Savory medicinal properties. Savory. Its medicinal properties and contraindications. Savory in vegetable dishes and seasonings

perennial thyme plant, medicinal properties and whose contraindications are worth exploring, may benefit you. Delicate lilac flowers of this perennial have an amazing, incomparable aroma. Spicy fragrant thyme is not only a spicy seasoning for vegetables or meat dishes, but a storehouse of medicinal components to maintain our health. Summer is considered the best time to harvest the gifts of nature - medicinal herbs or roots.

Starting around the end of May, rocky slopes, hills, steppes, forest glades are covered with flowering carpets, gathering around bees and other insects. The small leaves of the plant have an elongated oval shape, the flowers are located close to each other, form inflorescences. The color of the flowers has a predominantly lilac-pink color scheme, the stems are creeping, woody in their lower part.

Thyme - what is hidden in this modest low shrub that encourages people to cultivate it or harvest it for future use? It's all about the healing essential oil, which is successfully used for treatment a wide range diseases. Medicinal qualities of this herb are really impressive: with its help they heal nervous disorders, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, are used externally to treat joints, relieve fever, cold symptoms.

It can be found in Southern Europe, the forest-steppe zone of Belarus, Crimea, Transbaikalia, in the south of Russia, in Ukraine, in the Caucasus - where thyme grows freely, like a wild plant. Now many gardeners have begun to cultivate this perennial, as its benefits, medicinal properties, and healing properties are gaining more and more popularity among followers of traditional medicine, adherents of the use of natural natural gifts.

What is the difference between thyme and savory, thyme, oregano - confusion in the names of the plant

In fact, this culture has many species, but the most popular and common are common thyme and creeping thyme. Supermarkets or spice departments sell pretty bottles or small bags that say "Thyme". This aromatic herb is one of the most basic spices in french cuisine, but in fact thyme and thyme are the same plant.

Also, people often confuse two very similar names - thyme and savory, believing that these are two designations for the same herb. This is not so, despite the fact that both representatives belong to the same family, and are also used as spices, medicinal preparations, they are completely different. Their official names also vary: thyme is thyme and savory is sometimes called "Kondari".

Thyme, as mentioned above, is a creeping shrub with creeping shoots that tend to root.

Savory is an upright plant, native to the Mediterranean countries, reaching a height of 15-30 cm. The leaves of this annual have a burning, spicy taste, somewhat reminiscent of hot green pepper, because of this it is sometimes called pepper grass. Appearance flowers, savory leaves is also different, it cannot be confused with a relative thyme.

In the photo savory

At the same time, it is worth dispelling the misconceptions that thyme and oregano are the same plant. They really have a somewhat similar aroma, but in oregano it is more weakly expressed. Both herbs are used as seasonings for various dishes, and are also brewed as a medicinal tea. Their main similarity lies in the sedative, anti-inflammatory effects on the body, but even outwardly they differ significantly.

Thyme is undersized with small inflorescences, and oregano can reach a height of half a meter, has branched stems, lilac-pink flowers collected with a "panicle".

Both herbs are useful, widely used in traditional medicine, but they are completely different, therefore, when compiling medicinal prescriptions cannot be replaced by each other.

If we are already talking about names, then it is worth mentioning another, fairly common designation thyme - Bogorodskaya herb. According to beautiful legend the Mother of God herself pointed out to people this medicinal plant, in some places the tradition of decorating icons has been preserved to this day Holy Mother of God flowering sprigs of thyme. Whatever it was, vernacular name took root, and the plant itself gives benefits to people.

Thyme useful properties - what are they

Due to the rich composition of medicinal and healing components, this herb successfully heals colds, respiratory diseases in children and adults. For treatment, all parts of thyme are used, except for the rhizome: leaves, inflorescences, twigs. Medical supplies are recommended to be harvested in June-July, carefully cutting upper part shrub, leaving the root. Dry thyme on fresh air, in a shaded place, laying out the raw material on a clean cotton cloth. To store dry grass, it is better to use fabric bags or dense paper boxes, in places where there is no moisture, bright light.

From what grass thyme, from what diseases? A truly wide list of diseases, with the symptoms of which thyme successfully fights. It copes with various intestinal inflammations (even infectious nature), cold symptoms, nervous diseases, depression, skin rashes(external use: lotions, compresses). Baths with herbal decoction- a real relaxation-salvation after a day of work, full of emotions.

A general tonic, immunomodulatory effect is provided by tea with thyme. Headaches, migraines, eye diseases, muscle pain, manifestations of rheumatism, arthritis - all of the above are within the power of thyme, provided correct dosage, regular use.

Alcohol tincture of thyme inflorescences helps to alleviate the effects of a stroke(8 tablespoons / 0.5 l of vodka). Hands, feet, numb parts of the body are rubbed with the composition, 25-30 drops diluted with half a glass of water are recommended to be taken orally three times a day.

With brain bruises or concussions, a decoction helps - a tablespoon of grass (with a slide) is poured with two glasses of water, brought to a boil, infused for 1 hour, taken orally three times a day, half a glass. The same recipe helps with insomnia, migraines, headaches (especially of nervous origin), the course of treatment is at least 5-6 months.

To restore intestinal microflora you can take a similar composition orally, only increase the amount of the therapeutic dose (1 glass / twice a day). The course of treatment is at least 2 months. Cataract treatment gives positive results, if you mix 500 g of liquid honey with very finely ground (like pollen) 100 g of dry raw thyme. To enhance the effect, the resulting mixture can be stewed in a water bath for about 1 hour, periodically stirring with a spoon. This medicine should be taken 1 teaspoon at night.

Thyme medicinal properties successfully fight annoying coughs, manifestations of bronchitis, even asthma. To do this, grind 1 tablespoon of grass, pour 250 g of boiling water, insist in a thermos for about 2 hours. After straining, such a decoction should be taken 2 tablespoons 4 times a day, after meals. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to rub with the same infusion. chest, cover with plastic wrap on top, leave overnight. Two or three nights with such a "compress" on the chest have an effective, healing effect. At similar diseases you can use a regular decoction on water, or you can use alcohol, on vodka - an expectorant, bronchodilatory effect is guaranteed. Infusions, as well as finely ground flowers, leaves are used to prepare ointments.

Traditional medicine knows another, somewhat non-standard field of application of thyme. Helps fight alcoholism thyme or Bogorodskaya grass, the medicinal properties of which are due to the presence of thymol - a substance that causes vomiting reflex when mixed with alcohol. For a positive effect, however, the consent of the patient himself is needed, since the treatment consists in drinking 50 g of a decoction with a small amount of an alcoholic drink, two to three times a day. After two weeks of such treatment, as a result, there is a persistent rejection of alcohol.

Tea with thyme - benefit or harm

Tasty, very healthy tea with this medicinal herb, which is natural natural stimulant. Best time for reception healing tea with thyme - morning. It is recommended for children suffering from anemia, it removes the feeling of heaviness in the stomach when overeating, the symptoms of fermentation in the intestines, and increased gas formation. After taking fatty foods, to normalize digestion, it will never be superfluous to drink a cup or two of this fragrant drink. The herb can be brewed on its own, or combined with the addition of regular black tea.

Herbal medicinal tea, photo:

What is useful tea with thyme? This honey plant contains organic acids, flavonoids, vitamin "C", resins, tannins, essential oil, vitamins "B" of the group. This list of useful components has a positive effect on the body as a whole, has an antiseptic, diaphoretic, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, wound healing, disinfectant effect. Moreover - steeply brewed thyme tea is successfully used for inhalation.

Drink more tea for cold symptoms, runny nose - essential oils will do their job, you can be sure. Such tea will increase mood, efficiency, vitality, despite its tonic effect, it will calm shattered nerves, help to cope with fatigue. It is indispensable with the onset of the cold season, when viral, colds are activated.

Even such an unpleasant thing as halitosis is successfully eliminated by regular rinsing, drinking this healing tea.


Despite all its useful properties, thyme also has contraindications.

  • If a person has diseases of the liver or kidneys, then these decoctions, infusions, teas should not be consumed.
  • If there are diseases of the thyroid gland, especially a decrease in its function, then taking this herb is also contraindicated.
  • In the presence of vascular atherosclerosis, cardiosclerosis, atrial fibrillation, the use of thyme is strictly contraindicated due to the presence high content thymol.
  • This warning also applies to those who have hyperacidity gastric juice.

Thyme for healthy, cautions

Tea with thyme - its effect on healthy people, what is it?

  • Even if your health can only be envied, you should not get carried away with a long, frequent use this delicious drink.
  • Infusions, teas based on thyme help to reduce the production of thyroid hormones, which inevitably leads to hypothyroidism in case of overdose.
  • Do not forget that thyme contributes to an increase in blood pressure, moreover, it does it imperceptibly, and the achieved effect persists for a long time.
  • Allergies or individual intolerance to plant constituents can also occur, although this rarely happens.

Thyme - beneficial properties for women and men

The positive effect of thyme on female body due to its ability to reduce pain symptoms in PMS time, critical days. The same tea or baths with thyme infusion have positive influence on women's health during this period. The use of infusions, decoctions favorably affects the genitourinary function in general, provided there are no individual contraindications.

Is it possible for pregnant women to have tea with thyme? The answer to this question will not be specific, since everything depends on the situation, the state of health of the woman, how the pregnancy proceeds. On the one hand, it is a natural diaphoretic, anesthetic that does not contain chemistry, like most pharmaceutical preparations. Based on this, with a cold, cough, or inflammation of the urogenital area, it will be much safer to use herbal tea or decoction to relieve the symptoms of the disease.

On the other hand, thyme works to increase the tone of the uterus, which can pose a threat to the baby, increase the likelihood of miscarriage. Such tea can be safe, even useful just before the onset of childbirth, since in this case it can only provide positive stimulation. If a pregnant woman suffers from impaired cardiac function, then medicines containing thyme in its composition should not be taken categorically. Is it possible to use thyme during pregnancy, only your personal attending physician will say, who sensibly assesses your specific situation.

Since we've touched on the subject women's health, it is fair to recall the benefits of thyme for men. Thyme is famous for its positive action on the male urogenital area. Due to its powerful anti-inflammatory effect, it successfully fights prostatitis, other inflammatory phenomena this area. Regular use of herbal infusion (1 tablespoon of inflorescences / 250 g of boiling water, 5-6 times a day, before meals) has a stable preventive, therapeutic result.

For male power thyme is also favorable. Medicinal properties, contraindications for men are not very different from other tips, recommendations for the use of medicinal plant raw materials. The main thing here is the measure, regularity of intake, taking into account the individual intolerance of thyme components. It is used as aid to fight male infertility , it increases the viability of spermatozoa, potency.

Dried thyme, photo:

The health benefits of thyme are not in doubt, but do not forget about the dosage, the permissible duration of the use of the herb in your particular case. You can grow this amazing fragrant plant in your summer cottage, after carefully digging up the shrub at the place of growth. It is useful, fragrant, looks beautiful in a flower bed next to flowers.

Thyme in a flower bed, photo:

Origin of culture
In the wild, savory is found in the Crimea and the Caucasus, as well as in countries adjacent to the Mediterranean and Black Seas. Noble Romans traditionally used it for food and for weaving wreaths. In Europe, the plant became popular in the Middle Ages. Savory is the grass of our grandmothers, in Rus' it was harvested and brewed like tea. Currently growing and cultivated on all continents.
Beneficial features

Savory garden contains more than 5% protein, a lot ascorbic acid, carotene, routine. Its leaves are used in traditional medicine as an analgesic and fixing agent, with gastrointestinal diseases as an appetite stimulant. Savory has bactericidal and antihelminthic properties.

Green savory mountain has a calming effect, relieves pain and swelling from the bites of bees, mosquitoes and midges. In folk medicine, it is used as a tonic and hemostatic agent.

Savory is widely used in cooking in the form spicy seasonings to salads, soups, meat, fish, mushrooms. Leaves are also added to marinades during salting and. They taste like hot pepper. Due to the strong odor of savory as a seasoning, 2-3 times less is required than or marjoram.
Savory is also cultivated as an ornamental crop.

Biological features
Savory garden - annual plant 20-30 cm high, some forms up to 60 cm, the stem is covered with short hairs. Leaves lanceolate, opposite, grey-green color. The flowers are small, light purple or pink, form a loose elongated inflorescence. The fruit is a small trihedral nut. The color of the fruit is dark brown, almost black.

Garden savory is a heat-loving plant, undemanding to the soil, however, in infertile or waterlogged areas, its productivity decreases, and the aroma deteriorates.
Mountain savory is also cultivated - perennial, a semi-shrub grown 4-5 years in one place, with a taller spreading bush and a sharper smell. The leaves are linear-lanceolate, gray-green, slightly glossy. The flowers are located in the axils of the leaves, 3-7 pieces, white, pink and purple. It smells and tastes like marjoram.

Fragrant- from germination to flowering 4548 days. A plant up to 50 cm high, sprawling, weighing 140 g. The flower is light purple. The aroma is strong.
Breeze- mid-season, from germination to the beginning of flowering 45-50 days. Plant up to 45 cm high, branched, well leafy. The flower is blue-violet. Anthocyanin is weakly expressed at the base of the stem. Highly aromatic. Weight of one plant 120-140 g
Gribovsky 23 - technical ripeness occurs on the 48-57th day after the appearance of full shoots. Leaf rosette of medium density, 32-40 cm high, non-lodging, densely leafy. The leaf is large, lanceolate, dark green with a bluish tint. green mass high commercial qualities with persistent aroma. The formation of greenery is friendly. It tolerates short-term cooling, heat-resistant.
Satyr- early ripening, compact, non-lodging plant, 35-40 cm high. Dark green leaves, upper young
leaflets with weak anthocyanin pigmentation. Plant weight 145-170 g. Aromaticity is strong, spicy, peppery, well preserved in dried herbs.
Sprint- ultra-early, with a growing season of 45 days. The plant is medium-sized, compact bush, 35 cm high and 20-25 cm in diameter. The stem is highly branched, the flowers are light purple. Highly decorative, greens are medicinal due to the high content of thymol and other components.
Filevsky Semko- mid-season, vegetative period from full shoots to technical ripeness 60-70 days. The bush is compact, 40-50 cm high. The stem is branched, covered with short hairs, non-lodging, woody at the base. The number of side shoots is 17-22. The flowers are pink, arranged 35 in axillary false whorls. The mass of one plant is 160-190 g.
Varieties are also recommended. Pepper Flavor, Picnic and Charlie.

Growing conditions
Sowing directly into the ground is possible. Under pre-sowing tillage, 4-5 kg ​​of humus or compost, 20 g of ammonium nitrate and superphosphate and 10-15 g of potassium salt per 1 m2 are applied.
Savory is sown at the rate of 0.4-0.5 g / m2 to a depth of 0.5-1 cm. To obtain the seeds, they are sown at the end of April in boxes. Shoots appear on the 14th day after sowing. In May, they are planted in rows with a distance between them of 40-50 cm, between plants in a row of 15-20 cm. When sown in April-May, flowering begins in July and continues until October. Plant care consists in weeding weeds and loosening the soil. Plants are harvested at the beginning of flowering and dried in the shade for later use.

Mountain savory is more demanding on the soil than garden savory, propagated by seeds, dividing the bush, cuttings and layering. In the first year, branches are cut once at the end of summer, and in subsequent years, 23 times per season. Mountain savory plants in many areas overwinter under cover: they are spudded and covered with spruce and pine branches, straw and leaves. The winter forcing of thorny savory at home deserves attention: in the fall, they dig up the rhizomes and plant them in pots or boxes. In winter, they put it on the window, and the savory quickly grows, giving beautiful greenery.

How to get seeds
Savory seeds should be harvested when they begin to stain. Brown color; delay in harvesting leads to shedding of seeds. The seeds are small, the weight of 1000 pieces is 0.63 g. They remain viable for 2 years.

And savory are completely different plants, although they belong to the same Lamiaceae (Labiatae) family. Latin name savory - Satureja hortensis, where the definition of hortensis (garden) clearly indicates cultural origin, and the actual name (satureja) comes from "satyr" - these are forest or field deities. According to legend, satyrs are deities friendly to humans, but they are also capable of plotting uninvited guests, so savory is a kind of amulet to protect the garden and home.

The savory pedigree comes from the Eastern Mediterranean, and came to the Alps with the light hand of the monks of the Order of St. Benedict. It was the alpine, or mountain, savory (Satureja montana) that became the progenitor of cultural forms that are still grown in gardens. Unlike thyme, garden savory belongs to annual crops and is easily propagated by self-sowing.

Annual savory (such a synonym is also known) is grown as a spicy-aromatic crop, but it is also endowed with a number of medicinal properties, so it does not take last place in folk medicine. Savory garden is used in scientific medicine in some countries, the essential oil (Saturejae aetheroleum) is obtained from the aerial part, and in some cases the herb (Satureja herba) is also used.

In culture, savory is quite unpretentious, but prefers areas well warmed by the sun.

Procurement of medicinal raw materials

Savory grass is harvested during the period of mass flowering (from July to September). Dry it preferably outdoors, having previously provided protection from direct sunlight and natural precipitation. If necessary, savory can also be dried in electric dryers, maintaining the temperature at 34 - 36 ° C (more high values lead to the loss of valuable essential oil).

Store dried raw materials in tightly sealed jars. It is allowed to store savory no more than 2 years.

The chemical composition of medicinal raw materials

Essential oil- the most valuable component of medicinal raw materials (in young leaves and flowers, its content varies between 0.5 - 2%). Unlike thyme, the essential oil of which consists mostly of thymol, savory herb contains this component in small quantities, so there are much fewer contraindications for use (more on this). we will talk further). So, savory essential oil consists mainly of carvacrol (within 40%) and cymol (the content reaches 30%). As mentioned earlier, savory essential oil also contains a small amount of thymol, paracymol, phenol of unknown structure and chemical substances terpene group. Other biologically active substances (mucus, bitterness, resins, carotenoids, vitamin C, rutin, phytoncides, stigmasterins and mineral salts).

Medicinal properties of garden savory

The first thing to focus on is beneficial effect to the gastrointestinal tract. Savory-based preparations stimulate the secretion of bile and the production of gastric juice and, as a result, increase appetite and improve the digestion process. Active ingredients savory essential oils have bactericidal properties, so its preparations are often prescribed for disorders in the intestines (putrefactive and fermentation processes, resulting in bloating, flatulence, etc.). Savory preparations have antiemetic properties; they are able to have an antispasmodic effect, therefore they are used in case of stomach and intestinal spasms. It is also important that savory inhibits the vital activity of some types of helminths, so it is advisable to introduce its grass into the composition of antihelminthic drugs.

Savory preparations stimulate the work of the bronchial glands, contribute to the thinning of viscous mucus, so the herb is often added to the composition of expectorants and antitussives. Tea with the addition of savory increases sweating, it is obvious that such a drink will provide significant assistance at the first signs of a cold, and can also serve as prophylactic during the epidemic colds, including those of an infectious nature.

Savory enhances diuresis (diuretic effect), exhibits antibacterial and antifungal properties - it is not surprising that preparations based on it are used for numerous diseases of the urinary system (cystitis, nephritis, etc.).

Savory-based preparations are often used as sedatives (sedatives) and also as an antidepressant. It has been established that savory essential oil stimulates brain activity and helps to increase mental and physical performance(provides a surge of energy).

As regards the impact on cardiovascular system, then in this regard, savory is not the last place - it helps to reduce the heartbeat, lowers arterial pressure and helps in cleaning blood vessels from cholesterol deposits.

There is evidence that savory helps lower blood sugar levels, has antioxidant properties and inhibits the development of oncological processes.

Obtaining savory essential oil at home

If desired, you can prepare essential oil from savory in the kitchen, of course, this remedy in many ways inferior to industrial counterparts, but still. So, essential oil can be obtained in two ways: 1) by distillation with water vapor and 2) by maceration (infusion in inert vegetable fats).

The steam distillation method requires the use of chemical laboratory glassware: a) a still for steam production; b) reaction flask; c) refrigerator; and d) receiver. To obtain steam, you can adapt an ordinary kettle, and use a glass jar with a lid instead of a reaction flask. 2 holes are cut in the cover for the entry of superheated water vapor and the exit of the exhaust. The thyme herb is placed in the jar, from which, when treated with water vapor, the volatile essential oil is extracted. After the reaction flask, water vapor enters for cooling (a glass distiller is used as a refrigerator). In the receiver (also used glass jar) water with savory essential oil is collected. Essential oil has a lower density than water, so it accumulates on the surface of the liquid. The product obtained by this method is almost identical to the essential oil of industrial production.

Obtaining essential oil by the method of maceration is a widespread method of handicraft production (this is how oil is prepared from St. John's wort, mint, lemon balm, thyme, etc.). As an inert vegetable oil it is preferable to use olive, which belongs to the group of non-drying oils. Place the prepared raw materials in a glass or enameled dish with a closing lid, pour hot oil over it and put on water bath(about half an hour). After cooling, drain the oil and squeeze out the used raw materials. In order to obtain the maximum concentration of essential oil, the infusion cycle is carried out several times (at least 5 - 6), that is, a fresh portion of raw materials is poured with used oil.

It is necessary to store essential oil in a cool place in hermetically sealed containers (glass bottles).

Savory essential oil is used only externally (!) - for inhalation, improving indoor air and in a number of other cases.

The use of savory for treatment

- Tea. As a rule, 2 tsp are required to brew tea. dried herbs in 250 ml of boiling water; insist 15 minutes. Consume hot. Savory tea is used as a diaphoretic (after that, you must immediately go to bed and cover yourself warmly). When using tea against coughs, it is a good idea to add honey to the drink.

- Infusion. Half a liter of boiling water will require 2 tbsp. dry savory herb. After an hour of infusion, filter the liquid and take 100-150 ml 3-4 times a day. Savory infusion is recommended to be taken on initial stage hypertension (to reduce blood pressure), with increased nervousness, sleep disturbance, frequent headaches. Savory infusion helps with nausea and vomiting, is used to treat various disorders gastrointestinal tract (diarrhea, colic, etc.).

- Therapeutic baths . For 1 liter of boiling water, approximately 100 g of medicinal raw materials will be required. Infuse for 20 - 30 minutes, then strain and add to a warm bath. Savory baths are used to treat skin diseases and are also recommended for asthmatics.

- Inhalations. Savory essential oil can be used in the form of inhalations or aromatherapy. The active substances of the essential oil revitalize the air in the room, and when inhaled (inhaled) contribute to the destruction of pathogenic microflora in the nasopharynx.

Typical cases of savory use for helminthiasis

- Helminthiases (pinworms, roundworms). To expel helminths, a decoction of savory herb is used. For 300 ml of water, you need to take 2 - 3 tbsp. raw materials, bring to a boil and after five minutes remove from heat. It is necessary to drink the entire broth between 23:00 and 01:00, and in the morning take a saline laxative and put an enema. The same decoction can be used in the form of compresses, poultices and washings in the treatment dermatological diseases, including mycoses (lichen - from this category). Savory decoction can be recommended for rinsing oral cavity at dental problems(stomatitis, gingivitis, bleeding gums, bad smell from the mouth, etc.).

- Savory with walnut leaves. To enhance the antihelminthic properties, it is recommended joint application savory herbs and walnut leaves. To prepare the infusion, 50 g of walnut leaves and 12-15 g of savory herb (per 1 liter of boiling water) are required. Insist for half an hour, then strain. This dose is designed for a three-day course of treatment; take in the same way as indicated in the previous recipe. It should be noted that the same infusion is prescribed to lower blood sugar, it is recommended for various diseases skin, as well as often in the treatment of sexually transmitted diseases (however, in this case it is better not to abuse self-medication!). Of course, the dosage of the drug in the treatment of other diseases (not related to helminthiasis) depends on the type and nature of the disease.

The use of savory as a condiment

In the context of the material, we will not talk about culinary delights, but more about the use of seasoning as medical supplement. As mentioned earlier, savory helps to increase appetite, but the most remarkable thing is that this seasoning helps the digestion of "heavy" foods (meat and sausages, legumes, fried potatoes, etc.). Young savory leaves can be added to salads, which is no less effective than using seasoning.

Contraindications and side effects

Application medicinal plants in treatment, it requires thoughtfulness and a balanced approach, since for many of them there are contraindications, and garden savory is no exception.

Savory contraindications can be divided into two groups: physiological type and pathological. Pregnancy belongs to the physiological type - the biologically active substances of savory stimulate the contraction of the uterine muscles, which can provoke a miscarriage. To some extent, individual intolerance can also be attributed to the physiological type, although allergic reactions may be the result of pathological processes - in any case, it is better to refuse the use of savory.


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Popular names of this fragrant plant: fragrant savory, annual savory, pepper grass, legume grass, chobr. - herbaceous cross-pollinated plant up to 70 centimeters high. The stem is branched, covered with short hairs, with a purple tint. The leaves are linear-lanceolate, narrow, pointed, dark green with a solid edge. Savory is a good honey plant.

The flowers of the garden chabra are small, light purple or pink, sometimes light yellow, almost white, located in the axils of the leaves. The seeds are small, black-brown, their germination lasts three to seven years.

Growing chabra garden It's fairly simple and doesn't take up much room in the garden. Savory is a light and thermophilic plant. Savory is undemanding to soils, but on fertile soils the yield increases.

Sowing chabra seeds garden. Chabra seeds are sown in early spring. On the prepared bed for savory, level the soil and lightly tamp. Put savory seeds on the compacted earth, but do not embed them in the soil, but carefully mulch them with humus from above. For better germination, savory crops can be covered with agrospan. After the savory seedlings grow a little and get stronger, they need to be thinned out or planted according to the pattern of 30 x 25-30 centimeters.

In the future, caring for garden savory consists in weeding the beds from weeds, watering, loosening the soil.

In fresh form, tender shoots of garden savory are used throughout the summer. For drying for the future, the whole savory or part of the shoots is cut off during flowering. Even if you cut off the top of the plant, the side shoots are formed throughout the entire growing season of the savory.

Chabra seeds crumble when ripe, so you should not linger with harvesting. In late August - early September, when the seeds become dark brown, almost black, all plants are pulled out with a root or cut off near the ground and hung in the attic to dry. Spread something under the plants or put paper bags on them in order to collect crumbled seeds later. After drying, the plants are threshed.

There are special varieties of chabra - Gribovsky 23 and Satir, which are distinguished by a wider leaf and good foliage. Local populations of savory are also known - earlier ripe ones, making it possible to grow savory in areas with a short summer.

Young leaves and stems of chabra contain mineral salts, vitamin C, rutin, carotene, phytoncides, essential oils, thymol (natural antiseptic).

Thanks to their useful properties savory garden found its application in folk medicine. Savory is used to stimulate appetite, indigestion, catarrh of the stomach and intestines, as a diaphoretic, diuretic and antihelminthic with bactericidal properties.

Like a garden savory spice has long been used in cooking, adding to dishes of legumes, meat, salads, soups and sauces. Fresh herbs chabra, as well as coriander, basil, chervil leaves are used for pickling cucumbers, tomatoes, mushrooms, added when smoking sausage, in dairy products.

Stomach tea from garden chabra greens: pour two cups of boiling water over 3 teaspoons of dried herbs. Insist 10-15 min. Drink during the day for 3-4 doses.

Garden savory, fragrant savory, legume grass - an annual plant 20-60 cm high, a species of the savory genus, belonging to the Lamiaceae family. Distributed in the Crimea, Turkey, Central Asia, grows on dry rocky slopes, rocks.

The chemical composition of savory

The composition includes carvacrol, which destroys the shell of staphylococcus, cymol, borneol, cineol, essential oil, also 1 g of savory contains 257 mcg of retinol, 0.37 mg of thiamine, 1.81 mg of pyridoxine, 50 mg of vitamin C, potassium, phosphorus, iron and copper. In addition, it contains phytoncides, mineral salts, mucus and resins.

Useful properties of savory

Savory garden is used in medicine and has useful properties.

What is useful savory for men

Savory can be useful for men due to the ability to increase potency, it has a beneficial effect on genitourinary system, treats vesiculitis, prostatitis, epididymitis. urethritis. Savory also has a positive effect on gastrointestinal disorders, stops fermentation processes, saves from bloating, stimulates gastric secretion, thus improving digestion, and fights helminths. It increases concentration fatty acids in the body, which reduces the risk oncological diseases. Savory is known to help fight against alcohol addiction. relieve cravings for alcohol.

What is useful savory for women

For women, savory as a medicinal herb will benefit in normalization menstrual cycle, he will cope with amenorrhea and algomenorrhea, as well as menorrhagia, will help in the treatment of thrush and cystitis. In addition, savory copes with gastric and intestinal spasms, has an expectorant effect, can have a diaphoretic, diuretic and antibacterial effect, and will help to cope with all kinds of inflammatory processes, will support the body in a constant tone, neutralizing toxic oxygen radicals.

Did you know?Savory is able to fight the manifestations of PMS, for this you need to chew 2 leaves of the plant on an empty stomach during this period.

Useful properties of savory for children

Has a beneficial effect on children nervous system, increases brain activity, tones, sets a burst of energy, but at the same time calms and improves heart function, clearing blood vessels of cholesterol, treats children from whooping cough.

The use of chabra in folk medicine, useful recipes

In folk medicine, savory is used to stimulate appetite and against bloating. Chabra tea is also used for colds. 2 teaspoons of herbs should be poured with ¼ liter of boiling water, insisted for 10 minutes, strained and taken warm half an hour before meals. It will relieve the symptoms, ease the cough. This tea is also useful for vomiting. Rinsing the mouth with a decoction of thyme will remove toothache. To do this, boil 10 g of dried grass in one glass of water and take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day. What else is savory good for health - a question may arise. Infusion with thyme is used for hemorrhoids and dysentery, as well as in case of inflammation of the mucous membrane. 20 g of dried raw materials are shaken in a glass of water, put in a dark, dry place for a month, then taken three times a day, 25-30 drops.

Important!Chabra juice relieves pain and swelling from the bite of bees, wasps and other insects.

How savory is used in cosmetology

Savory has found its application in cosmetology. Chabra essential oil is a great helper for alopecia, strengthens hair follicles, makes hair strong and silky. It is also recommended by dermatologists. The plant is useful in the treatment of dermatitis, eczema, boils, acne. The healing antiseptic properties of savory made it suitable remedy to fight fungus, scabies, and its effect on the skin, the ability to rejuvenate and regenerate will delight women.

Important!Chabra essential oils have an antioxidant effect, which slows down the aging of the body and improves immunity.

The use of savory in cooking

The use of savory in cooking has been known since time immemorial thanks to spicy aroma reminiscent of black pepper.

Many housewives are wondering about savory: what kind of spice is it and where is it used. It will be an excellent addition to meat rolls, steaks, fried potatoes, stews, mushrooms, sausages, pies with meat filling, used as a breading. The country where savory is used everywhere is Bulgaria."Chubritsa" - that's what they call savory in Bulgaria - gives the dishes a special, great aroma and great taste. Even the famous "Bulgarian ketchup" contains savory.

Did you know?The ancient Romans prepared an exotic sauce from savory, which was served with fish and meat, and also used it as a substitute for too expensive pepper, there was even the name "pepper grass".

Moldavian cuisine calls the seasoning "chimbra", while Georgian, Armenian use it in salting, marinades, or prepare salads with fresh cucumbers and add savory there. In some regions of Germany and the Netherlands, the plant is called " bean grass due to its ability to digest fatty, heavy and starchy foods.

Savory: preparation and storage of medicinal raw materials

The plant is harvested on the eve of flowering, until a noticeable bitterness appears on the leaves and while the savory grass has healing properties. Cut savory in dry weather, leave 15-20 cm above the ground. The stems, together with the leaves, are tied into small bundles, hung under a canopy and dried. You can also dry it, without tying it in bunches, in the attic. The main thing is to ensure the flow of air. Store dried raw materials in a shady dry place at a temperature not exceeding 35 degrees.

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