Gua sha scraping massage is an ancient Chinese healing technique. Gouache massage contraindications. Guasha - indications

Guasha massage is one of the oldest types of Chinese massage. The name translates as "scraping off all that is bad." For the procedure, special scrapers made of natural material are used. With the help of these plates, certain parts of the body associated with internal organs are processed. Reflex irritation contributes to the regeneration of skin tissues, the restoration of organs and the cleansing of the body from toxins. Mastering the gua sha technique opens up new possibilities for healing and strengthening immune forces.

Indications for massage

Massage has a healing effect on:

  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system (joints, spine, bones);
  • circulatory and lymphatic disorders (swelling of the extremities, constantly freezing hands and feet);
  • muscle spasms;
  • osteochondrosis of the back and neck;
  • excessive deposition of fat cells (anti-cellulite massage);
  • inflammatory processes in the muscles and some internal organs;
  • age-related extinction of some body functions.

The gouache technique has proven to be effective in the treatment of children with cerebral palsy . After massage sessions with scrapers patients with cerebral palsy spastic condition is relieved, improves physical activity. Autistic children and children with delayed psycho-speech development are treated using this technique.

  1. In the field of sports medicine, gua sha is used for the speedy recovery of athletes after injuries and heavy loads(competitions).
  2. Chinese gouache massage masters claim that this technique treats infertility, both female and male.
  3. Therapeutic gua sha massage is also used in beauty salons to improve the condition of the skin.

weight loss- Another indication for Chinese massage. This technique due to the combined effect on the tissues of the human body, it has a fat-burning effect and contributes to the fact that even visceral fat is absorbed, deposited on the internal organs and depressing their functionality.

The cosmetic effect after gouache is visible after two or three days: the skin is rejuvenated, wrinkles are smoothed, the complexion improves.

Impact on the body

The effectiveness of the gouache technique is predetermined by the instrument itself. The masseur operates with two scrapers. The raw material for manufacturing is jade or plates of natural horn. Each scraper is used for a wide variety of movements and ways of influencing the human body. He affects them on the bio active points human body by activating certain processes.

With these scrapers, the massage therapist can:

  • smooth the body;
  • scrape it off;
  • press the handle on active points, etc.

The light sliding of the scrapers over the surface of the body is due to the use of oil (it can be both massage and aroma oils, depending on the purpose of the massage). This method is useful in metabolic disorders.


You can not do gouache massage for any violations of the integrity of the skin:

  • microtrauma (abrasions, scratches, etc.);
  • burns, including solar.

Such massage is harmful for chronic inflammatory diseases and in cases where doctors diagnose the presence of a tumor. For example, you can not massage the stomach if a woman has uterine fibroids. An absolute taboo for gouache is the mammary gland. You can only massage the line of the sternum with scrapers.

  • Moles, especially embossed ones, warts and other bulging formations on the skin are an obstacle to massage.
  • Gouache sessions are highly undesirable during pregnancy and in critical days among women. As a consequence, profuse painful bleeding may occur.
  • skin diseases, allergic dermatitis also interfere with massage.

What you need to know

  1. Each session can be called stressful, it is so unusual. Water procedures immediately after a guasha session are contraindicated. Bath or shower can be taken only after six hours after the massage. Until this time, you need to drink non-carbonated mineral water, the bigger, the better. After the procedure, you will see profuse sweating, urge to urinate. With this fluid, toxins are removed from the body.
  2. The best time for a massage is the second half of the day. It is advisable to make guasha on the eve of the weekend to give your body a rest.
  3. It is not recommended to sunbathe on the beach or in the solarium before and after the procedure.
  4. After performing the massage, the body is covered with stripes or spots, they are also called shea spots. The color of these spots can range from bright red to black. These are not just bruises, this is evidence that the body is being cleansed. You can not proceed to the next session until the marks on the skin disappear. This will take no more than 3 days.
  5. A gua sha massage session should not last more than 25 minutes.

Video lessons

In this video, the massage master shows all the possibilities of the impact of the gouache technique on the face area. It treats the skin with the flat and side surfaces of the scraper, presses the bioactive points with the handle, alternates stroking and kneading movements. When the head is treated, the technique is more gentle than that used for other areas of the body.

The effect on the body using the gouache technique in this video should not be frightening: bright red stripes appearing on the skin of the back are a completely natural phenomenon. Most patients do not experience pain. Processing the body with scrapers made of natural materials allows you to activate the points responsible for the functioning of the organs. Intensive movements are replaced by lighter ones. After a massage session, a person experiences relief bordering on euphoria.

The East gave the Western man a lot of useful things and procedures aimed at developing contemplation, calmness and inner balance.

And if everyone knows about, then the Chinese healing massage, which we will talk about in our article, will surely become news to you.

What is and why gouache massage is performed

Massage with the unusual name "guasha" or "gouache" came to our beauty salons straight from China. The name itself contains the essence of the procedure: “gua” in Chinese means “scrape”, and “sha” means negative. That is, with you literally they will scrape off all that bad that has accumulated, because special scrapers are involved in the massage. Negative means a certain set of painful factors that a person gets rid of in the process.

Of course, to describe the mechanisms of the impact of an unusual procedure, the Chinese use many amazing concepts about the movement of energies in the human body. Omitting philosophy and delving into medicine, we find that everything is extremely simple and understandable.

During any in the body, decay products accumulate, at some point reaching a critical concentration. Some processes in the body begin to fail, stagnation is formed in the affected parts of the body.

So, scraping massage is aimed precisely at dispersing the human body, “restarting” it, activating it, enabling us to cope with diseases ourselves.
Scrapers of a wide variety of shapes and materials flutter along the neck, head, and, back and, leaving behind colorful spots.

Important! Any massage requires professional skills, But Chinese massage gouache - especially. In the hands of an unskilled craftsman, you can feel serious consequences to the point of losing consciousness!

The sight of these hemorrhages, sometimes reaching blackness, can frighten a beginner.

But, firstly, the massage itself is not accompanied by pain, and secondly, from the point of view of Chinese philosophy, this is precisely the very liberation from "sha". Real experts read these traces like medical card, seeing the degree of blood stagnation and problem areas.

Indications for gouache are:
  • and bronchitis various etiologies(breathing improves, swelling subsides);
  • (blood circulation and lymph circulation are normalized, muscle spasm);
  • nervous diseases (sleep stabilizes, peace comes);
  • joint pain (swelling of tissues decreases, mobility is restored);
  • (the spasm of the gallbladder is eliminated, the pain and nausea)
  • acne(toxins are removed).

A bit of history

The roots of gouache go deep into the centuries and there they have firmly grown into the fertile soil of Chinese philosophy. This is the one rare case when the skill of a massage therapist is organically intertwined with the theory, according to which it can both freely circulate and stagnate.

Historians testify that this method of healing was widely known in China. Not only the nobility, but also ordinary people used the services of masters who practiced everywhere, in cities and villages. Truly, folk medicine!

Gouache was first mentioned around 550 BC. e. in Gongyan's commentary to the chronicle "Spring and Autumn". Archaeologists have also found specially crafted jade stones in the form of scrapers, which could well have served as massage tools.

By ancient tradition, the master had many extracts medicinal herbs And natural oils, which before he applied to the patient's body. Today, in addition to this, incense will be lit for you, turned on for.
Do not be alarmed if the massage therapist even falls into - all this is just part of the surroundings, designed to strengthen you in the idea that everything in this salon is exactly according to "feng shui".

Important!After the massage, dress warmly and avoid drafts. Do not swim for at least six hours after the procedure.

Types and scope

There are three types of this unique Chinese massage:

  1. Cosmetic (correction of any defects that are not a disease, but cause aesthetic discomfort).
  2. Preventive (the name speaks for itself, it is disease prevention and strengthening).
  3. Therapeutic (treatment of diseases; this also includes diagnostics, when traces on the body determine problem area and disease severity).

Massage refers to reflexology, since not only the body and face are massaged, but there is an effect on special reflex points responsible for a given organ.

In fact, the gua sha master detoxifies your body and activates the self-healing mechanism.

It is for this reason that the effect of the procedure remains for a long time, since the trigger has worked, and your immunity, like on rails, rushes forward to recovery.

Effect and benefit

We list the main effects of guasha massage:

  1. People suffering from severe migraine attacks will especially benefit from massage, as it dilates blood vessels and relieves spasm.
  2. Gouache massage with osteochondrosis accelerates the blood, stabilizes the process of blood circulation and metabolism, acting locally on the foci of inflammation. Reduces spasm in muscle tissue pain and swelling, activates the recovery process.
  3. The same effect occurs with pain in the joints. Lymph flow returns to normal circulatory system more actively included in the work, the affected joint gains mobility.
  4. Patients with all kinds of colds can expect to relieve shortness of breath, reduce coughing, reduce swelling of the mucous membranes (especially in the bronchi), improve ventilation respiratory tract. All this is due to the effect of massage on the point, which is the projection of the lungs.
  5. Cholecystitis is often accompanied by bouts of nausea, pain syndrome. Guasha will get rid of these unpleasant symptoms, improve the motility of the gallbladder, relieve spasm.
  6. Incorrect posture leads to impaired blood circulation in the pelvic organs, to diseases of the female genitourinary system. Scraping massage will improve blood flow and lymph movement, smooth out adhesions, and relieve inflammation.
  7. will give many effects: both rejuvenation and cleansing from various rashes and improve skin elasticity.
  8. The overall effect on the body is also difficult to overestimate, because it improves general well-being, the heart rate also normalizes, the muscles come in tone, etc.

As we can see from this, far from complete list, the benefits of guasha massage are truly enormous. The main thing is to get to a good master.

Did you know?IN Ancient China only church ministers could do massage.

How to prepare for the procedure

A prerequisite included in the preparation for the cleaning procedure is plentiful drink. A few days before the massage and for a week after, you must drink at least the prescribed amount - 2 liters per day.

Getting rid of toxins, the body dehydrates. Of course, drinking alcohol at least during this preparatory period is contraindicated.

Immediately before the procedure itself, you need to eat, but no later than an hour before it. The true master knows that massotherapy lasts no more than half an hour and will not “pickle” you on the table for longer.

This is fraught with a deterioration in well-being, since the immune system may not be able to cope.
Before the massage, the master will certainly activate all the necessary meridians of Yin and Yang for you, lightly tapping them with your fingers. Yang are responsible for the hollow organs and are located on outer sides arms and legs, on the back. It is imperative to activate the channels of the gallbladder and pericardium.

Massage Scrapers

The instrument for the treatment procedure has the most various forms, sizes, color, and is also made from a variety of materials.

Go to any online store that sells accessories for massage parlors, as well as to specialized stores selling everything you need for gouache, and you will see scrapers in the form of fish, rectangular with a notch, comb-shaped, just rectangular, etc.

They are made from jade stone, rose quartz, buffalo horn, stone, silver and even copper. the only general condition is a curved rounded edge with protruding parts or small teeth, also having roundings.
Depending on how to do the guasha massage, to whom to do it and on what part of the body, the optimal shape, size and even thickness of the scraper is selected. Thick is considered more gentle, its use is recommended for patients with sensitive skin, for children.

Important!When buying, pay attention to the edges so that they are not sharp, do not cling.

A thick scraper is also shown for slender and thin people, but overweight people will be kneaded with a medium and thin one.

Form matters a lot. For example, fish or crow's feet"suitable for the face, the head is massaged with a stone comb, and the body will more effectively take a scraper in the form of a spatula, rectangle or square.

Did you know?The Chinese believe that plates made of horn or shell give harmony to the energies circulating in our body. Therefore, such scrapers in China are the most popular after products made from sacred jade.

Medium-sized square tools are considered suitable for any type of gouache and are especially suitable for a beginner.

Scheme and technique

Gouache massage is carried out as many times as needed to stop appearing. dark spots. Then the “sha” is recognized as expelled, and then the body can cope on its own. Usually, this is 5-10 sessions with an interval of three, and sometimes five days (to give the skin time to recover from the previous session).

There are techniques by which they cleanse the face or body, and if you suddenly decide to master gua sha massage at home, then you need to know them.


The main technique is to perform sequential, when the plates move from the center to the sides, as well as from top to bottom. These actions are divided into three types:

  • boo-gua - there is practically no pressure, only smooth caressing movements;
  • pin-bu - pressure appears, hands move faster;
  • se-gua - strong movements, confident pressure, hands move even more actively.

Upper and lower limbs massage to the fingers, the dorsal region and the abdomen - from the "pillar of life" to the side. First, we smear the skin with special oil, which is called “for guasha massage”.

With light strokes, we prepare the back for a massage, opening the meridians internal organs and systems. We put the plate at an angle and start scraping from cervical spine down, along it, setting the pace yourself.

The intensity of exposure depends on the strength of the patient and can reach ten movements for every 5-10 cm of skin. Then, to the left of the spine (indentation of about 2 cm), we draw a line, repeat on the right side.

With the wide side, placing the scraper on the edge, we work out the space under the shoulder blades, moving from the cervical region to the armpits. The intensity is about 30 repetitions.

Then, with the fingertips, we outline the space between the ribs and draw the corner of the scraper along this line, moving sideways from the spine. So it is necessary to work out the entire intercostal space. Further, putting the scraper on the rib, we go through the entire dorsal region.
Finishing the procedure, we smear the skin, which will soothe it after such an intense exposure.

When the hand is sufficiently trained, and the procedure is firmly remembered, you can try to act with two scrapers at once.

Did you know?Regular scalp massage accelerates hair growth. Unfortunately, its effect against baldness has not been established.

Face and neck

For the face, the boo-gua technique is usually chosen, because here the gouache massage aims, mainly, of a decorative nature and, given the tenderness of the treated area, the effect should be soft.

Scrapers are taken twice as small as for the body. Oil can be used, but it is not necessary.

The problems that need a healing procedure include muscle spasms, dull skin, all kinds of rashes and, of course, acute attacks headaches.
The algorithm is as follows: we divide the face visually in two. We make 8-10 scraping movements from the center of the frontal lobe to the temples on each side, moving parallel to the eyebrows. We do the same from the wings of the nose to the temple.

Let's move on to the neck. We massage with confident, but smooth movements. We start from the chin and lead scrapers to the collarbones 20-30 times.

Then 10 times the spine to the thoracic vertebrae and 15-20 times the neck (behind) from the hairline to the shoulders.

Contraindications and restrictions

So that the healing procedure does not turn around yet worst condition organism, it is necessary to take into account the nuances.
There are some contraindications to guasha massage, and this list is rather big:

  • reactions to oils;
  • increased sensitivity of the skin;
  • high pressure;
  • blood diseases associated with platelets;
  • infectious ulcers on the skin;
  • various injuries in the healing stage;
  • dropsy;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • acute mental disorders;
  • pronounced edematous syndrome;
  • menstruation;
  • and lactation.

  • At home, you can use improvised tools as scrapers: copper coins, ceramic mugs, jar lids.
  • Due to the fact that facial massage passes through special meridians and is carried out with a smooth scraper, the skin does not stretch.
  • Thai balms are used to massage guasha, with brown for warming up and white for cooling.
  • To have a massage maximum effect, which will last more than one day, you need to drink a lot of warm water before, and especially after Guasha. This will help to actively remove toxins.

When mastering a new cosmetic or medical procedure, do not forget that only in the hands of an experienced, professional master You'll get correct result. If you want to become a master yourself, then you should not immediately try to embrace all the massage techniques. Start small, "fill" your hand and earn grateful customers.

Translation of this name: gua - movement in one direction, scrape; sha - bad, i.e. "scrape all the bad." This is the oldest form of Chinese massage.

Virtually unknown to Russian reflexology is Chinese gouache massage. Translation of this name: gua - movement in one direction, scrape; sha - bad, i.e. "scrape all the bad." This is the oldest type of Chinese massage. For exposure, a small plate is used, which treats certain areas, including various points and reflex zones of the body, face and head. There are 3 types of gua sha massage - prophylactic, cosmetic and therapeutic and diagnostic, which is discussed in this article.

Gua sha massage ideally combines ease of execution and effectiveness, which makes it affordable for wide application Russian doctors. Here, the difficult stage of precise localization of points is excluded, which is necessary for acupuncture or cauterization. There is also no need for painstaking placement of needles or other impact on a single point. Instead, the effect is carried out on rather large treatment areas, and the skill of using the plate is acquired after several lessons next to an experienced mentor.

Gua sha massage includes 3 main methods of influence: se-gua - fast movements, with strong pressure (scattering method); boo-gua - slowly with weak pressure; ping-bu ping-se: slowly with strong pressure. Scrapers of various configurations made of jade or horns of Chinese animals are used. The massage is carried out with a special oil.

The session lasts 20-25 minutes. The effect of exposure occurs immediately: at first, the treatment area turns red, and a burning sensation may appear. On the skin in places on which the pathological process is projected, hemorrhages appear - “sha” spots. Thus, the “waste products” of this process appear on the skin, in these places they find increased content lactic acid. The spots can be almost black in color - this is "lifeless" blood. Appearance These hemorrhages can frighten the patient, but the procedure itself is usually not painful. Only occasionally, when running process and large hemorrhages, the patient may experience pain that disappears immediately after the cessation of exposure to the area.

Improved during massage metabolic processes in the skin, toxins are removed, so the skin is cleansed and rubbed. Often a gua sha session is complemented cupping massage, heating with a wormwood cigar. Drink throughout the day warm water to ensure increased elimination of toxins from the body. After the session, there may be severe fatigue as after physical activity: The effect is comparable to running a distance of 20 km.

At the site of hemorrhages, bruises subsequently appear, which quickly pass - after 2-3 days. The frequency of the procedure is 1-2 times a week after the disappearance of bruises from the previous massage. The course includes from 10 to 20 sessions. It is desirable to conduct such courses 2 times a year.

The effect of Gau Sha massage often occurs already during the procedure. Therefore, it can be used in the acute phase, to relieve severe symptoms diseases. The treatment process can go through an exacerbation, so the patient must be warned and reassured if the symptoms of the disease intensify on the second day. May appear bad smell from the body. IN Chinese medicine there is a rule: "No exacerbation - no treatment, but there is only relief." Full course gua sha leads to a stable improvement of the condition, has a preventive effect through the launch of deep healing mechanisms.

Without touching within the framework of this article all aspects of the theory of the occurrence of diseases, the principles of traditional Chinese medicine, we note that the doctor, using guasha massage, affects the entire body, normalizes internal interactions between organs, which leads to the disappearance of a specific pathological process, general health and rejuvenation. In TCM terms, "heat and cold, wind and damp" that have entered the body "come out." The processes of exchange and excretion are intensifying. Continuous application of this method slows down aging.

IN modern China gua sha massage has become widespread. It occupies an important place in the system healthy lifestyle life and preventive approach to diseases, which distinguishes Chinese medicine and is accepted in the traditions of the life of the Chinese people. The result of this approach is an impressive average duration life of the population (more than 80 years), and most importantly - the quality of life, high activity until old age.

The scope of gua sha massage is very wide. Let's take a few examples of it therapeutic effect, covering diseases frequently encountered in medical practice.

With osteochondrosis - blood circulation in the affected areas improves, lymph flow increases, due to this, edema is removed and the associated pain syndrome relieves muscle spasms.

Impact on active points around the diseased joint relieves swelling of surrounding tissues, restores normal blood and lymph flow, relieves pain, improves joint mobility.

With colds, bronchitis - exposure to the projection points of the lungs relieves swelling of the bronchial mucosa, improves the drainage function of the respiratory tract, relieves shortness of breath, and reduces cough.

With cholecystitis - the guasha procedure relieves spasm of the gallbladder, normalizes its motility, removes pain, relieves nausea.

Carrying out gua sha massage on the reflexogenic zones of the lower back and abdomen improves blood circulation and normalizes lymph flow in the small pelvis, which removes blood stasis in this area, relieves inflammation and normalizes functional activity pelvic organs, leads to the resorption of adhesions.

Impact on certain areas of the body improves the condition of cardio-vascular system: decreasing arterial pressure, heart rate normalizes, shortness of breath caused by heart disease is relieved.

Gua sha massage improves the condition of the skin - due to the removal of toxins, pigmentation and acne are removed, skin rejuvenation occurs.

noted beneficial effect on the nervous system: sleep improves, anxiety is relieved, appetite, disturbed due to nervous diseases. going on general health improvement body, increases tone and resistance to infections.

It should be borne in mind the contraindications for the use of gua sha massage: allergy; infectious skin diseases; thrombocytopenia; injured skin surface; fractures up to the moment of bone fusion; decreased kidney function; dropsy (with cirrhosis of the liver); anasarka; high blood pressure; pregnancy.

Europe is constantly mastering new types of oriental massage, which differ from classical European massage not only in physiological, but also in spiritual impact on the person being massaged. popular in Lately technology that came from the East is Chinese Guasha scraping massage, which has been actively practiced in China for several centuries.

The essence of this type of massage is to work out the body with special massage tools - scrapers made from animal horns or from natural stones: jade, onyx, etc. The master works with one or two scrapers at once, which can have different shapes for more effective impact on tissues and various parts of the body.

The history of the origin and development of this ancient Chinese massage goes back centuries. It is known that it belongs to traditional Chinese medicine, the main canon of which is the concept of the interaction of two opposite cosmic forces Yin and Yang and the concentration vital energy Qi in the body. With the help of the impact of scrapers on the human body, it is possible to achieve the correct distribution of this energy and life force. The first mention of Gouache massage was recorded in 550 BC, in Chinese chronicles, which prescribed the use of then stone scrapers in the treatment of various ailments.

Efficiency of scraping massage

The essence of the Guasha massage technique is reflected in the name itself. The word “Gua” means “scrape, scrape in one direction”, and “Sha” is a manifestation of the disease in the form of specific reddish stripes or dots on the surface of the skin (they can be seen on the body of the person being massaged, during the massage procedure and for some time after her). That is with the help of this type of massage, the so-called curettage of the disease from the human body occurs, drawing out "bad blood", removing biological poisons, toxins and slags from the body.

From the point of view of medicine, this is a reflex way of influencing peripheral nerve endings, which consists in stimulating microcirculation and blood filling of blood vessels in the skin and subcutaneous tissues, which cause the activation of plasma and endogenous substances (histamine, prostaglandin, neurotransmitters, hormones). An increase in the activity of these substances causes a powerful energy wave that affects the entire body.

The main classification of scrapers is based on the difference in their shapes. They can be very different:

  • rectangular with rounded edges;


    in the form of a fish (rounded on one side and forked on the other);

    scraper-comb designed for head massage;

    with a wavy edge (for acupuncture), etc.

Also, the scrapers are convex and concave to work out massaged areas not only with the edges, but also with the entire surface of the scraper.

Varieties of Gua Sha massage

In Guasha, there are three types of effects on the human body, methodology and technique which conditioned ultimate goal massage: prophylactic, cosmetic, medical-diagnostic.

Preventive massage Gouache

It involves the use of vegetable oil or a special balm. The technique includes three massage techniques of exposure:

  • 1) se-gua - movements with a scraper are active, fast, the pressure is quite intense;

  • 2) boo-gua - slow, smooth movements with light pressure;

  • 3) pin-bu and pin-se - smoothly, but with strong pressure.

Preventive Chinese Gua Sha massage calculated for approximately 30 minutes. It is carried out for the prevention the following diseases:

    Osteochondrosis, arthrosis, rheumatism - due to improved blood circulation, lymph flow increases, swelling goes away, muscle spasm is removed.

    Bronchitis, asthma - the impact on the lung area from the back allows you to remove the swelling of the mucous membrane, improving the drainage function of the respiratory tract.

    Cholecystitis, cholelithiasis, dyskinesia - Guasha massage normalizes gallbladder motility, relieving nausea.

    Cardiovascular diseases - during the massage, blood pressure decreases, cardiac shortness of breath is relieved, the heart rhythm normalizes.

Cosmetic massage Guasha

Usually performed on the face and suitable for all skin types. The masseur performs scraping movements along the massage lines, jade or agate scrapers with rounded edges, so you can not be afraid of leaving scratches or damage.

    dark spots;


    increased sebum secretion;

    intense aging of the skin.

In the process of scraping, the muscles of the face relax, the mimic muscles become more elastic, and blood circulation improves. The contact of jade with the skin also helps to eliminate puffiness.

Therapeutic and diagnostic massage Guasha

Sometimes Chinese Guasha massage helps to identify a particular disease or prerequisites for it. For this, it is carried out complex procedure affecting not only the back, but also the head, chest, abdomen, arms and legs. According to the protruding red stripes and dots on the body, the master judges changes in the organs and sets a course

Guasha Chinese massage is one of the oldest types of massage. When it is carried out, special plates in the form of a scraper are used, which process certain areas, including reflex points on the head, face and body. It is often referred to as scraping massage.

Under the influence of scrapers, an impulse is created, due to which the restoration of microcirculation in the body occurs, tissue regeneration improves and metabolic processes increases immunity, decreases emotional stress. But most importantly, according to the Chinese, it is able to open the energy channels of the human body.

How effective this type of massage is, what indications and contraindications there are, and whether it suits everyone, find out in this article.

What is gua sha massage

Literally translated, "guasha" means "gua" - movement (scrape) in one direction, "sha" - bad, which can be interpreted as "scrape (clear) everything bad." This technique is popular and used in many East Asian countries, including Vietnam, Indonesia, Java island.

It's running different methods using special plates (most often made of stone) made of various materials and having different shapes, sizes, depending on the purpose of therapy, the degree of skin sensitivity in a particular treated area.

The stones were used in medicinal purposes since ancient times, as evidenced by numerous archaeological excavations. That is why gouache massage is especially appreciated in the East, as it has stood the test of time for many years.

In modern China, this type of massage is still very popular and it is believed that it can cure many diseases. It does not require great knowledge in medicine and special equipment.

During the massage, you do not need to search for specific areas on the body, as is done during acupuncture sessions and other acupuncture methods. It covers a fairly vast area and almost anyone can master the skill in a few lessons under the guidance of an experienced master.

Guasha can be used to relieve muscle pain, tension and elimination of scar tissue. When it is carried out, light bruises remain, which often appear as purple or red spots. According to practitioners, negative energy and toxins come out through them.

According to traditional Chinese medicine, qi is the energy that flows through the body. Many people believe that it must be balanced and move freely to ensure their health and well-being. When this energy is blocked, there is pain, tension, stiffness in the muscles and joints.

The massage is just to move this blocked energy, relieve pain and eliminate stiffness.

Traditional East Asian medicine also sees blood stasis or stagnation as the cause of pain and illness. Another purpose of guasha is to move a pool or stagnant blood to relieve symptoms.

Some physiotherapists and massage therapists consider this type of massage as one of the methods that allows you to apply more pressure than when performing massage with your hands.

What are the benefits of gua sha massage

Most often it is used in diseases musculoskeletal system, back pain, tendon deformities, etc. After completing the course of gua sha, pain, swelling decreases or disappears, joint mobility improves.

Practicing masseurs claim that this type of massage is useful for weakened immune system, various inflammations. Sometimes it is done for fever and problems with the pulmonary system.

It is often prescribed for inflammatory processes in the pelvic area, for circulatory disorders, for some cardiovascular diseases, disruption nervous system to improve general tone. It is popular with athletes and cosmetologists.

The main benefit is to improve blood circulation and increase lymphatic flow, which leads to a decrease in pain, removal of swelling in the affected area, improved metabolic processes and toxins are removed.

Types of guasha massage

There are three main types of scraping massage:




Each type of massage is performed with a certain type of plates, with different pressure on the body and intensity of movements.

Guasha massage indications

Scraping massage is prescribed for the most various diseases and pathologies. It is used for:


Inflammation in the muscles and joints;

Spasms and cramps in the muscles;

Diseases of the bronchi and lungs;

Headaches, including migraines;

Pathologies of the digestive system;


Gynecological diseases;

Violations of the cardiovascular system;

Imbalance of the endocrine system;

blood pressure fluctuations;



Weakened immunity;

Frequent infectious diseases.

It occupies a special place in cosmetology, where it is used for:


Decreased tone and elasticity of the skin;

Acne and pimples;


Gouache massage technique

The massage technique is simple. During the procedure, only three methods of movement and pressure are used:

se-gua - intense, strong and fast pressure;

bu-gua - slow and weak pressure(more often used for restorative and tonic massage);

pin-bu pin-se - intense smooth movements.

Each method is designed to massage specific areas. Used in body massage strong pressure. In this case, the plate is held at a slight angle to the surface of the massaged area during the entire procedure.

When performing a facial massage, the plate is also held at a slight angle and with minimal pressure. Especially when massaging in the eyelids, lips and wings of the nose, so as not to damage the sensitive and delicate skin in these areas.

Before starting the procedure, the massage therapist applies a special massage oil to the body, which provides not only a good sliding effect, but also has healing properties.

Before the skin is treated with scrapers, lymphatic drainage is carried out by hand for several minutes. This allows not only to “warm up” the body, but also to better absorb the oil.

The duration of one session, as a rule, lasts from half an hour to an hour. After the procedure, red spots remain on the body, and in some cases even bruises. You shouldn't be afraid of them. They soon pass and practically do not bring inconvenience.

According to Chinese experts, all waste products leave the body through them.

After the end of the session, you need to thoroughly cleanse the skin of oil. In addition, during the next day you need to drink enough water to improve the elimination of toxins and harmful substances from the body.

Since microtraumas remain on the skin after it, you can not wash yourself on the first day. It is advisable to avoid drafts.

One session of this massage is equivalent to running a distance of 20 kilometers. Therefore, after the session, rest is definitely recommended.

What plates are used

Plates can be different shapes and made from different materials. The best scrapers are considered from buffalo horn or jade. They can also be made from:

Turtle shell;

Animal horns;


Jasper and other stones.

Scrapers differ in shape and thickness. Eat:





with teeth;

With different curvature of the edge.

The main requirement for them is smooth, well polished, without nicks and teeth that can damage the skin.

Depending on the form used:

Thicker square or triangular shapes - for massaging the skin of the body;

Thin triangular, in the form of fish - for the face and sensitive areas of the body;

With teeth - for head massage.

If there are no such scrapers, then at home you can use a spoon or a copper coin.

Massage oil

In Chinese medicine, everything is foreseen and has a certain meaning. This also applies to the choice of oil for scraping massage.

Most often used for this:

Grape seed oil;

Black cumin;

You can replace them with oil:

Sweet almond;

Sea buckthorn;





IN vegetable oil essential oils can be added:


evening primrose;




Ylang Ylang

and others.

Gouache massage contraindications

Although this type of massage has incomparable benefits, not everyone can do it. It has a number of contraindications, in which it is forbidden to carry out treatment. These include;

Having a mental illness;

Heart failure in severe form;

Cirrhosis of the liver;


certain kidney diseases;

Diagnosed cancer;



Skin diseases (psoriasis, eczema);

Skin hypersensitivity;

Recent stroke or heart attack;

Have a pacemaker or internal difibrillator.

From massage to certain time should be abandoned when:

Transferred operation;



bone fractures;

stock open wounds and ulcers on the skin;

Injuries and damage to the skin;

During menstruation;

allergic reaction;

high blood pressure;

Intestinal disorders.

Side effects

The massage procedure is practically painless and does not cause discomfort. The only side effect after it is tiny capillary hemorrhages on the skin, after which red spots remain and small bruises. They usually go away within one to two days and up to a week.

If the bruising is painful, you can take an ibuprofen tablet or other pain reliever. An ice pack can help reduce pain and swelling.

During healing, special care must be taken not to infect the damaged skin.

How many times can you do gua sha massage

A full course of massage consists of 15-20 procedures twice a year. Do it once or twice a week, waiting for the spots and bruises from the previous session to pass.

Is the procedure painful?

Many are afraid of the presence of red spots and bruises. They really look intimidating. They usually go away within a few days.

But this is precisely the essence of this type of massage. The procedure itself is practically painless. Only in a few patients does it cause discomfort.

Gua sha (gua sha) or scraping Chinese massage is used to treat a number of diseases and health disorders. He has little side effects for patients. Having decided to take a course of such a massage, you need to make sure that it will be done experienced specialist with relevant education.

How to do gua sha massage technique

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