Ovulation - what is it, how to calculate days. Definition of ovulation. Ovulation: what is it in simple words and when does it occur

If the reproductive system works smoothly, a woman ovulates on average once a month. How often the maturation of the egg occurs depends on the characteristics of the menstrual cycle of a particular woman.

Does ovulation occur every month?

Normally, several cycles per year in a woman can pass without ovulation. With age, the number of anovulatory cycles increases, so after 30–35 years, the chances of a quick conception decrease. If a woman is about 40 years old, conception is possible, but to the question “how long does ovulation occur?” the likely answer would be: "In a few months." During menopause, ovulation in women stops altogether.

What day does ovulation occur?

The menstrual cycle lasts an average of 28-32 days. Without special studies, it is impossible to accurately answer the question of when a girl ovulates. Ovulation usually occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle (day 12-15). For a more accurate calculation, it is necessary to plot the basal temperature over several months.

Another way to try to find out when ovulation occurs is with a calendar. To find out when ovulation occurs after menstruation, it is necessary to count 14 days from the beginning of the last menstruation on the calendar. With an ideal 28-day cycle, there will also be 14 days left until the next menstruation, that is, ovulation will occur exactly in the middle of the cycle. But does ovulation always occur on the 14th day?

Doctors say that the ideal classic version is not so common. Most women ovulate between days 11 and 21 of their cycle, counting from the first day of their last period. At the same time, from 12 to 16 days remain until the next menstruation. After what time ovulation occurs, it depends on the hormonal background, and the emotional and physical state of the woman, and in different cycles ovulation may occur on different days. Doctors are also aware of cases when a woman had two ovulations at once during one menstrual cycle.

How many days does ovulation occur?

Ovulation is a short phase of the menstrual cycle, lasting only 48 hours. During this period of time, the egg ready for fertilization leaves the ovary, descends through the fallopian tube and moves towards the uterus, where it will wait for fertilization. If fertilization occurs, the egg will attach itself to the wall of the uterus.

Favorable days for pregnancy are two to three days before ovulation and one day after, and on the day of ovulation, the chances of conception are especially high. Therefore, in order to calculate favorable days, it is very important to keep an ovulation calendar and imagine how long ovulation occurs.

A mature egg is viable for only 24 hours, so the so-called safe days come within a day after ovulation. The chance of conception after ovulation is extremely low.

How to know if ovulation is happening?

Many women think about how to find out when ovulation occurs - after all, the correct definition of this period will allow you to conceive a child faster. At home, without going to the doctor, it is convenient to use the following methods.

  • With regular periods, you can use the calendar method to calculate ovulation. According to him, ovulation should occur approximately in the middle of the cycle, but how to understand if ovulation occurred on the days you planned? Connect additional methods for determining ovulation!
  • To determine that ovulation has occurred, measurement of basal temperature will also help. An increase in temperature in the rectum indicates the release of an egg ready for fertilization. At what temperature ovulation occurs, you can find out by monthly charting your basal temperature. Usually, the basal temperature during ovulation differs from the pre-ovulatory values ​​by about half a degree.
  • An ovulation test is another way to determine if ovulation is occurring. Ovulation test strips are similar to pregnancy tests, only they show two strips not in case of successful fertilization, but when an egg is released from the ovary.

When does fertilization occur after ovulation?

After ovulation, the sperm has about a day to meet the egg and fertilize it.

If conception does not occur, the egg is destroyed in the fallopian tube within a day, and after about 14 days the woman begins menstruation again - this is the release of an unfertilized egg.

If the meeting of the sperm and egg was successful, the fertilized zygote descends into the uterus for 6-12 days, after which it is fixed there and pregnancy occurs. With the onset of pregnancy, the ovaries stop producing new eggs, so you can not be afraid that ovulation occurs during pregnancy - re-fertilization is impossible.

Ovulation is the most important stage of the female menstrual cycle, when the follicle ruptures and an egg enters the fallopian tube from the ovary, ready for fertilization. Only the release of an egg - healthy and mature - makes pregnancy possible, and therefore the period of ovulation is so important for planning conception.

When does ovulation occur?

The release of the egg is a kind of peak of the menstrual cycle. Ovulation is approximately in the middle of the cycle. If it is standard and fluctuates somewhere between 27-29 days, then the release of the egg occurs 12-16 days before the start of the next menstruation. As a rule, with a clear 28-day cycle, which is observed in most women, this is the 14th day.

Since the indicators are individual for everyone, and the failure of the cycle due to many external factors occurs quite often, it is possible to understand that ovulation has come only by minor changes in well-being.

Conception is possible not only directly on the day of ovulation. The lifespan of an egg is about 24 hours, and the lifespan of a spermatozoon of a young healthy man is 72 hours or more. It does not matter at all when their merger occurs, and therefore any of the sexual intercourses 3-4 days before ovulation and a day after it can end in conception.

By the way, it is precisely because of such instability and relativity of timing that you should not use the calculation of ovulation as a method of contraception - the probability of error is very high here. In addition, there are many exceptions: some women ovulate twice in a cycle, often the cycle shifts, and quite unexpectedly, for several days, and it is quite difficult to find out about such failures. Why then do you need to know the time when ovulation occurs?

Why determine ovulation

  • The release of the egg means the onset of the period when you can conceive a child. For families who carefully plan their future, as well as for those who have problems conceiving, knowing this period is very important.
  • The timely onset of ovulation, as well as other stages of the cycle, is an indicator of a woman's health. If a couple tries to conceive a child for several months, including having sex during the period of ovulation, and pregnancy does not occur, then there is some kind of failure. It will be possible to establish what exactly became the root of the problem after passing the examination, and both partners must pass it.
  • It also happens that the woman's body functions normally and there are no abnormalities and diseases, but the husband's spermogram is not in order. Spermatozoa are immobile, not tenacious, produced in small quantities. In this case, knowing the date of ovulation is especially important: only sexual intercourse 1-2 days before it or on the day the egg is released can lead to conception. At the same time, it is advisable to refrain from making love 3-4 days before the onset of ovulation: then spermatozoa accumulate, and due to their high concentration, the chances of a successful conception become much greater.

There is also an opinion that by calculating the day of ovulation, you can plan the sex of the child. Spermatozoa with a "male" Y chromosome tend to be more mobile but relatively short-lived, while "female" X chromosomes live longer. In this case, theoretically, if sexual intercourse takes place on the day of ovulation, the “male” spermatozoon will be the first to enter the egg, and if 2-3 days before it, only the “female” part will survive. Doctors do not confirm this theory, and statistics speak in their favor. This method, like many others, only has a 50% effect, which is similar to the "randomness" that nature provides.

How to determine ovulation

Symptoms of ovulation are always quite subjective, in some women they are observed all at the same time, some do not recognize any. However, in most cases, if the cycle is normal and there are no diseases, it is possible to determine the approaching release of the egg by the following symptoms.

1. Changing the nature of the discharge

Even between periods, a small amount of cervical mucus is released from the uterus - a characteristic odorless liquid, transparent or white. If ovulation does not occur, the mucus changes its character: it becomes thick white, dense, thick. In the event of a failure, the secretions may be completely absent - this is the same problem as their atypical appearance or smell. If everything is normal, the released liquid has a neutral odor and is transparent. Abundant discharge of this nature can mean the approach of ovulation or its beginning.

This method of determination can be used as an auxiliary one, it is not very reliable, since a change in the nature of the secretions is also observed when

  • vaginal infections;
  • venereal diseases;
  • Strong sexual arousal;
  • Regular use of a lubricant for a successful sexual intercourse.

The method has its pros and cons.


  • Does not require financial costs.
  • Allows you to determine the release of the egg quickly and in a timely manner.
  • It is quite accurate, since discharge is always present during ovulation.


  • Abundant discharge, which can be mistaken for a signal of the onset of ovulation, accompanies a host of other processes.
  • Discharge decreases with treatment with Clomid or antihistamines, while ovulation proceeds normally. In this case, cervical fluid cannot serve as an indicator.

2. Noticeable increase in sexual desire

Oddly enough, nature itself took care of procreation. During the period of increased fertility (that is, when a successful conception can occur), a woman begins to experience a particularly strong sexual attraction. Medical research also confirms this fact. Approaching ovulation suggests a change in hormonal levels. Here hormones also serve as a factor because of which the woman aspires to make love more often.

Advantages of the method:

  • No special devices, analyzes or tests are required - just listen to your feelings.
  • The general emotional upsurge has a good effect on the body.


  • Inaccuracy of the method: sexual desire in many women, especially young ones, is associated not only with physiological, but also with emotional factors, and therefore can be experienced at other times.
  • Stress, depression, tension can interfere with the determination of the term. Sexual desire is a priori reduced, if "infertility" has already been diagnosed, it may be absent due to more trivial reasons: colds, runny nose, overwork.

3. Changes in the basal temperature chart

This method is one of the most reliable, since it takes into account the unconditional factor of ovulation, which is always present, namely, an increase in basal temperature. It should be measured for three complete cycles, after which the analysis of the information will show the temperature rate and how it changes during ovulation. The measurements themselves are not difficult to carry out, but creating suitable conditions for them is much more difficult.

The basal temperature indicator will be correct only if it is measured after a 6-hour sleep (more is possible, less is not possible) while still in bed. Measurements should be taken every day of the cycle, 1-2 missed days can significantly affect the schedule.

When ovulation occurs, the temperature rises by a few tenths of a degree, and as long as it lasts, there is a chance to make a successful attempt to conceive a child. Usually, the entire cycle, it keeps within 36.7 - 36.9 degrees, and during ovulation it rises to 37.2 - 37.3. Basal body temperature provides clearer information than monitoring secretions or emotional state.

Advantages of the method:

  • High information content.
  • A clear definition of the time of the process of release of the egg.

The only expense that needs to be made for scheduling is the purchase of a special electronic thermometer - it is inexpensive and will last a long time. And some doctors believe that electronic thermometers often lie because of a hypersensitive reaction from contact with the walls of the anus - after all, it is always difficult to keep the same angle, and a failure occurs. Therefore, they recommend using an ordinary mercury thermometer for measurements - however, it is more difficult to cope with it in bed, you need to be careful not to crush it.
The disadvantage of the method can be called unforeseen results of temperature changes due to the following factors:

  • Alcohol intoxication.
  • Sexual contact less than 3-4 hours before temperature measurement.
  • Infectious diseases with a general increase in body temperature.
  • Inflammatory process in the genitourinary system.
  • A disruption in the daily routine, due to which there is a decrease or a strong increase in the duration of sleep.
  • Temperature fluctuations in the room - both extreme cold and heat.
  • Start or stop taking hormonal drugs.

When you learn about any of these factors, you should note the questionable result in the graph (for example, with a different color) and do not take this data into account.

4. Change in the position and density of the cervix

With increased fertility, the cervix rises, becomes softer, open; there are other changes that are imperceptible without special inspection. At home, you can recognize the changes that have begun by swollen and more elastic inner labia.

Dignity method is that the cervix changes in any case, and therefore even the absence of cervical fluid cannot mislead you.

Flaw is that the position of the cervix can be affected by various diseases, in addition, in order to recognize the changes, some practice and the ability to feel your body is needed.

5. Soreness and coarsening of the mammary glands

Preparing for the release of the egg automatically means preparing for a potential pregnancy, and therefore the body produces the hormones necessary in this case, which will ensure the fusion of the sperm and the egg and the formation of a zygote. The release of hormones that occurs before the onset of ovulation also affects the condition of the breast - touching it becomes painful, the nipples become a little rough. If you are good at listening to your own body, this state will definitely not go unnoticed.

Advantage of the method- is determined quickly, without additional time and money.

Flaw- in inaccuracies, since soreness of the breast and roughening of the nipples are also observed during menstruation, during a cycle failure, hormonal disorders.

6. Ovulation test

Its principle is similar to a pregnancy test, only it does not determine hCG, but a different set of hormones, showing exactly when ovulation occurs. After calculating which week you are supposed to start ovulating, you will need to do a test once a day during this period - just drop urine onto the strip.

Advantages method:

  • The test shows the onset of ovulation, regardless of the presence or absence of cervical discharge, swelling of the labia, and so on.
  • It does not require long uncomfortable measurements and scheduling, as in the case of basal temperature - it takes 5 minutes a day at most, and then a week, and not several cycles in a row.

Flaws method:

  • The test kit is quite expensive, for one cycle you will need such test strips for $ 15-20, or even more. If you calculate the costs for the year, a rather big amount will come out.
  • Irregular ovulation requires a large number of test kits.
  • The test, despite the accuracy, can be deceived - there are a number of reasons why the lutein hormone level changes regardless of ovulation (for example, polycystic ovaries). But in this case, the test will reveal the disease.

Sometimes ovulation is also determined by painful pulling sensations in the lower abdomen - they are similar to those that appear during menstruation, but are less pronounced. Observing your own body and applying at least one of the methods listed above will allow you to determine when ovulation begins and plan your pregnancy.

Couples who are planning a replenishment in the family often wonder what ovulation is. It is a few days before her and within a day after the chance of getting pregnant is the greatest. This process is different for every woman. It all depends on the menstrual cycle (MC) and the characteristics of the body. Next, let's try to figure out what is so special about this concept, and what effect ovulation has on fertility.

How does ovulation occur? When a girl is born, her ovaries already contain about a million eggs (OCs). However, not all of them survive to puberty. Those cells that have matured should fulfill the main purpose of a woman - procreation.

Not all nuclear centers manage to carry out their functions. From the moment a teenage girl begins her period, only one of them matures each month. At the time of ovulation, it comes out ready for fertilization.

The day of ovulation is the middle of the cycle. If you believe the scientific literature, then it should be 28 days. At the same time, deviations are possible here. Some MCs last 21 days, and there are those whose periods begin every 35 days.

All this is recorded once a month, while the nuclear center itself lives no more than 24 hours after the release. What happens during ovulation? The process itself resembles the so-called explosion, when the dominant follicle bursts. Everything goes pretty quickly, within a few minutes. Of course, eggs are not released during pregnancy.

The task of the cell within 24 hours is to meet with spermatozoa for conception. If everything went well, then the fertilized NC goes through the fallopian tube to the uterus and is fixed there. This indicates the onset of pregnancy. In the event that the conception was unsuccessful, the egg is excreted from the body through menstruation.

However, sometimes their number is increased. In these cases, ovulation must be stimulated by medication. The full formation of the NC is negatively affected by several factors:

  • change of residence;
  • taking medications;
  • problems with the endocrine system;
  • frequent stress.

A lot in this situation depends on the hormonal background. Even slight deviations in indicators can lead to violations. Sometimes anovulation is fraught with a delay in blood secretions.
These problems are treated with hormonal drugs. It is important to remember that all processes in the body are interconnected: incorrect work of some leads to failure in others. In such a difficult time, pregnancy is unlikely to occur.


If you listen to your body, you can notice certain signs of ovulation. The body of a woman responds perfectly to the changes that occur inside. First of all, the basal body temperature (BT) rises.

There are also the following features:

  • profuse secretion: discharge becomes more viscous;
  • discomfort in the lower abdomen;
  • sometimes bleeding;
  • increased pain in the chest;
  • change in taste preferences;
  • increased sex drive;
  • intolerance to certain smells.

In the event that ovulation is too, or, conversely, early, then signs may not appear. If this day shifts, then it is better to track it by ultrasound.

Until what age does

Each woman has a limited number of NCs, so the process of their exit stops when they run out. At the same time, menstruation does not occur, since the endometrium is not rejected.

Menopause is characterized by the cessation of estrogen production. For a number of ladies, this happens gradually, while for others it happens immediately. In the latter case, the signs will be more pronounced.

Some do not even know about the cessation of ovulation. Gradually, the discharge becomes more scarce, sweating increases at night. The hormonal background also changes. Most often this happens by the age of 50.

How to determine?

To determine this important point, there are many methods. Let's look at each of them next:

  • . This method is the most accurate. It allows doctors to assess the condition of the uterus, as well as the ovaries. The development of follicles or their absence is monitored;
  • test strips. They can be used at home. The result will be displayed with an accuracy of 24-48 hours. However, often the test shows a false excess of LH. This indicates the presence of ovulatory disorders;
  • BT. This method is considered one of the most popular. Plus, you don't have to pay for it. For several cycles, the expectant mother needs to measure her BBT level. The results must be recorded in a special notebook. The temperature is measured in the rectum in the morning without getting out of bed.

When the indicator rises above 37 degrees, we can talk about the release of the egg:

  • by the nature of the secretion. In appearance, it resembles egg white;
  • by saliva with the help of special devices;
  • along the cervix (CMM). In the middle of the cycle, it begins to change. In its standard state, CMM is closed, rather low, dry and hard. In this regard, spermatozoa cannot penetrate through it. However, during ovulation, it rises, becomes looser and softer.

To determine the onset of the release of the egg can be determined even by. Particularly sensitive ladies during this period observe an aggravation of smell, pain in the right or left ovary, mood swings, increased appetite.


So what is ovulation? This is the process of release of the egg, without which conception is impossible. It happens once in a cycle. Knowing and understanding what it is is important when planning a pregnancy. If ovulation does not occur for some reason, it can be stimulated.

So the long-awaited moment has come when a young family or a married couple begins to think about the appearance of a little man who will become a continuation of their family. In the early stages of this period, difficulties and pitfalls begin to appear, because every fourth family has difficulties in conceiving a child. Lack of ovulation is a limiting factor.

Any woman who is planning a pregnancy should understand what day after menstruation ovulation occurs. Ovulation is a process accompanied by the release of a mature egg from a burst follicle. Let's understand this process a little. any woman is divided into two important moments - follicular and At the beginning of the cycle, exactly to the middle, the follicle matures, it ruptures and the egg, ready to merge with the sperm, moves into the abdominal cavity. All this happens under the action of the sex hormones estrogen and progesterone, produced by the hypothalamus and the endocrine system as a whole. This is ovulation. If the fusion does not occur, then the mature egg, together with the inner layer of the walls of the uterus, comes out in the form of bleeding. Maturity is determined by the middle of the menstrual period. Ideally, with a 28-day cycle, it will occur approximately 13-15 days after the onset of menstruation. There are times when ovulation occurs twice in a menstrual cycle. This is due to any infectious diseases, improper functioning of the endocrine system, stress.

Every girl who has reached puberty should be able to calculate the menstrual cycle. On average, its duration is 21-35 days. But there are cases when the cycle lasted less than 18 days and more than 45. Menstruation can go astray depending on different situations: childbirth, abortion, lactation. And during pregnancy, they generally stop going.

Many couples raise the question "on what day after menstruation does ovulation occur" in search of an answer, only to insure against the possibility of becoming pregnant using the calendar method. But this is not necessary, because, as mentioned above, the maturation of the egg in critical situations can be repeated in one menstrual cycle. Yes, and ovulation due to health conditions can shift by 1-2 days within the cycle. Even if you manage to get between the "dangerous days", this will not protect against infection.

In some women, during the maturation of the germ cell, there is an increased attraction, or the so-called libido. Abundant discharge is also associated with the rupture of a mature follicle. A sharp decrease, and then an increase in temperature, measured rectally, may be an echo of the coming ovulation. But all these methods are imperfect and do not give a 100% guarantee. The most accurate diagnosis can be called studies conducted by means of ultrasound radiation.

What day after menstruation does ovulation occur?

Let's still figure out what day after menstruation ovulation occurs. Let's take as a basis the standard 28-day menstrual cycle. When dividing in half, we get the 14th day, from which it is worth starting. after menstruation, a mature egg leaves the follicle in search of a sperm cell. If we take into account that the life span of a sperm cell is no more than three days, in particular cases it can reach a week, and the egg cell is ready to wait for a meeting for only 12-24 hours, then the number of “dangerous” days is maximum equal to a week.

When answering the question of what day ovulation occurs, it is worth highlighting the main points:

The menstrual cycle is calculated from the first day of menstruation of the past month to the first day of the onset of menstruation of the next;

Ovulation occurs exactly in the middle of the cycle or can be shifted by 1-2 days;

The lack of ovulation may be due to a number of reasons, which must be diagnosed under the supervision of qualified specialists;

If you should immediately contact the antenatal clinic.

All about ovulation

Ovulation(from Latin ovulla - testicle) - a phenomenon that is the release of an egg (second-order oocyte) from the ovary into the body cavity as a result of a rupture of a mature follicle. From the body cavity, the egg enters the oviduct (called the fallopian tube in a woman), where fertilization occurs. The biological meaning of ovulation is the release of the egg from the follicle for its fertilization and further transportation through the female genital tract.

Photo of ovulation.

You see the ovary, the follicle and the moment of ovulation (the yellow droplet is the release of the egg from the follicle).

The female body is endowed with two ovaries located on either side of the uterus. The ovaries produce eggs. The egg (oocyte, from the Latin ovum - egg), in comparison with most somatic, that is, the cells that make up the body, contains a significantly larger amount of nutrients, enzymes and is large in size. In addition, being organs of internal secretion, the ovaries produce hormones, the most famous of which are estrogen and progesterone.

The ovaries accumulate eggs even at the stage of intrauterine development of the girl. There are hundreds of thousands of eggs in the two ovaries of a newborn. True, they are all inactive until the onset of puberty, that is, up to about 12 years. During this time, a certain number of cells die, but 300,000 - 400,000 full-fledged eggs remain. From the moment of puberty until the onset of menopause, a woman will experience from 300 to 400 menstrual cycles, as a result of which the same number of oocytes that can become fertilized will mature. During the menstrual cycle, one of the many eggs matures in the ovaries. Under the influence of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) of the pituitary gland - an endocrine gland on the lower surface of the brain, a follicle (sac) begins to grow with the egg selected for ovulation in this cycle. The diameter of the follicle at the beginning of the cycle does not exceed 1 mm, and after 2 weeks it reaches 20 mm. As the follicle grows, a bulge forms on the surface of the ovary, which by the middle of the cycle increases to the size of a grape. Inside the follicle contains fluid and a small nucleolus with a diameter of 0.1 mm. In the middle of the cycle, approximately 12 days after the onset of menstruation, the pituitary gland releases large amounts of luteinizing hormone (LH), and ovulation occurs 36 hours later. Until now, the dormant egg nucleus wakes up and prepares its chromosomes for a possible conception.
The chromosomes in the nucleus carry the genetic code. The purpose of fertilization is the fusion of two germ cells (gametes) originating from heterosexual individuals. All cells in the human body contain 46 chromosomes. Therefore, two gametes must form a new cell containing also 46 chromosomes. With simple addition, 92 chromosomes would have been obtained, but this would have led to a biological error, the consequence of which would have been the termination of the genus. Therefore, each of the partners must halve their number of chromosomes (to 23). In the egg, the reduction in the number of chromosomes occurs after the release of luteinizing hormone by the pituitary gland. For such a transformation, 20 - 36 hours is enough for her. In preparation for the reception of the sperm, the egg pushes out to the periphery, into a small sac called the first polar body, half of its chromosomes. The meeting with the sperm must occur at a strictly defined time. If this happens earlier, the egg will not be ready to receive the sperm because it will not have time to divide its chromosomes; if - later, then she risks missing the period of maximum readiness for fertilization.

The next 14 days after ovulation, the second part of the cycle, take place in the preparation of the uterine lining. All preparation is in vain if conception does not occur, and its biological consequences will pass along with menstrual bleeding. But in one of the ovaries, a new egg is already maturing again.

What happens after ovulation at conception?

The egg released from the follicle, having carried out the reduction of chromosomes, enters the fallopian tubes, which, with their soft fringes, are connected to the ovary. The fringes resemble an opened flower at the end of the stem. And its living petals capture the egg on the go.

The fusion of the egg and sperm usually occurs in the fallopian tube itself.

The fallopian tube is a cylindrical muscular organ, inside it is lined with a mucous membrane covered with villi and containing glands that produce a secret. This structure contributes to the movement of the egg and (if fertilization has occurred) the embryo into the uterus.

To fertilize an egg, the sperm must enter the body around the same time that the egg leaves the follicle. This may seem easy to achieve, but the egg after leaving the follicle lives for only 24 hours or even less, and the sperm remains capable of fertilizing it for only a few days. Thus, sexual intercourse should take place at your most appropriate time if you want to become pregnant.

The process of ovulation is controlled by the hypothalamus by regulating (through gonadotropin-releasing hormone) the release of hormones secreted by the anterior pituitary gland: LH and FSH. In the follicular (preovulatory) phase of the menstrual cycle, the ovarian follicle undergoes a series of transformations under the influence of FSH. When the follicle reaches a certain size and functional activity, under the influence of estrogens secreted by the follicle, an ovulatory peak of LH is formed, which triggers the "maturation" of the egg (the first division of meiosis). After maturation, a gap is formed in the follicle through which the egg leaves the follicle. Between the ovulatory peak of LH and ovulation, about 36-48 hours pass. During the postovulatory (corpus luteum) phase, the egg usually travels down the fallopian tube towards the uterus. If the egg is fertilized, then on the 3-4th day the embryo enters the uterine cavity and the process of implantation takes place. If fertilization does not occur, the egg dies in the fallopian tube within 24 hours.

In a woman, a few days before and after the moment of ovulation represent the fertile phase. On average, ovulation occurs on the fourteenth day of the menstrual cycle (with a 28-day cycle). However, deviation from the mean is common and to some extent is normal.

The length of the menstrual cycle by itself is not a reliable source of information about the day of ovulation. Although ovulation usually occurs earlier with a shorter cycle and later with a longer cycle, the duration of the corpus luteum phase in different women can vary by a week or more.

The basal temperature graph reflects the temperature effect of progesterone and indirectly (but quite accurately) allows you to determine the fact and day of ovulation. The fern phenomenon also helps to determine the presence of ovulation - it is determined by the crystallization of cervical mucus, and in some cases this phenomenon can be observed when examining mucus from the nose

Ovulation symptoms:

How to determine ovulation?

Symptoms of ovulation that a woman can notice without a doctor:

Short-term pain in the lower abdomen,
increase in sex drive.

During a gynecological examination during ovulation, an increase in the amount of mucus secreted from the cervical canal is observed. In addition, extensibility, transparency of the mucus is sometimes used, and its crystallization is also observed, which can be done using a special microscope for home use.

Methods and ways to determine Ovulation!

The release of estrogen has two maxima - during ovulation and during the period of maximum activity of the corpus luteum. So, for example, if the normal estrogen content is about 10 µg/l, then during ovulation it is about 50 µg/l, and during pregnancy, especially towards the end of it, the estrogen content in the blood increases to 70-80 µg/l per due to a sharp increase in the biosynthesis of estrogens in the placenta.
Together with progesterone, estrogens promote the implantation (introduction) of a fertilized egg, maintain pregnancy and promote childbirth. Estrogens play an important role in the regulation of many biochemical processes, are involved in carbohydrate metabolism, lipid distribution, stimulate the synthesis of amino acids, nucleic acids and proteins. Estrogens contribute to the deposition of calcium in bone tissue, delay the release of sodium, potassium, phosphorus and water from the body, that is, increase their concentration both in the blood and in electrolytes (urine, saliva, nasal secretions, tears) of the body.
The secretion of estrogens is controlled by the anterior pituitary gland and its genadotropic hormones: follicle-stimulating (FSH) and luteinizing (LH).
Under the influence of estrogens in the first phase of the menstrual cycle, called folliculin, regeneration occurs in the uterus, that is, the restoration and growth of its mucous membrane - the endometrium, the growth of glands that stretch in length and become convoluted. The mucous membrane of the uterus thickens 4-5 times. In the glands of the cervix, the secretion of mucous secretion increases, the cervical canal expands, and becomes easily passable for spermatozoa. In the mammary glands, the epithelium grows inside the milk ducts.

Considering that the average “lifespan” of spermatozoa is 2-3 days (in rare cases it reaches 5-7 days), and the female egg remains viable for about 12-24 hours, then the maximum duration of the “dangerous” period is 6- 9 days and the “dangerous” period corresponds to the phase of slow rise (6-7 days) and rapid decline (1-2 days) before and after the day of ovulation, respectively. Ovulation, as we noted above, divides the menstrual cycle into two phases: the follicle maturation phase, which, with an average cycle duration of 10-16 days, and the luteal phase (corpus luteum phase), which is stable, independent of the duration of the menstrual cycle and is 12 -16 days. The corpus luteum phase is referred to as the period of absolute infertility, it begins 1-2 days after ovulation and ends with the onset of a new menstruation.

Calendar method for determining ovulation

Its essence is that menstruation always occurs 14 days after ovulation. That is, if the cycle is 28 days - ovulation will take place on the 13-14th; at 30 days - on the 15-16th, etc. The only problem is that modern urban women experience cycle failures too often. And even the healthiest have cases (1-3 times a year) when ovulation does not occur at all, and menstruation occurs as usual. In general, the reliability of the calendar method is no more than 30%.
Tactile method for determining ovulation

This method is suitable only for very observant women. It has been noticed that on the eve and during ovulation, the mucus secreted from the cervix becomes less viscous - so that it is easier for sperm to move along it. This is a very subjective method. Although, if someone can honestly admit to himself: “Yes, today I am thinner than yesterday,” then the probability of timely conception is 50:50.

Method of basal temperature for determining ovulation

This method is as unreliable as it is anti-erotic. If every morning, without getting out of bed, measure the temperature in the rectum (5-6 minutes) and build a graph, then you can find that a flat line of temperatures drops sharply one day - this is the day of ovulation! And the next day it rises just as sharply. If one of the cycles suddenly passes without ovulation, this will also be reflected in the chart. Having tracked 2-3 cycles in this way, you will learn how to “catch” the right day with an accuracy of up to 70%.
But, imagining how a loved one brings me a thermometer (you can’t get up!), And I put this thing in, I apologize, you know where, I completely lost the desire to make love. Even for the kids!

The next most accurate method for determining ovulation is the measurement of basal temperature. An increase in mucous secretions from the vagina and a decrease in rectal (basal) temperature on the day of ovulation with an increase in it the next day most likely indicates ovulation. The basal temperature graph reflects the temperature effect of progesterone and indirectly (but quite accurately) allows you to determine the fact and day of ovulation.

All of these listed signs of ovulation and methods for determining it give only approximate results.
Signs of ovulation, which the doctor states:

How to accurately recognize ovulation? There are methods that help to absolutely determine the moment of ovulation:

Ultrasound monitoring (ultrasound) of the growth and development of the follicle and determining the moment of its rupture (ovulation), see photo. Ultrasound monitoring of follicle maturation is the most accurate method for determining ovulation. After the end of menstruation, approximately on the 7th day of the cycle, the gynecologist performs an ultrasound using a vaginal probe. After that, the procedure should be carried out every 2-3 days, to monitor the preparation of the endometrium. Thus, it is possible to predict the date of ovulation.

Dynamic determination of luteinizing hormone (LH level) in urine. This method is easier and can be done at home using ovulation tests. Ovulation tests begin to be carried out 2 times a day, 5 to 6 days before the expected ovulation, strictly following the instructions.

Ovulation test at home

You can buy an ovulation test. There is no point in resorting to old-fashioned methods when more reliable and less tedious means have been invented to determine the best day for conception. The test is an indicator that reacts to the increased content of hormones (for simplicity, let's call them "ovulation hormones") in a woman's body. Tests determine the onset of ovulation in saliva and urine.
On the 7th day of the cycle, the doctor, using intravaginal sensors, determines whether the egg is maturing in the current cycle, in which ovary it is located (this is important if, for example, there is a adhesion in one of the fallopian tubes, then conception can be planned only when the egg matures on the opposite side) when ovulation occurs. Theoretically, this method allows you to plan even the sex of the child. It is assumed that girls are conceived a couple of days before ovulation, and boys are conceived on her very day.

Frautest is used by 53% of respondents,
Evitest - 32%
Clear Blue - 5%
Rest assured - 2%
Know now - 2%
Others - 6%

Frautest for ovulation contains 5 test strips, since that is how many days a woman with a constant menstrual cycle needs to determine the period of increase in the LH hormone. The best two days for conception start from the moment you determine that the release of the LH hormone has already occurred. If sexual intercourse occurs within the next 48 hours, your chance of getting pregnant will be maximum. The sensitivity of the test is from 30 mIU / ml.

Eviplan High Sensitivity 25mME/ml.
More than 99% accuracy
Result after 5 minutes

The sensitivity of the Clearblue Ovulation Test is 40 mlU/ml.
an increase in the concentration of LH in the blood serum above 40 mIU / ml.

The work of home ovulation tests is based on determining the rapid increase in the amount of luteinizing hormone (LH) in the urine. A small amount of LH is always present in the urine, but 24-36 hours before ovulation (the release of an egg from the ovary), its concentration increases dramatically.
Using ovulation tests

What day should you start testing? This day depends on the length of your cycle. The first day of the cycle is the day when menstruation began. Cycle length - the number of days elapsed from the first day of the last menstruation to the first day of the next.

If you have a constant cycle, then you need to start doing tests ~ 17 days before the start of the next menstruation, since the corpus luteum phase after ovulation lasts 12-16 days (on average, usually 14). For example, if the usual length of your cycle is 28 days, then testing should start from the 11th day, and if 35, then from the 18th.

If your cycle length varies - select the shortest cycle in the last 6 months and use its length to calculate the day when to start testing. With very unstable cycles and delays of a month or more, the use of tests without additional monitoring of ovulation and follicles is not reasonable due to their high cost (when using tests every few days, ovulation can be missed, and using these tests every day will not justify itself ).

With daily use or 2 times a day (morning and evening), these tests give good results, especially when combined with ultrasound. With simultaneous monitoring on ultrasound, you can not waste tests, but wait until the follicle reaches about 18-20 mm, when it is able to ovulate. Then you can start doing tests every day.
Performing an ovulation test

You can take an ovulation test at any time of the day, but you should stick to the same test time whenever possible. In this case, you should refrain from urinating for at least 4 hours before the test. Avoid excessive fluid intake before starting testing, as this can lead to a decrease in the amount of LH in the urine and reduce the reliability of the result.

Determination of ovulation using test strips: place the test strip in a jar of urine up to the line indicated on the test for 5 seconds, put it on a clean, dry surface, after 10-20 seconds look at the result.

Determination of ovulation using a test device: Holding the tip of the absorbent pointing down, place it under the urine stream for 5 seconds. You can also collect the urine in a clean, dry dish and place the absorbent in the urine for 20 seconds. Keeping the tip of the absorbent pointing downwards, remove the absorbent from the urine. Now you can put the cap back on. The result can be seen after 3 minutes.
Ovulation test results

Results of determining ovulation by test strip: 1 strip means that the increase in LH has not yet occurred, repeat the test after 24 hours. 2 strips - an increase in the level of LH was recorded, the intensity of the strip next to the control indicates the amount of the hormone. Ovulation is possible with the intensity of the band as in the control or brighter.

Ovulation test results: Look into the result window and compare the result line on the left of the arrow on the wand body with the control line on the right. The line closest to the arrow on the case is the result line, which shows the level of LH in the urine. Further to the right of the arrow on the body of the wand is the control line. The control line is used for comparison with the result line. The control line always appears in the window if the test was performed correctly.

If the result line is paler than the control line, then the LH surge has not yet occurred, and testing should be continued daily. If the result line is the same or darker than the control line, then the release of the ear hormone has occurred, and you will ovulate within 24-36 hours.

The best 2 days for conception start from the moment you determine that the LH surge has already occurred. If sexual intercourse occurs within the next 48 hours, your chance of getting pregnant will be at a maximum. Once you have determined that an outlier has occurred, there is no need to continue testing.

Types of ovulation tests

The most common disposable test strips for determining ovulation, by analogy with pregnancy tests, their price is not high.

There are also devices for determining ovulation, which are gradually replacing expensive one-time tests, they also accurately determine the moment of ovulation, but are also multifunctional and more economical, they do not need to be changed after each use and they are designed for many years of work.

Tests allow you to accurately determine ovulation, experts associate the existing errors in the results of ovulation tests only with their incorrect use.

Thus, by combining several methods to determine the moment of ovulation, it is possible to track the long-awaited ovulation with a 100% guarantee. Indeed, it is on these days that the chance for successful conception is the highest: there is ovulation - conception is possible.

Using ovulation data from a basal temperature chart or tests for at least 3 months, you can create an ovulation calendar. The calendar allows you to predict the day of the next ovulation, so it is possible to plan conception and pregnancy.
Ovulation and pregnancy

In a woman, the few days before and after the moment of ovulation represent the fertile phase in which conception and pregnancy are most likely.

Different women have a noticeable difference in the timing of ovulation. And even for the same woman, the exact timing of the onset of ovulation fluctuates in different months. Menstrual cycles may be longer or shorter than the average - 14 days, may be irregular. In rare cases, it happens that in women with a very short cycle, ovulation occurs around the end of the period of menstrual bleeding, but still, in most cases, ovulation occurs regularly at the same time.

From the time of conception in relation to the time of ovulation, not only the actual conception of the child, but also its gender depends. Right at the time of ovulation, it is more likely to conceive a girl, while before and after ovulation, a boy is more likely to be conceived.

The probability of conception and pregnancy in general is maximum on the day of ovulation and is estimated at about 33%. A high probability of pregnancy is also noted on the day before ovulation - 31%, two days before it - 27%. Five days before ovulation, the probability of conception and pregnancy is 10%, four days - 14% and three days - 16%. Six days before ovulation and the day after it, the likelihood of conception and pregnancy during sexual intercourse is very small.

If we take into account that the average “lifespan” of spermatozoa is 2-3 days (in rare cases it reaches 5-7 days), and the female egg remains viable for about 12-24 hours, then the maximum duration of the fertile period is 6-9 days and the fertile period corresponds to the phase of a slow increase (6-7 days) and a rapid decline (1-2 days) before and after the day of ovulation, respectively. Ovulation divides the menstrual cycle into two phases: the follicle maturation phase, which, with an average cycle duration, is 10-16 days, and the luteal phase (corpus luteum phase), which is stable, independent of the duration of the menstrual cycle and is 12-16 days. The corpus luteum phase is referred to as the period of absolute infertility, it begins 1-2 days after ovulation and ends with the onset of a new menstruation. If, for one reason or another, ovulation does not occur, the endometrial layer in the uterus is thrown out during menstruation.

ovulation cycle

From the 1st day of menstruation, the follicular, or menstrual, phase begins. During this period, several follicles begin to grow in the ovaries.
From the 7th day until the middle of the cycle, the ovulatory phase lasts. At this time, the main follicle, the Graafian vesicle, stands out. It develops an ovum.
Day 14 of a 28-day cycle is ovulation. On this day of the Graafs, the bubble bursts: a mature egg comes out of it, which, perhaps, will become the beginning of a new life. It is at this point that a woman may feel pain during ovulation. In the days after ovulation, the egg travels to the uterus through the fallopian tube. According to various sources, the egg lives 24-48 hours, but many girls, when asked how long ovulation lasts, answer that they became pregnant up to 5 days after they received positive LH test results.
From the age of 15, the corpus luteum phase begins - this is the period after ovulation and before the start of the next menstruation. The walls of the burst follicle gather like flower petals in the evening, accumulate fats and luteal pigment, which gives them a yellow color. The modified Graafian vesicle is now called the corpus luteum - hence the name of the period.

The cycle changes:

Within one year
after childbirth;
within three months after the abortion;
after 40 years, when the body is preparing for menopause.

Lack of ovulation, or anovulation

Ovulation and pregnancy are closely related, so the absence of the first leads to the inability to have a baby. However, even in a healthy woman, the egg does not mature in every cycle. Two to three cycles per year with anovulation is normal. With age, the number of such periods increases.

But if there are four or more anovulations in a year, consult a doctor. As in cases where a woman has severe pain during ovulation in the lower abdomen, this can be a symptom of endocrine or gynecological diseases.

The absence of ovulation is observed when:

hormonal imbalance;
taking certain medications.

If you want to have a baby, ovulation is stimulated with hormonal drugs. But don't self-medicate. Stimulation should take place under the supervision of an experienced doctor: he will examine, conduct the necessary tests and prescribe medications that suit you.

Types of ovulation:

premature ovulation;

Causes of premature ovulation

Premature is the release of the egg not in the middle of the menstrual cycle, but earlier. It can happen for various reasons:

Intense sexual intercourse;
physical activity (weight lifting, training in the gym);
hormonal imbalance.

If you have an unstable cycle, it is difficult to talk about premature ovulation, since the hormonal system does not work normally.

Please note: even stress can cause premature ovulation. Due to nervous tension, attempts to lose weight, diseases that we do not always even pay attention to, premature ovulation can occur quite often.
Causes of late ovulation

Sometimes, due to hormonal disruptions, late ovulation can occur. If, in the middle of the cycle, the stomach does not hurt and there are suspicions that you have late ovulation, go through folliculometry - tracking ovulation using ultrasound.

Stimulation of ovulation

Lack of ovulation is one of the common causes of infertility.

Violation of ovulation is due to dysfunction of the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian system and can be caused by inflammation of the genitals, dysfunction of the adrenal cortex or thyroid gland, systemic diseases, tumors of the pituitary and hypothalamus, intracranial pressure, stressful situations. Violation of ovulation may be hereditary in nature (first of all, it is a tendency to certain diseases that interfere with ovulation). Anovulation - the absence of ovulation in childbearing age - is manifested by a violation of the rhythm of menstruation by the type of oligomenorrhea (menstruation lasting 1-2 days), amenorrhea, dysfunctional uterine bleeding. Lack of ovulation is always the cause of a woman's infertility.

One of the common causes of infertility is the lack of ovulation, most often due to hormonal imbalance, which, in turn, can occur against the background of stress, brain injury, abortion, etc. To treat this condition, a complex of hormonal drugs is used that stimulates ovulation and causes superovulation, when several eggs mature in the ovaries at the same time, which increases the chances of fertilization, and is widely used in the IVF procedure.

Another cause of infertility may be, for example, luteal phase deficiency - NLF, when ovulation has occurred, and the concentration of progesterone in the second phase of menstruation is insufficient for implantation of the embryo into the uterus. In this case, treatment is carried out aimed at stimulating the function of the corpus luteum of the ovary and increasing the content of progesterone in the blood. However, the correction of NLF is not always successful, since this condition is often associated with other gynecological diseases and requires a thorough examination.

If the process of follicle maturation and, accordingly, ovulation is disturbed in a woman, ovulation is stimulated. For this, special medications are prescribed - ovulation inducers. Prescribing drugs leads to the stimulation of the development of one or more eggs in patients, which will then be ready for fertilization. Before the appointment of such a serious therapy, a whole range of tests is carried out, which allows you to determine the level of hormones in a woman. In addition to the use of ovulation stimulation, regular ultrasound diagnostics are also carried out. After the onset of ovulation, if it is still not possible to become pregnant naturally, the patient is given intrauterine insemination or IVF. There is a big difference in the method of ovulation stimulation for IVF and for natural conception: in the first case, they achieve the maturation of several eggs, in the second - 1, maximum 2.
Ovulation inducing drugs

The most commonly used drugs to stimulate ovulation are Clostilbegit and gonadotropic hormone preparations.

Preparations of gonadotropic hormones contain hormones of the endocrine gland of the pituitary gland - gonadotropins. These are follicle-stimulating hormone - FSH and luteinizing hormone - LH. These hormones regulate the process of follicle maturation and ovulation in a woman's body and are secreted by the pituitary gland on certain days of the menstrual cycle. Therefore, when prescribing drugs containing these hormones, the follicle matures and ovulation occurs.

These drugs include Menopur (contains the hormones FSH and LH) and Gonal-F (contains the hormone FSH).

The drugs are available in injectable form, administered intramuscularly or subcutaneously.
How is ovulation stimulated?

Various ovulation stimulation schemes are used depending on the type of ovulation disorder and the duration of the disorder. When applying the scheme with Klostilbegit, the latter is prescribed from 5 to 9 days of the menstrual cycle. A combination of this drug with gonadotropins is often used. In this case, Klostilbegit is prescribed from days 3 to 7 of the menstrual cycle with the addition of Menopur (Puregon) on certain days.

When conducting ovulation stimulation, a very important point is to conduct ultrasound monitoring, that is, control of the maturation of the follicle on an ultrasound machine. This allows you to make adjustments to the treatment regimen, in a timely manner to avoid such a side effect of stimulation as the growth of several follicles. The frequency of ultrasound examinations during the treatment program averages 2-3 times. During each examination (monitoring), the number of growing follicles is counted, their diameter is measured and the thickness of the uterine mucosa is determined.

When the leading follicle reaches a diameter of 18 millimeters, the doctor may prescribe the drug Pregnil, which completes the final process of egg maturation and causes ovulation (direct release of the egg from the follicle). Ovulation after the introduction of Pregnyl occurs within 24-36 hours. Depending on the type of marital infertility during the period of ovulation, either intrauterine insemination is performed with the husband's or donor's sperm, or the time of sexual intercourse is calculated.

Depending on the duration and cause of infertility, the age of the woman, the pregnancy rate per attempt is 10-15%.
Conditions for ovulation stimulation:

1. Examination of a married couple.
List of analyzes:
HIV (both spouses)
Syphilis (both spouses)
Hepatitis B (both spouses)
Hepatitis C (both spouses)
Cleanliness smear (female)
Bacteriological crops: chlamydia, mycoplasma, ureaplasma, trichomonas, candida, gardnerella (both spouses)
Pap smear for oncocytology (female)
Conclusion of the therapist on the possibility of carrying a pregnancy
Ultrasound of the mammary glands
A blood test for antibodies to rubella, that is, the presence of immunity (protection) in a woman

2. Passable fallopian tubes.
Since fertilization occurs in the fallopian tube ("Physiology of conception"), an important condition for the onset of pregnancy is passable fallopian tubes. Evaluation of the patency of the fallopian tubes can be carried out by several methods:

Transvaginal hydrolaparoscopy

Since each method has its own indications, the choice of method is determined jointly by you and your doctor at the appointment.

3. Absence of intrauterine pathology
Any deviations from the uterine cavity prevent the onset of pregnancy ("Intrauterine pathology"). Therefore, if a woman has indications of trauma to the uterine mucosa (curettage of the uterine cavity during abortions and bleeding, inflammation of the uterine mucosa - endometritis, intrauterine device and other factors), hysteroscopy is recommended to assess the state of the uterine cavity ("Hysteroscopy").

4. Satisfactory sperm quality
Satisfactory quality of sperm is the absence of male factor of infertility. In the event that intrauterine insemination is not planned, a postcoital test (“Postcoital test”) is recommended before ovulation stimulation.

5. Absence of an acute inflammatory process
The absence of an acute inflammatory process of any localization. Any inflammatory disease is a contraindication for many diagnostic and therapeutic procedures in medicine, since it carries the risk of worsening the patient's condition.

Stimulation of ovulation with folk remedies

Diagnosis of pregnancy_stimulation of ovulation by folk methods In the modern world, the problem of inability to conceive a child is becoming more and more urgent for a large number of people. According to recent statistical studies, about twenty percent of married couples are infertile, that is, unable to conceive a child within two to three years of marriage. The reasons for this phenomenon can only be identified after a thorough examination of both partners. Such couples resort to the use of a variety of means, including folk ones.

Since ancient times, the use of sage has been one of the most effective ways to solve the problem of female infertility. Currently, there is indisputable evidence that this plant contains a huge number of natural hormones, similar in their properties to female sex hormones. The use of sage normalizes the functioning of the female reproductive system, in particular the ovaries. However, it is worth remembering that excessive consumption of sage can harm the body.

To solve the problem of infertility, it is effective to use a decoction and infusion of sage.

* Drink a decoction of the herb of Adam's root. Brew 1 cup boiling water 2 tsp. herbs, insist, wrapped, 2 hours and strain. Drink 1 tbsp. 3-4 times a day.

* Brew 1 cup boiling water 1 tsp. sage herbs and leave for 30 minutes. Drink 1/3 cup 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. Another way: drink 1 des.l. 2 times a day on an empty stomach and in the evening the juice of a fresh sage plant. The drug should be taken within 12 days immediately after the cessation of menstruation.

* Brew 1 cup boiling water 1 tbsp. plantain seeds, boil over low heat for 5 minutes. and insist 1 hour. Drink 1-2 tbsp. 3-4 times a day 30 minutes before meals. The same recipe is used for male infertility. Course 1-2 months.

* Brew 0.5 l of boiling water 3-4 tbsp. knotweed, insist, wrapped, 4 hours and strain. Drink 1-2 cups 4 times a day 20 minutes before meals.

* Brew 0.5 l of boiling water 3 tbsp. herbs ramishia lopsided and insist in a thermos overnight. Drink 150 ml 3-4 times a day 1 hour after meals. The same plant helps with many female diseases.
To prepare an infusion of sage, you will need the following: One small spoonful of the leaves of the plant, brew a glass of boiling water and wait fifteen minutes. After that, strain through cheesecloth and consume 75-85 grams three times a day, half an hour before meals for eleven days after the end of menstruation. It is recommended to use this type of treatment for three months, and then you need to pause for two months. You can increase the effect of this method of treatment by adding linden to the infusion of sage, which also contains female sex hormones. Sage juice is also used to combat infertility. It is recommended to take one teaspoon twice a day.
quince juice

Drink a woman 1 tbsp. spoon for 10 days. If there are no results, repeat the course in a week.

Infusion of rose petals

The infusion is used by both men and women. Only for men, dark pink or red petals are needed, and for women, white and pink.

Pour 1 tbsp. a spoonful of petals with a glass of boiling water, leave in a water bath for 15 minutes. Then cool and strain. Take 1 teaspoon before bed for a week. Instead of infusion, you can use ready-made syrup, adding it to tea 1 teaspoon before bedtime. The effect of this remedy is very high due to the vitamin E contained in rose petals.

Decoction of psyllium seeds

This tool should be used by both spouses. Prepare the infusion. For this, 1 tbsp. pour a spoonful of plantain seeds with a glass of cold water, boil over low heat for 3-5 minutes. Let the broth brew for 40 minutes, then strain and cool. Take 1 tbsp. spoon 4 times a day.

Plantain baths for women

Take 50 g of roots and leaves and pour 1 liter of boiling water. Strain and add to bath water. You need to take such baths for 15 days in a row.

Hypericum smoke

Before going to bed, you need to fumigate the bedroom with the smoke of St. John's wort. To do this, take a dry plant and set it on fire. Smoke the room and your clothes.
Stimulation of ovulation with folk remedies Aloe. Aloe preparations have long been used in the treatment of infertility. For the preparation of a healing potion, healers recommend using a 5-year-old plant. It should not be watered for 7 days before treatment. After this time, cut the leaves and leave them for 8-10 days in a dark, cool place. After that, remove the thorns and chop the leaves with a sharp knife. Add honey, pork or goose fat, melted butter to the resulting mass, taking 6 times more of each product than aloe. The mixture should be taken 2 times a day for 1 tbsp. spoon dissolved in a glass of hot milk. Simultaneously with the intake of aloe, they drink a decoction of plantain seeds (see above).

Mummy. Shilajit preparations are used for male and female infertility, in particular, with a decrease in sexual function and poor-quality semen in men. Mumiye is taken 0.2-0.3 g 1-2 times a day on an empty stomach in the morning and evening before going to bed, mixing it with carrot, sea buckthorn or blueberry juice (in a ratio of 1: 20). The course of treatment is 25–28 days.

It is known that mumiyo in combination with carrot juice (0.5 g of mumiyo per 250 ml of juice) enhances male potency and promotes the fertilization of infertile women. The results become noticeable already on the 6-7th day of the treatment course. In some cases, the mummy is mixed with the yolks of chicken eggs and with the juices of some medicinal plants.

In case of infertility, it is useful to eat leeks, hemp seeds fried with salt, drink fresh juice of wheat grains of milky-wax ripeness (1/2 cup 2-3 times a day 20 minutes before meals).

Healers also recommend during the entire treatment period to eat daily a piece of licorice root (the size of a bean), drink alcohol tinctures of calamus root, eleutherococcus, ginseng, lemongrass or golden root (if the pressure is not elevated and the patient does not suffer from neurasthenia).

Folk remedies to stimulate ovulation are best used only after consulting a doctor.

Ovulation calendar and the most favorable days for conceiving a child

Ovulation is a process during which a mature and fully prepared egg leaves the ovary, enters the abdominal cavity and then goes into the lumen of the fallopian tube. It is during this period that the probability of conceiving a child is maximum and is estimated at about 33%, which, of course, should be taken into account when calculating the ovulation calendar and planning a woman's upcoming pregnancy. After ovulation, the egg is capable of fertilization (conception) within 12-24 hours, while sperm after ejaculation retain their activity for 2-3 (and much less often 5-7) days. Given this fact, the possibility of a woman getting pregnant the day before ovulation is approximately 31%, two days before it - 27%, and three and four days before ovulation - 16 and 14%, respectively. At the same time, conceiving a child six days before ovulation or the day after it is unlikely and even practically impossible. Ovulation usually occurs between the 14th and 16th days of the menstrual cycle under the influence of estrogens and pituitary hormones.
Ovulation calendar and signs of a favorable period for conceiving a child

One of the most reliable and important signs of the onset of ovulation and a favorable period for conceiving a child are changes in the cervical mucus of a woman. First of all, under the influence of estrogens, there is an increase in the amount of secretions and a decrease in their viscosity. The next, no less important, sign of egg maturation should be considered a decrease in rectal (basal) temperature during ovulation and its increase the next day. At the same time, in order to more accurately calculate the calendar of ovulation and conception, it is recommended to measure the temperature every morning at the same time for several months. Sometimes at the time of ovulation, a woman feels pain in the lower abdomen, the nature of which can vary quite widely from weak and short-term to strong and very long. It should also be noted that during the days of ovulation, some women experience a peak of sexual excitability.

The ovulation and conception calendar is a diagram of the menstrual cycle, which marks the time of its beginning, end, as well as the ovulation itself. Full-fledged calendar management implies the obligatory fixation of periods of active sexual life in it. Drawing up a calendar of ovulation and conception must begin long before pregnancy planning in order to learn how to determine the moment of ovulation as accurately as possible and get acquainted with all the features of your own body.

Ovulation calendar and conception of a child

Depending on the probability of conceiving a child and the time of ovulation, the menstrual cycle (conception calendar) can be conditionally divided into three phases: relative sterility, fertility and absolute sterility. The period of relative sterility begins with the appearance of spotting and ends with ovulation. In this phase, some difficulties with contraception may arise, since its duration sometimes varies within several days, even with a stable cycle duration as a whole. This is due to the fact that periodically, depending on certain factors (external and internal), ovulation occurs a little earlier or vice versa later.

The fertile phase begins at ovulation and ends 48 hours later. At this time, the probability of conceiving a child is as high as possible. As noted above, after leaving the ovary, the egg is capable of fertilization within 12-24 hours, while the remaining half of the time is devoted to the inaccuracy of determining the time of ovulation. Following a period of increased fertility, a woman enters a phase of absolute sterility, during which it is almost impossible to conceive a child. This period continues until the end of the menstrual cycle and is about 10-16 days.
Ovulation calendar and calculation of the period of conception of a child

Most modern women calculate the ovulation and conception calendar in order to bring the long-awaited motherhood closer. Others build a calendar to protect themselves from an unplanned pregnancy. However, no matter what goals they pursue, when calculating the menstrual cycle (and the ovulation calendar in particular) in any way, there is always the possibility of error.

According to the calendar method for calculating ovulation, a woman must record the days of the beginning and end of her menstrual cycles for at least six months. In order to determine your individual fertile period (ovulation and conception calendar) based on these data, you need to subtract 11 (the last fertile day of the cycle) from the number of days of the longest of the cycles, and 18 (the first fertile day) from the number of days of the shortest. So, for example, the longest cycle in a woman is 32 days: 32-11 = 21 (the 21st day of the cycle is the last in the fertile phase). Her shortest cycle is 26 days: 26-18=8 (day 8 is the first in the fertile phase). In this case, the most favorable period for conceiving a child is the period from the 8th to the 21st day of the cycle (13 days in total).

One of the best and most accurate ways to calculate the ovulation calendar and the conception of a child is a combination of the above methods, which is called the symptothermal method. It includes the measurement of basal body temperature, daily monitoring of the state of cervical mucus and the accurate calculation of the ovulation calendar and the favorable period for conceiving a child using the calendar method.

The operation of tests for calculating the ovulation calendar is based on the same principle as for diagnosing pregnancy. When interacting with a woman's urine, two transverse lines appear on it, one of which indicates the normal performance of the test, and the second indicates an increase in the level of luteinizing hormone (LH) and the woman is completely ready to conceive a child. However, if the second line remains paler than the control line for several cycles in a row, then this may indicate the absence of ovulation due to any disease (thyroid disease and hyperprolactinemia, obesity and malnutrition, polycystic ovary syndrome and infantilism, elevated FSH levels and reduced levels estradiol, chronic stress, etc.) and is the basis for going to the doctor.

Answers to popular questions about ovulation

How many days does ovulation last?

After leaving the follicle, the egg, according to various sources, "lives" 24-48 hours - this is the period of ovulation. Depending on how many days ovulation lasts - one or two - your chances of getting pregnant change.

Ovulation: what day to plan conception?

If you are planning a pregnancy, you need to consider how long ovulation lasts and how long the sperm cell lives. After ovulation, the egg cell lives only one day, and sperm cells - 2-3 days. Based on this, in order to become pregnant, sexual intercourse should occur no earlier than 2-3 days before and no later than 24 hours after ovulation.

How not to get pregnant, knowing when ovulation (cycle day) takes place?

Due to late and premature ovulation, due to the fact that in some men sperm live longer than 7 days, as well as a whole range of other reasons, the calendar method is the same “reliable” method of contraception as coitus interruptus (Pearl index for the calendar method - 14–38.5, and for coitus interruptus - 12–38). Even if your lower abdomen hurts during ovulation and you know exactly when it passes, this will not protect you from unwanted pregnancy.

Is it possible to get pregnant with late or premature ovulation?

Oh sure.

How does an ovulation test work?

In the middle of the menstrual cycle, the level of luteinizing hormone rises. The ovulation test is designed to determine the amount in the urine.

Using the test is easier than measuring your basal temperature every day and drawing an ovulation chart. In clinical trials, the test gives a very high level of accuracy - 99%. If you follow the instructions, you can accurately determine the most favorable period for conception. Although some medications may cause incorrect results.

Most often, the test contains 5 strips in sealed packages. In addition to them, in addition, you may need a watch.

As soon as you notice signs of ovulation, such as ovulation pain, take a test to make sure it has gone. How to use an ovulation test is usually indicated on the package. An ovulation test is usually used in the same way as a pregnancy test: collect urine in a clean, dry container and place the test strip there for 5-10 seconds until the indicated mark. In 10 minutes you will know the result.

How much does an ovulation test cost?

An ovulation test, the price of which varies from manufacturer to manufacturer, is usually more expensive than a pregnancy test. If you want to get pregnant, buy an ovulation test: its price is small compared to the fact that you are closer to your dream. A set of five Frautest strips costs about 300 rubles, Eviplan - about the same, OVUPLAN - cheaper, up to 200 rubles.

If you suspect the absence of ovulation or for another reason want to do tests in each cycle, you can purchase a reusable digital test - it costs about 1000 rubles. This is especially useful for premature ovulation or too late.

How to use the basal temperature chart to determine when the egg is released?

What day does ovulation occur? This question is of interest to many women: both those who are not yet ready to replenish the family and are protected from unwanted pregnancy, and those who dream and want to become a mother.

The basal temperature during ovulation rises by 0.3–0.6 ° C, and about a day before it, it drops slightly. By daily measuring the temperature and building a schedule, a woman can know about the onset of ovulation the day before it starts. Determining ovulation by basal temperature is a simple method, but it does not give one hundred percent accuracy.

Basal body temperature rises slightly during ovulation. It must be measured in the morning at the same time, in the supine position, without getting out of bed. You need to use the same thermometer. To measure the temperature, it is necessary to insert a medical thermometer into the anus for 5 minutes. You enter these measurements into the ovulation chart, which marks the days of the menstrual cycle and the temperature.

From the beginning of menstruation to the middle of the cycle - the temperature is below 37 ° C. When the egg matures, the temperature rises by only a few tenths of a degree, but the graph will show a noticeable jump. This is the period of ovulation: a favorable time for conception if you want to have a baby, and the most “dangerous” time if you are not planning to replenish the family yet.

How does the calendar method for determining ovulation work?

To find out when ovulation occurs (on which day of the cycle), count how many days pass from the start of one period to the start of another. Ovulation time is in the middle of the cycle plus or minus two days. That is, if 28 days pass from the first day of menstruation to the onset of the next menstruation, then ovulation occurs on day 14–15. If your cycle is 35 days long, then it occurs on the 17-18th day after the start of menstruation. These days, some women experience pain during ovulation and other symptoms described above.

Is there a way to EXACTLY determine which day you ovulate?

How to determine ovulation with 100% probability? There are two ways.

1. Ultrasound: during the procedure, the size and stage of development of the follicle are determined, and they also calculate when it bursts and an egg is released from it, or ovulation occurs.
2. Blood test for luteinizing hormone: this is a hormone secreted by the anterior pituitary gland. Its level in the body increases significantly before ovulation. The work of pharmacy tests for ovulation is based on the same principle.

Is it possible to get pregnant in the days after ovulation?

After ovulation, the greatest opportunity to become pregnant remains within 24 hours (according to some sources - 36-48 hours). If conception does not occur, the egg dies.

Tell me, please, if ovulation does not occur for a long time, then how can it be caused (with what hormonal preparations)?

Unfortunately, anovulation cannot be cured over the Internet. This should be done by a gynecologist-endocrinologist or a specialist in infertile marriage after a full examination. Now it is impossible even to outline possible preparations.

Please tell me if the onset of ovulation is possible in the absence of a rise in basal temperature (specific discharge from the cervix is ​​present).

Still, the most reliable sign of ovulation is a decrease, and the next day a persistent rise in basal temperature. The remaining signs (except for ultrasound data of follicle maturation and laparoscopic signs) are not reliable at all.

I now live abroad in an English speaking country. October 14, 1999 I had a miscarriage at 6 weeks. They did a scraping. Anembryony. The reasons are not named, because the doctor did not bother to examine the material. I didn't insist on it then. Since medicine is paid, the doctor does what I ask him to do - there is no initiative on his part. After a miscarriage, she could not get pregnant, she turned to the same doctor. I ask you to understand me correctly, but my husband and I could not find another specialist - this is happening in Africa, in a not very civilized country. The doctor prescribed Clomid. Said it was anovulation. When asked why I can’t get pregnant, he replied that I have polycystic ovaries, which he identified WITHOUT ANY ANALYSIS, just because I have “scanty periods and hair above the upper lip (antennae) and one hair grows on the areola”. The diagnosis of polycystic disease was made only on these grounds. I asked him to test me for toxo, ureaplasmosis, herpes, CMV, chlamydia, but there was a refusal and an explanation that we would do these tests if the miscarriage recurs. No hormone tests were done either. I drank Clomid 1 course in March 2000. I measured BT. Ovulation was, there was a delay, but pregnancy did not occur. Quit drinking Clomid. The BT schedule in April and May is two-phase: 36.4 - 37.0-2. It reaches 37.0 either on the 12th (April), or on the 22nd day of the cycle (May). My question is: if the schedule is two-phase, then it may be that there was no ovulation, the egg did not mature? My request: please write in Latin the names of all the tests that I need to pass - hormonal, for infections, for everything. It is difficult to communicate with him in English, and we do not know all the terms. In addition, maybe you need to take immunological tests, a compatibility test, a postcoital test? Just to know how it all sounds in Latin.

Based on your basal body temperature, you are ovulating. The slow rise in temperature may be due to insufficient levels of progesterone, the hormone of the second phase. To be sure whether ovulation has occurred, it is necessary to do an ultrasound in the middle of the cycle (with a 28-day cycle - on the 13-14th day from the onset of menstruation).
In the presence of such a pathology as anembryony, it is necessary to be examined now, without waiting for a repetition of the situation. It is necessary to study the hormonal status (progesterone, estradiol, testosterone, DHEA, prolactin, T3, T4, Thyrotropin). Further, it is desirable to exclude the following infections: herpes simplex virus 1;2, cytomegalovirus, Chlamydia trachomatis, mycoplasma, ureaplasma. Check the level of antibodies to rubella (antibodies to rubellavirus) and toxoplasmosis (antibodies to toxoplasmosis). It is advisable to check the spermogram of the husband (the semen). Consult a geneticist. If the results of these studies are normal, it is necessary to be examined for antiphospholipid syndrome (antiphospholipid syndrome).

I have monthly irregular delays of up to 6 months. The basal temperature in the first phase of the cycle is 36.5-36.8, then in the middle of the cycle it rises to 37.1, and then drops and keeps 36.5-36.8, to regulate the cycle I take dufaston (the last 3 months) from 10 to 28th day of the cycle. Unfortunately, it seems that ovulation does not occur. Tell me, does this mean that this drug is not suitable for me? What preparations can be advised in this situation? Whether probably at such gorm. violations try to apply in tech. 3 months of hormone contraceptives, and then try to get pregnant on the background of their cancellation?

You should see a doctor, because. hormonal treatment "on the phone" is extremely unreasonable.

I’ve been trying to get pregnant for quite a long time. The doctor, having found nothing from me, said that after a sudden cessation of taking birth control pills, the possibility of getting pregnant increases dramatically. Which she advised me to do, drink them for 2-3 months, and then stop abruptly. Indeed, after all, many instructions for such pills say that after stopping the cycle, it becomes irregular for a while, and that ovulation may not be for a long time? Thank you very much.

Indeed, there is such a method of stimulating ovulation as taking hormonal contraceptives. Within 2-3 months after their cancellation, the likelihood of ovulation increases.

What hormones does a woman's body produce during a cycle, and how do they affect her well-being and behavior?

In the first half of the cycle, estrogen hormones predominate in the body of a woman. These are classic female sex hormones, they provide, among other things, good health, memory, and concentration. Their level gradually increases, during ovulation, the release of a mature egg from the ovary - there is a sharp release of several hormones, including estrogen, which changes behavior, setting the body for conception (because after maturation, the egg has only 24 hours for fertilization, after that she dies). Therefore, at this time, an increase in activity, sexual desire is possible. After ovulation, the body prepares for a possible pregnancy, the hormone progesterone (pregnancy hormone) predominates, a “pseudo-pregnancy” state sets in, calm, drowsiness, decreased activity, and a slight decrease in concentration. There may be a slight increase in body weight, fluid retention (edema), engorgement of the mammary glands. At the end of the cycle, when the body realizes that pregnancy has not occurred, the level of all hormones drops sharply, and menstruation begins in response to this decline. Menstruation is "crying for a dead egg." Due to a deficiency of hormones, irritability may increase, insomnia, anger may appear, and appetite may change. Existing diseases may worsen. With the onset of menstruation, as a rule, everything goes away, because estrogens begin to form again, and the body prepares for a new ovulation. It is believed that such constant fluctuations in hormones during the cycle will not be harmless to the body. After all, nature conceived a woman for pregnancy, feeding and childbirth. And at the dawn of mankind, everything was exactly like that. Immediately after the start of menstruation, several cycles passed without ovulation, then the girl got married, became pregnant for several cycles (9 months), then breastfed for 1.5-2 years (at this time ovulation rarely occurs), then several cycles again pregnancy and so until the end of life. A woman had 20-30 cycles in her life. And a modern woman has 300-400. This is not a natural situation at all. Such fluctuations in hormones are risk factors for the development of cancer of the ovaries, breast, endometrium (uterine mucosa). Mood swings affect the state of the nervous system. To exclude hormonal ups and downs, to create a long-term state of "pseudo-pregnancy", protective for the mammary glands and other organs of the female body, I use hormonal contraceptive pills. They keep hormones at a constant low level and, with prolonged use, not only provide 100% contraception, but also protection against cancer. A specialist should select a specific drug, taking into account the individual characteristics of your body.

I need to undergo an ultrasound in the preovulatory cycle. My cycle is 29-31 days. I read that ovulation occurs about 14 days before the onset of menstruation, and the doctor said that everyone, regardless of the length of the cycle, ovulates ON the 14th day. Can you tell me when should I have this ultrasound?

Ovulation occurs 14 days before the next period.

I am 31 years old, did not give birth, had an abortion 7 years ago. Cycle 32 days, stable. On the 17th day of the cycle there were light bloody discharges. On the 19th day after the sexual intercourse, there was just a wild pain in the lower abdomen, it gave off in the ass. passage. It took about three hours, but the stomach was swollen, the pain could not be touched, but more like intestinal pain, it gave to the ribs, so all night. On another day in the DNA center, on a chair during palpation, they did not recognize problems in the female part, and the ultrasound showed: av. led away. up to 52x46mm, structure of increased echogenicity along the upper pole, echogenic formation 13x14mm (thrombus), about 50 mg of free fluid in the n.pelvis. The doctor prescribed suppositories with indomethaxin and ice on the stomach, said that the swelling would go away by itself, there would be nausea. For two days I had bloating and a pace of 37.4, then it went away. Help, please, tell me:

1) Is this treatment normal, why haven't they prescribed any antibiotics against inflammation?

2) what are the reasons?

3) how dangerous is it, what is this phenomenon in general, how can it affect the reproductive function?

4) how to avoid this in the future, what tests should be taken? Whether to address to the endocrinologist?

3. Most likely, this is how ovulation went - the rupture of the follicle with a mature egg. it
not quite normal, and if this is not a one-time occurrence, but a recurring one, then it is called “median pelvic pain syndrome, ovulatory syndrome) and it is treated.

It does not directly affect the reproductive function. vice versa. is a sign of egg maturation, but requires treatment, because. the reasons that caused it can also cause miscarriage.

2. Causes: metabolic disorders of some biologically active substances, hormonal status disorders.

1. They did not prescribe antibiotics, because during the gynecological examination they did not find signs of inflammation of the appendages.

4. Yes, you need to contact a specialist.

I had an ovarian apoplexy 2 years ago (the ovary was taken in). The rupture occurred in the corpus luteum. They explained to me that the corpus luteum was on a large blood vessel. Prior to this, there was no inflammatory process. Explain why this might have happened and whether there may be pain at the operation site when the weather changes.

Every month, an egg is produced in the ovary. From a small germ, it gradually grows, a follicle is formed. By the time of ovulation, the release of the egg from the follicle reaches up to 2.5 cm in size (a fairly large formation). In order for the egg to be released and go towards the sperm, the follicle membranes are torn. the egg is released. And in place of the follicle, a corpus luteum is formed. A rupture of the follicle is understood as a real rupture, i.e. violation of the integrity of the ovary. At the site of the rupture, hemorrhage occurs, but usually it is small and the rupture itself heals quickly. sometimes, for various reasons, the gap may be too large, affecting a large blood vessel, which is accompanied by bleeding into the abdominal cavity - this is ovarian apoplexy. Any surgical intervention, and in your case it was categorically impossible to avoid it, because. was a threat to life, carries the danger of an inflammatory process and, as a result, the development of adhesions. probably just the adhesive process gives soreness, unless, of course, real inflammation of the appendages is excluded. Pain can also occur during ovulation, this is normal.

I have PCOS. A therapeutic laparoscopy was performed. I am currently ovulating. I measure my basal temperature. In 14 days I have a rise to 37.1 - 37.2, this temperature remains until the onset of menstruation. My cycle is 31 days, sometimes more. On the ultrasound performed on the 11th day of the cycle, I have many small follicles in the ovaries, the largest 10 - 11 mm; endometrial thickness 5.6 mm. Can these follicles together give the same rise in temperature as during ovulation?

No, the rise in basal temperature is associated with ovulation. You may not have measured it correctly. The measurement is taken in the morning before getting out of bed, for 5 minutes

Please answer, what happens to the basal temperature during ovulation? How many days should she stay elevated? And most importantly, how can you determine the anovulation cycle or the presence of ovulation at home, because I did not find specific data on determining such data on the site.

I will give an explanation of what a normal basal temperature should be during an ovulatory cycle using the example of a 28-day menstrual cycle. In the first phase of the cycle, i.e. from the first day of menstruation to ovulation, the temperature should fluctuate between 36.4 - 36.8. On the day of ovulation, the temperature drops sharply down to 36.0 degrees and the next day rises above 37. degrees, but not higher than 37.3. At this level, it lasts 14 days (the duration of the second phase of the cycle is the same with different cycle lengths). On the day of ovulation, the temperature drops to 36.4 -36.8. If the temperature stays above 37.0 degrees for more than 16 days, pregnancy should be assumed. With an anovulatory cycle, the basal temperature does not rise above 37.0 degrees Celsius.

I had a transvaginal ultrasound on the 14th day of the menstrual cycle with a cycle length of 25 days, and I give the results below. Uterus: regular shape, smooth contours. The dimensions of the body of the uterus: longitudinal - 48, transverse 46, anterior - posterior - 36. The structure of the myometrium is homogeneous, the cervical canal is 1.5-2 mm, contains fluid, there is a hyperechoic zone around with a hypoechoic rim. The uterine cavity - without features. Endometrium - 8mm. Right ovaries: 33x22 mm in size. Structure of the ovary: an echo-negative formation with an uneven contour (collapsed follicle) 16x12mm is located, the maximum follicle is 7mm Left: 35x19 mm in size. Structure of the ovary: the maximum follicle is 12 mm. Additional information: A free fluid of about 9 cubic centimeters is located in the posterior fornix. Could you explain to me: 1) Did I ovulate and what is meant by a “collapsed follicle” corpus luteum or reverse development of the follicle. 2) Strange follicle size in left ovary, too big? 3) Is the thickness of the endometrium sufficient for implantation? Regarding the thickness of the endometrium. Is everything very bad? And what can be done to fix it?

It all depends on the structure of the endometrium (in different phases of the menstrual cycle, it is different). Most likely, the thickness of the endometrium described by you with the indicated sizes of the uterus is the norm. 1. Judging by the ultrasound picture you described, you have ovulated, with the reverse development of the follicle, a corpus luteum is formed and if pregnancy does not occur, then it regresses. The size of the follicle - 7 mm in the right and 12 mm - in the left ovary is not large, but small in order to be dominant, i.e. - for ovulation. 2. The follicle in the left ovary is of normal size (maximum possible up to 14 mm). The thickness of the endometrium, in my opinion, is too small for the 2nd phase of the cycle and even more so for implantation. 3. To characterize the endometrium, it is necessary to know not only its thickness, but also its structure.

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