Pedigree dogs - origin, features of breeding and crossing, methods for determining the breed. How to identify breeds mixed in a dog? What does the definition of a dog look like

Not everyone buys cats in trusted places, with the issuance of all the necessary documents, which indicate the pedigree and breed of the animal. In this regard, breeders are wondering "how to determine the breed of a cat yourself?". It is difficult to recognize the breed of a cat without documents, and the result may not always be correct. Breed is defined in several ways.

By appearance

The easiest way to recognize the breed of a cat is by external signs. The color and quality of the coat, size and build, each cat is different, but in some cases very similar. Outbred cats are almost all similar to each other: the average size of the body and a rounded head.

For example, the Russian Blue and British breeds are similar in coat color, but they differ significantly in physique. Therefore, in order to determine the breed of a cat from a photo, you need to try very hard.

By body size

A domestic cat or cat grows to a small size. On average, their body length ranges from 70 to 75 cm. The size of the tail of a domestic cat is slightly less than half of the body - 30 cm. The body weight of adult cats ranges from 4-6 kg, while the weight of cats starts from 2.3 and does not exceed 4.5 kg.

If you, as an owner, suddenly notice that an adult cat is too small for its age or its size is large, then you should doubt its outbredness. The breed is not determined correctly based on one trait, so you need to carefully study additional parameters.

If your cat is too large, then it is possible that he is a representative of one of the oldest breeds.:

  • Norwegian Forest cat, males of which can reach 10 kg in weight.
  • Pixibob is a cat that looks like a wild lynx, artificially bred in America. Pixibob females gain no more than 5 kg, while males of this breed have a body weight close to 10 kg.
  • Siberian cat. Females of this breed do not exceed 6 kg, males - 12 kg.
  • Maine Coon. An adult cat of this breed has a maximum weight of 8-8.2 kg, a cat - 5.4.
  • Chartreuse is a cat that has the nickname dog-cat. The maximum weight in adult cats ranges from 6-7 kg, in females - 4-5 kg.

To this list, you can add the American and Kuril Bobtail, British cat, Savannah and Ragdoll.

If a domestic cat has reached adulthood, and its size is far from normal, it may be a representative of a certain breed. Usually a thoroughbred is a cat whose weight does not exceed 3 kg.

The smallest cat in the world is an individual of the Munchkin breed with the nickname baby cat. An adult cat belonging to this breed does not outgrow 15 cm in length.

When determining a breed by size, it is important not to lose sight of other details, because some breeds have the same weight, but differ in coat color.


The structure of the skull and the general appearance of the head are the hallmarks of a thoroughbred cat. It cannot be said that each breed has its own pronounced features regarding the skull. To determine the breed by the appearance of the head, it is necessary to study all the values ​​\u200b\u200band compare them with the norms adopted for outbred cats.

If the differences are significant, then it can be said with a high degree of certainty that the cat has a certain breed. What breed of pet can be said after the cheeks, cheekbones, nose, forehead, profile, bite, chin and nasal pads are evaluated.


You can find out what breed a cat has by looking at its eyes. This is difficult to do, because many breeds have the same eye color. Therefore, you need to pay attention not only to color, but also to the shape and location of the eyes, so that the result is correct.

For example, British cats are the only ones with orange eyes.. A cat of the same breed, among other things, is endowed with strabismus. Turkish Angora and Turkish Van have a different, but no less striking feature - eyes of different colors.

Unique Features

If the pet has any external features, then determining the breed of the cat is not difficult. For example, these could be:

  • Unusual ears. The location of the ears relative to each other, their shape and size often indicate that the cat belongs to a particular breed. Ears tilted forward are a hallmark of the Scottish Fold, and curved back are the Curl.
  • Tail. The long and straight tail is usually Siamese, while the kinked tail is a distinctive feature of the Bobtail.
  • Paws. Short and disproportionate paws are a sure sign of the Munchkin breed.

Having decided on the breed according to the characteristics of the cat, you need to make sure of the result and other parameters in order to avoid mistakes.


All cats, according to the type of wool, are divided into three types: long-haired, short-haired and hairless. There are such breeds of cats, the distinguishing parameter of which is precisely the coat or its absence.

The most prominent representatives of hairless breeds are Sphynxes, Levkoys, Peterbalds and Minskins. If the coat is short but curly, then in front of you are all varieties of rex. Long and curly coats include the La Perm, the Serkirk Rex, the Bohemian Rex and the American Wirehair.

If you have a photo that shows that the cat's coat is straight and long, then there is a high probability that you have settled in a British, Persian or Siberian longhair cat.

coat color

By color, it is problematic to determine which group a kitten belongs to, because there are few color options, and there are too many cat breeds. You need to examine the pet very well in order to determine its breed with confidence.

According to the color of the coat, cats are divided into several types.:

  • The maximum light coat on the body, dark muzzle, paws and tail are given from birth to the Siamese group of cats.
  • The dark color of the body, coupled with a white muzzle, paws and tail, is a characteristic feature of different breeds: ragdoll, snowshoe and burmese.
  • Blue, smoky or silver coat is a feature of the Scottish Fold, Nibelung, Chartreuse, Russian Blue and Korat.
  • The sandy color "speaks" of belonging to such breeds as the Abyssinian, Tiffani Shantili, Havana Brown and Somali.
  • Wild colors (spots and stripes) are observed in several breeds of cats: Bengal, Serengeti, Siberian Greyhound, Savannah, Safari, Egyptian Mau.

Based only on the color of the coat, it is not necessary to determine the breed of a pet, because outbred cats can be painted in almost any of the listed colors.

Unusual body structure

A cat can belong to a certain breed if its structure differs from the body shapes of ordinary cats.

Too thin and elongated, but at the same time muscular body with long and thin legs usually always belongs to Siamese cats, as well as Javanese and Oriental breeds. If the cat's muscles are clearly visible, the body is strong, the nose is large and flattened, then there is no doubt that you are the owner of a Persian or Exotic Shorthair cat.

The nature

In addition to external parameters, each breed of cat is distinguished by behavior. Outbred cats can have any character, while purebred individuals must have a certain style of behavior that they inherited from their ancestors.

Each breed has a certain set of qualities. There are types of cats that lead an active lifestyle, and there are those that prefer only to eat and sleep. One breed is distinguished by a kind character and calm behavior, while cats of another breed prefer to conflict with everyone around them.

British cats are very playful towards their owner, but refuse to sit on their hands. Maine Coon giants, regardless of their size, prefer to lead a measured life, avoiding turmoil.

The Persian breed has a sensitive nature that requires affection and attention. She does not tolerate bad attitudes and loneliness. If you offended your cat with something and noticed that after that she does not appear from her secluded place for a long time, be sure that it is a Persian person who lives with you.

Sphynxes are very friendly and easily converge not only with household members, but also with other pets. Smooth-haired cats are very attached to their owners, they like to constantly sit on their hands and rub their muzzle against a person’s face.

If you are the owner of a wayward cat who does not like too much attention, then it is possible that the breed of your cat is a Turkish Van. The cat, originally from Turkey, is friendly and sociable, has a strong character and high intelligence.

If it’s difficult for you to deal with descriptions of cats on your own, then you can try a determinant test, which was created to help recognize the breed of a cat.

During the existence of the dog as a pet, a wide variety of breeds and species has appeared. According to scientific data, today the number of breeds varies between 350-400 units. In addition, there are also mixed breeds of dogs, with their own unique characteristics and working properties. By the way, some of them have already completely died out, and some are represented by several individuals.

If you have a desire to purchase a purebred puppy, be prepared for the fact that no one, except for a specialist in a veterinary clinic and a DNA test, will not be able to determine - your future pet is clean or his blood contains impurities of other breeds. Doing a test is optional only in cases where the dog has a pedigree. However, if you bought it without documents, or it accidentally got into the house, then you will have to act differently here. Currently, experienced dog breeders have several ways and secrets: how to determine the breed of a dog from a puppy.

Why determine the breed

There are several situations when you have to deal with the breed of a pet. Among them are the following:

Gallery: dog breeds (25 photos)

Basic Methods

You must understand that if your four-legged friend belongs to the mestizo group, then it is impossible to determine his breed at the age of several weeks. In some cases, breed qualities become noticeable only at the age of one.

If there is no experience in determining the breed, then purchasing a puppy from your hands may contain a number of risks. If the dog does not have documents, most likely it is not purebred, even if the mother and father are completely pure blood. However, this does not mean that it will lose individual working properties or defining features. You just need to approach the upcoming purchase with increased responsibility and attention. You may have to bring an experienced dog handler or breeder with you.

To determine the breed of an adult dog, it is enough to pay attention to a number of available indicators by writing the results in a notebook. Be sure to consult with a specialist and read all the necessary articles.

If the four-legged creature is a "noblewoman" not in the first generation, then, most likely, it will not be possible to find breed signs in it. However, there is no point in getting upset, because often outbred dogs surpass even titled individuals in their wit and intellectual level. Yes, and health and the life expectancy of such pets is much better.

Varieties of dogs

If you are wondering: "how to find out the breed of a dog from a puppy," you need to know what kind of dogs belong to different breeds. Currently there are several types:

Breed recognition methods

If the puppy is stigmatized, then most likely it will not be difficult to notice the phenotype and determine the exact breed. In all other cases, it is necessary take into account several factors and secrets:

If you pay attention to the dimensions of the animal, do not forget to consider age features. Determining the dimensions of small puppies is impractical, since such individuals have a disproportionate body structure, represented by a large head shape, a spherical belly and clumsy paws. In addition, all small pets differ in strange movements, avoid dangers and are afraid of any sudden movements or sounds.

Definition by coat type

In addition, it is possible to recognize the thoroughbredness of a future pet with the help of biological features, such as the type of coat. Currently, a conditional division of dogs according to their coat is distinguished:

In the warm period of the year, the dog can completely shed the undercoat, while long-haired individuals will look like semi-long-haired ones.

Definition by the structure of the bone corset

If you are going to understand whether a purebred dog or not with the help of images, then pay attention to the type of body structure. Try to measure the width of the sternum, back, pelvis, paws and overall body length. Thus, you will be able to weed out many breeds, simplifying your task. The backbone of dogs is of several types:

Structural features

In addition, there are several features of the body structure that allow you to determine whether a pet belongs to any breed:

To all this, dogs of different breeds have their own “working” characteristics. For example, representatives of hunting groups, staying on the street, will stand and sniff the air in search of possible prey. Shepherd breeds are able to start their main duties when they meet a domestic animal - a cow or a sheep.

If your pet does not do anything of the sort, perhaps its purpose lies elsewhere - to be a true friend and companion for its owner. In any case, regardless of the breed properties, the dog will always be a reliable protector, faithful friend and comrade. Just enough to keep an eye on him and provide proper care and attention.

The secret to successful breed identification lies in conducting psychological tests. To make sure that your pet belongs to the breed, it is enough to try to study his instincts. To do this, the dog is tested for guarding abilities, placed next to livestock, and also taken out to conditions close to hunting. If in such an environment the dog does not show any action, most likely it belongs to the decorative group.

In any case, in order to successfully identify a dog, it is better to show it to a trained specialist from a trusted veterinary clinic in advance. His knowledge and rich experience will solve the issue in a short time. If it is not possible to determine the breed of relatives, most likely the dog belongs to the yard group, where many breeds are mixed, and it is simply impossible to identify one of them.

Determining the exact breed of a dog is quite difficult. The maximum probability of success is only when the "foundling" falls into good hands.

Attention, only TODAY!

Ever since dogs became pets, with the help of breeders, people have received a large number of different breeds. To date, more than 400 dog breeds have been bred. Identification of the breed of a four-legged pet, it would seem, is a simple task, but in reality everything is not so simple. If you bought a dog with a pedigree, then you will not have problems with determining the breed, but what if you picked up a puppy on the street or took it in an animal shelter. How to determine the breed of a puppy without knowing its pedigree, relying only on facts?

Help identify breed

This is exactly what the request of the owners of four-legged animals in various forums sounds like.

Next, we will tell you why the owners determine the breed of a pet:

Definition of breed

The easiest way to determine the breed is a visual assessment of the pet and comparison with the official standards of the group to which he is most similar.

In order to do this, you need to take a number of steps:

How to determine the breed of a dog from a puppy

Finding out the signs of a puppy's belonging is much more difficult than an adult dog. Therefore, if a puppy does not have documents with a pedigree, then it is difficult to determine its breed and officially such an animal is considered outbred.

Definition of dog breed

Unfortunately, even with the help of a professional, you will not be 100% sure whether your puppy belongs to a certain breed or not. The fact is that in small puppies, even professionals cannot always determine the breed. All standards that are given in the literature refer to adults, and puppies can change, and very drastically as they grow older.

There is an option to determine the breed with the help of various programs and tests or by posting a photo of a pet on specialized forums. Although this will not help to find out 100% the breed of a puppy, you will receive certain information and will already know in which direction to move on.

  1. Make your task easier, if you are already completely desperate in determining the breed, you may have a DNA test. Yes, this is not a very cheap pleasure and not all breeds can be determined by such a test. To date, not all breeds are in the database, but a DNA test can identify the most popular breeds and make it easier for you.
  2. To define at least a group to which your pet belongs, determine its natural instincts. Conduct a psychological test that will help identify whether your pet belongs to the shepherd group or is it a tame dog.
  3. Dog handlers and veterinarians, they cannot know all the signs of a dog breed and their varieties, but they will help to give a rough orientation in which direction to move, even if they have not encountered this type before. A good dog handler or veterinarian is more likely to determine the characteristics of your dog and assess his temperament, they can much better than you.

Determining the breed of a cat for an ordinary person who is not an expert or a breeder is quite difficult, but you can still try. It is worth noting that an animal is only purebred if it has special documents for this: a metric or a pedigree. The rest are felines without a “passport”, even if they were born at least three times from champions, they are simply beautiful and somewhat similar to their fellow tribesmen - representatives of royal blood.

Pedigree or not?

Only a specialist can determine the breed of your pet.

Despite this, many owners cherish in their hearts the hope that it is their kitten that is purebred, because it looks so much like that huge or that proud and independent Briton. Leafing through cat atlases or visiting prestigious exhibitions, some people really discover similarities and independently award a high-profile aristocratic title to their pet.

In fact, the similarity is only a myth, because all cats are somewhat similar to each other and only a professional can determine the true breed. Some purebred cats differ from other equally purebreds only in a modest set of features. At the same time, the layman compares only external data, completely ignoring the details: the setting of the ears, the shape of the eyes, the constitution or character.

By the way, I had a cat that, in appearance, looked very much like a fluffy Thai, although in reality it was not, but was just a nice cross between an ordinary yard pet and someone very thoroughbred. True, I was not particularly worried about the breed issue - beautiful, beloved, and okay.

Cat classification

Cats do not differ in the variety of external forms, which cannot be said about dogs. Even despite their abundance and distribution throughout the planet, all cats are, in principle, very similar.

Active selection work of felinologists began only at the beginning of the last century. And even at the moment, when there is a clear gradation according to the breed, it is difficult to judge how many purebred cats are in the world. It is worth recognizing that for the most part, domestic felines are still ordinary "nobles", that is, completely outbred.

To date, the cat world has about 60 breeds, which also include two hundred varieties. According to the current classification, cats are conditionally divided into 5 large groups, which differ from each other in the length of the coat and the structural features of the body:

  • long-haired: Burmese, Persian, Turkish, Norwegian Forest, Maine Coon, Somali, Balinese, Siberian, Cymric;
  • shorthair with a strong constitution: European, American, Burmese, exotic;
  • shorthair with an average constitution: blue, Abyssinian, Burmese, Bombay, Korat;
  • short-haired with a slender body: Siamese, Oriental, Singapura, Tonkinese;
  • cats with a deviation in the structure of the skeleton and mutations: menska, scottish fold, bobtail, multi-fingered, sphynx, rex.

And yet how to determine the breed?

When trying to establish belonging to a particular breed, they first of all pay attention to the phenotype, that is, the external signs of a cat: color, coat quality and exterior (body type).

For example, British cats and Russian Blues have a similar coloration, but their constitution is different: the former are massive and stocky, while the latter have a more elongated and graceful body. But let's sort it out in order.


Cornish Rex cats are distinguished by a special shape of the ears.

So, in the first place in determining the breed are, perhaps, individual characteristics or mutations.

Fancy ears. The setting and shape of the ears is different, they can be set wide or close, and different in direction. For example, bent forward is a sign of the Scottish Fold, and if directed backwards, then most likely it is a Curl. In some cats, the hearing organs look like huge locators, while in others they are almost invisible.

It is the shape, setting and size that indicates belonging to a particular breed. All signs are deciphered in the best possible way in a special atlas of pedigreed cats.

Tail. The same rules for breed identification apply to the tail. So, for example, in bobtails it is usually broken, while in Siamese representatives it is long and straight.


The next step in trying to determine the breed is the assessment of the eyes: again, they look at their color, shape, fit. Everyone knows that the British are one of the only ones whose eyes are the color of orange, and the purebred Siamese got strabismus, while the Turkish Angora or Turkish Van has completely multi-colored eyes.


When evaluating the breed, do not forget to consider the general appearance of the head and the structure of the skull. Be sure to pay attention to the size, width, shape, length. All these indicators are usually compared with the parameters of a purebred cat.

The forehead, cheeks, profile, cheekbones, bridge of the nose, nasal pads, chin prominence and bite are also assessed.


The next step in establishing a breed trait is color, because in some cases it is one of the determining factors in relation to cats to a particular breed.

The color, in turn, includes not only the color of the coat, but also the degree of staining, as well as a possible pattern (tabby or agouti).

The Siamese cat population is characterized by color-point coloration, that is, a combination of a dark muzzle, paw tips and tail with lighter shades of wool on the rest of the body.

Smoky, blue or silver coat is a sign of the British, Scots, Russian Blues, Nibelungs and other breeds.

An unusually bright, wild color also indicates the origin of the pet from a Bengal cat or savannah.

But you cannot rely on this sign alone. It is no secret that completely different breeds can have the same coat color: compare, for example, the British Shorthair breed and Chartreuse. Isn't the coloration very similar? But the breeds are completely different.

Body type

Muscular physique have cats from the Maine Coon breed.

The body structure is another sign of the breed. There are 3 types of exterior in cats:

  • stocky implies a dense physique, a round head, short legs - bobtail, rex, american shorthair, british;
  • muscular exterior: average body parameters, average leg length, slightly rounded head - Turkish breed, American Curl, Maine Coon;
  • flexible exterior: cats of this type are mostly thin, legs are long and thin, the head is narrow and wedge-shaped - Siamese, Thai, Oriental Bali, Angora.


There are long-haired, semi-long-haired, short-haired or completely hairless breeds.

Evaluate the uniformity, elasticity of the coat, its fit to the body, the density and development of the undercoat.

A lot about belonging to a particular breed is said by the pubescence of the tail. For example, an ostrich feather is characteristic of the Balinese, and a chrysanthemum is characteristic of the Japanese Bobtail.


Temperature matters too. Despite the fact that each cat has its own character, there are still characteristic features that distinguish one breed from another. So, gutta-percha, or, as they are also called, ragdoll cats, ragdolls spend most of their time on the couch, which cannot be said about the wayward and fighting Siamese pets.

Is it possible to return to an aristocrat his title?

It turns out that this is possible. If you suddenly picked up a kitten on the street and it seemed to you that it is very similar to some kind of thoroughbred cat, then you can show it to professional breeders who will conduct their own investigation. Based on their findings, they will or will not recognize the pet as purebred and will issue him a special first-generation pedigree metric.


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Before you buy a purebred pet, you should know that only a specialist and a DNA test can accurately determine whether a dog is pure-blooded, or a mixture. This will not be required if the dog is provided with a pedigree, but what if it was purchased without documents? Or did you accidentally enter the house? There are several criteria according to which it is possible, although approximately, to understand how to determine the breed of a dog.

It is worth noting that if the dog is a mestizo, then there is no way to determine the attitude of a pet to a particular breed in puppyhood. Often, the signs of the breed appear only by the year, but no one can guarantee this either.

Of course, if we are talking about dogs with pronounced signs of the breed, for example, or sharpei, then they can also be seen in a dairy puppy.

In the absence of experience, it is very difficult to identify even a purebred puppy, so buying from hand always carries certain risks. An undocumented dog is considered outbred, even if its parents are pure blood. But this does not mean that she has bad qualities or will not have defining features. This only means that owners need to be extremely attentive to the characteristics of the puppy, and it is better to consult with a cynologist or breeders of this breed.

If it is necessary to determine the breed in an adult dog, then you can independently analyze the existing signs by writing them down and re-read a lot of information.

If the dog "noblewoman" is not in the first generation, then, most likely, it will not be possible to detect signs of the breed in it. But this is not a reason for frustration, since quite often outbred quadrupeds are superior in intelligence to their titled counterparts. And with health, and the duration of the life cycle, they are doing much better.

Varieties of dogs

If you know at least the basic criteria, then it is quite possible to attribute the existing signs to a particular breed.

Dogs are primarily divided into the following types:

  • Purebred, breeding, thoroughbred. This is a dog that has a pedigree and a special electronic chip on which a certain number is applied. In addition, such dogs are stigmatized. Finding out about the origin of both the dog itself and its ancestors, in this case, is as easy as shelling pears - you need to contact a veterinary clinic or any kennel club.
  • Phenotype. If the pet is a spitting image of a German shepherd, or one to one dachshund, but does not have supporting documents, then until he receives a "zero pedigree" he will be considered outbred.
  • Metis. This definition refers to all dogs of uncertain origin, those whose parents (one or both) do not belong to any breed. If a person decides to purchase a puppy from a purebred female and an unknown father, then he should be prepared for the fact that the pet, if not immediately, will show signs of outbredness or a mixture of phenotypes.

Of course, if there is a stigma, then, in most cases, the phenotype will be noticeable, and it will not be difficult to find out about the breed of the dog. In other cases, you will have to work hard and pay attention to many factors:

  1. Definition of breed by age. Any signs of the breed are dependent on, which is determined by the condition of the teeth. Special exhibition schedules and schemes have been developed, according to which the time for replacing milk teeth or abrasion of permanent teeth is calculated. But you can rely on these data only if, she has the right bite and she eats in a balanced way. Practice shows that you can meet a young dog with bad, worn teeth or a puppy with tartar. The only thing that works in any case is the same period of tooth change, which occurs between 4 and 7 months.
  2. Dog sizes. This is one of the most important criteria for determining the breed. The size of the animal is taken based on its weight and height:
  • miniature dog - maximum weight 5 kg, height 30 cm;
  • small - 5-12 kg, height 30-40 cm;
  • medium size - 12-20 kg, 40-55 cm;
  • large - 20-30 kg, 55-65 cm;
  • very large - 30-50 kg, 65-75 cm;
  • giant dog - weighing more than 50 kg and above 75 cm.

When focusing on the dimensions of the animal, it is necessary to pay attention to its age. Determining the dimensions of a dog in puppyhood is incorrect. As usual, puppies have a disproportionate body structure - a large head and paws, a spherical stomach. In addition, all puppies are clumsy, cannot avoid danger in a timely manner and are afraid of sudden movements and sounds, even minor ones.

  1. Coat types. There is a conditional division of dogs into the following varieties:
  • Naked. There is no fur at all. Also in this category include dogs with a small fluff on the body, a tuft or a small amount of hair on the paws.
  • Shorthaired. The dog is covered with an even layer of fur, maximum 1 cm long. It stands upright.
  • Semi-longhair. The length of the coat varies from one to four centimeters. In most cases, dogs with this coat have an undercoat (downy hair), sometimes thick hair on the collar and riding breeches. On the abdomen, hair may be absent.
  • Longhaired. The coat is longer than 4 cm, there is a dense, thick undercoat, a pronounced collar and riding breeches. Most often, a large area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe abdomen is overgrown with wool.

It is worth noting that in the warm season, the dog may have no undercoat, and a long-haired bitch may have the appearance of a semi-long-haired dog.

  1. The structure of the bone corset. If the breed is determined from a photo, then the type of body structure can be analyzed. By measuring the width of the sternum, back, pelvis, legs and overall body length, it will be possible to weed out many breeds, greatly facilitating your task. The backbone of dogs has its own division:
  • Narrow. The size of the chest is equal to or close in size to the width of the pelvis. In most cases, such indicators indicate that the pet has excellent running data. In this case, it is worth looking for the dog's belonging to hounds and greyhounds.
  • Average. The size of the sternum is the same as that of the pelvis, or wider. This is the largest group of dogs, which includes almost all service breeds of medium size. Taxes also fall under these sizes. and German Shepherds.
  • Wide. Dogs with such a skeleton have a powerful, developed chest and a heavy, wide pelvis. Of course, such a pet will have large dimensions, and if it has long hair, then most likely it belongs to herding breeds - Central European Shepherd Dog, etc.
  • Shortened. Already at first glance from the side, the animal looks like a square. In this case, short legs are often observed, but not always.
  • elongated. A dog with such a skeleton has a rectangular body, the hind legs are slightly longer than the front ones - this is especially noticeable when the pet takes a stance.

Features of the body structure

In addition, there are many features by which it will be possible to classify a dog as a particular breed:

  • Type of ears - they can be very small or disproportionately large, stand like a house or hang, or they can be of medium size.
  • Tail type - long, short, straight or curled into a ring, raised above the level of the spine or lowered; covered with thick long hair or short, docked or not.
  • Type of posture - in dogs there is a straight back and descending.
  • The type of skin cover is tight-fitting, dense or has excess in the form of folds.
  • Type of coat - sometimes the breed can be determined by the presence of a beard, wool over the eyes, a certain covering of the paws.
  • Type of color - the presence of tan marks, spots, a strict distribution of colors, brindle color.

In addition to everything, representatives of various breeds have their own "working" qualities. An outdoor hunting dog will sniff the air and take a stance when it sees prey. Deep instincts are observed in herding dogs. Having met a pet - a cow or a sheep, the dog can begin to fulfill its duties.

If the pet does not show interest in hunting, grazing and does not bring a stick, then most likely it is also intended for an important matter - to be a devoted friend and companion.

In any case, no matter what breed the pet belongs to, it will be a reliable protector, and an excellent hunter, and best friend, and faithful companion, if the owner loves and takes care of him.

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