Hand numbness what to do. The right hand of the cause goes numb during sleep. Methods for diagnosing the disease

When the hands go numb, a feeling of discomfort is created. Most often, the phenomenon haunts people during a night's rest, may be accompanied by aching pains, tingling during stirring.

Causes of numb hands at night

Common cause of hand numbness vasoconstriction. If this happens rarely, you should not worry, but it is better to consult a specialist. If a person feels numb every night, a doctor should be consulted. The doctor will prescribe an examination that will determine the cause of discomfort at night.

The clinical picture may be different. The disease can be long-term or vice versa - short-term. There are cases when in a dream the patient's two hands go numb or only one. It happens that during this phenomenon, vision deteriorates sharply and / or mental disorders appear.

Causes of numbness of the left hand

If numbness of the left hand occurs every night, first of all it is worth contacting cardiologist. It is quite possible that such preconditions speak of pre-infarction state or microstroke and other heart problems. If this happens during the daytime, such a symptom is pre-infarction.

If the cardiologist, after all the necessary studies, excludes heart disease, it is recommended to visit neurologist. In neurology, numbness of the extremities at night can be caused by osteochondrosis, displacement of the vertebrae, and pinched nerve endings.

A metabolic disorder caused by a lack of vitamins A and B can also be a cause. Vitamins are responsible for the nerve sheath, their lack causes damage to the sheath, loss of sensitivity, which often occurs at night, when the body is relaxed.

It can cause illness, most often it concerns people over the age of 40 years. Atherosclerosis affects the ulnar artery and the left forearm.

Numbness of the left hand in a dream can also be caused by mechanical damage. For example, a strong load on the arm when playing sports or wearing tight, compressive clothing can cause discomfort, and during sleep even initiate such unpleasant sensations.

Causes of numbness in the right hand

The right hand may become numb during sleep for the same reasons as the left:

  1. Osteochondrosis.
  2. Right shoulder injury.
  3. Neurology.
  4. Transfer of ships.
  5. scoliosis and so on.

In this case, cardiology is excluded. For advice, it is better to contact your local doctor, who will make a visual examination, conduct a questionnaire and refer you to narrow specialists for further study of the problem.


Hand numbness at night may indicate pre-stroke or pre-infarction state. If you do not turn to a specialist in time, then a stroke and heart attack can be taken by surprise. Also, numb upper limbs in a dream can indicate the presence blood clot in an artery, such a disease can cause a complete loss of sensitivity or even death.

If the examination did not show any abnormalities in the body, pay attention to your bed. Perhaps a bed or sofa does not allow you to completely relax at night, it may also be that your pajamas restrict your movements and, as a result, this causes numbness of the limbs and discomfort throughout the body.

What measures to take during hand numbness

If you are faced with this problem, you should consult a general practitioner, neurologist and cardiologist, as well as undergo the following examinations:

  1. Cardiogram.
  2. MRI of the cervical spine.
  3. X-ray of the spine.
  4. Pass blood tests (general and detailed).

These studies will help to add up the overall picture of the disease. If the results of the study did not reveal any abnormalities, it may make sense to consult a surgeon.

Treatment methods

It is not worth treating the disease on your own, self-treatment can lead to a deterioration in the condition and cause complications. Any treatment is prescribed by a specialist based on the results of the examination.

The main methods of treatment:

  • Physiotherapy. This method allows you to influence blood circulation, improving it and nourishing the cells.
  • Manual therapy. This method allows you to remove the inflammatory process of tissues, reduce vascular hypoxia.
  • exercise therapy. It helps with atrophy of joints and muscles, develops and strengthens them. Exercise therapy improves blood circulation, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, enriches the blood with oxygen.

Gives excellent effect physical exercise. Regular exercise, long walks, daily morning exercises will return blood vessels to normal, oxygenate the blood, and develop muscles. The main thing is not to overdo it.


As a preventive measure, it is best to play sports and adhere to proper nutrition. Physical activity should be moderate, and nutrition should contain maximum benefit and minimum harm.

From numbness of hands in a dream, some folk remedies will help. For example, receiving contrast baths will help strengthen the blood vessels. If contrast hand baths are carried out, then after the procedure it is recommended to rub the limbs with turpentine ointment and put on special gloves designed for cosmetic purposes at night.

With numbness of the upper limbs in a dream, it helps a lot pumpkin porridge. It is necessary to use porridge in a warm form. We put porridge on the entire surface of the hand, and cover it with a woolen product on top. Wrap and hold for 2-3 hours before going to bed.

In any case, you must first consult a doctor to get competent advice and find out the exact cause of nighttime discomfort.

Hello dear readers. Today is a tricky topic.

Often this phenomenon occurs with a headache, and may precede fainting. We will figure out whether it is worth worrying about this, what are the causes of numbness, and how to deal with it.

Hands go numb in a dream - the reasons why this happens?

There are several reasons. They are both very simple and obvious, and well hidden at first glance.

  1. If the pillow is poorly chosen, then it can compress the spine, in particular the cervical region, and, accordingly, the nerve endings that provide the work of the hands. Try to sleep on a special orthopedic pillow and perhaps the problem will go away. And in general, it is good for your spine.
  2. Sleep posture. If you are one of those who like to sleep with their hands up, then the cause of numbness is obvious. Blood simply does not get into hard-to-reach places. The problem is also familiar to nursing mothers who fall asleep with one arm outstretched.
  3. Uncomfortable pajamas, tight nightgown. The cause of the problem may be too rough seams, or tight cuffs. All clothes for a night's rest should be loose, soft and promote relaxation, the maximum free movement of blood through the body.
  4. The constant presence on the fingers of rings and bracelets on the wrists. It is recommended to remove jewelry and avoid wearing products that are too narrow.
  5. Drinking alcohol, coffee and spicy food before bed.

And possibly numbness of the hands, this is one of the symptoms of more complex diseases.

  1. Osteochondrosis of the cervical region. The spinal nerves are pinched. Watch for other symptoms of this disease - a crunch that occurs when you move your head, pain in the neck and back, frequent headaches, weakness in the arms.
  2. carpal tunnel syndrome. There is a compression of the nerves, between the tendons of the muscles and the bones of the wrist. The consequence is the process of numbness of the fingers, and pain in the hands. This is practically a professional ailment of artists and all those who often make monotonous hand movements during work.
  3. Circulatory disorders associated with diabetes, coronary heart disease, anemia and others.
  4. Degenerative processes in the nervous system.
  5. Inflammatory changes in the nerves.
  6. Thiamine deficiency.
  7. Reaction to drinking alcohol.
  8. Multiple sclerosis.
  9. Rheumatoid arthritis.
  10. Pregnancy.
  11. Excessive tension in the muscles of the neck associated with long sitting at the computer.
  12. Arthritis.
  13. Cirrhosis of the liver.
  14. Hypertension.
  15. Severe and prolonged stress.

It is worth concentrating on which hand is numb.

If the problems are associated with the left hand, then most likely this is a manifestation of problems with the cardiovascular system.

It is worth seeking help from a cardiologist. This can serve as a harbinger of serious disorders - heart attack and stroke.

It is also possible that this is a manifestation of atherosclerosis of the brachial and ulnar arteries. Among the possible diseases are problems with the functioning of the kidneys and liver, vitamin deficiency, pneumonia.

If the right hand goes numb, then these are probably manifestations of diseases that are associated with the spine. It is also a possible harbinger of a pre-stroke state. But I don't want to scare anyone.

Therefore, you should urgently consult a doctor if you have:

  1. The process of numbness occurs not only during sleep, but also in the middle of normal daily activities.
  2. If the numbness is prolonged.
  3. The process affects two limbs simultaneously.
  4. The attacks of numbness of the hands during sleep became more frequent.
  5. Hands become numb suddenly, while visual perception is disturbed, and the mental state changes.
  6. Pain and discomfort do not go away for a long time.

Constant numbness can provoke tissue death, so it is worth fighting this phenomenon.

Why does hand numbness occur in pregnant women?

The process of pregnancy is a test for the female body. There are several reasons for numbness:

  1. Violation of the water-salt balance. Edema appears.
  2. Lack of trace elements, which can provoke convulsions.
  3. Changes in the functioning of blood vessels.
  4. Weight set.
  5. Decreased physical activity.
  6. Pathologies accompanying the process of pregnancy.

Why fingers go numb in a dream - what to do

Most often, discomfort appears in the little fingers and middle finger of the hand. The reasons are identical to those that cause numbness of the hands. All fingers can numb, or individually.

Most likely, the problem is justified by damage or compression of the nerves of the cervical spine, arm, and wrist.

Other possible reasons include:

  1. Decreased levels of amyloid in the body.
  2. Shoulder plexus injuries.
  3. Intervertebral hernias and protrusions.
  4. Frostbite.
  5. cervical spondylosis.
  6. Hansen's disease.
  7. Hygroma.
  8. Some immune diseases.
  9. Lyme disease.
  10. Raynaud's disease.
  11. Inflammation of blood vessels.
  12. Buerger's disease.
  13. Hyperventilation.

The little fingers on the hands go numb in a dream - from what it happens

The problems are the same as with numbness of the hands. It can also be a symptom of nerve damage to the hands and fingers, and peripheral neuropathy, a spinal cord injury.

First of all, it is necessary to determine the cause that provokes numbness. Carefully inspect your bed, the food you eat before bed, your sleeping position, and your clothes.

So you can solve the problem, which is associated with external factors. If the problem persists, then you should consult a doctor for a detailed diagnosis.

If numbness is a symptom of a more serious disease, then the main direction of treatment is the fight against the root cause of the disease.

Consult a therapist, most likely he will appoint you an appointment with a neuropathologist and a cardiologist, who will conduct a series of studies to exclude the possibility of serious profile diseases.

But if the problem is related to lifestyle, or it is with a disease that affects the hands, then the doctor will prescribe the necessary procedures.

Most often prescribed:

  1. Physiotherapy.
  2. Therapeutic gymnastics.
  3. Vitamin complex.
  4. Hand exercises.
  5. Massage.
  6. Medicines for strengthening and dilating blood vessels.

Alternative medicine also offers methods for solving this problem: acupuncture, hirudotherapy.

The main treatment can also be supplemented with folk methods.

Recipes known to our ancestors will come to the rescue:

  1. In a glass container, mix 10 grams of camphor alcohol and 50 grams of ammonia. Fill with one liter of water. Add 17 grams of table salt, stir. The salt should completely dissolve. A similar solution is suitable for rubbing a numb limb.
  2. A handful of rosemary should be dissolved in three liters of hot water. Pour warm infusion into the bath. Take a bath before going to bed for 10 minutes.
  3. Rub your hands with mustard oil, and put on cotton gloves and long sleeve pajamas.
  4. Finely chop 3 pickled cucumbers, but not pickled, namely salted. Add three red chili peppers. Pour the mixture over the floor with a liter of vodka. The composition should stand for a week in a glass vessel. The resulting liquid should be used for compresses and rubbing of sore spots.
  5. Cook porridge from the pulp of a ripe pumpkin. Make a hand mask out of porridge, cover with a cloth on top. The porridge should be boiled in water and be warm.
  6. Take contrast baths or contrast showers.
  7. If the problem is related to the vessels, then it is worth doing their strengthening.

    Drink 250 milliliters of hot water in the morning on an empty stomach. Prepare a mixture of a kilogram of celery, a quarter liter of honey, two lemons, and a kilogram of parsley. Mix everything in a blender. Take two tablespoons in the morning before the first meal.

  8. Pour apple cider vinegar into the marsh rosemary tincture, ratio 1/3. Insist for 7 days. If numbness occurs, rub hands with product.
  9. To relieve numbness, pour warm water into a basin, place your hands there, and press on the bottom.

    Repeat the process until the discomfort subsides.

  10. Tie a wool thread around your wrist. Wear the thread until you get better.
  11. Grind black pepper, you will need 100 grams. Fill it with vegetable oil.

    Cook over low heat for half an hour, stirring occasionally. Cool the mixture. Rub it into your hands once a day.

  12. Pour chopped garlic into a half-liter jar. Garlic should take up a third of the jar. Fill with vodka to the top of the jar. Insist 14 days.

    Do not let the sun shine on the jar. Shake the jar a little every day to mix the contents. Use the finished tincture for 30 days, 5 drops three times a day, pre-mixed with 5 milliliters of water.

If the reason lies in the lack of vitamin B group, then you should change the diet to increase its content. Eat more cereals, wholemeal products, nuts, beans, rose hips, beets. And also drink courses of vitamins and minerals.

And you can do gymnastics:

  1. Press your palms to each other. Clench and unclench your fists.
  2. Join your palms. Cross the fingers of the right and left palms, bend and unbend the palms.
  3. Place your hand on the table. The brush should hang freely. Raise your brush up and down.
  4. Gradually bend each finger, starting with the first phalanx, and until it touches the palm of your hand.
  5. Keep your thumb still. Alternately touch the tip of the thumb with all the other fingers of the hand.

For prevention, you should take breaks in work with your hands, every half hour, and do gymnastics.

Hand numbness is a very unpleasant phenomenon. Even if serious diseases do not break behind him, it is worth worrying and taking care of his elimination.

If you notice other signs of dangerous diseases, and if the first measures to combat numbness did not bring the desired results, then do not delay a visit to the doctor.

And the main prevention of the phenomenon is a healthy lifestyle, which includes the absence of bad habits, healthy sleep, regular physical activity, and a nutritious diet.

Take time for your body, and it will respond to you with good health.

Numbness can be dealt with in a variety of ways, as already described. And this should be done. After all, if this happens during sleep, then the problem is not so acute.

And if during the day, then, probably, there are not only problems (physiological and psychological) with the body, but also potential dangers.

For example, if you drive a car or work with complex mechanisms in a factory, then sudden numbness can put your life in real danger: you may simply not have the physical ability to cope with the situation on the road, for example. Therefore, do not put off a visit to the doctor. In any case, this is much better than taking risks and worrying about the possible causes of such symptoms.

Note! Since, in the vast majority of cases, numbness in the hands is associated with osteochondrosis, physical activity is recommended in the first place. I also recommend contacting a chiropractor and taking a course of 5 to 10 massage treatments.

But it is not recommended to even engage in physical therapy on your own, because if the problem, say, lies in the disruption of the cardiovascular system, then physical activity can only aggravate the situation. Approach the solution of this problem competently, and be healthy.

Source: http://narodnayamedicina.com/nemeyut-ruki-vo-sne-prichiny/

Why do hands go numb at night, numb during sleep?

: Causes of finger numbness

Sound sleep is the most pleasant and such a necessary state of the body, when the body is resting, recovering from daily physical and emotional stress. Long sound sleep - speaks of a calm nervous system of a person and it is very important that sleep is like this every night.

However, many people sometimes wake up at night from discomfort that comes from the left or right hand - this is numbness of the hands at night.

It manifests itself as aching pain, tingling, and when the hand is moved, the tingling becomes even stronger, then after some time the tingling and pain calms down and the numbness disappears. Why do my hands go numb at night? Is this a serious violation or just an uncomfortable sleeping position?

It is believed that the main cause of numbness of the hands at night is a violation of blood circulation in the limbs. What other disorders or perhaps diseases lead to such nighttime discomfort?

Should I see a doctor if my hands are numb at night?

In cases where numbness appears due to an uncomfortable posture, squeezing of blood vessels or nerves occurs, that is, a person simply rested his hand, if this does not happen all the time, then you should not worry.

But if the hands become numb during sleep constantly, every night, interfere with sleep and cause anxiety, a doctor's consultation and examination are simply necessary.

Depending on the clinical manifestations, the nature of hand numbness, the doctor will make a diagnosis:

  • If your hands go numb day and night
  • If the numbness lasts for a long time or for a short time
  • If both hands are numb
  • If the right hand goes numb
  • If the left hand is numb
  • Hands become numb suddenly, while the condition is accompanied by visual impairment and mental disorders.

The answers to these questions are very important, because the cause of the violation of the blood supply to the limb depends on whether one arm goes numb, or both, only the hand or the entire arm goes numb, for example:

Why do both hands go numb at night. If the hands are numb at the same time, or then the right, then the left - this indicates a violation of the peripheral or central nervous system. Often the reason for this is cervical osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernia or polyneuropathy.

If the left hand goes numb at night, this disorder is usually associated with changes in cardiac activity. Therefore, an immediate and mandatory consultation with a cardiologist is required.

If the left hand goes numb even during the day, this can be a sign of a serious malfunction of the heart, up to a pre-infarction state, as well as a harbinger of an equally formidable disease - a stroke or a microstroke.

Why does the right hand go numb at night - cardiological problems in this case can most likely be excluded.

If at the same time the left hand becomes numb, then the causes may be carpal tunnel syndrome, arthrosis or cervical osteochondrosis, with a sharp narrowing of the blood vessels of the neck, but it can also be a harbinger of a stroke.

  • The most harmless reason, not associated with any serious diseases or disruption of systems and organs, is a long stay of a person in an uncomfortable position, in tight, tight clothes during sleep.
  • Another reason is that people whose work requires them to repeatedly raise their arms above heart level or who are overexerted by physical exertion from lifting heavy objects are also at increased risk of developing hand numbness during sleep.
  • Incorrect body position in a dream, as a rule, is when the arms are thrown back behind the head - they also provoke numbness of the hands at night. This is explained by the same violation of the blood supply to the limbs, the cardiovascular system at night works in a weakened mode, so the blood does not reach the hands in full, and even more so the hands.
  • Another reason that is quite easy to eliminate is the wrong pillow, which creates the wrong position for the neck during sleep. Too high, not an orthopedic pillow, forces the spine to bend in the cervical region, this can cause the neck to become numb, disrupting the blood supply and nutrition of the nerves of the cervical spine. Due to poor blood circulation in the transferred limbs, discomfort, tingling, and aching unpleasant pains occur, which is why the hands go numb during sleep.

One of the reasons why hands go numb at night is carpal tunnel syndrome or carpal tunnel syndrome.

This syndrome occurs from constant overstrain of the tendons of the hands, usually those who work with their fingers daily, intensively, for many years suffer from this disease - who type a lot on the computer, seamstresses, painters, musicians, those people who make thousands of the same type of work during the day. hand and finger movements.

On the hands of a person there is a narrow channel through which a mass of tendons passes and a nerve that controls the movement of the fingers and the sensitivity of the entire palm.

These tendons and the nerve are protected, however, when there is overexertion, compression of the nerve, swelling of the tendon occurs - which is the cause of numbness of the hands, throbbing pain and tingling.

Such signs of carpal tunnel syndrome occur just at night and most often closer to the morning.

If left untreated, even the muscles of the thumb can die.

At the same time, a person cannot independently tightly clench his fist and completely bend his thumb. Most often, women over the age of 40 suffer from this disease.

Some people have to change jobs and specialties because of this. To relieve symptoms and alleviate this syndrome, doctors prescribe sedative baths, a special set of exercises to relieve tension, and vitamin therapy.

3 reason - Diseases of the spine

In addition to the above reasons, a special place is occupied by disorders associated with various diseases of the spine.

If a person not only gets numb hands at night, but also periodically experiences dizziness, unexplained headaches, and even loss of consciousness, then this is a good reason for examination by an osteopath, a neurologist, since not only osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, but also intervertebral hernia are the causes of various limb disorders.

Osteochondrosis of the spine is a very capacious name for a whole complex of various deviations in the metabolic processes of the bone and cartilage tissue of the spine. When the destruction of the vertebrae already occurs, the roots of the spinal nerves are compressed, leading to various ailments, pain, and numbness.

The modern lifestyle of a person, both a schoolchild and an office worker, forces us to lead a mostly sedentary, sedentary lifestyle, at a desk, at a computer desk, drivers driving cars.

Most often, few people follow the correct posture and the condition of the spine, and with prolonged static load, the neck muscles are overstrained and spasmodic. At the same time, the hands become numb not only at night, but also during the day.

4 reason- Hands go numb at night with vascular disorders

One of the most dangerous causes of limb numbness is ischemic stroke.

If there is a violation of the blood circulation of one of the parts of the brain, while in addition to numbness of one part of the limb, there is also high blood pressure, dizziness, detachment, etc.

Then this is one of the signs of a stroke or microstroke (Microstroke, signs, symptoms). Most often, this occurs from overstrain, a stressful situation, a sharp jump in blood pressure.

5 reason Other diseases

If a person’s hands constantly go numb at night, this may be the result of a number of diseases:

  • Chronic circulatory disorders
  • Diabetes
  • Hypertension
  • Various forms of anemia
  • Ischemic heart disease and other heart diseases
  • Inflammatory, hereditary diseases of the nervous system
  • Lack of B vitamins, trace elements
  • Excessive drinking
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Rheumatoid arthritis, in which the nerves are affected when the joints are deformed.
  • Various manifestations of disorders of the autonomic nervous system (see the outdated name of the disease - vegetative-vascular dystonia).

Hands numb at night - what to do?

Firstly, you should find the exact reason why your hands go numb at night. Or make sure that the cause of such discomfort is a pillow or tight clothing during sleep.

You should also pay attention to how you sleep, if you raise your hands behind your head in a dream, then most likely the reason lies in an uncomfortable position.

Change your pillow and try to change your sleeping position.

Secondly, if this is not the reason, then you should contact a therapist, neurologist, cardiologist, osteopath, take a blood test for 18 parameters, blood for glucose (blood glucose is normal), do an MRI of the entire spine (symptoms of vertebral hernia), ECG and consult with these specialists.

Thirdly, based on the examination and the established diagnosis, follow all the doctor's recommendations.

Source: http://zdravotvet.ru/pochemu-nemeyut-ruki-po-nocham/

Hand numbness (or, medically, paresthesia) is a fairly common feeling of discomfort that manifests itself mainly at night. Its main symptoms are aching pain and tingling.

Often at night a person wakes up, pain and a feeling of numbness prevent further sleep.

When moving your fingers, the tingling first intensifies, the pain increases, then gradually disappears and you can fall asleep further.

According to statistics, from 7.4% to 45% of the population experience nocturnal painful paresthesias. The generally accepted point of view is that the hands go numb at night due to circulatory disorders in the limbs. But what caused it?

Of course, if your hands go numb at night occasionally and really because of the uncomfortable position of the body during sleep, you should not dwell on this. This phenomenon is called colloquially - the hand rested and no action is required, except for a change of position.

If your hands become numb every night during sleep, constantly and interfere with sound sleep, you should consult a specialist. The following issues should be of concern:

  • If hands go numb in a dream and after sleep;
  • Simultaneously;
  • If only the left hand becomes numb at night, or only the right hand;
  • Simultaneously with the attack, vision deteriorates.

Factors such as the whole arm or only the hand go numb, or paresthesia of the fingers is observed.

Previously, before the doctor's examination, one can only assume the presence of the most common following pathologies.

If the hands go numb at night, the most common causes are cervical osteochondrosis, the presence of an intervertebral hernia and polyneuropathy. If only the left hand goes numb - the most common cause is pathology of cardiac function.

It is possible that the therapist will give a referral for an ECG and a referral to a cardiologist. It should be especially alert if she becomes numb during the day (this may be a harbinger of a stroke or a pre-infarction condition).

If the right hand goes numb, the causes may be hiding in the tunnel syndrome, in the same cervical osteochondrosis, arthrosis, and a sharp narrowing of the cervical blood vessels.

Why do hands go numb during sleep

Hands numb from the wrong position

  1. Oddly enough, often the culprit of paresthesia is an uncomfortable, unsuitable pillow for sleeping.

    Too high or a pillow placed on the ribs creates an incorrect base for the spine, which bends in the cervical region and causes a violation of the blood supply. Because of this, a feeling of discomfort arises in the hands, aching unpleasant pains, tingling.

    Correcting this situation is quite simple - just buy a flat pillow in any supermarket or purchase a special orthopedic pillow in a specialized salon.

    The correct pillow will allow the head to take the correct anatomical position, which contributes to a uniform blood supply to all parts of the body.

  2. Another reason why hands go numb at night is falling asleep in tight, stretchy or small clothes or in an uncomfortable position. An uncomfortable position also includes sleeping with your arms thrown back behind your head and sleeping on your side with one hand under your ear or under a pillow.

    This is also explained by a violation of the blood supply. The cardiovascular system works in a sparing mode at night and the blood may simply not flow in full to the hands. Clothing can also pull up and pinch blood vessels.

  3. There are people who often raise their hands above the level of their hearts during work - these are painters, installers. They also often have numbness of their hands at night.

tunnel syndrome

We can say that numbness of the hands during sleep is an occupational disease. Tunnel syndrome occurs from regular tension of the tendons of the hand.

This disease is typical for musicians, PC operators, seamstresses - that is, people who make the same type of hand movements during the working day. This is a disease in which the intensity of painful sensations is most pronounced.

On the human hand, there is a special small channel through which the tendons and the nerve, responsible for the sensitivity of the palm, pass. When the nerve is overstrained, swelling occurs, which causes a feeling of numbness, usually at night or closer to the morning.

If you do not turn to a specialist in time and do not treat the tunnel syndrome, the muscles of the thumb may simply die off, which will lead to a restriction of its mobility. Carpal tunnel syndrome also occurs in women over 40.

Diseases of the spine

A special place in the diagnosis of the causes of hand numbness is occupied by circulatory disorders associated with diseases of the spine.

Concomitant signs of diseases are frequent dizziness, headaches, periodic loss of consciousness, ringing in the ears.

If all these phenomena are observed and at the same time hands become numb at night, then this is a good reason to contact a neurologist. It can be osteochondrosis of the cervical region or intervertebral hernia.

Spinal osteochondrosis is a whole complex of degenerative metabolic pathologies in the cartilage and bone tissue of the spine.

At the stage when the destruction of the vertebrae occurs, the roots of the spinal nerves are squeezed and lead to pain in different parts of the limbs (from the wrist and shoulder to the ribs).

A modern sedentary lifestyle at a desk, office desk or driving a car only contributes to the development of this disease. With prolonged improperly distributed load, the muscles of the neck overstrain and spasm. Hands with this disease become numb both at night and during the day.

Vascular pathologies

Vascular pathologies are the most dangerous reasons why hands go numb at night. If there is a violation of blood circulation in one of the parts of the brain, the limb may also become numb at the same time.

If all this is accompanied by a sharp increase in blood pressure, dizziness and confusion, then this may be one of the signs of a microstroke.

Usually the cause of the disease is overvoltage, stress, a sharp jump in blood pressure.

Ischemic stroke of the lower cerebellar and vertebral arteries is also manifested by limb numbness. With it, the blood circulation of any part of the brain is disturbed. Concomitant symptoms of the disease are dizziness and increased blood pressure.

The bad habit of smoking before bedtime or at night can also lead to discomfort during sleep. Smoking causes a sharp vasoconstriction and the body may react with a feeling of numbness.

Drinking alcohol before bed leads to approximately the same effect. Alcohol causes a short-term expansion of blood vessels and their subsequent sharp narrowing.

Moreover, the vessels do not narrow to their original state, but they narrow much more.


During pregnancy, the feeling of numbness of the hands or fingers also manifests itself quite often. If a pregnant woman's hands go numb at night, there can be quite a few reasons for this:

  • Violation of the water-salt balance;
  • Lack of magnesium and calcium;
  • Pathology of the vascular walls due to hormonal disorders;
  • Weight gain and uncomfortable sleeping position;
  • Decreased activity;
  • Pathology of the endocrine system.

Also, factors provoking numbness are anemia developing during pregnancy and diseases of the spine aggravated by a large weight.

Other diseases

Night hand numbness can be the result of a number of chronic diseases:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • hypertension;
  • anemia;
  • Ischemic heart disease;
  • Lack of B vitamins and a number of trace elements;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;

You should not discount such an infrequent, but very dangerous phenomenon as the appearance of a blood clot in the vessels. The clot can begin to obstruct the blood supply and cause numbness.

If nighttime numbness does not go away within an hour after waking up, this is a good reason to see a doctor.

In all of the above cases, it is necessary to start treatment of the underlying disease with a specialized specialist.

Finger paresthesia

The causes of digital paresthesia should be sought in the clinic. For examination, the therapist can give a referral to the following specialists - a cardiologist, a neurologist, an endocrinologist, a traumatologist.

  1. If the cause of the pathology is found to be of a neuralgic nature, medication and a vitamin complex will be prescribed. Physiotherapy is often added.
  2. If the reason lies in muscle strain or injury, then the traumatologist will give his recommendations.
  3. If neuropathy of the elbow is suspected, electroneuromyography is prescribed, which will confirm the diagnosis.
  4. Extended blood and urine tests, gastrointestinal examination will help to determine endocrine diseases.

How to get rid of night numbness

So, if you are worried about nighttime numbness of the hands, it is necessary;

  • Check the pillow and mattress - how they contribute to the adoption of a comfortable position during sleep;
  • Check your pajamas so that the narrow armhole does not pinch the limbs at night;
  • Check the position of the body during sleep.

If this is not the cause of hand numbness, and the discomfort continues, then you need to visit a therapist and a neurologist, be examined for osteochondrosis and other diseases: take an x-ray of the spine, an ECG, and take a detailed blood test. And start treating the identified disease. In some cases, you may need to change jobs.

Treatment of pathology in most cases is carried out locally. It comes down to the restoration of tissue trophism and the resumption of the functioning of the transferred vessels.

The following methods of treatment are most often used: physiotherapy, ultrasound, laser therapy, electrophoresis. All these procedures allow you to influence the affected area with drugs.

Very effective manual exposure, which allows you to reduce the inflammatory syndrome and reduce the process of vascular hypoxia. Therapeutic and preventive gymnastics contributes to the development and strengthening of joints and muscles.

Regular exercise improves blood circulation. Morning exercises and physical activity 2 hours before bedtime will also help eliminate discomfort during sleep.

The following exercises will help get rid of numbness:

  • Squeezing / unclenching fingers;
  • Shaking hands with relaxed fingers and wrists;
  • Lying on your back, raising and lowering your arms;
  • Rolling on the palm of a massage ball, spiked ball.

Also, the doctor may prescribe a vitamin complex, vasodilators, anti-inflammatory drugs. The usual gymnastics for the shoulder girdle is very effective.

If the above remedies are not particularly effective, you should contact a chiropractor.

A chiropractor will help eliminate changes in the cervical and thoracic spine, dysfunction of the costal-vertebral and costal-sternal regions, in the shoulder joints and costal-sternal joints, and help relieve muscle tension. Usually, 1 to 5 sessions are enough to eliminate pain.

Many people, especially those in the older age groups, are familiar with the sensation of tingling, numbness in their hands, mostly at night. However, these symptoms can appear at any age. The main and most common cause of hand numbness at night is cervical and salt deposits in. This problem worries 70% of the population over the age of 50, but its development begins much earlier.

Go in for sports, stick to proper nutrition and!

Among other causes of discomfort in the hands, there are diseases of the heart and circulatory system, atherosclerosis, atherothrombosis of blood vessels, hypertension, polyarthritis of small joints, inflammation in the nerves themselves, a lack of B vitamins. In the absence of any pathology, numbness in the hands can occur when improperly a selected pillow or an unphysiological position of the body and, above all, hands, during sleep. Many people have a habit of sleeping with their arms thrown up or under their heads, which makes it difficult for blood circulation in the upper limbs.

How numb hands at night

Unpleasant sensations can be very diverse in their localization. It is very rare to find numbness of the entire arm. More often, any part of it becomes numb, which depends entirely on the cause of the disease:

1. Cervical osteochondrosis, spondylosis, hernia or protrusion of the intervertebral discs of the cervical spine, especially when the pathological process is localized in the lower cervical segments (C5-C7). It is from this part of the spinal cord that the nerves leading to the arms come out. In this case, depending on the suffering nerve root, numbness can be localized:

  • along the inner surface of the arm, from the shoulder to the tips of the 5th and half of the 4th fingers of the hand (C7);
  • on the back side of the shoulder and forearm, the back surface of the 2nd and 3rd fingers (C6);
  • along the side of the arm to the thumb and forefinger (C5).

With a common pathological process of the lower cervical region, the location of numbness may be different. Headache with cervical osteochondrosis is also not uncommon.

2. Carpal tunnel syndrome - compression of the nerves leading to the hand, in a narrow channel formed by the bones of the wrist. It occurs during prolonged activity associated with the same type of load on the hands by the type of flexion-extension movements (working at a computer, playing musical instruments, assembling parts, assembly line). In this case, numbness of the entire hand or its parts is observed strictly below the wrist, sometimes numbness of the fingers is observed. The overlying parts of the hand are not involved in the pathological process.

3. Polyarthritis of the small joints of the hand. It is characterized by the presence of manifestations only in the fingers.

4. In case of pathology of the shoulder or elbow joints, symptoms will occur in the underlying sections of the upper limb.

5. Diabetes mellitus and other metabolic disorders (diseases of the liver, kidneys, endocrine pathology). This also includes the abuse of alcohol and nicotine, since the mechanism for the development of pathology is very similar. Numbness at the same time has an "ascending" character, begins with more distant departments and gradually, over time, "rises" upwards. This happens as larger vessels are involved. Usually both hands are affected at once, the sensations are symmetrical.

6. With hypertension, dumbness of the hands at night appears only with an increased level of blood pressure.

7. Of particular importance is the numbness of the hands in diseases of the heart. Here you should pay attention to which hand is numb. If there are unpleasant sensations in the right hand, this can be attributed with a high percentage of probability to cervical osteochondrosis. But numbness in the left hand can be a sign of serious heart problems, such as angina pectoris or. If the numbness of the left hand arose suddenly, especially at night, and does not go away within an hour, a visit to the doctor is mandatory.

What to do if hands go numb in a dream

1. Try to eliminate all possible factors:

  • replace pillow;
  • choose a more comfortable position for sleeping, often changing position in order to prevent the vessels from being pinched;
  • to exclude the use of alcohol and nicotine, especially at night;
  • do not engage in work before going to bed, associated with a load on the hands.

2. Exercises for numb hands at night:

  • without getting out of bed, lie on your back and stretch your arms up, bend and unbend your fingers 50 times, then put your hands along the body and repeat the exercise;
  • rotational movements in the wrists;
  • stand up and close your hands behind your back in the castle, try to raise them as high as possible;
  • in mild cases, just shake your hands.

3. You can relax tense neck muscles with a light self-massage before bed and during the day. It is enough just to rub your neck with your palms, while you can use anti-inflammatory ointments (nise, fastum gel).

4. Folk remedies:

  • honey compress: spread honey on numb areas of the hands with a thin layer, wrap and leave overnight, course 7-10 procedures;
  • wild rosemary: 5 tbsp. crushed raw materials, pour 1 cup of apple cider vinegar, insist for a week and use to rub numb areas;
  • a glass of hot water every morning on an empty stomach will help strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

Usually, numbness of the limbs does not cause much concern in people. However, this can be a harbinger of serious health problems, especially if the left arm from the shoulder, hand and fingers regularly go numb. However, do not rush to panic. Let's first figure out why the left hand goes numb in different places - the little finger, ring finger, middle, index, thumb of the left hand, hand and what to do if this happened for the first time.

If this symptom of numbness of the fingers, hands, worries you constantly, then such signs of trouble in the body cannot be ignored. They can be both rather “innocent” and the first indicators of rather serious diseases of the nervous or cardiovascular system.

Causes of finger numbness

Among the causes that cause numbness of the left hand and individual fingers of the left hand, one can single out the most harmless ones that do not require the help of a doctor and special treatment:

  • Uncomfortable sleep. If, waking up at night or in the morning, you suddenly feel numbness in your hand, tingling and “goosebumps”, then most likely there is no cause for concern. With an uncomfortable position in a dream, the work of blood vessels is disrupted and discomfort occurs in the limbs. If, at the same time, a loved one was sleeping on your arm or shoulder, then the reason for the numbness is obvious, this phenomenon is also called the "lovers' syndrome." Due to the squeezing of the vessels, the hand becomes numb, but this soon disappears when the position of the hand changes. Try to do exercises - and after 5-10 minutes the feeling of numbness will disappear. If it doesn't repeat, then you don't have to worry about anything. But if the numbness of the hand is regular, you should still consult a doctor to determine the cause of the loss of sensitivity. Perhaps this symptom of numbness is caused, or.

An uncomfortable position in a dream is one of the causes of numbness of the limbs. If you sleep on your side, on your arm along the body or on your arm under your head - numbness will be natural and regular - do not worry in this case.
  • monotonous work. Often this symptom is manifested in office workers. This phenomenon is also called "tunnel syndrome" or "piano syndrome". Periodically, it manifests itself in people of various professions that require regular tension of the hands. If this sensation occurs infrequently and is not accompanied by severe pain, experts recommend reducing the load on the wrists and remembering to do regular exercises for the joints.
  • Uncomfortable clothing. Rubber bands, cuffs, tight sleeves can pinch blood vessels and cause an unpleasant sensation. Make sure that the clothes are not only beautiful, but also comfortable for you and pleasant for the body.
  • Hypothermia. A long stay in the cold can cause narrowing of the arteries, and after it - numbness of the limbs. When this feeling appears, it is better to quickly head to a warm place - soon everything should pass. Do not immerse hands in hot water to warm.
  • Needlework. Hands may become numb due to the long, monotonous execution of monotonous movements by them, from overexertion. If you are doing needlework, let your hands rest every 30-40 minutes - knead and rub them for a few minutes.
  • Carrying a heavy backpack or bag. If you do this regularly on the same shoulder, numbness will not take long. Because of the heavy burden, nerves can be pinched, the spine bent and blood vessels pinched. Try to carry the bag alternately on different shoulders, or even better, carry it in your hand. However, it should not be very heavy.
  • Physical exercise. Prolonged work that causes muscle strain can cause numbness in the hands. Don't forget to alternate between work and leisure.
  • Prolonged presence of hands above the line of the heart. Be sure to take regular breaks if you are doing work that requires this hand position.
  • tunnel syndrome- a symptom complex caused by compression of the median nerve in the carpal tunnel. It is more commonly diagnosed in women than in men. Tunnel syndrome or carpal tunnel syndrome is a disease of a neuralgic nature. Included in the group of tunnel neuropathies. It is manifested by prolonged pain and numbness of the fingers. The most common cause is prolonged compression of the median nerve between the bones and tendons of the wrist.

In the photo: What to do with carpal tunnel syndrome in the hand and wrist - exercises for prevention and recommendations on the correct position of the hands at the computer, special keyboards, mice and bandages.

In all these situations, hand numbness occurs occasionally, and regular massage, rubbing, or gymnastics can help eliminate this condition. Usually after 10-30 minutes, numbness disappears without a trace.

If the cause of the symptom of numbness of the fingers of the left hand is a disease, it is important to listen to your body and the accompanying sensations. If the numbness of the hand lasts more than 1 hour, while there is pain in the region of the heart, shortness of breath and numbness of the fingers - do not delay calling an ambulance, because these may be signs of cardiac pathology.

Related diseases with numbness of the fingers and hand

  • Avitaminosis. With a lack of vitamins A and B in the body, a violation of metabolic processes occurs, the sheaths of nerve fibers are damaged, as a result of which the sensitivity of nerve endings is lost and numbness occurs.
  • Nervous tension. In this case, due to the tightness of the muscles, pinching of the nerve endings occurs. As a result, the blood flow is disturbed and the limbs go numb.
  • . In this case, the numbness of the hand occurs suddenly, with increasing pain and swelling of the tissues. In the event of the appearance of such symptoms, a person needs hospitalization.
  • . The development of this pathology is characterized by narrowing of the arteries supplying the heart and left hand with blood, and numbness of the hand is one of the symptoms of this disease.
  • cervical, thoracic spine. In addition to the symptoms of the disease itself, a person may feel loss of skin sensitivity, weakness, numbness and pain in the arm, which spread throughout its outer side - from the shoulder and forearm to the fingertips.

However, if the hand becomes numb often or the numbness is accompanied by noticeable pain, this may indicate a pinched nerve in the back.

Dangerous conditions associated with numbness

  • IHD (, another name -). When this occurs, numbness of the hand, forearm, and shoulder. The condition is also characterized by shortness of breath, discomfort in the chest. You can stop the attack with nitroglycerin.
  • preinfarction state. If a person has a history of coronary heart disease, vascular atherosclerosis, in case of numbness of the left hand, it is urgent to call an ambulance.

    Important! Pay attention to the little finger of the left hand - if it is numb, then in 80% of cases this is a sign of a pre-infarction condition, followed by.

  • . Numbness in the left hand is a frequent, and sometimes the only sign of acute, which entails myocardial infarction. In addition, a person may feel pain in the heart. The symptoms of a heart attack are not relieved by nitroglycerin, the only thing that can be done in this case to save a person's life is to call an ambulance as soon as possible for further hospitalization.
  • . It is an acute vascular pathology, which is accompanied by numbness of the left hand. If this symptom appears, it means that the right hemisphere of the brain is affected. As a rule, with a stroke, the left arm and leg go numb, there is also lack of coordination, impaired speech, vision, and facial muscles (for example, a person cannot smile). These symptoms clearly indicate a stroke or microstroke. Therefore, you should immediately call an ambulance!

Location of numbness points - fingers

Sometimes, by the location of numbness on the arm, hand, fingers, you can determine the cause and the diseases that caused it. Of course, these assumptions are very approximate, and in order to make an accurate diagnosis, you should definitely consult a specialist, especially with frequent manifestations of numbness of the left or right hand, and even more so with simultaneous numbness of the arm and leg, face. But knowing some of the nuances can help save a person's life. So, we will analyze separately the symptoms and causes of numbness of each finger of the left hand, starting with the little finger, as the most common symptom of finger withdrawal:

  • Little finger. First of all, with numbness of the little finger of the left hand, it is worth excluding dangerous conditions - pre-infarction, in fact, a heart attack or stroke. Usually with these diseases, numbness occurs at night, and in the morning, there is a tingling sensation in the entire arm - from the shoulder to the fingertips. If there are no additional symptoms and preliminary diseases of the cardiovascular system, then this may be a symptom of osteochondrosis,. In this case, a consultation is necessary, which will prescribe a course of treatment, including therapeutic massage.
    Also, numbness can occur due to long work. Give your hand a rest, do an independent massage, rubbing.
  • Nameless. Numbness of the ring finger of the left hand may also indicate problems with the cardiovascular system. In this case, pain may additionally appear in the inner side of the forearm, on the left side. It can also indicate the onset, osteochondrosis, inflammation of the ulnar nerve, nervous strain, etc.

Attention! With frequent numbness of the fingers of the right and left hands, we strongly recommend that you consult a doctor in order to avoid serious health problems!

In the early spring, loss of sensitivity of the fingers can become a symptom of beriberi, in particular a lack of vitamins A and B. In addition to numbness, peeling of the skin of the hands occurs, and older people experience symptoms of atherosclerosis, hands and fingertips themselves may go numb.

  • Forefinger. If the index finger is numb, then most often this happens when the nerve fibers of the shoulder or elbow joint become inflamed. Numbness of the finger is accompanied by weakness of the hand, pain when bent, numbness of the outer side of the hand.
    can also give numbness of the hand or index (sometimes middle) finger. It also often causes weakness.
    Due to long monotonous work with overstrain of the muscles of the hands, numbness of the index finger, stiffness of the hand and convulsions can also occur. For example, when working at a computer for a long time and active typing, active use of the mouse.
  • Middle finger. The causes of numbness of the middle finger are very diverse: it can be heart or spine disease, poor nutrition, vasoconstriction, stress, etc. But most often it happens due to osteochondrosis. With this disease, the middle finger usually goes numb, but numbness of several fingers may occur at once (as a rule, it is the middle, thumb, index). Numbness is accompanied by weakness, stiffness, pain in the shoulder or forearm. Also, the middle finger may become numb due to inflammation of the elbow joint during injury, trophic changes, etc. (usually the back of the finger becomes numb).
    Atherosclerosis can also cause symptoms.
  • Thumb. Thumb numbness often indicates a malfunction of the respiratory system. With numbness of two fingers (thumb + index finger or middle finger), we can talk about squeezing the nerve endings in the neck or displacement of the intervertebral discs. This causes weakness, pain in the forearm and shoulder.

The most dangerous situation is numbness of the hands, the cause of which is a violation of the blood circulation of the brain.

In addition, numbness of the thumb of the left hand may be associated with a malfunction of the internal organs - the kidneys, liver or lungs.

Numbness of the hand, forearm, shoulder, or entire arm and leg at the same time

  • Brush. Numbness of the hand can occur not only during monotonous work in which the hands are involved (there may also be pain and burning of the fingers, swelling, inflammation of the tendons), but also when the endocrine systems malfunction, injuries, etc. It is difficult to determine the cause of hand numbness "by eye", so it is better to consult a doctor so as not to start the disease.
    If the brush becomes numb from the bottom to the top, pain is felt, which intensifies, it is urgent to consult a doctor. If the symptoms do not go away for more than an hour, an artery may have happened.
  • Forearm. Numbness of the arm from the wrist to the elbow (forearm) or if the left arm goes numb from the elbow, from the shoulder, this may be the result of poor blood circulation due to a previous injury, overexertion during monotonous work, hypothermia. Usually, the numbness of the forearm is temporary and disappears after a warm-up or self-massage.
    Also, numbness of the forearm, or if the left arm goes numb from the elbow, from the shoulder - this can be caused by osteochondrosis, stress, impaired cerebral circulation, diseases of internal organs, etc.
  • Arm and leg. Numbness of the arm and leg at the same time can have a number of reasons, including:
    - stroke(the arm and leg or the entire side of the body goes numb) - accompanied by a loss of speech, difficulty in facial expressions. With such symptoms, you should immediately call an ambulance;
    - osteochondrosis, diseases of the lower back;
    - intervertebral hernias- to numbness is added a feeling of "goosebumps", pain, heaviness in the legs, with long sitting, standing, turning the head and other sharp movements, the pain intensifies.
    For an accurate diagnosis of the cause of numbness of the arms and legs, or the entire part of the body, half of the body, X-rays and ultrasound are used.
  • Hand and face. The main cause of numbness of the face and hands at the same time is a pre-stroke condition. Also, a symptom in the form of numbness of the hand and face can occur due to diffuse, inflammation of the nerve, hypothermia, stress, problems with the spine.

Diagnosis of the causes of numbness

If the numbness of the hand does not go away after the massage and is not the result of fatigue or being in an uncomfortable position, but is also regular, you should consult a doctor to accurately diagnose the causes of numbness of the body part, arms and legs. If necessary, the therapist can refer you for a consultation with a cardiologist, vertebrologist. In this case, the following diagnostic procedures can be prescribed for symptoms of numbness of the left and right hands, legs and other parts of the body:

  • general blood analysis,
  • electrocardiogram,
  • limbs and back, brain,
  • UIS of the abdominal organs and kidneys.

Ultrasound of the vessels and will determine the pathology of circulatory disorders, in the diagnosis of the causes of numbness in the arms and legs.

Depending on the results and the identified diseases, the doctor prescribes treatment for numbness of the arms and legs, which may include: medication, therapeutic massage of the back, arms and legs, physiotherapy.

Treatment of numbness with folk remedies

There are very effective folk remedies for treating body numbness that improve blood circulation in the fingers and toes, restore muscle sensitivity and strengthen joints. Methods for the treatment of numbness of the hands at home, common and very effective in the complex, folk methods and means of treating numbness of body parts:

  1. The use of a contrast bath. We dip the hand and fingers for a couple of seconds alternately in hot, then in cold water, pressing our fingers on the bottom of the vessel. This exercise helps to quickly relieve numbness.
  2. Tincture of red pepper for numbness of the hands, hands and fingers. Tincture recipe: 4 crushed salted and 3 pods of red pepper are poured into 500 ml of vodka, corked and sent to infuse in a dark place for a couple of weeks. This tincture is lubricated with hands, rubbed into the fingers when numbness occurs.
  3. Massage. A simple and affordable way at home is self-massage of a numb arm, hand, fingers or leg. For an additional effect, you can use oil during massage. Vegetable oil is mixed in equal proportions, olive oil and sugar are suitable. Mix well. Used to massage the hands and feet, in case of numbness.
  4. Alcohol compress for numbness. Pharmaceutical camphor alcohol (10 ml) is added to a liter of water, this solution is rubbed into a numb hand, or a compress is made.
  5. Wrap with . Before going to bed, fresh is applied to the hand and wrapped with a soft cotton cloth. Remove honey in the morning. After a couple of days, the numbness of the arm or leg disappears.
  6. Lilac flowers. 0.5 l. A jar of lilac inflorescences is insisted on cologne or alcohol for 2 weeks, after which it is applied to numb places and parts of the numb body, in the form of a compress. The course of treatment of numbness with compresses from lilac inflorescences is 2 weeks.
  7. Woolen thread for numbness. The most unusual and effective folk way, easily applicable at home. They take a thick thread of natural wool and tie it around the wrist. It helps not only with pain and numbness, but also with bruises, inflammation of the hand and sprains of the muscles of the hands. For several weeks, the thread is not removed for prevention. Many people wear a red thread on their hand from numbness, on an ongoing basis, believing in its miraculous power.


The best prevention of numbness in the left hand is the rejection of bad habits and the transition to a healthy lifestyle. Gymnastics, walks in the fresh air, comfortable sleep - all this negates the likelihood of discomfort in the limbs. An important place in prevention is occupied by proper nutrition, because the consumption of harmful products leads to an increase in the level of cholesterol in the blood and blockage of blood vessels.

When performing monotonous work with your hands, you should definitely take breaks, stretch them, and you should also avoid hypothermia of the limbs and excessive stress on them.

If you are at risk for a heart attack or stroke, prevention alone will not be enough. You should avoid stressful situations and have regular check-ups with your doctor. If there are problems with, you should purchase a good tonometer and measure regularly, especially if you feel unwell and there is numbness in the fingers, hand or arm. At the slightest increase in pressure, measures should be taken to normalize it in order to prevent a critical condition.

If, nevertheless, numbness of the hand arose without obvious natural causes, do not postpone a visit to the doctor. It is unacceptable to self-medicate numbness of fingers, hands or feet without making an accurate diagnosis - a number of diseases in an advanced stage require complex treatment, and sometimes surgery.

Today, numbness in the left hand is a fairly common problem in people of different age groups. It can occur for a number of reasons, some of which can threaten a person's life. Therefore, you should be wary if, along with numbness of the hand, symptoms such as: pain in the arm, in the left side of the chest, in the shoulder, weakness, dizziness, nausea, numbness of other parts of the body, etc.

On the video: Fingers on the left hand go numb - causes and consequences. Methods for eliminating numbness of the arm and fingers, hand, shoulder.

Many of us are familiar with that unpleasant sensation when you wake up at night from aching pain in your arm, and after trying to move your limb you feel some tingling, which becomes stronger and stronger, but after a while subsides, leaving behind an unpleasant feeling of discomfort. Yes, that's what they call numbness. The main causes of this condition are violations of the blood supply and innervation of the tissues of the upper extremities. So what causes these disorders? Let's try to figure out why hands go numb at night, and what it can mean.

Pillow girlfriend

Sometimes the cause of numbness of the hands at night lies in the wrong pillow.

One of the most common causes of hand numbness during sleep is… What do you think? Yes! The wrong pillow. If it is excessively large, then sitting on it, you arch the cervical spine very strongly, disrupting the blood supply to the roots of the spinal cord passing through the intervertebral foramens. And, as you know, they are responsible for the mobility and sensitivity of our hands.

Solving this problem is easy. It is enough to replace your pillow with a lower one, and ideally with an orthopedic one. This pillow has an unusual shape: under the neck of the sleeper there is a special supporting roller, behind which there is a small recess for the head. Such a pillow allows you to maintain the correct anatomical position of the sleeping person, which contributes to adequate blood supply to all parts of his body.

How do we sleep and what do we sleep in

Incorrect body position during sleep can also cause nighttime numbness of the upper limbs. In particular, we are talking about the habit of sleeping with arms thrown back up. The thing is again in their poor blood supply during sleep - the hands are above the level of the body and, since the cardiovascular system works slowly at night, blood is delivered to the most "hard-to-reach" places worse.

If you are a breastfeeding mother practicing co-sleeping with your baby, then you probably have a habit of sleeping on your side with your arm extended forward, placed under your head. Try changing your posture and you will notice that the feeling of numbness has left you.

And another reason for the condition we describe is uncomfortable, tight clothing with hard folds, seams, tight cuffs. Pajamas should be loose, not restricting movement. Rings and bracelets are also best taken off before going to bed.

Or maybe the disease is to blame?

Night numbness of the hands can be a symptom of some diseases, both relatively harmless and quite serious, posing a threat to human life.

  1. . The mechanism of numbness is the same as with a high pillow - the roots of the spinal nerves, which are responsible for the functions of the upper limbs, are pinched and poorly supplied with blood. Other symptoms of the disease are pain in the neck, crunching in it, intermittent weakness in the hands.
  2. (or carpal tunnel syndrome). The median nerve is compressed between the tendons of the muscles and the bones of the wrist, resulting in numbness in the fingers and prolonged pain. This disease often occurs in people who, due to their professional activities, are forced to bend and unbend the wrist in a monotonous way (drummers, sign language interpreters, artists ...).
  3. Chronic circulatory disorders. This condition can be the result of many diseases, the main of which are anemia, coronary heart disease, hypertension, etc. With heart disease, its pumping function worsens and it no longer pushes blood through the vessels so effectively, the elasticity of which is also significantly reduced. Glucose, the level of which is increased to varying degrees in diabetes mellitus, affects the walls of blood vessels, significantly reducing their function.
  4. Inflammatory and/or degenerative changes in the nerves, group B.

What to do if hands go numb?

If there is a problem of numbness of the hands, you should not brush it off, hoping that "it will pass by itself." First of all, it is necessary to analyze the lifestyle, the comfort of the pillow and clothing for sleeping. Of course, a consultation with a general practitioner is also obligatory, who will prescribe the necessary examinations for you and, in doubtful cases, refer you to narrow specialists - a neurologist, cardiologist, hematologist. And remember! Timely initiation of treatment in most cases is a guarantee of a favorable outcome. Video version of the article:

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