West Highland White Terrier (photo) - a fearless hunter and a cheerful companion: description, character, care. Characteristics of dogs of the West Highland White Terrier breed with reviews and photos West Highland Terrier breed description

If you are looking for a fun, small, inquisitive and very intelligent dog, then the West Highland White Terrier is what you need. Today, this breed of pet is very popular. Still - a cute face, funny and playful character is unlikely to leave anyone indifferent. Many do not even mean that in fact this dog is a wonderful underground hunter.

Where did the West Highland White Terrier come from?

Unfortunately, no one can name with certainty the exact historical period of the appearance of this breed. It is only known that the first serious mention of it dates back to. This breed was bred in Scotland, the Scottish Terrier is considered the most likely ancestor of the white terrier.

Initially, these were working hunting dogs, the prey of which was small rodents and burrowing animals. With its miniature size, the West Highland White Terrier is distinguished not only by energy and courage, but also by strength and endurance. The hunt went like this: the dog had to find the hole of the animal and drive it out of there. In some cases, white terriers retrieved already dead prey from shelters, which they got in a difficult fight underground. In the household, these cute creatures helped their owners get rid of rodents.

From afar, the noticeable white color of the terrier was not invented by chance. In nature, there are no wild animals with such wool, thanks to which the hunter is unlikely to confuse him with, say, a fox or a badger.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the white terrier received an official and unchanged name and breed standard to this day. Only in the modern world it is rarely used as an assistant in hunting. Over time, the West has become a sought-after and irreplaceable friend of many families around the world.

General description of the dog

The West Highland White Terrier is the only white terrier of its kind. He has a very attractive, even somewhat doll-like appearance, behind the softness and tenderness of which are very hardworking, intelligent, quick-witted and determined animals. If your pet is a West, then you must be an active person, otherwise he will simply be bored. These are restless, very playful, intelligent and easily trained dogs that will require your attention all the time.

White Terriers feel great at home, they are obedient and friendly. They constantly accompany and protect their owners and become real true friends for them.

Size and lifespan

These are very small and compact animals, the size of which varies between males and females. A white terrier female can reach a weight of 7 kg and a height at the withers of 28 cm, the cables are larger - the height at the withers is 30 cm, and the weight is 10 kg. They have a disproportionate body (the head seems to be the same as the rest of the body), which makes them even more unusual.

The average terrier is from 12 to 15 years old, but only with the proper maintenance of the animal and constant care for it. With the vest you need to spend a lot of time. These dogs are very fond of walking and playing and should receive it daily. Shades of coat color range from white to wheaten.

Detailed description of the physique

The West Highland White Terrier looks like this:

  • Compact but strong build with a wide lumbar region, powerful hips and shoulder torso.
  • Rounded head with intense hairline. Narrowed blunt muzzle, massive brow ridges.
  • Strong jaws with
  • Black nose.
  • The eyes are not too protruding, dark in color, medium in size. The gaze of the West is intelligent and piercing. Light-colored eyes are allowed, but this is not very good.
  • Small, triangular, upright ears with a light coat of wool at the tips. It is undesirable to cut the hair on the ears of terriers.
  • Slightly elongated wide neck, sloping shoulders.
  • Short and muscular forelegs with a thick coat. The front paws are larger than the hind ones, have a rounded shape, the fingers are brought together tightly.
  • Compact body, flat back.
  • The hind legs are also short and well muscled. Small paws with black nails and pads.
  • 15 cm straight tail with short hair. Tail docking is strictly prohibited.
  • The coat is not very long with a dense undercoat, there should be no curls.
  • The color is exclusively white.
  • The gait is free, easy and straight.

There are some differences in appearance, but they are all undesirable.


The West Highland White Terrier dog is quite calm, but at the same time mischievous and playful with his owner. With all their intelligence, a set of good manners and endurance, pets are ready to fight for loved ones and protect them from any misfortune, entering into serious fights with animals of even large sizes. Terriers fight to the bitter end.

Small, but very brave, they lend themselves perfectly to training, they learn everything very easily and quickly. Require a lot of attention and education, rarely stubborn.

Energetic and active, have a good "sense". They anticipate danger and do not leave the arrival of guests unnoticed. They love to be the center of attention, they are sociable, although they tend to be jealous of other pets of their owner. They love children, treat them carefully and carefully. They do not tolerate being ignored, do not tolerate rude attitude towards themselves.

What diseases are prone to west highland white terrier

It is difficult to say that Vestas are sickly dogs. However, like any other breed, they have some predispositions to diseases such as:

  • allergies and dermatitis;
  • pulmonary fibrosis;
  • atopy;
  • problems with (more often necrosis or joint dysplasia);
  • (including cataract and conjunctivitis);
  • cardiomyopathy, osteopathy;
  • deafness.

In some cases, congenital meningoencephalitis may occur - a disease to which white dogs are especially prone.

Proper maintenance and care

It is necessary to take care of such a beautiful pet carefully from a very early age. A West Highland White Terrier puppy must be brushed twice a week and must be clipped or trimmed every year.

Hair grows quite actively on the muzzle, therefore it must be plucked (near the eyes and ears). To maintain hygiene, it is good to rid the genitals of excess hair.

This dog needs to be bathed regularly (at least once a month, depending on weather conditions) due to the fact that the coat quickly gets dirty and dirty. And, of course, exercise! This is an integral moment of the animal growing up, and the owner must unconditionally occupy a higher position, he is the main one, and the dog must understand this from a very early age.

Activities of the National Breed Club (NBC)

Such an organization began its existence in the Russian Federation in 1999. Then the NKP included 2 varieties of dogs: Cairn Terriers and West Terriers. And already in 2004 a separate monobreed club appeared.

The West Highland White Terrier National Club organizes annual events for animals and their owners, dog shows are held in various cities of Russia. Only owners of real West Highlands can get on them, pets must fit the West Highland White Terrier breed standard, have all kinds of documentary evidence of this and a good pedigree.

The NKP also sells white terrier puppies. Many articles posted on the official website and seminars held by the club help the owners of these beautiful creatures to answer many of their questions.

The West Highland White Terrier is a breed that wins the hearts of lovers of small dogs from the first meeting. This cheerful, inquisitive, intelligent dog is sure to become a devoted friend of the family and the soul of any company.

The exact time frame for breeding the West Highland White Terrier cannot be given. The first mention of the breed dates back to the Middle Ages. The first owner of the West Highlands was Earl Donald Malcom, who lived in Argyllshire, a county located in Scotland.

The breed was bred by him for hunting burrowing animals. The white color of wool, it would seem, is not practical for these purposes. But the count sought this color on purpose, after he accidentally shot his red dog, confusing him with a fox. A white dog is far visible in the forest, so an accidental injury to a breed with this color is excluded.

It is impossible to name the exact ancestors of the West Highland. It is assumed that the blood of white terriers and Scotch terriers, hunters of burrowing animals, flows in it.

For the first time a new breed was presented to the public in 1907 at an exhibition in London. After that, the West Highland White Terrier received an official name, and the breed standards were approved. The breed is currently popular in Europe and the USA. The dog has lost its original purpose and now many families in the world have it as an indispensable pet.

Breed standards, appearance and description with photos of the West Highland White Terrier

The appearance of the West Highland White Terrier resembles a plush toy. This is a compact dog with a fairly muscular body. Height at the withers from 26 to 29 centimeters. Weight from 6 to 10 kilograms.

West Highland White Terrier photo

The breed has the following standards:
  • The body is strong, muscular, with a wide loin. The shoulders and croup are broad and strong.
  • The limbs are short, strong and muscular. The paws are small, tight, with black claws and pads.
  • The tail is 15-17 centimeters long.
  • The head is rounded, large in size. The neck is short. The muzzle is blunt, with massive brow ridges. The jaws are massive, with a direct bite.
  • The ears are small, triangular, erect.
  • The eyes are slightly protruding, medium in size, dark.
  • The coat is medium length, with a thick undercoat, straight.
  • Color - white, sometimes with a slight cream tint.

The nature of the breed

The West Highland White Terrier is a bold and playful dog.

In the character and behavior of the West Highland White Terrier, its original hunting purpose is clearly manifested. The energy of this little hunter is in full swing. He is a passionate lover of digging the ground and chasing small animals.

However, the urban lifestyle and selection of recent years has led to the appearance among representatives of the breed of apathetic specimens, lovers to lie on the couch and take a leisurely walk next to the owner.

The West Highland White Terrier is a bold and playful dog. His character is gentle and soft. Vesti loves to be in the company of people, will be happy to travel with the owner, behaves calmly in public places. Even a large crowd of people will not frighten him. On the contrary, the more attention, the better he feels.

It is not recommended to leave the West Highland Terrier with small children. Since he does not tolerate rough treatment with himself, and if he moves carelessly, he will immediately fight back. The West Highland White Terrier will not get along with other animals. No matter how much you teach him to a cat or a hamster, the hunting instinct will take its toll.

Impatience is one of the main features of this breed. The dog will not calmly wait until the owner is going for a walk or slowly fills the bowl with food. The dog will bark, spin underfoot, jump and fuss. The dog needs an active walk. With games and long runs.

How to Raise a West Highland White Terrier

The process of training the breed with the right approach is not difficult. Vestas are dogs with a fairly developed intellect and quickly remember commands. At the same time, they are quite stubborn, so patience and perseverance are needed in their upbringing. Sometimes it is difficult for a beginner to cope with a small stubborn one. In the training of this breed, clear and consistent actions are necessary.

The West Highland White Terrier is a highly intelligent dog.

Vestas can master various tricks. Therefore, with them you can cook the most real circus numbers. When accustoming a dog to any command, you cannot shout or punish it. Success can only be achieved if the pet is interested or captivated by something.

Features of keeping and caring for the breed

The breed requires care and careful care from an early age. Vestas need active walks, then they will develop the right physique. The breed is most often kept in apartments, but country houses with large plots are preferable for them. There the dog has a place to run, to dig the ground.

The main problem is the care of the dog's coat. Twice a week the dog should be carefully combed. The hair in the armpits and on the stomach should be combed out especially carefully, as it quickly falls off there and forms tangles.

The West Highland White Terrier is quite demanding in grooming.

Once every 30-40 days, it is recommended to wash the dog with a special shampoo for long-haired breeds. Shampoo must be selected carefully, since the skin of the West is prone to allergies and dermatitis. True, the passion for digging holes can hurt lovers of flower beds and lawns.

The dog also needs regular brushing of teeth, rubbing of ears, trimming of claws. When cleaning, be careful not to hurt the dog. Vests need a firm, but at the same time soft handling. The pet needs to be accustomed to the procedures gradually, you can’t beat them and yell at them.

In the apartment, the dog should have its own corner with a bed and toys. As a bed, you can pick up a bed 60x70. Vest needs toys in the form of balls, cords, rubber squeakers.

Haircut and trimming

Vests need a professional haircut and trimming in dog salons. The hair on the muzzle of the dog grows especially actively, so it needs to be cut and trimmed once every 3-4 months. Hair around the eyes and from the ears is especially carefully removed. Hair on the body is sheared every 4-5 months. The coat is evenly shortened all over the body.

Grooming is carried out in dog salons.

For haircuts, a special machine with various attachments is used. When cutting your own haircut, you must follow the following rules:

  • Do not use clipper for people.
  • Do not use thinning nozzles, as they can easily damage the pet's skin.
  • Do not press hard on the machine while cutting.
  • Particularly careful is the haircut on the stomach, around the tail, on the stomach.
  • When cutting, you need to move in the direction of hair growth.
  • The length of the hair should be approximately five centimeters.
  • Clipper blades can overheat during clipping and burn the dog's skin, so they need to be checked periodically

Important. The hair on the muzzle of the dog is cut only with scissors, the machine cannot be used.

During the trimming procedure, dead or guard hairs are removed from the dog's body. The signal for the procedure is active hair loss. When plucking, you need to make a movement in the direction of hair growth, and not against it.

What to feed a dog

Remember that dry food should not contain chicken and wheat.

The West Highlands have a small stomach, while they need a lot of nutrients and energy. Therefore, the nutrition of the breed must be thoughtful and balanced. Suitable natural food or selection of dry food with rice, turkey, lamb and fish. Suitable brands: Happy Dog, .

Attention. The composition of feed for the West should not contain chicken and wheat, as these products are allergens for the breed.

The natural menu of the vest should consist of lean meat, boiled fish without bones, dairy products, cottage cheese. Meat and fish are mixed with porridge and vegetables boiled in water. The amount of fat in the diet should not exceed 16%. Portions should not be large, otherwise the dog will quickly gain weight.

West Highland clothing

Dog fashion includes a whole arsenal of models for dogs of various breeds. The coat for the vest decorates the dog and protects its coat from dirt, and the body from the cold. Wests are dressed in light overalls in autumn and spring. In fur vests, sweaters and jackets in winter. For West girls, manufacturers offer skirts and dresses; for girls, stylish shirts and trousers. Recently, a dressing gown has appeared in the assortment of manufacturers. In which you can dress pets after bathing. Both boys and girls will need light tracksuits.

Important. Vesta clothing must be tried on. It should not hamper the movement of the dog, at the same time it should not hang out. Pants for the dog must be selected in a suitable length so that when walking the dog does not get confused in them.

Breed health, predisposed diseases and life expectancy

The West Highland White Terrier has an average lifespan of 12-15 years.

Dogs of this breed are quite painful.

The health of the breed is not very strong, so it must be treated with care. The following diseases are most characteristic of the breed:

  • Dermatitis.
  • Atopy.
  • Allergic reactions.
  • Diseases of the hip joints.
  • Cataract.
  • Conjunctivitis.
  • Osteopathy.
  • Deafness.
  • Cardiomyopathy.
  • Meningoencephalitis.

How to choose a puppy, where to buy and kennels

When buying a West Highland puppy, special attention should be paid to its character and health. The puppy should be active, but not too pushy. A dull and lethargic puppy is not the best choice. The baby should have clear eyes, clean ears, thick, shiny coat without bald patches.

A photo. West Highland White Terrier puppies

West Highland White Terrier puppy photo

The age of the puppy affects the price. Small puppies are cheaper than 5-6 month olds. You need to buy a dog in specialized kennels.

You can buy a puppy in the kennels of the cities:

  • Moscow: http://westik.ru/, http://mechta-nataly.ru/
  • St. Petersburg: http://www.gorodsobak.com/pitomnik-741.html, http://www.askona-star.spb.ru/
  • Novosibirsk: http://west-chelsea.ru/, https://foranelsis.wordpress.com/
  • Minsk: http://merry-charm.narod.ru/
  • Yekaterinburg: http://www.westnest.ru/, http://www.westirix.com/

Prices for puppies range from $200 to $1,000.

How to name a dog, popular nicknames

The most popular West Highland nicknames are:

  • For boys: Abo, Abur, Aston, Barry, Bob, Best, Willy, Windy, Guy, Gray, Graham, Dani, Jaco, Zarri, Candy, Krosh, Loy, Larry, Nur. Nemo, Oji, Oras, Punch, Push, Rumbik, Stem, Tim, Ursik, Frank, Frel, Chessy, ChukkiAndy, Eron, Yuji, Yushan, Yarosh, Janson, Iago.
  • For girls: Ada, Asta, Aya, Bina, Busya, Bonya, Vesta, Gabi, Jackie, Jerry, Ketty, Carrie, Leda, Miki, Nolly, Oda, Oksa, Peggy, Ricky, snow, Snowball, Sandy, Thora, Terry , Fanny, Friza, Freezi, Holly, Cerri, Cezi, Shammi, Shimmi, Etna, Eteri, Esta, Yuda, Yusi, Yaza.

Choosing a nickname for the West Highland White Terrier must be taken seriously.

Advantages and disadvantages of the breed

Before you buy a West Highland White Terrier puppy, you need to carefully weigh all the pros and cons of the breed.

The advantages of representatives of the breed are:

  • Compactness.
  • Cheerful disposition.
  • High intelligence.

The breed also has disadvantages:

  • Difficult and expensive grooming.
  • Tendency to skin diseases.
  • Frequent allergic reactions to food.
  • Stubbornness in character.

Before you read the reviews, also watch the video material on the West Highland White Terrier breed, we wish you a pleasant viewing.

These dogs win the hearts of those who prefer small pets. The beautiful dog West Highland White Terrier is a cheerful, inquisitive and intelligent pet that will become a real companion for every member of the family and the soul of the company.


The exact date of the breeding of this breed is unknown. The first mention of dogs dates back to the Middle Ages. The first owner of such a dog was Earl D. Malcom, who lived in one of the Scottish counties. Individuals of this breed were bred for hunting burrowing animals. Snow-white fur, it seems, is not for such purposes. However, the count deliberately wanted to achieve just such a color after his red dog was accidentally shot, which was confused with a fox. A white animal can be seen in the forest, for this reason, an accidental injury to a dog with such fur is excluded.

It is impossible to say exactly who exactly is the ancestor of this breed. It is believed that these dogs have the blood of the White Terrier and the Scotch Terrier, which are excellent hunters of burrowing animals.

For the first time this breed was presented to the general public in 1907 during an exhibition held in London. Then these dogs received an official name, their standards were officially approved.

To date, individuals of the breed are very popular in Europe and America. The animal has lost its original purpose and now a large number of families around the world have such pets as a pet.

Standard and description of the breed

The magnificent West Highland White Terrier, whose breed description includes a number of significant nuances, is similar in appearance to a plush toy. This compact animal has a fairly muscular body. The height at the withers is on average 27 centimeters with a weight of 8 kilograms.

The breed standard includes the following characteristics:

  • the body of the dog is large and muscular, the loin is wide. Shoulders, croup powerful and wide;
  • the limbs are short, powerful, muscular. Paws are small, collected in a ball, claws and pads are black;
  • tail length averages 16 centimeters;
  • the head is rounded, large. The neck is rather short, the muzzle is blunt, the brow ridges are massive. The jaws are strong, the bite is straight;
  • ears are small, triangular in shape, stand straight;
  • eyes slightly protruding, medium, dark in color;
  • coat of medium length, straight, there is a thick undercoat;
  • color is white, may have a cream tint.

Character features

The cute West Highland Terrier is a bold and playful dog. In the nature and behavior of the animal, the initial hunting qualities are clearly manifested. The energy of such a pet is really in full swing. These dogs are passionate lovers of digging in the ground and chasing small animals.

At the same time, the urban content and selection that has been carried out in recent years have led to the fact that apathetic specimens have appeared among the individuals of the breed, who really like to lie on the bed and take a leisurely walk near their owner.

Representatives of the breed are bold and very playful dogs. Their disposition is soft, affectionate. These pets love to be surrounded by people, they are happy to go on a trip with their owner, they behave calmly in various places. A dog is not afraid of a crowd of people. On the contrary, the more attention is paid to the dog, the more comfortable he feels it.

The West Highland White Terrier loves children, but it is better not to leave them alone. After all, this pet will not tolerate rudeness and, with careless actions, can immediately fight back. This dog also does not get along with other pets. No matter how much he is accustomed to cats or hamsters, the hunter's instinct takes over.

Impatience is one of the main features of this breed. The dog will not wait until the owner gathers for a long time outside or impatiently fills the plate with food. The animal will make a voice, spin around the legs, bounce. The pet needs active walking with entertainment and long runs.


The process of raising these dogs with the right approach does not present any particular difficulties. These dogs have a fairly developed intellect and almost instantly remember the command. However, these pets are quite stubborn, for this reason, in their training, you need to be patient and perseverant. In some cases, it is difficult for beginners to cope with such a stubborn one. In the upbringing of individuals of the breed, you need to act clearly and consistently.

These animals have a well-developed intellect. They can master all sorts of tricks. For this reason, with such a pet, you can prepare a real circus act. When accustoming a dog to a certain command, you cannot raise your voice and punish him. Success is achieved only when the pet is interested or passionate about something.

Representatives of the breed need care and careful care from an early age. Gorgeous West Highland White Terrier, the description of the breed includes many positive qualities of the animal, needs active walks for the proper development of the physique.

These dogs can live in an apartment, however, private houses with decent plots are better for them. So the pet will have a place to run and dig the ground.

The main problem is the care of the dog's coat. Twice a week the animal needs to be thoroughly combed. In particular, it is necessary to carefully comb out the hair in the armpits and on the stomach, because it is in these areas that it falls off, resulting in tangles.

About once a month, you need to bathe your pet with a special shampoo. With special attention, it is necessary to approach the choice of means for bathing a dog, since its skin is prone to allergies and dermatitis.

The pet should regularly brush his teeth, wipe his ears, cut his claws. When cleaning, be extremely careful not to hurt the animal. Representatives of the breed need firm, however, soft handling. The dog should be accustomed to all procedures gradually. In no case should you use force on an animal and raise your voice at it.

In the apartment, the pet should have its own place with toys. A sleeping place can be a small couch. This dog needs toys: balls, ropes, rubber squeakers.

Haircuts and trimming

The cheerful West Highland White Terrier, whose character description testifies to the numerous positive qualities of the dog, needs a professional haircut and trimming in special salons. In particular, the fur on the muzzle of pets will grow actively, for this reason it should be cut at least once every 4 months. Haircut of the body should be carried out 1 time in 5 months. In this case, uniform shortening of the fur is carried out on the entire body.

During trimming, dead or guard hairs are removed from the body of the animal. The signal for such a procedure is active hair loss. In the process of plucking, movements should be made in the direction of hair growth, but not against it.


It must be remembered that chicken and wheat should not be present in ready-made feeds. Representatives of the breed have a small stomach. Along with this, they need a lot of nutrients and energy. For this reason, pet nutrition should be carefully thought out and naturally balanced. You can give preference to natural nutrition or pick up ready-made feeds, which include rice, turkey, lamb, fish.

Natural dog food should include lean meat, boiled pitted fish, fermented milk products, and cottage cheese. Fish and meat are mixed with cereals, vegetables boiled in water. The amount of fat in the diet should be no more than 16 percent. The portion should not be excessively large, otherwise the animal will quickly gain weight.


The cheerful dog breed of the West Highland White Terrier has many advantages. It should be noted that an outfit for a pet is able to decorate it and protect its fur from pollution and cold.

Light overalls for autumn and spring are suitable for these dogs. In winter, these animals can be dressed up in a fur vest, sweater or jacket. For girls today there is a wide variety of skirts and dresses, for boys you can choose a stylish shirt and trousers.

More recently, bathrobes have appeared for these pets. You can dress up your dog in them after washing. It will not be difficult for both girls and boys to choose a tracksuit.

A snow-white handsome man, a cheerful friend with a sharp mind - it's all about the West Highland White Terrier. A dog that will conquer and be sure to become the soul of every company and a devoted friend of the family.

The West Highland White Terrier is a small white dog with a strong build and a harmonious combination of strength and agility.

Height at withers: 23-30 cm
The weight: 6-9 kg

Color: exceptionally white - spots of a different color are considered a deviation from the standard.

  • The dog holds its head in a proudly raised position.
  • The muzzle is not snub-nosed. Large black nose, not protruding.
  • The eyes are dark brown. The look from under heavy eyebrows is serious and intelligent.
  • The ears are pointed, erect, covered with short hair.
  • The tail is straight, not docked, covered with hard hair.
  • The coat consists of two layers: on the outside, hard, straight wool, each hair 5 cm long. The undercoat is soft, short, close to the body.

History and characteristics of the breed

The birthplace of the breed is Scotland. The terriers of the 19th century became the ancestors of the lead, which eventually divided into several branches: Scottish Terriers, Skye Terriers, West Highland White Terriers and others. For some time, the West and Scottish Terriers were considered representatives of the same breed - dog breeders called them Scottish Terriers and crossed them with each other.

The first description of small white dogs appeared in the 13th century - then the French king received six white digging dogs as a gift from the king of England.

Breeding of the West Highlands as a separate breed began at the beginning of the 19th century - several families of Scots took up the matter. It is interesting that then each line of white terriers bore the name of the family in which it was bred - this is how Pollatochs, Rosenites, Pitteniums and White Scotch Terriers appeared.

A significant contribution to the formation of the breed was made by Edward Donald Malcolm - he and his sons bred white terriers - half-tallochs for a century.

The reason for breeding white dogs for Malcolm was a sad incident that happened to his favorite on the hunt - a red terrier was mistaken for a fox and shot. Before that, Malcolm had already hunted with light dogs, and after the tragedy he began to breed exclusively white ones.

Another breeder was the Duke of Argyll, his line was called Rosenit. Rosenites were considered Skye Terriers.

It is worth mentioning Dr. Flaxman, whose breeding line was called "Pittenium". One of his dogs in each litter produced white puppies, which became a base for breeding. Ten years later, Flaxam managed to get pure white dogs.

The individuals of the three lines differed from each other in the structure of the head and body, but in one they were similar - their coat had a snow-white color. White terriers first appeared at a dog show in the 19th century, where they gained fans.

West Highlands were also valued for their working qualities: they were used for hunting burrowing animals- fox, badger, otter. To expel such a "game" from under the ground, the dog must be compact, nimble, courageous. The remarkable mind of the Wests also came in handy here - underground the dog relied only on its own ingenuity. Vesta worked in a flock, barking the victim to the surface of the earth and notifying the hunters about it. And the white color of the coat helped people not to confuse dogs with wild animals.

Character and temperament

Vesti is a typical representative of the terrier group. His instincts constantly “speak” in him - he likes to bark, dig in the ground and does it with perfect persistence. West Highland is full of energy, which it will gladly spend with its owner.

Positive sides:

  • happy;
  • self-confident;
  • smart;
  • bold;
  • friendly.

Negative Traits:

  • likes to bark;
  • narcissistic;
  • stubborn;
  • impatient.

Who should start

Previously, vests were used to hunt burrowing animals, today they have turned into companion dogs. This is an intellectual who loves outdoor games and will happily stick his curious nose into the affairs of the landlord.

Vesti is suitable as a friend for a child over 10 years old; with younger children, the dog does not stand on ceremony and does not tolerate a disrespectful attitude towards himself. Do not leave a small child and lead alone.

The West Highland is unlikely to get along with other pets - no matter how much you appease the dog, instincts will speak in it.

West Highland is a perpetual motion machine, walks should be active, especially if the dog lives in a small city apartment. In the winter season, their paws freeze, therefore it is better to dress in cold weather. suits and shoes.

Trimming and haircut

Taking care of your hair is not easy. Vesti does not shed, so trimming is carried out every three months, and in the intervals between procedures, the coat is combed 1-2 times a week. Vegetation on the face daily comb through with a comb.

So that the coat does not lose its appearance and does not become soft, it is impossible to wash it often and it is undesirable to shave. Dogs with this type of coat are suitable only for hand clipping.


West Highland feeding should be thoughtful and balanced. Wrong diet provokes metabolic disorders. The ideal type of food is natural or dry food based on rice, turkey, lamb, fish. Chicken meat, wheat cause allergy.

Meals include: lean meat, dairy products, boiled fish 1-2 times a week, quail egg yolks, cereals, vegetables and fruits. West Highlands, who regularly participate in exhibitions, should be given some vegetables with caution - carrots, beets (risk of yellowing of the coat). It is important to add vitamins to food.

dog training

Vestas are smart dogs that learn quickly. But they have a stubborn nature, so sometimes training is beyond the power of a beginner.

Training should begin from the first day after the arrival of the puppy. The "whales" of success in training the West are patience, clarity, consistency, positive reinforcement.

He needs physical and mental stress in order not to be bored. A suitable option for the implementation of dog energy is active sports: agility, flyball. For those who like to learn tricks, circus training is suitable.

Health and longevity

West highland lives on average 12-15 years old. But they are prone to various diseases, so careful care is required:

  • cataract;
  • allergic reactions;
  • diabetes;
  • deafness;
  • meningoencephalitis;
  • dermatitis and other skin diseases.

The reason for the risk of diseases is the white color of the dog's coat. With timely access to the veterinarian and proper treatment, these diseases can be avoided.

How much and where can you buy

West Highland White Terriers have become a popular breed, making it easy to buy a puppy. In Russia there is a national breed club where you can find information about reliable breeders and upcoming shows.

Puppy price: from 25 thousand rubles.

Photo of the breed

A selection of photos of West Highland White Terriers.


The West Highland White Terrier came to us quite by accident. I went to one of the famous nurseries"Alois Delhi", and there was just a two-month-old puppy, which the owner of the kennel offered me. So, in addition to the miniature schnauzers, we got a little messenger - the girl Marie Antoinette. She is already 9 years old.

What is special about West Highland White Terriers?

West Highlands are peculiar dogs, with a special terrier character. We also have miniature schnauzers, but they are more accommodating, friendly and easier to train. Vestiki are very beautiful in appearance, but they have the character of a real terrier. They are cocky, stand their ground and guard the owner on the street. Their friendship with dogs is selective. You could say that a Westie is a small dog that feels big.

We now have 3 West Highland White Terriers and they are all relatives (mother, daughter and granddaughter). The youngest dog now occupies the top position in the hierarchy, and most of all she "terrorizes" her mother.

We also have cats, very sociable and sociable, who love dogs. Therefore, our messengers are friends with them.

Pictured: West Highland White Terrier puppy and cat

Breeder's Observations: Courage and ability to adapt to new conditions depend on the individual dog. Our older dog is "without complexes" and feels comfortable in any situation, but on tripsin car nervous. The average dog is cautious, afraid of the new, but it is the best to endure the road. And the youngest is very cheerful, active, makes friends with all dogs and their owners.They are not afraid of loud sounds, firecrackers.

The West Highland White Terrier is a burrowing dog bred to bait small animals, and the instinct of pursuit has been fully preserved in them. Therefore, on the street, they are happy to chase cats, they can get under the car and get completely dirty. But the owner of this dog obeys.

West Highland White Terriers love to bark, but this can be corrected. But they do not react to familiar sounds and smells (for example, to neighbors).

In the city we walk only on a leash. On walks remote from transport, I let them down, but I still try to take them out at such a time that, for example, people from work do not go en masse - they can bark at passers-by, especially if they walk leaning on a cane or carry large bags, for example .

Breeder's Observations: However, West Highland White Terriers are not prone to aggression. I can't imagine what could seriously piss them off. They are quite affectionate. Our dog conquered all the employees of the grooming salon - she lay motionless during the trimming and only licked their hands. But this is also individual - sometimes during trimming, the West has to wear a muzzle. This is probably the fault of the owner, who did not accustom the pet to the procedures.

West Highland White Terriers are not very dependent on the owner and do not need his presence around the clock. The owners of our puppies say that they sleep peacefully when the owners are at work, do not whine, do not bark and do not spoil anything even in puppyhood.

Pictured: West Highland White Terrier puppies

Have your West Highland White Terriers taken any training courses?

No, they didn't. In principle, it is possible to train West Highland White Terriers, although it is more difficult than miniature schnauzers.

The main commands ("Place", "Sit", "Fu", "Next", "To me") our dogs know, they learn everyday commands well. But to train them to obey as, for example, service dogs, I think, is unlikely to succeed.

Vestas enjoy playing with toys, especially puppies. You can also learn tricks with them.

I know that special competitions are held for West Highland White Terriers: they build an artificial labyrinth burrow, in the center of which a rat sits in a cage. The dog, of course, does not touch this rat - it is protected by a cage, but it must find it and signal it with barking.

How difficult is it to care for a West Highland White Terrier?

After 3 months, thorough grooming of the West Highland White Terrier begins.

These are rough-haired dogs, and it is advisable to trim them every 2 to 3 months. The top layer of long hair is plucked out, creating a feeling of layering, and thanks to this, the West coat is waterproof, tough and does not get dirty.

Breeder's recommendation: Full bathing of the West Highland White Terrier preferably once every 2 weeks and, of course, before shows. or when he accidentally gets smeared on a walk.Before trimming, the dog does not bathe for at least a week - then the hair is easier to pluck.

You can learn how to groom a West Highland White Terrier yourself, but for this you need to be present at least a few times as a professional does it. I provide assistance and support to all owners of our puppies, even teaching the basics of grooming to make it easier for them.

In muddy weather we use overalls. These dogs are not afraid of frost and walk without overalls.

Vestiki are very fond of swinging in the snow and in the grass. None of our dogs can get around a big puddle.

Breeder's recommendation: Walking with the West Highland White Terrier is best.2 – 3 times a day. I think they are less tolerant than other breeds. The minimum duration of the walk, in my opinion, should be 20-40 minutes. If there is an opportunity to take the dog to the dacha in the summer, then she will be happy to run outside all day.

Pictured: West Highland White Terrier

How to feed a West Highland White Terrier?

My West Highland White Terriers eat good quality dry food, and it happens that the food in the bowl stays until the evening. That is, you cannot call them gluttons.

They prefer natural food. If you offer something from natural products, they eat it right away.

They do not suffer from theft, although our average dog likes to check bags.

How do you prepare West Highland White Terriers for shows?

You can hire a professional handler, but I show my dogs myself.

The fur needs the most attention. A week before the show, the West Highland White Terrier needs to be washed, cosmetically trimmed, and combed before the show.

As a rule, these dogs do not behave aggressively in the ring, they move normally, so there are no special nuances in the ring itself.

How healthy is a West Highland White Terrier?

My dogs do not complain about health. It is difficult for me to say what diseases they are predisposed to, a lot depends on genetics. The only thing is that if you take a bitch, then, in my opinion, when she stops giving birth to puppies, she must be sterilized so that there are no inflammatory processes.

Who is the West Highland White Terrier for?

It seems to me that girls are more accommodating and friendly, and boys are more inclined to show character. Therefore, it is better for a novice dog breeder to have a girl.

West Highland White Terriers are good with children, so they can be adopted as a family dog.

The owner they need is not very nervous and irritable, because these dogs are choleric. They are very mobile, and if a person is excitable and irritable, the pet will piss off bursts of activity. A person should be quite calm and balanced, kind and love dogs.

In addition, caring for a West Haylen White Terrier requires quite a lot of money and time - you need to be prepared for this!

Photo from the personal archive of Elena Sosnovskaya

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