How much does a yagd terrier weigh. Jagdterrier. Security and guard qualities

  • Height at the withers: 33 - 40 cm (male); 28 - 36 cm (female)
  • Weight: males - 9 - 10 kg, 8 - 9 kg females
  • Lifespan: 12 - 15 years

Pros and cons

  • excellent working qualities, strong hunting instinct
  • courage, perseverance, endurance
  • the breed does not need special care and conditions of detention
  • excellent, good health
  • sharp mind, quick wit, ability to learn
  • boundless devotion to the owner
  • unbridled energy
  • wayward, independent character, stubbornness, disobedience
  • aggressiveness towards strangers, animals
  • the breed requires a professional approach to education and training

Description of the breed

The Jagd Terrier (German Hunting Terrier) belongs to a hunting burrowing dog breed that was first bred in the 1930s in Germany. Officially, the breed standard was approved in 1981. Jagd Terriers. depending on the type of coat, they are smooth-haired and wire-haired. In rough-haired dogs, the hair on the limbs and body is longer, and on the muzzle, long hairs form a beard. Jagd-terriers are indispensable helpers in hunting for burrowing game, fur-bearing animals. They are also used to search for and feed shot game from reservoirs, to work on a blood trail. They work well in the forest, field, water. Little hunters are fearless and will fight the beast to the last strength, even if the predator is several times their size and weight. Dogs of this breed are suitable for hunting foxes, badgers, wild boar, hare, as well as various burrowing and waterfowl. The Jagd Terrier is common and popular with hunters in Germany and Austria.

By nature, Jagd Terriers are very hardy, courageous, resolute, energetic, distrustful of strangers dogs, with hunting instincts well developed by nature. Representatives of the breed have excellent flair, activity, boundless courage. Jagd Terriers are wary of strangers, distrustful, and may even show anger. Dogs of this breed have good health, are very mobile, energetic and quite difficult in terms of education. Therefore, this breed is recommended for experienced amateur dog breeders. But at the same time, with the right approach, dogs lend themselves perfectly to training and education. Representatives of this breed are easy to care for and maintain.

Jagd Terrier breed standard

The Jagd Terrier is a dog of small, compact size, strong constitution, dry build, with a dense, strong, well-developed skeleton. The body is slightly elongated, the withers are well defined, the back is straight, the neck is strong, muscular, the chest is deep. The skull is flat, expanding towards the ears. The height of an adult dog at the withers for males is 32-40 cm and 30-38 cm for females. Weight: males - 9-10 kg, females - 7.5-8.5 kg.

The eyes are dark, deep set, lively, with well developed eyelids. The ears are set high, slightly lying on the cheekbones, broken at the cartilage, V-shaped. The tail is set high, docked 1/3 of the length. The tail should be slightly raised, but in no case should it be slanted in relation to the back. The tail can not be docked. In this case, the tail should be straight, curved in the form of a saber.

The fore and hind limbs are well developed, have strong bones, muscular, should be even and parallel. The paws of the forelimbs may be somewhat larger than the hind ones. Paw pads are dense, stable, well pigmented.


There are smooth - and wire-haired dogs of this breed. The coat is dense, of medium length, rather coarse, close to the body, the undercoat is dense, thick. The standard allows for three main color varieties of the Jagd Terrier: black, dark brown, and grey-black and tan. Until recently, brown and tan dogs were also recognized, but now dogs with this color are not allowed for breeding.

Character and features of the Jagd Terrier

The Yagd Terrier is an exclusively hunting working dog breed that will become a real helper, faithful friend and companion to hunters and active people. Therefore, this breed is recommended for experienced amateur dog breeders. Given the activity, endurance, tireless temperament, overflowing energy, these dogs need constant physical activity, long regular walks, and space for their actions. They adapt well to various conditions of detention.

The quality of this breed is primarily determined by the presence of the necessary working skills, which must be at the highest level.

Character and temperament

Jagd Terriers are courageous, cheerful, very energetic, cheerful dogs. They have an adamant character, quick-witted, inquisitive, can be stubborn. Jagd Terriers cannot be attributed to dog breeds with a docile, simple character. Therefore, when raising a pet, you need to show strength of character, be patient. Dogs of this breed are indifferent, very distrustful of strangers, can be aggressive, so they are quite suitable as a guard dog.

Jagd Terriers do not tolerate neglect, rude attitude, are devoted to all members of their family without exception, get along well with children. However, they prefer to obey only their master, who should be an authority for the dog. Jagd Terriers get along in the same space with other dogs and pets. But still, you should not forget about the main purpose of the breed and its developed instinct of a hunter, so it is better to protect other pets from the encroachments of the Yagd Terrier.

Jagd Terriers love water and are happy to dive into the nearest body of water. They bring apporteable objects perfectly, they need active, long walks. This Poda has many excellent working qualities, is smart, but requires a professional, competent approach to education and training.

Therefore, deciding to have a Jagd Terrier as a pet, you need to remember that this is not the kind of pet that has the temperament of an affectionate cat, will sleep peacefully and quietly on the couch. Despite its small size, this breed still needs a special approach that can satisfy the unbridled energy and strict disposition of a brave hunter.

Jagd Terriers are quite easy to care for and maintain, but as with any other breed of dog, it is very important to create optimal conditions for your pet, to know how to properly care for a Jagd Terrier. Grooming is reduced to weekly combing of the coat. bathing, carrying out the necessary hygiene procedures. The ears, eyes, teeth of the dog should be examined regularly, and after each walk, the paws, especially the paw pads. You can bathe pets under running water once every two to three months, with the use of pet shampoos - no more than three to four times a year. In case of contamination during a walk, it is enough to wipe the animal's coat with a damp cloth. Jagd Terriers love water and enjoy water procedures.

This breed cannot do without long, daily walks with mandatory training. With a sedentary content, lack of activity, the dog becomes restless, angry, unbalanced and restless, and can even run away during a walk. But besides movement, like any other dog, Jagd Terriers also need love, kindness and attention. In addition, it is necessary to develop and maintain the inherent working qualities and hunting instincts.

Feeding the Jagd Terrier

the diet should be balanced. contain the required amount of minerals, vitamins, be nutritious, high quality, varied. You can feed dogs of this breed both with natural food, and use ready-made elite or premium class industrial food for feeding. The basis of the diet should be meat products. stewed, boiled, raw vegetables, herbs, cereals (buckwheat, wheat, oatmeal, rice), vegetable oils, fermented milk and dairy products. from four months, boiled fish, offal (beef liver, tripe, chicken offal) can be introduced into the diet. tubular bones, smoked foods, sweets, flour products, legumes are prohibited.

Jagd Terrier training

As already noted, Jagd Terriers cannot be attributed to dogs with a simple, complaisant character. Therefore, the owners of this breed must approach the issues of education and training with all responsibility. Jagd Terriers are quite smart and intelligent dogs, but still, without proper experience, it is best to entrust training and training to a professional cynologist. Training must be systematic. The dog must clearly understand what the owner requires of it. all commands must be given in a clear, strictly delivered intonation. Patiently you need to achieve unquestioning execution of commands. It is equally important to properly socialize the dog from the first days, so that in the future there will be no problems on walks. An uncontrolled pet may show aggression towards strangers, "hunt" for birds, street cats or other animals. Remember that pets of this breed do not perceive physical violence, do not forgive a rude attitude. Only tact, patience and perseverance will help make the dog obedient, balanced, manageable.

Dogs of the Jagdterrier breed were bred relatively recently, only in the 30s of the last century. This breed is also known as the Hunt Terrier or the German Hunting Terrier. Dogs are naturally aggressive towards people and other dogs. Such a dog is not bred as a pet, it is an exclusively working dog that requires stress and work. The Jagd Terrier is very popular among hunters, it is the best among other breeds in hunting for a burrowing animal.

Jagdterrier character

These dogs are fearless, they are active, strong and hardy. The Jagd Terrier is a medium-sized dog, compact, squat, and agile. Their body is “square”, the chest is narrow, which allows them to easily penetrate the holes of foxes and badgers. In addition, these dogs are very smart, able to easily detect and pursue the beast. Dogs of the Jagdterrier breed are stubborn, aggressive, difficult to control, and sometimes cruel. Such a dog can only be kept by an experienced dog breeder, a determined person, an avid hunter.

When creating the breed, breeders never considered the Jagd Terrier as a pet. Although the dogs are loyal, attentive, strongly attached to the owner, they are pleased with the sharp and temperamental. The Jagd Terrier is a real terrier by nature, who loves freedom, independence, shows leadership and aggression. This breed of dog is tolerant of children, if they are not quite babies. Jagdterriers are unsurpassed guards, vigilant watchmen, they are suspicious, distrustful, aggressive with strangers, barking at them from head to toe.

The Jagd Terrier does not get along very well with pets. He is aggressive towards strangers, and perceives other pets as prey, even if he grew up with them.

Care of the Jagd Terrier

The coat of the Jagdterrier comes in three types: smooth, hard smooth, hard rough, but always resistant to bad weather. The coat of the first type is smooth, close-lying, thick; the second type is long, thick, hard. The third type of coat: double, the undercoat is thick and soft, and the top coat is hard as a wire. The hair on the muzzle is slightly longer than on the whole body, forming a nice beard and eyebrows.

The dog does not require special care. The coat is brushed and combed once a week. Ears, paw pads are regularly checked, claws deserve special attention, they need to be trimmed.

Jagdterrier training

Strong-willed, stubborn, freedom-loving Jagdterriers need a leader-owner who can keep the dog under control. From the very first days, the puppy must know its place, undergo comprehensive socialization and an enhanced course of obedience. Classes should be regular and consistent. Throughout life, training must be repeated, behavior corrected.

Jagdterriers are a hunting dog breed, accustomed to overcoming obstacles during hunting, to long pursuit. Such dogs are not kept in the apartment. Keeping a dog in the yard of a private house, she still needs daily exercise, both mental and physical. Among other things, hunting is an important point in the content of the Jagd Terrier.

Diseases of the Jagd Terrier

The Jagdterrier breed is quite rare, so there are no genetic diseases characteristic of the breed.

Jagdterrier dog is one of the aggressive dog breeds

We continue to tell you about dog breeds, and today we offer to talk about dogs of the Jagd Terrier breed (in some sources, the Jagd Terrier).

What are the characteristics of this breed of dog? What qualities of character distinguish them from a series of other dog breeds? Who is recommended to have Jagd Terriers, and who is not recommended to keep such dogs? Recommendations and tips for caring for Jagd Terriers…

Who are Jagd Terriers

Dogs of the Jagdterrier breed are alert, determined and fearless. These dogs have an innate vicious attitude towards predators, therefore, Jagd Terriers make excellent hunting dogs that not only know how to track down game, both on land and in water, but can also follow such game on a blood trail. These dogs are physically strong and hardy, very rarely get sick, lead an active lifestyle (it is necessary regularly and for a long time). However, in view of their complex nature and aggressive behavior towards strangers and other animal species, walking with a Jagd Terrier is only recommended to avoid with sad consequences. It is noteworthy that the yagd terrier is not afraid to attack an opponent who is larger than him both in weight and in height ...

These dogs are distinguished by a very stubborn character, therefore, in order to educate and train a yagd terrier (these dogs themselves are very smart), you need to have patience and endurance, since the yagd terrier will definitely test your endurance and endurance.

Considering such features of this breed, experienced breeders of dog breeders do not recommend starting Jagd Terriers as a domestic, apartment dog, since Jagd Terriers are not very suitable for this role, and despite all their affection for the owner, this dog will always remain a beast with powerful hunting instincts. And, such a dog will definitely come in handy for hunters and even help during the hunt ...

About the history of the Jagdterrier breed

Jagdterrier - hunting dog

Dogs of this breed began to be bred quite recently - only at the beginning of the last century. Therefore, if we turn to arithmetic, this breed of dog is not even 100 years old. Well, it all started in Germany in the 1920s. There, German breeders sought to restore the working characteristics of the fox terrier dog breed. And, as a result of the first mating of a black German fox terrier male with an English light fox terrier, a black and tan litter was obtained, which the breeders themselves rejected as vicious. In the future, the blood of the Old English wire-haired terriers of black and red color was also mixed with such a mating. As a result of this long work, it was finally possible to breed terriers that had a black and tan color and were distinguished by a hunting instinct. These terriers became yagd terriers ...

Use of Jagd Terriers

Since these dogs were bred directly for hunting, their direct purpose is to participate in hunting. So, Jagdterriers will perfectly cope with work in a hole on a fox, raccoon or badger, they will raise such an animal, they will be able to work in water, on a wild boar and on a blood trail. But, what the Jagd Terrier will never be able to handle is the stance and the fetching of heavy game. For these purposes, it is better to look for a different breed of dog.

If you are not interested in hunting, but are fond of tourism or fishing, like to have an active rest, then this dog will be able to become your faithful companion. The main thing is that you provide her with the necessary physical activity for her body and the dog has the opportunity to lead an active lifestyle.

Memo to owners of yagd terriers

  • Your dog, in view of the intended purpose of the entire breed - which can show its aggression towards other animals, and towards people. Therefore, in order to avoid conflict and dangerous situations, walk the Jagd Terrier in a muzzle and on a leash, do not let the dog run alone, especially in places where other animals are walking or people are resting.
  • Your dog needs constant intense physical activity, without them, the yagd terrier experiences discomfort, which can result in aggression even against the owner. Therefore, think carefully before getting such a dog, especially in the conditions of an apartment, urban living and eternal employment at work.

Appearance of yagd terriers

The growth of an adult Jagd Terrier can reach 38-40 centimeters at the withers, and weight - from 8.5 to 10 kilograms.

The Jagd Terrier's skull is flat with a slightly pronounced transition from the forehead to the muzzle, the muzzle itself is short, the jaws are strong with a characteristic scissor bite. The tip of the nose is black, but sometimes - in the case of a brown dog, it can also be brown. The eyes are dark in color, small in size, deep set. Ears - set high, slightly adjacent to the cheekbones. The Jagd Terrier's body is muscular and lean with well-curved costal arches. The tail is set high, according to the breed standard it should be docked 1/3 of the length. The dog should keep it slightly raised, but not tilted towards the back - this is already considered a defect in the breed. The front paws are larger than the hind ones, this predetermines the special style of movement of the Jagd Terriers - they move freely, sweepingly, waving their forelimbs well and powerfully pushing off with their hind legs ...

Depending on the type of Jagdterrier, the coat of these dogs can be smooth-haired or wire-haired (in these dogs, a beard on the body and longer hair on the body and limbs are an indispensable attribute of the breed). The coat has a thick undercoat.

The German Jagd Terrier is small in stature, well-coordinated, has strong muscles, and belongs to hunting dogs. They were bred in Germany in the 1930s by crossing the Dachshund, Pinscher, German Hound and Fox Terrier. There are two varieties of them, smooth-haired and wire-haired. The growth of an adult dog reaches 40 cm, and the weight is about 11 kg. See below for a detailed description of the Jagd Terrier breed.

Jagdterrier character

The young terrier dog is a real hunter, ferocious and merciless. He bravely rushes into battle at the slightest danger. Therefore, it is not recommended to start this breed for inexperienced dog breeders. They need a firm hand, early training and socialization. If you cannot provide this for the dog, then it is better to choose a calmer and more good-natured breed. With improper upbringing from childhood, the dog can become uncontrollable.

Video about the German Jagd Terrier breed

This breed is not one of those who will sleep peacefully on the couch for days on end. They are courageous and energetic dogs that need an active lifestyle, runs and obstacles, as well as outdoor games. Sometimes the dog can be stubborn, at such moments it is impossible to succumb to him, it is necessary to demand from him the execution of the command to the last. Otherwise, the dog can overcome you and take a dominant position. You need to initially set the limits of what is permitted and not spoil the dog.

The general characteristic of the breed is that the Jagd Terrier is vicious and merciless towards strangers, especially if they have caused any harm. Also not friendly with other animals, and may perceive them as prey. As for the owner, this dog is very devoted and attached by soul. He can simply ignore all other family members. Hard training and long walks are necessary for this dog. It is not recommended to keep the dog in the apartment, it will be crowded there. This dog is perfect for a single person who has a big house and would like to get a guard and a friend.

breed standard

Dog from the kennel "Klein Jager".

  • (in English);
  • (in Russian).


  • Height at withers: 33 to 40 cm.
  • Weight: males from 8 to 12 kg, females from 7 to 10 kg;

Wool and colors

  • Coat: Short, smooth or coarse.
  • Colors: black and tan, grey-black and tan, brown and tan.

Jagdterrier - photo

In the photo gallery below you can see what the German Jagd Terrier looks like (adult and puppies).

Photo of an adult yagd terrier.
Black and tan yagd terrier photo.

Jagdterrier puppies photo.
Photo of Jagdterrier puppies 3 months old (Ira and Ares).

Grooming a dog of this breed is not difficult, but the wire-haired yagd terrier requires more grooming than the smooth-haired yagd terrier. The dog needs to be combed once a week. Examination and cleaning of eyes, teeth, ears and nails is required. If the dog does not grind off his own nails, then he needs to cut them. To brush your teeth, you can give special bones or clean yourself with a special paste with a taste of meat.

The eyes are one of the weak points of these dogs, they need to be washed with a wet disk twice a week with the help of a special liquid that can be bought at a pharmacy or simply boiled water. You can bathe as needed, for example after the river or if your dog is very dirty. As for the content, a private house and an overbearing owner are all that is needed for a dog to grow up adequate and well-mannered.


The diet of this breed does not differ from the diet of most other dogs, so we recommend reading general articles on this topic:

  • (+ feeding schedule by age);
  • (natural products).

Hunting with Jagdterrier

As a rule, this breed of dog is interested in hunting for burrowing animals (fox, badger, beaver), so we found a video of hunting with a jagdeterr and shared it. We look:

Jagdterrier kennels

To buy a Jagdterrier, it is best to contact a specialized kennel, so you will get a thoroughbred dog with the expected qualities. The average price of a puppy is 10-15 thousand rubles.

  • In Moscow - "Round Lake" (National Breed Club);
  • Nursery in Kyiv - "JagdUniversal"
  • Nursery in Minsk - unknown.
  • All yagd terrier kennels (in the cities of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus).

In the family of hunting dogs, there are many interesting breeds, which include Jagdterriers. These not very large dogs are often purchased for keeping in urban areas. However, making such a decision is a big mistake, since the yagd terriers were created for completely different purposes.

In principle, these dogs can live in an apartment, but such a step can only be taken in the most extreme cases. When choosing these dogs, you need to remember that they are very active, so they need to be constantly on the move. Therefore, if hunting is not on the list of your favorite activities, then give up in favor of another breed, otherwise the Jagd Terrier will feel like in a cage in your apartment.

Jagdterrier puppies: characteristics of the breed

The origin of this breed is shrouded in mystery. In those distant years, when these dogs were not so popular, people treated them differently, because then there was an opinion that taking light-colored dogs for hunting was a big mistake. It was all about belief: the hunters believed that dogs with light hair would scare away the forest spirits, and the hunt would be unsuccessful. Because of this, they did not like light dogs too much, more often choosing darker relatives instead.

However, gradually people began to treat otherworldly forces differently, however, the hunters were still adamant, so even after for many decades they did not dare to trust the dogs of light colors. At some point, the breeders had the idea to breed a special breed of dogs for hunting in a dark shade. This led to the appearance of the Jagd Terrier.

Within this breed, it is customary to distinguish two types:

The difference between the two types of terriers is only in the coat. The main feature of rough-haired dogs is the presence of slightly elongated hair on the paws, as well as a beard.

Because of this, people who see Jagdterrier puppies for the first time can easily mistake them for oldies. However, German scientists are admirable because they managed to create a unique animal. Jagdterrier is great for hunting, because he easily smells a blood trail, can bring shot game that has fallen into the water. They can also be used when forcing hares, searching for burrowing animals according to their strength to fight with a wild boar. Seeing these small animals for the first time, it is difficult to imagine that such great strength, courage and courage are hidden in them.

The nature and upbringing of a yagd terrier puppy

Not everyone has seen photos of dogs of this breed, so someone may be disappointed. If you like the puppy, then you need to learn more about his character.

Having made the decision to have a puppy of this variety of German Terrier in the house, you must understand that you are taking on a great responsibility. That's why you need to start educating him in the first days stay in your home. If you treat this with disdain, then you yourself will not be happy with such negligence.

Features of education


If the puppy commits any act, then the punishment should be inevitable. However, this does not mean that you should whip it with a twig or a tree branch. This brings him physical and psychological trauma. It is more correct if you show your dissatisfaction with the help of words, because these animals are very intelligent and easily pick up intonation. Therefore, if you want to let him know how upset you are, then after reprimanding the puppy, slap the puppy on the nose or hit him lightly on the shoulder with a rolled-up newspaper.

The dog will endure a light slap without difficulty, for it is more unpleasant not the pain from the blow, but the rustle of paper. Starting to walk your pet in the first weeks of your stay in the house, immediately teach him not to pick up garbage from the ground. Yagdy are aggressive and fearless from birth, so the first task for you is to teach him to follow your every command. Only then can you let him off the leash.

If this is not done, then the dog will bring you a lot of trouble, besides, she herself may suffer if she decides to start a fight with the neighbor's dogs. If you decide to keep a Jagd Terrier in the house, make sure that he does not roll on sofas and armchairs. He must have his place where he should rest. The dog should only take food from the hands of the owner. Therefore, make sure that no one feeds your pet himself. Often go out with him to nature, where he will have the opportunity to run enough. In addition, there should be regular walks on a leash.

Jagd Terriers differ from other breeds in that when they were created, the goal was to develop a breed that would not create trouble in care. First of all, attention should be paid to wool, which must be combed at least once a week.

Also, you need to walk with them often, and the walk time should be at least 1 hour. Jagdterriers feel best in a house with a garden plot, where they will have the opportunity to run around to their heart's content.

You need to be attentive to the ears and eyes of the dog, which must be constantly kept clean. You need to monitor the condition of the claws, which, if necessary, will have to be cut. The Jagd Terrier is distinguished by good health, therefore, if the recommendations for care are followed, it can live up to 13-15 years.


No less attention should be paid to the nutrition of the terrier. It is necessary that the menu contains a wide variety of products. Mandatory are:

  • meat;
  • dairy products;
  • sea ​​fish;
  • vegetables;
  • cereals.

If you have a puppy, then you need to feed him at least four times a day. An adult animal can be fed twice a day. It is forbidden to feed the dog from the table. Also make sure he doesn't pass.


You need to start raising a Jagdterrier puppy from the moment you first appear in your home. He needs to immediately explain who is the master in the house. There are certain rules for the dog. behavior, which she must steadily follow at all times. It is unacceptable to treat these dogs cruelly and unfairly.

This can lead to the fact that she will stop disobeying you, as a result, a vicious and dangerous animal will grow out of a small puppy. If you want to raise a smart and quick-witted dog, then you need to properly train it: for this you need to be firm and persistent and never resort to cruelty if your pet does not understand the first time what is required of him.

In order for the Jagd Terrier to grow and develop properly, it must be taught to communicate with people and other animals. First training can be carried out already at the age of 3 months. If you initially decided to make a hunting dog out of a Jagd Terrier, then the necessary skills need to be developed when the puppy is 6 months old.

Please note that only an experienced professional should train a yagd terrier. This is a guarantee that the dog will become a reliable protector for your family, who will unquestioningly carry out all your commands.

Jagdterrier puppies: price and photo

Given the exclusivity of dogs of this breed, some people have the idea of ​​breeding a German Jagd Terrier for the purpose of selling puppies. However, it is not so simple, because there will be not so many people who want to buy yagd terriers. If there are no hunting grounds in your place of residence, then you are unlikely to find those who agree to buy Jagdterrier puppies from you. Nevertheless, these animals are very specific, and often most are not even aware that such a breed of dog exists.

If, after careful consideration, you realized that you need just such a breed, then it is better to contact a special nursery to purchase it. This will guarantee that you will buy a German Jagd Terrier there, and not a mongrel dog. If you did not know before that such a breed of dog exists, then it will certainly be useful for you to watch photos or video clips with a yagd terrier. This way you will know exactly what kind of dog you want to buy.

It is possible that after reading the photo of the yagd terrier, you may lose the desire to start it in the house, someone may not like the whole appearance. Prices for Jagd Terrier puppies can vary and usually range from $50 to $400. They are easy to train, distinguished by quick wit and devotion, they perfectly cope with the role of a guard, but first of all they are intended for hunting. It is from these criteria that one must proceed when choosing a dog of this breed.


The first thing to understand for those who want to have a Jagd Terrier in the house is a specific breed of dogs that were bred specifically for their use for hunting. Therefore, give up the idea of ​​​​starting her if you want to find a pet dog in her face. She'll have to day by day provide a regular load so that the dog is constantly in motion, otherwise you will simply ruin this excellent animal.

If you are not an avid hunter, then at least you should have a country house, the conditions of which are perfect for keeping a yagd terrier. After all in a confined space, he will feel uncomfortable, so he needs not only space, but also regular walks, during which he can run well.

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