What is the dangerous minimum of iron in human blood. Serum iron in the blood: normal, high, low. Iron and food

Many have heard about the connection of iron with hemoglobin. It is a structural element of this protein. There is even an erroneous opinion that the lack of hemoglobin in the blood is necessarily associated withiron deficiency. This is not true. There can be many reasons. Hemoglobin may be low despite normal iron levels.
The opposite case is also possible -low iron in the blood with normal hemoglobin. This has its own explanations.

Hemoglobin. What is it and what is it responsible for?

What is hemoglobin?

Human blood contains red blood cells, also called erythrocytes. They differ from all other cells in their unique structure - they lack a nucleus. Instead, most of the red body is occupied by hemoglobin molecules. The level of hemoglobin in the blood depends onred blood cell count.

Hemoglobin is quite complex in structure. It consists of four protein chains (globins) and four iron-containing structures (hemes). Iron in the composition of red blood cells is the most important element, since it has the ability to combine with oxygen. With the help of iron atoms in hemoglobin molecules, the body captures the air entering the lungs and provides oxygen to all its cells. And with the help of the same element, through the same compound reactions, a by-product of oxygen metabolism, carbon dioxide, is removed.

Where is it produced?

There is a special place in the human body where the continuous process of creating new blood cells takes place. This is red bone marrow. As the name implies, it is located inside the bones. Most of this substance is found in the pelvic bones. It also contains the epiphyses of long tubular bones and vertebrae, but in a smaller amount.

Blood cells are formed from stem cells that fill the red bone marrow. These are undifferentiated cells, similar in structure to embryonic ones. They can "ripen" and transform into the type of blood cells (there are three of them - erythrocytes, platelets and leukocytes) that the body needs.

The formation of red blood cells occurs in the erythroblastic islets of the bone marrow. In order to turn stem cells into red blood cells, the body needs, to put it simply, to remove the nucleus from them and build several hundred hemoglobin molecules in the vacated place. The latter requires iron. The body receives this substance with food, from iron-containing foods, such as meat. That's whyconcentration of hemoglobin in the blooddepends, first of all, on a diet of the person.

What is this protein responsible for?

As mentioned above, hemoglobin is involved in the process of respiration. First, air enters through the upper and lower respiratory tract to the alveoli of the lungs. From there, oxygen molecules enter the blood and bind to iron in the erythrocyte hemes (some of them dissolve in the blood plasma).

In this form, oxygen diverges throughout organs and tissues . It is necessary for aerobic cell oxidation (the main way to obtain the energy needed in all life processes). This is a complex chemical reaction that produces carbon dioxide that is not needed by the body. It is also utilized thanks to iron atoms, which enter into a connecting reaction with it and deliver it through the veins to the lungs, from where it leaves when exhaled.

Glucose is constantly present in human blood. It is needed by the body as one of the sources of energy. Glucose tends to attach to protein molecules. This phenomenon is called glycation. Red bodies can also bind to glucose. In the blood of any person there is always a certain percentage of red blood cells with glycated hemoglobin.

Sugar levels are regulated by a substance called insulin. If a person is healthy, the glucose content in his blood is always normal, and, accordingly, the percentage of glycated hemoglobin is low. But in diabetic patients, insulin is not produced or works poorly. In this case, the number of glucose-bound red blood cells increases dramatically. Their percentage measurement is the most accurate way to diagnose diabetes.

Why can iron levels be low with normal hemoglobin?

If there is not enough iron in the body, the number of red blood cells produced decreases, and anemia develops. But there are cases when a person suffers from a lack of iron, with normalhemoglobin indicators. This is because iron deficiency develops gradually. For some time, the process of creating red blood cells is supported by iron, which normally should not participate in hematopoiesis (approximately 18% of the total amount of this substance is stored as a reserve inside the cells, in the so-called tissue depot; 12% is used in myoglobin and enzymes ; some percentage is associated with transferrin, and 70% is contained in red bodies). Iron deficiency disease goes through several stages:

  1. prelatent stage. Not enough iron enters the body, its reserves in the depot begin to be consumed. Deterioration of well-being (weakness, dizziness, fatigue) is already observed at this stage, howeverhemoglobin content in the bloodremains within the normal range.
  2. latent stage. Iron in the body becomes less and less. The number of red cells is still within the normal range, but there is decline all types of non-heme gland (not included in erythrocytes). The symptoms of the disease get worse. Weakness and fatigue increase. There is increased dryness of the skin and mucous membranes, hair loss. Problems with iron-containing enzymes can manifest themselves in taste perversions, for example, some patients have a desire to eat raw meat or clay.
  3. iron deficiencyanemia. Iron stores are depleted, and the body can no longer create red blood cells in the right amount. Begins oxygen starvation.

Thus, hemoglobin falls already at the last, most severe stage of iron deficiency. At first, the lack of this substance manifests itself only in a general deterioration in well-being. Therefore, a blood test for hemoglobin is not enough to diagnose this disease. There is also a need for biochemical study blood, which will determine the amount of ferritin,the level of iron in the bloodserum and total iron-binding capacity.

General blood analysis

Signs of low and high hemoglobin

Symptoms high and low red blood cells, for the most part, coincide. May be observed:

  • Weakness, shortness of breath, chronic fatigue;
  • Sharp movements are accompanied by dizziness;
  • Drowsiness;
  • Paleness of the skin. With high hemoglobin, on the contrary, redness is possible.
  • With anemia, the tongue in the mouth may become bright red.
  • poor appetite;
  • Hypotension with low hemoglobin. At high, there is a tendency to hypertension.
  • With anemia possibly prone to fainting.

Not all, but only some of the listed symptoms may be observed. Problems with hemoglobin mainly manifest themselves in weakness, lethargy and fatigue of the body.

Table of normal blood hemoglobin levels for men and women

Below is a table normal values ​​of hemoglobin (g/dl), taking into account gender and age :

Age Among women In men
First two weeks of life 13,4 – 19,8 Same way
Then until the middle of 4 weeks 10,7 – 17,1 Same way
Until the middle of week 8 9,4 – 13,0 Same way
Up to 4 months 10,3 – 14,1 Same way
4-6 month 11,1 – 14,1 Same way
6-9 month 11,4 – 14,0 Same way
9-12 month 11,3 – 14, 1 Same way
1-5 years 11,0 — 14,0 Same way
5-10 years 11,5 – 14,5 Same way
10-12 years old 12,0 – 15,0 Same way
12-15 years old 11,5 – 15, 0 12,0 – 16,0
15-18 years old 11,7 – 15,3 11,7 – 16,6
18-45 years old 11,7 – 15,5 13,2 – 17, 3
45-65 years old 11,7 – 16,0 13,1 – 17,2
After 65 years 11,7 – 16,1 12,6 – 17,4

As can be seen from the table, menhemoglobin levels in the bloodon average higher than women. And its highest rates are in newborns. It can also be noticed thatnormal hemoglobin in an adultdecreases over the years.

The table shows the optimal performance. But there is also a certain boundary that must not be violated, otherwise a very dangerous state sets in for a person. This is the so-called critical level of hemoglobin in the blood. It is equal to 6.0 g/dl. If the indicators fall below, the probability of death is high.

Hemoglobin and pregnancy

In the body of a woman, fewer red blood cells are produced than in men, since the male hormone is involved in their production. In addition, women periodically lose blood during menstruation. Because of such physiological characteristics, they are more prone to anemia than men. In addition, a woman experiences a huge load during pregnancy . Her body must supply oxygen and nutrients not only to itself, but also to the growing embryo.

Therefore, for pregnant women, there is a special norm of hemoglobin - 11.0-15.5 g / dl. It is important to ensure that these indicators did not fall below 11.0 g/dl, especially during the first trimester, because during this stage the formation of the most important organs of the child takes place, and oxygen deficiency can be detrimental.

Normalization of hemoglobin level

The level of red blood cells in the blood can go beyond the normal range due to a variety of diseases, some of which are very serious. For example, bone marrow tumors or congenital pathologies in the structure of the body. Therefore, you can not self-medicate. You should undergo an examination and establish the exact cause of the disease. If it turns out that these disorders are the result of malnutrition or an unhealthy lifestyle, it is quite simple to bring the composition of the blood back to normal.

How to increase the number of red cells?

Anemia is often caused by a lack of substances needed for hematopoiesis. In addition to iron, vitamin B12 is very important for the creation of red blood cells. Its deficiency is also a common cause of anemia. To quickly replenish iron, the doctor may prescribe a traditional hematogen or drugs such as Sorbifer. Vitamin B12 is often given as an injection.

It is very important to eat meat and fish. Iron, which is contained in their composition, is best absorbed. Anemia can be exacerbated by alcoholism, because it disrupts absorption of iron and vitamins into the stomach.

How to lower them?

Due to the large number of blood cells, the blood becomes thickened. Therefore it shouldtake medicationthat liquefy it. Such as Curantil or Vasonite. They must be prescribed by a doctor.

To reduce the content of red blood cells in the blood, you need a special diet that worsens iron absorption. These are, first of all, dairy products, as well as cereals and flour products.

Hemoglobin may increase due to smoking. With tobacco smoke, the blood receives excess carbon dioxide, which leads to oxygen starvation. Wanting to compensate for this, the body begins to intensively produce red blood cells. In order for the blood to return to normal, you should give up cigarettes.

Iron is an essential micronutrient. In large quantities, it is part of hemoglobin. In addition, iron is present in the blood serum and in cells. This substance enters the body with food. Iron levels in a person's blood can fluctuate throughout the day. Such changes occur depending on lifestyle, quality of sleep and nutrition. The norm of serum iron in human blood is 4-5 g. However, this indicator is not a standard. As a rule, the level of iron in the blood of men is higher than that of women. In children under one year, this figure is significantly below the norm.

What role does iron play in the body?

  • Iron is part of the blood and most of the enzymes produced in the human body.
  • This is an extremely important element that takes part in respiratory, immunobiological and redox processes.
  • Iron is necessary for proteins and enzymes that control hematopoiesis, cholesterol metabolism, and DNA production.
  • This microelement affects the functioning of the thyroid gland, regulates the level of its hormones.
  • Iron is directly involved in the process of transporting oxygen molecules to cells and tissues.
  • It has a beneficial effect on the liver. Regulates the process of removing toxins from the body.
  • Stimulates the production of immunity.
  • Iron is necessary for the normal development and growth of the body (especially in childhood).
  • It has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, hair, nails.

A decrease or increase in the level of iron in the human body can lead to irreversible processes.

What is the norm of serum iron in the body?

The iron content in the blood is considered normal within the following limits.

  • Children up to a year - 7-18 µmol / l.
  • Children from one year to 14 years old - 9-21 µmol / l.
  • Men of reproductive age - 12-30.5 µmol/l.
  • Women - 9-30.5 µmol / l.

It is this norm of serum iron that ensures the proper functioning of all organs and systems of the body.

The difference in rates for adults of different sexes is due to the fact that women lose a large amount of blood every month. In addition, in girls, fluctuations in iron levels depend on the phase of the menstrual cycle. The highest content is noted during the formation of the corpus luteum, and the decrease occurs after the end of menstruation. With age, in both men and women, the level of this trace element drops significantly. Its concentration in the blood depends on many factors that doctors must consider when doing a serum iron test. Let us consider in more detail the features of this procedure.

Determination of the level of iron in the blood

With this analysis, blood is collected in the morning on an empty stomach. To obtain correct results, patients are advised to stop taking any medications containing iron a week before the procedure.

Iron deficiency in the body: causes

The norm of serum iron in the body of an adult ranges from 9 to 30.5 µmol / l. As a rule, patients are diagnosed with a deviation towards a decrease in its level.

Reasons for a decrease in the amount of iron in the blood:

  • Some chronic diseases (tuberculosis, lupus erythematosus, Crohn's disease, rheumatoid arthritis).
  • Iron deficiency anemia, which is a consequence of frequent blood loss (due to injuries, menstruation, operations). In addition, it can be caused by insufficient consumption of meat dishes. Malnutrition, the predominance of plant foods in the diet very often causes the development of iron deficiency in the blood.
  • Destruction of erythrocytes.
  • In the third trimester of pregnancy, a decrease in iron in the blood is considered the norm.
  • Disorder of the functions of the digestive system, as a result of which useful microelements are not absorbed by the body.
  • Oncological diseases, in particular, tumors of the intestines, kidneys, liver.

Iron deficiency symptoms

There are two types of iron deficiency: hidden, which is diagnosed only through a general blood test, and explicit. The second option is manifested by clearly expressed symptoms.

People who have serum iron below normal complain of frequent headaches, fatigue, blackouts in the eyes, tinnitus. In addition, there is blanching, dryness and peeling of the skin, cracks and seizures appear in the corners of the mouth.

Consequences of iron deficiency

Deficiency of this trace element in the human body leads to serious consequences.

  • Violation of the functions of the digestive system (gastritis, diarrhea, constipation).
  • Disorders of the liver, which ceases to cope with the detoxification of the body.
  • A decrease in iron leads to disruption of the heart.
  • Nervous disorders. Neuroses, apathy, sleep and memory disturbances may occur.

Increased serum iron: causes

An increase in the level of iron in the blood serum can be a consequence of many pathological changes in the body. Among them, the following should be noted:

  • Anemia, in which red blood cells take longer to form than in healthy people.
  • Subcutaneous hemorrhages, in which a large amount of hemosiderin (a pigment containing iron) appears.
  • Chronic renal failure.
  • primary hemochromatosis. This is a congenital hereditary disease. Primary hemochromatosis is characterized by an increased rate of iron absorption into the intestinal wall. As a result, the body is oversaturated with this substance, which is deposited in the tissues in the form of an insoluble hemosiderin pigment.
  • Secondary hemochromatosis is a consequence of poisoning with drugs containing large amounts of iron. In addition, this disease can occur as a result of frequent blood transfusions.
  • Chronic liver diseases (hepatitis, steatosis, porphyria).

Symptoms and consequences of oversaturation of the body with iron

People whose serum iron is elevated notice yellowing of the skin and eyeballs, weight loss, and arrhythmia. Also, with an excess of this trace element in the body, an enlarged liver is diagnosed.

In patients suffering from primary hemochromatosis, there is increased skin pigmentation, disruption of the endocrine system, disorders of the circulatory system (heart failure, myocardial dystrophy).

An increase in the level of iron in the blood serum leads to serious consequences, and in some cases becomes the cause of death. Deviation from the norm of the content of this element in the body can lead to an exacerbation of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases, to the appearance of malignant neoplasms in the organs of the digestive system.

Iron is a chemical element contained in a significant amount in blood cells, while it is a component of hemoglobin, participating in the oxygen process of blood movement.

Erythrocytes, moving through the cells of the human body, carry out the process of replacing harmful carbon dioxide with oxygen, which ensures the harmonious development and functioning of all internal organs.

The most important indicator characterizing the effectiveness of the process of the necessary formation of blood bodies in a woman's body is the component of the iron norm.

The need for the desired content of this element in the blood of the weak half of humanity is determined by the monthly loss of a certain amount of it during menstruation.

A blood test will allow you to determine the percentage of useful metal and take timely measures in case of its shortage or excess.

On average, the rate of iron in the blood for women is 3 g or 35 mg per kg, however, the criteria for the volume of its content also depend on the age of the ladies.

A deficiency of this element in the blood can cause anemia, disrupt the immune system, cause mental development problems, cause nervousness, changes in intracranial pressure, and also cause irritation on the skin.

Attention! If it is exceeded, inflammatory processes of the internal organs and, in particular, the renal system, as well as the onset of leukemia, are possible.

The rate of iron in the blood for women differs depending on age.

The calculation of the norm of hemoglobin, consisting of iron and protein, in the blood of a woman is determined in a special way and is expressed in grams per 1 liter of blood.

Wherein the average positive indicator of a healthy woman should be within the normal range of 120 to 140 g per liter.

During menstrual cycles, a decrease in the indicator to 110 g per liter is considered normal. At a young age, the norm is from 115 to 135 g per liter. blood.

Under the age of 40

Until the age of twelve, the content of hemoglobin in the blood does not depend on the sex of the child, and only at the onset of puberty, as well as the beginning of menstruation in girls, does it decrease.

After that, as the system responsible for hematopoiesis develops, the level of hemoglobin in the blood gradually increases, reaching its stability, characteristic of a woman's age from 18 to 40 years.

Wherein the norm is an indicator from 117 to 155 g / l.

Under the age of 60

After the expiration of 40 years, the woman's body changes dramatically, which is characterized by the passive work of the hormonal function of the ovaries, its extinction, as well as a decrease in metabolic processes.

Often these circumstances lead to an increase in body weight, while the activity of the hematopoietic function decreases.

The level of hemoglobin in the blood begins to decrease, often falling outside the norm, which is an indicator from 112 to 152 g / l.

This problem affects women who neglect protein foods at a specified age, because they are on a diet, in connection with the desire to lose weight.

After 60 years

In the considered age period, the aging process is actively going on in the woman's body, in connection with which there is a loss of fluid by the tissues, in particular, there is less liquid blood.

With its thickening, the level of hemoglobin in the female blood rises, in the absence of diseases associated with oncology and anemia. The norm is an indicator from 114 to 160 g / l.

During pregnancy

A special condition of a woman, called pregnancy, is accompanied by an increase in the load on the female body, which is caused by an increase in the need for essential trace elements.

Iron is necessary for a better supply of oxygen to the unborn child, which is the key to its harmonious development.

In a pregnant woman, iron deficiency anemia is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • increased fatigue and a feeling of weakness;
  • violation of the taste range;
  • decreased blood pressure and significant pallor of the skin.

Note! Doctors recommend that if girls show similar symptoms, immediately contact a doctor to establish a possible pregnancy, in order to take the necessary measures to prevent oxygen deficiency for the fetus, which can cause both premature birth and the manifestation of pathological diseases in the child.

The norm for pregnant women is from 110 to 140 g / l.

Causes of violation of the norm of iron in the body of a woman

The reasons for which the norm of iron in the blood for a woman does not meet the established criteria include its lack, due to increased consumption, as well as insufficient intake of the metal into the body.

Against, a deviation from the established norm is also an excess of this element, due to the possible impact of a number of external factors that affect the increase in hemoglobin levels.

Iron deficiency in the body: symptoms in women

For this painful condition, as a result of which the necessary norm of iron is violated in the blood of a woman, the following symptoms are inherent:

Reasons for a decrease in hemoglobin include:

Excess iron in the body: symptoms in women

This painful condition is dangerous due to the formation of blood clots, the deterioration of the natural movement of oxygen within the body.

Blood thinning drugs are prescribed, the consumption of foods containing a significant percentage of iron is minimized.

It is necessary to identify the cause of the increase in hemoglobin, and then take immediate measures to eliminate it.

Factors that provoke a high level of hemoglobin are:

What are the dangers of excess and lack of iron in the body

A significant increase in hemoglobin in a woman's blood is a dangerous problem for her body.

The blood becomes viscous, which is accompanied by rapid fatigue and insomnia, increased pressure, the appearance of spots on the skin, loss of appetite, heavy and prolonged periods, and malfunctions in the genitourinary system.

The lack of trace elements of iron in the body of a woman also poses a danger to him., since it is directly related to a low content of hemoglobin in her blood, which in medicine is called anemia.

Anemia associated with iron deficiency in the body (anemia) is quite dangerous, because it is accompanied by a significant decrease in immunity.

The appearance of an adult woman, in this condition, worsens, the hair on the head becomes brittle, the nails are brittle, and the skin is pale.

Blood test for iron: how to prepare for it

The rate of iron in the blood for a woman should be constantly monitored therefore, it is necessary to conduct a timely study, which is a special procedure carried out in the laboratory and determining the number of indicators contained in the blood.

The procedure is carried out as prescribed by the doctor, both during a general examination of the body, for preventive purposes, and in case of suspicion of specific diseases.

The medical criteria that prompt this analysis are:

  • acute and chronic infections;
  • suspicion of iron deficiency in the body;
  • various inflammations in the body;
  • the need for a differentiated diagnosis of anemia;
  • suspicion of a lack of vitamins, as well as their imbalance;
  • diseases of the stomach and intestines.

The indicated blood test is carried out in the morning and on an empty stomach.

Despite this, it is necessary to prepare for it in a few days, for which you should follow a number of simple rules:

  • For 5 days before the test, you need to limit yourself to taking medications containing iron;
  • For a week, you should limit the diet, in relation to fatty and fried foods;
  • Reduce physical stress on the body;
  • Avoid taking oral hormones;
  • At least 24 hours before the test, exclude tobacco and alcohol;
  • Food intake should be carried out 8-10 hours before the study;
  • Prior to analysis, do not conduct x-rays and fluorography;
  • Avoid physical therapy.

How to increase iron in the blood: foods rich in iron

Correct and balanced consumption of foods rich in these trace elements will help get rid of an acute iron deficiency in the body.

The considered products are divided into two groups: animal and vegetable origin.

Animal foods include:

  • meat dishes;
  • fish meals;
  • offal;
  • cream.

Plant foods, respectively, include:

The third group should conditionally include such drinks as juices from:

  • drain;
  • tomatoes;
  • carrots;
  • beets.

The table below shows examples of some products with a fraction of mg of useful metal in them per 100 g.

Name Amount mg/100 g
Nuts from the forest51
Oat flakes45
Buckwheat grain31
Pig liver29,7
sea ​​kale16
berry blueberry9

Flour products, strong coffee and tea, canned and calcium-containing products, vinegar and alcoholic beverages will slow down the increase in the blood for a woman's iron norm.

How to increase iron in the blood quickly

It is possible to raise the desired blood count quickly enough only with the help of special preparations.

When the components of the metal in the blood are lowered to the lowest possible limits, doctors, under constant supervision, carry out the necessary medical measures in a hospital, while using drugs containing synthetic iron compounds.

In addition to the above increase, You must adhere to the following rules for adjusting nutrition:

Drugs to increase iron in the blood: an overview of the most effective

The norm of iron in the blood for women is easily supported by many drugs that have proven themselves and are widely used.


The composition of the drug includes ferrous sulfate.

Indicated for use:

  • with the onset of iron deficiency anemia;
  • with a decrease in hemoglobin in the blood;
  • during periods of gestation by a woman of a child, as well as breastfeeding;
  • with Crohn's disease;
  • with diarrhea;
  • with enteritis.

For the purpose of preventive measures, take 325 mg / day, in the treatment of anemia, the indicated dose is doubled.


It contains folic and ascorbic acids, components of iron and cyanocobalamin.

It is applied in such cases:

  • with iron deficiency;
  • with a lack of folic acid in the body;
  • with a decrease in hemoglobin in the blood;
  • during pregnancy;
  • for preventive purposes.

Adults are prescribed to take 1 tablet in the morning, afternoon and evening, children are prescribed individually in each case. The course of taking the drug is not more than 90 days.


This medicine contains ferrous fumarate.

Indicated for use in the treatment of:

  • identifying similar symptoms to those described above;
  • hypermenorrhea;
  • polymenorrhea;
  • hematuria.

Adults take 1 tablet daily, children are given an individual dose. The course of treatment is from one and a half to two months.

It should be borne in mind that in the course of treatment, the general condition may worsen. This circumstance may be associated with a violation of the established daily dosages of medications, as well as individual intolerance to them by the body.

If such a situation occurs, you should immediately notify the attending physician about it, in order to adjust the dose and type of the medicinal product.

Vitamins with iron for women

For preventive purposes, doctors prescribe vitamin complexes containing iron elements.

When taking them, the recommended dosages should be strictly observed in order to avoid side effects.

The advantage of these complexes is that their intake is twenty times higher than the absorption of food metal.

To increase the level of iron in the blood of a woman, it is necessary to choose a vitamin complex, the concentration of iron in which will be able to fill the necessary need for the body.

The most effective and time-tested multivitamin complexes of this group include:

Why iron is not absorbed in a woman's body: reasons

The reasons for the poor absorption of the element in question by the female body are an increase in calcium and phosphorus salts in it.

Excessive consumption of dairy products also interferes with the absorption of iron by the body, and therefore it is not recommended to eat iron-rich foods with milk.

In addition to calcium, manganese and zinc affect the decrease in the degree of absorption of iron.

In fairness, it should be noted that in case of abuse of iron-rich foods, a similar effect will be observed in relation to the above elements, which is also negative, so it is necessary to strive for a harmonious balance in the consumption of products.

How to Take Iron for Better Absorption

To increase the level of iron in the blood of a woman, in order to bring it back to normal, it is necessary to observe a number of the following rules that contribute to achieving the best result:

Keeping your iron levels under control is the key to good health.

This video will acquaint you with the symptoms in cases of abnormal iron in the blood for women:

From this video you will learn which foods affect the state of iron in the blood and hemoglobin:

Iron in the human body is a necessary element, without which many processes and normal life are impossible. Doctors set the norm of iron in the blood. The human body contains 4 to 5 grams of iron.

The blood contains 80% of this volume. The remaining 20% ​​is distributed between the liver, spleen and bone marrow. Only 75% of iron is constantly used by human tissues, and the remaining 25% is a reserve that allows you to recover from blood loss and a temporary lack of the substance.

In severe cases, when the reserve volume is used up, persistent iron deficiency is noted.

During a biochemical blood test, an indicator of serum iron is determined, which shows the most accurate level of a substance in the body. There are many reasons to get tested for serum iron. It is very important not to miss both the decrease and the increase in the level of iron in the blood.

Why is iron needed in the body?

The rate of iron in the body shows how much of this element a person needs to maintain many vital processes, which include:

  • hematopoiesis,
  • intracellular exchange,
  • oxygen transfer,
  • the formation of hemoglobin (with a lack of which iron deficiency anemia develops),
  • myoglobin formation,
  • maintaining the proper functioning of the thyroid gland,
  • ensuring the full absorption of vitamin B,
  • production of a number of enzymes (including those involved in the construction of DNA),
  • ensuring the normal growth process in the child,
  • maintaining a healthy immune system
  • neutralization of toxins in the liver,
  • production of oxidative enzymes
  • maintaining good condition of hair, skin and nails.

Since this chemical element is involved in the main processes in the body, its deficiency is dangerous and can lead to serious consequences. Knowing that a condition such as impaired iron content in the blood can have an extremely negative impact on health, one must be attentive to one's well-being so as not to miss the first symptoms of pathology.

Routes of iron entry into the body

To maintain the norm of iron in the blood, its sufficient intake into the body is required. The main source of iron in the body is food. The maximum absorption of the element occurs if its consumption is combined with a dose of vitamin C, which is rich in greens such as parsley and dill.

The following products, presented in the table, contain the largest amount of iron available to humans:

Read more about nutrition with iron deficiency in our article Foods containing iron.

However, one should not overly lean on foods that contain a high content of the necessary substance, since an excess of iron in the body may form, which will not benefit in the same way as its deficiency, and measures will need to be taken to lower it.

Iron absorption in humans occurs in the duodenum, which is why, with a deficiency of this element, the condition of the intestine is first checked.

Norm of iron in the blood

The international norm of serum iron in the blood has been adopted, which is used by all doctors to detect pathologies. Until the age of 14, serum iron in the blood has the same norms, but later its lower limit in an adult, depending on gender, turns out to be different. Normal for each age category is its own indicator of iron in the human body, the values ​​​​are given in the table

Read also our article on this topic Iron in the female body.

The standards for how much iron should be are quite flexible due to the peculiarities of its perception by tissues. Also, certain products can increase the indicator to some extent.

Deviation from the norm, both up and down, is a pathology and requires therapy. Excess iron, due to the fact that with it there are risks of serious diseases, is even more dangerous than its deficiency.

Fluctuations in the rate of iron in women deserve special attention, since for them during pregnancy this element is required in a larger volume. Their rate is increased by one and a half times.

Causes of low iron levels

Iron levels in a biochemical blood test can be low for a number of reasons. The main factors by which the indicator can be reduced, doctors consider:

  • dietary iron deficiency
  • irregular nutrition - iron deficiency means that the body does not have time to replenish its reserves without getting enough nutrients.,
  • an increase in the need for an element - takes place during the recovery period after serious illnesses, blood loss, as well as during pregnancy, when the body needs everything in an additional volume for the normal formation of the fetus,
  • pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, leading to the inability to absorb iron,
  • Crohn's disease,
  • systemic lupus erythematosus - SLE,
  • tuberculosis,
  • malignant neoplasms in the gastrointestinal tract,
  • severe purulent-inflammatory diseases,
  • osteomyelitis,
  • heart attack,
  • rheumatism,
  • an excess of hemosiderin in tissues and internal organs,
  • lack of production of erythropoietin by the kidneys in renal failure,
  • excretion of large amounts of iron by the kidneys in nephrotic syndrome,
  • oncological diseases,
  • cirrhosis of the liver,
  • deficiency of ascorbic acid in food.

In order to accurately establish the reasons why the level of iron in the blood is low, a complete examination is required. The only exceptions are cases where iron deficiency is obvious, as in pregnancy, blood loss and malnutrition.

Symptoms of iron deficiency

Read about the features of iron deficiency in women in the article Iron deficiency in women: symptoms, causes, treatment.

A low level of a substance in the body has certain symptoms that should alert. The following manifestations indicate that there is not enough iron in the human body:

  • fatigue,
  • excessive irritability,
  • migrating pains in the body,
  • tearfulness,
  • taste change,
  • dry mucous membranes,
  • burp,
  • loss of appetite
  • frequent constipation,
  • some difficulty swallowing food
  • stomach ache,
  • pallor,
  • developmental delay in children - not only physical, but also mental,
  • decreased immunity,
  • increased fragility of nails,
  • a change in the normal shape of the nails to a spoon-shaped one - the appearance of "watch glasses", or a symptom of chronic hypoxia. It may also indicate chronic pulmonary insufficiency,
  • low body temperature,
  • strong "frostiness"
  • dysfunction of the thyroid gland.

All these manifestations are direct indications in order to check the level of serum iron in the body. The doctor issues a referral for a biochemical blood test and, after receiving its results, determines the level of iron in the blood serum and whether there is a need for therapy. With a low iron content, a diet is necessarily prescribed and then a treatment is selected that will be optimal for a particular patient.

Causes of high iron in the body

An increased level of iron in the body is no less dangerous than a lower one. If the daily intake of a substance is too high, it can even lead to death. A deadly dose of iron is considered to be 7 g or more. An increase in serum iron in the blood in humans is noted for the following reasons:

  • excessive intake of a substance with food - can also appear with a high content of iron in water,
  • pancreatic diseases,
  • pathology of the spleen - an organ from the reserve concentrated in it begins to release more of the element than necessary, which causes an excess of iron,
  • liver pathology - with them, an incorrect distribution of the substance occurs: its excess in the blood and lack in the organ,
  • large volume blood transfusion
  • improper use of iron-containing drugs - in this case, a person receives too much iron, which leads to the fact that it becomes higher than normal. You should use iron-containing preparations only at the rate indicated by the doctor, and do not prescribe them to yourself arbitrarily,
  • chronic alcoholism - with it, the process of assimilation and excretion of substances from the body is disrupted, due to which iron in the blood rises,
  • iron metabolism disorders,
  • anemia associated with a deficiency in the formation of red blood cells,
  • hemolytic anemia - in pathology, an excessively rapid destruction of erythrocytes is observed with the release of iron from them, which causes its significant increase,
  • deficiency in the body of vitamin B12,
  • liver necrosis,
  • hepatitis,
  • poor absorption of substances by tissues,
  • hereditary predisposition.

Increased iron in the blood certainly requires treatment - lowering the level to an acceptable norm. In cases where there is an increase in the level of iron in the blood, we can talk about the development of serious diseases, and therefore a person must definitely undergo an examination.

Manifestation of excess iron in the body

Elevated serum iron is always manifested by special symptoms, which should not be ignored and the violations should not be attributed to simple overwork. It is necessary to visit a doctor and check whether iron is normally present in the blood with the following phenomena:

  • frequent headache,
  • dizziness,
  • general loss of strength
  • frequent nausea, up to vomiting,
  • alternating diarrhea and constipation,
  • stomach pain,
  • weight loss,
  • drop in immunity.

However, it must be emphasized that these symptoms do not always indicate that serum iron is elevated, but only in 90% of cases. The remaining 10%, when the cause of poor health is not an excess of iron, are associated with severe pathologies of internal organs, including oncology and systemic diseases.

Complications of increased iron in the blood

Increased iron content in the body increases the likelihood of developing a number of diseases. According to medical data, such a pathology can provoke the following diseases:

  • vascular atherosclerosis,
  • diabetes,
  • arthritis,
  • heart diseases,
  • liver disease,
  • infectious diseases,
  • neoplasms.

These complications of the condition are also a reason not to ignore the increase in iron levels in the blood. If the problem is detected in time, in most cases it is solved effectively and the norm of iron content in the blood is restored.

How is the analysis going?

Exactly what it is - an analysis for a high or low iron level - can always be informed by a doctor. The study is carried out on the basis of material obtained from a vein. The analysis requires serum, and therefore the blood is passed through a centrifuge. Further, with the help of special reagents, iron in the serum is detected. Today, the analysis has been introduced in all medical institutions, so it is almost always possible to check the iron indicator near the house. Iron is detected precisely from the blood serum.

How to prepare for analysis

In order for the value of the analysis to be accurate, it is necessary to properly prepare for it. Blood sampling is carried out from 8 to 11 am. The last meal can be no later than 8 hours before the delivery of the material. Drinking is allowed without restrictions, but only clean, non-carbonated water. 3 days before blood donation, it is required to give up alcohol and oral contraceptives, as they will distort normal values, because they can raise iron.

Due to the fact that many drugs can interfere with the result of biochemistry, the doctor accurately instructs the person about which ones can be used and which cannot.

It is undesirable to take tests during menstruation, as the indicators will be with large errors due to the presence of bleeding. In such a situation, if possible, it is necessary to postpone the day of sampling, and if it is not possible, then the nurse must be informed so that she can indicate this on the test tube with the material. The importance of a blood test for iron levels cannot be underestimated.


With insufficient intake of iron from food or a large loss of this trace element, a person develops iron deficiency anemia. This deviation is especially often diagnosed in infants and pregnant women. Iron is important for the body because it is involved in the transport of oxygen. Deficiency, as well as an excess of this microelement, negatively affects many functions of the body. A person begins to experience severe fatigue, malaise, heart palpitations. With such symptoms, the doctor prescribes an analysis for serum iron.

What is an iron blood test

Most of the iron (Ferrum or ferrum) in the body contains red blood cells - erythrocytes, and specifically, their component - hemoglobin. A small amount also includes tissues and plasma - in the form of complex compounds with the protein transferrin and as part of hemosiderin and ferritin. During the day, the level of iron in the blood changes significantly. In general, it performs the following functions:

  • activates the work of respiration pigments that transport oxygen;
  • participates in the synthesis of hemoglobin and oxidative cellular reactions;
  • ensures the normal functioning of hematopoietic processes;
  • participates in the binding and transport of oxygen, retains it in erythrocytes.

With a lack of iron, the process of hemoglobin synthesis and oxygen transport throughout the body is disrupted. The consequence of this is oxygen deficiency - hypoxia. An excess of this trace element is less common, but also poses a threat to human health. To determine the level of iron and deviations from the norm, a biochemical analysis for iron is prescribed.


A common indication for an iron blood test is the suspicion of an increase or decrease in its level. This happens with some diseases that the doctor needs to confirm. For research, venous blood is taken. Ferrum concentration is determined by the color intensity of the solution, which directly depends on the amount of this microelement. Such a blood test for iron is considered one of the most accurate. Indications for its implementation are:

  • suspicion of iron deficiency anemia;
  • differential diagnosis of anemia;
  • beriberi or hypovitaminosis;
  • monitoring the effectiveness of anemia treatment;
  • poisoning with iron tablets;
  • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, which prevent the normal absorption of iron;
  • bleeding of various etiologies;
  • detection in the general blood test for iron deviations in relation to erythrocytes and hematocrit;
  • inflammatory processes, acute infectious diseases;
  • diagnosis of hemochromatosis (hereditary pathology in which iron metabolism is impaired).

How to prepare

In order for the result of the study to be more accurate, it is necessary to properly prepare for the analysis. Blood is taken on an empty stomach in the morning - from about 8 to 10 hours, since this is the time for the maximum concentration of ferrum. Iron supplements must be discontinued 6 days prior to the procedure. For the same period, fatty and fried foods should be excluded from the diet. Preparation involves observing a few more rules:

  • a day before the procedure, exclude smoking and alcoholic beverages;
  • the last time to eat 8–9 hours before the study (only pure water is allowed before the analysis);
  • a couple of days before the procedure, stop using oral contraceptives;
  • do not undergo fluorography and radiography before analysis;
  • limit physical activity a couple of days before the analysis;
  • sleep well the night before the procedure, avoid emotional stress.

How to take an analysis

The procedure is carried out in the laboratory. In the morning, around 8-10 o'clock, the patient needs to come to the clinic. The specialist will take venous blood from the cubital vein using a disposable syringe. Before starting, the puncture site is disinfected with medical alcohol, then blood is taken from the vein. The whole procedure takes about 1.5 minutes, and the process is almost painless. The biological material for analysis is serum. This means that the specialist places the taken blood in a test tube that has never been used and has not come into contact with detergents.


A qualified specialist who carries out the procedure in the laboratory is responsible for decoding. The whole process takes about 3 hours. Since the level of iron changes throughout the day, not specific numbers, but intervals of values ​​are considered the norm. For men, the average concentration of ferrum is 14.3–25.1 µmol/l, for women it is 10.7–21.5 µmol/l. Differences are associated with physiological monthly blood loss during menstruation, which is inherent only in the fairer sex. There are three options for analysis results:

  • If the iron level is within the indicated intervals, this indicates a normal electrolyte balance.
  • When the amount of ferrum is below normal values, doctors diagnose iron deficiency (anemia).
  • If the rate of iron in the biochemical blood test is exceeded, experts state an excess of this element in the body.

When interpreting the results, the doctor takes into account not only the obtained values, but also a number of other factors, such as nutrition, the menstrual cycle, and taking certain medications. Before and during menstruation, women have an increased level of iron. For this reason, they are advised to take the test after the end of menstruation. Sometimes the patient experiences fluctuations in the level of ferrum: they are associated with a sharp increase in the patient's consumption of meat. The level of this trace element is also affected by drugs, such as:

  • acetylsalicylic acid;
  • Methotrexate;
  • oral contraceptives;
  • antibiotics;
  • preparations with estrogens;
  • Metformin;
  • Asparaginase;
  • Cortisol;
  • Cholestyramine;
  • testosterone preparations.

Norm of iron in the blood

The level of this element depends not only on gender, but also on age. For each age category, doctors determined their own norm of serum iron in the blood. In newborns, there is a decrease in the volume of ferrum for several hours after birth. As you grow older, its level gradually increases. The specific norms of iron in the blood in women and men, taking into account age, are reflected in the table:


The norm for women, µmol / l

Norm for men, µmol/l

Less than 1 month

From 1 month to 1 year

1 to 4 years

4 to 7 years old

7 to 10 years

10 to 13 years old

13 to 16 years old

16 to 18 years old

Over 18 years old

Low iron levels in the blood

The main signs of iron deficiency are manifested by symptoms of anemia. These include headaches, flies before the eyes, dry and pale skin. Of the external signs, brittle nails and hair loss are also noted. At an early stage, the symptoms are not too pronounced. Over time, when the reserves of ferrum are completely depleted, a person begins to feel weakness, migraine and dizziness. At the next stage of anemia, other signs join:

  • chest pain;
  • unusual taste preferences (desire to eat chalk or clay);
  • weakness in the legs;
  • dyspnea;
  • lack of appetite;
  • muscle hypotension.

The reasons

The main cause of iron deficiency is insufficient intake of ferrum with food, i.e. nutritional iron deficiency. This happens when you follow a strict diet, malnutrition. Iron deficiency is typical for vegetarians, since iron from meat is more easily absorbed by the body compared to vegetable. The same is observed in children under 2 years of age and adolescents during puberty. Their iron deficiency is caused by rapid growth, which requires a large consumption of trace elements. In addition to nutrition and age, the reasons for the lack of this trace element include:

  • Iron-deficiency anemia;
  • excessive physical activity;
  • chronic renal failure, cholestasis, nephrotic syndrome;
  • heavy menstruation;
  • hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • thrombocytopenia;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • gastritis with reduced secretory ability;
  • enterocolitis, enteritis;
  • neoplasms in the stomach and intestines;
  • bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract, including due to tumors;
  • third trimester of pregnancy;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • prolonged infections;
  • blood loss during surgical interventions;
  • the period of breastfeeding;
  • anorexia;
  • menopause;
  • osteomyelitis, rheumatism;
  • myocardial infarction.

With normal hemoglobin

The lack of ferrum at a normal level of hemoglobin indicates a latent (latent) iron deficiency. It is due to the fact that at an early stage of the lack of this trace element, the body strains its own enzyme systems and removes it from its own reserves. For this reason, the rest of the blood parameters remain normal, the number of erythrocytes and hemoglobin does not decrease - only the total iron-binding capacity of the serum changes. All this is explained by the fact that ferrum is present in the body in 3 forms:

  • cellular - in the composition of hemoglobin;
  • extracellular - in the form of plasma free trace elements, transport proteins;
  • in the form of reserves - hemosiridin, ferritin.

Hemoglobin affects only the level of cellular ferrum, but a decrease in the amount of extracellular iron at the beginning proceeds without anemia. Hemoglobin decreases, but only over time. This is diagnosed after the latent iron deficiency, due to the complete depletion of its reserves, is transformed into iron deficiency anemia. Iron deficiency with normal hemoglobin is noted in the following cases:

  • in violation of the metabolism of mineral substances;
  • after hemodialysis, forced diuresis;
  • after procedures associated with the stimulation of defecation or urination.

How to boost

Severe anemia is treated for six months or longer, a milder form - for 2 months. The vast majority of patients are prescribed iron-containing drugs, but, in addition to taking them, a person needs to follow a special diet. Since iron deficiency is often associated with nutritional errors, the first step is to review your menu. The diet must include foods containing the maximum amount of this element:

  • buckwheat;
  • liver;
  • pistachios;
  • spinach;
  • lentils;
  • oatmeal;
  • corn;
  • cashew nuts;
  • dogwood;
  • broccoli;
  • seaweed;
  • beef;
  • dried apricots;
  • chicken;
  • beet;
  • apples;
  • fish;
  • legumes;
  • chicken yolk;
  • pumpkin seeds;
  • dried mushrooms.

Every day you need to eat protein foods, since protein is involved in the construction of hemoglobin, which is further involved in enriching the body with oxygen. To enhance the absorption of ferrum in the intestine, it is necessary to introduce ascorbic acid (vitamin C) into the diet - it is found in citrus fruits and sauerkraut. During pregnancy, iron deficiency is caused by a lack of folic acid. In this case, women are prescribed it in the form of drugs, although it is also found in products such as cabbage and kefir.

The second way to combat iron deficiency is to take iron supplements. If the absorption of drugs from the gastrointestinal tract cannot be carried out, then the patient is prescribed parenteral forms of these drugs. They are administered intravenously or intramuscularly with a critical decrease in hemoglobin or ferrum. In the first case, a test dose is first administered, which will help eliminate adverse reactions. Often injections of the procedure are combined with a blood transfusion. Injections are produced mainly on the basis of ferric iron:

  • Ferbitol;
  • Ferkoven;
  • Ferrum Lek.

They are administered intramuscularly, since with intravenous infusion there is a high risk of developing allergies. The drugs are administered diluted with saline at a rate of 50 mg/min. Do 2 injections every week. The average dosage for an adult is 100 mg per administration. The course of treatment lasts 2-3 weeks. Indications for intravenous administration are also diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, which reduce the absorption of iron.

When using oral forms of iron-containing drugs, the patient should receive 20-30 mg of the missing nutrient per day. For this purpose, drugs based on:

  • divalent iron. They are considered obsolete, but have a lower cost. They are prescribed for increased acidity of the stomach, since hydrochloric acid disrupts the absorption of trivalent ferrum. Examples of this group of drugs are sulfate, gluconate and ferric chloride. The effect of treatment with them is already noticeable on the 10-12th day of the course of therapy.
  • trivalent iron. They are chosen mainly at the initial stage of iron deficiency therapy. These drugs are highly effective and do not require strict intervals between meals and pills. The downside is that their bioavailability is lower compared to divalent ones. Examples of preparations based on ferric iron are Ferrocen, Ferrum lek, Maltofer.

Increased iron content in the blood

A condition in which the level of ferrum in the blood is elevated is rarer than iron deficiency. An excess of this element is diagnosed when its intake into the body exceeds its consumption and excretion. The critical value is 30.4 µmol/l. If this number is exceeded, the patient is diagnosed with an excess of ferrum. This is possible with some diseases and an overdose of iron-containing drugs. Symptoms of this deviation are:

  • pain and swelling of the joints;
  • loss of appetite;
  • arthritis;
  • nausea, vomiting, heartburn;
  • constipation or diarrhea;
  • hair loss;
  • muscle soreness;
  • decreased libido.

The reasons

A less dangerous cause of an excess of this trace element is an overdose of iron-containing drugs. In this case, they are canceled, after which the iron level should return to normal in a couple of days. Overdose occurs when using up to 200 mg of ferrum per day. The causes of excess include certain diseases and special cases:

  • hemochromatosis;
  • different types of anemia (hemolytic, aplastic, sideroblastic, hypoplastic)
  • hemosiderosis;
  • thalassemia;
  • premenstrual period;
  • frequent blood transfusions;
  • viral and acute hepatitis;
  • iron metabolism disorders;
  • acute liver necrosis;
  • chronic cholecystitis;
  • hepatopathy.

How to reduce

Unlike treatment for iron deficiency, reducing ferrum levels requires avoiding the high-ferrum foods listed above. These are meat, beans, mushrooms, seafood, apples, pears, etc. It is also necessary to refuse drugs that improve the absorption of this element in the intestines. This applies to vitamins B and C, folic acid. Of the medications, the following help to lower the level of ferrum:

  • heptapeptides;
  • hepatoprotectors;
  • zinc preparations;
  • complexing agents.

Iron-binding drugs, such as Calcium Tetacin, Deferoxamine, Desferal, may also be used. In addition to medicines, special procedures are carried out:

  • Phlebotomy - periodic bloodletting. Every week, about 350 ml of blood is taken from a person.
  • Hirudotherapy. This is a treatment with leeches that feed on human blood. Due to this process, the level of iron decreases. This is due to the loss of hemoglobin in the blood.
  • Donor blood transfusion. Such a donation is also called an exchange donation. It consists in taking blood from the bloodstream and simultaneously infusing donor blood.


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