Azinox dosage for dogs. "Azinox Plus" is a universal solution to the problem of helminthiasis. Reviews for Azinox plus for dogs

Azinox is an anthelmintic domestic drug with a wide spectrum of action. Designed to combat flat, tapeworms, regardless of the stage of reproduction. Today, it is a commonly used animal product for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes by veterinarians.

On a note! Do not give the drug to pregnant females and puppies up to 3 months old, who are fed with milk. When using this anthelmintic, it is not necessary to keep the animal on a starvation diet and starve. The main thing is to observe the dosage, the frequency of the deworming procedure.

The drug is indicated for use in case of damage to animals: cestodes, nematodes, toxocars, for the treatment and prevention of the following diseases:

  • hookworm;
  • opisthorchiasis;
  • dipylidiosis;
  • taeniasis;
  • coenurosis;
  • mesocenosis;
  • hookworm;
  • toxocariasis;
  • cestodosis.

Azinox - is considered a low-hazard anthelmintic agent for warm-blooded animals. Embryotoxic and irritating effects of the drug were not detected. It can be used for helminthiasis in almost any breed of dog.


The anthelmintic drug contains only 2 active ingredients:

  • praziquantel as an active ingredient;
  • pyrantela pamoate.

Auxiliary components include:

  • lactose;
  • potato starch.

Instructions for use

The supply of Azinox is given once by adding to the feed, taking into account the weight of the animal - 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight. Small dogs up to 10 kg can be given 0.5 tablets at a time.

As needed, the pill can be crushed, mixed with water and injected into the animal's mouth with a syringe. It is advisable to start treatment in the morning on an empty stomach, although not essential. You can crush the tablet into food or any other treat your pet prefers.

In order to prevent the drug is used 1 time in 3 months. In the case of a pet living in a flock on a farm, the frequency can be reduced - 1 time in 2 months. The dose for an adult large-bred animal is 5 mg, the dose for a small dog is 2.5 mg.

Attention! In the case of giving the pill with food, the mixture must be exceptionally fresh. After the session, it is advisable not to feed the dog for 12 hours.

Azinox is given once - 5 mg per 1 kg of weight and 1 time in 3 months. When infected with cestodosis, the interval between doses should be 45 days. In the period from May to November, the interval can be reduced to 1 month.

It is not necessary to give any laxatives in combination with Azinox during deworming. Yard watchdogs are given a pill once a quarter.

If the animal strongly resists taking the pill, then it can be crushed and, mixed with a small amount of water through a syringe, poured into the mouth, slightly raising its head. Azinox does not have a very pleasant taste and smell, so it is possible to grind to a powder state and add, for example, to minced meat, i.e. the food that the pet loves and prefers.

Side effects

When using Azinox, it is important to take into account individual sensitivity in animals. The drug is completely safe, but allergies, hypersensitivity to the composition component may appear.

If an allergic reaction occurs, then the remedy should be postponed and consult a veterinarian. In addition, the appointment of pills to lactating bitches and puppies up to 2 weeks is considered an absolute contraindication.

Do not give an antigemintic if:

  • liver failure in dogs;
  • liver cysticercosis;
  • pregnancy in the 1st trimester.

In particular, neglect dosages in order to avoid the manifestation of side effects: vomiting, allergies. Manufacturers assure that if you give the drug according to the instructions and do not neglect the doses, taking into account the weight of the animal, then there should not be any special side effects.


It is necessary to store the drug in a closed form at T-0 +25 degrees, in a dry place, protected from moisture and sunlight. Keep the drug away from feed and food for animals, also keep away from children.

Shelf life - 3 years, after the expiration date, it is impossible to feed expired tablets from worms in order to avoid unpredictable consequences and adverse reactions.


The cost varies depending on the number of tablets in the package. The price for 3 pieces in a blister is equal - 85-90 rubles, for 6 pieces - 130-140 rubles.

Azinox is an effective drug against helminths at any stage of their activity. Perfectly destroys round and tapeworms, affecting and paralyzing their neuromuscular system. Removal is carried out in full within 1 day. Anthelmintic for dogs is recognized as universal. For prevention, you need to give 1 time in 3 months. If the dog lives in the countryside and is constantly in contact with other farm animals, then the procedure can be carried out more often - 1 time in 2 months.

In case of manifestation of excessive hypersensitivity to the components, the use of Azinox should be discontinued and consult with the attending veterinarians. It is possible to select a different, more gentle drug for deworming in dogs.

Timely disposal of parasites for therapeutic and preventive purposes is the key to good pet health. Among a wide range of anthelmintic agents, Azinox plus is distinguished by its effectiveness, safety of use and low cost.

Azinox plus is a two-component drug. The main active ingredient is praziquantel. It also includes tetramizole hydrochloride (nilverm) or pyrantel pamoate (depending on the manufacturer). Excipients - potato starch, lactose.

The main active ingredient of the drug Azinox plus is praziquantel, the additional ones are tetramizole hydrochloride or pyrantel pamoate.

Available in tablets of 3 or 6 pcs. in every blister.

Absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract of the dog, after about an hour the drug reaches its highest concentration in the blood plasma of the animal. Completely excreted from the body in a day.

Indications for use

The drug is prescribed both for deworming the animal and for prophylactic purposes.

Azinox plus is used for cestodoses, nematodes, multiceptoses:

Azinox plus is used for cestodoses, nematodes, multiceptoses.
  • echinococcosis;
  • mesocestoidosis;
  • taeniasis;
  • cystosomiasis;
  • opisthorchiasis;
  • diphyllobtriosis;
  • hookworm;
  • toxacaridiasis;
  • uncinariasis:
  • hydatigerosis;
  • coenurosis;
  • cysticercosis.

Application order and dosage

Azinox plus for dogs according to the instructions is designed for a single use. Before use, maintain a starvation diet and prescribe laxatives is not required. The drug is given by force or with a small amount of food, usually in the morning.

The dosage is calculated according to the weight of the dog in the amount of 1 tablet per 10 kg, both for preventive and therapeutic purposes. In some cases (with cysticercosis, coenurosis, opisthorchiasis), the dose of the drug and the frequency of use can be increased strictly according to the prescription of the veterinarian.

Prophylactic administration of Azinox plus is traditionally carried out once a quarter. Dogs living in rural areas, in contact with farm animals, are dewormed more often: monthly in the warm season, in winter every month and a half.

The dosage of the drug Azinox plus is selected strictly according to the weight of the animal.

How to give Azinox plus to a dog? If you do not have the skill of force feeding or the dog chooses food, leaving the tablets intact, the drug must first be crushed to a powder state. You can mix the product with a small amount of minced meat and feed in this way.

Reference. If the dog refuses to eat food with the drug, then it must be mixed with a small amount of water and poured into the mouth with a syringe without a needle, while slightly raising the dog's head.

Contraindications for use and side effects

Deworming is not carried out for puppies that are nursing for the first 10-14 days, as well as for puppies under the age of 3 weeks. In other cases, with proper use and compliance with the dosage, side effects, as well as complications, have not been identified.

In case of overdose, in rare cases, there may be vomiting,. If hypersensitivity to the components of the drug is detected, then the use of Azinox plus should be abandoned and another agent should be chosen for deworming.

Azinox plus is contraindicated in puppies under the age of 3 weeks, pregnant and lactating bitches.

Storage conditions and price

The drug belongs to list B. Store at room temperature away from food, limiting the access of animals and children. Valid up to 3 years.

The average price for a pack (6 pcs.) Is about 110-130 rubles.

Azinox plus is a remedy that "knows how" to deal with various types of worms. The main active ingredients are pyrantel and praziquantel, it is thanks to these substances that Azinox Plus easily copes with tape and roundworms.

Features of the drug

The tool is manufactured by AVZ S-P LLC, Russia. The medicine can be used for three years, but this is only in case of proper storage. Ideally, the drug should be stored at a temperature of 0° to 25°C, protected from the sun and humidity. It is also important to take care that the drug does not fall into the hands of children. Tablets from worms for dogs and puppies Azinox cost 120-150 rubles. for packing.

Composition and form of release

The medicine is available in the form of white tablets. On one side, the dragee is separated by a strip, and on the other, the logo of a pharmaceutical company is depicted. They are packaged in metal blisters of 3, 6 or 10 pieces per pack. The blisters, along with the instructions, are placed in a cardboard box. Also, the medicine can be purchased at the bank, where from 10 to 500 pills are stored. One tablet contains 50 mg of praziquantel and 150 mg of pyrantel pamoate. In addition to them, the composition of the anthelmintic agent includes:

  • lactose;
  • glucose;
  • potato starch;
  • tetramizole hydrochloride.

pharmachologic effect

The drug is quickly "introduced" into the body of the animal, the maximum concentration in the blood is reached after 35-55 minutes. It is excreted from the body of the dog with urine during the day.

Indications for admission

Azinox plus is prescribed by a veterinarian for:

  • dipylidiosis;
  • teniosis;
  • hookworm;
  • ucinariasis;
  • mesocentistosis;
  • toxocariasis.

Azinox plus for dogs is also used for the treatment of mixed forms of helminthiasis and prevention. Before use, we advise you to consult a veterinarian.

Dosage and order of application

It is easy to calculate the dosage of the medicine: for 10 kg of the pet's weight, you need 1 Azinox plus tablet. If a pet weighs 5 kg, then he only needs half a dragee, and for a crumb weighing 2.5 kg, ¼ tablet is enough. It is advisable to give the medicine in the morning, along with food. Simply crush the tablet into powder and add to your pet's food. It is important to make sure that the dog eats everything, otherwise the action may not be sufficient.

Side effects

With proper observance of the instructions, there are no negative consequences after taking the drug. But with an incorrectly calculated dosage or other errors in the application, the remedy can cause a number of side effects:

  • allergic reactions;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • diarrhea
  • lethargy;
  • lack of appetite.

These symptoms do not bode well, so it's best to call your veterinarian right away. While waiting for the doctor, make sure that the dog is comfortable (it should be clean near him, the room is quiet and not hot).


Like any other medicinal substance that fights helminths, Azinox plus has a number of contraindications:

  • less than 3 weeks old;
  • postpartum period;
  • hypersensitivity to individual components of the drug;
  • pregnancy.

Interaction with other drugs

Azinox Plus works well with antibiotics, antidiabetic drugs, supplements and antiviral drugs. These funds will not affect the work of Azinox in any way, but Azinox may slightly reduce the effectiveness of these drugs.


Among the known analogues of the drug, several main ones can be distinguished.


A drug that effectively kills flatworms. Release form - tablets. The drug is gentle, can be used for puppies. Price - from 80 rubles.


Effective antihelminthic drug. Helps to remove trematodes and cestodes. The active ingredient is praziquantel. Manufactured by the German company "BAYER". The cost is 450 rubles. and higher.



High-quality anthelmintic agent, which is available in the form of tablets. The main active ingredient is praziquantel. The drug fights well with cysticercosis and neurocysticercosis. Price - 250-300 rubles.

Each of these medicines has its own contraindications, composition and dosage, we advise you to carefully read them before giving medicine to a dog.

Using Azinox plus, you need to follow these simple tips:

  1. Before taking the tablets, consult your veterinarian.
  2. Work with disposable gloves.
  3. Do not use the product after the expiration date.
  4. Carefully study the composition to avoid an allergic reaction in the animal.

So that the problem of helminthiasis does not visit your pet again, do not forget to carry out preventive deworming.

Release form:

Flat white tablets with a score on one side and a logo on the other (a cross in the center of the shield). Tablets are packed in 6 pieces in a blister. The outer (secondary) packaging is a cardboard box.

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  • High efficiency.
  • Action on all phases of development of tapeworms.
  • Universal formula for the fight against echinococcosis.
  • Application safety.

Composition and pharmacological properties.

As an active ingredient in 1 tablet contains praziquantel - 50 mg, as well as auxiliary components.

For cats and dogs weighing less than 5 kg, the drug is used in the form of an aqueous suspension, for the preparation of which 1 tablet is crushed, suspended in 10 ml of water, shaken vigorously and immediately injected into the animal using a syringe without a needle at the rate of 1 ml of suspension per 1 kg of animal weight.

A preliminary starvation diet and the use of laxatives before deworming animals are not required.

For therapeutic purposes, dogs and cats are dewormed according to indications, for prophylactic purposes - quarterly in a therapeutic dose.

Side effects.

With increased individual sensitivity of the animal to praziquantel and the appearance of allergic reactions, the use of the drug is stopped.


Store "Azinox" for dogs and cats in the manufacturer's closed packaging, in a place protected from light and moisture, separately from food and feed at a temperature of 0°C to 25°C, out of the reach of children and animals.

Release form.

Flat white tablets with a score on one side and a logo on the other (a cross in the center of the shield). Tablets are packed in 6 pieces in a blister. The outer (secondary) packaging is a cardboard box.

The information provided in this catalog is for reference only. There may be some changes in the characteristics, packaging and packaging of products.

AVZ reserves the right to make such changes without prior notice. You can get full information about updated products from your personal manager or from the nearest AVZ dealer.

All medicinal products for veterinary use from this catalog may have contraindications, and when using, you must read the Instructions for Use.


Azinox plus is a broad-spectrum drug, effective in the fight against trematodes and cestodosis due to the presence of active praziquantel.

Properties and components of Azinox

Azinox plus is designed to fight helminths. Initially, the drug was developed for animals, but after a series of studies, its positive effect on humans was revealed when infected with worms. As a result, the medicine began to be used for people.

The basis of Azinox is praziquantel. It is produced in the form of tablets packed in a blister. Each package contains an average of 10 tablets with a white or yellowish shell, cylindrical, flattened shape with notches on one side.

Each tablet contains 50 mg of praziquantel and excipients: hydrochloride, glucose and potato starch. The package may contain from two to four blisters and instructions for their use.

The shelf life of the drug is three years. Store tablets at room temperature away from the kitchen, animals and children.

The need for application

As a rule, Azinox for a person is prescribed for the following diseases:

  • intestinal or;
  • teniasis or teniarinhoz;
  • fasciolopsidosis, trematodosis, clonorchosis;
  • paragonimiasis, opisthorchiasis, metagonimiasis;
  • hymenolepiasis, diphyllobothriasis.

The drug begins to act one and a half or two hours after taking and is completely excreted from the body after the completion of its function.

Small doses of Azinox affect the muscular system of helminths, causing their paralysis. When using large doses, the death of worms occurs in a short time due to the destruction of their skin.

Attention: in case of kidney problems, the drug should be used in a small dosage and under the supervision of a physician.

Side effects of the drug

So, you can not drink Azinox:

  • with renal failure;
  • children under four years old;
  • sick or liver;
  • pregnant women in the early stages;
  • nursing mothers;
  • people prone to allergies to certain types of elements that make up the tablets.

In case of non-compliance with these conditions or an overdose, a person may experience nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and abdominal cramps, lethargy and dizziness. Perhaps a sharp increase in pressure and fever.

Mode of application

To achieve the therapeutic effect of the treatment faster, when using Azinox, you should follow all the doctor's recommendations and the instructions that the instructions for use contain.

For normal use, the tablet should be taken in the morning, after the first breakfast. You do not need to chew, just drink plenty of water. The break between doses should be six hours. If you are taking a tablet once a day, it is better to take it in the evening. With a single application, the dose of Azinox should not exceed 50 mg.

All this is described in the treatment regimen prescribed by the doctor, which, in turn, depends on the patient's tests, since infections can be contagious to family members. Perhaps their prophylactic treatment.

Interaction with other drugs

In the treatment of patients with minor liver problems, the concentration of the drug occurs with a slowdown in metabolism. Treatment is usually carried out in a hospital setting. The same method is used in the treatment of schistosomiasis and trematodosis, especially if the patient lives in a region where the epidemiological threshold is high.

Drugs such as Dexamethasone may decrease the concentration of praziquantel. In addition, it is undesirable to use Azinox plus together with dietary supplements of an antihelminthic nature, synthetic and laxative preparations containing ethyl alcohol.

When invading several types of worms at the same time, it is recommended to increase the dosage of the drug and increase the time it is taken.

It is not recommended to take Azinox as a preventive measure, since the medication is quite toxic and can adversely affect human health.

Since a third of the population in all countries of the world suffers from helminthic diseases, the availability of an effective drug - Azinox - is important.

Patients leave positive feedback after using Azinox and recommend it for problems with worms.

However, you should not take this drug on your own, without prior research and consultation with your doctor. Otherwise, you will not only not get rid of the problem, but you can also harm yourself even more.

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