Galavit candles analogues. Instructions for use. International non-proprietary and chemical name

Galavit - domestic immunomodulator. Its name, which means "global life" in Latin, was born in Medical Academy them. I. M. Sechenov and fully corresponds to the purpose of the drug, the indications for the use of which can hardly fit in a standard leaflet. The active substance of Galavit - sodium aminodihydrophthalazinedione - is quite suitable for use as an unpronounceable tongue twister or for an exam in the casting of television announcers. It cannot be said that this drug is so widely known today that it seems absolutely undeserved: Galavit is, in fact, the only immunomodulator with reliably proven anti-inflammatory activity. For a brief acquaintance with the drug, it remains to add that it is relatively “young” and has been used in Russia since 1997.

The pharmacological group of immunomodulators is one of the most extensive and "multinational", including drugs of natural and synthetic origin. Galavit belongs to the latter. Its mechanism of action is due to the ability of the active substance of the drug to regulate the functional and metabolic activity of phagocyte cells (neutrophils, monocytes / macrophages, natural killers). Here it would be appropriate to dispel the terminological “fog” somewhat and talk about phagocytic cells. Neutrophils and monocytes are a type of white blood cell. The former account for 40-60% of all leukocytes. These are mature cells whose task is to surround and destroy foreign agents. Monocytes, which after their maturation are called macrophages, make up 3-8% of all leukocytes. They not only ingest bacteria, but also take part in immune reactions, in the production of antibodies, etc. Macrophages are activated under the influence of substances that are formed in the inflammatory focus.

At inflammatory diseases galavit temporarily (for 6-8 hours) suppresses excessively “promoted” by hyperactivated macrophages the synthesis of tumor necrosis factor alpha, the immune mediator of inflammation interleukin-1, and other inflammatory cytokines.

For reference: inflammatory cytokines are substances that ensure the interaction of immune cells in the midst of an inflammatory reaction and form the so-called. "inflammatory response". Normalization under the influence of Galavit functional state macrophages reduces their level of autoaggression (direction of immune reactions against their own body). In addition, the drug is directed to normal course the process of producing antibodies, activates the formation of its own interferons. Galavit increases the body's resistance to diseases of an infectious nature: it has confirmed its effectiveness in the treatment of a number of bacterial and viral infections. The effect of the drug can be considered on the example of a severe sore throat, the signs of which are sore throat, swelling and hyperemia of the tonsils, an increase in body temperature to 39 ° C and above, etc. Despite the use antibacterial agents, the disease is severe and can bloom with a whole "bouquet" of complications. gravity clinical picture the body is “owed” to overly active macrophages, which, “excited” under the influence of inflammatory cytokines, “raised” the temperature bar to 39 ° C (while 37 ° C would be enough according to the situation). Galavit will “restrain” the raging macrophages for 6 hours, while normally functioning macrophages, having gained access to inflammatory focus, without much fuss will destroy bacteria.

Galavit is available in three dosage forms: suppositories, powder for preparation injection solution and sublingual tablets. Given the many indications for which the drug can be prescribed, it is best to get acquainted with its dosing regimen and features of administration from the leaflet or, more optimally, from the mouth of the attending physician.


Immunomodulatory drug with anti-inflammatory action.

The mechanism of action is associated with the ability to influence the functional and metabolic activity of phagocytic cells (monocytes / macrophages, neutrophils, natural killers). In addition, Galavit ® normalizes antibody formation, indirectly stimulates the production of endogenous interferons (interferon-alpha, interferon-gamma).

In inflammatory diseases, it reversibly (for 6-8 hours) inhibits excessive synthesis by hyperactivated macrophages of tumor necrosis factor, interleukin-1, interleukin-6 and other pro-inflammatory cytokines, reactive oxygen species, the level of which determines the degree inflammatory reactions, their cyclicity, as well as the severity of intoxication and the level of oxidative stress. Normalization of the functional state of macrophages leads to the restoration of the antigen presenting and regulatory functions of macrophages, and a decrease in the level of autoaggression.

The drug stimulates bactericidal activity neutrophilic granulocytes, enhancing phagocytosis and increasing nonspecific resistance body to infectious diseases.

Main pharmacological effects observed for 72 hours.


It is excreted from the body mainly by the kidneys. After the / m administration T 1/2 is 30-40 minutes.

Release form

Vials (3) - packs of cardboard.
Vials (5) - packs of cardboard.


The dosage regimen and duration of therapy are set individually depending on the nature and severity of the disease, as well as on the age of the patient.

To prepare a solution for intramuscular injection, the drug in the form of a powder for solution for injection is diluted in 2 ml of water for injection or in 0.9% sodium chloride solution.

Adults and teenagers from 12 years of age (in complex therapy immunodeficiency states)

At peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum in acute period- 2 days, 200 mg 1 time / day, then - 100 mg with an interval of 72 hours. The course is 15-25 injections. AT chronic period- within 5 days, 100 mg 1 time / day, then - 100 mg every 72 hours. Course - 20 injections.

At viral hepatitis the initial dose is 200 mg once, then - 100 mg 2 times / day until the symptoms of intoxication and inflammation are relieved. The subsequent continuation of the course of therapy at a dose of 100 mg with an interval of 72 hours. The course is 20-25 injections.

In chronic relapsing herpetic infection the drug is prescribed 100 mg daily 5 injections, then 100 mg every other day 15 injections.

In diseases caused by the human papillomavirus, the drug is prescribed for 5 days, 100 mg 1 time / day, then 100 mg every other day. The course is 20 injections.

In urogenital infections (chlamydial and Trichomonas urethritis, chlamydial prostatitis) the drug is prescribed 100 mg 2 times / day on the 1st day, then they switch to the administration of the drug 100 mg every other day. The course is 10-15 injections depending on the severity pathological process.

With salpingoophoritis, endometritis in the acute period, the drug is prescribed for 2 days, 200 mg 1 time / day, then 100 mg at an interval of 72 hours. The course is 20 injections. In the chronic period, the drug is prescribed for 5 days, 100 mg 1 time / day, then 100 mg every 72 hours. The course is 20 injections.

In acute and chronic inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs in the acute period, the drug is prescribed on the 1st day 200 mg once, then for 3 days 100 mg daily, then 100 mg every other day 5 injections. Course - 10 injections. In the chronic period, the drug is prescribed for 5 days, 100 mg 1 time / day, then 100 mg every 72 hours. The course is 20 injections.

For postoperative rehabilitation patients with uterine myoma and complications of the postoperative period in patients reproductive age the drug is prescribed for 5 days, 100 mg 1 time / day, then 100 mg every other day. The course is 15 injections.

For prevention and treatment surgical complications in the preoperative and postoperative period (including in oncological patients), the drug is prescribed 100 mg 1 time / day. Before surgery 5 injections, after surgery 5 injections of 100 mg every other day and 5 injections of 100 mg every 72 hours. severe course disease initial dose of 200 mg 1 time / day or 100 mg 2 times / day. Course - 20 injections.

With chronic recurrent furunculosis, erysipelas appoint 100 mg of the drug 1 time / day for 5 days, then - 100 mg every other day. Course - 20 injections.

In asthenic conditions, neurotic and somatoform disorders, with mental, behavioral and post-abstinence disorders, alcohol and drug addiction, the drug is prescribed for 5 days at 100 mg 1 time / day, then at 100 mg every 72 hours. The course is 15-20 injections .

For increase physical performance the drug is prescribed 100 mg every other day for 5 injections, then 100 mg every 72 hours. The course is up to 20 injections.

In inflammatory diseases of the mucous membrane of the oral cavity and pharynx, periodontal diseases, the initial dose is 100 mg daily, 5 injections, then 100 mg every 72 hours. The course is 15 injections.

Adults and adolescents over 12 years of age (as monotherapy)

In acute and chronic infectious and inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, accompanied by intoxication and / or diarrhea, 200 mg is prescribed once, then 100 mg 2 times / day until the symptoms of intoxication are relieved. Perhaps the subsequent continuation of the course of 100 mg with an interval of 72 hours. The course is 20-25 injections.

In chronic infectious and inflammatory diseases of the urogenital tract, incl. when carrying out immunorehabilitation measures in the interrecurrent period in order to maintain clinical remission, 100 mg every other day is prescribed. Course - 10 injections.

Children over 6 years of age

For purulent surgical diseases (including burn lesions, recurrent furunculosis, chronic osteomyelitis, gangrenous appendicitis with omentitis, peritonitis, purulent pleurisy), the drug is prescribed for children aged 6 to 11 years - 1 injection of 50 mg 1 time / day for 5 days, then 1 injection of 50 mg every other day for 10-15 days. The course is 10-15 injections. Children and adolescents aged 12 to 18 years are treated according to the same scheme in the form of intramuscular injections of 100 mg.

When dressings, it is desirable to use Galavit externally in the form of dressings with sterile wipes moistened with a 1% solution of Galavit in water for injection (in bandages with a talker or water-soluble ointment bandages).

With frequent recurrent diseases respiratory tract and ENT organs bacterial and viral etiology(frequent SARS, bronchitis, pneumonia, chronic tonsillitis, chronic otitis, chronic adenoiditis) for children aged 6 to 11 years, the drug is prescribed 1 injection of 50 mg 1 time / day for 5 days, then 50 mg 1 time / day every other day for 10-15 days. The course is 10-15 injections. Children and adolescents aged 12 to 18 years are treated according to the same scheme in the form of intramuscular injections of 100 mg.


To date, cases of overdose of the drug Galavit ® have not been reported.


Cases of incompatibility with other drugs have not been noted.

Side effects

Rarely: allergic reactions.


As an immunomodulator and anti-inflammatory agent in the complex therapy of immunodeficiency conditions in adults and adolescents from 12 years of age:

  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;
  • viral hepatitis;
  • chronic recurrent diseases caused by the herpes virus;
  • diseases caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV);
  • infectious and inflammatory diseases of the urogenital tract (urethritis of chlamydial and trichomonas etiology, chlamydial prostatitis, acute and chronic salpingo-oophoritis, chronic endometritis);
  • purulent-inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs;
  • postoperative rehabilitation of patients with uterine myoma;
  • complications of the postoperative period in patients of reproductive age;
  • postoperative purulent-septic complications and their prevention (including in cancer patients);
  • chronic recurrent furunculosis, erysipelas;
  • asthenic conditions, neurotic and somatoform disorders, decreased physical performance (including in athletes);
  • mental, behavioral and post-withdrawal disorders in alcohol and drug addiction;
  • inflammatory diseases of the mucous membrane of the mouth and throat, periodontal disease.

As monotherapy in adults and adolescents from 12 years of age:

  • acute and chronic infectious and inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, accompanied by intoxication and / or diarrhea;
  • chronic infectious and inflammatory diseases of the urogenital tract, incl. when carrying out immunorehabilitation measures in the interrecurrent period in order to maintain clinical remission.

As an immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory agent in the complex therapy of immunodeficiency conditions in children over the age of 6 years:


Application features

Use during pregnancy and lactation

The drug is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation.

Use in children

The drug is prescribed for children over 6 years of age.

special instructions

With simultaneous use with antibiotics, it is possible to reduce the course doses of the latter.

P N000088/03


INN or grouping name:

Aminodihydrophthalazinedione sodium

Chemical Name:

5-amino-1,2,3,4-tetrahydrophthalazine-1,4-dione sodium salt.

Dosage form:

Suppositories rectal


Active substance- aminodihydrophthalazinedione sodium (Galavit®) 100 mg;
Excipients- Witepsol W-35 ( fatty acids glycerides) - 575 mg, witepsol H-15 (fatty acid glycerides) - 575 mg.

Suppositories from white to white with a yellowish tint, torpedo-shaped without visible inclusions on a longitudinal section.

Pharmacotherapeutic group:

Immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory agent.

ATX code: L03, G02.

Pharmacological properties:

The mechanism of action of the drug is associated with the ability to influence the functional and metabolic activity of macrophages.
In inflammatory diseases, the drug reversibly inhibits for 6-8 hours the excessive synthesis of tumor necrosis factor, interleukin-1 and other pro-inflammatory cytokines, reactive oxygen species by hyperactivated macrophages, which determine the degree of inflammatory reactions, their cyclicity, as well as the severity of intoxication. Normalization of the functional state of macrophages leads to the restoration of the antigen presenting and regulatory functions of macrophages, and a decrease in the level of autoaggression. Stimulates the bactericidal activity of neutrophilic granulocytes, enhancing phagocytosis and increasing the body's nonspecific resistance to infectious diseases.

It is excreted from the body mainly through the kidneys. After rectal administration, the elimination half-life is 40-60 minutes. The main pharmacological effects are observed within 72 hours.

Indications for use:

As an immunomodulating and anti-inflammatory agent in the complex therapy of immunodeficiency conditions in adults and adolescents over 12 years of age:
  • infectious intestinal diseases accompanied by intoxication and / or diarrhea;
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;
  • viral hepatitis;
  • chronic recurrent diseases caused by the herpes virus;
  • diseases caused by the papilloma virus;
  • infectious and inflammatory urogenital diseases (urethritis of chlamydial and trichomonas etiology, chlamydial prostatitis, acute and chronic salpingo-oophoritis, endometritis);
  • purulent-inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs;
  • postoperative rehabilitation of patients with uterine myoma;
  • complications of the postoperative period in women of reproductive age;
  • postoperative purulent-septic complications and their prevention (including in cancer patients);
  • chronic recurrent furunculosis, erysipelas;
  • asthenic conditions, neurotic and somatoform disorders, decreased physical performance (including in athletes); mental, behavioral and post-withdrawal disorders in alcohol and drug addiction;
  • inflammatory diseases of the mucous membrane of the mouth and throat, periodontal disease;
  • nonspecific prevention and treatment of influenza and acute respiratory infections.
  • Contraindications.

    Individual intolerance, pregnancy and lactation.

    Dosage and administration:

    Rectally. The suppository is released from the contour packaging and then injected into the rectum. It is preliminary recommended to empty the intestines.
    The dose and duration of the drug depends on the nature, severity and duration of the disease.
  • For acute infections intestinal diseases accompanied by diarrheal syndrome: the initial dose is 2 suppositories once, then 1 suppository 2 times a day until the symptoms of intoxication are relieved. Perhaps the subsequent continuation of the course of 1 suppository with an interval of 72 hours. Course 20-25 suppositories.
  • With peptic ulcer of the stomach and 12 duodenal ulcer in the acute period: 2 days, 2 suppositories 1 time per day, then 1 suppository with an interval of 72 hours. Course 15-25 suppositories. In the chronic period: 5 days, 1 suppository 1 time per day, then one at a time - after 72 hours. Course 20 suppositories.
  • With viral hepatitis: the initial dose is 2 suppositories once, then one at a time - 2 times a day until the symptoms of intoxication and inflammation stop. Subsequent continuation of the course of 1 suppository with an interval of 72 hours. Course 20-25 suppositories.
  • In chronic recurrent diseases caused by the herpes virus: 1 suppository daily 5 suppositories, then one every other day - 15 suppositories.
  • In diseases caused by the papillomavirus: 5 days, 1 suppository 1 time per day, then one suppository every other day. Course - 20 suppositories.
  • With urogenital diseases - urethritis chlamydial and trichomonas etiology, chlamydial prostatitis: 1 day, 1 suppository twice, then one every other day. Course 10-15 suppositories (depending on the severity of the pathological process). With salpingoophoritis, endometritis in the acute period: 2 days, 2 suppositories 1 time per day, then one at a time with an interval of 72 hours. In the chronic period: 5 days, 1 suppository 1 time per day, then one every 72 hours. Course - 20 suppositories.
  • For acute and chronic purulent diseases pelvic organs - in the acute period: 1 day 2 suppositories once, 3 days, one suppository daily, then one suppository every other day for 5 days. Course - 10 suppositories. In the chronic period: 5 days, 1 suppository 1 time per day, then one every 72 hours. Course - 20 suppositories.
  • For postoperative rehabilitation of patients with uterine myoma and complications of the postoperative period in women of reproductive age: 5 days, 1 suppository 1 time per day, then one suppository every other day. Course - 15 suppositories.
  • For the prevention and treatment of surgical complications in the pre- and postoperative period (including in cancer patients): appoint 1 suppository 1 time per day - 5 suppositories before surgery, 5 - after surgery, one every other day and 5 suppositories - with an interval 72 hours. In severe cases of the disease, the initial dose is 2 suppositories once or 2 times a day, one at a time. Course - 20 suppositories.
  • In chronic recurrent furunculosis, erysipelas: 5 days, one suppository 1 time per day, then one suppository every other day. Course - 20 suppositories.
  • With asthenic conditions, neurotic and somatoform disorders, with mental, behavioral and post-abstinence disorders, in patients with alcohol and drug addiction: 5 days, one suppository daily, then one suppository every 72 hours. Course 15-20 suppositories. To increase physical performance: 1 suppository every other day - 5 suppositories, then one at a time - after 72 hours, the course is up to 20 suppositories.
  • In inflammatory diseases of the mucous membrane of the mouth and throat, periodontal diseases: the initial dose of 1 suppository daily - 5 suppositories, then one at a time - with an interval of 72 hours. Course 15 suppositories.
  • For nonspecific prophylaxis and treatment of influenza and acute respiratory infections, one suppository 1 time per day. Course 5 days.

    Side effects:

    AT rare cases allergic reactions are possible.
    Interaction with other drugs: With simultaneous use, it is possible to reduce the course doses of antibiotics. Cases of incompatibility with other drugs have not been noted.

    Release form:

    Suppositories rectal 100 mg. 5 pieces in a blister pack, 1 or 2 blisters with instructions for use in a cardboard box.

    Best before date:

    3 years.
    Do not use after the expiry date stated on the carton.

    Storage conditions.

    Store in a dry, dark place, out of the reach of children, at a temperature not exceeding 25°C.

    Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies:

    Without recipe.


    LLC "Selvim", address: 123290, Russia. Moscow, dead end Magistralny 1st, 5A, room. 91. Address of the place of production:
    308013, Belgorod, st. Working, 14. Claims should be sent to:
    123290, Moscow, dead end Magistralny 1st, 5A, room. 91.
  • Despite progress in antimicrobial therapy and achievements of modern clinical pharmacology, inflammatory diseases remain the leading gynecological practice.

    In Russia, the proportion of patients with vulvitis, colpitis, endometritis, salpingo-oophoritis is up to 60% at the outpatient level and up to 30% at the inpatient level.

    These diseases are accompanied by dysfunction reproductive organ, severe pain and asthenic syndrome.

    Often, pelvic inflammatory disease serious consequences, not only medical, but also social: most often it develops in fertile women and can lead to disorders of sexual and reproductive function, disability and infertility.

    The activity of the pathogen and the state of the body's immunity are two factors that determine the course and prognosis of the purulent-inflammatory process. Therefore, today close attention is paid to the issues of immune support of the body in inflammatory diseases.

    Candles Galavit is an immunocorrective drug successfully used in gynecological practice.

    Description of the drug

    Galavit is an immunomodulating agent that also has an anti-inflammatory effect. The active substance is 100 mg of a synthetic derivative of phthalazine in the form sodium salt. AT

    available in the form of rectal torpedo-shaped suppositories of white, sometimes yellowish color. Used in clinical practice since 1997.

    Mechanism of action

    After the introduction of the suppository into the rectum, there is a rapid (within 20 minutes) absorption of the drug into the systemic circulation. The active substance penetrates well into all functional fabrics body and acts locally:

    The above effects are valid for 68-72 hours after administration. The drug has an average bioavailability (61%). Metabolites of Galavit are excreted mainly through the kidneys.

    Indications for use in gynecology

    Candles Galavit are used as part of complex therapy and are indicated for:

    Dosage and administration

    Candles Galavit are prescribed for adults and children over 12 years old.

    The drug is used rectally (sometimes vaginally), freeing the suppository from the plastic packaging and introducing it into the rectum. It is better to empty the intestines beforehand.

    The obstetrician-gynecologist selects the dosage of the drug individually, depending on the type and severity of the inflammatory process.

    Type of disease A course of treatment
    Chronic recurrent genital infections caused by herpes virus types 1 and 2
    • 1 St. once a day - for 5 days;
    • then 1 St. every 46-50 hours - up to a month and a half
    Lesions of the external genital organs caused by HPV - the human papillomavirus in the active stage
    • 1 candle once a day - 5 days;
    • 1 St. every 46-50 hours - 5 weeks
    Trichomonas urethritis, as well as chlamydial etiology
    • 1 St. every 12 hours - 5 days;
    • 1 St. every other day - 1 month
    Acute endometritis, salpingo-oophoritis
    • 2 St. sequentially one by one 1 time per day - 2 days;
    • 1 St. every 68-76 hours - up to one and a half to two months (50 days)
    Chronic endometritis, salpingo-oophoritis
    • 1 St. every 68-76 hours - up to 50 days
    Acute purulent-septic inflammation at the level of the pelvic organs
    • 2 St. sequentially one by one 1 time per day - 1 day;
    • 1 St. every 24 hours - 3 days;
    • 1 St. every other day - 5 days
    Chronic inflammatory diseases at the level of the pelvic organs
    • 1 St. every 12 hours - 1 day;
    • 1 St. every 24 hours - 5 days;
    • 1 St. every 70-74 hours - up to two months
    After operations on the pelvic organs in women of reproductive age
    • 1 St. every 24 hours - 5 days;
    • 1 St. after 46-50 hours - one month

    Side effects

    Galavit rarely has a negative effect on the body, in less than 0.1% of cases. Side effects include allergic reactions from the mucous membranes and skin: itching, redness, rash, urticaria.


    special instructions

    Cases of incompatibility with other drugs have not been identified. At simultaneous reception With antibacterial drugs, the duration of the latter can be reduced.


    Analogues of candles Galavit

    On the this moment the drug has a single analogue with an identical active substance(aminodihydrophthalazinedione sodium) - Tamerite. The agent is produced in the form of a powder for the manufacture of a solution for intravenous administration with a volume of 10 ml (0.1 g).

    According to the mechanism of action, the following immunomodulating agents are similar and successfully used in gynecology: viferon, geneferon, cycloferon.

    As conclusions, we can say the following: in case of inflammation of the urogenital system, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, detoxification (infusion), desensitizing agents are used. Conducted according to indications surgical intervention. When added to standard protocol treatment of immunocorrective suppositories, the effectiveness of treatment increases.

    Thus, based on the results clinical research, it can be argued that Galavit in the complex therapy of gynecological patients:

    E. Malysheva: In recent times I receive a lot of letters from my regular spectators about breast problems: MASTI, LACTOSTASIS, FIBROADENOMA. To completely get rid of these problems, I advise you to familiarize yourself with my new methodology based on natural ingredients...

    The drug not only has proven efficacy when co-administered with antibiotics, but is also safe for a wide range of people, which expands the boundaries of its use in patients with inflammatory lesions of the pelvic organs.

    Do you still think that it is completely impossible to cure your body?

    How can they be identified?

    • nervousness, sleep disturbance and appetite;
    • allergies (watery eyes, rashes, runny nose);
    • frequent headaches, constipation or diarrhea;
    • frequent colds, sore throat, nasal congestion;
    • pain in the joints and muscles;
    • chronic fatigue(You get tired quickly, no matter what you do);
    • dark circles, bags under the eyes.

    Galavit is a drug with an immunomodulatory effect, it has an anti-inflammatory effect. I will consider in more detail how Galavit (candles) can help, instructions for use, what it says about the drug, what analogues it has, and also indications, contraindications, action, side effects of this medication.

    What is the composition and form of release of Galavit (candles)?

    The drug is produced by the pharmaceutical industry in the form rectal suppositories, they are whitish-yellow in color, their shape is close to torpedo-shaped, there are no visible blotches on the longitudinal section. The active substance is sodium aminodihydrophthalazinedione in an amount of 100 mg.

    Among the excipients of the drug Galavit can be noted: witepsol W-35, represented by glycerides of fatty acids in the amount of 575 mg, in addition, witepsol H-15 is added.

    Rectal suppositories are placed in cell packs of five pieces and packed in cardboard boxes. You can buy medicine without a prescription. It is necessary to store the medication in a dry place, away from children, the shelf life corresponds to three years, after this period the drug is contraindicated.

    What is Galavit (candle) action?

    Galavit is an immunomodulatory drug with an anti-inflammatory effect. Its mechanism of action is due to the influence active ingredient on the functional activity macrophages. At inflammatory processes the active substance inhibits the synthesis of tumor necrosis factor, inhibits interleukin-1 and other cytokines, as a result, the level of so-called autoaggression decreases.

    The drug effectively stimulates the bactericidal activity of the so-called neutrophilic granulocytes, activates phagocytosis, and also affects the increased nonspecific resistance of the human body directly to infectious diseases.

    Pharmacological action is observed for 72 hours. Galavit is excreted from the body by the kidneys. The elimination half-life after rectal administration is approximately forty minutes or one hour.

    What are Galavit (candles) indications for use?

    The drug is used as an immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory agent in complex treatment immunodeficiency states in the following cases:

    Galavit is used for infectious diseases of the intestine, which are accompanied by liquid stool or phenomena general intoxication;
    With viral hepatitis;
    Effective remedy for peptic ulcer;
    During the rehabilitation period of patients with uterine myoma, after surgical operation;
    In chronic, often recurrent diseases provoked by the herpes virus;
    In pathological processes caused by the human papillomavirus;
    With erysipelas;
    In the presence of recurrent furunculosis;
    With infectious and inflammatory processes occurring in the urogenital tract, for example, with chlamydial or trichomonas urethritis or prostatitis, with salpingo-oophoritis and with endometritis;
    With pathology of the pelvic organs of a purulent-inflammatory nature;
    With purulent-septic complications that may occur in postoperative period, including in cancer patients;
    In the presence of an asthenic condition, with reduced performance, with neurotic disorders;
    At mental disorders, as well as in post-withdrawal disorders that are characteristic of narcotic or alcohol addiction;
    In inflammatory diseases of the oral mucosa, as well as in periodontal pathology.

    In addition, Galavit is used for non-specific prevention or treatment of acute respiratory infections, as well as influenza.

    What are the Galavit (candles) contraindications for use?

    Among the contraindications to the appointment of Galavit, the instructions for use call pregnancy, individual intolerance medicinal product as well as the lactation period.

    What are Galavit (candles) application and dosage?

    The duration of treatment, as well as the dosage regimen of the drug, is set individually depending on the severity and duration of the pathological process. The medication is used rectally. To do this, it is necessary to release the suppository directly from the contour packaging, after which it is injected into the rectum. You can do a cleansing enema first.

    At intestinal infections, which are accompanied by loose stools, usually the initial dose is two suppositories once, after which one rectal suppository is administered twice a day, in order to prevent symptoms of intoxication. The duration of the course is determined by the attending physician, on average, 20-25 suppositories fall on the period of therapy.

    With salpingo-oophoritis in the acute period, as well as with endometritis, suppositories are prescribed for two days, a pair of suppositories once a day, and then one at a time with a break of 72 hours. When the pathological process is chronic, it is recommended to use one dosage form within five days.

    If the patient has asthenic conditions, with neurotic and mental disorders, in addition, with drug and alcohol addiction, Galavit is prescribed for five days, one suppository per day, and then every 72 hours.

    Overdose of Galavit (candles)

    To date, no overdose of Galavit has been identified.

    What are the side effects of Galavit (candles)?

    Among side effects development of allergic reactions can be noted.

    special instructions

    With the simultaneous use of Galavit with antibiotics, it is possible to lower the course doses of the latter.

    What are Galavit (candles) analogues?

    Aminodihydrophthalazinedione sodium and Tamerite are analogues.


    Before using the drug Galavit, you will need to consult a specialist.

    As the instructions for use indicate, medicinal product Galavit suppositories is a modern immunomodulator.

    Thus, these rectal suppositories are the only one to date combination drug, which has anti-inflammatory, as well as immunomodulatory therapeutic effect.

    According to statistics from various infectious diseases sexual and genitourinary system today more than 40% of adults suffer.

    For the treatment of such groups of diseases, the most different drugs, and one of the most effective means Galavit candles are rightly considered for this purpose. Reviews of women and men about the action this tool can be found on numerous forums.


    The main active ingredient of Galavit is aminodihydrophthalazinedione sodium. It is with the help of this synthetically derived pharmacological substance and achieved therapeutic effect from the drug.

    Release form

    Galavit suppositories are available in the form of rectal suppositories, which can be presented in dosages of 100 and 50 mg. At the same time, the dosage of the drug at 100 mg is intended for adolescents and adult patients, and the candles at 50 mg are for the treatment of children. Suppositories Galavit are presented in sealed packs of 10 pcs. in each.

    This amount of the drug is sufficient for minimum exchange rate medical therapy. Pharmacy price for different forms the release of the drug may differ slightly.

    It is also important to note that the instructions for the drug do not contain a description of the possibility of using Galavit vaginally in gynecology, so it can be used exclusively rectally.

    pharmachologic effect

    Galavit in the form of suppositories helps to increase cellular immunity in a person. With its help, inflammation processes are reduced with prostatitis and other common diseases of the genitourinary system.

    Additional healing effects this drug are:

    1. A decrease in the activity of macrophages, which are invariably observed in inflammatory processes.
    2. Reduction of intoxication of the body.
    3. Contribute to the body's defense against infectious diseases.
    4. Activation of cellular compounds that are aimed at suppressing the vital activity of pathogenic microorganisms.
    5. Protective effect on the liver.
    6. Pronounced strengthening therapeutic effect.

    Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

    Already after the first use, the drug begins to exert therapeutic effect which persists for three more days. After entering the blood active substance suppositories affect the focus of inflammation and effectively suppress it. The remedy is excreted by feces and kidneys.

    Thanks to a wide medical spectrum actions, Galavit, like most of its analogues, can be used to treat the most various diseases such as HPV, herpes, hemorrhoids and others.

    Galavit rectal suppositories: indications, main contraindications and side effects of the drug

    The active drug Galavit rectal suppositories for adults and children (from twelve years old) can be used for all kinds of ENT diseases, viral or bacterial lesions of the body. It can be pneumonia, influenza, SARS, tonsillitis or bronchitis in acute form.

    Very often, the drug is used for complex therapy for intestinal infectious lesions exacerbation of stomach ulcers, viral form hepatitis and pathologies provoked by the herpes virus. The strongest healing effect the substance aminodihydrophthalazinedione in rectal suppositories Galavit has on all sorts of diseases of the human genitourinary system.

    Thus, the drug can be used for chlamydial infection, HPV, inflammatory pathologies pelvic organs, urethritis, and advanced prostatitis in men. Often, Galavit rectal suppositories are prescribed by doctors to patients after surgery on the uterus for prevention. purulent complications at a woman.

    Additional indications for which these suppositories are allowed to be used are neurological disorders, decreased performance in humans, as well as drug addiction. Also, for children from six years of age, Galavit in minimal doses is approved for use in complex therapy to achieve an immunomodulatory therapeutic effect.


    Unfortunately, not everyone can use these suppositories, since the drug has quite a lot important contraindications. Thus, it is strictly forbidden to prescribe Galavit in case of individual intolerance by the patient to its active substances, which can cause allergic reactions or other negative side effects in a person. It is contraindicated to prescribe Galavit during pregnancy and lactation.

    The last contraindication is children under the age of six. In this case, it is impossible to use any form of release of the drug and its dosage. If necessary, the supervising pediatrician should choose more safe means. With caution and only under medical supervision, elderly patients, as well as those who suffer from serious illnesses kidneys, liver or heart.

    Side effects. This drug has been involved in many clinical trials during which side effects in patients developed extremely rarely. Despite this, it must be remembered that during treatment with these suppositories, a person may experience allergic reactions. During the observation of a rash, itching or other signs of allergy, you should immediately stop treatment and consult a doctor as soon as possible. Treatment side effects symptomatic. For allergies, patients are usually prescribed antihistamines.

    Galavit suppositories: instructions for use, dosage, drug interactions and risk of overdose

    Galavit in the form of suppositories is intended for rectal use. Before using the suppository, you need to make a microclyster to cleanse the intestines. The candle must be inserted deeply into the anus.

    It is most convenient to do this in the supine position. After that, you can roll over on your stomach so that the suppository dissolves faster and penetrates deeper. The dosage and duration of treatment is determined by the specific disease and its neglect.

    Thus, with infectious lesions, the drug is administered one suppository twice a day. The course of treatment involves the use of 20 candles.

    For the treatment of non-infectious lesions of the gastrointestinal tract and the genitourinary system, Galavit suppositories, the instructions for use of which describe all contraindications, must be entered into minimum dose(1 pc.). The duration of therapy is 10-15 days. For the prevention of postoperative infectious complications you need to apply one suppository during the week. After that, one candle should be used every two days.


    Galavit suppositories, instructions for use of which are attached to the drug, are approved for use by children from six years of age. Thus, suppositories for patients aged 6-12 years should be used at 50 mg per day.

    For the treatment of children from twelve years of age, the admissible daily dosage is 100 mg of the drug. The duration of therapy for children should be determined by the physician in each individual case. It is strictly forbidden to self-medicate a child with Galavit without medical supervision.

    During pregnancy and lactation. You can not prescribe Galavit during pregnancy and lactation, since data on the safety of the drug's effects on a woman in similar condition no. Despite this, sometimes gynecologists can prescribe these suppositories to a woman when she needs an urgent strengthening of immunity, however, the therapy should take place under medical supervision. It is unacceptable to practice such treatment on your own.


    To date, data on possible overdose and its consequences from the use of the drug in the form of the release of suppositories are not presented in the instructions.


    Galavit candles, the instructions for use of which contain Full description drug does not provide negative impact on the patient's body during complex therapy with other drugs. Despite this, before combining Galavit with other drugs, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

    Galavit suppositories for prostatitis: features of reception and sale, expiration date and medicinal analogues

    Immunomodulator Galavit suppositories for prostatitis and others chronic infections prostate approved for over-the-counter dispensing in pharmacies. Thus, it can be purchased without an extract from a doctor.

    Storage conditions

    It is necessary to save these suppositories in a dry place when temperature regime up to 15 degrees Celsius. Avoid sun exposure. In case of damage to the integrity of the sealed package of the suppository, it can not be used. It is also important to store the product in a place that will be out of reach of small children.

    Best before date

    The shelf life of suppositories for prostatitis Galavit is four years from the date of manufacture of the product. Patients should not use suppositories after the expiration date, as this may lead to a deterioration in the effect of the drug or the development of side effects.

    special instructions

    Assign Galavit suppositories for acute prostatitis to men should be an observing urologist who will conduct a preliminary examination, history taking and diagnosis of the disease. In the case of advanced forms of prostate pathologies, it is allowed to combine Galavit therapy with other drugs.

    If you need long-term therapy, you should consult your doctor, since when used for more than two weeks in a row, suppositories may reduce their therapeutic effect. It should also be noted that these suppositories do not affect the rate of human reaction.


    Analogues of drugs are those drugs that contain the same active substance in their composition. To date, Galavit has no medicinal analogues, therefore, if it is necessary to replace it, the patient needs to select another remedy or replace one form of release of Galavit with another (replace suppositories with tablets).

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