How to make a toy on a stick for a kitten. We make a toy for a cat with our own hands at home: from a paper box and a fabric pattern. We make the simplest toys for kittens with our own hands

You can entertain your pet in many ways, cats and cats will be delighted with any opportunity to play. If you have free time and desire, you can design toys for cats with your own hands. A selection of interesting ideas awaits you in our article.

Banal piece of paper on a thread - yesterday! Today we propose to improve such a design without burdening it with excessive details.


  1. Sufficiently strong and, if possible, rustling paper is twisted into a roll. We wind one of the ends to the stick, and from the second we begin to cut the paper into narrow strips. Such a panicle will greatly please the cat, and for additional entertainment, you can also attach bells, feathers or small toys from below.
  2. Bend a small piece of cardboard in half and tie a thread to it. Fix the resulting structure to any support so that the cardboard acts as a pendulum. The pet will be able to play for hours with such a simple device.
  3. You can use the straw after paper towels or toilet paper. Having made several holes, you can either tie it to a string, or simply wind it over a thread (hair ties are also suitable). Despite the simplicity of the idea, cats and cats willingly play with such a toy.
  4. Even an ordinary wad of wrapping paper(they rustle more strongly) can be an excellent toy for a cat. The main thing is to make sure that the animal does not swallow pieces of paper during the game.

All toys made for a pet must be durable and easily withstand the onslaught of teeth and claws. The fallen pieces will not only contaminate the room, but also pose a danger to the animal if accidentally swallowed.

That is why, for those who like to try everything on the tooth, paper toys will not work.

Yarn toys

A ball of woolen threads is a favorite pastime of many pets. If your purr is not indifferent to yarn, you can make an original toy from the remnants of old threads.

Idea options:

  1. The simplest is to give the old unnecessary ball of thread to the cat to be torn to pieces. It is advisable to select the size of the ball, based on the dimensions of the animal. The end of the thread must be fixed so as not to turn the house into an impenetrable maze later.
  2. With simple crochet skills, you can make a suitable toy for your pet in a matter of minutes. It can be a small ball, a spirally twisted thread and just a chain of air loops, rounded at the end. Such a toy can be tied under the seat of a chair, a battery and near the pet's house.
  3. A knitted mouse is a work of a more complex level. Your pet will definitely like such a gift, especially if you provide a toy with a long tail.
  4. Using a crochet hook, you can tie several wine corks together by adding small bells, beads and ribbons to them. This design is ideal for small kittens that are teething.
  5. Colorful yarn pompoms are an exciting toy for cats. They are very easy to make and the applications are endless. You can decorate the pet's house with pom-poms, as well as tie it in several places in the room so that the cat is not bored in any circumstances. In addition, you can just play with a cat tied on a long thread or a stick with a bright pom-pom.

It is advisable to play games under supervision, especially when it comes to kittens. A tragic accident can happen when certain parts of the toy are swallowed, and also if the animal plays a lot (mechanical injuries, falls).

Other ideas

An original toy for a cat can be made from any improvised means. For this, there is no need to buy additional materials and master new techniques. We offer you several options for simple toys for your pet's interesting leisure time.

DIY creative toys for a cat:

  1. sausage toy will appeal to active pets. To do this, the remnants of the felt fabric must be sewn with a tube, turned out and filled with a suitable material. After that, from the front, tie with threads at an equal distance. The resulting bundle of sausages is sure to please a fluffy pet. The diameter of the "sausage" must be selected so that the cat can easily take it in his teeth.
  2. Most cats love cardboard boxes. so they can also be used as a toy. To do this, holes are cut in the box, you can also glue several pieces together and arrange a real maze for your pet. To decorate this design, you can use bright fabric, paper and stickers.
  3. It is very simple and easy to sew a mouse toy according to the following instructions. Sew a piece of fabric in the form of a cone, turn it inside out, and pour granular filler or just small cereals inside. Tie the end of the bag tightly, remembering to leave a sufficiently long thread that acts as a tail. This mouse is sure to please the kittens.
  4. As a toy, you can use a lone glove or an old sock. Inside, you can put cotton wool or a soft cloth, and tie or sew up the hole. Such models are often decorated with buttons, ribbons or sewn pieces of fabric.
  5. A very original and unusual toy will turn out if you take a narrow cardboard box. On the one hand, it is necessary to make several round holes in it about 4 - 5 centimeters in diameter. Put several diverse items inside the box, for example, balls, small toys, nuts, skeins of yarn. They can be larger or smaller than the diameter of the holes, the main condition is unhindered movement inside. The pet will be very interested in such a design and will be willing to explore its contents.
  6. As a variant of the previous device, you can make the same design from a large narrow plastic container. The “stuffing” for such a puzzle can be changed periodically so that the pet never gets bored with such a game.
  7. An empty bottle of pills should not be thrown away. You can put a few beads, a bell, beans or peas in it. After you show your pet how the jar rolls well on the floor, he will be happy to play with it. You can periodically change the contents so that the sound of the movement is also varied.

Our article discusses original ideas on how to make a toy for a cat. A simple creation will surely delight an inquisitive pet. By taking a little time and turning on your imagination, you can please your pet with new entertainment.

Surely, cat owners have often noticed that their pets are more willing to play with items found by chance in the apartment than with toys from the store.

The reasons for this behavior of animals are inexplicable, but the fact remains. Therefore, instead of once again spending money on toys for cats, it is better to make them yourself from improvised materials. We share simple ideas that will tell you how to entertain your pet simply and quickly.

1. Play station for furry explorers

Toilet paper roll toy.

Glue toilet paper rolls in various positions onto a sturdy piece of cardboard. Inside them, put the little things that attract the attention of the cat - for example, large buttons, beads. The cat will try to get them.

2. For a few pennies

Such a toy will captivate the cat for a long time.

In the base of the toilet paper roll, make several holes in a chaotic manner. Pass cocktail tubes, bright shreds or pompoms through them. Such a toy will take the animal for a long time.

3. From your favorite cardboard box

Cats love cardboard boxes.

Everyone knows the fact that cats are not indifferent to cardboard boxes. Use this feature of theirs and make a gaming station out of the box. Inside the box are small items, and on top are bright cords that will also attract the attention of the cat.

4. Mini tangle with protection

A simple but interesting toy for a cat.

Letting your cat play with regular balls or spools can be dangerous as he can choke on the thread. Therefore, we propose to slightly modernize this option for entertaining a cat. Roll the thread into a ball of medium density, leaving one end free. Then wrap the ball with plain foil. Cats love its rustling and soft sheen.

5. The second life of the remnants of water pipes

DIY toy made of PVC pipes.

From the remains of water pipes, you can make a toy for a cat with your own hands. It is only necessary to connect them with the help of corner elements, which are sold in any hardware store. You will also need to cut holes in the pipes a little more than the paws of cats, and put various little things inside. The cat will try to get them.

6. Soft pom-poms

Pompoms are classic cat toys.

Pompoms on a string are a favorite toy of many cats, which does not bother them for a long time. Ready-made toys can be hung on the doorknob so that the cat tries to get them.

Pompoms on the door are very attractive to cats.

7. Making a sommelier out of a cat

Cork toys.

Cats love to play with wine corks because they are light. You can just give the cat a cork, but if you have some free time, make a more complex toy. For example, crochet it or attach bright feathers, ribbons.

Such a toy can become a favorite for a cat.

8. For needlewomen who are friends with a needle

The toy can be sewn in a couple of minutes.

A person who knows how to handle a needle can sew a simple toy for a cat in a couple of minutes. We recommend choosing fabrics of sufficient density, such as wool or felt.

Toy jellyfish for a cat.

9. From a T-shirt that gathers dust in the closet

An old t-shirt can be useful.

To make such a cat toy with your own hands, you will need an old knitted T-shirt. Cut it into thin strips, put them together and tie in a knot. To make it more interesting for the cat, we recommend using T-shirts of different colors and knitwear that differ in density.

10. Recycling corrugated board

A do-it-yourself toy for a cat, which even a child can handle.

Corrugated cardboard, from which large boxes are made, is useful for creating toys for a cat. Cut out a lot of circles from it, in each of them make a small hole in the middle. Then string them on a piece of lace, tying it into knots.

11. Bright shreds for the cat

If you put catnip inside the shreds, then the cat will be crazy about them.

Cut into square pieces. To fill them, foam rubber, fabric scraps, threads are suitable. In order for the bag to arouse increased interest of the cat, you can put a little catnip inside it.

12. If a baby sock is left without a pair

Toys from children's socks.

Using the method described in the previous paragraph, it will turn out to make a toy for a cat with your own hands from a children's sock. Just fill it with something soft and tie it in a knot.

13. Cat rod

Do-it-yourself cat fishing rod.

A thin wooden stick, strong thread and flat thin fabric - that's all you need to make a cat fishing rod. Fold the fabric with an overlap, use a needle to thread a thread through the strips. Tie the free end of the thread around the stick.

Cats in our house not only eat, sleep and give us their warmth. A pet is a full-fledged member of any family. And just as people have their own activities and hobbies, so the animal should have things for leisure and entertainment.

Nowadays, in pet stores you can find many different toys for pets. But buying such things does not mean that your cat will like them. It is much more convenient and cheaper to do something with your own hands for your pet. Your cat will surely like such a toy, and even if not, it will be less offensive than when buying an expensive thing in a store.

How to make a cat toy out of a paper box?

Such a toy for a cat can be made independently.

Ordinary cardboard boxes from shoes, dishes or small household appliances are perfect for creating an exciting game for your pet. Consider two options for creating such a toy:

  1. From a regular box.
  2. From a shoe box.

Toy from a simple box

To create this toy, we need a medium-sized box, scissors, tape, a ball of thread, a rubber ball, or your pet's favorite toy.

The cat is trying to play with the box.

If your animal has very tenacious claws, then it is better to glue the entire box around the perimeter with adhesive tape for longer operation.

Shoe box toy

If your cat is large and there is no suitable box in the house, then this option can be simplified. In every house you can find small shoe box.

  1. We close it tightly and make several holes for the paws. You can glue it with tape so that the cat does not quickly tear it to shreds.
  2. In the same way, we put the pet's favorite toys there, and invite him himself. The cat will play with such a toy with great pleasure, will drive it around the house, turn it over, put its paws into the holes, trying to take the toys out of there.

The cat is already playing with the finished version.

In this box, you can put a ball of thread, balls, a soft toy of a cat, various ropes or a cord.

So that the cat does not quickly lose interest in the toy box, change the toys inside. Today it can be a ball, and tomorrow a lace, the day after tomorrow a soft mouse.

Here are some examples for creating such a game.

Various options for cats.

How to make a cat toy out of fabric?

If your pet is less active and loves to lie around and chew on his favorite toy, then the option for you is to sew such a toy with your own hands.

In order to create a small soft mouse for your pet with our own hands, we need:

  • Two small pieces of fabric, it can be felt or velor
  • Small ribbon or ribbon
  • Super glue
  • Threads and needle.

Process of creation:

  1. We transfer the pattern to the fabric. We circle 2 patterns of the back, 1 pattern of the tummy and 2 patterns of the ears.

    Pattern for a soft toy.

  2. In order to make the ears look prettier, we use fabric of two different colors. Glue a small ear to a large one to keep it better.
  3. Fold the ears in half and attach to the back with needles.
  4. We sew as shown in the photo. Do this on both sides of the back.

    We are sewing.

  5. On the pattern, where B is indicated, we sew our tail.
  6. We fix the tummy to the back and sew. Next, sew the second part of the back, leaving a small hole for stuffing with cotton.

    We fix the tummy to the back.

  7. We turn the mouse inside out and stuff it with cotton wool or padding polyester. And stitch up the hole.

    We twist.

  8. The soft toy in the form of a mouse is ready!

If you fill your hand, you can make several of these mice in a short time. Then you can not worry that your cat has lost his toy, and immediately give her another mouse. Eyes for a mouse can be made from a bead or simply drawn with a felt-tip pen.

An even easier option

An even simpler option where you do not need to turn the finished product. In this case, we need everything, the same as for the first mouse.

Process of creation:

  1. The pattern here is simpler, you can draw everything on the fabric by hand. We will need 2 parts of the back, 1 part of the tummy and 2 parts of the ears of different sizes.

    Another pattern of a soft toy for a cat. This pattern is easier.

  2. We attach the tummy, stitch it, leaving a small hole.
  3. We fill with filler and sew up the hole.

In the mouse, in addition to stuffing you can add dry catnip . Then this toy will become very popular with your animal. He will play with her, bite her, chew on her and even sleep with her. You can buy catnip at pet stores.


In this case, a bead or a simple knot of threads is suitable for the eye of the mouse.

Add beaded eyes.

By putting a little of your imagination into creating a toy for your pet, you can make wonderful things. The same toys from the boxes can be decorated on the outside with something that will interest your cat. And you can come up with a pattern for mice yourself. The size and color of the fabric is up to you. You can make several mice of different colors, and thus find out what color mouse is preferable for your pet.


Don’t worry if you didn’t manage to make a DIY pet toy the first time. You can practice, and you will definitely get a wonderful thing that your pet will appreciate. No need to spend money on buying toys in stores, whatever your cat likes, you can make yourself. And the money saved, spend better on treats for your animal.

The decision to have a pet means that you are ready to take on the entire burden of responsibility, because this is not a toy, but a living creature that can feel, think, rejoice and be sad. With the advent of a small kitten in the house, everything around changes and, of course, you must be prepared for these changes and for any possible surprises.

In addition to the standard needs in the form of food or drink, the animal will need your attention. If the pet is full and feels good, but at the same time it starts to be naughty (it can scratch the wallpaper, climb onto the carpet or curtains, even scratch or bite), it means that he is bored and wants to play. This is especially true for the period of growth of a kitten and its getting used to a new habitat. The best way to keep your baby busy is to provide him with toys.

Games as the main component of a healthy pet life

When a kitten still lives with a cat and its small relatives, their games are an imitation of a fight or a hunt, being designed to develop in animals the basic skills that are vital to them: dexterity, speed of movement, intelligence, the ability to wait and catch prey, etc.

When choosing toys, you should focus on this moment. Also, the game is necessary for the cat in order to get some degree of physical activity (especially if the animal lives only at your house and does not go out), plus - for fun.

Often, toys in pet stores cost a lot, besides, they can soon get bored with a cat, and she will want new things. To save money and constantly delight your beloved pet with new and new games, you just need to make toys for cats with your own hands.

In fact, your animal does not care how much this or that little thing costs - the main thing is that it should be interesting and fun with it. In addition, when making homemade toys for a kitten, you will be sure of the naturalness and safety of the materials used.

Getting Started

There are a lot of options on how to make all kinds of toys for kittens with your own hands. Firstly, you can still look through the assortment of what pet stores offer in order to navigate, perhaps the products on sale will inspire you to create home-made analogues.

Secondly, rely on your own imagination and creativity: watch the kitten - with what and how he likes to play, what he loves most, and based on this, try to make him a toy.

Believe that any available means will do for this.

  1. Everyone knows that cats love to play with rustling candy wrappers, paper scraps and, of course, boxes. If you cut improvised doors and a window in a cardboard box, you can get a small cozy shelter for a kitten, where he will be happy to hide and carry his “treasures”. You can make several large holes in the lid or bottom of the box (select a height such that the cat can stand on its hind legs inside and look out of the box, and, if desired, get out of it). He will be amused by the process of climbing back and forth. And if you take the lid or the bottom of the box and bend the corners so as to make the bottom convex in the center, and throw a ping-pong ball or a tennis ball there, then the kitten will have a very interesting activity in catching the elusive ball-ball that will constantly roll down to the center.
  2. The next type of toy can be made both from the same cardboard box and from plywood (a more complex and time-consuming option). In addition to materials, you will also need tools: a drill, a jigsaw, a hammer, a wood drill. First you need to cut four walls from plywood (you can take the following dimensions: the length of two walls is 30 cm each, and the other two are 45 cm each, with a width of 7 cm for all). Saw several holes in each of the walls, carefully processing the edges with sandpaper so that there are no sharp corners or roughness anywhere. Glue the walls - you will get a rectangle. Next, you will need to select and make a top cover for it, in which you also make holes in the same way. You can glue the parts or knock them down with nails, or use “button nails” - in a word, do it at your discretion. Cover the toy with varnish and put a ball, ball or any other trinket inside that the cat will be happy to try to get.
  3. Another way to make interesting toys for cats with your own hands is to sew a soft mouse from leftover felt, flannel or faux fur. You can make it according to the pattern, cutting out the details and sewing them together, or simply rely on your abilities. Stuff the mouse with cotton wool or padding polyester and attach it to a string or elastic band. You can make a kind of lever by hanging a toy on a stick so that the cat plays on its own when it wants to.
  4. You can complicate your task a little and make a clockwork mouse for your pet. To do this, it is necessary to sheathe or glue the inertial children's car with fabric parts (the parts must be larger than it).
  5. Easy to make and soft rattle balls. Just pick up a few small balls or bells (you can pull them out of baby rattles) and sew them tightly into a soft padded fabric to form a ball.
  6. Attach a small ball or the same fluffy mouse, or even a container from a kinder surprise with some kind of rattle inside, to a homemade fishing rod (rope tied to a stick). You can build for a fishing rod and a toy in the form of a felt bow. To do this, cut a lot of strips of different lengths from the fabric and make a pom-pom out of them. A bunch of multi-colored feathers will do.

There are still a lot of ideas with which you can quickly and easily make toys for cats with your own hands. You can entertain your pet with a laser pointer or a flashlight, a sunbeam, empty spools of thread, a ball, braided cord, ribbons, etc.

The main thing is that the pet does not get bored and does not feel abandoned. If you pay attention to him and play with him, then the cat will definitely appreciate it, and you will not have any problems with his upbringing or behavior.

From birth, a little kitten is surrounded by his brothers and sisters. At first, they are all rather slow and awkward, but when they grow up, they become very active and inquisitive. First, they explore the whole house or apartment, and then they start playing - they run after each other, imitate a hunt or a fight, etc. But there comes a moment when each of the kittens goes to a new family, to new owners, where there is no one else play around.

Toy for a kitten from a box and a ball

Making the next toy is much easier and does not require special skills or tools. All you need is a large cardboard box or part of it. Instructions are not needed here - after watching the video, the manufacturing principle becomes immediately clear. The only thing worth noting is the corners of the box. The fact is that they need to be bent so that the bottom is not even, but slightly convex in the center. Thanks to this, the ball (for example, from ping-pong) will not be hammered into the corner, but will constantly roll into the center. The kitten pushes him to the wall, and he back to the center. Nothing complicated, but the kitten is happy 🙂

Toy for kittens: let's play hide and seek?

This toy will be the most interesting for several kittens. What exactly for a few you will understand by reviewing the video. As in the previous case, the manufacture is very simple and does not require instructions. All you need is to take a cardboard box and cut a few holes in the bottom (or lid). The number of holes depends on the size of the box, and their size is such that a kitten can climb through. Note that the height of the box should be such that the kitten, standing on its hind legs, can push its head through the hole and get out. In general, watch the video:

Small toy from a shoe cover container

After visiting hospitals, an unnecessary container of shoe covers often remains. You can throw it in the trash, or you can make a toy for a kitten! Everything is done very simply and with our own hands: we pierce a small hole in the container lid with a sharp object (knife, scissors). We advance a lace through it (for example, from a boot 🙂) and tie a knot on the inside (such that the lace does not stretch). Inside the container we put a ringing ball, taken from the rattle. We close the container, and cut the lace to a length of 15-20 centimeters. For embellishment, you can draw a mouse face on the container with a felt-tip pen. Kitten toy is ready!

Do-it-yourself toy for a kitten from a container for shoe covers.

Video: kitten chasing a laser

The above active game with a kitten can also be organized using a laser or blowing bunnies with a mirror from the sun. Such a toy will be interesting and fun not only for your little pet, but also for you! How it all looks can be seen in the video below:

Active games for a kitten with your participation

Making a toy for a kitten with your own hands is, of course, very good, but besides this, you also need to play with the kitten yourself. Especially kittens like active games that imitate hunting. For such a game, it is enough to take a long cord or thread, tie some small toy to the tip (for example, a plush mouse or the one that we made from a shoe cover container according to the instructions above) and simply put it on the floor. After that, quickly, little by little, straight, in a circle or in any way move the toy with the help of a thread. The kitten will chase her with incredible pleasure!

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