to the end of existence, but to the beginning of some new life.

12: Resurrection of Christ

The strongest evidence for the existence of life after death is the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Even in the Old Testament, it was predicted that the Messiah would come to Earth, who would save His people from sin and eternal death (Is. 53; Dan. 9:26). This is exactly what Jesus' followers testify that He did. He voluntarily died at the hands of the executioners, "was buried by a rich man" and three days later left the empty tomb in which he lay.

According to witnesses, they saw not only the empty tomb, but also the resurrected Christ, who appeared to hundreds of people for 40 days, after which he ascended to heaven.

In 1863, the great Russian scientist and founder of physiology Ivan Mikhailovich Sechenov published his book "Reflexes of the Brain", in which he experimentally proved the material nature of consciousness, i.e. that consciousness is the work of the brain, and thus, in experiments, he refuted the existence of a soul in a person, and as a result, he proved that there is no life after death, heaven, hell and reincarnation. The name of this Russian genius is the Moscow Medical Academy. I.M. Sechenov.

And a century and a half later, in 2012, an unemployed uneducated Orthodox believer who had not read the book of the great Sechenov stabbed his children and mother to death in order to send them to heaven. And terrorists also believe that they will go to heaven. They didn't read Sechenov either. And medieval Christian great martyrs also tortured themselves for the same purpose. Because they didn't read Epicurus and didn't think critically about their religion. Religion devalues ​​the material life of a person on Earth and attributes value to an illusory afterlife. But does he exist?

Religion teaches idealism - the presence of a soul - an intangible substance in a person. Allegedly, the righteous will live forever in paradise, and sinners will suffer in hell, from which you can be saved "only through our church." There is a similar teaching in Islam. In paganism, there is also a belief in the presence of a soul, but there is a doctrine of reincarnation - the transmigration of souls: if you live like a pig, then in your next life you will be a pig according to the decision of Svarog / Zeus.


Let's compare idealism and materialism with a simple example of the relationship of consciousness to the work of the brain and the work of a computer. When we turn off the computer, we may become aware that the computer is turned off. Because human consciousness is different from the work of a computer. And when falling asleep - some turning off the brain - consciousness turns off. This means that consciousness is the work of the brain. If consciousness were some immaterial substance other than the brain—the soul—then when we fall asleep we could be quite clearly aware that the brain is asleep, just as when we turn off the computer, we can be clearly aware that the computer is turned off. But we cannot be aware of ourselves during sleep - even if a person snores, he does not hear his snoring. Therefore, consciousness is the work of the brain. Therefore, consciousness cannot exist outside the brain. Consequently, consciousness disappears permanently at brain death. Therefore, there is no hell or heaven. Life after death does not exist. Similarly, with reincarnation - if we had it, we would remember all our past lives. But this is false.

So, the material nature of consciousness proves the absence of soul, hell, heaven and reincarnation. There is no afterlife.

Also, the material nature of consciousness proves the fundamental impossibility of the existence of any god, demon, spirit or angel. Since consciousness cannot exist outside the brain, there can be no non-material god in principle. This is an experiment you can do.


The dependence of the clarity of consciousness on the level of development of the human brain is also confirmed by the fact that memory in adults is better than memory in children and the elderly - we do not remember either intrauterine life, or the act of our birth, or the early years of childhood, and when the brain of an elderly person grows old , then his consciousness is disturbed - for example, memory worsens.

If, at conception or birth, an immaterial god would create an immaterial soul, then consciousness would arise in leaps and bounds. But it's not. It occurs gradually - along with the growth of the brain. During pregnancy, as the lower motor parts of the brain form, the embryo begins to move a little - its nervous system is just being born and begins to build. The newborn also still has only lower reflexes - to scream, cry, suck on the mother's breast, etc. As the brain develops, the child develops consciousness as a reflective ability of higher nervous activity. And finally, the sexual part of consciousness is formed in adolescence during the formation of parts of the brain responsible for sexual life - they produce male and female sex hormones - testosterone and estrogen - due to the biochemical activity of which a person realizes himself, respectively, a man or a woman.

The fact that consciousness is a manifestation of the work of the brain is also proved by the fact that when the brain is damaged, parts of consciousness are also destroyed. For example, after damage to the frontal part of the brain, the patient's behavior deteriorates sharply. When the parieto-occipital parts of the cerebral cortex are damaged, the perception of space and orientation in space, etc. are disturbed.

Primitive rock paintings of ancient people were found in the caves, but without writing. From this we can conclude that the consciousness of ancient man reflected images, but did not yet correlate them with the word. Then there was oral speech, then written. Due to evolution, human consciousness gradually progressed - those primitive people who could at least somehow communicate with sounds created stronger teams, and they survived better than others.

So, the brain is an organ of consciousness, consciousness is one of the manifestations of the work of the brain, a reflection of the material world.

Fundamental works on the physiology of higher nervous activity - the work of the great Russian scientists of the past and the century before last:

* I.M. Sechenov, Reflexes of the brain, 1863

* I.P. Pavlov, Lectures on the work of the cerebral hemispheres, 1927

For the first time in the history of natural science, the great Russian scientist Ivan Mikhailovich Sechenov in his famous work "Reflexes of the Brain" in 1863, during the lifetime of Charles Darwin, gave a materialistic explanation of human mental activity. In this work, for the first time, the concept of a reflex and the idea of ​​the reflex principle of the brain were formulated. Brilliant ideas of I.M. Sechenov were confirmed experimentally. I.M. Sechenov and I.P. Pavlov are the founders of the reflex theory, materialistically explaining the principles of human reflection of the surrounding material world. Pavlov developed the reflex theory and created the doctrine of higher nervous activity. He managed to discover the nervous mechanism that provides complex forms of human and higher animal response to the impact of the external environment. This mechanism is a conditioned reflex.

Sechenov and Pavlov were convinced and consistent materialists, and their teaching dealt a strong blow to the supporters of idealistic religious ideas. Thanks to Sechenov and Pavlov, "spiritual" activity became the subject of deep study by physiologists. The totality of complex forms of activity of the cerebral cortex and the subcortical formations closest to it, which ensures the interaction of the whole organism with the external environment, is called higher nervous activity. In the doctrine of higher nervous activity, the physiological mechanisms of the most complex processes of reflection by a person of the external objective world are revealed. The formation of mental reactions of all living organisms, including human thinking, is based on reflexes.

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