Chinese massage for dizziness. How to get rid of dizziness? List of the best drugs for dizziness. Folk remedies for dizziness with osteochondrosis

Acupressure is a point massage that came from ancient China. The essence is in the impact on special "meridians" - invisible lines that pass through the human body. There are several hundred points on these meridians. Each is responsible for a specific function of the body.

Massage does not require special medical knowledge. It is relatively painless and uncomplicated. And scientists Effect of acupressure and trigger points in treating headache: a randomized controlled trial. proven The effectiveness of acupressure on relieving pain: a systematic review. that it actually works Acupuncture for pediatric pain..

How to massage acupressure points

Take a comfortable position: sit or lie on your back, relax. If possible, get rid of external stimuli, put on headphones, turn on, turn off the phone.

Find an active point on the body: look where it is located in the picture, and start probing the skin. The desired place will respond to pressing with a pain signal.

Massage the point with pressure or circular motions. The headache will disappear either during the massage, or 10-15 minutes after.

The Chinese influence active points in three ways:

  1. In case of acute headache or the first experience of acupressure - light circular movements of the index finger for 1-5 minutes.
  2. In chronic diseases - pressing medium force with the thumb or forefinger for 30 seconds.
  3. If acupressure is not new to you, you can press hard on the points with your thumb or knuckles for up to 3-5 minutes.

If necessary, massage can be done several times a day. Stimulation of most acupressure points is available to everyone and has no contraindications.

合谷 - he-gu dots

They are located on the back of both hands between the thumb and forefinger. To find a point, connect these fingers: a bulge forms in the desired place.

In Chinese medicine, he-gu points are universal: they are used when the head or teeth hurt, when you need to concentrate, or when you are slightly unwell. The only contraindication is late pregnancy: stimulation can provoke premature contractions.

He-gu is massaged with the thumb and forefinger of the opposite hand, pinching the palm.

印堂 - yin-tang point

The acupressure point of the third eye has always been given special attention, in ancient times it was even used to predict fate. Finding this point is easy: it is located on the bridge of the nose.

Yin-tang is stimulated not only with, but also with eye fatigue, digestive disorders and peptic ulcer. It is massaged with the index finger, thumb or knuckles.

攢竹 - quan-zhu points

The points are located symmetrically at the base of the eyebrows. They can be stimulated if you have a headache (especially in the back of your head), insomnia, a runny nose, or tired eyes.

Quan-zhu is massaged simultaneously with both hands.

巨髎 - ju-liao points

To find the Ju Liao, feel for the depression at the bottom of the cheekbone at the pupil line. If you feel the upper gum when pressing, everything is correct.

Ju-lyao is stimulated simultaneously with the index or thumbs of both hands. A couple of minutes of massage will relieve tension and fatigue, fever (feelings like when you start a cold) and relieve toothache and headache.

天柱 - tian-zhu points

My head often hurts after sitting at the computer for a long time. When the cervical vertebrae are in the wrong position, the muscles have to tighten. Stimulation of the Tian Zhu points in the upper part of the neck, about a centimeter from the spine, will help relieve tension.

Ideally, these points should be massaged while lying on your back and supporting the back of the neck with both hands. But it can also be done in the office. Lean back in your chair and stretch your neck properly. Then press the tian zhu for a few minutes, relax a little with your eyes closed and start working with renewed vigor.

太沖 - tai chun points

Tai chun can be found in the hollow between the thumb and forefinger. Stimulation of points will relieve headaches, aching feet and even a hangover.

You can massage tai chun with your hands, but there is an easier option. Take off your shoes and press the heel of one foot onto the foot of the other. Then change legs and repeat the procedure.

Do you trust the methods of traditional Chinese medicine? Can acupressure help get rid of a headache? Share your experience in the comments.

How to relieve fatigue in five minutes!

Tips on how to quickly relieve fatigue after a long sitting at a table or driving a car.

It often happens that after prolonged work at the computer or during a long trip by car, a person feels general fatigue, eyes get tired, concentration drops.

To improve well-being, you need to massage a few points on your face.

You will feel much more energized almost immediately.

Point #1.
Inner corner of the eyes.
Press simultaneously on both sides.

Point number 2.
Just three points.
The outer edge of the eyebrow, the middle and the inner edge. Press on symmetrical points on both eyebrows at the same time.

Point number 3.
A convex tubercle above the bridge of the nose is strictly between the eyebrows.

Point number 4.
Under the pupil of the eye at a distance of half a centimeter from the lower eyelid. Press simultaneously under both eyes.


These points should be massaged with your fingertips. within a minute. Press hard, but not to the point of pain.

How to cure a runny nose in five minutes!

There are few people who would consider a runny nose as a serious illness, but it poisons the lives of almost everyone. You can help the body cope with malaise, activate internal forces to fight the common coldwith massagethe following points on the face:

Point #1. If you continue the line of the eyebrows, then this point will be at the intersection with the line of the bridge of the nose.

Point #2. These symmetrical points are located on both sides of the face. Slightly noticeable depressions two centimeters from the outer edge of the eyebrow. They must be pressed at the same time.

Point #3. Two symmetrical points at the base of the nose, near the edge of the eye sockets. Massage at the same time.

Point number 4. Symmetrical points half a centimeter from the wings of the nose.

These points should be massaged with your fingertips for one minute.


These points need to be massaged with tips fingers within one minute. Press hard, but not to the point of pain. It doesn't matter if it's clockwise or counterclockwise. It is important that there is a feeling of pressure on the point.


The main thing is the right blood flow!

- How can you, by pressing somewhere, affect the disease?

– Chinese medicine believes that the most important thing is the correct flow of blood to the muscles and tissues. If somewhere in the body there is stagnation of blood, then a disease can begin in this place. And vice versa - if you provide proper blood flow, then the body itself is able to heal the disease. Therefore, massage of key points helps to restore well-being.

How to relieve a headache in five minutes, or at least ease a headache?

Point number 1. If you continue the line of the eyebrows, then this point will be on it strictly above the bridge of the nose.

Point number 2. Symmetrical points on both sides of the faces. Slightly noticeable depressions two centimeters from the outer edge of the eyebrow. Press at the same time.

Point number 3. Two symmetrical points above the edges of the eyebrows, in the place where the hairline makes the so-called corner. Click on the top "top" of this corner.

Point number 4. This point is not on the face, but on the head. You need to draw an imaginary (or you can just measure with a thread or ribbon) line from ear to ear.

In the middle of this line, at the top of the head, there is a point.


Is there an anti-smoking point?

- Neither with the help of massage, nor with the help of acupuncture, it is impossible to rid a person of a bad habit.
There is no such point that you can click on, and - everything is gone. With the help of massage and acupuncture, this difficult process can be facilitated for a person quitting smoking.
But this requires a serious course of several full-fledged sessions.

How to get rid of stomach pain in five minutes!


To find this point
you need to put your hand on your stomach.

In this case, the edge of the little finger should be above the navel. In this case, the point will be just above the edge of the index finger.

Press hard, but gently and not to the point of pain, since the "solar plexus" is located nearby
- a large plexus of nerve nodes.


In fact, these are two whole points located symmetrically with respect to point No. 1. You need to measure four fingers to the sides of the first point. They should be massaged simultaneously with strong circular movements, but not to the point of pain.

This material can be cut and saved. In the following issues, you will find Dr. Liu's advice on how to relieve and stabilize high blood pressure and other minor annoyances. By putting all these publications together, you will receive a small home health benefit.

Does a person have a weight loss point?

- Are there points that cause weight loss?

- Massage can contribute to this, but there are no special points, after pressing which the body will begin to lose weight. You can reduce your appetite for a while, but the optimal effect is achieved only in combination and only with a strong desire of the person himself to lose weight. Among other things, we also need physical activity and a moderate diet.

How to get rid of nausea in five minutes!

Massage of these two points can relieve mild nausea or dizziness.


To find this point, you need to put the palm of your left hand on the inside of your right so that the little finger touches the edge of the brush. In the center of the line along which the index finger will touch the right hand, this point will be located.
You can massage points on both hands.


This point is located on the wrist.
To find it, you need to put the thumb of your left hand between the thumb and forefinger of your right hand.
In this case, the “strip” between the phalanges of the thumb of the left hand should fall on the skin fold between the fingers of the right hand. In the place where the pad of the thumb touches the brush, and there is a point. After massaging the point on one hand, go to the other.


These are two points at once, which are located on the sides of the knuckle of the middle finger in the place where the phalanx of the finger joins the joint. Press on both sides at the same time.


Massaging these two points can relieve mild nausea or dizziness caused by motion sickness or a sudden change in body position.

In case of poisoning or diseases of the digestive system, they will not help and will not replace serious treatment!

How to get rid of dizziness in five minutes!

These two symmetrical points are located on the back of the head.


These two symmetrical points are located on the back of the head. It is necessary to draw an imaginary line through the back of the head from the upper edge of one ear to the upper edge of the other.

Then put the palm of your right hand on your head so that the little finger touches the ear.

Then the point will be at the intersection of the edge of the index finger and an imaginary line. Similarly, a point is also found on the left side of the back of the head.


Two symmetrical points are located above the edges of the eyebrows in the place where the hairline makes the so-called "corner". You should press just in the upper "top" of this corner.

Missing the point is not scary!

- Many readers write that they would like to take your advice, but are afraid. They are afraid that they will incorrectly determine the place where they need to press, and this will damage their body.

“I don't think there's much danger in that. Even if someone makes a mistake, he will not do much harm.

After all, massage is designed to activate blood flow to the right places, that's all. In the worst case, if you make a mistake, you simply will not get any effect.

How to increase the pressure in five minutes!

True, for this you will have to try a little, the points “responsible for pressure” are literally scattered from head to toe.


To find this point, you need to put your right hand with your palm on your stomach. In this case, the index finger should be immediately below the navel. In this case, the point will be just under the edge of the little finger.


You should look for this point on the head, or rather, on the back of the head. It is necessary to attach the right hand to the back of the head so that it touches the right ear with the little finger, and measure the same four fingers along the imaginary line between the earlobes. Where this "line" intersects with the edge of the index finger, and there will be a point.


This point is located on the leg, on the outer side of the lower leg. To find it, you should measure all the same four fingers from the upper edge of the bone on the ankle. If the little finger touches the bone, then the point will be above the edge of the index finger.

How to lower the pressure in five minutes!

Desired points


By and large, this is not even a point, but a whole line.
It runs from a point hidden under the earlobe to the middle of the collarbone.

But it should not be pressed or massaged, but stroked very gently.

An almost imperceptible movement from top to bottom, only the tip of the finger barely touches the neck. Repeat ten times on one side, then switch to the other.


This point is located on the face at the level of the lower edge of the earlobe at a distance of half a centimeter from the ear towards the nose.

How to soothe a toothache in five minutes

Point number 1.This point must be sought by clenching your teeth tightly. You need to find with your finger the place where the teeth “end” and the muscles “begin”, and retreat half a centimeter. At this point there should be a small depression. It needs to be massaged.

Point number 2. The point is located on the face at the level of the lower edge of the earlobe at a distance of half a centimeter from the ear towards the nose.

Point number 3. It is not on the face, but on the hand. It is necessary to attach the thumb of one hand with a “stripe” from the first phalanx between the thumb and forefinger of the other hand. In the place where the pad of the thumb touches the brush, this point is located.

This material can be cut and saved. In the following issues, you will find Dr. Liu's advice on how to stabilize high blood pressure, cure hiccups and other minor annoyances. By putting all these publications together, you will receive a small home health benefit.


These points should be massaged with your fingertips for a minute. Press hard, but not to the point of pain.


It is impossible to get rid of caries, periodontitis and other diseases of the oral cavity with the help of massage or acupuncture. If, after pressing the points, the teeth stop hurting, this does not mean at all that they do not need to be treated. With the help of Dr. Liu's advice, in this case, you can only eliminate the pain, but not its cause!

How to get rid of hiccups in five minutes

Hiccup Point

These two points are located on the sides of the knuckle of the middle finger in the place where the phalanx of the finger joins the joint. It should be pressed simultaneously from both sides until slight pain appears.


In this case, gender difference matters. Men need to press the points on the left hand, women - on the right.

Gymnastics will replace a dozen doctors

— We published your advice to readers. We hope they help people. What would you advise your "patients" in the latest issue?

- I would wish them two simple, but in fact very important things. Firstly, Be sure to take care of your health. There is a saying in China thathealth is half happiness.

Therefore, everything needs to be treated on time. Secondly, pay as much attention as possible disease prevention.
I understand that Russia is not China, here thousands of people do not do qigong exercises in the parks in the mornings, but at least it’s worth doing exercises in the mornings.

Believe me, someday she will replace a dozen doctors for you.

From an interview with Dr. Liu Hyunsheng.

Dizziness is a symptom of a wide variety of neurological and psychological diseases; it can be a sign of diseases of the cardiovascular system, eyes and other human organs. Dizziness (vertigo) is a feeling of movement of the person himself or the surrounding objects around him. There are a lot of reasons that cause dizziness: from overheating in the sun to brain diseases. Such dizziness is called central. Dizziness resulting from damage to the inner ear or vestibular nerve is called peripheral. Treatment for dizziness depends on the underlying cause.

Treatment of dizziness folk remedies:

Drink with honey and apple cider vinegar for dizziness.

Short-term, short-term dizziness may appear intermittently. It can occur when climbing to a height or, conversely, when you go down the stairs. Longer dizziness is associated with impaired coordination of movements. In this case, a person cannot immediately change his position, and when he tries to immediately stand up from a horizontal position, he falls. With dizziness, a person may experience nausea, tinnitus, objects in front of their eyes begin to swim. Two types of dizziness, and one way to get rid of them - a drink with honey and apple cider vinegar. In a glass of boiled warm water, put 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar and 1 teaspoon of honey, stir thoroughly, leave overnight and drink on an empty stomach in the morning. The course is 10-12 days. The drink, in addition to getting rid of dizziness, calms the nervous system.

Seaweed for dizziness.

With systematic dizziness for an unknown reason, take 100 g of dry sea kale, grind it into powder. Every day before lunch, swallow with saliva 1 tsp. powder.

Red clover for vertigo.

1 tsp dried red heads pour 1 tbsp. boiling water, boil in a water bath for 5 minutes, let it brew for 40 minutes, strain. Take 1 tbsp. 4-5 times a day for 30 minutes. before meals. Can be taken as a tincture. 2 tbsp. l. inflorescences (50 g) per 0.5 l of vodka. Insist 14 days. Take 1 tsp, diluted in 50 ml. water 3 times a day. The course is 21 days, a week is a break. Conduct 3 courses. Good for headaches and dizziness. Red clover has the strongest anti-atherosclerotic properties.

How to quickly get rid of dizziness, nausea.


To find this point, you need to put the palm of your left hand on the inside of your right so that the little finger touches the edge of the brush. In the center of the line along which the index finger will touch the right hand, this point will be located. You can massage points on both hands.


This point is located on the wrist. To find it, you need to put the thumb of your left hand between the thumb and forefinger of your right hand. In this case, the “strip” between the phalanges of the thumb of the left hand should fall on the skin fold between the fingers of the right hand. In the place where the pad of the thumb touches the brush, and there is a point. After massaging the point on one hand, go to the other.


These are two points at once, which are located on the sides of the knuckle of the middle finger in the place where the phalanx of the finger joins the joint. Press on both sides at the same time.



Massage of these points can relieve mild nausea or dizziness caused by motion sickness or a sudden change in body position. In case of poisoning or diseases of the digestive system, they will not help and will not replace serious treatment!

And another traditional Chinese medicine recipe


These two symmetrical points are located on the back of the head. It is necessary to draw an imaginary line through the back of the head from the upper edge of one ear to the upper edge of the other. Then put the palm of your right hand on your head so that the little finger touches the ear. Then the point will be at the intersection of the edge of the index finger and an imaginary line. Similarly, a point is also found on the left side of the back of the head.


Two symmetrical points are located above the edges of the eyebrows in the place where the hairline makes the so-called "corner". You should press just in the upper "top" of this corner.


These points should be massaged with your fingertips for a minute. Press hard, but not to the point of pain.

Mistletoe white and Japanese Sophora for vertigo.

Dizziness with atherosclerosis, with problems with blood vessels can be cured with infusion and. Mix 1 teaspoon each for 2 cups of boiling water. Insist 30 min. and drink 1/3 tbsp. decoction 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals.

Siberian prince from dizziness.

1 tsp dry leaves and stems of the Siberian prince pour 1 tbsp. boiling water. Insist 1 hour, strain. Take 1/2 cup 2-3 times a day while hot. The course is 21 days, a week is a break. Then repeat the treatment.

Camphor for vertigo.

If you breathe camphor for 5 minutes, dizziness will decrease or stop.

Dandelion for dizziness.

Syrup from. Collect dandelions in May. If you take it regularly, then the pain of gallstone disease disappears, noises in the head, dizziness, and manifestations of sclerosis stop. Great help to the liver and nervous system. In addition, it is useful not only for adults, but also for children. It easily relieves intestinal colic in children. After you collect 2-3 kilograms of dandelion flowers, you can go home. And then take a three-liter jar and start putting valuable raw materials into it - a layer of sugar, a layer of flowers. And keep doing this until the jar is full. For 1 kg of flowers - 2 kg of sugar. Then the mass must be well tamped, otherwise the juice will not appear. Now about the treatment: 1 tsp. syrup stir in 1/4 cup of warm water, take 3 times a day. Keep refrigerated.

Mummy for dizziness

Mumiyo is taken orally 0.2-0.3 g mixed with butter and honey in parts 1:20 (2-3 tablespoons of milk) 2 times a day in the morning and at bedtime for 25 days, and at an advanced stage with repetition 10 days after the course of treatment.

- remedy for dizziness

For dizziness, brew 1 tbsp. a spoonful of plantain leaves with a glass of boiling water, add 1 teaspoon of honey, cool and drink at night.

Exercise will relieve dizziness.

There are many reasons for dizziness: brain diseases, damage to the vestibular nerve, side effects of certain drugs. More often, dizziness is associated with osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. This helps gymnastics.
Stretch your neck and head up with tension and return back - 10 times.
With tension, turn your head all the way to the left, return to the starting position and turn the same way to the right - 10 times.
Lower your head down with tension, touching the sternum with your chin - 10 times.
Slowly, with tension, tilt your head back and return back - 10 times.
Improvements will not come from one time, but if you do it daily, then over time you can achieve a lasting result.

Not so long ago, one of the patients complained to me about the fact that he developed dizziness after a massage of the cervical spine. This fact prompted me to write this article. So, why does dizziness develop after a massage (especially after a massage of the cervical spine), how to avoid this unpleasant sensation, is it possible to massage with dizziness? I will try to answer these and some other questions.

The reasons

Perhaps I will start again with the patient who asked me a question about massage and dizziness, and in answering why he had dizziness, I will give the first reason: a drop in blood pressure. Active massage movements can lead to an effect on the level of blood pressure, both lowering and raising it. This in itself can cause a feeling of dizziness, as well as decompensate existing vascular disease.

The second reason for dizziness during neck massage is the destabilization of the location of the vertebrae. Violation of the stability of the vertebrae during active and frankly illiterate massage can lead to a short-term effect on the system, if such an effect was noted earlier, and also, because of this, can cause dizziness. Although this reason is usually inseparable from the first.

Dizziness after massage can be caused by overstimulation of proprioreceptors (deep sensitivity) of the muscles and ligamentous apparatus of the neck, which, as you know, are one of the components of the sense of balance (determine the position of the head relative to the body by stretching the muscles and ligaments on the one hand and reducing them on the other ).

Also, theoretically, dizziness can be caused by fear and the development of a psychogenic state due to fear of medical manipulations in general, as well as due to the presence of pain during massage.

More formidable conditions cannot be ruled out: for example, the detachment of an unstable plaque in the carotid arteries, but, as they say, this is rather a fantastic casuistic reason that is not even described in the scientific literature.

How to avoid dizziness during massage?

How to avoid the development of dizziness during massage? There may be several answers. The first one is banal. Don't go for a massage. But this is more of a joke.

The second one, although similar to the first, is still the most true - do not go for a massage to an illiterate specialist. How to determine which massage therapist or chiropractor is competent? The answer is very complex. Here it is necessary to take into account the recommendations of doctors, relatives, acquaintances, you can sometimes even take into account reviews on the Internet, also a competent massage therapist usually asks to see the doctor’s conclusions, and also asks to see the results of studies (radiography of the cervical region, MSCT, MRI, etc.). In my opinion, the correct answer can only be given by the totality of such collection of information, with a possible emphasis on the opinion of the attending physician.

The third option is not to do any active actions on the collar zone, except for stroking and rubbing, although, at the same time, the meaning of the massage as such is practically lost.

Is it permissible to do massage with dizziness

Allowed in some cases. If dizziness is caused, where the main method of treatment is "manual" in the form of an otolith repositioning maneuver, a non-progressive vascular disorder (), a psychogenic condition, multiple sclerosis. And it is unacceptable to massage the collar zone with, in the presence of a reliably confirmed vertebral artery syndrome, as well as malignant neoplasms of other localization, if there is a tendency to. It would be best to contact a healthcare professional to determine if there are indications/contraindications for massage.


Massage can hardly be called an absolutely safe procedure. In itself, massage can not only help with dizziness, but also cause a feeling of dizziness. At the same time, there are certain contraindications to massage, which should be considered. Because of this, the author of the site strongly recommends consulting a doctor before performing a neck massage, this is much more correct than going to him with dizziness that appeared during a massage of the neck and collar zone. Thank you for your attention!

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