Roller for activities with the baby. Fitness equipment, exercise balls and rehabilitation balls. "Lying on a cushion"

Infant crawling is often considered an optional intermediate stage of development, and some parents are even proud that their little one did not crawl, but immediately began to walk. There is no unequivocal opinion among doctors whether the child should crawl without fail - some experts suggest not to worry if the child does not seek to crawl, but otherwise develops satisfactorily, while others recommend teaching the baby to move on all fours, since this stage of development is very important.

So orthopedists note that crawling babies are better prepared for the stress that occurs when walking, they have better motor skills, and psychologists and neurologists consider crawling to be important for the development of certain skills in a child in the future.

Benefits of crawling

Many parents perceive crawling as an imperfect stage in the ability to move in space, so they do not understand why doctors recommend teaching the baby to crawl if the child does not want to do it himself.

In the process of crawling in the baby:

  1. Connections are established between the hemispheres of the brain. This significantly improves coordination of movements and reduces the risk of developing dyslexia (inability to master reading skills with the proper level of development of other abilities) and dysgraphia (inability to master writing skills)
  2. Activates brain activity, vision and hearing
  3. Tactile sensations are actively developing, as babies, crawling, come into contact with a variety of surfaces.
  4. Spatial orientation develops

In addition, when a baby crawls, he begins to learn not only the world around him, but also his own body. Crawling requires the child to be able to correlate visual information with the size and capabilities of the body, he must learn to determine where to move and how to avoid obstacles.

Promotes crawling and the development of spoken language.

A baby on all fours gets the opportunity to explore a new picture of the world. How long did he observe the surrounding objects from a height, constantly being in the hands of adults! Now the objects around have become closer, so visual perception is sharpened, and the child perceives new colors and shapes better.

When children crawl, all their visual fields are activated. The kid learns to look under his hands, down, and a well-developed lower field of vision is directly related to caution and the ability to easily master school skills.

While crawling, the crumbs systematically form the “height” coordinate, and if the child does not want to crawl and immediately tries to walk (especially in walkers), the systematic formation is disrupted regardless of how many months the little one went.

From a psychological point of view, babies who crawl grow up more persistent and purposeful. By the time babies start crawling (usually a baby starts crawling at 6-7 months of age), their eyesight is already well developed. The kid perfectly sees the object of interest to him, located at a distance, and in order to get it, the child is forced to make an effort. This is how the character of the crumbs and the understanding that any goal set requires effort is formed.

In addition, when a baby crawls, on a subconscious level, he begins to get used to being without his mother for some time and occupying himself on his own.

During this period, the baby needs increased attention, as he is able to reach dangerous objects, but it is easier to teach a confident crawling baby to walk than children spending time in a safe arena. Moving on all fours helps the baby psychologically get used to independent movement, and strengthened muscles give confidence.

How crawling affects physical development

When the baby tries to crawl, he develops basic nervous reactions.

Crawling helps:

  1. To learn to subdue the body, since in order to crawl, the child needs to master the alternation of limbs, the ability to make a turn and examine the environment
  2. Compensate for neurological problems that could not be completely eliminated with massage (dystonia and torticollis)
  3. To prepare, thanks to the strengthening of the back muscles, the spine for increased loads for walking, which helps to avoid the development of osteochondrosis in the future

Until the moment when the baby crawls, he needs to learn to find the sources of sound signals and recognize visual signals, to roll over in the direction of the object of interest.

When a child crawls, he needs to correlate all this information with his abilities. In addition, when the baby crawls, brain activity is activated due to the simultaneous work of the arms and legs (the limbs of the right side alternate with the limbs of the left side).

In order to crawl, children must be able to hold their heads while lying on their tummy, rise, leaning on open palms, forearms and outstretched arms, and also roll over on their own.

If the child does not crawl

Many parents have no idea how many months the baby begins to crawl, compare the data of all their friends and are very worried why their baby is not crawling yet.

There are certain periods in which the child usually begins to crawl, but the development of each baby occurs in different ways. The temperament of children is different, so a fidget and a restless explorer begins to crawl from 5 months, and a calm or lazy little one can crawl even at 8 months. And these terms are variants of the norm.

The well-known pediatrician Komarovsky notes that even the order in which various skills are formed is individual, so do not rush nature, do not focus on certain dates (what time the child should sit down, get up, etc.).

Separately, it is worth noting the cowards, who prefer to explore the world in their parental hands, and large kids - such kids need help crawling the first meters, etc.

However, adults should pay attention to the overall development of the crumbs and determine in time why the child is not crawling, as there may be serious diseases that prevent the normal development of the child.

For most children, crawling is often enough to be on the floor, where free movement is possible, and the presence of an interesting goal.

If the little one is completely healthy and is simply too lazy to show physical activity, he needs to be helped to master crawling skills and learn to move independently (often such sloths do not even want to roll over on their own).

If the child does not begin to make attempts to crawl at least a little, the baby can be taught to crawl by doing special exercises with him.

How to help your baby learn to crawl

As Komarovsky notes, it is important not only how much time you spend with your child, but also the regularity of classes. The doctor recommends not using a walker and not helping the child to sit down and stand up, as the task of parents is to stimulate the baby to independently master new motor skills.

Exercises with a gymnastic ball

Exercises on a fitball (gymnastic ball) well stimulate the development of motor activity in infants. Lessons may include:

  1. wiggle. We put the baby on the tummy (and then on the back), and, holding it with your hand, shake it slightly
  2. Emphasis on handles. The ball with the peanut lying on the tummy (we hold it by the legs) is pushed forward. At the moment of approaching the floor, the baby will instinctively put his hands in front of him and open his palms (such exercises help teach the baby to open his fists, because for crawling the child must be able to lean on his palms)
  3. Leg thrust. The exercise is performed in the same way as the previous one, but the baby should touch the floor with a full foot

All these exercises are well demonstrated in the video.

You can put a gymnastic ball in a crib at the baby's feet - this is how we teach him to push off with his feet. Stimulates crawling and bending of the legs while lying on the ball.

Exercise "wheelbarrow"

You can teach your baby to lean on the handles by lifting the crumbs so that one of your hands supports him under the chest, and the second - by the legs. The child's hands should touch a hard surface - this is how we teach the baby to touch with his hands, leaning on his palms.

Roller exercise

A blanket rolled into a roller helps to teach the baby to work with his hands. It is placed under the chest of the baby lying on the stomach. In this case, the legs and tummy lie on the surface of the bed, and the head and arms hang from the roller. You need to put toys on the sides - this stimulates the child to turn his head and touch with his hands, and also trains the vestibular apparatus.

Watch a video about developing baby crawling skills

exercise with toys

Good support also develops when the baby tries to get a toy with one hand, rising on outstretched arms.

It is also useful to sit on the floor, put the baby in front of you between your legs (facing forward), and put toys at some distance from your legs. To get a toy, the child will be forced to reach for it, turning over on his stomach. Help him lie down with his stomach on your leg, and bend the baby's legs, fixing them with your other leg. So the child will play for some time, standing on all fours.

Do not forget about the usual gymnastics, as well as massage.

Towel exercise

They help to teach the little one to climb on all fours exercises with a towel. The child is laid out on the tummy, and a towel rolled into a roll is passed across the body from below. With the help of this towel, the baby rises above the surface so that the palms and knees lightly touch the surface, and shake the baby a little.

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Fitball - a large elastic ball from 55 to 75 cm in diameter. It is used as a sports equipment for gymnastics.Fitball and roller - the first simulators of the baby.

Preparation and Precautions

Purchase an inflatable ball with a diameter of 55-60 cm without sharp edges on the welds. It is recommended not to inflate the ball very much so that it does not repel too much.

To exercise with a baby, place the ball on a hard surface - on a changing table, a sofa, or in the center of the room on a carpet. If gymnastics is carried out on the table, be sure to lay a flannelette blanket, oilcloth and diaper. Cover the fitball with a diaper if the child is undressed.

Prepare your little one. He can be dressed in a light blouse and sliders or be stripped down to a diaper. The baby should be in a great mood, full and well-rested. If the child does not want to study, do not force him. The best time to exercise is in the first half of the day, 40 minutes after eating. Do not smear the crumbs before classes with any ointments and creams.

Before classes, you need to ventilate the room. Daily gymnastics should last no more than 10 minutes. When working with a baby, focus on play moments.

Do not pull the child by the hands or feet. You can damage your ankle and wrist joints.

Solid benefit

Classes with a baby on a ball are useful in that:

  • train the vestibular apparatus
  • help reduce muscle tone
  • strengthen the muscles of the musculoskeletal system
  • improve the function of the cardiovascular system, respiration
  • improve metabolism, the intensity of digestion processes
  • increase immunity.

Fitball exercises

1. Put the baby on the ball. Give him time to get used to the new surface. He can lean back against the ball, and you hold him by the handles, talk, joke with him. Tilt your child to the right. The ball moves with him, and the baby likes it. Then tilt the child to the left. Repeat changing positions.

2. Starting position (I.p.) - the baby lies on the tummy in the center of the ball. Your hand is on its back. Hold the baby with your hand and gently rock it back and forth.

3. I.p., as in exercise 2. Dad presses the baby’s hands to the ball and holds it, and mom’s task is to pick up the child’s feet and, rolling it back on the ball, put the heels on the surface of the table (sofa, floor). At the same time, the kid remains on the ball, make sure that he rests on the entire foot. If your fingers are tucked in, straighten them out. It is unacceptable for the baby to lean on the inner or outer edges of the feet. Stand for a few seconds and return the ball to its original position.

4. I. p., as in exercise 2. Take the child’s hands and roll the ball so that the palms touch the surface of the table. The palms should be open. If they are clenched into fists, straighten them. Make sure that the little one does not hurt his forehead!

5. I. p., as in exercise 2. We combine exercise 3 and 4. Rolling the ball forward - the baby leans on his palms. Rolling the ball back - resting on the heels.

6. Now turn the baby over and put him on the back. Some will try to get up. Rock the baby in different directions.

7. I. p., as in exercise 2. Let the ball “jump”. Do the same on the back.

8. If the child already knows how to stand, sit on the floor facing the ball. Put the baby in front. Hold it by the handles for balance. Rock it on the ball back and forth and left and right.

9. I. p., as in exercise 2. The child rests his hands on the ball, and you raise his legs, as if you have a "wheelbarrow" in your hands.

10. With a child from a year old, you can walk on the ball like a circus performer. With your help, the baby stands on the ball, you hold it by the handles (hold the fitball with your knees), and the child tries to walk.

11. The back of the crumbs on the ball. We raise the baby, holding any one forearm, in a sitting position. Let him sit in this position for a few seconds, balancing on the ball, then put the child back on the ball again. If the child does not want to “work”, we raise him, hold both forearms at once.

12. Starting position - the child's feet on the floor, holding the ball with his palms. Mom carefully controls how he tries to stand on his own, leaning on the ball. The ball will replace the babycar: the child rolls the ball in front of him and follows him.

Roller exercises

To strengthen the muscles of the arms and back, exercises on the roller are good. You can use an inflatable roller or a homemade one (a blanket twisted into a roll).

1. Lay the baby on the roller with the tummy. Both handles are extended forward. Tap alternately with each palm on the roller. The cam will open on its own.

2. The baby continues to lie on the tummy. Push the roller back and forth, encouraging the child to lean on the palms, then on the knees. During the exercise, the baby is helped to open his hands if he cannot do it on his own.

3. Place your child in front of the roller with their back facing you. Let him rest his hands on the roller, and then lie on his tummy. All movements are performed slowly.

4. Lay the child on the roller with his tummy, and put a beautiful toy in front of him. Encourage him to pick up the toy, or at least get close to it.

So, for exercises, we need to make a roller. It is made with your own hands from 4 towels sized 70X120 or 90X120, one diaper 120X80 and a bandage. We roll the towels. One into the other, in the photo I took a different size of towel, just for example. We twist the whole thing and get a sausage.

At this stage, you can understand whether it is of sufficient width and thickness for you, for this we put the baby on all fours on this sausage. Knees and hands should reach the surface or almost reach, legs should be bent at an angle of 90 degrees. Next, we wrap our sausage in a diaper and tie it with a bandage on both sides. It turns out a roller candy.

Now to the exercises.

1. We train hands. To do this, we put the baby on his stomach across the roller with support on his hands, put his hand to him just above the knees, so that the legs do not touch the surface. We begin to swing it back and forth. Make sure that the baby stands on his palms with his fingers extended, if he clenches his hands into fists, straighten them.

2. We work out the emphasis on the hands and sitting down. To do this, we put the baby on his back so that the roller is under the neck. With both hands we take it under the shoulder blades and, as it were, push it towards us. The baby himself must strain his back and make an effort to sit down. After he succeeded, we put him in his original position. There is a second exercise in this pose. Gently (!!!) we pull the baby by one hand towards us in a circle so that he first stands on his elbow, and then on his palm, and only after that he takes a sitting position. Then we also lower to the starting position. Naturally, at first he will not put out his elbow and palm, you will help him with this with your free hand.

Next, we train our quadruples. To do this, we put the baby along the roller and shake it from side to side. When in contact with the surface, he should stand on his outstretched palm and knee, if he does not get up, we help with his free hand. The exercise also trains coordination well.

4. Getting up from a sitting position. To do this, we put the baby on the edge of the roller with his back to himself. We take it with our hands just below the armpits and with a slight movement, as it were, lift it up. He will get up on his own. But you are unlikely to succeed in planting it so millet in its original position, it will not be able to bend its legs back. To return to its original position, we raise it and seat it ourselves. The photo was taken the other way around so that it was clear how it should sit.

And there is another exercise that we really like. Already without a roller. We take the baby, one hand under the arms and under him, the other under the ass above him. Next, we do "run away, run away." We lower the baby so that he can touch the surface and with the words “run away, run away” we take him back. We also watch our fingers. The palms should not be in fists. We repeat this several times, then change hands and “run away” in the other direction. We do this on any surface, it is better if it is different to the touch or you run away from a specific object.

When the baby grows up a little more and begins to take its first steps, the roller will also be very useful to us, but more on that another time.

The question of how many months the child should crawl is incorrect. In fact, the baby does not owe anyone anything. Yes, there are average indicators, but the kids are not familiar with them, and therefore they develop at their own pace.

We present only general data. On average, babies begin to crawl at the age of 7 months, but the scope for the appearance of this skill is quite wide - from 5 to. Pediatricians also note that girls are often ahead of boys by a month or two.

Usually a child learns to crawl after he learns to sit on his own, because the spinal column is already strong enough to move on to the stage of full movement. It is curious that some babies skip crawling altogether and immediately stand on their feet.

In addition, the answer to the question of how many months the child begins to crawl must take into account many related factors - both external and internal. So, the start time of the crawl will be depend on conditions such as:

  • gender of the crumbs (the boy is likely to start crawling later than the girl);
  • body weight of the child (large babies will crawl later);
  • full-term (a prematurely born baby will crawl later);
  • temperament (active choleric and sanguine people more actively master almost all skills);
  • health status;
  • parents' interest in the development of children.

Thus, the question of how many months babies start to crawl depends on the individual characteristics of a particular child. One thing is clear, crawling is a very useful form of physical activity in infants. Therefore, parents need to create all the conditions for the baby to form and improve this skill.

Every mother has heard the opinion that crawling a small child is an extremely useful process. But what exactly is the benefit, not all parents know.

Meanwhile, this motor skill is a kind of "locomotive" for all physical development. But about everything in order:

  • Crawling helps strengthen muscles and ligaments. Firstly, it is a good reserve for sitting and walking. Secondly, it allows you to naturally correct some deviations (torticollis, low or high tone) by strengthening the muscle corset;
  • there is a formation of physiological bends of the spinal column. These natural "bulges" and "retractions" work like shock absorbers, as a result of which the spine is able to withstand a decent load when the child is upright and walking;
  • movement coordination develops. Such a skill enables the child to move in space, maintain balance, feel the rhythm of movement, act in concert with both hands and feet;
  • independence increases. When a baby begins to crawl, a lot of opportunities open up for him to explore the world around him and set goals. For example, the child himself seeks to crawl to the toy, and does not demand it from his mother;
  • development of the intellectual sphere. In the first 12 months, the development of the psyche and motor skills cannot be separated. That is, motor activity improves the functioning of the cerebral cortex, develops speech, providing the relationship between the left and right lobes of the brain.

You should not encourage the baby to get up too early, to the detriment of crawling. Of course, in no case should you forbid standing up, but it is also extremely unreasonable to specifically give the child a vertical position.

Ways and stages of crawling

Each child can start crawling in his own way, focusing only on his own abilities and "ideas" about movement. Is it worth retraining him if it seems to you that he crawls somehow wrong? No, he still prefers the most convenient way:

  • jump crawl. It is not uncommon for a baby to get on all fours and begin to sway back and forth, after which a jump occurs. The method is curious, but not always safe, so parents need to keep an eye on the little “horse”;
  • in a plastunsky way. The child does not stand on four points of support, but crawls right on his stomach. At the same time, he rests on his elbows, bends one leg, and straightens the other. This method is often an intermediate step between laying out on the stomach and crawling on all fours;
  • reversing movement. Sometimes children crawl not forward, but backward, which surprises and even frightens parents a lot. Some neurologists even prescribe treatment for such babies, but scientists do not consider cases when a child crawls backwards as deviations from the norm;
  • rolling. Strictly speaking, such movements are difficult to attribute to crawling. Perhaps the little trickster is lazy, so he tries to roll over the surface to grab a toy or look at something interesting. Not the best way, so gymnastics and massage are desirable;
  • crawling on all fours. A child usually begins to get up on all fours at 8-9 months, and this can be both his first attempts to move, and the last stage of crawling. The back of the baby is straightened, the handles "set the tone." Rearranged upper and lower limbs synchronously.

When the child begins to crawl on all fours, you can already expect the next motor skill to appear - getting up and walking. But do not despair that the baby moves in a plastunsky way or sideways. Most importantly, he crawls, therefore, strengthens the musculo-ligamentous apparatus.

How to teach a child to crawl?

The popular TV doctor E. O. Komarovsky, when asked how to teach a baby to crawl, answers that children can master this skill on their own. The task of mom and dad is to harden, develop muscles, prevent rickets and promote crawling in every possible way.

Thus, the pediatrician is convinced that one should not interfere with the natural course of development, however, it is useful and even necessary to strengthen the musculoskeletal apparatus.

Usually, before the child should learn to roll over from his back to his stomach (at about 3 - 5 months), sit down (5 - 7 months), crawl (7 - 9 months), stand on his feet (9 - 12 months) and walk ( 10 - 16 months), doctors advise to undergo preventive massage.

You can go through it both in the clinic office and in a private medical institution. Some parents call professional massage therapists to their homes. If the parents are confident in their abilities, then from the age of 6 months you can massage the child yourself.

You can help your baby learn to crawl if:

  • cross the arms at chest level;
  • bend and unbend the legs;
  • turn from back to tummy several times in each direction;
  • stroking, rubbing, kneading, tapping or pinching the back and buttocks;
  • stroking the tummy, pinching the skin around the navel;
  • sit down for a while;
  • raise straightened legs;
  • lift the body from a position lying on the tummy.

In addition to the benefits for crawling and for the musculoskeletal system in general, massage has a positive effect on the condition of the skin, nervous and vascular systems of the child's body. The main thing is to correctly perform all the exercises, according to the recommendations of the doctor.

Joint crawling

It often happens that the child already knows how to crawl on the bed on his stomach or on all fours, but does not want to move on the floor. How to help your baby move in the optimal mode?

Already at the age of 5 months, parents can prepare the child for crawling. The ideal place for exercise is not a soft bed, but the floor, which is covered with a carpet or blanket.

The baby is placed on a blanket and a roller is placed under the chest. Then the ward is shown a bright toy and removed it a short distance so that the baby wants to get it. A support (mother's palms) is placed under the children's heels, which should help the child push off and move forward.

As soon as the little man manages to crawl a little, you need to praise him, cheer him up. Although the child does not yet understand all the words, he is already able to distinguish and recognize affectionate and approved intonation well.

illustrative example

If mom and other children crawl next to the baby, then this serves as a good example to follow. The child, looking at the parents, will become infected with their mobility and will begin to move more actively in a plastunsky or on all fours.

As soon as successes begin, tasks must be made more difficult, placing small obstacles in the way of the child. Crawling babies usually have a positive attitude towards a variety of obstacles: low rollers, "mazes" of chairs, etc.

To turn crawling into an active game, purchase a special track for small children with low obstacles in the store or make it yourself, using items that are always at hand as barriers - towels, blankets, blankets.

Baby crawling

When asked at what age a child should start crawling, the author of the early development methodology, Glen Doman, answered simply: from birth. True, for this it is necessary to use a special device, which is known as the “Doman track”.

What does this crawling machine look like?

  • plywood gutter, which is upholstered with a layer of foam rubber and covered with non-slippery leatherette;
  • The device consists of several sections. Their width does not exceed 40 centimeters, and the length of each is 1 meter;
  • the newborn must crawl a short distance. Then, as they grow older, the length of the distance gradually increases in order to improve the useful skill.

The principle of learning to crawl in this device is very simple: the child must be laid out in the gutter on the tummy to stimulate the conditioned "crawling" reflex, which has been present since birth.

At first, the baby will begin to move in a plastunsky way, pulling up his legs, then crawling on all fours will appear. In order to facilitate training, the track should be set at a slight angle so that it is easier for the child to move down. It is only important to ensure that the baby crawls, and does not roll down.

Before proceeding with the following exercises, parents should consult with doctors.

This will make it possible to understand why the assimilation of the crawling skill is slowed down: due to hyper- or hypotonicity, weakness of the upper limbs, or a violation of the musculoskeletal system.

Ill-considered physical activity in such cases will only weaken health. If the neurologist or pediatrician says that the child is healthy, you can do targeted exercises.

"Get the rattle"

In order for the baby to be able to move effectively “on all fours”, strong upper limbs are needed, the ability to stand on straightened arms and rely on only three points (two arms and one leg). Usually a six-month-old toddler, being on his stomach, is already rising on straightened arms and trying to get a rattle.

If this skill is not available, try the exercise to train the ability to hold on outstretched arms. It is best to carry it out after bathing in the bathroom, and then perform light massage strokes.

The baby is placed on his stomach and a rattle is hung so that it is above his head. To grab a toy, he will need to tighten his chest, stretch his upper limbs and reach with one hand for the desired object.

"Lying on a cushion"

For crawling, it is important that the child can move the handles from the “lying on his stomach” position. To learn this skill, you need to roll a low roller out of a blanket, put it under the baby's chest so that the head and arms hang from the lining, and the legs and tummy are on a straight surface.

This position allows you to take the rattle with both handles, turn the head from side to side, which effectively trains the organ of balance and promotes coordination of movements.

"Standing on all fours"

A rolled-up blanket or a low pillow is placed under the baby's tummy. Moreover, you need to put the roller in such a way that the upper and lower limbs hang down on its sides, and the middle part of the body is on the pillow.

In this position, the child will be forced to stand on four points of support. This exercise helps the baby to stand on all fours and get used to a similar position.

Not every toddler likes to move around on his lap. Sometimes you can see how the child rises on straight arms, straightens his legs and thus moves forward.

However, such children will not be able to immediately get on all fours, first you need to teach them to kneel.

To this end advise:

  • press the child back to your stomach;
  • grab his armpits with one hand;
  • with the second hand, put it on the sofa with your knees, and not with your feet, so that an absolutely even children's back is pressed against your mother's stomach.

Then the baby is released forward so that he can lean on the soft sofa surface with his hands, but at the same time stand on all fours. Let him crawl in that position.

"Move your legs"

The task of the parent is to teach the child to rearrange the legs in the “on all fours” position. A mattress is laid on the floor and the baby is placed on it in such a way that his chest is elevated, his elbows rest on the mat, and his knees are on the floor.

The helping parent gets up from the other end and begins to pull the mattress towards him. The kid can only move his knees to get the "running away" elevation.

"Rearrange the handles"

The purpose of this exercise is to teach the child the ability to rearrange his hands. The baby is placed on the floor with his stomach, while supporting the chest with one hand, and lifting the legs with the other. The only point of support is straightened arms.

The child will begin to lean on the surface with his palms. To make him crawl, you can put a bright rattle in front. Your favorite toy will perfectly act as a stimulus.

"Crawling on all fours"

The last task reinforces the previously acquired skills and abilities. It is better for both parents to implement this exercise. The baby is lowered onto a flat surface with all limbs so that he gets on all fours. Mom moves her legs, and dad, respectively, hands. In this case, one parent should move the right hand forward, and the other push the left leg forward, and so on.

Experts advise every parent to get on all fours and look around the apartment with "children's" eyes. In this position, you will see all insurmountable obstacles, sharp corners, dangerous places, loose furniture and small objects lying on the floor.

If a “slider” grows up in the family, it is imperative to purchase fixtures for furniture so that it does not fall on the head of a little researcher. It is also worth buying locks for drawers, door locks and other useful devices.

Put special plugs on the sockets, hide all the wires under baseboards or special boxes. Lift electrical appliances up to remove them from the reach of small children. You should also raise or hide fragile or breakable objects, household chemicals.

In addition, be sure to check if there is a draft on the floor. To prevent the baby from catching a cold, you need to purchase a warm carpet or a special non-slip rug. Such a surface will allow you to quickly master the useful skill of crawling.

When does a baby start crawling? When he hears the call of nature. The task of parents is not to get ahead of the formation of a skill, but to help the child realize his potential. For this, preventive massage, your own example or special exercises will do. If something worries you, it is better to talk with a pediatrician.

Gymnastic balls are used in gyms for exercise therapy and fitness. Classes with such a ball allows you to strengthen the muscles of the abdomen, legs and back, and also helps to increase the flexibility of the body and improve blood circulation. In addition, training with it is useful for children for the development of coordination and the vestibular apparatus.

Types of gymnastic balls and their purpose

It should be selected, taking into account the height of a person, his weight and complexion. Depending on this, there are different types of projectiles that differ in size and shape. They can withstand up to 250 kg and are therefore available for use by people who are overweight, who often find it difficult to find the right one.

All fitballs can be divided into several types:

  • "Ordinary". These are standard products, round and smooth, without protruding elements. They are made of durable material and are really able to withstand a large mass. The diameter of such a projectile can vary from 40 to 90 cm, depending on the purpose. Suitable for people of all ages and body types.

  • Massage. They differ from other types in that they have special protrusions or pimples that stimulate blood circulation and give a massaging effect. These products are especially popular for weight loss exercises.
  • Oval fitness balls are popular with pregnant women and the elderly due to their stable shape, which gives better contact with the floor and allows you to feel better balance.
  • Fitballs with handles. Designed for training when you need to hold on to them. They allow you to do more exercise. Especially suitable for people with diseases of the inner ear.

How to choose

Depending on the purpose and conditions of use, it is worth choosing a product based on your own needs. For example, standard balls are better suited for overweight people, since they are much stronger and more reliable than others.

For children, small balloons with funny horns are produced, which makes spending time with them not only useful, but also exciting!

In our online store you can find equipment for exercise therapy at an affordable price from leading manufacturers. Delivery is carried out throughout Russia!

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