Instructions for use "Sub Simplex" for breastfed newborns: composition, dosage and analogues. Preparation for studies of the digestive tract. The positive aspects of the Sub Simplex include

Almost every baby in the first 3-4 months suffers from pain in the tummy caused by increased gas formation in the intestines. This is due to the fact that babies are born with a completely sterile gastrointestinal tract, without their own microflora, which is formed over several months. In addition, the changed way of obtaining food and the process of adaptation to environment often cause painful spasms at babies.

While the intestinal microflora of the baby is being formed, it is difficult for him to digest food. Food begins to ferment, which is accompanied by the formation of gas, causes painful colic, bloating.

To date, doctors do not give an exact answer to the origin of childhood colic. However, no loving parent will calmly watch the torment of their crumbs. good remedy for treatment increased gas formation in infants, doctors consider Sab Simplex for newborns.

The drug is available in the form of a viscous suspension, which has a grayish tint and a sweet taste. The substance is sold in a glass bottle with a pipette, which makes it very easy to separate the dose required for one dose.

basis medicinal syrup is the active substance - simethicone, which, like the rest of the drug components, is absolutely safe. The drug does not affect the digestion process and does not violate the microflora, in fact, has no contraindications.

Its action is to divide gas bubbles into smaller ones, while they collect near the walls of the intestine and are subsequently excreted. naturally. Thus, the tummy softens faster and soreness disappears.

A significant advantage of the tool is that, unlike many similar drugs, which can be given to children from 1-6 months, Sub Simplex can be used from birth.

Many mothers give their children Sab Simplex once a day for prevention and this avoids problems associated with tummy pains. However, not all pediatricians consider this measure justified.

Indications for use

Giving Sab Simplex to a newborn is recommended in the following cases:

  • If the baby suffers from bloating caused by the fermentation of food in the intestines, or if the mother during HB used non-recommended foods that caused the baby to bloat.
  • If the baby needs to be examined digestive tract, in this case, the medicine is given to the baby in the evening and in the morning before the ultrasound.
  • With mild forms of indigestion, accompanied by the formation of gases in the intestines.
  • When infant swallowed air while feeding.
  • After operations on the stomach or intestines.

The safety of the drug is not its only advantage. The advantages of the active mixture include the fact that it can be given simultaneously with other drugs and medicinal solutions, including with dill water, bifido complexes, remedies for poisoning.

When taking Sub Simplex, it should be remembered that its purpose is to eliminate excess gases. Simethicone does not take part in the formation of microflora, does not affect biochemical processes, is unable to eliminate dysbacteriosis, poisoning and other disorders of the gastrointestinal tract of the newborn. For this reason, for the treatment of digestive disorders, Sab Simplex can only be used in combination with other drugs solely to remove gas bubbles.


According to, the method of taking the remedy for bloating depends on the degree of flatulence and the age of the child. For babies up to 6 months optimal dose is 15 drops. In this case, it is recommended to dilute the droplets in a small amount of liquid: milk (with breastfeeding), mixtures (at artificial feeding) or boiled water.

The suspension should be given to the baby during feeding or no later than 10 minutes after eating. Reception every 4-6 hours.

For babies after 6 months and up to a year, we leave the same 15 drops, but you can increase the number of doses up to 5 times a day. Children from six months can drip Sab Simplex directly into their mouths without diluting it with liquid. Shake the vial well before using the active liquid.

Drink the remedy until the symptoms of gas formation disappear. On average, the course of treatment is from 3 to 10 days. To avoid allergic manifestations, others negative reactions let the pediatrician decide how many drops to use and how long the treatment will last. The doctor will also tell you whether it is possible to use other anti-colic drugs along with the remedy.

Can Sub Simplex be added to water or formula?

For the smallest, as mentioned above, it is recommended to dissolve the suspension in water or milk. Some parents practice adding Sub Simplex directly to the feeding bottle (when artificial feeding) or in some water, as well as in children's tea.

This method of giving medicine to the baby is welcomed by both the parents themselves and the doctors, because with this method, the action of the suspension begins very quickly.

Time of action

A significant drawback of the suspension is the short duration of its effect, which lasts about three hours. In this regard, when severe swelling doctors recommend dividing fluid intake into large quantity tricks.

In some cases, it is advised to give the medicine 10 drops 3 times a day, and with more severe symptoms of flatulence - 5-6 drops, 6 times a day.

Adverse reactions

The composition of the Sub Simplex does not include potentially hazardous substances, for this reason, the drug is considered absolutely inert, that is, one that does not cause any special side effects. However, the drug is not safe for infants with intestinal obstruction and severe constipation.

If these violations were detected, the medicinal liquid should be immediately abandoned. In some cases, as a result of taking Sab Simplex, an infant may develop allergy symptoms. This is due to the presence of fructose in the composition of the suspension.

With the appearance of urticaria, redness of the skin or rash, the use of the remedy is also canceled. An overdose or too long a course of treatment can also cause an allergic reaction.

Storage of the drug

The safety of each pharmaceutical product depends on the correct storage, Sub Simplex is no exception. In order for the remedy not to be lost medicinal properties, it must be stored at a temperature not exceeding 25 degrees.

The manufacturer does not specify a separate expiration date after opening the drug, so you should focus on the shelf life. For a vial, the shelf life is 3 years.

It is forbidden to give a child a drug that is stored longer than it should be.

It is important not to leave the suspension in a place accessible to direct sunlight. best place for the funds will be a refrigerator.


Modern pharmacology offers a large number of analogues of Sub Simplex. Not all products are safe for babies. Any replacement is allowed only after consulting a doctor. The following drugs are considered the most popular remedies for bloating in infants:

  • Bobotic. It also contains simethicone and differs only in minor components. At the same time, it costs more in comparison with the Sub Simplex. (Read more about the drug)
  • Espumizan. It has a similar composition, only with a lower concentration of simethicone. The difference is that this drug they drink a teaspoon, and this is not very convenient for treating newborns.
  • Babykalm. In fact, it has no similarities with Sab Simplex, since it is made on the basis of herbal compositions of anti-inflammatory and sedative action. Co-administration of funds gives excellent results in relieving symptoms increased gas formation. (You can get more information about the drug)
  • Plantex. It is also considered very effective medicine from excessive gas formation. It is made from fennel seeds and comes in the form of granulated tea for babies. It is allowed to combine Sub and Plantex with strong gas formation. ()

It is difficult to choose the most effective among analogues, because each is good in its own way. If the child suffers from colic and bloating, the selection medicinal product will depend on the susceptibility of the baby. Sometimes there are cases when the suspension does not help. In this case, after consulting a doctor, you can try using other drugs.

It is worth noting that increased gas formation may be a sign of more dangerous pathologies and appear in conjunction with other symptoms of the disease. If parents notice symptoms such as restlessness or weakness, vomiting or frequent belching, diarrhea Sub Simplex in this case is powerless. A professional examination of the child will help to establish the cause and nature of the disease. Treatment will be facilitated by the use of funds that only a pediatrician can prescribe.

Important in the treatment of infants is the attention of parents and timely appeal to the doctor. Do not ignore the information in the instructions for use.

Never experiment on a child. Reception even safe means without consulting a doctor can become a serious threat to the health of a small miracle, be responsible parents.

*registered by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (according to

Registration number:

P N014203/01 dated 05/21/2009

Trade name of the drug:

Sub ® Simplex

International non-proprietary name:


Dosage form:

Suspension for oral administration


100 ml of the drug contains:
Active substance: simethicone 6.919 g (dimethicone 350: silicon dioxide, ratio 92.5% : 7.5%)
Excipients: hypromellose 1.5 g, carbomer 0.6 g, sodium citrate dihydrate 1.0 g, citric acid monohydrate 0.5468 g, vanilla flavor 0.315 g, raspberry flavor 0.108 g, sodium cyclamate 0.2 g, sodium saccharinate 0.02 g, sodium benzoate 0.1 g, polyglycostearyl ester acid 1.0378 g, sorbic acid 0.0347 g, water 89.6189 g.

Description: White to grey-white, slightly viscous suspension with a characteristic fruity odor (vanilla-raspberry).

Pharmacotherapeutic group:


ATX code: A03AX

Pharmacological properties

By reducing the surface tension at the interface, it hinders the formation and contributes to the destruction of gas bubbles in the intestinal contents. The gases released during this can be absorbed by the intestinal walls or excreted due to peristalsis. Prevents interference and overlapping of images during sonography and radiography; promotes better irrigation of the mucous membrane of the large intestine with a contrast agent, preventing the contrast film from breaking.
Simethicone changes the surface tension of gas bubbles formed in the contents of the stomach and intestinal mucus, and causes their destruction. The released gases are absorbed by the intestinal wall or removed during intestinal peristalsis. Simethicone removes foam in a physical way, does not enter into chemical reactions.


Due to physical and chemical inertness, it is not absorbed in the body; after passing through the gastrointestinal tract, it is excreted unchanged.

Indications for use:


Hypersensitivity to the active substance simethicone or to any of the auxiliary components of the drug, obstructive diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, intestinal obstruction.

Pregnancy and lactation

Sub ® Simplex can be used during pregnancy and lactation.

Dosage and administration:

Increased gas formation
Newborns and infants (up to 1 year of age) receiving feeding from a baby bottle: 15 drops (0.6 ml) of suspension are added to each bottle.
Sub ® Simplex mixes well with other liquids such as milk.
Children from 1 to 6 years old: 15 drops (0.6 ml) during or after meals. If necessary, an additional 15 drops at night.
Children from 6 to 15 years old: 20-30 drops (0.8-1.2 ml).
Adults: 30-45 drops (1.2-1.8 ml).
This dose should be taken every 4 to 6 hours; if necessary, it can be increased.
Sub ® Simplex is best taken with or after meals and, if necessary, at bedtime.
Sub ® Simplex can be given to newborns before feeding with a teaspoon.
Shake the vial vigorously before use. In order for the suspension to start flowing from the pipette, the vial should be turned upside down and tapped on the bottom. Duration of application depends on the dynamics of complaints. Sub ® Simplex, if necessary, can be taken for a long time.

Preparation for diagnostic studies of the gastrointestinal tract
Use in preparation for diagnostic studies of the gastrointestinal tract is facilitated if the pipette is removed from the vial.
X-ray examination: to prepare for radiography the day before the study in the evening, you should take 3-6 teaspoons (15-30 ml) of Sub ® Simplex.
Ultrasound examination: in preparation for an ultrasound examination, it is recommended to take 3 teaspoons (15 ml) of Sub ® Simplex in the evening the day before the examination and 3 teaspoons 3 hours before the examination.
Endoscopy: before endoscopy, take 1/2 - 1 teaspoon (2.5-5 ml) of Sub ® Simplex. During the study, an additional few milliliters of Sab ® Simplex suspension can be injected through the endoscope.

Detergent poisoning
The dose depends on the severity of the poisoning. Recommended minimum dose Sub ® Simplex is 1 teaspoon (5 ml).
In cases of persisting existing complaints and / or newly appeared complaints, you should consult a doctor.

Side effect

Allergic reactions are possible.


Cases of drug overdose are not known.

Interaction with other drugs

Not installed.

special instructions

The drug Sab ® Simplex can be used, including in patients with diabetes mellitus, because. does not contain carbohydrates.
New and/or recurring gas complaints should be clinically confirmed.

Influence on the ability to drive a car and use machinery

Does not affect the ability to drive a car and operate machinery.

Release form

Suspension for oral administration 69.19 mg / ml. 30 ml bottles of light-protective glass with a drip device (25 drops per 1 ml). Each bottle, along with instructions, is placed in a cardboard box.

Storage conditions:

at temperatures not exceeding 25°C.
Keep out of the reach of children.

Best before date:

3 years.
Do not use after the expiry date stated on the packaging.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies:

without recipe

Manufacturing firm:

Pfizer Inc., USA, Produced by: Famar Orleans, France
Address: 235 East 42nd Street, New York, NY 10017 USA,
5, avenue de Concir, 45071 Orléans Sede 2, France

Claims of consumers should be sent to the address of the representative office:

Representative office of Pfizer H. Si. Pi. Corporation (USA),
123317 Moscow, Presnenskaya emb., 10
Naberezhnaya Tower Business Center (Block C)

The composition of the drug Sub Simplex includes simethicone - a stable surface-active polymethylsiloxane, which reduces the surface tension of gas bubbles formed in the contents of the stomach and intestinal mucus, and causes their destruction. The released gases are absorbed by the intestinal wall or removed by intestinal peristalsis.
Simethicone removes foam in a physical way, does not enter into chemical reactions and is chemically inert.
Simethicone is not absorbed oral intake and output unchanged.

Indications for use

symptomatic treatment for complaints from the gastrointestinal tract associated with gas formation, for example, flatulence;
.how aid when conducting diagnostic studies of organs abdominal cavity(X-ray, ultrasound) and preparation for gastroduodenoscopy;
.increased gas formation after surgical interventions;
.detergent poisoning.

Mode of application

If there are complaints from the gastrointestinal tract associated with gas formation
Newborns and children on artificial feeding. Add 15 drops (0.6 ml) of Sub Simplex to each baby bottle. The drug mixes well with other liquids, such as milk.
For children who are breastfed, Sub Simplex can also be given from a small spoon shortly before each feeding.
Children under the age of 6 years. Assign 15 drops (0.6 ml) during or after meals. If necessary - 15 drops of the drug at bedtime.
Children over the age of 6 and adults. Children over the age of 6 are prescribed 20-30 drops (0.8-1.2 ml).
Adults are prescribed 30-45 drops (1.2-1.8 ml).
The indicated dose should be taken every 4-6 hours; if necessary, the dose can be increased.
Sub Simplex best taken during or after meals and, if necessary, at bedtime. Shake the bottle well before use. In order for the suspension to start flowing out of the dropper, the bottle must be turned upside down and lightly tapped on the bottom with your finger.
The use of the drug in preparation for diagnostic studies of the abdominal organs is facilitated if the dropper is removed from the vial (30 ml).
The duration of the course of treatment depends on the presence of complaints. If necessary, Sub Simplex can be used for an extended period.
X-ray examination: it is necessary to take 3-6 teaspoons (15-30 ml) of the drug Sab Simplex on the evening before the examination.
Ultrasound: Recommended to take 3 teaspoons (15 ml) Sub Simplex the evening before the study and 3 teaspoons 3 hours before the start of the study.
Endoscopy: before endoscopy, take 1/2-1 teaspoon (2.5-5 ml) of Sab Simplex. During the examination, an additional few milliliters of Sab Simplex suspension can be injected through the endoscope in order to remove gas bubbles.
Poisoning with detergents: in case of poisoning with detergents, the dosage depends on the severity of the intoxication. The minimum recommended dose of the drug Sub Simplex- 1 teaspoon (5 ml).


.Suspension Sub Simplex should not be used in case of known hypersensitivity to simethicone or any other component of the drug;
.intestinal obstruction.

Side effects

until now adverse reactions associated with drug use Sub Simplex not observed, but potentially may occur skin rash, itching, hyperemia.

Special instructions:
with the appearance of new and / or persistent complaints from the gastrointestinal tract, it is necessary to conduct a clinical examination.
Sub Simplex can be used in patients with diabetes mellitus, since the composition of the drug does not include carbohydrates.
Use during pregnancy and lactation. Sub Simplex can be used during pregnancy and lactation.
Children. The drug is used in pediatric practice.
The ability to influence the reaction rate when driving vehicles and work with other mechanisms. Influences on the ability to drive vehicles and work with potentially dangerous mechanisms not found.

Interaction with other drugs

hitherto unknown.


in given time toxic effects after the use of simethicone are unknown. In case of using doses higher than recommended, you should consult a doctor.

Release form

susp. d/peroral. approx. fl. 30 ml

Simethicone - 69.19 mg / ml
Other ingredients: sodium citrate, citric acid monohydrate, sodium cyclamate, sodium benzoate, sodium saccharin, carbomer 934 R, methylhydroxypropyl cellulose, raspberry flavor, vanilla flavor, purified water.

main parameters

ATX code: A03AX13 -

The digestive tract in newborns is immature, and its functions are still imperfect.

The mucous membrane of the mouth is rich in receptors that "turn on" the sucking reflex and the production salivary glands secret. For a newborn who eats breast milk or mixtures, saliva is more needed for learning to swallow.

A poorly developed muscle layer and the absence of an obstacle (septum, cardiac sphincter) between the stomach and esophagus leads to swallowing a large number air while eating. The baby's stomach is also small, and if the child is given too much food at a time, the walls overstretch, there are pain and anxiety. Poorly developed glands and the muscular layer of the stomach also lead to increased gas production.

Intestinal colic usually develops from the age of three weeks and continues until three months. This period will be quickly forgotten, and you will calmly enjoy communication with your beloved baby.

More about Sub Simplex

In the instructions for use for the drug, it is described that the composition of the SAB Simplex preparation is based on simethicone, which is a mixture of dimethicone and silicon dioxide. Citric acid monohydrate, flavors (vanilla and raspberry) are indicated as excipients.

You may be allergic to SAB Simplex. Please consult your pediatrician before use. At the first signs (redness, rash, anxiety of the baby, respiratory failure), you should stop giving the drug and seek help.

Drops of Sub Simplex are not absorbed into the blood. This means that the drug does not "load" either the liver or the kidneys of the crumbs. Apply it from the neonatal period.

This drug acts on gas bubbles - causes them to crush. In addition, Sab Simplex partially prevents the formation of new gas bubbles from previously destroyed ones. Their remains are excreted by peristaltic waves of the intestine along with stool, therefore, hard-to-remove "balls" of gases and mucus are not formed.

The drug does not cause dysbacteriosis, as it does not affect the biocenosis internal environment intestines.

How to take SAB Simplex

The drug is available as a suspension for oral administration.

When bottle feeding, simply add droplets to the formula.

There are several ways to give the drug if the baby is breastfed:

  1. Express milk a small amount of and add the suspension in the right dosage to it.
  2. The required amount of Sub Simplex can be dripped directly before feeding through a teaspoon.
  3. Sub Simplex dissolves easily in liquids, so you can mix it with water (a small amount - 10 ml) and give it to your baby to drink.

The drug can be given both during meals and after. To prevent colic from disturbing your baby's sleep, you can give it at bedtime.

In order to eliminate increased gas formation, newborns and infants are given the drug in 15 drops, which is approximately 0.6 ml of suspension.

For children from 1 to 6 years old, the dose of the drug is 15-20 drops. This amount of the drug should be given 2 times a day.

In more severe cases you can give the drug every 6 hours. The drug begins to act quickly and can be given regularly for a long time.

The bottle should be in a dark place.

What is better to choose? Sub Simplex compared to other colic remedies

  1. Sub Simplex or Bobotic? If your baby is worried about mild pain, gas formation is rare and there are no mucous lumps, you can use Bobotik, because it can be used a maximum of four times a day, no more. It is also somewhat cheaper than the competitor. In addition, Bobotik is allowed to be taken only from the 28th day of the baby's life, in this he is inferior to Sub Simplex.
  2. Sub Simplex or Espumizan? This choice arises, because both there and there the active substance simethicone is based. Espumizan has less of this component. In addition, there is an inconvenience in observing the dosage accuracy (1 teaspoon). In some cases, you can find a fake, since Espumizan is well advertised.

It is advisable to take Espumizan no more than 2 - 3 weeks, and Sub Simplex can be given for quite a long time.

Sub Simplex instruction

Instructions for the drug Sab Simplex provides the patient with complete information about the indications for its use, dosing measures, contraindications and other useful information.

Form, composition, packaging

The drug is in the form of a suspension, which is moderately viscous and is intended for oral administration. The color of the suspension is white with a possible shade of gray. The smell is pronounced, which is typical for a fruity one (raspberry with vanilla).

The active ingredient of the drug is simethicone, which is supplemented with full membership medicinal product with the following complex of substances: hypromellose, sorbic acid, carbomer, polyglycostearic acid esters, sodium citrate hydrate, sodium benzoate, citric acid monohydrate, sodium saccharinate and cyclomate, raspberry and vanilla flavors, as well as necessary quantity purified water.

It is possible to purchase a suspension in a pack of thick paper. The glass of the bottle is tinted. Its volume is 30 ml. Dropper included.

Terms and conditions of storage

The drug in the form of a suspension has a shelf life of three years, subject to temperature regime about twenty-five degrees. Babies are not allowed in storage areas.


The suspension helps to reduce flatulence. Its effect reduces the surface tension of gas bubbles that form in the intestinal mucosa and gastric contents. With the subsequent destruction of the gas bubbles, it is released. Gas, as a rule, is removed with peristalsis or it is absorbed by the intestinal wall.


Suction active substance, which is inert both physically and chemically does not occur. The drug after transit through the gastrointestinal tract is excreted unchanged.

Indications for use Sub Simplex

The use of the drug is indicated in the following cases:

  • For symptomatic treatment patients suffering from flatulence;
  • During preparatory procedures for diagnostics in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • In case of poisoning with acute detergents with the detection of chemicals in the stomach.


The drug should not be prescribed for those patient conditions that are listed:

  • With obstruction of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • In the presence of intestinal obstruction;
  • With an increased degree of susceptibility to the composition of the drug;

Sub Simplex instructions for use

Sab Simplex suspension is taken orally.

Sub Simplex for newborns and babies

Babies artificially need to give the drug for any feeding, fifteen drops. It is allowed to give them to the child with a spoon just before feeding.

Drops Sub Simplex for children

For babies aged (1 to 6), add fifteen drops to food or give after meals. If there is such a need, it is advisable to prescribe a suspension for the night (15 drops).

Application of Sub Simplex by adults

Children age category(6-15 years old) can take a suspension in the amount of twenty or thirty drops. Adult patients are recommended to take thirty to forty-five drops of the suspension. single dose allowed to exceed. The interval between doses is from 4 to 6 hours.

The medication is taken with or after food. It is possible to take the drug at night.

Long-term therapy is not prohibited.

Shake the vial with the suspension vigorously before each use.

In preparation for the diagnosis in the gastrointestinal tract, the patient should clearly follow all the recommendations of the medical staff regarding the amount and time of taking the drug.

In case of poisoning with detergents, the degree of the problem should be assessed and the dose of the drug to be taken should be determined. The minimum recommended is to take similar situation on a teaspoon of Sub Simplex suspension.

The use of Sub Simplex during pregnancy

In the event that there are indications for taking the drug to a pregnant or lactating woman, the patient has no obstacles to taking it.

Side effects

The drug is capable of providing side effects exclusively in the form of allergic reactions.


Not a single case of overdose has been described.

Drug Interactions

Installed drug interactions between the suspension of Sab Simplex and other medicines is not available.

Additional instructions

Patients with a diagnosis diabetes can take the drug without restrictions.

Periodically recurring complaints of symptoms of increased gas formation should be clinically confirmed.

Drivers and mechanics should not worry about being careful, because the drug does not affect their activities.

Sub Simplex analogues

The drug has several analogues similar action, which with the same success can be used to eliminate flatulence and bloating. These are drugs Espumizan, Disflatil, Meteospasmil, Simethicone, Espumizan Baby.

Sub Simplex price

The cost of the drug may vary in different pharmacies, but it average price is about 285 rubles.

Sub simplex reviews

The drug has many reviews, mainly from parents of infants, which are grateful to the suspension drug for effective help. Many people like the Sub Simplex for its efficiency and ease of use. It can be added to food, which many see as an additional plus. Some are not satisfied with the price of the drug, but it cannot be said that everyone is dissatisfied with the cost. In a word, the drug receives a positive assessment and is a remedy recommended by patients to eliminate the problem of gas formation.

Hope: The baby is already three years old and from the times when she was tormented by colic, there were practically only memories left. However, it cannot be said that we forgot about the drug Sab Simplex, namely, we saved ourselves with this ailment. Today we still keep it in home first aid kit. Since from time to time it is required by one of the household members. After all, the problem of gas formation is not understood by age and can take both a child and an adult by surprise. Just since helping a child fix his tummy in infancy, we were convinced of the effectiveness of the suspension and today we are willing to use it with the whole family as needed.

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