Numbness of hands after exercise. Why hands go numb: possible causes and treatment. Which hand goes numb: find out the reasons

Recently, more and more patients appear in my office, who are worried about a single symptom: they have to wake up several times at night due to numbness of their hands. The unpleasant sensations that accompany these phenomena are described by everyone in a fairly similar way: a sharp awakening from pain in the arm, tingling, burning, “goosebumps” in combination with stiff fingers.

Usually people blame the pillow for everything (and change it more than once), especially the posture during sleep (and come up with various “limiters” so as not to turn on their side or stomach), “weak heart” (and buy medicines they don’t need to “ get healed"...

In the end, exhausted, they come to a neurologist so that the doctor can find in their body what interferes with proper rest and eliminate the inconvenience. And the doctor again goes in a vicious circle: pillow-pose-heart. And he makes me do gymnastics. And assigns a lot of research, which will take a lot of time. Can't it be faster? No!

Where does such an attack come from?

If earlier such a complaint was more often addressed by people whose professional activity was associated with sedentary work and arm strain (computer operators, drivers, assembly line workers), now schoolchildren, students, and pensioners come. After all, computers have entered the life of almost everyone. And almost everyone, starting from school, is faced with “computer mouse syndrome” (carpal tunnel syndrome), when mechanical compression of the nerves and blood vessels on the wrist regularly occurs, which makes the fingers go numb. Usually, wearing an orthosis and a well-planned position of the keyboard and mouse will quickly eliminate the trouble, but with numbness at night, everything is not so simple.

Of course, most often the cause of numbness is quite banal - in 90% of cases it is compression of the neurovascular bundle along its entire length: from spinal cord and aorta to the very tips of the fingers. But there are still 10% of cases when the violation of blood circulation and innervation occurs at a more subtle level - with damage to the smallest vessels and nerve endings.

These ten percent include diseases such as polyneuropathy and vasculitis. In order to exclude these pathologies, the doctor gives the night sufferer a long list of tests and examinations. These can be banal blood tests (general and biochemical), hormonal tests, electroneuromyography, duplex scanning vessels, rheovasography, electrocardiogram, neuroimaging (X-ray of the neck, shoulder joints, CT and MRI). What and how much to do - the doctor decides individually.

- Doctor, can you still somehow easier and faster?

Well, I'll tell you what your "faster" usually looks like.

Clueless self-treatment

And so we decided to save time and money on tests, because “we definitely feel that there is nothing serious,” and we enthusiastically take up treatment. On the Internet there are a lot of "folk" recommendations on the topic "how to deal with numbness of the hands", and at the same time "". This is sleeping with a potato in your hand, and massaging the joints of the hands and neck in various ways, and also making baths, compresses and rubbing strong-smelling (probably to frighten the disease) tinctures.

Does all this help? Yes and no. If one of the folk remedies, used in an arbitrary form, accidentally affects the cause of the disease, then everything is fine. But usually, for some reason, it is after somersaults with Internet advice that patients worsen. Maybe there are those who were cured once and for all by anointing parts of the body with turpentine, and no longer go to the doctors? Alas, I doubt...


In order to still understand on your own, there are reasons for concern, or you just “lie down” your hands in a dream (and then it’s enough to change your position), here are some simple tests for you.

Try to raise your arms above your head and hold them for 30 seconds. Do you feel tingling? Are they numb? Dress for the weather - and forward to the neurologist. Do you have pain in your joints? Make an appointment with a rheumatologist. Put the blood pressure cuff on your arm below the elbow. Raise the pressure in the cuff to 130–140 mmHg. If within a minute there will be no discomfort, then there is no reason for concern. What if they appeared? And still dumb left hand in excitement? Forward - to the cardiologist! Do both hands go numb when you're nervous? You may need to consult an endocrinologist. But what if there are none of the above symptoms? Then look again. Joke..

First, pay attention to sleep hygiene.

Do not smoke or drink alcohol before bed. Nicotine and ethyl alcohol contribute to short-term vasodilation. Their narrowing will be just at the time of the sweetest dream and will provide you with an unforgettable night. Also, don't overeat. The organism, busy with the issues of digestion of food, simply will not notice the catastrophe on the periphery, in the limbs. No need to fall into bed immediately after a heavy physical work or strength training. Any athlete and loader will tell you how, in this case, overworked muscles ache, spasm to convulsions, swell and hurt. And how grateful they respond to relaxing water treatments and light massages! And less water before bed. Patients with diabetes mellitus and pregnant women are especially sensitive to this. Swelling of tissues disrupts the metabolism in them and causes irritation of nerve endings. And then numbness and convulsions can occur ...

Secondly, do not sleep in one position all night. Turn around! But at the same time, do not put your hands under your head, do not put them under the pillow. Try not to throw your arms and legs on the bedmate at night. If the fair half has a habit of falling asleep on the chest of a loved one, it is worth learning another habit - to crawl away no later than after half an hour of pressing down, no matter how brave the pressed one may be. For those who like to hug someone in a dream, there are special C-shaped pillows. Try it - very convenient!

Thirdly, the pillow should be comfortable to keep your neck from arching when lying on your side and arching when you lie on your back or stomach. By the way, not everyone likes orthopedic pillows. Many people love the "forming" pillow more, which you want - rolled out "into a pancake", and if you want - knocked it into a ball. Plus, a light blanket and comfortable clothes that do not squeeze or restrict movement to help you sleep! But it is better to remove jewelry - both for safety and for health it is more useful.

Excessive enthusiasm of the population for too hard mattresses (“for the health of the back”) is not at all useful and not necessary. For an experiment, let your pet choose a soft or hard bedding - and animals know a lot about good sleep! - and you will immediately understand what I mean.

And fourth, move on! During the day, try to change your working position, twist your arms, neck, bend, straighten. Do not clamp the handset between your neck and shoulder either at work or in the car (talking on the phone is also prohibited by traffic rules), neither before going to bed, nor at night in bed. Get moving - it's refreshing! If you carry heavy bags on your shoulders, buy those with the widest handles. If your bust is larger than B, the bra should have +1-2 cm wide straps for each size. If your neck aches in the evenings, you can put on the Shants collar and walk in it from 1 to 1.5 hours a day for 2 weeks. Massage also helps a lot.

Well, if all these tricks still do not lead to the desired relief - make an appointment with the doctor. Helps. Checked.

Valentina Saratovskaya


Usually, numbness of the limbs does not cause much concern in people. However, this may be a harbinger serious problems with health, especially if the left arm from the shoulder, hand and fingers regularly go numb. However, do not rush to panic. Let's first understand why the left hand goes numb in different places- little finger, ring finger, middle, index, thumb of the left hand, hand and what to do if this happened for the first time.

If this symptom of numbness of the fingers, hands, worries you constantly, then such signs of trouble in the body cannot be ignored. They can be both quite "innocent", and the first indicators are quite serious illnesses nervous or cardiovascular system.

Causes of finger numbness

Among the causes that cause numbness of the left hand and individual fingers of the left hand, one can single out the most harmless ones that do not require the help of a doctor and special treatment:

  • Uncomfortable sleep. If, waking up at night or in the morning, you suddenly feel numbness in your hand, tingling and “goosebumps”, then most likely there is no cause for concern. In an uncomfortable position in a dream, work is disrupted blood vessels and discomfort in the limbs. If, at the same time, a loved one was sleeping on your arm or shoulder, then the reason for the numbness is obvious, this phenomenon is also called the "lovers' syndrome." Due to the squeezing of the vessels, the hand becomes numb, but this soon disappears when the position of the hand changes. Try to do exercises - and after 5-10 minutes the feeling of numbness will disappear. If it doesn't repeat, then you don't have to worry about anything. But if the numbness of the hand is regular, you should still consult a doctor to determine the cause of the loss of sensitivity. Maybe, this symptom numbness caused, or.

An uncomfortable position in a dream is one of the causes of numbness of the limbs. If you sleep on your side, on your arm along the body or on your arm under your head - numbness will be natural and regular - do not worry about this case.
  • monotonous work. Often this symptom is manifested in office workers. This phenomenon is also called "tunnel syndrome" or "piano syndrome". Periodically, it manifests itself in people of various professions that require regular tension of the hands. If this sensation occurs infrequently and is not accompanied by severe pain, experts recommend reducing the load on the wrists and remembering to do joint exercises regularly.
  • Uncomfortable clothing. Rubber bands, cuffs, tight sleeves can pinch blood vessels and cause an unpleasant sensation. Make sure that the clothes are not only beautiful, but also comfortable for you and pleasant for the body.
  • Hypothermia. A long stay in the cold can cause narrowing of the arteries, and after it - numbness of the limbs. When this feeling appears, it is better to quickly head to a warm place - soon everything should pass. Do not immerse hands in hot water to warm.
  • Needlework. Hands may become numb due to the long, monotonous execution of monotonous movements by them, from overexertion. If you are doing needlework, let your hands rest every 30-40 minutes - knead and rub them for a few minutes.
  • Carrying a heavy backpack or bag. If you do this regularly on the same shoulder, numbness will not take long. Because of the heavy burden, nerves can be pinched, the spine bent and blood vessels pinched. Try to carry the bag alternately on different shoulders, or even better, carry it in your hand. However, it should not be very heavy.
  • Physical exercise. Prolonged work that causes muscle strain can cause numbness in the hands. Don't forget to alternate between work and leisure.
  • Prolonged presence of hands above the line of the heart. Be sure to take regular breaks if you are doing work that requires this hand position.
  • tunnel syndrome- a symptom complex caused by compression of the median nerve in the carpal tunnel. It is more commonly diagnosed in women than in men. Tunnel syndrome or carpal tunnel syndrome is a disease of a neuralgic nature. Included in the group of tunnel neuropathies. It is manifested by prolonged pain and numbness of the fingers. The most common cause is prolonged compression of the median nerve between the bones and tendons of the wrist.

In the photo: What to do with carpal tunnel syndrome in the hand and wrist - exercises for prevention and recommendations on the correct position of the hands at the computer, special keyboards, mice and bandages.

In all these situations, numbness of the hand occurs occasionally, and to help eliminate this condition can regular massage, rubbing or gymnastics. Usually after 10-30 minutes, numbness disappears without a trace.

If the cause of the symptom of numbness of the fingers of the left hand is a disease, it is important to listen to your body and the accompanying sensations. If the numbness of the hand lasts more than 1 hour, while there is pain in the region of the heart, shortness of breath and numbness of the fingers - do not delay calling an ambulance, because these may be signs of cardiac pathology.

Related diseases with numbness of the fingers and hand

  • Avitaminosis. With a lack of vitamins A and B in the body, metabolic processes are disturbed, the membranes are damaged nerve fibers, resulting in loss of sensitivity of nerve endings and numbness occurs.
  • Nervous tension. In this case, due to the tightness of the muscles, pinching of the nerve endings occurs. As a result, the blood flow is disturbed and the limbs go numb.
  • . In this case, the numbness of the hand occurs suddenly, with increasing pain and swelling of the tissues. In the event of the appearance of such symptoms, a person needs hospitalization.
  • . The development of this pathology is characterized by a narrowing of the arteries supplying the heart and left hand with blood, and numbness of the hand is one of the symptoms. this disease.
  • cervical, thoracic spine. In addition to the symptoms of the disease itself, a person may feel loss of skin sensitivity, weakness, numbness and pain in the arm, which spread throughout its outer side - from the shoulder and forearm to the fingertips.

However, if the hand becomes numb often or the numbness is accompanied by noticeable pain, this may indicate a pinched nerve in the back.

Dangerous conditions associated with numbness

  • IHD (, another name -). When this occurs, numbness of the hand, forearm, and shoulder. The condition is also characterized by shortness of breath, discomfort in the chest. You can stop the attack with nitroglycerin.
  • preinfarction state. If a person has a history of coronary heart disease, vascular atherosclerosis, in case of numbness of the left hand, it is necessary to urgently call ambulance.

    Important! Pay attention to the little finger of the left hand - if it is numb, then in 80% of cases this is a sign preinfarction state followed by .

  • . Numbness in the left hand is a frequent, and sometimes the only sign of acute, which entails myocardial infarction. In addition, a person may feel pain in the heart. The symptoms of a heart attack are not relieved by nitroglycerin, the only thing that can be done in this case to save a person's life is to call an ambulance as soon as possible for further hospitalization.
  • . Represents a sharp vascular pathology, which is accompanied by numbness of the left hand. If this symptom appears, it means that the right hemisphere brain. As a rule, with a stroke, the left arm and leg go numb, there is also lack of coordination, impaired speech, vision, and facial muscles (for example, a person cannot smile). These symptoms clearly indicate a stroke or microstroke. Therefore, you should immediately call an ambulance!

Location of points of numbness - fingers

Sometimes, by the location of numbness on the arm, hand, fingers, you can determine the cause and the diseases that caused it. Of course, these assumptions are very approximate, and in order to make an accurate diagnosis, you should definitely consult a specialist, especially with frequent manifestations of numbness of the left or right hand, and even more so with simultaneous numbness of the arm and leg, face. But knowing some of the nuances can help save a person's life. So, we will analyze separately the symptoms and causes of numbness of each finger of the left hand, starting with the little finger, as the most common symptom of finger withdrawal:

  • Little finger. First of all, with numbness of the little finger of the left hand, it is worth excluding dangerous conditions - pre-infarction, in fact, a heart attack or stroke. Usually with these diseases, numbness occurs at night, and in the morning, there is a tingling sensation in the entire arm - from the shoulder to the fingertips. If a additional symptoms and there are no previous diseases of the cardiovascular system, then this may be a symptom of osteochondrosis,. In this case, a consultation is necessary, which will prescribe a course of treatment, including therapeutic massage.
    Also, numbness can occur due to long work. Let your hand rest self massage, rubbing.
  • Nameless. Numbness of the ring finger of the left hand may also indicate problems with the cardiovascular system. In this case, pain may additionally appear in the inner side of the forearm, on the left side. It can also talk about the beginning, osteochondrosis, inflammation of the ulnar nerve, nervous strain etc.

Attention! With frequent numbness of the fingers of the right and left hands, we strongly recommend that you consult a doctor in order to avoid serious health problems!

In early spring, loss of sensitivity of the fingers can become a symptom of beriberi, in particular a lack of vitamins A and B. In addition to numbness, peeling of the skin of the hands occurs, and older people experience symptoms of atherosclerosis, hands and fingertips themselves may go numb.

  • Forefinger. If the index finger is numb, then most often this happens when the nerve fibers of the shoulder or elbow joint become inflamed. Numbness of the finger is accompanied by weakness of the hand, pain when flexed, numbness outside arms.
    can also give numbness of the hand or index (sometimes middle) finger. It also often causes weakness.
    Due to long monotonous work with overstrain of the muscles of the hands, numbness of the index finger, stiffness of the hand and convulsions can also occur. For example, when long work at the computer and active typing, active use of the mouse.
  • Middle finger. The causes of numbness of the middle finger are very diverse: it can be heart or spine disease, poor nutrition, vasoconstriction, stress, etc. But most often it happens due to osteochondrosis. With this disease, the middle finger usually goes numb, but numbness of several fingers may occur at once (as a rule, it is the middle, thumb, index). Numbness is accompanied by weakness, stiffness, pain in the shoulder or forearm. Also, the middle finger may become numb due to inflammation of the elbow joint during injury, trophic changes, etc. (usually the back of the finger becomes numb).
    Atherosclerosis can also cause symptoms.
  • Thumb. Numbness in the thumb often indicates a malfunction of the respiratory system. With numbness of two fingers (thumb + index finger or middle finger), we can talk about squeezing the nerve endings in the neck or displacement of the intervertebral discs. This causes weakness, pain in the forearm and shoulder.

The most dangerous situation is numbness of the hands, the cause of which is a violation of the blood circulation of the brain.

In addition, numbness of the thumb of the left hand may be associated with a malfunction of the internal organs - the kidneys, liver or lungs.

Numbness of the hand, forearm, shoulder, or entire arm and leg at the same time

  • Brush. Numbness of the hand can occur not only during monotonous work in which the hands are involved (there may also be pain and burning of the fingers, swelling, inflammation of the tendons), but also when the endocrine systems malfunction, injuries, etc. It is difficult to determine the cause of hand numbness "by eye", so it is better to consult a doctor so as not to start the disease.
    If the brush becomes numb from the bottom to the top, pain is felt, which intensifies, it is urgent to consult a doctor. If the symptoms do not go away for more than an hour, an artery may have happened.
  • Forearm. Numbness of the arm from the wrist to the elbow (forearm) or if the left arm is numb from the elbow, from the shoulder, this may be due to poor circulation due to a previous injury, overstrain during monotonous work, hypothermia. Usually, the numbness of the forearm is temporary and disappears after a warm-up or self-massage.
    Also, numbness of the forearm, or if the left arm goes numb from the elbow, from the shoulder - this can be caused by osteochondrosis, stress, impaired cerebral circulation diseases of internal organs, etc.
  • Arm and leg. Numbness of the arm and leg at the same time can have a number of reasons, including:
    - stroke(the arm and leg or the entire side of the body goes numb) - accompanied by a loss of speech, difficulty in facial expressions. With such symptoms, you should immediately call an ambulance;
    - osteochondrosis, diseases of the lower back;
    - intervertebral hernias- to numbness is added a feeling of "goosebumps", pain, heaviness in the legs, with long sitting, standing, turning the head and other sharp movements, the pain intensifies.
    For accurate diagnosis causes of numbness of the arms and legs, or the whole part of the body, half of the body - X-rays and ultrasound are used.
  • Hand and face. The main cause of numbness of the face and hands at the same time is a pre-stroke condition. Also, a symptom in the form of numbness of the hand and face can occur due to diffuse, inflammation of the nerve, hypothermia, stress, problems with the spine.

Diagnosis of the causes of numbness

If the numbness of the hand does not go away after the massage and is not the result of fatigue or being in an uncomfortable position, but is also regular, you should consult a doctor to accurately diagnose the causes of numbness of the body part, arms and legs. If necessary, the therapist can refer you for a consultation with a cardiologist, vertebrologist. In this case, the following diagnostic procedures can be prescribed for symptoms of numbness of the left and right hands, legs and other parts of the body:

  • general blood analysis,
  • electrocardiogram,
  • limbs and back, brain,
  • UIS of the abdominal organs and kidneys.

Ultrasound of the vessels and will determine the pathology of circulatory disorders, in the diagnosis of the causes of numbness in the arms and legs.

Depending on the results and the identified diseases, the doctor prescribes treatment for numbness of the arms and legs, which may include: medication, therapeutic massage of the back, arms and legs, physiotherapy.

Treatment of numbness with folk remedies

There are very effective folk remedies body numbness treatments that improve blood circulation in fingers and toes, restore muscle sensitivity and strengthen joints. Methods for the treatment of numbness of the hands at home, common and very effective in the complex, folk methods and means of treating numbness of body parts:

  1. The use of a contrast bath. We dip the hand and fingers for a couple of seconds alternately in hot, then in cold water pressing with your fingers on the bottom of the bowl. This exercise helps to quickly relieve numbness.
  2. Tincture of red pepper for numbness of the hands, hands and fingers. Tincture recipe: 4 crushed salted and 3 pods of red pepper are poured into 500 ml of vodka, corked and sent to infuse in a dark place for a couple of weeks. This tincture is lubricated with hands, rubbed into the fingers when numbness occurs.
  3. Massage. A simple and affordable way at home is self-massage of a numb arm, hand, fingers or leg. For additional effect oil can be used for massage. Mix in equal proportions vegetable oil, suitable olive oil and sugar. Mix well. Used to massage the hands and feet, in case of numbness.
  4. Alcohol compress for numbness. Pharmaceutical camphor alcohol (10 ml) is added to a liter of water, this solution is rubbed into a numb hand, or a compress is made.
  5. Wrap with . Before going to bed, fresh is applied to the hand and wrapped with a soft cotton cloth. In the morning honey is removed. After a couple of days, the numbness of the arm or leg disappears.
  6. Lilac flowers. 0.5 l. A jar of lilac inflorescences is insisted on cologne or alcohol for 2 weeks, after which it is applied to numb places and parts of the numb body, in the form of a compress. The course of treatment of numbness with compresses from lilac inflorescences is 2 weeks.
  7. Woolen thread for numbness. The most unusual and effective folk way, easy to apply at home. They take a thick thread of natural wool and tie it around the wrist. It helps not only with pain and numbness, but also with bruises, inflammation of the hand and sprains of the muscles of the hands. For several weeks, the thread is not removed for prevention. Many people wear a red thread on their hand from numbness, on an ongoing basis, believing in its miraculous power.


The best prevention of numbness in the left hand is the rejection of bad habits and the transition to a healthy lifestyle. Gymnastics, walks in the fresh air, comfortable sleep - all this negates the likelihood of discomfort in the limbs. An important place in prevention is occupied by proper nutrition, because consumption harmful products leads to an increase in cholesterol levels in the blood and blockage of blood vessels.

When performing monotonous work with your hands, you should definitely take breaks, stretch them, and you should also avoid hypothermia of the limbs and excessive stress on them.

If you are at risk for a heart attack or stroke, prevention alone will not be enough. You should avoid stressful situations and have regular check-ups with your doctor. If there are problems with, you should purchase a good tonometer and measure regularly, especially if you feel unwell and there is numbness in the fingers, hand or arm. At the slightest increase in pressure, measures should be taken to normalize it in order to prevent a critical condition.

If, nevertheless, numbness of the hand arose without obvious natural causes Don't put off a visit to the doctor. It is unacceptable to self-medicate numbness of the fingers, hand or foot, without making an accurate diagnosis - a number of diseases in an advanced stage require difficult treatment and sometimes surgery.

Today, numbness of the left hand is a fairly common problem in people of different age groups. It can occur for a number of reasons, some of which can threaten a person's life. Therefore, you should be wary if, along with numbness of the hand, symptoms such as: pain in the arm, in the left side of the chest, in the shoulder, weakness, dizziness, nausea, numbness of other parts of the body, etc.

On the video: Fingers on the left hand go numb - causes and consequences. Methods for eliminating numbness of the arm and fingers, hand, shoulder.

Update: November 2018

Sound sleep is the most pleasant and such a necessary state of the body, when the body is resting, recovering from daily physical and emotional stress. Long deep sleep- speaks of a calm human nervous system and it is very important that sleep be like this every night.

However, many people sometimes wake up at night from discomfort that comes from the left or right hand - this is numbness of the hands at night.

It manifests itself as aching pain, tingling, and when the hand is moved, the tingling becomes even stronger, then after some time the tingling and pain calms down and the numbness disappears. Why do my hands go numb at night? it serious violation Or just an uncomfortable sleeping position?

It is believed that the main cause of numbness of the hands at night is a violation of blood circulation in the limbs. What other disorders or perhaps diseases lead to such nighttime discomfort?

Should I see a doctor if my hands are numb at night?

In cases where numbness appears due to an uncomfortable posture, squeezing of blood vessels or nerves occurs, that is, a person simply rested his hand, if this does not happen all the time, then you should not worry. But if the hands become numb during sleep constantly, every night, interfere with sleep and cause anxiety, a doctor’s consultation and examination are simply necessary. Depending on the clinical manifestations, the nature of hand numbness, the doctor will make a diagnosis:

  • If your hands go numb day and night
  • If the numbness lasts for a long time or for a short time
  • If both hands are numb
  • If you go numb right hand
  • If the left hand is numb
  • Hands become numb suddenly, while the condition is accompanied by a mental disorder.

The answers to these questions are very important, because whether one arm goes numb, or both, only the hand or the entire arm goes numb, the cause of the violation of the blood supply to the limb depends, for example:

Why do both hands go numb at night. If the hands are numb at the same time, or then the right, then the left - this indicates a violation of the peripheral or central nervous system. Often the reason for this is cervical osteochondrosis or polyneuropathy.

If the left hand goes numb at night, this disorder is usually associated with changes in cardiac activity. Therefore, an immediate and mandatory consultation with a cardiologist is required.

If the left hand goes numb during the day, this can be a bell of a serious malfunction of the heart, up to a pre-infarction state, as well as a harbinger of an equally formidable disease - or.

Why does the right hand go numb at night - cardiological problems in this case can most likely be excluded. If at the same time the left hand becomes numb, then the causes may be carpal tunnel syndrome, arthrosis or cervical osteochondrosis, with sharp narrowing neck blood vessels, but can also be a harbinger of a stroke.

1 reason - Hands are numb at night from the wrong position of the body or from the pillow

  • The most harmless reason, not associated with any serious diseases or disruption of the systems and organs, is a long stay of a person in an uncomfortable position, in tight, tight clothes during sleep.
  • Another reason is that people whose work requires them to repeatedly raise their hands above the level of the heart or with excessive physical stress from lifting weights - also increases the risk of numbness of the hands during sleep.
  • Incorrect body position in a dream, as a rule, is when the arms are thrown back behind the head - they also provoke numbness of the hands at night. This is explained by the same violation of the blood supply to the limbs, the cardiovascular system at night works in a weakened mode, so the blood does not reach the hands in full, and even more so the hands.
  • Another reason that is quite easy to eliminate is the wrong pillow, which creates the wrong position for the neck during sleep. too high, not orthopedic pillow, forces the spine to bend in the cervical region, this can cause the neck to become numb, disrupting the blood supply and nutrition of the nerves cervical spine. Due to poor blood circulation in the transferred limbs, discomfort, tingling, aching unpleasant pain so hands go numb during sleep.

Reason 2 - Hands go numb at night from carpal tunnel syndrome

One of the reasons why hands go numb at night is. This syndrome comes from the constant overstrain of the tendons of the hands, usually those who work with their fingers daily, intensively, for many years - who prints a lot on the computer, seamstresses, painters, musicians, those people who during the day make thousands of the same type of movements with the hand and fingers.

On the hands of a person there is a narrow channel through which a mass of tendons passes and a nerve that controls the movement of the fingers and the sensitivity of the entire palm. These tendons and nerves are protected, however, when there is overexertion, compression of the nerve, swelling of the tendon occurs - which is the cause of numbness of the hands, throbbing pain and tingling.

Such signs of carpal tunnel syndrome occur just at night and most often closer to the morning. If left untreated, even the muscles of the thumb can die. At the same time, a person cannot independently tightly clench his fist and completely bend his thumb. Most often, women over the age of 40 suffer from this disease.

Some people have to change jobs and specialties because of this. To relieve symptoms and mitigate this syndrome, doctors prescribe soothing baths, a special set of exercises to relieve tension, vitamin therapy.

3 reason - Diseases of the spine

In addition to the above reasons, a special place is occupied by disorders associated with various diseases of the spine. If a person not only gets numb hands at night, but also periodically experiences dizziness, unexplained headaches, and even, then this is a good reason for examination by an osteopath, a neurologist, since not only osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, but also intervertebral hernias are the causes of various disorders in limbs.

Osteochondrosis of the spine is a very capacious name for a whole complex of various deviations in the metabolic processes of the bone and cartilage tissue of the spine. When the destruction of the vertebrae already occurs, the roots of the spinal nerves are compressed, leading to various ailments, pain, and numbness.

The modern lifestyle of a person, both a schoolchild and an office worker, forces us to lead a mostly sedentary, sedentary lifestyle, at a desk, at a computer desk, drivers driving cars. Most often, few people follow the correct posture and the condition of the spine, and with prolonged static load, the neck muscles are overstrained and spasmodic. At the same time, the hands become numb not only at night, but also during the day.

4 reason - Hands go numb at night with vascular disorders

One of the most dangerous reasons development of numbness of the extremities is an ischemic stroke. If there is a violation of the blood circulation of one of the parts of the brain, while in addition to numbness of one part of the limb, there is also high blood pressure, dizziness, detachment, etc., then this is one of the signs of a stroke or microstroke (). Most often, this occurs from overvoltage, a stressful situation, a sharp jump blood pressure.

5 reason Other diseases

If a person’s hands constantly go numb at night, this may be the result of a number of diseases:

  • Chronic circulatory disorders
  • Hypertension
  • Various forms of anemia
  • Ischemic heart disease and other heart diseases
  • Inflammatory, hereditary diseases of the nervous system
  • Lack of B vitamins, trace elements
  • Excessive drinking
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Rheumatoid arthritis, in which the nerves are affected when the joints are deformed.
  • Various manifestations of disorders of the autonomic nervous system (see obsolete name of the disease).

Hands numb at night - what to do?

  • First, one must find exact reason Why do my hands go numb at night. Or make sure that the cause of such discomfort is a pillow or tight clothing during sleep. You should also pay attention to how you sleep, if you raise your hands behind your head in a dream, then most likely the reason lies in an uncomfortable position. Change your pillow and try to change your sleeping position.
  • Secondly - if this is not the reason, then you should contact a therapist, neurologist, cardiologist, osteopath, take a blood test for 18 parameters, blood for glucose (), do an MRI of the entire spine (), ECG and consult with these specialists.
  • Thirdly, on the basis of the examination and the established diagnosis, follow all the recommendations of the doctor.

Laboratory diagnosis of diabetes mellitus is based on determining the level of glucose in the peripheral blood at different times of the day. In diabetes, its level is higher than normal. More reliable result obtained by determining the level of glycated hemoglobin in the blood, which determines the average level of glucose in the blood over the past three to four months. The type of diabetes is determined by determining the level of own insulin in the blood, as well as by provocative tests (oral glucose tolerance test).

Diabetic angiopathy, which is the cause of poor blood circulation in the internal organs and soft tissues, is diagnosed by performing Dopplerography of the main vessels of the upper and lower extremities. In addition, you should look for signs of dysfunction of other target organs in diabetes mellitus - kidneys, eyes and heart. In diabetic nephropathy, there will be an increase in creatinine and urea levels. diabetic retinopathy ( retinal damage) is determined by examining the fundus by direct ophthalmoscopy or special instrumental methods. Dysfunction of the heart can be determined with simple electrocardiography, however, more accurate and modern methods include echocardiography combined with dopplerography and coronary angiography.

Diabetic neuropathy diagnosed by taking an anamnesis and performing some instrumental studies. When collecting anamnesis ( medical history) find out if the patient has difficulty in lifting objects and recognizing them by touch, tingling in the hands, unsteady gait, erectile dysfunction and others. Instrumental research involves determining the level of tactile, pain, temperature and deep vibration sensitivity by using special devices.

Diagnosis of hand numbness in atherosclerosis

Atherosclerosis usually develops in patients older than 40 years, so hand numbness in younger patients is most likely due to another cause. With pronounced atherosclerotic changes in the upper limbs, the patient can have different blood pressure on the right and left hand, as well as determine the difference in the strength and height of the pulse.

Among laboratory studies, the most useful will be the determination of the level total cholesterol, its fraction and the level of triglycerides. With atherosclerosis, these indicators are usually significantly increased.

The study of the patency of the main vessels of the upper extremities is carried out using Dopplerography. With severe atherosclerosis on plain radiography chest the corresponding changes in the aorta are determined.

Diagnosis of hand numbness in alcoholism

In this case, the patient's history should be taken into account. In particular, attention should be paid to the long experience of drinking alcoholic beverages, as well as to the pronounced withdrawal syndrome with temporary abstinence.

As mentioned earlier, alcohol has an extremely negative effect on the functioning of brain neurons. Thus, with numbness of the hands against the background of chronic alcohol intoxication, one should pay attention to other symptoms indicating the suffering of neurons. In particular, there is a deterioration in memory and associative thinking, a tremor occurs ( jitter) limbs and epileptic seizures in moments of extreme intoxication.

Among laboratory tests indicating a connection between alcoholism and numbness of the hands, the level of B vitamins should be investigated ( in particular B 1 and B 12) in the blood, which in such patients is often reduced. However, such a study is not available in all laboratories and is not cheap. Instead, doctors empirically prescribe drugs containing B vitamins, after which there is a positive trend in the well-being of patients, of course, subject to the complete cessation of alcohol consumption.

Diagnosis of hand numbness in multiple sclerosis

hand numbness ( more often unilateral) may be one of the manifestations of multiple sclerosis. This symptom is often accompanied by other neurological disorders, the spectrum of which is extremely large, since it depends on which part of the brain is undergoing a change.

Diagnosis of this disease is possible only by performing computed tomography ( CT) or magnetic resonance imaging ( MRI) brain. However, it should be noted that to identify this disease on early stages, even after passing the above studies, it is extremely difficult, due to large quantity diseases for which a differential diagnosis should be made. Patients go to the doctor, as a rule, from the moment the first complaints appear, and according to statistics, they appear when 70% of the brain tissue is already affected by the disease.

Diagnosis of hand numbness in osteochondrosis of the cervical spine

The most common methods for diagnosing osteochondrosis of the cervical spine include radiography, CT or MRI. Also, one should not forget about an extended neurological study based on a comparison of the severity of reflexes of symmetrical parts of the body.

X-ray of the spinal column in the lateral projection allows you to determine areas of pathological convergence of the vertebrae, implying flattening of the intervertebral disc and infringement of the roots of the spinal nerves. Using this inexpensive instrumental method, it is possible to roughly determine the severity of osteochondrosis.

Computed and magnetic resonance imaging allows you to visualize not only dense bone tissue, but also watery tissue of the spinal cord and large spinal nerves. To determine the degree of compression of the above structures, it is recommended to use MRI, since this method has a higher sensitivity to soft tissues and does not cause any harm to the body. CT is used when MRI is not possible ( weight over 120 kg, metal implants in the body).

Diagnosis of hand numbness in intervertebral hernia of the cervical spine

The methods for diagnosing an intervertebral hernia include MRI, and in its absence or in the presence of contraindications, CT. It is possible to suspect a hernia of the cervical intervertebral disc after performing a neurological examination of the patient.

MRI is a method that contributes to the most accurate visualization of the nervous tissue, in particular the spinal cord. Any compression of it or compression of the spinal nerves is detected when this study. CT reveals a herniated disc and somewhat worse reveals the structure of the spinal cord.

Diagnosis of hand numbness in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

amyotrophic lateral sclerosis ( BASS) is one of the most difficult diseases to diagnose. The reason is a wide range of diseases that are clinically manifested in a similar way, as well as its rather rare occurrence among the population. Another factor that does not allow timely diagnosis of this disease is the late appearance of characteristic clinical signs.

Unfortunately, there are no specific laboratory and instrumental methods for diagnosing ALS. The most useful study is considered to be performed in the dynamics of electromyography, which allows to determine the progressive decline muscle tone various parts of the body. However, it should be noted that there may be more reasons for the above violations, and therefore other studies are needed to exclude these reasons. Thus, ALS is a diagnosis of exclusion.

Diagnosis of hand numbness in carpal tunnel syndrome ( carpal tunnel syndrome)

Diagnostics tunnel syndrome based mainly on the collection of anamnesis and the corresponding clinical picture. Some help can be provided by electromyography.

When collecting an anamnesis, special attention should be paid to activities associated with a long and monotonous movement of the hands and fingers. Clinically, this syndrome is manifested by pain, numbness or tingling in the lateral part of the palm and the first three fingers. Electromyography allows you to determine the pathological decrease in the tone of the muscles innervated by the median nerve, distally ( farther) places of its compression.

Diagnosis of hand numbness in Raynaud's disease/syndrome

Diagnosis of this disease is based only on clinical manifestations - blanching, numbness and the appearance of pain in the limbs when they enter an environment with low temperatures. Sometimes there is some constant increase in the erythrocyte sedimentation rate and an increase in the titer of antinuclear antibodies.

Diagnosis of hand numbness in ischemic stroke of the brain

The most important diagnostic tests for cerebral ischemic stroke include MRI, CT and spinal tap. Do not ignore inspection and neurological examination patient, because the data simple methods are able to guide the doctor in the direction of confirming or refuting a stroke even before performing additional studies.

MRI determines the boundaries of cerebral ischemia, starting from the first hours after the onset of a stroke. Using contrast medium (gadolinium) it is possible to accurately localize the site of blockage of the blood vessel. CT is used in the absence of MRI or when there are contraindications to its use. This method has some disadvantages. In particular, he determines the area of ​​ischemia a little later, usually at the end of the first day after the onset of a stroke. positive side both of the above methods is the possibility differential diagnosis with other diseases that have a similar clinical picture.

Spinal puncture and taking cerebrospinal fluid for research also allows you to orient the doctor in one direction or another. In particular, in ischemic stroke, the cerebrospinal fluid is clear, and cytosis often increases ( element content) by increasing the number of neutrophils and lymphocytes. In half of the cases, there may be a slight increase in the amount of protein.

Diagnosis of hand numbness in a brain tumor

The most common and at the same time high-quality methods for diagnosing space-occupying brain lesions include CT and MRI. These studies make it possible to determine the boundaries of the tumor, as well as the area of ​​ischemia of the brain tissue, which usually coincides with the area of ​​its compression.

The cerebrospinal fluid in a brain tumor is usually clear or opalescent. When it is analyzed, a slight increase in the amount of protein can be determined, rarely - an increase in the concentration of leukocytes. In large tumors, atypical cells may be found in the CSF.

Markers of malignant brain tumors have not been developed to date. However, markers of neoplasms of other tissues may be positive if the brain tumor is not primary, but secondary, that is, a metastasis. To confirm this diagnosis, the location of the primary tumor should be identified using ultrasound procedure (ultrasound), scintigraphy, CT and MRI of other parts of the body.

Diagnosis of hand numbness in hypertension

Hypertension is characterized by a persistent or episodic increase in blood pressure. As a rule, to make this diagnosis, it is only necessary to register an increase in blood pressure using a simple tonometer. In order to assert that the numbness of the hands is caused by hypertension, one should measure the pressure at the next appearance of these sensations. If its increase is noted, then there is a connection between a hypertensive crisis and numbness of the hands.

Diagnosis of hand numbness in chronic anemia

To detect chronic anemia, a general detailed blood test should be performed, which describes not only the quantitative characteristics of the cellular elements of the blood, but also the qualitative ones. In addition, some additional diagnostic tests may be needed to determine the cause of the anemia.

Directly the fact of anemia is established on the basis of a decrease in the number of red blood cells ( red blood cells ) or a decrease in the amount of hemoglobin in them. The type of anemia is established by assessing the shape and size of red blood cells. In hemolytic anemias, a high level of bilirubin, in particular the indirect fraction, should be looked for. Chronic folate deficiency and B 12 deficiency anemia is manifested by an increase in the diameter of erythrocytes, and also responds well to replacement therapy literally from the first weeks of treatment. According to these signs, their diagnosis is carried out. Iron deficiency anemia is diagnosed when small red blood cells and a low concentration of iron are found. serum iron. Hypoplastic and aplastic anemias are characterized by a decrease in the number of reticulocytes ( young forms of erythrocytes) in general analysis blood and depletion of the erythrocyte germ during bone marrow puncture.

Diagnosis of hand numbness in vegetative-vascular dystonia

Vegetative-vascular dystonia is a diagnosis of exclusion. When staging it, one should focus on clinical manifestations, as well as exclude organic pathologies that have similar symptoms.

Clinical manifestations of vegetative-vascular dystonia can be extremely diverse. Conventionally, they are divided into three types. With the cardiac type, shortness of breath, discomfort behind the sternum and a feeling of a strong heartbeat are noted. In the hypertensive type, headaches and jumps in blood pressure predominate. In the hypotensive type, there is a pronounced general malaise, numbness, cold extremities and permanently low blood pressure.

Diagnosis of hand numbness in rheumatoid arthritis

Diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis is based on an assessment of the clinical picture, laboratory and radiological studies.

In the clinical picture of rheumatoid arthritis, deformity of the fingers and, less often, legs is distinguished due to the appearance of painful rheumatic nodules. In the classic course of the disease, a positive rheumatoid factor should be determined, as well as antibodies to cyclic citrullinated peptide ( ACCP). On the radiograph of patients, inflammatory changes in the articular cartilage of the small joints of the hand, as well as areas of periarticular osteoporosis, are determined.

Diagnosis of hand numbness in thoracic outlet syndrome

Thoracic outlet syndrome involves compression of nerves and, less commonly, vascular structures this area. Compression can be carried out by additional cervical ribs or some muscles.

The cervical ribs are usually visible on plain x-rays, however, it is impossible to rely on this study alone when making a diagnosis, since it is impossible to confirm the fact of compression of a particular nerve or the entire cervical plexus on an x-ray. The final study is MRI, in which it is possible to accurately determine the areas of compression of the nervous tissue, the degree of this compression, and develop tactics for further treatment.

Diagnosis of hand numbness in shoulder plexitis

Diagnosis of plexitis of the shoulder joint is based on a characteristic clinical picture, ultrasound, radiography, CT or MRI.

With shoulder plexitis, the patient complains of severe pain in the axillary region, spreading to the entire arm, often accompanied by a feeling of tingling and numbness.

Ultrasound determines the diameter and structure of the brachial plexus. With sufficient experience, using ultrasound, the doctor can detect signs of inflammation of the nerve plexus. It is possible to suspect the development of inflammation of the brachial plexus by performing a targeted radiography of the shoulder joint and surrounding soft tissues. In this case, it is recommended to use digital x-ray machines, which have greater image clarity. The final diagnosis is established on the basis of MRI. In its absence or the presence of contraindications, CT is performed.

Diagnosis of hand numbness in tick-borne encephalitis

Diagnosis of tick-borne encephalitis is based on a characteristic clinical picture, as well as on laboratory tests.

If tick-borne encephalitis is suspected, first of all, attention should be paid to the relationship between the development of signs of the disease and the tick bite. A few hours after the tick bite, body temperature rises, severe weakness associated with headache appears, the face and throat become full-blooded. The feeling of numbness of the extremities can be felt by the patient with an extremely pronounced general weakness.

Among laboratory studies, preference is given to serological methods, in particular, the method of paired sera. This method involves recording at least a fourfold increase in the concentration of antibodies to the tick-borne encephalitis virus in two blood samples taken - at the onset of the disease and after one to two weeks. There are several methods to determine the antibody titer, but enzyme immunoassay is considered the most sensitive and early.

Diagnosis of hand numbness in borreliosis

Diagnosis of Lyme disease borreliosis) is based on the characteristic clinical picture and laboratory data.

The clinical picture of borreliosis can be different. Regarding the feeling of numbness of the hands in this disease, it should be said that it is often preceded by pain and a decrease in muscle tone. Strengthening of these symptoms occurs mainly at night. Similar symptoms are observed not only in the hands, but can appear on any part of the body.

Laboratory diagnostics includes bacteriological and serological methods. By bacteriological methods is meant the presence of Borrelia in almost all liquid media of the body ( blood, urine, cerebrospinal fluid, etc.). This method requires about 1 - 2 weeks, which is acceptable for borreliosis timely diagnosis. More rapid are serological methods based on the determination of the titer of antibodies to the causative agent of the disease.

Diagnosis of hand numbness in neurosyphilis

Diagnosis of neurosyphilis and, in particular, spinal tabes is based on knowledge of the clinical picture of this disease, on laboratory and instrumental research methods.

The feeling of numbness of the hands with spinal dryness develops approximately 18 to 20 years after infection with syphilis. It begins with a gradual slow decrease in sensitivity and ends with a complete loss of all its types. In parallel with this, a general decrease in muscle tone develops throughout the body.

Laboratory diagnosis of syphilis at this stage consists in the determination of antibodies to pale treponema ( the most common reaction of this type is the microprecipitation reaction or the Wasserman reaction). The definition of a living pathogen is carried out in a transparent drop.

Spinal cord injury is seen on MRI as destruction back horns spinal cord. Sensitivity disorders are determined by the method of evoked potentials, which establishes the speed of nerve excitation from the periphery to the brain.

Treating the Causes of Hand Numbness

As it became clear, hand numbness is a symptom of a large number of diseases. The need for treatment and its focus entirely depends on the underlying disease, against which this symptom appeared.

Below are special cases of treatment of numbness of the hands with:

  • uncomfortable body position;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • alcoholism;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • osteochondrosis of the cervical spine;
  • intervertebral hernia of the cervical spine;
  • amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) Charcot's disease);
  • tunnel syndrome ( carpal tunnel syndrome);
  • Raynaud's disease/syndrome;
  • ischemic stroke of the brain;
  • brain tumors;
  • hypertension;
  • chronic anemia;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • thoracic inlet syndrome;
  • shoulder plexitis;
  • tick-borne encephalitis;
  • borreliosis ( Lyme disease);
  • neurosyphilis.

Treatment of numbness of the hands with an uncomfortable body position

Treatment for numbness of the hands on the background awkward position body is to give the limb a position in which blood circulation would not be disturbed. Most often, the hands go numb in those who like to sleep on their side, putting one of their hands under the pillow. In order to avoid this, it is recommended to try to fall asleep in the most correct sleeping position - on your back on a low pillow.

Treatment of hand numbness in diabetes mellitus

Hand numbness in diabetes mellitus occurs as a result of the natural course of the disease. The worse the level of glucose in the blood is controlled, the sooner the changes in peripheral blood vessels and nerve receptors occur. In this regard, attention should be paid to the prevention of these changes, that is, to select proper treatment diabetes mellitus and strictly follow it. It is also important to periodically visit the endocrinologist and take control tests, and, if necessary, adjust the treatment.

If numbness of the hands has already developed, then some effect can be expected from medicines from the group of microcirculation correctors ( pentoxifylline, actovegin, etc.). However, it should be remembered that such treatment is symptomatic and has a positive effect only for a while, after which the numbness of the hands appears again. Preparations based on B vitamins have a certain effect, since they improve the metabolism of the myelin sheaths of neurons, thus increasing the speed of transmission of impulses from nerve endings to the brain.

Treatment of hand numbness in atherosclerosis

Treatment of atherosclerosis, like the treatment of diabetes, largely depends on the patient. This implies an understanding by the patient of the essence of the disease and his complete willingness to cooperate.

First of all, it is necessary to slow down the processes of cholesterol deposition in the inner membranes of blood vessels and prevent the formation of atherosclerotic plaques. This is achieved by following a diet and a regimen of enhanced physical activity. Diet involves abstaining from foods rich in animal fats ( pork, beef, lard, sausages, etc.) and carbohydrates ( bakery products, sugar, etc.). Along with this, it is necessary to increase the content of protein-rich foods in the diet ( dietary meat, fish, mushrooms, beans, etc.). Physical activity should be enhanced, but not excessive. Preferred is jogging 1-2 times a day for 20-30 minutes, swimming for 30-60 minutes 2-3 times a week. After such a change in the daily routine, blood lipids will decrease significantly on their own.

If during treatment it is not possible to achieve the desired blood fat index, then treatment with lipid-lowering drugs should be started. The most common representatives of this group today include simvastatin and atorvastatin. However, in connection with negative effect on the liver, their use implies significant limitations. Rosuvastatin is the last and most perfect representative of the group of lipid-lowering drugs, since it combines a significantly higher efficiency than its predecessors with much less pronounced side effects, including those on hepatic metabolism.

In case of critical stenoses of the arteries of the upper extremities, when treatment with lipid-lowering agents does not bring the desired effect, one should resort to surgical treatment. In particular, two methods are used - stenting and shunting. Stenting involves the introduction of a thin metal cylinder into the lumen of the vessel, which, opening at the site of narrowing, restores the patency of the vessel. Shunting is a technique that creates a collateral ( workaround) around the site of narrowing of the vessel by an atherosclerotic plaque. As a result, adequate blood supply to the limb is restored. These methods are used primarily in cardiac surgery and apply to atherosclerotic narrowing of the coronary arteries. However, with severe atherosclerosis of the vessels of the upper extremities, these methods can be used with no less success.

Hand numbness treatment for alcoholism

Of course, the first step towards eliminating hand numbness in alcoholism is to stop drinking alcohol. Without given condition further attempts at treatment are unsuccessful.

Despite the fact that alcohol is not unreasonably considered a poison for the body, for unknown reasons, it prevents the deposition of cholesterol in the blood vessels, preventing the development of atherosclerosis. Therefore, the cause of hand numbness in alcoholism lies not in the blockage of blood vessels, but in something else.

It has been observed that patients in alcoholic coma a sharply reduced level of vitamin C and B vitamins is determined. These vitamins, especially B vitamins, play important role in the metabolism of Schwann cells that form the myelin sheath around the nerves. The myelin sheath, in turn, is responsible for providing a high transmission rate nerve impulse. Thus, alcoholism leads to degeneration of nerve fibers, which is considered partially reversible. In this regard, after stopping alcohol consumption, you should take preparations containing B vitamins for several months. Vitamin C is best obtained from natural sources, since it is much better absorbed by the body than dietary supplements.

Treatment of hand numbness in multiple sclerosis

Treatment of multiple sclerosis is divided into pathogenetic and symptomatic. Pathogenetic treatment involves the impact on the cause or mechanism of the development of the disease in order to slow it down or interrupt it. Symptomatic treatment is aimed at reducing the severity of the manifestations of the disease. Unfortunately, cases of complete recovery from multiple sclerosis have not been recorded.

The means of pathogenetic treatment include hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs, beta-1a interferons and synthetic analogues of ACTH ( adrenocorticotropic hormone).

Symptomatic treatments include painkillers, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, proton pump inhibitors, etc.

Treatment of hand numbness in osteochondrosis of the cervical spine

Treatment of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine allows you to get rid of the feeling of numbness in the hands.

The simplest and most effective means of combating osteochondrosis are measures aimed at strengthening the paravertebral and cervical muscles. For this purpose, swimming several times a week is perfect. This reduces the load on the spinal column and improves blood circulation in the area of ​​the deformed intervertebral disc. In addition, it is important not to do heavy physical work in order to avoid excessive loads on the spinal column.

Artificial traction of the spine has a good and often long-term effect, which also reduces the load on the spine. Helps strengthen the spinal muscles exercise therapy classes (physical therapy).

Physiotherapeutic methods such as magnetotherapy, electrophoresis or amplipulse reduce inflammation, improve microcirculation and accelerate recovery processes. Wellness massage allows you to relieve compensatory muscle spasm, which, as a rule, is one-sided. However, one should also remember about such contraindications of therapy as cardiac arrhythmias, the presence of an artificial pacemaker, malignant tumors, malignant arterial hypertension, etc.

Among medications, selective and ultraselective non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are the most popular. medicines (nimesil, indomethacin, ibuprofen, celecoxib, etc.), as well as chondroprotectors ( chondroitin sulfate, glucosamine, etc.). The former are used primarily to relieve exacerbations of the disease, and the latter to improve the regeneration of the intervertebral disc, which consists of cartilage tissue.

With insufficient effectiveness of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, they resort to the implementation of nerve blocks, in which a slowly consumed anesthetic is injected into the area of ​​​​the pinched nerve. Thus, blockades are an effective and relatively long-term means of eliminating pain in cervical osteochondrosis. However, their use is limited by the risks of damage to nerve formations and blood vessels. In addition, like any other invasive procedure ( implying a violation of the integrity of the skin), blockade can lead to the development of septic complications.

An extreme measure for the treatment of osteochondrosis is the surgical removal of a deformed intervertebral disc with the implantation of strong metal fasteners that maintain the anatomical integrity of the spinal cord and nerves extending from it.

Treatment of hand numbness in intervertebral hernia of the cervical spine

With numbness of the hands against the background of a herniated disc, excessive physical exertion should be avoided in the first place, as they threaten to aggravate the severity of the protrusion. In addition, steps should be taken to reduce spinal compression. The most simple and effective means include stretching on the horizontal bar for 10-20 minutes a day in several approaches, as well as swimming. There have been cases of reverse reduction of hernias after performing only the above exercises.

Physiotherapy and massage have a certain effect. Physiotherapy helps to reduce inflammation, improve blood circulation at the site of compression of surrounding tissues by a hernia, as well as accelerate recovery processes. The effect of physiotherapy is individual. In addition, do not forget about the contraindications of this method ( arrhythmias, artificial driver rhythm, malignant arterial hypertension and malignant neoplasms). Properly performed massage eliminates muscle spasm that has developed in response to pain caused by compression of nerve structures.

With increased pain or numbness of the hands, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used ( nimesil, celecoxib, diclofenac, etc.) in order to relieve symptoms of exacerbation. The duration of their use ranges from 5 to 14 days. At the same time, the parallel use of drugs that protect the gastric mucosa from the aggressive effects of these drugs is recommended ( pantoprazole, rabeprazole, famotidine, almagel, etc.).

Protrusion of the intervertebral disc ( pre-hernial state) it is recommended to use chondroprotectors in courses of several months each with the same breaks. With a hernia that has formed, the drugs of this group are practically useless.

Nerve blockades are a high-quality analgesic method with a relatively long-term effect. However, it is fraught with the development of a number of complications, which in themselves may be more severe than the underlying disease.

The only radical method of treatment of herniated intervertebral discs of the cervical spine is their surgical removal with the strengthening of the adjacent vertebrae with a metal frame. However, it should be remembered that this method involves a full-fledged operation with general anesthesia ( anesthesia). The risks of such an operation depend on such factors as the experience of surgeons, the size of the hernia, the age of the patient, comorbidities, etc.

Treatment of hand numbness in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

Unfortunately, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis is incurable disease nervous system. The only drug that has shown some effectiveness is called riluzole ( Rilutek). Long-term use of it allows you to somewhat slow down the progression of the disease and delay the death of the patient.

Hand numbness treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome

The first condition for the treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome ( carpal tunnel syndrome) is to ensure rest of the entire injured limb. It will not be superfluous at all to be average in duration ( 5 - 7 days) a course of anti-inflammatory drugs used internally ( meloxicam), and externally in the form of ointments and creams ( diclofenac, indomethacin, etc.). When pain occurs in the background of treatment epigastric region it is recommended to take drugs that protect the gastric mucosa in parallel ( almagel, ranitidine, pantoprazole, bismuth preparations, etc.).

A moderate anti-inflammatory and resolving effect is achieved by the appointment of physiotherapy ( electrophoresis with lidase, ultrahigh frequency (UHF) therapy).

In the absence of positive dynamics from the above methods, they resort to surgical expansion of the carpal tunnel.

Treatment of hand numbness in Raynaud's disease/syndrome

Medical treatments for Raynaud's disease include drugs that dilate peripheral arterioles. Unfortunately, such drugs have serious side effects, and given that the patient is forced to take them throughout his life, this treatment option is recognized as irrational. Syndrome treatment ( phenomenon) Reynaud is to eliminate the disease against which it arose.

Surgical treatment of this pathology is considered the most effective. It consists in the excision of sympathetic nerve fibers responsible for the contraction of peripheral vessels. Thus, if before the operation, the vessels of the fingers or hands spasmed when exposed to cold, then after the operation they cease to respond to temperature changes at all.

Treatment of hand numbness in ischemic stroke of the brain

With the development of the acute phase of ischemic stroke, the main task is to limit the spread of the ischemic zone, restore blood circulation, and also maintain the basic vital functions of the patient - breathing and heartbeat. Numbness of the hands, as a rule, is an intermediate stage in the development of limb paralysis.

After the acute phase has passed, a recovery period begins. Recovery is carried out both medically and non-drug methods. To reduce the effects of ischemic stroke, drugs such as cerebrolysin, piracetam, clopidogrel, acetylsalicylic acid are used ( aspirin), nimodipine, pentoxifylline, etc. Barotherapy ( oxygenation of the patient in a chamber with high atmospheric pressure) speeds up the recovery of the patient.

Special attention should be paid to occupational therapy. The more intensively the patient will be engaged in the restoration of lost functions, the sooner they will return. In particular, hand numbness may disappear completely after a few months of practice. Of course, there can be no talk of any specifics, since too many factors can affect the pace and success of recovery.

Hand numbness treatment for brain tumors

If a brain tumor is the cause of hand numbness, then the only way get rid of this discomfort is the surgical removal of the tumor.

In some cases, before removing the tumor, radiotherapy or chemotherapy is performed to reduce its size. Thus, as the tumor shrinks, the numbness of the hands may decrease or disappear altogether, depending on how much the tumor squeezed the corresponding motor centers of the brain.

Hand numbness treatment for hypertension

It is possible to avoid hand numbness in hypertension only by maintaining optimal blood pressure numbers. In other words, hypertensive crises should not be allowed, in which this unpleasant symptom.

Maintaining a normal level of blood pressure is carried out by combining drugs of five main groups - ACE inhibitors (angiotensin converting enzyme) (captopril, lisinopril, enalapril), diuretic ( furosemide, spironolactone, hydrochlorothiazide), beta-blockers ( metoprolol, atenolol, nebivolol), calcium channel blockers ( nifedipine, diltiazem, verapamil) and angiotensin II receptor blockers ( losartan, valsartan, irbesartan, etc.).

Treatment of hand numbness in chronic anemia

Numbness of the hands, which arose against the background of chronic anemia, disappears when normal rheological parameters are restored.

Different types of anemia require a variety of treatments. With the most common iron deficiency anemia requires taking medications containing ferrous and ferric salts. With B 12-deficiency and folate deficiency anemia, it is also necessary to increase the intake of these substances into the body by consuming rich in them food products or by using drugs of the same name. In aplastic and autoimmune anemia, glucocorticosteroids are actively used. In addition, bone marrow transplantation is practiced for aplastic anemia.

Treatment of hand numbness in vegetative-vascular dystonia

Hand numbness is one of the many manifestations of vegetative-vascular dystonia. This disease does not have a template treatment due to its versatility and pathogenesis not fully understood. Often its development is initiated by mental traumas and neuroses, therefore, in healing process psychologists and psychiatrists may well be included.

In addition, in the treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia, a huge share is occupied by a variety of physiotherapeutic areas from banal electrophoresis and UHF to balneotherapy and acupuncture.

Hand numbness treatment for rheumatoid arthritis

The basis of treatment is the use of short and medium duration courses of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs ( ibuprofen, diclofenac, meloxicam, etc.). Physiotherapy has a different effect.

Treatment of hand numbness in thoracic outlet syndrome

Numbness of the hands in the syndrome of the upper outlet of the chest in the vast majority of cases is treated surgically by removing the structures compressing the nerve trunks.

Medical methods in rare cases may relieve symptoms somewhat, but they are not able to completely eliminate this syndrome.

Hand numbness treatment for shoulder plexitis

Since in most cases plexitis of the shoulder joint is associated with severe pain, their elimination should be a top priority. For this, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs with an emphasis on analgesic effect are suitable ( dexketoprofen, ketorolac, etc.). These same agents reduce the intensity of inflammation and reduce swelling of the nerve bundles.

Effective drugs are from the group of microcirculation correctors ( pentoxifylline), vitamins ( predominantly groups B and C).

Physiotherapeutic agents and massage accelerate the rehabilitation process, but they are acceptable only after the acute phase of the disease has passed.

Hand numbness treatment for tick-borne encephalitis

Hand numbness that occurs a few days after a tick bite may be one of the early signs encephalitis. If the additional laboratory and instrumental studies confirm this, then the main goal is the treatment of encephalitis, the success of which depends on the life of the patient.

Unfortunately, no specific treatment for tick-borne encephalitis virus has been developed to date. The main objectives of treatment include the maximum reduction in the intensity of inflammation of the brain, as well as maintaining vitality. important functions organism ( artificial lung ventilation, hemodynamic correction). Of course, such procedures are not possible at home, therefore, if you suspect encephalitis, you should immediately call an ambulance that will take the patient to medical Center specializing in the treatment of such conditions. Inflammation is eliminated mainly by the appointment of glucocorticosteroids. When layering a bacterial infection, antibiotics are prescribed taking into account their microbiological spectrum of action.

If encephalitis is cured, hand numbness may disappear. However, quite often similar symptoms remain for life as residual manifestations encephalitis. In order to avoid this disease, you should get the appropriate vaccine before visiting places endemic in tick-borne encephalitis (Siberia, Ural, Far East, Volga region, etc.).

Treatment of hand numbness in borreliosis

Hand numbness refers to neurological manifestations borreliosis occurring in the second and third stages of the disease. As a rule, the onset of these stages occurs after unsuccessful treatment or its absence, and, ultimately, leads to chronic infection. Chronic borreliosis in the second stage is much more difficult to treat. The third stage of this disease is considered practically incurable.

Main medicines used in the treatment of chronic borreliosis are antibiotics of the penicillin and cephalosporin group. Tetracyclines, actively used in the treatment of acute borreliosis, in chronic stages are used much less frequently.

Hand numbness treatment for neurosyphilis

Antibiotic treatment for some forms of neurosyphilis penicillin series injected into the spinal canal and systemically, can lead to recovery of the patient. However, the dorsal tassel ( the most severe form of neurosyphilis) is incurable and gradually leads to the disability of the patient, and then to his death.

What is the cause of finger numbness?

The main cause of finger numbness without palmar numbness is a disease or phenomenon ( syndrome) Raynaud.

Raynaud's disease refers to the primary spasm of the distal phalanges of the fingers. This means that when exposed to cold or in stressful situations, the fingers become pale or bluish in color, and also become numb and sore. Raynaud's disease is considered an idiopathic disease ( with unknown etiology), which distinguishes it from Raynaud's syndrome or phenomenon, which manifests itself similarly, but as a result of the natural course of a different disease. In other words, Raynaud's phenomenon is a secondary pathology.

Raynaud's phenomenon can be observed in diseases such as:

  • systemic scleroderma;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • atherosclerosis of the vessels of the upper extremities;
  • thromboangiitis obliterans;
  • taking certain medications cytostatics, ergotamine, etc.);
  • vibration disease;
  • intoxication with vinyl chloride vapors, etc.
In most cases, numbness of the fingers with the above diseases is common, that is, all fingers are affected. Thromboangiitis obliterans and atherosclerosis of the vessels of the upper extremities often have a unilateral manifestation, while other diseases usually affect the fingers of both hands.

Mention should be made of finger numbness during pregnancy, since this symptom often worries expectant mothers. The reason for its development, as a rule, is hidden in microcirculation changes occurring in female body on the basis of a changed hormonal background. The body strives to concentrate the blood in the growing uterus for the best supply to the fetus. essential substances and oxygen. This effect is achieved by increasing the tone of peripheral vessels, in particular, the vessels of the fingers. Numbness in this case spreads to all fingers and intensifies with a decrease in temperature. environment mimicking the Raynaud phenomenon. Nevertheless, for complete peace of mind, it is recommended to undergo a series of diagnostic procedures to exclude the pathological causes that cause this symptom.

Numbness of individual fingers can develop with deep injuries of the hand, accompanied by nerve damage. In addition, after injuries, contractures may remain, squeezing the nerves of the fingers and preventing the transmission of impulses. Surgical dissection of such contractures can restore the former sensitivity.

What to do with simultaneous numbness of the hands and feet?

Simultaneous numbness of the upper and lower extremities can occur with severe stress, acute anemia and intoxication with certain substances. Less commonly, this symptom is observed with severe atherosclerosis, cerebral stroke, compression of the cervical spinal cord, etc. Its elimination should be focused on eliminating the cause that caused it.

Stress is the most common cause of simultaneous hand and foot numbness. The reaction of the body to a dangerous factor can be extremely diverse. Some people sweat profusely, some involuntarily squint, sneeze, have difficulty speaking simple words etc. The whole difference lies only in the peculiarities of the action of adrenaline on the central nervous system of a single individual.

As a rule, after calming down, this unpleasant symptom disappears on its own. Therefore, in order to speed up the process of calming, one should offer an agitated person water, in which 20-40 drops would not be superfluous. alcohol solution valerian. With insufficient effect of the above method, there are stronger sedatives, sleeping pills and antidepressants. The most common of them are diazepam, phenazepam, alprazolam, etc.

Acute anemia
Most common cause acute anemia - blood loss. When the wound is on the surface of the skin, then the diagnosis of numbness of the hands is not difficult, and the treatment suggests itself. It is much worse when internal bleeding develops or bleeding into the lumen of the gastrointestinal tract, which in most sources refers to external bleeding. The whole difficulty is that they can be plentiful and at the same time have meager manifestations.

In most cases, symptoms internal bleeding include pallor, tachycardia ( increase in heart rate), numbness of the limbs and sudden weakness, up to a coma. Sometimes there may be pain in the area of ​​bleeding, some swelling, nausea and vomiting of red blood or "coffee grounds".

If you notice the above symptoms, you should immediately call an ambulance. Before her arrival, it is necessary to give the patient horizontal position and raise your legs above head level. When vomiting, the patient should be laid on one side to avoid getting vomit into the respiratory tract. When breathing and heartbeat stop, cardiopulmonary resuscitation is performed ( artificial respiration and chest compressions).

Simultaneous numbness of the hands and feet can occur with intoxication with nicotine, various drugs, medicines and alcohol, both high-quality and surrogate. As a rule, the clinic of each type of poisoning has its own characteristics, but common signs are clouding of the mind, changes in reflexes and vomiting.

The only way to get out of this state is to detoxify the body with special solutions ( hemodez) and extracorporeal methods ( plasmapheresis), as well as the immediate introduction of an antidote, if one exists.

Generalized atherosclerosis
Generalized atherosclerosis is characterized by the formation of atherosclerotic plaques in all vessels of the body, greatly impairing peripheral circulation. At the same time, the blood supply to the large nerves of the limbs worsens, which causes a feeling of numbness in them.

brain stroke
A cerebral stroke in most cases is characterized by damage to the arm and leg on one side of the body. The cause of this condition is the blockage of the cerebral artery by a thrombus or embolus, as well as the development of hemorrhage in the brain tissue. In addition to numbness and paralysis of the limbs, there are various other focal symptoms, such as dumbness, behavior change, hallucinations, mental disorders, etc. The treatment of numbness of the limbs coincides with the treatment of the underlying disease, that is, a stroke.

Compression of the cervical spinal cord
The spinal cord consists of a huge number of neurons and pathways that provide movement and different kinds sensitivity of the whole body. Simultaneous numbness of the arms and legs can occur when the cervical spinal cord is compressed by a tumor, vertebral body, aneurysm, hematoma, etc.

In most cases, the degree of numbness in the hands and feet is different. In addition, often the intensity of numbness and its nature in the right and left parts of the body are also different. A prerequisite is the slow development of this condition, since with a sharp injury to the spinal cord, shock and death occur.

To eliminate the numbness of the hands and feet with the above pathology, the cause of compression should be eliminated. This is usually done through surgery.

How is hand numbness during pregnancy explained?

Hand numbness during pregnancy can be both physiological and pathological.

During pregnancy, a woman's body undergoes numerous changes to ensure best conditions for fetal growth. One of them is the centralization of blood circulation, which is especially pronounced in pregnant women with anemia.

Under the centralization of blood circulation is meant an increase in blood circulation in the region of internal organs and its decrease in the soft tissues of the periphery. This effect is achieved by increasing the tone of the arterioles of the skin by excessive activation of the sympathetic nervous system. As a result, the skin looks paler than usual, and becomes numb when cooled. The intensity of numbness is usually the same on both hands.

It is important to note that such changes are more typical for the initial periods of pregnancy. After some time, there is an increase in the rate of production of blood elements, and the redistribution of blood, as an adaptive mechanism, is no longer necessary.

It should also be added that the appearance of numbness of the hands in pregnant women may well develop due to any disease. The spectrum of diseases that can lead to this is as wide as for other people. The diagnosis of these pathologies does not differ from the standards, however, treatment should take into account the impossibility of using a number of medications that are unacceptable during pregnancy.

Which doctor should I contact for hand numbness?

In case of numbness of the hands, first of all, you should contact family doctor. If numbness develops acutely, presumably due to a stroke or bleeding, then you should immediately call an ambulance.

Due to the fact that the number of diseases that can cause numbness of the hands is very large, it is necessary first of all to consult a doctor who could roughly determine the direction in which to look for the cause of the disease.
This specialist is a family doctor.

If the family doctor fails to eliminate this symptom on his own, then he can refer the patient for a consultation with the appropriate narrow-profile specialist.

  • cardiologist;
  • hematologist;
  • rheumatologist;
  • neurologist;
  • psychiatrist;
  • physiotherapist;
  • rehabilitation specialist;
  • angiosurgeon;
  • neurosurgeon
  • infectious disease specialist, etc.
The cardiologist is responsible for the treatment of hypertension, which often causes hand numbness. A hematologist deals with the treatment of chronic anemia. Rheumatologist eliminates hand numbness in systemic diseases connective tissue and degenerative osteoarticular diseases.

A neurologist in collaboration with a neurosurgeon helps to eliminate hand numbness in osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, intervertebral hernias, brain tumors, neurosyphilis, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, etc.

The psychiatrist is involved in the treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia that has arisen against the background of neuroses. A physical therapist deals with the symptomatic treatment of most physical causes of hand numbness.

An angiosurgeon may be necessary in generalized atherosclerosis to insert a stent or perform bypass surgery. An infectious disease specialist treats borreliosis and tick-borne encephalitis.

They helped me. I came to the clinic with pain in my left shoulder. The pain has lessened. I don't regret coming here. The doctor Elena Arkadievna is attentive, polite, explains everything in an accessible way. I'm not parting!

Salaeva Violetta Kazbekovna, 78 years old

Thanks and congratulations for the Health Workshop! On these holidays, Defender of the Fatherland Day and March 8, I ask you to congratulate everyone and especially the excellent doctor Egorov V.L., wonderful D.E. Vetrova, Alekhintsev S.E., Stepanov E.A. and all the treatment room staff, Alexandra and her entire team. I wish you all good health, always good mood, fulfillment of desires, success in your work and great personal happiness. With gratitude, V.I. Belyaeva

Belyaeva V.I., 72 years old

I suffered from chronic pain for 8 months, in the clinic and hospital they dismissed or made vague diagnoses, despite all the information that I provided ... Viktor Anatolyevich is a doctor who accurately diagnosed my problem in the shortest possible time. The professional skills of such a highly qualified specialist are what I have been critically lacking for a long time. Many thanks to the doctor and all the staff of the clinic!

Maklashin B.

I express my deep gratitude to the attending physician Khislavskaya Elena Vladimirovna! Long and painful trips to the district clinic and the consultation center of the Kalininsky district led to nothing, none of the doctors could make an accurate diagnosis, they did not find anything, they just shrugged, and some of them were sent to a psychotherapist. I got worse and worse. As the last hope was this clinic, I got to Elena Vladimirovna. She was so attentive to my problem, correctly diagnosed (Tittze's syndrome), prescribed treatment, and slowly I began to get out. I believe that only her sensitive attitude to the person, the desire to understand gave the result. Since the disease was started, the treatment was for 2 months and then even after discharge, recovery. Yes, it costs money, but taking into account the fact that going through compulsory medical insurance and even paid specialists from other clinics did not bring results, it is definitely worth it. I was returned to a normal life, than it can be measured! I want to say special thanks to the orthopedist Rustam Fanilievich, he did the blockade, very carefully and accurately. I also express my deep gratitude to the masseur Gubernatorov Sergey Nikolaevich, he has golden hands. And to all the staff of the clinic for their friendly and sensitive attitude!

Olga, St. Petersburg

I express my gratitude to the staff of the clinic for the respectful and Attentive attitude to patients. I would like to separately thank such doctors as Soboleva Svetlana Nikolaevna, Kustova Marina Anatolyevna, Akhmadullina Tamara Nurievna, Chernov Andrey Aleksandrovich for their professionalism, kindness of heart and great skill. It is a great happiness that such competent, skillful and talented, caring people work exactly where they are most needed. I wish prosperity and well-being to your clinic and the specialists who work in it.

Kudryavtseva Natalya Pavlovna, 65 years old

She underwent a course of treatment at the "Workshop of Health" and in particular with Stanislav Vladimirovich. I want to express my deep gratitude for the help rendered to me, for the golden hands. A very attentive and sensitive doctor, taking into account my diagnosis (hernias, protrusions, etc.), used soft techniques and after each session my state of health improved and my life got better, I could not wait to see him so that he would alleviate my suffering. Stanislav Vladimirovich thank you very much, I will definitely recommend you to those who need the same help.


She was treated by Lisina E.A. Very satisfied. She saved me from nervous breakdown, cured me. Problems with the hip joints. She prescribed plasma therapy. I am very grateful to her. All clinic staff are polite and attentive. All medical staff are excellent workers. I am very grateful to all the staff of the Health Workshop. I also thank Alexander Sergeevich Kryukov, who immediately understood my condition and handed me over to E.A. Lisina.

Kharevich Lyudmila Vladimirovna

Doctor Kryukov Alexander Sergeevich. Thank you for your advice and treatment. Very competent, knowledgeable and caring doctor. Thank you!

Pleskovskaya Elena Vyacheslavovna

I would like to sincerely thank the entire team of the Health Workshop at 224B Moskovsky Ave. Absolutely everything: both doctors and administrators are very attentive and professional. I received the treatment that I wanted to receive. I will definitely apply again to maintain my current - very good condition - of the musculoskeletal system. I would especially like to thank the neurologist Lisina E.A., the hirudotherapist Lapin G.V., the chiropractor Daskovsky S.V. and physiotherapist Gvirdzhishvili D.T. It's just a pleasure to meet and work with them. Thank you!

Alekseeva Yana Vladimirovna

I want to thank Stanislav Vladimirovich for his professionalism, humanity and sensitive attention to patients. A huge thank you to this doctor! Stanislav Vladimirovich is simply a super-doctor, if only there were more such knowledgeable doctors.

Larisa Ivleva

Here is my saving circle - "Health Workshop": my legs do not walk, my back hurts, my head is ringing. I accidentally heard about this clinic on the radio and this is the second time I visit it. I enter and find myself in the kingdom of silence, peace and hope, if not cured, then at least improve my condition. Lovely, charming girls-consultants meet you with kind greetings. They patiently listen to your questions, fill out the necessary documents and escort you to the attending physician. During the waiting period, they offer to watch reference videos on TV, drink a cup of coffee or tea. And all fears behind! Thank you, dear friends. Without your well-coordinated work, attentive, friendly attitude towards the patient, there would not have been such an effect from the visit. And here is the first meeting with the doctor. I was lucky and I think others are as well. I met a real magician who, with just one word, gave me the confidence that I needed to be treated. This is Egorov Vladimir Leonidovich. Who in our district polyclinics would talk to a patient for an hour? Nobody! And Vladimir Leonidovich listened to me carefully, explained the essence of the disease - osteoporosis of the spine, and then selected the necessary treatment for the same amount of time. I am grateful to you, dear doctor, I congratulate you on the coming New Year and wish you health and creative success. With the same wonderful doctors, professionals in their field, very kind and attentive, I talked during the procedures. These are Alekhintseva Svetlana Evgenievna, Stepanova Elena Anatolyevna, Akhmadullina Tamara Nurievna, exercise therapy doctor and, of course, chiropractor Rakhmatov Tolmas Turaevich. This is a doctor from God. His warm hands do wonders. Thank you all for your conscientious work and respect for ordinary people. I want to say a special thank you to all the staff of the treatment room. The work of nurses and a nurse cannot be compared with anything in terms of difficulty and responsibility. And how sensitive, attentive and kind they all are... Forgive me, whom I didn't mention in my message. The whole team works just fine. Happy New Year to the entire team of the clinic! I wish you health, personal happiness, creative success, grateful patients.

Kalinova A.V.

Many thanks to Stanislav Daskovsky!!! Professional in his field with a capital letter!!! My entire spine is covered in numerous hernias and protrusions, for many years it was simply painful to walk. I went through six sessions of manual therapy and felt like a completely different person: the sharp pains were gone, my back really straightened up (I didn’t even think that I could bring the shoulder blades together again as in my youth), the lumbar region seemed to have a second wind. Take care of your hands Stanislav, they are not "simple" with you. Sincerely, Alexey Seregin.


I want to say a big thank you to all the employees of the clinic "Health Workshop" for their attentive attitude to patients. I especially want to note my doctor Khislavskaya E.V. and manual therapist Kabailov A.A. I came to the clinic with acute pain in the groin and lower back. After complex treatment I feel much better. Thank you!

Grigoryeva Elena Leonidovna, 62 years old

I thank all the medical staff for their attention, kindness and competence. I am very grateful to everyone.

Khaygonina Lyubov Fedorovna

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