Cuts of pork carcasses and their use

Kira Stoletova

Pigs are considered highly productive farm animals. From one individual you can get 100 kg of selected meat. However, before selling a meat and tallow product, the animal must be butchered. The carcass of a piglet or an adult pig has similar butchering methods. The price of meat tenderloin depends on the breed of the animal and the quality of the cut.

If the carcass of a piglet was cut up for sale incorrectly, then such a product will cost less. In order to correctly separate the parts of the first grade pork carcass from the second grade, special schemes should be used.

Types of schemes for cutting artiodactyls

First of all, you should decide what parts of the pig will go for. Butchering artiodactyls depends on the final sale of products. There are several options:

  • for cooking at home;
  • for sale on the market;
  • for salting or smoking;
  • for fat.

If the meat goes to the market, then the cuts must be even, in addition, a certificate from a veterinarian is required to confirm the safety of the product. For consumption at home, artiodactyls can be cut less carefully.

There are four most common schemes for butchering carcasses:

  • German;
  • English;
  • American;
  • Moscow.

According to the German scheme, the pork carcass is divided into 2 equal parts, after which they are divided into 8 cuts, depending on the type of meat. The classification of parts according to the German scheme looks like this:

  • The first grade - hams from the hind limbs, lumbar region, cutlet part.
  • The second grade - hams from the forelimbs, sternum, scapular part.
  • The third grade is the belly.
  • The fourth grade - limbs, head.

Cutting an artiodactyl in English means cutting into 4 parts of a pig carcass. Each piece is named according to its location:

  • head;
  • front cut;
  • central cut;
  • back cut.

The American method involves dividing the carcass into 2 longitudinal parts of the pig, after which each large part is divided into 6 pieces:

  • head;
  • front ham;
  • sides;
  • back ham;
  • tenderloin with back part;
  • shoulder blades, shoulder.

Also cutting and deboning pork carcasses in an American way distributes the meat according to the purpose of preparation. The scapular part is divided into meat and lard tenderloin. The spine and lumbar are distributed in the same way, and the side is divided into ribs and meat.

In the CIS, the pork carcass is divided according to the Moscow scheme. Artiodactyls are cut into 8 cuts, which bear the following names:

  • head;
  • cutlet part - tenderloin from the back;
  • scapular part;
  • sternum;
  • legs from the first joint to the second;
  • hooves;
  • back ham;
  • neck part.

Grade of meat

In many countries, parts of a pork carcass are valued differently. However, the first grade always includes a meat layer along the spine of the pig. The muscle tissue from this place is soft and tender, since the artiodactyl does not use these muscles when walking. In addition, top-notch pork cuts include the neck. Unlike other farm animals, pigs hardly move their heads.

Exists general classification grades of meat used in the culinary industry:

  • It is customary to attribute the shoulder girdle of the artiodactyl, loin, sternum, lumbar region and ham to the first grade.
  • The second grade includes the head, forearm and shins.

Cuts of pork carcasses and their use

Deboning and cutting the pork carcass into cuts also includes cutting the parts themselves. The following names of parts of the carcass of a farm pig are distinguished:

  • ham;
  • scapular-cervical belt;
  • knuckle;
  • dorsal and lumbar cut;
  • abdomen;
  • loin;
  • sacrum;
  • head.


A ham is a tenderloin from the thighs of an artiodactyl. Traditionally, the ham is sold cut. With this cut, you can cut maximum amount meat off the bone. A whole ham can often have torn edges, reducing its value.

Meat tenderloin from the thigh of an animal is used in the preparation of many meat dishes. Top part ham contains a large percentage of muscle mass, so dishes such as:

  • kebab;
  • schnitzel;
  • baked ham.

Bottom part ham usually contains less meat, so most often jelly is prepared from it.

Shoulder-cervical belt

The shoulder cut and neck of the pig are called shoulder and neck. Do this cut into three pieces:

  • blade without bone.
  • blade on the bone.
  • neck.

The boneless spatula is used for baking and frying. Goulash, sausages and sausages are also prepared on the basis of this meat.

Shoulder boneless pork is a drier and tougher meat, so in the culinary industry this part is marinated before cooking. The cut is also suitable for frying and smoking.

The neck is considered tender meat, since the animal does not use this muscle mass during life. Barbecue, escalope and chops are prepared from it.

Cutting a pork carcass for a barbecue!!!

Live healthy! What parts of pork can you eat. (06/08/2016)

Cutting a pig into 9 classic parts


The knuckle is the part of the pork that is located on the first joint of the front leg. The same cut hind limb is called a shank. The knuckle is considered second-class meat, since the muscle tissue on the legs is dense. Most often, jelly is prepared from this cut. Thanks to high density muscles, the knuckle is well suited as the basis for meat rolls.

In some countries, this cut is smoked, after which the meat is cut off. thin layer from the bone.

Back-lumbar cut

This part of the pork carcass is also called carbonate. The back-lumbar cut in all schemes is considered the meat of the first grade, due to its high palatability. In the Moscow scheme, this part is called cutlet. The quality of the loin cut depends on how much concentrate the animal has consumed.

The tenderloin along the spine is the most expensive part of the carcass. It is used to prepare the following dishes:

  • escalope;
  • chops;
  • steaks.

Meat from the lumbar after heat treatment baked or smoked. Sausages and sausages are also prepared from this cut.


This cut includes such parts of the artiodactyl body:

  1. sternum.
  2. underline.
  3. abdominal part.

The sternum is called the thick edge of the abdominal part in lumbar. This meat contains high percent fat, so it is better suited for baking and smoking.

The thin edge of the peritoneum is called the flank. This part is closer to the ham and is suitable for making rolls.

Undercut is called fat with meat streaks. Such a sebaceous layer is valued much more than a pure product. Undercuts are suitable for baking and smoking.


There are 2 types of this part of the carcass:

  • loin on the bone;
  • loin without bones.

Meat on the bone is cut from the back along with the base of the ribs. This muscle mass has good taste, so the loin is often used for baking and served on the bones. Clean ribs are suitable for jellies and broths.

A boneless loin is a clean piece of meat that is cut from the lumbar girdle of an artiodactyl. A similar part is used for steaks.


This cut is located at the end of the dorsal girdle of the animal. The sacrum has the smallest percentage of body fat. The lean part of the meat is primarily suitable for cooking or barbecue. Since the muscle mass from the sacrum is lean, it can be consumed by people with diseases of the pancreas and liver.

pig head

Such a cut has low taste, however, due to its cheapness, many chefs prefer to take this part for cooking various dishes. Most often, the head is used for jelly and broth. Aspic is made from the pig's tongue.

The brain of an animal proper preparation considered a delicacy. Artiodactyl cheeks have a good fat layer and are suitable for baking. Pork ears in Asian countries are fried, having previously marinated in mustard.


There are several schemes with which you can butcher a pig. The cost of cuts depends on the quality of the cut and deboning.

Pig meat is classified by grade, depending on the taste. The scheme for butchering an artiodactyl is selected, depending on which breed is grown on the farm and in which area the final product will be used.

Pigs occupy a special place among domestic animals. Initially with a very narrow application, they nevertheless played a prominent role in history. human civilization. On the one hand, these ungulates have become one of the most popular types of livestock, on the other hand, they have earned the reputation of dirty and unworthy animals. Why did some people love pigs, while others despised them?

The history of the relationship between man and pig began 13,000 years ago with the domestication of a wild boar. We can say that the reason for domestication was given to people by the animals themselves. Wild boars, being omnivores, easily mastered cultural landscapes: they raided cultivated fields and willingly rummaged through the garbage near dwellings. In order to protect the crop, as well as to obtain meat, people began to catch these animals and keep them in pens. The most interesting thing is that this happened in the area where now there are no pigs in principle - in Western Asia. Around 8,000 years ago, the wild boar was re-domesticated in China. AT further fate these two populations of pigs developed differently.

Pigs from Western Asia, together with people, gradually settled to the west and reached the territory of the Eastern Mediterranean. From the lands modern Israel they fell into the possession of the Greeks (present-day Turkey and Greece). It should be noted that in terms of the number of pigs in these places, they lost much to sheep and goats, and there was a reason for this. If sheep and goats could graze on barren rocks and perfectly tolerated the heat of semi-deserts, then pigs, being forest dwellers, did not tolerate high temperatures well, therefore they were kept only in a barn or limitedly pastured in local oak forests. In this way, big role they did not play in the economies of these countries. The culture of pig breeding was borrowed from the Greeks by the Romans, and from them this knowledge spread throughout Western and Northern Europe. Here, these animals became much more widespread, since the temperate climate was especially favorable for pigs, and the endless forests provided them with an excellent food base.

However, even before Europeans got acquainted with pig farming, an event took place in the Middle East that once and for all deprived pigs of their “homeland”. Approximately between the XV and XIII centuries BC. e. a prophet appeared in the lands of Israel, who led religious reform. His name was Moses, and among the laws he introduced was a ban on eating "unclean" food. Pigs were also included in the number of objectionable animals. From that time until now, pork has not been eaten by the Jews. Moreover, many centuries later, Islam, which originated in the Middle East, also borrowed this taboo, as a result of which the already few pigs in Asia Minor disappeared from all territories where Muslims settled.

But the European pig industry flourished. Moreover, it owed its rapid development to ... precisely the Muslims! And this amazing transformation took place in the early Middle Ages. In those days, the eastern borders of Europe were subjected to raids by the steppe hordes, who took away all the cattle with them, dooming local residents to starvation. However, the nomads who professed Islam never took pigs with them and even disdained to kill these animals. The peasants quickly realized that only pig farming would save them from starvation. Since then and until now, in the countries that once served as the eastern border of Europe (Hungary, Ukraine, Poland, Lithuania, Belarus), pig breeding has been one of the leading branches of agriculture.

As for the population domesticated in the Far East, no prejudices prevented its spread. So, in China, Korea, Vietnam, and some states of Southeast Asia, pigs have become almost the main domestic animal. In Australia and Africa, pigs are relatively few in number, but only because they do not tolerate the dry climate. In total, there are about 1 billion of these animals in the world, in terms of the number of livestock they are second only to cattle and sheep.

Outwardly, pigs are very different from wild boar. The only anatomical feature that they have not lost is fangs. True, in household For safety reasons, these teeth are removed during childhood. The body length of pigs varies from 0.9 to 1.8 m, weight - from 50 to 350 kg. Compared to the boar, their torso seems to be longer, and their legs are shorter. For this reason, pigs cannot run as fast as wild boars and are unable to jump over even a low obstacle. The muzzle of the pigs has shortened a little, and the ears, on the contrary, have become large and often hang over the eyes. But the main difference is the loss of the coat. At modern breeds pigs, it is reduced, so their skin is either covered with sparse bristles, or completely naked. As an exception, two breeds of pigs - Lincolnshire and Mangalitsa - have developed a normal coat, but it is the result of secondary crossing of domestic animals with wild boars. The color of pigs can be solid white, black, red (brown) or spotted. By the way, piglets in domestic animals do not wear a striped infant outfit, like piglets of a wild boar, but are born with a color characteristic of adults of this breed.

The tail of domestic pigs has acquired a characteristic “donut” bend.

Compared with the external appearance, the physiology of pigs has undergone minor changes. Among other domestic animals, they stand out primarily for their omnivorous nature. Pigs with the same pleasure eat root crops, fruits, vegetables, grains and mixed fodder, eggs, meat, fish, technical waste from oil mills and sugar factories, any food waste, starting with bread and skimmed milk ( skimmed milk) and ending with rotten products. They have high food plasticity, therefore they easily adapt to the daily changing "home" diet, and to eating the same type of food. For example, in the old days, special feed mixtures were not prepared for pigs at all, but they were simply pastured like cows and sheep. They fattened especially intensively in autumn, when the harvest of acorns and nuts was ripening. Since then, in many European countries, the custom of slaughtering pigs in November has been preserved.

The Lincolnshire breed of curly pigs is endangered.

The transition from free grazing to barn keeping was associated with the intensification of fattening. High-calorie and crushed components contribute to the record speed dial weight (according to this indicator, pigs are unmatched among domestic animals), improve the structure of meat and its palatability. However, in this matter, too, it is necessary to observe the measure, since the abundance of water in the feed and its too soft consistency can lead to excessive salting of the meat. The ability of pigs to accumulate large reserves of subcutaneous and internal fat causes another salient feature these animals - sensitivity to high temperatures. Peasants are well aware of cases when pigs died from heat stroke due to the fact that they did not have the opportunity to cool. In nature, wild boars are active mainly at night, so domestic pigs are relatively easy to put up with low light in the barn. In warm climates, they are tolerant of high humidity, but in the temperate zone they can suffer from dampness and cold.

The pig, flushed from the heat, takes a mud bath with pleasure.

Other distinguishing feature pigs - extreme fertility. These animals reach puberty as early as 5.5-6 months. One sow can bring an average of 8-12 piglets, although in large offspring there are 15-20 newborns. The number of nipples in females is also variable, they can be from 10 to 16. Usually, as many piglets are left under the uterus as she has nipples, and the rest are fed artificially. The sex of pigs significantly affects the quality of their meat: in boars it has not nice smell and unusable. To get rid of this deficiency, male piglets are castrated before fattening. A similar operation can be performed with an already adult boar, but it can be slaughtered only a few months after emasculation.

Piglets on a farm are curiously examining a photographer who has come to them.

Pigs are not naturally very keen-sighted, so vision does not play a big role in their lives. But the sense of smell is of great importance for them. With its help, they accurately find food even at a great distance or under a thick layer of soil, in this sense they are in no way inferior to predators. The subtle scent of pigs even has an advantage over that of a dog, if we are talking about vegetable odors, to which these ungulates are more sensitive. In France, pigs are trained to search for delicious truffles, fruit bodies which are hidden underground. In addition, in some countries, pigs act as police bloodhounds and are used to search for drugs and explosives.

The voice of pigs is a characteristic grunt ( listen ), in moments of danger turning into a piercing screech ( listen ). If the pig is aggressive and, on the contrary, threatens the enemy, then it makes sounds similar to deaf barking.

More recently, scientists have paid attention to the high intelligence of pigs, which for a long time remained unnoticed due to prejudice against these animals. Pigs are almost non-aggressive unlike dogs, but they are also socially oriented. They easily get used to a person, especially if they are brought up from childhood, they are able to learn a nickname, various teams, they know their place, they can perform some tricks (to the extent of their clumsiness). In our age of total separation of man from nature, these qualities are in great demand. So, in big cities, some owners give birth to pigs as pets. Under these requests, a special direction of breeding even began to develop - breeding pigs of a tiny size, the so-called mini-pigs. Their weight in adulthood does not exceed 20-40 kg. Already now these animals can be safely called decorative.

A mini-pig piglet is no larger than a teacup.

Pigs are also close to humans with some similar elements of physiology, in particular, the structure digestive tract and skin. Other organs (kidneys, heart) are also convenient for medical research, since in young animals their mass and weight are the same as in humans. That is why some groups of cosmetic and pharmacological preparations, and also work out the technique of organ transplantation.

The breed variety of pigs is relatively small, which is explained by their narrow application. Until recently, these animals were bred only for slaughter. Pork in its organoleptic properties is not similar to any other species. meat products. It successfully combines a pronounced fibrous structure of meat and unsurpassed juiciness, due to high content fat. Wherein lard freezes at a lower temperature than beef or mutton fat, which allows pork dishes to retain their appetizing appearance for a long time. Both meat and pig fat have a pleasant smell when fried and smoked, so these products are indispensable in the production of sausages and ham. Pork makes excellent balyki and ham. At the same time overheated internal fat(lard) is virtually odorless, which is why it is used in baked goods, including gourmet dishes such as Christmas pudding. In addition to meat and fat, almost all parts of a pork carcass are used in cooking: heart, kidneys, liver, lungs, intestines, tongue, brain, ears, tails and hooves. Leather with a thin layer of fat is used for frying (greaves), and dressed is used for the production of saddles, harnesses, bags and shoes. For tailoring, it is used less often, since it is thicker and heavier than morocco and sheepskin. Paint brushes are made from stiff bristles.

Currently, about 100 breeds of pigs are known in the world. All of them are divided into meat, meat-sebaceous and sebaceous. Besides, in separate group mini-pigs can be distinguished, which can be conditionally classified as decorative breeds.

meat pigs

Landrace - best breed meat direction and, in general, one of the most popular breeds of pigs in the world. Bred in Denmark by crossing local stock with animals of the Large White breed. Boars of the Landrace breed weigh 280-300 kg, sows - 200-220 kg. These pigs are characterized by a white color, large ears hanging over the muzzle, a narrow chest, thin skin with soft bristles, a strongly elongated body and more vertebrae compared with animals of other breeds. Due greater length their bodies have more developed skeletal muscles (especially hams), they are also characterized by more massive internal organs. Slaughter yield is 80%. Landraces use feed energy well (3.97 feed units per 1 kg of weight gain), but best results show when fattening mixtures rich in protein. On average, they add 700 g per day, and reach a mass of 100 kg by 189 days. The fertility of sows is 10-12 piglets, by the time of weaning they weigh 19 kg each. Landraces are characterized by a large thickness of the muscle layer, a relatively thin layer of subcutaneous fat, and a low percentage of intramuscular fat. This breed is especially popular in countries whose cuisine prefers bacon (USA, Canada, Great Britain, Australia, New Zealand, Scandinavia), in recent times it has become widespread in Eastern Europe.

Landrace pig.

Duroc - a breed bred in the USA by crossing New York and Jersey pigs (formerly called Duroc Jersey). Most notable hallmark- suit, it is almost always red in these animals, the shades can vary from golden red to chocolate brown. Like all breeds of the bacon direction, the Durocs have a stretched body and a large mass, the slaughter yield reaches 86%. Boars weigh 350-370 kg, sows - 260-320 kg. The main advantage of this breed is a very high growth rate, the daily weight gain during fattening can reach up to 1016 g! In general, these pigs are unpretentious, although they prefer protein feeds. They have a calm disposition. At the same time, Durocs are characterized by low fertility, usually there are only 9-10 piglets in a litter.

Duroc pig.

vietnamese bellied - a breed of Asian origin, rapidly gaining popularity in Eastern Europe. Color black and white. Pigs of this breed are small, their weight is only 50-80 kg, so they are not used for industrial breeding. But their compactness has made them very popular in subsidiary farms, some even have them in apartments as pets. Vietnamese bellied pigs have all the advantages necessary for this: they do not need high-calorie feed (herbivores), disease resistant, very calm and friendly, cleanliness and practically do not have a specific smell. They can happen from the age of 6 months, in the first offspring there are usually 5-10 piglets, and then the sow brings 10-20 babies. True, these pigs are quite thermophilic and easily catch cold in drafts and in a damp room. It is very close to the Vietnamese folded belly Korean breed. Korean pigs are larger (weight 90-100 kg) and have a strongly wrinkled stigma.

Vietnamese bellied pig.

Meat-greasy pigs

Ukrainian steppe white - a breed bred in Ukraine, in addition to its historical homeland, is widely bred in the Caucasus. Animals are distinguished by a rough constitution and strong bones. They have small ears hanging over their eyes, strong legs, elongated head. The color is only white. The live weight of boars reaches 300-350 kg, sows - 240-260 kg. Pigs of this breed are considered quite undemanding and hardy. They tolerate the grazing regime well and are unmatched in their resistance to high temperatures and drought. That is why Ukrainian steppe white pigs compete with more pampered breeds in southern countries. For 1 kg of weight gain, they spend 3.8-4 feed units, and reach a weight of 100 kg by 7 months. Fertility averages 11-12 piglets.

Ukrainian steppe white pig on pasture with shoots.

Mangalitsa (Mangalitsa) - rare breed bred in Hungary. Obtained by crossing the local population of Carpathian pigs with wild boar. Little known outside the homeland, but recently it has been rapidly gaining popularity in Ukraine. Animals of strong constitution with powerful legs. Mangalits cannot be confused with any other breed, because their body is covered with thick curly hair, which makes them look like sheep. The color of animals is white, red, black-spotted. From wild boars, these pigs inherited a lot useful qualities. They are very hardy and tolerate low temperatures, are easily fattened on low-calorie feeds (herbivores), calm and stress-resistant. Mangals are distinguished by excellent health, strong immunity and do not need vaccinations. The meat and fat of these pigs are very high palatability Therefore, the breed is considered elite in its kind. The main disadvantage of mangalics is their low fertility: in one litter, on average, there are only 4-6 piglets.

A pig of the Mangalitsa breed with a wild-colored piglet.

greasy pigs

Meishan - a breed bred in the province of the same name in China more than 400 years ago. Of all the currently existing breeds, it is considered the most ancient. The appearance of these pigs is quite specific. These are medium-sized animals (weight 130-170 kg) with thick, folded skin covered with sparse bristles. Deep folds cover the sides and especially the snout of meishans. Highly wide ears hang on the muzzle. The color is black with characteristic pink markings on the snout and legs. These pigs are unpretentious, use roughage effectively, are resistant to many diseases, have a calm disposition, well-developed maternal instinct, high milk production and survival rate of piglets. In terms of fertility, they generally do not know their equal. Each sow is capable of producing 2 offspring of 12-18 piglets each year. The absolute record was 40 piglets in one offspring! Meishans reach puberty as early as 3 months, although they are allowed to mate no earlier than 8-9 months. The main disadvantage of the breed is considered to be late ripening; these animals also reach slaughter weight by nine months. The meat of this breed good quality, although some do not like its excessive greasiness (the thickness of the fat reaches 2.5-3.5 cm). The breed is widespread in the USA, Great Britain, Canada, little known in continental Europe. Due to their late maturity, meishans are almost never bred on an industrial scale, but are often kept in zoos.

Meishan pigs.

Read about the animals mentioned in this article: wild boars, sheep, cattle.

Pork classification

Depending on the mass of the carcass in the paired state and the thickness of the fat above the spinous processes between the 6th and 7th thoracic vertebrae, pork is divided into 5 categories:

  • Category 1 (bacon). The muscle tissue is well developed, especially on the dorsal and hip parts, fat is dense white color or of a pinkish hue, located in an even layer along the length of the entire half-carcass, the difference in the thickness of the lard at the withers in its thickest part and on the loin in its thinnest part is not more than 1.5 cm; on the transverse section of the thoracic part at the level between the 6th and 7th ribs, at least 2 layers muscle tissue; half carcass length from the junction of the 1st rib with sternum to the anterior edge of the fusion of the pubic bones at least 75 cm; skin without pigmentation, transverse folds, tumors, as well as bruises and traumatic injuries affecting subcutaneous tissue; no more than 3 control cuts on the carcass are allowed, with a diameter of no more than 3.5 cm. The weight of the carcass in the skin in a paired state is 53-72 kg inclusive. The thickness of the fat above the spinous processes between the 6th and 7th thoracic vertebrae 1.5 - 3.5 cm.
  • Category 2 (meat-young animals):
    • a) carcasses of meat pigs (young animals): carcass weight in the skin in the pair condition 39 - 98 kg inclusive (without the skin 34 - 90 kg); thickness of the fat above the spinous processes between the 6th and 7th thoracic vertebrae 1.5-4.0 cm;
    • b) carcasses of gilts: the weight of the carcass in the skin in the paired state is 12-39 kg inclusive (without the skin 10 - 34); the thickness of the fat above the spinous processes between the 6th and 7th thoracic vertebrae is 1.0 cm or more.
  • Category 3 (fat). Carcass weight is not limited; the thickness of the fat above the spinous processes between the 6th and 7th thoracic vertebrae is 4.1 cm or more.
  • Category 4 (industrial processing). Carcass weight in skin in pair condition over 98 kg (over 90 kg without skin); the thickness of the fat above the spinous processes between the 6th and 7th thoracic vertebrae is 1.5-4.0 cm.
  • Category 5 (pigs). The skin is white or slightly pinkish, without tumors, rashes, bruises, wounds, bites, spinous processes of the vertebrae and ribs do not protrude; weight of carcasses 3-6 kg inclusive.

Category 1, 2, 3 and 4 pork does not include boar carcasses; category 1 and 2 pork does not include sow carcasses. It is allowed not to divide pork carcasses into half carcasses if their weight in the skin is less than 39 kg (34 kg without the skin). In addition, it is allowed to release half-carcasses with the first vertebrae in the neck part of the half-carcass not sawn - atlas and epistrophy.

Preparation and features of use

Pork baked with pineapple

Pork can be fried, boiled and stewed. Borscht, cabbage soup, pickles, cutlets, stews, jellies, shish kebab, schnitzels, escalopes, yaternice and other dishes are prepared from pork; it is used (in half with beef) for making dumplings.

A large amount of pork is processed into various smoked products: ham, shoulder, brisket, ogonka, bacon, etc., and into various kinds of sausages. At home, you can cook boiled pork from pork.

A specially prepared whole pig can be served on the table as a separate dish (piglet). The table can be decorated with a pig or boar's head (especially at Easter).

world trade

The largest importers of pork in 2007 according to the UN

Food prohibitions and restrictions

Eating pork is forbidden in Judaism by the laws of kashrut and in Islam by the laws of halal (Quran 5:3). For Christians, pork is a permitted product. It was prohibited by the law of the Old Testament (Lev.), but in the New Testament the division of animals into clean and unclean (Acts) is directly abolished, and in the Koran it was again prohibited by law - Shariah.

At the same time, for Hindus, pork is one of the main types of meat, since the cow in Hinduism is recognized as a sacred animal, and it is forbidden to kill it (including for meat production).

American anthropologist Marvin Harris Marvin Harris) explains the reasons for this taboo as follows: in the countries of the Middle East and North Africa around 2000 BC. e. (and possibly earlier) due to desertification, an increase in the area for agriculture, and a great need for wood, forests began to shrink significantly. So the pigs lost their ecological niche and became human food competitors. In order to conserve water and grain for humans, the meat of ruminants has become more profitable, which feed on unsuitable for human consumption. human nutrition plants and are more adapted to heat and lack of water. Keeping and raising pigs is much more difficult than goats and sheep (especially in the arid regions of the Middle East and Arabia).

It is difficult to imagine a person who does not like pork. Muslims deliberately refuse to eat the meat of this animal, considering it unclean. But most people in the world prefer to include pork in their diet, making it into kebabs, stews, roasts and more.

The benefits of pork for humans

The benefits of pork are determined by what beneficial substances it enriches the human body.

  • Pork meat contains a large amount of all the B vitamins that take care of well-being nervous system and help us deal with stressful situations. In particular, powerful dose B1 in pork will protect the human body from any neurological disorders. Vitamins of this group are not able to accumulate in the body, their replenishment must be taken care of.
  • A generous portion of vitamin D provides an invaluable help to the bone tissues of our body in the absorption of calcium.
  • Pork is the main supplier of magnesium to our body - a trace element that serves as a building material for the musculoskeletal system.
  • Pork meat contains a lot of zinc, the lack of which in the human body threatens to disrupt the synthesis of the hormone insulin. Therefore, for diabetics and people prone to diseases endocrine system, the inclusion of pork in your diet is a must. Zinc protects and restores immunity. A sufficient amount of this trace element helps to strengthen bone tissue adults, and for child's body- this is the full development of the skeleton.

Reference: 100 gr. pork in the diet will give a person 35% daily allowance zinc.

  • The high content of proteins (proteins) makes this product energetically valuable, increasing the overall tone of the body, its potential. For nursing mothers, pork meat is an assistant for good lactation.
  • Fatty amino acids (such as: linoleic, oleic, glutamine, arachidonic) are not synthesized in the human body, and their lack leads to the development of atherosclerosis, myocardial infarction, decreased blood clotting and impaired tissue regeneration. Up to 50% of the daily value of the much-needed linoleic acid a person receives from pork.
  • Pork is rich in substances that block the work of cells, interfering positive mood. In general, not only lard, but all pork is a natural antidepressant.
  • Meat is easily digested by the human body, and pork fat less harmful to of cardio-vascular system than beef or chicken legs.
  • Nutritionists distinguish pork as a fighter for "male power".
  • Proteins pork meat help the functioning of the human body, giving it vitality.
  • Selenium and arachidonic acid, which are rich in lard, protect the body from activity free radicals conducive to education cancerous tumors and decrepitude of the body.

What part of pork is the softest and tastiest?

To find out the answer to this question, you need to understand the purpose for which each of the parts of this beautiful animal is used.

Neck, anterior spinal part

This meat is moderately fatty, soft and very juicy. The neck has become an expensive part of the pork carcass, apparently due to the special love of modern man for barbecue, which has led to an increase in demand for pork neck, from which the most perfect, tender and delicious barbecue is obtained. The neck, baked in the oven as a whole piece in foil or a sleeve, is also tasty; it is used to make invariable minced meat for cutlets. With any type of heat treatment: boiling, stewing, baking, frying the pork neck, the result will be successful.

It is suitable for cooking soups and meat roasts. But pork neck dishes are high in calories and will not appeal to those who are on a diet.

Loin, back

From the point of view of culinary science, the loin (in other words, the back part) is the best and most tender pork meat in a small fatty frame. Since this is still the dorsal part, one cannot do without a ridge and ribs. Meat cut between the ridge and ribs - entrecote for frying.

It should be understood that loin and carbonade are, in principle, the same meat, but carbonade is obtained when the loin is pitted. It is sold by cutting off the fat from the loin, leaving only a small layer on top for the juiciness of future dishes. The loin is used for cooking barbecue, stew, pilaf, boiled pork and meat medallions are prepared from it.

This part of pork has its own contraindications:

  • can be used infrequently small quantities, because high calorie content the product threatens to increase the body weight of the meat-eater, and with the obesity available, the pork loin is completely banned.
  • There is concern about the possibility of increasing blood cholesterol due to dishes based on this part of the pig carcass.
  • Excessive use of loin provokes the development of problems with the heart and blood vessels.

Important! Pork is a type of meat that must be well cooked.

Tenderloin, lumbar

The tenderloin is considered a tasty part of the pork section, therefore it is somewhat expensive. It is located above the spine (in its central part) under a layer of fat. Although the tenderloin is often referred to as solid boneless meat, in fact it includes the flesh and part of the spine with ribs.

The muscle is not exposed physical activity throughout its life, which is why it is the most tender and soft meat of all pork, moreover, it has almost no fat - a delicacy in its essence. Pork tenderloin contains a sufficient amount minerals and vitamins of the PP and B groups, proteins and fats, which are so important for the human body.

Low-calorie meat allows you to count it dietary product which is important for people with overweight and various problems with health. The tenderloin is delicious for any type of cooking, but it is better not to stew it due to leanness - it can turn out tough.

Excellent roast, chops, schnitzels come out of the meat, it is combined with any vegetables in the first courses. It can be fried whole or as escalopes (a delicacy from Russian and french cuisine), pre-cut into pieces 4 cm thick. Meat baked in foil or a sleeve in a whole piece is also tasty. From this part of the pork marinate a great shish kebab.


Juicy ham is one of the most delicious and expensive sections of pork. It represents the hip or humeroscapular section of it. On the market, instead of a true product, they can slip part of the leg above the knee.

In fact, the ham is very large, butchers cut it into two parts before selling it and sell it that way. The lower part includes the bone and therefore contains less meat, but is great for frying, drying, salting. The upper part, sirloin (popularly called the "back") does not have a bone. This excellent meat is suitable for cooking on an open fire, it is fried cutlets, steaks, escalopes or schnitzels.

The most delicious meat is cut from that part of the carcass that is not involved in the processes of movement. It lacks a large number of muscles and tendons. Such meat can be found on the back - the closer to the tail, the softer and juicier the product will be during cooking.

To prepare schnitzels, the meat is divided into oval oblong medallions, the thickness of the pieces should not exceed 2-2.5 cm. It is necessary to cut strictly across the fibers. Then the schnitzels are beaten off and small notches are applied over the entire surface of the meat, breaded in breadcrumbs. Originally Russian dish- baked ham - they make it from the "back". For its preparation, high-grade meat is rubbed with spices and salt, poured with sauce and baked in the oven in a single piece.

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